Male Multiple Orgasms

April 27, 2017 | Author: azk_khan | Category: N/A
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How to be a multiorgasmic man...


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Table of Contents Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………4 2. A Timeless Origin ……………………………………………………………………….5 3. Sexual Arousal Cycles Revisited …………………………………………………..6 4. The Truth About Multiple Vs Ejaculatory Orgasms …………………………7 5. The Concept of "Plateauing" ………………………………………………………..8 6. How Are Multiple Male Orgasms Possible? ……………………………………10 7. Preparatory Phase ………………………………………………………………………12 8. The Moment of "Tantalizing Release" ……………………………………………15 9. Techniques Of Multi-Orgasmic Men ……………………………………………..16 10. An Advanced Technique ………………………………………………………………19 11. Challenges To Becoming Multi-Orgasmic ………………………………………21 12. A Final Word ……………………………………………………………………………….23 13. Leaked Chapter: Male G-Spot Massage - Pleasure Guide For Exquisite P-Gasms …………………………………………………………………..24 Recommended Reading …………………………………………………………………….42

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Introduction… Multiple orgasms are common in women. You come across it in a number of text and literature. But did you know that guys are equally capable of these series of orgasmic delights? It‘s true. Any man can experience multiple orgasms, if he only learns how to go about it. Before you learn how to develop the ability to achieve multiple orgasms, you must first know exactly what they are. Multiple orgasms are defined as a series of orgasms that follow one another without the need for a man to rest. There is little loss of sexual arousal or "downtime" in between. If you think that the male multiple orgasms are about getting your erection back within a few moments of ejaculation, well, think again. A man who loses his erection in between his ejaculations is not really having multiple orgasms. In order to have multiple orgasms, it is necessary for you to retain your erection without ejaculating. You can only have an ejaculation after the final orgasm.

Any man is capable of becoming “multiorgasmic”. It only requires a basic understanding of male sexuality and the application of certain sexual techniques…

This is not the same as achieving two or more orgasms in one sexual encounter with periods of rest in between. A multi-orgasmic man has the ability to maintain his erection, even though he has already had an orgasm, and Copyright ©


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

continue to have sex leading from one orgasm to another. Unlike most guys, a multi-orgasmic man does not lose his erection ability after his initial orgasm. He can continue to enjoy a second, third or even a fourth climax without resting.

A Timeless Origin The concept of multiple orgasms has been around for a long time. It has been a common idea within Tantric circles for over 3,000 years. The surprising thing is that these facts still remain unexplored, even in this day of sexual awareness and liberal thought. Even in the 1940s and 50s, there had been a lot of research in the West regarding multiple orgasmic capabilities in men. A plausible explanation may be found in the fact that until recently, there were a lot of inhibitions involved in discussions about sex.

The concept of male multiple orgasms is not a new one. This has been practiced for over 3,000 years in tantric circles…

Till today, you will be surprised at the level of ignorance and misinformation that surrounds the topic of sex. It is my hope that this guide will help you gain a better understanding about your sexual pleasure and awareness, as well as techniques that will put you on the path towards unimaginable multiple orgasmic delights!

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Sexual Arousal Cycles Revisited Before we proceed further, it is important for you to understand what the 'technicalities' or fundamentals behind male multiple orgasms are (these are covered in the main Ejaculation By Command book, but are worth a recap here). 1. The Phase Of Excitement: 


The phase of erection

An increase in the heart rate

Increase in size and testicular height

Erection of the nipples

2. The Phase Of The Plateau 

Greater increase in the size of the testicles and the head of the penis

Full increase in the height of the testicles

A purplish color to the corona, although not present at all times


A quickening of breath

3. The Phase Of Orgasm

For a man to achieve multiple orgasms, the “plateau phase” has to be sustained after the initial orgasm and before the next climax… successive orgasms are also stronger than the previous ones…

Emission 

Fluid and sperms are pushed out from the prostate gland

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Rigidity in the muscles. This signifies an impending ejaculation

"Point of no return" or ejaculation inevitability

Ejaculation 

The sphincter shuts down

There are contractions in the prostrate and the perineal muscles. This is the time ejaculation actually occurs

A temporary feeling of drowsiness as the pleasure peaks and then subsides

4. The Phase Of Resolution 

The first stage is marked by a loss of an erection

The scrotum thins out and the testes come down

The rigidity experienced during erection reduces

Heart rate and blood pressure also decrease

The Truth About Multiple Vs Ejaculatory Orgasms Both multiple orgasms and ejaculatory ones basically start off in the same manner. Your pleasures peak gradually and then reach a point where they cannot be controlled any more. This is called the ―point of no return‖ (PNR) or ―ejaculation inevitability‖. This is the point Copyright ©


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

where spasms rack your body. These are ‗pelvic orgasms‘ that you experience. They may feel like a flutter at first and cause a lessening of the intense pressure. After some time, these get more intense. The purpose of all pelvic exercises and strengthening mechanisms is to help you understand the difference in these stages. If you can control your arousal at this point

Strengthening the pelvic or PC muscles holds the key to improving sexual stamina and achieving male multiple orgasms…

of time, you will find the sensations getting more intense and lasting longer. That is the foundation for more powerful and long lasting orgasms - without the ejaculation, of course! The point is to reduce all your stimulation when you feel yourself getting into the point of no return. This should last till you feel your arousal abating for some time. Once you have control over your excitement, you can start stimulation again. You can control this excitement by contracting or squeezing the pelvic muscles.

