Malaysian University English Test (MUET Paper 3) End-Year 2010

February 10, 2017 | Author: Junly Jiang | Category: N/A
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CONFIDENTIAL* 扬⒕JLsPpER/厅 s句 咿J拟阴LAyS肭 姒陋JL/SPEPERl只 A/AJL/SPEPERIKS然 NMAL/气 醐 l/lAJL`SpEpERl× SPEPERl扒 伤哦Mysl/A硪八d怔 氵 硪入JL∫ SPfPfR/KSM^抑 、 l’

⒄犭硼 徼簿鹫 黝籀石 pkFAJL`SPEPERI飕 触

八JLfSPEPERl扒 4LA、 ″髟 '1E9lA鼷 哦人J乞 ∫ SPEpERlf【 1铥砜 LAys阴 ˇslA姒阴J凵 spp凸 q钚 /WAJLlSPEPER1KSAA溆 ^幽 人乙各 EP£ A/l/lJL`S厂 廴



麒镞簿 ⅣU谢亏群 蒎 笆峁狱y0fAMHJL∫ JL`SPFPt=吖 ^oAA丿 麒噩嬲 硎 镪 渊 躐 娣锁蠲贾T;蹈 VfVJ/AⅡ


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獬 铥溺

糨货黟璀夥 攥 藕 嬲 攥婴 弼彩猢黢峭霞饿 麒 监晖罱 莎茹樾簿蹒猛巫吒徂橛 Ι怨照 ⒛ m血tes谲 泓 嘏 盅忐β

韶 獗 噩愿镭鬈鼹濑 牖 蜜蔼馈 秽ⅥAysl/ 捋渊 ∠ 丿 斜YS/A溅人J凵 S严PEIP£E泻 ″ 漱人JL|SPEPERlK渊 栅 J舷 肭LA丫 S/A路人JLlSPEPERIKs触NMALAYoO阴 A磉羝JL想 PPm、 KsA虍 ∧ ^汛 鼷八JL穴 sPEPER:Ks黻 ⒕4± Ay笛 犭 ^J∵


IⅡ structions

to candidates:

DO NoT OPEN THIs QUEsTION PAPER1TNTILYOU ARE TOLD TO DO so。 彐 l勿 纟 昭 曰昭 fortyˉfiVe g勿 贺 r莎 o刀 sj刀 砀is 曰刀sW召r

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This quesJ① Ⅱ paper consists of15priⅡ ted pages aⅡ d1blank page。

◎M苟 lis Pepeoksaan Malaysia⒛ 10

MUET800/3/E *This quesu。 n

ITurn over

paperis CONFIDENTIAL mti1伍 e

test is ove⒈


CONFIDENTIAL* £冫伏甭r氵 o刀 s1幻 7曰 昭

3邻 g歹 @刀

砀 cヵ rJ。 w`驾 、鲋 s日gg。

RD1100bⅡ lion

Ιˇade surpIus is secoⅡ d1Ι ighest Ever

Kua1a Lumpw∶ Ⅳh1aysia chaked up its10曲

c。 nsecutiⅤ e

year of订 ade sWp1us and

伍e amount ofRWII00.53biⅡ ion was the second highest ever on recOrd。 The Intemational Trade and Industry Minister repo⒒ ed that export growth in

2007emanated fron.b。 thtraditiona1andemergingrnarkets such as China,AustraⅡ a, United Arab EⅡ 1irates and Indonesia. Co11ectively,these lmarkets accounted for

RNI101.28bⅢon or16.7%of Malaysh℃ total exports.The1件 .5%declhe in Malaysia’ s exports to the Us in2007、 vas ofse1 in part,by strong growth in aggregate expo⒒ s tO emerging markets. This deⅤ e1opment is attributed to intensive promotional activities undc⒒ aken in new and emerging rnarkets as part ofbΙ a1aysia’ s Fnarket diversiIlcatiOn initiative,


This ini住 a住 ve caused double-digit gro讷 吃 h in Malaysia’ s exports to markets such as

Poland,wⅡ ch grew by73,3%,Qatar by47.3%and Iran by31.4%, FroⅡ 1a regional perspectiⅤ e,North-East Asia was1ˇ Ⅰ alaysia’ s largest regiona1

export marke1 accounjng for 29.1% of total exports.


、 vas fo11owed by

ASEAN with a25,7%share,Nor伍 AmeⅡ ca with16.2%and European Union with 12.9o/。



ˇΙ alaysia’ s Total Trade by lRegiom North East Asia



RM bil





300 250








50 0

0 ‘


North America RM biI 200






European UnioⅡ RM bⅡ 150 120

100 50



(Adapted from刀 饧srcr,Febmary13,2009

800/3/E *This question paper is CObTFIDENTIAL untilthe testis ove⒈



Ma1aysia has recorded a trade surplus for the1ast ten years。

A Tme B False C Notstated 2

For the year2007,Malaysia’ s total expo⒒ s were Valued at RM100.53bⅡ Ⅱon。

A Tme B False C NOtstated 3

In2007,Malaysia showed an iⅡ crease in exports to a11thc four regions.

