Makalah Tourism Tulang Bawang & Waykanan

February 1, 2019 | Author: Syarieff Rieff | Category: Tourism, Tourism And Leisure, Foods
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Makalah Tourism Tulang Bawang & Waykanan...



Bawang And Way Kanan Towns”

Arraged By: GROUP 8 NO





























First of all thank to our God, who has been giving us blessing and opportunity so we can finish this assignment

“tourism” ,

although our assignment have not good yet

and still need suggestions to correct this paper. In this case, the writer would like to say thank to: 1. Our parent who has supported us to finish this paper. 2. Mr. Saifudin Latif S.pd, M.pd our lecturer in this subject and who has been giving us direction to do this paper. Hopefully this paper can be useful to whosever read this paper, generally to the university and especially all of the students in B class. For sure the writer need critics and suggestions for the writer paper in the future will be better.


24 , May 2013

Writer, Group 8


COVER PAGE ...................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................. i


....................................................................................... ...................................................... ................................. ii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................ ......................... iii


....................................................................................... ...................................................... ................................. 1

1.1 Possesion, Po ssesion, giving and lending ........................................................... 1


....................................................................................... ...................................................... ................................. 3

2.1 Science And Technology .................................................................. 3

CHAPTER III ...................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................. 5 3.1 Time

....................................................................................... ...................................................... ................................. 5

CHAPTER IV ...................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................. 9 4.1 Movement And Speed ...................................................... ...................................................................... ................ 9


....................................................................................... ...................................................... ................................. 12

5.1 Obligation ...................................................... ....................................................................................... ................................. 12

CHAPTER VI Conclusion .................................................... .................................................................... ................ 18 PREFERENCE


1. Tulang Bawang story

Tulang Bawang district was formed in 1997 through the secretariat Preparation Tulang Bawang regency. This determination by letter dated 14 No.821.2/II/09/97 Governor's decision on the appointment of Regent Januari1997 Level II preparation Tulang Bawang. Menggala town has a very old history, where Menggala is known as the Paris of Lampung. The population of Tulang Bawang regency until the end of  2001 amounted to 711 886 inhabitants.

At the time of the formation / establishment of Tulang Bawang district on March 20, 1997 Tulang Bawang regency at that time had the largest area, 22% of the Province of Lampung. By being aware of the challenges and efforts to accelerate the development and shorten the span of control of public services in the area of Earth

 Nengah Sai Nyappur this, then all elements of society and is fully supported by the Government of Tulang Bawang district, In 2008 Tulang Bawang district is divided into 3 (three) new autonomous region (DOB) with Law No. 49 Year 2008 on the Establishment of the Autonomous Region District Mesuji and Law No. 50 Year 2008 on the Establishment of the Autonomous Region District Bone West onions. After the division of this region, the current Tulang Bawang district has an area of ± 4361.83 Km2, which is scattered in the Government District 15 regions, 4 and 148 Kampung Village. Although this area has been expanded, Tulang Bawang district still has a variety of natural resources and cultural diversity potential to be developed in order to achieve the welfare of all sections of society.

Tulang Bawang district is only about 120 Km capital of Lampung, Bandar Lampung. While from Jakarta by using air transport ± 45 minutes from Soekarno Hatta Airport heading Raden Intan II (Branti) followed by 2 hours by road to the city Menggala Tulang Bawang regency. For those who want to use land transportation distance from Jakarta to Menggala is within ± 8 hours through the Port of Merak Bakauheni. 2. Geographical Location

Tulang Bawang district with Menggala the capital, is approximately 120 km from the Capital (Bandar Lampung). The boundaries bounda ries of the district area as follows:

Kabupaten Mesuji Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat

Tulang Bawang

Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

Laut Jawa

• Tulang Bawang district with an area of 7770.84 km or 22% of the area of Lampung Province. Located between 3 ° 50'-4 ° 40 'latitude and 104 ° 58'-105 ° 52' E

• Tulang Bawang regency is located at the downstream of 2 (two) major rivers namely Way Tulang Bawang and Mesuji Way

• Most of the Tulang Bawang district is an area of alluvial plains and marshes as well. With the kind of constituent composed of alluvial soil, regosol, andosol, podzolic  brown, and red-yellow podzolic latosols

• Tulang Bawang regency gate traffic lane heading east and out of Lampung Province, which borders Histories Ogan Ilir (OKI) South Sumatra, and Java Sea. Road transportation infrastructure supported Hiking Trails East and the East Coast, which would shorten the path of economic goods and services to Java and from Java to Sumatra.

