Makalah Kep Keluarga Anak Usia Sekolah
October 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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(8 (82; 2;>8 >8>8 >89) 9)
Ofmghm dfmyfjut mhdh Hcchb [wt. yhmg Dhbh ^fmghs`b, pfmuc`s phmlhtehm pul` syueur efbho`rhtmyh-Myh, yhmg tfchb dfc`dphbehm rhbdht ohm b`ohyhb-Myh, sfb`mggh ohpht dfyfcfsh`ehm dhehchb `m`. Dhehchb `m` tfchb pfmuc`s susum ofmghm dhes dh es`d `dhc hc oh ohm m dfmo dfmohp hpht hteh ehm m jh jhmt mtuh uhm m oh ohr` r` jf jfrj rjhg hgh` h` p` p`bh bhe e sfb`m sfb`mgg gghh oh ohph phtt dfdpfch dfd pfchmkh mkhrr pfdjuh pfdjuhthm thmmyh myh.. Vmtue Vmtue `tu pfmuc` pfmuc`ss dfmyhd dfmyhdph`e ph`ehm hm tfr`dh tfr`dhehs ehs`b `b efphoh efp hoh @ju Ms. Pfm` Pfm` Ofv`th Ofv`th,, D.Efp D.Efp sfcheu sfcheu oa oasfm sfm pfdj`d pfdj`dj`m j`mg g Efpfrhw Efpfrhwhth hthm m Efcu Ef cuhr hrgh gh oh ohm m jf jfrj rjhg hgh` h` p`bh p`bhe e yh yhmg mg tfch tfchb b dfdj dfdjhm hmtu tu dfdj dfdjuh uhtt dhehc dhehchb hb `m `m`. `. Dhehchb `m` jfcud sfdpurmh, pfmuc`s dfmfr`dh er`t`e ohm shrhm ohr` jfrjhgh` p`bhe umtue pfrjh`e`hm o`dhsh dfmohthmg. dfmohthmg.
^fehmjhru, ;8 Dhrft :>:8
OHI_HZ @[@
EH_H ^FMGHM_HZ.......................... ^FMGHM_HZ................................................ ............................................ ...................................... ........................` ........` OHI_HZ @[@............................................ @[@.................................................................. ............................................ ..........................................`` ....................`` JHJ @.......................................... @................................................................ ............................................ ....................................................... .................................8 8 ^FMOHBVCVHM...................................................................................................8 8.8
Chthr Jfchehmg... Jfchehmg........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........... ................ ................... ................8 .......8
Zudushm Zudushm Dhshchb..... Dhshchb.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............ ................ .................. ..............: .....:
_uluhm... _uluhm........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .............: ........:
8.;.8 8.;. 8
_uluhm _uluhm Vdud...... Vdud........... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............... .............: ...:
8.;.: 8.;. :
_uluhm _uluhm Ebusus.... Ebusus......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... ............... ...............: .....:
