Management of Change

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Safety & Environmental Management System 

Issue Date:




SECTION 4 – MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE OCS Rig Operations  Operations  Prepared By Prepared By

Director HSER Manager GOM HSE

Gene Cella Cobb LeBouef

Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion

Prepared By

Senior Drilli Drilling ng Superintendent

Jimmy Reed

Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion

Reviewed Reviewe d By

Operations Manager GOM Deepw Deepwater ater

Steve Bodden

Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion

Reviewed Reviewe d By

Rig Projects Manager GOM Shelf

Craig Brazan

Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion

Reviewed Reviewe d By

Rig Projects Manager GOM Deepw Deepwater ater

Craig Castille

Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion

Reviewed Reviewe d By

Operations Manager GOM Shelf

Michelle Hebert

Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion

Reviewed Reviewe d By

E & C Manager GOM Shelf

Greg Hernandez

Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion

Reviewed Reviewe d By

E & C Manager Deepw Deepwater ater

Chris Whitney

Stone Energy Corpora Corporation tion

 Approved By

VP GOM Shelf and Deep Gas

Kevin Hurst

Stone Energy Co Corporatio rporation n

 Approved By

VP GOM Deepw Deepwater ater

Keith Seilhan Seilhan

Stone Energy Co Corporatio rporation n

Version Number: Version Number:

1.0 2.0

Issue Date: Issue Date:

11/15/2011 05/01/2013

Commitment    S tone E nerg y Corp C orporat oratii on is committed to to the Health Health and and S afe afety ty of it i ts empl employees oyees , contractors con tractors , and the communities where it operates. We will operate under sound environmental practices and will conduct our operations in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards.

 Manag  Ma nag ement E x pec pecta tations tions  

All employees and and contractors are individu individually ally responsibl responsible e / accountable accountable for self, coworkers, coworkers, and community when it comes to safety.


All personnel, by actions and and example, will wi ll strive to ensure ensure a safe work place place for employees and and contractors.


All personnel will respect the communities and areas we work in through compliance and environmental awareness.

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Safety and Environmental Management System

Issue Date:


Section 4 – Management of Change OCS Rig Operations  





MANAG MA NAGEMEN EMENT T OF CHAN CHANGE GE ............................................................................. .............................................................................................. ................. 3  4.1  4.2 

GENERAL ............................................. ..................................................................................................... ......................................................................... ................. CHANGE IN FACILITIES  .......................................................................... ................................................................................................... .......................... 4.2.1  CHANGE IN CONTRACTOR FACILITIES FAC ILITIES, OPERATING PROCEDURES , OR EQUIPMENT .....

3  3  3  4.2.2  SIGNIFI IGNIFICANT CANT CHANGES I N W ELL DESIGN & EXECUTION PLAN .................................. 3  4.2.3  CHANGES TO STONE ENERGY FACILITY OPERATING PROCEDU PROCEDURES RES .......... 4  4.3  CHANGES IN PERSONNEL ..............................................................................  ............................................................................................... ................. 4  4.3.1  CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL ...........................  ................................................................................. ...................................................... 4  4.3.2  OPERATOR PERSONNEL ....................  ............................................................................ ................................................................. ......... 4  4.4  .............................................................................................. ......................... 4  MANAGING MANAG ING THE CHANGES ...................................................................... 4.4.1   ..................................................................... ............................................................... ....... 4  CONTRACTORS CONTRACTO RS MOC PROCESS ............. 4.4.2  STONE ENERGY’S MOC PROCESS FOR WELL  .................... ......... 4  W ELL DESIGNS & OPERATIONS ........... 4.4.3  STONE ENERGY’S MOC PROCESS FOR CHANGES  TO THE SEMS PROGRAM   5 

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Safety and Environmental Management System

Issue Date:


Section 4 – Management of Change OCS Rig Operations  






GENERAL The management at Stone Energy has established Management of Change (MOC) procedures to identify and control hazards associated with change and maintain the accuracy of safety information. Stone recognizes that a facility or well is subject to continual change to increase efficiency, improve production, operability and safety, accommodate technical innovation, and implement mechanical improvements. On occasion, temporary repairs, connections, bypasses, or other modifications may be made out of operating necessity. Any of these changes can introduce new hazards or compromise the safeguards built into the original design. Care must be taken to understand the process, facility, and personnel safety and environmental implications of any changes. Although some changes may be minor with little likelihood of compromising safety or environmental protection, all changes may have the potential for disruption, injury, or business loss. From a rig operations perspective, Stone Energy shall utilize their MOC procedures when it involves changes to Company assets such as a facility or well. However, changes to contractor owned assets such as a MODU, Platform Rig or Well Service Equipment shall be governed by the MOC process of the owner. Communication of an MOC from Stone Energy to Contractor and from Contractor to Stone Energy is a requirement of Stone Energy’s Energy ’s SEMS Program.  Program. 




