Short Description
BUSINESS LETTER letterr writ writte ten n in forma formall langu language age,, usu usuall ally y used used when when Business Business letter letter is a lette writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such such organiz organizatio ations ns and their their customer customers, s, clients clients and other other external external parties. parties. The overall style of letter will depend on the relationship between the parties concerned. There are many reasons to write a business letter. It could be to request direct information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to identify a mistake that was committed, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong or simply to convey goodwill. Even today, the business letter is still very useful because it produces a permanent record, is confidential, formal and delivers persuasive, wellconsidered wellcons idered messages. ! business letter is usually a letter from one company to another, or between such such organiz organizatio ations ns and their their customer customers, s, clients clients and other other external external parties. parties. The overall style of letter depends on the relationship between the parties concerned. "usiness letters can have many types of contents, for example to request direct information information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, supplier, to point out a mistake by the letter#s recipient, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong, or to convey goodwill. ! business letter is sometimes useful because it produces a permanent written record, and may be taken more seriously by the recipient than other forms of communication. Business Letter Form
T%E T%E &ET &ETTE TE' ' %E! %E!( ( ) T%E T%E *E+ *E+(E (E' '* * !((' !(('E* E** * Includes the companys logo ) symbol ) name, address, -I, -I, telephone number, fax number, email address and website of the company. company. rinted at the top center)left or the right side. in the letter letter head, head, but but if there is is SENDER’S ADDRESS: It is usually given in none, the Sender’s Name, Address and Contact details can e t!"ed#
'E0E'E+1E Include a reference reference line to identify identify a file or case number, number, invoice number number or any other internal internal identifyi identifying ng informati information, on, if your company company requires requires one. *ome *ome companies companies have specific specific referenc referencee codes codes that they place place either either in a reference line below the date, or at the very bottom of the letter. letter.
REF#$%T&'(&'))(&**+ #
DATE (ate consists of the date, name of the month and the year. If the letter sheet
includes a letterhead, type the date from / to 2 lines under the letterhead, else type it under the return address. +ever send a letter without a date. The "ritish 3ethod 4ordinal numbers5 6 +th -ul!, ')*' The !merican 3ethod 4cardinal numbers5 : -ul! +, ')*' 7.
T%E I+*I(E !('E** Includes the name and address o. the .irm or the indi/idual to whom the letter is written. 8ritten on the left side, beside the margin, two spaces below the date line. 9se Courtes! titles before names of the receiver such as %r#, %rs#, Shri, Smt#, %iss, %s, %essrs, Dr, 0ro.#, Ca"t#, %a1#, Col#, 2en# etc# The address can also begin with a :ob title or a department 4if you dont know
the name5. 0or e.g. : The Sales %ana3er, The Accounts De"artment etc# ;.
*9" *ub:ect is use so that the reader immediately knows what your letter is about. 9se 4Su1ect5 or 4Re5# *ub:ect usually comes between *alutation and body. The receiver#s references i.e. the receivers pervious letter number is mentioned under the heading reference.This will enable the receiver to easily take out a copy of his own letter from his files and understand the matter in the reply. e.g. 6our Re.erence :%B%&SD&'7(&)( DATED ( th oct#'))(
*!&9T!TI>+ It is a compliment or greeting. 8ritten mar3in, t8o s"aceselo8
beside the
the Inside address and t8o lines ao/e the
od! of the letter. It is followed by a comma 4,5 or a colon 465. *alutation
depends on the gender, type, number or the social status of
the person
addressed. @.
">(A "egins two spaces below the salutation. 1ontains the message or the information to be communicated. 3ost important, lengthiest, prominent part written in correct, appealing and impressive style. Di/ided normall! into "arts: $5 Introductory paragraph /5 3iddle paragraph 25 1losing paragraph (ouble space between paragraphs.
If letter exceeds one page, repeat the recipient#s name, date, reference)sub:ect line and put page number. 1ontinue your letter three lines below the heading. B.
1>3&I3E+T!'A 1&>*E It is written two spaces below the last line of the body. It is a polite way of saying C Dood bye. It depends on the tone and de3ree o. .ormalit!# 'espectfully yours, *incerely, Aours faithfully Formal: In.ormal: 1ordially yours, 8arm 'egards, "est wishes
T%E *ID+!T9'E !+( (E*ID+!TI>+ 8ritten double space below the complimentary close. 0irst comes *ignature 4pen written5. *ign your first and last name. *econd line type written name. Third line business title. The signature acts as proof.
E+1&>*9'E* This line tells the reader to loo9 in the en/elo"e .or more# 8rite Enc#&Encl#&Enclosure below the signature block. If you dont enclose
anything, s9i" it Enclosure e.g.
Enclosures 6 1heck H/2$ for ;GG
Enclosures : 3
'E0E'E+1E I+ITI!& If someone else has composed typed the letter for you, it is common for them to indicate so with initials. Typically it is your initials in upper case followed
by the other initials in lower case. S;A&T!TI>+ 8hen other "eo"le are to recei/e a co"! o. the same letter , their names are noted either by their ranks or by
alphabetically. 8ritten :ust below the
reference initials or the enclosure whichever is last. Type 4cc5 before the names if sending a Ccarbon copy4to5 and 4"c5 for photocopy 4to5. CC: -im Blue, Louis
&ayout of the business letters 6 *#
BL>C< Each line of every part begins at the left margin. !t least one line space between each part. Time saving method and beautiful to look at, also known as !merican style. INDENT +ew paragraphs begin about $.; centimeters to the right of the left margin. This style is also known as %anging style.
This method consumes a lot of time, looks shabby , therefore out of practice.
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