Man Health and Multiple Orgasm

August 16, 2017 | Author: Alexong2000 | Category: Orgasm, Semen, Ejaculation, Masturbation, Prostate
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Short Description

Man sexual health maintenance and strengthening. Various ways of achieving multiple orgasms...


Man Health and Multiple Orgasms Sexual exhaustion after ejaculation


Male Ejaculation and Orgasm Mastery


MMO based on PC muscle relaxation


Energy Orgasm


Practical Guide for MMO & Man Health Strengthening


STUD-MAKER-DRILL – Ending premature ejaculation


The Key Sound Technique




Urogenital and PC muscle Exercises


The Cool Draw & the Big Draw


Ballooning (Power-up) Method


Sexual Chi Kong & Tailbone Exercise


Ejaculation Control & Seminal Retention


On Love Coupling


Sexual exhaustion


Exercise & Sexual Health


Penile Enlargement Exercise



Sexual exhaustion after ejaculation Tiredness usually takes some hours after ejaculation, no matter how thrilling, full, or otherwise the sexual experience might be. In that early memory, some hours after masturbation I ran to catch a bus. London buses in those days had an open platform at the end that you could run and jump onto. As I ran to jump onto the platform I realized it was really difficult to move my limbs because I felt so tired. Subsequent experiences strengthened the connection in my mind between such episodes of tiredness and ejaculation. Another factor adds to my viewpoint of such tiredness being physiological rather than psychological. I have always been a very active person physically and psychologically. I love exercise and being fit. Even in my middle sixties I still have a strong muscular body. But throughout my life I have suffered from lack of energy - tiredness. It has always seemed to me that my premature birth has something to do with that. I have no proof of this, but comparing myself with other people I feel as if my body wasn't quite fully formed, and my metabolism is never quite as efficient as it might be. But that is only a guess. What I have observed as a fact though, is that for most of my life I have had to manage my energy like a bank balance. I had to be careful of my expenditure because my balance is so low I easily tipped over into the red. My observation with other people is that they can expend enormous amounts of energy and not tip over into the red. They can stay up late, eat food that is real junk, drink alcohol and get drunk again and again, depleting the resources of their body to deal with the poison, have sex every night, and so on. If I do a portion of that my immune system crashes and I plunge into an infection. But I guess there are many people like myself who have to nurse their energy levels to live a normal life. This leads me to conclude that ejaculation actually involves a large expenditure of energy. If you have a high 'bank balance' of energy, this is like somebody with a lot of money who can spend easily without going into the red and facing problems climbing back into credit again. But if, like me, you are a low energy person, then orgasm will lead to some level of tiredness. This is physiological, although it might be made worse by psychological elements also. Something that is very strange about this is that the mention of tiredness after sex seems to be almost taboo. Whenever I mention it in conversation, as I do where it is relevant, because it has been such an important factor in my life, people maintain with great energy that it is purely psychological. Looking in many sexual handbooks I cannot even find a mention of tiredness in the index or text. Try it for yourself. Do a search on the Internet. If you search for something like vitamins to enhance sexual performance, you will find a whole list of sites to link with. If you put in the words tiredness after sex, you will be lucky if you get four or five sites listed. Any study of wild animals in relationship to their mating habits, shows that some of them die after the mating season because it has been such an enormous expenditure of their resources. Sometimes I wonder if the great pressure underlying advertising and the sale of books on sexuality, stating that sex is nothing but glory and leads to an enhancement of ones being, arises because there is so much profit to be made in that market. Sex is often problematic. It has social, emotional, economic and health factors that can lead to difficulties. If this were not so relationships would be much easier and less fraught.

Eastern teachings on sexual harmony If you have been researching this area of tiredness after sex for any length of time, you will probably have encountered ideas arising from esoteric Chinese beliefs, yoga disciplines such as Tantric practices, and other ideas about the subtle energies within human beings. My experience of these teachings is that they can be highly exaggerated, strangely mysterious, or downright misleading. However, within some of them there are pointers of real practical help. 2

Of course, some of these comments apply to the thousands of straightforward books about sex. Perhaps one of the most misleading approaches to sex is presenting it as the be all and end all of life. Again and again it is suggested that if only you could do it all correctly, or had a large enough penis, you would have a majestic relationship and have achieved spiritual enlightenment. This goal orienting, this dangling of carrots, is a great snare that you may become entangled in. Yes, I do now experience wonderful orgasms without tiredness. But I experience similar wonderful feelings while walking in my garden, seeing wild animals, or achieving something I have been working toward. Looking upon sex as a means toward final life happiness is as much of an illusion as thinking that having a certain amount of money, achieving fame, or getting a good pass in your studies, will resolve all your pains and life difficulties. Like every other aspect of life, sex can be a great pleasure or a great misery. But it is not something to hang your hopes of happiness on. What the eastern teachings do state clearly again and again however, is that sexual activity and especially ejaculation uses energy and can be depleting. They describe sexual activity as one way of expressing the potential that lies at your core. A way of picturing this is to think of your psychobiological energy as building up, rather as it might in a battery. But it is better to think of it as a wave rolling in toward the shore. But in this case it is more like waves depicted when showing sound or radio waves. The wave builds up its crest, and then the wave discharges its power and is flattened. In a sense, the energy is grounded, rather like it is when lightning flashes. With sexual energy the grounding or discharge that happens in ejaculation can become the basis of another physical life form – a baby.

The wave theory of sex What the eastern teachings suggest is that the energy should not be grounded or discharged. It should be lifted up to its peak, and then, instead of discharge it can be held there and pushed higher. If this can be achieved we burst into a new dimension of experience and expression. In the natural course of life, if your energy is left to do its own thing, it will usually build up its wave height, and then discharge in some way. The natural processes in you attempt this because one of your main drives is reproduction. But just as we have learned to understand natural processes such as electrical discharge, and use them for our own purposes, such as light and heat, so also the natural flow of psychobiological energy can be used in a way to leap beyond its habitual course. Remember that your psychobiological energy expresses in many different ways. It can express as motor energy in muscular movement; it expresses all the time as the self-regulating processes of regeneration and repair in your body. It expresses as the urges you feel, to eat and breathe, to make love and to communicate. It is the energy behind your emotions, you're thinking, speaking, and behind the higher functions of creativity and inspiration. What the eastern teachings say, and I believe rightly so, is that if this psychobiological energy is redirected in the right way, then it can lead to what in the east is called Liberation or Enlightenment. What this means is that you arrive at an enormous synthesizing of your whole life experience, and understanding beyond rationalization, in which you know your essential self. But perhaps the most important thing to recognize here in regard to this energy and the subject of sexual tiredness is that the psychobiological energy is the way that Life itself expresses. It is the energy that forms and maintains your body. Of course you could call it a process rather than energy. But it is still a process that moves, that directs, that effects change. So bear with me if I use the word energy. It is also the energy lying behind emotion, thinking, fantasy, dreaming, and the whole realm of experience we call self. This is important to recognize. The reason being that if your energy is grounded, or discharged time after time, there is less chance of it building up to flow into different forms of mental and emotional activity. As Freud so rightly pointed out, frustrated or repressed sexual energy can 3

easily become neurosis. It is the energy of life and flows into mental and emotional experiences that seem completely real, completely absorbing. So if you take the path I suggest that enables you to achieve an orgasm without ejaculation, you must understand that it will challenge you in certain ways.

Greater energy will heal and unveil weaknesses I needed to be specific about this to help you clearly understand the situation. If an enormous amount of energy is passed through any machine or circuit, the weak parts will be revealed in some way. In the human being the build up of psychobiological energy actually attempts revitalization and harmonizing of mind and body. But in doing so it pushes toward consciousness the problems, such as childhood trauma, limiting ideas and concepts or beliefs, and physical problems that stand in the way of that revitalization. It doesn’t simply wipe them away. It pushes them into your awareness, into your life experience. Previously they were unconscious and buried within you prior to the energy buildup. There is usually resistance toward meeting such feelings or problems. And if they are not met and dealt with, the energy might flow into the craziest of fantasies or beliefs. There is a simple way of dealing with that possibility. It is to remember that the energy or process behind your existence is life itself. As such it is enormously creative. It has in it the power of life and death. There is nothing other than the process of life. Everything relates to it. Therefore you, as an expression of that Life, are also incredibly creative. With the energy of your Life you can create a heaven or hell in your own experience. You can create a sense of God or the devil, angels or demons, and death pits or exuberant life. So as long as you remember that whatever you meet is a projection, a manifestation, of your own creativity, and you own it as such, you will be able to handle the enormously increased potential arising from the following practices. It must be understood that the things I am about to describe are principally for the male. However, some of what has already been said, and some of what will be described, can be useful for a female to use and understand.

Don’t spill your wonderful life energy The natural inclination in sexual orgasm has been described as a wave that presses mightily toward discharge. There is a tremendous urge toward ejaculation in the male, and in the female a discharge of lubricating fluid and other excretions. In the male, every natural urge is toward planting his seeds, or laying his eggs. In the woman there are similar urges, but toward wanting the male inside her and urging him to fertilize her. Obviously, for personal reasons, these urges are often frustrated in one way or another to avoid pregnancy and its consequences, or because of psychological distortions. It is very important to understand these natural urges in yourself. If you are to succeed in moving from the misery of exhaustion after sex, you have to learn to work with these waves of energy within yourself, and not to be in conflict with them. What you will learn is not massive control, but the gradual development of a new possibility in your experience of sexuality. In fact you will learn to gradually lead the drive to plant your seeds - the cresting wave - up into your being as heightened feelings, instead of it spilling out of your body in the discharged wave. You will do this by learning to masturbate in a new way. So, to start with, recall to memory the times and the experience of ejaculation. Remember those moments when your body reaches the cresting wave, like going past a point of balance, and dropping into full of ejaculation. It is that point, that balance that we have to work with. The urge to go past that point of balance is intense and natural, but that does not mean it cannot be changed. Evolution in humans and animals only occurs because there are almost unlimited possibilities of change and development. This means that although it is natural for you to fall over the edge into its activation, this can be changed. It is a part of the possibilities you hold within yourself. 4

The change that you can bring about is that instead of toppling over the edge into ejaculation, the energy that produces ejaculation and such fantasies is redirected into an internal and heightened experience of orgasm without ejaculation. This is done by what I call playing on the edge. I sometimes think of it as dancing on the rim of the volcano without falling in. This is done and practiced by using masturbation. Personally, I don't think this is worth trying with a partner to start with, only once you have learned to master it through masturbation.

The practice: You need time alone during which you will not be disturbed. This can be anywhere in which you feel secure and can relax. Yes, you must learn to relax. Relaxation is a key feature of transforming your sexual impulse. Without relaxation the experience of sex remains genital, and it is difficult for it to transform into non-ejaculation orgasm. Rather than attempt to teach relaxation here, and make this feature very wordy, I suggest you inquire into relaxation elsewhere. So, in a relaxed state, touch your body - not genitals yet - slowly and gently. The aim is to gradually awaken the pleasurable feelings in yourself and to relax you further. If you enjoy cream or oil being rubbed on your body, do this to yourself and slowly move to touching your genitals. It doesn't matter in the least if no erection occurs. It is an exercise in slowness, relaxation, and the development of pleasure. Make slow movements across the penis rather than up and down. I call this "playing the guitar". It can excite the sexual pleasure without leading directly to ejaculation. Gradually make this movement more intense. Use the tips of your fingers to press hard at the root of the penis, still crossways. One of the things you are aiming at is to reduce sensitivity, and this rough handling can help to do this. It thereby enables a much fuller contact with your partner before any process of ejaculation occurs. Now you are reaching the point of the exercise. Slowly make the movements more intense until you begin to get near to that point of balance, the crest of the wave that leads to ejaculation. There will be an intense urge to complete the process, and thus ejaculate. But before you get to that point, stop, relax, let the whole urgency of genital feelings gradually melt and slow down. When your being has pulled back from that crest, start again. Move toward the crest of the wave once more and draw back. Do this three times. And DO NOT take the process to the point of ejaculation. When you are with your partner and get near the edge, pause, relax until the urgency subsides. Perhaps there will even be a lessening in your erection. This is okay. Slowly resume your love making. Each time you drop back from the crest your ability to express full movement and to experience powerful pleasure and ecstasy will increase. There is a difficult point here that you must gradually learn. As already stressed, every urge in you will push you toward ejaculation. Of course there is a certain satisfaction in the ejaculation. But there is also a satisfaction in heightened feelings of pleasure. So what you are trying to do with this practice of dancing on the edge is to gain great satisfaction without falling into the volcano. This can only be done if you learn to gradually relax more and more until the excitation in your body can express very fully. I need to be specific about this so you will understand what is meant.

Relaxation is a major key If you cannot let your body's excitation lead to spontaneous movement, spontaneous sound or moans, then you still have had a lot to learn about relaxation. Relaxation means freedom. It is the freedom to move, to cry out; and especially the freedom to feel extraordinary depths of emotion, fantasy or inner experience. This freedom is a key factor. Without it you will not reach the enhanced sexual orgasmic experience that is possible through non-ejaculation. All that will happen is that you will feel frustrated because ejaculation has not taken place, and there has been nothing else to satisfy you. 5

The practice of non-ejaculation masturbation, dancing on the edge as I have called it, will take some time to become accustomed to. Don't forget that your body is gradually learning a new skill. Give it time. Do not be discouraged by failure. Even when you have learned the process well, there will still be times when your body actually needs to ejaculate. You will know when this skill is being learned because sometimes you will reach great pleasure without ejaculating, and you will feel satisfied afterwards. You must remember however that you have frustrated one of the most urgent drives in nature - the drive to procreate and to do that by planting your seeds. Therefore, afterwards, your sexual feelings will be heightened. Your erections do not disappear simply because you have experienced orgasm. When you apply this to your partner, even when she is satisfied, your erections will still be maintained. In fact, I believe some cases of inability to attain an erection, are due to unacknowledged depletion from too frequent sexual activity with ejaculation. Erection returns once the frequency of ejaculation is lessened.

Dancing on the edge of the volcano As you practice this non-ejaculation masturbation and learn to draw back from the edge and relax, a turning point occurs. Your sensitivity decreases in terms of the urge to ejaculate. Gradually you go right over the edge without ejaculation. In other words you move beyond ejaculation into enormous orgasmic feelings that flow right through your body. In fact this is an important point because, through your relaxation, you learn to allow the pleasure to flow up your body rather than out of your penis. If you are blocking this through tension, or by not allowing your body and feelings free expression, this point of transition cannot occur. But when it does, it is an extraordinary experience. You are then ready to begin to enjoy that freedom with a partner. Do not be upset if you cannot immediately transform your ability in masturbation to nonejaculatory orgasm with your partner. Be patient with yourself. Also, help your partner to understand your need to stop and relax at certain points. If you have a partner who frantically wishes to push on with powerful movements at the point that you need to slow down, then you will simply be frustrated in your efforts to experience this new pleasure with each other. If you can work together however, then your partner can also move on to full enjoyment of multiple orgasms without your needing ejaculation. This is because after a certain point you can completely allow your own full movements, and the movements of your partner. In fact tremendous joy comes from being able to move on and on without tipping over the edge.


Male Ejaculation and Orgasm Mastery Is this an all too familiar scenario? Hot and heavy loving with hungry kisses and tender caresses that promise orgasmic bliss for both you and your eager partner when all of a sudden you're one thrust past the edge, the dam bursts and it's over. You're finished, "spent" and ready for sleep. She's still waiting for more, perhaps wistfully contemplating a purchase of that acrylic vibrating dildo her friend has been raving about. Well, you're not alone in this too-quick-for-her-climax intercourse. The "average" man makes about 50 thrusts before he ejaculates. For most women it takes approximately 10 minutes of active intercourse to reach orgasm. Even the most optimistic lover can see these numbers just don't add up! But don't roll over and nod off yet, there are some simple things you can do to bring your partner and you much closer together. These male/female discrepancies in timing are part physiological and part habit. Physically men's and women's arousal rates vary widely, but for the most part women become fully turned on much more slowly than men. So a great way to make sure you're both happy with your love life is to include lots of foreplay. Help her reach orgasm with your fingers, tongue, and lips before you even start to have intercourse. Secondly, most men experience with sex starts out as rather furtive masturbation, a quick release in the bathroom or under the bedcovers before someone can see what's going on. Then onto early sexual experiences with a girlfriend in back seats of cars or in a basement recreation room, again in a hurry, before she changes her mind or her parents come along to change it for her. Now when you have the time and space for long lovemaking good old John is still back in the "I've got to come now" days, and he's not going to slow down just because you tell him to. That's like asking a guy who's trained as a sprint champ to bring home a gold medal in the 5000 meter instead. He may well be able to make the shift but he's going to need coaching. You can train him with your mind, your muscles and your breath or a combination of all three. It's not entirely up to you either; your loving partner can assist. After all it's for her benefit as well! The first step is to become aware of your own levels of arousal. Experiment, take your time and give yourself a very real self-loving exploration, not just a quick masturbatory release. Notice how your penis moves through distinct changes before orgasm and ejaculation, he's not just soft and then hard and spewing. There are four defined stages of erection: lengthening and filling; swelling; full erection; rigid erection. The fourth stage, rigid erection, characterized by a penis that's very stiff (a boner) and very hot, signifies ejaculation is close at hand. Through attentive self-arousal and the playful hands of your sweetheart you can learn how to stay for longer periods of time in the exciting, but less explosive, third stage of firm erection. When you feel yourself moving into the hard, hot level stop stimulation, relax and pay attention to your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply. The Power of Breath - Conscious breathing is a key for extended lovemaking. Rapid breathing excites and arouses you. Slow, controlled breathing, way down into your belly, calms you and helps delay ejaculation. Focusing on your breath takes your attention away from your genitals. Synchronizing your breathing rhythm with your partner's strengthens your connection with each other. Adding sound to your breathing can also help you ride the edge of pleasure. As you exhale send out a deep lion roar. Feel the sound come from your scrotum, up through your belly and lungs and out your mouth as a powerful release of the orgasmic tension building inside you. The following "muscle techniques" can be used to enhance your sexual health. PC Muscle Contraction - This is simply squeezing your pelvic floor muscles, around the 7

scrotum, penis and anus as you feel ejaculation approaching. An easy way to practice this is to interrupt your urine stream when you are going to the bathroom. Perineum Pressure - Pressing on the perineum, a spot midway between your scrotum and your anus will help to stop ejaculation because this spot reaches through to the prostate gland. It is the prostate that contracts and expands during orgasm and then expels the ejaculation fluid. Ask your partner to apply this loving pressure for you. Testes Tug - When a man nears orgasm his scrotum rises up closer to his body. You can delay ejaculation by gently pulling your testes down and away from your body. Your partner can also do this for you. Passion Pump - This technique, which combines squeezing the PC muscles, rolling your eyes upward, touching your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and visualizing your sexual energy flowing up through your body while you practice controlled deep breathing is one of the most effective ways of delaying ejaculation. It's a Taoist sexual kung fu technique that has the added benefit of helping you circulate your sexual energy through your body rather than having it remain hot and heavy in your genital region. It is easier to delay ejaculation by focusing on moving your sex energy through your body rather than focusing on not ejaculating. Stopping movement, relaxing a little and breathing deeply and slowly will all aid with this practice. Importance of Prostate Gland - When you practice delaying ejaculation it is very important to massage the prostate gland, so that it doesn't become sore. You can do this by pressing on the perineum. The prostate can be felt as a bumpy walnut shape beneath your fingers. Especially delightful is massaging in circular motions, first clockwise and then counterclockwise, with a piece of folded silk on the perineum spot. Thrusting Technique - A superb thrusting technique that brings great pleasure to a woman and helps a man to last is a combination of deep and shallow thrusts. By shallow thrusts we mean your penis only enters 1.5 to 2 inches inside your partner. These first couple of inches is the most sensitive part of a woman's vagina. Deep thrusts mean your penis enters as fully as you can. In this technique you combine a series of nine fairly quick shallow thrusts with one slow deep one. The shallow thrusts stimulate your partner's most sensitive vaginal tissues and at the same time create a vacuum effect that makes her ache for the deep thrust to come. And because most of your thrusts are shallow ones, exciting only the first few inches of your penis, you're able to rock on for much longer!

Mind over Muscle Practicing squeezing your PC muscles will enable you to gradually become so familiar with your genitals, that you will be able to discern each separate muscle group and contract/relax them at will. At first you will tighten your genitals and everything will contract at once. Later you will be able to contract your anal muscles without moving your penis or scrotum, or pull up your scrotum while your anus and penis remain relaxed, or bob your penis up and down while nothing else moves. Eventually just a thought will relax everything, especially your smooth genital muscles, sending your hot sexual energy shooting through your body, not out the end of your penis, but instead into your partner through eye contact, intercourse, or touching. Smooth muscles are internal muscles over which you normally have no conscious control. You may not have been aware that you have smooth muscles. They're muscles like your heart muscle, 8

the muscles that push your food through your digestive tract and the muscles that push the sperm and semen out the end of your penis. Becoming aware of your smooth muscles and eventually gaining enough mastery to be able to consciously keep them relaxed will enable blood to flow into the penis, maintaining an erection almost indefinitely—certainly long enough to satisfy the most demanding partner, through and through. Gaining control over the smooth muscles in your genitals is the key to maintaining your peak sexual arousal for long periods of time—even long enough to experience whole body orgasms, rather than simply genital orgasms. In a whole body orgasm your entire body becomes an exquisite erogenous zone, much like your genitals always are. You can actually reach orgasm when your lover is rubbing your chest, or sucking on your toes and fingers, or nibbling your ears and throat. The magical key to opening the doorway into multiple whole body orgasms is relaxation of your smooth muscles, no matter how aroused, excited, or turned on you are. Train your mind to think of something other than ejaculation. Thinking "I don't want to ejaculate" is still thinking about ejaculation. You must have something else to focus your attention. We don't recommend reciting sports stats or in any way diverting your attention from lovemaking. It is essential that you be fully present from moment to moment. But instead of thinking about ejaculation, or worrying about ejaculating too quickly, we suggest you think about pleasing your partner. Learn to take pleasure for yourself in the pleasing of your partner. Notice how she reacts when your tongue is exploring around her clitoris, but also notice how her clitoris feels on your tongue. Notice how she enjoys when you suck on her nipples, but also notice how her breasts feel pressed against your face. Notice how she moans when you gently run your fingers up the inside of her thighs; also notice how her skin feels so soft and warm against your fingers. With your attention fully engaged in this way—on your partner, your breath, your genital muscles—you are going to last a long time. As your lovemaking goes on, and on, and on... perhaps for hours, the energy within you and between you and your lover will accumulate to such an intense level that you may spontaneously experience the opening of your higher "spiritual" centres. With this opening comes an experience of ecstasy, bliss, joy, and wonder. This is where mastery of ejaculation can lead you and your satisfied partner. A non-ejaculatory orgasm does not result in any loss of energy. On the contrary, your energy can build indefinitely to higher and higher intensities. It usually feels different from a regular ejaculation orgasm, although sometimes the sensations that accompany a normal ejaculation are also experienced in the non-ejaculatory variety. These sensations are not the same as the sensation located in the genitals during ordinary orgasm, but they are superb. Your body would contract and jerk involuntarily with the force of this flow of energy. This rush of sensations lasts much longer than a genital orgasm, for example from several minutes up to a timeless, continuous bliss state. A normal ejaculation leads to energetic letdown and loss of desire. After an ejaculation you do not feel like cuddling your partner and you just want to roll over and go to sleep. You would experience this depletion whether your ejaculation is involuntary or voluntary, and it become more noticeable as you grow older. By comparison, a non-ejaculatory orgasm would leave you relaxed, but not tired; and you experience sense of vitality and vigor. You bask in an afterglow of high energy, an intensification of sensation, and creative potential. This does not interfere with sleep, because there is a sublime combination of aroused excitement with complete relaxation. Remember, never force retention! Let it happen naturally, if you have to let it go then do so. Just don't throw away your life! Sometimes if you have been conserving for a while and you get a signal that you MUST let it out. Sometimes sexual energy can get backed up in the kidneys which means you should ejaculate. When you are aroused, apply pressure on the prostate and massage it while milking it of its 9

contents. Squeeze the anus towards the prostate to massage it. A more advanced technique is to squeeze the anus and pull back on the perineum to help lock the anus. At the same time you seal the tip of your penis with your mind and concentrate on the pubic center, the point at the base of the penis. An important exercise to do regularly: Rub both hands to become warm, then cup the testicles with the left hand first and use the right hand to rub around the pubic bone in an anti-clockwise circular motion in multiple of 9, i.e. 9, 18, 81. Then switch hand and do it the other way. Remember to feel the energy when you are circling and notice the sexual energy being transformed into chi energy!


MMO based on PC muscle relaxation Several years ago I learned that by getting extremely close to the threshold of ejaculatory inevitability, then relaxing my sex organ muscles and halting all stimulation, and then getting "close" again repeatedly, I would achieve a continuous plateau stage with frequent emissions orgasms without ejaculation. The resulting intensity of pleasure is probably half of that felt in a full ejaculatory orgasm but potentially unending. Furthermore, the associated sexual organs exercise, and the learned ability to better control those organs mentally, has greatly increased the scope and depth my sexual pleasure. It is my opinion that I have learned to enhance and maintain indefinitely the physical events and associated pleasure of an absolutely imminent ejaculatory orgasm. Feelings of pleasure are augmented by intense loin vasocongestion and readiness, and sexual organ fluid fullness and pressure. The following discussion attempts to teach men how to achieve this continuous orgasm, and to explain the physiological basis of this phenomenon. My discovery of the continuous orgasm was accidental, but recounting the event may help others separate their emissions orgasm and ejaculatory experiences. The first time I experienced the potential of this technique I was masturbating while stoned on pot. Stimulation to my penis felt somewhat dulled. I got close to orgasm but sensed that my orgasm was going to be weak, so I stopped all stimulation, knowing that I could build up to a better orgasm. When I was able to resume penile stimulation I noticed the pleasure of touching my penis was I came close to orgasm again and again...and it felt better and better. Possibly five "close calls" later, my prostate had swollen and my seminal vesicles hardened and discharged but no semen flowed into my urethra. Pot seems to broaden the threshold between my orgasm emissions phase and the ejaculatory reflex response. Orgasm pleasure emanated from my testes, which were swollen and drawn under the tissue next to my penis. Possibly thirty minutes into this routine my loin muscles began to ache, so I proceeded to the most intensely pleasurable orgasm and high quantity ejaculation I had ever had. Long afterward my sexual organs continued to radiate an enjoyable ache. I had given these muscles a hearty exercising! I eagerly anticipated my next masturbation session, with delay dictated by my need to reload with semen. I no longer use, or do I advocate the use of pot because of its damaging effect on the lungs. A marijuana brownie could do the trick, or possibly another serotonin reuptake inhibitor (Prozac?) would produce the same effect. Anyway, pot use helped me control and broaden the threshold of ejaculatory inevitability, thus facilitating the learning of the continuous orgasm. Pot use also has a strong aphrodisiac effect when I entertained myself in this pre-ejaculation orgasm stage. Feelings of pleasure (sex munchies) are enhanced. For several months, without pot, I rarely achieved intense orgasm feelings without eliciting a few spasmodic pumping throbs and ejaculating small amounts of seminal fluid. With practice though, use of pot is not necessary to enjoy orgasms without ejaculation. Practice results in discoveries of higher degrees of sexual pleasure and sensations, so it is easy to exercise! At this point I would like to discuss the physiology of the male ejaculatory orgasm. Reference books describe the event in stages involving sexual organ vasocongestion, rising to the plateau stage, then the orgasm which consists of internal sexual organ emissions and the ejaculation reflex response. Events beyond the plateau phase can be broken into many additional stages. My first orgasm pleasure sensations come from my testes, which draw up into my body. When men first sense the arrival of an orgasm, those feelings emanate from the epididymis and the spermatic cords which contract and spasm to move sperm up the ductus (vas) deferns into the ampullary gland or ampulla. The ampulla filling with sperm accentuates sexual stimulation pleasure. Continued penile stimulation soon triggers a hardening of the seminal vesicles which also discharge fluid. The sperm and seminal fluid in the ampulla then flows into the ejaculatory ducts. Sufficient pressure quickly builds in the ejaculatory ducts to trigger a hardening of the prostate, which discharges directly into the urethra. Ejaculation is inevitable once the prostate hardens. Finally, the valves at the ends of the ejaculatory ducts open and the urethral bulb is quickly filled, 11

triggering the ejaculation reflex. Semen discharged from the penis comes in a distinct sequence of partially mixed emissions: 1. prostatic fluid (10%); 2. sperm (2%) and ampullary gland fluid (6%); 3. seminal fluid (70%) and again; 4. prostatic fluid (12%). Note that there are valves at the ends of the ejaculatory ducts and that fluids pressure triggers the ejaculation reflex. Evidently, I orgasm and discharge sperm, ampullary gland, and seminal vesicle fluid into the ejaculatory ducts without triggering ejaculation. I have trained myself to lock (close) the ejaculatory duct valves during these emissions. When You Get Very Close To Ejaculatory Inevitability Completely Relax All Sexual Organ Muscles and Cease Stimulation to the Penis. The best way to portray this relaxation is to visualize the feeling you create trying to initiate urination. Urinary tract muscle relaxation locks the ejaculatory ducts valves closed, even as the seminal vesicles proceed to harden and discharge. Ampullary gland fluid, sperm and seminal fluid pressure builds behind the duct valves. Stopping stimulation to the penis and relaxation halts the emissions pressure driven progression to the hardening of the prostate and the ejaculatory reflex. Sexual organ muscle contractions, and seminal fluid movement and pressure produce the feelings of an orgasm, and give rise to greatly heightened penis stimulation pleasure. Getting "close" to the point of seminal vesicle hardening and emissions orgasm at least ten times, involving roughly fifteen minutes of pre-ejaculatory pleasure results in the state of continuous orgasm. With experience and exercise, I have raised the pressure (and pleasure) level required to trigger the ejaculation reflex response. I sense exactly how much more pressure can build before crossing the threshold to ejaculatory inevitability. My emissions orgasms are stronger and ultimately continuous without triggering ejaculation. My seminal vesicles harden right after I have nearly cum; hence they are almost constantly hard and discharging. My prostate swells without hardening, currently to about just half as large as during a full ejaculatory orgasm. Emissions increase the amount of fluid held in the ampulla and ejaculatory ducts, with an associated increase in pleasure and passion of sexual readiness. The presence of sperm, ampullary gland, and seminal fluid in my ejaculatory ducts is evidenced by sensations I can produce after nearly cumming. Shortly after ceasing stimulation I can contract my bulbospongiosus muscle and thereby press on my prostate and feel the fluids being pushed back up into the ampulla and seminal vesicles. This feeling of fluid movement and fullness is very pleasurable. I can stop masturbating, and hours (days) later still feel the semen in my loins eager for release. My testes also feel full and are slightly sensitive to jostling. Notice my descriptions of the physical changes to internal sexual organs that occur during an orgasm and ejaculation. By placing a middle finger into your rectum the hardening of the seminal vesicles, ampullary gland, and prostate can be palpitated digitally. Softly massaging the prostate and ampulla when they are gorged from orgasmic filling is pleasurable. The ampullary gland is felt when hard as the triangular organ, point facing downward, which lies just above the prostate.

Brain Programming for Retention I have achieved MMO without ejaculation for more than 2 years now. I attribute it partially to PC strength, and largely to training my dick to expect not to ejaculate when it climaxes. At first I would do sessions of masturbation, dedicated to nothing other than training for climax without ejaculation. I abandoned the pursuit of pleasure as a goal in the masturbation, as I knew that could lead me astray, and would probably cum. So I would masturbate until I felt myself fairly close to climax but a safe distance away, then I 12

would do a very strong PC clamping until my dick went mostly soft. Then I would build up again, until nearest climax and clamp down on my PC whilst having stopped stimulation, and then repeating many, many times, squeezing the life out of my PC. This practice slowly teaches my dick to expect to not cum. I would do the same practice again and again and each time taking myself even closer to climax before I stopped stimulation and clamped down on my PC. I would become flaccid from the prolonged PC squeeze. After several weeks the ability became easier and easier to achieve. In the early stage, I had to use sheer PC power to stop ejaculation, but as time went by I found myself having to use much less PC effort to stop ejaculation whilst climaxing. I believe this is because the neural pathways from the brain to the dick have been programmed with this new skill. It took time, effort and practice to build this auto pilot programme in my brain. Now climaxing without ejaculation is second nature to me. My dick does it automatically most of the time. Depending on the duration of stimulation, if I allow myself to reach climax fairly quickly, I usually still have to clamp my PC a bit harder in order to stop ejaculation, but it is still rather easy. For a prolonged simulation, anything more than 10-15 minutes, my dick would always (although not all the time) automatically stop ejaculation when I allow myself to climax. It's all about the PC clamping effort at the beginning, but once you have succeeded and time goes by, the brain becomes efficient at it and it is then more about the brain programming rather than PC effort. This is my own personal experience.

FUMINGPOLES' Method At first I thought MMO is just a myth but after searching the net and practicing, I realized it isn't. What we want to achieve is to have an orgasm without ejaculation. It may sound impossible but it isn't. Most of the time, these two occur simultaneously. However, we need to be re-educated that orgasm and ejaculation are two different things Take note of the following points before we begin: First point: Do the PC flex thing. It's when you're nearing the Point of No Return (PONR). You stop the stimulation and squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can. It is to be noted that not many are successful with this method. In fact, squeezing PC muscle during sexual act triggers the ejaculation. However, we want to be familiar with our PC muscle so that we know how to relax it at the crucial moment. Second point: Ejaculation is always accompanied by muscle tension in most parts of the body. Your heart beat is faster, your entire body stiffens, and of course the PC Muscles contract several times. The fact is that you are often not relaxed. You are excited and you breathe heavily. I hope you get the picture of what is entailed with ejaculation. Third point: Stimulating the perineum (the underside of your penis) will trigger your PC Muscles, whereas stimulating the Glans relaxes your PC Muscles.

Practice: Get your favorite lubricant and have an erection. Lie on your back, fold your knees and be RELAXED. Don't proceed without understanding the first three points mentioned above. Now using your palm, SLOWLY stimulate the Glans. For uncut men, this part would be very sensitive, but endure it. Accept the sensitivity, feel your entire body react to this stimulation. Don't resist it, instead be part of it. 13

Breath in slowly while letting your stomach bloat like all the air you inhaled went to your stomach, then breath out all the air in your stomach slowly through your mouth, until your abs are flexed. Breathing correctly will help you in accepting the sensation that is almost unbearable at first. As you do this, remember the second point. You don't want your heart to beat fast; you don't want to stiffen your body muscles and literally any of it. You should feel the intense feelings your stimulation produces, but you are breathing slowly with your stomach. Remember that during the stimulation you're doing on the Glans and your PC Muscle should not contract; it should remain completely relaxed. Befriending your PC muscle while doing the first point would let you know when it is relaxed, and when it is not. If you're doing it right, the back of your legs up to your butt will perspire, but your upper extremities will not. It is funny, but you'll know that it works if you sweat like this. In any situation you feel that your heart is beating rapidly, stop or slow down the glansstimulation and take more deep breaths with your stomach. Resume if you feel RELAXED. Key #1: Be RELAXED. Your heart doesn't pound rapidly, there is no tension on your PC Muscle and no muscle in your body is tensioned. Key #2: BREATH PROPERLY. Breathe in slowly putting the air inside your stomach (it should bloat), and breath out ALL AND I MEAN ALL the air from your stomach (it should shrink from being bloat). This goes all through out the entire process. Key #3: When you arrive at the PONR, DON'T FORGET TO BREATH PROPERLY. You want to have an orgasm with a RELAXED PC Muscle and body. At first, you can stop the stimulation when you feel your PC Muscles tensioning, but do have your Dry Orgasm. Your cum must OOZE OUT NOT SQUIRT out of your body. On your next attempt, try not to stop the stimulation while you orgasm, and again you should not tense your PC Muscles by proper breathing. Go for another Dry Orgasm (no ejaculation) by repeating the entire process. You can have an orgasm like forever without having an ejaculation and still be hard. You'll notice that after the second Dry Orgasm, your body will be more sensitive, like touching your chest, neck, balls, the area between your balls and your asshole will bring tides of eroticism. I assert that practicing on how to RELAX the PC muscles is the KEY to it all. Just before crossing PONR, stop the stimulation and continuously bloat and flatten your stomach with correct breathing. You'll know that it's PONR if you feel your PC muscles on the verge of contracting. You try NOT to LET IT CONTRACT. With a relaxing PC muscle, even if you ejaculate, your fluid would just ooze out of your penis and your penis would not soften and you could continue to try for another peak, very likely with no ejaculation. Also, take air in through your nose and not through your mouth and breathe out more slowly than breathing in. When I'm about to cross PONR, I belly breath and I can completely relax my PC muscles. Belly breathing is the key to relax your PC muscles and other sexual muscles/organs.

DARKWHITE’S METHOD I lost control when I tried the technique with my palm. The sensation was too unbearable to be successful. Several days after, I went again and I combined this technique with proper breathing. I surrendered to the sensation my body received and it was really a different and ecstatic experience. I had my first Dry Orgasm. The ejaculate did not squirt out; it just oozed out of my 14

dick and it was more liquid. Guess what, I did not lose my erection and my sexual drive. I gave myself a break and then continued to ejaculate which was beyond ecstatic. A few days more, I tried it again but this time I had like 3 Dry Orgasms before I continued to ejaculate (the 4th orgasm). To bring on dry orgasms, you should rub only the glans/head. You could use some oil or lubrication to make it slippery and more sensitive. Rubbing the glans/head with the palm of your hand should do the trick! Fast rubbing, if you can stand it, should cause intense, possibly unbearable, sensations. If you feel these; you've reached the first step! Avoid the frenulum/trigger and you shouldn't even feel the need to ejaculate! (The frenulum and glans, especially the corona, or ridge are usually the most sensitive parts of the penis.) Don't worry about the shaft; it's not important for this exercise. I thought I already knew what masturbation is, but I did not until I can do this. It changed my entire perspective about orgasm and ejaculation, as well as pleasure, ecstasy, discipline/control, and the complexity of the human body (it really is a marvel). It is important that you surrender to the feeling of your own sensation. Initially, the sensation (of glans stimulation) is too much to take that I resulted in jerking it up and down, instead of rubbing just the head. Slowly I learned to surrender to the feeling by breathing properly. I breathe in with my stomach (I let it bloat as I take all the air I can take in) and breathe out all the air I have until my lower abs are fully flexed. I do this with my legs folded up to my chest, as this lets the PC and the other muscles surrounding it relaxed. When I do this, I feel a tingling sensation coming from my feet up to my legs, it's a warm some kind of an electric feeling. I know where my PC muscle is (I used to squeeze my PC muscle during ejaculation, and got pretty good with it), but I found out that if you completely relax (not tense or squeeze it) this and the muscles surrounding it, you are actually canceling ejaculation. Knowing how to squeeze the PC muscle allowed me to completely relax it, since I knew where it is and what it feels when it is not relaxed. The heartbeat is an important factor. Whenever I feel my heart beat fast enough that I can hear it pound, I stop (or slow down) the stimulation. I rub it slowly at first until the back of my legs up to my butt are all perspiring (my upper body is always not sweating at all, funny but I know that what I'm doing is correct if I perspire like this). While doing all these, I can't afford to open my eyes, because the sensation my whole body is feeling literally closes my eyes shut in ecstasy. As I increase my stimulation speed, I make sure that my breathing doesn't change pace so that my heartbeat won't change its pace too. When I am near orgasm, I find it better to slow down the stimulation speed. As I reach orgasm, I can feel my internal organs move but my PC muscles remain relaxed all through out. It feels good and I close my eyes; finding my liquid just oozes out from the tip of my rock-hard stimulated penis head. After I had my second dry orgasm (no rest in between), my entire body was like an electric machine. The slightest touch would send electric waves from that point spreading all through out my entire body, electrifying indeed. Moreover, I can pump and jerk whichever way I want without having an orgasm or ejaculation until I want to have one. It's like I own my body I have complete control over it. I don't lose erection and the sexual drive through all of these. It's really interesting to learn how other guys achieve MMO in similar but personally different ways. Basically, we're both doing the same thing, stimulating the glans to produce intense sensation, at first unbearably so, but by persisting with it despite the intensity, learning to give into the sensations instead of fighting them, you ride through the other side and experience MMO. Though I usually achieve this orally, you seem to have mastered the same technique via 15

masturbation. For example, I really haven't given much thought to PC muscles while doing this (my mind is so somewhere else when I'm multi-orgasm), so that is another difference between your style and mine which others might consider. Definitely, there are many methods, whether PC muscles, tantra techniques, breathing styles, etc which can be applied in various combinations, depending on what each individual finds works for them. I know that I haven't even come close to exploring them all, myself. I know what works for me, so there's really no need to try anything else when you hit on something this good! Not everyone's experience will be the same, but we each have something to offer that hopefully others may find useful. While FumingPole's appoach to MMO and mine are basically the same (glans stimulation), there are some fundamental differences to keep in mind when reading my posts. It is obvious that he applies glans stimulation to masturbation, while I achieve that through an oral one. I am also a gay guy, and all of my experience has been with other guys. That is not to say that we can't learn from each other, or that you can't use these methods with your girlfriend instead of a boyfriend. Basically, I learnt this from direct experience, without reading anything about PC Muscles, Kegel Exercises, Ballooning or any other technique, and thus I don't use any of these methods. While I don't doubt that any of these methods can be beneficial for sexual performance, and I don't discourage anyone from experimenting or using them, I don't believe that any of them are necessary to achieve MMO via the glans stimulation method I describe. Furthermore, some of these relate to different methods of MMO, and I feel that discussion of them in a glans stimulation thread only confuses the discussion in the minds of those who haven't fully understood the goal or method of achieving MMO via glans stimulation. I will attempt to address some issues that I have noticed recurring since my last post: PC Muscles Just ignore them! With the glans stimulation method, you are NOT trying to "prevent" ejaculation using PC Muscles, which is a discussion for a different method of MMO. If you ever find yourself in a position to have to prevent ejaculation, then you're probably not doing glans stimulation (or not doing it correctly). With proper glans stimulation, you should avoid stimulating the frenulum (the area under-side the head where the foreskin gathers) which is the area which triggers the ejaculation response. In theory, with glans stimulation, you shouldn't ever feel the NEED to ejaculate! Point of No Return (PONR) You should NOT be trying to get close to the PONR. You should NOT be trying to achieve any kind of ejaculation. You should NOT be trying to achieve anything resembling a "traditional" orgasm. If you EVER reach the PONR, then you've gone TOO FAR, which means it's GAME OVER! Glans Stimulation What is it we are trying to achieve? This whole thing is about glans stimulation. Once you're hard and aroused (and you can use any method you like to get there), then start using glans stimulation and continue with glans stimulation throughout! This is not to say you shouldn't switch occasionally between fisting and palming if you want to, you should do whatever you enjoy doing, after all, but realize that continued glans stimulation is the path to MMO. Sensitivity Rubbing the head can be extremely sensitive for uncut guys, and can sometimes cause very little sensation for circumcised guys. If you fall into either category, it is perfectly okay to switch between fisting and palming (or switching between licking just the head or going down on the whole shaft, if you're doing this orally) to either ease off on the intensity, or to increase the level of arousal, as the case may be. But please remember two points: 16


Stimulating the glans is extremely sensitive. Understandably, you might want to ease off from time-to-time; however, the whole point is to persist and break through the other side to continuous waves of orgasm, and you won't achieve this if you back down each time.


stimulating the perineum (the area where the foreskin gathers under-side the head) is a trigger for ejaculation, so if you do give yourself an occasional relief from glans stimulation, just be careful you don't get close to ejaculating, because that means game over!

Breathing If glans stimulation is too sensitive for you, slow and deep belly-breathing would help to reduce it! Although some other people may find the fast and furious way also help, as long as it achieves the aim of coping and enduring the sensation. Preventing Ejaculation One way to avoid this is by spreading your legs wide, either spread-eagled, or feet together in frog-like position. Alternatively, having one leg bent at the knee over the side of the bed can work well also. Multiple Orgasms Some guys hear "Multiple Orgasm", and are thinking of orgasms they've had in the past, and expecting to experience those, one after another. I think many guys have the wrong expectations, which is perfectly understandable, because how can you understand something you've never experienced before? I also think because of this, even when doing the glans stimulation correctly, many try too hard to achieve some kind of "orgasm". Everyone wants results! The only advice I can offer is “don't!” This technique isn't so much about trying to "achieve" something, as it is about "surrendering" to something or "letting go". Try to relax, and set aside any expectations you might have. By persisting with the intense glans stimulation, at some point, you will make the breakthrough and often when you least expect it! I don't think anyone can really tell you how, as it is a personal experience that everyone has to make for themselves. But once you've done it once, you will know how to do it again. We can only describe how it worked for us, and hope that you find your own path. Wet versus Dry Orgasms Because glans stimulated orgasms have been described as Dry Orgasms, I think some guys may still be thinking of "regular" orgasms without the mess. This isn't really the case. I don't experience these the same way as standard orgasms. They are waves of continuous orgasmic pleasure. Once I am aroused, they can last continuously for as long as my glans is stimulated - a brief moment from a tongue rub, or non-stop for ten minutes or more from an intense oral session, and these can be repeated instantly with no refractory period, as often as desired, for hours even! FumingPole has described oozing cum during his "dry" orgasms. Maybe he is very prone to precum or oozing. On the other hand, I rarely ooze or pre-cum. I probably do ooze or pre-cum a little more during continuous orgasms, it isn't much or noticeable. I don't think much importance should be given to whether or not you ooze or pre-cum during these continuous orgasms. I think the danger here is for guys trying to achieve some form of standard orgasm accompanied by a slow ooze of ejaculation. You need to get the idea across that any flow of cum, however diminished, is NOT a requirement. It is more likely a sign that you have gone too far, and come too close to the PONR (ESPECIALLY if this is accompanied by any throbbing, however slight).


Energy orgasms Energy orgasms will clear the body of repressed emotions, old hurts, and blocks. They put a bounce in your step. Energy orgasms help pre-orgasmic women to become genitally orgasmic and help genitally orgasmic women to become much more multi-orgasmic, plus they make partner sex more ecstatic and fulfilling. It is safe sex, a good substitute for harmful addictions, and a great party trick! Energy orgasms can be an extremely spiritual experience, giving you a sense of the forces of creation rushing through you, a sense of going beyond the body/mind, reminding you who you are beyond your everyday reality. What does an energy orgasm feel like? Incredible! Some are very strong, and some are wonderfully subtle. Generally, the more time you put into building up the energy, the more powerful the sensations. You'll experience "electricity" shooting through your entire body, hands and lips tingle, and there is a sense of release and receiving at the same time. You will feel high, euphoric and light-headed. It feels very different than a clitoral orgasm (but it can occur simultaneously with a clitoral orgasm). It may feel very sexual or it may not. There are many variations of energy orgasms, just as there are many variations of orgasms.


Lay down on a firm surface, i.e. hard bed, carpet, sandy beach, grass. Bend your knees up. (You can also try it standing or sitting.)


Take a few relaxing breaths. Empty your mind. Let go of tension. Let go of ego. Settle in.


Begin to take deeper breaths. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth like you are blowing out birthday candles. Make it completely "circular" with no pauses between inhales and exhales.


On the inhale, rock your pelvis, arching your lower back and flattening on the exhale. Squeeze the PC muscles on the exhale. These squeezes can actually stimulate the clitoris and G-spot, penis and testicles, while pumping up energy throughout your entire body. In other words, inhale while filling your belly like a balloon, exhale and flatten your back while contracting the PC muscles. Repeat continuously. Your legs may open and close like butterfly wings. Let the breathing and contractions be erotic.


Energy follows thought, so use your mind to begin to pull in energy from the earth/atmosphere into the perineum (the area between your anus and your pussy or penis). Build fire in the sex center (1st & 2nd chakras). Circulate the energy back and forth. When this area is well "lit," go up to the belly area and start circulating from the genital area to the belly, around and around (2nd & 3rd chakras). Circulate until the fire is burning stronger.


Go to the heart. Circulate from belly to heart, belly to heart (3rd & 4th chakras).


Now try the throat. Circulate from heart to throat, heart to throat (4th & 5th chakras). When the energy moves up, you may automatically make some sounds. If not, you can consciously make sounds, as this helps to open the throat for the energy to move up. Keep circulating between the heart and throat, until you feel the energy move up to the Third Eye.



Circulate the energy from throat to Third Eye, throat to Third Eye (5th and 6th chakras). Circulate from the Third Eye to the top of your head (7th chakra). At a certain point it may feel like the energy is shooting out the top of your head, like water out of a hose. Soon, you will kick into full body orgasm. Go with it. Your breathing patterns will change. You may scream, you may "melt," you may laugh hysterically, you may feel your back arch and your fists may clench. With practice you can learn to ride the waves and keep the orgasms going for a very long time.

Other things to know about energy orgasms: Be patient. At first you may not experience the orgasm part of this process. Some get it on their first try and for some it can take years. Keep practicing. Even if you don't experience the orgasm, just the breathing and energy circling alone is of great value. It will clear out blocks, so eventually the orgasm can move through you. Blocks can be experienced in many ways - crying, gagging, feeling frustrated, old memories surfacing. Just keep breathing. Visualize releasing the "old" on the exhale, ringing in the "new" on the inhale. Energy levels will most likely rise and fall, like mercury in a thermometer. Just go back down to the area where it slipped to and start again. You'll want to tap into your sexual center when energy slips, and pump those PC muscles regularly! One of the most important keys to learning this technique is KNOWING that it is possible. You'll be convinced when you watch someone do it. It is best learned from someone who practices it. If your PC muscles are out of shape or feeling tensed, don't squeeze them too hard, just squeeze them every 3 or 4 breaths instead of every breath. If you want to, use your hands to touch the centers where you are concentrating on sending the energy. Or circulate them above your body in a fanning motion. The hands help guide and create pathways for the energy to follow. Some knowledge of the seven chakras is useful when learning and using this technique. Visualize the qualities of the chakras as you breathe into them. As you receive pleasure the whole universe receives pleasure through you.


Practice Guide for MMO Learn to enhance and maintain indefinitely the physiological events and associated pleasure of the emissions phase of an absolutely imminent ejaculatory orgasm! Just follow this step-by-step practice guide: I. "STOP AND GO" MASTURBATION When you begin to feel an orgasm approaches, cease all penile stimulation. Let your level of excitement drop slightly, and then approach another orgasm. Repeat this "stop and go" approach to an orgasm at least five times. Notice that stimulation to your penis feels better and better. On the sixth attempt bear down hard with your bulbospongiosus (piss stopper or BC) muscle but slow down your stroking as you reach the point of no return. The reduced stimulation to the penis permits the pleasure of sexual organ emissions drive you to the full ejaculatory orgasm. Notice the increased volume and intensity of your orgasm. GOALS: • Learn to resist the temptation of the orgasm; just as your penis feels really great to stroke...stop. You will discover that the avoidance of immediate pleasure will bring greater pleasure • Strengthen your sexual organ muscles • Increase your mental control over orgasms • Learn to measure the approach of your orgasm • Feel the emissions phase as separate from the ejaculatory phase of an orgasm II. RECTAL MONITOR Practice the Stop and Go technique. When you are ready to orgasm lube up your middle finger and stick it up your butt! Feel around your prostate (walnut sized organ one inch past your anus) then put your finger all the way in, past the prostate. With your finger probing above the prostate proceed to orgasm. GOALS: Learn how good it feels to massage your prostate and ampullary gland. Feel how your internal sex organs harden during an orgasm. The ampullary gland is felt when hard as triangular just above the prostate. The seminal vesicles are the firm cords running down into the ampullary gland. III. RELAXATION WHEN CLOSE: Practice Stop and Go approaches to an orgasm, but try to get a little closer to the point of no return. When you get close, stop stroking your penis and completely relax all sex muscles. Concentrate especially on relaxing your bulbospongiosus (piss stopper or BC) muscle. Let your level of excitement drop, but less so, before resuming the approach to another orgasm. Relax completely each time you are near an orgasm and stop sexual stimulation. Notice that relaxation helps to extinguish the orgasm feelings. GOALS: • Learn to resist the lure of an orgasm which is now closer. You must relax just when your piss stopper muscle would naturally bear down, and stop stroking just when it feel really good • Learn to more quickly resume penile stimulation after stopping • Learn to get closer and closer to ejaculatory inevitability without passing that threshold IV. CLOSE RELAX CLOSE RELAX SO CLOSE Build up your level of sexual excitement first with at least five “stop and go” sessions, then try to get REAL CLOSE to an orgasm and RELAX all sex organ muscles. Get so close that you would have triggered an orgasm if you had not become fully relaxed. Your mission is to continue to feel 20

the orgasms approach for a few seconds even though you are not stimulating your penis. The lure of stroking yourself is very strong at this point but resist! With practice you will briefly enter the sex organs emissions phase without ejaculating. Relaxing will suppress your ejaculatory reflex response and help keep semen retained behind the ejaculatory ducts valves. Semen pressure will build in the ampullary gland. A soft finger massage of the prostate and ampullary gland once they are gorged from emissions is pleasurable. GOALS: Learn to resist the lure of an orgasm you have actually begun. The temptation to continue stroking yourself is very strong at this point. Practice this exercise until you enter the emissions phase fully relaxed. Your seminal vesicles will harden and discharge into your ampullary gland, but no fluid will leak into your urethra. Observe how much better penile stimulation feels when your sex organs are gorged with sperm, ampullary gland, and seminal fluids. V. SEMINAL VESICLES HARD 5 TIMES Build up sexual tension with several attempts of ‘stop-and-go’, and then proceed to approach the threshold of the ejaculatory reflex. Be careful to cease stimulation and relax fully just as you begin to enter the emissions phase of your orgasm. Sometimes at this point your seminal vesicles will harden. Let your excitement wane, then come close to the point of no return again. Practice reaching the ejaculatory reflex threshold so that you harden your seminal vesicles at least five times. Semen will accumulate each time the seminal vesicles harden. Now contract your bulbospongiosus (piss stopper) muscle and feel semen push back up into the ampullary gland...FEELS GOOD! Notice the increased quantity of semen ejaculated when you finally cum. GOALS: • Build up semen pressure behind your ejaculatory ducts valves • Manipulate the fluid in your internal sex organs • Learn to harden your seminal vesicle without causing penile contractions or leaking semen VI. RESIST THE ULTIMATE TEMPTATION Gorge your internal sex organs with semen, reaching seminal vesicle hardening at least five times then stop...take out the trash or something. Be careful to protect your tender balls. Let your level of excitement drop completely, and then resume the seminal vesicle hardening. Be very careful to build up your excitement slowly with a few stop and go before attempting a seminal vesicle hardening. Proceeding too fast can cause uncomfortable leakage of semen. GOALS: • Learn how much excitement is required before attempting a seminal vesicle hardening • Stop your masturbation session for at least two hours. You will be totally horny. Resist the lure! Try to spend one night with your sex organs gorged • Gain complete control of when you have an ejaculatory orgasm VII. SO CLOSE CONTINUOUSLY Build up to five seminal vesicle hardenings, relax and fill your ejaculatory ducts, then contract your piss stopper muscle and push the semen up into your ampullary gland. Get as close to your ejaculatory orgasm as you can without crossing the reflex response threshold. Now practice close-relax-harden-contract, and again close-relax-harden-contract repeatedly, in rapid succession. Ultimately, you will enter a state of nearly continuous relaxed muscle orgasm emission phases. Your swollen testes and throbbing spermatic cords will orgasm. Orgasm emission pleasure from your ampullary gland is amplified by the accumulating fluid and 21

especially fluid pressure in your ejaculatory ducts. The rapid succession of emissions orgasms becomes a continuous orgasm with ejaculation. GOALS: • Learn to harden your seminal vesicles at will • Learn to harden your seminal vesicles in rapid succession • Practice staying very close to an ejaculatory orgasm, almost continuously feeling a hardening of your seminal vesicles • Hold your orgasm at the continuous emissions phase endlessly • Learn to maintain your emissions orgasm mentally; by concentrating on producing emissions, enough pleasure can be generated to perpetuate those emissions...without penile stimulation!