• Based on Regional Regulation No. 7 of 2005, the administration of Tulang Bawang district was divided into 24 Districts. But since June 2007, Tulang Bawang district was divided into 28 sub-districts and 240 Kampung / Village

3. Tulang Bawang regency

Kecamatan Mesuji / Mesuji sub district. Kecamatan Menggala /Megala sub district. Kecamatan Tulang bawang Tengah / Tulang Bawang Tengah sub district. Kecamatan Tulang Bawang Udik Tulang Udik Tulang Bawang Udik sub district. Kecamatan Simpang Pematang / Simpang Pematang sub district. Kecamatan Gedung Aji /Gedung Aji sub district. Kecamatan Gunung Terang /Gunung Terang sub district. Kecamatan Banjar Agung /Banjar Agung sub district.

Kecamatan Way Serdang/ Way Serdang sub district. Kecamatan Tanjung Raya /Janjung Raya sub district. Kecamatan Gedung Meneng/ Gedung Meneng sub district. Kecamatan Rawajitu Selatan / Rawajitu Selatan sub district. Kecamatan Penawar Tama / Penawar Tama sub district. Kecamatan Rawa Jitu Utara / Rawa Jitu Utara sub district. Kecamatan Lambu Kibang / Lambu Kibang sub district. Kecamatan Tumi Jajar / Jajar / Timun Jajar sub district. 4. Tari Bedayo Tulang Bawang "Harta Karun Yang Baru Terungkap"

Bedayo Tulang Bawang dance is one of the traditional dances that exist in Tulang Bawang has a very old age compared to other dances that exist in Menggala. Marwansyah Citizens said that Dance Bedayo Tulang Bawang once created at the request of his sister Menak Menak Sakaria and descent ari puti Sangecang Earth Month, in the village Tus Bujung Bujun g Menggala Udik Tulang Bawang district. It is said that the emergence of dance Bedayo Tulang Bawang result of the plagues that struck villages in the Bujung Menggala it. Various attempts were made at that time, but does not go away, as long as the hermitage marvelous Sakaria got the DI so

mengadaan ceremony and cut the black sheep dance accompanied by a female dancer  who performed the sacred still amounted to 12 people. Dandayanti queen explained, that in the beginning Bedayo Tulang Bawang dance called dance cult or cure disease. Worship dance was performed in temples Gughi which was witnessed by many people around Kampung Bujung Menggala. Bedayo origin of the word comes from the word culture, dance Bedayo therefore only found in Tulang Bawang district alone. Bedayo Tulang Bawang dance danced by twelve dancing princesses. Three dancers  bringing offerings and are at the forefront, and there is one person in charge of  carrying an umbrella son as a companion but not in a dancing position. The offerings were brought by three women dancers are: yellow rice mixed with turmeric and flowers, incense, and leaves one. Nine dancers and this is a symbol of  human life which symbolizes the human senses function and liver function, nerve and human feet. Then for three dancers who brought the offerings to the deity symbolizing. Bedayo Tulang Bawang dance compilation of the results of these have some basic fundamental movement that has become the core motion. For example: 1. Lapah motion tebeng (Stepping) 2. Worship motion Pebekou (Worship) 3. Hovering Samber motion (Birds Fly) There is a movement that characterizes the movement pebukou worship, which has a very deep meaning in the past, the worship of the gods. The clothing worn Bedayo Tulang Bawang dancers include: 1. Siger or Makuto 2. Amulet Necklace 3. Bracelet Kano 4. Tapis Cucuk Kanda

5. Tapis Close Chest 6. Yellow Belt 7. Shawl 8. Tanggai Drafting process Bedayo Tulang Bawang dance from start to finish accompanied by musical instruments are often referred to klenongan talo tuning custody or custody. Talo reinforcements in Tulang Bawang often referred to klenongan. Talo Balak  complete the instrument amounted to 19 pieces played by 9 drummers (called  penayakan). Game results custody talo instrument is referred to as wasps.