A Tme B False C Notstated

4 Bo伍 Ch血1andAusialia A Tme

are Malaysia’ s蚀 妞Ⅱoml markets,

B False C Notstated 5 There had been a gradual dec1ine h exports to North丿 血 耐 ca since⒛ 03。

A Tme B False C Notstated In⒛ 臼 ,N帅 EastA。 ia

was Malaysia’ stop expo⒒ market。

A Tme B False C Notstated Ma1aysia ean1ed more thaⅡ twice△ om exports to Poland刂 han exports to Iran。

A Tme B False

C Notstated


*孔k question paper^CONFDENTIAL Ⅲ血1曲 e


test沁 ove⒈




8勿 14曰 昭 3箔 c歹 o刀

砌 召ヵ


g`鲋 sqg召


A team ofloca1scientists has come up with a miniamre1aboratoΓ y which can snifF out bird flu in even the Fnost far-丑 ung1ocauons, The pa11n-size device can te11if a person Or anhnal has contracted the II5NI foIIII of曲 ev山 Ⅱ in1ess than30rninutes。 And it can do so even at the earliest stages ofthe disease,when a Ⅴicthn has yetto

show any symptoms.


According to 伍 e Inst"vte of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology research ‘ scienjs1Juergen Pipper,who led the efFort∶ ‘ The answers you wⅡ l get are∶ AmI infected? Ifyes,how severe is it?”


sets⒒ apart iom others which are a1ready available coⅡ

mercia11y is that

it is a self-contained laboratory on a chip。 It can be used by rnedical or aid workers


to detect the H5NI virus d加 ∞tly from throat swab samples.Chicken dropping samp1es can also be tested for伍 e Ⅴhvs。 The device uses the goldˉ standard of tests-ˉ Polymerase

Chain Reaction (PC⑷ -ˉ to make photocopies of geneuc

mateoa1so that even minute amounts can be detected. Tests have shown that it is around 10ti【 nes faster than avaⅡ ab1e tests, yet


40to100dmes cheape△ 曲e

researchers s缸 d,because each sample droplet^so minuscu1e that the cost for reagents drops. The research is ti1nely,given that bird

nu。 ften s缸 伙es in mral areas such as backyard fams.S缸 d research scientist Lisa Ng ofthe Genome Institutc of Singapore,another teana rnember∶ “The device can be easⅡ y taken to the field,where it wⅡ l be able to detect the vims the moment a


person is infected,ra山 er than having to wah for10days or so for symptoms to appea⒈ This wⅡ l aⅡ ow the au伍 oⅡ ties to act faster,” said D⒈ Ng。

B△ d iiu is entrenched in the region,Ⅵ o曲 coun“ es such as Indonesia s饣 uggⅡ ng to curb it. At least85Indonesians have died frorll the disease,the highest in the

wodd. The Wodd Health Orgaisation,which is coordinating the g1obal response to human cases,has s缸 d that the next influenza panden1ic、 ⅣOuld1ike1y be ofan


avian varle、、and it could afect some I.5bⅡ Ⅱon people. Instimte ofMolecular and Cell Bology princil【 ,al coordinato毛 Masa】:1ImiInoue, one ofthe coˉ authors and the leading inventor ofthe H5NI detection kit currently being used in hospita1s,said that work o ongoing to allow伍 e device to test multlple


pa伍 ogens at a血 ne,such as sARS and other respiratory v加 烬es. ‘ 勹 1ic may not come mere1y flom H5NI,as such vhuses are pandeⅡand gene reasso血 nent。 So,it Ⅵ注Ⅱ be cHtical to castthe net notoⅡ`potential ous for mutating wIder,” he sa1d.

Commenting on山 e

efFort,D⒈ Ⅱmothy

Barkham,seⅡ or consultant,patho1ogy


and laboratory rnedicine at Tan Tock Seng lΙ osp⒒ a1,said.thatit was exciting work。 ‘ ‘ I wOu1d be very Ⅱ1terested to1Fy it0酞,’ he said,

(Adapted from r饧

纟srrc莎 rs r” 御贺,september24,200D

8 The phrase″″ヵ庇7彻冫召 助 3o石四ro〃 (lhe1)descrbes the se1f-cont缸 ned nature ofthe urd nu detecto⒈

A Tme BC唰

Fa1se Not stated

0 8

*This question paperis CoNFⅡ DENTIAL untilthe testis ove⒈


CONFIDENTIAL* 9 The urd flu detector can deteI…


e the seveⅡ ty ofthe infecuon。

A Tme B False C Notstated 10 0ne advantage of the bird flu detector is that it idenufies the symptoms of a person infected

with H5NI vims.