Man Health Enhancement There are several factors to being Impotent that many Doctors and so-called "professionals" do not explain to the patient. The first being diet and health. As many men begin to get older, you do not produce as much testosterone as you once did. When this happens, your sexual desire diminishes and you penis does not get the circulation it once did. A diet high in red meat, processed foods, and lack of nutritional supplements can aid and also cause Impotence. Another reason is psychological problems. Many men may have experienced a rude or embarrassing comment from a lover that has actually created a physical barrier from being able to perform sexually. In many cases, it has been because of an anxiety of having a smaller size and worrying about what your partner thinks. The worst thing you should EVER do is worry about your penis or erection. When you worry, you build anxiety that keeps you from having a strong erection or any at all. Just relax and enjoy yourself. Other reasons for being Impotent are simply caused from having a very underdeveloped penile system. Just as many men are naturally built or skinny, some men just naturally have a weak penis. In any case, our program will help all areas of concern. The following workout plan below will make any man, regardless of present sexual size or ability, an absolute sex machine in as little as 2 months. If you are ready to experience penile fitness and development like you've never imagined, let's get started. WARMING UP: Perform a good hot wrap for 10 minutes and apply to your penis and testicles. This will warm up your sexual organ and help circulate blood to you penis and testicles. This encourages the growth and development as well as prevents injury by warming the penis up before a vigorous workout. After the hot wrap is complete, apply a generous amount of baby oil to your penis and testicles and make sure the oil is well rubbed in to your skin. Massage all areas of your testicles and your penis and apply more oil if needed. A good massage will get the blood flowing to all areas of your sexual organs and promote better function and health. Perform a good Testicle Health Massage for about 10 minutes while you also massage yourself to a partial erection. Make sure you are totally warmed up and well lubricated before continuing. JELQING: Massage yourself to a partial erection and apply more oil. This Jelq session is to last for at least 20 minutes continuous and each milking should last one second each. While you are engaged in these exercises, close your eyes and visualize your penis becoming stronger, longer, and thicker with every milking you perform. Visualize blood filling your penis and strengthening it with every 22

milking. Breathe deeply through your nose and fill your lungs to their maximum capacity. Hold for a few seconds then exhale through your mouth, all while continuing to Jelq. Every 20 Jelqs perform a strong PC flex and hold for several seconds before relaxing. This will build more power into your penis and help keep it in a partially erect state. After about 15 minutes into your Jelq session, begin to Jelq a little harder than you have been, really driving blood into your penis and Glans (head) with every stroke you milk down with. You should feel a tingle in your penises head when you begin these stronger strokes. Finish out the last 5 minutes with these stronger strokes. THE SQUEEZE AND FLEX: Great, you should feel like your penis is very pumped and filled with blood at this point. Begin to stroke your penis to a full erection, pulling it out with your hands and massaging all areas that feel pleasurable. Pump your PC 30 times while you continue to massage yourself to keep an erection. Squeeze each contraction as tight as you can to get your PC pumped up and to get the blood flowing throughout your genitals. After the 30 PC flexes, relax and continue to massage yourself. Your erection should feel even harder by now, so continue to massage yourself until you feel the urge to ejaculate approaching. When you feel the urge is strong, squeeze your PC muscle as tight as you can, breathing as deep as you can through your mouth while contracting your PC. Keep squeezing tighter and tighter until the urge to ejaculate has gone away. Massaging yourself to a hard erection again and do the same thing, squeezing your PC when the urge to ejaculate is strong. Repeat this over and over again until your PC is quite tired from holding off the urge to ejaculate, approximately 15-25 times. DO NOT EJACULATE during this exercise! This teaches ejaculatory control and will increase your testosterone levels after several days of practice. Limit your ejaculations to only once or twice per week. This not only will develop a strong ejaculatory control, but also will increase your ejaculation levels tremendously when you do climax. Remember, patience is the key. After you are tired from holding off ejaculation, continue to massage yourself to maintain a strong erection. If you feel the urge to ejaculate, just stop massaging yourself for a little while until the feeling goes away, then continue. Work yourself to a hard erection, then take one hand and grab around the top portion of your penis and apply a light amount of force. Now, begin to flex as many PC flexes as you can until you lose your erection. You should be able to feel your erection pulsating every time you flex your PC. Massage yourself to another erection, and repeat the above process. Do this as many times as it takes until it is hard to get an erection. You have completely worked all aspects of your sexual organs, developing all vital parts that enable you to have strong, frequent erections as well as superior ejaculatory control. If you do this Program everyday, for at least 5-6 days a week, I guarantee in 3 months you will be so developed that it will absolutely blow all expectations you have out of the water. This is penile development the right way, but don't just take my word for it. The proof is in the pudding. Get started and don't procrastinate. WHAT TO EXPECT WITHIN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS: If you stay on this program for at least 5 days a week, you will experience a new found lust for life you've never experienced before. You will begin to wake up with rock hard erections in the morning, something many men lose when they are in their teens. You will experience harder and more frequent erections. You will experience actual penis enlargement, not only lengthening but also much more thickening. You will experience a greater sex drive and desire for your partner like you've never experienced before. You will experience great ejaculatory control and sexual stamina that will leave you and your partner both impressed. But most importantly you will 23

experience a great sense of self confidence, something many of you have lost long ago. This Program will help every aspect of your sex life, so please don't put it off. Make it a habit. EJACULATORY CONTROL DEVELOPMENT: Premature ejaculation can be a terrible and horribly embarrassing experience for a man, especially when something special was expected. It is caused by having an extremely weak and underdeveloped PC muscle. Through the proper strength straining, you will be able to last for HOURS, have extremely hard erections, and climax like a fountain, something that has been proven to turn women on more than a small amount of ejaculation. These exercises can easily be done while you are working, sitting in a chair, driving, etc. If you want results you can find time to do overkill if you like, these exercises virtually can be done without anyone knowing, even if they are right next to you. Let's get started. Practice: Sit in a comfortable chair and relax. Begin to flex and relax your PC muscle as tight as you can for a good solid count of 50. At the end of the 50th flex, hold the flex as tight as you can for a 30 count. Repeat these 3 times then rest for 2-3 minutes. Next, achieve an erection by slowly massaging your penis with a little bit of baby oil. Once a fairly hard erection is achieved, begin to flex and hold your PC muscle at 2 seconds intervals while you continue to massage your penis. Now begin to massage yourself to almost a near climax, but right before you are about to ejaculate flex your PC as tight as you can and take in a deep breath through your mouth, and visualize your semen withdrawing back into your body. Great! You have successfully kept yourself from climaxing through a strong PC Flex and breathing/visualization. Repeat this as many times as you can until your PC cannot successfully hold back all your semen. Do not fully ejaculate. This teaches and develops restraint, surely to come in handy while making love with your partner. The next step to achieving total PC control over ejaculating is to perform a good PC blaster directly after practicing your ejaculatory control. This will totally fatigue your PC muscle, helping to strengthen and develop it. This will not only give you absolute control and unbelievable sexual stamina, but will give you rock hard erections and tremendous ejaculation volumes. Sit in a comfortable chair and find a position that you can be comfortable in for 10-20 minutes. Flex your PC and focus on it squeezing, hold for 10 seconds and warm up with a set of 50 PC clamps. While performing these, really breathe in deeply and visualize blood circulation toward your PC as you flex and relax it. After the 50 clamps are complete, squeeze your PC as tight as you possibly can, not allowing any slack to give. Keep tightening and hold for 20 seconds. Do NOT relax until the 20 seconds are up. Without resting, perform 100 PC clamps, flexing and relaxing at 2-second intervals. Do not give up! Continue to flex and relax your PC as tight as you can until the 100 clamps are completed. Breathe in deeply and slowly, visualizing energy and power radiating from your PC muscle. Visualize it as strong as anyone's could be. Once this is completed, now the fun starts. Flex your PC as tight as you possibly can until you've reached your absolute maximum ability. Once there, hold as tight as you can without allowing any slack to give. If you feel the urge to let up, squeeze even tighter and visualize your PC tightening tighter and tighter. Hold this for 1 minute without giving up.


Rest for 2 minutes and really focus on the tingly sensation coming from your PC. It should be very tired and extremely worked after this workout, but it's not over yet. Focus on your PC muscle gaining power with every breath you take. Breathe in deeply and visualize. Now the last part of the workout is here, the concentration clamps. You're going for a set of 50 without stopping. DO NOT STOP until you have finished the 50 clamps, for you will appreciate the workout when you are finished. Before you start the last part of this exercise, there's one catch. These clamps aren't the same old flex and relax clamps, these are different. Each time to flex your PC, hold is as tight as you can for 5 seconds, and then slowly release taking another 2 seconds. Each flex and relax should take 7 seconds in all. Remember you are going for a set of 50. ENHANCING EJACULATION VOLUME Many women love for their men to be able to release a strong health amount of ejaculation when they climax. This not only is a turn on to many women, it also shows health and fertility, not to mention they feel like they've done a good job. Volume Enhancement: The supplement L-Argenine is an amino acid that in involved in the creatine formation and is the removal of ammonia from the body. I have found that taking 500mg during the day and 1,500mg an hour before sex or masturbation, your ejaculation will increase by many times. Please note that you must cycle L-Argenine into your body for at least 2 weeks before you can see any real noticeable changes in your ejaculation. Also, learning restraint against masturbation to ejaculation is key is having good ejaculations. Try limiting ejaculation to only about twice a week. You will find that your sex drive will dramatically increase as well as your ejaculation levels. Force of Orgasm: Have you ever watched a porno and seen a guy climax several feet away? Ever say to yourself "WOW! I wish I could do like that!” Well, if you develop your PC muscle and follow the Volume Enhancement instructions above, you can! When you ejaculate, your sperm is forced out through your PC muscle contracting. The stronger, and fitter your PC is, the further your ejaculation will shoot. Perform at least 500 power Jelqs a day: Testicle health massage performed daily: Always do good PC workouts such as PC Blaster and Squeeze and Flex daily for the rest of your life: Keep from ejaculating for at least a week, and limit ejaculation to 3 times max per week: Be stimulated for at least 20 minutes before reaching climax: When you reach orgasm, relax and let it flow! Following this plan will ensure a dramatic increase in ejaculation in as little as 2 weeks. Train hard!


STUD-MAKER-DRILL – a sure way of ending premature ejaculation forever Basic Psychology of Accidental Behaviour All premature-ejaculation is in your mind. Nobody is born with premature-ejaculation. Prematureejaculation is a learned behavior. Go through a little scenario below and you will be able to figure out what I'm talking about. You're 14 years old. Your parents left you alone for 30 minutes or so while they go to the store. You decide that you have a few minutes to get your jollies off before your parents get back... You don't want to get caught pleasuring yourself by your you? You go to the bathroom, grab some Vaseline and you start getting busy. Since you are in a hurry to get done before you get caught, you're really concentrating on getting off as soon as possible. You're finally done after about a minute or so, well before your parents come home. You think to yourself "that's fun; I need to do that more often". From then till now, you continue to get your rocks off hundreds of times and as quick as possible so nobody catches you. The above scenario shows an example of somebody conditioning their unconscious mind to cause premature ejaculation, all without them even realizing it. The kid just didn't understand the ramifications of continually whacking off and ejaculation as fast as he could. He didn't mean to cause this problem. He simply did it for fear of getting caught and embraced/humiliated, so he consciously tried to get off as quick as he could every time he started feeling a little horny, until it turned to an unconscious behavior. This is the same way you would learn any behavior, whether good or bad. You continually repeat the action (such as dribbling a basketball, juggling, cussing, boxing, ejaculating as quickly as possible, etc.) until you have mastered it at an unconscious level and it's now out of your control. It becomes part of your behavior! It doesn't matter if the above scenario is exactly what you went through or not. The "STUDMAKER-DRILL" and its principles of human behavior will still override your current unconscious programming, which causes premature ejaculation. We are going to use that exact same process, that most used to develop the premature-ejaculation behavior but we are going to alter it using the most efficient and logical way possible, to develop the exact opposite behavior. We are basically going to reprogram our unconscious minds, so that we can last as long as we want in bed, with any girl! It won't be unusual to become a master of your ejaculation in less than a month and the ability to cum on your own cue. (Within 3 week's of testing this theory out, I went from lasting anywhere from 15-20 minutes to having complete control for. 1-2 hours.) STUD-MAKER-DRILL (SMD) The foundation of SMD is the mindset. Think about it this way, your mind can only process a positive thought. It CANNOT process a negative thought. For example, if somebody told you NOT to think of the color red, it would be impossible, because in order for you to know what the color red is, your mind would have to visualize the color and therefore you would be thinking of the color red. It's totally useless to think this way. On the other hand, if somebody told you to think of the color blue, then your mind would be dedicated to thinking of the color blue and therefore you would not be thinking of the color red. So in knowing this, you can see how a lot of guys with this problem, tend to get frustrated when they start trying to NOT visualize themselves ejaculating, but end up ejaculating anyway because they had to visualize it in order to know what not to do and that makes them start thinking of the pleasure they are receiving (not good). There's an easier and effective way to do this, simply by changing your mind-set. 26

During the SMD, we are NOT going to concentrate on NOT ejaculating, but instead we are going to concentrate & visualize on lasting as long as we can WHILE trying to please this (imagined or real) girl and rock her world, instead of concentrating on the pleasure we're receiving. Does this sound like a good alternative? Essentially, you do not put yourself to be in the cause state nor in the effect state. You're concentrating on the girl's pleasure and that would make you pretty much forget about yourself and therefore you won't be having any thoughts running through your mind about ejaculating. If you are determined to please this woman and not think about the stimulation you are receiving, but by concentrating and being dedicated to stimulating and pleasing the woman, then you'll be too busy causing an effect on her and therefore she won't be able to cause an effect on you (ie. busting your nut too early). If you do this with the STUD-MAKER-DRILL as described below, then you will acquire a new behavior of lasting as long as you want, with any girl.

Three levels of stimulation - essential for SMD DESENSITIZING - You may have very low tolerance to stimulation when you're horny. You may be the type of guy that creams your pants if a woman just brushes up against you. Or you may have enough tolerance to last a whopping 1 minute inside of a girl. From all the concentration that you've put on pleasing yourself and getting off as quick as possible, you have developed a very low tolerance for stimulation. Let's reverse that! To desensitize ourselves from sexual stimulation, we need to understand the effect of tightness of grip and speed of strokes on stimulation. TIGHTNESS - Most people are more sensitive to the stimulation when they tighten their grip (to a certain extent) or the girl they are having sex with is tighter. They will blow their load faster. SPEED - Most people will shoot a load faster if they speed up the love strokes. FANTASIZING or IMAGINATION - This has to do with how you fantasize having sex with a girl. This can include sexual positions, types of girls, associated/disassociated from the fantasy, etc. You will be able to visualize yourself in a 1st, 2nd or 3rd person view. 1st person simply means that you are not seeing yourself but you are actually visualizing yourself in the moment, with the are completely associated with the experience. Typically, this will cause you to shoot your load faster. 2nd person means that you're visualizing yourself from a spot, maybe a few feet away or visualizing just one body part of the girl (pussy, tit's, ass, etc.). 3rd person simply means that, for example, you see yourself from across the room. I note that we will have no need for the 2nd or 3rd person visualization. We will use only the 1st person visualization during the SMD as well as different sexual positions, types of girls, etc. What you are about to experience is the same type of visualization technique that top Olympic and professional athletes use to enhance their performance in their chosen endeavor and that has been proven very successful! Get some Vaseline or other lube that you prefer and be comfortable. You put some lube in your hand, relax and close your eyes if you prefer, then lube up your cock. All you're going to do now is to fantasize your dream girl, the one that makes you cream your pants when she brushes up against you...that's a good one. Start to imagine initiating sex and making your moves. Make sure you go through all the steps that you would go through if you were initiating having sex with someone, especially the first 27

penetration. But, instead of concentrating on getting yourself off, concentrate on rocking this girl's world, be the man she always dreams of and take control! Immerse yourself with the fantasy, actually look down at your cock and see yourself fucking that pussy. Feel her legs wrapped around you and your pelvis bumping together. Scan your eyes along her body, looking at her pussy getting pounded, move along her stomach and up to her tits, continue to her face and look in her eye's and see her expression of pure ecstasy. Don't just imagine her pussy or whatever body part turns you on the most. See her like she's actually there. Remember, you want to visualize/fantasize this as close to reality as possible. This is the same method that top athletes use to enhance their performance in their chosen endeavor. Your whole goal is to please this girl as much as you can, INSTEAD of concentrating on pleasing yourself. You need to be a man! Do this as long as you can. Really get into pleasure this girl like she's never been pleasured before. If you start to feel like you are going to lose it, loosen your grip and/or slow down the pace until it passes... then you can continue and start to increase or decrease the grip and/or pace, as you feel fit. If you have the self-control to do this, then you will be successful in ingraining this new behavior and continually decreasing you sensitivity to the stimulation. If you really start to feel like you have to ejaculate and slowing down or loosening the grip doesn't work enough at the time, flex your PC muscles as tight as you can. After it has passed, continue with your session and adjust the grip and/or pace of the strokes as and when you feel fit. After about 30 minutes to an hour of pleasing this simulated/imagined girl, you can choose to ejaculate while changing your state of mind back to the effect state (start thinking about your pleasure). BUT, only after 30-60 minutes of really rocking this girl's world! This is a bonus when you change back into the effect state; you are training yourself to cum on your own cue! Just a couple of tips: When you’re adjusting your stroking pace during the drill, be sure that you are fitting it with the fantasy. So, if you are slowing down the pace, imagine that you are slowing down the pace of the penetrations of the visualized girl. It's also important to fantasize about different sexual positions and to actually penetrate your hand by using hip action during the positions that you are doing the actual fucking, such as the missionary position. Although, if you are fantasizing about a girl on top and riding/fucking you, or giving you a blowjob or hand job, then you don't have to worry about using the hip movement tip (maybe a little). This is because you would use very little, if any at all, during the actual thing. Also, it's important to remember to add all senses into the fantasy, like kinesthetic and auditory and not just the visualization. Actually imagine and feel her legs wrapped around you... feel her breasts brushing against you...hear her moans of ecstasy...look down and see the penetrative action... make the fantasy as real as possible! The more you perform this drill, the more you will notice that you can use more stimulation (i.e. tightness and/or pace) without slipping up. Eventually you will get to the point where you are a master of your own dick and you will have complete control of your orgasms. You will be able to last as long as you choose and you will have the ability to cum whenever you choose! This is not the "start and stop drill" (edging). It's best to just slow down the pace and/or loosen the grip... and then continues varying the grip/pace as you feel fit. If you are still having a hard time keeping yourself from ejaculating, then start off the session from the beginning with less grip and pace and build up as you feel fit. Also, do not go all the way to the "edge" of ejaculation before you decide to decrease your pace/grip. You should start decreasing the stimulation (pace/grip) when you are about 5-10 (more or less) strokes from ejaculation. The reason is that you don't want to train your unconscious mind to develop the behavior of reaching the "edge", where the next logical step is for you to ejaculate. 28

Frank Method I find out that my ability to reach a high number of orgasms without ejaculation depends on the intensity of the stimulation. The tighter the vaginas mucous tissue fit, the longer the coitus and the higher my orgasmic count until the final ejaculation. Another significant influence seems to be the amount of vaginal lubrication presents inside the vagina - the more, the shorter the coitus. I suspect a reduced receptivity due to hypersensitivity. Ask yourself: what does that guy do to make "it" happen. I simply turn off the feeling of physical stimulation in my head. What is left is a sensation I would describe as similar to "shaking of hands". Physical Priming for Ejaculation • The testicles are elevated to the pelvic region - the basic requirement for any ejaculation to take place • The first muscular contractions of the seminal ducts set in • The semen is discharged from the testes through the seminal ducts into the Bulba by muscular spasms • Prostate and other glands secrete their fluids, which is added to the semen in the Bulba Onset of Orgasm •

The psychological orgasm sets in simultaneously (the sexual orgasm resides solely within the brain).

Onset of Ejaculation • Approximately two seconds after the onset of the psychic orgasm, unless an ejaculation control technique is employed, the physiological ejaculation sets in • Pulse and blood pressure are significantly raised • The urethral sphincter contracts to prevent a retrograde ejaculation (spilling of the semen into the bladder), which would cause a mixing of urine and ejaculatory fluid. • The anal sphincter contracts • The pelvic muscles begin to contract in a precisely 0.8 second rhythm, leading to the secretions from the prostate being mixed with the semen • The penis begins to convulse in a precisely 0.8 second rhythm. The muscular contractions lead to the expulsion of the ejaculatory fluid • The expulsion of the seminal fluid is caused by muscle contractions in the urethra and prostrate Refractory Period • Normally (not always and not with every man) the glans penis becomes hypersensitive following the ejaculation, making it impossible for (most) men to continue coital stimulation • Shortly after the ejaculation vaso-congestion ends and the blood in penis and pelvis begins to flow back into the bloodstream, leading to the loss of the erection • The testicles descend back to their normal position • Pulse and blood pressure are reduced to their normal levels • Sexual arousal dwindles and make way for feelings of relaxedness and tiredness Having familiarized yourself with the "technical background", the next section will discuss the undisputed advantages to be gained for you and your partner. The first section covers the importance of breathing.


1. Sit on a chair with your back straight and your feet touching the floor about shoulder width apart. 2. Place your hands over your navel and relax your shoulders. 3. Inhale though your nose and feel your lower abdomen expand at the navel area so that it bulges outward. Your diaphragm will also descend. 4. Keeping your chest relaxed, exhale with some force to pull the lower abdomen back in, as if you were pulling your navel back toward your spine. Feel your penis and testicles pull up. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. Next you are supposed to learn how to concentrate: 1. Slowly inhale and exhale. Count each complete inhalation and exhalation as one breath. 2. Continue breathing from the belly and counting from one to one hundred, thinking only about your breathing 3. If you notice that your mind has strayed, start again. 4. Practice this exercise twice a day until you can count to one hundred with ease. The PC muscle is responsible for the rhythmic contractions during intercourse. The stronger the PC muscle the stronger the orgasm. 1. When you are about to urinate, stand on your toes and the balls of your feet. 2. Inhale deeply. 3. Exhale slowly; forcefully push out the urine while pulling up on your perineum and clenching your teeth. 4. Inhale and contract your PC muscle to stop the flow of urine midstream. 5. Exhale and start urinating again. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 three to six times or until you have finished urinating. Now you must strengthen the PC muscle: 1. Inhale and concentrate on your prostate, perineum, and anus 2. As you exhale, contract your PC muscle around your prostate and around your anus while at the same time contracting the muscles around your eyes and mouth 3. Inhale and relax, releasing your PC, eye, and mouth muscles 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, contracting your muscles as you exhale and releasing them as you inhale, nine to thirty-six times Since you have done all the exercising now you should enjoy the results. Here is the exercise to perform during masturbation. 1. Start by lubricating your penis. Oil is prefer to lotion, which dries up more quickly 2. Pleasure yourself whichever ways you like, remembering to massage and stimulate your entire penis, your scrotum, and you perineum, including the Million-Dollar Point. Continue to breathe deeply and regularly. 3. Try to notice your increasing levels of arousal: notice the tingling at the root of your penis, notice the stages of erection, and notice your heartbeat rise 4. When you are getting near ejaculation, stop and rest, breathe in deeply and hold the breath for a second or two. Try to notice the contraction of your PC muscle and anus that occurs at contractile-phase orgasm. It will take some time to experience this without ejaculating. You can also try to squeeze your PC muscle around your prostate if the prostate starts contracting and you are afraid you might fall over the edge. 5. After you have regained control, you can start again as many times as you like and continue for as long as you like


Introduction to the Key Sound MMO Technique I first started trying to become multi-orgasmic when I was 18. I didn't accomplish my goal until I was 26. It was a long, hard road to find my own personal satisfaction. But I DID find it. And I believe you can too. I know you probably feel like you've "tried everything and nothing works," right? Well, I know what you mean. I've been there. I bought all the books and videos of Mantak Chia, Margo Anand, Keesling, etc. None of them worked for me, and they are collecting dust on my bookshelf as we speak. Allow me to explain a couple very important reasons why those techniques rarely work: First and foremost, nearly all MMO techniques, whether they are based on science or ancient traditions like Tantra, are almost exclusively focused on the differences between men and women. They tend to treat men in a very limited, mechanical way, while women get all goodies! How many Tantra sites have you been to that have products for men with words like "control," "power," and "potency" in the titles? While products for women have words like "freeing the female orgasm," "expanding your pleasure," "The Super-O," etc, etc? This is a fatal flaw when approaching a subject like pleasure. We, as men and women, are NOT simply the sum of our "parts." We have minds and hearts, and more importantly, we have brains! After all, whether you are male or female, young or old, orgasm occurs in your brain, NOT in your genitals. The trick is in learning the best ways to make use of that fact. The best ways is to encourage your brain to trigger orgasmic pleasure without sending signals to your genitals for ejaculation. What's the best way to do that? Simple - arousal. And by arousal, I mean the experience of pleasure, the feeling of being turned on, not just the physiological event of erection. Any truly accomplished MMO practitioner will tell you, when you are experiencing extremely high level of arousal for extended periods of time, your body, and more specifically, your brain, will trigger orgasms automatically and repeatedly as long as you remain highly aroused. Why does your wife experience those "back-gasms? Not because she's female, but because she is in a high state of arousal. And guess what? You can be too! So why do men rarely achieve this level of arousal? Well you said it yourself, because they tend to hold back. They think they have to hold back. But that's the real myth of male sexuality! And unfortunately, that myth has been perpetuated by virtually everyone from Tantra guru's who teach PC control as *the* way to last longer, to the typical guy on the street who "thinks about batting averages" to avoid being present during the act of sex. But again, this only serves to avoid becoming fully aroused. So they may last longer, but they feel less. Now here's the cool part. There's a way to "have your cake and eat it too." You CAN last as long as you want AND be fully present, fully aroused, and indeed fully orgasmic throughout your sexual encounters without ANY need to hold back, distract yourself or squeeze certain muscles at just the right time. You, and just about any man, can learn how to truly LET GO and fully enjoy all the pleasure (and orgasms) you want, without EVER even approaching your Point of No Return. How is this possible? It's called KSMO or Key Sound Multiple Orgasm. It's one of only a handful of MMO techniques that don't rely on ejaculation control, but instead on learning how to relax into pleasure, enjoy it fully, and increase your level of arousal to incredibly high levels. The trick is not in trying to "control" your ejaculation, which to me is like trying to control a tiger with a whip and a chair! LOL! Instead you learn how to control your stimulation while you continue to become more and more aroused. 31

Ejaculation is triggered purely by physical stimulation, not arousal, and not pleasures either. When you learn how to become fully and deeply aroused with just a little bit of stimulation, you can feel pleasure to an extent that is truly orgasmic (not "mini orgasms," I'm talking about REAL ORGASMS, even more pleasurable over more of your body and far longer lasting than ejaculations) without sending signals to your body that it's time to prepare for ejaculation. That way, you're not fighting your own body anymore. And better yet, once you're able to relax into this kind of pleasure, the urge to ejaculate simply fades away unless you decide you want to, in which case all you have to do is stop using the technique and nature will take its course! With KSMO, you're not "holding back" because nothing is trying to "get out." You're simply enhancing your ability to feel intense pleasure without encouraging your body to "start building" towards ejaculation. That way you're not limiting your experience of pleasure. And when you no longer have a limit on how much pleasure you allow yourself to feel, your brain will eventually trigger waves of orgasmic pleasure for you. The result is a complete and total sexual freedom. You are able to enjoy all the pleasure and orgasms you want without having to "do" anything to "make it happen." It simply happens for you. You don't have to worry about "going over the edge" or feeling "too good" because as long as you follow the technique properly, you won't be doing the things that lead to ejaculation. Using this technique, you simply bypass the urge to ejaculate all together! That means no matter how good your partner feels, or how stimulated you feel, you can completely let go into the experience and FEEL everything without hesitation or worrying about "control." Well, now as if you weren't already thinking this is too good to be true, check this out: Your ability to enjoy orgasmic pleasure is NOT dependent upon your age! Again, the thing to remember is that your genitals are not the source of your pleasure. Your brain decides how good you feel. If you don't believe me, ask anyone who has ever had sex on the drug Ecstasy (MDMA), how good they felt and if they thought they could feel that good without the drug. Chances are they'll say they can't imagine "regular sex" ever being as good as it was on Ecstasy. Why? Because the drug affected their brain, causing it to release far more endorhpins than usual. But the little known secret is, there is a trick to get those same results without the drugs. The trick is simply to become extremely aroused. Tantra and Taoist methods have all kinds of long, complicated meditations and exercises to help you accomplish The Key Sound uses a much simpler approach, it teaches you how to amplify and expand your arousal to incredible levels, regardless of your age or gender! I actually know guys in their 70's and 80's with NO prior experience with MMO techniques, have learned KSMO successfully and become fully multi-orgasmic within just a few months! The key to true orgasmic pleasure is simple - free your brain and your body will follow. It doesn't matter how much "juice" you've got or how far you can squirt it, it doesn't matter how strong your PC muscles are, your brain decides how good you will feel from moment to moment. Again, the key to making your brain make you feel good is arousal.

The Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ Sometimes people have asked: “Will I always need to use the Key Sound whenever I make love or even as I practice solo?” The answer: • Not at all! You won’t need to use the Key Sound during lovemaking if you don’t want to. The primary purpose of the Key Sound is to help you learn how to amplify erotic arousal. • Once you have awakened this multi-orgasmic ability, you have it for life... with or without continuing to use the Key Sound. 32

Although in the beginning the Key Sound may seem unusual to you, as you discover through correct practice how effective it is in amplifying your arousal without requiring more and more stimulation to do so, there’s a good chance that you may choose to continue its use, at from time to time.

NEITHER erection NOR ejaculation (nor even having to block ejaculation at the last moment) is required for you to enjoy all of the orgasms you want. •

As you continue your correct practice of the Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™, and you get all of the help you need from reading – and posting to -- the Discussion Forum and Live Chats, you will tend to enjoy stronger and stronger surges of pleasure. And perhaps a little sooner than you might expect, you will begin to understand that it really is possible for you to enjoy feelings of multi-orgasmic intensity, with or without erection, and without ejaculation - unless and until you choose it. Not only that, but when you learn to use this Protocol successfully to enjoy multiple orgasms, there will typically be no sensation whatsoever of a Point of No Return or threat of premature- or unwanted ejaculation. And you will have a clear option to enjoy all of the multiple orgasms you want, without the feelings of tiredness, emptiness, or sleepiness that so often follows ejaculation!

If you are a woman learning to amplify erotic arousal by using the Key Sound in combination with relaxation, and very little stimulation: • •

Your practice will help you learn to enjoy orgasms if you never have before. If you do already experience orgasm, this practice will help you eliminate the feelings of straining or “reaching” for orgasms, while instead helping you to enjoy orgasms with much less effort and of notably greater intensity throughout your whole body. Regardless of your gender, here are some IMPORTANT additional tips to keep in mind...

Paradoxically, trying to rush through the practice or trying to “make” yourself have these new kinds of orgasms will only delay your progress. The fastest way to enjoy the most benefits is to slow down so that your body and emotions may have a little “breathing room” to adjust and open further to the spontaneous and unprecedented sensations that you are beginning to feel. Consequently, experience has shown that you are likely to enjoy the best results the soonest by limiting your practice sessions to a maximum of 20 minutes per day, with at least one or two days off between each practice session. After just a few practice sessions done correctly, it is very possible that you will find yourself feeling spontaneous, pleasurable effects... even on these days between practice sessions. Likewise, if you are male, for maximum benefit I recommend that you do not ejaculate on the same day that you practice this Protocol. Wait at least until the next day. Otherwise, you may never learn to separate orgasm from ejaculation without feeling dependent on a muscle-squeeze- or similar last-moments-before-ejaculation technique. Regardless of your gender, if after practice you are feeling built-up energy that you want to relieve, instead of resorting to the customary habit of increasing stimulation to a continuous, even vigorous pattern, just resume practice of the Protocol beyond the 20 minute limit for a short time. Use additional relaxing breaths with no stimulation... and most importantly, learn to release that pent-up energy through the Key Sound.

Making the conscious decision to redirect this pent-up arousal through the Key Sound instead of through more stimulation or ejaculation will be a major turning point in improving the results of your practice. 33

If you persist in ejaculating within 12 hours after your practice, you will likely delay accessing the non-ejaculatory multi-orgasmic benefits of this practice. However, if you accidentally ejaculate during your practice, that is not a “failure.” Just review this step-by-step Protocol and pay particular attention to using one to three touches or caresses of an erotic area before pausing the caressing activity. Then use a relaxed and deep husky Key Sound as I’ve demonstrated, followed by two to four relaxing breaths, and repeating. Before beginning, it’s a good idea to have a glass of drinking water within reach, as you practice the Key Sound, breathing, and relaxation.

Here are the 7 simple steps of The Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ Step 1: Get into a private, quiet place, preferably not just before bed, but earlier in the day when you have more energy available. Contrary to the sleepiness and low energy that is so typical for men after an orgasm accompanied by ejaculation (the “refractory period”), these waves of orgasmic pleasure tend to leave you energized, since with this practice the orgasms are not accompanied by ejaculation. This is another very good reason for not waiting until just before you sleep to begin practicing the Protocol. Step 2: I recommend that you begin by lying on your back or on your side, but in either case with your knees bent and relaxed. The more you allow yourself to relax, the stronger the results will be. The equation is straightforward: The more you relax, the more you will feel. Behaviors that frequently trigger the ejaculation reflex in men AND the so called “clitoral orgasm” reflex in women (i.e. a woman’s sensation of orgasmic release felt mostly in the genital area) often include a relatively great deal of muscle tension... especially in the legs and abdomen, as well as some degree of shallow rapid breathing, alternating with breath holding just prior to any orgasmic release. Therefore all during this practice, continue to breathe fully and slowly. Step 2b: After you have practiced slow, relaxing breathing for a while... and you are noticing yourself slowing down and becoming more comfortable and relaxed, you may begin practicing the Key Sound... but for now without any stimulation at all... Just practice the gentle, correctlyarticulated Key Sound as I demonstrate in my audio seminars, followed by two to four slow, relaxing breaths. You need to use these slow, relaxed, deep breaths to help your muscles stay really relaxed, even as arousal increases to multi-orgasmic levels. Throughout this practice, and especially at the highest levels of arousal, the goal is: Relax as much as possible. SPECIAL TIP: Lay whichever hand you will not be using for stimulation on your chest. When you are articulating the Key Sound correctly, with a very relaxed throat, and a deep, husky sound, you will feel your chest vibrating. Note: If you are correctly articulating the Key Sound, perhaps a little before you consciously realize it, you are likely to start noticing at least very subtle automatic tingles, “goose-bumps,” etc., and even rocking of your pelvis, undulations of your whole body, etc. These automatic sensations that begin occurring in response to your practice of the Protocol are in effect 34

spontaneous “echoes” of your use of the Key Sound and relaxed breathing. That is why I refer to them as “the Echo Effects™.” When you begin noticing any automatic responses, no matter how faint or subtle, that is a signal that your body is beginning to awaken to its true multi-orgasmic potential. It is a sign that you are beginning to acquire this new, lifelong skill. Step 3: After practicing Step 2b for a while, and without hurrying, introduce a single erotic touch or caress, just before each Key Sound. Note: At no time does this 20-minute practice session include shifting to continuous stimulation. However... I am not saying that continuous stimulation should always be avoided during sexual activity, only when you are actually practicing the Protocol. For men in most cases however, shifting to continuous stimulation during sexual activity may tend to lead to ejaculation, and that of course is your choice. I am simply inviting you to use this 20-minute Protocol practice session with at least one day off between each session, to learn that you do not have to rely on continuous stimulation to increase arousal or to enjoy full-body multiple orgasms, regardless of your gender. In fact, you are now learning how to increase erotic arousal even more by using less stimulation, when combined with the Key Sound and relaxing breathing. And with correct practice of the Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ over time, you will learn to enjoy multiple orgasms of unprecedented intensity by doing so! Step 4: As soon as you have used a single erotic touch or caress, PAUSE the stimulation (i.e. the erotic touch or caress), without breaking contact. I am saying that a single touch or caress in an erotically sensitive area of your body is all that is necessary to begin gradually building full-body erotic arousal... eventually, all the way to multiple orgasms that will continue for as long as you want... even for hours! Please note carefully that I am NOT saying to men: “Stimulate until you get an erection,” nor am I saying to men and women: “Stimulate until you start feeling turned on, or ‘really’ turned on.” At this early stage of learning, if you are using more than a single touch or caress, you are off Protocol. I realize that this idea may seem very unusual and quite difficult to believe, but when you follow the Protocol precisely, including correct articulation of the Key Sound as I demonstrate, you will discover why this is so important. Caution: If during these 20-minute practice sessions you switch to continuous or vigorous stimulation: For men, the “Point of No Return” and the rest of the ejaculation reflex will most likely tend to be triggered. ...and you may feel that you have to switch to ejaculation-reflex blocking techniques such as pubococcygeal muscle-tensing, breath holding, or various other distracting strategies to try to keep yourself “just this side” of the ejaculatory Point of No Return... You may well be aware that it is after this feeling of an ejaculatory “Point of No Return” that ejaculation, being a reflex, becomes inevitable. 35

Instead, when you learn to use the Multiple Orgasm Trigger successfully, you will enjoy multiple orgasms, with no ejaculatory “Point of No Return.” This is true since by using very little stimulation, you will have learned to trigger orgasms without having to use continuous stimulation. Thereby you will have avoided behaviors that inevitably tend to engage the ejaculation reflex, including the “Point of No Return.” With this practice, there is no “Point of No Return” before orgasm for you to have to worry about or prevent! For men and women: Using continuous stimulation tends to restrict your orgasmic sensations more or less to the genital area, or a little beyond, often leaving you with a feeling of: “There could be (or should be) more,” and you are correct... using the Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ there is more... lots more! By dramatic contrast to believing that you must at some point always shift to continuous stimulation to experience orgasm, one of the primary benefits of my discovery of the Key Sound™ and my development of the Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ is that you now have the opportunity to build arousal throughout your body. And you will learn to build it to multi-orgasmic intensity, but without ever having to switch to continuous- or vigorous stimulation to do so! Tip: To confirm this, or when in doubt, please go to the Success Stories and Congratulations Conference in the Discussion Forum, and read the posts by people who are already enjoying unprecedented results when they practice the Protocol as I am teaching you. Just follow the link to the Discussion Forum I provided to you in the detailed email I sent you when you purchased Male Multiple Orgasm Step-by-Step. And please take full advantage of the live coaching chats I offer online, as well as the assistance available to you when you post your own questions to the Forum. Step 5: With the stimulation still on pause, use a gentle, unforced, relaxed Key Sound (that I demonstrated for you in my audio seminars) as you allow yourself to exhale naturally. Please remember: The function of the Key Sound is to amplify the initially-subtle arousal experienced automatically in response to your single touch or caress of an erotically sensitive area. Please do not try to rush the process or try to force yourself to have an orgasm by using an artificially loud or extended Key Sound or breathing pattern, by using more stimulation, or using other attempts to hurry things up. That behavior will only tend to delay your learning how less stimulation, when properly combined with relaxing breathing and the Key Sound, will tend to lead to notably higher arousal, and significantly more enjoyable multiple orgasms. Key Sound Tips: It is a very common TRAP to pronounce the Key Sound as “haaaaAAAHHH” or even “hehEHHHHH...” but these are NOT CORRECT. Note that these sounds are clearly only occurring in your throat, with fairly tight vocal chords, as is “ehhhh,” “aieeee,” or “ohhh” and the like. The Key Sound is a very specific discovery with notably different effects than other typical erotic sounds. 36

The correct articulation of the Key Sound is based on a deep, husky sound that is done with a very relaxed throat, as I’ve demonstrated in the audio training seminars. Please remember my earlier suggestion about placing your hand (i.e., the one you are not using for stimulation) on your chest; when you make the Key Sound correctly, you will feel your chest vibrating from the deeper tone you are making. Step 6: With the stimulation STILL on PAUSE, allow yourself a few relaxing breaths, while tuning in to and enjoying the automatic pleasure responses (i.e., “The Echo Effects”). “A few relaxing breaths” equals approximately 2 to 4... but don’t count the breaths, because that is a distraction that can take your attention away from how you are feeling. During these few relaxing breaths, notice any automatic responses, e.g., tingles, “goose bumps,” squirming, pelvic rocking, undulation of your whole body, and spontaneous sounds... as well as any trembling, shaking, etc., in your arms, legs, or other areas of your body. Very Important Tip: The spontaneous appearance and -- over a number of practice sessions -the sometimes gradual and at other times sudden increase in intensity of the automatic Echo Effects are your body’s signal to you that you are practicing the Multiple Orgasm Trigger Protocol™ correctly. Pausing the stimulation and using a few relaxed breaths literally gives you much greater “breathing room” to feel at first subtle, then eventually full-body, high-intensity arousal. Reminder: Instead of trying to increase arousal by resorting to the old habit of using more stimulation, it is when you learn to combine this new pattern of minimal stimulation, slow relaxing breathing, and correctly-articulated Key Sounds, that you will learn to amplify your arousal. Making this fundamental change in your previous methods of increasing arousal will serve as your pivotal transition to full body, multi-orgasmic enjoyment. Step 7: Repeat the Protocol, beginning with Step 3. Continue practicing Steps 3 through 7 for no more than 20 minutes per practice session, with at least one or two days off between practice sessions. Over some number of practice sessions, which varies from person to person, your body will allow you to experience higher and more full-body states of erotic arousal until your body and your emotions open enough to allow you to automatically trigger a series of orgasmically-intense Echo Effects that with practice will continue for as long as you desire. Key Sound utilization during the higher states of arousal •

As arousal continues to build, indicated by an increase in intensity (and often in variety) of the automatic Echo Effects, it is not uncommon to begin to experience some difficulty in maintaining the smooth “rolling quality” of the transition from the quieter first part of the Key Sound to the somewhat louder second part of the sound. At such times of greater arousal, some people have abandoned the rolling quality in the middle of the two-part Key Sound altogether. That action tends to reduce the benefits possible by correct use of the Key Sound.

It is essential to preserve the smooth rolling quality of the Key Sound, from the very beginning of practice all the way through the highest levels of arousal. 37

Adherence to this pattern automatically tends to compress the lower abdomen and triggers the spontaneous sequence that allows the Echo Effects to transition into truly orgasmic intensity. •

Every so often during the weeks and months of your practice, I recommend that you carefully listen again to my interview of Ron in the first audio seminar: Male Multiple Orgasm Step-by-Step. Ron is the first man in history (in 1993) to learn from me this breakthrough method that I have discovered. He states quite specifically that as his arousal reached higher levels, he experienced the familiar and considerable inner prompting to “switch gears,” i.e., to abandon the Protocol including correct articulation of the Key Sound. He describes his personal turning point in practice when instead of following the pattern that most men follow... of shifting to continuous stimulation, and “going for it,” that is, of suddenly striving for relief of the accumulating tension and the dissipation of the accumulating arousal through ejaculation... He made a conscious decision to stay on Protocol and continue to release or express the increasing arousal through the Key Sound.

When you learn to release the accumulating erotic tension through the Key Sound, your Key Sound will automatically tend to become louder as arousal increases, since there is more arousal energy to express.

In effect (to use the male analogy), the goal is to “ejaculate the accumulated arousal energy” by allowing (but NOT forcing) the full expression of the Key Sound. Note: This is frequently accompanied by a profound sense of surrender to the experience. How to resolve persistent tension during the higher states of erotic arousal

As the Echo Effects (i.e., the automatic body movements and sensations) increase to levels of higher intensity and vigor, there may be a tendency for certain areas of your body to tense up. Simply remove ALL stimulation from the Protocol sequence temporarily, while replacing the specifically-erotic touch with a more-generalized gentle massaging of your whole body, especially in the areas where the energy seems to be developing tension or a sense of energy blockage.

This massage should not concentrate on erotic hot spots, and should not be done to try to increase arousal... for example, by using more stimulation. Instead, it should be practiced with the intention of relaxing in order to help the increasing energy spread throughout your body, thus allowing your whole body to become more fully- and orgasmically aroused.

When the muscle tension or sense of energy congestion or blockage releases, then you may reintroduce the single-touch stimulation as described in Step 3. If the tension or blockage does not seem to resolve itself after ceasing stimulation and using the generalized light massage and relaxed breathing (without any stimulation or use of the Key Sound) to help you get the blocked energy moving again, then suspend your practice altogether for that session.

It is ESSENTIAL not to try to push through these feelings of tension by using more stimulation, a forced Key Sound, or other “try harder” techniques. Very Important Note: If you experience unusually long-lasting pleasure waves that are uncomfortable to you or emotionally troubling, and/or if you find yourself in a persistent state of 38

excitation, it is essential to cease all practice of the Protocol while the effects persist. Instead, engage in some calming activities (which many people refer to as “grounding the energy”), such as a warm (but not extremely hot) bath, soothing non-erotic massage, deep, slow, relaxed breathing with no stimulation or Key Sound, and also perhaps listening to some calming music, practicing some quiet meditation, etc. Note: If you do experience this kind of undesireable persistence of the effects, it is also very important to give yourself a minimum of a week of time off from practicing the Protocol before resuming. This temporary pausing of practice is also essential to remember as an option, once you begin to enjoy the higher states of arousal, including the more or less continuous waves of intensely pleasurable multi-orgasmic feelings. From time to time, it is not unusual for the more subtle waves to continue or resume spontaneously between sessions. In the beginning, they may even occur on the days after you have ceased practice of the Protocol. This is usually temporary and signals that your long-dormant multi-orgasmic abilities are beginning to awaken! It is essential to learn to articulate the “Key Sound” accurately, (in combination with use of the other elements of the Protocol), in order to begin triggering the pleasurable “Echo Effects” that with correct practice will evolve into pleasure waves of indisputably orgasmic intensity. If you are not articulating the Key Sound correctly, even if you are following the rest of the Protocol, you may not experience the kinds of pleasure that are truly possible, as are described in the many stories that have been posted to the Forum (including in the chat transcripts) by men and women who have learned. PLEASE keep in mind... Always take your time, and do *not* force *any* part of your practice. This is absolutely the most important concept for you to understand in learning this lifelong skill! You need to learn to ALLOW these new feelings to occur spontaneously through your correct practice of the Protocol, rather than trying to force yourself to experience orgasm. Trying to “make” yourself -- or your partner -- experience orgasm (e.g., through continuous, vigorous stimulation) does NOT work with this method. At last... there is no longer any need for men to practice last minute ejaculation control to delay ejaculation, and no longer any need for women to have to rely on “reaching” (i.e. vigorous stimulation with tension) in order to enjoy full-body multiple orgasms... regardless of gender... orgasms that tend to be intense and satisfying way beyond what you have known in the past. That is why my discovery is such a breakthrough.

The Key Sound Technique The Key Sound Technique teaches ALL genders how to intensify erotic experience. The added benefit for men is that the techniques can be used to separate orgasm from ejaculation, BUT WITHOUT ANY holding back of breath, muscle tightening, tongue curling, etc. The basic technique involves learning how to use a certain kind of breathing AND SOUND to FULLY DISCHARGE the rising erotic energy, rather than discharging this energy through the penis in the form of ejaculation. The breath involves a certain kind of pushing down motion of the abdomen upon exhaling, so that the lower belly expands or swells with the sound, as does a lion's belly when it roars. 39

The INITIAL body position for practicing this technique is lying on one's back, with KNEES BENT. This is very important for men to avoid the ejaculation, as straightening the legs frequently leads to ejaculation. The key sound is more or less "huuuuUUUHHHH!!!" with the "pushing down" motion at the "UUUHHHH" part of the sound. As one SLOWLY adds erotic stimulation as the energy rises, the art is in learning how to "dump" this energy into that “huuuuUUUUHHHH” sound, which is pretty much a roar or a growl but coming from DEEP within us, not just from the throat or upper chest. In fact if you try to make that sound very strongly but are not breathing correctly, you may strain your vocal chords! The idea is to use the Key Sound to exhale the charging breath, i.e. the larger-than-average inhale that is typically an automatic response to erotic stimulation. Even gentle erotic stimulation nearly always results in a change in breathing pattern whereby one tends to take a larger-than-average in-breath. Whenever this occurs, if you use a gentle Key Sound as you exhale that breath, it is likely to stimulate an automatic Echo Effect of tingling or some pleasurable sensation. This can be subtle at first… As you learn to continue to use the Key Sound in this way, at every 4th or 5th inhale/exhale cycle, and while gradually increasing erotic stimulation, the Echo Effect "tingles" or whatever are likely to gradually increase in intensity. As their intensity increases, they take on more and more of the characteristics of orgasm, until they become so intense that they in fact may begin feeling like very intense orgasms, often without ejaculation or consciously trying to hold back ejaculation. At this stage these Echo Effect / orgasms may actually become more intense, in fact even way more intense than the orgasm(s) typically accompanying ejaculation. Also, when ejaculation may occur along with these kinds of orgasms, the pleasure of this event tends to be way more intense than one is used to.

Practice: One 20-minute session with one or two days off in between 1. Lie on your back, with the knees bent and spread apart, relax and breath normally 2. Do ONLY enough stimulation (usually just a touch or two on an erogenous area) until you feel ANY erotic feeling (little tingle or pleasant feeling) resulting from the touch. At the very moment you feel that "good feeling" response to the stimulation (however small that little tingle may be!), you would AUTOMATICALLY take a somewhat larger than average inbreath. This is called the Charging Breath. DON'T keep stimulating until you get "enough" of a response. That is a trap. 3. PAUSE the stimulation and use the key sound to exhale the charging breath. Do not force or suppress the sound. Just ALLOW it to be as soft or as loud as necessary to exhale and express that breath. Breathe normally for the next 3 to 4 breaths. There is no magic number of breaths, just allow yourself to breathe normally without stimulation for a few breaths, while you enjoy any little Echo Effects (little AUTOMATIC tingles, goose bumps, shivers, or whatever) that tend to occur 40

right after you use the Key Sound. During this time it is ok to lightly massage your body in a general way, but don't fall into the trap of increasing actual genital or highly erogenous stimulation... not yet! 4. After a few breaths, go ahead and repeat this process. DON'T wait for the Echo Effects to fade The idea is to BUILD on the arousal manifested by those Echo Effects, by using just very small amounts of stimulation at a time (so you don't slip into the ejaculation reflex triggering process from too much stimulation). By doing this, the Echo Effects will tend to become stronger. Key Notes:


Arousal automatically changes our breathing pattern

When you experience sexual arousal, you may have noticed that as you feel the erotic energy continuing to increase, your breathing tends to transition to an increasingly rapid, shallow upper-chest breathing pattern.


Charging Breath

At some point you'll likely begin to inhale more deeply, and this usually tends to happen automatically. This larger-than-average inhale is called a charging breath; it happens because our body naturally 'wants' more oxygen as our level of arousal increases. The charging breath occurs usually at three to four breath intervals. This larger in-breath somehow helps us charge up our sexual excitation system.


Persistent upper-chest breathing

As your arousal increases, your breathing tends toward the more rapid, shallow breathing, or what is called the ‘upper chest breathing’ or panting. You would find it difficult to transition out of this breathing pattern when you are highly aroused. At the same time, you also get a very strong urge to straighten your legs and squeeze your thighs together. It is this persistent, rapid, shallow breathing pattern together with stiffened legs that lead to your ejaculation trigger. The secret is to start early to diffuse whatever tension in your chest using the Key Sound and this should be done at the early arousal state.


Use the Key Sound to exhale the charging breath

As soon as you notice your breathing pattern starting to change in response to erotic stimulation immediately start focusing on slowing your breath down and visualizing that the core of that erotic energy is moving down from your upper chest. At the same time, use the Key sound to exhale the ‘charging breath’, which occur every three to four breaths. The Key Sound Trigger breathing will help you push down the sexual energy that's been accumulating in your chest downward toward your pelvic area, and diffuse (but not dissipate) this erotic energy outward throughout your entire body. Essentially, rather than your continuing to use rapid shallow breathing or panting and then suddenly needing to interrupt the natural flow of lovemaking and worry about blocking or preventing or controlling ejaculation, you learn how to easily bypass the processes that would lead to orgasm "inevitably" accompanied by the ejaculation reflex. By correctly practicing the slower breathing and the Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger, the increasing erotic energy will intensely charge up your genital area as well as the rest of your 41

body with very pleasurable feelings, but it will tend not to concentrate in your genital area to a degree that will trigger the ejaculation reflex. You will soon discover that you will be able to experience much higher levels of arousal throughout your body, and these feelings will become so intense that they will naturally transition into wave after wave of multiple orgasms and very often without triggering the ejaculation reflex.


The Echo Effects after utterance of the Key Sound

Echo effect is the spontaneous pleasure tingles and rushes that occur in response to correct use of the Key Sound. They tend to occur during the phase when you are doing the regular relaxed breathing, just after your use of the Key Sound. Some of the more common Echoes are tingles, goose bumps, automatic movements (e.g. pelvic rocking, etc.), little rushes of pleasure, etc. When the Echo Effects start becoming so strong that you feel you "can't stand it any more" and there are all kinds of signals yelling at you to straighten your legs and "go for" ejaculation... When you learn to ignore these "go for it" signals and stay with the Key Sound in the way then you will often BYPASS the ejaculation reflex and suddenly, you "tip over" into full-blast moreintense-than-you-may-ever-have-felt-in-your-life orgasms, without ejaculation! You may also feel those upward rushes of orgasmic energy well before the full-on wave after wave after wave of orgasms like you've never felt before.

When to make the Key Sound? One of the keys is timing. There should be little delay between the experience of the erotic charge and making the KS. The KS is supposed to be in response to the erotic charge and if you wait too long, the wave of that pleasure has already passed you by and you didn't catch it with the KS. When you feel that small erotic charge from your brush with organ, you might notice a breath, even a very small one that you take in response to that charge. You have an intake of air, and then a natural exhale of air. On this exhale is when you want to make the KS. There should not be a real long pause between the charge of feeling produced by whatever stimulation you use and the KS. After you do the Key Sound, allow about 3 UNFORCED regular, deep, relaxing breaths... which LITERALLY gives your system "breathing room" for the Echoes to develop, THEN after about 3 breaths like that with no stimulation, do another SINGLE touch or caress of a pleasant feeling area, and then pause the stimulation and immediately to an unhurried, deep, husky, relaxed Key Sound followed again by about 3 breaths as I described, then repeat. That's how we allow the Echo Effects to build. Generally, during practice, we should let the energy flow in the ways it wants to flow, rather than BLOCKING. The idea is to channel that energy through further relaxed breathing AND the Key Sound. Instead of allowing your body to do what it wants, that is, the urge to switch to continuous stimulation and finish with ejaculation, channel the energy that is building up through the Key Sound. Relaxing that feeling, actually relaxation IS part of the strategy, in that as you are feeling that urge to press down, take a nice relaxed breath and then use a Key Sound, with the intention of allowing the energy to flow out through the Key Sound (which may tend to allow the Key Sound to become louder). No more worry about dealing with the 'Point of No Return'


Since this pattern becomes automatic after some practice, you don't have to be thinking about how your stomach is moving, etc., or if you're getting "too close" to the 'Point of No Return'... when in the past you'd have to suddenly break the lovemaking spell and hold very still, and maybe ask your partner to hold very still, while you employ some unnatural, often very uncomfortable ejaculation-controlling method. If ejaculation is intended, then using the Multiple Orgasm Trigger will make ejaculation much more pleasurable than you've ever experienced.

