Adelpha E. Malabed vs. Atty Meljohn B. De la Pena A.C. No. 7594 (Febrary 9! "#$%& Fa'ts In her Complaint1 dated 7 August August 2007, complainant charged respondent with dishonesty for “deliberately and repeatedly making falsehood fal sehood that “misled the Court! "irst, complainant claimed that the Certificate to "ile Action in the complaint filed by respondent refers to a different complaint, that is the complaint filed by complainant#s brother against "ortunato $adulco! In effect, there was no Certificate to "ile Action, Action, which is re%uired for the filing of a ci&il action, in the complaint filed by respondent on behalf of his client "ortunato $adulco!
'econd, complainant alleged that respondent did not furnish her counsel with a copy of the free patent co&ered by (riginal Certificate of )itle *(C)+ o! 17-0, but respondent forwarded a copy to the Court of Appeals! Appeals! Complainant claimed that she could not properly defend herself without a copy of the title! 'he further claimed that the title presented by respondent was fabricated! )o support such claim, complainant presented Certifications from the .epartment of /n&ironment and atural esources *./+ and the egistry of .eeds in a&al, iliran, allegedly confirming that there is no file in their offices o ffices of (C) o! 17-0! Complainant also alleged that respondent was guilty of conflict of interest when he represented the occupants of the lot owned by complainant#s complainant#s family, who who pre&iously donated a parcel of land to the oman oman Catholic Church, which which deed of donation respondent notaried! Complainant further accused respondent of conni&ing with egional )rial )rial Court *)C+, *)C+, a&al, iliran, ranch 13 $udge /nri%ue C! Asis, who was his former client in an administrati&e case, to rule in his clients# fa&or! fa&or! Complainant narrated the outcomes in the “cases of /strellers which were filed in the 45unicipal Circuit )rial Court *5C)C+6 and re&ersed by the )C, in the eercise of its appellate 8urisdiction to fa&or fa&or respondent and his client9s! client9s! Complainant charged respondent with gra&e misconduct when he defied the accessory penalty of his dismissal as a 8udge! espondent worked as Associate .ean and :rofessor of the a&al Institute of )echnology )echnology *I)+ ;
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