Magick Enochian Experiments

December 27, 2017 | Author: OliverPeltier | Category: Magic (Paranormal), Paranormal, Religious Belief And Doctrine, Religion And Belief
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A sample of an Enochian Magical experiment...


Magick Enochian experiments I. The Enochian Angel’s Evocation Ritual Temple Set Up Set up a digital recording device Place Tablet of Union on altar and Watchtower tablets on the walls. (air=east/earth=north/water=west/fire=south) Put on Robe and hold wand Put cloth on altar, with bell, lit candle and sandalwood incense on it Put rope circle around you and altar and face direction of tablet (air=east/earth=north/water=west/fire=south) Decide on Angel or Aethyr and write request or simply ask the Angel to teach you what you need to know. Opening Rituals Ring bell- “this temple is now open” LBRP (see attached) For the Enochian Watchtower Angels: Read the Enochian Temple Opening for the Angel Read the Enochian Keys for the Angel Vibrate the Enochian hierarchical names for the Angel For the Thirty Aethyrs: Read the Key of the Thirty Aethyrs p.120 with Angel name Spirit Communication Say this three times: “I summon and evoke thee, (angel name), to visibly appear before me and answer my request of (request or ‘to teach me what I should know‘) Trigger Trance Describe what you see,feel,hear,know,sense into recorder Test Angels by asking them the 3 names of God Closing Rituals License to Depart: “I thank thee, (angel name), this ritual is now done. All Forces, Entities and Energies shall go about their business until again I call. In the Ultimate Name, go in peace to do my bidding. Harm nobody and none and nothing that I have, that I like and love. So mote it be.” Closing of the Veil Ring bell- “this temple is now closed” Record in The Book of Shadows and review recordings

Additional Information: The Enochian language is an Angelic alphabet and a list of Angels derived from the four Watchtower tablets. They were given directly by Angels to Dr. John Dee, a highly regarded intelligent person of his day who worked for Queen Elizabeth I as her personal astrologer, and his crystal skrying assistant Edward Kelly in 1584 from visions through a crystal ball in their daily skrying sessions in Cracov, Poland. Pronunciation: A = ah E = eh I = EE O = OH U = OO

C= K G = hard or soft Q = kw or K

Vibrate Names: Sound out each syllable of the word for 1-2 seconds each.

Summoning the Angels: The watchtower tablets are elemental so the best way to decide what to ask the Angels is to follow the elements. If you are not sure what to ask then ask the Angel to teach you what is best for you at that time. So for example if you wanted more money then summons the water Angels and for better health would be the earth Angels and for more desire in your life for something would be the fire Angels. Water Angels = love, emotions, relationships, psychic abilities Fire Angels = passion, will power, energy Earth Angels = money, job, business, physical health and appearance Air Angels= ideas, communication, intelligence, travel

Opening the Veil: Opening the Veil is a way to open up the astral plane which is where spirits reside. Standing up, take your hands and open a curtain in front of you.

Closing the Veil: Closing the Veil is a way to close down the astral plane which is where spirits reside. Standing up, take your hands and close a curtain in front of you. Trigger Trance: To go into a light level trance which allows you to sense spirits much better, count down 1-10 as you walk down stairs or going down an elevator and say “going deeper” as you go down each step. Once you there then say “I am in a deep trance now” and cross your fingers or find a hand gesture you like. Then from now on whenever you want to be instantly into a trance just do your hand gesture and you will be in a deep trance. The Hierarchy of each Watchtower I. 3 Great Mystical Names of God II. 1 Great Angelic King III. 6 Seniors or Elders IV. 4 Kerubic Archangels V. 16 Kerubic Angels VI. 16 Servient Angels VII. 16 Servient Super Angels VII. 16 Kakodaimons The LBRP: Face East and take right hand and pull down energy from the sky to your chest and vibrate Ah-tah. Take right hand and pull energy down from your chest to the ground and vibrate: Mal-kooth. Touch right shoulder with right hand and vibrate: V’Gay-boo-rah. Touch left shoulder with right hand and vibrate: V’Gay-doo-lah. Put hands in prayer and vibrate: Lah-lom-Ah-men. Draw the Banishing Earth Pentagram in the East: Then point the wand into the middle of the Pentagram and Say: Yode-hey-vavh-hey. Draw a line to the South and face South. Draw the Banishing Earth Pentagram in the South: (see above) then point the wand into the middle of the Pentagram and Say: Ah-doe-nye. Draw a line to the West and face West. Draw the Banishing Earth Pentagram in the West: (see above) then point the wand into the middle of the Pentagram and Say: Eh-hey-yaw. Draw a line to the North and face North. Draw a Banishing Earth Pentagram in the North: (see above) then point the wand into the middle of the Pentagram and Say: Ah-glaw.