How to pronounce the Key Sound! The Key sound is Hall…ORRRRRR… (Sounds are made as low, slow, and relaxed as possible) belly undulates; ideally the lower belly moves out a bit. Also, it forces one to have a long, controlled strong exhale which is quite helpful in itself. The key sound is drawn out over 4-5 seconds. The goal is to be relaxed, especially the throat should be relaxed and the sound, for me is more effective when it is low (even guttural) and sensual –as low as you can comfortably make it. It tends to start off more gentle, just expressing whatever energy has built up in that larger-thanaverage in-breath in automatic response to gentle erotic stimulation. As one gradually increases stimulation and thus erotic arousal tends to increase, the automatic larger-than-average Inhale also tends to increase in intensity, thus when one makes the Key Sound to exhale this charged breath, the sound automatically tends to be more forceful. When the Key Sound is made in an effective way, there is often a sensation of "ah, that's more like it! That's it!" and if you start getting ahead of your erotic self in the process, this feeling of resonance may fade... The goal or meditative focus is to time the Key Sounds in such a way that those feelings of resonance persist and gradually become stronger. The consistent guide is the feeling of resonance when you make the Key Sound correctly, have timed it on the exhale of a larger-than-average inhale, and you let the sound out. One way to know when you are making the Key Sound properly is to feel for subtle vibrations by placing one hand flat against your chest as you practice the sound. With a relaxed throat, the sound will create subtle vibrations in your chest or even as low as your abdomen. When the Key Sound is made with a tight throat, the vibrations will only occur in your throat and no lower. Humming a low-pitch tune for a few minutes before practicing is a great way to relax the throat and enhance one's Key Sounds. There is no need to control your breathing during this practice. Attempting to deliberately inhale or exhale completely is likely to cause tension and be counter-productive to your practice. When the Key Sound is made properly, it tends to induce deep, relaxed abdominal breathing naturally without the need to consciously control it. As long as your breathing is not rapid, shallow, or centered high in your chest, it should be fine. 43

As for the pitch, I have also come to realize that there is no real change but higher intensity. It is as if you were pushing the sound from behind horizontally (not vertically, that would provoke a higher note and therefore a tense pharynx). It seems to me that the rolling quality is maintained throughout the whole sound emission. I feel that the first part of the Key Sound is a fairly static, base tone until the "roll," occurs. But I certainly agree that the roll continues into and finishes with, the second part of the sound. The actual pitch isn't that important. What IS important is that you get the "roll" of your Key Sound. That means that you have a distinct change in pitch from the first part of your KS into the second part. Your total Key Sound should sort of dip and rise in pitch smoothly from the first part to the second. That "roll" effect will help your abdominal muscles and your breathing adjust to allow your erotic energy spread out more and enable you to experience MMO. It is best for you to use your own comfortable pitch levels for your Key Sound. However, it may help to try to use as low a pitch as is comfortably possible for the first part of your KS. Many people have reported that making as low a pitch as they can for the first part of their KS seems to add to the erotic/orgasmic quality of their MMO/echo effects. You may also find that your pitch will change as your level of arousal does. My pitch on the second part of the KS often goes much higher as my excitement does. Another important part of making a good KS is to use a "sexy" or "erotic" quality in your voice to help you express those feelings more fully with the sound. Something I have realized also is that if you emit the KS as a rolling continuum without any forced or artificial change in pitch, and keep it low in the belly, it will be easy to give it a sensuous quality. In fact, the KS is sensuous by itself. I feel now that it isn't really necessary to make it sound erotic; it is profoundly erotic per se! What you need to do is to become aware of it and accept it. As for the roaring, personally I would say the second part of the sound feels more akin to a roar than the first. It's the most "expressive," part of the sound in my opinion. Can the key sound be done silently? This is where many people get stuck, and to me it shows right where a definite core to our internalized sexual oppression lies! This is also the path to liberation and revolutionary change! The tantrics have talked about this power. The sound brings up all kinds of furballs: shame, embarrassment, performance anxiety... all sorts of "fu dogs." I don't believe it's very easy at all to learn how to do this without using the sound. Once it has been learned, the sound CAN be muffled somewhat or redirected into a more "breathy" sound at times, but I also notice that that definitely changes the ability to experience the energy more fully.

Another description of the practice Give yourself an hour to two hour period, when you will not be disturbed. Lie on your back and bring your legs up towards you, get comfortable and make sure your neck is supported. Cross your arms over your chest so that opposite first or middle fingers can easily circle each respective nipple and breathe from your belly slowly. Throughout this session ensure your neck and shoulders are relaxed, check them regularly. As you breathe in notice how your body tenses/stresses up and as you breathe out it relaxes - your concentration should remain with this cycle, try to ignore sexual thoughts or fantasies, just maintain awareness on the sensations throughout your body. 44

As you continue to circle your nipples imagine a flow of energy down to your prostate. When the nipples start to feel a bit over stimulated move on to massage your balls, at this stage leave your cock to do what it wants without stimulation. Take a ball between your thumb and fingers and firmly roll it between them, swap balls as it feels natural. As you are massaging your balls, begin to introduce the following breathing pattern. Every third of fourth breath on exhale, push the last stage of the exhale into your lower abdomen and relax into the melting sensation, as you get used to this you will begin to feel energy flowing down your legs hitting your feet and being reflected back up your legs to your prostate. Again as you get used to pushing down and out, try and release your ass muscles too - really let go, complete surrender. Also allow a natural low roar to develop as you exhale though your mouth say hhaaaa and then as you reach the end of the exhale push down into the abdomen with aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh (a long sigh and hold the exhale out for awhile). So your exhale on every third or fourth breath is an extended “ha-aaah”. Otherwise breathe regular through your nose between these special exhales. After you have got the hang of this you should find you have a fairly hard erection. Begin to stimulate your cock by rubbing it at the base with thumb on top and fingers on bottom, at this stage try to concentrate less on the feeling in your cock and instead on your breathing, maintaining relaxed shoulders and neck. Ejaculation is only going to happen when you tense up and begin to hold your breath in your chest, so this is what you are aiming to avoid and the third or fourth breath exhale is your release mechanism to relax out of this inevitability. Also clear your mind and if your want to think anything, just remember ejaculation is the end of pleasure and not the goal of it! The more you practice this you will find that the prostate will flinch slightly, but you can relax out of the hair trigger point when ejaculation sets in. When you succeed in getting the prostate to flutter but not go over into ejaculation, your erection will become extremely hard and you will begin the stage of profound arousal when slowly rubbing your glans will send amazing waves of energy across your whole body. At this stage you will begin to understand how you can experience multiple orgasms without ejaculation. KSMO basically has a cycle here that builds up this energy and creates a type of feedback loop as it does. The cycle is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Stimulation, just enough to get some charge of arousal Express the KS in response to that arousal from stimulation Pause stimulation (2 & 3 basically happen together) Breath normally, from the stomach works best, to relax Focus on the feelings of the body to experience the echoes. After about 3-5 breaths, go back to step 1.

You are not really trying to fan the echo effects themselves with the KS, rather, they are what you want to sit back and enjoy, especially as they get stronger and stronger. The KS "fans" the arousal from the little stimulation that you do which causes the echoes to come back in response to that. Now, sometimes I've discovered when I've waited even more than a few breaths that I would have a renewal of echo affects somewhere around 7-9 breaths (I'm not really counting, this is just an estimate). After the 3-5 breaths, if you are still getting echo affects it is possible to do a KS off of one of them. However, what happens if you do a KS too early is it interferes with whatever echoes you might be getting, and prevents your body from having the time it needs to experience and incorporate these new feelings. It is that time which helps your body lead you to bigger and bigger echoes until they are as orgasmic as regular orgasms. 45

Some also find that they begin to get dizzy if they repeat the KS too early because of lack of air. That moment right after the KS when you simply relax and take some good relaxing breaths is important to helping your body find this new path. So, don't rush it. When you have done about 3-5 breaths, then use a little more stimulation to get another erotic charge and that is what you fan with another KS. By way of analogy, this is sort of like trying to start a fire. When you get some glowing embers, it can help to gently blow on them to help it burst into flame. However, if you blow too constantly, like putting a fan on the embers, the lack of oxygen because of the fast moving air will keep the embers from starting the fire. Doing the KS too quickly is sort of like that. It is like you are "blowing" so frequently that the echoes never get the oxygen they need to really get going into a fuller orgasm. If you don't do it enough, the embers will die out. Jack's experience as well as many of us is that somewhere around 3-5 breaths is about right to not be too frequently or too little. Now, this will vary with some people. There are always exceptions, but there is no reason to assume one is that exception unless after a few months of trying and everything else is in place properly, there has been no progress.

Message The Key Sound doesn't quite discharge arousal/erotic energy, it amplifies and expands it. But this only works when done correctly with proper timing. So you're not really dumping your energy into the sound, more like RELEASING it. It's not like you're trying to draw energy away from the genitals, but more allowing that pleasure to flow over more of your body as your arousal increases. So, the eventual result is multiple, full-body orgasms, rather than just genitally focused ones. A little more on how this works from a medical point of view: Your amygdalae (two organs within the brain) respond to the emotions you express through voice. When you make frightened, angry, or otherwise negative noises, your amygdalae will tend to, "click back," in other words, your brain goes into "reptilian mode," i.e. "fight or flight." This is obviously NOT a good state of mind to be in during sex. However, when you make pleasurable noises, i.e. moans, groans, or KEY SOUNDS, your amygdalae "click forward," making more use of your frontal lobes which engages more of your neural pathways. In other words, your brain is more INVOLVED in the pleasure you are experiencing. So the experience is heightened considerably. Another wonderful side-effect of this "forward clicking," is that because your amygdalae are in such close proximity to your septal regions (areas of the brain responsible for triggering orgasmic sensations), when your amygdalae are stimulated, so are your septal regions. So, in simple terms, using your voice to express pleasure, encourages your brain to trigger orgasms, REGARDLESS of what your genitals are doing at the time. The problem is, most of us guys tend to, "bottle," everything up inside until we can't hold back anymore, and then MAYBE we moan a little AS we ejaculate, which will enhance that ONE orgasm. But that's SOCIAL CONDITIONING. From the brain's point of view, that's backwards. The idea is to allow yourself the opportunity to express and amplify your arousal from the very beginning of stimulation to the end of your encounter, so that the arousal reaches a point where it triggers the multi-orgasmic reflex long before you ever reach your Point of No Return. 46

I don't think just "any old noise" will produce the same results as the Key Sound. It's difficult to explain why and trying to learn it from text is basically impossible. It really is something you have to HEAR, imitate, and FEEL, to understand fully. Also, there's no abdominal "pushing" or "crunching" in KSMO Protocol. You don't use any muscle control of any kind to "make it happen." Instead, you just focus on making the SOUND correctly and following the other steps of the Protocol (gradual stimulation, relaxation, breathing from the belly, etc.) The cool thing about the Key Sound is when the SOUND is made properly, your body responds automatically, with the proper breathing, movements, etc. So your belly may expand or your abs may crunch reflexively. It all varies from moment to moment. But the sound is definitely the Key to creating these effects. It is the way it's made that causes those physical responses that help lead you towards multiple orgasms.

Resonance Learn how to make the Key Sound with NO erotic stimulation. Practice this until it really does begin to "resonate", i.e. until you tend to say "yeah, THAT'S more like it!" Of course, you should still be using 3 or 4 REGULAR breaths between each time you use the Key Sound. ONLY AFTER you get the Key Sound "grooved in" in this way, with NO stimulations, then begin to add some stimulations and CONTINUE to use the Key Sound. The CRITICAL focal point is on how resonant that Key Sound is feeling. If it starts to feel not so resonant then back off on the stimulation ONLY ENOUGH to where the Key Sound once again DOES feel resonant. That's you're "boundary" more or less. The goal then is to GENTLY move that boundary to higher levels of arousal. AS SOON as the Key Sound is not resonating back off a little until it does! THE FOCUS of the meditation is not how aroused you are but rather, THE RESONANCE OF THE KEY SOUND. The PIVOTAL goal is to keep that sound resonant as you increase the stimulation, backing off only as needed to maintain the resonance or to recapture it. Sometimes people say "well I'm in to using this OTHER sound instead of the Key Sound." etc. fine, but I can't help you then! Of course, the Echo sounds, the ones you spontaneously make IN RESPONSE to using the Key Sound, may vary, but they usually still contain that rolling quality in the middle that is characteristic of the Key Sound. The specific Key Sound I model makes your lower belly muscles move in a SPECIFIC way when this sound is done correctly. It's that muscle movement that mimics the movements that will happen when the non-ejaculatory orgasmic waves or pulses ripple thru. So that muscle movement is "cuing" your body to allow the erotic energy to flow thru you in a way that is "handled" by that kind of muscle movement. SOMEHOW, that releases tremendous amounts of orgasmic energy but most of the time, no ejaculation. Often, not even an erection!

Everyone can access multiple orgasms Arousal is physical and psychological and marks the beginning of the sexual response cycle. A person becomes stimulated or "turned on" and the body reacts to the stimulus. The penis becomes erect, the vagina lubricates and the body prepares itself. But stop just one minute. What happens if the spirit is willing but the body does not cooperate? For people with illness or disability the usual pathways to sexual arousal, intimacy and orgasm may have been disrupted. There may be no erection, no lubrication or more frustratingly, no access. What then? There is a solution, an alternative route leading to satisfying orgasms and sexual satisfaction.


Scientists always knew there was a strong connection between breathing and our mental state. Bad breathing produced sluggish mental ability. The opposite is also true: Stress causes tight and shallow breathing. When the mind concentrates on something specific, breathing slows or may temporarily stop. Mantak Chia writing in "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" described the breath "as the gate through which you can gain control of your body." We breathe without thinking about it, but we can change the rhythm or depth of our breathing. When you experience sexual arousal, your breathing changes. At first you inhale more deeply, but then this becomes rapid and shallow. Shallow breathing results in oxygen starvation, leading to reduced vitality, premature aging, poor immune system and other factors. Deep breathing is what connects us to our sexual centers and deep breaths help us reach our full orgasmic potential. A deep breath, a larger-than-average inhale, is called a "charging breath" by Jack Johnston, author of "Male Multiple Orgasms Step-by-Step," who says our body craves more oxygen as our level of arousal increases. These breaths somehow help us charge our sexual excitation system. What seems to occur is that breathing comes from the upper chest and is faster, shallow and more panting. For men, ejaculation can rapidly follow. Johnson replaces this pattern with a technique called the multiple orgasm trigger, slowing down panting breaths to charging breaths. This delays ejaculation, making it more pleasurable if ejaculation is part of a man's normal sexual activity. Johnston explains that instead of suddenly needing to interrupt the natural sexual flow to prevent or control ejaculation, a man can bypass the "process of inevitably" that usually leads to orgasm followed by the ejaculation response. Orgasm and ejaculation are not the same event. Orgasms are emotional energetic reflexes. They are often the desired effect of arousal, consisting of waves of intensely pleasurable emotional and physical sensation often accompanied by involuntary bodily muscular movements. In contrast, ejaculation is a glandular reflex including the sensation of crossing a physiological threshold, triggering a series of automatic contractions of the prostate gland to expel seminal fluid. Just as you cannot stop a sneeze, so too does a man experience the point of no return as he approaches orgasm accompanied by the ejaculation reflex. Orgasm and ejaculation seem to occur simultaneously, but the good news is they don't have to. Men can experience multiple orgasms without erection and without ejaculation, and without a refractory period with this technique. Johnston describes men enjoying multiple orgasms, "switching gears" then enjoying orgasm with ejaculation. The men who have learned this method report that orgasm with ejaculation subsequently tends to be noticeably more pleasurable than they had experienced before. In addition to breathing, the balancing part of the technique involves using two-part sounds that triggers a multi-orgasmic response instead of an ejaculation reflex. Johnston dubbed this the Key Sound Multiple Orgasm Trigger (KSMO), "because it is the key that unlocks our natural ability to experience multiple orgasms," he says. "You won't always have to use the KSMO," he said. "It helps you teach your body how to be open to multiple orgasms without the distraction of trying to block or control ejaculation. Once you unlearn old patterns of limited sexual arousal expectations, then you will be able to access the multiple orgasm energy at will. Once learned, the technique can become automatic." The new pattern helps change breathing in a manner opposite to the pattern triggering the ejaculation reflex, increasing and intensifying erotic enjoyment. Pleasurable feelings surge through the pelvis and through the rest of the body, not just in the genitals. Using the technique can identify feelings Johnston says are signals that you are tuning in to the multiple orgasm 48

capacity lying dormant within you, discovering an ability to experience intensely pleasurable feelings. KSMO may offer hope for men and women living with disabilities, including premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, loss of feeling in the genitals and spinal cord injury. As the technique is based on arousal rather than erection and is not a version of stop/start ejaculation control, people living with disabilities may be able to learn the technique of adding multiple orgasms to their intimate life as long as they experience any erotic feeling in any part of their body. Robert is a caring widower in his 70's. Diabetes, cardiac problems, upper body surgery and radiation treatments have taken their toll on his body. Robert no longer experiences erection. He said, "I lost some of the nerves and have lost all of the ability to feel." However, he is still able to experience indirect arousal. Using an anal technique stimulating the hot spot near his prostate gland, combined with the key sounds and breathing, Robert experienced orgasms of the kind he had never felt before. He described his experience akin to climbing stairs. Then he used the key sounds and savored an orgasm that felt like it lasted 10 minutes. "I got up on top of the stairs and all I had to do was look down. I was at the highest point and I just stayed there." He described his earlier sex life as unsatisfactory with a normal orgasm and ejaculation lasting about five seconds. "It seemed like it went on for 10 minutes," he said of this new experience. "I thought I was going to pass out. It was delightful. I was doing key sounds with every four breaths. I looked down and my penis was flat, with no erection, but I felt an intense and very delightful feeling. It overwhelms. I got on top of the orgasm and stayed there, a different kind of feeling all over!" He said afterwards he felt very good about himself. Robert's advice to others is to stick to it. "Find the right sound (for you) and stick to it. Relax more and don't force the issue. Pardon the pun, but stick at it and eventually it will come." Johnston discovered his technique seemed to work well for women. Mari is a single parent and medical professional in her 30's. With a brain-stem injury and a degree of physical disability, she was fearful of exploring her sexuality, as she was aware of the risks. She feared an orgasm could cause a stroke, so she approached Johnston's technique with skepticism. What she already understood was how the nervous system worked. As a woman, she also felt intimidated and wondered if men learned these techniques, would women become redundant? After Mari experienced the technique and orgasm, she realized those were negative thoughts. The orgasm came from a deeper place and by using the key sounds and breathing she had control to amplify the intensity of her level of feeling. This knowledge was empowering and gave her full control, which she needed. She said experience and practice was the key. "As I became more active, it let me know I was OK. It validated me as a woman and the program supported me. I didn't have to worry. I'm not going to have a stroke." Mari's advice to others is to try this technique. "If you have neurological problems you can have some setbacks. But with KSMO, the technique works. It is worth looking into whether you are disabled or not," she said. For couples, "it can enhance the relationship, not just in the bedroom." Some women found using key sounds the same way as men also gave enhanced multi-orgasmic waves of pleasure. The challenge for men was to separate ejaculation and orgasm without using any artificial last minute penis squeezing, muscle tightening or other unreliable methods. People who have learned to experience key sound orgasms consistently reported they were more intensely pleasurable and of greater duration than previously experienced. Johnston's technique is based on bypassing the ejaculation reflex altogether with no sense of having to hold back, while at the same time triggering a multi-orgasmic reflex. 49

Robert B. is a 27-year old man who experienced a severe back injury in an auto accident when he was 19. He has six injured vertebral discs along with a lot of muscle soreness and some peripheral neuropathy to boot. After the injury, sex became a difficult issue for him. It was difficult to relax his body enough to feel much pleasure, and ejaculatory orgasm resulted in extreme sciatic pain in his sacrum and hamstrings. When Robert first learned of the multiple orgasm trigger six months ago, he was doubtful he could follow the instructions without finding some aspect that would be too much for his fragile body to comply with. To Robert's surprise, the simplicity of the technique was perfect for him. The focus on relaxation instead of specific muscle control made the difference. "It was all so much easier than I expected. I had my first multiple orgasms after about three weeks of practice. I'll never forget it! After about eight consecutive orgasms I was actually in tears. I felt like I had released so much pain and sorrow in just a half-hour or so. It was amazing." Johnston said once a person, male or female, learned to experience these kinds of orgasms, it was as if "energy pathways" remained open. Subsequent sexual activity found that these nonejaculatory multiple orgasms are frequently much more easily accessible.

Key Sound versus Mantak Chia's Big Draw I followed Mantak Chia's Big Draw and all the other techniques that he teaches for about 10 years until finding Jack's websites. At first his soft or non-strenuous valley breath (VB) & KS seemed most implausible until I tried it: wow, I'll never forget the astonishment. I soon found out that Chi's Big Draw blocks MMO, while with VB & KS you go straight thru PONR by letting the reversal of energy happen. So it became quite a puzzle to work out just why the Big Draw works as well as it certainly does, while being the exact opposite to Jack's non-strenuous methods. Chia's Big Draw is a prolonged IN-breath of VB, but done hard or strenuously, with pumping of the PC muscle group, pulling in the belly muscle just above the pubic bone, all as strenuously and prolonged as you can manage on one IN-breath. The basic difference from Jack's method is that the Big Draw is taught as the method to obviate ejaculation, and initiate what Chia calls Valley Orgasm, which is a stress-less state between successive PONR's, which signal the need to do another Big Draw. The flaw lies not in the method as such, but in what the Big Draw is used for: and when used to obviate ejaculation it teaches you to identify MMO with PONR. The way to handle the stress and resolve it into MMO is Jack's soft non-strenuous VB & KS, letting go rather than tensing up in strenuous resistance to MMO reversal. What the Big Draw really does is open up more profound states of arousal. So that after getting MMO by Jack's soft VB & KS, and eventually losing erection, a once-off Big Draw, or what is exactly the same thing, the IN-breath of VB done hard prolonged and strenuously as mentioned above, will establish a new plateau for more profound MMO. These higher plateaus of MMO require a degree of letting go which seems at first impossible because it feels like PONR, which is resolved into sustained MMO by soft VB & KS: still higher plateaus are more like continuous PONR and Moment of Release in waves, with no danger of ejaculation unless you lose lucidity. Practice will teach that there are subtle contractions behind the perineum, closely connected with pulling in the belly muscle just above the pubic bone: and when these subtle contractions are done voluntarily with the rest of the PC muscle group let go and relaxed, they pump the head of the tool into engorgement so it gets goose bumps, which rarely if ever occurs except at PONR. This state however can be maintained by Jack's methods, and becomes progressively more like ejaculating than actually doing so, but sustained and better and better. It then becomes obvious that ejaculation is only a mimic of the higher plateaus of MMO, and ejaculation becomes the booby prize in comparison: much more invigorating as the booby prize if you learn Chia's External Seal.


It is a matter of nice judgment when to let go still more, and when to do hard VB & KS or Big Draw, but it is best to learn how exertion works when you've lost erection after MMO. When MMO gets too intoxicating and one starts to lose lucidity, a hard VB & KS restores lucidity, as well as intensifying MMO. With those higher plateaus of continual MMO, the furballs get more intense too, and I don't know how they can be resolved except by opening what Chia calls the Microcosmic Orbit in meditation, and circulating the energy around the body. In this regard, soft VB & KS done with zero erotic intent or associations are a very powerful form of pranayama before meditation, permitting a degree of letting go otherwise difficult or impossible. And thus is betrayed the fact that MMO and meditation could scarcely be more intimately related, and share the same plumbing so to speak. When you have not realized the erotic potential of exercises like Chia's, or VB & KS when done cold, they can seem mechanical. The same exercises are useful to yogis and religious celibates to make sex continence easy and invigorating, if done right. In both cases the Ejaculation Compulsion is turned into much more interesting things than The BIG EVENT. So here is how to get a preview of the higher plateaus of MMO: please regard it as a one-off exercise, certainly not a practice. Wank very slowly once aroused, about as slowly as will gradually build up steam. Decide to ejaculate sooner or later, and to indulge the whole process with no scruple or any attempt to stop anything. The essential thing is to observe closely exactly what happens, and all the various sensations and reactions you have. Notice when you get remotely approaching PONR how you tense up as if in anticipation of the BIG EVENT, and get the urge to speed up to make it happen; therefore slow down and relax, and anticipate whatever will happen; you've already decided to ejaculate so there's no hurry! Feel the stress build up, and how it is possible to relax into the sense of engulfment. So just let it happen. The more you let go, the less draining ejaculation will be. This very slow ejaculation exercise should teach much more than can be verbalized. The whole idea is to relax into states of stressful arousal, and the systematic way to do it is Jack's soft VB & KS. If you try any exertion at all, it will work counter productively until you master Jack's soft method. The reason is that exertion as in hard VB & KS, only works properly when you can simultaneously let go. Yes it is very paradoxical, but that is the nature of the beast, it has its own rules, and we've to learn them. Toying with the ejaculation reflex has no future because it reinforces the association of orgasm with semen flow and ejaculation. What you get is a kind of preview of MMO, but with all the wrong associations reinforced. When Jack called his discovery Multiple Male Orgasm he wasn't kidding, because it really is a matter of dissociating semen flow from its accompanying sensations, and realizing that the only thing which joins them is our perception of these sensations as stressful, and the expectation of semen loss as the release from that stress. The body itself reacts to erotic reversal as stressful and dislocating, perceiving it as the approach of semen flow, and fooling us into firmly believing it. Physical exercises are necessary to recondition the body, and thru that alter our perceptions of the erotic reversal called PONR because of its hard association with ejaculation or semen flow. Jack's VB & KS are uniquely effective. With their aid, the stressful reversal universally associated with ejaculation, turns with practice into a much greater relief and astonishing sense of bliss and peace. For all practical purposes it is unbelievable until it happens. To put it another way, first time MMO is like going thru PONR into a lucid sustained erotic indulgence, with enormous relief surrendering to it or letting go, and realizing it is exactly what you were so very afraid of all along. The relief of surrendering to that reversal is only mimicked in the Moment of Release of ejaculation, while MMO is sustained and paradoxically full of peace within peace. And that is only the beginning, because you soon find out there are plateaus of intensity simply too awesome to endure, and you'll probably find it enticing to monkey with the ejaculation reflex: don't. That enticement is a sure sign of stress, so do VB & KS and wind down. 51

MMO is not at all winding up, but exhilaration and relief simultaneously, & the hard part is surrendering to it. Getting used to doing VB & KS dead cold just for physical exhilaration will get you used to dissociating the whole perineum area from ejaculation, and make them much more effective hot. Remember the essential thing on the long IN-breath of VB, is to suck in the belly muscle just above the pubic bone as if to pull it down to the anus, but with anal sphincter relaxed-- the more practice hot and cold, especially doing VB hard and strenuously dead cold, will tune you in to just how subtle Jack's soft VB really is. The KS is the OUT-breath, belly pushed out, and at the last the final push down as if to push a motion; not a very poetic description, but do it just that way and as Jack says, make as much noise as you like-- it eventually turns into a great sigh of relief.


Mantras In a similar way the Pranava or AUM resonates the entire body when it is done exactly as the Key Sound. Start soft, learn to coordinate voice, breath, and musculature, and push the belly out and push down on the second part of the syllable or "roar", and let go. If instead of roaring or shouting, you say AUM (i.e. AH-OH-MMM), it corresponds thus: huuuuUUUUUHHHH! Aaaaa^UUUUUMmmmmmm Here ^ is where the push down and belly out starts. Pranava or AUM was always meant to be done like the Key Sound, belly out & push down on the first U. Then the natural effect of letting go is to blow out the perineum and anus, followed by the echo effect or resonance of the Mmmmmm; and the next IN-breath seems to draw up a refreshing draft from the perineum, and lifts it up the spine, especially when you pull the belly IN a little.

HUA Gong I was really surprised when I read that the key sound is Huuaaahhaa, which is more or less identical with the Hua gong mantra, taught by my master for transformative purposes, and he named his qigong system after it. The term Hua in Chinese means many things, among them are; transformation, a flower blossoming, mist rising from the earth, ice melting, liberation, and so on. I have never thought about using it for sexual purposes, but use it a lot when I am stressed, or while doing sitting practice. I have also been witnessing some really strong reactions to it as a chanting, where one makes the different aspects of the sounds more explicit. Hua, pronounced "wah", is the transformational sound that has given the name Hua Gong. The Hua Gong symbol can be used for meditation, as can the pronouncement of Hua.

If you are working with more yin aspects of practice, a slow wooooaaaahhhh or maybe "haawaaahhaa" and the aa is like the ‘a’ in "awe". For waking up from meditation and clearing up the energy and collecting the shen I do Hooa! Hooa! Hooa! three times really quick and clear. Other times, when working with a specific congestion or maybe a stuck emotional energy I put more emphasis on the middle of the Hua sound, like Hooooooaa and letting the aa sound go up a bit in pitch. The sound affects different centers differently when the emphasis is long, silent, or loud and short and clear. I sometimes feel like doing it like a whisper but with a lot of breath to it and having the 53

focus down in the Hui Yin and the lower dantian, and expanding the abdomen and the effect is very empowering. I think these sounds really channel a lot of energy and information. And the effects are quick and to the point.

Here are a few Mantras which have exceptional effects on our nervous system: “Weng Ar Hong” “Weng Mani Ba Ma Hong” or "Om Mani Padme Hum," "Om Mani Padme Hum," an invocation to the Avalokitesvara, the Buddha of Divine Compassion. When coupled with the intention and visualization of invoking this being, the vocalization of this chant will have the result of producing a field of compassion. Usually, this sounding is very slow and repetitive, creating a phenomenon known as sonic "entrainment" in which the brain waves of the listener lock in resonance with the brain waves of the chanter. This is one way of creating altered states - by slowing down our brain waves. Much sacred sound puts us in resonance with frequencies that are within the alpha or theta brain wave range, 7 to 12 Hz, and 4 to 7 Hz, respectively. Many of the environmental sounds seem to resonate to this spectrum of sound and particularly to a frequency called the Schumann resonance, 7.83 Hz, which may be the resonant frequency of the planet. Environmental sounds may be among the most sacred on the planet, for they are the sound of the earth, rejoicing in itself. Whether it is the sound of the ocean, birds chirping, or whales calling, these sounds relax us for two reasons. First, for the soothing visualization they evoke for us. Second for the entrainment they create within us. We breathe with the sounds. Our hearts beat with these sounds. Our brains sing with these sounds.

“Ling Guang Pu Zhao” “Ar Mi Tuo Fuo” Mantras expressed in Chinese Numbers: “01777 908 01777 92244” – good for the brain “3396815” – good for general wellbeing


Urogenital and Prostate Muscle Exercises It is beneficial to exercise all ring muscles around the anus. The goal is to be able to relax any of these muscles at will.

Exercise sequence: • Squeeze the anus muscle (1 set of 20 counts) • The tailbone muscle (begin by squeezing the anus and then slowly pull towards the tailbone region • The urogenital muscle (begin by squeezing the anus and then slowly pull towards the urogenital region, between the scrotum and the anal) • The Right PC muscle (begin by squeezing the anus and then slowly pull towards the right side) • The Left PC muscle (begin by squeezing the anus and then slowly pull towards the left side)

Urogenital Muscle

Left PC Anus Right PC Muscle Muscle

Tailbone muscle

To relax, (permeate your) smile into these muscles.

First of all, you should learn how to gently flex the tailbone muscle. Try to do Kegel with one finger on the BC muscle and another just above the anus towards the tailbone. You should feel muscles tightening in both areas. Then try to just flex the tailbone muscle alone. It will take some concentration at first but will become easier with practice. It's not a big deal if you flex the BC sometimes too. The goal is to establish mental contact with the muscle between the anus and the tailbone. Gentle flexing is best and to relax it completely between flexes. The other exercise you should do immediately is orbiting. When orgasmic energy begins to flow through your body you want to establish safe paths for it to flow. Otherwise it can do damage to the brain and heart. This electrical energy will be flowing through acupuncture meridians as well as nerves. You can teach it to flow anywhere in your body to cause pleasure and healing. How to do the orbit? Focus on a point in the middle of your lower forehead. Then bring the focus down through the nose, mouth and the throat, through the chest and to the belly. Let it rest there for a moment, then go down to the root of the penis, straight back to the anus and tailbone muscle, pause there, and then up the spine, up the back of the head, across the top and return to the forehead. Practice the orbit whenever you think about it. Do this at a slow rate and in a relaxed state until you can begin to feel sensations in some of these areas. As sensations develop, avoid focusing too much on the head or the chest, but let the belly, pelvis cavity and tailbone muscle be the reservoirs of energy. Try to keep the energy moving around the perimeter of the brain, not through the middle. The brain is a sensitive area not to be messed with. When you masturbate, avoid the hot areas - the underside where the urethra is close to the surface and the head. Develop a taste for pleasure in all the other areas, including the scrotum. Refrain from ejaculating when you can. With time, new sensors and receptors will develop in all these area and you will be experiencing increasing levels of pleasure in these places. When the pleasure in any of the non-trigger areas 55

reaches a certain level you will have a non-ejaculatory orgasm. And then the next ones will come easier and easier. When you are having sex, try to direct the energy/sensations in your penis straight back to the anal/tailbone muscle area. Eventually, this will be the way that you will trigger the wave. Remember, adrenaline is your enemy. Relaxation is your friend. If you crave the "rush," be patient, it will come to you more wonderfully than you can imagine - in a totally relaxed mental state. Sending the energy up the back and arms - and down the belly and legs is almost automatic now. I just think in that direction and POW, I'm writhing and grunting like a pig. Down the front of the face is becoming quite intense now too. It's hard to imagine the sensations getting any stronger than they are, even though they have continued to grow ever since I began doing this. Today I felt like I was in an electric chair at times and my body jerked violently. I'm finding it easier where the orgasms just flow from one into the other - and I'm in a different world. Incredible pressure builds in my crotch, all the way from the back hole to the front one. The whole area seems to become engorged. It's fascinating. There is also a sweetness that flows through my brain and mouth/tongue area after I've been orgasm for 20 or 30 minutes. It's as if the orgasms are passing through my tasting and smelling centers in my brain. Sometimes, after a good session, I feel like I've had enough - and then WHOOSH, off I go again. Like winning the lottery and then winning again - Great glorious gushes of overflowing electric effervescence. Oh yeah, after my session today, I went for a run on my tread-mill. A few minutes into the run I began to feel the sensitive area inside my butt begin to jiggle each time I took a step. It was intoxicatingly pleasant and I spent much of the remainder of my jog with my mind in my butt and solid hard-on. I have never found it easy to maintain an erection while exercising - until today. It seems my body surprises my every day.

The PC squeeze technique is the best "gateway technique" for people first learning about multiple orgasms. Even though I could have MMO 80% of the time, it frustrated me a lot for the other 20% of the times where I just couldn't keep it and had to let go. This isn't control. The best technique should allow you total control over ejaculation, and let you ejaculate when you want to. Initially, PC squeeze technique helps you understand that it is possible to have multiple orgasms. After that, you can try the "PC Relaxation Technique" in which it does the opposite. Instead of PC Squeezing, you just relax your PC muscle completely and kind of let the orgasm takes over, without ejaculation. It's kind of tricky and I don't know how to explain it myself. This is the technique I've graduated to, but I still don't have total control over my ejaculations, but I do about 95% of the time, which is a lot better than the PC squeezing technique. It was said that the PC squeezing technique wasn't good because it forced semen back to your bladder. While this isn't too unhealthy if it happens once in a while, it is bad if it happens all the time. I don't know if there is any medical research that confirms this. I have read about full-body orgasms and PC-relaxing techniques. It's not so much of PC-relaxing because that implies that you need to physically relax your PC muscle as hard as possible. What I did was I just let the orgasm keep going, and I realized I could kind of keep from ejaculating. 56

I think it's more of staying at a plateau of excitement because it is for sure not a 100% orgasm. Most dry orgasms experienced by these techniques only provide 50-70% orgasms. The feeling is intense though, and the "orgasm" lasts well over a minute, and then you are back to a lesser state of arousal, which implies that you have not reached the highest peak of excitement. I really don't know how to describe it. It started with forcing my PC-muscle to relax though, but I realized that didn't help because I was concentrating on my PC-muscle. I guess the trick is to take your mind off your PC muscle while having your orgasm. I realize once I start thinking about ejaculation, I start to feel like I need to in the middle of my orgasm. It's a lot of mind manipulation involved. I know it sounds kind of intimidating. I just encountered it by trial and error (and perhaps a lot of luck). I doubt anyone will be able to produce the same results by this kind of explanation I gave, because it's less of an explanation and more of a story of experience. Anyway, for now, I'm pretty happy with 50-70% orgasms, because I can keep on going and going, and if my orgasms are full-body, I feel absolutely no need to ejaculate, and I feel great, because I still have all the energy inside of me the next day when I didn't ejaculate the previous day.

Prostate Health The anus is a divider of two groups of muscles - one from the anus to the tailbone (the tailbone muscle) and other from the anus to the penile footing/scrotum (the urogenital muscle or prostate muscle). You can stop peeing easily using the prostate/urogenital muscle group, which also moves the scrotum and the penis. Contracting the tailbone muscle can also stop urine flow, but without moving the scrotum and the penis. The mechanisms of stopping peeing with these two methods are completely different. The prostate-muscle contraction constricts the prostate urinary valve, while the tailbone contraction uses the tailbone nerve to interfere with the prostate's sympathetic nerves that control the urinary or ejaculation valve. Note that the urinary and ejaculation sympathetic nerves also interfere with each other. Contracting the prostate muscle will irritate the ejaculation control valve to promote ejaculation. This is the main cause of premature ejaculation for men with a weak erection and a medium or high level of testosterone or DHT in the prostate's hormone receptors. When you exercise, you burn testosterone into DHT (DiHydro Testosterone) to grow your muscles. Similarly, exercising your prostate muscle will burn testosterone into DHT locally. The super hormone, DHT, will heat up the tissues instantaneously. A long-term DHT stimulation will help the muscle grow bigger, as in the case of body-builders. But, this method won't work for penile enlargement because the penis is not made up of muscular tissues. On the other hand, excessive DHT in/around your prostate will over-stimulate the prostate for the temporary prostate enlargement and premature ejaculation, although it can stimulate the penis to erect for a very short period of time. A long-term PC exercise causes the prostate to trap more DHT for prostate growth and establish a somatic reflection for orgasm and ejaculation. To prolong sexual intercourse, you should not train your prostate nerves for an automatic response to sexual stimulation. Load your thrusting forces 57

or body tension on your knees, legs, shoulders and hands and contract your tailbone muscles. Let testosterone burns into DHT in the tailbone muscles to build the somatic reflexion there and to heat up the tailbone for the ultimate recycling of sexual energy back into your spinal cord and brain. Grow your tailbone muscles with DHT. The tailbone nerves will automatically respond to sexual stimulation - the trick of Sexual Chi-Kong Intercourse!

Functions of the prostate 1. Testosterone and hormone receptor sites: The prostate and the Epicenter (the female degenerated prostate) are the major hormonal receptor sites in the male and female body, respectively. This is why we want to have sex, as the receptor tissues are full of testosterone. 2. Testosterone burner - Burn testosterone into DHT and bio-energy. DHT heats up and dilates the penile and prostate tissues for erection. DHT is behind the scene to drive my Natural Penile Enlargement. Bio-energy supercharges the parasympathetic sexual nerve of the prostate to actuate and hold erection with synthesis of the erection mediator Nitric Oxide that is associated with the Human Growth Hormone agent L-arginine. Erection is produced by a testosterone burst (surge) and burning and mediated by the presence of the NO agent! Excessive DHT and testosterone bound into the prostate tissues will result in prostate enlargement and premature ejaculation. We use plant hormones (including Phyto-estrogen) to balance the binding of testosterone and DHT in the prostate's hormone receptors. 3. Erection actuator - The parasympathetic sexual nerve in the prostate actuates erection with a bioelectric acting potential (the resting potential + an alternating-voltage pulse) due to the brain/nervous Acetylcholine action. The resting potential of the parasympathetic sexual motoring nerve, like your car battery, is continuously turned into heat when you hold an erection. In turn, the thermo-energy will elevate the resting voltage of the local sympathetic motoring nerve that control ejaculation. Note that sexual stimulation also elevates the resting potential of both parasympathetic and sympathetic sexual nerves. The sympathetic sexual nerve is responsible for activating ejaculation. 4. Ejaculation/Erection-withdrawal controller - The sympathetic sexual nerve in the prostate mediates the ejaculation and erection-withdrawal upon the brain dispatches a "Fight or Flight" command through the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The bioelectric level of the sympathetic sexual nerve determines Fight or Flight. When the bioelectric voltage pulse (DC + AC) of the prostate's sympathetic nerve is shoot over the ejaculation threshold (-40 mV), the prostate's ejaculation valve is automatically open. However, when the bioelectric potential in both the parasympathetic and sympathetic prostate nerves is dropped back to -70 mV, the brain dispatches an erection withdrawal signal to the prostate. You can mechanically force semen to pass through the ejaculation valve without the sympathetic "Fight" action. 5. Semen production: The prostate produces a large amount of semen to support sperm life and activities. The production of semen requires Human Growth Hormone (HGH), testosterone, DHEA and estrogen. When you are under stress or exhausted, the adrenal medulla broadcasts the stress hormone adrenaline over the entire body. When adrenaline occupies the hormonal receptors in the muscles, you will feel muscular pains and cramps. The prostate is full of adrenaline too! In addition, adrenaline reduces the pituitary/liver/adrenal-cortex/testicular functions that are responsible for production of HGH, DHEA, testosterone and optimal estrogen. You won't have erection when adrenaline takes over your body! Women have the same control mechanism for the sexual function too! The main difference is that the female testosterone receptor is much less than the male, so women need less testosterone than 58

men do. But, the uterine tissues contain a lot of testosterone receptors. That is why the uterine contractile fibers can produce powerful orgasm waves once the Epicenter's auto-rhythmic fibers are self-excited. Our body is just like engineering systems. We can use engineering principles to interpret sexual phenomena and to solve sexually related problems, accordingly. 1. Body Electric Theory - based upon the Sex Engine Theory, providing the Ultimate solutions of impotence/frigidity and engorgement of the sex organs for both sexes, where the bioelectricity in the sexual nerves or the Chi in the Acupuncture Network play a key role in our sexual response and control; the Solutions - solving the blood/Chi(bioelectricity) circulation problems by removing blood congestion or blockage, or/and recharging the Sexual Battery with Sexual electrolytes - the hybrid herbal supplement(No More Vitamins or Minerals!) or the piezoelectric generation by the rhythmic pressure on the pubis during intercourse 2. Coastal Wave Excitation/Nonlinear Vibration Theories to explain the Resonant Excitation of Sexual Orgasms - Using a good love position to simultaneously stimulate the Clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter for 100-500 cycles at a rate of 1.25 or 2.5 cycles per second to resonate the orgasmic contraction mechanism of her uterus 3. Transonic Theory of a jet encountering the sound barrier from the subsonic speed (below the sound speed in the air) to the supersonic one (above the sound speed in the air) - How to break the women's orgasmic barrier during intercourse 4. Signal Interference/Jamming or Destructive Principles to mitigate the man's sexual response for ejaculation control and prolonging intercourse, where the residual sex response is to assist the man to hold the erection and power up the penis 5. Signal Interference/Constructive Principle for the woman to intensify her sexual response and, thus, to achieve orgasm in a short time


PC and BC Muscles

One of the functions of the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles (there are two, one on each side) is to pull in the rectum/anus after a bowel movement. If you're contracting things hard enough to feel it in your anus, then you're contracting the PC. Try a few very slow contractions and stop just before the anus starts to contract. For BC (bulbocavernosus) muscle, try to feel the contraction coming closer to the base of your penis. When I contract that muscle, I even feel some nice sensation flowing inside my penis, maybe this is blood or just the feeling of the contraction. You just need to contract soft for this, nothing hard is needed. Do them whilst erect. That will make all the difference in being able to separate the two. It is good to occasionally work your PC muscle as well, as it helps with bowel movements. Using the PC to repeatedly squeeze the turd thinner whilst it is at the entrance of the asshole, then pull it back in, then push it to the entrance again whilst squeezing it thinner, really helps it come out. There is nothing worse than a big painful brick that won't come out! It isn't pretty, but it is reality. I guess it doesn't really matter what you call the muscle you contract when doing Kegel exercise, as long as you do it correctly and consistently. However, being a stickler for accuracy, I have to point out that men contract a different muscle than women when doing Kegel and it isn't the PC; it's actually the BC. This is probably the only place on the Internet where you'll find this distinction. Most will probably find it easier to "go with the flow" and conform to years of misconception by just calling it the PC. Why isn't it the same muscle? Men and women are different. Females have essentially internal sex organs, males essentially external. PC muscle isn't the main muscle being exercised when men do Kegel. Of course men can contract their PC muscles. They do it every time they have a bowel movement. Some probably contract it while doing the Kegel exercise (by involving the anal area), but it isn't necessary to do so for a stronger penis. The PC muscle forms a "U" shape as it wraps around the rectum. The urethra and vagina in 60

women are much more in contact with the PC than the urethra is in men. In addition to forming a sling around the rectum, the PC passes by the sides of and inserts into the vagina and urethra in women. The contractions of the muscle can be felt by a finger in the vagina. This is why Dr. Kegel advised his female patients (he was a gynecologist) to exercise the PC muscle. It helps tighten the vaginal canal, rectum, and urethra, especially in women who have had children which can stretch these pelvic structures and cause urinary incontinence and uterine prolapse. Dr. Kegel showed that exercising the PC muscle could strengthen the female perineum and help cure the physical ailments as well as improve their sex lives. Where is the bulbocavernosus (BC) muscle? Both sexes have a pair of BC muscles. In females it surrounds the vaginal opening. Some women can independently contract the BC and the PC. Most contract both at the same time. In the male, the two halves of the BC are joined in a "herringbone" pattern surrounding the bulb of the penis (the internal base of the corpus spongiosum). The BC muscle has two main purposes. One is to force liquid (urine or semen) out of the urethra. It does this by way of the herringbone interlacing of muscle fibers which, as they contract, milk the urethra toward the meatus (opening at the tip of the glans). It also causes the penis to be pulled into the body. This happens every time a man urinates. It also happens with much greater force, and with rhythmic contractions, when he ejaculates. The BC muscle is the main ejector of semen. This is why ejaculation improves by exercising it. The other function is to squeeze blood into the corpus spongiosum and the glans. The bulb of the penis is a reservoir of blood. At the time of greatest arousal voluntary or reflex contractions of the BC and Ischiocavernosus muscles force blood into the corpora. The Ischiocavernosus muscles surround the crura of the penis (legs of the corpora cavernosa). With both sets of muscles contracting on the base and legs of the penis, a maximum erection is achieved. Locating the BC - the old adage about stopping the flow of urine is valid in locating the BC muscle in men. Even though the urethra does have a sphincter (just below the prostate) to stop urine flow, contraction of the BC will "milk" the urethra and let the man know which muscle to use for Kegel exercise. The BC muscle can also be felt with the fingers by placing them between the scrotum and the anus. Contractions felt through the skin at this point (in the midline) are from the BC muscle. The illustration PC or BC shows the relationship of the PC muscle in men as it passes by the prostate and surrounds the rectum. A strong BC muscle will not make you ejaculate faster. There isn't any relationship between the BC and the prostate. Note: The urethra is the urinary tube passing from the bladder to the tip of the penis. It is encircled by the prostate gland and runs through the corpus spongiosum on the underside of the penis.


THE COOL DRAW –unaroused practice The Cool Draw is also called testicle breathing, because the technique causes your testicles to rise and fall as if they were breathing. In actual fact, you are using your mind and muscles to raise and lower your testicles and to draw sexual energy out of your genitals and up to your brain. 1. 2.

3. 4.


Touch or cup your testicles with one hand to warm them up until you feel a slight tingling or the first stirring of your sexual energy. Inhale and gently pull up on the muscles around the testicles, the perineum, and the anus. As you inhale and pull your muscles up, imagine that you are sipping this sexual energy and drawing it from your testicles to your perineum and on to your anus and tailbone. Exhale and relax your muscles, but keep your attention on your rising sexual energy. Continue to inhale and pull up and then exhale and relax several more times until you feel a warm or tingling sensation at your perineum. Next, move the energy from your testicles and perineum right up the entire spine to the base of your skull. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes or until you become aware of a light or tingling feeling in your head. Finally, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth half an inch behind your front teeth where the palate curves down. Your tongue works like a light switch that connects your front and back channels, allowing the energy to flow down the front of your body to your navel.

THE BIG DRAW – aroused practice 1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Stimulate yourself to an erection but before the point of non-return Stop stimulation and take a brief rest to regain control. Then simultaneously contract your PC muscle firmly around your prostate gland and clamp your toes down to the floor. Inhale and draw your sexual energy away from the perineum toward your anus and spine by squeezing your buttocks tightly. Contract in waves the muscles from your anus up your spine, each time takes a short inhalation. Rocking your spine back and forth as if you were riding a horse, that will help the energy to move up the spine. As the energy reaches the base of your skull, make sure your chin is tucked in gently to help the energy to move from your skull to your head. Rolls your eyes up as if you were looking at the top of your head, which will help bring the energy all the way up to the crown of your head. When you have moved the energy up to your head, you have done the big draw. Your erection should decrease if you are successful. Repeat step 3 to step 6 eight more times. After you have pumped the energy up to the crown, circle and spiral this energy in your brain 9, 18 or 36 times, first in one direction, then the other. Rest for a while and experience the sensational feeling of energy in your brain, often felt as warmth and tingling, like a mini-orgasm. When you feel that your brain is full, touch your tongue to your palate and let the energy flow down the Front Channel from your brain to between your eyebrows, to your nose, throat, heart, and solar plexus, and finally to your navel, where it can be stored.

Practice the Big Draw 3 to 9 times when you are at 95 to 95% to orgasm. At first you will use your big muscles to help draw the energy upward. Soon you will use these muscles less and learn to rely more on your PC muscle. Eventually you will be able to concentrate 62

your attention at the top of your head and draw the energy up effortlessly. It may take you some time to learn to do this, but eventually you will be able to direct an invigorating streak of energy up your spine just by thinking about it.

The big draw - Comparison between Lin's and Chia's We all agree that the big draw technique is poorly explained in "Taoist Secrets of Love" and "The Multi-orgasmic Man" and when you count on those techniques they just don’t work! However, the techniques prescribed by Dr. LIN do, or at least they show results. The anal breathing is really the way the big draw is supposed to be done. I figured out that that style is a lot more effective myself even before I saw Lin’s stuff. I have to reiterate that I think no contracting should ever take place when you are right on the verge of ejaculating. The truth of this concept whether Chia is able to convey it or not is that in reality any sort of "contraction", as it has been in error termed, has nothing to do with squeezing off the prostate. I feel that the principle of a hard contracting of the PC muscle or actual prostate wasn’t necessarily intended in that sense. Or perhaps certain faulty descriptions wound up in those books because of misunderstanding and miscommunication problems. One of the worst problems with those books is in the way it explained and described. Remember these were written a many years ago with the assistance of students who at that time had probably just learned these things themselves. So the language describing things could have made a big difference. Also he could hardly speak English then, he still can’t. Although I don’t deny that Chia definitely does preach some things that just don’t work at least as taught. However when I saw Chia in a retreat he was teaching things quite differently himself. Although some of the basic flaws we’re considering were definitely still there. But the new way he taught to draw chi up was extremely similar to anal breathing, a lot more yin and mind powered. Really the mind eye power and activating the power of the sphincter muscles of the irises, anus palms and foot soles, lips is the most vital key to drawing the energy into and breathing it up your spine. Now here are some of my interpretations of how it all works. First, the necessity of a maximally powered up hard erection is essential prerequisite for staying longer and ejaculation control. Second, instead of thinking about PC contractions, what should be done in coordination with your breathing is contracting the anus pulling the tailbone in towards the anus. But also in conjunction with this anal breathing there must be a slight lifting of the urogenital diaphragm and this ONLY. This is where the whole confusion arises about "contracting" something. I have to point out that this is completely different from squeezing the prostate or contracting the perennial muscles to try and suppress an ejaculation, which as we know is just completely useless. In fact it is merely the most gentle, effortless lifting up of only the urogenital diaphragm, done in coordination with the breathing. This lifting of this urogenital membrane (which acts as the floor of the organs) works to help chi to ascend upwards to reach the head. It is never ever done with the intent to squeeze off a threatening ejaculation. This is source of confusion and lack of success whit this whole subject comes from. The idea is not to allow oneself to get to that point of no return. Because you all know when you 63

get to that decided point, there is truly nothing you can do. The idea is to flirt with and get close enough to that point in order to generate in you and your partner and harness the power of the energies of ecstasy for spiritual advancement purposes. But when you’re already well in the middle of ejaculating no technique no matter how effective will bail you out. Now when you feel the first 1 or 2 orgasmic twinges (dry contractions) there is still time, that’s when the anal/tailbone breathing comes in as the only effective savior. But any later than that, when "the ching has already left the palace" as they say (starting to be expelled out of the seminal vesicles and entering the urethra) forget it. And people always seem to be expecting to find something like that. That’s where everybody goes wrong. This whole process of drawing energy away from the sexual organs is instead done regularly the whole time you are having sex. But the trick is to balance keeping you penis aroused enough to maintain that powered up erection otherwise she’ll never get close to an orgasm. I feel the 'enter soft withdraw hard' thing is totally wrong. This should be done the whole time except the urogenital diaphragm lifting should be left out if you feel you are really about to ejaculate. It is a thing to be done at most other less aroused times except when you about to lose it. This is done with every single stroke and breath during sex as more of a way of regulating how much excited expansive orgasmic chi is allowed to build up in the prostate area. Constantly doing this as though it was a natural part of your breathing you will not get close to the brink nearly so easily in the first place. It is not even a muscular contraction of any kind at all it is achieved by the rhythmic movement of your abdominal diaphragm breathing that produces an abdominal suction on the area. And the most important thing to remember is that the more your mind is involved the more it is a process of just breathing in energy and you don’t need to lift the urogenital diaphragm or contract the anus or tailbone at all. You can just automatically redirect chi up to your crown just by breathing in and thinking about it. I repeat that you should NOT resort to this when you feel you are about to ejaculate. Leave out the urogenital diaphragm lifting then. But instead do only Lin’s anal breathing and contracting the tailbone while circulating the microcosmic orbit, which is the only thing that will even give you a prayer of being effective at that point. Now my second point. What is vastly more important than thinking about any kind of contracting of anything is locating the inward spiraling energy vortex of that extremely precise hui-yin point. You have to be aware of where the chi flows and pulsates. This is just an acupuncture point the size of a pinhead in reality. It is an extremely subtle and difficult-to-locate point. But it is so important since when you can find this, this is how you direct the energy to enter the anus and be directed up the coccyx. This point is the entire confluence (meeting point) of all the cold earthly energies from the channels of the whole lower part of your body. I maintain that you do your drawing up of chi not just from just the groin area but breathing from the soles of your feet. For all these reasons, this is why it is wrong to confuse or consider hui yin as synonymous with the erroneous non-equivalent western term "perineum", which basically refers to the whole area between the sexual organs and the anus. When you very gently, ever so slightly lift upward this urogenital diaphragm, it activates the hui yin’s ability to channel all of your sexual center cool earth energies in through this tiny little point. When actually achieved it is a distinct cool feeling of energy streaming into this tiny pin 64

prick point. Activating this is this is the purpose of lifting the diaphragm, not at all to squeeze anything off. So upon entering through this point, chi may then enter through the breathing anus and travel upward through the spine until it reaches the (ni wan) crown point (another equally miniscule and subtle acupoint which is the like the bodies energetic north pole, just like the hui yin is like its south pole). As well as the anal/tailbone contraction, the gentle lifting of the urogenital diaphragm, the awareness of the vortex of energy streaming in the hui yin, there is one additional important and final step. That is the sealing of the outer gate - the tip of the penis. This is not even a contraction at all because you can’t contract your penis it has no muscles. But you need to feel like both sides of the penal shaft gently grip the urethra. And this helps you to feel like you are breathing through the urethra right through the opening of the urethra, just like you breathe in through the anus. Feel like there is a ring of chi around the head of your penis that seals off energy leakage. The urethra channels aroused energy from the sensitive tip of the penis back to the hui yin point where it enters and then is breathed into the anus. Again this is all coordinated with the breath. Perhaps the most important point - what is even more important than contracting the anus tailbone urogenital diaphragm or anything is alternately relaxing everything you tighten up on exhaling. It’s like your whole groin is breathing. Relaxing everything dissolves all the pressure built up. Exclusive Focus on Conservation Can Lead to Isolation Exclusive focus on conservation of substance (semen retention), without the presence of exchange of energy, tends to lead a man towards energetic isolation, particularly in the lower jiao... which not only cuts off the possibility of alchemical balance, but it also diminishes love and intimacy during intercourse. The adoption of exchange re-directs a man's focus towards sharing experience. There is still appropriate retreat and inward consolidation, at times, but it's now balanced by equally developed practices of opening and exchanging. As well, one's attention naturally is drawn towards one's partner's sexual response cycle - by a blend of care for your partner and the joy of receiving effectively. Nurturing, and then riding, waves in endless variations of expression... now benefits the both of you. With exchange, the experience of esoteric intercourse as a shared experience becomes possible. Conclusion - There are many benefits to exchange. It's really the draw, the alchemical promise and hope that brought you and your partner together for intimacy: the joy of union, in such a way that it restores the center in each of you.