The Concept of "Plateauing" The build-up to sexual arousal starts at the baseline or "ground zero". This is a state where there is no sexual stimulation - and you are not aroused. After a few moments, you experience a buildup in your arousal level. How fast you get there depends on how long you have Copyright ©


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

been without sex and the kind of stimulation you are receiving. If you are receiving a stimulation that gets you excited faster, you will have a quicker arousal and erection. Of course, this is not very conducive to multiple orgasms. The most important thing you need to remember is that the build-up has to be slow. If you get too excited too fast, ejaculation will be inevitable. When that happens, you cannot have multiple orgasms. "Plateauing" is a stage of arousal that can be maintained for a longer period of time. This is a stage of heightened excitement that leads to the final orgasm. It is referred to as the plateau because this is where your

The final orgasm may result in ejaculation, if the man decides so.

pleasure remains at a constant. There is no perceptible increase in this stage. Of course, the stages are not clearly distinguishable at the outset. One blends into the other so you will need some amount of practice before you are able to distinguish between them clearly. Here is how you distinguish between a single orgasm and multiple ones. In a single orgasm, you come across the plateau stage very quickly. Before you know it, you are over it and onto the point of no return. In a multiple orgasm stage however, you sustain yourself at this plateau phase between the different orgasms. In this way, you are able

The arousal pattern of multiorgasmic men follows closely that of women… instead of declining acutely after an ejaculation, it tapers off gradually.

to have more intense orgasms progressively.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

You can continue this for a long time before you decide to go for ejaculation. In fact, you can have a series of orgasms without ejaculating at all. If you have well-toned pelvic muscles and a heightened sense of sexual awareness, you can continue with the orgasms without ejaculating. This will help you feel satisfied without feeling exhausted. If you can achieve this, you will be following a system that is biologically inherent in women. You will be able to have longer-lasting orgasms without ejaculating in a few quick minutes.

How Are Multiple Orgasms Possible? Wondering how you can make male multiple orgasms become a reality? It‘s simple really. There are two fundamentals here. The first thing you need to understand is that sexual response is exactly the same for both men and women. The basic difference lies in the male ejaculation. Women who have multiple orgasms have it because they do not ejaculate during the act. There are of course some women who have the ability to ejaculate during orgasms. However, that is not what we will be discussing here. Multiple orgasms can only become a reality for a man if

It should be noted that an orgasm and ejaculation are two different, distinct outcomes. To achieve multiple orgasms, you need to develop the ability to separate orgasm and ejaculation…

he is able to postpone ejaculation. If you pull this off, you Copyright ©


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

can experience more than 5 orgasms during any sexual encounter. Try and understand the relationship between ejaculation and multiple orgasms. Ejaculation is the main factor behind what we call the Refractory Period. This is basically the time after the male ejaculation during which an erection is NOT possible, even with continued stimulation. At this time, the male organ is very sensitive, the erection is gone and the penis cannot be stimulated just yet because of its sensitivity. It is easier for women. Most do not ejaculate and therefore do not have to go through this phase. Most men assume that ejaculation and orgasm are the same things. Since they happen so close to each other, men often fail to differentiate between the two. Do you remember the time you had orgasms as an adolescent? Do you remember the thrill and the pleasure? Can you even imagine the pleasure you‘ll feel with multiple orgasms? The second key to achieving multiple orgasms is learning how to separate your orgasm from your ejaculation. Once you understand the physical difference between an orgasm and ejaculation, you will be able to stop the latter and experience multiple orgasms at will.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Controlling your arousal to prevent an ejaculation will involve a lot of control over your pelvic floor muscles. The pelvic floor or PC muscles help you in stopping ejaculations. In fact, men who experience persistent premature ejaculations are advised to tone up and strengthen these "love muscles" as a cure. So where are the PC muscles located? Easy! The next time you pee, try and stop the flow midway. The muscles you feel contracting are the PC muscles. If you have difficulty stopping the flow, your muscles are not really toned. You will have to strengthen these before you can experience multiple orgasms. Don‘t confuse "squeezing" your PC muscle with "relaxing" it. You will need to differentiate between the two if you want to gain more control over them. When you are squeezing the PC muscles, you should feel as if something is being drawn towards you. When you are pushing it downwards, it is akin to making a bowel movement. Remember, gaining control over your PC muscles will take some time and practice. Don‘t expect to be able to distinguish between them within a few minutes!

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Preparatory Phase Let‘s face it - you cannot have multiple orgasms by just thinking about it! This is something you will need to learn. As mentioned earlier, you have to identify your PC muscles first. You will have to learn how to control it. You will be able to do these with exercise and experience. Start off with a few minutes of practice every day. Take it easy in the beginning. Too much stress within a short period of time can do you more harm than good- so don‘t overdo it! Try and aim for 5 minutes of exercise in the beginning. Once you can do that, you can do the exercises anywhere. It will be so natural that no one will be able to tell that you are exercising. You should learn how to exercise alone for a start and then progress to practicing it with your partner. In fact, it can be a wonderful journey for the both of you. If you prefer gaining control over your arousal in private, there is nothing to stop you. In fact, some guys achieve better results this way, because they can manage the pace and focus entirely on themselves. This is a preparatory exercise to begin toughening up your PC muscles for multiple orgasms.

