Makara Lagna

March 19, 2017 | Author: mahadp08 | Category: N/A
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A compilation on Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant)...



Sanskrit Name 10 Makara

English Name


Limb Of Kalapurush


Industrious Knees

Ruling Planet

Gender Quality

Element Locomotion

Shani(Saturn) Female Cardinal Earth


Guna (S=Satva, R=Rajas, T=Tamas)

Maha Bhuta

Dosha (V=Vata, P=Pitta, K=Kapha)

Makara 10 Capricorn


Prithvi (Earth)


Movable Male Fixed Body Female Dual M




Quadruped/Aquatic Vata


reluctance, cold, skin disease, hypertension

























Sign Capricorn


Element Earth

Modality Moveable


Polarity Female

Guna Tamas

Feet Appearance Quadruped/ Large Watery

Lord Saturn

Practical, methodical, systematic, scientific, reasonable, philosophical but



result-oriented, ambitious, self-willed, persevering, hard working, productive, abounding in speech, rising to the top, good organising power, possessing dignity and self-esteem, reserved, serious, patient, tolerant, circumspect, prudent, thoughtful, conservative, has much mental ingenuity, of fertile imagination, good business instinct, down to earth, not depending on the promises of others.

Hora in Capricorn If the first half of Capricorn be on the Ascendant, the native will be dark in complexion, will possess eyes, like that of a deer, be fortunate, will conquer women, be beautiful, crafty, opulent, will eat purified food, will do good acts and will have elevated nose. The first Hora in Capricorn is a man with jagged teeth who is hideous, and fierce, armed with a club like Death at Doomsday. He breaks the peace, this wearer of a deer-skin. He guards his iron, his slaves, and his buffaloes, and, standing in the water, defends his black grain. He keeps fierce thieves who are devoted to him, Mlecchas and the chiefs of the Candalas, sending them out (on raids). A man born in the first Hora in Capricorn is black with an auspicious body, and has eyes like a deer’s and a thin, elevated nose; he is a gentle and well dressed rogue who cats spicy food and is rich in wealth and ornaments; a man invincible among women. If born in the second half of Capricorn one will have blood-red eyes, be indolent, be interested in long travels, be foolish, dark in complexion, will have a hairy physique, be clever and fierce. The second Hora in Capricorn is a woman with loose hair who has a red face and red arms and who stands on one foot; they say that the rest of her is black. Her belly hangs down, and her teeth arc dreadful like a crocodile’s. She shines with blue unguents, and her body is covered with a garment the color of collyrium. She is adorned with ornaments made of the metal of the Pishacas. Entering the water and standing at the Mare’s Mouth (the Entrance to Hell), she raises her voice again and again. One born in the second Hora of Capricorn is black and has eyes with red corners and a tall, thin body; he is lazy, but commits violent and cruel deeds and acts with firmness and courage; he has women friends, but is fickle with regard to sexual intercourse. Drekkana in Capricorn One born in the first drekkana of Capricorn will have long hands, be dark in complexion, charming, famous, crafty, sparing in speech, be conquered by ladies, will perform superior acts and be wealthy. The first Decanate in Capricorn is the color of collyrium. His teeth are as terrible as a crocodile’s, He is armed with a staff, and his actions are like those of Time and Death. He stands in the middle of a cemetery with an armour of heavy hair and a strong body. A man born in the first, Drekkana of Capricorn is a dark and handsome rogue whose arms hang down and whose eyes are wide and thighs broad; he is irresistible among other men’s wives, converses with a smile and behaves attractively; and he owns money and grain. If the first drekkan is rising the tenth house will be to the fore. The native will earn well on his own merit and also through speculation. The 40th, 45th, and 50th years of life will be important. The first decanate of Capricorn ruled by Saturn

The First Drekkana of Capricorn represents a golden hued man with a hairy face, with a fiendish & cruel face, with wicked teeth like those of a crocodile, with a pig like body & keeping nets, bandages and yokes. This is an quadruped, human and armed decanate. Since the first decanate of Capricorn is rising their speculation bears fruit. Due to their intelligence and merits they will attain to wealth. They are advised to exercise caution and be careful about people and check all before dealing with them. The important years in their are 20, 21, 30, 31, 40, 45 & 50. The 1st drekkana of Capricorn in the ascendant provides an ambitious, persevering plodding, and persistent disposition. Fate is determined by the moral growth and the power to organize and rise above the difficulties of the early environment. The native is basically reserved, firm and self-reliant and anxious to be at the head of affairs. The Capricorn influence provides the native with tremendous potential for tact, prudence, and progress both financially and socially. First Drekkana (1°-10°).—The wealth will be due to personal merit and, sometimes, it may be due to speculation also. The subject will have many big plans but they will seldom succeed. He should be on guard always and not overtrust others. It promises success in any legitimate business he may care to go in for. He should try plans and projects that bring him in contact with the public. Investments connected with mining, precious stones and crystals and also factories will prove favourable. Important years will be 20th, 21st, 30th, 31st, 40th, 45th and 50th. One born in the second drekkana of Capricorn will have a small face, be fickle minded, will steal the wealth of other women, skilful, be a fortune-teller, be liberal and will suffer from diseases of the feet. The second Decanate in Capricorn is a man of blazing splendor whose teeth are dark blue and like a Pishaca’s, He is handsome, having bound on his armour, sword, and helmet (shirastrana). He wanders about constructing river-embankments, tanks, and aqueducts. One born in the second (Drekkana of Capricorn) is a dark-skinned rogue with a thin mouth and firm legs; he is a fickle, wicked, and quarrelsome man who wanders about stealing other men’s wives and money, but having no wife of his own. The second drekkan when rising will show mixed results of Saturn and Venus. The second house will be to the fore. The native will not be very ambitious. He will be very hard working and persistent in his effort. He will also be more conservative. The urge to amass wealth and property will be stronger. The 35th, 42nd, 45th and 50th years of life will be important. The second decanate of Capricorn ruled by Venus The second Drekkana of Capricorn represents a woman, with a penchant for clothes and searching for them, a lover of arts and highly skilled in them, beautiful eyes like lotus petals, dark complexioned and wearing ear ornaments made up of iron. This is a female decanate. Since the second decanate of Capricorn is rising, they are swayed by Wealth. Their pattern of expenditure will surprise many a people They spend money not on things which are necessary but on purposes not worthwhile. They will become overgenerous in the latter half of life. The important years in their life are 22, 24, 32, 35, 42, 45 & 50 The 2nd drekkana of Capricorn rising incites the ambitious qualities of the native and provides him with a persistent driving nature. He is inclined towards conservative and orthodox conditions. This position of Capricorn strengthens the character and indicates that the native will be a strong willed person. Second Drekkana (11°-20°).—The native will have a lot of regard for money. He will spend money on purposes not worthwhile, while shirking on those that he should spend. In the latter half of life, he

will become over-generous and will naturally improverish himself. In other words, he will be difficult to understand. Banking will be good as also sound investments. The important years will be 22nd, 24th, 32nd, 35th, 42nd, 45th and 50th. One born in the third drekkana of Capricorn will be garrulous, dirty, emaciated, long-limbed, devoid of father and will be reduced to evils in foreign places. The third Decanate in Capricorn is a woman with loose hair, a gaping mouth, and a hanging belly. Her red body is tall and thin. She holds a noose in her hand, and wears a winding-sheet. She delights in injury. In the last (Drekkana of Capricorn) is born a man whose brow is like a bell and whose limbs are long and lean; he has a foul nature and is addicted to sexual promiscuity (godharma); having been separated from his father, he obtains his money from a foreign country, but always gets miseries (as well). The third drekkan when rising brings the sixth house to the fore and the influence of Mercury will also be present alongwith that of Saturn. The native will not be sure of himself and will not be self reliant. He will be better educated and a better member of the society than natives born in the other two drekkans. He will however not do so well in life. He will be adaptable. The health is likely to suffer due to worry. He is likely to lose through his friends. He will have to face disappointments in life. Success will come to him after his 40th year. The 36th, 41st, 46th, 49th and 55th years of life will be important. The third decanate of Capricorn ruled by Mercury The last Drekkana of Capricorn represents a man, with a face of a horse, holding bows and arrows, covered with strong clothes, and bearing a pot on its shoulder full of gems. This is a human & a quadruped decanate. Since the third decanate of Capricorn is rising they may lose money due to undesirable friends. The fields of Music, dancing literary work and other arts are very much suited to them. They should exercise ceaseless vigilance in money matters. The important years in their life are 26,29, 36, 41, 46, 49 & 55. The 3rd drekkana of Capricorn ascending modifies the self-reliance of the sign but strengthens intellectual and mental qualifications. If the native can manage to obtain a good education the indications are that he will become a useful and important member of society. Circumstance will dictate the life of the native, much more than the ability to rule his own destiny. Third Drekkana (21°-30°).—Undesirable friends will drain financial resources. Music, literary work, dancing and other fine arts will be suitable for those born in this Drekkana. The subject will have to exercise great caution in money matters. During his early life, he will meet with many disappointments. But after about the 40th year, he will be successful. Speculation is not advisable. Important years will be 26th, 29th, 36th, 41st, 46th, 49th and 55th. Saptamsas In the first saptamsa of Capricorn is born a man with rough, black eyes, a thin mouth and nose, a long face, and dark, thin, extended limbs; he is a timid rogue with a deceitful mind who speaks well and possesses too much. In the second is born a fair-skinned man with loose limbs and emaciated thighs and body; his eyebrows are handsome and his mouth is like a lotus; he is a sweet and graceful person devoted to pleasure who knows about sexual inter-course, an intelligent and famous speaker.

In the third is born a thin man whose eyes, limbs, and body are very red; a fierce person who steals other men’s women and property and is looking for a fight; a clever and splendid person, but fickle; still thirsty though his intoxication swells up. In the fourth is born a man whose head, upper cheeks, throat, eyes, and nose are large, and whose body is round and dark like the shoot of a lotus; an intelligent man whose deeds are famous, he speaks slowly and with a smile and desires sexual intercourse with women. In the fifth is born one whose body is long and black like a cluster of dark clouds; a petitioner who is clever in pleasing with sweetness and service; one who knows singing, crafts, sacred traditions (sruti), and speaking, and who is approved of by saintly people. In the sixth is born a man with a large body which shines like clouds driven by the wind and with eyes whose brows are like uncovered blue lotuses; a gentle man who delights with his knowledge of the sacred traditions (sruti) and his asceticism and who is dear to the best people. A man born in the seventh saptamsa in Capricorn has full-grown, thick thighs and body, red eyes with many lashes in front, a large neck, and handsome eye-brows and nails; he is a fierce and arrogant traveller. Effects of Navamsas A native’s complexion, disposition and appearance can be deduced based on the rising Navamsa at birth. The effects being stated will depend on the stronger of the two, viz. the Moons Navamsa dispositor and the Navamsa Lagna Lord. Effects of Navamsas in Capricorn The various Navamsas resulting in the Ascendant Capricorn will emanate the following effects: Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, First Navamsa: The native will have interstice and outwardly visible teeth, be dark in complexion, will speak with broken words, or be stammering, will have coarse hair, be famous, be interested in music and amusement, be emaciated and will have fluctuating wealth. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Second Navamsa: The native will be indolent, crafty, crooked nosed, fond of music, broad bodied, be interested in many females, will prattle much and be skilful. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Third Navamsa: The native will have lust for music, be famous, fair complexioned, be endowed with superior looks and charming nose, will be fond of many friends and relatives and achieves fulfillment of desires. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Fourth Navamsa: The native will have round eyes with a mix of blood-red and black hue, large forehead, emaciated body and thin arms, scattered hair, interstice teeth and broken speech. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Fifth Navamsa: The native will have prominent neck, nose and belly, will enjoy pleasures, be attached to women, be dark in complexion, will have round knees and arms and will attain successful beginnings in his undertakings. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Sixth Navamsa: The native will possess a splendorous body, will attire charmingly, be libidinous, will possess small and even teeth, be a good speaker and will hae big cheeks and large forehead. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Seventh Navamsa: The native will be dark in complexion, be indolent, be an eloquent speaker, be short-haired, big-bodied, be harsh in disposition, will possess soft hands and legs, be intelligent and very virtuous.

Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Eighth Navamsa: The native will be endowed with majestic sight and charming nose, reddish face, uneven nails and hair,grotesque body and forehead protruding, like a pot. Effects of Capricorn Ascendant, Nine Navamsa: The native will have broad chest and large eyes, high intelligent, fully developed face, interest in musical studies, be endowed with sweetness and strength, be gentle and diplomatic. Moon Navamsas One born in the first navamsa in Capricorn is a dark-skinned, gat-toothed man whose hair and nails are rough, whose limbs are thin, and whose eyes are like a deer’s; his voice is broken and his purpose unsteady; he enjoys singing, travelling, and laughter. In the second is born a dark, black man with a curved nose; an able person who delights with his singing, a lover who has many women, and a lazy rogue full of disease; he has few sons, and he desires to be generous. In the third is born a fair-skinned man with a straight spine; the tip of his nose is spread out and the corners of his eyes are very red; he delights with his gymnastics, music, and fine arts, and performs good deeds; a famous man, he has many friends and relatives. One horn in the fourth is red and black, and gat-toothed; his forehead and arms are long, his eyes and knees like a goat’s, his hands and feet thin, and his hair dishevelled; he is addicted to quarrelsome speech. One born in the fifth is a dark man with elevated cheeks and nose, wide, black eyes, large, fat arms, thighs, and head, thick feet, and no spine; he is a juggler, an enjoyer, who has married a bad wife. One born in the sixth navamsa has handsome nose and eyes, curly hair, an oily skin, a thick jaw, thin limbs and legs, and small, even teeth; a well dressed orator who takes pleasure in love. In the seventh is born a dark fellow with loose, curly hair, rough ends of his feet and fingers, a covered body, thick hands and feet, and a fat, lumpy face; he is lazy and talks little. One born in the eighth has inscrutable, steady, terrible eyes, a round face, split nails and hairends, a full-grown body, and a forehead like a jar; he speaks shrilly; he has great arrogance and pride, and a bad character. One born in the ninth navamsa is dark and full-grown; his eyes and chest are broad, his face wide and full, and his nose raised; he is fat in the lower regions; an intelligent person, he delights in sweetness and in singing. It is Movable, Earthy, Female, Vaishya Varana, Ratribali, Grey color, uncultivated fields, mines, mountain peaks, uncomfortable rooms, dark rooms, below ground levels, South direction, Quiet by nature, represents Upper parts and knees, of Kala Purusha kundli. Capricorn has the face of a deer with the hind part of a crocodile. The mouth of Makara is like that of a deer, shoulders like those of a bull and eyes like those of an elephant. It moves in the rivers and resides in the ocean. Makara: is a kind of sea-monster with the body of a crocodile (other views - shark, dolphin) and the head of a deer. It is regarded as the emblem of Kaama deva, the love god and the vehicle of Varuna. It indicates rivers, shallows and marshy places, cremation grounds, burial grounds. It is ruled by Shani.

Capricorn (Makar): Mouth of a deer, shoulders of a bull and eyes of an elephant, resides in forests, rivers, areas full of water, places inhabited by potters, home if tribals. The tenth is pointed out as being a sea-monster (makara) whose front is like a deer’s, but whose hind-end is like a fish’s; they say this is the region of the knees of the Creator. Its places are rivers, forests, woods, paths and so forth, marshes, and pits. Capricorn is quadruped in the first half and is footless in the second half, moving in water and its complexion is variegated. It has a large body and is strong in the night. Capricorn or Makra as the goat, yet makara (sea monster); This sign rises back first; It's considereed tamo guna and is prithivi tattva. It is owned by Sani ( Saturn) Sani , the one that limps. Capricorn - (Female Saturn - Knees - Moveable Earth) Key: Need to learn more self surrender, to take themselves, the world and their place in the world less seriously. Capricorn: Water abounding forest. Latter half wattery animals First half quadruped Pristodaya Movable Even Dwara rasi Mineral Soft Female South Mixed colours lifeless river Knees Night Crocodile Vaisya Prithvi Tatwa Laundry work Stomac ache Want of Appetite Aberration of mind Albania, India, Bulgaria, Mexico Capricorn (मकर): resembles a Deer whose shoulders are like of a bull and eyes of elephant. it represents Knees and is a Movable sign. It is strong during Night and rises by Hind Side (Prishtodaya). It is a Female sign and its direction is South. Its inherent nature is Earthy and caste is Vaishya. Lord of Capricorn is Saturn. Capricorn (Makara): Cardinal ... Earth ... Ruled by Saturn,A Crocodile, or a Goat climbing a Mountain: Very ambitious, shrewd at business, hard working, perseverance, great accomplishments, very materialistic, serious, obstinate, organizational abilities, practical, tenacious, hard to get to know Fixed Stars: Altair gives a bold nature, valiant, with ambition. It leads to positions of power but trouble with authority. Capricorn - half crocodile and half beast, knees calves, rivers, watery places, jungles, lakes and their adjacent place and openings in the ground. Makar described. Makar is lorded by Śani and has predominance of Tamo-Gun (a disposition, seen in demons). It is an earthy Rāśi and represents the southern direction. It is strong in nights and rises with back. It has a large body. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to both forests and lands. Its first half is quadruped and its second half footless, moving in water. Capricorn/Makar described. Capricorn/Makar is lorded by Saturn/Śani and has predominance of Tamo-Gun (a disposition, seen in demons). It is an earthy Rāśi and represents the southern direction. It is strong in nights and rises with back. It has a large body. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to both forests and lands. Its first half is quadruped and its second half footless, moving in water. Lord is Saturn. Capricorn: Capricorn is an earth sign, ruled by the planet Saturn. It is symbolized by the crocodile which seems to indicate patience. As it is a slow planet it may indicate a slowness in actions. It gives power and influence for a committed and determined individual. It can give power over, or respect from, the general public. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and therefore signifies hard work, perseverance, tenacity and accomplishment. Capricorn is also power, order and organization. MAKARA: Witty, and changeable, good organizer, cautious, secretive, ambitious, preserving, pragmatic Capricorn, the Goat ambitious, decisive

Makara: Hard working, laborous, conservative, methodical etc. Makara Lagna - Oval face strong body attractive face methodical sincer, hard working inflexible. Capricon: Short/tall, stature, slender body, thin face, plain looking, long protruding chin, thin neck, dark hair Capricorn: Emaciated, weak; slow growth; slender, lean, wiry; long nose; deep set eyes; coarse hair. In old age; hunch backed Capricorn and the 10th house govern the joints and knees. Potential problems if afflicted could be knee injury or surgery, weakness of the knees, joints or bones. Capricorn Governs: rivers, forests, lakes, caves, church yards, temple precincts, tombs, sepulchers, arsenals, jungles, marshy places, waters abounding in whales and crocodiles. Medical astrology- Capricorn- Anatomical Parts, Bones and joints, knee-joint, hairs, nails and skeleton in general, patella Common Diseases for Capricorn: Cutaneous troubles, leprosy, leucoderma, tooth ache, elephantiasis. Capricorn: Knees, marsh lands, watery places, alligators, beasts, bushes, slender buils, long neck, prominent teeth, witty, perfectionist, patient, organizer, cautious, secretive, pragmatic. MAKARA: Hotels, food products, manure and pesticide selling, oil merchant, mining, dealing with spare parts and old articles, hardware shop, leather business, building work, Granite stone and sand business, porters, coolies, drivers, shoe polishing, shoe makers. Capricorn: Rivers, forest, watery places, rich or abounding in water, banks, or sides of river or mountains. Wheatish yellow colour, solar sign, benefic, average ascension, Prishtodaya sign weak in the lower limbs, good strength, indolent, prominent nose etc. Deaf in the afternoon and lame and becomes fate in the two periods of twilight Makara Rashi /Capricorn: The 10th sign is Makara/ Capricorn. It has Shani as the lord and has predominance of Tamo guna (a disposition seen in demons). It is an earthy rashi and represents the southern direction. It is strong at night, and rises from the back. It has a large body. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to both forests and lands. Its first half is quadruped and its second half moves in water, without a foot .Shani /Saturn is the ruler and Makara is movable, earthy, and female. Shani has qualities of patience, endurance and slow but steady progress. The movable side of Makara is contrasting mobile as compared to Shani. The symbol of the sign is a crocodile with the upper body of a goat. The crocodile part stands for the patience and endurance, and the goat part grafted on top of it stands for the mobility, and the somewhat stubborn nature of the sign. Capricorn: Represented by the lower earth, Capricorn is the earth in it's most basic and purest form. Just like the pure earth is made up of various elements, Capricorn has many sides and takes interest in everything from materialistic possessions to solid to being a powerful status symbol. Sort of like the depths of the earth, Capricorn is mysterious and deep. They can be dark, not in a malicious sense, but in a depressed sort of way since they are very conservative and have a difficult time with pleasure since they are so concerned and involved in their work and the more serious aspects of life. CAPRICORN: "I am persevering, ambitious, I aim to succeed. I am materialistic, tenacious, a realist who is bent on getting results. I seek to reach the heights in this world. I am peculiar about finances and get money through unusual means. I am a dreamer, quick to take up new residence, a lover of luxury and beautiful people. I am a perfectionist in religious matters, a jack of all trades, emotionally attached to

partner. I receive gifts from rich and powerful people. Perfection is my philosophy. I want to do some great service. I have secret and turbulent friendships and am free with my sexuality." Capricorn is a moveable Earth sign. People with a heavy emphasis of Capricorn in their chart (not just eh Sun), initiate (moveable) through tangivle things (Earth). Hence, the pop descrptions of Capricorns being hard working types who often head their own companies. But htat is a pop description. They will initiate through anything that is tangible, i.e., anything felt through the senses. They are heavily creative in cooking, music, fine and performin arts, business. Capricorns make excellent mothers as they know how to initiate lasting relationships with creature comforts. Capricorn : When the rising sign is Capricorn, the person is of middle-stature, clever, and fickle. Ascetic qualities. He is able to adapt himself according to circumstances. He is strong minded and very patient. He will have few children. His wife will be beautiful and happy-go-lucky. Capricorn ruled by Saturn: Weak in lower limbs, strong, quick in grasping but indolent will be the man born with Capricorn in the Ascendant (Lagna). He will be religious hypocrite, fortunate, attached to an old woman of the prohibited class, roaming, shameless, and may suffer from rheumatic diseases. Capricorn: Capricorn is ambitious (power, position, money), organizational, self-disciplined, rigid, thrifty, prudent, security-conscious, conservative, responsible, practical, persistent, political, business oriented, methodical. Capricorn Rising: Capricorn is ruled by the plane\ Saturn. Those born under this ascendant are liked by others, although they tend to put their own desires first and foremost. They persevere and, generally, set high goals for themselves. Although they may seem negative they can attain greatness, power and fame, achieving things difficult to obtain by the average person. They do exercise patience in working toward their desires until they are realized. They are multi-talented and may change their mode of employment, liking the variety. This also makes them enjoy travel. Physically they may be thin and good-looking with sandy or brownish hair. They are successful in business for they will do whatever they feel is necessary to achieve their goals, even to the point of underhandedness at times. In marriage they often choose someone senior in age and don't usually have many children. Capricorn Horoscope: Persons born under this sign would be tall, reddish brown in color, with prominent hair on the eye brows and the chest. Women would be handsome and young in appearance. If the 2nd house is afflicted they might have protruding teeth. Women have an inviting appearance. They have the capability to adapt themselves to the environment. They have great aspirations in life and cannot restrain from spending even if they are in times of financial troubles. They are modest , liberal in ideas and good in business tactics. They are known for their perseverance and strong-minded ness. They are stoical to the miseries of life. They are possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropic and take interest in literature science and education. Sometimes they turn out to be vindictive. Pious and humble they make good spouses. Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant): If Capricorn (Makara) is the ascendant house in the horoscope, its lagna is said to be Makara. A person born in this ascendant is inclined towards evil deeds, has many children, is greedy, lazy but hard working. Makara Lagna The natives of this lagna are generally emanciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body will not be plumpy or muscular but slender. A native of this lagna grows tall suddenly on becoming young and his constitution improves with age. His nose is long and eyes deep-set. The hair is coarse. They are economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. He is methodical, slow, steady and patient. He is calculative and business- like. A Makara native is capable

of taking quick decisions. He will have push and confidence. He has special organizing capacity and lot of tolerance. He will be honest, sincere and reliable unless the lagna has evil influence on it. In the latter case he will become dishonest, selfish and even criminal. The natives of this lagna have to face lot of obstacles, difficulties and hindrances, but they are capable of overcoming them. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. They generally marry late, but prove good husbands and father of many children. Makara Lagna /Capricorn Ascendant: Saturn may give these natives perseverance, a strong sense of purpose, and the ability to bear life's difficulties with stoic calm. Capricorn natives are practical, ambitious, and responsible.They do not fear change and are flexible in their points of view. They are good at handling finances, and tend to be conserving. They are efficient and often successful in their undertakings due to their ability to work hard and remain focussed on the goals. Their practical aspirations that can lead them to great heights, although they may find little joy in their achievements. Their perfectionism may cause difficulties in marriage. At their best, they are philosophical and generous. Capricorn Ascendant (Rising Sign) description according to Phala Deepika: When Capricorn is the Ascendant at birth, his lower limbs will be weak. He will have vitality. He will accept other people`s advice but will be lazy by nature. He will indulge in affairs with old women of the forbidden category. He will be a religious hypocrite. He will be fond of wandering. He will be fortunate but shameless. He will suffer from wind-diseases. Bhargavi Samhita: A native born in Capricorn lagna is crooked, foolish, deceitful, has a vile intellect, has lots of children, is very covetous and very independent. If the tenth sign (Capricorn) is in the ascendant, the native is a weak and timid man who has a body and face like a deer’s; a fellow tormented by diseases of the nature of wind; a man of little courage, the tip of whose nose is long and high; one whose hands and feet are overgrown with curly hair; a fickle person with long ears and black eyes; a thirsty man bereft of good conduct and virtues; one who can be controlled by sexual intercourse with women and who goes after wealth; a hero of noble descent who shines because of his many connections; one who is fond of responsive singing, sacred traditions (sruti), sciences, and crafts; the weak slayer of his brothers; a man with a family; a hated person whose people are depraved; the enemy of rogues; one whose wives have their bodies injured by their ill-mannered lovers; a man hostile to evil who possesses the wealth of his calumniators; one inclined towards righteousness (dharma) and knowing the five arts of a king; a man whose wealth is mostly obtained by stealing, and who gives away little of it; a lazy person who talks a lot and makes no effort; a father of daughters who …; a man who dies because of carnivorous animals and wind-diseases, or because of the swords and prisons of the king, or because of bilediseases, or because of poisons. CAPRICORN It is an earthy sign ruled by Saturn, the significator of dutifulness and responsibility. Mars, the significator of energy and ambition, is exalted in this sign and Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge, is debilitated. These factors render the Capricornians ambitious, hardworking and selfish if not having a spiritual practice. It is the sign of practical realization. If Capricorn rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Vishnu. This sign rules knees and kneecaps, skin, bones and joints. As both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign then the Sun, the significator for vitality, would be

considered as the prime determinant of health for Capricornians. If the Sun is strong, they enjoy good health. Otherwise, Capricornians have a sickly constitution and suffer from joint pains/inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases and allergies, etc. The native may also have troubles resulting from over work and nervous disorders. Capricorn is a moveable, negative, tamasic, vata, female, semi-fruitful, first half quadruped and second half footless sign and signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholic nature if Saturn is weak in the nativity. Capricorn rising gives good looks if Saturn is strong. The aspect of natural benefics to the ascendant provides charm to the personality. The negative influences on weak Saturn, as lord of the second house, gives an appearance of a person advanced in age, sunken eyes, wrinkled body, etc. The first half of Capricorn is watery and the second half is earthy. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Capricorn usually combines diligence and commitment with flexibility and adaptability and renders their natives traditional, level-headed, cautious, thrifty, conservative, methodical, social, practical, with organizing ability, faithful, prudent, protective, dependable and persevering or selfish, rigid and resentful. Depending upon the strength of Venus, the Sun and Saturn, Capricornians become businessmen, agriculturists, lawyers, leaders, politicians, etc. They are careful with their money. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits. CAPRICORN (MAKARA) Persons born in Capricorn or makara sign will be tall, reddish brown in colour with prominent hair on the eye-brows and the chest. Women born in Capricorn will be handsome and youngish in appearance. Capricorn have large teeth and sometimes protruding outside the lips and presenting an uncouth appearance if the second house is afflicted. The lips of Capricorn are flushy and ladies have an inviting appearance. They have the knack of adopting themselves to circumstances and environments. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economise funds even if they were to be under the influence of adversity. They are modest, liberal and gentlemanly in business transactions. Capricorn are noted for their perseverance and strong mindedness. In fact they are stoical to the miseries of life. They are possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy and take great interest in literature, science and education. Sometimes they are vindictive. When saturn is badly posited, Capricorn are possessed of bigotry. God-fearing and humble they make good husbands or wives. Depending upon the disposition of the 9th house Capricorn can become philosophically minded or develop social consciousness.

1st House Capricorn: A person with a first house Capricorn tends to be sensitive, timid, business-like, ambitious, controlling, reserved, practical, down-to-earth, duty-conscious, responsible, critical, and cold. Such a person may even face trouble while communicating in the early stages of his life. Such a person may even suffer from feelings of inadequacy. A person with a first house Capricorn is determined towards his goals and objectives. This determination usually helps such a person to overcome these problems easily. Such a person is also ambitious and does not settle down until he has achieved all his goals and objectives. Money, position and power are very important to a person with a first house Capricorn. Such a person is usually reserved and this can be misunderstood as coldness. Such a person simply believes that he is responsible and is doing his duty. A person with a first house Capricorn may even face

problems related to his knees. Any trouble with the knees is the outer evidence of an inner inability to be flexible. Such a person should also try to socialize rather than spending most of his time alone. Discipline, systematic endeavor, hard work, and patience are the characteristics of a person with a first house Capricorn. The presence of a first house Capricorn states that a person comes across as restrained, conservative, practical and reserved, and feels obliged to project and maintain a good image despite external circumstances. Always objective, such a person presents himself as a sharp business and career person. It hardly matters what particular difficulties life presents him with, for his biggest challenge is always he in himself. A person with a first house Capricorn feels dissatisfaction with some aspect of his personality or appearance and may develop conflicting behaviour to deal with these feelings when they surface. A person with a first house Capricorn is usually a workaholic. Such a person also wants that his colleagues and subordinates should also share the same kind of dedication towards work. Such a person can even be judgemental of others on various different issues. A person with a first house Capricorn may face some problems in his personal relationships due to these characteristics.Such a person is usually conservative in his actions and habits. Such a person is also very concerned with his status and prestige. A person with a first house Capricorn climbs to the top in a very slow, sure-footed way, always staying on solid ground and taking his sweet time about it. There is much stability in his makeup and he rarely becomes discouraged, even when he is faced with frequent setbacks and roadblocks. Such a person has a great organizational ability and determination. Very straight-laced and proper behavior is sometimes a facade hiding a sense of insecurity or of feelings that such a person is unwanted or unappreciated. Effects of Birth in Capricorn Ascendant . One born in Capricorn Ascendant will have an emaciated body, be timid, will have a face, akin to that of a deer, be troubled by windy diseases, will have a bright and elevated nose, be not mighty, will have many sons, be hairy-bodied, will have broad feet and hands, be devoid of conduct and virtues, be tormented by thirst (or morbid heat), be dear to the fair sex, will wander in hills and forests, be valorous, will have knowledge of Shastra's, Vedas, fine arts, music and musical instruments, will have little strength, be a householder, be hostile, wicked, ill disposed to relatives, splendorous, will have a wicked wife, will not be a talebearer, be wealthy, virtuous, will serve a king, be very liberal, happy and fortunate. 10. When Capricorn is the Ascendant at birth, his lower limbs will be weak. He will have vitality. He will accept other people's advice but will be lazy by nature. He will indulge in affairs with old women of the forbidden category. He will be a religious hypocrite. He will be fond of wandering. He will be fortunate but shameless. He will suffer from wind-diseases. MAKARA LAGNA OR MAKARA ASCENDANT You are a person with strong will power and you have the ability to achieve whatever you wanted in your life. You are not a deep thinker, but you will think based on the works which have come to you. You are little bit lethargic also. In health, you will have problems related to cold and wind. Take care of it. If your Saturn is strong, you don’t have to worry or else, it is required to take astrological guidance. Since you are highly affectionate, you are life will be a one with full happiness in your family. But you will have the possibility of extra marital affairs which you should avoid problems in family. You will have a steady growth in life and you will acquire everything to be a good householder.

In career, you could be well in marketing, consumer and computer industry, a good architect, interior decorators, in jewellery. You will be successful in areas of art, beauty and in areas of ultra modern requirements. You may not have speedy growth in career for which astrological support might be necessary. Ascendant - Capricorn (Makara): Capricorn rising gives strong will power and determination. They are philosophers in their own right. They are likely to be vindictive & secretive. They have strong determination and purposiveness in life. They are very cunning & highly determined. They do not mind the general feeling of the audience when they talk about Truth & Reality. They do not mind employing means that are not above board to reach their target. "End justifies the means" seems to be their principle. They can talk softly and kindly and many a man will fall into their trap. They are born in a Saturnine sign which gives them the qualities of temperance & fortitude. Great patience & perseverance are imparted by Saturn. Capricornians make good sculptors. They are likely to be melancholic in temparament. They make good actors.

CAPRICORN (MAKARA) Persons born in Capricorn or makara sign will be tall, reddish brown in colour with prominent hair on the eye-brows and the chest. Women born in Capricorn will be handsome and youngish in appearance. Capricorn have large teeth and sometimes protruding outside the lips and presenting an uncouth appearance if the second house is afflicted. The lips of Capricorn are flushy and ladies have an inviting appearance. They have the knack of adopting themselves to circumstances and environments. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economise funds even if they were to be under the influence of adversity. They are modest, liberal and gentlemanly in business transactions. Capricorn are noted for their perseverance and strong mindedness. In fact they are stoical to the miseries of life. They are possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy and take great interest in literature, science and education. Sometimes they are vindictive. When saturn is badly posited, Capricorn are possessed of bigotry. God-fearing and humble they make good husbands or wives. Depending upon the disposition of the 9th house Capricorn can become philosophically minded or develop social consciousness. MAKARA Lagna - is the 10th sign of the Zodiac. It has as its symbol the Sea Goat or the Crocodile. It is the last of the moveable sign. It is a feminine, earth and even sign. Being earthy by nature you put up with a lot of provocation. You will be very patient and you will work steadily and wait for the results. You will never waste your energy. All these are indicated because you are both earthy and moveable in nature as per your Lagna. Being a earthy sign it shows solidity and stability and indicates material welfare and you will surely be bent on making wealth and seeking power and position. It will also give good health. You will be careful and cautions, premeditative, prudent and practical, secretive and suspicious, stubborn and self-protective, slow & steady reserved and restrained, methodical and economical, plodding and persevering. You have a practical objective, scientific, methodical and materialistic mind. Being a movable sign or a Chara Rasi, you will show enterprise, love of ambition, enthusiasm, forcefulness, and a go-ahead spirit. Fame recognition and popularity and ability to complete plans and execute them in a short time are your major plus points. You represent the busy people. You are likely to be pioneers in your chosen field, who rise in life on their own in spite of continuous obstacles. You will not hesitate to change whatever you dislike and whenever you want. And you are capable of dealing with any situation or emergency.

Being a negative sign you will be passive, receptive to the ideas and suggestion of other people, defensive and a have a some-what conciliatory disposition. You will be more self repressive and less out going and may need a little push to get you started. This sign is also called a Feminine Sign. This sign deals with practicality, realism, hard work & accomplishment planning, determination, persistence, success, yearning for high status good quality work, reputation, responsibility, difficulties, problems wealth, long term projects, slow lift to the top, wisdom, loyalty and sensitivity to beauty and a spirit to fight against injustice in a silent way. During certain interval of times, you may be having some of the minus points of this Lagna. They are: a tendency to believe their way is always the best, higher ego, unforgiving, anxious and tense, taking a critical view, a perfectionist who is never satisfied, a fatalistic attitude to life and a status seeker. Ascendant – Capricorn ( Makara ) Capricorn rising gives strong will power and determination. They are philosophers in their own right. They are likely to be vindictive & secretive. They have strong determination and purposiveness in life. They are very cunning & highly determined. They do not mind the general feeling of the audience when they talk about Truth & Reality. They do not mind employing means that are not above board to reach their target. “End justifies the means” seems to be their principle. They can talk softly and kindly and many a man will fall into their trap. They are born in a Saturnine sign which gives them the qualities of temperance & fortitude. Great patience & perseverance are imparted by Saturn. Capricornians make good sculptors. They are likely be melancholic in temparament. They make good actors. CAPRICORN: It is an earthy sign ruled by Saturn, the significator of dutifulness and responsibility. Mars, the significator of energy and ambition, is exalted in this sign and Jupiter, the significator of fortune and knowledge, is debilitated. These factors render the Capricornians ambitious, hardworking and selfish if not having a spiritual practice. It is the sign of practical realization. If Capricorn rises as the ascendant, the Ishta Devata (form of god for worshipping and meditation) would be Lord Vishnu. This sign rules knees and kneecaps, skin, bones and joints. As both the ascendant and the sixth house do not contain a mooltrikona sign then the Sun, the significator for vitality, would be considered as the prime determinant of health for Capricornians. If the Sun is strong, they enjoy good health. Otherwise, Capricornians have a sickly constitution and suffer from joint pains/inflammation, arthritis, general weakness, emaciated body, skin diseases and allergies, etc. The native may also have troubles resulting from over work and nervous disorders. Capricorn is a moveable, negative, tamasic, vata, female, semi-fruitful, first half quadruped and second half footless sign and signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholic nature if Saturn is weak in the nativity. Capricorn rising gives good looks if Saturn is strong. The aspect of natural benefics to the ascendant provides charm to the personality. The negative influences on weak Saturn, as lord of the second house, gives an appearance of a person advanced in age, sunken eyes, wrinkled body, etc. The first half of Capricorn is watery and the second half is earthy. Depending on the influences on the ascendant, the sign Capricorn usually combines diligence and commitment with flexibility and adaptability and renders their natives traditional, levelheaded, cautious, thrifty, conservative, methodical, social, practical, with organizing ability, faithful, prudent, protective, dependable and persevering or selfish, rigid and resentful. Depending upon the strength of Venus, the Sun and Saturn, Capricornians become businessmen, agriculturists, lawyers, leaders, politicians, etc. They are careful with their money. The influence of other planets on the tenth, first or second houses changes the professional pursuits.

Capricorn: The native will like to be near water. He will be cunning, clever, unscrupulous, ruthless, diffident, a backbiter and given to defrauding others. He will be lazy, and religious. The native will keep the company of people of the lower strata of society. He generally does not talk unless he has something important to say. He is ambitious, and sober, and hankers after success. He will be tall and slim and will be weak in the lower parts of his body. He will have deep set eyes and a pointed nose. He will also have diseases indicated by Gemini in the sixth house. He will be long lived if Saturn is powerful and will not have bad qualities if the first house is aspected by at least a beneficial planet. Such a situation of planets will also make the native very wealthy with age. The native will have a garden, well or the house of a scribe or land surveyor near his house. Capricorn Makara: Good eyes, lower part of the body below the waist under developed compared to the upper half; thin waist; suffers from diseases arising out of VATA (wind); allergic to winter or cold; dotes upon his wife and children; makes a big show of being religious (though in reality he may not be so religious); cruel, avaricious, fortunate and prosperous; accepts advice tendered; has good stamina, fond of walking; indolent; a connoisseur of poetry; devoid of shame, attached to an elderly lady related to the native. Capricorn (Makara): Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Mars is exalted in this sign and Jupiter is debilitated. They are tall, lean, stiff all over body, bid head and big neck. They are strong willed, ambitious, determined, reliable, careful and disciplined person. They have knack of adjusting to circumstances, respects sympathy and generosity. They are philanthropic and have good organizing skills. They suffer wind diseases, allergic to cold and indolent. Professions best suit to them are public works, farmer, civil servants, builder, marine product, water goods and responsible executive jobs. Persons born in Capricorn or makara sign will be tall, reddish brown in colour with prominent hair on the eye-brows and the chest. Women born in Capricorn will be handsome and youngish in appearance. Capricorn have large teeth and sometimes protruding outside the lips and presenting an uncouth appearance if the second house is afflicted. The lips of Capricorn are flushy and ladies have an inviting appearance. They have the knack of adopting themselves to circumstances and environments. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economise funds even if they were to be under the influence of adversity. They are modest, liberal and gentlemanly in business transactions. Capricorn are noted for their perseverance and strong mindedness. In fact they are stoical to the miseries of life. They are possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy and take great interest in literature, science and education. Sometimes they are vindictive. When saturn is badly posited, Capricorn are possessed of bigotry. God-fearing and humble they make good husbands or wives. Depending upon the disposition of the 9th house Capricorn can become philosophically minded or develop social consciousness. Capricorn: The house with Capricorn on the cusp shows the area of your life where you are sociable, traditionalistic, optimistic, dignified and have concentration. The native born under this sign are religious hypocrite, fond of wandering and fortunate. They have a knack to adjust themselves as per the circumstances and environments. They have great aspirations in life and can not economize funds even if they were to be under the influence of adversity. They are modest, liberal and gentlemanly in business transactions. They are perseverant and have strong mindedness. They possess sympathy, generosity, philanthropy, interest in literature, science and education. They are vindictive, god fearing, humble cunning, determined and

Sometimes pessimistic. These people are very good at studies in general, once they read they won't forget the facts for ages. Physical characteristics- The native will have emaciated body, thin face akin to that of a deer, dark coarse hair, a bright and elevated nose, lot of hair on the head, long hands, long legs, weak lower limbs, will have vitality, but lazy nature, tall in size, reddish brown color and large teeth and fleshy lips. Makara: Makara lagna or when Chandra is in Makara rashi in the birth chart: Makara lagna persons are emaciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body will not be plumpy or muscular but slender. A native of this lagna grows tall suddenly on becoming young and his constitution improves with age. His nose is long and eyes deep set. The hair are coarse. Makara is an earthy sign. So the Makara lagna native is economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. He is methodical, slow and steady and patient. He is calculative and business like. Makara is also a movable sign. This indicates after giving due consideration to any matter, the Makara lagna native will come to a quick decision. He will have push and confidence He has special organising capacity and lot of tolerance A Makara native are generally not an optimistic person. He will have to accept the reality of a thing when the outcome is known. Makara is owned by Shani. If the lagna does not have evil influenecs, the native will be honest, sincere and reliable. If the lagna is afflicted, he will be dishonest, selfish, greedy miserly and may even become a criminal. Further with good influences on lagna. the native will never be idle. On the other hand, he will be very hardworking always keep himself busy. With bad influences on lagna the native will become lazy and a pessimist to the extreme. Makara lagna natives are conservative by nature. They will not care for difficulties, handicaps and hindrances which will always be there for such people. They will continue to work until they bring their work or task entrusted to them to a successful conclusion. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. Professions most suitable to Makara lagna people are service in business concerns, municipality or gaverrunent. They are also very well suited to work in mines and oil concerns. They can also become engineers, scientists or research scholars. Makara lagna people generally marry late. They are good husbands and fathers of many children; but they do not make a show of their affection. On the other hand, they would enforce discipline in the house as they do in the place of their work. Capricorn Lagna: Capricorn's symbol in jyotish is the makara, a word which is usually translated 'crocodile' but also indicates a sort of generic sea monster. The makara symbolizes ambition, both by its ferocity after its prey (its goal) and by its amphibious nature, which betokens its aspiration to master two elements (Earth and Water). This ambition is particularly strong because Capricorn is the tenth house of the natural zodiac, because Venus is the lord of the fifth house of speculation and the tenth house of career, and because Saturn is exalted in the tenth house of a Capricorn ascendant. Mars for Aries lagna is also exalted in the tenth house, but Mars frenetically pursues fast progress, while Saturn stands for the slow, steady, behind-the-scenes, gradual sort of progress that often comes later in life. Slow progress in career becomes particularly pronounced for Capricorn because Saturn is the slowest of the planets, and because Capricorn is both a passive rashi and an Earth rashi.