5. Symbol Meaning Region(Regulation Of Regency Bone Onion Number 01 Of  1997)

Motto:: Sai Bumi Nengah Nyappur  Motto

1. Pentagonal shield, symbolizing the Tulang Bawang people are able to maintain the ideals of the Indonesian nation, resume development, advancing the area  based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

2. The top of the emblem reads BONE ONION, red letters, basic white, symbolizing the presence and formation of Regional Tulang Bawang, in shades of unity, unity, spirit, and honor to the Red and White. 3. White-colored umbrella, symbolizing protection, protector, the highest honor  Tulang Bawang community. 4. At Umbrella there are 20 (twenty) tassel, striped 3 (three), of radius 9 (nine), surging 7 (seven), symbolizes the Tulang Bawang district was inaugurated on 203-1997. 5. Crown / cap gold, symbolizing leadership / courage / heroism Tulang Bawang community. 6. A circle, symbolizing the Tulang Bawang people are Heterogeneous, from diverse cultural, educational, social, cohesive unity of action firm in a professional manner, reaching goals, stepping into the future, building Tulang Bawang glory. 7. In the circle: • The top of the circle contained in Moss Green color, symbolizing symbolizing a cool environment, agriculture, fisheries, livestock, crops. • The top of the circle, there are 4 (four) wavy lines, symbolizing dominance of at least 4 (four) major rivers have historically led the glory of Tulan g Bawang. • The bottom of the circle circle there is a chocolate color, co lor, symbolizing fertility. • In the circle there is a Spear Sp ear / Payan, crisscrossed Kris, is a traditional weapon Tulang Bawang people are ready to defend the honor and public areas. 8. Rice and Cotton circuit, which symbolizes togetherness intact to realize a  prosperous society, physically and spiritually prosperous, equitable and  prosperous in the container Statute based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

9. Pepadun / mahligai place of a penyimbang Highways, symbolizing the Tulang Bawang community has long recognized that a strong leadership system and rooted. 10. Lampung script writing reads "Tulang Bawang" 11. Strand of ribbon reading "Sai Nengah Nyappur Earth", the basic white with red writing. 12. Sai Nengah Nyappur Earth, meaning that, Tulang Bawang community area is very open, easy to adapt to the environment, as well as friendly in the association, is a manifestation of attitudes and abilities, nobility and confidence, and confidence. 13. White color symbolizes Highways / Megou. 14. Yellow color symbolizes Tiuh / Kampung 15. Red color symbolizes the tribe. 6. Tugu Menggala

Located in Menggala –  Menggala – Tulang Tulang Bawang


Megow Pak University

Located In Menggala –  Menggala – Tulang Tulang Bawang Megow Pak University in the next future

8. Masjid Agung Menggala

Located In Menggala- Tulang Bawang 9. Islamic Center Tulang Bawang

Located in Menggala-Tulang Bawang

10. Jembatan Cakat Tulang Bawang

Located In Menggala –  Menggala – Tulang Tulang Bawang 11. Way Tulang Bawang

Way is a river Tulang Bawang in Lampung most tenbesar with a width of about 200 m across Menggala City. It can be used as a tourist attraction adventure, camping,

fishing and other tourist activities, there are still many people who also inhabit some  parts of the river, better b etter place to live and as a place to make a living by b y installing fish cages around this Way Tulang Bawang. For development in the future will come, Way Tulang Bawang can be used as an annual sports arena for example: ornamental boat races, rowing and canoeing and fishing, but it can also be built floating restaurant and food centers seerta typical souvenirs Tulang Bawang. 12. Bujung Tenuk 