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Achieving male multiple orgasms requires sufficient preparation. This can be done by toning the PC muscles through masturbatory techniques, either on your own or with a partner…


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Relax. This is essential for your practice. You can never get the best out of either sex or exercise if you are stressed out and impatient. If you feel too tense, take a shower or listen to some music before you start off. Remember, this is just a part of increasing your pleasures - you are not meeting deadlines or achieving targets here! 1. Start masturbating and continue till you reach the point of no return. Take it nice and slow. You should be able to tell the difference in the various stages that your body is going through. This is the very purpose of the whole exercise, so don‘t ignore this. Try and understand the feelings that go through your body just before it reaches the point of no return. At this point, squeeze the PC muscles, hold them and count to 10. Then release and take a 10-count break. Once you feel the excitement starting to abate, resume with the stimulation again. Repeat till you reach the point of no return once more. 2. After a few repetitions, you should be able to hold your erections for a longer time. If you stopped stimulation at the plateau stage during your first attempt, you should be able to get closer to the point of no return this time - get as close as you can and then perform the squeeze again. You should be closer than you were earlier. Squeeze or contract those muscles again and hold them for as long as you can without tipping over.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

The Moment of "Tantalizing Release" This builds up from the preparatory exercise, except that this time you will keep going until you actually achieve an orgasm. Just before you reach the point of orgasm, you will experience several contractions in your penis. They start off at the base and then spread deeper. You should stop all stimulation just before or as you reach this point. Squeeze your pelvic muscles tight. You will feel like ejaculating - but don‘t let go just yet. Hold it back by squeezing the muscles TIGHTLY. If you can pull this off, you will wipe out that refractory phase and be on the way to multiple orgasms. You may leak out some semen when you are trying to control yourself. However, as long it does not come out as in an ejaculation, you are okay. If you can hold back the ejaculation, start off with the masturbation again. You should still feel excited and highly aroused, just as if you had not ejaculated at all. Continue this for some time, till you have an orgasm again. If you are unsuccessful, don‘t panic. Either you have weak muscles (and they can be improved), or you just squeezed the muscles at the wrong time. If you experience multiple orgasms, enjoy them! Try and get more orgasms later on. If you get more than two and still feel dissatisfied, think about the number you were getting before! Copyright ©


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

But remember, the whole point of this exercise is to understand your body and arousal patterns better. The entire process becomes useless if you don‘t learn the different stages your body is going through at each point. The good news is, this exercise is only temporary - that is, you do not have to do it for good. Your stages of sexual arousal do not change with time. So, once you understand these better, you don‘t need to perform the same exercises again.

Techniques Of Multi-Orgasmic Men There are a number of techniques you can use to become multi-orgasmic. Perhaps one of the greatest methods is to share the ideas with your partner. It may increase your bonding with your partner. How you use this new ability is entirely up to you of course, I just promise you that it will be worthwhile! Try this exercise: 1. You will need to sit back and relax when you are trying out this technique. You will need to have plenty of time. The environment should be friendly and cozy. You cannot try this in an unfamiliar setting (don‘t even think about it at work)!

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Involving your partner in your quest to achieve multiple orgasms can be an excellent bonding opportunity…


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

2. Your second step should be about conscious relaxation. Mild aerobic exercises work, but don‘t stress yourself out too much. After a few moments, sit on a bed or couch and take deep relaxing breaths. Focus on the invisible energy floating around you. Feel the pleasure as it peaks. 3. Once you are relaxed, start the stimulation. Conjure up erotic images or fantasies if these help you. Use whatever to takes to get you going. Focus on the buildup of pleasure. 4. Once aroused, focus on other parts of your body. Feel the sensation coursing through your arms, chest, thighs or inner legs. You have to be sensitive in all these areas if you want to experience multiple orgasms. 5. Continue masturbating and try to increase your arousal. Just don‘t go overboard immediately. Go to the point of no return and then stop stimulation. Let the arousal taper off, take some deep breaths and then resume stimulation. 6. Let your arousal peak this time. When you are about reach an orgasm, squeeze those PC muscles I told you about. You can feel the pleasure coming in waves. Focus on the whole-body pleasure and not just your genitals. The squeeze will prevent you ejaculating - but the pleasure will be no less intense.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

7. Use this new found control to get as much pleasure as you wish. You can even adapt these techniques to get multiple orgasms with your partner. After all, communication is the best ingredient to any relationship! The Finger Lock Now I'm going to show you how to stop the semen once you are passing through the point of no return, where ejaculation is inevitable. When you attempt to use the Finger Lock to prevent semen from ejaculating once you have passed the point of no return, you will lose your erection. However you may find that it returns more quickly. This is what you do: 1. When you sense you‘re close to an ejaculation, press the three middle fingers of your dominant hand into the perineum just in front of the anus, just hard enough to prevent semen from coming out. 2. Your fingers should curl slightly and your middle finger should push directly against the urethral tube. This tube expands when you are nearing an ejaculation, so it there should be little trouble finding it. Your two other fingers should press firmly on each side of the tube to hold it in place.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