As with Aries, the lord of a Capricorn lagna is debilitated in the fourth house, which often presages a dissatisfaction with family life, ancestors, roots and property. Because Venus is the lord of the fifth house of offspring, however, Capricorns are famous for doting on their children. Mars, the significator for property, is exalted in the first house of this ascendant as lord of the fourth house of property and the eleventh house of gain; this betokens gain through property. The native may be concurrently dissatisfied with any gained, since Saturn, another of the property significators, is debilitated in the fourth house. Capricornians tend to be money minded because people, who have been seized by Saturn, the lord of and second houses here, tend to become miserly and stingy. Saturn, who (being dry) is the Vata significator, may promote a Vata constitution for Capricornians, inclining them to long bodies, sometimes to the point of gauntness. Arthritis may also be indicated, because Capricorn is an Earth sign, and Earth is to movement. The remedy is a copper ring or bracelet and exercise. Some texts state that Capricornians are hypocrites because Jupiter, the significator of spirituality, rules two dussthanas (the third and twelfth houses) and is debilitate in the first house of a Capricorn ascendant. We have also observed people who have an interest in India often have major placements in Capricorn, particularly because its lord Saturn represents conservative, old things like tradition, and because Saturn enables people to plod toward their goals patiently. Capricorn, the Goat The Goat is an adept mountain climber, toughened and hardy, and able to withstand the cold winds and rocky terrain of worldly ambition. Calculated steps get you to the top, and relentless determination combined with careful initiative ensures eventual success. Capricorn is associated with career goals, social status, financial security, and dynamic practicality in general. The practicality of Capricorn (following on from and guided by the ethics and ideals of Sagittarius) is far more visionary than the technical efficiency of the sign Virgo. Capricorn represents a relatively mature stage of development in which responsibility can be shouldered for projects that will affect large numbers of people, such as in the realms of politics and big business. This requires worldly experience and a combination of both discipline and dynamism. Capricorn is depicted as a goat having a fish’s tail, giving this sign an amphibious quality; a feature it holds in common with it's opposite sign, Cancer, the Crab. Capricorn is the Cardinal sign of the Earthy Triplicity, and as such capable of greater initiative and confidence than the other Earth signs. Stern old Saturn is the planetary ruler of the sign Capricorn. This sign is indeed associated with father or authority figures whom we look up to and respect for their achievements and proven ability. Physiologically, Capricorn is said to rule the knees, and one might consider that Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn, is associated with the skin, bones and teeth. Capricorn, as the 10th sign of the zodiac, corresponds to the 10th House, which is associated with one's career, public persona and social status.

Characteristics of People Born in Sign Capricorn Capricorn is the 10th zodiac sign. This is a feminine sign and is the lord of south direction. Its primary element is earth. Saturn is the lord of Capricorn. Mars is exalted and Jupiter is debilitated on this sign. Natives born in Capricorn are practical and have conventional outlook towards life. They can be identified by their permanent facial expressions of worry and anxiety. The Capricorn natives are

highly social and believe in aged long social principles. They treasure their past life which influences them a lot. The natives of Capricorn are attracted to antiquities and care for them. Capricorn natives get the result of whatever they do very quickly. Good or bad work they get the results in a very short time. Hence, the saying of ‘as you sow, so shall you reap’ is apt in their case. These people are sensitive and focus their mind on a particular topic, as a result the Capricorns excel in their chosen subjects. Capricorn natives have materialistic outlook towards life. They are fond of worldly pleasures and luxurious things. They collect all sorts of lavish and deluxe means to fulfill their material desires. They have a royal personality and know how to convince others to get their work done. They maintain good relations with people to benefit from them. Though they are clever and to some extent fickle minded also, but their hard work distinguishes them from others. For this quality the natives of Capricorn progress in their life at a fast pace. People born in Capricorn sign are down to earth and very realistic. These traits of their nature make them a little suspicious. They are cautious about everything they come in contact with and always stay alert. Every step of the natives of Capricorn is the result of their immense calculation and awareness. Astrology points out some shortcomings in their character. They are jealous of other people’s success. They are not big hearted enough to see the betterment of other people. Capricorns are always indulged in their own success and development. The Capricorns suit to the academic subjects and courses like computer science, hardware, engineering, medical laboratory technology, accounts, business management, chemistry, botany and human rights. Astrologers say that in relation to the above stated subjects, other careers suitable and profitable for the natives of Capricorn are steel furniture business, research department, biology, law department, telecom and municipality sector. Capricorns may be prone to skin diseases, arthritis, digestion, heart, blood and nasal problems. They might develop mental stress. So, they should be careful about these health problems.

Capricorn Ascendant or Rising sign or Makara Lagna | People of Capricorn rising sign The Capricorn Ascendant or Makara Lagna natives are perceived to be very sincere and determined from the core as they carry a very serious approach towards life for which they perceive every aspect of life with complete sincerity but off course not the humor as they are humorous as well and carry a vivacious attitude. The Capricorn Ascendant or Makara Lagna natives possess immense simplicity in their approach as well as personality but it doesn’t mean that they would appear without any dressing sense as they are quiet concerned about their presentation for which they always put their efforts to appear well mannered and well dressed but they won’t carry any shinning or attention gaining presence. They are silent and calm from the core who would be standing in the corner at his/her own place with his/her own special elegance and will only come at the centre when it would be required and worthy. The Capricorn rising signs natives are very much attached to their family values and culture and they really believe upon the same for which they carry their traditions throughout their life. Besides this, these people would not express it loud but they are truly and deeply attached to their family and

loved ones and are quiet devoted towards them. They will always stay loyal and true in their relations and are the most responsible persons at home. These natives of Capricorn Ascendant or Makara Lagna carry a blend of both emotions and mind as they carry a logical and practical vision to understand whenever it needs for which they possess a balanced and stable composure of mind. These natives are strong from the core and are vigorous and courageous as well but they won’t ever take hasty decisions as they are truly patient from the core and they would rarely take risks not because they fear, its because to prefer to stay secure. The one of the most significant aspect of Capricorn rising sign natives is their strong inclination towards hard work as they always seek for betterment for which they want best, then more best and then far best and so on. They won’t ever sit back as satisfied at work for which they work really hard and are quiet workaholic. These natives of Capricorn rising sign or Makara Lagna are usually achieve success in their life and that is through their strict determination towards achieving their goals. They emerge high with wisdom and knowledge. The Capricorn rising sign natives are flexible only to somewhat extent as they have their self made confinements which they can also put upon their closed ones and they could also become possessive at times but its not their real core. Know Your Signs – Capricorn In Vedic Astrology, Capricorn in considered as the tenth zodiac sign among the twelve zodiac signs which are taken into consideration for making astrological calculations on the basis of Vedic Astrology. The last three padas of the Nakshatra Uttarashada, all four padas of the Nakshatra Shravana and the first two padas of the Nakshatra Dhanistha are ruled by this sign called Capricorn. Capricorn is considered as an earthy sign in Vedic Astrology and it is ruled by Saturn. This sign renders certain specific qualities to many planets when they are placed in it and probably due to this reason Mars and Jupiter see their highest and lowest strengths when placed in this sign. Mars gets debilitated when placed in this sign called Capricorn which means that out of all the twelve signs, Mars is considered as the strongest when placed in Capricorn whereas Jupiter on the other hand gets debilitated when placed in this sign which means that out of all the twelve signs, Jupiter is considered as the weakest when placed in this sign. This is probably due to the fact that the general nature of this sign and its lord Saturn is very much different from the general nature of Jupiter and therefore Jupiter does not feel comfortable when placed in this sign as this sign tries to impart certain qualities to Jupiter which are quite opposite to the characteristic qualities of Jupiter. So the natives with Jupiter placed in Capricorn in their horoscope are likely to suffer on front of the significances ruled by Jupiter, generally and specifically in their horoscopes. The placement of some strong positive planets like, Saturn, Mercury, Rahu, Mars and Venus in this sign can bless the native with very good materialistic results and can make the native a very good diplomat, communicator and manipulator and can bless the native with very good materialistic gains by virtue of these qualities and some other good qualities rendered by Capricorn to the planets placed in it. The placement of a combination of strong positive planets like Saturn, Mercury and Rahu in this sign in a horoscope can uplift the native to great achievements and social status by virtue of his communication skills, diplomatic nature and the ability to plan and execute things in a very good manner. On the other hand the placement of one or more negative planets in this sign can make the native suffer from various kinds of problems including health problems, diseases and misfortunes on various fronts of his life depending upon the planets afflicting this sign in a horoscope and certain other factors influencing the horoscope.

Capricorn rules the knees and the parts of body in that region as well as bones and joints in the body. A strongly placed Capricorn in a horoscope will ensure good working of the parts of the body ruled by it whereas serious afflictions to Capricorn in a horoscope by virtue of placement of one or more negative planets in it or by afflictions of one or more negative planets to this sign can make the native suffer from disease like, joint pains, arthritis, problems and diseases related to bones of the body and some problems related to skin. Apart from these diseases, the weakness of this sign can bring many kinds of trouble for the native depending upon the other important aspects of his horoscope. Vedic Astrology Signs: Capricorn Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, expressing his feminine nature. So, the reflective quality of Saturn is what Capricorn refers to. Saturn is a planet of time in our determined efforts over time. The awareness that we need to be safe and protected into the future comes from Saturn. We not only need to eat food today, or need a place to sleep today. We need a place to sleep and food to eat tomorrow and for the rest of our life. This awareness comes from Saturn. It’s also the awareness of the past and what has happened to us, and how we may hang onto the past and have it dominate our thinking in the present. The enormity of time keeping us stuck or keeping us moving forward is the nature of Saturn and through Capricorn, we reflect upon this. We seal it in our mind and heart. The Capricorn is always a little bit scared of making mistakes, yet they are very calculating and rational about where they’re going and where that they must build something of importance. Capricorn is an earth sign which is related to structure and materiality. Saturn also rules the second house of wealth and resources from Capricorn. So, a Capricorn person may be a little bit greedy at times. They may also tend to see others through this material bent. They want everything to be useful and practical and Rational, and may also look at people in their lives as Commodities. So, a Capricorn person must be careful about now looking at others in a materialistic way, once they say “your my partner”, or “you are my child” or “you are my employee”, then, they have a stake in your outcome and this can create a certain amount of domination, fear and control. Capricorn needs to be less rational and more connected to their feelings and emotions. Capricorn inherently is afraid of these emotions, because if we start acting emotionally, rather than rationally, we could lose everything. Because, when we start acting emotionally, we are not in control anymore. We’re not in control of time, we’re not in control of structure. The emotions are ruled by water and water dissolves earth. Capricorn needs to balance this rational approach with a more emotional approach. Things related to the sign of cancer, which has to do with selfless love and nurturing. But in general, Capricorn is a hard working sign that is good with their family, they’re good providers with a strong ethical foundation. They must be careful about clinging to those principals and values out of fear, and learn to be more in flow with their heart. Capricorn-Makar Capricorn on the rise produces a personality that is serious, prudent and patient.The influence of the ruling planet Saturn suggests the most responsible type of personality.

You appear critical and cold because of an ethical and righteous attitude that duty must be done. This is a complex sign.You seem aloof and remote, yet an elegant quality may conceal an inherent shyness. You may be somewhat a workaholic and expect those around you to share such dedication to duty. You can be judgmental of others on a variety of issues. This often strains personal relationships. Because you’re such a perfectionist with your work, you procrastinate a great deal. Capricorn on the rise produces an ambitious person. Yet you have more concern with your degree of prestige and status, than with the amount of money that achieving your goals may eventually bring. You seem very serious and old before your time while you are in your youth. Like the Capricorn symbol, the Mountain Goat, you climb to the top in a very slow, sure-footed way, always staying on solid ground and taking your own time for it. There is much stability in your makeup and you rarely become discouraged, even when you are faced with frequent setbacks. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. The influence of the Saturn bestows discipline and determination, patience, ambition and endurance, also thriftiness. But Saturn also encourages a pessimistic attitude, aloofness, hardship, stubbornness, and aloofness. Makara(Capricorn): Its ruling planet is Saturn. It represents knees. It is a female sign. It is a movable sign. It represents earth element. Its verbal meaning is crocodile. But in jyotish its picture is not totally of crocodile. Its head is that if a deer. In night sky the stars makes the outline of this sign. The native belong to this sign will have the mixed nature of deer and crocodile. The native very well understands the needs of the hour and they way he should behave to make every thing all right. Several times in his life native faces ups and downs. This makes him little pessimistic. But ultimately he come out of every situation as a winner. Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) People with Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) are hard working, consistent, and peaceful in their nature. People born with Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) are considered inflexible in their approach. It is important for them to change their attitude when things are not going according to their planning. Serious personalities of people with Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) make them look like unhappy with their lives which is not the reality. These people have an intense need to be appreciated by family. People born with Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) become very conscious while taking any step. People with Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) seem to be aloof as it is difficult for them to establish and maintain the close relationship. Moreover, they possess a suspicious nature, always wondering what other people are thinking about them. People with Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) are hard working. If they are encountered with any stress in their jobs, they tend to become more focused instead of withdrawing from the situation. Some major pitfalls are also found in the personalities of the people with Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant). They are aloof and strict in their point of views. They may not allow others to intrude in their personal lives. People born with Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) may become highly sensitive toward other’s attitudes and feel that they are disliked by others. Sometimes they carry much negativity in their

mind. Instead of learning from their failures, they become depressed. On the positive end, they are faithful, reliable, and loyal once they develop intimate relationships. Capricorn (Makara) Capricorn is the negative sign of Saturn, cardinal earth, the knees of the Cosmic Man, a crocodile. As sign no. 10, it shows the state of power, order and complete organization. Capricorn is often the lowest and the highest of the signs in terms of achievement in life. It is the sign of practical realization. On the material level, this can create much worldliness and obstinacy and make people selfish. Less evolved Capricorn types may be sons of the earth, farmers who know little beyond their farm. Somewhat more evolved is the hardheaded Capricorn businessman who saves everything for some eventual great gain. On the spiritual level, Capricorn can give the capacity to manifest spiritual principles in daily life and practical work. Capricorn types are hardworking, persevering, tenacious and have the power for eventual great accomplishments. They usually have to work for themselves and learn to value everything that comes through their own effort. They start slowly in life, often encounter many obstacles along the way, but thereby create the energy for long term success. They are ambitious but often narrow in their goals and rigid or cutting in their opinions. They can be shrewd at business and are often good in science and technology, with a strong mathematical sense. They tend to be traditional and may have much past life karma in traditional and oriental cultures. They often need to learn more self-surrender; to take themselves less seriously and to be less concerned about the outer form of things. They are often detached from their emotions, either by lower sensate or higher intellectual or spiritual values, or by conventionality or just being caught in the senses. Capricorn(Makara) Lagna Palangal You are fond of traveling. You possess attractive eyes. You have very thick hair. You are very talkative. You are very clever and cunning. Sometimes you are a bit lazy. You are a spendthrift. You do not take much interest in religion. You are fond of poetry. You would have had an ordinary childhood but will get a lot of comfort after the age of 32. You may be very thin. You will acquire a lot of wealth but there will be no stability. You are tall and have a reddish complexion. You are very careful about your projects. You will achieve success through your intellect. You are fond of art and will achieve success in artistic pursuits. You are very self-centered. You will sometimes spend a lot on wasteful purposes.

In your childhood, you would have been very weak and fragile but will grow very tall in your teens. You have a thin and oval face. You may have a scar or a mole on your kneecap. You are practical and will get success in politics. You do not fear hindrances and obstacles and will be successful in your projects. You are a deep thinker and possess knowledge of many sciences. You plan and execute your work swiftly. You have a good memory. You are learned and respected. Capricorn i. People of Capricorn Ascendant are generally born in lower middle class or poor family. ii. This is the most amazing ascendant sign of them all. Capricorn is the most uncommon ascendant in the world. iii. They always face difficulties in their early life. They have to become a responsible person in early age to support their family. iv. They face difficulties and bad luck in almost everything. But they have amazing power and determination that lead them to overcome those problems. v. If you want a responsible person, go for a Capricorn ascendant person. vi. Capricorn Persons are most reliable person in term of responsibilities. vii. They use self denial. They punish their body to achieve their goal. viii. They have amazing will power. They cannot accept defeat until they have won or are exhausted. Their hard luck leads them to become an experienced successful person. ix. Person of Capricorn Ascendant should take care of their body. They generally face back problems in their life. x. They are emotional as well as practical. xi. They are like an all-rounder. The generally have more than one quality in themselves. xii. If anyone defeats them in any game they will master that game for the next time to defeat that person. xiii. “IF there is a will, there is a way” this sentence is probably made for a Capricorn Person. xiv. They generally attract to opposite sex person of Cancer ascendant. xv. They have good relation with Virgo, Taurus ascendant person and normal relation with Libra and Aquarius Ascendant person. xvi. But they have to be careful about Leo and Scorpio Ascendant people. Leo Ascendant People are opposite to you and Scorpio person can be dangerous to you. xvii. Their financial status and luck definitely improves after their marriage. xviii. People of Capricorn Ascendant can be found in any Sports or in Army. Female of Capricorn Ascendant doesn’t face as many difficulties as Male of Capricorn Ascendant. Female of Capricorn Ascendant face 70% less problems than a Male Capricorn. xix. They can satisfy themselves in any condition and that is the most noticeable property of this sign. They get success after the age of 29 (Because of Saturn becomes the lord of Ascendant and Sun becomes the lord of 8th house). General Traits of Makara Lagna = Chandra in Makara – B.P.Lama Law - Regulation - Step - Stage - Status - Position - Rank - Order - Hierarchy - Pyramid -

Government - Society - Leadership - Responsibilities - Recognition, reputation, Respect for Positions of Power Institutional hierarchies of governance, social rank, executive leadership, skeletons, bones, and the Rules of Law. Parashara says: "[They] are generally emaciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body will not be plump or muscular but slender. A native of this lagna grows tall suddenly on becoming young and his constitution improves with age. His nose is long and eyes deep-set. The hair is coarse. They are economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. He is methodical, slow, steady and patient. He is calculative and business- like. A Makara native is capable of taking quick decisions. He will have push and confidence. He has special organizing capacity and a lot of tolerance. He will be honest, sincere and reliable unless the lagna has evil influence on it. In the latter case he will become dishonest, selfish and even criminal. [They] have to face lot of obstacles, difficulties and hindrances, but they are capable of overcoming them. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. They generally marry late, but prove good husbands and father of many children. " Saravali, Ch. 48, shlokas 38-41 "One born in Capricorn ascendant: will have an emaciated body, be timid, will have a face akin to that of a deer, be troubled by windy diseases, will have a bright and elevated nose, be not mighty, will have many sons, be hairy-bodied, will have broad feet and hands, be devoid of conduct and virtues, be tormented by thirst (or morbid heat), be dear to the fair sex, will wander in hills and forests, be valorous, will have knowledge of Shastra, Vedas, fine arts, music and musical instruments, will have little strength, be a householder, be hostile, wicked, ill disposed to relatives, splendorous, will have a wicked wife, will not be a talebearer,

be wealthy, virtuous, will serve a king, be very liberal, happy and fortunate." Properties of Makara Rashi BPHS Chapter 4: 19-20. Makara described. "Makara is lorded by Shani and has predominance of Tamo-Guna (a disposition, seen in demons). It is an earthy Rashi and represents the southern direction. It is strong in nights and rises with its back. It has a large body. Its complexion is variegated and it resorts to both forests and lands. Its first half is quadruped and its second half footless, moving in water." T. Subba Row. (1881). "The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac" "X. Makara. There is some difficulty in interpreting this word; nevertheless it contains within itself the clue to its correct interpretation. The letter Ma is equivalent to number 5, and Kara means hand. Now in Sanskrit, Thribhujam means a triangle, bhujam or karam (both are synonymous) being understood to mean a side. So, Makaram or Panchakaram means a Pentagon.** ( * 36 is three times 12, or 9 Tetraktis, or 12 Triads, the most sacred number in the Kabalistic and Pythagorean numerals.--Ed. Theos.) (** The five-pointed star or pentagram represented the five limbs of man.--Ed. Theos.) Now, Makaram is the tenth sign, and the term "Dasadisa" is generally used by Sanskrit writers to denote the faces or sides of the universe. The sign in question is intended to represent the faces of the universe, and indicates that the figure of the universe is bounded by Pentagons. If we take the pentagons as regular pentagons (on the presumption or supposition that the universe is symmetrically constructed) the figure of the material universe will, of course, be a Dodecahedron, the geometrical model imitated by the Demiurgusin constructing the material universe. ..." Guna - tamo-guna; (tamas,inert) niza-bala group tattva = ("that-ness", element) prithivi tattva; (earth element) pRshthodaya group= "rising from behind" = tail-first 11th-from = Natural Friendship Community-Economy- Sahangha befriends "Vrischika-08" types: disaster-responders, the emergency-oriented plungers, divers, drillers, miners, penetrators knowers of state secrets; knowers of personal secrets keepers of hidden treasure, managers of masked wealth that is hidden from government taxation participants in hidden liaison the secretive and manipulative, explorers, investigators, detectives, examiners those concerned with the conditions of death such as surgeons and forensic scientists tantric healers, those who heal by mysterious means identity transformers; those disconnected (12th-from) higher wisdom;

leaders (10th from) of community development Makara prefers to make friends with persons who have access to hidden resource treasuries. Unless a luminary (Surya, Chandra) occupies bhava-11, Makara's network of associations may remain largely, intentionally unseen. General Suitability of Gems for Makara Lagna Aid to three friends of Shani: Nilam Shani-ratna = blue sapphire supports lagnesha Shani Panna Budha-ratna emerald supports dharmapati Budha) Hira Shukra-ratna = diamond supports yogakaraka Shukra Surya ratna = no-no-no. Surya = dushthamsha L-8 Chandra ratna = no, generally, because kendra-adhi-pati dosha for Chandra = L-7 Mangala ratna = no. Mangala is an enemy of lagnesha Shani and Mangala = L-4 and L-11 Budha ratna = yes, because Budha = L-6 and L-9 (apply with caution for those with health issues) Guru ratna = no-no-no. Guru = L-3 and L-12 Shukra ratna = yes. Yogakaraka Shukra = L-5 and L-10 Shani ratna = yes, because Shani = the auspicious lagnesha and L-2 Rahu-ratna = unknown, depends on Rahu's lord Ketu-ratna = unknown, depends on Ketu's lord There are exceptions to all of these general rules which are caused by the position of Chandra, the active Vimshottari time lords, and the native 's personal goals, inter alia. Raja Yoga for Maraka lagna Shani + Shukra in Makara lagna An exchange of Rashis between Karma's Lord and Lagna's Lordwill make the native associated with the king in a great manner. ~~ BPHS , Ch. 40, Sl. 13 If the lord of the Lagna and the 10th exchange Bhavawith each other then they form a Raja Yoga . They will confer high position, reputation and power. ~~ BPHS ,Ch. 5, Sl. 41 Natural communities, friendship networks, and sangha Vrischika: befriends disaster-responders, the secretive and manipulative, exploratory, drillers and miners; controlling; shamans, healers, and transformers; detectives; those less concerned with higher wisdom; those holding secrets; the emergency-oriented Karaka significations of Makara: Attacks, tradition, badly in need of guidance, change, dissatisfaction, destiny, fate, destruction of traditional values, difficulties, rebirth, doesn't like advice, doesn't like religion, excruciating pain, feminine, earthy, movable, hardening, hardship, has no feelings, inwardly satisfying, likes aggression, much likes being energized, likes hard work, low class, very controlled, mental torture, moving forward, mundane existence, non-philosophical, offended by religion, sinful, slow. (this list is adapted from Das) "Mriga" = 'animal' Makara and Kumbha = Mriga's Animal nature, classically exemplified by the behavior of crocodiles (makaram, kumbham) in the jungle. Mrigaasya has the herd instinct. heir animal-based behavior is straightforward and predictable. It is almost completelyreflexive And instinctive. One of the great virtues of a Makara incarnation is that one can live life largely apparently uninterrupted by the vicissitudes of human style "choice". What choice-making occurs is only on a

limited basis regarding enhancement of material survival through reducing the fear response. The choice process is fully resolved in the moment of material attainment, which is to say the the Maraka native is happy with tangible proof of his survival And does not spend a lifetime seeking ineffable qualities such as meaningfulness or enlightenment. Makara rules the "base" chakra near the coccyx /anus which acts on brain signals regarding physical protection and security. Social approval which reduces fear of isolation or starvation is extremely important to this native, and one will do whatever seems required to obtain it. Shani's lordship emphasizes the role of the Reptile Brain, the source of signals encouraging survival through conformity and single-minded pursuit of material requirements. Attributes of solid citizenry such as property ownership, military protection, lawfulness, conservative politics, respect for traditional social practices, respect of caste boundaries are As a general rule, Makara natives are vigorously straightforward individuals of the "guardian" type whose aspirations are predominantly guided by matters of security and material comfort. They are dependable, reliable, steady, always hungry, eager to conform, and easily startled. Environment of Makara: What is there: dry, rocky, windy doesn't have to be cold, but should be very dry colors are muted, dried by the sun and wind - colors of rock, bone, stone, dried wood, sand, dust, dried grass politically conservative, "law and order" doesn't have to be intolerant or homogenous, but if there is diversity, everyone needs to live under the same laws usually not near large bodies of water, but there can be rivers, underground waters etc so long as it is rocky and dry on the surface very orderly place, the laws are enforced but it does not have to be oppressive or hostile; but people must share one single system of government government regulations and those who work for government dominate the environment usually the national government has a presence in addition to regional bureaucracy included also: large hierarchical organizations like big corporations, and universities, public libraries, medical clinics, and jails or prisons which are extensions of the government there is usually some money-wealth in this environment, but the main value is rank and position usually it is a broad expanse of dry land that is not good for farming so it becomes ranchland, a big terrain for cattle grazing, or if its really dry then Who is there: older people who want safety old-order folks who want the world to remain the same as the world they were raised in people of any age, who want to maintain the old way of doing things bureaucrats, people who like and need a fixed routine, people who thrive in a highly regulated environment people who believe that everyone should conform toa single set of rules people who need respect and recognition for their position in the hierarchy people who like to belong to hierarchical organizations such as conservative churches, social groups based on conservative beliefs, and law-and-order political groups

people who fear the loss of routine, the loss of predictability, the loss of respect people who fear shortages and scarcity, disorder, loss of face, and loss of position people who dislike innovation, challenge to the old way, suggestion of alternatives to the conventional rule of law people who need and want a great deal of structure in their lives, and who do not want to take chances people who need to make decisions and give orders that force others to conform people who think that they are or should be in the social elite people who think that reality is a pyramid structure, usually with a deity or a supreme commander at the top Makara and Kumbha = the two rashis of Shani. Makara governs the "solar" side of Shani's terrain. Makara rules "bottom" of the pingala nadi = central solar channel in the subtle yogic body, the solar side of muladhara chakra. Kumbha rules the "lunar" side of Shani's terrain. Kumbha governs the "bottom" of the ida nadi = the central lunar channel which rules on the left side of the sushumna. (Or, it can be seen to form a caduceus-type snake-wrap around the central core, crossing at chakra points. There are several viable models.) Makara is thus a more outgoing and productive sign than Kumbha. When Shani occupies swakshetra of Makara, He will be dutiful, dedicated to the active wellbeing of his hierarchy, devoted to developing healthy new structures. Compared to Kumbha, Makara is more warm, more rational, more concerned with outward appearances, more ego-oriented and more status-conscious. Planets in Makara certainly get the cold, dry, pessimistic, somber, materialistic, and structural influence of Shani. But when considering the difference between Shani's character in his two adjacent rashi of Makara and Kumbha, it's important to note the solar psychic quality of Makara to understand how different these two rashi are. Frawley's explanation of why Kuja is exalted in Makara, for example, is eminently sensible. (By contrast, Kuja is Kumbha is known to be weak and confused.) Makara is a "cold, dry" rashi, ruled by a "cold, dry" planet, Shani. Mercury (Budha) and Saturn (Shani) are considered cold planets because they are concerned with material and mental matters notwithstanding the feelings of the heart. As a generality, the four "cold" lagna are Mithuna, Kanya, Makara, and Kumbha. Natives of these four lagna tend to live on the material and/or mental surface of life. Their social identity is directed largely by their sense of mental activity (Mithuna and Kanya) or their sense of material obligation (Makara and Kumbha). As a result their bodies are less sensitive to the spiritual and emotional vibrations. This general observation can definitely be changed when the Lord of Chandra is a sensitive planet, or when the lagnesha (for Makara, lagnesha is Shani) is conjunct (yuti) more spiritually or emotionally disposed planets such as Guru or Moon or more psychic influences like Rahu/Ketu, or when the lagna is favorable aspected, etc... However as a general rule the cold signs live on the mental and material surface of life; they tend to be driven by surface concerns and they lack depth. If both radix lagna and radix Chandra are ruled by Budha or Shani, the "cold" attribute is doubled. Psycho-emotional predisposition: Chandra rules Bhava-7 for Ena lagna. Makara lagna has a psycho-emotional predisposition to expect that establishing relationships and contractual agreements will provide their security and protection. They are happiest (not always

successful but happiest) in contractual roles that express balancing and negotiating behaviors. E.g., marriage counselor, attorney, advising physician, arbitrator or negotiator, broker, financial dealmaker and any type of arranger. Chandra's radix and navamsha rashi and any drishti to Chandra will show the native 's specific style of pursuing security and emotional fulfillment. (E.g., Moon ruled by Shukra gives balancing and designing roles in beauty and justice; ruled by Shani gives contract enforcement roles in government and large organizations; ruled by Surya negotiating role in entertainment etc.) Typically these natives love marriage and unions, and expect to gain social stability by investing in their key peer relationships. Despite their desire for stability, they are prone toward lifelong negotiating in all personal and professional dealings. Tends to attract moody and emotionally reactive spouses. CAPRICORN: David Frawley - Astrology of the Seers Capricorn is the negative sign of Saturn, cardinal earth, the knees of the Cosmic Man, a crocodile. As sign no. 10, it shows the state of power, order and complete organization. Capricorn is often the lowest and the highest of the signs in terms of achievement in life. It is the sign of practical realization. On the material level, this can create much worldliness and obstinacy and make people selfish. Less evolved Capricorn types may be sons of the earth, farmers who know little beyond their farm. Somewhat more evolved is the hard headed Capricornian businessman who saves everything for some eventual great gain. On the spiritual level, Capricorn can give the capacity to manifest spiritual principles in daily life and practical work. Capricorn types are hardworking, persevering, tenacious and have the power for eventual great accomplishments. They usually have to work for themselves and learn to value everything that comes through their own effort. They start slowly in life, often encounter many obstacles along the way, but thereby create the energy for long term success. They are ambitious but often narrow in their goals and rigid or cutting in their opinions. They can be shrewd at business and are often good in science and technology, with a strong mathematical sense. They tend to be traditional and may have much past life karma in traditional and oriental cultures. They often need to learn more self-surrender, to take themselves less seriously and to be less concerned about the outer form of things. They are often detached from their emotions, either by lower sensate or higher intellectual or spiritual values, or by conventionality or just being caught in the senses. Capricorn Makara - Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology Capricorn is generally seen as a goat but other symbols are also assigned to it. As a unicorn, a horselike creature with a single horn in the center of its forehead, it symbolizes chastity and purity. In Hindu astrology, it is known as Makara which literally means "a crocodile." This word, however, has many implications. Geometrically, this sign is described by a complicated diagram. Of the two emblems related to it, one is a horizontal line terminating with a downward moving arc ending with a loop having an extended arc, and the other has a V-shaped beginning whose downward arc convexing to the right . Neither of these are simple figures which can easily be interpreted. In predictive astrology also, one finds that Capricorn persons are exceptional in many ways. They are complicated individuals who cannot be easily categorized. Both the goat and the unicorn reveal the austerity inherent in this sign. The unicorn with a horn in the center of its forehead is a mystic creature. The importance of the activation of the pituitary gland in connection with yogic development is well known. When the sexual energy is transmuted

into spiritual power, when the Kundalini in its upward movement reaches the pituitary gland, the yogi attains great psychic powers. Such a development becomes possible due to unification of the personal consciousness with the universal life-force. Under the Sagittarius impulse, the divine vision of the cosmic unity has flashed on the individual and aroused the urge to realize it. This is the transformation of the animal nature into true human qualities. The next impulse under Capricorn provides the bridge between man and the superman. The development of the pituitary gland establishes this link. In yogic practice, the aspirant attempts to activize this gland deliberately. But, in order to do so, one has to follow strict disciplines. These austerities give great importance to Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya does not merely mean control of sexual functions, but includes the observation of ethical principles. In this regard, the reference to a goat relative to this sign is quite meaningful. The goat is a herbivorous animal with simple habits, symbolic of purity of life. Many ancient sages were compared with the goat. The humility or meekness of a goat is proverbial. Under Capricorn, the qualities of self-sacrifice and renunciation are developed. The goat, seemingly a meek and a weak animal, has tremendous courage and self-confidence which enable it to balance sure-footedly even on precarious mountain precipices. All the austerities under Capricorn arc directed to the development of the pituitary gland which leads to direct perception of spiritual reality. The Sanskrit name Makara reveals the spiritual significance of this sign more pointedly. Makara stands for the crocodile, which is considered one of the most precious treasures of Kubera, the god of riches and the regent of the northern quarter. The hold of the crocodile is so powerful that none except a god can counteract it. The impact of the tenth zodiacal sign is also great, and very little can be done to overcome it or deflect its influence. The Capricorn impulse is so intimately linked with nature's finer forces that the deeper levels of the soul are stirred under its impact, which the outer or the physical being is unable to resist. The crocodile as a symbol of Capricorn has another meaning. The fourth sign Cancer, represented by a crab, is directly related to this tenth sign opposite it in the zodiac. The crab is an aquatic creature, as is the crocodile. The difference is that the crocodile emerges out of water and generally stays on the bank of a river or sea, while the crab dwells primarily in water and comes to land only occasionally and for a short time. Cancer is connected with the life-force emerging in spiritual evolution to get concretized. In Capricorn this process is reversed. The individualized entity dwells increasingly in the universal lifeforce. Gradually, he returns to the world soul, amma mundi. The significance of the crocodile symbol has been discussed in length by T.Subba Rao, the great Indian occultist of the late nineteenth century (EWpp. 6-15). According to him, Makara does not simply refer to the crocodile. It signifies creative intelligence restricting its boundary of operation, thus holding every particle within the manifested universe in its arms so to say. According to him the impulse from the tenth zodiacal sign makes the cosmos and the human being fulfill their destiny. The ultimate goal of the individual is to consciously cooperate in the divine plan of evolution. The word Makara derives from the same Sanskrit root from which comes such words as Maya, creative illusion; Ma, mother; Manas, mind; and Mahal, cosmic intelligence, each of which relates to the process of forming and holding together the individualized particles of the manifest universe. The second syllabic of the word, Kara, refers to the hand, the organs of action, and the idea of holding. Numerically, the value of Ma, the first syllable of the word, is five, corresponding to the five elements of which the cosmos is composed. The word Kara is also a synonym of Bhuja, which means

the sides of a triangle and indicates the quality of inscribing an area within its boundary. The five organs of action or five elements hold the particles of the manifest creation within a specific limit thus protecting the cosmos from dissolution. According to Subba Rao, the word Makara (Panchakaram) stands for a pentagon. This implies that the sign represents "the faces of the universe," which are bound by the pentagon. Continuing with this analogy, he states that the material universe has the figure of a Decahedron, a ten sided figure, for which Sanskrit writers used the word Dashadisha meaning ten directions. The real world of the noumena, the soul of the visible universe, which is the hidden world represented by an icosahedron, a twenty sided figure, is mysteriously related to the visible universe represented by the decahedron. The tenth zodiacal impulse includes within its scope the unified field of the subjective-objective universe, in which human beings must operate with a Divine purpose. Blavatsky, examining the crocodile symbol of Capricorn, gives further spiritual meanings to it (SD Vol. IV, pp. 147-151). To her also the Sanskrit word Makara does not simply refer to a crocodile but "to a mysterious order of beings known as Dhyanis." Dhyanis are highly evolved beings engaged in deep meditation in order to assist the ideational process of cosmic manifestation. These Dhyanis are connected with the crocodile and their abode is Capricorn. These mystical references relative to Capricorn reveal the immense depth of its influences which exoteric astrologers find difficult to explain. According to Blavatsky, Dhyanis and Makara are convertible terms. The Dhyanis are regarded as the secret guardians of this universe, so Capricorn refers to those guiding influences which hold the universe together and guide it to its destiny. The function of the pituitary gland is also to establish contact with subjective reality and comprehend its expressions as phenomenal attributes. The two diagrams assigned to this sign approach it from different standpoints. The one beginning with a horizontal line ending in a downward moving curve looping towards the end 5 indicates that Prakriti or Nature, the feminine aspect of manifestation constituting matter and form, having reached its terminal point is again put to trial. The journey is not finally concluded. It has to continue further, form another realm of manifestation and transcend it. The horizontal line carries the individual and the universe to the goal by merging in divine intelligence and establishing unity with the Dhyanis . On reaching this stage of manifestation, further progress still has to be made. The goal is no longer individual progress, butthe will of the spiritual hierarchy. The purpose of life changes. The individual does not strive for personal attainments but for the good of nature, to further the cause of cosmic ideation in an impersonal way. The end of materiality has been reached, as signified by the termination of the horizontal line. From the terminating point, the arc moving downward reminds us again of the creative process until the wholeness of the circle is reached. Having reached perfection, energy has to be directed to the externalizing process once again. The entire symbol represents the stage of attainment and the further task to be accomplished. The other symbol begins with a V-shape angle followed by a small horizontal line tucked with a small circle and ending with a downward arc convexing to the right V3. It shows the downpour of divine energy for further working out the Divine plan. The V-shape is a funnel describing the special benediction, guidance, and association of higher beings with the world of manifestation. Materialism at this stage gets spiritualized. The figure continues with a small horizontal line indicating that the benediction is for undertaking further manifestation of the plan, according to special assignments represented by the small circle. The right hand convexing arc points to the evolutionary action

following this task. From both these figures we see that the individual manifestation is over and divine guidance for impersonal work is bestowed involving yet greater difficulties and struggles. MAKARA: Bepin Bihari - Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology The nature of Makara is shrouded in mysterious references and allusions which cannot be easily described by the exoteric laws of nature. All these allusions refer to the central meaning of the sign — which has little to do with the word makara, meaning crocodile. Rather, the sign is associated with the Tropic of Capricorn which, in Theosophical literature, is the seat of the guardians of this globe. The tenth sign is related to the spiritual impulse which guides the world towards its destiny. Capricorn refers to the involvement of the individual in the process of the universalization of human energy. During the interaction of such forces there may be hardship and suffering. Under this impulse, consciousness begins to link up with thought currents and vibrations from higher realms of existence and the governing powers of the universe. On the material level, there may be difficulties and dissatisfaction, but inwardly the result of Capricorn is extremely satisfying. When Capricorn begins to operate, past karmas are activated. Consequently, many unusual events begin to take place. The past accumulated forces are worked out so that the burden is lessened and sensitivity is heightened for absorbing fresh inspiration. The inner light concealed under the deceptive mask is released. Disillusionment, destruction of traditional values, and a new alignment of forces all occur under this influence. Capricorn is considered feminine because the changes which take place under this sign completely re-create the individual, making him ready for the onward spiritual journey. The situations one confronts under Capricorn are not necessarily the result of one's immediate doings, but follow from past actions; there is much working out of destiny and fate. The sign is earthy. The realm of operation of this sign is mundane existence. Whatever happens under this sign makes us capable of sustaining further pressures on the souls journey. Capricorn is movable, implying that there will be considerable change under its impact. The basic forces flowing through this sign can also be understood by its relationship with Saturn, which owns it, Jupiter, which is debilitated here, and Mars, which is exalted. The deep acting effect of this sign often brings excruciating pain and tormenting psychological experiences. Any kind of religious advice, exoteric philosophy, or ritualistic practices will seem offensive to it. The sign is well disposed towards hard work, trying to harmonize the Self with universal thought currents and the individual's spiritual destiny. One has to be careful in deciphering the impact of this sign because it is extremely active, highly potent, and deep acting. THE COMPLEX CAPRICORN - Introduction to Esoteric Astrology WHERE the Eternal Heavenly Man has been crucified at the altar of materiality, where the Spiritual Essence of Manifestation has been cribbed and confined to the limitations of Matter, where Divine Consciousness is aroused in the Prodigal Son, that level of cosmogenesis is represented by Capricorn. Human beings born under this sign are stormed by the highly activised forces of past karma as well as attracted by the irresistible future destiny waiting for them. The Capricorn personality is complex. It is often burdened with the inertia of Kama-Manas, that is, mind involved in material desires. But the voice of intuition is not stifled. As a result of these two contradictory forces, such individuals have to confront sudden emotional upsurges. They are often thrown among unknown partners; the main purpose of these events is to lead them to maturityDivine Serenity-which ultimately awaits every ego. A unique feature of Capricorn ascendants is to