Swamps in tapir Bujung Menggala city is tidal marsh areas become water reservoir  naturally in the rainy season, so it looks like the rainy season vast lake and of course very beautiful scenery to be enjoyed as well as a eco-tourism, while in the dry season this area a wide field through which the various species of birds (even rare) and can  be used as a playground and herding. Long-term program re Onions County Government will develop the area into wisaa object adventure, ecotourism, camping, look for the trail, fishing, agro-tourism, farm and rural tourism, historical tourism, cultural tourism, and religious travel, so that  people / tourists will soon be Bujung tapir as a tourist destination (DTW) in Lampung

Province. Because Bujung tapir Cross is located in East Sumatra highway and partially located in the Trans-Asia, then to road users who will be heading to the northern part of the island of Sumatra and over the road, it would have crossed the tapir Bujung region. 13. Rawa Pitu

One of the conservation area in Tulang Bawang district is located in the Swamp Pitu Aji Mountain District. Here there are many different types of tropical vegetation and animals as well as hundreds of species of tropical birds that migrated between continents. It is suitable for travel while holding scientific research.

14. Rawa Pancing

Fishing swamp offer offer in Banjar Agung District t, is a wetland with an area of  approximately 12,000 hectares, in addition to beautiful scenery, Pacing is also rich diversity of flora and fauna are endangered and protected. Tourists can enjoy the nature by walking, camping, boating, exploring and other tourist activity

15. Bawang Latak/ Onion Latak 

The attraction potential region, traversed by the highway Across Asia and when the rainy season the water evenly with Bujung swamp tapir, so it would seem like a vast lake with beautiful scenery and a variety of rare flora at the time / particular  month will appear in this area. Separations onions now frequented by the public both individuals, small groups or  large groups (families) to simply enjoy the beautiful scenery recreation, eating together, fishing and boating. Panjangakan term program developed into an integrated tourism area with Bujung tapir.

16. Wirabangun & Onion Lake Lambu

Onions Lambu located in District Pagar Dewa about an hour from the city Menggala is a lake that in addition to having a beautiful view (flora), also used by the local community as the livelihood of fishermen to catch fish, this lake also there are 2 (two) are considered grave sacred by the local community, which is the tomb Menak  Makdum and Menak Melako supposedly historically are brother and sister and is a descendant Menak Beautiful (Mr. Rio Relatives) of Panaragan. In addition there itupula diverse bird species and there is a crocodile that is considered sacred by the  people around the lake which is now maintained b y a local resident. Onions Lambu in this activity that can be done is fishing, boating, camping, adventure tourism, outbound, search for the trail, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and a variety of rare  bird species. 17. Kuala Teladas

In Kuala Teladas pekampungan not only are there people on the water, but they also use the river as a place of local fish cages which results not only sold out the Tulang Bawang, Lampung it out, such as: fish Baung, Patin, Cork and other fish species. Tourists can enjoy the River Tour and Farm and Rural Tourism. 18. Makam Minak Pati Prajurit/ Starch Minak Soldier tomb

Historically, Tulang Bawang is one of the oldest kingdoms in Indonesia, because in the middle of the 4th century Buddhist pilgrim Fa-Hein named, had stopped at a  prosperous and glorious kingdom, yaiu To-Po-Lang Hwang (Tulang Bawang ). Thus since time immemorial story Tulang Bawang community resistance to the newcomers who want to colonize, has been around since the time it was, so many heroes in those days fall and to date there are some grave btersebar in Tulang Bawang district which still can be seen. Because there are people who think the sacred tomb, often at certain times they visit the grave, good only for a pilgrimage or to "special interests". Tombs are often visited are: Minak Patih Soldiers in Pagar Dewa, Minak Ngegulung in Tiuh Toho, Minak  Sengaji in Menggala and other tombs which are considered sacred by the local  people. 19. Hotel in Tulang Bawang