ANALYSIS OF THE BIG DRAW First of all, the Big Draw is an important and useful tool and please do not mistake my critique for a suggestion to do away with it. I’m focusing on its shortcomings because I assume that its usefulness is understood. I think it is best used in balance as one of several techniques. If you were like me, you’ve had some good partial success with the Big Draw – but have had a tough time getting full resolution on the sexual issue. Maybe you can have intercourse for a number of times without ejaculation. Maybe this success lasts for a number of days, maybe for several weeks or perhaps more than a month. But probably, eventually, one of several things happens – all at least partially related to a build-up of male sexual essence. During some lovemaking sessions, you practice the Big Draw – and it kind of works (a good deal of energy gets drawn up), but in the lower tan tien you still have the desire to ejaculate – you try to retain semen, 65

but eventually you ejaculate. Or you have so much desire built up that you decide to just "go for it" and have a normal lovemaking session. Perhaps certain positions are especially difficult for semen retention, ones in which there is more intense contact with the genitals and not as much with the heart areas (for instance, "doggie style", or when the man is on top and the woman’s knees are up near her shoulders). Also, different lovemaking sessions have different moods. Maybe it’s easy to retain semen when the mood is soft, slow, and with a lot of heart energy – but very difficult when the mood is more aggressive, when both you and your partner really want to f*** hard. For me, the Big Draw is only (at best) a partial solution in these situations. My point, here, is that the Big Draw is a "Re-Location of Energy" method. As such, the male jing retains its quality of wanting to go off in its own direction (ejaculation, in search of its’ primary alchemical opposite: female jing). Store enough unbalanced jing and it will come out (or potentially create imbalances within the body); that is its’ nature. This is in contrast to balancing the male jing with an opposite and complementary energy, which neutralizes its interest in seeking its opposite: it is stabilized and so is in a state that is conducive to long term storage. In addition to the material downfall of semen loss, the Big Draw can lead to psychological difficulties in the bedroom. First, and most obvious, is a feeling of letdown, failure – and perhaps guilt – at not being successful in areas that are important to you (spiritual, relationship, personal development), especially if there is recurring failure with the technique. You think, "Hey, I’ve got the technique but I’m still not able to attain good success. I must not be practicing enough. Or I have some character flaws that I need to work on. I’ll just continue practicing the technique and improve over time." There are also other, perhaps less obvious, psychological and energetic difficulties that can occur. You become reticent male or feel dis-empowered (no energy in lower tan tien). But what if the weak points inherent in the Big Draw (as an exclusive technique) prohibit full resolution?

THE BIG DRAW REVIVED For those of you who have been yammering on for months about how Chia’s big draw doesn’t work here’s something that bridges the gap between the big draw/internal locking as it was formerly described and the alternative techniques people have been talking about. The big draw and power-lock to pump the ching up the spine to prevent ejaculation is also now combined with empty force breathing. There is less muscular action and more of an emphasis on using the vacuum suction power created by the empty force for drawing the ching up. I’ve felt this all along that the yoga vacuum or Taoist reversed breathing while having sex, or anything that lets you suck the stomach in makes it much easier to contract the anus, perineum and pump the chi up the spine. Here is a description of the whole process: During sex you should continuously breathe so as to keep your stomach always a little pulled in and taut just like in Taoist reverse breathing. Its okay if your stomach balloons out on either inhalation or exhalation (as in abdominal breathing) but just make sure that on the opposite inhalation or exhalation, your stomach is pulled in a little and you gut is not just hanging out. Always keep a little tension (but still keeping relaxed enough) this allows you to quickly suck the stomach in more effectively when necessary when the onset of ejaculation arises. If you want to forcefully balloon the stomach like Lin recommends this may be okay too the point is just don’t keep the abdomen in a lazy state somewhere in between. Use your abdominal strength.


Now when you are ready to do the big draw first exhale (you should already be breathing deeply if you know what I mean) then proceed to suck in the abdomen as much as you can. Now obviously when you’re actually having sex the empty force technique is a little different, you do all that weird empty force stuff a little more gently and discreetly, you don’t knead your abdomen with your hands, you don’t sit there holding a vacuum for thirty seconds. When you want to do the power-lock and big draw and want to pump energy up the spine, you just expel your breath and suck in the abdomen and this creates an extra suction in the whole abdominal cavity that allows you contract the perineum-anus better and allows for a more powerful suction to pump that “water” “uphill”. It creates an inward energy spiral suction right at your perineum as well as makes it easier to pull up the PC muscle, urogenital diaphragm, perineum muscles and anus because the sucked in abdomen lifts up the organs that are usually pressing down on those structures. This pumping the sperm energy up the spine is called “turning the water wheel” in Chinese, this is because a water wheel (like on a mill) can lift water upward by scooping it up with its paddles. Water which would otherwise sink down as water wants to. So this means reversing the usual path of water. This term should not be confused as being a different name for the microcosmic orbit (which I once thought it was when I heard it before) however the waterwheel process obviously does follow the path of the regular orbit up the spine. We all know that when we contract the circular anal sphincter muscle, we also contract the other sphincter ring-like muscles that have a connection to it. The muscles around the eyes and their irises and lips and palms of hands and souls of feet all are connected to the circular anus muscle and help you to contract it better. You should already know this and be squeezing all of these when you try to draw energy up the spine. But here’s something new. To intensify the effect of the eyes you also have to not only contract circular eye muscles but also suck in the eyes, retract them backwards as though pulling them in by the optic nerves. Now as for the lips this is another slight variation that is vital. You don’t just contract the muscles of the lips and mouth. While closing them tightly you also have to make a sucking sound, sounding almost like small kiss. This helps increase the internal empty force vacuum suction and intensifies the pumping action. You also must imagine rolling the eyes 360 degrees around in your head. Now this is a different concept from sucking the eyes back into the head (which also must be done at the same time). This 360 degree rolling is just like is shown in the fusion book where the eyes look up at the crown of the head. It involves looking up at the crown with the eyes and using the mind eye power to direct the chi up the spine by imagining the eyes rolling completely around in the head looking down and then quickly flipping the eyes to look up at the crown. This creates the illusionary sensation that your eyes have actually rolled back around in your head 360 and come out the other side. This helps direct the ching chi to the crown. (the eyes mentally trace the path of the micro-cosmic orbit) So your eyes seem to roll around in your head. As you do this, your mind eye power directs the energy from your perineum up the spine to the head and up to the top of your head. At which point your eyes end up looking at the top of your head-crown point at the ching that has been pumped up there. And this ching pumped up there is really the golden pearl or golden flower that rests on top of your head. If you recall the big draw is the shortened name for “draw the nectar up to the golden flower” later I will describe another way this may be visualized as a god and goddess copulating above your head at your crown.


This is important too: while you are rolling the eyes up to the crown you should also position your tongue with the tip of the tongue set behind the bottom teeth and then at the same time press the body of the tongue to the roof of the mouth. This connects the tongue and its energy circuits to the crown directly above the roof of the mouth (again this tongue position and looking at the crown with the eyes at the same time is all described as a practice in the fusion book). And of course the sacral and cranial pumps must be activated and the spine must be aligned properly to open up the pathway. As far as flexing and tensing the muscles which we have before criticized as an overly yang action, trying to suppress the ejaculation, this is not true. As I said, there is much less muscle tension in favor of the empty force suction power but there is still a tensing of the muscles. But it is not flexing the muscles and contracting things hard like we normally think of it. This tensing is to strengthen the pumping of the ching up the spine is an entirely different style of muscular tension. He said that when you clench the fists or claw the feet it is really just like iron shirt techniques. That way of flexing the muscles is used to feel as though you are packing and compressing the muscles in to the bones as you contract them. Clenching the palms or soles of the feet also connects them to the anus and other circular muscles since they are the same kind of energy gates. For those of you who have criticized the contracting of the prostate in favor of keeping everything loose note that he points out that alternately relaxing everything in your body that you have tensed and contracted is equally as important. There is balance between active state and resting state. You have to feel the rhythm of the whole thing and decide when the situation calls for being loose and relaxed and when it requires a little tension and light force to keep things in line. To tense the buttocks, just flex the buttock muscles to squeeze the coccyx slightly and keep your legs wider apart if you are more comfortable with that. But the point is that you need very little muscular tension if you understand all the other pointers and details in performing this technique. He adamantly reiterated that it is only tightening muscles in the beginning and even then it is only a little clench when necessary. In the advanced stages, it is much more a moving of ching energy up the spine purely with the mind power. Doesn’t the big draw already involve way too many steps and points to remember? First, step 1 you just exhale, then step 2 the technique requires that all these actions be done simultaneously, everything at once; holding empty force vacuum and sucking in the abdomen, eyes pulled in, lips squeezed and making a light sucking sound, perineum and anus contracted and pulled up, spinal alignment, sacral cranial pumps activated, eyes rolling around in the head to look from the perineum-up the spine-to the top of the crown, tongue positioned under the bottom teeth and to the roof of your mouth, lightly clenching the hands feet and other muscles and gritting the teeth. Do all this to pump the ching upwards. And you do this without breathing in at all. The normal way of doing the big draw is to pump the ching up the spine on an inhalation. But for this you hold the vacuum and act like you’re taking a breath sucking but don’t allow yourself to take in any air at all. What this does is make the empty vacuum force in your abdomen emptier and sucked in more. This is the exactly the suction you want to increase the spinal pumping action. And last but not least pull energy not just forms the sacrum and perineum but right up from the soles of the feet. And don’t worry about holding your emptied lungs and diaphragm for that long. This is all done at once in only a matter of a couple seconds and then you once you are composed and in control again breathe normally.


If you wish you can alternate with doing the big draw the old way by actually inhaling when you draw the ching up. You might not need to perform the big draw with the empty force every time; you might just breathe normally most of the time. Or just do Taoist reverse breathing. But just try doing it this way a couple of times with the empty force and see if it doesn’t work more effectively. I noticed that when you do the empty force big draw, it is possible to suck the air in to the abdomen when you finally do release the vacuum just as you did during regular empty force. Then I couldn’t help but wonder that since the empty force breathing is a similar technique to testicular ovarian compression in that air is ingested and forced down into your abdomen, that therefore the comparison arises to Dr Lin’s combining testicular compression with the big draw. I have a feeling that this reunites those two separated techniques. It may seem like to many things to remember at once but just practice it for a little while and it all becomes internalized and naturalized. Once you commit it all to memory, all of this, (every single step I have just detailed) is done in one unified motion in a matter of a few seconds without even thinking about all the separate required things. And all paying attention to those little details is doing is helping you to more effectively draw energy from the genitals up to the brain. Adding the empty force actually makes it all much easier to perform therefore it cancels out any difficulty of remembering a few extra series of steps. Once you’re familiarized with it all it all becomes natural.


Ballooning (Power-up) Method Ballooning Method (penile massage) is very simple. You must have a spontaneous erection at a 3 o'clock position erection angle or higher and gradually rising to a 1-2 o'clock position after massaging the pubis, penis base/footing and testicles for 5-10 minutes. Stimulate your penis with one hand and massage your pubic vagus nerves or testicles with other hand. Massaging the pubis and testicles is very important in stimulating the testicular function for the oxytocin and testosterone/DHT production to fuel your penile tissues. Massage both sides of the penile shaft and avoid your urethral nerve as it is connected to the prostate's ejaculation control valve. Squeeze the blood into the glans penis. Hold the ejaculation back for as long as you can until there is excessive tension exerting on the prostate. Repeat the massage and hold ejaculation back 3-5 times. Take advantage of the natural expansion force when ejaculation almost occurs. Hold back the ejaculation for at least 3-5 times in each practice. When you are about to ejaculate, apply a little pressure against your bladder and contract your tailbone muscle. After 10-20 minute massage, you may be able to eliminate ejaculation without feeling uncomfortable. I called this particular type of masturbation without ejaculation as Penile Massage because no ejaculation is intended during this practice. Practice this penile massage every morning for 10-20 minutes (without ejaculation) is a good sexual exercise for sexual muscles. It is very important to limit ejaculation for growing your penis. Over-ejaculation will shrink your penis, no matter what kind of techniques you practice! Remember to massage the groins, perineum and tailbone to disperse DHT into your blood circulation after this practice. Don't let DHT trap in the prostate area. DHT can stimulate prostate enlargement as it does for your penile enlargement. You must remove it by increasing the blood circulation around the prostate area. The best way to achieve the natural penile enlargement is intercourse that combines yours and her sexual energies to balloon the penis. Do it with a high-attack angle love position. Hormones feed the penile nerves and dilate the penile tissues for expansion. Hormone burning during sexual stimulation produces the super-potent hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to create erection pressure from the groins and lower back (tailbone), and bioelectrically supercharges the parasympathetic nerves in the pelvic cavity and the prostate to actuate the penile expansion. When the hormone-enriched blood fills up in the penile shaft, prostate and pelvic cavity, a penile expansion pressure grows up and the hidden section of the penis inside the body will be popped out. The popped-out section will be about 1-2", depending on your hormone and NO levels. You will feel an explosive pressure in the prostate area and the penis will become semi-numbed. The bioelectric circuits in the vagina and penis couple the sexual energy across two bodies. The female sexual energy can make you come quickly or help you power your penis to an extreme, depending how the bioelectric circuits between two bodies interact with each other. If the G-spot and Epicenter energy fields are coupled with the nerves on the upper (Yang) side (the stimulation zone) of the penis shaft, the penis will balloon up. On the other hand, if the vaginal energy fields charge the male trigger zone, it will elevate the bioelectric energy of the prostate's ejaculation control valve to ejaculate. This causes a lot of men to ejaculate immediately right after penetrating. Regardless of which love position you use, the prostate's ejaculation nerve will get bio-electrically charged more or less. 70

Thus, during intercourse, you must practice the sexual Chi Kong to channel the sexual energy from the prostate back to the brain via the fire pathway (the Governing Vessel of the acupuncture network) and the water pathway (the spinal cord) Because the penile tissue is not muscle, you cannot break it down with a mechanical force and then attempt to reconstruct it, like a body builder does. Once you destroy the integrity of the penile tissues, veins, arteries or nerves, the penis will be crooked or deformed. Once the damage is done, it is irreversible, lasting for life. You won't be able to enlarge your penis, unless your neuro-endocrine function can produce sufficient hormones of hGH, DHEA and testosterone. Your liver function helps generate the sufficient parasympathetic neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, the erectile neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide, and the erectile dilator cGMP, and your cardiovascular function pumps a supper highpressure blood flow to balloon your penis. Theoretically, you cannot re-grow your elastic, spongy penile tissue after age 25 or your growth period depending on your Human Growth Hormone (HGH) level. The highest HGH level occurs during age 12-15, the second high, during age 16-24. For ballooning or expanding the penis in the Natural Penile Enlargement, it requires DHEA to increase the elasticity of the penile tissue and the testosterone production. It also requires an optimal amount of estrogen to help dilate the local blood vessel for more blood to fill the penis, and sufficient HGH to help the body to produce suitable amounts of DHEA, testosterone, estrogen and 5-alpha reductase. Noticeably, estrogen plays an important role in cooling down the sex organs during sexual excitement, where most of testosterone is burned into bioelectricity and the end product DHT. To enlarge your penis, you must squeeze both sides of the penis shaft from the base (hairy) area to the penile neck next to the glans, so that the DHT and hormone enriched blood will be pushed up from the base area to the penile head. Don't masturbate (don't stroke the penile shaft up and down along the urethra)! At the same time, you must avoid any pressure or stimulation on the urethra, particularly near the trigger zone in the inferior of the glans and the penile neck. Repeat this process 3 to 5 times, the penis will elongate to an extreme, slightly curved up and numbed gradually. You must be able to hold ejaculation back 3-5 times every time you are about to cum during a penile stimulation session, either intercourse or masturbation. Holding back ejaculation each time would balloon the penis to a new maximum until you feel the penis is about to blow up. When you are about to come, your lady will feel the most stimulation at the moment. Don't ejaculate, pull it out and massage your penis. And then change the love position to have another round. The penis will become larger and larger until you feel an explosive pressure built up inside your penile shaft. You will also feel the high blood pressure builds up around your pubis, groins and tailbone to push the penis out. To hold ejaculation back, you must practice sexual Chi-Kong breathing to keep your body in the parasympathetic mood - your penis is very hot but your brain is very cool. In this way, you can hold a hard erection and last for 1-2 hours without leaking a drop of semen. The trick is to exercise your tailbone muscle where the Central Nervous System and the S2-S4 sensory/parasympathetic nerves are inter-linked. Exercising this special muscle and burning testosterone here to develop more testosterone and DHT receptors and to desensitize the prostate will prolong your intercourse for longer than 1 hour. Practice the tailbone exercise 3-5 times a day, 100 contractions each time. 71

Periodical contracting the tailbone muscles at the same quick-stop inhaling rate of 0.8 second will trigger orgasmic contraction in the tailbone muscles via the sympathetic nervous circuits. If your body can supply sufficient testosterone into the penile chamber where testosterone will be turned into DHT, your penile tissues will bath in the DHT-enriched blood. Penile tissues will grow again under the DHT stimulation in addition to help penile ballooning. However, the penile tissues must be soaked in the DHT bath for a long time. If you can have sex for 1-2 hours every day with multiple orgasms without ejaculation, your penis will grow very fast. The problem for men is that the prostate has more testosterone and DHT receptors than any parts of the body. Excessive testosterone may over-stimulate the prostate and cause premature ejaculation; Excessive DHT in the prostate also cause prostate enlargement. While you are considering the penile enlargement by introducing a lot of testosterone and DHT into the penile chamber, you have to protect your prostate first. In this regard, plant hormones such as Soy Isoflavones can fool the prostate hormone receptors and keep DHT from binding into the receptor. Exercising your tailbone muscles to grow the testosterone and DHT receptors there can eliminate the excessive testosterone and DHT acting on the prostate. Men should not exercise his Prostate muscles too much as it leads to difficulty in ejaculation control. As long as you can avoid stimulation on the prostate nerves, you will eliminate ejaculation. For good health, you can cool down the scrotum every day after showering and bathing. This will pull the scrotum up to boost the testosterone production. You can never increase your testicle size by any means.

Basic principles of the ballooning method DHT, derivative of testosterone, is the supper hormone response for stimulation of penile "tissue growth" as described in many textbook for endocrine physiology. The DHT level is suddenly increased during boy puberty. As a result, the penis grows. A young adult female can grow the tiny clitoral shaft into a penis by testosterone injection in order to prepare for transsexual operation. Over-accumulation of DHT in the prostate hormone receptors results in prostate enlargement. However, the enlarged prostate can return to its normal state once the DHT level in the prostate hormone receptors is freed and removed. You want the penile tissues to grow, but not the prostate tissues. This can be achieved by frequently bathing your penile tissues in the DHT-enriched blood through frequent and spontaneous hard erection. DHT and frequent harder erection are the keys for the penis to grow for men of any age. Any drugs or practices blocking or reducing the DHT synthesis or/and killing the erectile mechanisms will result in penile shrinking. Reducing DHT production may not help shrink an enlarged prostate if it won't help free the bounded DHT from the prostate hormone receptors. The prostate enlargement generally happens in the middle or senior life when the bloodstream's DHT level is very low and results in penile shrinkage, but the DHT level in the prostate receptors is too high. In addition to the presence of DHT in the penile tissues, you must erect the penis harder by fully expanding your penile spongy tissues. This part of action requires the brain's acetylcholine/ parasympathetic nervous functions to increases a release of the 2nd neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide that becomes a arterial dilation chemical called cGMP. To enlarge your penis, your liver must provide the enzymes to produce the neurotransmitters and cGMP for dilating the penile arteries, so that your heart can pump out a lot of blood into the penis. Any penile exercises that damage the penile nerves, or break down the delicate penile spongy 72

tissues will result in penile shrinkage and crocking in the Erection State. A penis with spongy tissues broken down usually hangs longer in the flaccid state and points to the ground, but it won't help the penile size in the erectile state, even if the penis can still erect. The damage of the penile parasympathetic nervous endings and the formation of scar tissues will block the erectile mechanism. The penile size is determined by the DHT receptors and concentration in the spongy tissues and capillaries, the Acetylcholine/NO level in the penile parasympathetic nerves/endings, and the cardiovascular pumping. However, the brain's dopamine is essential to drive the brain/pituitarytesticular (and adrenal, with the parasympathetic system) functions for producing more free testosterone when can be burned into DHT. The liver function, driven by the Acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions, has to provide all the essential enzymes for the hormonal conversion from cholesterol to DHEA, androstenedione, estrogen, testosterone and DHT, and for the syntheses of erection-associated neurotransmitters Acetylcholine, Dopamine and Serotonin. Serotonin helps preserve the brain's Dopamine level and reduce the conversion of Dopamine/norepinephrine to epinephrine (adrenalin, the stress hormone) - less stress more erection. It helps you last longer so that your penile tissues have sufficient time to burn DHEA, androstenedione and testosterone into DHT to help you "grow" your penis, but you have to detoxify your prostate and hair rooting cells to prevent their DHT receptors from binding DHT in order to avoid prostate enlargement and hair loss. When your DHT receptors die, the DHT level in your penile tissues drops, or your parasympathetic nervous function produces insufficient NO (and erectile dilator cGMP, the derivative of NO) in the nervous endings of the arteries, your penis will shrink. Any drugs that drop the DHT production in the penile tissues will weaken your erection and shrink your penis. The safe way to grow your penis is to power your brain's acetylcholine-parasympathetic, dopamine and serotonin nervous, liver, neuro-endocrine, and cardiovascular systems to bring sufficient hormones (DHEA and androstenedione are the best! Why? Very tricky!) and liver enzymes into the penile shaft for producing more DHT locally. At the same time, detoxify the prostate and hair rooting cells. Let the penile tissues soak in this local DHT-enriched blood chamber for 30-60 minutes to grow more DHT receptors (The inflatable characteristics of the penile/urethral/vaginal spongy tissues are very unique in the body and the only tissues in the body can benefit from the presence of DHT!). In this regard, you need Serotonin to help you hold your ejaculation back 3-5 times in a love or masturbation session.

Experiencing the Ballooning Method Don't expect to do it in one day though. It takes time to establish neural, electrical and hormonal patterns. Make a point not to stimulate the trigger area just below the bottom of the glans and the urethra in general. Instead, stimulate the other areas like the top and sides, the base of the penis and the scrotum. Good masturbation habits will develop the neural patterns that support ballooning. Stimulate yourself to the edge of ejaculation, while remaining very relaxed throughout the ride. Stop all movement when the urgency for ejaculation occurs; repeat it a couple more times. This fills the ampule with semen and puts the penis in a hyper-stimulated state. You will notice that as ejaculation approaches, the penis gets a bit more rigid as more blood flows in. The aim is to sustain this pre-ejaculatory state for an extended period. If you continue to relax and stimulate non-trigger areas, you may experience dry orgasms. If your hormone levels are good you can maintain this state for 30 - 60 minutes and watch your penis inflate to its maximum. You may also wish to take breaks and massage the PC muscle. It does a lot of contracting during ballooning and 73

if it gets fatigued it can cause you to ejaculate. The other thing is that you want to get fresh, hormone-rich blood into the penis to enable growth of tissue. Takes time to master the ballooning technique. The body is very programmable though each time you do it you will feel changes that bring you closer to glorious ballooning. Relaxation and almost a hypnotic enjoyment of sensation (from the non-trigger areas) are keys to the success. Mental focus can really help here. I focus on sensations within the two main CC cylinders and find great enjoyment. Mental focus (while relaxed) causes new DHT receptors to develop in these non-trigger areas to the point where you can enjoy mental masturbation without touching Willie. Oops. I'm doing it now, how pleasant. At a certain point I can release the intensity of my focus to free the sensation to blossom on its own - and it does. I can continue to the point of ballooning without doing anything except relax, focus and enjoy. This has taken months to develop. Another tool here is using the acupuncture meridians to guide electrical charge to the area you want to stimulate. This is done through visualization. There is a hot wire running down the center of your chest to the groin. Imagine a downward flow and you will soon feel a pleasant tingle there. Then send it into your penis and see what happens. There is more pleasure one could have inside the body using your mind than outside the body using touch. After or during ballooning, I often jelq and squeeze to take advantage of the elasticity of the tissues, which promotes penile growth and health. If you want to grow, don't ejaculate. It depletes important substances that you need for the recovery/growth phase - save it for the woman. Put it away and go work out. You'll have lots of energy. DHT builds up in your head and you will feel rotten within two hours if you don't sweat and pee it out.

Message: I share all of this knowing that some will not act wisely and will destroy themselves with excessive orgasms. But others will master the technique and it will bring great joy to their lives. With every gift there is a risk of abuse. Do not worship the gift but rather the Giver. Then you won't crash. Under the tailbone is a unique merging of nerves that allows you to send sexual energy (electrical) into the nervous system. This can be intensely pleasurable but can also be very damaging and literally burn you out like a druggy. Dr. Lin tells you to send the current up from the tailbone through the spine and into the back of the head, over the exterior of the brain and to the "third eye" in the center of the forehead and then, down the front and to the groin. My head is very sensitive, so I have to really limit the circulation of energy to just my torso and neck (and lately, legs), and let my head enjoy the run-offs. Otherwise I get headaches. Many people say that anal orgasms are safe as long as you circulate the energy. I say that you have to customize that circulation as your body gives you feedback. If you have established an unhealthy pattern, then find another path for the energy flow and let the unhealthy one dies from neglect. It takes a while but the nervous system seems to unlearn as well as it learns. Remember, you are dealing with Chi flowing through vulnerable and vital neurons. If they fry, the function they govern will not work anymore. So listen to the warnings your body gives. The tailbone muscle is just above the anus toward the spine. Put a finger there and one on the PC muscle and then do a PC contraction. You should feel tightening in both places. Then try to isolate and contract just the tailbone muscle. Within a few days you'll get it. Just focus on this area through the day and contract it. Soon it will give you warmth, pleasure and energy. Relax and breathe slowly or you will get nowhere. In addition, imagine a flow of energy that begins at the tailbone, rises up the spine, over the shoulders, (or head if you prefer) and down the front of the torso to the penis. Let the mind's eye travel this route slowly and eventually it will flow on its 74

own. This circular pattern should become established to guide the energy that your butt will soon produce. Let the pleasure spread to your anus, rectum and bowel area within the pelvis as well as your gluts. The larger the area of pleasure, the sooner you will have an orgasm there. The power source is the tailbone muscle but my favorite is the rectal area. You experience orgasms when the muscles around the rectum contract in wonderful waves. The toughest part of all this is staying relaxed. When the sensations begin to intensify, you will have to train yourself not to get overly excited. At first this may only disrupt the pleasure but later, adrenaline rushes can be used to intensify and accelerate the pleasure. DON'T DO IT! It's deadly. Head rushes (non-orgasmic) will eventually flow out of control and blow your top off every time you try to relax - dangerous nerve programming. Let the pleasure cause you to become more and more relaxed, no matter how intense it gets. Let the pleasure increases at its own pace; don't force it. Keep the circulation going and enjoy new areas of pleasure, each of which can produce its own orgasm - back, neck, chest, belly, legs, dick, and balls. I use this during intercourse and it is the best ejaculation control because it distracts the brain from sensations in the penis and prostate. I can screw forever (so it seems) with glorious full-body orgasms, and never ejaculate. I only squirt when I know my body needs to. It does not enhance my pleasure anymore. It only ends it. Now I'm trying to get my wife to try it. Some more notes on ballooning: It's prostate excitement that produces ejaculation. Trigger areas connect to the prostate and that is why you should avoid them. You fool your penis into thinking that you're shooting but keeping it a secret from the prostate. Depending on your age you may need to take some herbs and supplements to keep your hormone and neurotransmitter level up. Supplements will bring you back in shape faster and enable you do enjoy more orgasms. Remember to massage the tailbone muscle after sex to disperse the DHT. Otherwise it will cause prostate enlargement. Take saw palmetto too.

Ballooning Technique: I would suggest you begin by trying to gently flex the tailbone muscle. Begin by doing Kegels with one finger on the BC muscle and another just above the anus. You should feel tightening muscles in both areas. Then try to just flex the tailbone muscle. It takes some concentration at first but will become easier with practice. It's not a big deal if you flex the BC sometimes too. The object is to establish mental contact with the muscle between the anus and the tailbone. Gentle flexing is best; remember to relax it completely between flexes. The other exercise you should begin immediately is orbiting. When orgasmic energy begins to flow through your body you want to establish safe paths for it to flow. Otherwise it can do damage - particularly to the brain and heart. This electrical energy will be flowing through acupuncture meridians as well as nerves. You can teach it to flow anywhere in your body to cause pleasure and healing. This is called sexual Chi Kong. Here's the orbit. Focus on a point in the middle of your lower forehead. Then bring the focus down through the nose, mouth and the throat, through the chest and to the belly. Let it rest there for a moment. Then direct it to the root of the penis, straight back to the anus and tailbone muscle, pause there, and then up the spine, up the back of the head, across the top and return to the forehead. 75

When I first started, I breathed the "right" way, inhale as chi descends the front, exhale as chi ascends the back. It seemed to make things work better. Now it doesn't matter, as long as I breathe slowly. Flexing the tailbone muscle will certainly strengthen chi. Flexing when your focus is there makes sense. Practice whenever you think about it. Do this at a slow rate and in a relaxed state until you can begin to feel sensations in some of these areas. As sensations develop, avoid focusing too much on the head or chest, rather let the belly, pelvis cavity and tailbone muscle be the reservoir of energy. Do keep the energy moving around the perimeter of the brain, and not through the middle. There are sensitive areas in there that shouldn't be monkeyed with. When you masturbate, avoid the hot areas - the underside where the urethra is close to the surface and (for now) the head. Develop a taste for pleasure in all the other areas, including the scrotum. Refrain from ejaculating when you can. When you are having sex, try to direct the energy/sensations in your penis straight back to the anal/tailbone muscle area. Eventually, this will be the way that you will trigger the wave. Remember, adrenaline is your enemy. Relaxation is your friend. If you crave the "rush," be patient, it will come to you more wonderfully than you can imagine - in a totally relaxed mental state. With time, new sensors and receptors will develop in all these area and you will be experiencing increasing levels of pleasure in these places. When the pleasure in any of the non-trigger areas reaches a certain level you will have a non-ejaculatory orgasm. And then the next ones will come easier and easier. It's very difficult to be relaxed at the verge of orgasm. First you need to have good serotonin levels. Beyond that, you need to begin to accept orgasm as a "normal" state. Sometimes when I'm orgasm I say to myself, "big deal, so it's another orgasm." There is no risk that they will become mundane, believe me! I just have to teach my mind and body not to get so excited that I throw myself out of the loop. Accepting/redefining orgasm as a normal state seems to be the key here. Once you taste a new arousal state, your mind will remember how it got there and will be much more cooperative in getting you there next time. Here are some methods of serotonin release: sunshine, St John's Wort, tryptophan, 5-htp, bananas, walnuts, dates. If you are good at self-hypnosis, your serotonin levels are probably fine. Your body just needs some retraining. You should not take any supplements unless you are having problems sleeping. Why didn't I ejaculate when I orgasm? Because the nerves that trigger ejaculation are limited to a small area which I choose to neglect. Practically the whole body is erogenous, if you develop all the zones. Orgasms occur in the brain when pleasure in any given area reaches a certain threshold of intensity. Ejaculation will occur only if the trigger zone (urethra, prostate) is involved or if the orgasms get you over-excited. With advanced training, sensations from non-trigger zones can cancel out sensations from trigger zones allowing complete stimulation of the penis with nonejaculatory orgasms. I have experienced this during intercourse. I thought to myself, "I should be shooting but I'm not." That's the ultimate freedom. Ballooning of the penis tends to dull the nerves in that area which can also allow me to tolerate trigger-zone stimulation without shooting. Yes, orgasms and sensations are all in our minds but different nerves enter different parts of the brain and produce different effects.


Yes, crossing the bridge from penile root to anal area takes some focus and practice but once you get it, you won't want to stop orbiting.

Another description of Ballooning Process: Ballooning happens as a result of training certain areas of the penis to orgasm repeatedly so that maximum engorgement is maintained long enough to cause stretching of the penis. Ejaculation is triggered mainly by nerves around the urethra (pee tube) on the underside. If you avoid this area and develop sensations in other areas, after several weeks of training, you will orgasm without ejaculating. Then, with further practice you can learn to maintain this state. The repeated orgasms cause the chambers to inflate or "balloon." Before you can balloon, you have to be healthy and horny enough to have spontaneous erections. If this is not happening, changes in diet, sleep, exercise and/or supplements can help. Once erections are occurring without manual stimulation, masturbation habits need to be adjusted. You need to learn to enjoy stimulating a variety of areas of the genitals and avoid stimulating the area around the urethra. Non-trigger zones: Between the CCs and the bone above the penis are some nerves that can be stimulated by pressing a finger into that space and rubbing around in there until you find the two hotspots on either side of the CCs. I also find stretching and shaking the scrotum very enjoyable once I'm warmed up. The CCs themselves can provide a great deal of pleasure, but this happened for me only after some weeks of practice. The glans is a sensitive area and should be avoided by beginners. Later, after greater control is learned, the head can become an excellent non-trigger zone. It boils down to a much more relaxed and mellow savoring of sensation, as opposed to the intense rush that some of us have enjoyed for years. Many ballooning instructions say that you need to masturbate very close to cum three times before the ballooning can begin. The reason for this is to fill the ampule with semen. This semen pressure will then make all areas of the genitals very sensitive and enable them to enter the preorgasmic state of engorgement independent of the trigger zone (urethra) I'm sure many of you have tried this with some success. The problem is that in order to go to the edge, most of us have to use the trigger zone and with gusto. This is counter-productive to the un-training of the trigger zone and the training of the non-trigger zones. Instead of studiously and furiously whacking to the edge three times, sit back and learn to enjoy the subtler tones of the non-trigger zones as you GLIDE to the edge three times. It may take longer but then you will accomplish both non-trigger zone development and ampule filling. Once you have reached peak arousal, chill, and get used to chilling at that place. The worst trigger is adrenaline. Consciously slowing your breathing will induce a relaxed state in your brain that really facilitates orgasms and ballooning. If you just lay back like everything is normal - and continue non-trigger stimulation, your cock will eventually lurch as your BC muscle prepares for an approaching ejaculation. But you won't ejaculate, because you're relaxed and you're avoiding the urethra area. Then it might lurch again, - or you might lose your mental composure and make a big mess. That's okay. If you lurched once, you may lurch twice next time. Each session will bring more throbs until the throbs are plentiful enough to pump up the old blimp to the next size. When I'm ballooning now, my BC muscle just keeps on pumping for five or ten minutes at a time. No, these are not Kegels. They are involuntary. Conscious kegeling will only sensitize the ejaculation circuit. Taking a break is good and temporary deflation does not prevent growth. Just massage the whole area to loosen things up and then go for it again. How long do you need to balloon to achieve 77

growth? I'm not sure. I just go as long as I can. Sometimes I can do 40 minutes. Other times, I'm just too edgy and I have to either stop after 15 minutes or let it squirt. It takes several weeks to train you penis to balloon. Don't try to hurry things, rather sit back and enjoy the ride. Relaxation is everything. Now what about intercourse! Even after mastering multiple full-body orgasms, I have had to adjust my intercourse positions in order to facilitate ballooning. The missionary position causes too much trigger zone stimulation. But if I lay my wife down at the corner of the bed and enter her from a semi-standing position, the pressure on my penis is shifted from the bottom (trigger area) to the top and glans (non-trigger). In addition, I have better access to her G-spot with the glans which can help her orgasm more easily. If I lie down and have her sit on me, we achieve the same effect. In either position, I can go for an hour or more having orgasms and ballooning.

There are a lot of different stressors that could be weakening your parasympathetic nervous system and preventing spontaneous erections. You just have to eliminate them one by one. Here is a list but it is not exhaustive: poor sleep, lack of exercise, refined foods, unnatural addictives, excessive physical, mental, emotional stress decreased/unbalanced hormone levels due to sickness or aging decreased neurotransmitter levels (can be caused by drugs, stress, aging, poor sleep) sexual exhaustion drugs - legal or illegal. I think the most common cause is a combination of refined foods and sexual exhaustion. Lots of sex (which is not a bad thing) depletes the hormones and Nero-transmitters. Unrefined foods contain the raw materials to replenish those important chemicals. But the refining process, used in making much of the American diet, removes what we need to be good and horny. Repeated depletion with only limited replenishing causes a downward spiral of drive and health. Fortunately there are many natural and safe ways to help the body rebuild itself. I'm not talking about aphrodisiacs that just pump you up so you can crash again, or drugs that cover up the symptoms. What we need is to build up the foundations of our health (digestion, blood, muscles, nerves, immunity) to the point where our energy and vitality are ready to overflow at any moment, like when we were young. Some aphrodisiacs help in this process but they often need to be used in combination with other herbs and/or treatments to balance their effects. I have been learning a great deal from the writings of a famous herbalist, Dr. David Christopher. His books and formulas are sold at Of particular interest is his whole-body cleansing process using fasting, diet and herbs. The source of many physical problems seems to be the build-up of impurities in the body, which cannot be excreted without "opening the channels." Dr. Christopher’s herbal formulas are very gentle a safe - yet effective. Message: I want to share an experience with ballooning that is very exciting. It seems that I've crossed a threshold of some kind with it. Last Wednesday I was taking my weekly swim. I do mental masturbation as I swim to make it more interesting and give me more energy. Sensations are quite strong but the pup stays soft most of the time because my body is using blood to swim. I was swimming along, enjoying some outstanding penile sensation when all of a sudden my whole lower abdomen and rod gave me an incredible non-ejaculatory orgasm. Now he was hard. I tried not to make too much noise as my body thrashed for a moment. It happened several more times in the pool as well as in bed at night. Anyway, last night I was sitting quietly in the family room after putting the kids to bed. My dick started to glow a little so I gave it my attention. Without my even unzipping my pants, he sped into a non- ejaculatory orgasm and repeated it every few seconds for over 30 minutes! It was a real struggle to keep quiet. I have done this before - on purpose, but never had it happen spontaneously or with such gushing, unbridled enjoyment. I've never seen it so hard for so long. It was such a turn-on to be seduced by my own dick. My head was spinning by the end of it and I had to go jog a little to clear out the DHT before going to bed. 78

I know that I have said in a previous post that you have to keep multiple orgasms under control but - they are so much more fun when you wind them up and let them go on their own. I encourage anyone interested in ballooning or multiples to order Dr. Lin's CD book, Resonant Excitation of Sexual Orgasms. It is much easier to digest than all those articles on his website. There are a lot of other methods out there but I find Dr. Lin's to be the safest and most effective. (PC flexing and internal emissions are no good.) I can't tell you how much multiple orgasms have enriched my life. I've been doing it for about 3 years and the magic still grows every day. They give me a deeper love for my wife and for God who gave me this gift. I struggled for a while, physically, because I didn't understand how harmful they can be if you do them in the evening just before bed, or during time that should be spent sleeping. Supplements helped me get back my health. I have tried internal seminal vesicle emissions (and they are very nice) but ended up bursting my pipes inside from being too full. I have not tried PC contractions but have read about too many problems connected with it (retrograde ejaculation, premature ejaculation). Just seems like too much work. I have tried the "key sound" method but that uses adrenaline to get things going and caused me to have noisy head rushes when I was trying to go to sleep. Complete relaxation seems like a much healthier way to go. Certainly the individual should customize the MMO techniques to the needs of his body. I just want to help others avoid the tumbles that I experienced while learning to ride the wave. Finding Dr. Lin's site really helped me understand what I was doing wrong that caused me harm. I know that he is against hanging, jelqing, and pumping. He says they are dangerous and has apparently helped many men recover from PE injuries. Ballooning is not without risks either, however, especially if you have to take horse pills to be able to do it. The wise man learns the specific risks of his journey, before venturing out. Mental masturbation is very simple. Just relax and focus on any erogenous area of your body and you will soon feel pleasure there. Only a little at first but it will grow, day by day, until the pleasure is so intense, you orgasm. Relaxed focus causes your body to create more DHT receptors in the focus area. The same technique is used for developing the tailbone muscle for full-bodied orgasms. Mental masturbation is not magic but once you get going you'll think it is. I learned this from a post at SOLO. I'm not sure exactly why it works. If anyone has a theory, let's hear it. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5:

Relax - there is a dimension of self-hypnosis to this Imagine the sensation that you want to feel in you organ. Set a small goal at first e.g. a gentle pleasure along the shaft. Mentally focus on that area without trying to make anything happen When you feel a little tingle, just enjoy it, don't try to make it more, but keep your goal of greater intensity in mind. Your body will get you there. Be patient. The tingle will fade but then return a little stronger if you maintain your focus.

Each session will yield greater rewards as your body learns to do it better. As we all know, sex is mostly in our heads. Let your brain and cock "talk" to each other through a line that runs from your forehead down the front of your body. I know this sounds strange but when it gets going it is very powerful. Last night I enjoyed the most intense mental masturbation I have ever experienced. Then I just let it glow gently as I drifted off to sleep. I sometimes do it when I'm jogging (alone in the woods). Almost creamed in my shorts a few times because the flopping around added 79

stimulation. I rarely masturbate with my hands anymore because my mind can stimulate much more thoroughly - deep inside the shaft or way down in the root or even inside the tip. Then I try to get all these areas going at once. Feels like a rocket trying to take off, or like a strong electrical current shooting up and out my rod. What's really fun is when you get so good at it, that it happens by itself when you are just sitting quietly. It's like an unexpected free lunch. Makes you smile. I can get very emotional about this so I better just stop typing. Ballooning has become the most important part of PE for me. I never do anything without ballooning first. You might say that it is my warm-up, 30-60 minutes worth. From what I understand, the burning of testosterone and DHEA into DHT in the penile chambers during the repeated penile orgasms causes the tunica to become very elastic. Then I jelq and squeeze while keeping it as full as possible. If I jelq and remain relaxed, the ballooning usually continues because of the stimulation. Then I do a lot of squeezing and deep massaging while still fairly hard. I continue until I feel that all areas have been fatigued. Stretching is done as often as possible throughout the rest of the day. Yes, I have felt for myself the toughening of the tunica from insufficient rest. I have used frequent stimulation/irritation of ligaments elsewhere in the body to bring about faster healing and tighter joints. I don't want this to happen between my legs. Then I'll have to work harder and raise the risk of injury. That's why I've limited this routine to 2 or 3 times a week. When I kept reading about fast gains after extended breaks I realized the punctuated theory is for real. I've decided to just stay on break and PE here and there. Results are better than I have ever experienced. Less is more. Ballooning Method: Take yourself very close to shooting at least three times. Then continue stimulation avoiding the bottom strip where the urethra is close to the surface. Soon your cock will throb and really feel like you're shooting. Your PC muscle will contract repeatedly, but nothing comes out because the prostate is not involved except that the urethral bulb is very full of semen. Continued stimulation of non-trigger areas keeps you at this threshold. Some call it dry orgasms. It can become very intense. Stop every 5 minutes or so to let fresh blood in and to massage the PC muscle. Otherwise it (PC muscle) becomes fatigued and can cause ejaculation. Continue for 40 minutes or so and you will see growth. Ballooning sounds identical to edging, but actually no! You avoid the trigger areas altogether. Edging works for some – but not me and there is still lots of mystery about HOW TO EXACTLY perform the edging. It comes naturally to some and they say it works, others are completely frustrated. The edging technique: Start to Masturbate while squeezing your PC muscle a lot, short fast squeezes, try to get to a 100% erection, take your time, and don’t try to get to the edge so fast. Once you are at the brink of orgasm, which puts you at a 100% erection, you squeeze your PC muscle long and hard. Well let me tell you one thing: If exactly this technique was really producing length or girth gains, then I would have a 20" dick by now. This is exactly what I have been doing for years almost daily when I was young. I was riding and enjoying the small ways for up to 2 hours at a time while watching porn. I did this for years. And I ended up with premature ejaculation, weak erections, a burned out small dick. Now I know why I think I got the premature Ejaculation problem, even though I was able to go for hours while stimulating myself. I programmed my PC muscle to be trigger happily over the years, because I was constantly stimulating EXACTLY those trigger areas that you and LIN says have to be avoided (and not to mention that I ejaculated almost daily). Well, this lies in the past and at the present time I'm completely recovered. It took me one year to 80

retrain myself, and change my masturbation habits, to stop masturbating daily (with ejaculation at all). I attribute my new found sexual power to jelqing, manual stretching, and horse squeezes. I do have a steady girlfriend for 7 month now and she calls me huge and her sex god or stallion now. She says I'm the largest she ever had (truthfully) and that I'm giving her the most intense feeling during intercourse EVER! I also can go for as long as I want now, even though some of the bad PC programming is still apparent sometimes. I have to stop, pull out, and wait for few seconds (I lick her out quickly) then keep going...happens rare though, only when we hadn't sex for a couple of days. We all know there is the border which we mustn't cross; it’s the point of no return! This is when the PC muscle starts to contract involuntarily! I repeat: involuntarily! Normally the next step is orgasm followed ejaculation! There are two techniques known to me that can stop you from doing this. You can either do a Kegel or reverse Kegel; i.e. you either clamp or push out your PC muscle so hard that the semen won't make it out. This technique works, I mastered it, but it is not the best at all. The semen goes into your bladder and can cause pain or infections there later. In addition, you experience a dry orgasm and you need a minute or 2 until you continue sex + the quality of erection goes down with each dry orgasm and the final orgasm where you finally allow ejaculation isn't good at all + hardly any sperm comes out because it is all in the bladder! “So how can anyone have a feeling like he is shooting AND have a throbbing dick AND NOT ejaculate due to spasmodic involuntarily contractions of the PC muscle. Is this achieved by constantly leaving out the trigger areas completely? Or do I have rub ONLY my left and right chambers so hard and fast till I feel the involuntarily contractions are about to begin and THEN stop, ease up, and continue to rub the chambers less hard so I don't ejaculate for 30 minutes?” Most of us have a very strong nerve connection between your PC muscle and prostate. This will fade as you practice focusing on the upper areas of your penis. No, don't rub hard and fast. Take your time, enjoy the ride. As your arousal level increases, gentle stimulation will be sufficient. Savor the sensations in the non-trigger areas. Don't think about ballooning. Let it take you by surprise. Put a finger on your PC muscle while you are flaccid, and then start getting erect and your ballooning workout. Do you feel that the muscle contracts every now and then involuntarily in union with higher levels of nearing orgasms (like small little ones)? I know mine did and I know it was bad and that’s what led to premature ejaculation. A perfectly healthy dick gets erect to 100% without a single spasm/contraction of the PC muscle. If every man could somehow train himself to completely relax while having sex and leave out the involuntarily contractions of the PC muscle there wouldn't be any premature ejaculation at all. Everybody can do a test. Get 100% erect, pull back your foreskin, and put one finger on the pc muscle to feel if it reacts. Now pinch your head see how the PC muscle responds without you wanting it to do: That is a trigger zone = your head! Same will happen if you push under your head (downside) or below your head (upper side) that’s where most nerve endings are. Now do the other test: pinch/touch / push the side of the chamber to see if there is no reaction from the pc at all. You could fuck forever if it was like this all over your dick - then again you wouldn't be able to ejaculate without a trigger! The reason why I fell into the pit of almost daily masturbation was the easy small orgasms! Plenty of them I guess hundreds in the course of 2 hours. They are very easy to achieve if you keep rubbing the trigger zones. I rubbed till I got one (my pc muscle spas med in union) and if I would have continued I'd ejaculate so I stopped for a few seconds then did it again and again and again. 81

Each and each time I was training my pc muscle to INSTANTLY respond to stimulation with a contraction = GREAT FUN, NO PROBLEM AT ALL! WHY? WHY OH WHY could I go for hours like this without coming, but would come after a couple of thrusts when inside a woman! This is simply because I could decide when to stop the stimulation. Look if you put your dick inside the pussy, the stimulation amount on the trigger zones is overwhelming and CONSTANT! Worst cases of Premature E are exactly like this; guy put it in and explodes instantly because their pc muscles are trained to do so! Basically you are fucked and a 30sec man, AND it’s your own fault! So why do most man masturbate the way they do? It is because touching of trigger zones helps you to maintain erection. You just rub the head and below it a couple of times and soon you are on the brim of orgasm and also stay fully erect. You stop so you don't shoot, then repeat and repeat, you think to yourself how great you are with regard to your "standing ability" – IN FACT THEY ARE SHITTY AS IT GETS! WHEN IT COMES TO REAL SEX! Reader: I'm 42 with a moderately high "drive". I added several supplements to make my erections firmer/more sensitive and they definitely helped. Chrysin to inhibit the transformation of testosterone to estradiols and estrogens (does anyone know if there is a better non-prescription alternative?), American ginseng powder, tribulus extract, epimedium extract, ginkgo extract, zinc, selinium and "NO2"-Arinine Alpha-Ketoglutarate - a bit expensive for the long term. To avoid the trigger areas I've ended up with a sort of finger-tip masturbation style, with my thumbs stimulating the groove where the c.c. chambers come together, occasionally stimulating my scrotum and massaging the base of the shaft while my finger tips are mostly working the sides. My erections definitely seem firmer and my glans often more engorged than I ever remember. How much of this is from the supplements and how much is from the practice I don't know. I think that this lighter style and the need for conscious relaxation in the midst of arousal have gotten me more aware of how my penis is actually working. The pleasure is good, strong, different in some hard to quantify way. I have gone to about two ejaculations a week from one or two a day. I find this kind of sex satisfying enough to forgo ejaculation most of the time. When I have ejaculated it's been impressive; I don't think I'd splashed my chest with cum in 15 years and the volume seems at least doubled. About the idea that all this sex without ejaculation just made one hornier; I think dwelling in that sensation of heightened horniness is part of the point. To appreciate, INTENSIFY and revel in it more of the time without letting the drive call the shots. I have also quit drinking coffee, as I found that adrenaline spikes limit the blood flow to the groin area. That makes sense to me, as anxiety, and some stimulants like speed can hinder erection performance. I found that my flaccid hang was already heavier after a few hours. I intend to stop smoking in a couple of days too, as nicotine also apparently interferes with things like adrenaline, it also is supposed to dull nerve endings. I think that I need to relearn the neural pathways to facilitate erection, and I guess if it's been a long time since I got regular, free-standing, spontaneous erections. I will need to strengthen the mind/body connection to remind myself what the feeling actually is like again. Once I get a strong mental connection there, things should be a lot easier. I hope all that makes sense.

The testicle size does nothing with the sexual power, but the ability of the scrotum to lift up the testes does. It is the strength of the scrotum "muscle," indicating the DHT, testosterone and DHEA levels in the local tissues and neurons. The strength of the scrotum muscle reflects the concentration of the hormones and the burning rate of testosterone. When testosterone is burning, 82

perineum and tailbone areas will be heated up and the parasympathetic, sexual nerve gets supercharged. DHT, estrogen and Nitric Oxide (NO) in the local bloodstream stimulate the local tissues and nervous fibers to expand. The bioelectricity in the parasympathetic, sexual nerve actuates and continuously holds the erection. Once you have such conditions in favor of erection, you can power up the penis. The penis is selfexpanded when ejaculation almost occurs. At the moment, you must contract the anal/tailbone muscle as hard as you can, focus your mind in the rear brain, lock up your throat and dilate your pupils, and widely open your mouth. If you do it right, you will feel a power surge running up to your spinal cord and brain via your tailbone and eliminate ejaculation. Sometimes, you may feel multiple energy pulses being generated at that moment. This is what the male multiple orgasms are all about, but without ejaculation. You must eliminate ejaculation at the moment, so that the penis is swollen to a maximum and the hidden section of the penis (about 1-2" extra) is popped out. Then massage the pubis, the penile base (both sides of the penis next to the Pubis) and footing (under the scrotum), and groins. Message: I think balance is the key. I am 40 and my objective is to raise my hormone levels to what they were in my 20's. I think I have succeeded as I now have more erections than when I was in puberty. There are quite a few hormones that have to be balanced as well as some neurotransmitters that may need support with increased physical "activity." They diminish as we age as well and work in tandem with hormones. You can learn the symptoms of various deficiencies and customize your supplements to what your body is lacking. One HRT pill does not fit all.

With breakfast 1/2 tablet of a aphrodisiac blend from Windmill Health Products (whole tablet contains 500 mg horny goat weed extract, 250 mg maca root, 34 mg mucuna pruriens extract (15% L-DOPA), 25 mg polypodium vulgare) -1/2 tablet of Deep Toning Combination by Zand (contains astragalus roont Codonopsis root, Licorice root, Schisandra berry, Ligustrum fruit, Ligusticum wallichi root, White Peony root and Reishi mushroom) -1/2 tablet Stress Relief Complex by Shaklee (Whole tablet contains 100 mg L-Thearine, 100 mg Ashwagandha root extract, 60 gm Beta Sitosterol, 100 mg L- Tyrosine) -1 capsule (400 mg) saw palmetto berry (slows conversion of testosterone to DHT - protects prostate) -1 teaspoon, nutritional yeast (vitamin B complex) -1/2 multivitamin/mineral -100mg vitamin E -250 mg magnesium -1 tablespoon flaxseed oil - 100 mg DIM (prevents conversion of Testosterone to estrogen)

Mid morning on empty stomach -1250 mg L-Arginine, 585 mg L-Ornithine by Twinlab (stimulates HGH and opens blood vessils) -1 capusule choral calcium (neutralizes stomach acid) -400 mg niacin (elevates free testosterone, improves circulation) -60 mg ginko -435 mg gotu kola -25 mg 5-HTP (precursor to serotonin and melotonin) -12mg 7-keto DHEA Acitate (better form of DHEA)

Lunch time: -1/2 multi v/m, 400 mg saw palmetto Supper time: same as breakfast & 1 teaspoon nutritional yeast Bed time, on empty stomach: same as mid-morning without ginko

I also wear a Zinc/copper ring around my nuts during the day to stimulate testosterone production. I could take andro or norandro but I would rather produce my own.


I'm considering getting a real HGH stimulating blend because the L-Arginine is stimulating so much semen production. The pressure makes me want to jerk off every time I'm alone. This is not good since I'm trying to limit my ejaculations to once every 8 days (formula: age X .2 = optimal days between ejaculations). Stay away from hydrogenated oils (they're in almost everything now). Healthy oils are necessary for hormone production. I sip organic olive oil all day. I eat as much non-farmed salmon as I can. The result is that I feel great, don't get sick much and frequent daytime erections. The other night I had wood almost the whole night. I couldn't sleep. Just kept laughing; I may have to cut back.