have many unexpected opportunities which tum the course of their life; these events are the throwback of their past karma specially put in their present life to arouse some divine potentiality in them. The complexity of the Capricorn ascendants is purposive, the primary aim of such circumstances being to draw them to the right path of spiritual evolution, the right way of human progress towards their heavenly father. Capricorn ascendants are intellectuals ready with rationalisation for their every action; their mind is so developed that their reasoning many a time deludes even themselves and they feel themselves stable, honest and faithful. But from the worldly standards their conduct may be at variance from these ideals. In fact, the crucifixion of Capricorn individuals is intensified by the instability of their emotion and the companionship of strange bedfellows. Such persons are not necessarily trusted by their friends, by their married partners as well as by their business colleagues. They have however great capacity for doing things and sharp intelligence, and many radically transforming events influence their lives. Capricorn is the tenth sign representing the 10th Bhava of Kala Purusha. The 10th house stands for avocation, the vital effort which determines the course of one's life. This aspect of life is important for everyone. The basic purpose of the Heavenly Man-his avocation—is Manifestation, which has two aspects, namely, the outer or the exoteric, and inner or the occult. Matter is the vehicle for expressing the former and Spirit of the latter. This duality between Spirit and matter at the mundane level often requires categorising the individuals between materialists and spiritualists. This division however is unrealistic. Each individual has both the forces operating on him. Therefore, though one may predominate in some individuals and the other in others, yet the complex interaction of the two facets of life-force should be recognised and due regard given to them while assessing the basic nature of the Capricorn people. The Capricorn individuals are not necessarily materialists or spiritualistic as such, rather they represent a particular interrelationship or blend between these two forces. It has often been repeated that Libra distinguishes the involuting Spirit from the evolving one. Every zodiac following this deepest level of involution has been mysterious. Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces all have been so described. The mysterious characteristics of each of these zodiacs are different from one another. The mysterious nature of Capricorn is revealed to some extent by its Sanskrit name. Capricorn is known as Makara. This word conceals a lot and it deflects much from the view of the common people. By discovering the numerical value of this sign, some of its inner meanings are revealed. Makara consists of two words namely Ma and Kara. The former has the same root from which the words like Maya (creative illusion), Ma (mother), Mamatha (compassion), Manasa (creative intelligence), Mahat (Universal Intelligence) and many other similar words are derived. Numeri cally, the value of Ma is said to be five. This number has correspondence with the five elements of which the cosmos is made of (The occult and the outer aspects of the same principle has made 5x2= 10, which is the numerical of this sign). Thus Ma symbolises those five mighty creative forces of which the cosmos is built. Taken in its dual aspect, it is the sacrifice of the Heavenly Man on the Cross of Manifestation. Pentagon is one of the many symbols of this stage of manifestation. The creative water of life-the very essence of energy has been circumscribed by kara-the hands, the vehicles of action--ten when both the sets of vehicles working on the level of action and understanding are taken into account. Thus when Capricorn represents the involvement of the highest spirit in the grossest matter and when that imprisoned splendour has been struggling to

liberate itself from the shackles of matter, the Capricorn individuals must experience in some measure this imprisonment. Obviously therefore the Makara ascendants whatever their nature, spiritual or materialistic, must feel imprisoned, constricted, gaoled, fettered, whose wings have been clipped. The white dove of freedom has been caged within the dark hours of limitations. No wonder Makara persons are full of energy, enthusiasm, idealism but they find themselves helpless in expressing their talents. It is also noticeable that almost every year, with every transit of Jupiter from one house to another, a new and significant event takes place in the life of Capricorn ascendants. Let us examine the esoteric side of Capricorn a little more intensively. This sign is closely connected with the abode of the Mighty Intelligence responsible for the evolution of souls on this planet. While dealing with this subject, Madame H.P. Blavatsky stated that "Makara is related to a mysterious order of beings known as Dhyanis". These Dhyanis, she has mentioned (cf. TheSecretDoctrine, Vol.I.p.266), were connected with the crocodile, and their abode is in Capricorn. She had further stated, "But these are convertible terms in Indian Astrology, for the tenth sign of the zodiac, which is called Makara, is loosely translated as 'crocodile'. The word itself is occultly interpreted in various ways...In Egypt, the Defunct-whose symbol is the pentagram, or the five-pointed star, the points of which represent the limbs of a man--was shown emblematically transformed into a crocodile. Sebekh or Sevekh(or Seventh).... is a dragon in reality, not a crocodile. He is the 'Dragon of Wisdom', or Manas, the Human Soul, Mind, the Intelligent Principle, called in our Esoteric Philosophy the Fifth principle" (Ibid., p. 266). From this it may be apparent that the tenth zodiac named Makara, meaning crocodile is not actually the reptile but the Universal Intelligence represented as pentagram (as numerically indicated by the word) whose abode is in Capricorn. Even Dr. B.V. Raman, the respected editor of The Astrological Magazine revealed his full knowledge of the esoteric significance of this sign when he stated that "Capricorn quickens the mental and intellectual qualification". Personally we feel the Dr. B.V. Raman did not discuss the esoteric side of Capricorn because he was more concerned with mundane astrology than with the interaction of occult forces on the activities of human individuals, but astrology by no means should be taken merely as a knowledge concerning material existence. The main emphasis of Madame H.P. Blavatsky has been to show that behind the physical universe there is a great empire of Mighty Intelligences and the Divine Will is being worked through them, and Indian astrology provides some clues for the understanding of this Divine Empire. Coming back to subject of Capricorn and the Fifth Principle to which Madame H.P. Blavatsky has made references, it is indeed the Mind Principle which has the creative as well as the destructive potentiality. It is therefore not surprising that the Capricorn ascendants are highly intelligent, selfopinionated and mysteriously powerful individuals showing signs of invisible higher powers working through them. "Even the dual nature of this sign has been due to this relationship between the individuals born under this sign and the Divine Intelligences. This order of Dhyanis are supposed to contain in themselves the dual attributes of both the spiritual and physical aspects of the Universe; the two poles, so to say of Mahat, the Universal Intelligence and the dual nature of man the spiritual and the physical. Hence its number Five, doubled and made into ten, connecting it with Makara the tenth sign of the zodiac" (Ibid., p. 268). With Capricorn rising on the eastern horizon, the Cosmic Man, or the Heavenly Man has four of his chakras--the force centres, above the horizon radiating intensified specialised energy from them. These chakras are known asMuladhara located at the base of the spine, Svadhisthana near the spleen, Manipura at the base of navel. The heart chakra, namely, Anahata chakra has been setting

on the western horizon when Capricorn has been rising. The three chakras which are clearly above the horizon pulsate with sexual, nervous and psychic energies. Muladhara arouses the Serpent Fire-Kundalini Shakti--which vitalises blood while giving heat to the body and increases sexual potency. The Serpent Fire reaching Manipura and vivifying solar plexus considerably augments the sensitivity of the individual; Svadhisthana chakra gives to the individual power to travel consciously in the astral world. Anahata chakra, which is on the borderline chakra at the western(setting) horizon for Capricorn ascendants, gives to the person consciousness of the feelings of others. It arouses sympathy and sensitivity to link one's consciousness with that of other persons in order to understand the working of their heart. From this, it may be seen that the Cosmic Man under this sign rising has all the "physical" forcecentres activised, but the higher chakras, which lead the individual to spiritual heights are still submerged in darkness. When related to the mundane individuals one may infer that this condition will emphasize great physical and material prowess, but spirituality is still in the realm of hidden realities. Despite submerging of the individual in material involvements and distressing feelings of frustration due to his inability in freeing his spirit from material veils, the Capricorn ascendants after confronting the rough weather and having been tossed around the different corners of the world would begin trying for attaining his real spiritual destiny and thereby attaining the tranquillity that comes after the tropical monsoon. The fact that Saturn is the ascendant lord should never be overlooked. Sindbad the Sailor got his riches and peace only after the long period of his trial, only when dross from gold was completely burnt out. Saturn makes life difficult and the Capricorn ascendants should never expect an easy-going life; but Saturn creates favourable conditions for imparting spiritual lessons to the individual. It is necessary for Capricorn ascendants to have a favourable Saturn. Whatever the circumstances, Capricorn-born must finally look homeward; they must ultimately begin the path of retreat. Mars and Venus are the best planets for Capricorn ascendants. But Mars and Saturn are enemies whereas Venus is friendly to Saturn. Mars is the lord of the 4th and 11th houses in the present case while it is exalted in Lagna. By creating turmoil and complications in matters relating to house, land and income Mars assists the Capricorn ascendants in attaining their destiny. Capricorn people must get money, sometimes suddenly, sometimes by adopting unfair means; sometimes marriage, illegal or legal, becomes the means for providing more money. The essential feature in this regard is the materiality of sexual relationships. Such persons always consider this vital aspect of human life as purposive, not merely for happiness and satisfaction of the partner. In some strong egos complete suppression of such activities particularly with a view to attaining psychic siddhis also indicates the same tendency of considering sexual energy as a means for some end--physical or spiritual. Venus is of special importance. Being friendly with the ascendant lord, it would do everything possible to please him. The essential nature of Venus, generally speaking, is to provide material pleasure. It is related to wine, women and wealth. These things will have immense attraction to the Capricorn-born. From the opposite sex, the Capricorn-born individuals derive much of their sustenance. Their creativity and profession are intimately connected with Venus. Capricorn personality will tremendously change after the first Venusian contact: marriage is often a turning point for such persons. Profession of these individuals is indeterminate. The exact form of job is not so much important as the essential experiences derived from it.

As it is, the basic temperament of Capricorn ascendants would be hardboiled, and weather-beaten; they would have wrinkled forehead and much varied experiences to convey. This is their ultimate destiny. They do not lack either intelligence, sociability or initiative, but nothing in their life is stable. Throughout the rough life, they may remain lonely endeavouring to understand the intricacies and mysteries of life without establishing any grip either on themselves or on the circumstances facing them. This trait would be reflected in the nature of their avocation as well. The central push would be towards making the individual inward-tum. He can under this circumstance become a superb philosopher, a literary figure, a physician, an occultist or even an intelligence officer. The worst that can happen to such an individual is to make him a civil servant where his initiative is killed, where his talents are thwarted and where the daily routine with its monotonous impact makes the individual introvert to enable him to realise that the first great truth in life is sorrow. He may even get a job where his intelligence could be valuable, but even there he would be made to feel that there is something more than intelligence in life. He may have great energy for social contacts: liaison, wine business, and purveying in objects of art might prove successful. But even these lines of activities would make the individual feel that there is a great chasm existing between himself and the articles he is dealing with. We can state that the conditions could be such which would make the objective environment induce subjectivity in the Capricorn ascendants to such an extent that their emotion becomes self-centred which may make them feel lonely, heartless, and murderous with anti-social elements predominating in their personality. The finer feelings of friendliness, love and affection are just means to an end to them. Ordinarily speaking, such persons might appear as selfish, but in fact it is their self-centredness which is due to their subjective trait of nature. These characteristics must derive their sustenance from the profession of the individual. As an engineer, he may feel that he is instrumental in getting gigantic bridges and buildings constructed but commensurate with these activities his income would be meagre which might even induce him to take bribes. But on the higher planes with evolved souls, this sign might enable them to consider their profession as a means of earning bread and therefore a restriction imposed on their inner freedom; with this understanding of the chasm between the objective and the subjective states of affairs, they gain their dispassion and stability in life and wrinkles on their forehead. The most fruitful effort for Capricorn ascendants is to try to achieve tranquillity of emotions. The Moon, the ruler of emotions, would be exalted in the 5th house and in his own house in the 7th. These are important houses. Balanced development of the person would take place only with unruffled emotions. In fact this is a truism and applicable in every case, but as far as the Capricornborn persons are concerned, this is of vital necessity. They are liable to be easily tense and feel despondent. This can be avoided only with control over emotions. With this attainment, such individuals can confront the trials and tribulations of their life with fortitude. Philosophy involving religious discussions, studies, pilgrimages and veneration of the elders do not attract such individuals as much as faith in individualism, egotism and even in brutal human powers in order to demonstrate supremacy of will over matter. Such persons take great delight in exhibiting their will-power, intelligence and personal endeavours successfully executed. For them, there is the philosophy of action or of complete renunciation but not of gradual unfoldment based on understanding and discipline. To sum up, the Capricom ascendants are very powerful personalities. They have their egos very much developed. They are material minded. They are self-centred. But circumstances force them to

look upward and to think of returning homeward. This happens after intensive material involvements and much stormy life. When the storm is over the individual may find himself in the realm of Higher Intelligences--Dhyanis—who are working in this cosmos for carrying out the Will of the Lord. Mysterious Initiations are possible for these individuals. The most useful effort for them is to maintain tranquillity of emotion and control over their passion. Capricorn is an important sign opening the mysterious portals for the individual to reach higher realms of existence which would complete the birth-death cycle for him. Capricorn Dr. Shanker Adawal Capricorn described: This sign is lorded by Saturn, is Tamoguna and its element is earth. It resides in the south and is strong in night. It rises with its back, has an unwieldy or huge body is variegated and wanders on land and in forests. It is quadruped in the first half, and is foot less in the Second half and glides in Water. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and its symbol is the Mountain Goat. Capricorn is an Earth sign, conservative and ambitious. Note- (There are two types of goat, so there are two types of Capricorn native. In the country India where astrology must have begun, the goat is a domestic animal, a sad-looking creature kept to provide milk. It is seen limited to the sphere of activity by the rope to which it is tied. If free, it is stopped from making its way through the surrounding hedges of its field by the wooden cross bars on its neck. It has nothing to do, but eat what it can find and give its milk. Many a Capricorn person has this sad, long face and seems to spend his life in a very limited sphere, debarred from wider enjoyments, strictly keeping to the main point in life, which is provision of sustenance for the family by practical sensible work. He never ceases his efforts to “get some-where,” but actually goes round the same stake on the same rope for ever. However, the mountain goat or antelope is a very different animal. Gaily leaping from crag to crag, he mounts higher and higher in his search for what is good. The phrase “to play the giddy goat” is now applicable. This other type of Capricorn native has a delightful sense of humour and yet is never trivial. His common-sense and practiced ability never desert him. He constantly aspires to higher and higher positions, ambitious to get to the top in whatever sphere of activity is his). The one trait that best describes those born under this sign is ambition. Their lives are devoted to achieving something, whether it be an intellectual discovery, meeting a personal commitment, fulfilling a business obligation, or some other lofty objective. Capricorn native have a tireless drive to accomplish their mission and they plod on methodically until they succeed. Like their symbol, the mountain goat, they are steady and sure-footed, and take few risks on the way. Capricorn native are highly intelligent and take naturally to positions of authority. They are excellent administrators and use every tool at their disposal to organize, plan, and problem solve their way to their goal. Capricorn native constantly strive towards security, and they regard hard work and financial rewards as ways to secure their well-being. They only desire money because it is a guarantee against whatever the uncertain future holds. Capricorn native are very confident and have great faith in their own abilities. Often, they feel that they can only depend on themselves, and this is sometimes misinterpreted by others who think them cold and detached. This is far from true, however, as Capricorn native can be very sympathetic and understanding. Just when you least expect it, Capricorn native can show you an excellent sense of humour which is wry, witty, and very funny.

Capricorn Sign in the Ascendant: If the tenth sign (Capricorn) is in the ascendant, the native is a weak and timid man who has a body and face like a deer's; a fellow tormented by diseases of the nature of wind; a man of little courage, the tip of whose nose is long and high; Our whose hands and feet are overgrown with curly hair; a fickle person with long ears and black eyes; a thirsty man bereft of good conduct and virtues; one who can be controlled by sexual intercourse with women and who goes after wealth; A hero of noble descent who shines because of his many connections; one who is fond of responsive singing, sacred traditions (sruti), sciences, and crafts; the weak slayer of his brothers; a man with a family; a hated person whose people are depraved; the enemy of rogues; One whose wives have their bodies injured by their ill-mannered lovers; a man hostile to evil who possesses the wealth of his calumniators; one inclined towards righteousness (dharma) and knowing the five arts of a king; a man whose wealth is mostly obtained by stealing, and who gives away little of it; A lazy person who talks a lot and makes no effort; a father of daughters who…; a man who dies because of carnivorous animals and wind-diseases, or because of the swords and prisons of the king, or because of bile-diseases, or because of poisons. A person born when the rising sign is Capricorn will have a small nose, long face, arms and legs; will be of windy temperament, of a timid nature, will thoughtlessly engage in work, will suffer imprisonment, will have a small family, and small wealth, will be a niggard, will have daughters, will have no kinsmen, will live in plenty, will acquire wealth by his valour through the king and by forest, will observe fasting, will have a wife of low caste, and will be attached to her, will have a large body, few hairs and weak knees and will suffer from diseases. He will meet his death by children, by the wind, by weapons, by the king, by poison, by fall, by an elephant, by an increase of bile or by dyspepsia. Makara - Learn Astrology the Easy Way by G S Kapoor Makara lagna or when Chandra is in Makara rashi in the birth chart: Makara lagna persons are emaciated and weak and grow slowly. Their body will not be plumpy or muscular but slender. A native of this lagna grows tall suddenly on becoming young and his constitution improves with age. His nose is long and eyes deep set. The hair are coarse. Makara is an earthy sign. So the Makara lagna native is economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. He is methodical, slow and steady and patient. He is calculative and business-like. Makara is also a movable sign. This indicates after giving due consideration to any matter, the Makara lagna native will come to a quick decision. He will have push and confidence. He has special organising capacity and lot of tolerance. A Makara lagna native is generally not an optimistic person. He will have to accept the reality of a thing when the outcome is known. Makara is owned by Shani. If the lagna does not have evil influences, the native will be honest, sincere and reliable. If the lagna is afflicted, he will be dishonest, selfish, greedy miserly and may even become a criminal. Further with good influences on lagna the native will never be idle. On the other hand, he will be very hardworking always keep himself busy. With bad influences on lagna the native will become Lazy and a pessimist to the extreme.

Makara lagna natives are conservative by nature. They will not care for difficulties, handicaps and hindrances which will always be there for such people. They will continue to work until they bring their work or task entrusted to them to a successful conclusion. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. Professions most suitable to Makara lagna people are-service in business concerns, municipality or government. They are also very well suited to work in mines and oil concerns. They can also become engineers, scientists or research scholars. Makara lagna people generally marry late. They are good husbands and fathers of many children; but they do not make a show of their affection. On the other hand, they would enforce discipline in the house as they do in the place of their work. Makara (Capricorn): Jyotisha-Siddhant-Sara Hindu Astrology It has a large body and a variegated complexion. It rises with its back and is powerful at night. Its first half is a quadruped and the lower half a footless animal moving in water. It is a feminine rasi, representing the earth and resorts to both forests and land. It resides in the south and is related to minerals. It is a movable sign and is tamasic in temperament. Its caste is Vaishya. It is ruled by Sani (Saturn). Those born in Makara Lagna are characterized by a single-minded desire and ability to achieve their goals despite numerous obstacles. They are honest and upright and make good and loyal friends. They have good organizational abilities and great perseverance. They are disciplined and reserved. If Sani is not well-placed, it may cause depression and pessimism. It rises with its back, is tawny in complexion, coarse, cold by temperament, windy in constitution, only slightly interested in women and having limited progeny. Those born in this rasi are always happy and are devoted to their parents. If born in the Sravana nakshatra, they will be married more than once. Those born in Makara Lagna with Ravi in the lagna, will be always mobile, deserted by friends, devoid of money and without luck. If Chandra is in the lagna, he is prone to colds, knows music, is gentle, fond of sex, follows the ancestral profession. If Kuja is in the lagna, he acquires status by his own effort and gets a good wife; he will be wealthy and will bring prestige to his family. If Guru is in the Lagna: all his desires will be fulfilled, he will be happy on many counts, will be overcome by cupid, will have a mean mind and will serve others. If Sukra is in the Lagna: he is much worried and emaciated in body, scared of expenses, loves the company of poets or solitude. If Sani is in the lagna: he will be compassionate, will be honoured by kings, will love to decorate himself with beautiful garments and perfumes, will delight in young women and will have wide eyes. Capricorn(Makar) – M.N.Kedar – Predictive Astrology Earthy, Movable, Even, Female, its Lord is Saturn. The native will have emaciated body, thin face akin to that of a deer, dark coarse hair, a bright and elevated nose, lot of hair on the head, long hands, long legs, weak lower limbs, will have vitality, but lazy nature, tall in size, reddish brown colour and large teeth, fleshy lips. He will indulge in affairs with old women on the forbidden category. He will be religious hypocrite, fond of wandering, fortunate, shameless. They have the knack of adjusting themselves to circumstances and environments.

He will suffer from wind diseases. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economise funds even i f they were to be under the influence of adversity. They are modest, liberal and gentlemanly in business transact ions. They are noted for their perseverance and strong mindedness. They possess sympathy, generosity, philanthropy, interest in literature, science, education, vindictive, God fearing and humble. lf the ninth house is well fortified they may become philosophical ly minded or develop social consciousness. Some of those who had Makar Lagna are Herbert Georgewells, Edward, Duke of Windsor, Madhavrao Sadasivrao Golwalkar . Capricorn Lagna - Light on life by De Fouw & Svoboda Capricorn's symbol in Jyotish is the Makara, a word which " usually translated 'crocodile' but also indicates a sort of generic sea - monster. The makara symbolizes ambition, both by the ferocity of its bite into its prey (its goal) and by its amphibious nature, which betokens its aspiration to master two elements (Earth and Water). This ambition is particularly strong because Capricorn is the tent h house of the natural 7.odiac, because Venus is the lord of the fifth house of speculation and the tenth house of career, and because Saturn is exalted in the tenth house of a Capricorn ascendant. Mars for Aries lagna is also exalted in the tenth house, but Mars frenetically pursues fast progress, while Saturn stands for the slow, steady, behind-thescenes, gradual sort of progress that often comes later in life. Slow progress in career becomes particularly pronounced for Capricorn because Saturn is the slowest of the planets, and because Capricorn is both a passive rashi and an Earth rashi. As with Aries, the lord of a Capricorn lagna is debilitated in the fourth house, which often presages a dissatisfaction with family life, ancestors, roots and property. Because Venus ts the lord of the fifth house of offspring, however, Capricorns arc famous for doting on their children. Mars, the significator for property, is exalted in the first house of this ascendant as lord of the fourth house of property and the eleventh house of gain; this betokens gain through property. The native may be concurrently dissatisfied with any property gained, since Saturn, another of the property significators, is debilitated in the fourth house. Capricornians tend to be moneyminded because people who have been seized by Saturn, the lord of the first and second houses here, tend to become miserly and stingy. Saturn, who (being dry) is the Vata significator, promotes a Vata constitution for Capricornians, inclining them to long slender bodies, sometimes to the point of gauntness. Arthritis may also be indicatecl, because Capri corn is an Earth sign, and Earth is opposed to movement. Some texts state that Capricornians are religious hypocrites because Jupiter, the significator of spirituality, rules two dussthanas (the third and twelfth houses) and is debilitated in the first house of a Capricorn ascendant. We have also observed that people who have an interest in India often have major placements in Capricorn, particularly because its lord Saturn represents conservative, old things like tradition, and because Saturn enables people to plod toward their goals patiently. Makara: Scientific Hindu Astrology by P S Sastri-1 The native is practical, shrewd, persevering reserved, diplomatic and cautious. He rises in business with his own efforts. He is faithful and impartial, patient and industrious. He is a successful plodder. He is hard and stern, a hard task-master. He does not waste time or material or money. But he is not

mean, he is neat and tidy, he is sensible, stable and calm. He has endurance and great perseverance. He has a dashing assertive nature. He is a great financer, banker, real estate agent, contractor, judge, scientist. He is serious, reflective and has wit and eloquence. Some others are discontented, gloomy, miserly, surly and deceitful. The normal Capricornian is selfpossessed, self-centred, moody, subtle, firm willed, and suspicious. He fights against discontent and melancholy. He is ambitious. He has many foes. He has a strong character and temper. He overcomes an opponent by subtle and round about ways. He loves power and authority. He is reserved about strangers. Those offending him come to trouble. He is clever, acute, subtle and deep. He is fit for a purely mental pursuit or for a business organisation and management. He shows tact, prudence, method and diplomacy and managerial ability. He is a brilliant debator. He is interested in politics and does not care much for the moral issues involved in policies. He is a fatalist and in power a despot. He is material minded, and yet orthodox and conventional. He is an idealist, seeking to preserve order and industry. He improves and organises. He is guided by ambition and duty, and is prepared to sacrifice himself for the sake of duty. He is more feared and respected, though he is kind and affectionate. He has malice, is revengeful, and tends to go into extremes in order to satisfy his ambition. He is the nagging type. He is unconsiderate towards the wishes and feelings of others. He is fanatical about his religion. He is after aristocracy and power. In spite of a strong constitution, he suffers ill-health. His ailments refer to the knees, skin and rheumatism. Under this sign, we have managers, organisers of great enterprises, contractors, real estate agents, lawyers, farmers, research scholars, and land-owners. He has an average stature. The body is long or fatty. The face is long and so are the nose and neck. The knees are not well shaped. The hair is prominent. CAPRICORN (i) This sign is described as a goat in western astrology and in the Indian tradition it is taken to be a crocodile with the face and neck of a deer. Hard work, practicality and prudence are the key words. It is a tamasik sign. (ii) Please refer to paragraph (ii) under ARIES above for an important clarification. (iii) The native will be reasonable, persevering, confident, business like, patient, down to earth, thrifty and prudent. He will be disciplined, hard working, will see any job that he takes up to its logical conclusion and a good planner and organiser. He will be a trust worthy leader. He will have an urge to do well in the world. He will be conservative, consolidating, reserved, self reliant, careful in approach and speech. He will be polite but not naive. He will like fine arts and entertainment. He can develop a selfish trait, pessimism and may have a tendency to over exert himself. He can also be ruthless and calculating. He will have inclination for science, technology and mathematics. (iv) He can do well at speculation but due to his careful and thrifty nature the Capricornian will keep away from such investments where chance plays a major role. He will be careful with his money. (v) He will not prefer to marry early or have a large family. He will love his family but will not display his emotions. The family may labour under a false notion that the native is cold towards them. He will like his privacy and will prefer domestic quietitude. He will work quietly for the welfare and well

being of his children. The female of the sign may dominate and run the household like a clock work. He will have a large circle of acquaintances but he will not befriend anybody in a hurry. He will be a loyal friend. He will have an eye for items of artistic or aesthetic value. (vi) The native will be small in build and slender with a long and thin face and sunken eyes. The complexion will be pale. He will look weak and emaciated. The build will be poor and the native may be a hunch-back if there are other supportive signs. The constitution will improve with age. More details relating to the physical characteristics of the sign can be found in paragraph 38 under FIRST HOUSE in Chapter Four. (vii) This sign relates to the knees and skin. The sign produces diseases of the knees, knee caps, skin and allergic manifestations on the skin. The native may also have troubles arising out of over work and nervous disorders. Colic and nervous break downs are also indicated by this sign. (viii) The sign produces successful businessmen, agriculturists, horticulturists, scientists, chemists, divers, and indicates professions for which firmness, sagacity, steadiness and application are needed. (ix) Mortuaries, graves, secluded spots, safe vaults, dungeons, watery places, forests and grasslands are indicated by this sign. The Sign Makara (Capricorn) Makara (Capricorn) is the ninth sign of the zodiac extending from 2700 to 3000 and governed by Saturn. The asterisms in this sign are the last three quarters of Utharashadha, Sravana (full) and the first half of Sravishta. The first half of Makara is quadruped while t.he latter half is watery. It is symbolised by a creature with the head of a stag and a lower body of a reptile. The transit of the Sun into Makara is an important moment and is known as the Makara-Samkrama. Makara is movable, feminine and is earthy. It is Prushtoadaya and strong at night. The sign is described by Parasara in his. Hoara-Sasthra as Mandaesas-thaamasoa bhoomi: Yaamyaet eha nisi veeryavaan Prushtoadayee bruhatgaathra: Karburoa vanabhooehara: Aadow chathushpadanthaethu Dvipadoajalagoamatha: (V 19-20) (Makara, governed by Saturn is of thaamasa quality, of earth principle, dwelling in the south, strong at night, rising with hinder parts, of bulky body, of mixed colours, moving through the woods and land, the first half is quadruped and the later half legless, and travelling in water) It is also described as a lame sign, for example Jaathakapaarijaatha describes "Mrugaanana-schapadhae rescha pangussandhidwayee naasakarow bhavaetham" Makara is inimical to the Sun, neutral to Moon and Mercury and friendly to Venus. It is the sign of exaltation to Mars and of debilitation to Jupiter. It may also be noted that Mars is exalted in a Saturn's sign whereas Saturn is debilitated in Mesha governed by Mars. Makara is neither a long sign nor a short sign; it is of even length, Being a quadruped sign (first half) it is strong if it happened to be the tenth house in a chart, As the second half is a watery sign, it is strong if it becomes the fourth house in a nativity. It would be not very difficult for you now to predict the nature of Makara natives. The qualities of the sign and its lord modified by the lordships of the different houses from the sign have to be properly blended. Makara natives usually would not be very strong or even weak with delayed

growth. The body is more likely to be tiny and not fleshy. Receded eyes, hard straight hair, thin face and slight bent in old age are possible. They would be patient, thoughtful and moderately spending. In all their work there would be a systematic approach and quickness; they would be leading in several matters if they want. They are afraid of criticism and complaints by others. They take care to be free from the influence of others and they do not come very close to anyone easily. But once they become friends, they maintain the relation permanently. Makara natives are usually lucky and also cunning. If Saturn is favourable they would be straightforward and trustworthy but if Saturn is unfavourably disposed in the nativity, they would be greedy, selfish, stingy, crooked and would not hesitate to do any sinful deeds. Also such natives would never have any earnestness in their work and usually would have a strong tendency to postpone everything in a go slow attitude. Even if Saturn is favourable success in enterprise is possible only gradually and not abruptly. Makara natives would not have to be disappointed in reaching their aim, but would have to work hard. Makara borns have Venus as the lord of the fifth as well as tenth houses and so they would be liking arts and entertainments. They would always have friends and partners with them (Moon being the seventh lord). Saturn being exalted in Thula, the tenth from Makara is not unfavourable. Makara natives have the possibility of becoming top politicians and they would not be hasty at all. Makara sign represents the Knees of the Kaala purusha and. Mercury is the lord of the sixth. Hence malefic association of the sign or its lord would indicate diseases such as fractures, lameness, leg afflictions, Rheumatism skin diseases, nervous troubles, windy diseases etc. The combined periods ruled by Saturn, Mars and Moon and the asterisms of these planets might be death inflicting. Saturn is the lord of the second (Makara) and Mars is the lord of the eleventh (Baadhaka position for movable signs). Generally Makara borns would be rather conservatives and they can constantly work for their success inspite of obstacles. They could always hold the wish to acquire wealth, fame and honour. Instead of seeking unexpected and abrupt income they would work for a constant and definite income. But some of the natives with unfavourable Saturn would go after black money too. Moderation in expenditure is their characteristic and as such they never waste their money. They have a special ability to manage financial matters. They have also the habit of saving for the future. Strong and favourable Sun associated with Saturn indicates for the Makara native employment in government institutions, local bodies, public concerns, mines etc. Many would earn by rent. Benefic Moon-Saturn relation indicates dealings in petroleum products animals etc. and building bunds, tanks, ponds, wells etc. Mars-Saturn combination indicates professions such as dealing in metals, masonry engineering, tool making, cement etc. When Mercury and Venus are favourably related, the native may become engineer, detective novelist, philosopher, teacher of mathematical sciences, detective officer etc. Favourable Jupiter Saturn relation, indicates doctor, scientists and employment in education judiciary or finance departments. Venus Saturn relation if favourable and the native would be connected with medicines minerals, leather, slaughter house etc. or sometimes renunciation to become a sanyasin. Weak Saturn may make the native to be associated with burial ground. Makara natives do not show desire for early Marriage. Generally many of them would have to lead a large family and they never escape from the responsibility. They do not show their affection

explicitly and exhibitive. They like calmness and solitude and dislike noisy atmosphere. They would back out during quarrels in family and would never involve direct encounters. They would acquaint themselves with all but their intimate friends would be very few. Due to their skill in pleasing conversation, they get an honourable position during quarrels. Those born in the asterisms of Mars (Mrigaseersha Chitra, Sravishata) and of Venus (Bharani, Pooram and Poorvashaadah) would be favourable to Makara natives. As Mars, the lord of the fourth house is also the lord of the eleventh house there is possibility of earning through the mother, vehicles etc. but it also indicates the possibility of suffering for the mother. Makara natives can keep their emotions concealed. In sexual matters too they are extremely cautious in their approach to their partners to such an extent that they might be misunderstood. Devotees, soldiers, wholesale, corporation, municipality, immovable properties, agriculture, animals, amphibians, those with no procreative power, masons, builders engineers, footwear, coffin, cement, brick, mortar, snow, skeleton, crocodile, alligator, fishing net, knees etc. are all associated with Makara. Undergtound rooms, solitary rooms, hospitals, rehabilitation centres, jail, burial ground, tomb, cattleshed, barren land, pits, caves dark room, old buildings, temples, forest, storerooms and huts are the places associated with the Makara sign. Friday, Tuesday and Saturday are favourable for Makara natives. Tuesday and Sundays would be expensive, whole Monday is the day of legal affairs. Saturday is good for investment and Tuesday for signing documents. Wednesday is good for long journeys. It would be better to abstain from any important transactions on Monday and Tuesdays. Red, white and blue are favourable while yellow and ivory colours are not. Diamond, blue Sapphire and ruby are lucky stones. As in the case of other signs, here also what have been described are only the possibilities for Makara natives. The results for each native would have to be read carefully from the nativity by the skill of the astrologer. Each house must be separately analysed with respect to house, its lord and significator. Also one would have to consider special combinations, strengths of planets and also the sequence of Dasas. Partial judgement will lead only to partial success which might, in predictions sometimes becomes synonymous with failure. Therefore be extremely cautious in prediction. According to parasara, the nature of the different planets towards Makara natives is as follows Kuja jeevaendava: paapah subhow bhaargava chandrajow svayam hanthaa na Manda: syannighnanthyaaradayoasubhaa: samoa bhanurnigaditha: Kaviraeka: suyoagakruth Nakroadayee prajaathasya Jnaeyam aethat phalam budhaih (Bruhatparaasara hoaarasasthram XXXV -38,39) (For the Makara native Mars, Jupiter and Moon are malefics while Venus and Mercury are benefics. Mars etc. are Maarakas. Saturn is not Maaraka itself, Sun is neutral and Venus alone is YogaKaaraka). This must be remembered when judging the Makara native's chart The general nature of Makara ascendant is described by Varaahamihira as follows: Nithyam laalithavaan swadarathanayaan dharmadhwajoadha: Krusa: Swarksha:kshaamakatirr gruheethavachana: soubhaagya' yuktholasa:

Seethaalurmanujoathascha Makarae sathvaadhika: kaavyakrut Lubdoagamya: jaaraana ganasow nirtha santhyuaktha lajjoaguna: (Bruhajjaathaka XrvI-J 0) Though this sloka is descriptive for a native with Moon in Makara the same would be the indications for Makara ascendant as well as is evident from the last sloka of the same chapter. According to Varaahamihira Makara natives would always fulfil the desires of wife and children would act against all Dharmasasthras but would dupe others by making them believe that he is virtuous (in deceiving other). The lower part of the body would be thin eyes, would be pretty, would be learned in several sasthra (or be learned on the spiritual side) would be liked by all people, would be unskilled in work, be lazy, be hunting, cold be of a travelling nature be strong and writing poetry and other literary work be stingy, would be interested in old women who are forbidden by age or status or the like would be devoid of shame and sympathy. Capricorn - Makara Symbol of this Rasi : A shark with the face of a deer. Place indicated by this Rasi : The river or other water-abounding region, like paradise where, deer and crocodile lives. Short/medium/long : Medium Day or Night strong : Strong during night Rising of Rasi : Prishtodaya or rises with its back Watery/Dry Rasi : Watery Foot or padha : Quradruped for 1st 15 degrees and footless for the next 15 degrees. Class or Varna : Vaishya or Businessmen Dhatu/Moola/Jeeva : Mineral or Dhatu Body part : Knees Makar Name – Akokero, Mriga, Mrigasya, Nakra Element – Earth Nature – Female, even, Saumya ( auspicious ), Chara (moveable or cardinal ) Type – First half quadruped, second half watery Limbs of KalaPurush – Knees, left side limbs of kalapurusha Quadruped Body Parts – Generative organs and the testicles Body Parts – Left side of the belly Symbols- A deer faced crocodile, a face like an elephant ( or deer ) and a body like that of a shark or crocodile Abode Category – Jala rashi, water abounding forest, forests, tanks, hills and places of many kinds of creepers Colors – Yellow, grey, white, black, variegated Direction – South Time of Day – Strong at first half of night, strong at day Nature – Dhatu or Mineral Items – Shrubs, creepers, etc., whatever grows as a result of watering, sugarcane, gold, iron and other valuable articles.

Functions – Left chest

Capricorn Element : Earth Symbol : The Goat Quality : Cardinal Animals: Color :Black, Dark Brown, Gray Lucky Colour : Violet, Purple, Black, Silver Gray Ruling House : 10'th House Body Parts : Bones, Knees Gems : Garnet Metals : Silver Favourable Planets: Lucky Numbers : 5, 6, 8 Lucky Day : Saturday Nature : Negative Trees : pine Herbs : Comfrey, Knapweed Flower : Lvy, Pansy Trait : Steadiness Weaknesses : You live on Sarcasm Suitable Profession : Community Service, Negotiation, Consultants, Teacher, Doctors, Lawyers Special Qualities : Family Oriented, Hard Worker, Independent Energy : Yin Keywords : Prudent, Aspiring, Calculating Keyphrase : I Use ! Principle : Crystallization Health Problems : Knees, Bone, Skin Diseases Most compatible with : Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Capricorn Most Clashes with : Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra CAPRICORN Makra Tenth sign of zodiac Lord : Saturn Symbol : the goat Benefics : Mercury, Venus, Saturn Malefics : Moon, Mars, Jupiter Neutrals : Sun Marakas : Mars, Jupiter Badhakasthana : SAcorpio (11th) Badhakapati : Mars Yog karaka : Venus Exalted : Mars 28 degree

Debilitated : Jupiter 5 degree Mooltrikona : -Ideal match signs : Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, Moon’s auspicious degree: 14 Moon’s inauspicious degree: 20, 25 Lucky perfume : Musk Lucky number : 6, 9, 8 Lucky days : Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday for investments. Lucky gem : Blue sapphire in gold in 2nd finger right hand. Lucky colour : White, black, red, blue. Avoid yellow, cream. Day of fast : Saturday Controls or governs: Bones, Flesh Characteristics of Capricorn: Earthy, Movable, chara rasi, Semi-fruitful, Prishtodaya, South, Watery, Female (feminine) Negative, 1st ½ quadruped-later ½ aquatic. Nocturnal, Medium ascension, Uttarayana, Windy, Magha (15 Jan-15 Feb), Deaf in the afternoon, Solar sector, a benefic (soumya), even night sign, Dhatu (metals minerals day), Vaishaya (trading class), Acute sign, lame sign, sign of sacrifice. Appreance & looks: Tall, lean, stiff all over body, big head, big neck, prominent nose and ears, thin face, bent shoulders, not fleshy, large teeth and lower lip, thin body, reddish brown colour, thin waist, dark coarse hair, thick & long hands & legs, weak lower limbs. Positive Trails: Most practical, stocial to miseries of life, strong- willed, ambitious determinded, reliable, careful, prudent, disciplined, patient, preserving, hard working, far-sighted, accepts advice tendered, good stamina, talkative, chatter box, cautious, sympethatic, generous, have vitality, knack of adjusting to circumstances, presses sympathy generosity and philanthropy, good organizing skills Negative traits: Allergic to cold, vindictive, cunning, cruel, indolent, devoid of shame, religious hypocrite, impudent, rigid, harsh, ruthless, pessimists, over- exacting, over-conventional, miserly, licentious, wants lot of show, lazy nature, religious hypocrite, suffers from wind diseases, egoist, takes a very critical view, a perfectionist who is not satisfied. Parts of body ruled: Bones, knees, joints Glands, nerves, arteries: Skin Possible diseases: Leprosy, leucoderma, toothache, arthritis, rheumatism, knee injuries, bone diseases, eczema, depression, acidity, sciatica, herpes, sinovitis. Profession & traders (career suggestions): Powerful people who weild much authority and notoriety, chemicals, watery-goods, marine products, harbours, cots, gardening equipment, planning, administration, architect, builder, civil servants, dentist, engineer, farmer, scientist, survey or banks, cottage industry, public works, responsible executive jobs, deep-meditation. Capricorns: a. have prodigious memory and take interest in versatile subjects. b. Are coward in social matters and always worried about fear or being ridiculed. c. The keywords of Capricorn are rational, prudent and determined. d. Sun for Capricorn lagna may not kill but gives troubles and inflicts evils. Capricorn - Beneath a Vedic Sky by W Levacy Symbol: A being wi t h the head of a deer and the body of a crocodile

Key Cokcept: Prospering through enduring. Pocus is on secu rity. Tenth sign of the natural zodiac. Transfers its influence, and that of its ruling planet Saturn, to the interpretation of the tenth house of a chart. Basic Nature: Favorable: Practical, cautious, methodical, persevering; organiz- ing ability; their position improves over time; desires fame and name; serves others; not very anxious to get married early; collects old and beautiful thin gs; prefers seclusion and peace; true to their friends and mates, respecting them throughout life Unfavorable: Suspicious, deals a hard jus tice, selfish, not optimistic at first, not quick to make friends, success does not come immediately, depressed by obstacles and delays, overstrained, gloomy, worried, overly focused on security, never feels there is enough time, feels they have wasted their life, detached, acts functionally but not affectionately as a parent and a mate. Capricorn Symbol: Forehalf animal and the rest is fish, partly under water in a stream with current. Cause: prithvi. Guna: Tama Hard labor, concentration, high devotion, reluctance or inattention to material things, philosophers etc. are represented by thus sign. There is duality of ideas in it, viz. mystic as well as psychic. Sign: Capricorn Ruling Places: Rules knees, bones, nerves, watery places frequented by beasts, alligator, aquarium, fish, fishing net, cow sheds, lumber houses, barren terrain, thorns, bushes, low lying areas. Appearances: Long neck, small head, clear serious eyes, slender built. Nature: Witty, seeking perfection in everything, good organizing abilities, great patience and strength of will, secretive, cautions, ambitious, pragmatic, movable and earthy. Makara (Capricorn) Rising – B.V.Raman - How to Judge a Horoscope Vol 1 Mental Tendencies.—They are stoical to the miseries of life. Possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy, self-willed, strong in purpose, secretive and vindictive, Capricorn natives are cunning and determined. Physical Tendencies.—Persons born in this sign are tall, lean, reddish-brown in colour with prominent stiff hair on the eye-brows and the chest. The head is big and the face fairly broad. They have large teeth, a big mouth, prominent nose, and are inclined to stoop. The body is thin and fleshy. General Tendencies.—They have a knack to adapt themselves to circumstances. They have great aspirations in life and cannot economise funds. They like a lot of show. Noted for their perseverance. They become vindictive when Saturn is afflicted and may become somewhat bigoted. They are capable of much endeavour. In the home life they are perfectionists and often cannot get on well with husbands or wives. They should check this harmful tendency on their part. They are industrious. If Mars occupies any sign other than his own they lack confidence, become funky, nervous and weak-minded. They can be described as "chatter-boxes" and have little or no control over their tongues. Capricorn Ascendant - How to Read a Horoscope by P V R Rayudu

Body: You may be tall and lean. You may have stiff hair on the eye biows and the chest. You may have a big head with fairly broad face and large teeth sometimes protruding outside the lips. You may have a big mouth. You are inclined to stoop. Your body may be thin and not fleshy. You may have a prominent nose. You may present an uncouth/awkward appearance. You may have good eyes. The lower part of your body below the waist may be underdeveloped compared to the upper half. You may have a thin waist. Health: You may be nervous and weak minded. You will suffer from diseases arising out of 'vata' (wind). You will be allergic to winter and cold. You may have generally good stamina. Temperament and Personality: You will make a big show of being religious though in reality you may not be so religious. You will be self willed, secretive, cunning and determined. You will have the knack to adapt to different circumstances and environments. You will be full of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy. You will be a chatterbox and will have little or no control over your tongue. You will be noted for your perseverance and strong mindedness. You will be capable of much endeavour. You will be industrious. You will be modest, liberal and sometimes vindictive. You may not easily get on well with your partner. You may be cruel, avaricious, indolent and devoid of shame. You will be fond of walking. You may be an expert in poetry. You may lack confidence and become faulty. You will have great aspirations in life and cannot economise your funds even if you were to be under the influence of adversity. You will take great interest in literature. You will accept advice. You will be gentlemanly in business transactions. You will be stoical to the miseries of life. You may be interested in science and education. You would like to have a tot of show. You will be possessed of an invincible bigotry before which sober counsels will be of no avail. You will be nervous and weak minded. You will dodge your married partner and children. Capricorn: Long nose, thick neck, long chin, dark hair, not handsome, short in early age, but grow tall suddenly after 16 years, hunchbacked with age, defective walk, economical, prudent, calculative, businesslike, secretive, changeable, methodical, good organiser, patience, steady, serious, contemplative nature, hard worker, self-reliant, either very honest or most dishonest, selfish, work hard even in the face of obstacles, careful in money, unemotional, slow & cautious in approaching opposite sex, undemonstrative in love, Body parts: Joints, knee caps, skin Diseases: Colds, skin diseases, leprosy, hysteria, gout Professions: If aspected by benefic Moon, business of kerosene oil, land, animals, irrigation, agriculturist; If aspected by Mars, engineer, cement, manufacturer, lawyer, brick-kiln owner; If by Mercury, engineer, deep thinker, dealer in scientific instruments, crystal grazing; If by Jupiter, physician, scientist, gain through large companies, clubs and societies, land and mines, long term contracts; If by Venus, chemical, leader, hides, cosmetics, beauty items, etc. Match: with signs 4, 8, 12 CAPRICORN Physical features: Weak slender body and constitution improving with age, large teeth, big mouth, prominent nose, dark coarse hair, thin and oval face, hunch – backed, scar or mole on the knee cap, jaws similar to that of crocodile, short forehead, long teeth, beard with less hair. General: Prudence, thoughtfullness, reasoning, love of power. Selfreliant and highly intellectual. Not optimistic in any matter till succeeds. Works on facts and statistics and makes use of them in worldly

affairs. Honest, sincere and economic. While cannot be intimidated by force, he melts like wax in warmth of friendship and goodness. Special organizing ability. Even in adverse circumstances rarely asks for help. Impediment in speech. Fit for public work and position of prominence. Best suited for jobs in finance department or in technical field. Cannot cultivate friendship easily with strangers but is social with earlier friends. Not fit for romance but provides all comforts to family and loved ones. Protects family like a hen. Very slow and cautious in dealing with opposite sex, has sexual relations with females older than himself. Likely to suffer from injury near the knee cap, skin disease, bruises, dislocation of bones, urticaria, rheumatism etc. Fear of injury from fire, arms or iron during childhood. Enjoys life during age of 33 to 49, suffers bodily at the age of 50-51. 5, 13, 27, 36, 57, 62 and 67 are the inauspicious years of life. 10. MAKARA (CAPRICORN) Linga (Symbol): Deer Forequarters and Crocodile Hindquarters. Ruler: Shani (Saturn). Mahabhuta (Element): Earth. Quality: Cardinal. Gender: Female. Siddhant (Principle): Industrious. Limb of Kalapurush: Knees. Nakshatras: 3/4 Uttara Ashadha, Sravana and 1/2 Dhanistha. Attributes Of The Sign: The symbol of Makara is suited to go on both land and water, but neither well or quickly. Consequently, it learns adaptability and can proceed in a variety of situations, though taking time. It is a cardinal sign, no doubt, but it is not a high-speed sign. This can be easily imagined from the appearance of its symbol. It can hardly move on a plain, but more easily in rugged terrain. The movement is slow but sure. It is perseverant, diligent, industrious, restless, foppish, lover of few companions. It is addicted to sensual pleasures, brave, very noisy, has a harsh voice and medium figure. It has earnestness to reach its goal in spite of obstacles that may befall on its way. It represents matter and material things, and is industrious and a sure climber. It proceeds breaking through obstructions or moves in a zigzag way to avoid them. The structure of the body shows that it cannot be undisciplined. Materialistic, disciplinarian, and an expert industrialist, universal, a social figure, to settle into definite form of mind, to create, letting loose, builder of a career, the sign of a businessman who is sometimes exacting to the point of dishonesty, a politician. Characteristics Of The Ascendant: The natives of this Makara Ascendant are generally emaciated, weak and slow growing. Their body will not be plum or muscular but slender. The native grows tall suddenly in youth and the constitution improves with age. The nose is long and eyes deep-set. The hair is coarse. They are economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical-minded.

