Malifaux 2E Turn Sequence

February 15, 2017 | Author: petecamps | Category: N/A
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Malifaux 2E Turn Sequence...


Malifaux 2E - Turn Sequence Turn Sequence (30/34) 1. Draw Phase 2. Initiative Phase 3. Activation Phase 4. End Phase 1. Draw Phase (30/34)

-Shuffle the discard pile into the draw pile to form a new draw pile -Discard any number of cards -Draw cards to meet a hand size of six. -This may be larger with abilities -May spend a soulstone to draw another two cards. This is done in order of the player who deployed first during the first turn or the first player of the last turn in subsequent turns. -Discard down to meet maximum hand size.

2. Initiative Phase (31/35)

-Flip for initiative; done by each player flipping the top card of their draw pile. -If both players are tied, reflip until there are two separate values -Use soulstones, beginning with the player with the lowest value, to choose to reflip. -Once both players decide then the players who spent the soulstones may reflip. If both players tie, continue reflipping until there are two separate values -Determine first player by the player who has the highest card.

3. Activation Phase (32/35)

-Beginning with the first player, players alternate activating their models. -Players must choose a model that has not yet activated -If a player has activated all their models their place in the activation order is skipped -Once all players have activated all their models, proceed to the end phase.

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A Models Turn (33/36)

1. Resolve Activation Effects -Any effects that resolve at the start of a model’s activation take place now. Remove Defensive Condition. 2. Generate AP -Masters generate 3 AP and all others 2 AP -Some get additional APs for certain actions 3. Take Actions and Spend APs 4. End Activation -Effects that happen at the end of a models activation happen now (Paralyse, Fast and Slow Conditions are removed) Activation Phase Action Flow (35/37) a. Declare an Action and Spend AP -Announce an action the model is taking and any targets. -Must have LOS and within range (40) b. Decide to use Soulstones -Masters and Henchmen only c. Perform Duels (16/30) d. Resolve Results -Resolve Movement (44/42) -Resolve Damage (51/46) -Resolve Healing (53/47) General Actions (39/39) (2) Charge: Model must not be engaged to do this action. Target a model in LOS. Move this model up to its Cg in a straight line. This model must end its move with the target model within its engagement range or this action may not be taken. Model then makes two Range x Attack Actions against target model, each with a cost of 1 AP. (#) Interact: Model must not be engaged to do this action. Performed as part of another rule, usually a Strategy or Scheme. Effects are listed under the rule.

(#) Defensive Stance: Model discards a card from their hand. Model gains the following Condition until the start of the next Activation. They gain this condition a number of times equal to the number of AP spent. “Defensive +1: This model gains + to all Df duels.” (1) Focus: Model gains the following condition till the end of the turn: “Focused +1: Model may remove this condition when declaring an Action to gain a number of + to the Action’s duel and damage flip equal to the value of the Focused Condition removed.” (1) Place Scheme Marker: Model may place a crew specific scheme marker in base contact with themselves and not within 4” of another marker. These markers can be used to score victory points, depending on the scheme.

Use of Soulstones (29/28)

-Add a + to the flip -Defending against an Attack Action to add + to Defence flip and impose a - to any damage flip as a result of the Attack. -May also add a suit to the final total by spending another soulstone. -Damage Prevention -Healing

Duel Basics (16/26)

+: Flip additional cards and keep the highest -: Flip additional cards and keep the lowest but cannot cheat fate. + and - cancel each other out Black Joker: Must be chosen and represents a zero and no suit. Cannot cheat fate. Red Joker: As long as the black joker is not flipped, the red joker (representing 14 and any one suit), may always be chosen even with negative flips. Other player cannot cheat fate.

(1) Walk: Model moves up to its Wk.

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Malifaux copyright of Wyrd Publishing LLC

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Malifaux 2E - Turn Sequence Cheat Fate (19/28)

Black Joker




Red Joker





Severe + Weak

Simple Duel (22/30)

-Declare Soulstone Use: Declare how many soulstones will be used and how they you will be using them -Flip Card and Add Stat -Choose to Cheat Fate -Declare One Trigger: This happens after step 5 -Determine Success: Must be equal to or exceed the TN to succeed

Opposed Duel (25/32)

-Declare Soulstone Use: Declare how many soulstones will be used and how they you will be using them. Defender chooses first -Flip Card and Add Stat: Defender chooses which card is used first -Choose to Cheat Fate: Lowest total chooses first -Declare One Trigger: This happens after step 5. The Defender's is resolved first -Determine Success: Attacker must be equal to or exceed the Defender and any TN to succeed.

Accuracy Flip Result





0 6 12 18 24

1 7 13 19 25

2 8 14 20 26



No modifier

3 9 15 21 27


4 10 16 22 28

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Burning: During the Upkeep Step, any model

Damage Flip Result

Once a model has chosen their active card, as long as it does not have a - they may cheat by replacing it with a card from their hand.

5 11 17 23 29

Damage Prevention and Healing Flip

Black Joker








Red Joker All

4. End Phase (32/35)

-Upkeep -Effects that do not list duration or end at the end of turn end now -The effected model’s owner determines the order of expiring effects (Burning, Poisoned, Focused, Reactivate). -Earn Victory Points -Strategies earn a maximum of 4 VP. -Schemes earn a maximum of 3 VP ea. -Check for Encounter End beginning on Turn 5 -The first player flips a card. If it is a 10+ play continues. Add +1 for each turn after the 5th. -Once the game ends players earn VP for end game goals

with the Burning condition suffers an amount of damage equal to the Burning value. The effect is then removed. -Any model within 2”, including the burning model, may take a (1) Interact Action with the burning model to remove 1 from its Burning value. If the value reaches 0, the condition is removed.

Poisoned: During the Upkeep Ste,p any model

with the Poisoned condition suffers 1 damage that may not be reduced or negated. After damage is dealt, lower the value of the Poison by 1, removing the condition if the value hits 0.

Victory Points Strategy


Scheme 1

Scheme 1

Scheme 2

Scheme 2

Game End





1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10

11+ 12+ 13+ Red Joker Auto

Number in brackets designates page number for small rulebook/large rulebook

Malifaux copyright of Wyrd Publishing LLC

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