3. Contract or squeeze your PC muscle, which encircles the prostate, and pull up your perineum. 4. Hold your fingers in place before, during, and after the contractions. 5. When the contractions have stopped completely, remove your fingers. If you're applying pressure to the right spot on the perineum, no semen will come out. In the event that semen flows out, it just means you have not found the right spot to press. Try to move your fingers slightly nearer to the anus next time, and make sure you are pushing firmly into the indentation. If you are wondering if you did the exercise correctly, try urinating into a cup. If the urine is clear, you are doing it right. If the urine appears cloudy, it means the semen is absorbed into your bladder in a retrograde ejaculation. If this happened, try moving your three fingers back slightly toward your anus the next time round.

An Advanced Technique This technique is a little more advanced. It takes some practice and plenty of self-control but once you master this, it will give you the most POWERFUL orgasm you‘ve ever experienced!

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In many ways it's like the famed 'Stop-Go' method we hear about so often and similar to what I‘ve shared with you above. The difference is that, instead of stopping when you feel yourself approaching the point of no return, you have to gently edge right up to the point when you feel the semen being released, but just before the orgasm itself and then stop all contact and stimulation. Once at the stage where the semen is in the tubes it will find its own way out. The semen will dribble out, without the power of the orgasm behind it. However, because you've not yet hit the orgasm, your penis doesn't lose its erection, so after allowing about a minute to recover you can start again. Then, you can use the semen you have just ejaculated as a form of lubrication and repeat the process as many times as your body can take. Each subsequent dribbling ejaculation takes longer to reach and the ejaculate also becomes thinner and less in quantity. At first you might only be able to manage 2 - 3 ejaculations, but with practice you can achieve many more. Some guys can go as far as nine ejaculations giving in on the tenth. But in all honesty, that final orgasm (which seems like an accumulation of all those missed orgasms added up into one big one) can be so powerful that you will feel as though you're going to pass out from the sheer ecstasy of it all! If you decide to try this technique, I suggest you do it out of earshot of anyone. Believe me, your shrieks of Copyright ©


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orgasmic delight at the end could be potentially embarrassing to have to explain!

Challenges To Becoming Multi-Orgasmic One of the biggest challenges most men will face in their quest to become multi-orgasmic is having a set of weak pelvic muscles. The trick is to continue with squeezing the PC muscles, even if you feel some contraction coming. If you do this, they will stop coming after a few seconds. This will prevent an ejaculation and you will be able to continue the stimulation after some time. You may also fail to identify when you are reaching the point of no return. Most men say that they cannot differentiate between the various phases of arousal. It‘s obvious if you cannot differentiate between when you have the orgasm and when you ejaculate, you cannot have multiple orgasms. If you are receiving too much stimulation in a short span of time, you will not be able to experience this multiple orgasms. You need time to understand the phases. A slower self stimulation will help you understand the difference between the different phases. You will understand when to stop and start stimulation and when to squeeze those muscles. If you have other sexual problems like premature ejaculation, these exercises will help you tremendously. Copyright ©


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

You will last longer and be a better partner in bed. I could go on with the benefits, but you get the idea. Some men wonder about their multiple orgasmic capabilities because they have aged. But you can get multiple orgasms at any age, provided you are high on self awareness and are sexually active. If you have orgasms regularly, multiple ones may not be that difficult for you to achieve. If you have trouble getting there, you may be having other issues you need to address. If these tips do not give you what you want, you should talk to a medical practitioner. Furthermore, there are some problems that require medical attention. If the ejaculation is not normal in appearance, or has an odor, it may indicate a health problem. A slight yellowing in color and a faint smell are normal. If there is anything greenish or reddish brownish in the ejaculate, you may be harboring an infection. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience any of these symptoms. Apart from this, a slight discomfort in urinating is normal when you exercise the pelvic muscles. If you are still confused by what is normal, follow this rule: Nothing in this guide should be causing you pain or hurt in any way. If you are in any kind of doubt, consult a doctor. No matter how embarrassed you are, medical attention is the best way to deal with it. When everything is said and done, there are a number of other problems that may be preventing you from having Copyright ©


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multiple orgasms. We cannot tackle all of them here. Just remember not to push yourself too hard! Mental and physical preparation is the key to multiple orgasms. If you fail in the first few attempts, relax. Take some time off and try again - you will be amazed at the change in a few days.

A Final Word Multiple orgasms for men - while seemingly elusive - are certainly achievable if you know what you‘re doing. I have experienced the wonder of multiple orgasms myself. In fact, I have multiple orgasms all the time now - and I don‘t even think about going singular! I have also discussed these techniques with other guys - and have received very promising results from most of them. Ultimately, the ability to enjoy multiple orgasms is largely dependant on the strength of your PC muscles, in addition to your overall sexual awareness. This cannot be achieved overnight. It can take you anywhere between 2 weeks and a few months before you really get there. It will depend on your determination and effort. The thing to remember is that you will get there eventually - but don‘t forget to have fun all the same!