They are methodical, slow, steady and patient. They are calculative and business-like. A Capricorn native is capable of taking quick decisions. They have push and confidence. They have special organizing capacity and a lot of tolerance. They will be honest, sincere and reliable, unless the Ascendant has evil influence on it. In that case they will become dishonest, selfish and even criminal. The native has to face a lot of obstacles, difficulties and hindrances, but they are capable of overcoming them. They are hard workers and are able to consolidate their position sooner or later. They generally marry late, but prove good partners and have many children.

Lagna - Makara (Capricorn) Lord Shani Symbol: earthy and moveable sign Guna: tamas Mental: stoical to the miseries of life... possessed of sympathy, generosity and philanthropy, self-willed, strong in purpose, secretive and vindictive, Capricorn natives are cunning and determined. Physical: tall, lean, reddish-brown in color with prominent stiff hair on the eye-brows and the chest. The head is big and the face is fairly broad .... large teeth, a big mouth, prominent nose, and are inclined to stoop. The body is thin and fleshy. General: They have a knack to adapt themselves to circumstances.... have great aspirations in life and cannot economize funds. They like a lot of show... noted for their perseverance.... become vindictive when Saturn is afflicted and may become somewhat bigoted. They are capable of much endeavor. In the home life they are perfectionists and often cannot get on well with husbands or wives. They should check this harmful tendency on their part. ... industrious.... If Mars occupies any sign other than his own they lack confidence, become funky nervous and weak-minded. They can be described as "chatter-boxes" and have little or no control over their tongues. Ideas: Hard labour, concentration, high devotion, reluctance or inattention to material things, philosophers


Broad Outlook (M): Represent movement from one place to another, just river flows smoothly without going back. Shows enterprise, enthusiasm, love of ambition, forcefulness,

and go-ahead spirit, fame recognition and popularity, and ability to complete plans and execute them in a short time. Always loves change and reform. Represent the busy people, the best businessmen, pioneers. Who rise in life on their own and those who make headway against heavy odds and impediments. Native independent in spirit and self-assertive. Dislike dependence on others and averse to subordination. Ailments affecting the head, stomach, kidneys and all movable/functional disorders, tend to brain fever, headaches, disorders of stomach, kidney trouble, cold, injuries to head and knees. Afflictions from movable sign indicate acute ailments, which usually run their course and leave no particular trace. Majority planets are in movable or when they are in kendras, it shows that one will hold a prominent position be it trade, business, politics or profession. Will exhibit ambition and enterprise to a great degree. Will never feel fully satisfied unless they are at the head of things. Fond of changes in life and will have many changes too. Sani in 11th signifies fixed sign -delay and hindrance through friends.. Finance: Fixed sign bring gain through authoritative influence investments and accumulation of unearned income. No fluctuation denoted, one could expect to have a fixed income. Dual on THIRD CUSP (asc.movable) make the mind more receptive, methodical, systematic and easily affected by surroundings. Dual sign connected with 6,10 one is best fitted to serve others. For instance, one can act as a middleman, agent clerk, and editor speaker. Nature (E): Show solidity & stability. Indicate material welfare and the native will be sent on making wealth & seeking power and position. This ascendant gives good health. One will be careful & cautious premeditative, prudent & practical, secretive & suspicious, stubborn & self protective, slow & steady, reserved and retrained, methodical and economical, plodding and preserving. Mind is practical objective, scientific, methodical and materialistic. When a majority of planets occupy earthy, business would be the best. General Predictions: Physical: Body will not be muscular/plumpy , but slender. Grows tall suddenly after 16 years of age. As age advances constitution also improves. Face will be thin and oval. Nose will be long. Eyes deep set. Hair will be coarse. Scar in this kneecap or at least a mole. Characteristics: Economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical oriented. Confers methodicity and plodding. Persevering and patiently working temperament. Calculative and business-like. Quickly execute any work after taking carefully a decision. Will have push and confidence. Will not hesitate to have a thought change in one’s own career. It is found to be advantageous. Will have a special organising capacity and with enormous tolerance, patience and steady nature. Will be at the head of certain projects. Reserved nature and fear of ridicule. Will not entertain any do not hope on others’ promises nor will he be optimistic till comes out successful or realises ambition. It is not easy to cheat you. You appear to be modest and polite. You will not make friendship with anybody quickly. Will take a long time to test the individual and finally make a permanent tie of friendship. Never spend your time in idle talk. Will not take decision then and there but postpone it to the last moment. At the instance of other you will start doing job when once you take up you will be at it. Obstacles and hindrance may depress you for some time but you will not leave it. You utilise everything to a material purpose. Will try to have pleasurable pursuits, will be fond of music etc., and will speculate. You will be always having a company otherwise you will be subject to depression. Whenever you work, study or travel you will have the company of a friend to

keep you cheerful. Political greatman are from this sign only. You should not overwork and exert too much yourself. Health: Near the kneecap, skin problem, dislocation, bruises are common. . Vitamin B deficiency, gas trouble indicated. Finance: Desire to gain name, fame reputation and money. Avail of all the opportunities arising. Will consolidate all your affairs and resources. Invest on permanent possession after carefully scrutinising the documents and having obtained enough security. Industrious do not take chances of risks. Do not waste money. Trustworthy, well-informed and best-fitted to serve in finance matters. Will always think of the future and save satisfactorily. Domestic: Not anxious to get married early. But you marry because you have to marry and is destined to marry. Do not want many children. Yet becomes parents of a large family do love your partner/children but do not display your love. Your children may mistake you because you treat them coldly. Collect things, which are beautiful and will try to have a library of your own. Hate noise but want a quiet atmosphere and privacy. Prefer conclusion and peace. Because of these reasons your family members mistakes you. Though your partner is argumentative / quarrelsome you will mostly obtain from such scene. Normally you do not take anybody into your confidence. Will be known to many. Will have a large number of acquaintances. Good friends will be a few only. You will be true to your friend and respect them through out life. You find that those who are born on Tuesday on in the sign of Scorpio or in the star of Mrigasira, Chitra, Dhanista are your benefactors. Will never hesitate to lend him assistance; you will realise that they help you even without your asking for it. You will also find that people born in Bharani, Poorvapalguni and Poorvashada stars are very helpful to you. You receive benefits though mother. Covenants will cooperate. You can take building on a rental basis and sub let a portion of it for the total rental value and thus you can live in the same premises, without paying any rent. This luck is only available only to the persons who are born in this sign. Marriage: You never give expression to your love and affection You are emotional. Very slow and cautious when you approach the other sex. You are not bold or rash, never will you take the lead. You will ask the other very tactfully, obtain partner’s consent once, twice and even thrice and even than you will be afraid to proceed further. The other sex will be worried about your hesitance. Any how you take long time to choose your partner. Children: Though you may have many children, you never fondle with them. You will do your duty. Will not mix with them or join in their play or allow them to make noise. You will want them to be quiet and attend to their work. Will not allow your children to go beyond a limit. Will keep under control. However, this does not hinder in any way the affection between them parent and children. Lucky Day: Friday, Tuesday and Saturday are the best. Wednesday are successful. Thursday and Sunday show expenses. Monday and in enmity or litigation. Speculate on Tuesday/Friday. Invest on Saturday. Signing on Tuesdays. Compete on Wednesdays. Go a long journey on Wednesday. Avoid Monday and Sunday. Pray God on Friday/ Tuesday. Lucky Colour: White, red, blue are lucky. Avoid Yellow/Cream. Blue is auspicious for health, financial success and happy family life. Red gives the native property, vehicle, and good friends. Lucky numbers: 6, 9 and 8 avoid 3 Points to be kept in mind: You are ever ambitious both to make money and also to acquire power. You assert yourself in your work where you serve and you always think of yourself alone. You are not unaware of your worth and your capacity. You are efficient but a realistic; you are very selfish

especially in search of power. You contemplate, dream and you make efforts entertaining hopes. You live on hopes, you are mostly optimistic. But you become desperate and brokenhearted, whenever you meet with failure and when there is undue delay in the realisation of your ambitions; so it leads you to overwork and exert too much. Your health will not permit so much of strain. Further mentally also you always contemplate, mediate and tax yourself very much. Due to overstrain you will feel fatigued. You should develop dignity and diplomacy and avoid nervousness and discontent. You have an intense desire to influence others, to manage them, direct them and also persuade them. You meddle with other in one way or the other. This causes irritation in your friends and also in your close relatives. You must learn to understand and control yourself. As regards the sex, you are incorrigible. You should know that you will have your best period between your age of 56 to 70, therefore, you have to be working without much expectation in your early days and ultimately you will find that your patience has paid you amply in the end. You may become lazy, sluggish, due to the poor results you have in earlier days; but cultivate activity. Never be worried and be gloomy; otherwise digestive system will become weak and flatulence may be caused. Your health is also so fragile and weak that very easily you are upset by pulmonary affection also. It is also not uncommon that people working with much of anxiety and over-strain at last suffer from heart disease. None has gained anything by merely worrying. Be active. Do not be selfish. You will have grand success in your life. What my horoscope indicate? | Capricorn Ascendant If you are born in Capricorn Ascendant; you may be tall and strong. The influence of Jupiter and/or Mars on Saturn or first house may, however, give short physique too. The upper half of the body may be strong and muscular; while the lower half of the body may be comparatively weaker. The legs may be slim and you may have rheumatic and joints related weakness. You may be quite industrious, enthusiastic and may also be workaholic to some extent. You may be quite open in your communication; and quite a time may not care about what others think or opine about you. This also means that you may be confident and may not get easily influenced by others. You may also be a bit skeptical and/or suspicious in nature; and may not believe others easily. In place of taking people on face value; you may like to get assured by your personal experience. It may also be a bit difficult for you to take and accept criticism; and you may like to settle score, even for minor issues. You may be quite diplomatic and may be able to identify and tackle your enemies or rivals quite effectively. You may be naturally blessed with administrative skills; and may be able to have effective control and supervision on your juniors and sub-ordinates. You may be desirous of fame and reputation; and may work very hard to ensure your high position in the social and professional circle. You may be economical in nature and may like to accumulate money and wealth on frequent/regular intervals. The above mentioned positive results are subject to the conditions that the Saturn is well disposed and the first house of your Ascendant is also safe from any malefic planetary influences. Weak and afflicted Saturn may cause you to be lazy, careless and cowardly in nature. You may face or experience social humiliation or lack of respect in your professional network. There may be physical injuries or deformities, specifically related to lower half of the body. If both Saturn and Sun are badly disposed; this may cause you to suffer from accidents, failures and setbacks in life. If, at the same time, the Moon is also weak/disturbed; this may also cause longevity issues and disturbed marital life.

The planets Mercury, Venus and Saturn are most auspicious planets for Capricorn Ascendant; and sometimes, the good placement of any one of these can generate strong positive results during their Mahadasa. Venus becomes the Yogakaraka planet for Capricorn Ascendant people. And, it is not only capable of generating auspicious Yogas but cancelling/diluting the other inauspicious planetary influences on the horoscope. Mars, Jupiter and the Sun are inauspicious planets; and, capable of damaging the positive attributes of the planets/houses under influence. As lord of seventh house of your Lagna Chart, the Moon becomes the Marak planet; and capable of causing physical or mental sufferings, specifically when it (Moon) is lacking the Paksha Bala. The union of Mercury with Venus generates a strong and powerful combination (Yoga), specifically when both these planets are well placed and safe from combustion. The combinations of Saturn + Venus and Saturn + Mercury are also auspicious for your horoscope. Involvement of Jupiter or the Sun in auspicious combinations is capable of destroying the fruitfulness of the positive Yogas as well as generating negative planetary influence instead. The union of Mars with Jupiter usually generates financial problems; though, it is supportive for journeys and foreign travel. The best placement of Nodes (Rahu and Ketu) takes place when both these planets are exalted. Exalted Rahu in fifth house can give easy and strong success in professional and social sectors; while, the exalted Ketu in eleventh house is also supportive for financial matters. The only requirement is that there should not be concentrated influence of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun on Nodes. Besides this, Rahu’s disposition in first or ninth house is also supportive. Debilitated Rahu, placed in eleventh house of Lagna Chart, is not auspicious and capable of generating significant inauspicious results in terms of profession, financial and marital life. Professional sectors related to manufacturing, training, administration, police, metal, fire, politics, education, engineering, fashion, movies, acting, agriculture, and trading are usually most suitable for you. Banking and finance are usually not observed to provide any strong and stable growth for Capricorn Ascendant people. The best part of being born in Capricorn Ascendant is being industrious, persistent and determined in their approach. They rarely get influenced by others and prefer to have and lead their own ideology in life. They are also good in identifying black sheep among their social and personal circle. The weak part of your personality and nature is being too much curious and introspective, specifically in personal and family relationships. They may remain suspicious and doubtful over the integrity of closed ones; and may lack domestic and mental peace in life. Sometimes, their being too much practical about the things and situations may offend or confuse others. Cautions to be exercised: If you are born in Capricorn Ascendant; you should be extra careful about the following: Marital relationships: Marital relationships and family life usually remains a big cause of concern for Capricorn Ascendant people. The primary reason is the lordship of Moon over seventh house; which is a very fast moving planet and is vulnerable to get weak quite often. Besides this, the lordship of Saturn over the first house of your Lagna Chart may also cause you to be a bit selfish, greedy or demanding in your marital and close relationships. Therefore, you should try to give due time and space for your close relationships and family. Social circle and friends: The social and friend circle of Capricorn Ascendant people is also remains a good cause of concern for them. You may remain quite occupied in making your endeavors towards your professional and social goals; and, thus some chances of your close relations trying to encroach upon your professional and social authority, entrusted to you, are also there. The primary reason

behind this is the lordship of Mars over fourth and eleventh houses of your Lagna Chart, due to which the family and close relatives may be demanding and or dominant. Vices and health: This aspect is also to be looked upon with a bit more attention, specifically if Moon and/or Mars are having relationship with Saturn. The involvement of Rahu, under such circumstances, may tempt or compel you to get into drinking, smoking or other vices. The lordship of Saturn over the second house also makes you more vulnerable to such things. Therefore, the health may remain a bit unsatisfactory; and you may suffer from early aging. Makara (Capricorn) Characteristics Physical Appearance Prominent features usually thin and long, long or prominent nose, thick neck, long chin, dark or black hair, thin beard, usually not very handsome stature short in early age but one grows tall suddenly after 16 years of age. The constitution improves with age as it will be slender in early age. The person will become hunchbacked as the age advances. There will be a scar in the knee cap or at least a mole. Generally defective walk and liability to rheumatism in the joints. Mental Tendencies Capricornians are economical, prudent, self willed,reserved, pensive, reasonable, thoughtful and of practical nature. They are calculative and business like. Secretive, quite, much mental ingenuity and fertility, changeable, capracious and will have push and confidence. Desirous of wealth, power and authority, ability for managing and organizing. They are also methodical and plodding. Personality Capricorn being a movable sign, one will execute quickly any work after taking a careful decision. When it is found advantageous, one will not hesitate to change his career. He will have special organising capacity and with good tolerance, patience and steady nature. Serious, quite, thoughtful, contemplative nature, possessing dignity and self esteem. Also one is cautious, hard worker, capable, of much endeavour, able to plan and carry out schemes of considerable magnitude and will be at the head. He will not depend on the hopes of others, not demonstrative in feeling and do not readily show his sympathy. It is not easy to cheat him, modest and polite, he can make friendship with anybody quickly but he will make test of an individual and finally make a permanent tie of friendship. Capricornians are self reliant, thrifty, respectful to religion, interested in theology, either honest,sincere or reliable or the most conceited, dishonest, selfish, greedy, miserly,never hesitate to commit any crime when Saturn, the significator is muchafflicted in birth chart. They will rise gradually will make repeated attemptsand will finally come out successful. They will utilise everything to a material purpose. Traits to be Corrected The native should correct his following defects and faults when lagna or lord of lagna Saturn are badly aspected: 1. One should not be selfish, egoistic, pessimistic. 2. He should not become desperate and broken hearted. 3. One should not over work and exert too much but also take rest to maintain his health. 4. He should not overstrain and feel fatigued.5. He should develop dignity and diplomacy, avoid nervousness and discontent. Health and Diseases Capricorns should be in cheerful youngsters, take hot and stimulating food and laxatives. They should do regular exercises, never jump and fall down, this will lead them to good health. Capricorns are depressed and discontented, worried and gloomy, gradually the digestive system will become

weak and may cause flatulence.The diseases indicated are injury to body parts, to knee cap, skin disease,eczema, dislocation, hysteria, rheumatic and pulmonary.Saturn in Uttrashada star indicates heart palpitation whereas Mars indicates cardiac thrombosis, Rahu and Ketu cause blood pressure. Planets in Dhanishta denote high fever, bronchitis, pneumonia, fracture and dislocation etc. Mars, Saturn and Moon are not good for longevity in their conjoined sub periods in the major period of evil planets. Finance and Fortune Capricorns are desirous of name, fame, money and reputation. They are conservatives, will not mind difficulties, handicaps and hindrances, but will work continuously to gain success. They do not miss any chance and opportunity and do not speculate. They have value of money and will invest carefully and save slowly and steadily. They are economical, trustworthy, wide awake and they do not take risk they do not expect a windfall. Love and Marriage Capricorns are not emotional, but slow and cautious in approaching opposite sex, not bold and rash and never take lead,opposite sex remains worried by the hesitancy of the man born in Capricorn.They take long time to choose a partner. They may have affection but are not demonstrative in love and not fit for romance, dance etc. Husbands Capricorns husbands are not romantic yet they provide full comforts to the family in slow and steady way. Choosy about partner and do not take any body in confidence, they have many acquaintances but less real friends to whom they will be true and respect them throughout life. An active member of clubs and societies. They are slow in passions and afraid to proceed further unless obtain consent thrice and in a sure way. Ideal Match Capricorns are best suited for Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces born persons. Also persons born on Tuesdays, or in Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta nakshatras will be helpful. Persons born in Rohini, Poorvaphalguni and Poorvashada stars are very helpful. Children Capricorns have number of children but will not mix with them,and not allow them to go beyond limit, keep them under control, but will not antagonize them. Children will be more affectionate as age advances. Domestic Environments They are anxious for early marriage, but are destined to marry. They will be dutiful to the children and family, but will not display their love. Keep the home beautiful, hate noise and like clam atmosphere and privacy, seclusion and peace. Care most for respect and prestige of the family. Traits to be Corrected They should develop dignity, diplomacy, avoid nervousness and discontent. If ascendant or Saturn receives bad aspects from any planet, the native will be mostly selfish and egoistic pessimistic, desperate and broken hearted. They will work hard and over exert, contemplate mediate and tax himself much and due to overstrain will be fatigued. All these traits are required to be corrected. Professions When Moon forms good aspects with ascendant and lord of ascendant, she indicates business of kerosene oil, land and animals, contractor in irrigation department and a successful agriculturist. Mars forming favourable aspects denotes engineer, cement manufacturer, lawyer, brick kiln owner, Mercury indicates engineers, deep thinker, dealers in scientific instruments, crystal grazing. Yoga are

advantageous. Jupiter forming good aspects denoted physician or scientist, gain through large companies, clubs and societies. Also through land and mine products, long term contracts etc.Venus indicates chemicals, leather and hides, religious head, Sanyasi etc. Lucky Days, Number, Colours and Stones Lucky and favourable days are Friday, Tuesday, Saturday and Wednesdays whereas Sunday, Monday and Thursday are days of worries and expense. They should speculate on Tuesday and Friday. Invest on Saturday, sign documents contracts etc. on Tuesdays. Lucky numbers are 6,9,8. Avoid 3, other numbers are passive. Favourable colours are white, black, red and blue. Avoid yellow and cream colours. Lucky stone is blue sapphire and be used in gold or five metals ring in 2nd finger of right hand on Saturday morning after prayer. But when Saturn is in fall or unfavourable, use blue Sapphire plus red Coral or Blue Sapphire plus emerald as above. Day of fast for good luck is Saturday Gemstone Warning Consult good astrologer for Gemstone, birth sign is not enough to recommend gemstone. Capricorn Woman Physical Appearance: It is Earthy and movable sign of the Zodiac. Woman born under this sign have prominent features usually thin and long. Long or prominent nose, thick neck, long chin, dark or black hair, short in early age but one grows tall suddenly after 16 years of age. The constitution too improves as the age advances, you may become hunchbacked. A scar on knee cap or at least a mole. Capricorns can be stocky and muscular. Thin and wiry or plump and soft. No matter how the body is shaped, she will give the impression of being rooted to the spot. You ladies have straight, lank, dark hair, dark steady eyes, and swarthy olive or Tan complexion. Often eyes are blue. There is always a faint aura of melancholy and seriousness surrounding their personality. Many of you have strong feet and wear sensible shoes. Mental Tendencies: Capricorns are economical, prudent, self willed, reserved, pensive, reasonable, thoughtful and of practical nature. Calculative and business like. Secretive, quite, much mental ingenuity and fertility, changeable, capracious and will have push and confidence. Desirous of wealth, power and authority. Methodical and plodding. Personality: She can be ultra feminine, flirtatious and charming enough to make a man feel like a giant grizzly bear who can protect her from cold and cruel world. She has a steely determination to snag the right man, who can become important, make her proud and be a good father to her children. She will execute any work quickly after taking a careful decision. When advantageous to her, will not hesitate to change her career being of a materialistic mind. She has a special organizing capacity with good tolerance, patience and steady nature. So many Capricorn girls are career ladies, to them love and marriage is a second choice. They want respect, security, authority and position. With love, you have a point, with marriage No. One way or the other, You get your recognition. On the other hand do not think that she will never sacrifice her career for marriage. Just give this girl half a chance to be social leader and the mistress of a well run household. She will work to help you, won’t be lazy, she is happier enjoying her position as a wife, Provided the position is good one and there is enough financial security. Health and Diseases: Capricorns should remain in cheerful mood and among youngsters, taking stimulating and hot food and laxatives. They should do regular exercises, never jump and fall down, this will lead her to good health. Capricorns are depressed, gloomy, discontented and worried. Gradually their digestive system will become weak and may cause troubles. So avoid all these. Finances and Fortune

You are desirous of name, fame and money. By shear constant work you gain money steadily. You are conservatives, will not mind difficulties, handicaps and hindrances but will work to gain success. You do not miss any chance and opportunity and do not speculate. You know value of money, will invest carefully and save slowly and steadily. Economical and trustworthy, wide awake as you do not expect any wind fall. Romance and Marriage: You damsels are not emotional., but slow and cautious in approaching opposite sex. You take long time to choose your partner, so your marriage is delayed. You never take lead in romance, opposite sex remain worried over your hesitancy, not demonstrative in love. In short you are not fit for romance, dance etc. which trait be corrected. As a wife you will love your family, children and home, care most for the respect and prestige of the family. An excellent cook. You can not relax in romantic situations. There is plenty of physical desire under the cool Capricorn surface, far more than most people suspect, and it is never satisfied casually. Sitting around and wasting time with breathless hugs and escastic kisses while the future is still hanging unsettled, is definitely not your favourite hobby. Yet once you have decided about a right man where the finances are also secure or your ambitions are met, you will be warm, affectionate, and even passionate. You don not believe in vague dreams but you want to know where ship of romance is taking you, and it is sailing on safe waters. Domestic Environments: You no doubt are anxious for early marriage but are destined to marry late. Dutiful to children and family but will not display your love. Keep the home beautiful, hate noise and like calm atmosphere and privacy, seclusion and peace. Care most for the respect and prestige of the family. Tireless worker for the poor and the defenceless, but prefer to show charity in group efforts rather than individual. A thrifty lady. You lack in personal confidence, stubbornness may be your one of the vices which be avoided. Tender and devoted wife, will push you towards success. You have more lasting love, burdened with distressed or invalid relatives which will be well looked after your dear Saturarin Lady. You are kind and considerate, so your domestic environments will be congenial. Ideal Match: Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are best suited for your marriage. A persion born on Tuesday or in Marigasira, Chitra or Dhanishta nakshatra will be helpful. persons born in Rohini, Poorvaphalguni and Poorvashada Stars are very helpful. Traits to be Corrected: You should develop dignity, diplomacy, avoid nervousness and discontentment. If Saturn receives bad aspect as well as your Ascendant from any malefic planet, you will be mostly selfish, egoistic and pessimistic, desperate and broken hearted. You will work hard and over exert, contemplate, meditate and tax yourself much and due to over strain will be fatigued. So you should take care of the following : You should not be selfish, egoistic and pessimistic. You should not become desperate and broken hearted. Should not overtax yourself by doing over work and exerting too much. Take plenty of rest to maintain your health. You should not overstrain and feel fatigued. You must develop dignity and diplomacy. Avoid nervousness and discontentment. Lucky Days, Numbers and Colors: Friday, Tuesday, Saturday and Wednesdays are your favourable days. Days of worries and expenses are Sunday, Monday and Thursday. Speculation Tuesday and Friday. Invest on Saturday Sign documents, contracts etc. on Tuesday. Lucky numbers are 6, 8, 9. Avoid 3. Other numbers are passive. Favourable Colours are white, black, red and blue. avoid yellow and cream Day of fast is Saturday

Capricorn – Makara Capricorn is the tenth sign of Zodiac. They are symbolized by goat. It is the first sign ruled by Saturn. Physical Features: Saturn being the lord of the sign indicates that one will be emaciated, week and grow slowly. The body will not be muscular or plump but slender. They grow tall suddenly after 16 years of age. With age their constitution will improve. The face will be thin and oval. The nose will be long and eyes will be deep set. Mental Tendencies: Capricorn being an earthy sign so the person born in this sign will be economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful and practical minded. It confers on them plodding and methodical temperament. They will be calculative and business like. Capricorn being a movable sign they will act quickly after taking a thoughtful decision. They will have push and confidence. They will not hesitate to have a through change in their career if they found it to be advantageous. Being a feminine sign , owned by Saturn it gives one the reserved nature and fear of ridicule. They will not entertain any hope on other’s promises, nor will be optimistic till he comes out successful or realizes his ambition. It is not easy to cheat Capricornians. They will appear to be modest and polite. They will not make friendship with anybody quickly. They will take a long time to test the individual and permanently make a permanent tie of friendship. Saturn who owns this house, indicates that one will be either honest, sincere and reliable or most conceited, dishonest, selfish, greedy, miserly, never hesitating to commit any crime. Purposeful Saturn shows that the Capricorn natives will not spend time on idle talk. Lethargic Saturn suggests that the person needs another man to kindle him to do a task. Health and Disease: Capricorn governs knees and patella bones. Saturn signifies complete bony structure. Hence the injury to the part of the body, near knee cap, skin disease, eczema, bruises dislocation etc is indicated when the lord of the sixth house occupies Capricorn and to those having malefics in ascendant in Capricorn. Hysteria, rheumatism and cold are indicated by the owner of this sign i,e Saturn. They can have pulmonary affection or heart trouble. Finance and Fortune: They save money slowly and steadily. They are industrious. Capricorn born natives are conservative too. They will never mind the difficulties, handicaps and hindrances, but continue to work in the same direction till they come out successful. They have the desire to gain name, fame, reputation and money. If they serve others, they will prove to be most economical, correct, trust worthy, well informed and wide awake workers. They always think of future and saves satisfactorily. Romance and Marriage: Even though the native may have affection, they will never give expression to it nor will be fit for romance. They will not be emotional. They will be very slow and cautious when they approach opposite sex. They will take a long time to choose their partner. The other sex will be worried by the hesitancy of the man born in Capricorn. Lucky Days: Friday, Tuesday and Saturday are best days. Capricorn – Makara Symbol - A Being with the Head of a Deer and the Body of a Crocodile Ruling Planet – Saturn Birthstars - Uttara Ashada, Shravana, Dhanishtha Favorable traits of Capricorn include the ability to be perservering, loyal, faithful, intellectually talented, conservative, moderate, ambitious, and resolute. Unfavorable traits of Capricorn include the ability to be ruthless, uncaring, ungenerous, obsessive, fixed, pessimistic, afraid of closeness, and negative.

Capricorn are interested in serenity and achieving prosperity through endurance. They are often liked by others and can be good, loyal friends and faithful in relationship, however they are very selffocused and put themselves first. They are intellectual, talented, analytical, and can have a more pessimistic, negative attitude towards life. They are often blind to their own faults and think that they are perfect. They are not interested in quarrels and are pleasant conversationalists. They are afraid of the criticism of others and are not interested in negative encounters with others so they usually do not get close. They do not trust and have problems with relationship as they keep their emotions concealed. They usually do not marry early. They do not give up easily and through their patience often attain achievements which would be difficult for others. In some cases they may be quite ruthless in achieving their goals. They like to exercise, be fashionable, and care greatly about their physical appearance. They are conservative in nature and they can work in spite of obstacles for their success. They usually work for a constant and defined income. They have a special ability to manage financial matters. They prefer solitude over noisy environments. Professions which are best suited to Capricorn include: masonry, engineering, tool maker, engineer, detective novelist, philosopher, mathematics teacher, detective, doctor, scientist, and builder. Famous People: C.G. Jung, Jane Fonda, Whoopi Goldberg, Billie Holliday, Rodin, Roseanne, Kirk Douglas. Capricorn Astrology Capricorn is the zodiac in which the sun travels from December 22nd to 19th January. The zodiac is known as "Makar" in Hindi. Astrology defines symbol of the Capricorn as goat, or a being with the head of a deer and body of a crocodile. The ruling planet is Saturn. The constellations formed under the Zodiac are Uttara ashadha, Shravana, Dhanishtha. The zodiac of Capricorn is at the receiving end of the full effects of gloomy and stern Planet called Saturn. There is nothing aggressive or flashy about the people born under it. Everything seems to be submissive and subtle. Yet Saturn is the planet that rules the final outcome. People of this zodiac face life with a calm, serious perspective, slowly making their way to top. They are the ones to succeed eventually. And why not? Capris are far above passion, aggression, display of emotions and fickleness. Hard work, discipline, diplomacy and focus on their ambition come naturally to the rooted, down to earth folks having close vibes with Saturn. People under this sign seem quite friendly and harmless. They often are. But their opportunism and reverence to success makes more vulnerable souls their indirect pray. They thrive on other`s flaws to prove themselves strong. They are highly ambitious people who never give in to laziness, ego and emotions. Usually they are epitome of efficiency. Capricorn people respect tradition, power and authority. And their whole life is devoted to gain these very objectives Though this sign is highly materialistic, many Capricorns are known for their deep spiritual wisdom (Our own swami Vivekanandji is one inspiration). It all depends on where the efficiency is channelised. But more often than not, Capricorns are focused majorly on making their niche in social or professional circle. Usually, both. They are the ones to take responsibility and ambition very seriously, Especially when it comes to family. They are the caretakers of the family, who will not compromise on family values no matter what. Naturally, such burdens added with gloom leads to loneliness, worry and various ailments related to it. Much often, along with the passage of time, a Capricorn

learns to cope up with his duties and starts enjoying life. Each one of them is endowed with earthy sense of humor. Many of them are quite artistic, and sophisticated than the surroundings they were born with. It is usually a pleasant experience to have a conversation with them. Their impeccable manners and down to earth humble attitude make the other person completely relaxed in their company. They are the most dependable and loyal people. Their devotion to their family and relatives knows no boundaries. Capris often adapt the role of quite, but highly responsible role of a leader in an organisation, as well as family. Anything with them has to a matter of the long run. Life with obstacles is of no consequence to them. They know naturally how to avoid hurdles or to endure them bravely, to gain the only things that matter; namely success and family. Such stubborn, shy people with gentle manners make a strong social circle and few loyal friends. It is often said that Saturn is the planet that brings gloom, obstacles and hurdles to life. But then it also rewards a person with enduring success when a person emerges victorious from the trial period. At the end phase of life, when saturnine people realise that they have done their duty, and done it well, they relax and Saturn releases them slowly with several rewards of family, friends, reputation and success. Then Capricorn comes out in the sunlight, with an unusual wide grin on their face. After all, they are the ones to deserve the last laugh. Health: The natural state of taking mental burdens, added to their serious mental attitude incurs many a health problems. Still, theses people have amazing stamina to speak of. The zodiac rules bones, skin and hair. Problem areas can be knees, joints, eczema, leprosy and dislocation of bones. Career: Capricorns are the most efficient and organised people of all. They are extremely practical and career conscious as well. They are good in administrative fields, where the Saturn ruled leads the herd with a single mind towards success. Capricornians usually become the backbone of any organisation. They excel in any field that bring security, social grace and money for them. A few of them are artist. But even then, these people approach a career in arts with practical viewpoint. Romance: A Capricorn is essentially a family person. Even if he is in love and is serious enough to marry, emotions take a secondary stand. Practical matters come first. The mate has to be intelligent and graceful enough. A family oriented attitude is a must. Also, Capri`s own family has to approve of the alliance. Only then a Capricorn will give the mate his respect. Devotion is followed by love. A Capricorn may be so occupied by his own family, career and being correct socially, that a wife/ husband might actually wonder where does the priority of spouse stands. The fact that a Capricorn is often a loner will also add to the worry. But as you will start showing that you are dependable and trustworthy, you will get more and more significant standing in Capris choices in life. Then he will be able to release his romantic side with full faith in you. And you will yourself see how reliable and loyal he stands for the entire lifetime. His love wont be wishy washy, even though it may take time to bloom, but he will reward his mate with an honor and trust that very few lucky people receive. A lifetime achievement award is usually the best kind!! A Scorpio usually complements Capricorns. Taurean, Virgo or Leo also suit their temperament. They make good homemakers with Pisces and cancer. The compatibility doesn`t fare well with Gemini. With other signs, astrology compatibility is dependent on other factors. Your Lagna (Ascendant) is Capricorn Capricorn Appearance