A Tme B False C Notstated 11 Which ofthe fo11oⅥ 注ng statements descⅡ bes tbe bkdflu detector? A It can detectthe disease on。 e sympto1ms have appeared。 B It produces resdts almostiⅡ m⒛ ljiately but costs more. (亡

C Itcan detect b△ d Ⅱu in man and ani1na1s, 12The following are advantages ofthe recently invented urd nu detect。 r eXcept.


⒒o small and easily taken to the neld

B itcan记 enti灯

not only the HsNI v山

s vanous s饣 ahs

"but also⒒ C it can detectthe说 ms directly iom throat swab sampks and chicken droppings

13The te..Ⅱ 臼刀j勋 D扫 co〃 彬crc沏 JJy(1ine9)means that some伍 iⅡ g A

iζ so1d cheaply


can be plIrchased

C can make apront 14 .¨

jJ l//j〃 3召

C彳万c曰 Jro cJsr仂 纟刀c∫

A thespread ofsARS and o伍

vj抛r,¨ αines33and34)Th“ 沁 because

er respiratory viIuses Ⅵ 汀11be a globa1problem


the nextiⅡ auenza pandeⅡ 1ic wⅡ l afect about1.5bⅡ Ⅱon peρ p1e


diseases wⅡ 1be caused by path° gens other than the lΙ 5NI vLus

800/3/E 艹扌h“ quesdo众 paper悠


Ⅱetest沁 ove⒈




刀 s15ro21四

39scJ o刀



ss日 g召



The simpIe Choice We are enteⅡ ng an era ofunprecedented choice. Butis that a good thing?AmazOn,

iTunes,eBay ofFer vanety on a scale uni1naginable even a decade agO. AmazOn sells rnore than150000videos,600000CDs and near1y three FnⅡ lion books,to say nothing ofa few million toys,household goods and o伍 er“ ems.Yet,猫 the variety

expands,so does伍 e gmmbling aboutit,especially iom伍 ose who worry aboutthe effect ofruna、 vay consumerisn1on societv and culture.

The Fnost influential of these sceptics is Barry Schwartz,who argues in‘ ’

Paradox of Choice’ @004)that toO much choice o oppressiⅤ

famous s缸 dy of consumer behavow血



He c⒒ ed a now

a supe1I..狩 k⒍ .Researchers set up one

table with s仅 choces ofjam,and another wi仇

24ch⒍ ces,The more choces


they ofered,the less customers boug酞,and the less satis£ ed they were with thcir purchase,The extra options had put伍 em outsⅡ e thor jam-selection comfOrt

zone— strawberry,b1ueberry。


and into the exotic terl△ toγ


cwd and organic boysenbeⅡ y. Indecision and buyer’ s remorse began to cloud the 15


Now con蛀 der AmazOⅡ .It,too,se11s jam,as it happens,Not si〉 【 inds,or 24kinds,but Fnore than12001onds。 Sure1y its visionary Chief Executive Omcer (CEO),JefBezOs,心 familiar with the1essons of伍ejam expeⅡ ment,Yet he drcw l【

the oppos汛 e conclusion about choice. l诳 ore is better,he decided。 And ifthe gro哂 吨 h


ofArnazOn is any guide,he was Ⅱght。 What Bezos understands is the diference be“ Ⅳeen the physical and onⅡ ne wOrlds. In a store, the only conslImer guide is the marketing materia1on the package and9possib玩 the advice ofa sales clerk.On1ine,伍 ere are nearly h£ nite ways to tap Inarket info1Ⅱ lation. You can sOrt by pⅡ ce,ratings,date,best se11ers

or custOmer reviews, You can compare poces across products,and you can goog1e


endless reading on the product。

So AmazOn has brought Order to choice,The problem with the supe.IIIarket 心 dsorde⒈ a11the goods are shown⒍ multaneOus玩 and alI you have to so⒒ 曲em Ⅵ泛d1is whatever brand info.Ⅱ Iation has been lodged in yow brain by expeoencc Or advcrtising,and the marketing1nessages ofthe packaging and she1fplacement.


ⅣΙ ost ofthe info.Ⅱ Iation on AmazOn-popu1ano尼 prices,etc.-ˉ ˉ is avaⅡ ab1e to supe1… arkets,too。 But they typ妃 ally don’ t share it with the customer because there’ s

no good way to do it shortofrnini-screens on each she1£

WhⅡ e

that’ s


in an onⅡ ne store,⒒ s impossible in the physical wor1d.

The curse of atOms is thatthey can be in only one p1ace at a t虹 ne. Bits,on the


other hand,can be copied and presented in new ways without ⅡⅡ1it. In the bⅡ cksand△ nortar wodd,aⅡ custOmers expeⅡ ence the same store, Inthe onⅡ ne wor1d,it’ s pOss山 le for each customer to exper忆 nce a diferent storc,u"quely customised to his or her profile and preferences. And therein lies the ans、 ver to the paradox of choice, If you make it easy for

people to ohoose,伍 ey△ 1always p忆 k


more v洫〃 over less.But if rs hard to

choose,they settle for the simpⅡ city of1i1n"ed ⅤaHeo” The paradox of choice is 蛀mply an artifact of the Ⅱmitaton of伍 e phys忆 al World,where曲 e infomaton necessary to Fnake an info1Ⅱ Ied choice is lost.