Jelqing Exercise: To thicken the penis, you must have a well balance of testosterone, DHT (the burning product of testosterone) and estrogen in the penile tissues. DHT and estrogen are responsible for thickening the penis during erection. DHT won't stay in the penile tissues, but estrogen will. To prevent the side effect of estrogen and DHT, phytoestrogen (soy isoflavones or plant hormones) are preferred. Androstenedione (rich in pine seeds and animal testicles), with some herbs rich in plant sterols, can provide a well balance of testosterone/DHT/estrogen to thicken the penis. Since androstenedione and DHEA are hormonal metabolic pair to each other, it is preferred to bath the penile tissues with DHEA and androstenedione. The reason of enriching the tissues with DHEA is to prevent the backward conversion from androstenedione to DHEA. The next step is to translate androstenedione to testosterone and DHT. To achieve this in the penile tissues, you have to "exercise the penile tissues" like what you do to build your muscles. A rigidly hard penis is essential to force the penis to expand side ways. When the penis becomes extremely hard and could elongate no more, it will naturally expand sideways. You must massage the penile shaft to let the hormone-enriched blood to get into the glans and hold the hard erection for more than 30 minutes at least. Generally, in the state of an extremely hard erection, the sensitivity of the glans is very low, close to numbing, but the prostate pressure is very high. So, you have to massage the groins and both sides of the prostate to re-direct the blood pressure into the penile shaft. Use the thumb and index fingers of both hands to massage the penile footing and base and then the penile shaft, all the way up to the glans. Do it slowly and firmly and repeat the massage. You have to realize the role of the brain/neuro-endocrine, liver and cardiovascular functions in penile enlargement. They have to help the body pump a lot of extra blood into the porosities (sinusoids) of the erectile tissues and dilate the arteries (the blood pipe lines) to an extreme. If there is no blood pressure built up in the pelvic cavity, then there is no penile enlargement. Firstly, you have to create the conditions for spontaneous erection - blocking your sympathetic alpha receptors, inhibiting the acetylcholine re-uptaking, increasing the acetylcholine and parasympathetic nervous functions, and reducing your body stress or increasing your nervous capability to carry stress. Secondly, optimize your DHEA and androstenedione/testosterone levels and your liver functions to allow testosterone-DHT conversion in your penile tissues that forces your penis to expand and produce cellular multiplication. Note that either an excessive or insufficient testosterone level can cause penile shrinkage. 84

Thirdly, prevent the super hormone DHT from binding its receptors in the prostate and hair rooting cells. You want DHT to grow your penile cells, but not in your prostate cells that causes prostate enlargement. What you want is to let DHT cause penile enlargement! So, use the plant sterol or phyto-hormones to coat the DHT receptors in the prostate and hair rooting cells. To allow DHT to stimulate your penile tissues, you must hold your erection longer than 30 minutes to allow your penile cells bath in the DHT-enriched blood in the erecting penile shaft. For best result, you should hold your erection for 1-2 hours. If you hold back your ejaculation 3-5 times in 1-2 hour sexual stimulation, you will burn a lot of testosterone into DHT in the penile chamber. Your penile spongy tissues will get sufficient DHT for cellular multiplication, like the natural penile growth conditions during your puberty. Remember that you have frequent spontaneous erection day and night during your penile growth seasons. So, frequent spontaneous erection is also one of the conditions that grow your penis. Case: A detailed description of exactly how to do this ballooning method as well as information about how to release the hormones needed to promote ballooning. The first step is to learn how to last longer and hold your ejaculation 3-5 times in a love or massage session. The practice of the ballooning method relies highly on sustained or prolonged erection. Alternately stimulate or massage the penile shaft/footing/base, pubis, groins and scrotum to increase the blood flow to the glans penis. Here, the penile massage means "no stimulation on the urethra nerves." The massage promotes testosterone burning inside the penile spongy tissues and let your penile spongy tissues soak in the hGH-, DHT- and PGE-1-enriched blood bath for longer than 30 minutes in every practice, so that the penile spongy tissues and the entire penile shaft become flexible and elastic enough for expanding and stretching. You must hold your ejaculation for the whole ballooning practice. The ballooning method uses the cardiovascular output to balloon the penis. You won't suffer any mechanical damage as your cardiovascular capacity will limit your ballooning penis size. You may combine the ballooning method principles with Penile Exercises or Jelqing, but you have to make sure that your penile tissues have enough hGH/DHT/PGE-1, where hGH is for faster healing after the tissues have been stretched or expanded. You should always be cautious not to over-stretch the penile tissues to cause permanent damage. A fully powered-up Penis is slightly curved up – the natural shape of the stretched penile cylinders (the urethral one stretches more!), with a fully tightened scrotum. Never ejaculate before your power up your penis!


Sexual Chi Kong & Tailbone Muscle Exercise Sexual Chi-Kong is a kind of the exercises on your sex organ through the breathing control synchronizing with the contraction or expansion of your abdomen. The Sexual Chi-Kong will allow a man to control his ejaculation time or block his sexual sensitivity or response to external stimulation. Sexual Chi-Kong can either accelerate or decelerate sexual orgasms, depending on how you contract or expand you sexual muscles with your internal force (termed as the Chi, or the force with breathing).

Sexual Chi-Kong for Men 1.





Focus your mind on the forehead between the eyebrows. Calm the mind with natural (belly) breathing for several minutes, partially close the eyes and put your tongue against the palate. Descend the mind to the navel and focus on it. Inhale air through the nose stepwise (digital breathing) and expand the abdomen (pumping and holding) in an interval of 2 - 5 seconds for 8 to 20 times up to the maximum capacity of the lung. Hold your breath and start to move the expanded abdomen downward by contracting the upper abdomen, as the pressure gradually build up against the bladder and prostate. Move the mind to the prostate area. Contract the anus and pause for 1 to 2 seconds; then exhale air through your mouth slowly, while moving the mind slowly from the prostate, along the spinal cord, up to the rear of your head, up the crown and finally to the forehead. You should experience a hot energy flow, called Chi, rising up from the prostate gland area, along the spinal cord, to the head. Repeat 2-4 several times.

Adopt Step 3 during intercourse. Hold your breath as long as you can and apply pressure to the bladder and prostate area with the maximum contraction of the upper abdomen and the maximum expansion of the lower abdomen. It will knock down the sensitivity of the penis and eventually numb it. Practice for 2 - 10 weeks to notice its effects on the sexual performance.


Anal Breathing Method - Tailbone Exercise Anal breathing is complementary to the sexual Chi Kong technique.


Inhaling (5 – 10 seconds) Phase: Lightly contract your tailbone and inhale through your nose stepwise. Imagine that you inhale the air into your rectum in each inhale with an anal constriction at 0.8 second interval as this is the natural orgasmic contraction rate. Hold your breath at the end of inhalation and focus your mind onto the rear brain.


Hold your breath (for 2 – 3 seconds) and slowly move your mind from the rear brain to your third eye between your two eye bows. Put your tongue against the palate.


Exhaling Phase (2 - 5 seconds): Descend your mind down along your central line of your front body, first to your naval, pause for 1-2 seconds, then all the way to your prostate while exhaling.

If you contract your anus too hard, you will contract the prostate too. To counter the analcontraction-induced prostate constriction, you must pre-expand the prostate muscle by exerting a light pressure against the bladder with inhaling. Tailbone breathing is different from the Microcosmic orbit. In microcosmic orbit, you contract your tailbone muscle once only and hold it during the whole inhalation. You also adopt the reversed breathing technique, i.e. you suck in your tummy during inhalation, with a long, deep, inhaling to guide the Chi from the tailbone, up the spine, over the crown, and finally to the third eye. Because you contract your anus just once, you won't get the spontaneous and periodical contraction as experienced in the tailbone breathing.

Detailed Description Relax and open your legs as wide as your shoulders in a natural standing position. Focus on your tailbone and start inhaling in a stepwise manner (0.8 second interval). At each stepwise inhalation, lightly expand your low abdomen against your bladder and pull up (or contract) your anustailbone muscle toward your spine (not toward your perineum or prostate). It is as if air is being sucked into your anus and flow up to the tailbone and along your spine. Follow your Chi (breath) and ascend your mind from the tailbone to your rear brain along the spinal cord while inhaling. Focus your mind onto the rear brain first and slowly move your mind to your third eye between your two eye bows while holding your breath for 3-5 seconds. Next, slowly release the tailbone muscle and exhale and descend your mind down to your prostate along your Conception Vessel (the central line of your front body). Always keep a slight pressure against your bladder to relax your prostate even when you exhale.


Practice it anytime when your body is in relaxation; you will feel your tailbone muscle vibrating during the practice. During sex, the vibrating tailbone muscle will pace orgasmic contraction across the anus toward the prostate muscle and penile shaft once the tailbone muscle traps sufficient sexual energy. Prostate muscle is the muscle between the anus and scrotum. When you contract this muscle, you will move the penis and scrotum. To exercise your tailbone muscle, you must focus your mind into the tailbone and lightly contract the rear wall of the anus so that you won't contract your prostate muscle or move your scrotum/penis. The simplest way to practice it is to squeeze your butts against your tailbone in each stepwise inhaling. A lot of beginners contract the anal muscle too hard, such that the contraction also affects the prostate muscles. When your anal-tailbone muscle can automatically respond to sexual stimulation or mind focusing on it, it will naturally contract in response to each inhalation when you move your mind down to the tailbone. At the advance stage, you will no longer need to squeeze your butts any more. You can stand up, lie on your back, or sit down to circulate the sexual energy in each inhalation when you move your mind to your tailbone. During sex, move your mind to your tailbone like wagging your tailbone in each love stroke or thrust. You do it in any lovemaking position. Remember to keep your legs widely open and fuse your mind to your tailbone and image that you are wagging your tailbone. You can last 1 or 2 hours once you master this trick. When your orgasmic contraction occurs, don't move or thrust, but inhale deeply or hold your breath and widely open your eyes to allow your pupils to dilate upon the orgasmic wave pounding your head. If your glans penis is kissing her cervix at the moment, your contracting penis, acting like a vibrator stimulating her Epicenter/cervix, may induce her orgasm at the same time (Note: if you ejaculate a powerful, hot semen jet when your glans penis is griped and kissed up by her Epicenter/cervix, she will achieve a powerful orgasm with you!). The feeling is very beautiful for both of you! It is like an orgasm orchestra performed by the uterus and the glans penis. You will feel like the bioelectric sparking across the glans penis and the Epicenter/cervix. Therefore, you preserve the bioelectric energy for another orgasm again and again in one love session. If the seminal vesicles are full of semen, the shallow prostate contraction may pop out one small drop of semen, which would not affect the erection power for continuous lovemaking. That is, your refraction period in re-arming your penis is almost in zero second!

You may fail to achieve this when your prostate tension is high as a result of the excessive DHT building up due to an excessive testosterone burning in the prostate tissues. You need DHT in the penile tissues to power up the penis, but you don't want it in the prostate tissues. Excessive burning of testosterone occur when the pituitary produces too much LH (Luteinizing Hormone) and the liver supplies sufficient 5-alpha reductase for burning testosterone. This is also a main cause of young men's premature ejaculation (PE). During love coupling, always relax your prostate by applying a light pressure to your low abdomen with abdomen breathing. Inhale to 1/3 of your lung capacity with an expansion of your low abdomen and hold a little pressure against your bladder.


Then, focus your mind to your tailbone (imagine you want to inhale air into your anus and spine. Contract your anal/tailbone muscles in each thrust, or hold a breath and a contraction of your anal/tailbone muscles for several thrusts. You can do it in whatever love positions. Synchronize your breathing with the anal contraction and release (without contracting the prostate). You must be able to perform more than 500 thrusts without taking a break. Do not contract the prostate and its surrounding muscles during sex, relax them instead. Load your thrusting forces or body tension on your knees, legs, shoulders and hands and contract your tailbone muscles and bend your head/neck backward against your spinal cord to allow sexual energy to flow into your spinal cord via the tailbone from the prostate. When there is sufficient sexual energy at the tailbone, the tailbone auto-rhythmic fibers will induce Orgasmic Contraction which spreads from the tailbone muscle to the penis and the prostate muscle. The orgasmic contraction does not deeply reach the seminal vesicles for induction of ejaculation, even though the prostate may lightly contract. Therefore, ejaculation does not occur, but your woman can feel your penis contracting at that moment. If your brain's response to sex is too high, you have to block the pathways between the brain's cerebral cortex and Spinal Cords T10-L2 circuits. This can be achieved by incorporating the following action: Open your mouth and produce a sequence of voices "Huuuuuuuaaa ha! ha! ha! ha! ...." when you exhale. When you are about to cum, stop action and massage your penis base/footing and perineum, or pull down your testicles/scrotum. You may do it without withdrawing your penis from the vagina. Then change the love position and let your lady thrust you with the 3-point excitation position. Again, when you feel to come, repeat the massage procedures. After 4 or 5 times, your penis becomes very hard and semi-numbed! And you will last for a long, long time. To achieve multiple male orgasms, you must have a spontaneous (natural) erection to start with and then, you apply the ballooning method to expand your penis to an extreme size so that the blood pressure inside the penile cylinders can block the nervous communication between the glans and prostate. To achieve this level, you must hold your ejaculation back 3-5 times during lovemaking. Each holding back of ejaculation will balloon your penis until it reaches a maximum size (140%), under which condition your partner will feel very stimulated. You must practice the Sexual Chi-Kong and Anal Breathing techniques to enable you to channel the sexual energy from you prostate back to your brain, through your tailbone, via your spinal cord and the Governing Vessel of the acupuncture network. You have to periodically contract your tailbone muscle to synchronize with each penile stimulation stroke during intercourse. When a sequence of sexual energy pulses passes through the tailbone, you will feel a sequence of orgasmic (heat) waves running into your spinal cord up to your brain. This is what the male orgasm without ejaculating is all about! Of course, you can ejaculate at the same time. Always use a good love position and posture to prevent over-stimulation on your trigger zone. The Doggy style love position is not ideal for hard action; it can be used for fun and hardening your penis. Once the penis becomes very hard, the back-entry doggy style is not friendly at all. To make your woman come, you must have a very hard penis. You have to spend most of the time in hardening your penis to make it reach an extreme stage that you feel your penis is likely to explode. All the women will come at this stage very naturally with multiple orgasms. However, It requires about 100-300 continuous thrusts without taking a break. After she achieve multiple orgasms, she will hug you very tightly to show her appreciation to your hard work, and you should take a 3-5 minute break, change to your favorite position, and ejaculate your powerful jet into her. You will feel 3 - 5 explosive contractions at a period of 0.8 seconds per cycle in your prostate, and she will respond to you with another (heart-attack-like) multiple orgasms. 89

Continuous love action for an hour will make the muscle at the penis base/perineum area very painful, because of muscle fatigue due to log-hour hard erection. You must massage your penis base/root and perineum whenever you take a break. The prostate muscle pain will trigger ejaculation and make you lose your ejaculation control. The trick to prolong sex is to relax your prostate or let the prostate do nothing or take a break or nap during lovemaking while the penis does its job alone! You can not ask your prostate to help your erection! If you do so, you will come prematurely! Separating your erection from your prostate will help you to have a couple hours lovemaking with a peaceful mind! Imagine that you are waving your tail when you are thrusting her, or bend your neck and head backward to compress your spine, low back and tailbone. If you use the horse-ride lovemaking position, you can also let your inner legs and knees to share the sexual responses. The inner legs are also the L1-L2 orgasmic reflexion circuits. You can interfere with your ejaculation with a stress-loading to your legs. Lifting up your heels will even let it last much longer. The movement of the lovemaking thrusts must come from the low back and tailbone muscles that are controlled by the S2-S4 nervous reflection circuits. Train your tailbone muscles to vibrate and radiate a sequence of orgasmic waves along your spine. During a highly sexual arousal, the tip of your tailbone near the anus and its nerves would pump out pleasure ripples into your spine and you would feel the heat waves generated in your tailbone due to testosterone-DHT conversion, while your prostate is still taking a nap. Generally, this condition occurs when your penis erects spontaneously without any external stimulation or prostate exercises. The full body orgasm can be developed along the spinal reflexion circuits. It is safe and beneficial to turn on the parasympathetic reflexion circuits to drive the spinal nerves and brain since the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for healing and energy restoration. TaiChi, my sexual chikong and anal breathing use the parasympathetic circuits. The parasympathetic nervous bioelectricity is the Yin Chi in the Chinese medical concept which states Yin helping Yang (dopamine) and it is 100% safe. This psychic energy will heat up your spine and let you feel good, strong, elastic and flexible like a new born baby. Your eye pupils will shrink in response to the parasympathetic energy and your vision and hearing will become much clearer. However, if you train your sympathetic nervous reflexion circuit, you would cum prematurely during sex. When the sympathetic energy runs up to your rear brain along your spinal cords T10T12 and L1-L2, the dopamine-norepinephrine-adrenalin conversion occurs in the read brain where the norepinephrine and epinephrine nervous systems become too active and trigger your headache and you may feel rigid and stressful (painfully) like a dying person. Your eye pupils will dilate in response to the sympathetic energy. Your vision becomes fuzzy and your hearing noisy. Your cardiovascular output may become irregular and your blood pressure goes up. You can easily sweat or expel out DHT and adrenalin from your bloodstream, but not in your head. The primary major area predominated by the sensory-sympathetic nervous circuit is the urethra => prostate nervous axis or clitoris (the glans penis) => G-spot (urethra/vaginal spongy tract) => Epicenter (prostate)/cervix nervous axis, which are the triggering circuit for orgasm or/and ejaculation. The secondary major area in the pelvic cavity, beside the low abdomen, for the sensory-sympathetic nervous circuits is located between the anus and the tailbone. You may wonder why some people, men or women, like anal sex very much. When you contract the analtailbone muscles, you also activate these sensory-sympathetic nervous circuits. Tensing the PC muscle would turn on the orgasmic and ejaculation circuits in spinal cords T10L2. It accelerates women's orgasm and promotes men's ejaculation. When you use the PC muscles to stimulate the prostate and Cowper's glands for an immediate release of Prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) to assist your erection, unfortunately, you would also release another hormone 90

Prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2), which stimulates orgasmic contraction of the prostate. When your serotonin level is low, the precum will flood out a higher level of PGE-2. Frequent exercise of your PC muscles would train the nervous reflexion circuits in the prostate and Cowper's glands to trigger a flooding of the precum that immediately turns on your prostate emission control valve when PGE-2 gets there. The more you exercise your PC muscles, the more testosterone-DHT conversion occurs in the muscles. Trapping of excessive DHT in the PC/prostate tissues would result in perineum and prostate pains and sexual/ejaculation urgency. That is, the PC exercises can help women and men to cum more quickly. DO practice the tailbone muscular exercise during urinating: Lift your ankles up (like wearing a pair of 4-inch high heels), exert a pressure on the bladder to expel your urine flow out, and then squeeze your butts against your tailbone to stop your urinating flow. Are there possibilities to stop ejaculation without stopping and starting again? It depends on: a) The intensity of the temporarily-superimposed nervous signals in the sensory synapses (the sum operation amplifiers in the sensory nervous input circuits to the ascending spinal cord tracts to the brain, where the DC biased voltage (resting potential) in the sensory nerve or the serotonin nervous attenuator will affect the output of the sum operation amplifier. b) The semen level in the seminal vesicles - you can not eliminate ejaculation when seminal vesicles are full. c) The production of the pre-ejaculation fluid (precum) by a pair of bulbourethral glands below the prostate and above the Hwei-Yin point (the center point between the scrotum and anus). d) the sympathetic nervous action on the prostate and bulbourethral glands, that is, the DC voltage (resting potential) in the sympathetic nerves to the prostate and bulbourethral glands, where the serotonin nervous attenuator can reduce the sympathetic nervous action and reduce the release of precum. e) The testosterone level which affects the seminal production and the DC potential in all the nerves - at the T level higher than 800 ng/dl, you cannot eliminate ejaculation when your sensory and sympathetic nervous circuits are overheated or your seminal vesicles are full. f) The brain's dopamine level (Master Yang) - the orgasm fire, where a burst of the dopamine-adrenalin conversion upon orgasm. If you can last for 30 minutes by the stop-and-go method at the age of 23, you may be able to suppress ejaculation if your seminal vesicles is about 80% full or lower, if your sympathetic nervous potential drops by increasing the serotonin nervous modulation or by the nervous interference method with sexual Chi Kong breathing, and if you don't discharge precum more than 3-4 drops. Brief Summary: You should maintain a relaxed PC/buttock at all time during sex; practice “soft entry, hard exit”, “3/9 shallow thrusts and 1 deep thrust”, along with breathing control. On the trusting strokes, exhale through your mouth with a deep and deflating moaning sound (i.e. Huuuuaaaah or Her-uuuu-aaaah, and try to feel that the sound vibrates at the tummy) with your stomach expanding outward. On the withdrawing strokes, inhale and (lightly) squeeze your butt to draw the sexual energy up the Governing Channel (spine). Remember, trusting strokes should be always slow and relaxing (soft entry) and the withdrawing strokes slightly faster than or at the same pace as the trusting strokes (hard exit). This is the best way to block out the urge of ejaculation when you are close by it. Train yourself to master this technique, and you can have sex for as long as you want. 91

Two important things you need to learn in order to be able to separate your orgasm from your ejaculation: (1) stay relaxed no matter how aroused you are; (2) disperse (or move) your hot sexual energy away from the prostate/urogenital region. Any man who does this and makes love long enough to build a very high sexual charge will eventually and spontaneously experience nonejaculatory orgasm. When you inhale, especially when you are near the sexual peak, you should lightly pull up (or contract) your anus-tailbone muscle toward your spine (not toward your perineum or prostate), so that you can "feel" air being sucking into your anus and tailbone and spine.

The Power of Breath - Conscious breathing is a key for extended lovemaking. Rapid breathing excites and arouses you. Slow, controlled breathing, way down into your belly, calms you and helps delay ejaculation. Focusing on your breath takes your attention away from your genitals. Synchronizing your breathing rhythm with your partner's strengthens your connection with each other. Adding sound to your breathing can also help you ride the edge of pleasure. As you exhale send out a deep lion roar. Feel the sound come from your scrotum, up through your belly and lungs and out your mouth as a powerful release of the orgasmic tension building inside you. I like to breathe through the nose with the tongue raise to the palate. By building a high sexual charge and moving it up through your body, your whole body can become an orgasmic erogenous zone, with orgasmic sensation in your toes, for example, or intense orgasmic rippling through your entire body rather than just your genitals. There are no limits to how many of these orgasms you can have, with the intensity of each one varying from mild to overwhelming. During the act, your thoughts and your feeling must be in unison. You should enjoy the feeling arising from the sex and refrain yourself from thinking something else as a means of distracting or suppressing yourself from reaching sexual peak. Practicing 9/3 shallows and 1 deep allows you to regulate your sexual tempo and it also causes the woman to rhythmically contract her vaginal during your shallow trusts; as she attempts to grip your part from escaping or losing contact. How can I control my ejaculation while thrusting without taking a break? The most important things are: • Relaxing the prostate by exerting the pressure against the bladder • Synchronizing the breathing with the anal contraction and release - You must be able to perform more than 500 thrusts without taking a break. • Contracting the correct anal/tailbone muscles without stimulating (contracting) the prostate - prevention of ejaculation. Channel your sexual energy away from the prostate with the Anal Breathing method. If your brain's response to sex is too high, you have to block the pathways between the brain's cerebral cortex and Spinal Cords T10-L2 circuits. This can be achieved by doing the following: Open your mouth and produce a sequence of voices "ha! ha! ha! ha! .... ha!" when you exhale. The rest of tricks for prolonging sex is to balloon your penis to an extreme so that the blood pressure in the penile cylinders blocks the nervous communication (via urethral nerves) from the glans penis to the prostate and then to the T10-L2 nervous circuits. If you want to have sex for 1-2 hours and make her come multiple times, you have to balloon your penis to shut down the reflexion circuits of T10-L2. The Anal Breathing Method and the Penile Ballooning Method can fully cut off the sexually sympathetic nervous circuits of T10-L2.


To make her come without ejaculation, let her ride on you. When you are about to cum, switch your mind to counteract the ejaculation urgency by doing the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Practicing a heavy belly breathing and widely opening your eyes Squeezing up your anus Producing sound in your mouth with breathing Using your teeth and lightly bit your lips.

She has to swing with her uterus contraction rate at a rate of 1.25 cycles per second after she breaks her orgasmic barrier, involuntarily cries breaking out after a long silence and short breathing (the transient stage). In the transient stage or trans-harmonic stage, of sexual orgasm, her brain is full of heat waves from her sex organ, and she becomes fuzzy, and her mind is flying out of her body. Her moaning will suddenly and involuntarily change. She cannot talk as what the porn movies show you. If her mind can still control her mouth, like saying: "Yes! Yes! Fucking Me Harder...." or "OOH! OOH!” she is not in the transient stage yet. Without synchronizing the stimulation in her sex organ with her uterus contraction after reaching her orgasmic state, her brain will register Violent Chaos, instead of rhythmic pleasure waves (the Multiple Sexual Orgasms). Under this condition, she can't accept any continuous stimulation to drive her multiple sexual orgasmic waves, the stimulation must synchronize her uterus contraction. If she makes it this way, she will take up to 20-30 cycles of sexual orgasm, until she feels enough is enough. Why does sexual Chi Kong breathing work? The long, continuous or digital inhale will turn your lungs into an air compression chamber, which not only doubles the tidal volume of air on the Alveolar Ventilation, but also force more oxygen (O) and nitrogen (N) to dissolve in the lung's blood. As a result, it will increase another novel neurotransmitter Carbon Monoxide (CO) which function is similar to the erectile neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide (NO), in addition to NO. Both NO and CO are poison gases in the air, but they stimulate synthesis of the common dilator cGMP. CO may be the main regulator of cGMP in the brain. Both CO and NO are found in the different brain region and act in the different pathways. NO is responsible for relaxation of the penile arteries while CO seems to relax the arteries in the brain, leading to better brain/mind concentration and reduction of brain sympathetic function. A good example is smokers who quit often experience mind concentration problems. The reason is the reduction of CO concentration in the blood. It seems that CO can enhance or reduce the neurotransmission in certain circuits. I believe this is how a long, deep inhale can suppress the sympathetic nervous function in the brain-prostate circuit and enhance the parasympathetic function in the brain-tailbone circuit during sex. The tailbone/anal contraction focus your mind at the tailbone instead of the prostate. Another physiological effect is that the lung expansion under the extra air pumping pressure redirects the brain's sympathetic action to the lungs, instead of the prostate. Periodic tailbone/ anal muscular contraction would also produce the same effect as the continuously digital air pumping into the lungs does. Sexual Chi Kong emphasizes synchronization of the digital air pumping with the periodic tailbone/anal muscular contraction. It can totally block the sympathetic action on the prostate to achieve a full ejaculation control. Three-point Excitation and Horse-Rider Positions allow men and women to practice Sexual Chi Kong Breathing and Anal Breathing together. When you thrust at a high stimulation rate, you should use the continuously long inhale method. The inhaling (contraction) duration can be 1 or 2 minutes with a short exhaling (release). With this kind of long inhaling/contraction, you will 93

totally suppress the sexual or ejaculation urgency. The relaxation of the prostate can be achieved by exerting a light pressure on your bladder. You will feel the prostate muscle expanding! Reader: I read in a Penthouse magazine once that if you stop yourself from coming right at the peak of sexual feeling and cease ejaculation, tug down on the testes and rub the shaft of the penis, practicing this technique during masturbation for 3 to 4 months, you will be able to have multiple orgasms, is this true? If not, then how do I have them? What's something I can practice through masturbation to get the technique down? Dr. Lin: True! However, you cannot stop ejaculation at the point-of-no-return. The trick is to switch the orgasm contraction triggering from the prostate to the tailbone, by mastering the anal breathing method. To have MMO, you have to train your anal-tailbone muscle to produce a rhythmical contraction in response to sexual stimulation. It will take 3-12 months to train the muscle. The tailbone muscular contraction is considered as a type of orgasm for men and women. In fact, ancient Buddhism monks practiced the Anal-Breathing-like (I called it Stepwise Inhaling) method to achieve orgasm from the tailbone muscular contraction without a sexual partner and without touching the sex organs. This is termed as self-intercourse orgasm. I was taught by a Buddhism monk about the Stepwise Inhaling method when I was young. Then, I have derived my anal breathing (Simultaneously Stepwise Inhaling and Contracting) method from the Monk's Stepwise Inhaling for sexual intercourse, in conjunction with the application of the Taoism Chi Kong. The anal breathing method is to train the anal muscle contraction for two purposes: 1.

Sending (recycling) the sexual energy back to the spine/brain from the prostate - a reduction of ejaculation and sexual urgency in the prostate;


Triggering the tailbone muscular contraction to induce the shallow contraction of the prostate muscle without initiating the contraction of the seminal vesicles or semen emission; releasing the sexual energy without ejaculation so that retaining testosterone in the semen can instantly recharge the local parasympathetic motor nerve for erection.

My experience with multiple orgasms without ejaculation is a sequence of heat waves with tailbone contraction ascends to the spine and brains. After orgasm is over, the penile hardness is returned to about 90% of the hardest erection occurring during orgasm; then, after massage the scrotum and penile base and footing for 1 or 2 minutes, the penis re-power up again for another run of lovemaking. The spinal cord and tailbone become extremely hot! It requires the anal breathing to shut down semen emission from the seminal vesicles at the pointof-no-return. You can let it come, but semen emission must be prevented, so that you can separate orgasm and ejaculation. If semen is emitted to the prostate, you can not stop ejaculation at all. So, the trick is on how to use the tailbone muscular contraction to produce a shallow contraction of the prostate without disturbing the seminal vesicles. It requires a lot of practice on the anal breathing method. A successful practice of male multiple orgasms requires a powerful support of the parasympathetic nerves in the prostate and semen vesicles to secure the emission gate between the prostate and semen vesicle. A high testosterone level in the local receptors won't help the emission control, but, instead, will promote ejaculation - the local sympathetic nervous function. This is the most difficult problem needed to be addressed for a lot of young men. This means, optimizing the testosterone level or reducing the biological response to the testosterone stimulation is essential for emission control and multiple orgasms without ejaculation. 94

You may be able to have multiple orgasms without ejaculation (Dry Orgasms) when your heart pumps at a rate below 100 (75, preferred) beats per minute (this is the most critical factor!), the blood pressures are below 150/100, and you breath rhythmically and deeply at about 4 times per minutes (about 15 seconds for a breathing sequence consisting of short step-wise/digital inhaling at a rate of 0.8 second for 5-10 seconds, holding breath for 3-5 seconds, and slowing exhaling for 2-5 seconds ) during intercourse. Heart rate and blood pressure will alternate your brain's sympathetic function associated your ejaculation control. To prolong sex, you must put your brain and heart function in the parasympathetic mode, that is, let your mind do nothing but guide the circulation of your sexual energy along the Governing and Conception Vessels of the acupuncture network.


Ejaculation Control & Seminal Retention Premature ejaculation - If a man can perform the sexual strokes with his penis for about 5 minutes, he should be considered sexually healthy. The problem is that he does not know how to make her reach an orgasm. Several reasons causing the temporally premature ejaculation which is curable: • He does not have sex for a long time or he is having sex with a stranger • He is just recovered from illness or is on mediation. • He is (was) watching pornographic materials and get too excited! • He did not have sex for a long time! • His testosterone level is too high • He is drunk or having too much alcohol! • He is too exhausted, tired, or sleepy • Too much bending stress against the penis base or root during intercourse • Poor blood circulation or blood clogs around the prostate gland/anus area. Causes of permanent premature ejaculation: • Having too much alcohol, drug, cigarette, pain killer and heart disease medicines • Having prostate problems - enlargement or cancer How to prolong your sexual performance: • Make sure that there is no pressure or stress acting against your prostate. If any, you have to dissipate the pressure by massaging the prostate region. • Stay calm when you are engaging in sex. Your penis is very hot but your mind and brain must be very cool. • When your penis penetrates the vagina, start practicing the Sexual Chi-Kong and avoid stimulating your trigger zone when your penis becomes very hot and hard. Adopt some love positions that do not compress your trigger zone but do squeeze her trigger zone. • Use the screw technique and the finger pliers to warm her up and make her hot if necessary. • Start from the shallow, slow-speed strokes to the deep, high-speed ones and change love positions to let you and your penis take a break, and let her drive you. • If you feel you are about to come, stop action. Don't withdraw your penis out of the vagina immediately - the extra friction may force you to ejaculate! Take a deep breath and expand your lower abdomen to the maximum, take one to two-minute break and then withdraw your penis slowly out of the vagina. • Use your hand to pull your scrotum down, massage the root of your penis (when you are about to ejaculate your scrotum moves up and the root of the penis is very tense.) This practice will increase the male orgasm threshold that prevents the male from ejaculation. When the orgasm threshold reach an absolute maximum, your penis becomes numb and no ejaculation will occur. This can occur when you practice the above four to five times in one love session. The Million-dollar Point (Hwei-Yin) is the acupuncture point CV-1 of the Conception Vessel. Pressing this point to stop ejaculation irritates the prostate ejaculation control valve and conduit. It will likely stimulate the prostate for another ejaculation even you manage to stop semen flow. That is why I do not endorse this practice. Instead, I use the bladder and tailbone nerves to noninvasively interfere with the prostate nerve to achieve ejaculation control. Pressing the million-dollar point would cause seminal blasting of the prostate and urethra, your prostate-urethral duct becomes an ultrasonic nozzle of the seminal vesicles, where the alkaline seminal ejaculation flow becomes a corrosive ultrasonic jet. In conjunction with the elevation of the PSA level after ejaculating will further narrow down your prostate ducts, the seminal-blasted 96

ejaculation duct gives you a strange feeling which force you to go peeing more often. It is like a prostate enlargement. In fact, it is. Generally, each seminal blasting injury should be healed in 24 hours after a good night sleep. If not, in conjunction with the PSA elevation in each ejaculation you will be in trouble with the so-called prostatitis or urethritis. If you ejaculate very often before your prostate is healed and your PSA level drops back, you will start to experience chronic nonbacterial prostatitis or urethritis.

Effects of Seminal Retention Over-suppressing ejaculation will deactivate the brain-testicular function once the brain's hormonal negative controller detects there is an excess testosterone and sperm in the body. Deactivating the brain-testicular function will leads to depression. Excess testosterone in the prostate and overfilling sperm in the ejaculation duct will result in temporary premature ejaculation. However, if you ejaculate too much, you cannot circulate your Chi. When your testicular function is active, your Yin Chi (Parasympathetic or Acetylcholine action) is flooding and the Chi in the Conception Vessel goes high. When you have too much testosterone, the sympathetic function (dopamine system) becomes too active, there is too much Chi flowing from the Conception Vessel into the Governing Vessel where the Chi is extreme Yang, and the Chi of the Governing Vessel goes too high. That is, I prefer orgasm to send my Chi back to the brain via the spinal cord (the Water Pathway), rather than the Governing Vessel (the Fire Pathway). In this way, I can use the Orgasmic Chi (sexual energy) to stimulate my brain's nervous-endocrine function for more DHEA and testosterone hormones, upon orgasmic ejaculation which burns a lot of testosterone. Thus, my body starts another cycle of Yin Chi re-generation. In this way, Orgasmic ejaculation energizes my body immediately upon ejaculation, so that I won't lose Chi to ejaculation. I have found that Sex makes me look younger and improve my health and immune. If I don't have orgasm for 4 or 5 days, my nervous-endocrine functions will slow down and I feel depressed. If I have never had sex for a week, my erection will become weak and I will lose the ability to balloon my penis to 140% of my spontaneous (natural) erection since the hormonal negative feedback controller in the nervous-endocrine functions is kicked in to disable the mechanism of the testosterone burst and burning during sexual encounter. I believe that a stable sex life and constant orgasms are the keys to retain my peak performance. I don't have any stress to perform. Sexual orgasm in our sex life is just like the 3 meals in a day. For a healthy man, my suggested ejaculation frequency associated with the dry orgasm practice is once a week. Depending on your prostate's seminal production and testicular function, you may have to reduce the ejaculation frequency down to once every ten days. The main purpose of the ejaculation is to unlock the testosterone-negative feedback control loop in the brain-testicular axis, to cleanse the prostate and seminal vesicles, to prevent the formation of seminal stones in the seminal vesicles due to the consolidation of the old semen, to reduce the dopamine, serotonin and testosterone over-loading in the brain, and to solve "pelvic congestion" that triggers anxiety and impatience. In this way, you can sleep better and your penis can erect harder and last longer. Seminal retention for too long will block the prostate's seminal production, weaken erection and trigger premature ejaculation. If you still feel the seminal pressure against your pelvic nerves (named as pelvic congestion) several hours after your practice, you may have to ejaculate. Take care of yourself. Don't overdraft your sexual bank. The next step is to learn emission control, giving her multiple orgasms without ejaculation. 97

What you need is to make love in the morning in weekend. After making her come, use your mind to overcome your desire and massage your penis base/footing to disperse the accumulated blood and Chi over there. And, have some physical exercises or yard work. You will feel your body become very powerful! If you don't use your sex organs it will "die" much faster than your body. This is a natural selfcastration. It won't prolong the life span for monks or nuns; instead, it may shorten their life spans. Long-period seminal retention practice will shrink the sex organ for both sexes. Too much hormones trapped in the pelvic cavity will cause "pelvic congestion" that produces an irritation response in the brain and mind. Sexual orgasm can burn the excessive hormone in the pelvic tissues and let the pelvic blood circulation do the dirty laundry for your pelvic tissues and hormonal receptors and to replenish them with nutrients, oxygen and free hormones. It also calms the mind and refreshes the endocrine system - unlocking the hormonal negative feedback controller of the brain/endocrine function. If you refuse ejaculation for a long-term, your braintesticular function will be locked up as a result of excessive testosterone or sperm in your body. You have to use sex organs properly and make them erect or engorge frequently or daily, so that more hormones, oxygen and nutrients can keep them alive. Sex organs are the major hormone storage because their tissues contain very dense hormone receptors. When hormones are burned with enzymes down there, sex organs become the bioelectric generator that charges the entire nervous system and the major acupuncture vessels that loop through the pelvic cavity. When sex organs generate sufficient bio-energy, you want to have sex naturally. However, if you abuse them too much, the tissues of the sex organs will be depleted out of hormones and nutrients, leading to weak erection or impotency. Your brain-adrenal-testicular function cannot produce enough DHEA and testosterone for you to burn during over-indulgent sexual activities, and to recharge your body. This results in Sexual Exhaustion and shrinkage of sex organs. Optimal sex and sexual orgasm help your body replenish itself. Without a powerful orgasm, intercourse may weaken your body, although it released the pelvic congestion and tension for men. There is a natural ejaculation frequency that balances the testosterone level in the body. Too much testosterone in the body will activate the Negative Feedback Loop of the hypothalamus /Pituitary-testicular function to slow down the endocrine function. The natural ejaculation frequency is a rhythmic cycle of the endocrine function, but it is adjustable with the dietary intake and exercise. Age 16-19 20-25 25-30 30-45 45-60 >60

Normal 5-6 3-4 2-3 1-2 < 1 per week

If intercourse produces a powerful male orgasm that stimulates the pituitary function 6-7 5-6 4-5 3-4 1-3 Not more than 1 after 60

Over-Masturbation or Over-Ejaculation will fully discharge the bioelectric energy in the Central Nervous System (CNS) that controls the hypothalamus/Pituitary-testicular function. When the 98

CNS bioelectric level is too low, the endocrine function will slow down. To live longer, we have to know how to twist our endocrine function and regulate our ejaculation frequency. Tonic foods and herbs full of plant and animal hormones or hormone release agents can increase the hormone levels leading to increasing the ejaculation frequency. Exercise has its positive and negative effects on the hormone production. In general, if exercise consumes more testosterone than the body can produce, exercise will harm sex. When you exercise very frequently, you need sufficient hormone release agents from tonic foods to help your hormone production. In this way, exercise will stimulate endocrine function for more hormone production. For teenagers and young men younger than 25, exercise will deactivate the Negative Feedback Loop for more human growth hormone (hGH) production. It is always positive. Violent exercise will consume a lot of testosterone. For people passing the growth season after age 20-25, the pituitary function will naturally slow down; violent exercise will consume too much testosterone without activating hGH production, resting in the penile or vaginal shrinking. Anal tailbone Breathing reduces the sympathetic function during sex and builds up sexual energy for a powerful orgasm that stimulates the pituitary via the spinal cord. It also helps the prostate's parasympathetic sexual nerve to tight down the ejaculation valve to reduce ejaculation volume. Powerful sexual orgasm occurs at the contractile muscles from the prostate to the tailbone, and not at the prostate muscle alone. Each holding back of ejaculation will help you accumulate sexual energy to balloon your penis to an extreme. Once your penis is ballooned to a semi-numb stage, let it go to have a powerful orgasm so that the orgasmic waves become powerful enough to pass through the periodic structure of the spinal cord and reach your pituitary. In this way, the ejaculation orgasm will aid Natural Penile Enlargement and stimulate the endocrine system to produce more DHEA and testosterone and you won't feel tired or exhausted after ejaculation. Lovemaking is different to masturbation. In lovemaking, I extract sexual energy from my partner's Epicenter to power up my penis to a maximum size under which I feel my penis is about to explode and is numbed or semi-numbed. That is, the sexual energy stored in my prostate and penis is the maximum. When orgasm occurs, contraction of the prostate muscle sends a power orgasmic wave back to my brain to stimulate my central nervous system and endocrine organs the pituitary, adrenal cortexes and testicles. After ejaculation, my penis returns from a power-up state to the natural erection state; then, after 10 minutes, my penis gradually return to the flaccid state. Then, we feel more energetic. Generally, I have lovemaking every morning without ejaculation except in the weekend. After lovemaking, I work in my yard without taking a nap and without feeling exhausted or tired. This is because my endocrine system has been re-powered by my ejaculation orgasm. Masturbation would make you feel tired and exhausted after the act. You should not masturbate (with ejaculation) unless you experience pelvic congestion due to over-accumulation of the byproduct of testosterone burning - the super-potent hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the perineum (prostate) area. That is why I want men to know how to optimize masturbation frequency, and the ejaculation frequency in lovemaking.

Testicle Health Massage Essentially, you massage your penis, testicles, pubis and groins with no intention of ejaculation. Avoid direct stimulation on your urethral nerve, which is a trigger for ejaculation. Testicle Massage will help stimulate the endocrine function for well beings and health. Excessive 99

ejaculation can empty the seminal vesicles. Semen contains prostaglandins responsible for modulation of brain's and spinal nervous functions including libido, erection and sexual orgasm, in addition to well-beings and health. When your seminal vesicles are full, you will experience pelvic congestion and sexual urgency for ejaculation, which also causes premature ejaculation. Once your prostate responds to sexual stimulation, prostate and bulbourethral (BC) glands will release more prostaglandin E1 and E2 in the precum to sensitize the urethral nerves and expand themselves for orgasmic contraction and ejaculation. Prostaglandin E1 (PE1) helps the nervous endings release Nitric Oxide for dilation of the penile arteries and capillaries while Prostaglandin E2 (PE2) for the expansion of the local tissues, extending to the entire pelvic cavity when there is an excessive production of PE2, which helps women expand the cervix and its opening, resulting in labor (or miscarriage). PE1 helps relax the pelvic muscles for orgasmic contraction for both men and women. Hormones DHEA and androstenedione (thus testosterone, DHT, and estrogen) facilitate the production of PE1 and PE2. A high testosterone level helps to produce more PE2 than PE. Once your urethral nerves are sensitized by PE2, the sexual pleasure in your penis will trigger the brain's sympathetic nervous functions for orgasmic contraction and ejaculation. Specifically, PE2 induces greater tissues expansion in triggering the brain's/sympathetic nervous functions for orgasm to release the expansion pressure. A good indication for ejaculation urgency is when your penis starts to discharge a lot of precum. At that point you must practice the Sexual Chi Kong to calm the brain and sympathetic nervous functions. The volume of precum discharge is a sign for activation of your sympathetic orgasmic nervous circuits. If you use the missionary position, you upper body and head must be raised like a cobra to compress your low back and tailbone and the base of your neck. This will fully activate the parasympathetic nervous circuits in the tailbone. Use the Coitus Alignment Technique to slide your pubic bone over her clitoris with 50% of your low-body weight. Your hard erecting penis only serves as a mixing stick for her Epicenter, the gap between her bladder and cervix. Avoid tension in your penis, prostate and PC muscles. That is, don't “fuck" but just "mix or whip" her at 1.25 cycles per second while you rhythmically slide your pubis over her clitoris and contract your tailbone muscles at the same speed. In this way, you will shift your orgasmic contract from the prostate/PC muscles to the tailbone muscles without ejaculation. This above method is very effective for young couples, where the female are hot and the male have powerful muscles in the hands and low back. The best position is to land your two feet on a firm ground and the bed is about 2 feet high, so that your legs can help your hands to slide your pubic bone against her clitoris at a high speed, 2.5 cycles per second. In this way, you can blow her up in 1-3 minutes. But, generally, at the high-speed stroke, you may blow your load too. More on the Ejaculation Frequency Western medicine claims that men naturally replenish their semen supply soon after ejaculation and that the male's capacity for producing semen is virtually limitless. This is a highly misleading generalization. Simply compare ejaculation with blood donation, and you'll see the fallacy. After donating a pint of blood, you feel week and tired for a day or two, until the lost pint is replenished. Blood clinics advise donors not to give blood more than a few times each year in order to avoid chronic fatigue, low resistance and excessive strain on the circulatory system.


According to Chinese physicians, the same point applies to semen, except that the loss of semen is even harder to replace than blood. The body must invest a lot of essence and energy to fully replenish semen supplies and re-establish proper hormone balance after a man ejaculates. When ejaculation frequency exceeds the capacity of the body to fully replenish semen, men experience chronic fatigue, low resistance, irritation and other symptoms of essence and energy deficiency. They also lose all sexual interest in their partners, who may well be ready for more action. True, teenage boys and young men in their early 20's replenish semen faster than they could possibly expend it, but the notion that this capacity continues indefinitely into adulthood is patently false. It is women, not men, whose sexual potency is 'inexhaustible'. Celibacy however is not the answer. For that deprives men of the therapeutic benefits of sexual stimulation. The answer is ejaculation control. Frequent intercourse with infrequent ejaculation maintains a man’s interest in the act as well as his capacity to continue indefinitely until his partner is fully satisfied. Men who ejaculate once or more on a daily basis may eventually 'lose their minds', since 20 percent of male semen is composed of cerebrospinal fluid. Frequent ejaculation thus causes a chronic drain of the vital fluids that the brain and spine require to function properly. The resulting deficiency of cerebrospinal fluid can cause such increasingly common conditions as premature senility, inability to concentrate, chronic depression, loss of sexual drive and a host of other related symptoms. Furthermore, recent medical evidence indicates that with each and every ejaculation men suffer a significant loss of zinc, a rare but vital trace element. Frequent ejaculation thus results in a chronic, critical deficiency of zinc, symptoms of which include loss of memory, mental confusion, paranoia and hypersensitivity to sunlight. These facts seem to verify the 'old wives tale' that excessive male masturbation addles the mind, weakens the spine and leads to blindness. Regulating Ejaculation Frequency All schools of Taoism agree that retention of semen and proper regulation of its emission are indispensable skills for male adepts of the way. In their writings, the adepts of ancient China each left us their own personal guidelines for determining emission frequency. Some men are strong, some are weak, some men are old and others are in their prime. Each should live according to his own vitality and not try to force the joys of sex. Forcing joy is harmful. When having sexual intercourse with women, a man should emit semen only two or three times in ten. In spring, a man may permit himself to ejaculate once every three days, but in summer and autumn he should limit his ejaculations to twice a month. During the cold of winter, a man should preserve his semen and avoid ejaculation altogether. The Way of Heaven is to accommodate Yang essence in winter. A man who follows this guideline will live a long and healthy life. One ejaculation in cold winter is one hundred times more harmful than an ejaculation in the spring. The most practical advice of all on the subject of ejaculation control comes from the centenarian physician Sun Ssu-mo, the Tang Dynasty adept who outlive three emperors by practicing what he preached. His general yardstick, quoted at the head of this chapter, was twice a month, or 24 times per year. His own personal regimen, however, was only one emission per 100 copulations. Dr. Sun lived to the age of 101. According to Sun Ssu-mo a man should 'become acquainted' with Tao by the age of 30, and 'acquire a thorough working knowledge' of it by 40: Before the age of 40, most men are still full of vigorous passion. But as soon as they reach their 40th birthday, they suddenly notice their potency declining. Just at that very point of declining potency the myriad ailments will descend 101

upon him like a swam of bees. If this situation continues unchecked, he will soon find himself beyond cure. Dr. Sun repeatedly warned his male patients of the dangers involved in excessive ejaculation. He compared the situation to that of as sputtering oil-lamp: just before the fuel is spent and the lamp is about to extinguish, the flame suddenly flares up brightly, then dies: Each and every time a man restrains himself and retains his semen it is like adding new oil to a lamp that is about to extinguish. But if a man fails to control himself and ejaculates every time he lies down with a woman, it is like removing oil from a lamp that is already nearly burnt out. If a man has no intercourse with a woman, his mind will grow restless and he will yearn for female company. Forcibly suppressing the natural urge to emit semen at certain intervals is not only difficult for a man but will actually make it easier to lose semen. He will lose it during sleep through nocturnal emissions (wet dreams). One emission of semen in this manner is equivalent to the loss suffered by one hundred emissions during normal sexual intercourse. Sun Ssu-mo's advice to men on regulating ejaculation frequency: •

By the age of 30, a man begins to lose vitality and should stop squandering his semen recklessly. It is time to give up the habit of masturbation and to become acquainted with the Tao of Yin and Yang.

By the age of 40, a man has reached the critical turning point in his life. If he wishes to prevent the rapid downhill slide into the grave with undisciplined sexual relations, he must now start practicing ejaculation control as a habit.

By the age of 50 his ejaculation frequency should be no more once every 20 days.

By the age of 60, most men should completely curtail ejaculation (but not intercourse). Exceptionally healthy men with strong libidos, however, may continue emitting semen about once a month, or, better yet, once in every 100 coitions.

By the age of 70, if a man is still hale and hearty, he may continue using Dr. Sun's ideal measure of once in every 100 indefinitely.

Practicing ejaculation control is just as important for strong, healthy males as it is for the weak and elderly. Those who's start this regimen early in life avoid the worst ravages of old age, retard the loss of vital energy and live longer lives than those who wait until middle age to begin.

For most men, complete abstention from ejaculation is just as harmful as excessive emission. It creates a deep yearning for sex that disrupts the harmony of essence, energy and spirit, and ultimately leads to the even greater loss of sexual essence and energy through the uncontrollable, intense ejaculations caused by 'wet dreams'. In order to determine your own ideal emission schedule, you must first master the methods of semen retention. An ejaculation should leave a man feeling as light and refreshed as a woman feels after orgasm, not exhausted, empty and uninterested in further sex. Such an ejaculation may be experienced only when semen supply is what the Chinese call "full" and "flourishing". If an ejaculation leaves you tired and depressed, you should increase the interval between emissions. You may also help minimize the loss of essence and energy due to semen emission by learning to 'come lightly' when you choose to ejaculate. Instead of thrusting to frenzy just prior to ejaculation, approach the brink slowly and gently and savor the exquisite sensation of release, then deliberately 'squeeze off' the urogenital canal with a deep contraction of the anus and penile shaft before ejaculation is over. This will conserve about 20-30 per cent of your semen while still 102

providing the desired ejaculatory release. Immediately after emission, rhythmically contract the entire urogenital diaphragm for a minute or two by practicing anal sphincter locks. This tightens the pelvic floor, which becomes loose and flaccid after ejaculation, and thereby prevents postcoital loss of chi through the perineum, anus and urogenital canal. This exercise is highly beneficial for women as well, because it prevents loss of chi through the vagina and encourages sexual energy to move up the spinal channels to the brain. A few simple experiments any man may perform to establish the truth of Tao is sex: Try engaging in a vigorous bout of intercourse about half an hour before participating in an athletic event or stage performance- once with ejaculation and once without - and compare your resulting performances. You'll be amazed by the difference. Or try intercourse with and without ejaculation late at night and compare the amount of sleep you need and how you feel upon arising the next morning. An even more stark comparison is the difference in vitality felt throughout the day after having sexual intercourse first thing in the morning, with and without ejaculation. Men who sharply reduce their emission frequencies during the winter season without reducing intercourse suffer far less from colds, influenza, chills, and winter 'blues' and other symptoms related to cold weather. And when you're feeling ’low spirits', ejaculation will further drag you deeper into depression, while a prolonged bout without emission of semen is an excellent way to 'pick up your spirits'. The same goes for physical condition: when a man is ailing, the loss of semen only makes his condition worse by robbing him of his greatest source of resistance just when he needs it most. Disciplined intercourse, on the other hand, is an excellent palliative for many chronic ailments, especially those influenced by hormone levels. Every man must establish his own ideal emission rate as an overall guideline, but he must also consider the unique circumstances of each occasion before deciding whether it is appropriate to ejaculate or not. If you happen to be drunk at the time, or gorged with food, or ill, then you'd best forgo that brief spasm of pleasure and keep your batteries fully charged. Insufficient secretion of androgens in males, for example, results in the loss of sexual drive and potency. Excessive androgen secretion in the female can cause such masculizing effects as beard growth and breast shrinkage. Thus, a primary goal of Taoist sexual regimens is the enhancement of male and female hormone secretions in optimum balance. Belatedly, Western science has also established intimate links between sexual stimulation and hormone production, and between hormone production and health. In 1974, for example, the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany, conducted tests on the physiological effects of mildly erotic films on healthy males aged 21-34. After half an hour of viewing, 75 per cent of the subjects showed marked increases in testosterone levels in their blood, thereby establishing a clear connection between sexual excitement and hormone excretions. Subsequent research revealed that men with high testosterone levels, high sperm count and dense, viscous semen were completely immune to many communicable diseases and were highly resistant to others, while those with low testosterone and sperm count and thin, watery semen had only partial immunity to diseases. For Taoists, the issue of sexual intercourse in old age is not a moral or social one - it's a matter of life and health. To keep things in perspective, lets again verify this fundamental Taoist view point with some solid medical evidence from Western science. 103

A recent study conducted in America revealed that frequent sexual intercourse considerably relieves the chronic pain of rheumatism in elderly couples by stimulating secretion of cortisone in the adrenal cortex. According to the Taoist view, the adrenal cortex is the gland most directly influenced by sexual excitement. On the other hand, according to Western science, excessive coitus inhibits adrenal functions in the male. Since 'coitus' includes ejaculation in Western medical and sexual terminology, we see that the Taoist view that excessive ejaculation ruins the 'kidney-glands' in men is essentially correct. In both men and women, sexual secretions contain many pure, potent, biochemically active substances: hormones, enzymes, proteins, vitamins and other elements. When female secretions are released into the warm, moist environment of the vagina during intercourse, they come into direct contact with the sensitive, paper-thin skin of the man's blood engorged penis. Body heat opens wide the pores of this stretched skin, and the rhythmic rubbing of vagina and penis caused biochemically significant amounts of female 'essence' to be absorbed by the male. In fact, less than a pinhead quantity of essential hormone suffices to exert profound physiological effects upon the entire endocrine system once it enters the bloodstream. In the sexually excited male, blood courses powerfully through the penis and picks up whatever hormones are absorbed in the vagina by friction and osmosis. Similarly, the spongy tissues of a woman's vagina absorb active elements from her own secretions and from male semen after a man ejaculates inside. For women, frequent intercourse with orgasm is the most efficient method of cultivating sexual essence and energy. For men, frequent intercourse with infrequent ejaculation is the key technique for cultivating sexual essence and energy. Furthermore, retaining semen during intercourse enables a man not only to preserve and reabsorb his own essence; it also enables him to prolong the act sufficiently for his partner to reach full orgasm, thereby releasing her most potent secretions for his benefit. In effect, he 'kills' two birds with one stone, preserving his own essence while releasing and absorbing hers. According to Tao, a brief burst of explosive energy occurs when a man or woman reaches orgasm. Western science has already established that, at the point of sexual orgasm, human brain wave patterns alter radically, literally putting the person into an 'altered state of consciousness'. Profound physiological and electrical changes occur throughout the system during orgasm, and a burst of energy is indeed emitted. Partners may absorb one another's burst of sexual energy at the moment of orgasm by following three basic guidelines: •

Keep your head nuzzled under your partner's ear when he or she ejaculates in order to avoid inhaling the 'muddy breath' exhaled at that moment. Owing to the intense 'fire' that occurs in the lower abdomen during orgasm, this burst of breath is regarded as a sort of waster product.

Hug your partner very tightly and maintain maximum surface contact between your skins. At orgasm, the entire body radiates energy from its surface contact.

Press and rub the public regions closely together. The biggest burst of sexual energy during orgasm naturally occurs in the region of the 'Sea Of Energy' (chi-hai), located below the navel.