According to your Horoscope, you will have prominent features, oblong tip nose, firm lips and narrow chin. You will have narrow neck, small ear lobes, dark and thin hair. You may sport a small beard. There might be some afflictions involving your knees (right side in case of male and left side in case of female). Capricorn Mental Qualities You will be changeable, wilful and strong in purpose. You will be reserved, quite and reclusive. You will be very ambitious, having a desire for governing. You are forcible in action, and you are sure to reap the harvest of your invested endeavours and eagerly-awaited timely actions. Capricorn Special Characteristics You are masterful and ambitious, but often your mind gets beclouded with doubts. You are not very broad-minded because of being a strong sectarian and disposed to religious austerities. You are a believer in the occult, even could be a fatalist. You have a high degree of self-confidence and reasonably high ambition. Advantage-seeking relatives and friends may cause you weep silently. You have a strong religious feeling and are capable of arousing a worthy ideal. You keynotes are conquests after conquests. You will have the acme of forceful self-assertion, intense ambition and glowing enthusiasm. You may achieve military honours easily. Your friends will be numerous and your enemies will also not be very few. You are capable of extreme energy which, if not controlled, may make you cruel and despotic; your rivals may then threaten your rank and position. With moderation and prudence, you will secure high honours and widespread fame. Your disposition is proud, austere and somewhat lacking in warmth. Your spirit is melancholic and you are disposed to be pessimistic unless you try to overcome these by exercising 'will-force'. You should avoid risky investments and speculations altogether. As soon as you appear 'no-longer selfcentred', you will gain wider sympathies, and you will find that almost everything is taking a turn in the very desired direction. Capricorn Capricorn is one of the most stable and serious of all the zodiacal types. These independent, rocklike characters have many sterling qualities. They are normally fearless and cofident, strong willed and calm. They are hardworking, unemotional, shrewd, practical, responsible, persevering, and cautious to the extreme persons, are capable of accomplish a goal they have set for themselves. Capricornians make of themselves, resourceful, determined managers. Setting high standards for themselves and others. They strive constantly for honesty in their criticism of self, they respect discipline from above and demand it from those beneath them. In their methodical, tough, stubborn, unyielding way, they persist against personal hardship, putting their families and their work before their own needs and welfare to reach their objectives long after others have given up and fallen by the wayside. Their intellects are sometimes very subtle. They act thoroughly and think deeply, exploring all possibilities before deciding on a 'safe' alternative. They have good memories and an insatiable yet methodical desire for knowledge. They are rational, logical and clearheaded, have high concentration, delight in debate in which they can show off their cleverness by luring their adversaries into traps and confounding them with logic. In their personal relationships they are often ill-at-ease, if not downright unhappy. They are somewhat self-centered but not excessively so, wary and cautious around people they do not know very well, preferring not to meddle with others and in turn not to allow interference with themselves, thus they tend to attract people who do not understand them.In their marrige life most Capricornians marry for life. Their occupations can include most professions .They are strongly attracted to music. They can be economists, financiers,

bankers, speculators, contractors, managers and real estate brokers. They excel as bureaucrats, especially where projects demanding long-term planning and working are concerned, and their skill in debate and love of dialectic make them good politicians. They are excellent teachers, especially as principals of educational establishments where they have the authority to manage and organize without too much intimacy with the staff members. Likes * Reliability * Professionalism * Knowing what you discuss * Firm Foundations * Purpose Dislikes * Wild Schemes * Fantasies * Go-nowhere jobs * Ignominy * Ridicule Capricorn/Makar (movable, earth) the energetic impulse - wish for material and visible achievements, realization of individual power and discipline; the abundance of Sagittarius state now gets into a specific order, philosophical findings now are directed into practical achievements resulting in - ambitious, hard-working, manifestations in outer world, perseverant, liking for order and discipline, working on long-term projects for long-term success, overcoming obstacles on the path, manifestation of principles in daily life, organization, dedicated to forms and rites, emotional problems, too self-centered, egocentric, conservative Saturn spreads this energy in Zodiac if posited in Capricorn or fully aspecting it. Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Nakshatra posited in Capricorn: U-Aashaadhaa (3/4) /Abhijeet, Shravan, Dhanishthaa (1/2) Their lords - specifying Capricorn's energies - are: Sun, Moon, Mars Upagraha Dhoom and Kaal are supposed to have their own Rashi in Capricorn. The Pure Capricorn Native He is practical, cautious, responsible and ambitious. He will work hard if it is going to get him somewhere. He will bear with limitations and frustrations since his very nature is conditioned to them. It is through the realization that success is achieved through the willing acceptance of necessity, which, he wins through in spite of all obstacles. “Saturnine” is well understood as meaning gloomy or grave, but the Saturnalia, the festival of Saturn, was a time of gaiety and fun. In love as in everything else, he is cautious. Before taking on the responsibility of marriage, he will want to be very sure that he is safe in his choice. Once satisfactorily married “he is likely to be happy, as he is a natural good provider,” and knows how to “husband” his resources. “She” will be economical and will run her house well, and will aid her husband in the social side of any “climbing.” Overstress or misuse of these traits will mean too utilitarian an attitude to life, too stern a behaviour to younger people. Economy can become mean and miserly. Love of punctuality and orderliness can

become a reason for fussy nagging. Cautious looking ahead can become a selfish counting the cost before any action is taken. Inhibition of his natural traits will be caused by being subjected to a careless, disorderly type of life with no possibility for advancement. Reaction will be the seeking of “place” by mean ways. As a child the Capricorn native is sometimes a “slow developer,” like the Earthy Taurus. The Saturn period is that of older life and he may be expected to come into his own all in good time. He should be made to share his toys and not hoard them for himself only. Physical Characteristics: The darkness of Saturn is usually in evidence, both in skin, hair and eyes. There is a bony look, especially about the knees and knuckles. A typical signature is the presence of long deep creases at the sides of the mouth. The face is often long. Usually a grave, serious bearing. Diseases: Diseases which limit, such as rheumatism, Orthopaedic troubles, Embryologists show that the endocrine glands and the central nervous system are formed from an infolding of the outer layers of the developing embryo, so they may be said to be related to the skin. Skin eruptions often follow a nervous shock. This may explain some of the skin troubles of this sign. Way of living: The Capricorn person is at his best in any sphere, where his natural urges can be reasonably expressed. He is therefore better in routine work or in the organizing of work on such lines. Hence, any business, government, or political organization suits him, or the church and the army from the point of view of an organized body. In such placing, he can look ahead and feel safe, since he will have steady advancement and a pension at the end. His sense of order makes him a good servant or official since he will carry out orders from above faithfully and will see that those below do their duty. Hobby: The Capricorn native is generally happy alone and in the enjoyment of serious reading and music, and in practical hobbies. Capricorn Ascendant – Sign in Houses Capricorn Ascendant, Such people are generally of low taste, unless Saturn or the Ascendant has the relieving aspect etc. of benefic like Jupiter. They are also generally harsh of speech. They rise in life slowly. If Saturn is strong they are long lived. They are fond of people in the lower strata of society, and often gain from land farming etc. 1st House Capricorn: A person with a first house Capricorn tends to be sensitive, timid, business-like, ambitious, controlling, reserved, practical, down-to-earth, duty-conscious, responsible, critical, and cold. Such a person may even face trouble while communicating in the early stages of his life. Such a person may even suffer from feelings of inadequacy. A person with a first house Capricorn is determined towards his goals and objectives. This determination usually helps such a person to overcome these problems easily. Such a person is also ambitious and does not settle down until he has achieved all his goals and objectives. Money, position and power are very important to a person with a first house Capricorn. Such a person is usually reserved and this can be misunderstood as coldness. Such a person simply believes that he is responsible and is doing his duty. A person with a first house Capricorn may even face problems related to his knees. Any trouble with the knees is the outer evidence of an inner inability to be flexible. Such a person should also try to socialize rather than spending most of his time alone. Discipline, systematic endeavor, hard work, and patience are the characteristics of a person with a first house Capricorn. The presence of a first house Capricorn states that a person comes across as restrained, conservative, practical and reserved, and feels obliged to project and maintain a good image despite

external circumstances. Always objective, such a person presents himself as a sharp business and career person. It hardly matters what particular difficulties life presents him with, for his biggest challenge is always he in himself. A person with a first house Capricorn feels dissatisfaction with some aspect of his personality or appearance and may develop conflicting behaviour to deal with these feelings when they surface. A person with a first house Capricorn is usually a workaholic. Such a person also wants that his colleagues and subordinates should also share the same kind of dedication towards work. Such a person can even be judgemental of others on various different issues. A person with a first house Capricorn may face some problems in his personal relationships due to these characteristics.Such a person is usually conservative in his actions and habits. Such a person is also very concerned with his status and prestige. A person with a first house Capricorn climbs to the top in a very slow, sure-footed way, always staying on solid ground and taking his sweet time about it. There is much stability in his makeup and he rarely becomes discouraged, even when he is faced with frequent setbacks and roadblocks. Such a person has a great organizational ability and determination. Very straight-laced and proper behavior is sometimes a facade hiding a sense of insecurity or of feelings that such a person is unwanted or unappreciated. Capricorn: Capricorn on the rise in the first house produces responsible, prudent, serious and patient personality. You are very ambitious workaholic and determined person with a superb organizing capability and expect same dedication and determination from those around you. Once you make up your mind to achieve anything, you try to achieve it at any cost and rarely discouraged with the frequent set backs roadblocks. You may be inclined to achieve prestige and status rather than the amount of money. Capricorn: The native will like to be near water. He will be cunning, clever, unscrupulous, ruthless, diffident, a backbiter and given to defrauding others. He will be lazy, and religious. The native will keep the company of people of the lower strata of society. He generally does not talk unless he has something important to say. He is ambitious, and sober, and hankers after success. He will be tall and slim and will be weak in the lower parts of his body. He will have deep set eyes and a pointed nose. He will also have diseases indicated by Gemini in the sixth house. Details can be seen in paragraph (vii) under the relevant sign in the Chapter on Signs. He will be long lived if Saturn is powerful and will not have bad qualities if the first house is aspected by at least a beneficial planet. Such a situation of planets will also make the native very wealthy with age. The native will have a garden, well or the house of a scribe or land surveyor near his house. Bhava 1 = 1st navamsha = 1st from Makara Chandra Appearances= Makara = Capricorn Bhava 1 = Appearances, Physical Form = competition for social validation . In order to win the competition a person needs to be born with a healthy, vital, well-coordinated combination of physical behaviors and social traits. Lagnesha Shani -Saturn: Karmic Cleanup rules a natural Bhava of enemy Kuja. By character, the Makara native is materially savvy, orderly in personal habit, and respectful of social rank. In particular, the native favors a Shani-style careful, step-wise method of self-definition and ultimate residence at the top of some variety of social hierarchy (Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth II, Swami Vivekananda) The Makara native seeks to develop the physical personality identity through association with prestigious public activities, leadership responsibilities, and qualities of the father's family history.

Makara natives self-identify as persons of dignity and capability, particularly in tasks associated with social ordering and governance.. The social personality has an inherent affinity for entitlements of bureaucratic office, hierarchical function, and organized group formations. the native is particularly influenced by thefather's familyof origin andthe spouse's mother. the native 's identity is particularly influenced by one's social rank(whether favorably or not); one prefers a lawful response to life. Makara natives are generally hard-working, procedural, respectable folk who have a strong sociolegal interest in executive leadership.. They strive to maintain a competitive but regulatedpersonality and physical appearance. Makara Appearance = Chandra-Makara Appearance depends significantly on the Shani's condition - rashi, sthana, co-tenants, drishti, etc.. Makara-lagna = a vata-influenced = blue-toned cast to their complexion, a very slightly opaque bluestone-colored patina (ranging from blue sapphire to darkest lapis-azuli) relative to the genetic pigmentation patterns of one's people. Lagnesha Shani's condition along with the lord of the Moon's nakshatra = determiners of the ultimate outcome of the physical appearance. As a general rule Makara natives have highly conventional fashion taste and auric appearance with few remarkable distinctive physical features. The Makara native intends to acquire positions of public respect, and to do so one should look recognizable, rather like Everyman. Except for the slight tendency toward a bluish complexion, Makara represents the solid center norm for their gene pool. Aquarius in the Second House. If Aquarius falls in the second house the man has a harsh speech. He earns by dint of his own labour. If Saturn is strong he is wealthy and respected. His mother has a good number of elder sisters. His wife lives long. If Saturn is weak, he loses financially through his own fault and wrong judgement. His mother has death of elder sisters. 2nd House Aquarius: The presence of a second house Aquarius suggests that a person is impersonal about money and possessions. This is mainly because the second house is related to material values and security. It can thus be directly related to personal possessions and general prosperity. The presence of a second house Aquarius also suggests that the material factors will never rule such a person’s life. It actually deals with your sense of values and how you view your security. Factors related to the second house show such a person how he may spend and acquire his wealth. The presence of a second house Aquarius also signifies the importance of all the material assets in a person’s life. A person with a second house Aquarius is usually creative and also original in his methods of earning wealth and other material resources. With this placement, it is common for individuals to have ups and downs in income. People with a second house Aquarius usually earn money through free lance methods and do not stick to a particular job. Income also comes from capitalizing on opportunities related to technology and modern science. A person with a second house Aquarius is usually spontaneous in his earnings. Such a person is impulsive and very nervous when he spends money. A person with a second house Aquarius is a risk taker and takes chance when it comes to finances. Such a person looks for unusual and inventive ways to invest. Money and possessions are two things that are very unpredictable for a person with a second house Aquarius. A person with a second house Aquarius values his individuality and originality rather than valuing his material wealth and possessions. Such a person is always involved in some groups or organizations. These groups and organizations are the places from where a person with a second

house Aquarius makes most of his money. Such a person is usually related to some kind of a corporate enterprise. This corporate enterprise becomes his main source of money eventually. Since Aquarius is fixed air, we have a stubborn need to innovate, be original, and break forms in the house with Aquarius on the cusp. In this house you need to obtain new knowledge in order to break down old ideas. A person with a second house Aquarius achieves financial success by producing the most costly innovations in his field. Such a person also achieves success by getting involved with the most ingenious techniques in his field. Aquarius: The native will trade in flowers, fruits and produce of water. He will collect contributions for religious and charitable purposes. He will have to work hard for his wealth. He will be miserly. The owner of the first house is Saturn which is also the owner of the second house. If Saturn is placed in the second house, or is strong and well placed anywhere else in the horoscope, it will give the native wealth but after much effort and late in life. A powerful Saturn will indicate that the eldest child of the native would be a prosperous and well placed person in life. Such a Saturn will also be good for the mother. If Saturn is in the second house, the elder brother/sister may continue higher education through correspondence. Aquarius: Earnings from farms, gardens and water resources, utilization of wealth in the service of religious persons. Aquarius acquiring the second house provides to the native immense wealth out of flowers and fruits and enough money through men to feed the noble people and wealth of great men for performing noble deeds. Aquarius: The influence of Aquarius on the second house suggests that you are spontaneous in your earning, very impersonal about your possessions, and material factors are secondary on your life. You may have unstable means of earnings and most of your earnings may be from creative and free lance methods. While investing money you are very judicious and inventive. Bhava 2 = 2nd navamsha = 2nd from Makara Chandra Values, Treasuries of wealth and knowledge, family history, collections and acquisitions, food Dhana Bhava-2 = Kumbha = Ordered Networks Shani -Saturn + Rahu rules a natural Bhava of Shani's good friend Shukra. Values are conceptually ordered and scientific in character, but there is an element of socially progressive belief and values-based behavior . Kumbha moves out of the rigid, reliable 'social pyramid' model of elite governance and into the more flexible, less steady 'lateral network' model of popular governance. Kumbha features a distinctive mix of Shani + Rahu in 2 (values). the native holds a treasury of knowledge and material wealth that expresses conventional interpretations of elite-governed social law-and-order plus several unique "Kumbha-esque" tenets of conviction that some minority or social underclass group should enjoy sudden Rahu-style upliftment into a higher social station. the native 's own family-history ideology, style of talk and song, artistic and historical knowledge may be reduced to the common and banal, but Makara's values are directed in part by Rahu, and one will therefore "push the envelope" to develop multi-cultural, multi-ethnic values while the family history(2) is indeed for the Makara native a grand unity of the Human Family. Earned wealth is set by bhava-11, but ability to retain wealth is determined by bhava-2. When Shani + Rahu rule bhava-2, the more conservative practices for wealth-hoarding appeal to the native but one is also capable of taking great risks with one's accrued savings. There may be astonishing wealth due to exotic conditions in the family history or to one's remarkable knowledge of history

UK-Queen Elizabeth II (Shukra in Kumbha-2, accepts drishti from Rahu-6) Rahu swakshetra Das says of Rahu/Kumbha/2: "Rahu will be helpful in securing a good bank balance, but your relationship with others will not be harmonious. You will regard other people the way a predator regards its prey ." Pisces in the Third House. Jupiter becomes the lord of the 3rd and the 12th houses both bad. Hence if Jupiter is weak, it creates "Vipreet Raja Yoga" and gives good riches. If Jupiter is strong, the native is blessed with younger brothers. If Jupiter is in the 9th house, the native moves in the company of saints. If Jupiter is aspected or influenced by malefic planets, the native suffers losses and expenses at the hands of his younger brothers. 3rd House Pisces: A Third house Pisces makes a person curious in nature. Such people are always curious to know the hidden meaning in the words others speak. They possess high intuitive power and have an ability to grasp the complete picture of a matter. People with Pisces in this placement are blessed with high power of imagination. People with this placement have a strong right brain, but can face difficulty in getting the concept at first place without having a deep knowledge of it. They are secretive and private about ideas and bring them out only in front of few trustworthy people. They can sometimes become over emotional. Third house Pisces can bring problems with articulating, especially in youth. People with third house Pisces may be vague in their communication. They have a vivid fantasy that helps them to be a creative writer. They have a natural tendency to write. The writing of plays, scenarios, fiction, detective stories, crime investigation will all prove interesting and helpful.They like to be left alone when performing any mental work, since this solitude makes them more creative and innovative with ideas. They can become good writers and philosophers. Such people are intensely attracted to water travel. People with third house Pisces are also inclined towards studies of natural history, marine life, photography, psychic and mystical matters. Third house Pisces also implies that the native will experience a considerable amount of short and medium travel, both for professional and personal reasons. Travelling can sometime also be due to circumstances prevailing in the environment. Third house Pisces makes the native surprisingly cryptic and highly emotional in their thoughts and communication. Their ideas and imagination are based upon their insights. They are the organizers and like to do everything with perfect planning. They possess a great tendency to execute their plans in accordance of the plan. Their creativity helps to achieve success in every aspect of life. Despite of being highly imaginative, their relationships often fail due to lack of interest and monotonous life. Their mind is like a free bird and does not tolerate any kind of binding. The best way to communicate to people with third house Pisces is to get yourself involved in their ideas and imaginations. One needs to be a part of their fantasy world to become a part of their life. Pisces: The native will be born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His wife will love him. She will be well behaved. He will have children and friends. The owner of the third is Jupiter which is also the owner of the twelfth house. If Jupiter is powerful and placed in the third, or the ninth house the native will not only live long and have good younger brothers/sisters, neighbours and colleagues but will travel abroad during the major/sub-period of Jupiter. He will be interested in philosophy and religion and will have good relations with his brothers/sisters, neighbours and colleagues. An afflicted Jupiter will give losses to the native caused to him by his younger brother/sister. Pisces: Extremely wealthy, happiness from sons, does charitable works and is religious, hospitable, gives happiness all around.

The 3rd Bhava being Meena will make the native wealthy, have a son, virtuous, fond of guests, and universally liked. Pisces: Pisces influence in the third house shows that you can become very emotional in communicating your ideas and you may experience problem due to that. You want to be in peace and prefer to be alone while performing any intellectual work and at that time you are very creative and imaginative in your thinking and writing. You have very good intuition, awareness and curiosity to know the underlying meaning in the words others speak and an ability to grasp the complete picture of such connections. Sahaja Bhava = 3rd navamsha = 3rd from Makara Chandra Mentality and Communications = Meena Sahaja Bhava-3 = Meena = Clairsentience Guru- Jupiter: Wisdom Expansion rules a natural Bhava of Budha. Optimistic mental attitude. Mental health tends to be good unless Shani aspects bhava-3, and of course depending on the condition of Guru. Visionary thinkers who may lack a tolerance for earthly reality. The planning and administrative processes may be exceptionally optimistic, to the verge of Pollyanna thinking. operate with extremely positive expectations and a childlike belief in human goodwill. Not mentally organized unless Shani or Budha influence Bhava-3. Tends to substitute blind trust for rational planning. However if Guru is well disposed, their trust is rewarded. Motivated by hope for a good outcome for all, but oddly can become a liar and hypocrite. Not a 'detail person': can fabricate (Budha) information or tell an improved (Guru) version of the truth in order to enhance the big-picture outcome. Master of the "white lie". (and believes this can be done with impunity). Expansive Guru does not ken to rational limits on thoughts or rules for processes. If Shani casts drishti upon both Budha and Guru, the native may face serious conflict between belief and reality. Often this is resolved in a mental state of "cognitive dissonance" in which the native holds two contradictory claims to be equally true. Thus the normally pleasant and positive Makara native may endure mental illness when faced with bitter truths which they cannot, philosophically, accept. Looks for the good in everyone, regardless of facts to the contrary. Extremely sympathetic. Likes religious company. Often found in very large spiritual congregations, due largely to their 2nd-Bhava global connectivity values. Likes to talk about children, charity, and their religious beliefs. Very giving people who socialize easily. Enjoys event planning, holiday parties and travel, fantasy environments. Childlike trust in siblings and neighbors. Wonderful teachers in small classrooms; fabulous sales people and promoters. Aries in the Fourth House. If Aries falls in the 4th house Mars becomes the lord of the 4th and the 11th houses. If Mars is strong it is instrumental in the acquisition of property and gain there from. It creates anger in the mind. Judged from the 4th house the planets lord of a particular house become also the lord of the same number of signs as well, with the result that if any planet is weak and afflicted, it points towards trouble in the limb of the mother of the native in the part represented by the number of signs afflicted. If Mars is strong it indicates long life for the mother of the native. If on the other hand, Mars is weak and afflicted it indicates short life to her. The nature of influence being exerted on Mars, the 4th house and the 11th house will determine the mode of death of the mother of the native.

4th house Aries: Fourth house Aries denotes an aggressive attitude toward the home and family. Such a person always takes an active interest in the affairs of home and family. People usually find it difficulty in accepting their ideas resulting in quarrels and spats. Such people have a tendency to force issues and demand too much. This attitude can lead to hostile domestic atmosphere conducive of arguments, disputes, especially between the male members of the family. People with fourth house Aries tend to change residence during the first part of life certain of these can be of a disturbing or unpleasant character, inciting a feeling of personal rebellion. Such people rebels in some way against the background and general conditions in the home. Conflicts could be common among younger members of the household. Fourth house Aries denotes activities in the later years. The later years of these people will be active making them more daring and exciting. A more adventurous, outgoing and youthful personality emerges as they grow older. There is apt to be considerable uncertainty and self-doubt as to the soundness of their own approach, and at the same time they resist others to decide such matters for them. Such people are serious in their young age. They grow child-like and are more assertive and physically active in later years. Such people tend to change their methods of handling things radically many times in their life. People with fourth house Aries are more active in home related matters. Their home will be the center of many activities. They are good in managing family activities, assigning responsibilities and adding fun as needed. They inherit the attributes of ambition and success by their mother. Avoid a tendency to be the "boss" and to "rule the roost." As a child they may have felt restricted or constrained by the authority figure of the house, especially the father. Such people are also prone to accidents in and around their immediate environment. Guns should be unloaded and smoke alarms be placed in appropriate locations. The indication is for a long and active life, although the end may be sudden. Aries: Gain of wealth from conveyances, luxury goods, food articles, plural marriages, get good subordinates. Aries: The wealth of the native is self earned. He will have vehicles, property and cattle. The owner of the fourth house here is Mars which is also the owner of the eleventh house. The native is likely to be popular among his friends and have a number of female friends. The native's parents may not be able to pull along well with each other. One of the parents may pass away early. The cause of disharmony between the parents will be the mother who would be self opinionated and stubborn. A weak Mars will be bad for the longevity of the father, and make the elder brother/ sister or the spouse of native's first child sickly. It will also be instrumental in souring any partnerships that the native's children enter into. Mars placed in the tenth house will ensure great success at collegiate examinations, provided it is unafflicted and has no sambandha with any planet that is adverse for the chart. Aries: The influence of Aries on the cusp of the fourth house shows that you take active interest and aggressive attitude towards your home and family affairs. You may have a tendency to force your ideas and demand too much. When the things are not handled as per your ideas or your ideas are not accepted, quarrel and spats result. Your mother may be very ambitious who inspired you to make the best of you and much of your success in life may be attributed to her. The later part of your life will be very active as the fourth house also denotes later part of life and the presence of the very active sign Aries in this house assures that you will be assertive and physically active in the later part of your life.

If Aries happens to be the 4th Bhava; the person is happy in the possession of quadrupeds, women, good food and drinks, and many special delights acquired by self-effort. Bhava 4 -= 4th navamsha = 4th from Makara Chandra Home, schooling, parents, social-material security, licensing, vehicles Warrior of security needs an innovative home property home favors dark-red and black colors, may be decorated with weaponry Bandhu Bhava-4 = Mesha = Movement Whether male or female, this native takes a competitive and dominating role at home. Very active, perhaps aggressive, behavior in the childhood home environment. If Mangala is strong, success as a school athlete Character of Kuja in the radix will determine the activity levels. Verbal and physical conflict, if Kuja is damaged in radix. Home is associated with metals, engines, heat + combustion, weaponry, hunting, competitions, military/police, adolescent male energy. Tendency for the home interior to acquire tones of black and red, and for an unusual amount of metal in the Bhava decoration, contents or construction. Tendency to take "short-cuts" in formal education. Small family unless Kuja + Guru. Dislikes public transport, requires own (fast) vehicle. May keeps guns or other metal weapons in the Bhava Unless Kuja is highly dignified, there is a natural tendency toward adversarial relationship or even overt conflict between the parents in the childhood home. Kuja in 4 or drishti to 4 = assuredly so. Sample placements: Surya or Mangala (fortunate) Ever-ready to take up politically motivated defense of the home and homeland. An inspiring comrade-in-arms. Shani (unfortunate) = ethnic hatred and blaming. Parents suffer ignorance and anger. Childhood impacted by war or threats of war. Deeply insecure and emotionally reactive. Taurus in the Fifth House. Venus becomes the yoga Karaka as it then becomes the lord of the 5th (trine) and the 10th (Angle) houses, and gives nice results in regard to affluence power etc. The son of the native is instrumental for the performance of good and charitable deeds by the father. Venus also ensures the possession of good power of advising others. If on the other hand Venus is weak and afflicted, it gives very little gain in its sub period. The native somehow performs unbecoming deeds as a result of the instigation etc. of his son. The native is also opposed to the govt, of the day in his assessment about the govt. 5th House Taurus: A fifth house Taurus makes a person romantic and attractive. Such a person is often attracted towards love objects. He is easy going in love making and usually ends up with more than one significant relationships. A fifth house Taurus emphasizes on love, beauty and harmony. Such a person possesses great attributes of getting along with the opposite sex. It is not at all hard for him to attract the other person with his charm. Factors that govern a person with a fifth house Taurus are romantic inclination and physical affection. The native with this placement may be a huge flirt, but people around him would not really mind his flirtatious nature and will rather enjoy his company. Optimistic and good nature will make him favorite in any party or social gatherings. A person with a fifth house Taurus is artistic in nature. He is also inclined towards artistic things and is himself a very creative person. Such a person possesses a natural artistic ability leading to self-

expression in various forms of arts. Self-expression may be shown in any form such as, romantic involvement, children, spouse or family. A person with a fifth house Taurus usually does good in theater, media communication, acting, writing etc. Any field that gives him freedom to express himself will be the most appropriate choice to pursue his career. A natural feel for art and flair for creativity will bring recognition from associates and seniors. A fifth house Taurus brings a certain amount of luck in gambling and speculation. There is a tendency to be lucky while speculating, especially where money is concerned. Investment in practical and earth related projects will bring huge benefits. Such a person is very fond of entertainment and all pleasure-loving pursuits. A person with a fifth house Taurus shares a gratifying relationship with children. Due to the loving nature, he is able to share close bonds with his children. Such a person usually has very strong and fixed views regarding his behavior which he tends to use in the upbringing of his children. He has to adore his off-springs, dote on them and sometimes spoil them. Such a person often makes a very understanding and broad minded parent which makes the children feel comfortable. A person with a fifth house Taurus is usually blessed with artistic, talented and passionate children. A person with a fifth house Taurus is very romantic at heart. Courtship period is one of the best times of his life. This placement indicates an understanding and a truthful relationship with the spouse. The foundation of marriage is often laid on trust and honesty which makes it a success in the long run. All the emotional affairs of life are taken very seriously by the native. He has an intense desire of being into love and to love. Taurus: The native will move from one passionate relationship to the next. He will not be able to discipline his children correctly since he will spoil them in their younger days. He will have an excellent daughter who will be beautiful and well behaved. The children will be hard working and will like to take up medicine, surgery, banking, mining or agriculture as their profession. The owner of the fifth, Venus, is also the owner of the tenth house. Venus will grant affluence, power and status to the native. The son of the native will be in service. If Venus is afflicted it can make the native's children suffer from female enemies or illnesses of the urinary system and kidneys. Such a Venus will be a maraka for the mother of the native. His father will be wealthy or may be able to talk well and in depth on religious or other subjects. Taurus: Taurus on the cusp of the fifth house suggests an inclination to beauty, harmony, romance and physical affection with a passion for love. You are very caring and loving towards your children and have very fixed views about their upbringing and behavior. Your children are artistic and talented. You also have natural artistic talent that leads to self expression in some form of arts, whether it is in the form of romantic involvement or involvement with your children. With Taurus as the 5th house, the person has beautiful daughters, who are charming and loving to their husbands but childless. Bhava 5= 5th navamsha = 5th from Makara Chandra Shukra -Venus: How We Harmonize Romance, Creativity, Children, Performance Art, Authorship, Genius Theatre of wealth and sensual delights performance art of relationships of mutual pleasure , accumulation of natural resources Putra Bhava-5 = Vrishabha Wealth Delights in celebrity, fashion, politics, material luxury, sensual pleasures of the mouth, beautiful music, delicious foods. Charmed by children.

Charismatic self-expression through sensual indulgence of romance, food and drink. Idealistic views of procreativity and children. Not practical with child-raising routines but loves childlike creativity and joy. Enchanted with babies. Children's behavior is mainly determined by Shukra. However, the child-karaka malefic L3+L12 Guru is a troublemaker for Makara lagna. The situations of having children, keeping children, or raising children nearly always invoke 'cognitive dissonance' or 'denial' patterns for these natives, and their child-raising behaviors become problematic. Makara enjoys political campaigns, speculation and gambling, literary and performance arts. Likes to be entertained and amused. If Shukra is dignified, may be a great promoter of children's arts and creativity, or of the arts in general. If Shukra is constrained, there may be no children or considerable difficult with one's own progeny, and trouble through speculation. Gemini in the Sixth House. Mercury becomes the lord of the 6th and the 9th houses. If Mercury is strong the native has quite a number of younger brothers to his mother. If Mercury is weak and afflicted contrary is the case, and the career of the native is impaired through his enemies. He suffers at the hands of labourers, servants and the like. If both Mercury and Jupiter are afflicted by the influence of malefic planets, like Mars the life of the elder brother of the native is cut short, for the reason that the 6th house is the house of the longevity of the 11th (elder brother), and malefic influence on Jupiter and Mercury means such influence on the lord of the house of longevity of the elder brother as well as on the significator of the elder brother. 6th House Gemini: A sixth house Gemini suggests a wide variety of work that the native will be able to handle. Such a person is well versed with handling technical details of his work without facing much problems. He tends to get deeply involved in his work. Too much involvement in work makes the native forget the basic responsibilities of life sometimes. The native with this placement is versatile and capable of handling too many works at one point of time. A sixth house Gemini indicates that the native's mental strength is greater than his physical strength. A person with a sixth house Gemini is highly intelligent. His work provides him the opportunity to explore and develop his intelligence with each passing day. Such a person gets easily bored with repetitive tasks. He always seeks for challenges in work and possesses the capabilities to achieve them. The work-place tends to be a hub of activity. The native is likely to appreciate the mental and intellectual aspects of his work rather than the physical demands. He is agile and adjustable in nature when it comes to work. A person with a sixth house Gemini likes to work with his mind and so is interested in fields related to scientific research, business or finance. He is good in making clear and concise reports and possess the ability to choose right solutions for professional challenges. Such a person possesses a natural versatility that gives rise to the ability of the native to tackle more than one situations simultaneously. The native with this placement usually do well in a profession involving travel. Such a person is prone to change his jobs frequently as a result of boredom and dull routines. He is always in search of challenging work which provides him mental stimulation. If Mercury in the sixth house is afflicted, then health issues usually involve the nervous system and anxiety can arise through an overly analytical mental nature. Mercury can also give speech problems to the native e.g stuttering since it governs speech and communication. A person with a sixth house Gemini is prone to suffer from nervous breakdown or hypertension. He may experience tightening of muscles or grinding of teeth while sleeping. Such a person tends to be in a whirl of activity most of the time which often leads him to a state of exhaustion. In this case relaxation and constant rest is necessary. Overall health of the native with a sixth house Gemini is generally good. He should avoid

being in any kind of stressful situations to prevent nerves or mental illness. The lungs are the most sensitive part in the native’s body and can easily get affected, so smoking should be avoided. Gemini: The native will have trouble in his arms and lungs and with his nerves. He will have more than average number of enemies or opponents mostly among females, educated persons or traders. He will keep low company. His maternal uncle will be an intellectual person who will be impractical in worldly affairs and will dissipate his energy in fruitless pursuits. Here Mercury is the owner of the sixth and the ninth houses. This makes Mercury have a strong foreign influence in it. If such a Mercury is closely connected with the seventh house, the native may marry a foreigner or a person who does not belong to his faith, region or caste. The native will travel long distances in connection with his service. If Mercury is powerful the native will do well in service and will have good relations with his subordinates. The wife of the native will have to suffer losses due to her younger brothers/ sisters. She may travel frequently over short distances and stay away from home. A strong Mercury is also conducive to successful academic career of native's children. His children will be attached to their family. Mercury under malefic influence will make the native prone to losses due to failure of banks. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Sagittarius in the sixth house below and Pisces in the ninth house in Chapter Five. If Mercury influences the seventh house with Venus or the Moon, the younger brother or sister of the native will have a female child as the first born. An afflicted Mercury will cause losses to the native through his enemies. Gemini: The influence of Gemini on the cusp of the sixth house shows your ability to perform a vide variety of jobs and handle the technical details very well. You enjoy doing intellectual and challenging job instead of repetitive type of jobs. Career in the intellectual fields like scientific research, business or finance will be most suitable for you. Tension at the work place may result in health problem in the long run. Gemini: Enmity with or due to women, he will be in the company of merchants and will be fond of associating with low class people. Bhava 6 = 6th navamsha = 6th from Makara Chandra Budha -Mercury: Mental Narrative Imbalance: Enemies, Debt/Finance, Illness, Livestock/Pets, Servants Ari Bhava-6 = Mithuna Budha is a very impressionable graha and the state of Makara lagna's health depends largely on the condition of L6+L9 Budha. As skilled rationalizers, these natives can hide their own health realities from their physicians and themselves. However, they can be articulate exponents of good health for others! Famed for their "do as I say, not as I do" advice :) (See bhava-3 for their advertising, spokes-person, talkative style.) In general, Makara natives have few enemies. They prefer to talk their way through disagreements. Masterfully subverts overt conflict into covert verbal manipulation. Lagnesha Shani considers Budha to be a friend, but Budha is also the lord of the bhava of animosity for the Makara lagna. The total outcome of Budha's influence is overall rather neutral - neither a greatly positive nor a greatly negative effective. Budha adheres to Shani's "social order" directive, and as a result the Makara native tends to prefer to articulate a socially conservative "party line" which expresses the arguments of the social elite who promote the "law and order" social model. bhava-6 = 5th-from-2nd is an important money Bhava, showing one's fortune from speculative investments (5th-from-2nd).

Budha is not disturbed by immoral business practices (6) e.g. usury, trafficking, racketeering, theft rings, other exploitations. Elaborate money-lending agreements (6) are their specialty. Often found doing skillful mental work on the legitimate side of an illegitimate business. They get into trouble during periods of the 6th lord just like everyone else, but Budha being L6+L9 they are usually rescued by their own cleverness. Many friends in low places. Cancer in the Seventh House. If Moon and Venus both occupy even signs and are well aspected, the native gets a beautiful wife full of feminine charm, A strong Moon away from the Sun, of course indicates long life for the wife. If Moon is in the 12th house one is fond of luxuries and sex. 7th House Cancer: A seventh house Cancer indicates native’s desire for domestic comforts and a peaceful family life. Such a person is very serious about marriage and relationships. he is loyal and dedicated towards his partner. He makes sure that he chooses a right partner for himself. Marriage and close interpersonal relationships are essential for the native and provides him a sense of security and social approval. A seventh house Cancer suggests numerous emotional traumas which can lead to considerable heartache. The native must strive not to let his emotions rule his intellect. He will be able to deal with his emotional problems only if he can cultivate his intellectual powers. This position is favourable for partnerships since the native is responsive and considerate of the problems. Partnership with an individual who can provide a firm foundation to fulfill one’s ambitions will turn out to be beneficial. A person with a seventh house Cancer seeks a partner who can give him psychological and physical nourishment and support he requires from others. Moon in this placement reflects sensitivity, feelings, emotions, vulnerability and nurturing instincts. The feelings of the native may also reflect changes of feelings, extremes of sensitivity, and moodiness. If the Moon in this position is afflicted, then the native can be too possessive about his partner or enter into a relationship that is smothering and emotionally immature. Such a person is an “I don’t let go” type of a person who prefers to settle down in a relationship for life. The native focuses on familiarity and predictability in relationships over spontaneity and surprise. He stays by his partner through all the challenges in life. A seventh house Cancer indicates emotional attachment with the partner. Such a person may also be attracted to a partner who is emotionally dependent on him. He tends to get attracted to someone who is moody and changeable like him. This kind of a relationship is very sensitive, nurturing and full of changes. The native with this placement seeks a motherly care and emotional support by his mate. Marriage may fill deep emotional needs for both of them. Thought the native is loyal and dedicated to his partner, fluctuations in married life is also indicated. The bond between the two tends to strengthen in the marriage as time passes. Cancer: The influence of Cancer on the cusp of the seventh house suggests that you are apt to attracted to a partner who is sensitive, emotional, vulnerable and nurturing. You have an emotional attachment to your marriage partner and want a partner who is emotionally dependent on you. You are very loyal and dedicated, there may be many up and downs in marital life but the bonds of union tend to strengthen with the passage of time. Cancer: The spouse will be kind hearted, sentimental, sensual, handsome and changeable. The native will marry more than once or will have serious liaisons. The Moon if powerful and away from the Sun will ensure a long living spouse. The Moon, if related to the sixth or the eleventh house will make the spouse much interested in sex. Such a Moon related to the fifth house will make the native have love affairs. If the owner of the first, third or the eleventh house is also involved, out of these love affairs his marriage will emerge. The native will be attracted to mother figure and will seek

maternal traits in his wife. His mother will have serious mental troubles if the Moon is badly placed and weak. His father will have varying income and may have more elder sisters than brothers. Cancer: Beautiful but sickly wife, early marriage, partner of changing moods, not good for partnership in business. Bhava 7 = 7th navamsha = 7th from Makara Chandra Chandra -Moon: the Whole Mind Balance and Rebalance: Marriage, Partnership, Agreements, promises, negotiations, contracts, Yuvati Bhava-7 = Karkata Chandra rules Marriage, Alliance, Contractual Partnership, Union will inevitably fluctuate. Naturally, whichever bhava is ruled by Chandra the Lord of tides and flows will fluctuate. the native will experience an emotional ebb-and-flow in the primary committed partnerships, be they business or personal, throughout life. The most nurturing and parental qualities in marriage are developed during periods of Chandra. Security Marriage is framed by deeply emotional expectations of security and protection from predators. One prefers a spouse with pronounced parenting and nurturing qualities. (Whether this taste is satisfied depends on the character of Chandra.) In married life, Makara marries to recreate the early childhood home and to recover the feeling of protection one received (or had hoped to receive) from the physical security of the Bhava and from the parents. Even the business partnerships are oriented toward stability and security, and protection from undue risk. Makara females tend to marry males who similar traits to one's mother. Makara males marry women who resemble the mother both physically and emotionally. Mother Makara lagna natives are often born to negotiating, brokering, contract-making mothers. One's instinctive need for achieving emotional satisfaction through deal-makingand forming alliances isliterally nourished by the mother's milk. Like Budha, the Moon is enormously impressionable. Happiness and fidelity in married life will vary extremely according to the disposition of the Moon. However, in general, unless Rahu interferes, the main feature of the marriage partner is his/her deep emotional alignment with the place-based ethnic culture of one's childhood home. In a male nativity, the wife may bear a remarkable resemblance to his mother. The primary aim and purpose of the marriage, from the native 's point of view = the provisioning of a safe and comfortable home and pursuit of caretaking or parenting activities. Regardless of education she is likely to prefer to live as a Bhavawife. In a female nativity the husband is involved with the oceans, or with schooling, or with matters of early childhood home life and protection. Also he may engage with Bhava and vehicles, or patriotic defense. The first marriage partner's behaviors must be culturally compatible with one's parents' lifestyle. The Maraka native marries not for romance or fortune, but for emotional security and contentment. Usually the Makara native enters marriage for the express purpose of starting a family in order to perpetuate the conservative and conventional values of one's parental line (in particular, the

mother's line). The marriage contract is based upon a mutual interest in parenting and caring for the land. Should Chandra join with Rahu or Ketu, the partners may forego the public bans of marriage, preferring to seal their commitment with the birth of a child. If they do marry it is for the welfare of the family and not a concern for their own reputation. Particularly when Karkata is the rashi upon the 7th navamsha, the spouse should be a landowningand home-basedperson, very much attached to place, with a strong sense of custodial relationship to the local environment. Such a native whether male or female is a gardener, a parent, a patriot, a hearth-keeper, and a schoolteacher. This person may have a strong affinity for the ocean or for any type of liquid which moves in a regular cycle. The downside of this placement also involves liquids. If there is also a disability of Shukra, the potential for alcoholism, drowning, flooding, or other situations signifying an over-engagement with liquids. Contracts, agreements, legal discussions, all types of advising are approached emotionally, according to intuition and immediate feelings and needs. Family interests dominate the marital life. Overall happiness in marriage varies a good deal, and is dictated by the health of Chandra. In general this native is conservative in their marriage motive. If children are present in the marriage they are not much willing to divorce. Yet contracts are approached emotionally, so if the native 's feelings have been deeply hurt they may indeed go look for another spouse/parent who could do a better job. ~~ Bhrigu SutramCh. 2 4 Shloka 11 "If, during birth, the Cancer or Moon's Navamsha be descending, the husband will be very passionate but quiet." ~~BPHS Ch. 80, shloka 22-25 If at woman's birth, the 7th bhava or the setting Navamsha be a rashi owned by the Moon, the husband of the woman will be love-sick and gentle. If Surya occupies Karkata-7, according to Behari, "You will have a loving spouse but they may suffer from bilious diseases. The Sun in this sign may destroy the marriage bond, but there is a great chance of becoming interested in paranormal phenomena. " (L-8 in 7) "You are not content to work merely on the physical plane of existence, but are interested in establishing a link with the secret unknown. You may be a doctor or engineer. Your spouse will be good looking but tightfisted, impressive, good at public dealing, a good host, kind to servants and a helpful partner. " Leo in the Eighth House. Sun becomes the lord of the 8th house. The Sun does not suffer from the defect of the ownership of the 8th house. In other words Sun if strong bestows wealth and honour in its Dasa and sub-period. The mode of death (suicide, accident, violence etc.) should be determined from the nature of the influence being received by the 8th house and Sun. 8th House Leo: An eighth house Leo makes the native energetic and enthusiasm towards business and large scale investment. Such a person is also mostly inclined towards the physical side of romance. Money making becomes a game that the native enjoys playing again and again. Money is not an important factor for him. He rather enjoys winning anything that is desirable or even needed. He possesses a sense of self-worth and knowledge of how to get what he wants out of people and life in general. A person with an eighth hose Leo is very generous in his basic nature. He seeks

control in business activities and money matters in joint or business finances. This position usually promises a long life. An eighth house Leo indicates that the heart or spinal cord may be the cause of native’s death. Death can occur from any of the various forms of heart disease such as increased cholesterol, hear attack etc., since it is the most sensitive and affected area in this position. However, proper exercise and diet could determine the well being of this vital organ. The spine and arteries are also vulnerable and any kind of disease or injury could prove fatal. A person with an eighth house Leo is likely to get rich through inheritances from all angles. Such a person is able to get legacy or inheritance through immediate family, relatives, and distant friends are all potentials for the inheritances. Legacies or inheritances could come from close family members, or far away relatives. As a matter of fact, Leo in this position provokes a natural desire to gamble. If not controlled, this desire can lead to wastage of inheritance in the long run. As the addiction of gambling will increase the native will be left with less or no money in the later phase of life. A person with an eighth house Leo is likely to receive monetary benefits from long time friends or business associates or from friends who he has helped in the past. Such a person will live a healthy and vital life and will dominate the moments in the passage of life. As far as business partnerships are concerned, the native is less fortunate in terms of gaining money through partnerships or marriage. The native tends to be generous towards family, friends and with those associated with the career or profession. He should be extra cautious with this generosity since business partners are likely to take advantages of it. Leo: The influence of Leo on the cusp of the eighth house gives creative energy for business and large scale investments with an instinct to control joint or business finances. You enjoy money making and have an ability and a sense of self worth to get what you want out of people and out of life in general. Leo: The native will have making money as primary goal in life. The wife will also be equally ambitious. If the Sun is powerful the wife will be wealthy and, it will also make the elder sister/ brother of the native highly placed. Such a Sun will be indicative of the fact that the native's children will be mentally very bright. His mother will have the ability to be a good adviser. The native's father will spend on charities and will have the ability to go deep into spiritual and occult matters. The native may be killed by wild animals or in a fight with thieves. Leo: Asthmatic and bilious complaints, passionate feelings about sex, mysticism and psychism Bhava 8 = 8th navamsha = 8th from Makara Chandra rashi-pati = genius Surya -Sun:the Soul-Self Hidden Matters: Joint Assets,Pooled monies,Healing Randhra Bhava-8 = Simha A particularly difficult location for the Makara lagna native, as Surya lord of Simha is a bitter mutual enemy of lagnesha Shani. Makara loves a lifestyle of steady, careful status acquisition, association with gracious and materially abundant folk; nice clothes; beautiful children (Shukra-5); and if there is blockage from Surya or from Surya's bhava-8 the native can self-sabotage their own by an urge too much individualistic and political style (Simha) that is hidden, secretive, manipulative, or covert. There is a natural proclivity to associate oneself with sources of social-material power, Joint assets of marriage are usually helpful to the native 's ego development. Marriage brings a degree of social recognition and some type of prestige, according to the dignity of the Sun.