800/3/E *TⅡ s quesjon oaper。 CONFIDENTIAL untⅡ

the test必 ove⒈


CONFIDENTIAL* The conventional wisdom was oght∶


more choice rea11y“ be倪 e⒈

Butnow we


variety alone o not enou理 丸 we also need iⅡ fo.… 洒 on about伍 at v盯忆ty

and what other consumers before have done with伍 e same choices. The ose of Google,wi伍 ⒒s seemingly om“ sc忆 “ a"Ⅱ ty to order the inft“ te chaos ofthe Web so that what we want comes out on top,showsthe way. Orderit wrong and choice is oppressive;order it right and it’ s liberating.


(Adapted iom N⑾ sl/ygε 仡 Special Edition,Dece血 ber2005-February2006) 15 The rnain idea ofparagraph1is A today’ s Web⒍ tes offer a wide var忆 ty ofproducts B

abundant choices encourage consl】 meⅡ sm


a lot ofchoices can be a good or bad thing

16 In paragraph2,伍 ejam experiη ent proved that A having a wide range ofproducts was not a good thing B customers prefered the more exot忆 types o句


C with rnore ChoiCes customers、 vould buy more

17 JefBezos suCCeeded mainly because

A he beⅡ eved thatthe rnore choicesthe be倪


B he learntabout marketing from thejam expmment C

een selⅡng in a store and se1Ⅱ ng on1ine he knew the diference be“ 〃

18 Which ofthe£ o11oⅥ注ng is not an advantage ofshopping onⅡ ne? A Productinfo.Ⅱ Iation B

can be custo¤ 1ised.

The pⅡ ces ofproducts ofered are cheape⒈

C There is rnore info...^ation about伍 e products,


.¨ jr奋

αine34)What。 impossible is

ヵm`o雨 3助 切 砀召

`hysjc曰 `l/,@rJd A to prov⒈ 虫已product infoIⅡ Iation according to customers’ requests


tO GOmpare伍 e poces ofsilnilar products in伍 e1market

C to putrnore Fnini-screens on each shelf

20 The wⅡ ter o ofthe o∮ 血oη

A Bary Schwanz、 B


v忆 w饴 。ght

the critics oftoo rnany choices are wrong

C the paradox ofchoce o uncritically accepted online shopping.

21 The wrlter is A

sceptical of

B suppo⒒ iⅤ e


C neutraltowards 800/3/E *This question paperis CONFIDENTIAL unti1the test is ove⒈

ITurn over


CONFIDENTIAL* 口勿贺 拓臼t22ro29伢 昭 3贸昭亻 o刀 砀c/oJJol/I,9mg`Jss四 gε


As befits an industrh1oed com饣


觅 Brit缸 n、 pub1忆 -health problems are those of

weal伍 ratherthanpover铋 Butbeneathhead1ines about fat,ogarettes and anational

epidemic ofdrunkenness,钿 o diseases that were be1ieved vanquished decades ago are re-emerging.Both are lihked to iⅡ ⅡnLgation.


On December29th,the Department ofHea1d△

confi1.Ⅱ ed

what doctors have long


suspected∶ ri0kets seems to be on曲 e Ⅱse。 The disease-ˉ thought to have been

eradicⅡ d in the1950’ s-stunt grOMh and defomsthe ske1eton,characteristic破 ly causing bowed legs and worse. 3

The other disease is tuberculosis,d娅 n1y remembered as an amicti。 n。 f

sluⅡ 1-

dwe11ers and glamorous `Ⅱ ctoⅡ an poets。 Antibiotics and a national-screening


progra-e had a11but咖 ed out曲 e"sease.Yet cases have been increasing since the mⅡ -1980s,h2000,6323were reported in Britain Oxcludng scotlanΦ


11,7fOr each100000people;by2006that had risen to8112,or14.6per100000,

andthetme nvmber o伍 oughtto be hghe⒈


M珏ration is involved in the resurgence ofboth conditions,though in difFerent ways,Ⅱ cke“ o usually caused by a1ack Of"tamin D,which必 needed to absorb


calcium to buⅡ d bones. l¢Ι ost Ⅴitan1in D isrnade when skin is exposed to sunⅡ ght.