Face East and with arms in a cross position say: “Before me Raphael Behind me Gabriel On my right side Michael And on my left side Auriel. For around me shines the Pentagram and within me shines the six-rayed star.” Face East and take right hand and pull down energy from the sky to your chest and vibrate Ah-tah. Take right hand and pull energy down from your chest to the ground and vibrate: Mal-kooth. Touch right shoulder with right hand and vibrate: V’Gay-boo-rah Touch left shoulder with right hand and vibrate: V’Gay-doo-lah. Put hands in prayer and vibrate: Lah-lom-Ah-men. 1. The “LBRP” is from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

II. The Enochian Temple Openings The Enochian Temple Opening for Air Tablet Knock on altar once Stare purpose of ritual Knock on altar once Face East and visualize yellow in the East and Say: “I call upon thee, watchtower spirits of the East, to open up the Air Watchtower of the East so that I may feel this air energy.” Open the Veil and Say: “By the Three great Secret Names of God, ORO IBAH AOZPI from the eastern watchtower, I open up my astral senses so that I may see, feel, hear, know and communicate with thee spirits of the eastern watchtower.” With wand or dagger draw the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active: and vibrate: “EXARP” Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Air: and vibrate: “BATAIVAH” Say: “The Spirits of the Air Watchtower are invoked!” Knock on altar: 333--333---333

The Enochian Temple Opening for Water Tablet Knock on altar once State purpose of ritual Knock on altar once Face west and visualize blue in the West and Say: “I call upon thee, watchtower spirits of the West, to open up the Water Watchtower of the West so that I may feel this water energy.” Open the Veil and Say: “By the Three great Secret Names of God, MPH ARSL GAIOL from the western watchtower, I open up my astral senses so that I may see, feel, hear, know and communicate with thee spirits of the western watchtower.” With wand or cup draw the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive: and vibrate: “HCOMA” Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Water: and vibrate: “RAAGIOSL” Say: “The Spirits of the Water Watchtower are invoked.” Knock on altar: 1---333---1---333

The Enochian Temple Opening for Earth Tablet Knock on altar once State purpose of ritual Knock on altar once Face North and visualize black in the North and Say: “I call upon thee, watchtower spirits of the North, to open up the Earth Watchtower of the North so that I may feel this earth energy.” Open the Veil and Say: “By the Three great Secret Names of God, MOR DIAL HCTGA, from the northern watchtower, I open up my astral senses so that I may see, feel, hear, know and communicate with thee spirits of the northern watchtower .” With wand or disk draw the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive: And vibrate: “NANTA” Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth: And vibrate: “ICZHIHAL” Say: “The Spirits of the Earth Watchtower are invoked!” Knock on altar: 4444---333---22---1

The Enochian Temple Opening for Fire Tablet Knock on altar once State purpose of ritual Knock on altar once Face South and visualize red in the South and Say: “I call upon thee, watchtower spirits of the South, to open up the Fire Watchtower of the South so that I may feel this fire energy.” Open the Veil and Say: “By the Three great Secret Names of God, OIP TEAA PDOCE from the southern watchtower, I open up my astral sense so that I may see, feel, hear, know and communicate with thee spirits of the southern watchtower.” With your wand draw the Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active: And vibrate: “BITOM” Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Fire: And vibrate: “EDLPERNA” Say: “The Spirits of the Fire Watchtower are invoked!” Knock on altar: 333---1---333

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