Management and Cost Accounting by Colin Drury Sixth Edition
January 31, 2017 | Author: aravoof84 | Category: N/A
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Download Management and Cost Accounting by Colin Drury Sixth Edition...
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~M M:«ion u( Ibo",~hJiIC. TC:lld1-ingnotc~fur the cee ~Iudic,:rnn IX' dO'lo,'Oi®dcdunlyny Ic(turcr.c from tht p:u.,....,oro·prol«1cd lectut'Cr') KdMln u( Iht wc:,"itt~ The t:\M:lC,£.(Mrallyw'wr the content o( $C\,ttal dupttn and conlalnqucRian~ tU'lrhid. rhcrc ~~eo idt;d :\1U"''Cr.1hcy 111'1: inlcndtd 10 enCUUl'lIgcindt.ptndcnllhwght and ini,iali\1;..\nd to relate end :.pply)'oor unckntandins uf the ~"OIIllcntollhi$ book in 1I1(!fQ nnc-crtllin :litUkCI\"~r IU their own dirt(luric$ and diJlrmuted t(l ~udelll$ ~ c:lCh Iup«- i,; eewred, Elich e.ten:il'C.!t:lpl:..il1:l u bal'ic 1f'~"Ihec:t ledwiquc, ....hidl iOu."II.f;,l(,.... nd 1I1111t'1':'1lhc,,;tudtnt to explore. enmpk~ in lbe m:lin lat. POWEItPOINT (f~f).sUOES ruwapoinl pr'lIity.(\1:..1:1~'lIu Mllrl: Pitl:ingtou - U@'Cu;,jlyor\\blminJter D:lm:n Ouxbuty- Leeds Un~,,-nity NUfWood \I'bilde _ Uni\'tl'l'iry Colkge Nonh:lmptUfl EI;, - UniVl:-Dityor Gillmorg;an rror('$~r);1 U ..\da,nI..'1-S.. .aI1:l(;,Uni~'l:r$ity KmteQ \\~II:u:e- Un~'Onilyor GIII"3CI¥' A AOOl:,w _ ~bncbe,;tt,r "klmpolit:oQ UII~~r,aly C:llhy KII(lW!c~_ QxIUfd Btool:~$ Unv.'l:uiIY GI.'orgc.Al1hlU Qu:..+Enoo- Un~~u,:ilyor Job:mnabu'1 (:,m~I)I() illckbl..:d II) p:,uid: Bond nnd Annll ClI-tler ~I ThomllOtl uuning(or their "1I1ullbk publi~hin!l IIdvice·. $upparl lind 1I11f!,;tllnce: and to all of the· ,tarr 111 Thl)m,;un learning who ha\'C worked 00 Ihe book. My OIIpp«,ci~lioIl8QC~.. 110tn the Chllrlered Inllliwtt or Manascm
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