NotFnuch sunshine is needed-— around151ninutes a day in su11mer-ˉ but obtaining itin B血ain,Ⅵ o伍 its grey cⅡ mate,house-bound chⅡ dren and omcia1warnings about

skin cancer,can be缸 c盱 skin∞ lolIr

matters too∶

dark-skimed peOp1e require

more sun. What scant data there are suggest that up to1in100children】 1on△ ethnic ⅡlinoⅡ ties may sufer from rickets,


Whereas Ⅱ1igrants

fron△ sunny countries1nay deve1op rickets after amving in BⅡ tt1rin,tuberculo⒍ s is a disease that often cO1nes v"th them. Rates of infecjon

are1owest among natives and highest among i11migrants iom AnHca,where the


disease is coz1mon in part because of the spread of AIDs, whose suferers are particu1arly suscepjb1e to infection. Tuberculosis is most cO11nnon in the poorer

areas of BⅡ tain、 cit忆 s,wⅡ ch tend tO have high h旺 匝grant populatons and where pov∝饣 and depnⅤaton erode re“ stance to the(i1isease.Newham,a poor east London borough伍 at h home to many immigrant fami1ies,has aro1md100 infections per100000people,伍 e Ⅱghest rate in伍 e country and comparable to


China、 figure. 6

In theory,1Ⅱ ckets is easy to cure∶ ofncial advice is to get rnore sunshine and,for

pregnant women and young chldren,to take vitamh D supplements(伍 around a fiIth ofmothers heed“ ).Tuberculosk o harderto stamp out。

ough only



which used to be universal, have been re-introduced for chⅡ dren in high-Ⅱ sk areas.IⅡ migrants from coun⒒ es with伍 e dsease are ofered screenhg when they 田ive,al曲 ough Ch吣 GⅡ m伍 s,a tubercu1osis expe⒒ at Queen Mary,University of London,reckons山 e system抬 too leaky to catch all σfthem.Often山 ose most at Ⅱsk are hardestto reach, One drug-resistant strain has been circu1adng in Camden and IsⅡ ngton for nve years,especia11y among homeless people and ex-pⅡ soners。 This has prompted suggestions that sufFerers be detained in seclIre hosⅡ als— a


ctorian response to a`Ⅱ ctoⅡ an disease. `Ⅱ

(Adapted from r助 纟Ec。 刀。〃沁钅January5,200o

800/3/E *Th灬 question paper k CONFIDENTIAL untⅡ the test、

oⅤ e⒈


CONFIDENTIAL* g钌 沁 乃c'che3)has the same meaning asthe fo11owing ekcept 22The word v曰 刀

A confl...1ed(Ⅱ


B eradicated fline7)

C w0ed out αine1t) 23A cⅡ ld

suIFeⅡ ng






A have shortlegs B

be fairiⅡ comp1exion


grow ataFnuCh s1ower rate

24 Which ofthe fo11oⅥ 汀ng questions is answered by paragraph4?

A How can蚰 皿 igrants

avoⅡ g眈 i鸭 ricket四

B Whydoi111migrants develop


WhatisthelhⅡ 【be小 〃een

Ⅱckets h BⅡ tain?

dark-skinned irn△


grants and rickets?

25 Which ofthe fo11oⅥ 沁ng ideas is Ⅱ①t found in paragraph5?

A Tuberculo“ s o re1ated to pove姆

B There^a C

Ⅱnk be钿 een mberculo⒍


The rate ofinfection oftubercu1osis in London is the same as thatin China,

266叻 召‘扛叨爹rcs沁 勿刀莎srrn切 肋甜 D召 纟刀cjrc叨 助莎j殛歹…/o‘扑 e'曰 rs,¨ (1ines40and41)The wⅡ ter cites this examp1e to supportthe idea that

A itis dimcultt。 con“ 菹n tuberculosis


缸berculosis is rnore rampant among the homeless

C tuberculosis suferers need to be confined in hosp“ als

27 Whatis仅 ue about Ⅱckets and tubercu1osis? A They can be easily cwed。 B They are migrant-related dseases, C They were eradicated in the1950s。 28 The gist ofthe passage is A the spread ofdiseases aInong iⅡ Ⅱnl臣ants


伍e increase in cases ofⅡ ckets and缸berCulosis

there-emergence ofdiseases that were beⅡ eved to have been stamped out

29The ideas h the passage are developed mainly曲 rough

A cause and efect B problem and solution C

compare and contrast


*Thk quesjon paper k CONFIDENTIAL untⅡ

卩、rn over

the test k oⅤ e⒈




gΞ 邰 矽氵 。刀s30勿 37曰 昭 3四sc歹 @刀 肠 召丿。Jfc,l/,,J缌


0n a cⅡ sp

ss四 g召



aummn moming,the dewjust rising from the nelds,dozens ofchildren

streamed into the小Ⅳ o-room schoolin this sma11poorvi11age,theirhair freshly oⅡ ed, Ⅱce used sacks tuCked under their arlns for1ack of chairs to s⒒ on. One teacher

showed up90Fninutes late. A secOnd was a no show. The senior-most teacher,the Only one w⒒ h a teaching degree,was beⅡ eⅤ ed to be on of【 :1cial goverlment dut” “ ’ When they get older,they’ ll cl】 rse their teachers,’ said Amab Ghosh,26,a socia1 worker trying to help the govemment improve its schools,as he stared at clusters ‘ ‘ ofchⅡ dren sitting on the grass, They’ ll say.‘ We oame every day,and we learned noJ1ing.”