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Leaked Chapter…

Male G-Spot Massage: Pleasure Guide for Exquisite P-Gasms

This is a special chapter for all the women who have experienced orgasms and wish to reciprocate… Guys, if you have a regular female partner (your wife, girlfriend or lover), give this chapter to her!

Getting Started Guys and gals, you are about to learn a life-changing sex method. Sex will never be as it once was. Ladies, once you master this, he will be your ―sex slave‖ forever. First off, I am not a celebrity or a sex therapist. I am not a doctor so this book will not provide you with any form of medical jargon. You will not find a flow chart of the male or female anatomy or any type of medical advice that you could logically expect to find when you are speaking to a doctor. There is not a doctor in the world that will teach you, what you are about to learn here.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Here I‘ll teach you plenty of things about a man‘s body, his P-spot and the right way to stimulate the prostate to create mind blowing orgasms. I call this technique the P-gasm Method and it is not hard to do once you know exactly where to find the P-spot, and how to fire it up correctly. After my bestselling eBook the ―Female Orgasm Secrets‖ that you received as a bonus, the biggest question that I get from the ladies is ―How do I return the favor?‖ Well, here it is - The P-gasm Method.

What Is the P-Spot or Male G-Spot? The P-spot is the sexual equivalent of the G-spot in females. We all know about the clitoris, the exposed part of the female plumbing. The P-spot is the sexual aspect of the prostate gland. The main function of the prostate is to store and secrete a clear fluid that accounts for up to one-third of the volume of semen. Semen is composed of spermatozoa and seminal fluid, some produced by the prostate gland, the

The P-spot is the male sexual equivalent of the G-spot, and can induce incredible pleasure when stimulated correctly…

rest is produced by the two seminal vesicles. This fluid provides nutritional energy for the brave sperm as they swim up the female reproductive system and try to fertilize the egg.

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The prostate also contains smooth muscles that contract during ejaculation to expel the fluid. That is as technical as I get here – if you want more information about the male or female reproductive system you can easily look it up. In this exclusive chapter, we are concerned about the pleasure aspect of prostate massage with the side effect being a healthier prostate gland.

Where Is the P-Spot or Male G-Spot? The P-spot is NOT in the anus. It can be stimulated through the rectum wall, but it lies below the bladder and next to the rectum.


If the man is lying on his back, with you between his legs, finger inserted palm side up do a ―come here‖ motion, towards his penis, you will feel a chestnut sized mound the P-spot.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

The P-spot feels like a firm bulge about the size of a walnut. Be gentle, and as with anything take your cues from your man‘s reactions. He will let you know by his movements and body positioning what he wants. Guys, I recommend you experiment and explore your body. Learn where your P-spot is before you let your lover explore. This way you can advise her where the spot is and what to do with it. Not finding the spot and not

Find your own P-spot FIRST, before letting your female partner explore it…

knowing what to do with it can lead to frustration and disappointment. While squatting, or standing with one leg propped up on a chair or any firm surface, place one well-lubed finger in your anus from between your thighs. You need to be flexible and have long enough arms. Short stubby fingers might also be a problem. You also have to have enough courage to do it. It is somewhat frightening the first time but gets to be routine after some practice. Get yourself in a sexually excited state before you go probing around for the P-spot. Feel around outwards, or towards the front for something that feels good when you press it – that is the P-spot. Another method is to lie down on your bed on your left side (if right handed) and try to work your index finger into position. Start by bringing your right knee up towards your chest and then straightening up after entry. The hand goes behind your back, not through your legs. Copyright ©


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

With a well-lubed finger, start by massaging the opening and then gently insert your finger in your anus. Either way, the angle is awkward - you might want to experiment with a long thin dildo - one that preferably has a slight bend in the top. Ask your wife or girlfriend if you can borrow theirs for ―research.‖ If that‘s not a good idea … prostate massagers are available on the Internet. Unless you are a contortionist, you will not be able to experience P-gasms by yourself - because of your angle of entry, steady pressure is hard to maintain. But you will be able to find your P-spot on your own. You want to know where your P-spot is located and the feelings when stimulated. With your wife or girlfriend working your P-spot, you do not have to worry. She can keep going long after you are looking like a pretzel and are unable to continue because of complete fatigue.

What Exactly Is A P-Gasm? P-gasms are orgasms enhanced by prostate massage or prostate milking. ―Massage‖ or ―milking‖ are generally interchangeable, although in our discussions we are talking about something done in a sexual nature – not for physical therapy, medical procedure or anything like that.

P-spot orgasms are far more intense and last longer than a regular orgasm…

P-gasms are much more intense and longer lasting than a regular orgasm.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Remember that all men are different – down to our sexual plumbing, so each man‘s reactions will be different. Some men report that the P-gasm seems like an orgasm in slow motion – one that lasts for a minute or more. Most guys will ooze an abnormal amount of pre-cum – to the point of ―Holy cow I won‘t have anything left for an orgasm‖ but then when they do explode they cum in ―ropes.‖ Some guys report a side-effect that they have an urge for another orgasm within minutes of a prostate stimulated orgasm. There are many variations to P-gasms. There is no one singular answer - it depends on your plumbing and how the prostate is stimulated. One thing for sure - a P-gasm is much more intense and more of a full body experience.