JHJ @@........................................... @@................................................................. ............................................ .....................................................; ...............................; ^FDJHBH[HM............................. ^FDJHBH[HM....... ............................................ ............................................ ................................................... .............................; ; :.8
Ofi`m`s` Efcuhrgh ofmghm Hmhe Vs`h [feachb..........................................; [feachb..........................................;
_hbhp ohm ^frefdjhmghm Efcuhrgh ofmghm Hmhe Vs`h [feachb ( ihd`c`fs
w`tb kb`corfm).......................................................................................................? kb`corfm).......................................................................................................? :.; ^frefdjhmghm Vs`h [feachb Dhshchb Hmhe Vs`h [feachb............................? :.? Hsubhm Efpfrhwhthm Efcuhrgh ofmghm Hmhe Vs`h [feachb..........................2 [feachb..........................2 JHJ @@@............................................ @@@.................................................................. ....................................................................... ..................................................0 .0 ^FMV_V^............................... ^FMV_V^......... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ .....................................0 ...............0 ;.8 [`dpuchm................................... [`dpuchm......................................................... ............................................ ................................................0 ..........................0 ;.: [hrhm.......................................... [hrhm................................................................ ............................................ ...............................................0 .........................0 OHI_HZ ^V[_HEH.................................. ^V[_HEH........................................................ .......................................................... ....................................8> 8>
JHJ @ ^FMOHBVCVHM 8.8 8.8 Chth Chthrr Jfch Jfcheh ehmg mg
Efpfrh Efp frhwht whthm hm efcuhr efcuhrgh gh dfruph dfruphehm ehm shchb shchb shtu tfem`e tfem`e yhmg yhmg o`cheu o`cheuehm ehm pfrhwht umtue dfmgfthbu` efhohhm efcuhrgh tfrsujut jh`e yhmg sfbht dhupum she`t yhmg jfrhoh ohchd shtu rudhb. Efcuhrgh hohchb sfeudpuchm arhmg yhmg jfr`ehthm ofmghm thc` pfrehw`mhm yhmg tfro`r` ohr` hyhb, `ju, ohm hmhe-hmhemyh jh`e hmhe ehmoumg dhupum hoaps`. Ohchd `cdu efsfbhthm hoh jfjfrhph thbhp pfrefdjhmghm efcuhrgh, shchb shtumyh hohchb Efcuhrgh ofmghm thbhp pfrefdjhmghm hmhe us`h [feachb, thbhp `m` o`duch` sflhe hmhe jfrus`h 9-8: _hbum, ohchd thbhp `m` arhmg tuh dfdpumyh` tughs umtue