Sixty years after independence,w⒒ h40pcr cent of its populauon under18,


India is confronting the perⅡ s ofits faⅡ re to educate its citizens,notably thc poo⒈ t】

MOre Indian chⅡ dren are ih schoo1than eⅤ erbefOre,butthe quaⅡ ty ofpubⅡ c schools has sunk to spectacularly low1eⅤ e1s,as goverlment schOols have become reserves ofchildren at伍 e verv bottom Ofthe Indian socia11adde⒈


India has long had a legacy of、 Ⅳeak schoohng for the masses of its young,


eⅤ en

as it has promoted high quaⅡ ty govcr11ment-nnanced universities。 ]But if in 伍e past,a largely poor and agr舶 an naton could aford to leave mⅢ ons ofits peoplc iⅡ terate,that o no longerthe case.Not oⅡ ly has the rOaring economy hit a sho⒒ age ofsh11ed1abour,but the nation’ s rnany new roads,phones and television

sets have扯 1ed new・ambitions for econoⅡ 1ic advancement among its people-and new expectations】 or schools to help them achieⅤ



e it.

Thatthey rem缸 n Ⅱl-eq碰 pped to do so is clearly Ⅱhstratcd by an amual suⅣ ey, conducted by Pratham,the organization£ or which Ghosh、 Ⅴ orks, Tllc latest survey, canHed out across 16000vⅡ lages in2007fOund that、 〃hⅡ e many more chⅡ dren were sitting in class than before,vast numbers of them cou1d not read,wⅡ tc Or perfo1Ⅱ .basic anthmetic,to say nothing ofthosc who were notin schoo1at a11.



Education experts and on⒍ cia1s debate the reasons for the faⅡ lIre. On the one hand,some argue,the chi1dren ofilliterate parents are1ess1ikely to get help at home,

more1ike1y to be malnouΠ shed or in poor health,and therefore have a harder ti1ne leaming。 Others b1ame longstanding neg1ect and insumcient pubⅡ c inⅤ estment in


education,along with a lack ofrnotivation among teachers to pay special attention to poor,outcaste chⅡ dren,


Arguments aside,India is engaged in an epic expeⅡ rnent tO upⅡ ft Along the、 犭

its schoo1s.

lages like this one,

`ay1ic1nany hurd1cs,and Ghosh,on his visits to vⅡ encounters them aⅡ . E⒈ her the aides who haⅤ e been h△ cd tO draw more ⅤⅡlage


chⅡ dren into school comp1ain thatthey haⅤ e not reCeiⅤ ed rnoney to buy educational

materials,or the schoo1has stopped seⅣ ing1unch even though sacks of rice are n in school,but knows that he wⅡ 1soOn send the chⅡ d away tO wOrk.

pⅡ ed in the classroon△ or a parent agrees to e11rol his s♀


Or wOrst of al廴

frorn Ghosh’ s perspectiⅤ e, a11these sdck~thin, bright-eyed

chⅡ dren trickle intO school eⅤ ery mon1ing and take back so li悦 le,

、 vith some hope of getting something,’ ’Ghosh muttered。

‘ 叮 s our fault we can’ t’


They’ re conⅡ ng t

give them anything,”

800/3/E *This question paperis CONFIDENTIAL u11ti1the test is ove⒈


CONFIDENTIAL* Even here, 山e kind of p1ace fron△ which Ⅱ1i11ions of uneducated men and women have仃 aditiona11y migrated to oties for work,an appetite for education has 45


begun to set in, An educated person would not only be1nore lkely to find a good

‘ △want [ohall△ ned Alam

job,parents here reasoned,but also less likely to be cheated in a bad one。

my children to do something,to advance themselves'’ Ans舶 put it,‘ 叮o do山 atthey must st∝ 驭”


is how l、 `刂

Education in the new India has become a crucial marker ofinequality,Among


the poorest20per cent ofthe population,ha1fare i1Ⅱ terate and barely小 Ⅳo per cent graduate from high schoo1accordiⅡ g to govenⅡ nent data。 l3y contrast among the

ochest20per cent of曲 e populatioⅡ ,nearly ha1fare high school graduates and only 枷 o per cent are ilⅡ terate. ‘ ‘ 55 The link bebⅣ een ge枕 ing your chⅡ dren prepared and being part of this big i,the said Ruhini Bane犭 changing Inma o certain1y there h everyone’ s minds,” ‘ ‘ research director of Pratham. The question is∶ what’ s the best way to get there, ’ how muchto do,whatto do?Asa∞ untry Ithink we are trying to ngwe伍 is out.’