Success of semen retention It depends on how you define success. As far as endurance and conservation, longer lovemaking sessions and ejaculation require only a moderate amount of the time and is very attainable. Working a lot on these preparatory things such as opening the body, working with meditation, and breathing attains it. Work on lots of non-aroused practices to gradually teach your body on how to work with sexual energy on a more subtle level. Focus on balance & harmony - let those be your guiding concepts. As far as specific practices: stretching, abdominal breathing, testicle breathing, PC muscle exercises, to name a few, the body really needs to be prepared outside of the bedroom (mostly with non-aroused practices). You teach your body over and over again, carve the grooves so to speak, with calm daily practice. Increasingly, you will be able to withstand the strong forces in the bedroom. Anal-tailbone breathing is largely similar to the big draw and is done in coordination with Chi Kong breathing which is simply the microcosmic orbit. The key difference is that you don’t contract the prostate-perineum or anything like that. You contract the anus and inhale a breath but also breathe chi into your anus as if it is mouth breathing. This chi is then drawn up the spine and re-circulated just like the microcosmic orbit practices. The logic behind doing this is that contracting the anus diverts the nerve impulses from the prostate to the anus and preventing the nerve signal to ejaculate. The way you apply it is when you feel the need to intervene, simply pause, exhale, inhale, and contract the anus. The way to achieve the contraction of the anus also involves using the anal muscles to pull the tailbone in towards the anus. He also employs a breathing method where you expand the lower abdomen. (Buddhist style breath, abdomen expanded out on the inhale). This creates pressure in the abdomen that presses against the urogenital diaphragm and anus and makes it easier to contract the anus. I sometimes like to modify things and do Taoist breath, sucking the abdomen in, which also works. One of the things it is necessary to understand to achieve all this is about the hormones and biochemistry. DHT dihydrotestosterone (formed from the breakdown of testosterone) is a super hormone responsible for things like hard erection, penis growth and inducing orgasmic contractions. However when it builds up in the prostate tissues it is also responsible for premature ejaculation due to prostate engorgement. The prostate tissues have receptors that trap DHT molecules thereby making the prostate swollen and oversensitive to even mild stimulation. This is why the erroneous prostate (PC) contraction apparently advised in Healing Tao material will actually cause easier prostate orgasm and ejaculation because it is just too much of stimulation. This DHT factor is also the reason why occasionally contracting the prostate actually works providing that your prostate is relatively free of DHT buildup (which is not very often, most of the time it makes things worse). Ejaculation will release a lot of the excessive DHT. Those who do these retention practices for alchemical purposes have a lot of bound up DHT, which is why for many of us it has been even more difficult to retain during sex than if we did nothing at all. If you choose not to ejaculate for a longer period there are ways to alleviate this buildup. Dr. LIN advises eating a lot of soy products and plant materials containing phytoestrogens (plant estrogens 105

similar to human estrogen). These disbind the excessive DHT from the tissues and make the prostate much less sensitive. Intense physical activity will also burn some of this away. That’s why monks did kung fu to keep their sexual energy balanced. His idea is to build up DHT receptors in the anus instead of prostate. Through the practice of frequently contracting the anus during sexual activity, you can make your anus much more easily orgasmic and enable you to have male multi-orgasms. If you can induce these anal orgasms at will, it will completely distract the normal orgasmic response and gives you a prolonged satisfying orgasmic sensation. Another critical thing is the penile ballooning technique. You make sure that you have a super hard erection before sexual activity. A hard enough erection will short-circuit the nerves in the penis so that it is numbed and insensitive to stimulation. Ballooning is achieved through massaging the penis in certain ways. In fact, most premature ejaculation problems come from not taking a minute or two to get hard enough. He also talks a great deal about the necessary biochemical systems to power this stuff up. He has a number of herbal/semi-herbal products to help power up these biochemical hormonal systems. He provides good discussions about DHEA, DHT, testosterone, oxytocin, dopamine, and other hard to remember chemicals. All success in retaining and transforming Jing hinges on the ability to steam and completely dissolve the seminal components so that none has a chance to build up in the seminal vesicles. Therefore there is nothing to be ejaculated and there is no buildup of chi/craving impulse to expel it. Doing this the chi and everything else that makes up your seed is recycled and able to be used for promoting health and expanding your spirit awareness conscious. It you don't understand how to achieve this transformation you will only experience failure in trying to "suppress" or delay the inevitable ejaculation. Instead you alleviate the buildup of Jing at its very source and sublimate it directly into intangible and perfectly stable spirit. Only when you learn how to steam your collected sperm is this the beginning of true alchemy, and only when you can retransform your jing are you able to restore your yuan chi to its original primal state of purity. After retention for a long time your body senses that the seminal vesicles are full and your testicles send a signal to your body not to produce so much and the production slows down. However you don't want them to slow down too much or your testicles will not produce enough hormones and energy to keep your chi, health and sex drive strong - Dr. LIN calls this the hormone negative feedback loop. So if you don't ejaculate you have to massage your testicles and semeniferous tubuoles to keep sperm and hormone production high. Also do testicular compression and testicular tugging combined with empty force breathing and sticking out tongue to connect the genitals with the tendons. But also keep steaming in order to prevent sperm from building up. In this way you empty out your seminal vesicles and keep sperm hormone production relatively high by dissolving and sublimating jing into chi and spirit that is nourishing to your body rather than just wasting all these valuable things by ejaculation. It's a delicate balance between having too much and not enough and a process of recycling everything in your own body. This is again why I think people who scoff at the idea that it is possible to maintain total nonejaculation in higher levels of Taoist alchemy and think it is a fanatical approach. I think they are 106

taking a copout approach to something they find unable to reconcile with their cultural conditioning with and not looking for the truth. I believe nobody should try complete non-ejaculation when they are novices and it is impossible to do so if you don't really understand the transformation but absolutely possible if all the right conditions. And learning how to sublimate most of your ching is ultimately necessary to reach higher stages of Taoist alchemy.

Leakage of energy People who are not as good at reading the words in between the lines and who hang on a master’s every word can easily misconstrue something like that when they read it and end up having a very specific but incorrect notion in mind. But part of the Tao is figuring things out for oneself. Other people can only describe things so well. Even if the description could be worded well it is still up to you to do it yourself and figure out what something is really describing by feel. For me it has been helpful to use the image metaphors of a golden silk thread from the sky suspending the crown of the head. And as far as the pelvis I find a more apt description is to "point the coccyx" to the earth. The pelvis should actually "float” smoothly. In this way you are really taking the whole skeletal bone structure especially of the spine and turning it into a conduit for heavenly and earthy energies to communicate with each other. We should also keep in mind that the male and female pelvis bones and hip joints and subsequently leg and knee positions are structurally very different on account of having different biological purposes. Certain flexibility, postures and ranges of motion are just going to be easier or harder for each to achieve. This is why every pelvis has to find its own natural ideal alignment to heaven and earth! It's all about loosening up the spine and making it more pliable and flexible. Think of your spinal pathway as a river for energy. What you are doing is gently smoothing out the curves of this pathway into a straighter path so that energy can flow more effortlessly. It is all about releasing tension, letting it go, smile. Loosening your spinal tension and enabling the bones to settle into their most natural positions. As far as leakage out of the perineum, just what we consider "leakage" is debatable. It is not exactly like you are a container with a persistent leak in the bottom if you don’t constantly keep the gate sealed. I view it more as though the hui yin breathes like a mouth. It can stream cool earth chi into the hui yin point. It can also let it out. It's like breathing air and filling the lungs. You don’t hold on to the air in your lungs forever; you let it go. You take it in retain something from it and immediately release what is not needed. And then you take in more because it's unlimited. The key metaphor to remember is that your body as the container is the empty bowl of Taoist philosophy. You can fill it up and empty it out at will, without worry. That is if you have reached the realization that the energy reservoir of the universe as well as your core (inner universe) is unlimited and that there is always more where that came from, and providing you know how to tap into it. The container in being empty it is full; in being full it is empty. The trick is to let the muscles be relaxed but not flaccid and lazy. And to be able to contract tightly but to be able to relax fully at will. A well-toned anus muscle and urogenital diaphragm are vital, but it should not be confused for tense and constricted. You don’t keep it tight constantly, that’s ridiculous. All those muscles have to be toned and strong but it is foolish to think they have to be constricted on a continual basis to plug a leak. They should be strong enough to contract 107

strongly but remain in a relaxed and un-constricted state. It is vital for muscles to relax, to tighten in breathing and be able to relax alternately on exhaling. If your muscles are strong enough and can relax at will you don’t have to worry about losing energy. You know the correct way to breathe chi through your anus or perennial energy gates. When you inhale with your lungs, which usually correspond to drawing chi inward, you also breathe chi into your anus. On this inhale you gently tighten up the anus which helps to direct things upward. But when you exhale you completely relax the anus and let it rest. This is how you keep permanent tension from forming. One of the reasons that people may be caused to leak energy out of the lower gate is that they have not made the connection to the legs. Chi ends up there with nowhere to go, you should breathe the earth energy from your feet up through your legs and spiral it into the hui yin and anus and tailbone. You should exhale extra chi out, down through the legs the same way. When you do that it is a constant communication with the energy of the earth. You can release energy from the hui yin down through the leg channels, to the soles and into the earth and draw it up to replace by the same path. This is like sexual energy exchange with mother earth. If it is not so easy to see how the soles connect to the hui yin, a good exercise to find that direct earth connection with the hui yin is as follows: Just sit down on the cool ground and let your whole groin communicate with the earth's yin energy. Let the cool feeling engulf your entire groin area and disperse any held tension and feelings of energy blockage. Inhale the earth chi into the groin and don’t be afraid to release chi from your groin down into the earth. It takes and receives; shares and exchanges. This reacquaints you with what it is like to subtly breathe earth chi into the hui yin, anus, coccyx, genitals. And most importantly gets you in a habit of keeping energy circulated and moving in and out such that you don’t allow things to ever become stagnated there. Getting yourself in the good habit of breathing in this way constantly melts away tension and keeps it from building up in the first place. If chi is stagnated at the perennial area it is going to want to exit that point because it is looking for a place to expand. But if you route that chi into the leg channels and forge that rooting connection with the chi of the earth then it has a better place to flow. The hui yin must be understood as the intersection or "conflux" or crossroads of all the yin earth energy channels of the lower section of the body. Chi in the channels is only intended to pass through that point on its way to somewhere else. You have to keep all the routes elsewhere opened up. One of the sexual kung fu techniques I have been playing with is to send the orgasm spiraling chi at the hui yin be directed down into the legs to relocate it. For males during sex if the expansion of chi gets to strong for the tension of the perineum and it has nowhere else to expand to it takes the nearest exit out the urethra. Sending it down to the soles of the feet to the earth instead of sending it up the spine to the crown and heaven is probably gentler, but you can also do both at once. The Taoist reverse breathing is a great thing to tie all these different processes together. Gently pulling the lower abdomen in on the inhale helps to alleviate muscular stress on the lower back. It helps to relieve stress on the pesos muscles and thereby ensures the release of skeletal tension and the desired smoothly floating pelvis/sacrum. It helps to create a suction which makes chi naturally stream into the hui yin and up the spine and it massages the organs and naturally tightens the anus. 108

Being worried about perennial leakage can tend towards another form of fanatical retentiveness. I never worry about anything leaking I just keep things circulating, keep the muscles toned, relax it, and let chi breathe itself in and out. Chi at the lower gate/perineum/hui yin is constantly expanding and contracting (orgasm in its broader sense). Sometimes its direction is receiving inward sometimes it is releasing outward. It is like the operation of a bellows, sometimes it blows air out sometimes it sucks it back in. Empty is full and full it is empty. I should add that ideally in breathing and meditating a identical process of drawing in and releasing should be happening with the crown and the heavenly energy just as the at hui yin with earth energy. When we look at all of this we can see that the entire Tao is in essence keeping life, the body, spirit all free of the obstacles that impede the free flow of things.

Message: As an artist, musician, thinker or otherwise creative person you actually use the energy from retention as fuel to drive your creativity. It should be easier for you to go longer being a little older and having your body and hormones slow down a little. Retention for a month or even several you will start to feel incredibly healthy and creative and have plenty of energy. However going that long might also cause problems with things getting blocked up energetically in many ways and you might also start to notice some impotency symptoms and not be able to get a maximum erection after a while. This is because your testosterone and other hormone production systems tend to slow down a little when they are not called upon to replenish hormone supplies constantly being emptied from ejaculation. When you go to have sex again after a month or several of retention there might be some difficulty getting a full rock hard erection. Therefore if you want to keep in peak shape it might be desirable to ejaculate a little more often, perhaps twice a month or once a week. But the problem with doing that often such as once a week is that you will be more virile but might lack some of the spiritual creative energy you so desire and value as an artist. So it is always a tradeoff. There are some solutions to having the best of both worlds, long retention without slowing down the erectile function. Diet is one, the ideal celibate diet is, avoid too much red meat, favor soy protein, eat lots of vegetables. Also doing Taoist testicular massaging to keep sexual function high is helpful, regular physical exercise (like some weightlifting or competitive sport) that burns up testosterone etc. is good for keeping you sexually healthy. The most advanced measure is Taoist kan and li steaming which dissolves and reabsorbs the seminal fluids. This effectively alleviates the buildup and pressures (empties out the seminal vesicles without ejaculating but still keeps the energy) and therefore allows the testicles to still keep working at a high level to keep sex drive high. All these things essentially get rid of some of the semen buildup so that there is no backup (sort of a sperm traffic jam) that would signal the testicular function to slow down. Of course doing kan and li/dual cultivation with a sexual partner is probably the easiest best way because you can keep things moving and steam away the excess, gain tremendous energy and balance and still retain. But lives are not always so ideal; not all of us have a steady partner for every time during the year. You might actually desire your libido to subside once in a while. It can be quite pleasant and not really a dysfunction at all for it not to be intense. For one thing a raging libido tends to cloud the 109

mind with all kinds of anxieties whereas a softened sex drive allows things to quiet enough to promote greater mental clarity. Many artists, philosophers and such were celibate or non-ejaculating at times because they realized the power of the energy they got from retaining and channeled all of it into their work. I personally believe that we are not meant to be raging horny all the time; it can be a real burden. And I feel that at other times we are supposed to have higher sex drive and there is no problem with us getting our system warmed up if it is a little rusty. The problem is that for us intermittently single/coupling men it's inconvenient for us not to be at peak performance all the time because we never know when a new opportunity presents itself after a period of not getting laid. I don't set any fixed standard. When I started out I was fanatical enough to want to get my ejaculations down to the frequency of hardly ever. I could only keep it for so long without a nocturnal emission. All I can tell you is I know if it's more often than once a week I feel hard enough all the time but too drained for spiritual or creative work; but if it is approaching a month I feel great spiritually and mentally but starting to get a little soft erection. Like you I get addicted to the extra energy of retention and tend to feed off of that for all my meditation and other hobbies. If there was a way to never ejaculate and be able to be totally virile at the drop of a hat I would be there in a second but it is not so easy. It's just not possible to be a monk and a sex stud all the time. Being the maniac I am still working on that problem. Maybe some day when I am sitting on a mountain I will be able to make it work but till then we have to be realistic.

External lock technique Injaculation is not really the goal of that million-dollar point external lock technique. This technique is clumsy, hazardous and barely useful. Ejaculation or injaculation is sudden and it causes considerable energy loss because energy chi/shen orgasm is exploding and leaking out with the physical sperm. It is possible to do it right when you hit the precise spot at the precise moment whereupon it arrests the prostate spasm before ejaculation is allowed to occur. However most of the time people fuck it up and end up simply suppressing what is already in progress, they end up ejaculating into their own bladder, which is painful. You will feel a distinct pain like sperm being backed up into your seminal vesicles/seminiferous tubuoles and prostate. It is a crude and inferior technique compared to anal/microcosmic orbit breath locking. For that reason we deem it to be a huge waste of time. When retaining for a certain period (any longer than a week) you will get what I consider sperm overflow. Abundant testicular function produces cloudy thick urine. Testicles are producing so much sperm that seminal vesicles reach capacity and some of it spills out into the bladder slowly during the day. Certain things can influence this, including eating a diet with a lot of meat, protein, starch and other rich food, instead of emphasize vegetables, greens phytoestrogen foods, raw foods. Regular fasting can do wonders to prevent this. Fasting creates an automatic nutrient deficit that triggers your body to look for alternative energy sources and recycle the seminal essences. 110

Foreplay is important for the male too. Even in the frenzy of passion spend a little bit just getting a good strong erection. If it is hard and you can keep it hard it eliminates these problems. If you can't get and stay hard then it is probably an issue of your poor health. I echo those suggestions of strengthening the prostate and inner valves to help cut off that possibility of leakage in the first place. If you don’t ejaculate voluntarily (or you are not a master at constantly steaming it) it has to have somewhere to go. I suspect your erection problems are not so much due to the perceived injaculation (which I suspect you are not really having unless you feel a painful cramping orgasm internally) but rather the fact that your biochemical erection drivers are too week to get hard as Lin frequently explains. There could be many reasons (simply tired, run down and suffering health for one) but the primary one is probably the retention itself. Basically it is like this; it is very difficult to do retention for longer than 5 days (depending on your age) and not feel some drop off in potency. This is because if you are not keeping the testicles working all the time the hormone production subsides a little. So you have a little choice if you want to preserve any energy for any worthwhile alchemy you generally have to do retention for at least that long or longer. But you are going to have a bit more of a challenge to maintain your virility. If it bothers you that much maybe you should ejaculate for real a little more often (which would help with your erection problems) and forgo deeper alchemy until you are better at transmuting things. Otherwise the only other answer I can give you is to become a master kan Li steamer. And or get to do dual cultivation with your girlfriend more often (which is essentially energetically identical to the Kan-Li process internally except the rush of sex creates the sensation much more effortlessly) I view the big draw like a dance routine. When you first learn to dance, you're aware of your steps. How you're holding you're partner, where your feet are, "one two three", "one two three", etc. It's only when you get really good at it, when you're not thinking about it and then it becomes second nature, which you really start dancing. Then you just flow with the music. Then the draw (and exchange and transformation) happens spontaneously and without conscious effort. It is, however, a lifelong practice. So keep working on those dance moves, as will I. Message: Hidden danger of using the million dollar point (Michael Winn on February 2, 2006) Among the many refinements I have made over the years to the original book "Taoist Secrets of Love", I feel one of the most important is to understand the danger of using the million dollar point. I strongly suggest NEVER using pressure on the perineum point, not even in beginning training, nor at any point in the male training. The reason is simple: you are using external force to stop ejaculating. But that applied force traps the aroused jing chi in the perineum area, it doesn't re-circulate it - which is the single most important goal of Taoist sexual practice. To avoid physical and energetic complications from this trapping of sexual energy, you have to quickly circulate internally the sexual energy trapped in the area of the million dollar point and physically massage the area to relieve the congestion. If you don't do this, there are possible negative health side effects and definite energetic side effects - you are creating a STOPPAGE rather than a RE-CIRCULATION. IF you have the ability to circulate the sexual energy AFTER using the million dollar point (using 111

the orbit, or other pathways), then you don't need to use the million dollar point. You should be using that ability, with some combination of internal energetic and pulsing muscular signals, to recirculate the rising impulse to ejaculate BEFORE you might have needed to ejaculate. This is not only safer, but more effective in achieving the goal of the practice. If your ability to re-circulate the sexual energy is not good enough to re-direct the ejaculatory impulse to the rest of the physical and energy body, then that is the real level of your practice and you need the feedback to see that, so you can work on improving your skill. Creating a forced blockage at the perineum / Million Dollar point doesn't improve your skill - it is an admission of its failure. Worse, it makes it harder to re-circulate the sexual energy, as it is now in a stagnant state of congestion, has lost its rising direction, when it was much easier to simply re-direct the impulse. You never want to create the energetic pattern of STOPPING EJACULATION. That creates a STOPPING pattern that will eventually overflow and constrict to your ability to have and share whole body orgasm. You need to focus solely on RE-CIRCULATING and SHARING pattern (with other parts of yourself or a lover). That is the pattern that needs empowering. You are better off recycling part of your sexual energy and then ejaculating the partly charged seed than you are creating congestion with seed that is often fully charged/none of it re-circulated. Many practitioners become falsely obsessive with stopping ejaculation at any cost, which is a misunderstanding of the practice. Worse, it leads to sex-charged guilt when some seed is released, which in turn taints the feeling of sexual love, etc. etc. Message: If you successfully avoid ejaculation but don’t do much big draw type activity I don’t think you lose much during lovemaking alone. The problem is that if you have not done much to transform, transmute, and absorb it (and the big draw really doesn’t do much anyway) it sets things up so that jing is just sitting there to be lost at a later time. You have not taken advantage of the sex to liberate the jing collected at your sperm palace and redistribute and release its energy to the rest of the energy body. So that’s the real problem. Maybe you would have a nocturnal emission, ejaculate with your girlfriend another day. But you will lose energy that you could have extracted beforehand by taking advantage of the opportunity for alchemical sex by doing deep fire and water sexual balancing and steaming. Actually if these sexual kung fu techniques are done right it should not be a mechanical or troublesome thing that is hard to do and distracts you or interrupts the flow. It should be a natural smooth motion in perfect harmony and rhythm with the whole act of lovemaking. The anal breathing or the big draw should be simply a part of your relaxed breathing, and everything should be coordinated with your thrusts. Ideally it should not be something you need to stop to do in an awkward and tense manner. The right way that this is accomplished is though maintaining adequate relaxation and balance from the beginning. The whole body should act with one unified motion in a cycle of yin-yang, in-out, tighten-relax, pull up-send down, thrust-withdraw, move-pause radiate out-absorb in. All yin motions and yang motions are coordinated. I’m not going to list a table of all possible yin and yang motions; you just have to develop your own sense for what naturally corresponds. That way anything you do is all part of the gentle flow of yin and yang. 112

It is possible to coordinate and time both your orgasms so that there is a reciprocal exchange of jing with your partner. When you ejaculate and if she orgasms at the same time there is somewhat of a mutual replenishing effect possible. I would imagine timing counts because if you ejaculate first you aren’t able to bring her to full orgasm and then you don’t get the full benefit in return. If you can time it so you can ejaculate both at the same time then that’s best of all. But most likely is make her cum first, then you can.

Message: I have found that I needed to strengthen perineum and urogenital muscles collectively as well as single out the specific muscle and work on them. A strong perineum leads to strong erection and easy control. The physical aspect took me years but it paid off. I regularly exercise my perineum over a thousand times a day and I exercise all my ring muscles. The best way I have found is to relax more and more, never tense. After a while it just becomes automatic, your body "gets it". The perineum is a great leakage point of energy that is like the drain in a bathtub. The vessel must be strengthened first, and then energy builds, then the energy needs to be transformed. As with any practice, you proceed slowly, relaxed and let your body communicate with you. Don't over practice hoping for a fast enlargement process as well as stay away from such products offered by so many today. If practiced correctly with the proper virtues and visualizations, you will not be disappointed. Ring muscles I work with are my genitals, anus, eyes, mouth, nose nostrils and urethra. When practiced all together, you will feel suction in the palms and soles. Also after awhile you will feel the opening of the penis starting to suck in air, and the same with the vagina. It is a great feeling as well as strengthening the front gate of the penis. Drawing the energy upwards starts with visualization and perineum and sacrum pumping. Once the energy has a clear path to flow, it will follow on its own. But if the easiest path is out of the perineum, then it will follow that route. Keeping the energy connected with your heart will also allow it to smoothly ascend. It makes a difference. During sex, my PC is naturally squeezing and releasing on its own and at times I will press my tongue hard against the roof of my mouth which increases the flow of orgasmic energies upwards. The clench you are talking about, even in the big draw should always be done relaxed. This takes practice. Like picking up 50 kilos and keeping relaxed. Some people strain with their faces contorted and structure distorted. After awhile they pick up the weight like it is a feather. It is all Chi Kong and it all has to be done relaxed, with a quiet mind and awareness of your center and your surroundings, the same as the inner smile and the same as tai chi. If you practice your love making like you practice your tai chi then you will see that they are both the same, connecting with the same energies, inner and outer. Message: I was wondering why Dr Lin says PC muscle exercises are bad and cause premature ejaculation, while Mantak Chia states that they are an essential part in learning ejaculation control. I am confused after reading all the negative comments about PC muscle exercises at Lin's website. Should I continue with the exercises? The WHOLE POINT of PC exercise is to LOSE an erection. Nobody tells tell you to do PC exercises DURING sexual intercourse. They are meant to be done in deep meditation ONLY. This is because PC exercise will clog up your entire system with DHT if you do these practices during sex. The energy giving you an erection at the time of sexual intercourse or masturbation is 113

NOT the same as the energy giving you an erection during meditation. Within a few years, you too will be ejaculating prematurely, have erection problems, and wonder what hits you. You don't have to go down that road. I did. I practiced too well. After a year the premature ejaculation sets in. Then the disconnection between my sex drive and my sexual organs occurred. I thought there was something wrong, but from the point of view of an adept I was doing just great, except for the fact that I had been practicing while sexually aroused, and therefore had the premature ejaculation problem among other deviations! So I threw myself into Lin's site and I read the ENTIRE thing thoroughly. These days I have some control over my sexual energy from a cultivator's standpoint and I can also fuck my brains out. The whole essence of Lin’s practice is that you create a cock-pump inside the body, which pumps air, blood and chi into the penis making it not only larger, but relieving pressure on the prostate gland. It is common sense if you want an erection, why are you pulling up on the PC in the opposite direction? When I said working the PC muscle is good I had been talking about OUTSIDE of sex. Basically, exercising it to strengthen the whole area, sex organs included, to improve erections, control, etc. What creates the premature ejaculation effect is, I think, the building up of sexual energy by not coming for a while. You'll get that "over sensitive, premature ejaculatory" effect whether you work out your PC muscle or not. Indeed, working the PC muscle will actually alleviate the problem a bit, not make it worse. The only way to truly alleviate the problem is to continually do the sort of circulation/steaming. This sort of steaming is probably beyond most of us. It may be better to just let it go every once in a while. With regard to working the PC muscle DURING sex, some say that it will decrease your erection and cause premature ejaculation. It will, just like working any muscle during sex will. Try masturbate till you're rock hard and then try curling a 50 pound dumbbell, see how long your erection can last. Part of the reason "clenching" this muscle during sex is recommended in Chia's sex books is precisely to pull blood/energy away from the erection so that you don't come. If you had read Lin carefully you'd know that a weak erection is actually a recipe for premature ejaculating, not preventing it. A not fully hard dick is most sensitive and vulnerable to stimulation. If you make the erection so pumped up (ballooning state) that it literally squeezes and numbs the nerves you can keep it hard the whole time and it doesn't matter, when doing it right you can thrust to you hearts content all day and don't feel a thing. Message: When you make love and have the ability or skill to exchange your energy with your lover you can cause them to have spontaneous openings of their energy gates, this is translated as being the best sex they've ever had. When someone has the best sex they've ever had, the tendency may be to want to keep it, and/or to "fall in love" with that source. I feel a great responsibility to my lover(s). I can't make love without involving my whole being, and therefore, the heart is engaged. You must be a good lover not just on the physical plane, but also on the mental/emotional, and spiritual plane as well, or there could be an imbalance, someone could be injured and there could be Karma to pay. As always, and in everything we are charged by the universal law with responsibility. And, I'm always learning too. A relationship is an opportunity for me to learn and grow. 114

Retention and Stiffness of body joints An interesting thing can be felt if I do hard physical workouts after a period of retention. The longer the period of retention the less sore and stiff I get from training. I feel this has something to do with the relationship with the spleen and kidneys, but also the quality of the spleen energy nourishing the muscles. The liver is supposed to nourish the tendons so this also seems to be a factor. When sitting in meditation or doing forms after a period of exercise and retention, it is easier to open up the stiff and inflexible areas, and I use less time doing it. On the opposite side, after ejaculation, there is much more stiffness after a hard workout or a running session. I also tend to feel much more soreness a lot faster. Particularly during powerintense training like rock climbing, I have so much more power and energy if I do retention. I have a strong hunch that when an athlete looses his "edge" and younger contenders take over, this is part of the reason. The more jing chi you have at your disposal, the more dynamic and explosive your system is, and you are also less susceptible to injury. Also, when one depletes the kidney energy a lot through ejaculation, you tend to be more "afraid" and this makes you less able to "go for it". It is interesting to watch team sports where older athletes are less able to do their thing than younger players. When the age difference is subtracted what is the difference? Mental and physical rigidity and lack of power. This is mainly due to depletion of the Jing chi. Muhammed Ali knew this all too well, and had a no-sex-zone one year before an important match. It is fascinating how the aging paradigm has become a "truth" among athletes, and how it quite easily can be reversed. One aspect of the inevitable "effects of aging" is more soreness and longer recovery after a workout or run. My experience is that this can be reversed, or at least stopped with a retention-based program. Message: The real problem with ejaculation is not the loss of the seminal fluids but the loss of certain critical highly pressurized chi that was keeping the body strong and vital. When you ejaculate and the outward flow of Chi is substantial this is draining the high pressure chi out of all those muscles, tendons, joints which was keeping them protected. (You can feel the strong sensation of chi streaming and leaking out of the perineum on ejaculation there is a lot of chi escaping from the lower gate. This is different from the chi that leaks out the penis that is inseparable from the semen. What I’m talking about is the powerful energy drain; the greatest leak is really not out the obvious escape of the urethra but directly through the skin leaking out the perineum/hui yin point and anus.) The male orgasm has two major sensations one is the prostate muscle spasm we know and the expulsion of semen, this is its own orgasm. But here is another half. The other is that distinct heavy sensation that starts a little after you are already ejaculating which feels so intense and makes you want to moan a long slow “Ohhhhhh!” in a groaning voice. It feels like someone hit you in the kidneys so that your diaphragm feels stunned and can’t breathe. Or there is an expression in English describing when your body gets hit (as in sports or hitting the ground hard), the feeling of “getting the wind knocked out of you” This is important to pay attention to, remember some describe the kidneys natural sound as a groaning. The kidney healing sound is a variation on this inner connection to a groaning action. You know in your mind that “I know this is hurting me somehow like a little death but it feels so 115

great anyway!” So this powerful sensation is the feeling of the downward loss of kidney and other organs orgasmic energy. (why is it that weakening your health and even instinctually sensing it still feels so great?) You’re sort of deflating the tire that means all the layers of highly pressurized chi tightly wrapped around the muscles and organs, bones, tendons, other fascia, brain and spinal cord. That amazing groaning feeling is the entire chi that took so long to slowly build up and pack into the tissues escaping. It is similar to the theory of a tightly wound ball of string, when you start to let it unravel and loosen up everything that was being held tightly in place in your body can fall apart. This loss is also much more of a shock to your system if you are not used to it. If you have not ejaculated in a month or two it can feel like death because it is such a contrast to a system used to being filled with that power and suddenly drained of it. For people who ejaculate a couple times a week it is not that noticeable because their system has adapted to it somewhat. (But people who ejaculate several times a week are not going to achieve anything as alchemists.) This is why I really am not a big fan of ejaculating if I don’t need to, because I generally feel like shit and all achy and sore for at least a day afterwards. And your spirit is fairly well gone for that day. You can feel like a walking zombie all disoriented and fatigued through the day. And forget any good feeling of alchemical energies inside for at least a few days. (Personally I prefer the neurosis and inflated ego of long term retention to feeling like crap for a while.) I think that we have fairly well established that it is not possible with current knowledge for us mortal beings to cease ejaculation entirely. It’s not really a sane or practical thing to do without some incredible spiritual safeguards. The major goal I am working on exploring and figuring out now is not about stopping ejaculating entirely (which is absurd for anyone other than mountain immortals), but how to lose much less chi when you do ejaculate. How to minimize that downward flow? I believe that you can actually control things and choose just how much chi escapes and drains out during ejaculation. If we understood this secret well you could occasionally dump the sperm load and get rid of all the problems associated with that and have the pleasure of the contractions and ejaculation but still keep most of your valuable chi for alchemy. To be able to define a theory and strategy for retention will be a major breakthrough. And overall a much more levelheaded balance approach than the esoteric fanaticism which is only reserved for the true madmen close to immortality. Also when you retain for a longer time, say over a week, your muscles really start to respond to all the extra testosterone plus the built up packing power everything is stronger. Also I think it is worse in cold climates in the winter. In the cold weather the tendons and ligaments have a natural tendency to stiffen up. I believe your theory about athletes is correct. Many people in physical sports tear their tendons and ligaments especially in the knees and ankles. (I bet guys who tear an ACL in their knee were out somewhere over-ejaculating the night before.) As to that report, for women I’m sure the same holds true, they similarly lose their protective jing in the process of menstruation. I remember shortly after I first figured out how to make myself ejaculate and went crazy with it for a while. Shortly thereafter I did something really bad to my knee cartilage, it wasn't a full tear but I still can’t fully bend my knee even now. And older athletes who have to retire probably need to do so primarily because the just got to the 116

point where they spent too many years pumping chi into their wife/girlfriends without any taoist knowledge of preserving their energy. In any other area of life 30 would be considered young, in many sports ones career is considered over by that time. Their knees and ankles just become too creaky and warn out. You’re also right about the “ability to go for it” part. The loss of kidney jing definitely decreases the “zhi” will power and makes you easily timid and afraid of taking chances and going through with things successfully. Older athletes also probably lose their spirit and motivation to keep playing and winning right about the same time. There is definitely something to the whole theory. Look at Pete Sampras he was unbeatable for 8 years then he married that cute blonde and immediately his tennis game started to go downhill, same thing with Andre Agassi when he was married to Brook Shields for a few years he sucked, then he got divorced and he made a comeback. Tiger woods has a hot new girlfriend and he’s actually been losing some tournaments this year. Here’s an interesting thing to note. There is a certain soreness of the muscles usually around the second day after ejaculating, I think that’s not entirely because of chi loss but more like swollen lymph nodes and glands and your muscles being too overloaded with testosterone which you start producing faster right after ejaculating. Then after a few days it slows down again and that’s when things become saturated and return to normal.

Message: Healing Tao and healing love techniques do work if you completely read *between* the lines. Before incorporating Lin's tricks I did get most of it to work half of the time. Along the way I make up my own stuff that sometimes has no resemblance to what's in the book after I get done with it. Most of us could not figure out what to do even we follow the books closely step by step. The basic concept of anal breathing vs. big draw (up the spine through the microcosmic orbit) is not all that different. The critical difference is the focus on the anus instead of the misleading notion of the prostate. Right from the very beginning I always felt that’s what those books were really trying to describe. But some error of miscommunication took place. When I took that workshop from Chia last year he was teaching things very differently than the printed material. With a focus on empty force and the sphincter power, anus, mouth, irises/eyes, palms, soles, all in conjunction with each other, which seemed almost identical to anal breathing to me? There is also something critical in the "draw the nectar up to the golden flower". You look with the eyes that seem to roll over in your head following the loop of the micro-orbit and they seem to look up at the crown of your head where the jing drawn up is condensed into a golden pearl sitting on your crown. Lin's Chi Kong breathing is simply the microcosmic orbit and that healing Tao certainly teaches it in more detail. Besides that his penile ballooning, screwing body motion, and numerous other tricks. Lin's stuff is brilliant, even though I don’t agree with him totally. It is probably the best approach for practical people who just want something that work. As far as his supplements, for someone's sexual rehabilitation they're perfect. About every other letter he gets is from yet another kid who had masturbated himself impotent before the age of 25.


However I don’t particularly recommend permanent reliance on his supplements. Especially those acting as an outside source of strong hormone type chemicals: DHEA, andro, dopamine, ground up animal glands etc. except the purely herbal formulas - Fibra for example works great. I prefer to first rely on spreading the chi throughout the energy body as well and doing things on an alchemical level as my first step. My theory is that various levels of k&l are naturally spontaneously happening during intercourse anyway just due to the intense explosive electrical nature of it all. When properly controlled and accentuated these things tend to supersede muscular methods. I also do something with breathing right up through the central channel from the hui yin directly to the crown bypassing the spine altogether. Now that’s powerful, that opens up virtually every channel in your body. Message: The Tao path of spiritual progress is a continuous struggle that is life. It’s a misconception that you could or should ever do these things with no difficulty. Remember you're dealing with something that probably 10 in 1 million men even ever know about. And maybe 1 in 10 million ever could truly grasp. And fewer than that actually ever will. There are probably just a handful of people in the world at any one time who has actually mastered sexual Chi Kong that deeply. You shouldn’t expect reading a book or two alone and even understanding it will make you proficient. Just because you are as of yet unsuccessful does not mean you won't eventually experience success. Give it time. This is not designed to be a walk in the park. You have to be devoted to it. You have to discover everything you can, develop an intimate familiarity with your body and your chi and keep getting more proficient as you progress. So you’ve messed with things here and there. Don’t ever stop messing with different things that might be an improvement. Tao is a constant exploration for finding out what's right. It takes years of trial and error to arrive at what is successful for you. And once you think you’ve arrived at where you are it takes continuous attention to keep the skills fine tuned. You will never overcome the challenge of maintaining your securing of the seed to the point where a little challenging work is no longer existent. But a state of confidence and satisfying competence is definitely possible. I'd say that I am reaching a point where I can with confidence maintain composure most of the time. More importantly I'd also say I am recently able to keep from getting lost in technique to the point where it distracts from the awareness of the moment. Still there's always that occasional time when your sexual energy controls you instead of you governing it. I can't speak for anyone else but I'm sure a few of my fellow cohorts have a similar story to tell you. It is really a matter of not letting your mind run away with things. It’s a state of mind that’s the key rather than a physical action. It's ultimately more letting go than hanging on. It's an art of finesse like playing beautiful music on a instrument. No one learns the nuances and subtitles of playing it overnight. There's no doubt most mainstream medical or mental health professionals would consider each and every one of us mentally ill if they could read everything that we talk about. Fanaticism in either direction is unhealthy. Ejaculating too much or not enough can be inappropriate for the current balance of your beings 118

energy integration. Yet only a vital state of controlled madness before the divine can actually be considered true health. For balance and total health, right Intention is everything - TE: Virtue, Integrity, and natural goodness. If you try to hoard a treasure of semen and ignore the critical pressure valve of the compassionate heart and wisdom mind the Tao will strip you of your treasures faster than a master pickpocket. The million dollar point technique can be a real risk to health especially since it is so hard to do right and so easy to do wrong. I would avoid it all together. It’s a crude technique that is jettisoned once you learn the real mind and chi centered methods. For me the problem is not really the retention anymore, I'm pretty comfortable in that although far from perfect. The real enigma I'm interested in is the spiritual, physical, mental, energetic integration of all the extra ching with the chi and spirit bodies. Also I feel the deep energy exchanges of higher dual cultivation, both personal and interpersonal; this is really where it is at for me right now. Ultimately I have a sense that if you can latch onto the feelings of all that deep interpersonal alchemy happening and the infinite power it holds you can just forget most of the techniques and manipulation anyway. That feeling from the other side just takes your being over completely and then keeping the whole thing going indefinitely becomes virtually effortless. Message: I never used million dollar point method. It never appeals to me. If it came to that, I'd just ejaculate. My impression is that it's prone to causing injury as well. I think we can all agree that sexual energy is a powerful force, and has valid potential for health, personal & spiritual development. Yet, personally, I think that strongly promoting long-term ejaculation control is backward and self-defeating. There are a lot of things that need to be addressed first. In general theory, the HT system totally agrees with preparation and balance. In particulars, some places it does very well, others it falls down pretty hard. First there needs to be some relatively free flow of Chi in the body, and some sensitivity to the energy. Early HT practices are the microcosmic orbit, inner smile, and so forth. In my opinion, those aren't sufficient for many people. A 3-month diligent program of hatha yoga can assist greatly in opening up your body to energy flow. There are other ways as well. The next number of things doesn't happen in a discreet sequence, but do progress gradually over a period of time (as does all of this work). You need to start working with, getting a feel for, and learning to balance the energies in your body, in general. Part of this is getting a subtle facility for your sexual energy. A very important part of this are the non-aroused practices, especially testicle breathing. After a while of this, you'll begin to develop the ability to abstain from ejaculation, some times, in some positions, when the mood is not too raucous. Now, here's the kicker: Aroused sexual energy is a dense, explosive, highly polarized energy. Any harmonious program of storing that energy (beyond one or two sessions) must balance it first, or you're only going frustrate and hurt yourself. Experience has shown that the microcosmic orbit is not sufficient for this job. Sometimes the upward draw does balance the energy through interaction with the upper centers, and you are supposed to bring that energy back down to balance your sexual center... but, usually, the sexual center doesn't really get fully harmonized, though it does happen sometimes. Also, just pushing the fiery energy up through the body can cause difficulties as well. So you really need to 119

be attentive to circulating, exercising, and so forth, to even things out. Plus, some other tools are in order. What else helps to bring balance? Non-aroused sexual energy can be (mostly) balanced by fire & water techniques. (Kan & Li, or some variations.) Aroused sexual energy can be balanced by exchanging energy with your partner during dual cultivation. (Exchanging energy is distinct from releasing substance.) Those areas are two of the important places where the HT errs, Kan & Li is put as a much later practice, and exchange generally gets little, if any, emphasis. Exchange is in the books, true, and that is something. The fault here is partly with a matter of presentation and emphasis from the HT, and partly a lack of thoroughness by students. In any case, retention generally gets far more emphasis, sometimes to the point that one energetically retreats from one's partner, in the lower tan tien that is rather silly. That's what you came there to share, and that's your best hope for attaining balance. Not to say that there aren't times for retreating, but you need to be able to do both in a healthy way: retreat, consolidate inwardly, open, and share. In my opinion, a healthy program of dealing with sexual energy would not advise long term conservation, until way down the road. A much healthier orientation would be to focus on learning to harmonize your sexual energy in various ways - testicle breathing, fire and water, learning to exchange energy with your partner and keep opening your body up in various ways. Ejaculates sometimes, don't other times - don't sweat about it. Adopt the ideal of learning to promote harmony and balance of your own energies, including sexual energy. If you just took up that approach, and dropped the obsession with long term retention, you'd be fine. And, if your practice naturally progressed to the point where you could really balance your energy well, then it's enjoyable and fairly easy to keep it in your body for some periods of time. So long term retention will perhaps come to you naturally as a product of learning to balance. Again, it is "perhaps" it will progress for you along that way, don't force it. Forced conservation is not healthy. Balance and harmony are much, much, much higher priorities than conservation. That doesn't mean that you should ejaculate 50 times a day. Moderation is part of all this.

One would think that the way to learn to have an orgasm without ejaculating is to practice having orgasms and trying not to ejaculate. In my experience, this does not work well, and using the million-dollar point just perpetuates the problem. More important is to learn how to circulate the energy using just your awareness. When practicing, learn to circulate the energy at a lower level of arousal. Don't get too close to the edge. The focus of your practice is on the ability to transform the energy and move it into the extraordinary channels. Do more practice like that, and it'll be easier when you do get closer to the edge. With practice, even if you do ejaculate, you'll be able to conserve a lot of the energy just by using your awareness to allow the energy to move upward rather than outward. PC muscle exercises, while debatable during intercourse, do help general health, strength, and circulation in the pelvic floor. Also, of course, the various genital massages. Also, various sorts of breathing massage the lower abdomen in important ways, plus pesos exercises and chi nei tsang self help.

Retention Regimen Paradox The question is how do you rectify the paradox of if you refrain from ejaculation your vitality will become subdued and diminished, with the opposite of it if you ejaculate, especially too much it sidelines and sets back for a while your chi level and ability to work with it. 120

This is why the Taoist testicle massage techniques and the testicle breathing compression techniques are vital for keeping hormone vitality high. You really must learn the ultra powerful testicle tug combined with empty force breathing technique. But doing these testicle stimulation techniques you need to know when you need them and how often to do them. Doing it too much can cause a quick buildup that if you do not know how to transform adequately and it would just result in another waste. The other point is that if you are going to remain non-ejaculatory for any period of time there is no other solution to balancing everything but to do regular dual cultivation. Contact with your opposite sexual energy can balance out energy and burn off these excessive hormones like nothing else. Unless you can directly access the universal female inside you through advanced self-intercourse. You could go insane if you didn't somehow obtain some form of sex at least once a week. But sometimes when you don't the challenge of locating a quick fix on some night is a bit more fun. If you are going to ejaculate probably once a week but no more often is reasonable; any longer than that your hormonal production will start to diminish, unless you re-stimulate production somehow. Twice or once a month might be preferable to build up more energy! I still hold fast to the possibility of eventually finding some way to cease ejaculation entirely at some higher stage. Besides observances of the seasons, I think timing your occasional judicious allowances of an ejaculation ought to be done in observance of the cycles of the moon. According to the ancient Taoist sexual yoga classics certain time of the moon cycle are supposed to be much more or less harmful than other time. For example, around the full moon this is supposed to be one of the worst times because your sexual drive is strongest at this time. Whey you have the strongest impulse to relive your buildup this will probably cause the biggest energy loss. The new moon is not advisable also because it is a yin extreme. Avoid extremes. Somewhere in between closer to the half moons is preferable. As mentioned before, a 7-day period would make sense in this context since 7 days is one quarter of the moon. You should also on select occasions choose to ejaculate, but ejaculate more lightly. Don't force yourself to have a huge gushing orgasm and feel drained when a lesser one will do what you need it to. There is a lot of talk about using a prolonged session of dual cultivation to extract a great deal of the vital chi from the ching first and then being able to ejaculate it and not lose much chi only physical fluids. This has some strong validity to it. Now I don't know whether it is really possible to so totally extract the chi from your ching that it causes so little energy loss as claimed. However, extracting the chi from the ching is definitely something which happens most naturally in long dual cultivation, and happens even more effectively if you can accentuate it by being aware of the fire and water sensations. Personally after feeling that I have extracted the entire chi from my ching reservoirs, it really seems to me that you have extracted from it the very thing that was causing any burning desire to release it in the first place. Once having eliminated this it changes the whole outlook. Plus my theory is that in doing this you have basically reabsorbed and recycled most of the physical fluid components anyway; thereby clearing out the seminal vesicles which signal the testicles to resume a high level production again 121

(as Dr. LIN points out in his so termed hormone negative feedback loop). Then in my opinion, with no real impulse left because of having eradicated it and there is no necessity to flush out the vesicles since they are already mostly cleared. I see no real point in ejaculating just for the sake of doing it. I personally have largely channeled my desire for orgasmic fulfillment much more into the inward infinite valley type orgasm and the sublime bliss of interpersonal chi exchange between partners. These I now realize are vastly more gratifying and more long lasting. And if that still doesn't satisfy you and you're really still interested in the prostate contraction sensation you can easily induce those dry multi-orgasms with anal-contraction breathing. I have also been toying and experimenting with the ideas of fasting for a day once a week to burn up ching. I have this feeling that if you withhold food from yourself (since you are typically overnourished and always have an abundance of nutrients on a continual basis). When you do this and present your body with a deficit of energy for a change it starts to after about half the day tap into its excess reserves. It in effect causes your body to more effectively start eating your ching by reabsorbing it to recycle it. Combine this with some heart-sperm palace coupling and reverse abdominal breathing and I think you will be able to almost fully reabsorb most of your ching. By the end of fasting for a period of a day I feel incredibly vital again if I felt lethargic before. When you start eating again your production goes into high gear again. I believe that eastern mediators often fasted with something like this in mind. Another unique "paradox" is that as soon as you build up enough chi to feel healthy and vital your body seems to take the liberty having a strong desire to ejaculate once again thereby setting you back where you started. The solution to this paradox is to learn to transform it. Otherwise it is just an endless samsaric save-spend-save-spend unenlightened circle. This is why I think pursuing a transformative approach is vital to attaining higher levels of enlightenment.


Love Coupling Love Coupling (also known as Harmonization of the Yin/Yang) is the routine intercourse of loving couples, resulting in resonant orgasms every times. In Taoism, males belong to heaven (fire) and are the positive (+) forces (Yang); females belong to the mother earth/water (estrogen!) and are the negative (-) force (Yin). Both fire and water are very destructive; water can flood and fire can burn. On the other hand, both of them can benefit life too if they unit properly. The intention of love coupling is to balance both Yin and Yang forces within your body. Proper orgasm burns excessive testosterone and estrogen to stimulate the brain/pituitary - adrenal – testiclular /overian axis for re-generation and to unlock the brain's hormonal negative feedback controller. Testosterone is the fuel for orgasm while estrogen is responsible for lubrication and female ejaculation (stored in the Paraurethral glans - the female seminal vesicles distributed inside the urethral/vaginal and bladder/cervical and uterine boundary tissues). Love coupling calms our mind, neutralize our sexual energy and re-nourish our bodies. Love coupling also re-enforces marriage, and make them never feel bored by having sex with the same partner over and over again. The key for this kind of sexual intercourse is the multiple, resonant orgasms.

How to last longer? Unaroused Practice (1)

Relax by controlling your breathing normally. Keep your eyes partially closed, put your tongue against the palate, and focus your mind between your eyebrows along your forehead.


Inhale through your nose deeply until your abdomen expands and do so at intervals of 2-5 seconds. Maximize the capacity of your lungs and focus your mind downwards, towards your navel.


Hold your breath and move your expanded abdomen downward by contracting your upper abdomen. As pressure gradually builds up against the bladder and the prostate gland, shift your concentration to the prostate area. (*The most important step during intercourse, step 3 requires that the you hold your breath for as long as possible while applying pressure to the bladder and prostate area by contracting the upper abdomen and expanding the lower abdomen. This will partially block sensitivity to the penis, allowing you to last longer and also be able to delay and control ejaculation.)


Contract your anus and briefly pause for 1 to 2 seconds. Then, exhale air slowly out of the mouth, shifting concentration once again towards your forehead again. (* Here you should feel hot energy rising from the prostate area along the spinal cord to your head.)


Repeat this cycle several times. (* When using the anal breathing method during intercourse, your inhalations and contractions of the abdomen should coincide with your thrusting motions.)

Aroused Practice: 1. Apply pressure to your low abdomen with abdomen breathing when you want to plug your penis into her vagina. Use a good love position and posture to prevent over-stimulation on your trigger zone. 123

2. Hold the expanded abdomen all the time when you thrust her vagina; you may have to hold your breath for 1 or 2 minutes to knock down your excitement. 3. When you are about to come, stop action and massage your penis base or perineum, and/or pull down your testes. Do it without withdrawing your penis from the vagina or do it outside the vagina. 4. Change the love position and let her thrust you with the 3-point excitation position. You must hold your expanded abdomen; hold your breath or open your mouth to breathe with pump air in/out of your abdomen. When you feel to come, repeat the massage procedures. After 4 to 5 times, your penis would become very hard and semi-numbed and you will last for a long-long time. Don't use the Doggy style because the back-entry doggy style is not friendly to you. Weak erection is one of the major causes for the premature ejaculation when men pass their 30's. The common problem is that weak erection forces you to contract the prostate muscle to assist erection, in the process you will trigger the prostate to ejaculate in a short time. If you have a powerful erection that is driven by the prostate's parasympathetic nerve, your prostate will relax and your erection will be hard enough to create an internal penile blood pressure to numb the penis - blocking the nervous transmission from the glans to the prostate, along the urethra! This is the ultimate solution for men who start to experience premature ejaculation after their midlife!

Tips on Lovemaking 1. Warm her up for lubrication for 5-10 minutes => Massage, licking, soft sucking, erotic kisses, erotic talks, or watching movie. The best method is "licking her clitoris and massaging her Gspot at the same time". 2. Expand her vagina by Soft-Drive Positions for 5 - 15 minutes with slow and shallow strokes and no pressure on her G-spot. The most effective method is "using the screwing technique while kissing." You must use slow motion to prevent her intercourse pain because her vagina is NOT ready for heavy strokes. When her vagina is fully expanded, she will feel itchy inside and get sexual pleasure with your heavy strokes. 3. Expand your penis by Hard-Drive Positions for 5-10 minutes => High-speed and highpressure stimulation with long-strokes and double-body motions; extracting her sexual energy to power up the penis to an extreme by ballooning effect. Make her come by the 3-Point Excitation Method in 1-5 minutes. 4. Take 3 to 5 minute break for Erotic Kisses with keeping your penis inside her 5. Re-excite her with any position you want for 3-10 minutes. 6. Make her come again with your favorite position for your own multiple orgasms 7. Circulate you and her sexual energies with erotic kisses with your penis inside her. You must retrieve the sexual hormones from yours and hers through penile skin. The sexual hormone can help you to restore your sexual potential quickly and recharge your nervous system through the blood circulation system. 8. After 3-5 minutes, withdraw your penis when your penis still have 70% erection - Withdraw alive with honor! 124

There are two basic methods to make her achieve orgasm within a very short time as long as her vagina is lubricated. They are the Three-Point Excitation Method (or the Method of Resonant Orgasm) and the Two-Point Excitation Method. Every woman can achieve one or more orgasms by simultaneously stimulating the three sexual points - Clitoris, G-spot, and Epicenter that are located at the end of the vagina and between the bladder and cervix. Epicenter was called the center of the lotus in some old Chinese sex books because the labia majora and minora are like a lotus flower. Here, I name it using the geophysical analogy of the female orgasm response since it is the energy accumulation center that can cause the eruption of the female sexual volcano. In order to make women to reach a violent orgasm in a short time, it requires that those three points be simultaneously stimulated with a lot of pressure (about 6 psi) against the urethra wall. This is what I call the Method of Resonant Orgasm because the female orgasm is so violent like a mechanical (or structural) system reaching a resonant state. In fact, when she reaches a state of resonant orgasm, she will feel that a volcano erupts inside her sex organs, and her sexual energy runs up to her head and radiates out. Her vagina or uterus ejaculates the love juice and her uterus contracts periodically at a period of 0.8 seconds per cycle, or a rate of 1.25 cycles per second. After eruption, she will feel the sexual pleasure and peace in her mind. It is the most beautiful moment for her. The female should adjust her attack angle so that there is proper pressure at each of the threepoints. She should rock back and forth, instead of up and down and gradually increase the speed to generate resonant sexual pleasure waves to be accumulated and collected at the Epicenter. When the sexual energy reaches a critic level, it explodes from the Epicenter like a volcano eruption. The 3-point excitation method can also be done by a Double-body Motion Technique in which the lady lies on a soft bed to allow both horizontal and vertical motions under the man's control. The couple can use the Screwing Technique and Double-body Motion Technique to enhance her feeling and massage her entire vagina and his penis. This will bring her to a resonant state and make his penis become extremely hard. To break this orgasmic barrier, the couple has to perform 100-300 continuous, non-stop, thrusts. If they are very skillful, the Double-body Motion Technique will allow them to generate multiple orgasms! He should make sure that the trigger zone of his penis is not over-stimulated. If he feels so, they should re-position the contact/attack angle between the penis and vagina or change the love position. At the same time, he should practice the Sexual Chi-Kong to knock down his excitement and block his sexual reaction. Once she achieves a resonant orgasm with the 3-point excitation (squatting/sitting) position, she will be completely satisfied, stop action immediately, and fall into his arms for hugging and kissing. Then, the couple should sit in the same position, let the penis stay inside the vagina for another 5 to 10 minutes and kiss each other. They will feel the exchange of the sexual energy occurred across each other through the penis-vagina and their tongues. After taking a break, he can decide to give her the secondly resonant orgasm if she needs another "home run", or he can simply start his day without ejaculation. In this case, he has to massage his genital area to disperse/release the blood and Chi collected around the penis base/footing. For the man with a short penis (2 inches!), the 2-Point Excitation Method that involves both clitoris and G-spot is very important. In this situation, both the Screwing Technique and Doublebody Motion Technique with a high attack angle must be used to compensate for the disadvantage of a small penis. The short penis can use the high attack angle to put more concentrated pressure on the G-spot instead of Epicenter which the long one does. This method can also produce a violent orgasm for her if he ejaculates his hot semen into her Epicenter when she reaches an orgasmic state. The hot semen striking the Epicenter will force her sexual volcano to erupt. In this situation, the penis size plays a secondly important role in triggering her sexual volcano. Her 125

pleasure triggered by the 2-Point Method is another kind of sexual satisfactions, maybe different from those produced by the Method of Resonant Orgasm. In fact, the most important issue in generating multiple orgasms is the HARD penis that can produce a powerful ejaculation jet. No matter which method is employed, men need a very solid, HARD/HOT penis (preferably pointing to 12- 2 O'clock positions) to do the job. He should learn how to Power-up his penis to become extremely hard during intercourse and before ejaculation. The powerful ejaculation, at a prostate contraction rate of 1.2 cycles per second, can trigger multiple orgasms in him. The 2-point excitation method can also be achieved with two fingers. Insert one finger in the vagina and the other one on the clitoris, where the two fingers form a pair of finger pliers, which compress the clitoris, urethra and upper wall of vagina with approximately 6 lbs/square-inch (Psi), or 3 pounds force. The finger pliers then move in and out of the vagina. Once the vagina is tented (expanded), the thrusting speed should increase from the slow rate at 1.25 cycles per second to the fast rate at 2.5 cycles per second. It will take about 2 minutes for her to erupt. With this method, orgasm can occur in any place any time without taking off the clothes. You may combine the finger-pliers method and hot ejaculation jet to force her sexual volcano to erupt too. This combination method is also very useful for a lot of couples, such as the handicapped, seniors, or those who have not time for a long love session or are in an inconvenient place. The steps are: (1) make her reach an orgasmic state by the finger pliers and then (2) ejaculate his hot semen jet into her Epicenter to trigger the eruption of her sexual volcano. By the way, if you lose control of your ejaculation, do not worry! Pull your penis out of her vagina immediately and use the Finger Pliers to make her achieve orgasm in 1 minute. You may plug your penis back into her vagina, and then use the residual erection of your penis to thrust her vagina 3 - 5 cycles at a rate of 0.8 second per cycle. She will erupt into firework. She won't feel any difference between the eruptive orgasms produced by this rescue method and those by the 3point excitation method. This is because her vagina is filled with your semen and well lubricated so that she can not distinguish the penis from the finger.