Preparing For a Prostate Milking While a prostate massage can be of some benefit, it is important to be aware that there are risks involved with massaging a prostate that is suffering from an ailment or using too much force. Use minimum pressure and use reasonable vigor, or damage to the very sensitive soft tissues and nerves may occur. Remember, those are real membranes and tissue up there in that dark cave – it is easy to be carried away with the sensations. Use common sense. Most of the online sex toy shops sell a version of a

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

―Prostate Massager.‖ Generally, these toys are similar to a finger, because a finger is the best way to milk a man. Use a massager with care, in that the prostate and the anus region in general are sensitive. Do not use in a thrusting manner – massage gently in a circular, side-to-side or back and forth motion. By far the best way to properly milk a man is with your finger(s). Prepare your hands for this erotic experience. Scrub your hands well. Long manicured fingernails may look good, but not for what you are about to do. Keep the nails short and filed smooth. NO FAKE NAILS - many hospitals and doctors offices have banned the use of fake fingernails in the work area. Apparently, there is some doubt as to the cleanliness of the area beneath the fake nails. Why take a chance? Before you begin the activities, to help prevent rough, dry hands in any weather, be sure to routinely massage your favorite hand cream thoroughly into your hands. The massaging action stimulates blood circulation throughout the hands and promotes the absorption of conditioners into your skin. Apply your favorite hand cream often, especially after washing your hands or after submerging them in water. Your lover will really appreciate your prep work. For those that want a little ―protection‖ there are a variety of products named ―Finger Gloves,‖ ―Finger Cots,‖ ―Finger Caps‖ etc. that provide a thin layer of protection between your finger and his butt hole. Do an Internet

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

search for any of the above words and you will easily find them. DO NOT FORGET THE LUBE! Chances are that you are entering a virgin butt hole – you need plenty of lube. I have found that water based lubricants are best. Just about any of the commercial name brands are fine. In an emergency i.e. ―not prepared‖ you can use baby oil, mineral oil, Vaseline petroleum jelly, and even cooking oils are safe. Never use an oil-based lube with a condom — it will cause it to weaken and break. Avoid using soap or shampoo as a lube as they can be irritants and can cause skin and membranes to get extremely dried out. I have received numerous "please help" e-mails from guys whose skin has suddenly turned leathery and cracked, or the skin has begun massively peeling. Although it eventually heals, it can be scary.

Get Over the Homophobia Effect A big problem for some men is that they will feel like less of a man if they let their women play with their butt. GET OVER IT! Seriously, you do not want to pass this up – The P-gasm Method opens up a new area that needs exploration. I have received notes and e-mails from wives complaining about not being able to try The Method because of hubby's attitude. Relax, let her play and have fun.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Some husbands / boyfriends are afraid to try the method because of the fear of the unknown – their inhibitions are mainly from lack of experience rather than homophobia. What you ladies have to do is – accidentally leave this book in the bathroom; we all know men do their best reading there. Remember also, bondage does come in handy.

The P-Gasm Method OK, does everybody know where the P-spot is? One more time – everybody together: The P-spot is NOT in the anus. It can be stimulated through the rectum wall, but it lies below the bladder and next to the rectum. If the man is lying on his back, with you between his legs, finger inserted palm side up do a ―come here‖ motion, towards his penis, you will feel a chestnut sized mound - the Pspot. Great! Now that we all know where the P-spot is – it is time to have some fun. The most important thing you can remember is that every man is different. No man has the same attitude towards this type of play. Take it easy – relax, have fun and make it fun for your partner. Communication is key, encourage him to talk but also

For women: communication is key. Talk to your partner, encourage him, read his body language and take cues from him…

you need to learn how to read his body language. The P-gasm Method is all about the woman stimulating the prostate as a means of inducing an intense, heightened massive quantity orgasm or as a means of

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

extending the time and length of the orgasm or a combination of both. Anal play can be painful especially for virgin butts, but if done properly it will be pure pleasure. Pain anywhere in the body is a sign that something is wrong. Same thing with the anal area. There is an abundance of nerve endings in the anal area that can produce enormous pain if mistreated, or extraordinary enjoyment if done properly. When an object is inserted into the anus, whether it is a finger or a dildo, the anal sphincter muscles want to lock up to stop the intrusion. Do not force anything into the anus until these muscles are relaxed, or extreme pain can develop. If he says ―no,‖ he probably means it – he needs to relax more.