“rwew缸 t盯 1o伍 er5or10years,” she added,‘ ou are gohg to lose mⅡ ons γ



(Adapted from ffcⅡ 曰山丿Tr氵 3〃 刀c,January17,20OS,

30 Paragraph1draws a枕

enuon t。 the

A poveny ofthe vi11agers

B ove⒈ crowded classroom C

lack ofnx茳 Ⅱties in the school


eagemess ofthe chⅡ dren to attend schoo1

31 In paragraph3,the wr汛

er deⅤ elops his ideas through

A cause and efect

B problem and sohtion

C coη pare

amd contrast

D exampleand⒒ lus饣 auon 32 .¨

砀 σ矽沁 刀o Jo四 g纟 r砀 召 c邵 ε。(line18)This

impⅡ es that

A the young today need to be educated


weak schooⅡ ng should no1onger be an Indian legacy

C in an agΠ culmral society the young wi11remain illiterate D

the poor still cannot afFord to send their children to school


*Thk ques饪 on paper h CONFIDENTIAL mtⅡ

thetest心 ove⒈






ch of伍 e fo11owing are reasons for刀 召v曰 〃3j莎 fo附 /or cc。 刀@啊 记 α凼 α″“聊 c刀 J(line2o)? I The gToⅥ泛ng economy II SchooⅡ ηg of山 e1nasses III A shortage ofskⅡ 1ed labow

H螅 h


quality tertiary educaton

A IandII B IandⅡ I


Ⅱ andIV ⅡIandIV

34 In paragraph5,the wr“ er1nenuons reasons for the chⅡ dreⅡ ’ s faⅡ uFe fo11oⅥ 注ng


to leanl。

Which ofthe

is not rnenJoned as a reason?

The healu1。 fthe chⅡ dren is poo⒈

B Thechi1dren need to help out at home. C

Teachers neg1ect chⅡ &en who are poo⒈

DI11iterate parents are mab1e to help伍 eir cⅡ 1dren. 35 According to the ηt⒒ e△ which ofthe foⅡ

oⅥ 注ng

is the greatest obstacle to educating thc youⅡ g?

A CⅡ ldlabow B

schoo11unches Ⅱot provided

C A lack ofeducational mateⅡ



ChⅡ dren notleaming much in schoo1

36E幽 叹刀r汩 刀扔 仂召刀御

姒d泅 尼邵


曰⒎切 ro/切 印 勿劢 狃

D召 c0彬 召曰C膨

伍atin Inda today

Cine5o)TⅡ s means


A education d卜 Ⅱesthe Ⅱch iom伍 e poor B


there is an awareness ofthe importance ofeducation


ofeducaton has prevented the poor from seclIrlng goodjobs

D whⅡ e20per

cent ofthe poor are i11iterate,on1y“

37 The purpose of山 ea“icle

〃o per cent ofthe Ⅱch are iⅡ iterate

is to

A cⅡ t忆 ^e

B ente⒒ 缸Ⅱ

C mot卜 ate


D provide soluuons

800/3/E *Thk questoⅡ



thetest o ove⒈


CONFIDENTIAL* g″ 6rj。 刀s38ro45ε

13 昭 3四s纟歹 o刀 仂 cyo`Jo〃 氵 〃g`围 ss四 gc.

InⅡ oceⅡ Ce aⅡ d ExperieⅡ ce 饧 沁 沁 夕刀 g昭 召叩 J/ro″ 夕 srov曰 3@沥 JJf,夕 刀6纟 栩 昭 氵 酽 c刀 r力 昭 J`J贺

s勿 rgs。 饧 c彻 vヵ 昭 lI,箔 山夕


0炀 岔‘饧咙幽'`j贺 招




砀 ε I/nj招 歹

@肋 奋ε刀歹 砀召wr氵 勿rj.勤 `o仂 砀 ε I/m讶 ε歹 s勿 rcs曰 莎砀 cqFo//o勿 r招 g刀 伢刀歹

sJov曰 昭 仂ε∫o/凡姒

@四 历 昭 歹 j刀

・ /1'`乃 C刀 s乃 ε 砀 cl【 ,rj勿 r㈧撼 刀扔 ε 丨 rrsr昭 εr尼 ε〃 X乙 yokosan camein Septembe⒈ I was surprised tO see sO very nearly a wOman; short,robus1buxon⒈ the feFnale counterpart of her fatheL ⅣΙ ⒒ Oka brought her

proudly to us.

‘ t冫 i优 1eˇ Ι asako

hOre`’ for the first thne to my recoI1ection,he touched1me;he

put h跽 rough fat hand on thetop ofmy head,‘

‘ is

Ⅴery smartin schoo1.She wⅢ help

you with your schoo1work,XΙ yoko'’ he s缸 d,


She wOu1d be mysou1rnate; h my mindI had∞ 咖 lred a匪 r1ofmy ow11proportion∶ thin and tall,but with曲 e re£ nement and beauty I ddn△ yet possess that would sl】 re1y sOmeday come to伍 e fore, ⒈汪y disappoi11扭 nent Was keen and apparent. X乙 yoko-san stepped fon〃 ard 、then retrcated wi伍 a short bow and sma11纽 ggle,her nnger pressed to her I have so1ooked fonvard to Kiyoko-san’ s