The spongy tissue structure in the penis, clitoris and G-spot (around the entire urethra) is the most creative job that God has done for men and women to enjoy sexual orgasm. If you destroy the elegant structure of the spongy tissues, your penis cannot function properly for women's orgasm, and your love life will be close to the end. 126

The trick to trigger her orgasm is a simultaneous stimulation of her clitoris and G-spot with a rhythmic pressure, including the stimulation of her Epicenter to produce volcano-eruption type orgasms. I have seen no porn actress achieving orgasm at all even with the actor(s) have a long, huge and hard penis, and or give her a double penetration. The problem is that her clitoral and Gspot have never erected and her urethral nerves has been stimulated by a rhythmic pressure at a rate of 0.8 second or 0.4 second with a magnitude about 3-6 PSI, where the higher stroke rate of 0.4 second requires less stimulation pressure. It is very easily to check whether a woman achieve orgasm or not, by simply observing her breathing pattern or vocal responses. If she achieves orgasm, the 0.8 second orgasmic waves will strike her heart to generate a sequence of shock waves in the blood flow. It in turn will take control of her lung and brain functions to produce a special breathing pattern and vocal response - moaning or crying, and the movements of her body. Her breathing, crying or moaning will be on the beat of 0.8 seconds in response to the uterine contraction waves. If you want to give a woman continuously multiple cycle orgasms after you break her orgasmic barrier; you must continuously thrust or stimulate her at the same rate of 0.8 seconds to synchronize her uterine contraction. After 10-30 cycles of orgasm, which depends on how much testosterone and dopamine are available in her body to drive the pituitary function for a continuous burst of the orgasm hormone Oxytocin, her body will become very soft - little death. Each orgasmic surge also burns some testosterone and dopamine, resulting in an increasing of the orgasmic inhibitor prolactin produced by the pituitary gland. After many cycles of orgasm, production of Oxytocin drops but production of prolactin increases, as the testosterone and dopamine levels drop. Eventually, the biological effects of prolactin and oxytocin on the uterine/vaginal contractile tissues start to balance each other out. Then, her uterine contraction becomes too weak to send orgasmic waves to her heart and brain, and thus, she will become conscious enough to ask you to stop sexual stimulation and to tell you: 'I am enough.' At this moment, she can still 'feel' the uterine and vaginal contraction that is the aftermath of multiplecycle orgasms. On the other hand, if you are looking at her eyes at that moment when she suddenly change her breathing, crying or moaning patterns, you will observe a suddenly dilation of her pupils. The pupil dilation indicates that the nervous function switches from parasympathetic to sympathetic and the conversion of dopamine => norepinephrine => epinephrine is abruptly jumped up. Noticeably, during the G-spot and clitoris erection (arousal) stage, her parasympathetic nervous function shrinks her pupils which become abruptly dilated at that moment when she breaks her orgasm barrier, that is, when her breathing pattern suddenly changes. During her orgasm, her entire body is fully controlled by the orgasmic waves radiated from her uterine/vaginal muscles. Her brain's conscious control center is temporarily shut down, but her somatic reflexes take over the control of movements of her body parts and muscles and her autonomic reflexes (via Autonomic Nervous System) drive visceral effectors such as smooth or cardiac muscles and/or glands. Her body becomes rigid and soft alternately in response to the peak and trough of the orgasm pulses, separately. She is not completely, but little, dead. This is why orgasm is called little death. If she has been in the driving love position, such as women-on-the-top or the 3-point Excitation, her somatic spinal reflexes, mediated by T10-L2 nerves via the interneurons, will automatically make her thrust you at a rate of 0.8 seconds (1.25 strokes per second) to synchronize her uterine contraction, until the biological effects of oxytocin and prolactin on the uterine/vaginal contractile fibers balance each other out. This is one of the phenomena you can observe during her orgasm. The testosterone and dopamine levels affect the duration of male and female orgasms. 127

If you have a hard, longer penis, you can stimulate her Epicenter easily. The problem is that a long penis may strike the cervix, instead of the Epicenter, resulting in intercourse pain for no orgasm. If you have a long, but soft penis, your penis won't provide an essential stimulation pressure for her to orgasm and your long, soft penis becomes useless at all. A woman feels nothing inside her vagina when the penis is soft, no matter how long or huge the penis is because the sexual nerves are hidden inside the ceiling (the urethral spongy tissues) of the vagina and cervix and protected by the multiple-layer vaginal lining. Imagine that the vaginal lining is strong enough to allow a 4-6 inch baby to pass through without damaging the sexual nerves during labor. Do you think women can feel a long, huge, but soft, penis during intercourse? That is why you need a hard penis during intercourse, and you must use a high-attack angle to stimulate her urethral nerves. Don't just stuff your penis into her vagina and expect some sexual miracles to happen to her for her orgasm. To locate the Epicenter, you have to pass the hollow section of the vagina, and reach the end pocket (cave) between the cervix and bladder. If she is very aroused, the middle section (about 23 inches long) of the vagina is very wide, about 3 inches in diameter, while the G-spot is located about 1-3 inches from the vaginal orifice. Your glans penis feel nothing in this middle section, unless your penis aims high with a high attack angle or the glans penis exerts a high stimulation pressure on her urethral nerves from the G-spot to the Epicenter. Imagine that you "walk" into her vagina as she lies on her back on a flat bed and is very aroused. Upon passing her jade gate, you can see her G-spot ridge, about 1-2 inches long, hanging upside down on the vaginal ceiling. At about the end of the G-spot ridge, her vaginal tunnel is about 3 inches high (diameter). Further going in another 2-3 inches, you will encounter a donut-shape structure (the cervix) with a tiny passage which leads you to her baby palace (the uterus) where babies can be grown from invisible fertilized eggs. But don't pass the tiny opening. It is too small for the glans penis to break in. The vagina and urethra are separated by a layer of spongy tissue where the G-spot is hidden. In fact, the G-spot nerves are parts of the urethral nerves. The G-spot ridge corresponds to the male triggering zone. Suppose you cannot walk into the baby palace. Instead, you climb up to the donut-shape structure and you will find a tiny cave at the end of the vagina, bounded by the bladder wall and the cervix. If you stimulate this spot (the Epicenter), she will respond very wildly. She can shorten her vagina by gravity in a squat posture supported by her two legs. Your glans penis can reach her cave much easier. If you get there, you will feel there is a suction force in the cave, like the one existing in the universal black hole. If she sits vertically or against an inclined back support, her vagina will become shorter and her vagina tunnel becomes elliptically flat. The elliptically vaginal tunnel will produce an extra pressure on the low section of your penis. If you move your glans penis from the G-spot ridge to the cave back and forth several times along a stimulation of her clitoris, she will erupt like a volcano. In fact, what you want to stimulate is her entire urethral nerves from the vaginal side. The G-spot and Epicenter are the most concentrated area of the urethral nerves. The G-spot is located in the expansion transition zone behind the vaginal entrance while the Epicenter is the convergent zone of the urethral nerves and cervical nerves. The clitoris glans consists of the branched urethral nerves from S2-S4 for parasympathetic erection, the sympathetic nerves from L1 and L2 for orgasm, and the vagus nerves (for parasympathetic erection) from the neck CX disk extending along the central line of the front body. 128

Simultaneous stimulation of clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter is called the 3-point excitation method. You can do it with the Finger Pliers Method. Use 1 finger to stimulate the urethral nerves from the G-spot to the Epicenter and another finger acts on the clitoral shaft and its both sides, with a screwing in-and-out motions against both sides of the G-spot and clitoral ridges. The stimulation speed and pressure is very critical too. To use a high stimulation pressure, please make sure her clitoris, G-spot and entire labia are swelling and her Vagina tunnel is tenting up and expanding. Otherwise, stimulation of the Epicenter may cause pain or cramp. Testosterone alone cannot solve weak erection or impotent problems. If you add testosterone into your body without raising your bioelectricity in your sexual nerves or Chi in your Kidney and Conception Vessels of the acupuncture networks, you may end up in a very disappointed situation that your mind wants sex but your penis doesn't want to cooperate. This is very common for senior couples. Some told me that their erections becoming limp once they are ready to penetrate the vagina. This phenomenon results from the dropping of the bioelectricity in the parasympathetic nervous system (deficiency of the Kidney Chi), such that the sympathetic nervous division executes a "Fight or Flight" command to protect the functions of other organs. To prevent this from happening to you, I suggest you try one or some of the following methods: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

shortening your foreplay and emphasizing your after-play taking a 10-30 minute nap or meditation before intercourse reducing ejaculation frequency if necessary and practicing the screwing technique having a morning sex massaging your pubis, low abdomen, thighs and perineum very often to improve your blood/Chi circulation around the sex organ

Prolonged intercourse requires a lot of Chi to burn the fuel - nutrition and oxygen in the sex organs for both sexes. When the Chi is used up or the action potential (bioelectricity) in the parasympathetic, sexual nerves is discharged down to the erection threshold, you will start sweating or feeling fatigue. Once it occurs, your sympathetic nervous system will automatically take over your body functions. The engorgement and lubrication of the sex organs will be gone in few minutes. If you start to experience this body response, both of you should generate sexual orgasms as soon as possible. If you regularly pleasure yourself or make love for more 20 minutes – especially after you have become multi-orgasmic, it is important to let your erection decrease somewhat about every 20 minutes to allow the blood to re-circulate through the body. It is worth mentioning that sexual Kong Fu is not an endurance test. Pleasure and cultivate yourself as long as you have the time and the desire.


Sexual exhaustion and related health problems Damage due to immediate second ejaculation The long-term 2nd ejaculation will eventually empty the seminal vesicles, the reservoir of the sperm and testosterone. Once the seminal vesicles are empty after ejaculation, the bio electrical energy (bio-energy) in all the organs runs low, because it is partially drawn to support sexual activity through the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) chain and the acupuncture network. Ejaculation not only pumps out semen but also discharge the bio-energy from the sex organs and the entire parasympathetic nervous network which stores bio-energy as a resting potential in each organ. The bio-energy is stored in the bioelectric cells like a battery, which allows organ transplant. For example, the Heart's auto-rhythmic and contractile fibers contain a very high density of bioelectric cells, which pace the heart beating. That is, the transplanting heart is still beating after being removed from the body and disconnected from the ANS. All the transplantable body parts or cells contain the bio-energy to keep themselves alive for a period of time after removing from the source body. The bio-energy allows them to re-establish a new life energy support from the targeted body. The bio-energy allows plants and animals to get transplanted and grafted. In animal and human bodies, the bioelectric cells of organs are recharged through the Parasympathetic Nervous Division of the ANS and the Acupuncture Network, and discharged through the Sympathetic Nervous Division and Acupuncture Network. The parasympathetic nerves can be recharged by the burning of hormones (mainly testosterone; DHEA can be converted to testosterone in the local tissues with a help from hGH and enzymes.) If you take any erectile drugs or herbs that don't promote the endocrine function for hormonal production of hGH, DHEA and testosterone, you must take a dietary supplement to prevent the side effects of the erectile drugs or herbs. Penis can be erected by the bio chemicals, such as an erection mediator Nitric Oxide (NO) or a direct-stimulating compound called cGMP, that promote relaxation/dilation of the arterial smooth muscle. The most-famous erectile drug is slower than the normal metabolic degradation of cGMP. Once the concentration of cGMP is accumulated to a threshold level, erection occurs. NO needs an enzyme called Guanylate Cyclas which is found in the arterial tissues to form cGMP. However, a continuous erection support for a prolonging sex and a hard erection requires the parasympathetic/Acetylcholine action for the continuous generation of NO and the retaining of penile sensitivity, driven by the testosterone burst and burning which charges the resting potential of the entire nervous system. If there is insufficient testosterone produced by the endocrine burst, the erection will disappear in a short time. Ejaculation will consume bio-energy from the parasympathetic battery in the eyes, ears, lung, heart, liver, adrenal glands, and other parasympathetic-associated organs. Without sufficient testosterone and DHEA, ejaculation will deplete the bio-energy from the other parasympathetic organs, resulting in sexual exhaustion. When the parasympathetic resting potential is low, you will fall to sleep immediately after ejaculation. Your vision would become fuzzy, your ears buzzing, your muscle, ligaments and joints becoming weak. All these can result from the erectile drugs and herbs that don't support the endocrine function. Men could become permanently impotent as a result of sexual exhaustion due to a long-term use of the erectile drugs and herbs, when the erectile drugs or herbs can no longer stimulate erection. Over-masturbation at young ages consumes too much Human Growth Hormone, testosterone, and DHEA and discharges the resting potential of the central nervous system. It kills the brain function driving the endocrine function for hormone production and the liver function that produces enzymes for the syntheses of hormones and neurotransmitters, and loads too much stress 130

and DHT hormone in the prostate. As a result, both the DHT/testosterone hormonal receptors and the stress hormonal receptors, alpha adrenergic cells, in the prostate grow. Excessive DHT and testosterone receptors in the prostate cause premature ejaculation due to the temporary over-engorgement of the prostate and the excessive burning of testosterone in the prostate, that activates the urethral/prostate sensory-sympathetic nervous circuits in Spinal Cords T10-L2. Stress hormone (adrenaline) is another factor that causes premature ejaculation. In fact, a high level of stress hormone in the prostate can trigger both "Flight and Fight" "Erection Withdrawal and Ejaculation" at the same time. That is, weak erection will lead to premature ejaculation and this situation is worsen by contracting your prostate (PC muscle) to assist your erection! As the stress hormonal receptors and alpha adrenergic cells spread over the parasympathetic Acetylcholine ACh receptors, erectile dysfunction results. Over-ejaculation will burn out the brain's acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin nervous systems. Here are the brain's sexual responsibilities: 1. The acetylcholine system, in conjunction with the parasympathetic nervous system, is responsible for erection and liver functions that produce essential enzymes for syntheses of hormones, acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin 2. The dopamine system is the superior driver of the endocrine functions that produce hormones to fuel your erection, ejaculation and orgasm. 3. The Serotonin system is responsible for your mood, stress and ejaculation control. Weak erection causes premature ejaculation and results in curved penis pointing to 4-6 o'clock. You have to power the brain's acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin systems at the same time.

Sexual exhaustion Sexual exhaustion reflects the emptiness of your parasympathetic nervous system and its associated organs, from your head down to your bottom. Your Chi associated with the bioelectric level of the parasympathetic nervous system is very weak. The Chi Level is a mirror of the bioelectric level because each Acupuncture Vessel interfaces with the parasympathetic nerve in the bioelectric cell of each organ. This interface allows us to use the Acupuncture Vessel and points to analyze the function of the corresponding organ. Here are the symptoms reflected by your systems: • Fatigue => liver/adrenal cortexes: insufficient testosterone/DHEA; over-conversion of dopamine to epinephrine due to a lack of serotonin • Eye sore or blue vision => visual nerves: Insufficient Growth Hormone/ testosterone/ DHEA/ acetylcholine/ dopamine. • Easy to sweat => kidneys: Insufficient DHEA to stabilize the kidneys' renal action; a lack of acetylcholine and over-production of epinephrine in the adrenal medulla that promotes sympathetic nervous function! • Tiredness and stress => adrenal cortexes, liver, and testes: Insufficient testosterone and DHEA, insufficient acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Over-masturbation and over-ejaculation will melt down the brain's acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin systems. The brain's acetylcholine and parasympathetic systems, which power the liver function for production the essential enzymes for hormonal and neurotransmitters syntheses, are empty. 131

If you have pain in your sex organs and maybe groins and tailbone area, you have a severe deficiency of DHEA and androstenedione in the hormone receptors of the pelvic cavity.

Case Study - I indulged in high frequency masturbation and I ejaculate sometimes twice a day (714 times a week). How do I "clock" my endocrine function and how do I find out what my endocrine cycle is? It seems that you are addicted to this indulgent art. You have trained your prostate's sympathetic nerve to fire up your ejaculation that way by masturbation. Our Autonomic Nervous Function can be trained to react to mind action and five senses in certain patterns. Your hands automatically react to offend other's hand action. Your stomach will feel hungry in each regular mealtime. You have trained your prostate to ejaculate in certain times and frequencies by masturbation. To cure sexual dysfunction, I encourage loving couples to have 10-20 minute morning intercourse without ejaculation. But, this practice is limited by the availability of the hGH and DHEA in the bloodstream. When these two hormone levels are too low, you can only elevate a very limit amount of testosterone in your body. Ancient Taoists use the plant hormones in the tonic herbs to boost the hGH and DHEA levels in the bloodstream to achieve rejuvenation. Don't work too hard on your penile shaft or you may damage it. I have seen many cases of penile damage due to wild masturbation or penile exercises. Massage it gently. Use the Ballooning method to prevent premature ejaculation or ejaculation urgency. In this way, you can preserve more 'Jing" as well. However, when you have more "Jing", your endocrine system will receive a negative feedback signal of testosterone overloading to slow itself down. On the other hand, when you over-ejaculate, the bioelectric level in your central nervous system becomes too low to support your endocrine function. The best way to optimize your ejaculation frequency is to clock your endocrine function and to find out your endocrine cycling. If you ejaculate according to your endocrine cycling, it will promote your endocrine function to produce more "Jing" for you. Your endocrine cycle can be clocked in two ways: the frequency of your wet dream, or the frequency of your natural sleep pattern. I prefer the natural sleep pattern. When you have excessive testosterone in the bloodstream, you will sleep less and cannot have a good sleep. If you clock the duration of your natural sleep, you will find your endocrine cycle. A deep sleep promotes secretion of hGH, DHEA, testosterone and estrogen. You must have a deep sleep every day to calm your "Shen", preserve your "Jing", and recharge your 'Chi." When you are young, you can afford to ejaculate as much as you want. The problem is that ejaculation consumes not only testosterone and bioelectric energy in the prostate nerves, but also hGH, DHEA and bioelectric energy stored in the parasympathetic nervous division of other organs such as the heart, lung, liver, kidneys, pituitary, adrenal glands, eyes, ears, nose, etc. The parasympathetic bioelectricity is the bias potential for sensing and actuating each organ. It also provides the action potential for the sympathetic nervous function to act and react to the external offense. The parasympathetic bioelectricity (DC potential) is "Yin Chi" and the sympathetic bioelectricity (Pulsed Action Potential, DC + AC voltage) is "Yang Chi" in the Martial Art theory. Yin Chi flows in Yin-type Vessels in the front body to balance the bioelectricity stored in each associated organ and Yang Chi in Yang-type Vessels in the back body to balance the bioelectricity stored in the associated organ for performing "Fight or Flight" action. The Chi in the water path (spine) will recharge the parasympathetic nervous division, while the Chi in the fire pathway will recharge the Central Nervous System to enhance the pituitary and 132

endocrine functions for the DHEA and Testosterone hormone burst and burning. That, in turn, supercharges both parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous division. Traditional Taoists would like to equally channel their sexual energy into both the fire and water pathways for more "Jing" - sexual power, and longevity, with help of tonic herbal supplements. Historically, Taoists lived longer than Buddhism monks and nuns. One assumption was that it is very difficult for men and women to live longer without properly draining sexual power - the fire in the Kidney and Liver Vessels - this is what monk and nuns have missed. Taoism believes that sexual orgasm by the harmonic coupling of both sexes will prolong life. Sexual orgasm extinguishes the "Excessive" fire in the Liver and Kidney Vessels leading to a good sleep for promoting hGH, DHEA and testosterone secretion, reactivates the endocrine function to supercharge the Central Nervous System and its parasympathetic channel. The condition for the benefit of sexual orgasm is that you must have "Excessive" fire (or hormones) to extinguish (or drain), which means the excessive testosterone (more than an optimal level for your organ to properly function) must be discharged through intercourse. In fact, intercourse itself performs the supercharge of the nervous system through the testosterone burning across two bodies and assist the sexual energy channeling from the CV (the sea of Yin) to GV (the master of Yang) across the acupuncture points CV-1 and GV-1. However, when the bioelectric level in the Central Nervous System (CNS) is low, the CNS lose its ability to activate the endocrine system, the patients become depressed or sexually exhausted. When there is an excessive testosterone in the bloodstream, the pituitary gets a negative feedback signal to slow down endocrine function. To elevate the "Excessive" fire for more sexual power without generating the negative feed signal that slows the pituitary/brain function down, Taoists have used the tonic herbs to enhance the nervous, cardiovascular, liver and endocrine function. You have to break the masturbation cycle to re-establish a new, harmless cycle. After you masturbate to ejaculate, you must massage the groins and perineum to increase the local blood circulation and disperse the excessive DHT (the end product of testosterone burning) in the prostate. DHT is very stimulating. If the excessive DHT resides in the prostate, your prostate is still being swollen or temporarily enlarged for another masturbation and ejaculation. If you drain it, your prostate will return to the normal in few hours and the prostate ejaculation control nerve will cool down. Eating more vegetables/fruits, soy products, beans, nuts and seeds will help the prostate nerve stay calm for reduction of both ejaculation urgency and frequency. If you want to "masturbate" to increase your "Jing", you should massage your penile base/footing, groins and pubis, instead of rubbing your penis shaft near the glans. If you do so for 10-20 minutes with the anal breathing your sexual urgency will go away. Of course, it is impossible for you to kick away your sexual urgency every time when the Liver and Kidney fires are burning. In this case, you can ejaculate. Excessive physical exercise, which will consume a lot of testosterone, is another way to break the masturbation pattern. The best way to break the masturbation pattern is to combine both methods. First, practice the massage method to reduce sexual urgency and then go for an excessive exercise. Remember, Shaolin meditation and martial art are used to knock down the sexual urgency of the monks! Over-masturbation with ejaculation will deplete your neurochemicals and hormones that are supposed to help your tissues (including your prostate and penis), joints, ligaments and muscles to produce the relaxation and elasticity hormone Prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1). Over-masturbation also sets your body on sympathetic fire - the excessive production of the stress hormones adrenalin and Cortisol. A high level of adrenalin in your blood stream will also block the PGE-1 production, resulting in body pains or cramps. A lack of PGE-1 in your body will make the tissues become rigid and fragile. That is why you get penile pain or soreness when you have 133

an erection. If you may experience tissues-tearing pains or cramps if you stretch or bend your tissues, muscles, joints or ligaments. If you attempt to "exercise", stretch or bend your penis when your PGE-1 in the penile spongy tissues is too low, you will damage the penile tissues and nerves. As a result, the penile exercises, stretching or bending give you nothing but impotence, a deformed or crooked penis, or penile varicose and spider veins. You may wonder why your physical exercise teachers want you to warm your body before you perform violent exercises. The reason is to produce sufficient PGE-1 to "lubricate" your muscles and joints. Can you do the penile exercises without PGE-1? Particularly, the penile spongy tissues, which are not muscles, are so delicate that they cannot bear too much external stresses or loads. There are no muscles there for you to exercise. You have to stop ejaculation and forget the existence of your penis for a while. To stimulate the PGE-2 production in your penile spongy tissues for healing, use a warm towel to wrap it upon the morning wake-up call when your hormone level is high, your stress level is low, and your parasympathetic nervous functions are very active. Stress hormone gives you pain in the shoulders and neck; Deficiency of DHEA and testosterone triggers your low-back pain. Over-production of stress hormone, when the sympathetic nervous function is persistently over-riding the parasympathetic nervous function, will result in DHEA deficiency and, then, sexual dysfunction and chronic health problems. If you are very stressful, your brain's dopamine system and sympathetic nervous system (the Yang Chi) drain out the brain's juice dopamine to your adrenal medulla, where dopamine is converted to norepinephrine (also known as non-adrenalin) and then to epinephrine (also known as adrenaline), the stress hormone, for the sympathetic "Flight or Fight" function! In the state of mental stress, the "Flight" means "Run Away", or "Withdraw erection or engorgement" if the stress, tension or fear is induced by sexual encounter; the "Fight" means "Confront", or "Ejaculate or Shoot to Orgasm" if the stress is induced by sexual stimulation on the sex organs. In fact, sexual orgasm or ejaculation is a result of "abruptly cycling sexual stresses" occurring in the sympathetic motor nerves of sex organs - in the auto-rhythmic fibers and then contractile fibers, when the sexual sensory nerves detect the extreme organ-swelling stress in the those fibers around the prostate (men) and Cervix/Epicenter (women). The sex-organ-expanding stresses then relay signal to the brain/pituitary for both oxytocin and prolactin bursts. It requires a relaxing brain and mind to promote the brain/parasympathetic nervous action in the first place. That is, the brain/mind must get relaxed in order to build the sex-organ-expanding stress. If the brain is too stressed with a high level of epinephrine, you will experience either temporary impotence/frigidity or premature ejaculation/orgasm without erecting or engorging your love tools. The extreme sexual stress can occur without directly stimulating of the penis, clitoris or urethral/vaginal spongy tissues. Visual stimulation (adult movies or porn pictures), erotic thinking, wet dream, exercises that stimulate the prostate or Cervix/Epicenter, childbirth labor or breast feeding can make it too. The "sexual stress" generally occurs upon the mind and body being in full relaxation and doing nothing except erotic thinking. So that a full recharge of the parasympathetic nervous system can promote a testosterone or/and oxytocin burst in the body and the acetylcholine action for producing a burst of erectile neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide in the pelvic and sex organs' smooth muscles. Thus, the pre-orgasm sexual stress is completely different from the regular physical or/and metal stress. It is a local phenomenon occurring in the sex organ. Upon the sexual stress starts to heat up your brain's Dopamine => Norepinephrine => Epinephrine pathway, you are approaching to the orgasm state.


Dopamine and norepinephrine are happy (feeling good) neurotransmitters. When you are very stressful, a large amount of both brain's "happy" chemicals is converted to epinephrine and then flushed into the toilet, that is, Dopamine => Norepinephrine => adrenalin => urine. Your brain's dopamine D1 receptors won't have sufficient dopamine to turn on your erection circuit and the D2 receptors cannot power your orgasm. The beta-adrenergic receptors in the smooth muscles or tissues (including sexual muscles and tissues!) contain insufficient norepinephrine to help muscular or tissue relaxation. When you are very stressful, you will experience pain in the neck/shoulder and low back - the deficiency of Yang Chi in the Governing Vessel of the acupuncture network or the dopamine and norepinephrine deficiency! If you are old, you may get Parkinson's disease, Stroke or Heart Attack due to this problem! Naturally, you cannot erect or swell your sex organs properly or long enough due to the tightened muscles and tissues down there, even if your brain's Acetylcholine and Parasympathetic nervous system (the Yin Chi system in the Chinese Medical Concept) can pump out the erectile neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide (NO) and the erectile dilator cGMP (need help from the liver function!) to initiate erection/engorgement. In particularly, excessive epinephrine (adrenaline) in the bloodstream will block the acetylcholine and NO effectors/receptors down there, so that you will experience weak erection, dryness, impotence and frigidity. But, abruptly excessive epinephrine in the brain can cause premature ejaculation (a brief penile stimulation) or premature orgasm (a brief clitoral stimulation), resulting in an abrupt sensation in the penis or clitoris. What do the dopamine and sympathetic nervous system act during orgasm? Well, they produce alternating surge pulses of norepinephrine and adrenalin, in conjunction with the sympathetic nervous action, the oxytocin (orgasm hormone) pulses and prolactin release. When norepinephrine is at the peak in your brain, you suddenly feel good; when norepinephrine is fully converted to adrenalin, your sexual muscles contract. After several cycles of the alternating norepinephrine-adrenaline orgasmic waves, your dopamine runs low and your happy time is over. If you can not recycle the contraction energy and send it back to your brain in recharging your acetylcholine and dopamine, you can't have one more run. When the dopamine/sympathetic systems are fully drained, the acetylcholine and parasympathetic nervous batteries have to use its bioelectric energy to recharge the dopamine system, that is "Yin Chi assists Yang Chi" in Chinese Medical Concept. Without sufficient dopamine to suppress the synthesis of prolactin, your prolactin level becomes too high, so that your libido is fully run away. That is, why a lot of young men have found that the first ejaculation makes them last longer if they re-erect the penis for the 2nd strike. It is the prolactin (the orgasm inhibitor) doing the trick! So, elevating the Prolactin level and/or blocking the adrenaline synthesis are the ultimate solution of young men's premature ejaculation problem. Bingo! We get the solution to make you last longer! In fact, Our solution for the Young men's PE problem is a combination of adjusting the prolactin level, blocking the adrenaline synthesis, elevating the acetylcholine level and letting the acetylcholine system to naturally adjust the brain's dopamine level (Yin assisting Yang!). For middle ages and seniors, adding hormones, in addition to the solution mentioned above, are essential. Without sufficient acetylcholine and bioelectricity in the parasympathetic nervous circuits to support organ functions, you feel exhausted after the first sequence of orgasm (men and women) or ejaculation (men); in particularly, there is no sufficient acetylcholine and parasympathetic bioenergy to actuate the erection and engorgement of the sexual organs such as the penis, clitoris and urethral/vaginal spongy tissues!


Sexual Health & Male menopause Typical symptoms include weak erection, premature ejaculation, fatigue, exhaustion after ejaculation, tiredness, night sweating, hot flushes, low back pain, ejaculation pain, weak waist, anxiety, stress, sleepless and mood swing or emotional instability. The main causes are: 1. The brain's hormone receptors don't get enough DHEA and androstenedione/ testosterone. 2.

There is a deficiency of DHEA due to a weakening adrenal function, the brain's nervous function is predominated by the sympathetic "Fight or Flight" functions, where "Fight" = "Premature Ejaculation" and "Flight" = "Erection Withdrawal" during lovemaking. That is, you either ejaculate prematurely or lose erection during sex.


The aged liver cannot help the body produce sufficient neurotransmitters Acetylcholine, Dopamine and Serotonin to power the brain's/nervous functions for fully supporting endocrine (both parasympathetic and sympathetic), cardiovascular (parasympathetic, with the 2nd neurotransmitter nitric oxide -NO, and arterial dilator cGMP), liver (parasympathetic) and adrenal/kidney (parasympathetic) functions and the erectile functions of sex organs (parasympathetic, with the 2nd neurotransmitter nitric oxide -NO, and arterial dilator cGMP), for modulating the sympathetic nervous functions with active serotonin and parasympathetic nervous functions, and for preserving the dopamine-norepinephrine for the thyroid functions.

Male menopause typically happens to the middle-age group or men with "sexual age" from 35 to 50, which occurs in teenager or young (premature-aged) men who have over-masturbated or over ejaculated upon or before their puberty. Excessive ejaculation will worsen premature ejaculation since it causes abrasion of the prostate ejaculation ducts and nerves and over-drains the prostaglandines (prostate fluid) and brain/spine fluids in semen, resulting in deficiency of acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin syntheses in the brain/nervous systems. These are the most common causes of premature ejaculation for teenagers, young and middle-aged men. During sex, older man requires a lot of penile stimulation by hand or oral jobs to weakly erect his penis. After a long foreplay, his urethral/prostate becomes irritated upon penetration. For ejaculation control, older men should not have spent too much time in hand or oral jobs. The sympathetic weak erection with an over-foreplay penis, where the brain is overheated, and the mind is panic, the heart is pounding, and the penis is cold and powerless, is the main reason for ejaculation upon penetration. Note that for a long-lasting (45-120 minutes) lovemaking, the brain is very cool, the mind is very peaceful, the heart is very calm and rhythmically, and the penis is extremely hot (her vagina is extremely hot and wet! A dry vagina will cause intercourse pain for both parties, and result in penile nervous irritation for ejaculation!). Also, a weak erection would force you to contract your prostate or your PC muscles to assist erection. Exercising your PC muscles will turn on the prostate's sympathetic ejaculation nerves for "Fight" execution. To prolong sex, you must have a spontaneous hard erection with a relaxing prostate nerve and PC muscles. You must learn how to thrust and how to switch the nervous function in the brain and pelvic cavity from the sympathetic to parasympathetic mode during lovemaking. In this regard, you have to practice the screwing technique to train your penis to get used to her vagina and to calm down your brain and nervous systems in the first few minutes after penetrating. Practice the screwing technique every morning when you have a morning erection. Use the natural erection to penetrate 136

her and use her vagina to gently massage your penis. Do not attempt to ejaculate during the practice. At the same time, you should practice Sexual Chi-Kong Breathing for ejaculation control during the morning screwing play and the normal lovemaking. Screwing is every important in love coupling for massaging vagina and penis in the Chinese sexual bible "SU-NUI Ching". The original purpose of screwing is to cure the woman and man's sexual related problems, such as the woman's abnormal discharge, period irregularity, and frigidity, and the man's impotence and early ejaculation. SU-NUI Ching suggests that the sexual problems have to be solved by sex itself, that is, the sex act itself is considered one of the physical therapies, penis and vagina's massage, and sexual controllability. Since the reproductive system is tightened to the urinary system, both of them share the same muscles. The sexual capability may reflect the controllability of urination in the senior years of the life. They are two screwing techniques depending on whom the male or female is the driver. If the male is the driver, he controls the screwing motion and massages the vagina. He should be less constrained and allowed to move freely. In this case, the female will lie down, and the male can lay on her, stand up or knee down to do the job. The way to do it is to rotate clockwise and push in and then rotate clockwise and pull out, and then continue in the same manner. If the female is the driver, she will sit on his legs without constraint. She can rotate her upper body right and left periodically or uses her hip to make a circulation motion. For the purpose of sexual therapy, the couple should screw each other gently. Screwing can also be used to wake up the sexual energy, increase the vagina lubrication and harden the penis. It is the foreplay for senior couples. Screwing is a kind of exercises for the low back. It is also a mutual massage of the external sexual zone around the couple's pubic bones. If a couple screw each other for 10 to 20 or 30 minutes every morning, they will feel that everyday is in honeymoon (or horny mode), no matter how long they have been married. It will provide enough morning exercises for the loving couples as well.

To prolong lovemaking, some doctors suggest the following: Use the masturbation friction to numb the penis surface sensory nerves (by forming a thin layer of scar tissues like a condom!) 1.


Use the first ejaculation to discharge or burn the neurochemicals (particularly dopamine) and DHEA/testosterone and increase the level of orgasm inhibitor prolactin for mitigation of brain's sexual excitement. Use anti-depression (antihistamine) drugs or alcohol to sedate the sympathetic reflection.

None of them work if you have a lot of precum and a weak erection. When pre-cum floods your urethra and prostate ducts, your urethral and prostate nerves become hyper-activated by the prostaglandins from the precum. Prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) stimulates the penile/prostate parasympathetic nerves for erection, while PGE-2 acts on the penile/prostate sympathetic nerves for opening the urethra and prostate ducts for ejaculation or seminal emission (leakage). Unfortunately, precum contains more PGE-2 and less PGE-1, so that it will stimulate seminal emission before PGE-1 can balloon the penis to an extreme for blocking the penile/prostate sensory nervous communication. Masturbation Exercises can numb the skin-deep 137

surface sensory nerves, but not the sensory nerves in the urethra tube. You will end up with a flooding of precum that tickles your prostate sensory nerves, resulting in premature ejaculation. The first ejaculation will burn a lot of major brain's neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. A low dopamine level kills your brain's sexual excitement and increases your prolactin level in the bloodstream. As a result, you can last longer if you can re-erect your penis for the second round of lovemaking. When I was young and single, I used to have 3 rounds of lovemaking in one session for 2 hours. Usually I last longer in the 2nd round (>40 minutes), but the erection is weaker due to a low level of acetylcholine in the brain and a weaker penile parasympathetic nervous function, while the first run is with an extremely hot blood and hard erection but comes short. In the 3rd round, the erection is much weaker and lovemaking is cut short and very worn out and exhausted due to burn-out of all the neurotransmitters and hormones! With this practice for 6 months, I became impotent and experienced sexual exhaustion symptoms and pains all over my body. I had to take herbal medicines plus animal brains to rejuvenate my body. After that, I started my sexual Chikong study and discovered how to achieve 2-hour lovemaking without ejaculation or leaking a drop of semen, and made my wife achieve multiple orgasms. I also have never discharged precum before I decide to come by contracting my PC muscles to stimulate my bulbourethral glands and prostate in initiating the secretion of precum, or by the penile over-erection (over-ballooning) pressure reaching the bulbourethral and prostate glands. I don't have to put on a condom before I reach that moment. When the precum floods into my urethral and prostate ducts, the sexual sensory nerves produce an overwhelm pleasure in the brain and then a powerful orgasmic contraction in the prostate and seminal vesicles and their adjacent muscles pumps the semen out of my body. My wife usually experiences another powerful orgasm with my powerful, hot semen jet when I don't have to use a condom. Now, we don't need contraceptive protection any more and Sex can become more excited after women pass menopause. I have studied the effects of precum on premature ejaculation and concluded that if you can stop your precum, you can solve premature ejaculation. If you use the first ejaculation to prolong sex, you should not have a second ejaculation as it may lead to sexual exhaustion with frequent sex, particularly after age of 25. Drugs can very effectively sedate the sympathetic nervous functions, but they make you impotent too. A long-term use of drugs leads to impotence as expected. It does not make sense to prolong sexual encounter with an impotent penis or improper feeling in the brain. The general solutions for premature ejaculation are: 1.

Fool the brain and interfere the sympathetic reflection by inducing stress in the low back and tailbone with contraction of the tail bone muscles - anal breathing or chi Kong breathing during lovemaking, that is, release the muscular stress against your prostate and bulbourethral glands and don't contract these muscles!


Circulate the sexual energy from the prostate back to the spine and tailbone synchronization of the inhaling and anal breathing with the sexual thrusting.


Balloon the penis without oral or hand sex – the high blood pressure produced by the ballooning method can block the nervous communication in the urethra and prostate.


Correct the acetylcholine/parasympathetic and serotonin nervous functions, and block the dopamine-epinephrine conversion in reducing the sympathetic nervous functions.


Block the sympathetic alpha receptors to produce a spontaneous erection. 138


Block the acetylcholine re-uptaking to energize the parasympathetic nerves for releasing more 2nd neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide and its metabolized dilator cGMP in the arterial walls to drive erection.


Increase the production of relaxation hormone PGE-1 in the penile tissues and arterial walls for prolonging a long erection, and reduce the production of PGE-2. PGE-1 will relax the entire tissues in the penis and around the prostate and bulbourethral glands and the PC muscles, and result in a persistently spontaneous (autonomous) erection like a teenage boy in the puberty. You will feel full in your pelvic cavity with a hard erection. It has been reported that injection of PGE-1 into the penis results in a persistent erection for few days (longer than 8 hours) and thus cause damages or fatigues their penile nervous endings. Since a hard erection corrupts the penile veins and cut off the return blood flow, PGE-1 is trapped inside the penis and the erection won't back down even after ejaculating. My experience of having a full power-up erection is: my penis won't back down 10-30 minutes after ejaculating since too much PGE-1 is still acting on the tissues and the parasympathetic nervous endings.


Reduce the production of precum. Over-masturbation and PC muscular exercises will train the sympathetic nerves in the bulbourethral glands to produce excessive precum!

Sexual stimulation releases Nitric Oxide (NO) and it enters endothelial cells in the spongy erectile tissue, the corpus cavernosum of the penis. The enzyme guanylate cyclase then converts guanosine triphosphate (GTP) into cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). cGMP causes the smooth muscle to relax, which causes an inflow of blood which then leads to an erection. cGMP is then hydrolysed back to the inactive GMP by phosphodiesteras type 5 (PDE-5). The levels of cGMP are therefore controlled by the activation of cyclic nucleotide cyclase and the breakdown by PDE-5. Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction often produce too little amounts of NO. Loss of full erections may be due to the fact that during a workout, you are keeping your penis in an erect / semi-erect state for quite a long period of time, either using up or depleting your ability to generate NO. Therefore, you may consider either shortening your workout time and increasing the intensity or taking rest days. Natural penile numbness occurs when you can sustain a hard erection for 40-60 minutes. The first stage numbness is due to the penile internal blood (erectile) pressure that compresses the urethral nerves and blocks the urethra-prostate nervous transmission for preventing the ejaculation triggering in the prostate via the L1/L2 circuits. In the first stage, the glans penis and penile shaft still have a lot of feeling, but only the urethra-prostate nervous transmission is blocked. Generally, the penis enters this stage in about 3-5 minutes after penetrating the vagina. If you can pass this critical transition stage, you would be able to last for another 20-30 minutes unless your erection is weak or you use PC muscle flexes to support your erection. During the first stage numbness, if your can balloon your penis up and bring your erection into the 2nd stage of erection. Your penile cylinders become a testosterone-DHT conversion chamber and the penis erection is hard enough to almost completely seal the in- and out-flow of the blood circulation. As a result, there is limited fresh blood flowing in and no more testosterone and acetylcholine to retain the penile nervous sensitivity. At the same time, there are no enzymes in the penile blood pool to decompose or remove the super hormone DHT and the arterial dilator cGMP. The penis remains extremely hard for 1-2 hours until the prostate experiences excessive stress that triggers the L1/L2 sympathetic nerves for ejaculation. Even if you ejaculate, your penile erection won't back down for another 10 minutes after you hold an erection for 1-2 hours. Essentially, you would not cum if your prostate does not experience 139

stress. Prostate stress occurs due to an excessive dopamine-adrenalin conversion in the adrenal medulla and the brain, where excessive adrenalin will trigger sympathetic Fight or Flight (Fight = Ejaculation; Flight = Erection Withdrawal during asexual activity). If the dopamine-adrenalin conversion is fully blocked by the Serotonin and GABA nervous system, your erection will never back down. Of course, your penis is fully numbed. If you hold the hard erection longer than 3 hours continuously, your penile spongy tissues (cells) and nerves will be starved to die due to a deficiency of oxygen, hormones and nutrients, the result of priapism.


Exercise & Sexual Health Moderate exercise can increase your blood circulation, resulting in boosting your hormone production, and relaxing your physical stress and mind (sweating out your stress hormones), resulting in supercharge of your parasympathetic nerves to promote your endocrine function, healing power and erection/engorgement. However, exhausting exercise will over-discharge your bioelectric energy in the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems and force your body to consume a large amount of hGH, testosterone and DHEA hormones to rebuild/restore your joints and muscles, leaving nothing for sex and libido. Athletes or body builders will end up impotence/frigidity, sudden death, muscle/joint pain and cramp, if their hGH, testosterone and DHEA in the bloodstream run lows. That is why athletes and body builders are likely to take dietary supplements containing DHEA, Androstenedione, Tribulus Terrestris or other herbal supplements like Energia Tea, Fibra Tea and Ginseng Power Max 4X. You can end up with "Build up your muscle but Shrink Your Penis". Don't be a Muscle Man with a Shrunk Penis." Why? The big muscles contain too many hormonal receptors to compete with these in the prostate and penile (or the Clitoris/G-spot/Epicenter for women). You need more hormones (Human Growth Hormones, DHEA, testosterone and estrogen) to feed these hungry jacks. An intensive training exercise can lower the seminal production for men and disturb or stop the menstrual cycling for women. The only benefit of exhausting exercise is the reduction of masturbation frequency. I was able to quit masturbation completely during my days in the military boost camp. I was very exhausted physically in the military boost camp when my hormones and mind are running out! After I discovered this secret, I had alternated moderate and semi-exhausting exercise to boost my hormone level and to reduce my masturbation frequency before I started my sex life. I believe this is the best way for single teenagers and men without a sexual partner to retain their sexual vigor. Even today, I still have the same erection power as I did 10 years ago. Here are my secrets: 1. Don't ejaculate when ejaculation cannot give your more sexual power. Ejaculation must be able to produce a sequence of powerful orgasmic surge waves running into your spinal cord and brain to produce more testosterone and to power your brain/nervous function. You should recycle the sexual energy upon an orgasmic ejaculation. I call it "Return semen to the brain." 2. Optimize your ejaculation cycles - Don't let ejaculation lower your bioelectric level in the parasympathetic system, also don't let excessive testosterone lock up the hormone negative feedback loop of your brain-nervous function. 3. Supply your body with essential hormone-building and Nitric-Oxide (erection mediator) substances to maintain your ejaculation cycles with a hard erection. 4. Reduce stress hormone production and block the receptor sites of stress hormones in the organs and tissues (of course, including the penis, prostate, clitoris G-spot, Epicenter, uterus...) 5. Have a moderate exercise to sweat out stress hormone to promote hGH, DHEA and testosterone production, but don't use a violent exercise to over-burn testosterone, DHEA and 141

hGH. If you take more than one hour to recover from an exercise, then you are over-exercised. You should have a spontaneous erection after body restoration from an exercise; that is, the exercise stimulates a testosterone burst or surge! Violent exercises will also stimulate your adrenal glands to produce too much stress hormones for support your "Flight or Fight" activities.

Case Title: Penis goes limp during lovemaking, but not in oral sex? During oral sex, she was surprised that I did not ejaculate after even 10 minutes of stimulating the glans. But when we tried penetration sex, I could not maintain a strong erection and I also came very quickly. I feel a loss of my manhood. I tried to apply the qi gong breathing but I could not control it during lovemaking. I am confused by this as I normally have VERY strong erection that points to 12 o’clock and my penis has grown a little from doing sexual qi gong, and I always have multiple orgasms on my own while masturbating. I do know that my jing is a little weak from not sleeping a lot for the past weeks, but I am still surprised at how I could not perform for my lover. Dr. Lin: The middle aged and senior men's brain acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous systems become weaker to keep the erection up, and then the sympathetic nervous functions are likely to fire up the "Flight or Fight" (erectile withdrawal or premature ejaculation) action under the sexual stress. During oral sex, hand jobs or masturbation, you don't have the sexual-performance stress or anxiety, but get a full relaxation to have pleasure. Your nervous function is in the parasympathetic mode that powers erection. Once you are in the penetration sex, your brain switches your nervous functions to the sympathetic mode. Your nervous systems experience two problems: (1) Your brain's acetylcholine and parasympathetic cannot maintain action potentials (AC voltage + DC voltage) to continue fire up your parasympathetic erectile mechanism (acetylcholine=> Nitric Oxide =>cGMP=>Arterial dilation for erection) (2) Excessive binding of epinephrine (the stress hormone adrenalin) into the sympathetic alpha-2 receptors, instead of the beta receptors, resulting in the constriction of the penile arteries. Unless you could maintain a powerful parasympathetic nervous function and there is no excessive binding of the epinephrine in the alpha-receptors, your penis would go limp at the moment of penetration. Because when you have a weak erection, you tend to become panic and has a tendency to contract your PC muscles to support your erection. Once you do that, you stimulate the Cowper's (bulbourethral) glands to fire up the secretion of precum (pre-ejaculation). A prolonged oral or hand jobs will also over-stimulate the urethral nerves to trigger the secretion of precum. When the precum, even a small amount, gets into the prostate ejaculation duct/valve, the ripening hormone PGE2 is enough to stimulate the emission control valve for ejaculation. The solutions are: 1. Power your acetylcholine and parasympathetic nervous functions by increasing the DC voltage (the resting potential) of the nerves. 2. Reduce the Dopamine=>Norepinephrine=>epinephrine conversion, that is, de-stress the body and nervous functions, and partially block the alpha-2 receptors. 3. Reduce the secretion of precum.


DHT, Prostaglandins E-1/E-2/E-3, and Nitric Oxide A balance action of prostaglandin E-1 and E-2 on the nerves and blood vessels allow the tissue to expand and stretch without pains. For example: pregnant women stretch and grow the uterus and abdomen without pains under a simultaneous action of prostaglandin E-1 and E-2, but start labor contraction pains when prostaglandin E-2 overpower prostaglandin E-1, in conjunction with the action of oxytocin, cotisol and epinephrine! During puberty, DHT, prostaglandin E-1/E-2/E-3 and Nitric Oxide cause a constant penile erection and expansion without pains. DHT and Prostaglandin E-2 are responsible for the penile cellular proliferation while Prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide prevent the collagen release during the erectile expansion, where collagen can harden the penile erectile nerves and blood vessels. Penile ballooning uses this natural penile cellular proliferation force to grow the penis. Without a modulation of DHT, prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide, penile stretching, jelqing or pumping can stimulate excessive prostaglandin E-2 and collagen release for penile/prostate/urethral/bulbourethral pains when prostaglandin E-2 inflames the tissues, nerves and blood vessels, and for erectile dysfunction or penile deformation when collagen starts to harden the tissues, nerves and blood vessels. The problem is that you don't know how much force you can use to expand/stretch your penis to safely induce an optimal prostaglandin E-2 release without triggering collagen release. Penile ballooning is safe since it depends on your self penile expansion. During sex for 60 minutes, my penis swells like being beaten up but I feel no pain, just feeling semi-numb. It is the prostaglandin E-2 that makes the penis look swelling and my penile tissues, nerves and blood vessels have enough DHT, prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide to heal the swelling without collagen release. Even after I ejaculate, my penis won't back down for another 10 minutes. This is the combined effect of DHT, prostaglandin E-1/E-2/E-3 and Nitric Oxide in orchestra with the pituitary hormone oxytocin in the penile erectile tissues. Most of the problems caused by penile enlargement exercises result from deficiency of DHT, prostaglandin E-1/E-3. The men will shrink his penis if he has the following conditions: medication drugs use and drug abuse, alcohol abuse, smoking, aged neuro-endocrine function (low testosterone and DHT), erectile nervous disorders, premature ejaculation, and sexual exhaustion (as a result of over-ejaculation /over-masturbation). He must avoid practicing penile enlargement exercises, penile weight lifting or stretching or penile pumping if they don't have any physical conditions to support penile enlargement. He has to restore his puberty conditions first before he practices penile enlargement exercises. Penile cellular growth is a slow process, highly depending on DHT and prostaglandins. DHT and Prostaglandin E-2 increase the density of the capillaries and the nerves, but the prostaglandin E1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide keep them flexible and elastic for further stretching without stimulating collagen release or inducing pains. In fact, prostaglandin E-2 has been considered as an initiator or inductor of cellular proliferation for implantation of fertilized eggs, fetal and puberty penile/testicular growth, plaques, scars, tumors, and cancers. So, think thrice before you mechanically or bio-chemically stimulate the prostaglandin E-2 release in your penis and testicles or other pelvic tissues where you can experience pains as a pre-warning of the inflaming nerves and blood vessels. Without prostaglandin E-1 and E-3 modulation on the cellular mRNA, Prostaglandin E-2 can ignite the unlimited/destructive inflammation, tumor and cancer cellular growth, particularly when excessive DHT or estrogen feeds the cells. This is why a combination of DHT and prostaglandin E-2 can grow your penis, testicles (and her clitoris and G-spot), prostate, as well 143

as cancers or tumors. That is, you will love prostaglandin E-2, and hate it too! Your relationship with prostaglandin E-2 is Love and Hate. As long as you can last longer than 30-60 minutes with a hard erection and can hold ejaculation back 3-5 times in a love session, lovemaking will help your grow your penis, and you will also ejaculate more. This is because holding a hard erection over 20 minutes is likely to trigger more prostaglandins release from the penis, prostate, testicles and seminal vesicles as long as you can supply enough prostaglandins precursors (ingredients) to the local receptors and cells. With a lot of DHT, oxytocin and prostaglandins in the penile tissue, your penis won't back down even after ejaculating. When you are about to come, your penis is expanded to a maximum with a high level of DHT release from testicles into the bloodstream, and the expanded penile tissues will release prostaglandin E-2 at that moment. To last longer, you have to master the anal breathing technique to direct the sexual energy to your tailbone and spine. You need a powerful serotonin/parasympathetic nervous modulation on the prostate sympathetic nerves, and a lot of prostaglandin E-1 and E-3 release in the penile/prostate/urethral tissues to modulate the negative effect of prostaglandin E-2 on the prostate ejaculation valve. The natural vaginal or cervical secretion during sexual arousal contains 2 major hormones ProstaGlandin E-1 (PGE-1) and E-1 (PGE-2). The vaginal/cervical secretion promotes penile erection and ballooning with PGE-1 but causes premature ejaculation with PGE-2, when the secretion penetrates into the male urethral duct. It is like you inject PGE-1 into your urethra for promoting penile erection or/and PGE-2 for ejaculation and orgasm. When the vaginal/cervical secretion contains a higher level of PGE-1 than PGE-2 , it will help stimulate your urethral nerves for better erection and penile ballooning and let you last much longer. On the other hand, when the vaginal/cervical secretion contains a higher level of PGE-2 than PGE-1 , it will help stimulate your urethral nerves to trigger your prostate's seminal emission control nerve for ejaculation and orgasmic contraction. You will come very quickly. In fact, women whose cervix secrets more PGE-2 during sexual arousal will achieve orgasm much easier and quicker. All you need to do is to hold ejaculation back just a little longer so that she will erupt like a volcano. The ratio of PGE1 to PGE-2 changes from time to time even in the same love session. To last longer and to have a consistent sexual performance in every love session is to balloon your penis so that your urethral-prostate nervous transmission can be blocked by the high, internal blood pressure of the penile cylinders due to the penile ballooning effect before a vaginal penetration. In this way, the vaginal/cervical secretion's PGE-2 won't excite your prostate nerve for promotion of ejaculation, while its PGE-1 diffuses into the entire penile spongy tissues to continue expanding your penis to an extreme. How do you know if her vaginal/cervical secretion contains a lot of PGE-1? Generally, when her PGE-1 level in the spongy tissues reaches a maximum, her clitoris will become very shinny and firm and her urethral spongy tissues protrudes like a firm ridge hanging upside down on her vaginal ceiling. By the way, semen also contains PGE-1 and PGE-2. Similarly, semen will exert the same effect on the clitoris, G-spot, urethral/vaginal spongy tissues and cervix for her erection and orgasm. In a lot of times, women achieve orgasm after a hot semen jet is striking the cervix or the vaginal itching points while their partners can still maintain a hard erection for a few seconds or minutes in the post-ejaculation state. This is why women like a hot seminal ejaculation inside the deep vagina pocket near or on the cervix. If you make her achieve orgasms first, you ejaculation will trigger another orgasm for her. 144

Case Title: Post-ejaculation or post-orgasm pain - causes and solution. This problem is associated with a deficiency of the relaxation and tissue-elastic hormone prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) and the excessive trapping of the stress neurhormone epinephrine (adrenalin) in the tissues in tailbone, rectum, anus, perineum and groins, in the post-orgasm or post-ejaculation state when you lost your semen to ejaculation. Generally, semen contains PGE-1 and PGE-2. Seminal PGE-1 is diffused into the pelvic tissues to increase the relaxation and tissues elasticity for touching, stretching, and expansion/contraction; PGE-2 is to enhance the contraction (intensity) of orgasm in the tissues around the pelvic cavity. When your tissues produce insufficient PGE-1, you need the PE-1 diffusion to retain the tissue elasticity and relaxation. Once your ejaculate, your seminal vesicles are empty or semi-empty and your tissues and ligaments around the pelvic cavity from the low abdomen, groins, testicles, scrotum and perineum to your anus/rectum/tailbone experiences an abrupt drop of the PGE-1. You will feel rigidity and tightness in your low back and groins after ejaculating. The worst situation is that orgasm is a result from sympathetic fire accompanying with the dopamineepinephrine conversion. When excessive epinephrine in your neck, low back and groins, you experience pains and cramps, even without moving your tissues or muscles. You need ViaPal-hGH-M (3-014) to help you out. On the other hand, when there is excessive semen in the vesicles and then an excessive diffusion of PGE-1 into the pelvic floors, men will experience the phenomenon called Pelvic Congestion the fullness or inflammatory feeling in the pelvic cavity resulting in promoting sexual or ejaculation urgency. In addition, excessive diffusion of PGE-2 into the prostate and its adjacent tissues will cause premature ejaculation.