dfmgbhohp` p`shb ofmghm hmhemyh ohm dfcfphsehm hmemyh hme myh ehrfmh ehrfmh hmhe hmhe us`h us`h prhsfea prhsfeachb chb `m` hehm hehm cfj`b cfj`b sfmhmg sfmhmg jfrghuc jfrghuc ohm jfrdh`m ofmghm tfdhm sfjhyh. ^hoh thbhp `m` lugh efcuhrgh dfdpumyh` thbhp pfrefdjhmghm umtue dfmghlhrehm hmhemyh umtue jfrsas`hc`shs` ohm dfm`mgehtehm prfsths` hmhe. Efcuhr Efc uhrgh gh us`h us`h hmhe hmhe sfeach sfeachb b o`duch o`duch`` shht hmhe yhmg yhmg tfrtuh tfrtuh dfdhsu dfdhsue` e` sfeachb phoh us`h 9 thbum ohm jfrheb`r phoh us`h 8: thbum (Bhrdaea, :>8:). Dhshchb
dfmsas`hc`shs`ehm hmhe hghr j`sh dfm`mgehtehm prfsths`myh ohm bujumghm pfrm`ehbhm yhmg dfduhsehm sfrth dfdfmub` efjutubhm efsfbhthm i`s`e hmggath efcuhrgh dfdj`mh bujumghm ofmghm arhmg ch`m, tfdhm sfeachb ohm efcadpae sas`hc (Ir`fodhm, Jrawofm, ohm Lamfs (:>8>). Hsubhm Hsu bhm efpfrh efpfrhwht whthm hm yhmg yhmg o`cheu o`cheuehm ehm phoh phoh thbhp thbhp `m` hohchb hohchb pfrhwht pfrhwht dfdj df djfr` fr`eh ehm m pf pfrh rhwh whth thm m oh ohm m dfch dfcheu eueh ehm m pf pfmg mgeh ehl` l`hm hm chmgs chmgsum umg g of ofmg mghm hm efcuhrgh, efcuh rgh, hphehb hphehb efcuhrgh efcuhrgh suohb dfdfmub` dfdfmub` tughs pfrefdjhmghm pfrefdjhmghm hmhe phoh us`h `m` hthu jfcud, sfrth dflfchsehm efphoh efcuhrgh tughs pfrefdjhmghm hmhe us`h sfeachb, sfch`m `tu pfrhwht lugh dfcheuehm pfmgehl`hm o`sfe`thr c`mgeu c`m geumgh mghmmm mmmyh, yh, hphehb hphehb tfdpht tfdpht efcuhr efcuhrgh gh yhmg yhmg o`tfdp o`tfdpht` ht` efcuhr efcuhrgh gh chyhe chyhe umtue o`tfdpht` hthu t`ohe, sfrth dfcheuehm pfrhwhthm ohm dfdjfr` sacus` efphoh efcuhrgh umtue dfmkfghb tfrlho`myh pfmyhe`t
8.: 8.: Zudu Zudush shm m Dhs Dhshc hchb hb
Jfrohshrehm pfmlhjhrhm chthr jfchehmg o`hths ohpht o`s`dpucehm rudushm dhshchb dhshch b yh`tu jhgh`dhmh jhgh`dhmh Hsubhm Hsubhm Efpfrhwhthm Efpfrhwhthm Efcuhrgh ofmghm Hmhe Vs`h [feachb1 8.; _uluhm 8.;.8 8.;. 8 _uluhm _uluhm Vdud Vdud
Vmtue dfmlfchsehm dfmlfchsehm Hsubhm Hsubhm Efpfrhwhthm Efpfrhwhthm Efcuhrgh ofmghm ofmghm Hmhe Vs`h [feachb. 8.;.: 8.;. : _uluhm _uluhm Ebusus Ebusus
8) ^fmu ^fmuc` c`ss dhdp dhdpu u dfml dfmlfc fchse hsehm hm of ofi`m i`m`s` `s` ef efcu cuhrg hrghh of ofmg mghm hm hm hmhe he us us`h `h sfeachb :) ^fmu ^fmuc` c`ss dhdp dhdpu u dfml dfmlfc fchse hsehm hm th thbh bhp p oh ohm m pf pfre refd fdjh jhmg mghm hm ef efcu cuhrg hrghh ofmghm hmhe us`h sfeachb ( ihd`c`fs ihd`c`fs w`tb kb`corfm) kb`corfm) ;) ^fmuc` ^fmuc`ss dhdpu dhdpu dfmlfchs dfmlfchsehm ehm pfrefdj pfrefdjhmg hmghm hm us`h us`h sfeach sfeachb b dhshch dhshchb b hmhe us`h sfeachb ?) ^fmuc` ^fmuc`ss dhdpu dhdpu dfmlfchse dfmlfchsehm hm hsubhm hsubhm efpfrhwh efpfrhwhthm thm efcuhrgh efcuhrgh ofmghm ofmghm hmhe us`h sfeachb
JHJ @@ ^FDJHBH[HM :.8 Ofi`m`s` Efcuhrgh Efcuhrgh ofmghm ofmghm Hmhe Vs`h [feachb [feachb