aH△ va1。



mouth。 ⒈丌y mother took her a、 vay. They ta1ked for a1ong t虹 ne-about


eⅢ Ol1nentin an American schoo1the clothes Kiyoko-san wOuld need,and where to1ook for the best va1ues。 As I watched them,it occuⅡ ed to me that I had becn


deceived∶ this was not a chⅡ d,this was a woman. The sⅡ 1i1e pressed behind her

且ngers,the way of her nod,so br忆 £1ike my mother when father scolded he⒈ the face was inscmtable,butsome曲 ing— maybe her咖 rit-— shrank vis此 玩 1kea p忆 ce of蛀 k h wate⒈ I was山 sapponte吨 K灯 oko-san、 sou1was b盯 ⒒caded in her unenchanting appearance and the sⅡ 1i1e she fenced behind her∫ 讠 ngers。 She started school fron△ d1ird grade;one below1△ e,and as it tumed ou1she


qu忆 kly passed me by.There w孙 n’ t much I could help her wi伍 except to dⅡ 11 ‘ ‘ her on pronunciation-ˉ ˉ the‘ L” and‘ R” sounds, EⅤery Fnoming walking to our rLlra1schoo⒈ 屁刀饣泷 屁1如 ″3石曰-'Jo曰 刀,扔 订 every aRemoon retl】 rning home∶ 石曰刀 阳 DDj伤 r砌 ,刀 ″s色 阳〃。 That was the extent Of our∞ mmunication;Ⅲ endly but ,



One particu1arly cold Novembcr night-— the Ⅵ泛nd outside was icy; I was sitting on my bed,rny brother’ s and Ⅱ1ine,oⅡ ing the cracks in my chapped hands by lamplightˉ ˉˉsomeone rapped urgently at otlr doo⒈

It was KiyokO-san;she was hyster忆 al,she wOre nO wrap,her teeth were chattering,and except for伍 e thin straw zor九 her feet were bare.

⒈冱y mother led her to the kitchen,started a pot of

tea,and gesmred to my bro仇 er and me to retire. I lay very sti11but because ofrny brother’ s resuess t。 s⒍ ng and my father’ s snoⅡ ng,was unab1e to hear much. I was aware,though,that dmnken and savage brawling had brought KiyOko-san to us。 Presendy they came to伍 e bedroom.I feigned sleep。 My mother spoke fiIⅡ Ily∶ “ TomoⅡ ow you wⅡ lremm totheⅡ 、you Fnust not1eave then1again. They are your



people.” I could a11nost fee1XⅡ yoko-san’ s short nod,

800/3/E *This question paperis CONFIDENTIAL l】

ITurn over

njl the test is ove⒈




A11n皂扯 long I lay cramped and stm,a△ 缸dt。

h铷 de

into her hu1Ⅱ ng back.

Two or three umes her允 y feet jabbed into miⅡ e and quickly retreated.h伍 e moming I found my mother’ s gow【 l neady fo1ded on the spare pⅡ 1ow。 XⅡ yokosan’ s


placein bed was co1d。

she never came to weep at olIr hOuse again butI know she cⅡ


her eyes were

oRen swollen and red.She stopped much of her gi£ :g1ing and routinely pressed her fingers to her mouth. Our daⅡ y pronunciajon gⅡ 11petered oσ fron△ 1ack of interest, She walked sⅡ ently w“h her shoulders hunched,grasping her books Ⅵ注th both anms,and when I spoke to herin my ha1ting Japanese,she absently coⅡ my prepos⒒ ions。 10



SpⅡng comes ear1y in the Va11ey;in Febmary the skies are clear though the air

sti11cold.By1诳 arch,Winds are vigorous and warm and wi1d Ⅱowers dotthe desert floor, cockleblIrs are green and not yet tenacious,the sand is cmsty underfoo1

eve唧 ere

there“ a sme11ofthings growing and伍 e nrst t。 matoes green and bald.

are showhg

As the weather changed,Kiyoko-san became no饪 ceably more cheeral。 №



Oka who hated so to driⅤ e cou1d often be seen steenng his dusty o1d Ford over the road that passes ow house,and XΙ yoko-san sitting in iont would someti1nes

wave gaily to us.Mrs.Oka was never wi伍 them.I thought of these“ ps as the westemizing of图 yoko-san∶ with a pe.I.Ianent wave,her straight black hair became tang1es of tiny JBrantic cwls;be“

〃een her textbooks she carrled copies of Jzbo匕



sc・ 昭 召 ″曰 ″ 歹P助 oropJ° 1her clothes were gaywithpont andpⅡ ing,and she bought a

pair ofbrown suede shoes with a11igator tnm.

(Adapted iom Judi伍 A.Standford1996.RcΨ


ew,Califomh Ma】


o刀 历 殛〃 o Lj招 阳 彻昭 。

J:1eld PublisⅡ ng


38 The wrlter was disappointed with Kiyoko because she

A 1ooked1Ⅱ 冫her


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