1. Hotel Musi Raya Address/Jl. Raya Lintas Timur Unit 2 Kec. Bandar Agung 2. Hotel Rembulan Address/Jl. Raya Lintas Timur no 192 Kec. Menggala 3. Hotel Wisata Address Kec. Banjar Agung Tulang Bawang 4. Hotel Nusantara Adess Kec. Banjar Agung Tulang Bawang 5. Hotel Sari Batung Address/Jl. Gunung Sakti no 23 Kec. Menggala

20. Restaurant

1. RM Cometha Adress/Jl. Buay Bulan Desa Lebuh Dalem III/44 Menggala (Telp : +62-726-21084) 2. RM Lestari Address Desa Dwi Warga Kab. Tulang Bawang 3. RM Soponyono Address Desa Dwi Warga Tunggal Jaya, Yulang Bawang 4. RM Jati Wangi Address Kec. Tulang Bawang Tengah, Tulang Bawang 5. RM Simpang Jaya Address Desa Lebuh Dalem, Tulang Bawang 21. Tradisional food

The results showed that different types of Tulang Bawan g traditional foods can be grouped according to their raw materials, and processing methods are:

1. Staple foods; Mei (Rice), Mei Guring (Fried Rice), and Boras. 2. Harpoon; consists of chili paste, diversity of fish (fish can be spiced, Onow-Onow

Belebuk bustle and fish), diversity of food vegeta bles (eggplant, and lemon skewers) or fruits (durian, starfruit. kemang and others). The harpoon is usually eaten with rice and vegetables (cassava leaves, spinach or other vegetables).

3. Side Dishes; Golai daughters, Golai Bener, Golai Letuk Letuk, Timis Tenahei,

Belebuk bustle, Onow-Onow Punyew, Tenerem Punyew, Sate Punyew, Berutuk  Punyew, Sesam Punyew (Bekasem), Golai Malbei, Golai Manes, Golai Belolang, Sop Balung , Golai Atei, Manok Grilled beselo, Gabal People (Pepes Udang).

4. Snack / Juadah: include Sagun Bias / daughters, Gandus, Serabei, Dudul, Diamonds, Ngekak Kean, Benjakjak, Sekobal Gepou, Schwa (Lapis), Sagun pellet, lapis legit, Bluder brake, Sagun Arabic, Telui lids, and Srikaya Gepou .

5. Fresh drinks, sherbet Kuwini. Food processing activities carried out at a celebration of mutual aid involving family members and relatives. How to serve food at the celebration in Tulang Bawang district is done by serving food under / Lesbian, but in line with the development time and the influence of outside cultures uh, then habits like this are rare. There have been many people who use the squeeze-manan the food served on the table and comes with a cottage food like satay hut, hut tekwan and others. a. Makanan pokok   Nasi

Fried rice

 b. Seruit "Seruwit", is the food of the people of Lampung. Ironically the food is, clipped when eating and should be finished on that day. And of course, eating rice should wear.

Eat way too unique, Seruwit was happening (in a container) in a meal together. How, Kucuk kikim (boiled cassava leaves) are adequate,into seruwit. After that, put on a  bowl of rice, and Hap,, direct consumption. Typically, in the mouth while chewing, raw lalapan also follow eaten together. And I think, extraordinary taste.

c. Lauk pauk  Pepes ikan

Gulai atie

Gulai letuk letuk 

Sop balung

d. Snack  Banana chips

Banana chips that characterizes by-the Tulang Bawang Regency West is located in District Tumijajar is about 15 km from the Capital District Center for Bone Western Onion. As a Culinary Tour, West Onion Bones Banana chips are renowned reached out Lampung. Kerupuk udang

22. Plantation Potensi Kelapa Sawit di Kabupaten Tulangbawang

Luas Lahan Perkebunan Rakyat Untuk Kelapa Sawit terdiri dari TBM:4,228 TM:32,468 TTM:46 Produksi 2009 (Ton) 102.898 Produksi 2008 (Ton) 8.203 Produksi 2006 (Ton) 109.095

Sumber Data: Statistik Perkebunan 2009-2011 Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, Departemen Pertanian Komp Deptan Gedung C Lt-III Ruang.307 Jl. Harsono R.M No. 3 Ps Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12550 Telp 021-7815380-4 Fax 021-715486 - 7815586

