MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • M&As are financial transactions that involve a change in the control of a company:
Control Change
Operation Changes: - New controlling shareholders - New board of directors - New management - New business strategy
• M&As are a conseuence of changing mar!ets and competitive competitiv e environments
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • The buyer or acquiror may be: - An operating operating company "the most common# - A group of managers - A group of financial investors - A combination of the three • The seller side may be: - $he board of directors - A controlling shareholder
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Fiacial !us"i#ica"io: $he acuisition will increase the per-share value of the acuirer over the long term OR
Cash %lows from the transaction Cost of the Acuisition
• $he seller will be immediately paid for the acuisition's e(pected benefits "if made in cash# OR
• $he seller will reali)e a premium over the trading mar!et stoc! price "if made for stoc!s#
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Geerally Acce$"ed Rules o M%As& *+ ,ure conglomerate conglomerate acuisitions acuisitions do not necessarily necessarily create new shareholder value + Counter cyclical acuisitions acuisitions do do not necessaril necessarily y create value .+ $he mar!et does not reward purely acuisiti acuisition-induced on-induced growth
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Geerally Acce$"ed Rules o M%As& "cont+# /+ 0elated diversification diversification can be an important important means of creating value in acuisitions 1+ Acuisitions Acuisitions can can be an important important means of reachi reaching ng a critical mass2 where si)e is an important industry factor 3+ Acuisitions Acuisitions are are a ta(-effic ta(-efficient ient means of investing investing e(cess corporate funds
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • There are "hree di##ere" 'alui( $ar"ies i a acquisi"io&
*+ $he 4uyer
5alue 6 7C% of: - 8ong-term operating business business - $otal or partial liuidation of the business - 9ynergies from the restructuring of both businesses
+ $he 9eller
5alue 6 7C% of the best available alternatives
.+ A ,otential Competing 4uyer
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • )alua"io Techiques& - DCF& $he most fundamental method of measuring value "cash# - Acquisi"io Mul"i$les& 4enchmar! values based on multiples of earnings2 boo! value2 etc+ - *remium o'er Mar+e" Tradi( )alue& ,ercentage premium paid to public shareholders shareholders - ,iquida"io )alue& Amount of cash that could be reali)ed if a company sells all of its assets and pays off its liabilities in the near future - Re$laceme" )alue& Cost of starting up a similar
company from scratch
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS )alua"io Techiques& DCF • )alua"io - S"e$ ./a valuation of historical and pro;ections of operating characteristics of the company2 specifically: < =nit growth rate of sales < 0ate of price increases < Cost of goods sold as a percentage of sales < 7epreciation as a percentage of net fi(ed assets < of 9elling2 sales general2 and administrative e(penses as a percentage < ffective ta( rate < >or!ing capital reuired as a percentage of sales < Net fi(ed assets reuired as a percentage of sales
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS )alua"io Techiques& DCF • )alua"io - S"e$ ./b 7efinition of specific economic and industry assumptions: < ?nflation < ?ndustry si)e and unit growth rate < Mar!et share changes within the industry
- S"e$ ./c 7efinition of scenarios by grouping varying sets
of the economic assumptions into: ACC "!#: Optimum 8evel of 7ebt 6 B - 1B debt to total capital
>ACC >A CC "weighted average cost of debt and euity# is defined by: + = +E>? equi"y@ +$>. - "@>? deb"@B 6here&
+E +$
6 cost of euity 6 cost of debt "pre-ta(#
6 marginal ta( rate
6 percentage of debt to total capital ? equi"y 6 percentage of euity to total capital
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS )alua"io Techiques& DCF • )alua"io - S"e$ 4/ Calculate >ACC "!#:"cont+# Cost of 7ebt >+$@ 6 medium to long-term borrowing rate Cost of uity >+E@ = r # >r m - r # @E where
r f 6 long-term ris! free rate r m 6 long-term return on the mar!et β 6 systematic ris! factor of the company and its industry r m - r f 6 long-term real return on the mar!et "usually estimated between . and D+1#
6c cash ash flow flow co comp mpon onen entt F tter ermi mina nall co comp mpon onen entt 6 ,5 of unleveraged %C%s for each pro;ection year
"discounted at !# F ,5 of the terminal value of the firm at the end of the pro;ection period "discounted at !#
=nleveraged %C% 6 %C% F "interest e(pense#"* - ta( rate#