Two stages of penile erection Stage 1: initial erection due to penile arterial Hemodilation driven by the parasympathetic erectile mechanism - the acetylcholine=>Nitric Oxide=>cGMP pathway, and/or the sympathetic erectile mechanism via the beta-receptors. The parasympathetic erectile mechanism causes an erection without racing the heart or elevating the blood pressure. This happens in sleeping, at rest and during sexual fantasy. The sympathetic erectile mechanism, requiring a binding of norepinephrine and adrenalin into the beta-receptors, generally accompanies with an increase of heartbeat and blood pressure due to the dopamine-norepinephrine-adrenalin conversion. This happens in sexual encounter, visual or auditory stimulation, physical (oral, handle, penile exercising or pumping, or vibrating) sexual stimulation, and sex. If a binding of norepinephrine and adrenalin into the alpha-receptors occurs, a temporary impotency occurs. The parasympathetic and sympathetic erectile mechanisms generally enhance each other to bring the penile erection into the next stage, if the blood flow carries sufficient hormones hGH/DHEA/androstenedione/teatsosterone and the liver enzymes that burns the hormones to further charge the sensory/parasympathetic/sympathetic nervous circuits, to boost the production of the tissues elasticity hormone Prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1), and produce the super-hormone DHT. Thus, the duration of Stage 1 may become too short to let you feel its existence and then your penile erection is already into the penile ballooning or powered-up stage. Stage 2: Ballooning effect driven by the heating sensory/parasympathetic/sympathetic nervous circuits, PGE-1 and DHT, with an increasing cardiovascular output that produces a high blood pressure in the pelvic arteries against the penile cylinders. As a result, you will feel a high blood 145

pressure built up in your pelvic cavity, groins, tailbone, and perineum floors. You need a spontaneous erection in Stage 1 to obtain the ballooning effect. Frequently soaking the penile tissues in the hormone and neurochemical enriched blood will cause the penile tissues to become more flexible and expandable. It is like a very elastic balloon which can be inflated to an extreme size (before blowing up) in short time, so that the initial stage become very short and may be undetectable for young men and teenage boys. Men having higher DHT level AND denser DHT receptors in the penis will have a bigger penis in the flaccid and erection states. Men without denser DHT receptors in the penis can only achieve a bigger penis by the DHT-induced ballooning effect. Penile ballooning actually turns the penile cylinders into a testosterone-DHT conversion chamber. Frequent ballooning of the penis increases the DHT receptors in the penile spongy tissues, leading to a bigger penis. So, you need a powerful penile arterial Hemodilation mechanism and a lot of hormones, neurochemicals, and liver hormone-conversion enzymes to trigger the ballooning effect. You must hold the spontaneous erection for longer than 30 minutes. In fact, it does not make sense to have a huge penis that can only last for a few (5-10) minutes! You won't get much pleasure out of it! DHT is a super hormone that stimulates the prostate to enlarge and the stimulated muscles to grow. In fact, DHT, teaming with hGH/DHEA/andrtostenedione, helps you grow everything in your body, but excessive DHT will thin your head hair! You need a lot of plant hormones (sterols and isoflavones) to coat (mask) the hormonal receptors in the prostate and hair rooting cells and improve the blood circulation in your prostate and head skin, so that DHT won't be bound into the receptors there. Do not exercise your prostate/PC muscles since exercises testosterone-DHT conversion will lead to prostate enlargement and an increase of PC muscular pressure against the prostate for sexual urgency and premature ejaculation. Puberty teenager boys have a maximum penile size when their DHT level reach its peak in their life; as they pass their 30-35 or enter midlife, their penises start to shrink due to a drop of DHT or a disorder of penile arterial Hemodilation. Strangely enough, the peak power of DHT acting on the in-puberty boys (they are the Hottest male with a DHT-boiling blood!) causes no troubles for their hairs and prostates, but only stimulate their penises to grow bigger and bigger! What is wrong with this picture on DHT? The disorder of arterial hemodilation or an elevation of stress hormone (adrenalin) in the prostate or head skin causes constriction of the local arteries and results in a poor blood circulation down and up there, leading to the excessive trapping or binding of DHT in the prostate hormonal receptors or hair rooting cells. (Note: The stress neurohormone adrenalin is likely to trigger the testosterone-DHT conversion in preparing your muscles for sympathetic "fight or flight". No wonder, excessive stress causes hair loss and prostate enlargement at the expense of shrinking the penis (clitoris/G-spot)! Remember that orgasm is a sympathetic nervous function driven by a burst of dopamine-adrenalin conversion in conjunction with the burst of testosterone-DHT conversion, where dopamine is the orgasmic fire and testosterone is the fuel. Upon achieving orgasm, your penis (clitoris/G-spot for women) reaches a maximum size in the lovemaking session due to the abrupt peaking of the DHT level in your penile spongy tissues or bloodstream; thus, you feel so hot too!) As a result, if excessive DHT is trapped in the wrong places for the wrong reasons, you will be in trouble. The prostate is enlarged or over-heated for premature ejaculation and your hair falls down due to an excessive level of DHT, while the penis is shrinking due to deficiency of DHT in the penile spongy tissue. My advice is to frequently de-stress your body and mind and to frequently sweat the stress hormone out of your bloodstream. Eat a lot of fresh vegetables/fruits (juices) and 146

seeds/nuts/soy products to get sufficient plant sterols/isoflavones to mask/detoxify/flush the hormonal receptors via a good blood circulation up and down there Important fact: Any medication or street drugs blocking the testosterone- DHT conversion and the beta receptors sites, promoting the excessive dopamine-adrenalin conversion (excessive stress neurohormone) for sympathetic nervous "Fight or Flight", or interfering with the parasympathetic nervous acetylcholine-NO(nitric oxide)-cGMP pathway, will shrink the penis, sooner or latter. Reader: I read books on better sex that recommended PC muscle exercise so I tried it. After awhile I had this "always-need-to-pee" or wet sensation and my premature ejaculation got worse. I stopped and things just haven't been the same since. My wife endured my on-off abilities for two years now, has been very patient with me, but I've never improved (I usually can't last more than 3 minutes and sometimes only 30 seconds or less). Recently she told me that I haven't been able to satisfy her in the last 2.5 years and she's tired of being disappointed every time (she just turned 33). I have no interest in sex anymore. She's a beautiful woman and can still excite me easily, but the knowledge that I'll just disappoint her again destroys my desire before I can do anything about it. We haven't had sex for over a month now and she's threatening to divorce, with good reason. I agree that she should be with someone that can satisfy her that way, I just wish it could be me. My doctor gave me some Viagra and I've had my testosterone levels tested (normal), but the problem still remains. What can you recommend? Dr. Lin: The ages 30-40 are the golden years for women's sexuality due to the positive testosterone-estrogen ratio that heighten their libido and sexual/orgasmic responses. The old Chinese said "The 30-something women are like hungry wolves in sex and the 40-somthing women are like hungry tigers." I don't blame her for her biologically sexual demand. Unfortunately, the male sexuality starts to go downhill after the age of 35. The trick to prolonging sex is to relax your prostate or let the prostate do nothing or take a nap during lovemaking while the penis does its job alone! Do not contract your prostate to help your erection! If you do so, you will come prematurely! Separating your erection from your prostate will enable you to have a long-hour of lovemaking with a peaceful mind! The movement of lovemaking thrusts must come from the lower back and tailbone muscles which are controlled by the S2-S4 nervous reflection circuits. I train my tailbone muscles to vibrate and radiate a sequence of orgasmic waves up along my spine. During a highly sexual arousal, the tip of my tailbone near the anus and its nerves starts to pump out pleasure ripples along my spine and I felt the heat waves generated in my tailbone due to the testosterone-DHT conversion there while my prostate was still taking a nap. Generally, your penis should erect spontaneously without any external stimulation or prostate exercises. If you use your PC muscles to stimulate the prostate and Cowper's glands for an immediate release of Prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) to assist your erection, another hormone Prostaglandin E-2 (PGE-2) is also released, which stimulates orgasmic contraction of the prostate. When you serotonin level is low, the precum will flood out with a higher level of PGE-2. If you frequently train the nervous reflexion circuits in the prostate and Cowper's glands, a slight sexual stimulation will trigger a flooding of the precum that immediately turns on your prostate emission control valve when PGE-2 gets there. The more you exercise your PC muscles, the more testosterone-DHT conversion occurs in the muscles. Trapping excessive DHT in the PC/prostate tissue results in perineum and prostate pains and sexual/ejaculation urgency. In other words, PC exercises help women and men to come more quickly. 147

Here are the solutions to your problems: 1. Rejuvenate your brain/nervous systems for a hard erection without any prostate muscular exercises. Elevate the serotonin level to reduce the secretion of precum and PGE-2. 2. Re-train your tailbone S2-S4 nervous reflection circuits to take over your prostate and Cowper's glands' S2-S4 and L1-L2 (orgasmic or ejaculation) reflexion circuits. Practice the tailbone muscular exercise during urination: Lift your ankles up (like wearing a pair of 4-inch high heels), exert a pressure on the bladder to expel your urine flow out, and then squeeze your butts against your tailbone to stop your urinating flow. During lovemaking, imagine that you are waving your tail when you are thrusting her. Bend your neck and head backward to compress your spine, low back and tailbone. If you use the horse-ride lovemaking position, you can also let your inner legs and knees to share the sexual responses. The inner legs are also the L1-L2 orgasmic reflexion circuits; you can interfere in ejaculation with a stress loading to your legs. Lifting up your heels will even let last much longer. Finally, use the 3-point excitation love position. This lovemaking position will let her uterine/cervix sit on the top of your glans penis, where your penis shaft is like a joy stick moving her uterus/cervix back and forth without creating a cervical striking pain when she drives herself to orgasm. This love position stimulates her clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter/cervix/uterus at the same time with a rhythmic pressure under her control. Women love this love position like crazy for one reason - they can achieve a supper Level-7 full-body orgasm as long as you can hold a hard erection. Erection should not rely on hand or oral jobs and/or vaginal stimulation - The male erection should not rely on the female cervical/vaginal secretion which contains Prostaglandin E-1 (PGE1) and E-2 (PGE-2). Of course, PGE-1 helps men balloon the penis during intercourse when the cervical/vaginal secretion gets into the male urethra and stimulates the urethral nerve. On the other hand, PGE-2 can stimulate the male urethral nerve for premature ejaculation and orgasm. When a man's erection relies on the cervical/vaginal secretion or vaginal-tightness-induced friction, he will experience premature ejaculation triggered by PGE-2 in the cervix/vaginal secretion or his own precum from his bulbourethral glands. Generally, PGE-1 usually erects or engorges cervical/vaginal tissues much better and makes the love canal much tighter and narrower. Women whose cervix and vaginal tissues produces a lot of PGE-1 will have a tighter vagina. When a woman is about to come, her cervix will release a lot of PGE-1 and PGE-2 which make her vagina become very tight and then trigger her partner to ejaculate with her orgasm. A tighter vagina may either trigger the male premature ejaculation under the action of PGE-2, or help balloon (enlarge) the penis with lovemaking under the action of PGE-1. The man can start with a spontaneously hard erection to block the urethra-prostate nervous transmission and, at the same time, use the Sexual Chi Kong/anal breathing and tailbone muscular exercises to block the L1/L2 orgasmic nervous circuits in the prostate and bulbourethral glands. By the way, if the vaginal secretion contains more PGE-1 than PGE-2, her partner can balloon his penis much harder from her love juice's PGE-1, provided his bulbourethral glands won't flood his urethra and prostate with his own precum. On the other hand, if the vaginal secretion contains more PGE-2 than PGE-1 and her partner's prostate and urethra are flooded by his own precum, he will instantaneously ejaculate upon vaginal penetration. Generally, PC muscles exercises train the L1 and L2 orgasmic nervous circuits, branching into the prostate, bulbourethral glands and the inner thighs and legs, to respond to sexual stimulation by flooding precum from the bulbourethral glands to the urethra and prostate. So, the man should have a hard erection without stimulating the discharge of precum before a vaginal penetration, so 148

that his urethral-prostate nervous transmission can be blocked by the high-pressure, fully expanding penile arteries and spongy tissues (the blood balloons) if he want to enjoy an hour-long lovemaking. A man who cannot produce a persistent penis-arterial dilation via the hemo-dilation mechanism generally requires a high-stress penile stimulation by hand or oral jobs for keeping erection and is likely to go limp after vaginal penetration. However, a large amount of the vaginal secretion's PGE-1 can help his erection up to some degrees during intercourse. The vaginal tightness (hemodilation of the vaginal tissues) and the vaginal muscular strength (gripping force) are androgen-hormone- and acetylcholine dependent. The vaginal looseness or enlargement is due to a lack of androgen hormones (hGH/DHEA/Androstenedione/testosterone) in the tissues and a lack of neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the vaginal sensory and parasympathetic nerves, or excessive adrenaline binding in the sympathetic nervous alpha-2 receptors. These factors also decrease the PGE-1 synthesis in the vaginal/urethral/cervical tissues. This is not what vaginal surgery or alum can solve. Over-masturbation makes your tissues and nervous fibers become rigid and fragile due to a lack of the tissue-/nerve-elasticity hormone prostaglandin E-1 after you over-discharge your prostate fluid (semen). This elasticity hormone is called Prosta-Glandin E-1 (PGE-1) because it was first discovered in semen! The prostate uses the brain and spine fluids to produce semen for the life-support of sperms after ejaculation, while the tissues use the brain and spine fluids to synthesize PGE-1 for maintaining the elasticity of the tissues and nervous fibers. What is a coincidence! If you over-ejaculate yourself, your tissues, muscles, nerves and ligaments become stiff. If you over-stretch the stiff ligament or nerves, you are asking for troubles. So, after you ejaculate, don't over-stretch your muscles or ligaments! That is, don't have any violent exercises. Over-ejaculation will stop your muscular development. If you attempt to build your muscles with a lot of ejaculation, you will damage your muscles, ligaments and joints, resulting in body pains in the low back and neck/shoulder, legs and hands, and joints. Why? Semen contains the nerurochemicals associated with the synthesis of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and serotonin and the relaxation and tissues-elasticity hormone prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1). When you ejaculate too often, you will experience the deficiency of PGE-1 and have too much the stress neurohormone adrenaline, resulting in the body pains and cramps. If you do the bodybuilding exercises under this condition, you will damage your muscles, ligaments, tissues, nerves and joints under a stress or strain tension. In both men and women, semen-essence is the fuel that drives sexuality. It is the source not only of physical capacity for sex but also of sexual interest and emotional affection for the opposite gender. However, since orgasm does not rob women of sexual drive and interest after the 'first act', the practices required to achieve the harmony of Yin & Yang must be cultivated primarily by men. Exchanging essence and energy between Yin and Yang If the man ejaculates before the woman reaches orgasm, she gains the benefits of both his semenessence and his energy, while he loses both and gains neither of hers. If the couple ejaculates at the same moment, the woman again gains the man's essence and energy, but the man gains only her burst of energy, because he loses his erection before it has had a chance to absorb the essential secretions of her orgasm. 149

If the man controls himself long enough for the woman to reach orgasm then suppresses his own ejaculation, he absorbs both his own and her essence as well as her energy, while she still derives the benefits of reabsorbing a measure of her own sexual secretions. The fourth and final alternative is for the man to permit himself and ejaculation (when his emission schedule calls for it) after his partner has reached orgasm, but only after he has spent some time 'dragging the Yin essence in through the Yang peak'. In this case, both partners absorb each other's sexual essence and energy in a perfectly balanced coition. For a man who has thoroughly mastered the techniques of ejaculation control, there are additional steps he may take to facilitate absorption of female secretions and to further stimulate reabsorption of his own semen-essence. The first method is to 'thrust inward fiercely but draw outward slowly, thereby dragging the Yin essence in through the skin of the Yang peak'. Swelling and contracting the penis deep inside the vagina by deliberately flexing the muscles of the penile shaft is another highly recommended technique for promoting absorption of Yin essence during intercourse. After the woman has experienced one or more orgasms and is thoroughly satisfied, the man should start thrusting again deeply and rhythmically. One the verge of ejaculation, the man should stop and 'return the semen' to his prostate by activating ejaculation control. When his semen is back under control and his heart once again calm, he may repeat this process again, three to five times. The prolonged friction between Jade Gate and Jade Stem facilitates absorption of Yin essence, while the excitement of repeatedly approaching the brink of ejaculation greatly increases a man's own internal sexual secretions. Such serial retentions also redirect the man's unexploded sexual energy inward and upward. This can often be felt coursing up along the spine as 'goose bumps' or as heat waves at various points in the body. Men should not attempt this method of 'pumping up' extra essence and energy by repeatedly 'playing with the fire' of ejaculation until they have first mastered semen retention and established their own ideal ejaculation frequencies. Otherwise, they risk the loss of even more essence and energy than normal owing to enhanced secretions when a man is due for emission because it primes the prostate with extra semen and thus increases the loss due to ejaculation. It should be done only when semen is to be retained. The old adage 'practice makes perfect' applies to this and all the other methods used in the Tao of Yin and Yang, and these practices must be mastered step by step. A sexually active man who is unwilling to hone his sexual skills and correctly adjust his attitudes in preparation for the 'flowery battlefield' of sexual intercourse will, sooner or later, deplete his sexual potency, dissipate his vital energy, lose his immunity and foreshorten his life. Such men become as expendable to the species- and as useless to women- as drones driven from the beehive. The arts of the bedroom constitute the climax of human emotions and encompass the totality of Tao. Therefore, the ancient sages regulated man's external pleasures in order to control his inner passions, and they made detailed rules and terms governing sexual intercourse. If a man regulates his sexual pleasure, he will feel at peace and attain longevity. If, however, a man abandons himself to sexual pleasure without regard for the rules set forth in the ancient texts, he will soon fall ill and gravely injure himself.

Medical problem: Thrombosis vein Thrombosis vein is a blood clot which usually starts at the left scrotum. It has a hard bulge about the size of grain of rice. I treated it with heat, massage, niacin flushing (for blood vessel dilation), 400mg of Ibuprofen twice a day, baby aspirin, tons of water, everything. 2 to 3 weeks 150

and it didn't shrink or budge in the slightest, no improvement at all. Finally a bit frustrated, I asked my wife to gather from her essential oil collection - any single oil that had vasodilator properties, regardless of whether or not they were harsh on the skin. My thought being, if I stimulate those veins to really dilate, I could get this clot moving. What I came up with worked in four days and had some other unintended benefits. Within four days of massaging this oil into the hard vein, the bulge disappeared and the whole vein started to soften. After six days, I decided to see what effect it had on the rest of my unit, and began to use it all over, instead of just on the affected area. Within a few days, I noticed a visible difference in the vascular appearance of my shaft. The veins that were there appeared wider and fuller, and smaller ones that I never really noticed before became apparent. These changes were noticeable both erect and flaccid. I also experienced a noticeable change in my flaccid hang, it being heavier and fuller, especially if I had the oil still sitting on the skin. Keep in mind, I was seeing these changes without any PE for the prior 3 weeks or so. Now that I'm done with my injury break, I decided to start using it as a jelq lube. I already knew it was okay for use on my entire unit because towards the end of my injury break I was using it for masturbation and edging. It's performing very well as a jelq lube with the only downside being that I seem now to get erect very easily with this lube, and it seems to make the erection much more difficult to subside back to my normal jelq-level. I believe I am seeing a difference in the bedroom as well, but too soon to speculate. Here it is: (as named by someone else, honest) EVO - Eroset's Vein Oil --1/3 to 1/2 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil as a base carrier for the essential oils. Sensitive skin users will want to go heavier on the carrier oil to dilute the essential oils. My best experience so far has been with a 1/3 cup base. Brave users may go even lower on the carrier oil, but I'd say do so slowly, and primarily for use as a concentrated spot treatment directly on the vein, not on the whole shaft. --6 mL of Lavender Essential Oil (organic or 40/42 oil) --2.5 mL of Rosemary Essential Oil Sensitive skin users will want to go easy on this and may want to back it off some. If you experience unpleasant irritation, this is the one to look at first. It's the best vasodilator in the mix, and a great penetration oil, but also the harshest on the skin. --2 mL of Clary Sage Essential Oil --1.5-2 mL of Lemongrass Essential Oil Sensitive skin users will look to this as a possible irritant as well. Pour the oils into a bottle or other container and shake to ensure the oils are mixed before every use. NOTE: If using for the first time, please test on something other than your penis first. For measuring the essential oils, I used a baby medicine syringe marked in mL. Here's what you're rubbing into your veins: Lavender Essential Oil: (Lavandula officinalis, steam distilled flowering top) It is known to be analgesic, antidepressant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antiviral, bactericide, cicatrizant, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic, fungicide, sedative, vasodilator. Soothes the spirit, relieves anger, valuable in manic-depressive cases. Has a sedative action on the heart, assists in bringing down high blood pressure, relieves insomnia, relieves muscular spasms and rheumatic pains. The first essential oil one should reach for in the case of minor burns and sunburn. 151

Promotes growth of new skin cells, great healing effect on burns and sunburn, acne, psoriasis, boils, fungal growths, and scarring. Lavender is one of the safest essential oils to use with children and the elderly. I personally use Lavender directly on the skin all the time; it is the only essential oil that you can safely use without a carrier oil. Burns, cuts, scrapes, whatever, I've seen pure lavender oil take a disgusting blistered burn on my thumb and heal the blister in two days with all signs of the burn gone in a week. This stuff is a gift from Big Momma Nature. Rosemary Essential Oil: (Rosemarinus officinalis, steam distilled flowering top/leaf) It is analgesic, antidepressant, antirheumatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, astringent, cicatrisant, digestive, diuretic, hypertensive, rubefacient, vasodilator. Not suitable for people with epilepsy or high blood pressure. Helps ease gout and tired, overworked muscles, tired or weak legs and circulatory problems of extremities, as well as cold feet. Since it stimulates blood circulation, it is a good remedy for low blood pressure. It's an excellent tonic for the liver and gall bladder. Helps lower high blood sugar. Used in shampoo and hair treatments, it helps stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, thus being beneficial for promoting hair growth. Be careful with playing with this one, direct skin contact without diluting will be painful. If you notice too much of a tingling sensation, or an extreme cooling sensation, you've used too much and should dilute the mixture with a bit more Olive Oil. It is a tremendous penetrating oil and powerful vasodilator. Clary Sage Essential Oil: (Salvia sclarea, steam distilled flower/leaf) Is anticonvulsive, antidepressant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, astringent, emmenagogue, deodorant, nervine, sedative, tonic, vasodilator, a relaxing, warming oil which eases nervous tension. Its well known for its euphoric action and is an extremely valuable oil for treating nervousness, fear, paranoia and depression. Also encourages labor, enabling the expectant mother to relax and eases post-natal depression. Studies have found Clary Sage to be beneficial for its analgesic and relaxing effects and its ability to accelerate labor. It inhibits prolactin which is the hormone that floods our system after orgasm pushing us into the refractory period. Also soothes digestive problems. KEEP AWAY from your wife or girlfriend if pregnant! Use care not to get on your bed linens if you PE in bed, Clary Sage has been reported to cause vivid and sometimes weird dreams if placed on a pillowcase before bed. Lemongrass Essential Oil: (Cymbopogon flexuosus, steam distilled leaf/herb) It is tonic, digestive and vasodilator with anti-inflammatory and sedative properties. It stimulates the mind, lifts the spirit, and clears the head. Stimulates appetite, helpful with colic and indigestion. Prevents spread of contagious diseases. Great for aching muscles, relieves tired legs. Relieves fatigue, assists with jet lag. Aids in the flow of milk in nursing mothers. May be a dermal irritant. From Camden Grey's shopping cart site: LAV-40-4 ROSEM-2 CLAR-2 LEMONG-2 Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Lavender 40/42 essential oil Rosemary essential oil, Clary sage essential oil, Lemongrass essential oil Extra Virgin Olive Oil

4 oz. $13.44 2 oz. $4.40 2 oz. $9.38 2 oz. $6.38

Recommended usage For treatment of a thrombosis vein, I recommend hitting it with 5 minutes of heat first, longer if you like. Then apply EVO directly onto the affected area and massage it for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times per day. Apply liberally, and when done, do not wipe off skin unless you experience skin irritation. Your skin will continue to absorb the oils after your massage if you leave it on. I usually just pull on a pair of loose shorts and go about my business.


If you want to use it as a jelq lube, remember to test on a small area of skin first. Even if you've tested it somewhere other than your penis (which you should do), I would still recommend using it on a small area on your penis first, just to make sure it's okay on your unit before slathering it on for 20 minutes of stroking/jelqing. Again, I would always leave the lube on the skin when finished, or reapply before pulling on my shorts. I have noticed an increasing difference in my morning wood, now it's there every morning and over the past few weeks has increased in hardness. It is quite a thrill to be able to show off a real screamer to the wife every morning. Anyway, I'd love to be able to point to the oil... after all, it makes sense with a recipe designed to really stimulate blood flow and dilate the blood vessels, and the possible side benefit of inhibiting prolactin. _____________________________________________________________________ I used Hirudoid cream to treat my thrombosed vein and I was very pleased with how quick it worked. It didn't have a real strong odor either. It cleared up in less than 5 days. I don't have the technical expertise to analysis the ingredients to determine if the Hirudoid cream could have the same results on the veins as EVO oil does so, hopefully a more knowledgeable member will be able to help out. Here the link to a web site that sells Hirudoid and the following is a description copied from that site: Percutaneously active antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory Medicine Classification: General Sale Purpose: Topical treatment of superficial phlebitis and thrombosis. Inflamed varicose veins Follow-up treatment after sclerosing of varicose veins General care of the veins (prevention of phlebitis) Ingredients: 40g of cream contain: Mucopolysaccharide polysulfuric acid ester 300mg, (OrganaHeparinoid “Luitpold”) 25 000 you. General Properties: Hirudoid strongly inhibits inflammation, augments absorption of exudates and edema speedily relieves pain and tension in the afflicted region promotes regeneration of connective tissue. Hirudoid is well tolerated by the skin and other tissues and does not irritate the skin. Shortens the duration of the disorder. Haematomata and other soft tissue injuries. Softening of hard scars. To improve scars of injuries, burns, surgical operations etc. Warning: For external use only, avoid contact with the eyes and applying to bleeding or infected areas. Not to be used concurrently with Warfarin. Dosage: If not otherwise directed by the physician, a length of cream (3-5cm) should be applied to or gently massaged into the afflicted site once or twice daily. For the softening of hard scars the cream should be massaged forcefully into the area.


Varicocoele A varicocoele is literally a collection of varicose veins surrounding a testicle. This is a common condition affecting up to 15 per cent of males, almost exclusively on the left-hand side. This is because the left testicular vein empties vertically into the renal vein a long way up. The varicosities form when the valve system between these two veins fails, so that blood falls backwards under the pull of gravity. The right testicular vein enters directly into the major trunk vein (inferior vena cava) at an oblique angle, further down. Its A varicocoele is made up of veins that contain valves do not have to support the same inadequate valves and can be felt and sometimes be weight of blood as those in the left seen as a tortuous mass on the surface of the scrotum. testicular vein and are therefore much less likely to fail.

A varicocoele feels like a warm tangle of worms in the scrotum. It can cause an aching discomfort which is relieved by wearing an athletic support, but is often without symptom. It is traditionally believed that a varicocoele can trigger a fall in sperm count through keeping hot blood pooled within the scrotum rather than draining it away. Any increase in scrotal temperature damps down sperm formation, which ideally needs a temperature of 47°C less than core body temperature. Varicocoeles are therefore said to be linked with 30~40 per cent of cases of male infertility. This belief is now controversial, with many reproductive physiologists claiming that Varicocoeles have little effect on male fertility. A varicocoele will usually be surgically excised if the sperm count is compromised in a man wishing to have more children. Varicocoeles are also removed if they ache, but are otherwise left in place.


Penile Enlargement Exercises There are so many mixed opinions about penile enlargement (PE) exercises. Some have seen fantastic gains in as little as 2 months, while others have seen nothing after 6 month. Some have erections of steel, while other has a harder time attaining an erection. I am a national bodybuilder for many years and this is my look on it. As to date, I have gained 2 + inches, most of it being in the last 3 month. Basically, I look at my penis the same way as if it where any other muscle in my body, and take into consideration all the factors that determines muscle growth. Have you ever been to a gym before, then stop going, and returned a year later? What do you usually see? Well, for arguments' sake, let's say everyone that was there a year ago is still there. You will have some people who have gained a tremendous amount of weight, while others have gained very little, and most have gained nothing at all. Why? Where they not working out? Yes, but one must realize that there are so many factors that need to be there in order to make growth possible. You cannot expect growth just because you do the exercises. All the exercise does is to stimulate growth. Once you've done that, you must give your body what it needs to be able to achieve growth. Genetics will play a part as to how fast you will grow, but regardless of your genetics, EVERYBODY is capable of growth. The 2 most common reasons for little to no growth: • Your Diet • Overtraining The most important factor of all, and I cannot stress this enough is your DIET! 90% of people have a terrible diet. No breakfast, fast food, lack of vitamins and minerals, lack of proper calories, essential fat, protein, and the list goes on. I can go to the gym, do everything right, but if I do not have the proper diet, I will gain NOTHING and could even end up losing weight. So if you are serious about growth, look at your diet very carefully. Adding a multi vitamin will not solve your problem. If you don't have the proper diet, a multi V. will do very little for you. I know they really push the vitamins and minerals on this site, but that's only to make money. Yes, they are important, but there are many other factors to one diet that must be looked at. Over-training - Your biggest enemy. So many people are under the impression more is better. I see time and time again, people who go to the gym, and have the mentality that the more I do, the faster, and the bigger I'll grow. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am 5' 9", at a competition weight of around 210 5 % bf. 21 inch arms, 55 inch chest. And I do less sets and reps than 95% of the people in the gym. Why?? Simple, to attain growth you need to stimulate your muscle, telling it to grow. Let's take my biceps for example. I'll do three sets. 1 warm-up set, one heavier set, and the last set I will do to absolute failure. (You must have INTENSITY on the last set) What have I just done? I have put my muscle under stress that it is not used to, hence, it will adapt. How will it adapt, by growing. You only need that one set to stimulate growth. If I were to continue and do 3, 4, 6 more sets, the only thing that I am doing at this point, is tearing it down more. I am doing nothing to increase growth. So my body will need more nutrition, hormones, as well as time just to repair the muscle. My point being: MORE IS NOT ALWAY BETTER! What happens when you work on a muscle is that you tear it down. Your body repairs the damage that was done and the muscle adapts to new load by glowing bigger and stronger. If your body has not finished its repairs and you work it out again, you may be over-training, resulting in little to 155

no growth. Your body is going to work hard and struggle just to repair itself. So if I perform 10 sets instead of 3, then I may be doubling the time it takes to repair my muscle before it can adapt. So why would you do more, when it only slow (or stops) gains? There are two types of over-training - localized (Just a specific muscle) or entire body. In the context of penile enlargement, it is obviously only over-train locally. Most people are lacking the two most important factors that determine growth - diet and proper exercise. Find out what works for you; everyone is different. You cannot set a guideline that will work for everyone. Here is my experiment with PE: in the first month of following deligently the PE program, everyday my sex drive goes down, my erection got weaker and my stamina got worse. So instead of continuing the program, I stopped and analyzed why I was going down hill instead of up. My biggest mistake, I did exactly what the manual told me. So after months of experimenting, I am now having excellent gains with 2 + inches in length, 1 inch in girth, harder erection than ever before, and stamina has much improved. This is now my routine - 6 day's a week. 5-10 min hot wrap before and after 10-15 mines of jelqing, that's it! I usually never go over 10 min. But I make it an intense 10 minutes. Hard, slow jelq. And I make sure that when I do my stroke, my penis expands bigger than normal. I find that sometimes when I am not erect enough, I can still jelq, but I don't expand beyond normal size. You must make it bigger than normal in order to attain growth. I also find that I need to be around 80% erect to achieve gains, not 50-60% as I was told. I only do stretching 2-3 times a week, and no more than 5 min per session. I found that too much stretching, as well as pulling too hard was the biggest factor in my ED. It says that you can never do too many Kegel. Bullshit! Don't ever listen to that. You can! I do a good set of Kegel every 2 day. It took me about 1 month before I found out how to truly isolate the muscle. But once I did, the next day I was so sore, that I could barely walk. I was sore for about 3 day's after that. Give your PC time to recover. Don't think that doing them in the morning, when you drive, at the movies, at night, 5 times a day will make it stronger. For me, it is counterproductive to work it so often. Try to give it one intense workout every 1-2 day's. If you feel that you are over training, take a few days off. It will do you good than most people realize. If you are performing tons of Kegel a day, and have a hard time getting an erection, you should decrease your frequency. My Kegel workouts are very intense. If I perform them everyday, that's when I have trouble to attain, and maintain an erection. I can only perform them every 2 days. Anymore, and it's too much. Dedication - one must be dedicated to see any gains. Don't expect to see gains after a week. Give it times, they will come. This is only my personal experience and it may work for you too! Some people who have been doing this for a long time can handle much longer and harder session. My point is this: you will not grow just because you do the exercise. Do take into consideration all the other factors that determine growth, and learn how to do the exercise properly, and customize it for what works for you. Try not to look at what other people are doing, and copying them. What works for one person, may not work for others. Keep it simple, and don't over do it.

Physiologic Indictors (PIs) to help growth!


PIs (Physiologic Indicators) are the observable physical responses of your penis to the forces applied in PE. I break them down into Negative PIs, Positive PIs and Neutral PIs. Negative PIs: It is a sign that you are over training your unit; you need to cut back the amount of force/time applied. Symptoms: Pain / decreased nite and morning wood / decreased hardness of erections / numbness / discoloration / loss of size Positive PIs: You are on the right path that will give you growth Symptoms: Larger flaccid hang lasting all day / increased nite and morning wood / increased hardness of erections / increase of normal size Neutral PIs: they are neither obviously positive nor negative. They must be INTERPRETED in relation to other definite Positive or Negative PIs. Whether these Neutral PIs are positive or negative for YOU...will only become obvious when other DEFINITE Positive or Negative PIs begin to show. Symptoms: Temporary penis contraction after a PE workout / redness / spotting / slight achyness in your penis / increased size temporarily, a few minutes to a couple hours / edema in the penis skin Size loss or gain will give you the final word on whether you are being effective or not. First scenario: A beginner starts with a simple routine, 5 minutes warm-up followed by 5 minutes jelqing. He sees that when he is done, his unit is slightly larger, reddish and hangs fuller for a few minutes followed by some contraction. He also finds that he has improved night and morning wood. Together this is a good picture; the increased nite and morning wood indicates that the other Neutral PIs can be interpreted as Positive PIs. At that point, it would be sensible for this newbie to continue this routine and take measurement about once every one to two weeks. If after two weeks, all the PIs are the same, yet he has made no gains, he should increase his force and or time of PE. Why? Because there are no PIs indicating over training (Negative PIs), therefore his lack of growth is due to UNDER TRAINING. In this scenario, it would probably be smart to increase his jelq time to 10 minutes. This he should stay with, watching his PIs for indications of Negatives. Growth for most of us is a slim margin between too much and too little. If our Newbie ups his jelq to 10 minutes, and still has no Negative PIs. This indicates that he is still not into over training. Just say, after 2 weeks, he has attained 1/4 inch growth. This of course is the ultimate Positive PI, and he should STAY with his routine until he stops growing. Only then he should increase force/time. Let’s take a different scenario! 157

John has read the latest technique of hanging a bowling ball off his dick and decides to give it a try. First thing he notices is after the work out, his unit turtles up on him (Neutral PI). Later on he sees that morning and nite wood is gone. Finally, when he measures in about a week, he sees he has lost a half inch in length. This is a Negative PI indicator that tells him he is way into over training! The turtling, interpreted in light of the loss of size and loss of night and morning wood, is a Negative PI for him. John now knows that the contraction of his penis immediately after his workout is an early indicator of over training his unit. He stops completely and waits for his normal nite and morning wood to return, which it does in about one week. This is a good indicator that he has recovered from the excessive trauma and is ready get back in the game. Now John tries again, this time with a tennis ball. He sees that after his workout he gets slight shrinkage, which only lasts for 30 minutes. He finds his nite and morning wood improves, and after 2 weeks sees that he is starting to gain size. John now knows that contraction for 30 minutes or less, is an early Positive PI for him, and keeps that in mind whenever he makes any changes to his routine. Third and a more complex scenario Mr Dog finds that if he whacks his dick with a hammer, it turns purple, and shrinks up for a week. He loses his erections completely. Wisely, he decides to leave it completely alone for 4 weeks. Slowly his nite and morning erections return, his flaccid hang is now longer than before. He notices that when he is fully recovered, he has gained a half inch in length and an inch in girth. Here we have a definite Negative PI and a Neutral PI, but interpreted in the light of the final PI (that is, gains), we can say that for Dog, a shrunken and purple penis is a positive indicator of future growth for him, if he takes the time to fully recover. Recovery is determined by return of definite Positive PIs. Last scenario S. Knucklehead decided to try pumping. He is making slow and steady gains. His nite and morning wood is excellent, best in years. He also finds that his day time flaccid hang is longer than ever and fluffed out most of the day. Mr K knows from this experience that a longer, fluffed flaccid is a Positive PI for him that he is "in the zone". Mr Knucklehead decides to supercharge his pumping session by doing it while clamped. This technique not only feels great, it causes his dick to swell to all time new size with no lymphatic fluid (during the PE)! Knucklehead gets so enthusiastic that he does it for 5 sessions in one day! That nite Mr K. finds his wood is gone, as well as the mornings. He also finds that his penis is hanging shorter and more contracted. He measures himself over the next week and finds that he has lost a full one half inch. So even though he found that his unit was huge during the pumping, the resulting definite Negative PI's indicated that it was more trauma than his unit could handle. Mr K. learned that a swollen dick during PE could be a definite Negative PI for him! 158

Mr K took a week off and waited for night and morning wood, as well as normal flaccid hang to return to normal (Positive PIs). Mr K restarted his program, but with 5-10 minutes of clamped pumping. He carefully watched his PIs for indications of over training before adding any force/time. In conclusion, your penis has definite responses to the forces you use on it. Learn to read the Positives and Negatives, and interpret the Neutrals. Using these as guidelines for your workout, you will have a much better measure of the amount of force/time needed for you to achieve growth. ------------------------------------------I think that you WILL get growth if you get these two PI's. 1) You MUST see expansion DURIING or at least towards the end of your PE exercise. 2) You must see larger fuller flaccid hang most of the day following your exercises. My finding is: you may get a fairly nice flaccid during the day, but if you were not getting expansion during PE, you would not see progress. On the other hand, if you get GREAT expansion during my PE, but if it results in shrinkage that lasts more than 30-60 minutes, it means that you had OVERDONE IT...and you won't progress, or may even REGRESS! Adding the requirement of expansion during PE, or at least right afterward to the other PI requirements has gotten me back on track of gains. If I get expansion, but very little shrinkage afterward, gains start to accumulate. The trick is to expand the penis without traumatizing it. I think that is why the low to moderate forces, more frequently done seem to have the best long term gains. When I first started PE, I had the most incredible surge of "potency"; morning woods truly worthy of my namesake, and spontaneous woods reminiscent of awkward teenage years. But as I added reps to my routine and started working with greater levels of erection, at some point, I started to lose those benefits, and gradually ventured into ED land; at times I would have to rest for several days to get normal functionality back. Eventually, I ended up with a (thankfully) mild injury which set me back for a month. During my rest, I started thinking "long and hard" about how it all happened, and how I could safely get back into PE. I reasoned that the best program is to start with the minimum time/jelqs/sets needed to keep those morning woods harder than normal and get spontaneous woods, measure often to monitor progress, and only add to the routine in small increments. As soon as functionality is not better than "normal", and definitely if it decreases, cut back a little and keep an eye on the ruler and your unit. I was specifically thinking that If I were to start dry jelq again, I would start at only 20 per day and carefully increase by 10 every week or so; I doubt I would ever need to do as many 200/day again. Incidentally, I think being a little sore (and for me, getting a little endorphin rush, or "runner's 159

high") after a session is good as long as it goes away after several hours, but you should not be going to bad sore, in my experience.

If your erectile quality is excellent, but you are not are probably UNDERTRAINING! You should SLOWLY increase time/force while monitoring your erectile quality. At some point you should hit that magic amount of time/force. I recommend a small increase, then hold at that level for a week or two...there is a delay in seeing the effect it is having. If after a week or two, erections are still excellent, but no measurable changes...add another small increase. Continue like this until you find the right amount for you. This may take some time to pinpoint it, but it HUGELY increases your chance of real success. Those that are constantly making drastic changes in time/force and methods are really taking wild shots in the dark and praying they get something to work for them...usually they end up vastly over trained...resulting in ED, shrinkage, injuries etc. After you are gaining and later hitting a plateau...instead of increasing again, I recommend taking a week or two off. The ideal is to get gains with the LEAST force required. Too much force will lead to fibrotic changes that stop progress cold. Many times that will allow the workout to work again when you restart it. If it doesn't allow you to continue gaining...then go back to incremental increases. The guys that get the most continuous growth are the ones that use the least force needed, and maintain super is the ideal combination, plus these guys almost never see injuries.

Basic Penile Enlargement Exercises The "Jelq" Milking Method This is one of the best and most effective methods of naturally enlarging your penis naturally. This technique can be used by anyone, regardless of whether you’re young or old. Do these exercises once a day, five times a week. Here’s how: 1) Apply a generous amount of lubrication (KY Jelly, Nivea cream, Vaseline, etc.) 2) Standing or seated, using one hand, pull your penis pointing down gently but firmly. With the other hand, using your thumb and forefinger, proceed to "milk," that is, squeeze the blood from the base of your penis to your penis head in a milking motion. Each stroke should take anywhere between 2 to 3 seconds to complete. *Note: The best way to perform this and all of the other enlargement exercises are with your penis in a semi-erect state. The reason for this is blood flow. If your penis is not erect at all, there will not be enough blood in there to effectively perform these exercises. If your penis is fully erect, it will make it too hard to manipulate. 3) Do 100 repetitions. As your penis swells, apply more force. Take it easy the first couple of weeks, then after a month you can start applying more force. 160

4) End your “Jelqing” sessions by jiggling your penis up and down about 50 times (while you are doing this, protect your testes by covering them with your other hand!) * Note - After a couple of weeks on these enlargement programs, the skin behind the head of your penis (also known as the glans) may start to look puffy. This is a perfectly normal part of the enlarging process. You may, at that point, have to start using your other hand to help you in the milking part of the exercise. As you milk down with one hand, simply place your other hand firmly on the base of your penis, with your penis between your forefinger and middle finger with enough tension to pull the stretched skin back, so that you may be able to fully milk the entire length of your penis without the skin blocking your movement. The “Oriental Massage” Here’s another very good enlargement exercise to try: 1) Inhale deeply and "swallow" your breath. Mentally visualize pushing the breathed-in “energy” into your penis. Using your index, middle and ring fingers, push up on the area just behind your testes and just in front of your anus (the ‘taint) to “hold in” your stored energy. Keep this pressure constant for all of the pulling you are about to do. 2) Grasp your penis just behind the head and with a steady pull that should only be mildly uncomfortable (NOT PAINFUL!) Pull it straight out nine times, Then to the left nine times, then to the right nine times and then down nine times. 3) Get your penis semi-erect. Then make a circle around the base of your penis using your forefinger and thumb (like if you where making an “OK” sign.) Then milk towards the glans nine times. 4) After the last procedure, your penis should be fully erect or close to it. Grasp your penis just behind the head and pull it towards your left side. Start rotating your penis in circles with a “cranking” style. Do this nine times. Repeat the same procedure for your right side. 5) For your last pulling exercise, grasp your penis just behind the head and pull your penis straight out. Keeping the tension, touch the head of your penis lightly to the inside of your left thigh and then back out again. Do this a total of nine times. Repeat the same procedure for the other side. 6) After your stretching exercises, you should soak in a hot tub or a warm bath to relax the tissues of the penis; similar to relaxing your muscles after a heavy workout. You may also want to massage your penis at this time (or better yet, get someone to do it for you!) * Note- beginners should do these exercises about 3-5 times a week. After you get used to it, you can increase the pressure on your pulls gradually, and you can work up to doing these exercise twice a day. Once you reach your goals, you can easily maintain your progress by performing your exercises 2-3 times a week. Kegels and Super Kegels Kegels are one of the most important exercises for developing a really “fit” penis. Kegels can increase your staying time, improve the quality of your erections, can increase ejaculation power (meaning farther spurts) and in some cases, can help to restore proper functioning to the impotent.


To perform a Kegel, simply tighten your sphincter muscle as if you were trying to hold in a bowel movement. You should try for up to 50 - 5 second holds throughout the day, but remember to start off slowly! This is NOT an area that you want sore from fatigue! Increase the amount of holds as you see fit. Another variation of this exercise is the super-Kegel. It’s performed the same way as the regular Kegel, except you try to go for holding endurance instead of repetition quantity. Try to work up to 5-100 second holds spread out throughout the day. As with all exercise, it is important to implement progressive resistance. That is to increase the intensity of the exercises to keep gaining. One must note however that the penis, although pretty tough in its composition, can be damaged by over-vigorous activity. As a beginner, you should proceed rather carefully, and increase the intensity of your exercises gradually. NEVER induce pain! As you get more advanced, you can work up to the point of SLIGHT discomfort, but bringing on pain can cause the blood vessels in the penis to rupture, resulting in bruising and/or blistering. Within a first couple of weeks, you will probably notice a “heavy” feeling and some enlargement of your glans. This is perfectly normal and good, as long as there is no pain or loss of sensation involved with the swelling. If there is, you’re definitely using too much pressure! This good swelling is the first sign of growth. At this point, you may also notice small, light-colored stretch marks on your penis. This is also a part of rapid enlargement and will fade in time. You may want to use a good skin cream to help moisturize the area to reduce the stretch marks (VERY IMPORTANT! The skin on your penis is VERY sensitive to chemicals! Choose a MILD skin cream for this area of your body!) Also at this point, you have probably added 1/4-1/2”+ in length to your penis in the flaccid state, and 1/23/4”+ in the erect state. In time, you’ll grow even more, Advanced techniques Advanced techniques MUST NOT be attempted unless you have followed the regimen outlined above at least 3-6 months! By going straight through the advanced techniques, you can result in temporary or permanent damage to the penis! “Ultra-Jelq!” Assuming you have followed the regimen outlined in The Original For Men Only Manual for 3-6 months, this routine will give you the results you desire, given that you want to enlarge your penis beyond 1-2 inches. Well, if more enlargement is what you desire, it’s time to step up the intensity! One alteration that you'll make with the more intense version is to increase the length of each stroke to 3 to 5 seconds each - with an increased emphasis on making the grip tighter. You will begin by increasing your milking exercises by 20 more repetitions daily, per week. An example of this increase is as follows: Week 1 - 100 repetitions, 5 times per week Week 2 - 120 repetitions, 5 times per week Week 3 - 140 repetitions, 5 times per week And so on, and so on, until you reach your desired level of size, or 500 repetitions daily. Don’t forget the penile slapping after your sessions - to prevent blood clotting in veins! 162

Now let’s suppose that you need even more size, you may change your routine as follows - On alternating days of the week (example- Monday, Wednesday, Friday,) you will milk for 300 repetitions, twice daily. Weekly, you will increase the daily milking load by 20 repetitions DAILY. An example of this increase is as followsWeek 1 - 300 repetitions, 2 times daily, 3 times per week Week 2 - 310 repetitions, 2 times daily, 3 times per week Week 3 - 320 repetitions, 2 times daily, 3 times per week And so on, and so on, until you reach your desired level of size, or 500 repetitions twice daily. On the alternate days of the week (for example Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday), you will do a variation of The Oriental Massage. Instead of doing 9 repetitions in every direction, twice a day, you will be doing 20 repetitions in every direction, twice a day. Weekly, you will increase the repetition load by 5 repetitions per direction. An example of this increase is as followsWeek 1- 25 repetitions per direction, 2 times daily, 3 times per week Week 2- 30 repetitions per direction, 2 times daily, 3 times per week Week 3- 35 repetitions per direction, 2 times daily, 3 times per week And so on, and so on, until you reach your desired level of size, or 100 repetitions per direction, twice daily. This routine is very intense- because of this, we recommended that you perform these exercises on a 4 week on, 1 week off schedule - meaning that you perform the exercises for 4 weeks straight, then you take a week off to rest. This rest time is CRUCIAL, as your penis will need this period of time to recover! After your daily exercises, we recommend that you soak in a hot tub or bath for 20-30 minutes, to fully relax the tissues of the penis.

Advanced Specialized Lengthening Exercises The Tension Stretch I feel that this exercise gets the best results while done in a sitting position. Grasp your penis firmly behind the head, and wrap your other hand around the first hand for support. SLOWLY, pull forward while leaning back. Once you've achieved the maximum amount of tension that you can tolerate, hold for 10 seconds, then release tension and start again. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise. You may want to experiment with different directions of stretching to see which direction would be best for you. Finish of with a good soak in a warm tub. The "Side-to-side Stretch The Side-to-side stretch is a very simple exercise and it's perfect if performed after "The Squeeze." In a standing position, grab your penis (thumb side up) and pull it straight down (pointing it towards the floor.) With tension still on your penis, proceed to pull your penis to the left and then to the right. This counts as 1 rep. I recommend doing up to 1,000 (advanced), resting a bit after every 100 reps. The Leg Tuck Pull Lying on your back, grasp your semi-erect penis so that the thumb-side of your hand is pointing towards your body. Pull your penis in the direction of your feet. As you get a good stretch, SLOWLY try to raise your knees to your abdomen. This will produce a stretch unlike any you 163

have probably experienced. Sit back up to release tension. Do 25 repetitions of this exercise (to start.) Add more repetitions as you see fit. The "AC" Lengthening Technique Lying on your side with your upper body perpendicular to your legs, take your penis and pull it towards your anus. Tuck it in between your legs and then close your legs. Then, proceed to try to straighten your torso. You should feel a nice stretch! One thing though... after 5 minutes, you MUST look at the glans (to ensure proper circulation). This isn't the type of exercise that can be done for 15 minutes straight without checking "downstairs"! The Squeeze NOTE- this exercise is UNRELATED to kegels! Here's how you do "The Squeeze: With one hand at the base (with your thumb and forefinger in "OK" sign as if milking) and the other hand (same way) positioned just behind the head of the penis- SQUEEZE! Your penis should look VERY swollen and veiny. Hold this position for five seconds. Release, and start over. Do 50+ total reps, resting a bit every 10 reps or so (this is a hard exercise!) Mini-Jelqs for Glans Size Would you like to have a mushroom-shaped head? Use mini-jelqs to concentrate on the glans. Wrap one hand (or some fingers) around the lower half of your semi-erect penis. Wrap tight enough so that the semi-erection is maintained, but not so tight that you can't milk. With your other hand; starting from the exposed mid-shaft, milk slowly towards the glans. Every 5-10 strokes, squeeze the shaft with only the head exposed for a count of five so that the swollen head is forced to expand even more. Perform this routine before your regular PE routine. Of course, with practice, this supplemental routine should provide an extra stimulus for the glans to grow, if you feel you're lacking in that area. A Milking Variation for More Thickness If you want more thickness, you should milk with your penis ALMOST fully erect. That way, you can stretch the spongy tissues of the penis under more pressure. You should also cut down on the repetitions and perform them very slowly. Let's say you normally do 500 reps. Now do 50 to 100 reps at a 10-second count per stroke. Do your kegel exercises BEFORE your milking to flush the area with blood. I DO NOT suggest kegeling while milking, as you could pull a ligament this way! If you want to milk, but are not that interested in gaining width, just length, I suggest milking while your penis while it's ALMOST, but not quite flaccid. I'd also concentrate more on the stretching exercises. Overall, I feel the milking exercise to be better for thickness than length.

MORE Advanced Routines The "Jelq-Free" Routine It is an advanced routine, and it's especially good for adding some variety to your routine. Exercise #1 (for girth) The Squeeze [NOTE- this exercise is UNRELATED to kegels!]: with one hand at the base (with your thumb and forefinger in "OK" sign as if milking) and the other hand (same way) positioned just behind the head of the penis- SQUEEZE! Your penis should look VERY swollen and veiny. Hold this position for five seconds. Release, and start over. Do 50+ total reps, resting a bit every 10 reps or so (this is a hard exercise!)


Exercise #2- (for length) The "Side-to-side" stretch. It's a very simple exercise and it's perfect if performed after "The Squeeze." In a standing position, grab your penis (thumb-side up) and pull it straight down (pointing it towards the floor.) With tension still on your penis, proceed to pull your penis to the left and then to the right. This counts as 1 rep. They're quick to do, and I recommend doing up to 1,000 (advanced), resting a bit after every 100 reps. This routine is best performed by doing it 3 days a week (one day in between each.) Trust me when I say that your penis will need the rest for recovery and growth. The entire routine takes about 35 minutes to perform. If you're really short on time, you can do exercise #1 one day and exercise #2 the next. The Length/Girth Routine Day "A" will concentrate more on girth and day "B" on length. Day "A" or "Girth Day" Ensure that your penis is "warmed up." I prefer to sit in a warm tub. Some may prefer wrapping a warm cloth around the penis. After the warm up, with your penis semi-erect, perform 5 "squeezes" then do 50 jelqs. Repeat this cycle 5 times for a total of 25 squeezes and 250 jelqs. After the squeeze/jelq cycles, you may want to massage your penis and/or shake it a bit to loosen it up. The next few exercises will require that your penis be dry. Remove any lubrication that you may have used for jelqing. Next, we'll be moving on to the Advanced Oriental massage. With your penis semi-erect, grab it firmly behind the head and proceed to pull it straight out in front of you for a quick count of 1 second. Repeat for 20 repetitions. Now grab your penis and pull it towards the left and start "Cranking " it in a circular fashion; keeping constant tension the whole time. Do 20 circles. Pull it towards the right and repeat. Pull it upwards and repeat. Now, pull it downwards and repeat. Now, still keeping tension and your penis still pointing down, touch your penis to your left leg, then to your right. Repeat this 20 times. Once you are done with this, massage and or shake your penis some more, to get the blood flows. The last exercise is the Tension Stretch. I feel that this exercise gets the best results while done in a sitting position. Grasp your penis firmly behind the head, and wrap your other hand around the first hand for support. SLOWLY, pull forward while leaning back. Once you've achieved the maximum amount of tension that you can tolerate, hold for 10 seconds. Release tension and start again. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise. You may want to experiment with different directions of stretching to see which direction would be best for you. Finish of with a good soak in a warm tub. Day "B" or "Length Day": Leg Tuck Pull - Ensure that your penis is properly warmed up. Do 5 squeezes and 50 jelqs. Today, you do only TWO cycles of these exercises, for a total of 10 squeezes and 100 jelqs. Again, massage your penis; then clean any lube off of it. Now you are going to do the tension stretch as described on Day "A", except you're going to do 25 repetitions of this exercise on this day. Once you're finished with that exercise, move to the floor or your bed, so that you'll be able to lie down. 165

Lie on your back and grasp your semi-erect penis so that the thumb-side of your hand is pointing towards your body. Pull your penis in the direction of your feet. As you get a good stretch, SLOWLY try to raise your knees to your abdomen. This will produce a stretch unlike any you have probably experienced. Sit back up to release tension. Do 25 repetitions of this exercise. You should do your routines five times a week for four weeks straight. Your schedule should look like this: Week 1: Mon.: Day "A", Tue.: Day "B", Wed.: A, Thu.: B, Fri.: A Week 2: Mon.: B, Tue.: A, Wed.: B, Thu.: A, Fri.: B Week 3: Mon.: A, Tue.: B, Wed.: A, Thu.: B, Fri.: A Week 4: Mon.: B, Tue.: A, Wed.: B, Thu.: A, Fri.: B Week 5: Rest- you're going to need it for maximum recovery and growth! After you've done a few five week cycles of this regimen, you may want to start adding and subtracting repetitions as you see fit.


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