Makalah Perkembangan Ekonomi Di Indonesia
Short Description
A. Back Backgr gro oun und d The current economic development has increased several percent. However,
economic development in Indonesia can not be separated from the many changes that have been made and implemented in the economy in Indonesia. To the authors then make a paper on "Economic Development in Indoneisia". B. Purpose The goals to be the writer eplained, namely!
. Definition of economic development #. $inds of Economic %ystem in Indonesia &. The economic development in Indonesia '. (actors )ffecting Economic Development in Indonesia *. The problems faced by Indonesia in the development of the economy in Indonesia C. Proble blem How can economic history in Indonesia
. +hat is the definition of economic development #. +hat are the Types of Economic %ystems in Indonesia &. How erkembanagn economy in Indonesia '. +hat are the (actors )ffecting the Economic Development in Indonesia *. +hat are the problems faced by Indonesia in developing the economy in Indonesia
A. Definition of economic development The term is often mied blend economic development with economic growth,
and pemakaiannnya always changing, so it looks understanding between them being e-ual. However, some economists, such as %chumpeter /0 and 1rsula Hicks /*20 has attracted a common difference between terms of economic development and economic growth competition, //&0. )ccording to the eperts the economic development refers to the problems of the underdeveloped countries, while economic growth refers to the problems of developed countries. %imilarly, according to 3addison /240, he said that in developed countries the increase in the level of income is usually called economic growth. +hereas, in poorer countries it is called economic development. 5ut there are also other economists who think that the economic growth is synonymous with economic development, such as the opinion of )rthur 6ewis /*'0, as well as Egypt and 5aldwin /2&0. B. !nds o" Econom!c S#s$em !n Indones!a %. 7apitalist Economic %ystem )ccording to %anusi #442! '0, the capitalist system is an economic system
in which wealth is mainly privately owned productive and production is mainly carried out for sale. &. %ocialist Economic %ystem Dumairy eplained, a socialist economic system is the eistence of various mechanisms distorasi in the market has made it impossible to work efficiently, and that the system is not an economic system that does not take seriously the role of capital. '. 3ied Economic %ystem %anusi eplained in a mied economic system in which power and freedom are running simultaneously, although in different levels. There is also a mied economic system in which the role of government power is relatively large.
C. T(e econom!c de)elopmen$ !n Indones!a The economic development of Indonesia is now optimistic that economic
growth increased. +ith the growth and increasing national income we can see the development and progress in other countries. +ith the national income per year Indonesia is able to provide progress. 3acroeconomics is very influential in the current economic growth, one of the economic growth that can be seen by the
domestic demand will be the main pillar of economic performance. In addition, eports and imports and investments also affected. In view of the very few in the banking sector8s macro economy we can feel the increased economic growth. 5ank Indonesia 5I0 predicts economic growth throughout the first -uarter of #4& will still grow high, ie in the range of 9.' percent. %o far this year, the Indonesian economy is pro:ected to grow in the range of 9;9.* percent. I in charge of financial and banking0 parliament, on 3onday '?#0. "The outlook for the economy will continue to improve and is epected to be higher," =asution said. He said domestic demand will remain the main pillar of economic performance. In addition, eports and imports, as well as investment, will also grow rapidly. He added that Indonesia has been through challenges in #44. +ith significant economic growth in the last year, namely 9. percent, will be easier to achieve the growth target in #4&. However, still high inflation will be a serious challenge in this year. D. *ac$ors A""ec$!ng Econom!c De)elopmen$ !n Indones!a . =atural factor =atural factors very big influence on economic development in Indonesia,
especially the position of the %tate of Indonesia said fertile and have great natural resources. 6am resources, such as soil conditions, soil fertility, kondidi Ikim and the weather, and the natural resources of a country #. (actor Technology Technology is a reference in the classification of a %tate against the classification developed or developing countries. )dvanced countries tend to use advanced technological e-uipment, while developing countries tend to be more didom, inasi with the traditional things. It can be seen from the infrastructure of a region or sophisticated goods that eist dala an enterprise. &. 7ulture (actor 7ulture also determine the etent to which economic perkembangn in Indonesia, misalny custom and ability in managing a business. '. (actor @uality of 6abor The higher the -uality of the workforce of a country, the more rapid economic development of a country and the country will not add foreign labor again. E. T(e problems "aced b# Indones!a !n $(e de)elopmen$ o" $(e econom# !n Indones!a %. 1nemployment 3
This is a classic problem that has not been resolved completely. (rom year to year the number of unemployed in Indonesia is growing.
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