Take a bath or shower together. This keeps things clean and helps the guy relax before prodding for his P-spot…

Deep breathing and tensing the sphincter muscles and then relaxing them will help him loosen up, but probably the best way to introduce anal play is in a hot shower or bath. After promising not to penetrate him, play with his butt to let him become more familiar with the wonderful sensations while learning to relax. Do not overlook the psychological aspect of anal play. For some men, the ―taboo‖ of someone playing with their butts adds a special thrill. Other men develop a frown on their face and consider their anus a secret, special area – not a toy.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Rimming (oral sex in the anal area) is considered either disgusting, disgustingly sleazy, or delightfully perverse. Most people either love it or hate it – the two of you can decide. By no means should anyone attempt any anal penetration if there is anything physically wrong with the rectum, prostate, bladder area. Guys, never tolerate physical pain, it can cause injury. Gals, never use force and both of you avoid or limit the use of drugs and alcohol. Be wary of STD‘s by using condoms and keep up with your hygiene – other than that, let‘s have some fun. Later on, we will discuss variations of the basic P-gasm Method. Some of these variations will work better for you than others and will bring different results for different guys. Some men will not have any huge orgasms but they may enjoy the intimacy and still receive enormous pleasure. Again, it just depends on the man. Either way, plan to spend the first evening exploring his body.

Start With Foreplay I am going to teach you how to please a man. You will make him cum like never before – you are about to learn how to give a man a P-gasm. Start with foreplay – kissing, touching, a back rub – whatever the two of you are in the mood for. Do everything you normally would do to turn him on, do not go directly to the P-gasm Method. Foreplay

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

is critical, in that the P-spot swells when stimulated. This is essential; you must get him going first. This is especially important the first few times you attempt Pgasms. He should be fully stimulated and the penis fully engorged with him at the point of begging and pleading for more.

Stimulate the P-Spot Externally Once you have him in an excited state, stimulate his Pspot externally. Do this by pressing and massaging the area of skin between his testicles and anus – the perineum, commonly known as the taint. (Taint is a term used to refer to the perineum the region of the human body between the testicles or vagina and the anus. This term has no basis in medical terminology and is often considered lewd and mildly obscene.) AKA a ―chin rest‖ in females. Pressing against that spot, your man will feel an internal sensation unlike anything he has felt before. Not as intense as direct penile stimulation, but he is going to be like, ―Whoa! What the...!‖ Have your man lay on his back, with you lying next to him, run your hand down between his legs. Reach down past his testicles; press your finger gently on the Perineum (taint). Watch his reaction – go slow, remember that more than likely he is a ―virgin‖ down there. Gradually increase the pressure and tempo of your rubbing. Lean over and gently kiss the head of his penis,

For men new to P-spot stimulation, this may feel like an extremely pleasant sensation that he has not experienced before…

to help him get over any homophobia.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

At this point, your rubbing of his taint area has sent sensations to his P-spot – most likely very nice, new feelings. He feels definite warmth in the pelvis area and a deep sense of pleasure. He might not even realize that it is a sexual pleasure, maybe just a new extremely pleasant sensation. After a little while of you playing with his taint, and occasionally stroking and kissing his penis, he will realize that somehow the P-spot and his penis are connected in a sexual way.

Time to Move In Reach over, and swab up your finger with the lube you readied for yourself earlier. I find that the index finger works best, but some people prefer the middle finger because it is the longest. You can always change or add fingers later, so begin with your index finger. Don‘t plunge in - start by rubbing his new found love hole with soft, slow circular strokes. Take your time, take it slow and easy, you will be able to tell when he is ready. Accidentally, brush his anus a couple of times. Then just rest your finger there. If he does not like it, he will let you know. If he does, then start rubbing it. Once he starts wiggling his butt hole towards your finger, you know he is ready. If, on the other hand he is trying to squirm away, back off his hole and rub his taint, suck his nipples, tickle the head of his penis or anything else so that he gets a breather. Do

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not try to rush him – more than likely you will scare the crap out of him. After a few minutes, move your fingers back to his dark star (lube up again if necessary). As before, work your finger gently around his love hole. Slowly and gently insert your finger in his rectum – I know that the excitement and the warm feel is so exquisite that you have to control yourself not to dive in – GO SLOW. By this time, you both are probably breaking out into a sweat, and he for sure is ready for a towel, with his skin covered in goose bumps and his nipples hard as tiny pebbles. Slowly curve your finger up towards his penis. Grope around until you feel a small swollen bump – that is the P-spot. Once you find it, do not poke or jab at the pspot. Gently rub it in a circular, up & down or side-to-side motion. BE GENTLE. I don‘t want to berate the point, but I do have to stress, that the prostate is an internal organ not a clump of nerves – take it slow and easy at first or you will have to peel him off the ceiling. After a few sessions, you will know what he likes … or hates. Assuming you are in, at this point, his penis fully erected, twitching and dribbling out a slow stream of pre-cum. His butt will feel like a vice clamped down on your fingers. As you move your finger inside of him, you will feel his opening flutter a little, almost as if trying to suck your

P-spot orgasm is an awesome feeling, although it may feel a little odd, especially for the first few times…

finger in.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

After a few minutes, lean down and take his penis into your mouth. Every time you rub against the P-spot with your finger, you will feel the throbbing and expanding of his penis. Do not poke at the P-spot. By now, he feels as if his penis has expanded to three or four times its previous size (he wishes).