CHANGE CHANGE IN CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR FACILITIES, OPERATING OPERATING PROCEDURES, PROCEDURES, OR EQUIPMENT Stone Energy will execute a Bridging Document with MODU, Platform Rig and Well Service Unit Owners that will provide details on the Contractors MOC process. Stone Energy’s Energy’s management plan requires plan requires the Contractor to be responsible for implementing their MOC process, which will include Stone Energy, when modifications, component failures, critical maintenance, bypass or changes could affect the operation and capability of the drilling or service equipment, the operating procedures of the drilling or service equipment, and the well execution plan.

Examples of critical equipment and processes the Contractor ’s ’s MOC process will involve Stone Energy are as follows; a. Well Control Equipment b. Circulation & Mud Process Equipment c. Hoisting Equipment d. Drill String & Landing String e. Station Keeping Equipment f. 4.2.2

Emergency Response Equipment & Evacuation Plans

SIGNIFICANT CHANGES CHANGES IN WELL DESIGN & EXECUTION PLAN  As noted in section 4.1, Stone Ener E nergy gy’’s MOC process will govern changes in well design and the execution plan. For Stone Energy’s Energy’s required MOC relative to well design desig n and execution plan, refer to to  Rig Operations MOC form. form.  

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Safety and Environmental Management System

Issue Date:


Section 4 – Management of Change OCS Rig Operations  



For significant changes associated with the well execution plan that involve critical third party services, Stone Energy’ Energy’s s MOC process will govern and the facility owner (Drilling Contractor) will be included in the process. For Stone Energy’s Energy’s   required MOC relative to third party MOC plan, refer to  to Rig Operations MOC form.  form.  4.2.3

CHANGES CHANGES TO STONE ENERGY FACILITY OPERATING OPERATING PROCEDURES Changes to Stone Energy facility operating procedures will be managed through the Production Operations MOC process process as found in Production Operations Section 4 Management of Change.




CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL Stone Energy’s Energy’s management fully recognizes contractor personnel wor king king offshore do so on a rotational basis and while offshore work in shifts. Thus there is no MOC process required for normal and routine changes in personnel due to rotation or shift. However, Stone Energy’s Energy ’s management also recognizes that key individuals can make profound contributions to the success of project in terms of safety, efficiency and morale. Thus key positions will be defined in the Bridging Document which will require an MOC and agreement by both parties for a voluntary / optional / controllable change to occur. Mandatory or uncontrollable changes in key personnel will be addressed by the Contractor and Stone Energy and a suitable replacement will be agreed upon.


OPERATOR PERSONNEL Stone Energy’s management fully recognizes their field personnel personnel working offshore do so on a rotational basis and while offshore work in shifts. Thus there is no MOC process required for normal and routine changes in personnel due to rotation or shift. However Stone Energy’s Energy’s management also recognizes that key individuals can make profound contributions to the success of project in terms of safety, efficiency and morale. Thus key positions will be defined in the Bridging Document which will require an MOC and agreement by both parties for a voluntary / optional / controllable change to occur. Mandatory or uncontrollable changes in key personnel will be addressed by the Contractor and Stone Energy and a suitable replacement will be agreed upon.




CONTRACTORS CONTRACTORS MOC PROCESS  A contracto contractor  r ’s MOC process will be defined when the Bridging Document is developed.


STONE ENERGY’S MOC PROCESS FOR WELL DESIGNS & OPERATIONS  A description description of Stone Energy Energy Corporation’s Corporation’s MOC  MOC Process can be found in the following flowchart (Click Here For Link) and is described below:

INITIATION OF THE MOC  A. Basis For C Changes hanges B. HSE considerations considerations and Hazard Analysis as appropriate

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Safety and Environmental Management System

Issue Date:


Section 4 – Management of Change OCS Rig Operations  




C. Procedure Changes and Impact

REVIEW PROCESS For Rig Operations, refer to Rig Operations MOC form (Click Here For Link) Link)  and the Rig Operations MOC flowchart (Click Here For Link) Link) for further information. During the review process the following will be addressed as found in the MOC form:  Impacts of proposed change on the health of personnel

 Impacts of proposed change on the safety of personnel

 Impacts of proposed change on the environment

 Impacts of the proposed change on separate but unrelated upstream or downstream facilities

 Impacts of the proposed change on area wide emergency plans

 Necessary time period to implement changes

 Necessary revision to safe work practices (if applicable)

 Necessary revisions to the training program (if applicable)

 Communication of the proposed change to the appropriate personnel

 The duration of the change, if temporary

 Necessary revisions of the safety and environmental information as found in Rig Operations Element 2

REQUIRED AUTHORIZATIONS Refer to Rig Operations MOC form (Click Here For Link) Link)  and the Rig Operations MOC flowchart information.   (Click Here For Link) Link) for further information.

RECORDS REQUIRED FOR AUDIT Record Requirements are defined in SEMS Element 12: Audit of Safety and Environmental Management Systems Program Elements.


STONE ENERGY’S MOC PROCESS  FOR CHANGES TO THE SEMS SE MS PROGRAM PROGRAM If a management of change results in a change to the operating procedures of Stone Energy’s SEMS program, the Stone Energy SEMS Steering Committee will address the change through the SEMS Document Change Request procedures.

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