Updated: 10-8-2012

Lahan yang Sudah Digunakan (Ha) 36.742

Sumber Data: Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia 2006-2008 Departemen Pertanian Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Komp Deptan Gedung C Lt-III Ruang.307 Jl. Harsono R.M No. 3 Ps Minggu Jakarta Selatan 12550 Telp 021-7817693 021-7815380-4 Ext-4318 Fax 021-7815586 021-7815486 Updated: 10-8-2012



Kelapa Sawit

Re-Draw Map

Potensi Karet di Kabupaten Tulangbawang

Produksi Perkebunan Untuk Karet Untuk Tahun 2006 : 21.020 Ton dan Untuk Tahun 2009: 19.527 Ton

luas Lahan Perkebunan Rakyat Untuk Karet terdiri dari TBM:4.626 TM:18.668 TTM:14 Produksi 2009 (Ton) 19.527 Produksi 2006 (Ton) 21.020

Sumber Data: Statistik Perkebunan 2009-2011 Kementerian Pertanian Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Jl. Harsono RM No.3, Gedung C Kantor Pusat Departemen Pertanian, Pasar Minggu Jakarta 12550 Telp 021 - 7815380 - 4 Fax 021-7815586 021-7815486 Updated: 10-8-2012 Lahan yang Sudah Digunakan (Ha) 23.308

Sumber Data: Statistik Perkebunan 2009-2011 Kementerian Pertanian Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Jl. Harsono RM No.3, Gedung C Kantor Pusat Departemen Pertanian, Pasar Minggu Jakarta 12550 Telp 021 - 7815380 - 4 Fax 021-7815586 021-7815486 Updated: 10-8-2012


1. Story of way kanan

Starting in 1957, led by Wedana Right Way, Queen of the Court, the first meeting was held to discuss plans for the Central Government which require 100,000 acres of  land for resettlement purposes. At that time three existing kewedanaan, namely kewedanaan Kotabumi, kewedanaan Krui and kewedanaan Menggala Central Government rejected the plan. However kewedanaan Right Way accept the offer on the basis that in the future the Right Way can quickly crowded population. At that moment came the idea expressed earlier by Hi. Ridwan Basyah as a court reporter in the meeting, to make the Right Way as a separate stand-alone district of North Lampung regency. In 1971, the desire to make the Right Way to be a stand-alone district reappear. Meetings with community leaders, traditional leaders, and scientists held at the residence of Hi. Ridwan Basyah in Tanjung Agung - Bandar Lampung.

Subsequently in 1975, Mr. Sutan Mangkubumi Nasrunsyah degree, in the Great Earth - District Bahuga Bugawi implement custom event by inviting traditional leaders (penyimbang) sewilayah Right Way. On that occasion held a special discussion led  by Hi. Ridwan Basyah revisit the idea to make the Right Way as a stand-alone district, as well as made a proposal to the Regional Government of the District of   North









Then in 1986, the central government established the North Lampung Regent Assistant Regional Umpu last was with the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs,  No. 821.26-502 Date June 8, 1985, the Regional Vice Regent Umpu last was composed of six (6) districts, namely: 1. The last was Umpu districts with the capital last was Umpu 2. Bahuga districts with the capital of Egypt Eg ypt Ilir  3. Districts with the capital Pakuon Pakuon Queen Queen

4. Baradatu districts with the capital Tiuh Balak  5. Banjit districts with the capital Banjit 6. Kasui districts with the capital Kasui