Spouse contributes wealth into the marriage and spouse's assets have their own charisma. Spouse's assets enhance the native 's public standing and advance their career - again, according to the dignity of Surya. (8th Bhava = 11th-from-10th, spouse's contribution to joint assets is normally gainful for career.) Native is publicly or professionally identified with "hidden politics". Has access to confidential political information, which the native is permitted to utilize for personal and professional benefit. Virgo in the Ninth House. Mercury becomes the lord of the 9th and the 6th house. Since the Mooltrikona sign of Mercury falls in the 9th house it gives more of benefic results relating to the 9th house than malefic results relating to the 6th house. The native is unexpectedly brought into contact with people of foreign countries. One's career is linked to i.e., made or marred by one's uncles represented by the 6th house. If Mercury is in the Ascendant one is highly religious, provided, of course, if Mercury is well aspected etc. A strong Mercury in the Ascendant brings about sudden pleasurable results in regard to wealth etc. when Rahu or Ketu is situated in the 9th house. 9th House Virgo: A ninth house Virgo suggests that the native’s views on major issues such as religion and philosophy are ruled by pragmatism. The native is highly interested in foreign travellers and affairs. He likes to keep himself updated on world affairs, especially what is going on in foreign countries. Such a person is inclined towards foreign culture. religion and trends. A person with a ninth house Virgo is practical and his ideas are orderly and well organized. He keeps his ideas stored in his mind like office files. On the negative side of his personality, his insistence that what he knows is absolutely correct can lead to an oppressive, closed-minded attitude on many aspects. This attitude is not necessary to give negative results since the native is intellectual in his approach and most of his views are based on careful analytical study and research. There is a tendency to fight change and maintain his status in the society. The native is rather fixed in his own direction and tends to take up from the point where others have left off. The principles being followed have the force of law or religion for the native. The native with this placement usually adheres to family philosophies till the time he develops his own ideas. Such a person tends to question, criticize, analyze the general ideas and views of others and eventually develops his own. On the other hand, a strong Virgo in the ninth house indicates individual’s contribution of significant ideas to the world of philosophical thought. The native’s natural desire for overseas travel should be rewarded on numerous occasions depending upon financial status. A person with a ninth house Virgo is fond of travelling and does not leave any opportunity to travel abroad. Whether for business or pleasure, a long journey to a foreign land would be ideal for broadening the horizons, and making contact with individuals that might have important ramifications for the native’s future. The native has a strong inclination towards intellectual pursuit. He in interested in subjects that consists of metaphysics or religious concepts. Such a person respects a wide range of view point and doesn't mind switching the views from another person. You prefer a wide range of view points, and find it easy to switch from one position to another. Virgo: The influence of Virgo in the ninth house shows your pragmatic views on major issues, including religion and philosophy. Your thoughts and ideas are based on careful analytical study and research hence they are very practical and orderly. Sometimes you may have close minded attitude insisting that what you know is absolutely correct. You may have a tendency to maintain statuesque and dislike change. Virgo: Ups and downs in fortunes, dual nature, wavering mind, not very sincere.

Virgo: The native's father will like clean surroundings, and be health conscious, given to regular exercises and wholesome food. He will be slim, self conscious, shy, a linguist, learned and reserved. He will however be critical of others and difficult to please. The native will also follow the footsteps of his father by learning languages and studying subjects like chemistry, psychology and law. He may be good at journalism. Since the owner of the ninth house here is also the owner of the sixth house, a weak Mercury will make the father ailing. A powerful Mercury will make the father be highly placed, gain property and conveyances and lead a happy and comfortable life. The native will do well at competitions without much effort if Mercury is powerful and well placed. The native will come in contact with foreigners in connection with higher studies. Mercury powerful and connected with the first house and Rahu or Ketu in the ninth house will give the native sudden gains. The native may be a hypocrite in religious matters. He may talk a lot but will not be sincere in what he says. He may be in service. Bhava 9 = 9th navamsha= 9th-from Makara-Chandra Budha -Mercury: Mental Tasking Ceremonial Religion; the Temple; Priesthood; Guru; Professor; University; Wisdom; Father; Religious teachers and beliefs; Divine Law Dharma Bhava-9 = Kanya = Wisdom-Teachings Although the native enjoys luxurious (Laxmi) material acquisitions (yogakaraka Shukra) and one needs a socially ordered lifestyle (Shani), the Makara native favors a religious dogma based in a Ministry of Service (Kanya). the native believes in the righteousness of one's path of service and sees oneself as the "servantleader" type. Whether the native can practice what is preached is determined by Budha, and the lord of the 9th from Chandra. Budha is a skillful rationalizer and due to His lordship of Ari Bhava, Budha also naturally finds engagement with the worlds of exploitation and crime. Therefore the Makara native must be very careful to avoid hypocrisy and double-speak. However if the 9th-from indicators are pure throughout the nativity, the native may develop into an inspiring preacher, professor, and spiritual guide. Even when Makara follows the more typically pragmatic religious patterns in which one's own behavior is rather obviously rationalized, one may easily do good by inspiring others Makara can deliver reasonable, convincing religious speeches and acts of the hands (Budha) (just remember that Budha is the dharmic L-9 -- AND -- the deceptive L-6!) The inspiration and consolation of Religion is easily accessible to Makara-lagna natives, but it comes in a mentalized form. It is generally easier to talk about philosophy and repeat a scripted litany rehearsing statement of convictions, than it is to "walk the talk" by acting consistently upon the tenets of one's faith. One enjoys conversing about religion, ritual, and priestly teachings. However commercial Budha tends to view the entire exercise of 'profession of Faith' as being essentially an elaborate business transaction. The profit expected from this transaction include social validation and acceptance into valuable new communities (Kumbha-2). An easy faith arises in their lives, due partly to their chameleon ability to mimic the beliefs of others. Budha is an adolescent graha; the native 's faith also has an adolescent quality. Because Surya, the karaka for social ethics, rules the destructive 8th domain, the native is not much engaged in ethical inquiry. Nor is he concerned with matters of deep reflection, nor cosmic truth. Rather, religion for the Mrigadriz native is a project of thinking good thoughts, making good choices, and participating in

the scripted worship of their chosen tradition. They enjoy attending sermons and watching complex rituals being performed. Unless Budha is damaged or Rahu occupies bhava-9, the native tends strongly to remain within the religious tradition of his upbringing. He is generally uncritical of his faith or that of others, but he enjoys discussing matters of religion and society from a journalistic point of view. Libra in the Tenth House. Venus becomes the lord of the 10th angle and the 5th trine house. As such Venus acts as a Raja Yoga Karaka planet and confers much power and affluence on the native. One is competent to render sound advice to the govt. on appropriate matters. Unless Venus is extremely weak, it gives always wealth and power in its Dasa and sub-period. 10th House Libra: A tenth house Libra indicates that a person will enter or engage in a business with a partner or a support. Such people usually work in co-operation with others. They do not work alone very often. A person with a tenth house Libra presents himself in a very poised and balanced way. They neither express too much nor with hold too much. Such a person always likes to work with his charm and diplomacy. A person with a tenth house Libra insists that his affairs should run well and should be neat. Such a person always has the capacity to become an excellent administrator. Decisions taken by a person with a tenth house Libra are often fruitful and results in success. Such decision are also carefully weighed and examined. A person with a tenth house Libra is more recognized in the public than his parents. They can also be quite popular in a short span of time because of their charm and diplomacy. Such people usually know how to interact in the public to leave an impression. A more beautiful and balanced part of such a person’s nature emerges when he is in the public eye. A person with a tenth house Libra avoids working alone or working in a very large corporation. A tenth house Libra is usually a sign of Capricorn rising. This combination is very successful in negotiating with or impressing people in power and older people. A tenth house Libra depicts all the characteristics that people usually admire. With a tenth house Libra, one can follow the example of negotiators and diplomats. Such a person may expect to find considerable success working in some capacity with precious stones and metals. A person with a tenth house Libra could expect to find much success in the field of metallurgy or simply in the cutting and polishing of precious stones. Such a person can also satisfy themselves with the diamond industry. Such a person has utmost respect for his work and this is the reason why he is so efficient in doing it. The success of a person with a tenth house Libra is also sometimes related to his charm & personality and not his work. This can be quite frustrating sometimes for a person who works hard. This condition may not last forever but it assures him of above-average conditions surrounding his ambitions. A person with a tenth house Libra will do well in life if he is in a partnership with someone. Libra here is often drawn to a career in the arts, or to those engaged in producing beauty, such as interior decorating. Business agents, judges, negotiators, ombudsmen, and conciliators fall under the aegis of Libra. Libra: The influence of Libra on the cusp of the tenth house suggests a diplomatic, balanced and cooperative attitude in professional life. Your professional affairs are usually neat and well run in an organized manner. you are capable enough to be an excellent administrator. You consider and weight all pros and cons before making a decision. You have an elegant and balanced personality and a very good image in public arena. Libra: Happy, prosperous, intelligent, loved by others, gets inherited wealth.

Libra: The native will be humble. He will earn well from business and will be generous and compassionate. The native will be engaged in a job in which he will get in touch with history and antiquity, or a number of people or where he has the opportunity to show his talent for the beautiful or creative. Venus, the owner of the tenth house here is also the owner of the fifth house. It is an excellent planet for the chart for Capricorn ascendant and if it is powerful, is capable of giving the native not only power and status but also plenty of wealth through his children, entertainment or speculation. The native may gain through women. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Taurus in the fifth house. Bhava 10 = 10th navamsha= 10th-from Makara-Chandra Thula = Libra Shukra -Venus: How We Love Public Status: Career, Profession, Public Dignity Thulabeing a sign of balance and good design, the Makara native's public life including career, begins with social advantages. Unless Shukra is harmed, the native is graced with a pleasant public appearance. He is professionally disposed toward balanced relationships with both men and women. He is well-mannered (in public) and well-liked. Periods of L-5+L-10 Shukra are beneficial indeed. Career development proceeds along social lines. Native raises prestige by accepting responsibility for wining, dining, and amusing his associates - according the taste and style of Shukra. E.g. Shukra/Kumbha has an eccentric, inclusive, sometimes vulgar entertaining style; while Shukra/Meena hosts with musical and artistic elegance. Shukra/Kanya is awkward and overly mentalized in partnership, and so his career under Thulamay not well flourish. If Shukra is strong, the native 's success is due to his ability to manage a wide range of interpersonal relationships, and to establish balanced and beneficial relationships between numerous third parties. This talent extends to executive work in any sector of the economy. The foundation of the native 's public reputation is his skill for gracious entertaining (which includes their style of hosting business meetings and interpersonal conversations with superiors). If Shukra or Shukra's lord is strong, much success from social grace and intelligent relationship management. If Shukra or his Lord are not well empowered, the native 's taste and style are lacking. Scorpio in the Eleventh House. Mars in this case becomes the lord of the 4th house and as such does not remain a malefic planet. But since it is also the lord of the 11th house it again becomes a malefic planet according to the principles laid down by Maharshi Parashar. Hence Mars in its sub-period would give bad results. But these results, in our opinion are adverse only in so far as health is concerned, so far as the finances are concerned the results are not bad and the native may stand to gain in money matters, particularly if Mars is strong, in which case Mars is instrumental in procuring for the native property and houses. If Mars together with Saturn influences a house its lord and it's significator the native commits violence on the person denoted by the house afflicted by them. The reason for such an action on the part of the native is that Saturn becomes the lord of the Ascendant and as such represents the self of the man, and Mars being the lord of the 11th house represents the arms of the native i.e., again the self of the native. Malefic Mars and Saturn would in these circumstances give premeditated and deliberate action. For example if both Saturn and Mars aspect Venus and the Moon, the man would be deadly against his wife and may even go to the length of murdering her. 11th House Scorpio: A person with an eleventh house Scorpio is usually a very loyal friends. Such a person is also passionate and can be a revolutionary. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio does

not need a very large number of friends as trust is more important to him than just numbers. Such a person is usually popular because of the intensity that he brings to the whole group. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio never tries to impress people. If he does something, it is because he believes in what he is doing has a good cause. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio could find himself attracted to groups that aren't in the mainstream. It's not his job to support the status quo, but to question it. Such a person does not have any problem in seeing defeat and then rise again from the ashes. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio praises people who are willing to give their best in every situation. People who hold back are usually prone to such a person’s criticism. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio usually has friends who are intense and aggressive. Such friends are also influential and powerful. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio will have few friends. But, these friends will close and trusted. Such friends will also share your point of views. Such a person is not very outgoing and tends to keep his social affairs to himself. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio never accepts weak individuals as friends. The Scorpio connection here sometimes produces associations with people who are not reliable, those who tend to manipulate and play games, and it may be necessary from time to time to evaluate associations. With an eleventh house Scorpio, a person acts as a catalyst for friends and helping them face hidden aspects of themselves. Such a person also plays a role in the transformation of his friends’ lives. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio is a powerful member of the groups. Such a person tends to surround himself with dynamic, aggressive, and powerful friends, who can handle many of the difficult jobs he is too reserved to tackle. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio has private source of agents to carry out his purposes or wishes. A person with an eleventh house Scorpio finds it difficult to form genuine friendships. Such a person is burdened with an over-abundance of jealousy, and this is the crux of his problem. If such a person eliminates the feeling of competition from his friendships, most of his problems would be relieved. Such a person’s hopes and wishes are centered around his professional advancement. He aspires to be rich and famous, and all his dreams are of his impending glory. Scorpio: The influence of Scorpio in the eleventh house suggests relationships and association with the people who rate your confidence and share views very similar to yours. You want intense, powerful, aggressive and influential people as your friend and would like to avoid weak individuals as friends. Sometime you may get associated with the kind of people who are not reliable and tend to manipulate and play games so it is necessary for you to assess your friend circle and association time to time especially if you are holding a position of authority. Scorpio: Loss of wealth and loss through friends. Scorpio: The native will adopt unscrupulous methods to earn profits. He will not be truthful. He will be knowledgeable about Mantras and the science of Tantras and will earn through this esoteric knowledge. The native will be impatient with his friends and elder brothers/sisters and there will be disagreements with them. The owner of the eleventh house here is also the owner of the fourth house. The native will gain property and since Mars is also the significator for property, this result will be prominent in the life of the native if Mars is powerful. A powerful Mars will ensure that the native gets admission to the desired engineering or defence college. Such a Mars will afford wealth through children, entertainment or speculation to the spouse of the native. The eleventh house represents arm of the native. Therefore it is symbolically representative of premeditated action on the part of the native. Mars is cruel. Therefore if Mars influences the significator for a relative, the

native will be intentionally cruel to him. A weak Mars will be a powerful significator of death of the mother. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Aries in the fourth house. Vrischika = Scorpio Kuja -Mars: Kinetic Energy Bhava 11 = 11th navamsha= 11th-from Makara-Chandra MarketplaceOpportunities Distributive and associative Networks, Voluntary Friendships, Income, Gains Material and Social Goals Kuja rules bhava-11 of connectivity and gainful marketplace associations. Energized pursuit of gainfulness . Kuja likes to win. Makara-lagna natives are ambitious, even aggressive earners who tend to succeed financially through shrewd and vigorous competition in their market niche. They are less concerned with legal restrictions and more concerned with loyalty in business relationships. If Kuja is in bad company, all the marketplace connections are vigorously pursued, and income is gained though a network of criminals. L4+L11 Kuja is particularly talented at earning from real estate/property development, from education, and from their mother Sagittarius in the Twelfth House. Jupiter will give the effects of the 3rd house, as the second sign of the lord of the 12th house would fall in that house. Hence Jupiter in its Dasa and sub-period will not give much wealth. If Jupiter is strong one benefits through his younger brothers. He also gains through his friends. His friends are a good lot. Sagittarius - Good gains through friends and relations is well indicated by this signature. 12th House Sagittarius: The presence of a twelfth house Sagittarius suggests that such a person tends to bottle up his good sense of humor, intuition and his capability of mental growth. Such a person has a very good sense of humor and hence, people usually enjoy his company. A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius also has a good intuition and insight. Such a person tries to take everything on the lighter side and does not take anything too seriously. A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius is not even afraid to make fun of himself and laugh at his own mistakes. Such a person loves life at it comes his way. A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius has a good intuition and should practice to listen to it. Such a person may be amazed to see the guidance that he receives once he masters this practice. Such a person should work against being too narrow-minded by allowing his thoughts to expand into areas he may now regard as too far-out, unfamiliar, or foreign to his present concepts. A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius should always remember that there is a big wide world which is full of new ideas to explore. Such a person should allow himself the privilege and joy to be gained through discovery. A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius usually works behind the scenes. Such a person has all the dimensions worked out even before anyone has an idea about what you are doing. The higher ideals represented by this sign are locked away and kept hidden from view. A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius is secretive about his religious and philosophical matters. Such a person is cautious and calm on the outside. But, when he gets on safe ground or alone, he becomes humorous, joyful, and enthusiastic. Such a person finds it difficult to drop his guard in front of others as he has been cautious since his childhood.

A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius should be extremely careful of his close friends as there is a possibility that some of them may turn against him. This possibility will get stronger as such a person achieves more and more success. A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius should be very careful as his friends would not turn against him openly. They would rather want to destroy him by working behind his back. These people are jealous of such a person’s position, and they are ready to do anything to lessen the strength of that position. A person with a twelfth house Sagittarius usually feels as if he is on a spiritual quest. As a result, such a person finds many gurus or teachers throughout his life. Such a person ultimately understands the fact that the greatest wisdom comes from within him. Such a person is philosophically oriented once he is removed from the business world. Life is actually the hidden support guiding and aspiring the thinking of a person with a twelfth house Sagittarius. Sagittarius: The influence of Sagittarius in the twelfth house produces a surreptitious planner. You figure out all the details before anyone realizes what you are doing. You do not like to reveal your religious and philosophical convictions instead you want to keep your thoughts and ideals to yourself. Though you are very cautious and cool outside but you are humorous, joyful and enthusiastic when you get on safe grounds or you are alone. Sagittarius: Gains through friends and relations, satisfaction of aspiration, animals prove fortunate. Sagittarius: He will be good at archery, be able to suppress his enemies and will get wealth from the government. The native will have spiritual experiences. He will have to face heavy expenses. He will have an urge to prefer solitude. Jupiter is the owner of the twelfth as well as the third house. It is also the significator of wealth. Since the third house is the eighth house from the eighth, Jupiter cannot give much wealth to the native in its major or sub-periods. Due to this ownership, unless Jupiter is very powerful, the native cannot expect to get rich in the major or sub-periods of this planet. If it is weak, it will restrict the number of younger brothers or sisters and cause losses and heavy expenditure to them. Such a Jupiter will also make them travel a lot and stay away from home. A strong Jupiter will make them comfortable, prosperous and happy and will make the native undertake successful journeys in connection with legal, philosophical or hospital work. This can be further analysed in the manner similar to Pisces in the third house. Dhanushya = Sagittarius Guru -Jupiter:Wisdom Expansion Bhava 12= 12th navamsha = 12th-from Makara-Chandra Meditation, Clairsentience, Imagination, Dreams Spiritual guidance, ancestors, past life, prayer Dissolution of physique; Loss of Identity, withdrawal Meditation, Sanctuary, Bedroom, Confinement, Private relationships hospitals, monasteries, ashrama enemies of marriage Distant lands, foreign residence, overseas assignment, long sojourn In its natural state, Vyaya bhava = a meditational inner sanctuary blessed by all-good Guru. the native enjoys unfettered access to healing imagination, privacy, and prayer. Ironically however, there is typically some loss of philosophical understanding, and the native may become quite confused (12) about the meaning of religion. the overlap of Dhanushya which rules spiritual teachings, scriptural study, preaching, priestly ritual, and the culture of the university-temple,

Expansive fantasy life, which normally is protected from view thus one's imaginative exploits produce little material trouble. Abundant opportunity for private Affairs du Coeur with typically minimal harsh consequences; for Makara, the seventh lord representing spouse is Chandra who has no enemies. Makara generally hold the optimistic (Guru) expectation that private dealings will stay private. Led by this positive expectation, the normal outcome is that understandings which are developed "behind closed doors" are well-intentioned and generate little negativity in material, social life. The agents of 'animosity toward marriage' = L-12 and graha within vyaya bhava = teachers and priests (Dhanushya) who offer religious and philosophical wisdom that distracts the native from the natural sensuality and materialism of Shukra-ruled marriage relations. Exception: papa-graha in dhanushya-12 Mangala in Dhanushya-12 makes the sexual vitality (Mangala) somewhat unreliable and for a male in particular the sexual imagination may drive the native to unwholesome expressions of the flesh. In addition the native may suffer from bursts (Kuja) of anger (Kuja) which may be troublesome in that the native is frequently unaware (12, imagination, unconscious) of their existence until a period of Mangala strikes. Rahu in 12 amplifies both the philosophical quest of Guru and the expedient, self-promoting instincts of Rahu. the native may travel to distant lands in search of opportunities to escalate one's launch to the top of whatever pyramidal hierarchy attracts the ascending instincts. Charity Barring the presence of selfish graha such as Surya or Shani, the natural instincts of Dhanushya cause generous donations to charitable causes. Sympathetic worldview. Depending on Guru's character and the location of Shukra, opportunity for extramarital relationships throughout life. This native is a skillful rationalizer with L6+L9 Budha. Their mind does not demand that their behavior should match their beliefs. Rather, their imagination is deeply empowered by beneficent Guru, and their understanding of marriage as primarily a family/parenting venue opens the philosophical door to multiple, cheerful, educational, and generous extramarital relationships which do not harm the primary marriage unless Guru is somehow harmed by a malefic. Makara natives enthusiastically embrace charitable projects in foreign lands, and they welcome the opportunity to travel in the name of religion. Typically too active for serious meditation, they prefer active service to others as their most comfortable act of devotional prayer. Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) Characteristic tendencies: Saturn may give these natives perseverance, a strong sense of purpose, and the ability to bear life's difficulties with stoic calm. Capricorn natives are practical, ambitious, and responsible. They do not fear change and are flexible in their points of view. They are good at handling finances, and tend to be conserving. They are efficient and often successful in their undertakings due to their ability to work hard and remain focussed on the goals. Their practical aspirations that can lead them to great heights, although they may find little joy in their achievements. Their perfectionism may cause difficulties in marriage. At their best, they are philosophical and generous.

The Lord of Houses if your Lagna is Makara Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) Lord of House 1 is - Sani rules Health Lord of House 2 is - Sani rules Wealth Lord of House 3 is - Guru rules Help Lord of House 4 is - Kuja rules Comforts Lord of House 5 is - Sukra rules Children Lord of House 6 is - Budha rules Enemies Lord of House 7 is - Chandra rules Partner Lord of House 8 is - Ravi rules Longevity Lord of House 9 is - Budha rules Fortune Lord of House 10 is - Sukra rules Livelihood Lord of House 11 is - Kuja rules Desire Lord of House 12 is - Guru rules Loss

Planets and the Capricorn zodiac sign Ruling Planet: Saturn Career Planet: Venus Love Planet: Moon Money Planet: Saturn Planet of Fun, Creativity and Speculations: Venus Planet of Health and Work: Mercury Planet of Home and Family Life: Mars Planet of Travel, Education and Religion: Mercury Capricorn: Planet

Houses Ruled




Fourth & Eleventh





Signified Themes propert y friendship, fulfillment maternal uncle, (routines) (spiritual practice, enlightenment, extravagance)

Good Placement of Planets for Capricorn Ascendant: Sun: 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th houses Moon: 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th and 10th houses Mars: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 10th and 11th houses Jupiter: 3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th houses Saturn: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses Mercury: 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th and 10th houses Venus: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 10th and 11th houses Capricorn Ascendant PLANET BENEFIC/ MALEFIC Sun Malefic Moon Malefic Mars Malef ic Mercury Benefic Jupiter Malefic Venus Benefic Saturn Benefic

REASON Lord of VIII Lord of VII Lord of XI Lord of IX Lord of III, XII Lord of V, X : Yogakarak Lord of I






Venus, Merc, Sat

Mars,Jupiter, Sun Moon





Mars,Jupiter 11th lord

Capricorn: Venus and Mercury are auspicious. Saturn will not kill of his own being Lagna lord. Mars and other malefics may inflict death. Sun is neutral. Mars lord of 4th(Mooltrikona) and11th(Badhaka sthana) will give adverse results. Jupiter is lord of 3rd and 12th (Mooltrikona) so gives unfavourable results. The Moon is the 7th lord (Marakasthana) . perhaps for this reason Sage Parashara has said: Mars and Jupiter are malefics. Venus is the only planet forming Yogakaraka position and is the best YogaKaraka(being lord of 5th and 10th house)

Makara (Capricorn).—Venus is the most powerful benefic. Mercury and Saturn are also benefics. Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are evil, the worst being Mars. Though the Sun is the 8th lord, he becomes a neutral. Grahas/planets and Makar (Capricorn) Lagna. Mangal, Guru and Chandra are malefics, Sukra and Budh are auspicious. Sani will not be a killer on his own. Mangal and other malefics will inflict death. Surya is neutral. Only Sukra is capable of causing a superior Yog. Capricorn: This sign is ruled by Saturn and it rules knees, bones, joints and knee-caps. If Saturn is weak and this sign is afflicted by malefic then, the person born under this sign, suffers from the diseases of eyes, throat, teeth, joint pains, general weakness and thin body. It is a negative, earthy and semi-fruitful sign and if its ruler, Saturn, is weak then it signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholy nature. Jupiter gets debilitated and Mars gets exalted in this sign. Capricorn rising gives good looks. The aspect all planets, except sun, is benefic to Saturn. It provides charm to the personality. Negative influence on weak Saturn give an appearance of a person advanced in age, sunken eyes, wrinkled body, etc. Blue sapphire is known as best suited for this sign. Capricorn Lagna Venus and Mercury are benefic for this ascendant.Saturn being Lagnesha is not a Marak. Mars being the lord of Ekadash cannot give good results.Sun is even in its behaviour.Sun in this ascendant is Ashtamesha.But Moon add Sun are not defected by Ashtama defect. Jupiter in Trityesha and its Mooltrikon sign Sagittarius is in twelfth house and gives bad results.Moon being Saptamehas is a Marak and gives bad results. In this ascendant Venus being Panchmesha and Dashmesha , due to which it comes yoga karaka and gives good results.

Capricorn (Makara): Lord of ascendant and 2nd house Saturn, 5th and 9th lords Venus and Mercury respectively give good results. There is a principle in astrology that Venus give Rajayoga to Capricorns. Though as a lord of 10th house Venus is supposed to give bad results (Kendradhipathya dosha), he will not do so because of his friendship with lord of ascendant, Saturn and the same will be transferred to other planets positioned in its sign, navamsa or constellations. As a lord of 3rd and 12th, Jupiter is killing planet for Capricorns. Mars as a lord of 4th and 11th (as badhaka) give moderate to bad results. Mercury as a lord of 6th house transfers its malefic results to some other planet positioned in its sign or constellation or navamsa. Moon as a lord of 7th house acts as a killing planet to Capricorn more particularly if it is waning in the natal chart. Sun as a lord of 8th house cannot give good results. CAPRICORN Sun: The Sun, as ruler of house 8, shows the tendency of Capricorn types towards excessive willfulness. They have a dark sense of themselves that can manifest as destructive ego or on a higher level, as the destruction of the ego. This can manifest as a selfish materialistic attitude in life. On a psychic level, it can create a black magician. It can also give the capacity for profound research. Once this will is mastered, it can create the strongest of spiritual aspirations, the will to negate the ego. The Sun is very inauspicious for them. The Sun as the ruler of the eighth can destroy the ego. They have internalized a sense of unworthiness that causes feelings of criticism as a personal attack. This is what makes them seem defensive. These issues may have originated from their father. Sun: Lord of 8th house if weak then life will be short and loss of wealth etc. However, if strong then gives good results like wealth, honour in its dasha. If weak & ill aspected then shorten the life span & mode of death should judge from the nature of planet influence the 8th house & Sun. The defect of ownership of 8th house does not apply to Sun. Hence If Sun is strong it will give good results i.e. will indicate good longevity, favour from Government and financial gains. The mooltrikona sign for the Sun is Leo placed in the eighth house. The Sun is a functional malefic in the Capricorn chart and owns the most malefic house, but if it is strong and not aspecting any other planets or houses at the most effective point, it will enhance the father's longevity and one's inheritance. Since the eighth house signifies one of the houses for marriage, then it can boost the prospects of a harmonious marriage. If the Sun is weak, then there will be troubles to the father and the person may have a shorter life span and there will be obstacles and difficulties in life. There will be losses in speculation. The Sun can afflict any houses when it is within the five-degree range of the most effective point and therefore can bring about obstacles, illnesses and accidents to the individual. The Sun owns the 8th house. Therefore, he is essentially inauspicious. Weak and afflicted Sun: Short life if Jupiter, too, is in similar position, lack of inheritance, trouble to father and loss in speculation. Surya L-8 from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, Makara navamsha Great pride in one's occult knowledge; confidential information; understanding of the great mysteries; grasp of the movements of the cycle of death and rebirth Swami Vivekananda William Butler Yeats Maharishi Mahesh Yogi- "TM"

Jeddu Krishnamurti Satya Sai Baba (Puttaparthy 1929) Surya = mutual arch-enemy of Lord Shani L-8 Surya = a bitter pill for Shani-ruled Makara. As a fierce enemy of lagnesha Shani, ego-promoting Surya causes social awkwardness and psychological frustration for the careful, cautious, law-abiding Makara native. Cool, orderly, status-conscious, step-wise Shani wants to live in a world where all existence conforms to a fixed set of laws. Makara natives are born into a worldview that favors social-group conformance. Shani loves fixed and reliable conditions, large coherent institutions, systematic order, and the rule of law. Shani wants everyone to believe the same truth, adhere to the same principles, and behave in a predictable regulated routine fashion, at all times. Shani hates any kind of innovation, egocentricity, or change. Brilliant blazing with Light kingly Surya = karaka for Divine self-within, soul, and genius expressions of personal intelligence. As L-8, Ravi controls the hidden world of confidential information, healing secrets, and intensely transformative identity changes. During periods of L-8 Surya, the Makara native may experience a blazing hot sudden jolt to their interior rule of law, caused by an unexpected upsurge of an inner clarion call to individuation from the group. law-abiding Makara usually works quite hard to suppress this outburst of independent intelligence. Periods of L-8 manifest as personality disturbance, even anti-social behavior. If Surya is weak by placement, periods of Surya may generate secret or covert self-assertion behaviors. E.g., in my files : (reported by a family member) Makara female of the most staunchly conservative and pious religious display, a model "Churchwoman" of the Emerald Isle who stood election for town council position using an anti-pornography campaign. When a village police report printed in the local paper mentioned their sainted mother's name in connection with a prostitution arrest, her family was shocked to discover her hidden life. Mama had maintained a well-concealed habit of cruising the lowest sort of red-light bars. Her custom involved various short-term encounters; however she adamantly refused money payment, accepting only the evening's liquors and the occasional bouquet of flowers in return. L-6 Budha = prostitution + L-9 Budha = public religion, Exacerbated by sexualitykaraka L-7 Chandra in hidden Simha-8. (reported by an ex-fiancée) A midlife male Makara native; financially successful but twice-divorced; known as quiet, hardworking and reliable in his Structural Engineering firm. His need to be the center of attention only emerged at large socializing parties when he had too much to drink. He "transformed" (8) into a ego-maniacal show-off personality that stopped at nothing to get applause. Said the ex-fiancée, "now I understand why such a pleasant, reliable, professional man could have so many divorces". Exacerbated by uchchamsha Surya vs uchchamsha Shani Look to Surya's rashi-bhava to discover more about the characteristics of the ego-shock Shani hates egocentricity (kings, politics, theatre, genius). Shani hates change. L-8 enforces change. L-8 Surya enforces egocentric change. Oy.

Surya periods = sudden, forced changes in life. bhava-8 gives a sudden, forced turning of the cycle of birth and death. the native will be introduced to shocking, brilliant, and perhaps overwhelmingly powerful, secret information. Moral integrity and faith in the power of divine healing will allow the native to handle life-and-death responsibilities with noble strength. Surya must be strong by rashi. Ravi will also rule one Bhava vis-à-vis Chandra. Assess the characteristics of Surya's Bhava, from Chandra lagna, for a fuller appreciation of Surya periods. Events should be predicted largely from Chandra lagna after the age of 50. Career Because Surya = karaka for professional career visibility and public recognition, and Ravi = L-8 for Makara lagna, the Makara native is somewhat disposed toward to accept public roles and professional leadership responsibilities within secret , dangerous, or mysterious areas (8) and emergencies or catastrophic events (8) . Example environments include hospital emergency room, confidential banking, money laundering , state secrets, espionage, midwifery, surgery, healing, yoga-tantra, magic , shamanism, revolution, sudden, violent change ; explosives, and eruptions of previously hidden force. Remedial Ratna for Surya - Manika (pure Ruby) for Makara Lagna from: ~~ Dr. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi. p. 90 "For Capricorn (Makar) Ascendant, Sun is lord of eighth Bhava. the natives of this Ascendant should avoid wearing Ruby as far as possible because not only is Sun lord of the 8th a very inauspicious Bhava but also the Sun is a bitter enemy of Saturn, the lord of Capricorn Ascendant. If however the Sun is in his own sign in 8th, Ruby may be worn in the major period of Sun. That will give long life to the native and he might benefit from an inheritance. Ruby should not be worn if the major period is not likely to be operative during the life time of the native ." Moon: The Moon, as ruler of house 7, indicates their strong need for relationship to balance out their generally cold disposition. It shows their strong social sense, which is not really sensitive but rather detached, controlling or political. The Moon is generally neutral but some consider it inauspicious (as a benefic ruling an angle). The Moon rules their seventh house causing emotional extremes with their spouses, they may attract needy partners, but of high intelligence. They feel they need a relationship. Moon: Check the Strength & placement of Moon. A benefic lord becomes Kendra lord, so it is malefic. If it is weak then gives good results. Moon- As lord of the 7th angle Moon a natural benefic ceases to be a benefic. Hence for financial purposes weakness of Moon is a desirable feature. But we think that a strong Moon away from Sun is good for finances. The mooltrikona sign for Moon is Cancer, placed in the seventh house, will ensure the person a happy married life and wealthy parents-in-law if the Moon is strong and not afflicted. A stable relaxed inner state of mind will incur enabling the person to enjoy even the simple things of life as the disposition is not under emotional stress or strain. If the Moon is weak and afflicted, then there is upheaval in marital life with loss of mental peace. There will always be some emotional disturbance in the relationship and partnership field.

The Moon owning the 7th house is a Maraka. If the Moon is bright (strong) then as benefic, she additionally acquires Kendradhipatya Dosha and her Maraka characteristics get a boost. If the Moon is deficient in rays (weak) then she is simply a Maraka for his malefic nature. Weak and afflicted Moon: Inharmonious relationship with spouse, loss of mental peace, difficulty in acquisition of immovable property and having domestic happiness if Mars, too, is weak and afflicted. Marriage, Peer Relationship, Contracts, Advising Chandra L-7 from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, and Makara navamsha Chandra regulates bhava-7 therefore in later adulthood the relationship with the partners esp marital alliance will be powerfully influenced by the tidal emotions of acceptance, rejection, belongingness, and prodigal return that were once practiced with Mother. The highly fluctuating and impressionable Chandra regulates contracts, agreements, alliances, and peer-to-peer relationships. Chandra's condition will determine the quality of counselling and advising relationships in the native's personal and professional life. The closest advisors will be women, beginning with mother and grandmother. After marriage, a man will find his wife to be his most influential advisor in all matters. For both genders, presuming Chandra is in good condition, many alliances led by women. For a woman, her own mother remains her closest counsel. Excellent for women in legal and diplomatic practice (presuming Chandra is well disposed). Periods of Chandra = intensification of the physical and emotional self-image as the container of value in promise-making behaviors, contractual activities, negotiation of partnerships personal and professional, and deep emotional consultation between the human and divine aspects of the Self. Chandra in 12 for Makara lagna may experience withdrawal of the spouse into private reverie, perhaps due to partner's relationship to "enemies of the marriage" (6th from 7th = 12th). However after age 50 this signification largely evaporates, and the native becomes emotionally identified with the partnership. Remedial Ratna Mukta = moti = pure natural Pearl for Makara Lagna Dr. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi. p. 94 "For the Capricorn Ascendant Moon is the lord of the 7th, the Bhava of death (maraka Bhava). Moon is also an enemy of Saturn, the lord of the Ascendant. Persons with this Ascendant should avoid wearing a Pearl. However, pearl can be worn if necessary, in the major period of Moon, [only] if Moon is in Cancer, her own sign." Mars: Mars, as ruler of houses 4 and 11, shows their desire for property and income. It also gives them a harsh or penetrating power of mind that can, if afflicted, lead to violence. It is inauspicious. Mars as ruler of the fourth and eleventh causes difficulty from the mother due to Mars' malefic quality. They will strongly desire and acquire wealth through property or real estate possibly from the mother. Mars: It gives Mixed result in its dasha & Bhukti, if strong then it increase income, gain from property, but bad for health & long life to mother, if weak then less income & shorten life span of mother. Mars is not bad as it gets exalted in the Lagna.

Mars- Mars owns 4th and 11th houses. It therefore, gives effects of the 11th houses i.e., bad for health but good for wealth. If weak Mars brings about losses and less Income. The moolatrikona sign for Mars is Aries, placed in the fourth house and a good and unafflicted Mars especially in its dasha periods will activate the acquisition of assets, good education, alertness and a passionate married life. There will be happiness from the mother when Mars is strong. When Mars is weak and afflicted, then there will be loss of assets, disturbance in one's education and general setbacks in life. Arguments and impatience with the mother will occur. Mars is a natural malefic. He becomes neutral by owning the 4th (a Kendra) house. Again, Mars additionally owns the 11th (a Trishadaya) house. Thus, Mars finally becomes inauspicious and gives evil results in his Dasa for Capricorn Lagna. Mars here is lord of 4th and 11th houses. Being lord of kendra and exalted will give good results, whereas being 11th house lord it is malefic. So will give mixed results for this Lagna. When malefic, gives ill health. In case it is strong, blesses one with good finances. Exalted in Lagna and debilitated in 4th house. Weak and afflicted Mars: Loss/Lack of assets, disturbance in education, setbacks in life, lethargic. Kuja L-4+ L-11 from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, and Makara navamsha Slow, careful, motion-averse Lagnesha Shani sees the aggressively moving, competitive Mangala as a hostile, warlike enemy. Shani is Old ; Kuja is New. Shani obstructs; Kuja invades. Shani resists change; Kuja forces movement. Vital and competitive Kuja controls bhava-4 = home-and-country bhava-11 = marketplace gains and large assemblies. Periods of Mangala = physical vigor and dominating behaviors in parenting and school-teaching, (4) fierce patriotism, (4) surge of passionate defensiveness in protection of the ethno-cultural folkways, (4) a return to school or obtainment of new passport, new residency permit, deeds of title, license, diploma, various cultural legitimations (4) gain of new friends, new networks, new, (11) raising of funds for new development, community activism. Mars will also rule two Bhava vis-à-vis Chandra. Assess the two Bhava from Chandra for a fuller characterization of the expected events in the narrative that flows from one's core expectations and beliefs during Mangala periods of the Vimshottari Dasha. Events should be predicted largely from Chandra lagna after the age of 50. Badhaka--sthana L-11 Mangala = the badhaka lord for Makara lagna (Badhakaor"harming"Bhava = the 9th from a fixed lagna, 7th from a changeable lagna, and 11th from a cardinal lagna.) bhava-11 from Makara lagna = Vrischika = harm-causing domain. Cardinal ( moveable) lagna typically has some trouble from the elder sibling, from friendly association, from the marketplace, from the nature or method of setting goals, from achievements and profits. If Shani occupies Vrischika or Mangala-Ketu are damaged in the nativity, expect some considerable troubles with the network of friends and associates during periods of Mangala. the native may suffer

isolation or the identity is oppressed by sudden upheavals in the network or selfish actions of a mentoring friend. Periods of Mangala may bring forward an agent in the figure of a friend, mentor, elder sibling, or marketplace associate, who (often inadvertently) causes harm to the native via aggressive or selfishly competitive behavior, causing destructions of the network, and leading to adversarial behaviors within the network. This badhaka agent must be handled with compassion, in the knowledge that this harm-causing agent is merely a projection of one's own unrealized instincts to behave competitively when expanding one's associations with new people and new ideas. Difficult graha in occupation of labha bhava or Mangala drishti upon bhava-11 may exacerbate the badhaka agency. Remedial Ratna for Mangala: Red Coral = munga for Makara Lagna Dr. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi. p. 98 "For the Capricorn Ascendant, Mars is lord of the 4th and 11th Bhava. By wearing of Red Coral in the major period of Mars, the native will acquire land, property and conveyances will get domestic harmony, happiness from mother and gains of wealth. " Mercury: Mercury, as ruler of houses 6 and 9, shows their ambivalence towards principles and ideals, which can lead to opinionatedness or conflict. On the positive side, they can be extremely hard workers and give dedicated service to manifest materially what they really believe in. It is generally auspicious but can function negatively if the lord of the sixth is afflicted. Mercury is the ruler of the sixth and the ninth houses. There is a competitive need to be right and authoritative with their beliefs. They can be very self-righteous. On the positive side they can be hard working toward manifesting their spiritual beliefs. Mercury: Lord of 6th and 9th houses. So give results of 9th house, if weak then gives bad results like loss from enemies, to father & other evils results, Mercury, though the 6th Lord is also the 9th Lord and is a bit of a mixed planet. Mercury- It owns 6th and 9th houses. Its Mooltrikona sign falls in the 9th house. Hence if strong gives quick rise and promotion, favour from Government officials. Income from trade and the like. If week it indicates losses through enemy action or through even ones own uncle. The mooltrikona sign for Mercury is Virgo placed in the ninth house. If Mercury is strong and unafflicted especially from the malefic Sun, then it will strengthen the nervous system which will in turn strengthen the person's good fortune, relationship and health of the father. It will make one less erratic and therefore stabilize them in their quest for a deeper understanding of life rather than keeping them busy in mundane issues. If Mercury is weak and afflicted and most probably aspected by the malefic Sun (as eighty per cent of charts are aspected by the Sun) then there will be a lack of good fortune, struggles in one's life and much nervous pressure. The erratic Mercury will constantly sway the person away from deep connections and there may be difficulties with the father. Mercury owns the 9th (a Trikona) house. Therefore, he is auspicious vide Sloka 6. But being also the 6th (Trishadaya) house lord, he is inauspicious vide Sloka 6. This blemish of Mercury vanishes away, if Mercury gets related with Venus, another Trikona lord. A great Yoga is created, if Mercury and Venus occupy the 10th and 9th house respectively. This is called Dharmakarmadhipati Yoga. Here, Mercury and Venus exclusively behave and function as 9th and 10th house lords. Weak and afflicted Mercury: Poor parents, average life, constipation, nervous. Budha L-6+ L-9 from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, and Makara navamsha

Lagnesha Shani sees L-6 + L-9 Budha as a good friend .. Budha views Shani as a neutral party. Conversational and sexual Budha loves to talk, think, argue (6) and preach (9). Budha = an especially strong influence in His natural domain bhava-6 As lord of bhava-6, Budha brings social conflict, exploitation, personal imbalance, mental resistance to marriage fidelity and a quick-witted avoidance of the terms of agreement. Budha also increases the frequency interaction with conflict-management agencies such as medicine, criminal attorneys, military, and police. On the plus side, when this native gets into legal trouble, one is nearly always able to talk one's way out of the dilemma. Budha is gifted in the art of the sincere apology. But the lord Kumara is also gifted in the role of the repeat offender. In particular, Budha can signify medical and mental issues with substance addiction and the psychophysical consequences of sex (Budha) addictions. (Addiction == a behavior which becomes so compulsory that it interferes with other necessary functions in work and family life.) As lord of bhava-9, Budha brings a mental engagement with religious principles and practices, affinity for sacred space, and personal priesthood. Because Kanya the moolatrikona rashi = identical to Makara's dharmasthana., Budha = usually religiously minded, although in a predictably orthodox fashion which is more oriented to public piety and less to private prayer. Budha can connect the Makara native to one's society through religious ceremony and collective prayer. University professorship, rank and title in religious organizations, and performance of acts of public piety. When Budha occupies the Makara lagna = a very public worshipper, whose specific religious affiliations are essential to the identity. If Budha is well-disposed, the native has knowledge of the sacred scriptures of one's own religious tradition. Swami Vivekananda = Budha in 1 parivartamsha L-1 Shani Jeddu Krishnamurti = Budha in 5 parivartamsha L-5 Shukra If Budha occupies a dualistic rashi such as Mithuna or Meena, one may grasp the meanings offered by the sacred writings of traditions outside one's own, as well. If Budha is prominently placed, such as in lagna or with Chandra, the native 's personality and behavior may appear contradictory or at least enigmatic. That is because Budha, the lord of self-narrative communications, is thus obliged to express both the profoundly religious mentality of bhava-9 and also the conflicted, agreement-dissolving thoughts of bhava-6. Hypocrisy and contradiction may become the external hallmarks of Budha in the Jyotisha kundali. However, rather amusingly, Lord Kumara is not disturbed by the apparent logical inconsistencies of seemingly incommensurable principled beliefs (9) and unprincipled actions (6). Budha is a master of superficial inquiry, simplified answers, trite responses, slogans and jokes. The native draws from a repertoire of rationalizations that deflect criticism and prevent further inquiry. Unless Budha is strengthened by a parivartamsha yoga, sober drishti of L-1 Shani, or yuti more grounded, accountable graha, Kumara in Makara may become an alcoholic priest, a sex-addicted preacher, a drug-dealing physician, or a pious, joking hypocrite .