Milking the P-Spot The speed, intensity and direction of your rubbing of his P-spot will influence whether your man will cum in one huge orgasm, or a Ginormous extended milking over a few minutes. A long drawn out milking is hard to achieve the first time. Arouse him to the point of ejaculation while rubbing the P-spot, and then hold him there at that point of excitement. With practice, his orgasm will last for a few minutes. You will learn how your lover reacts to your P-spot stimulation. For him, a milking does NOT feel like a normal orgasm. At first, there is a steady flow of cum, followed by incredible ―ropes‖ followed by more flow, then more ―ropes.‖ It is an awesome feeling, but also kind of odd, especially the first few times. He needs to point you in the right direction, what feels good, bad or whatever. You need to experiment, try different things – and practice, practice, practice.

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With proper stimulation to the P-spot, a man can continue to orgasm for up to an hour or more…


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

As the two of you practice and get better with the Method he will continue to orgasm for up to an hour or more. With you nibbling, sucking, rubbing or whatever kind of penis stimulation and gently rubbing his P-spot at the same time he will continue to cum. I‘m not talking about a normal three to five second orgasm, he will have a series of mini-orgasm in between a long drawn-out continuous orgasm.

Working the P-Gasm Method Summing It All Up…

You are in control of his orgasms; you can allow him to come full on, hold his explosion back, make him dribble, or let him explode in one big violent orgasm. Once you make him dribble cum, you can continue this cycle until he begs you to stop, or until he goes into an orgasmic coma of sorts.

If the man you are with has an active job, you might want to save this activity for special events and weekends. I can guarantee that he will be sore and have a somewhat hard time walking or sitting when the next day rolls around – especially the first few times.

Make sure you start him off with plenty of foreplay before you go exploring up the dark love tube; work him with foreplay so that he is as horny as you can make him without exploding. Be patient – you are in no rush, have fun. Copyright ©


Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Vary the pressure, speed and tempo when stimulating the P-spot until you know what he likes.

The first time or two, he might want to squirt uncontrollably right away. After a few times, you both get to know how to control his excitement and get him to flow instead.

One nice side effect of the P-gasm Method is that some men may have an urge for another orgasm within minutes of their first P-gasm. It will not happen all the time and for all men, but even after an all out milking and a full, draining orgasm to top it off, the urge will still be there for more. Not like an intentional incomplete orgasm whereby you clamp down with your PC muscles, in effect shutting off the hose but completely drained mindblowing complete ejaculation, yet the desire for a second orgasm is intense.

On the down side, some men need an extended down time because of the draining orgasm.

Sometimes it takes repeated stimulations for the man to realize the sensations as a sexual pleasure. At first, he will recognize it as a new, different sensation, but after a while, it will become sexual and pleasurable.

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Beyond Supreme Stamina: Achieving Male Multiple Orgasms

Sometimes putting pillows or wrapped up towels under his butt will give you better access.

Reaction to prostate stimulation, like everything else to do with sex, depends on many things: how long since his previous orgasm; how did he cum last time; did he cum once, twice or more; time of the month; length of time he was stimulated, etc. Stimulating his brain is almost as important as what your mouth and fingers are doing down there.

Some men need a small butt plug to help loosen him up – most experience incredible orgasms with one of those babies up their butt.

Try this. Get in the 69 position with him on top. I know, most guys like the bottom when 69ing, he will try to resist, but insist until he agrees. While working his penis with your mouth, gently insert a finger up his anus. Encourage him to play with your butt to help keep his mind a little occupied. The first time, he might not like the insertion, but once you get going with your massage and oral sex, he will settle in and let you do your thing.

Once you get the milking going, those sessions can last for 20 – 30 minutes. When the flowing starts, it can be a constant flow with a smaller than usual final climax. Will you be able to swallow it all? That is up to you. Some girls can savor and swallow every drop even though when he cums in a ―normal way‖ they cannot handle the whole load. Copyright ©


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Some ladies can‘t handle the flow – it‘s a personal choice. Enough of reading... Get into PRACTICE… and enjoy the P-gasms!

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How to "steal" her secret orgasm process and use it to give her amazing pleasure like no other man has ever been able to before! And then... escalate her to even newer heights of pleasure! "Calibrated Escalation" - How to use the "no touch" orgasm technique to get her highly-aroused, or even to the point of having an intense orgasm...without ever touching her physically! A fun and simple "two-finger technique" to get a woman to suddenly feel incredibly turned on (and... she would simply believe that "being with or around you" is what gets her so "hot") A woman's experiences, memories and even beliefs about her sexuality CAN affect her ability to orgasm... and here's how to use my "Replacement Anchor" Technique to pump pleasure and stimulate her in a way she has NEVER felt before... An advanced "stacking" technique that dramatically intensifies and strengthens any one of her orgasmic triggers (get this, and her physical and emotional attraction for you will increase dramatically!) "Guided Visualization" - The powerful, step-by-step process I use to take a woman through that allows her to open up her mind and body even even greater sensations and deeply satisfying pleasures… How to associate your voice with a woman's arousal and orgasm - all you need to do is utter a few, select words that I'm going to show you... and she would become highly aroused or even have an orgasm upon hearing you say those words! And much, much more! Get your copy of Orgasm By Command and unlock the secrets to giving your woman thunderous, rip-roaring waves of orgasms... instantly and on command!

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