Efcuhrgh Efcuhr gh hohchb ouh hthu cfj`b ohr` ouh `mo`v`ou yhmg tfrghjumg tfrghjumg ehrfmh bujumghm ohrhb, bujumghm pfrehw`mhm hthu pfmghjgehthm ohm dfrfeh b`oup ohchd shtu rudhb thmggh, jfr`mtfrhes` shtu shdh ch`m ohm o`ohchd pfrhmmyh dhs`m hs`mgg-d dhs hs`m `mg g
dfmk` fmk`pt pthe hehm hm
sf sfrt rthh
dfdp dfdpfr frth thb bhm hmeh ehm m
ef efj juo uohy hyhh hhm m
(Ir`fodhm,:>8>). Efcuhrgh us`h hmhe sfeachb yh`tu o`duch` shht hmhe yhmg tfrtuh dfdhsue` sfeachb phoh us`h 9 thbum ohm jfrheb`r phoh us`h 8: thbum (Bhrdaea, :>8:). Hmhe us`h sfeachb o`sfjut sfjhgh` dhsh heb`r hmhe-hmhe sflhe us`h 9 thbum ofmghm k`r`-k`r` sfjhgh` jfr`eut < 8. Chjfc Chjfc yhmg yhmg o`gu o`gumhe mhehm hm acfb acfb arhm arhmg g tuh tuh h. Vs`h yhmg dfmyuc`te dfmyuc`tehm hm ehrfmh hmhe t`ohe t`ohe dhu chg` dfmurut` dfmurut` pfr`mthb ohm cfj`b o`pfmghrub` acfb tfdhm sfjhyh ohr` phoh arhmg tuh hthupum hmggath efcuhrgh ch`mmyh. j. Vs`h t`ohe rhp` ehrfmh hmhe kfmofrumg t`ohe dfdpfrouc`ehm ohm kfrajab ohchd pfmhdp`chm. k. Vs`h jfrtfmgehr jfrtfmgehr ehrfmh ehrfmh jhmyhe tfrlho` tfrlho` pfrtfmgehrhm pfrtfmgehrhm hmthr efcuhrgh efcuhrgh ohm dfdj df djuh uhtt suhsh suhshmh mh ru rudh dhb b yh yhmg mg t`oh t`ohe e dfmy dfmyfm fmhm hmge gehm hm jh jhg` g` sf sfdu duhh hmggath efcuhrgh. :. Chjfc Chjfc yhmg yhmg o`gum o`gumheh hehm m pfmo`o pfmo`o`e `e hthu hthu guru guru h. Vs`h Vs`h sf sfea each chb b ohsh ohshrr < hmhe hmhe o` o`bh bhrh rhpe pehm hm dfdp dfdpfr frac acfb fb oh ohsh shrr-oh ohsh shr r pfmgfthbuhm yhmg o`hmgghp pfmt`mg umtue efjfrbhs`chm pfmyfsuh`hm o`r` phoh efb`ouphm efb`ouphm ofwhsh ohm dfdpfchlhr` pfrjhgh` eftrhdp`chm eftrhdp`chm pfmt`mg tfrtfmtu jh`e eur`eucfr dhupu festrheur`eucfr. j. ^fr`aof er`t`s ohchd jfrprfsths` < hmhe dfdjfmtue efj`hshhm umtue dfmkhp dfm khph` h` suesfs, suesfs, t`ohe t`ohe suesfs, suesfs, hthu hthu shmght shmght suesfs suesfs yhmg yhmg kfmofr kfmofrumg umg dfmfthp shdph` ofwhsh. ;. Chjfc Chjfc yhmg yhmg o`gumh o`gumhehm ehm acfb acfb hbc` hbc` ps`eac ps`eacag` ag` h. Vs`h Vs`h jf jfre refc fcad adpa pae e < pf pfrb rbht` ht`hm hm ut uthd hdhh hm hmhe he tf tfrt rtul ulu u ph phoh oh ef ef`m `mg` g`mh mhm m o`tfr`dh acfb tfdhm-tfdhm sfjhyh sfjhgh` hmggath efcadpae.
j. Vs`h pfmyfsuh`hm o`r` < hmhe `mg`m dfmyfsuh`ehm ofmghm sthmohr yhmg o`sftulu` acfb efcadpae ohchd pfmhdp`chm, jfrj`khrh ohm jfrpfr`cheu. k. Vs`h erfht`i erfht`i 8:. Efcuhrgh Hmhe us`h [feachb. [feachb. O`hesfs phoh thmgghc 8: sfptfdjfr :>8: o` bttp8>. Jueu :>8>. Jueu Hlhr Efpfrhwhthm Efpfrhwhthm efcuhrgh efcuhrgh < Z`sft, _far`, ohm ohm ^rhetfe . Fo`s` ef-6. Lhehrth< FGK. Bhrdaea. :>8:. Hsubhm :>8:. Hsubhm Efpfrhwhthm Efpfrhwhthm Efcuhrgh. Efcuhrgh. Pagyhehrth < ^ustheh ^fchlhr [uprhl`tma. :>8>. Hsubhm efpfrhwhthm efcuhrgh < hpc`ehs` ohchd prhet`e .Lhehrth .Lhehrth < FGK.
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