By virtue of Planning and Regional Development (BAPPEDA) Level I Lampung,  Number: 660/1990/II/1991 660/1990 /II/1991 Date February 18, 1991, addressed to the Vice Regent Re gent of  Region last was Umpu, then Hi. Ridwan Basyah who at that time served as Vice Regent held a great Council (congress) to take place at last was NEGATIVE PURANTI Heavenly Umpu, on May 4, 1991 with a view to preparing the land office, county name, and the location of the district capital in preparation for a Right Way district. The meeting was attended by approximately 200 people, consisting of  traditional leaders, religious leaders, scientists and officials. In the congress discussed the consolidation proposal and fully support the statement that the Right Way to the District with its capital at last was Umpu and consists of 17 districts. The proposal addressed to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the Minister of Home Affairs, House of Representatives, and Governor of the Province of Lampung Provinces. Under the proposal, it was held meetings at the provincial, district, and in the House of Representatives. Then proceed to visit the House of Representatives to Balambangan Umpu. Thanks to the persistent struggle by all parties and by Ridho Allah SWT, then in 1999 terbitlah Law No. 12 Year 1999 on the establishment of the Regency Way Kanan, Lampung Regency of East and Level II Regional Municipality of Metro. As a followup to the implementation of the Act, then on April 27, 1999, Interior Minister Hamid Syarwan sign as a sign of dedication inscription District Right Way and simultaneously induct Drs. Tamanuri as Acting Regent Right Way. Dated 27 April 1999 is used as the date of birth of the District Right Way.


Putri Malu Waterfall

Putri Malu Waterfall is one attraction Waykanan region. This attraction gives a natural feel beautiful enough, where there is a potential type in Niagara attractions daughter Malu waterfall which has a height of approximately 80 meters of unspoiled,  plus the cool weather makes it a very suitable place for nature adventures, rock  climbing , camping, or just enjoying nature with family or friends is in the tourist teman.Objek Banjit districts, which can easily be visited, because it is easily accessible from the highway Sumatran The entrance to this tourist attraction is the intersection towards SMU N 1 Baradatu, namely the intersection before we enter the busiest people in the region, namely Waykanan Baradatu. These attractions can be chosen by the public / citizens to vacation with family because the location is not too far from urban areas compared to other attractions in Waykanan, eg Curup fowl. In addition there is a waterfall too shy daughter are hot springs in the village jukuh banjit stone, near the rocky river neki and beautiful, which is just 3 km from the village cukuh stone .

Current path to WATERFALL PUTRIMALU attraction is still a path. But hopefully the next 5 years, the prospect of the Right Way tour started in the tourism department is managed by Right Way. 3. Border Monument Right Way

Border Way kanan and north lampung 4. Curup Gangsa Waterfall

There is a very pretty place. Still natural, and suitable for you who really want to refreshing a tired body right after the move. Yap is located in the foothills of the village of Tanjung Raya, Kasui Waykanan district. Friends friends in Waykanan surely already know, yes Attraction Waterfall Curup fowl. A waterfall is sourced from rivers Way Tungkas fault. Attraction waterfall baths altitude of more than 50 yards this is one place fit for a young friend who would like to eliminate stress and fatigue during exercise. Kotabumi to distance himself from the location, a distance of - + 40 KM. There is one Independent Young Comrade who tells about the beauty of waterfalls Curup gangsa, "there really cool Air mas, I often reply holidays with your friends playing there, fun  place for a picnic." Said Miko, a young friend who frequently visited independent studio. According to local news, Tourism Object Curup Langsa already crowded by the end of the outer Waykanan, such Kotabumi, BandarJaya, even from Bandar.

5. Tugu Siger Kab.Way Kanan

Located at the intersection of 4 kab.Way Right Kec.Blambngan Umpu

6. Islamic Center Way Kanan

Haji departure point right way, and to organize events for the public pub lic recitation grand right way. 7. Bundaran Way Kanan Blambangan Umpu

8. Tugu Berbentuk Kapal Dan Petani Yg Sedang Bersyukur Atas Hasil Panennya

9. Raden Jambat festival di Way Kanan Lampung

10. Wisata jembatan Pakuan Ratu

11. Gunung Pesagi Puncak tertinggi di Lampung

12. Pangkalan/pengkalan mandi Tituh Negara Ratu Marga Sungkai Bunga Mayang

13. Foto tempat penyimpanan hasil panen Padi di Pekon Hujung

14. Ruman Tradisional

Located In Gedung Batin -Way Kanan 15. Rumah Adat Biduk Umpu serunting

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