One may also become a dedicated religious missionary with a tremendous administrative (Budha) capability, who nonetheless participates in exploiting (6) the very folk one is trying to redeem with wise sermons and sacred tomes (9). Budha is a rationalizer. Lord Kumara will usually develop a complex logical explanation supporting the underlying coherence of th behavior - including that most time-honored rationalization: simple denial. Yet, to outsiders, Makara lifestyle choices may seem to express a strong case of "cognitive dissonance". Periods of Budha = much contact with the service worker class or 'victim class'. the native or those whom one serves will be engaged in conflict and exploitation behaviors. Also, in equal measure, periods of Budha bring contact with religious teachers, scholars, and other wisdom-providers. Problems may not be solved during Budha periods but problems will be much better defined and articulated. Analysis and planning are favored. Budha will also rule two bhava vis-à-vis Chandra. Assess the two bhava from Chandra for a fuller appreciation of Budha periods. Events should be predicted largely from Chandra lagna after the age of 50. Budha = L-6 + L-9 = challenges to trust in peer relationships (6). However there is compensation from increased philosophical wisdom (9) and more attention to religious practice (9). For the Makara lagna, a well-placed Budha can be greatly helpful in the development of logical argumentation which is required in critical scholarship of religious texts. Argumentative Budha in the L-6 + L-9 role may produce some sort of an orthodox pandita. Budha is an especially difficult graha for Makara nativities in which Budha = L-6 from both radix lagna (material animosity) and Chandra lagna (emotional imbalance). Most challenging combinations include: Makara radix lagna + Makara Chandra Makara radix lagna + Mesha Chandra Makara Chandra + Mesha lagna Remedial Ratna: Flawless Emerald = panna for Budha for Makara Lagna Dr. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi. p. 102 "For the Capricorn Ascendant, Mercury is lord of the 6th and the 9th. In the 9th which is a trine (and therefore very auspicious) falls the Moola trikona sign of Mercury. Consequently wearing of an Emerald will be beneficial to the native of this Ascendant, particularly in the major and sub-periods of Mercury. As Mercury is a friend of Saturn, the lord of this Ascendant, the latter's gem stone Blue Sapphire can be worn always with advantage by the native s of the Capricorn Ascendant." Jupiter: Jupiter, as ruler of houses 3 and 12, shows the Capricornian tendency towards loss or sorrow through too much greed and manipulative attitudes. They can suffer through friends or alliances and are often forced to make it on their own. Jupiter is generally inauspicious for them. Jupiter as ruler of the third and the twelfth can cause separation between siblings maybe in age as well. There can be an arrogance that causes a sense of loss, or distance from others. Jupiter: Lord of two bad houses 3rd & 12th if strong then gives sibling but bad for self, if weak then bad for sibling but gives plenty of wealth and other good results. Jupiter is a malefic for this Lagna. Guru, even if debilitated can give Rajayoga provided Shani is placed in strength. Not everything in life comes without a price, if at all, so this placement can pose troubles to siblings if Guru is Neecha in Lagna.

Jupiter- It gives results of a bad house i.e., third, hence not good financially. If weak it may give results in this direction. The mooltrikona sign for Jupiter is Sagittarius placed in the twelfth house. As this is a malefic house, then it is best that there are no aspects given to other planets or the most effective point by Jupiter to the other houses. If this is the case and Jupiter is well placed, then the Capricorn ascendant will endure fewer losses in life and have happy sexual liaisons from time to time. Success in foreign travel and ventures is possible as well as protected life span. In a female chart marriage with male with foreign lands would be favourable. If Jupiter is weak and badly placed, then there will be losses in ventures or lack of success and for a female chart, it can be loss of husband or disappointment in relationship . There will be no happy sexual liaisons and could be problems to one's hips and liver(signification's of Jupiter). When Jupiter aspects any other planet or house, being the functional malefic planet of the twelfth house, it can bring about losses in which the planet aspected signifies. The Moon aspected by Jupiter could signify emotional loss of some sort. Jupiter owns the 3rd and 12th house for Capricorn Lagna. By the rules, we have to take Jupiter as inauspicious. That is, as 12th house lord, Jupiter gives results according to his 3rd house lordship, the evil results. Jupiter is lord of 3rd and 12th houses. Both houses are malefic. So the Jupiter will be malefic in own dasa and bhukti and indicates loss of wealth and other evil results of 3rd and 12th houses. If weak or afflicted, malefic results will be enhanced. Weak and afflicted Jupiter: Middle life span, loss of bed comforts, weak liver. Guru L-3+ L-12 from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, and Makara navamsha Lagnesha Shani = mutually neutral toward Guru. Wise and expansive L-3+ L-12 Guru = in charge of communications and spiritual retreat 12 = 6th from 7th = Enemies of the marriage alliance. Guru-type inimical-to-alliance agency may include (ironically) religious beliefs, rituals, and philosophical teachers; one's own father; professors, preachers, priests, and spiritual guides. For example Jane Fonda wrote in her autobiography (and it was confirmed by her ex-spouse) that her passion for her Christian religious beliefs was incompatible with the balancing-act of her marriage to corporate executive and land investor Ted Turner. The day-to-day thought process (3) may become inadvertently inflated by fantasy (12) in the extreme when Guru suffers occupancy in His neechchamsha, this fantasy can produce an unrealistically optimistic Pollyanna attitude esp in regard to distant lands (12) and media-messaging (3). For example. Jane Fonda as "Hanoi Jane" in 1970's = expecting publicity photos (3) of her cavorting with the North Vietnamese (12) enemy military command, at a time of war, to have a positive effect on her American audience.) Handwriting (3) = large size (Guru). Charitable but often ineffective the native is very much inclined toward acts of charity (Guru, 12) yet the discursive process (3) required to plan and execute useful charitable actions is often lacking essential details, due in part to disability of Budha (above).

Therefore the native may engage in spontaneous acts of sympathetic charity with a tendency toward "rescue fantasy" (12) but in general on a material the actions are less than effective. Vimshottari Periods of Guru: Lord Guru is a traveller. L-3 and L-12 = Excellent period for philosophical and scholarly extended sojourn in distant lands (12) and craft-learning (3) such as writing, painting, drawing, other manual skills. Splendid opportunity for translation (3) of sacred (Guru) texts (3) if Budha is strong. Short-term travel (3) and longer-term travel that is actually foreign residence (12). Sincere attempts to succeed in commercial business and be cooperative in the office - but the old problem of a Guru-ruled shaja bhava which causes one to chat rather theologically at times when mundane talk is expected. This social gaff may need constant attention, Brihaspati will also rule two Bhava vis-à-vis Chandra. Assess these two Bhava from Chandra for a fuller predictive appreciation of Guru periods. Events should be predicted primarily from Chandra lagna after the age of 50. Guru ratna = pushkaraja (yellow sapphire) for Makara Lagna Dr. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi p. 108 "Jupiter will be lord of the 3rd and 12th Bhava and will, therefore, not be an auspicious planet for this Ascendant, and it will generally not be advisable to wear this gem stone by the native s of this Ascendant. It can, however, be worn, if necessary, in the major period of Jupiter if he is in his own sign in the 3rd or the 12th. Uttara Kalamritatreats Jupiter as a yoga giving planet for the Capricorn Ascendant but as said by Dr. B. V. Raman in his comments on the role of Jupiter in the case of Libra nativity, the views of Uttara Kalamrit are against the accepted rules of astrology." Venus: Venus, as ruler of houses 5 and 10, gives Capricorn a great power of success through an adaptation of grace to their strong but often unrefined nature. On a lower level, this may be utilitarianism, on a higher level, simple fitness of form where content shines unhindered by glamour. Venus is very auspicious for them and gives Raja Yoga. Venus is the best planet for Capricorn ascendant. It is the Yoga Karaka by its rulership of a Tricona (fifth house) and a Kendra (tenth house). Like their opposite (Cancer) they can be brilliant with their career. Venus will give them charm and grace going about what they want. They are extremely creative and artistic. Venus: Lord of 5th and 10th houses becomes Rajyog Karka. A slightly strong gives good results for these houses in its dasha & bhukti Venus is the Yogakaraka and diamond is a good choice. Venus- As lord of a angle and a trine Venus is best planet for this Ascendant provided of course it is strong. If weak it denotes dishonor through son, loss of wealth, loss of progeny etc. The mooltrikona sign for Venus is Libra placed in the tenth house. When Venus is strong and unafflicted for the Capricorn ascendant, then the person's career will be ensured of success. This fact alone makes the Capricorn a very social person. The individual will have happiness in a career and could combine work and social enjoyment together. In a male chart, the person's wife could be active in the social and career realm perhaps mixing the both together. If Venus is weak and afflicted, then there could be lack of job satisfaction or a very static career. There could be losses in

business and a general lack of enthusiasm and happiness. The wife in a male chart could bring disappointments. Venus owns the 10th house (a Kendra) and therefore becomes neutral. Again he owns a Trikona i.e. the 5th house. By simultaneously owning a Kendra and Trikona he is termed Rajayogakaraka and gives all round success in his Dasa. He give greatly auspicious results or Rajayogaphala, if he is related to the 9th house lord Mercury. Venus becomes lord of 5th and 10th house i.e. a kendra and a Trikona. Thus Venus for this lagna becomes a yoga karaka, a planet of affluence and gives results accordingly. Weak and afflicted Venus: Losses in business, static career, lack of job satisfaction, less remunerative ventures, weak renal functions. Shukra L-5 + L-10 measured from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, and Makara navamsha Shukra yogakaraka L-5 (politics) + L-10 (governance) = natural capability to lead and govern, either by royal entitlement (5) or by charismatic charm that facilitates successful democratic election. The Makara native is empowered, according to the strength of Shukra, to make decisions which provide social order and lawfulness, with special emphasis upon matters of : alliances, relationships, contracts, agreements, bargains, deals, matches, pairs, diplomacy, wealth, acquisitions, hoarding, food and drink, cattle, jewels, fields and forests, heritage and history, stories and songs, face and voice, recorded knowledge Swami Vivekananda, Queen Elizabeth II USA Pres-44, Barack Obama has a leadership style strongly defined by crafting agreements through the art of finding mutual interests, balance of entitlements, and political compromise generally the leadership style features partnership qualities of constant negotiation, preference for harmony and graciousness in the interactive behaviors, and appreciation of the value of Other Lagnesha Shani = best friends with Yogakaraka Shukra. Shukra gives excellent results in regard to matters of children, politics, speculative ventures, romance, professional respect, leadership roles, and public duties. The Makara personality typically exudes practical intelligence about money (Vrishabha = 5, intelligence ) and a characteristic "common sense" about there relationship between Time (Shani) and money (Shukra). Makara natives also as a general rules enjoy pleasant relationships, personal and professional, with females. Affiliation (Shukra) with "prestige" groups, labels, symbols, and status-markers especially marked by "conspicuous consumption" (location of the home, style of dress, professional title etc.) bring pleasure (Shukra) to the native . Males re: females Shukra has a special importance for males, because Shukra indicates their female partners - both personal and professional. The Makara male native will enjoy the company of women who exemplify qualities of 5 and 10. The wife of a Makara male will generally experience her gracious presence as contributing to the native's material enjoyment of children. As a rule (if other graha do not interfere) the marriage union will enhance a man's public reputation and dignity. Likely the wife will have a notable career and some measure of theatrical or political talent. Females re: Females

Makara women tend to seek the association of females who have higher social status and material assets. In other words, the Makara female prefers the company of women who dress in an elite style (5-10), have some political or celebrity empowerment (5) and who wield some measure of social leadership authority (10) -- or, women who ambitiously aspire to these empowerments, and who are perceived as actively climbing toward higher levels of social respect. Yogakaraka Shukra L-5+L-10Shukra is a powerful Yogakaraka for Makara lagna. (Shukra = also L-4+L-9 yogakaraka for Kumbha lagna) Depending on Shukra's full character (rashi, drishti, etc.) periods of Shukra are usually very beneficial for the Makara native. A good position of Shukra in the Makara lagna chart can compensate for many other difficulties. Shukra is best in any kendra, but especially in lagna where it makes the person physically attractive and brings much happiness from profession and children. As lord of two auspicious Bhava, Sweet and Sensual Shukra =Yogakarakafor Ena lagna. Shukra will also rule two Bhava vis-à-vis Chandra lagna. Assess the two Bhava from Chandra for a fuller appreciation of Shukra periods. Events should be predicted largely from Chandra lagna after the age of 50. Flawless Diamond (hira) for Makara Lagna Dr. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi p. 113 "For the Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants, Venus will respectively be lord of the 5th and 10th and the 4th and 9th Bhava and, therefore, Venus is considered an excellent and Yogakaraka planet for these Ascendants. the native s of these Ascendants will do well in every sphere of their life by wearing a Diamond. In the major period of Venus, wearing of a Diamond is a 'must' for those who have faith in the divine power of gem stones. The results will become pronounced if Diamond is worn along with Blue Sapphire." Saturn: Saturn, as ruler of houses 1 and 2, shows how intimately their self-sense is bound up with work and livelihood, They are often harsh in speech and forced to work hard in life. Yet they are also self-disciplined and through their persistence can make great and enduring accomplishments in the long run. Saturn is generally auspicious as the lord of the ascendant. Saturn as the ruler of the ascendant makes Capricorn ascendants of a serious nature, and a bit hard to get to know. Saturn's rulership of the second house gives a serious tone to the voice. They mean what they say. They spend their money wisely for this was part of their early upbringing not to waste. Saturn: Lord of Lagna and 2nd houses gives good results for these houses like Highly Benefic for health, wealth, ambition etc. Such person is low in taste and have harsh speech unless benefic like Jupiter cast its aspect on Saturn and 2nd house. Will have long life, wealth, name and fame if Saturn is strong. If Saturn is weak then results are the reverse. Lorded by Shani. Pragmatic and practical people, good with managerial and functional aspects of life. Saturn- As lord of second and first house Saturn is a nice planet. If strong it gives wealth, honour, high longevity. If weak it cuts life short, gives losses, bad name etc. The mooltrikona sign for Saturn is Aquarius placed in the second house for the Capricorn ascendant. If Saturn is strong and inflicted, then the Capricorn ascendant will endeavor to acquire assets, pursue a stable relationship and ensure a good family life. They will slowly achieve the status desired as

Saturn is lord of the second house in this chart. If Saturn is weak and afflicted, then there could be failures in status and life with an unsuccessful marriage. There will be constant delays in life, lethargy, possible cheating and a melancholic nature. Since Saturn rules the ascendant as well although it is not the moolatrikona house, a weak Saturn will affect the body in the area that the ascendant signifies such as joint pains, weak knees and possible arthritis. Saturn is the Lagna lord here. Lagna is a Kendra as well as Trikona and therefore the Lagna lord is Rajayogakaraka. Saturn also owns the 2nd house a Maraka house. So Saturn should also function as death inflicting planet. But how a Rajayogakaraka planet can be a death inflicting planet certainly not. Saturn's Maraka powers are minimised. He can be somehow troublesome, if occupies the 2nd house with other inauspicious planets. Saturn by himself does not kill, unless there are other reasons for him to do so. Weak and afflicted Saturn: Ordinary or deteriorating status, loss of happiness in marriage, loss of wealth. Shani L-1+ L-2 from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, and Makara navamsha Pragmatic and conventional Shani governs the physical body appearance as well as the lineage values of the family history including food customs. Should Shani be well placed, the native will lead a disciplined life and accrue stores of material wealth over time. As L-2 Shani who is a natural maraka also becomes a temporal maraka, therefore one who wishes to postpone death should avoid the Shani-ratna and practice the Shani-scarcity austerities such as conservative food diet. Shani will also rule two Bhava vis-à-vis Chandra. Assess the two Bhava from Chandra for a fuller appreciation of Shani periods. Events should be predicted largely from Chandra lagna after the age of 50. Shani also controls the second marriage, and for a female nativity Shani is also the primary karaka of the second husband, if any. The Maraka woman looking forward to her second marriage may consider wearing a beautiful blue sapphire on the longest finger of the left hand in order to encourage qualities of dignity, selfdiscipline, respect for order, and conventional behaviors in her forthcoming alliance with a second spouse. Remedial Ratna for Shani - Blue Sapphire (Nilam) for Makara Lagna Dr. G. S. Kapoor. (1994). Gems and Astrology. Ranjan Publications, New Delhi. p. 117: "For the Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants Saturn is the lord of the Ascendant and Blue Sapphire should be worn by the native s of these Ascendants as a protective charm all their life. It will bestow good health, long life, prosperity, wealth, happiness and success in their ventures. The effects of Blue Sapphire will be strengthened if a Diamond, the gem stone of Venus, who is a Yogakaraka for these two Ascendants, is worn along with it. " Rahu from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, and Makara navamsha Rahu = co-lord of bhava-2 Kumbha, therefore Rahu-ratna (gomedha) may become a beneficial gem for matters of wealth acquisition, stock-piling and hoarding, learnings in history and languages, second marriage, and expressions of voice and face such as song and appearance in story-telling imagery such as films.

However Rahu in the rashi of maraka Chandra = dangerous for Kumbha lagna. Even for the wealthand-knowledge target, the Rahu-ratna should be considered only if the lord of bhava-2 and its occupants are highly auspicious. Rahu and Ketu are said to give positive results in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th bhava from the lagna or from Chandra. In addition, some authorities posit that since R-K are exalted in Vrishabha-Vrischika (per BPHS), R-K will give good results when Mangala and Shukra are well-disposed. Numerous other schemes for evaluating the elusive aprakasha graha also exiSaint (More details in the summary provided by Dr. G.S. Kapoor .) Ketu can truly pose trouble for the chart. Ketu from Makara lagna, Makara Chandra, and Makara navamsha Ketu is co-lord of bhava-10 Vrischika, therefore Ketu-ratna may be a beneficial gem for matters of professional recognition and leadership responsibility -- but only if the lord of bhava-10 and its occupants are auspicious. Ketu's effects for makara lagna depend significantly on Ketu's bhava, rashi, and drishti. Ketu amplifies the effect of any graha who are sharing Ketu's Bhava; and also Ketu magnifies the effects of the lord of His occupied Rashi. Overall Mars and Saturn (malefic lords of houses 1 and 4) combined can give an aggressive mind that may be violent and seek power at all costs. The Sun may work in this way like Mars. Venus by itself gives Raja Yoga or great prestige. Venus with Mercury (rulers of houses 9 and 10) give Raja Yoga as well as spiritual development. Saturn and Mercury (rulers of houses 1 and 9) enhance spirituality. As a cardinal and earth sign, Capricorns act with force and substance. Their planets act slowly but strongly and often with an obstinate determination. They usually win out in the end through a longterm plodding action. Capricorn: The friendly planets are Saturn, Venus and Mercury. Capricorn Lagna Favorable Unfavorable Colors: Shining black, white, all Steel gray, dull smoke gray, shades of blue, green and orange and yellow red. Numbers: 5 1 Gem Stones: Blue sapphire, red coral, Gomedh, cat's eye, ruby and pearl, emerald, and yellow sapphire diamond Remedial Measures Observe law of the land meticulously (Upaya) Fasting on Sunday The sign Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. It rules knees, bone joints and knee caps. It is a negative, nonhuman, earthy and semi-fruitful sign. It signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholic nature if its ruler, Saturn, is weak. If Saturn is weak, and this sign is afflicted by functional malefics, the person

born under this sign suffers from the diseases of eyes, throat, teeth, joint pains, general weakness, emaciated body, etc. Capricornians are social as Venus rules their tenth house. They are conservative, selfish and selective in approach. They are secretive, pensive, organized, proud and fastidious. They are vigilant and tactful. They have compromising nature in order to achieve leadership. Depending upon the strength of the planets, Capricornians are born to rich and well placed parents, get good inheritance, have pleasant temperament and are emotional in the matter of partnership. The major stress area is the fluctuating status of the father and their own fortune as Mercury, the planet of fluctuations, rules the ninth house of Capricornians. They long for leadership, political power, practice of law and business. Their major pursuits in life include acquisition of assets, partnerships and social contacts for personal benefits and selfish ends. The significator for the soul, the Sun and significator for morality and generosity, Jupiter, are functional malefics of Capricornians. The strong Sun and Jupiter ensure a happy and harmonious married life and Capricornians prefer enjoying disposition in life. The mooltrikona sign of Mars is in the fourth house, and the strength of Mars in its period governs the acquisition assets, good education, alertness and passionate married life. One gets happiness from long lived mother when Mars is strong. A strong and well placed Moon assures happy married life and rich parents in law. As stated earlier, the major stress area is the ninth house, where mooltrikona sign of weakness prone Mercury falls. The sign Libra of Venus plays a major role in the life of Capricornians as their professional success is dependant on the good strength of Venus. Capricorn Ascendant – Benefic & Malefic Dr. Shanker Adawal Benefic- Mercury and Venus Malefic- Moon, Mars and Jupiter Venus alone is capable of conferring Raja Yoga effects single-handed. Mercury and Venus, if conjunct, confer highly auspicious results. Saturn by himself does not cause Maraka. Mars, Jupiter or Moon, if Maraka cause death. Planets for Capricorn Ascendant – Karaka and Maraka Yogas for Capricorn Ascendant Y-1- Ruler ship over large areas is indicated for natives born in this Ascendant having Mercury and Venus in Ascendant. Moon in 5th whilst Jupiter aspects both 5th and Ascendant. Y-2- Gain of conveyance from or through brothers will occur in Major period of Jupiter for natives having Jupiter in this Ascendant whilst Mars and Venus are in 11th. Y-3- Prosperity and luck through brothers will be enjoyed by the native if Sun, Mercury and Moon are in this Ascendant whilst Mars and Venus stand in 12th. Y-4- Mercury and Venus together in 5th for this Ascendant confers Raja Yoga. Even a non-Malefic Venus in 5th for this Ascendant produces equally good results. Raja Yogas Powerful and strong Raja Yogas arise for the Moveable signs when they become ascendants coupled with the following Yogas: Capricorn Ascendant Jupiter in Ascendant whilst Moon is in Cancer. Mars in Ascendant whilst Moon is in Cancer. Mars in Ascendant whilst Saturn is in Libra.

Mars in Ascendant whilst Sun is in Aries. Mars in Ascendant whilst Jupiter is in Cancer. Capricorn: Yogas from Bhavartha Ratnakar etc. 1. If Mercury is in Leo with Jupiter in Ascendant and aspected by Venus, long life is conferred, but with poverty. 2. Venus in Taurus is good; if in Libra, own house though, he may not prove so fortunate. 3. If Venus and Mercury are in Ascendant with Moon in Taurus aspected by Jupiter, the native is certain to become an emperor. This is called a maharaja yoga. 4. If Jupiter is in Ascendant with Venus and Mars in Scorpio, brothers will give the native riches during the Jupiter dasa. 5. When Sun, Moon and Mercury are in Ascendant, with Mars and Venus in Sagittarius, the native will be relete with wealth. 6. A Saturn-Mercury combination in Virgo confers fortune. Rahu becomes a yogakaraka if he's with Jupiter in Sagittarius. 7. The presence of Moon in Cancer and Mars in Ascendant causes a rajayoga. Dhan yogas for Capricorn lagna 1. Rahu, Venus, Mars, Saturn in 9th. 2. Moon, Mercury, Venus, combine in a good house. 3. Moon in Aries aspected by Jupiter. 4. Moon, Jupiter in 4th, 5th, 9th or 11th. 5. Moon, Mars in a good house, or Mars only in 11th. 6. Jupiter in lagna and Venus, Saturn in 10th. 7. Moon, Mercury, Sun in lagna and Venus, Mars in 12th. 8. Moon, Mercury in 9th and Jupiter in 3rd. 9. Saturn in 1st and Moon, Sun in 11th. 10. Sun (8th lord) conjoins Mercury (lord of 6th). 11. Saturn in 1st conjunct or aspected by Mars or Jupiter. 12 Mars in 10th in Capricorn. Some observations when Capricorn is lagna 1. Jupiter is in lagna aspected by Venus, and Mercury is in 8-long life but poverty. 2. Venus in 5th is good. 3. Saturn Mercury in 9th confer fortune. 4. Venus in 10th is not good and is powerless to produce any yoga. 5. Venus Mars in lagna and Moon in 5 aspected by Jupiter is a maharaja yoga. 6. Jup. in 1st, Mars, Ven in 11th, native gets money through brothers in Jup dasa. 7. Rahu becomes yogakaraka in 12th with Jupiter. 8. Rajyoga if Moon in Cancer and Mars is in lagna. 9. Alone Mercury is good and causes rajayoga. 10. Saturn aspected by Jupiter i s good in 3rd, 6th or 11th. 11. Jupiter in 7th is not so good as in 1st, 3rd or 12th. 12. Saturn or Mars in 7th gives a chaste and beautiful wife. 13. Venus is good in 4th, 5th or 10th or with Mercury in 9th. 14. Venus in 8th gives many issues who will always be dependent on native. 15. Full moon is good in 7th or 9th or 4th, but not in 5th.

16. Sun in Swati star makes native's public life and image unfortuunate, selfishness. 17. Mars and Jupiter are marakas. Sun is neutral. Saturn will not be killer of his own. 18. 5th lord in Capricorn gives disobedient children. 19. Characteristics of an individual born in following drekkanas: 1st: good looking, reputed , hair on the body, praiseworthy habits, wealthy, passionate, pleasing manners. 2nd: clever, charitable, usurps other's property, fond of women, unsteady. 3rd : tall, thin stature, wanderer, untidy, separation from father, talkative. 20. Capricorn as 7th house makes the spouse haughty, despicable, fond of bickerings, greedy, shameless &. ill natured. 21. Moon Rahu in Capricorn indicate downfall in life, agony and even suicidal tendency. 22. Mars in 7th breaks the engagement or kills the wife. 23. Mars in this sign may cause accidental death. Capricorn Ascendant/ Makar Capricorn ascendants are generally social people since Venus rules their tenth house. Capricorn's are conservative, at times selfish and they can be selective in their approach. They are vigilant and tactful and can have a compromising nature in order to achieve leadership. Capricorn have a pleasant temperament and are emotional in the matter of partnership. Capricorn people are hardworking, persevering and tenacious people and have the potential for great accomplishments. They often keep themselves extremely busy and are always on the go. They tend to take things too seriously and are often detached from the emotional field. This detachment can be good, but through their busy nature, the partner of Capricorn usually takes a back seat, leading to frustration or disappointments in the relationship. As the Sun signifies the soul and Jupiter signifies morality and generosity, it is unfortunate that these planets represent the functional malefic for Capricorn ascendants. It is desirable to have as little aspect as possible from these malefic planets and to have them well placed and in a favourable sign. The stress area for Capricorn concerns the ninth and tenth houses where the mooltrikona signs are for Mercury and Venus respectively. It is because Mercury is prone to weakness, bringing inconsistency to the ninth house that signifies good fortune, spiritual inspiration and one's soul. Venus plays a major role in the life of Capricorn because professional success is dependent on the strength of Venus. Functional Malefics:

Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu




Mercury is exalted in Virgo


Venus suffers debilitation in Virgo

Body Parts:

Abdominal umbilical region, bowel and intestines and the nervous system

Capricorn Ascendant

The sign Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. It rules knees, bone joints and knee caps. It is a negative, nonhuman, earthy and semi-fruitful sign. It signifies tact, cheating, lethargy and melancholic nature if its ruler, Saturn, is weak. If Saturn is weak and this sign is afflicted by functional malefics, the person born under this sign suffers from the diseases of eyes, throat, teeth, joint pains, general weakness, emaciated body, etc. Capricornians are social as Venus rules their tenth house. They are conservative, selfish and selective in approach. They are secretive, pensive, organised, proud and fastidious. They are vigilant and tactful. They have compromising nature in order to achieve leadership. Depending upon the strength of the planets, Capricornians are born to rich and well placed parents, get good inheritance, have pleasant temperament and are emotional in the matter of partnership. The major stress area is the fluctuating status of the father and their own fortune as Mercury, the planet of fluctuations, rules the ninth house of Capricornians. They long for leadership, political power, practice of law and business. Their major pursuits in life include acquisition of assets, partnerships and social contacts for personal benefits and selfish ends. The significator for the soul, the Sun and significator for morality and generosity, Jupiter, are functional malefics for Capricomians. The strong Sun and Jupiter ensure a happy and harmonious married life and Capricornians prefer enjoying disposition in life. The mooltrikona sign of Mars is in the fourth house and the strength of Mars in its period governs the acquisition of assets, good education, alertness and passionate married life. One gets happiness from long lived mother when Mars is strong. A strong and well placed Moon assures happy married life and rich parents in law. As stated earlier, the major stress area is the ninth house where mooltrikona sign of weakness prone Mercury falls. The sign Libra of Venus plays a major role in the life of Capricornians as their professional success is dependant on the good strength of Venus. Favourable colours Shining black, white, all shades of blue colour, green and red. Unfavourable colours Steel grey, dull smoke grey, orange and yellow. Favourable stones Blue sapphire, red coral, pearl, emerald, and diamond. Unfavourble stones Gomedh, cat's eye, ruby and yellow sapphire. Capricorn Lagna – O.P.Verma - Laghu Parasari For Capricorn Lagna, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon are evil or inauspicious. Venus and Mercury are auspicious. Venus is the only Rajayogakaraka planet. The combination of Venus and Mercury produces specially auspicious results. Saturn, himself does not become Maraka. Mars and other inauspicious planets endowed with Maraka characteristics cause death. Thus, the wise should understand results for Capricorn Lagna. Fruitful Yogas: 1. Venus, alone is Rajayogakaraka. 2. Venus + Saturn, a great combination, if not in the 2nd house. 3. Venus + Mercury, greatly auspicious combination. 4. Mercury + Saturn, only Mercury spoilt.

5. Venus + Mars, only Mars spoilt. 6. Venus + Moory only the Moon spoilt. Spoilt Yogas: 1. Moon + Mercury, both the planets are spoilt. 2. Mars + Mercury, both the planets are spoilt, Mars as 11th lord and Mercury as 6th house lord. Placement of Planets in Capricorn Ascendant The people of Capricorn ascendant do not like interference of other people in their work. Let us see how the Ascendant influence the native of Capricorn Ascendant when they are in the ascendant itself. Sun Placed in Capricorn Ascendant Sun becomes the lord of the 8th house in the Kundli of Capricorn Ascendant. A person may face health related problems because of this position. There are possibilities of having pain in bones, stomach related problems and eye related problems. The person might be motivated by self interest and may sacrifice the other people’s interests in order to promote himself. Due to the presence of Sun in an enemy planet’s sign, he may may have to face difficult situations and problems but they can win with their hard work and self-dependence. Conflicts may occur with father and relatives. He would like to be in a job instead of a business. There may be fluctuations in the married life. Moon Placed in Capricorn Ascendant Moon is the lord of the 7th house in the Kundli and gives an attractive appearance to the native, when in Capricorn Ascendant. The native’s mind would have an unsteady but humorous nature because of the effect of Moon. The native may be attracted towards beauty. He may get problems in eyes and in ears. Moon aspects Cancer in the 7th house, when it is placed in the Ascendant, because of this, the person would get a beautiful and virtuous spouse. He would get full co-operation and help from the life partner at any time. Mars Placed in Capricorn Ascendant Mars is the 4th lord and the 11th lord in the Kundli and it gives an angry disposition to the native when placed in the Ascendant. He may have a dominating character. He will get full co-operation from his father andmay get respect in the society because of his father’s position or influence. There may be a point when he may be involved in a conflict with his father in the latter half of his life due to Saturn’s influence. Because of this he may have to give up his father’s property Mars in the 1st house aspect the 4th, 7th and the 8th house. Due to this aspect he would be a religious person. Manglik Dosha reduces happiness from the married life. Mercury Placed in Capricorn Ascendant Mercury becomes the lord of the 6th and the 9th house in the Kundli. The person would be clever and educated because of Mars’s placement in the Ascendant. He may have a job with the government or a government related concern. He would be devoted to god and would be a kind person. He will have an interest in the arts and may get respect and honor in the society for his achievements. Economic status would be good. The aspect of Moon on Cancer in the 7th house gives the person a beautiful spouse. The aspect of sixth lord on the 7th house makes the nature of the spouse aggressive and he may have children later in the life.

Jupiter Placed in Capricorn Ascendant As Jupiter is the 12th lord and the 3rd lord in the Kundli, it plays the role of a malefic planet. Presence of Jupiter in the Ascendant makes the native knowledgeable and virtuous. He has good learning powers but he does not use his virtue and his qualities in a proper manner. He is always influenced by others, because of this he might have many difficulties in his life. The aspect of Jupiter is on the 5th, 7th and on the 9th house, because of this aspect, he would be lucky after his marriage. Venus Placed in Capricorn Ascendant Venus is the 5th lord and the 7th lord in the Kundli and it is a benefic planet for Capricorn Ascendant. Presence of Venus in the Ascendant makes the native beautiful, clever, selfish and unsteady. He may be an opportunist. He might make friends only to get help for his work. He has a special interest in the people of opposite gender. If Venus has an aspect on Cancer in the 7th house then the life partner will be good and supportive in good and bad times. Saturn Placed in Capricorn Ascendant Saturn is the Ascendant-lord and the 2nd lord in the Kundli of Capricorn Ascendant. It makes a person lucky. A person would be healthy but may have problems related to the voice. He would achieve success in job and in business too. He would get a chance to work for the government. He will have an affectionate mother. Aspect of Saturn on the 7th house creates problem for the life partner and it affects the married life too. Rahu in Capricorn Ascendant Rahu is present in the 1st house in the Kundli of Capricorn Ascendant and it reduces the stability of life. The person may be unfocused and have to stray around without any reason. There may be times when he may have a loss at the edge of success. Job is better than business for this native. Difficulties may occur in business and there are chances of having a loss in business. Due to the aspect of Rahu on the 7th hey may not have support from friends and partners and there might not be very much happiness in the married life. Ketu in Capricorn Ascendant Due to the placement of Ketu in the 1st house in the Kundli the person may have some fluctuation in health. Different kind of problems may occur at the different times. He has a special interest in the people of opposite gender. He may have problems because of his enemies. He may use inappropriate methods to get respect in the society which may ultimately lead to dishonor. Aspect of Ketu on the 7th house causes conflict with life partner and reduces the support from the spouse. Indications of Planets in Capricorn Sun – Surya: Tends to be greedy and jealous, lacks confidence, has not much stamina, fond of walking and travelling, engages in a variety of work. Moon – Chandra (Soma): Tall, lean body, good eyes, round calves, prominent ears, large neck, poetic, afraid of cold, cool tempered, religious, famous, hard hearted, shameless, not very enthusiastic. Venus – Shukra: Weak body, but good looking, may suffer from heart disease, very sorrowful, cunning. Jupiter – Guru (Brihaspati): The subject would have little money and little happiness, has to labour hard for little gain, not much stamina.

Mars – Mangal (Kuja): Plenty of wealth, several sons, healthy, wise, famous, independent. Mars in any degree in Capricorn gives the subject very good results. Saturn – Shani: Learned, famous, clever in execution of work. The subject is wealthy and leads a comfortable life. Mercury – Budha: Poor, has to works hard, facing various difficulties, may have dreams of pleasure and enjoyment. Dragon’s head – Rahu: Exceptional or heroic courage, derives financial benefit from other persons wife. Dragon’s tail – Ketu: Victorious, famous, a career in the army could suit such a subject. Capricorn Ascendant (Makara Lagna) – Vimsottari dasas and results Capricorn Ascendant (Makara Lagna) born natives will have favorable period during Saturn, Venus and Mercury dasas. Jupiter, Sun, Mars dasas will generally yield bad results and Moon dasa will be moderate. Rahu and Ketu dasas also yield moderate results based on the houses they occupy and conjunctions. During 16 years of Jupiter (guru) dasa, students will face failures and setbacks in education. Health and financial problems will make you suffer frequently. Friends and followers will also disappointment. Life style will be forcefully changed and you will realise that this is not the right time to exhibit your intelligence and caibre. You will be useful for everyone except yourself. Highly influential people in society will develop hatred and enemity towards you without proper reason. You will be forced away from relatives for helping friends. Many oppurtunities will be wasted during this dasa. During 7 years of Mars (kuja) dasa, court cases, litigation, health issues will trouble you. You will lose in business and property issues. Siblings and close relatives will also cause you some upsets. Only few, who dare to start small businesses will see some benefits. To cross these 7 years, performing Angaaraka homam is the best known remedy. During 6 years of sun dasa, you will face humiliating situations everywhere. Profession, relations, finance, health will be distrubed. You will feel lonely and will not find a trustworthy person to share your sorrow. Court cases, pressure from higher officials will cause depression and fear in your mind. You will need to face situations with stubborn nature to get through these 6 years. Performing Rudra paasupata homam is best known remedy for this dasa. During moderate 10 years of Moon (chandra) dasa, you will be targetted by gossip mongers. You will be blamed for secret acitivites. Those is fields of art, literature and entertainment will see good progress but will have differences with opposite sex. Dairy and rice business will flourish, love affairs will materialise into long term relations and long distance travel will prove to be fruitful.

However, mother’s health and relation will her will suffer. Court cases may go against you. Scientists will see growth in their popularity. Minor health issues like allergy, asthma will trouble you. During favourable 20 years of Venus (sukra) dasa, you will have lavish lifestyle. Ancestral properties will be acquired and family business will flourish. You will spend money lavishly on luxury items, cosmetics and beauty treatments. People preparing for civil services or government jobs will have favorable results and those already recruited will enjoy promotions. Politicians will enjoy power and earn lot of fame and money. But many of you will not be able to help your siblings and relatives. During favorable 17 years of Mercury (budha) dasa, you will earn great reputation as a writer. If you are in television or cinema, you will earn fame as good director. Professions like astrology, Vaastu will also bring good income and reputation. Few will manipulate documents and benefit from them. Finance business, education, long distance relations, export business will bring profits. Only hurdle you will face during this dasa, is performing auspicious ceremonies like marriage for yourself or in your family. During 19 years of Saturn (sani) dasa, life will start at lowest level and slowly grow with your efforts. Luck will not come overnight and you will have to struggle through each phase of life. Few elders will help you gain knowledge and understand the society. Friends will disappoint you but if you ignore them and move on, you will progress in life. You will have some dispute with father but relation with mother will be good. Will respect moral values and also have religious and spiritual inclinations. You will have lot of contacts but only few will prove to be useful. Lawyers and politicians will slowly grow stronger in their fields. Those is entertainment field will have to wait, as this dasa is only a learning experience. You will fight for social justice but in many situations, it will elude you. 18 years of rahu dasa and 7 years of ketu dasa will yield moderate results, based on their placements, conjunctions and aspects of other planets. Above predictions for dasa results will vary based on constellations and subdivisions occupied by those planets and also slight modifications will be done based on transit of planets.