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • )alua"io Techiques& Acquisi"io Mul"i$les - Eari(s Mul"i$les& =se unleveraged acuisition multiples 6 gross acuisition price G operating earningsE @ross a ac cu uiisition pr price
6 total pr pricedebt pa paidowed ffo or e e by uityacuired Fm ma ar!ecompany tv va alue o off
Operating arnings
6 earnings before interest and ta(es "4?$# 6 preta( earnings F interest e(pense
*ossible Dis"or"ios& < Non-comparable accounting principles underlying earnings < Amount Amount of debt associated with an acuired company < Cyclicality of earnings
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • )alua"io Techiques& Acquisi"io Mul"i$les - oo+ )alue Mul"i$les& =seful ON8L for industries where a company's boo! value plays a role in determining future profitability+ (amples: < ?n rate-of-return regulated industries2 such as telephone2 electric2 and gas utilities2 where the company's future earnings are limited to a defined return on the company's euity mer(er@& Y merges merges into X to to form XY AN7 AN7 at least /B-1B of the consideration paid for Y consists consists of euity securities of X 3/ Reor(aia"io >s"oc+ $urchase@& X purchases purchases at least DB of the voting stoc! of Y 2 using only voting stoc! of X in in payment
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Fiaci( a Acquisi"io& Ob"aii( Ta0 De#errals
4/ Reor(aia"io >asse" $urchase@& Y transfers transfers all of its assets "with or without liabilities# to X in in e(change for voting stoc! of X 5/ Reor(aia"io >#or6ard "ria(ular mer(er@& Y merges merges in to S "a subsidiary of X # and X retains retains *BB ownership of S+ Y’s former shareholders shareholders receive /B to 1B euity securities of X to to satisfy the continuity-of-in continuity-of-interest terest
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Fiaci( a Acquisi"io& Ob"aii( Ta0 De#errals
:/ Reor(aia"io >re'erse "ria(ular mer(er@& S merges in to Y "a "a subsidiary of X # and X receives receives all of the voting securities of Y + Y’s former shareholde shareholders rs receive solely voting stoc! in X - The most commonly commonly used structures for tax-free acquisitions are (4) (4) and and (5) (5),, the triangular mergers
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Fiaci( a Acquisi"io& Ob"aii( Ta0 De#errals
ha" ha$$es "o "he selli( shareholders i a "a0 #ree reor(aia"io
- ?f shareholders shareholders receive euity securities from the acuiror he maintains a carry over basis in the new security ?f shareholders receive "s#he owes a capital cash or debt gains ta( on his gain - ?f shareholders receive a mi(ture
"s#he may have dividend treatment on the cash portion
Recognition of gain or loss by shareholders will have no imact on the
target comany
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Fiaci( a Acquisi"io& Ob"aii( Ta0 De#errals
Subsidiary Di'es"i"ures& - Section !"" of the #R$ allows a comany to distribute a subsidiary to its stoc%holders in & ways' ./ S$i-o##& the shares in the subsidiary are distributed as
a pro-rata dividend to the company's common stoc!holders 3/ S$li"-o##& one or more stoc!holders of the company e(change their shares for shares in the subsidiary2 on a nonpro rata basis
< 4oth2 distributing company and subsidiary must have conducted an active trade or business for 1 years preceding the date of the transaction2 and not have been acuired during that period < $he distribution transaction must transfer at least DB control of the subsidiary from the company to its stoc!holders < $he transaction must be supported by a non ta( corporate business purpose
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Fiaci( a Acquisi"io& Ob"aii( Ta0 De#errals
Subsidiary Di'es"i"ures& - Section !"" conditions to be used as a tax saving device for divestitures' divestitures'
< $he divesting company cannot arrange to sell the subsidiary to a third party < $he distributing company receives no cash consideration for its euity in the subsidiary and is effectively shrin!ing its capitali)ation
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS • Fiaci( a Acquisi"io& Accou"i( As$ec"s - $here are two principal methods of accounting accounting for
acuisitions of control of a company: < (ooling )ethod *ccounting' which applies e(clusively to acuisitions using the acuiror's common stoc!s < (urchase )ethod' which applies to all other forms of acuisitions
MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS Accou"i( "i( • Fiaci( a Acquisi"io& Ob"aii( *ooli( Accou *ooli( o# I"eres" Me"hod o# Accou"i(& - +enefit' %avorable effects on the reported earnings per
share ",9# of an acuiror when the target is being acuired for a high multiple of its earnings - Requirements '
< $he merger must be for common stoc!s of the acuiror < No subsidiaries < Mutual independence
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