Makara Lagna – Capricorn Ascendant First House Sun. Lord of 8th house in Lagna, in enemy’s camp indicates assistance in the accumulation of money and business of others. Legacies and gain through affairs and matters connected with the deceased, of rash temperament and whimsical nature, becomes angry when anything is said against him. Moon. Lord of 7th house in Lagna, in enemy’s house aspecting own house denotes that one will gain through unions, partnership and love of women. Fond of music, blessed with pleasurable pursuits, average financial conditions and urinary troubles and diseases. The Moon is weak and afflicted, reverse results will be experienced. May enjoy short life. Mars. Mars is exalted in lagna, and is lord of 4th and 11th houses, will confer upon a native wealth, power and authority. Of strong constitution, many servants, fortunate, inheritance, gain through

land and property of parents. Real friends and supporters, victory over enemies and obstacles through acquaintances. Fortunate actions and successful hopes. Danger of fall from height during middle age. Wound or scar mark on body. Quarrelsome and inclined to quarrels, war or wrestling and may receive wound through them. Mercury. Long journeys, learnings, wisdom, prudence, fortunate with strangers and foreigners, wife’s relations and voyages. Grief from enemies, interest in science, invention law or political economy including philosophy. Sickness and poor of health. Unsuccessful business at times. May be devoid from the comforts of parents in early age subject to strength of Mercury and aspects on it. Jupiter. Reversals in life from good position, under debt, ear trouble, worried and troublesome periods in life. Journeys and removals, worries on account of brothers, nighbours, writings, learnings and accomplishment. Heavy troubles, secret sorrows and limitations. But all these trouble can be mitigated through occult science and spiritualism. Danger of imprisonment or disablement requiring hospitalisation. Medium span of life. Venus. Venus is a yoga karka for Capricorn Ascendant being lord of 5th and 10th houses. Blessed with long life, dignity, power, honour and authority through merits and success, through industrious efforts, high ambitious, gain through mother. Many love affairs. Wealthy and licentious. Victory over enemies, blessed with property and other’s belongings. Gain through children and games. 1 House - Here Venus will be in Capricornus sign owned by Saturn. Dull intelligence, incomplete education, earns through business. The native after rejecting number of girls offered for marriage and finally marries an ordinary girl. Many love affairs, wealthy and licentious, illicit relations with old woman not for any love but for money. Frustrated in love and deprived of marital pleasures, lot of money is wasted in making love with women. Debauchee and licentious. Blessed with long life, fame name and authority. Inflex of money. His wife brings still additional fortunes. Industrious and rises because of his own efforts. Gains through mother. Suffers from secret diseases related to semen, diabetes and involuntary emission of semen in night. Saturn. The native is of sober temperament, high rank and position, endowed with property, engineer by profession, journeys, good company with wealthy persons, fond of scents, long life, power over enemies, good health, harmony, triumph over difficulties, money comes readily. Rahu. Bestows wealth, honour, favour through religion, educational or scientific affairs. It adds to the personality and gives opportunities for self expression. Ketu. Short life, troubles and worries. Loss of wealth in youth. Scar or wound on the body. A worried life, scandals and it endangers the face and eyes. Second House Sun. Lord of 8th house is posited in enemy’s camp aspecting its own house indicates affliction of eyes, gain through partner and money of others. Fortunate in collecting debts. Gain through deceased. No gain from relations, disrepute in middle age. Moon. Gain by marriage, contracts, law suits, little education. If Moon is weak and afflicted then loss through women, death of partner, public enemies, trouble in the eyes, enmity with relations and friends. Mars. Bold and of rash temperament, gain and owner of agriculture land. Scar or wounds or boils on the body, gain through deals in land and property. Business and money by means of friends and acquaintances, through legislative interest or through one’s new ideas.

Mercury. Money and gain through foreign merchants, science, learning, publication, travel, invention or banking. Knowledge of foreign languages. Well versed in mathematics and medicine. If combust or ill aspected reverse results. Jupiter. Learned, intelligent and of strong will power. Gain through educational affairs, short journeys, writings, music etc. Also gain through secrecy and the occult, knowledge of law, respected and reputed and blessed with wealth. Venus. Wealthy, blessed with mimickery, licentious and company of ill reputed people. Gain of money by industry, the profession or Govt; office, investment, pleasure and children. If afflicted, loss through speculations, pleasure and reverse results than above. 2 House - Here Venus will be in Aquarius sign owned by Saturn. Proficiency in education, artistic skills and writing. He gains money and fame in these areas. Good relations with family members. Slow progress but finally attains a good position, and gains in business. His married life will not have much charm in it, even though it is a late marriage. He is fairly a good householder. His monetary achievements will be limited. Expert businessman and gain of wealth through business, trade or industry. Patrimony from grandfather. Licentious and debauchee relations with other women and gain of wealth through them. Wife well wisher of home. Worried regarding male issues, gets all happiness from his wife but still goes to other women. Keeps company of ill reputed people. Suffer from one disease or other. If Venus is afflicted loss through investments and all malefic results in respect of sex and business. Saturn. Money through personal ingenuity and industry. One has to do hard work, and benefit through industrious efforts. Loss of wealth through enemies. May become lunatic in middle of life. One becomes mischievous and liar, wife from poor family and loss during middle life also. Rahu. Fortunate heredity, gain by legacy and gifts, science and learning. Increase in possessions and bestows affluence. Ketu. Inclines to misfortune in finances, indebtness, loss and damage to estate, sorrows, fears and worry concerning money matters. Third House Sun. Dangerous for parents and younger brothers. Victory over enemies. Disease of syphlis, danger of death on short journeys, unfortunate brothers and death of some. Psychic and mysterious experiences. Moon. Many sisters, low of brothers and sisters, fond of dance and music. Ear trouble. Enmities with some of brothers and neighbours, marriage to a relative or neighbour, difficulty through writings or contract. Legal or religious disputes, troubles on short journeys. Mars. Bold and brave. Trustworthy and of rash temperament, fond of narcotics, gain through brothers and friends. Cordial relation with relatives and neighbours. Friends through writings and journeys. Mercury. Many brothers, learnings, accomplishments and progress through research, travel, investigations, explorations, travel or writings. Sickness of some brothers and relatives. Interest in studies and method of healing and industrial economy. Likelihood of mental disturbance when sick. Jupiter. Benefits through education, writings, short journeys and brothers. Many brothers, many journeys in early age and sweet speech. Disappointments, sorrow and troubles through relations, friends or neighbours. Occult learnings. May become the victim of impotency disease. Brothers will be wealthy and respected. Troublesome short journeys.

Venus. Careful for his respect, respect among relations and neighbours. Gain and honour and advancements through partner’s relations. Honour through short journeys, writings, business trips and Govt;, or commissions. Fond of music, dance and drama. Gain through opposite sex. Many sisters who will be prosperous and wealthy. 3 House - Here Venus will be in Pisces sign, its place of exaltation. Education is completed. Through daring works and bravery acquires government position and award. He is honoured for bravery and honesty in service. There is happiness and progress in service. Respect among relatives and neighbours. Success and honour in short journeys, writings and business trips. Blessed with brothers, sisters and friends. Gets married by 20 years of age. Wife is just good looking and all his passions are limited to his wife only. Loses money through cheating, lean body, and two marriages, ambitious to occupy top position. Natives father will have long life. He can also earn good money through contracts and commission. Fond of music, dance, drama and poetry. Gain through women. Many sisters who will be prosperous. Fortunate after 32 years of age, more daughters, two marriages and last days of life happy. Saturn. Agriculturist, average relations with brothers, average profession. Victory over enemies. Mental development, opportunities delayed. Gain through education, writings, brothers, neighbours and short journeys. If afflicted losses through above. Rahu. Many brothers, careful for his respect, respected and skilled in many arts. Early life will be comfortable, in middle age, one will meet with some accident or grief. Old age be will troublesome. Conduces to spiritual or educational matters. Gain through brothers, neighbours and journeys. Ketu. Mental anxiety, troubles with brothers and neighbours, Unprofitable journeys. Fourth House Sun. May be a building contractor, gain in property through the deceased, probably by the death of parents. Less comforts from conveyance, troublesome for parents, and of suspicious nature. If afflicted death of parents, danger through fall and falling buildings, storms and floods. Troubles over inheritance, land and property. Moon. Property by marriage, a chaste partner and happy married life. Gain through partnership. If afflicted and weak then short life, early death of mother, litigation over property and robbery of house. Mars. Gain in property and through old people or antiquities benefit and profit at birth place, gain from mother, inheritance through friends and fortunate in property. Love for brothers. Mercury. Gain through partner’s relations, journey’s home to die, sickness of father through journeys, sickness of native due to troubles and domestic unhappiness and trouble through servants. Incomplete education, skilled in many arts and changeable professions. Dependent on others. Jupiter. Blessed with long life, travelling and writing in connection with home affairs and property. Troubles through mother, secret sufferings, restriction or limitations at the end of life. Venus. Cheerful, owner of land and orchards, victory over enemies, property and blessed with long life. Gain and honour through parents, land and property. Old age will be happy. Interest in reclamation, colonization, horticulture, mining or architecture. 4 House — Here Venus will be in Aries sign. It gives incomplete education, mother sickly and blessed with patrimony and long life. There are disputes with brothers. Livelihood through private work and interested in mining, property business, Trade, colonization, agriculture Nursery and architecture. Early demise of mother. They are always interested in increasing the bank balance. His ambition of

constructing his own house is fulfilled after 48 years.becomes owner of land and orchards and is victorious over enemies. Though blessed with wife and children but still have secret relations and love with other women. Frustrated lover. Prostitution and possibilities of second marriage. Because of secret relations with women and connections with prostitutes there are disputes, litigations resulting in loss of money and prestige. Gain through parents and landed property. Good progress and gain in business. Second wife though beautiful but does not love much. Fond of journeys. In general this position of Venus is excellent for journey, profession, conveyance, wealth etc. Saturn. Restless, not well educated, gloomy, unhappy, without property and conveyance, no comforts from parents in middle life. Ancestral property may be destroyed. Success late in life. Occult investigation, gain through lands or mines. Rahu. Travel of foreign countries, gain through property and in an unexpected manner. Fortune in discovery Long lived and trustworthy. Ketu. Loss of confusion with land and buildings, waste of patrimony, jeoperdizes the esteem and credit. Family discord and troubles in life of elders. Fifth House Sun. This is an unfortunate position of Sun and indicates unfortunate children or death of some. Danger through excessive pleasures, speculation, children and their affairs. Gain through ancestral property. Loss through Govt. Moon. Many daughters, scholar of occult science, wealthy and will lead a comfortable life, learned and intelligent, religious and of sanguine temperament. Mars. Gain through parents, much happiness and gain through children, friends and beneficial circumstances. Skilled in use of fire arms, military service and fond of wrestling. If afflicted reverse results. Mercury. Liberal and unconventional ideas, free living, child by strange consort, pleasurable journeys, learned and intelligent, voyages, air flights, sports, foreign investments and speculations. Many enemies, sickly children and illness through pursuits of or over indulgence in pleasure and sports. Skin diseases. Jupiter. Learned, intelligent, respected and famous. Gain from Govt; and persons in authority, religious and pleasure journeys. Mental pleasure through children, brothers, reading, study and travel to pleasure resorts. Venus. Much pleasure, love affairs and adventures, speculation and investment. Prosperous children and pleasure through them. Children will rise to rank and honour, gain and honour through speculations, pleasure, sports or stage. 5 House — Here Venus will be in its own sign of Taurus. Education completed. Inclined to science education and gets graduation and post graduation degree. He is also interested in literature. Wears scented coloured dresses. Write romantic poems and stories. These people are licentious but learned. They can be teacher, writer, lawyer or judge. They are not happy if they don't get a partner equally educated and under such circumstances keep company of other educated women. Native is not much attached to wife. Behaviour indifferent to wife. Married life successful though the native may not give due respect to wife. Not much respect and love for wife but wife is beautiful and obedient. Normally no male issues and even if any born dies prematurely. More daughters. Mostly worried about male issue. Blessed with wealth and conveyance. These people are soft spoken, soft at heart and can be in government service. They can be principal or professor. Take pride in education. Foreign journeys. Gain and honour through speculation. Children are prosperous and gain

of happiness through them. Fond of artistic works and sports. Venus in fifth house in general will bestow huge financial benefits, high intelligence, number of female children, good and prosperous career, worry regarding sons and happy marriage etc. But in Venus dasa during adverse bhukties downfall, difficulties and distress may show their heads. Saturn. Delight in pleasure, amusements, sports, speculation and children with tendency to success through these. Gain by speculations, investment, pleasure entertainment, young people and children. if afflicted, no comforts from children loss and grief through women, early life good, middle average, third part of life unhappy and full of troubles. Disturbed life due to wife and children. Rahu. Fortunate for children and blessed with long life. Wards off many troubles, calamities and dangers. The native gains some public appointment or office and is fond of recreations and sports. Wealthy and respected. Ketu. Many enemies and opponents, may deny children or gives abortion, the children will be disobedient and will face adversity. Excessive or irregular pleasures produce much harm. Limited education, gain of wealth through unfair means, the native may be quarrelsome. Sixth House Sun. Dangerous sickness, death, of pets and servants. Loss of money earned by employment and through those in whose custody it may be. Troubled and worried life, worried and under debt. A diseased native. The parents of the native will face sickness. Loss in profession. Moon. Marriage below status, sickly and evily disposed wife. Many enemies and opponents. Loss through thieves, partnership and contracts. Loss and disrespected due to opposite sex in middle of life. Mars. Troubles through enemies, danger of wound, loss of profession through sickness, and servants. May build his own house. Friends among working people, army, Air or Navy. Faithful servants. Interest in social welfare. Loss of agriculture land. May be there is some effect in arms or feet. Many troubles and turmoils. Danger of being bitten through reptiles. A surgical operation. Mercury. A weak and diseased constitution. Troubles through law suits. Danger to respect. Sickness through travelling, study of science, medicine, healing etc. Difficulty in work in foreign land or in export business. Some severe illness. When aspected by Jupiter then gain through service, employment, poultry, medicine and social service. The native will be popular and will be respected by others. Jupiter. Sickness or injury through journeys, difficulty through brothers, interest in study or social economy. Difficulty and troubles in profession and through employees. Limitations on account of sickness. Troubles and worries due to law suits. Danger to respect may be entangled in some criminal suits and under debt. Venus. Modest worldly position, gain and honour through service, employment, the practice of healing, army or navy affairs. Sickness among children, money through careful speculation or by income of children. Many enemies and opponents, pain in chest and a scar mark on the body. Danger from water. Vice habits. Old age will be pleasurable. 6 House - Here Venus will be in a friendly sign of Gemini. Here it will give good education. Earn money simultaneously through a number of sources. It could be through writing works such as poems, story writing and teaching on the other hand it could be through service, employment, medical profession or science of hearing or jobs in army or navy hospitals. Though Venus will be auspicious in regard to marriage of the native, the troubles arising out of family properties cannot be ruled out. There will be heavy debts. However a decent monetary flow is not ruled out. Money

through careful speculation. Monetary gains from children. A modest worldly position with honour and fame is assured by this position of Venus. Not much happiness from grandfather in laws side. Early demise of father and long age of mother. Expenditure is high. Gives a beautiful wife whose charm begins to fade away after marriage. Gradually differences are certain to crop up between the two. Many enemies and opponents. Trouble in the chest. Sensuous, sexual and debauchee. Selfish to women. Relations with two women. Anxiety regarding family, suffering from diseases, envious towards son, retrograde intelligence. Suffers mostly from the diseases of chest, indigestion, lever and albumenaria etc. Saturn. Victory over numerous enemies, thievish and a liar, adulterous, mischievous, owns a factory and may be a shareholder in many factories. A good healer, gain through humanitarianism, food, clothing and employees. Gain through inferiors. Rahu. Good health and strong body, faithful and honest employees, gain through service, fortunate through service, and father’s relations and by small animals. Ketu. Various afflictions to health and sickly. Crossed and deceived by servants. Gain through unfair means. Loss through small animals. Danger through bite of insects, reptiles or animals. Danger to respect or punishment in middle age. Seventh House Sun. A rich partner or one to whom money comes unexpectedly. If afflicted death of parents and wife. Public enemies, danger of death by violence, suicide, accident or war. Less comforts from relatives and friends. Licentious, obstinate and of rash temperament. Danger to respect in middle age. Loss in profession. Moon. Success in law suits, marriage in good family, a good partner but likely to become cold or proves untrue or hostile. If Moon is weak or afflicted then reverse results. Also one makes many journeys, windy or cold diseases. Mars. Gain through marriage, land and women generally. A loving partner with desirable friendships and social connections. Success in law suits. If afflicted then wife will be adulterous, unfaithful and make divorce or separation will take place. Loss in partnerships, law suits and loss through marriage. Diseases of blood are indicated. Mercury. Quarrelsome, law suits with servants. Difficulties with disreputed women. Sickness and troubles with employees. Public enemies through religious, or scientific persons. Marriage to a stranger whose relatives may oppose. If afflicted or combust reverse results. Jupiter. Jupiter is exalted in this house. Marriage as a result of journeys, writings or to one of relatives, troubles through deceit, contracts and law suits. But the native will be educated, learned and respected. The wife will be faithful, learned and helpful. Comforts from brothers. Rank and authority through Govt; If afflicted reverse results are indicated. Venus. Pleasure, close association or understanding with partner but discord with children. Loss through theft. Gain through law suits and dealing with public. Honour and reputation through marriage and partnership in a responsible concern. Knowledge of law and gain through that. 7 House - In this case Venus will be in an inimical sign of Cancer which of course ensures high education, high and refined imagination, romantic behaviour and thinking . These people are romantic poets writer and artist. In behaviour they are discourteous. Inclined to love marriage and so flirt with many girls. It indicates a wife with big eyes, selfish, quarrelsome, extravagant and unattached. Marriage is to gain money. Early marriage and wife is only a means of sexual gratification. Lot of problems are there in married life. Loss through theft and gains through law suits

dealing with public. Honour and reputation through marriage and partnership in a reputable firm. Wife is haughty and like a witch keeps control over house. Such persons are attached with a widow and sexual union with her results in secret diseases. Love relations during foreign journey with irreligious girls. Union with other women and addiction to wine causes diseases of albumunaria, semen, cold and cough etc. Trouble during water journeys, swimming and water diving. Saturn. Partnerships and close association with others, fond of opposite sex, gain by marriage, contract, business and dealing with others specially with women. If afflicted, loss in business and profession, will be sickly and of opposite temperament, adulterous, suspicious, loss of money through law suits, unions and open enemies. Marital unhappiness. Rahu. Decreases the number of enemies, increases profit through women. It is a testimony for a wise and wealthy partner. Ketu. Many enemies, opponents and loss through them. Contentions and difficulty with partner. Changeable profession. Happy after middle age. Eighth House Sun. Gain by the dead, blessed with long life, intelligent, lucky but of average rank and power. Early part of life will be happy whereas old age will be comparatively unhappy. May face troubles and turmoils. Spiritualistic experiences. A comfortably fixed partner. A natural death. Interest in matters of future life. Moon. Money or property by marriage, may there be death of partner, some inheritance but difficulty over it. If weak and afflicted then short life, unhappy from wife, loss of money through marriage and partnership. Mars. Gain through inheritance, death of friends. Gift and gain through legacies from friends. An easy death. If afflicted then short life, death due to sudden accident, fall or through some wound. Danger to respect. Loss through above. Mercury. Broken and incomplete education. Gain through long journeys, psychic experiences. Prosecution regarding religious, scientific or educational connections, dangerous illness like bronchitis etc. Death of servants, financial gain and reward for faithful service. A lean and weak constitution. If afflicted reverse results. Jupiter. Journeys due to troubles, false accusations, sickness or death of brothers. An unsatisfactory end, many misfortunes, secret, enemies die, troubles over inheritance. Long life, under debt and troubles in life. Venus. Loss through enemies, speculations or gambling, suffers through children who may die before the native. Gain and honours in dealing the estate and money of others, also through law suits, legacies, inheritance etc. Of dead persons. Unhappy from wife, diseased in 6th year and unsuccessful hopes. 8 House - Venus here will be in an inimical sign of Leo. Besides a very important planet lord of 5th and 10th going to 8th house if left alone will mar the horoscope. There will be everlasting penury unhappiness and loss through enemies. Money of others and gains through law suits, legacies and inheritance etc. of dead persons. Very less education. Earn livelihood through difficulties through vocal and instrumental music, poetry and other arts. Lack of marital happiness by way of being deprived of wife. Less pleasure of children who may die before the native. Though most of the time there are quarrels but gets money and happiness through another woman. Early marriage but after death of wife downfall begins. More number of daughters and if any son, there are quarrels with him. However less number of issues. Loss through enemies, speculation or gambling. Troubles

through conveyance, diseased and in general troubles from wife and children. Being engaged in sinful acts suffers from number of secret diseases of Semen. Troubles in journeys and last days are not happy. Ambitions are not realised. Saturn. Occult experiences, death through irregularity gain by legacy and goods of the dead or through money of partner. Many difficulties, assumption on many counts, displeasure from the Govt., and officers. Grieved from children, disreputed, short life if afflicted and death at unknown place. Rahu. Promotes health and conduces to longevity, testimony for gifts and legacies, and gain by the dead. Intelligent and clever. Ketu. Loss of money through deception, sudden or violent death. Danger through bite of insects or reptiles. Disease and trouble in middle age and also unhappy. Danger of disrepute. Ninth House Sun. Generous, charitable, respected and blessed with power through Govt., or officers. No gain from ancestral property. No gain from parents. The partner has troubles with relatives over money matters. Foreign travel. Death in a distant land. Danger of death by drowning or while on voyage. Linguist, poet, mathematician, taste for literature, well read, scholarly, artistic, good memory, reasoning faculty, effeminate body, frank, lucid comprehension, learned in religious lore, reserved, wanting adulation. Moon. Gain through marriage and through partner’s relatives, partner’s journeys to foreign land. Fond of business and agriculture. Gain through inheritance, contracts, partnership, fond of travels, careful of self respect and of changeable moods. If Moon is weak or afflicted then reverse results. Mars. Gain through science, religion, long journeys and wife’s relations. Success and profit through long journeys, friendship through travels and learnings. Friends among educators, ministers, writers, explorer and skilled. Disrespected and dishonest. May commit fraud in charitable funds. Mercury. Prophetic dreams, many fine qualities, good in mathematics and an artist. A good painter and an architect. Gain through ancestral property. Travelling for education, scientific or religious purposes. A respected and learned native. Danger through over study. Fond of opposite sex, comforts in last part of life. Sickness abroad, at sea or while travelling. Illness of wife’s relatives. Work in connection with foreign affairs or universities. If weak, afflicted or combust then reverse results. Jupiter. Professional or honourable journeys, respected and learned. Honour and gain through journeys, writings and other uncomplishments. Long journeys, secret missions, investigation, research, secluded work. Sacrifice for science or religion, Rank and authority. May be a founder of charitable institutions and inns. Venus. Honourable voyage, professional journeys, honours through learnings, writings, publishing, research or philosophy. Dutiful children who travel and give pleasure and learning to the native. Children may become preachers, scientists or explorers. Pleasure in foreign land. If afflicted reverse results. 9 House - Here Venus will be in Virgo, its sign of debilitation. The position of Venus is not auspicious as in general fortune will be rarity in the life of this native. None of his undertakings will yield success. However he will be educated, knowledgeable in arts, honours through writing and publishing, research or philosophy, life settled after marriage, ordinary wife and she is haughty, quarrelsome, selfish and sexy. Husband suffers because of haughty and quarrelsome temperament of wife. The husband under the influence of wife opposes parents. Despite all this marital life is

happy on the average. These people don't enjoy the results of good qualities with which they are blessed and are suppressed because of aggressive and oppressive nature of wife. Because of wife, as mentioned above, there are differences with parents depriving him from patrimony. Financial trouble is there. Children are dutiful and he gets pleasure out of them. Lucky for children who may become either scientist or explorers. Pleasure and gains in long and foreign journeys. Clever in conversation with other women and keeps relations with the girls of low class. If Venus is afflicted in this place marriage may be out of caste or with women older in age or widow. He also maintains unnatural relations. These people are generally well behaved and steady in temperament and want to live happily without hard work. Normally unpopular with women. Saturn. Long journeys religious or psychic experiences, liking for science, law invention and all matters connected with higher mind. Prophetic dreams or visions. Gain through books, trading and export work. If afflicted then waste of ancestral property, adulterous and disrespected, death of parents in childhood and irreligious. Rahu. Success in educational, legal or religious studies, good mental qualities. Favourable for voyage and foreign affairs, prophetic institution and true dreams. Ketu. Unfortunate voyages, curious dreams, unreliable premonitions, trouble and danger of imprisonment in foreign lands. Not happy relations with parents and relatives. Not religious. Troubled and diseased. Tenth House Sun. Rise to high position in religion, others will gain through him. Gain through inheritance. Be careful that Sun in this house as it is in his debilitated sign and will not be so beneficial. If afflicted danger of violent death through Govt., order or war. Business through matters of dead and reverse results. Moon. Fond of travel, respect and careful for that. An honourable partner gainful to professional career. If weak and afflicted then troubles by opponents through Govt., or officers, honour or enemy. no substantial gain through inheritance. May remain under debts. Mars. Gain through trade, profession, public or Govt. work, or by fruits of the earth. Friendship among those in good position, gain and honour through them. Also through social standing, business of Govt. circles. Many enemies. If afflicted reverse results. Mercury. Victory over opponents and enemies; skilled and intelligent. Honour, credit and respect through science, literature and travel. Success in foreign affairs. Honour through service, municipal or national activities. Gain through ancestral property. A good status in life, respected and famous. If afflicted, weak or combust, then results like sickness through honour, sorrows or afflictions due to mother or father-in-law and reverse results or above. Jupiter. Gain by occupation, power, rank and authority. Obedient to parents, also through profession, merchandising or Govt. or wife’s parents but of suspicious nature. Respected and famous. A good comfortable life. If weak or afflicted loss through employer, superiors and Govt. resulting in disgrace and disrepute, all this will result in long journeys or retirement and seclusion. Venus. Gain and honour through profession, honorary office or Govt. employment. Success through parents and opposite sex. Honourable children, renown in speculations, business or theatrical world. Gain through in-laws. A native of good authority and power. Learned and intelligent. Will spend on charitable and noble causes. Wealthy and blessed with property. Favourite of people. 10 House Venus, here will be placed in Libra sign owned by itself. The native gets a number of degrees in any field of knowledge and gets a high post in government. These people can also be

vocal and instrumental musician, poet essayist, story writer, dramatist, novelist signer or dancer. They participate in almost all artistic activities. These people gain honour and money through one of these artistic activity. They are also expert in astrology, mathematics and palmistry etc. and earn name and fame. These people are very influential and gain honour through profession. These people can occupy a very senior position in government. He will enjoy vast landed properties and blessed with decorated house and conveyance. If Sun is simultaneously in fall, the person will be liable to serious health afflictions. Renown in speculations, business or theatrical world. Highly materialistic and status conscious. Inclined to remain unmarried or marries only when he gets wealth. Temperamental incompatibility exists between husband and wife. Two marriages are possible. Gain through in-laws. In general the native because of this position of Venus is in post of authority and power. He is intelligent and learned. Children are also there. Bestowed with father and success through him. A very good relation with father. Differences with mother. He will spend on charitable and noble causes. Favourite of public and respected by people. Make love with other women by way of recreation. Foreign travels. Sensuous and addicted to drinks. Engages himself in selfless service and have no knowledge of religious activities. They have their own convictions instead of believing or not believing in God. He is benevolent and feels happy in serving needy people. Life is happy and artistic. Saturn. Gain of high position, successful administrator and wealthy, rise and high social status, by occupation, profession Govt. or inlaws. When weak or afflicted then financial loss through employer etc. displeasure of superiors, or suffers dignities, limitation because of rights withheld, liable to disrespect loss of parents or trouble through them. Rahu. The native will achieve honours, credit and high position by merit of industry and ability. Fond of travel. Ketu. Loss of position through deception, treachery and adverse public conditions such as sudden depressions, changes or failures. Eleventh House Sun. Gain and legacies through friends, death among friends. One will be greedy, adulterous and devoid of ancestral property. Careful for his respect. Average profession. Moon. Friends become public opponents or enemies. Marriage to a widow or widower with children but liable to trouble through them. Unsuccessful hopes, no gain through parents. An unlucky native. Mars. Large circle of friends and gain through them. Much pleasure in life, successful hopes and wishes in old age, good relations with brothers, friends among unique, ingenious, or radical people. If afflicted and weak, reverse results like separation and strained relations with brothers, enemies among friends, loss through trade and ancestral property. Mercury. Fortunate friendship on voyages and friends among foreigners and foreign lands. Acquaintances and gain through travellers, scientists and legislators and interest in political social and legislative activities. If afflicted, combust or weak then reserve results like sickness among family and friends, grief through brothers and unsuccessful hopes. Jupiter. Respected and famous. Religious and God fearing. Will earn money through righteous means. Friends through journeys. Gain through brothers, progressive studies, hopes and wishes will be attained. If afflicted, loss through advice of friends, unfortunate undertakings, great disappointment and obstacles, deceitful friends etc.

Venus. Native of sweet spoken and intelligent, comforts of conveyance and property. Gain through opposite sex, eminent friends and legislators and persons in authority. An honourable fortune, ambitious ideals. Successful hopes, love of children. If afflicted reverse results. 11 House - Venus will be in sign of Scorpio owned by Mars. This is not a favourable position for Venus but here because of Venus being benefic and planets give benefic results in eleventh house. Much of good is contributed. Thus Venus in llth will generally give benefic results. In this position it may cause a second marriage. However education is not completed. He is handsome, healthy, sweet spoken and intelligent. Good progress in business dealing with garments and other vocations. The person is mostly miser, selfish and fond of living abroad. At the age of 32 years one gets a chance to work. In young age there are number of illicit relations with young girls from good families and lot of money is spent with accompanying defamation and disputes. Wife is beautiful, attractive and enthusiastic. Gains through and after marriage are indicated. Native is generally highly romantic and marriage proposals start pouring at a very young age. Immoral in character and relations with women condemned by society. Gain through women, friends and persons in authority. High and ambitious ideals. Blessed with comforts of conveyance and property. An honourable fortune. Blessed with children, brothers and parents. Good gains through business in foreign countries. Journeys within the country and honoured by getting elected in assemblies etc. Patrimony. Get involved in evil and vicious acts outside their city. Prostitution, non-vegetarian food and drinking etc. In principal they believe in achieving their ends irrespective of the means which can be good or evil. Saturn. Gain by friends and accidental fortune, wealthy, large circle of friends, much pleasure in hopes and gain by the success of employment. If afflicted, friends will be detrimental and defeated hopes. Short life, bad temperament, doubtful nature, licentious, disreputed, no gain from education and loss in business. Rahu. Meritorious, friendships, acquaintances, successful hopes and wishes, voyages, intelligent and learned. Skilled in a few arts. Rise as life advances and good promotions and comforts in life. Ketu. Undesirable associations, loss of opportunities, defeated hopes. Wrong advice and false friends. Twelfth House Sun. In early age, one will lead a comfortable life, respected and long journeys, in middle age, grief from children, downfall, financial troubles, loss of property and disreputed. Difficulty over inheritance, death of secret or private enemies. Great sorrows, fear of death or imprisonment. Short-tempered, spoils, reliable, rich, obstinate, respected by all, happy, popular, religious, wealthy, musician. Moon. Weak and diseased, unhappy marriage, secret sorrows, jealous, vexation, sickness through opponents or fear of imprisonment. If Sun is afflicted death at the hands of enemies. Mars. Many journeys, loss of ancestral and self earned property, afflicted health, end of life in seclusion or devoted to the study of occult science. Deceitful friends, good friendship through occults. Pleasure in peaceful, quite, harmonious or secluded places. Mercury. Many journeys, careful for his respect, loss of money. Disease of bronchitis in old age is indicated. Fear of imprisonment, sickness, work of secret nature. Difficulty and sorrow through religion, science and journeys. In middle or latter part of life seek seclusion for self development, occult science etc. and may take long journey for the same. If a writer or inventor, will hardly complete his work due to many obstacles, and get it to public.

Jupiter. Occult abilities, learned, sweet speech, pilgrimage. Generous and well reputed, may be poet. Charitable. Powerless enemies, disappointments and obstacles, adversities will enable him to develop inner mind growth and understanding. Grief through brothers. Secret sufferings, seclusion and danger of enmities or imprisonment. Venus. Unexpected gain of rank and position, sorrow through children, speculations, mysterious research, friends may be secret enemies and cause loss of position, office or honour. Unfortunate environments. Benefic use through occult science. 12 House - Venus will be in Sagittarius sign owned by Jupiter. The native will have noble ideas and can be poet, writer, artist, lover of music. He makes good progress in dramatic activities. Unexpected gain of rank and position. Wife is noble but quarrelsome and native suffers because of quarrelsome nature of wife. This position of Venus is very good for coborns. Sensuous, debauchee and gains money. Second marriage is possible. This position indicates sorrow through children, speculation, troubles from enemies, obstacles in promotion and disputes with wife. There may be loss of position, office or honour. Life is generally miserable and environments mostly unfortunate. As they take two works simultaneously in hand, there is normally no success. Keep relations with old lady and get money through her. Benefic use through occult sciences. He will acquire good progeny who will be successful and prosperous. Saturn. Gain through occult science and secret missions, success in middle life, no fixed profession, wastage of money in licentious deeds. Service or income through law people and illegal means, irreligious. Fear of imprisonment, secret unhappiness, enemies but benefit and gain through occult. Rahu. Gain by secret methods or in seclusion and through occultism. Fond of journeys, when afflicted reverse results. Ketu. Loss and troubles through secret enemies, liability to imprisonment or restraint and restrictions. Unfavourable to health, relations with low people, grief through children and a troubled life. Capricorn Saturn+ Cardinal Earth. Recall what you learned about Saturn, reality, tenacity, etc. Now consider those interests expressing themselves through cardinal earth. The nature of Saturn becomes more forceful, decisive and ambitious due to the cardinal mode, and even more enduring, immovable and rigid due to the earth element. Capricorn encourages absolutely unrelenting tenacity with decisive dedication to realizing practical results from extremely ambitious goals. We symbolize this meaning in the image of a mythical sea creature called a “Capricorn” or “Mākara.” The original version of this formidable beast is a crocodile’s jaws with a shark’s tail and a deer’s legs. The crocodile jaws are symbolic of tenacity, never letting go. The ability to be swift on water or land like a shark or a deer shows the decisive cardinality of this sign, and highlights Saturn’s ability to tolerate and dominate in any condition, land or sea. Capricorn Qualities: Hardworking, Capable, Meticulous, Ambitious, Serious, Disciplined. Vital Signs: • These hard-working folks are extremely ambitious. Hard-work and ambition is bound to lead to

success and sure it does! • Rather than short-term returns, they focus on long term goals and the rewards they enshrine. • Efficient and meticulous, these people are mostly politically correct and diplomatic to the bone. • Their wit helps them make effective impressions on others. • They tend to have a grown-up air about them right since their youth. • They are easily upset by lapses in personal decorum. • As far as personal shortcomings go, they tend to be harsh on themselves. Star Quirks: • They loathe failures and setbacks and tend to suppress anger by being reclusive. • Interestingly, these folks could be depressed at the happiest moments of their lives, possibly owing to their high expectations. • They are prone to be miserly and may often compensate on items of luxury. However, the saving streak stems from their habit of saving for a rainy day. • These fighters combat all set-backs head-on. Work-Wise They make very efficient administrators. Capricorn (January 13th to February 12th) The 10th astrological sign Capricorn and its element is earth. Saturn is the planet and the shades of brown are the favorite colors. Capricorns are firm, efficient, strong-minded, and introvert, dutiful, diligent, loyal, enduring, ambitious and devoted to your family. They have hard hair on their scalp. Sharpened chin is usually noticeable. They are showy sometimes. When it comes to clothes, the Capricorns want simply the best. Famous for their great legs, Capricorn incline toward form-fitting pants and skirts with high slits. Everything else in their wardrobe is classic and tailored, though; there isn’t a bead or fringe in sight. You have large feet makes pedicure a must. Blue and white will bring in success in your career and improve your personality. They will also improve your situation at home. Yellow and red should be kept away as they may create problems. Lucky Color: Brown, Steel, Grey, Black, forest green most dark colors Capricorn Ascendant, Capricorn Rising Sign There's a seriousness to Capricorn rising people that is unmistakable. Even when they're joking around, it's of the deadpan variety. In fact, plenty of very humorous people have Capricorn Ascendants. It's all in the timing...and the fact that they don't giggle before the joke is over. Capricorn Ascendant people project competence. They simply ooze it. They're generally very imageconscious people--the clothes they wear and their manner are a big deal to them. They want to appear successful, and they generally succeed! Often the Ascendant persona is the one that was forced upon us by family conditioning. For example, parents may label their Libra Ascendant child the "nice" one; their Aries Ascendant child the "independent" one; and their Pisces Ascendant child is generally the space cadet of the family. We adopt these roles as familiar ones, and often carry them with us as our defense mechanisms, in some way or another, for the rest of our lives. In the case of Capricorn Ascendants, these were the children who were considered the responsible ones. Sometimes, it was they themselves who looked around them and felt the need to be the structured, dependable, and responsible members of the family. So, often, Capricorn rising people adopted a strong sense of tradition, family, and responsibility at a very young age.

Capricorn rising people are generally big on family, and forever worry about security--for themselves and their dependents. They come across to others as hard-working, competent, and dependable people. What others may not see under that cool, even suave, exterior, is an inner struggle: they often ask themselves, "Am I doing enough?", "Do I deserve all of this?", "How can I make things better?" They worry a lot about the future. If success seemed to have come easy to these folks, it hasn't. They just made it look that way with a patient, hard-working, driven personality. Some Capricorn rising people practice some form of selfdenial. They know how to do away with the frivolous. Still, they'll spend money on the clothes they really want (the ones with the right labels, that is), and other status symbols. Although they're rarely showy, their quiet air of success is often a result of conscious effort. More often than not, Capricorn rising individuals are success stories. Their childhoods may have been difficult, but they slowly but surely turn their lives around. Saturn rules this Ascendant, and this generally means a kind of backwards way of living--as children, they are serious and bear a lot of responsibility; and as they grow up, they age beautifully, learning how to loosen up. The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one's environment. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. The Ascendant shows an individual's first, natural reaction to new people and situations. The characteristics of Capricorn Ascendant described above are modified by planets conjunct the Ascendant, planets that aspect the Ascendant, and the position of the ruling planet of the sign on the Ascendant. For example, a person with a Capricorn Ascendant with its ruling planet, Saturn, in Sagittarius will respond to the environment a little differently than another person, also with a Capricorn Ascendant, but whose Saturn is in Scorpio. Similarly, a person with a Capricorn Ascendant who also has Venus conjunct it will "behave" differently than someone with a Capricorn Ascendant who does not have that aspect in their natal charts. Capricorn Rising The following interpretation of Capricorn Ascendant is from the Karmic Insight Report, and is written from an esoteric viewpoint. The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of your birth is called the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus, and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces past, present, and future. It describes the way you engage and merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your birth chart. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul's function and thus a key part of your destiny. Capricorn Rising - General Hardheaded realism, earthly pragmatism and a concern for outward form or reputation colors your entire life expression. You are ruled by Saturn, planet of time, old age, and maturity, as well as of pruning, discipline, and restriction, the archetype of the Crone or the Seney, the old man. Thus, you possess the impersonal detachment and worldly understanding of an elder, even in youth. You will have to cultivate flexibility and moisture (in your body as well as in your thinking) in order to offset your natural tendency toward dryness and/or rigidity and stiffness. (Since you are Saturn-ruled, the section on this planet later in the report is especially relevant to you).

Esoterically, mastery of the world of form and the ability to physically manifest and embody spirit is a key to your soul function. A Spiritual Interpretation of Capricorn Rising "Your rising sign's symbol is the goat, an animal that seeks the highest places on a mountain. The symbol also incorporates the tail of a fish, suggesting that your roots are somehow in the water. The part of the body related to this sign is the knee. Two images come to mind: you engage in the ambitious climb through your profession, seeking greater height for its own sake. Yet you are able to dive into the water and use your flexible knees to move you through the water. The contrast of material upward progress and downward movement into the emotional realm is striking. Yet both are related to the material condition of the living human being. Your spiritual path lies in the blending of these forces, and the material plane provides the catalyst for your spiritual development. One-sided material ambition cannot elevate you to a higher spiritual plane any more than one-sided emotional life can satisfy you completely. Together they form the foundation from which all future progress emerges. It is from this synthesis that you can move into the nest turning of your upward moving spiritual path. The hallmark of this rising sign is intelligent activity. Thus it is important for you to pay attention to whatever subjects you study and to go beyond the facts to discern the theory that governs your interests. Finally you will be able to use your skills to identify multiple solutions to problems. Then you can exercise spiritual discernment to identify the solution that best suits the situation and the individuals involved. Underlying the desire to find a workable solution lies the desire to work that solution harmoniously. Going back to the knee, the capacity to kneel parallels your ability to climb and to swim. I recall stories of pilgrims who travel the last part of their journey to a shrine on their knees as a sign of humility before the greatness of the divine. You may want to learn humility before the greatness of your peers and learn to serve them willingly." Capricorn Ascendant from the Cosmo Natal Report: "Cautious, prudent, and rather self-contained, you are a person who approaches life realistically and who is not inclined to take foolish chances or get carried away by the overly optimistic or idealistic schemes of starry-eyed dreamers. In fact, you frequently have a jaundiced view of such things. You are rather worldly-wise at a fairly young age, even something of a cynic. Often the world doesn't seem like a safe, friendly place to you, and you tend to approach life in a guarded, conservative manner. You are generally calculating and careful, and are rarely spontaneous, fluid, open, and childlike. You are pragmatic, shrewd, and an excellent strategist, carefully planning your moves for maximum effectiveness and advantage. You are willing to work long and persistently for what you want and you often do things the hard way. You do not expect others to take care of you and sometimes refuse or simply don't seek any outside help. You are often very ambitious, but quietly so. There is nothing flamboyant or flashy about your approach. You are very responsible, conscientious, and very concerned with your duties to others and how you appear in society, your "rank" so to speak. To others you seem mature, serious, quiet, reflective, and emotionally detached. You dislike sloppy sentimentality and won't openly display your feelings, especially the softer ones. You like to always appear poised and in control and hate to show any weakness, vulnerability, or chinks in the armor. You respect tradition and the time-honored way of doing things, and you feel there is much to be gained from studying history and also by learning from older, more experienced people. A wise

mentor or father is often your guide in life, and you in turn develop a great deal of hard-earned wisdom which you like to impart to younger people. You have a stern, authoritarian, no-nonsense aspect to your personality. You expect much from yourself and may not give yourself enough room to experiment and make mistakes. You also tend to be rather close-fisted, to save and conserve your money and resources rather than spending, enjoying, or splurging with them. You spend money on things of quality and of lasting value, things which are good investments, but not frivolous, temporary pleasures. There is a bit of the ascetic in you. You have great self-discipline and self-control and can "do without" very well. Your tastes are generally understated and simple. Though you may have other, more colorful and imaginative sides, the face you show the world is modest and rather conservative." Famous People with Capricorn Rising: Lucille Ball (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Taurus) Candice Bergen (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Cancer) Wade Boggs (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Sagittarius) Erma Bombeck (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Sagittarius) Deborah Boone (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Scorpio) Ray Bradbury (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Virgo) Charles Bronson (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Libra) Bobby Brown (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Aries) Dick Cavett (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Pisces) Nat King Cole (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Leo) Sean Connery (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn) Francis Ford Coppola (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Aries) Marie Curie (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Scorpio) Catherine Deneuve (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Gemini) Carmen Electra (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Gemini) Queen Elizabeth I (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Cancer) Queen Elizabeth II (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Scorpio) Jane Fonda (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Pisces) Mark Hamill (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Libra) Dustin Hoffman (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Aries) Anthony Hopkins (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Pisces) Amy Jo Johnson (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Taurus) Ted Kennedy (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn) Billy Jean King (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Gemini) Michael Knight (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn) Michael Landon (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Pisces) Brandon Lee (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Pisces) Liberace (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Leo) Sophia Loren (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Aquarius) Dylan McDermott (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn) Paul Newman (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Scorpio) George Segal (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Aquarius) Tom Selleck (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Cancer)

Cindy Williams (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Leo) Joanne Woodward (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Capricorn) William Butler Yeats (Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in Libra)

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