Magazin - Engleski prevod

July 6, 2016 | Author: banne021 | Category: Types, Magazines/Newspapers
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Lindsay Lohan sentenced to 90 days in jail for violating probation

Los Angeles, California -- Actress Lindsay Lohan was ordered Tuesday to serve 90 days in jail for missing alcohol counseling sessions in violation of her probation.The judge also ordered Lohan to spend 90 days in a drug and alcohol rehab program after her jail term is completed.The actress must begin serving her sentence on July 20, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel said. After Revel ruled that Lohan had violated her probation in a 2007 drunken driving conviction by missing weekly alcohol counseling sessions, Lohan began sobbing as she addressed the court. "I did do everthing that I was told to do and did the best I could," she said. Earlier, the alcohol counseling program director testified at the probation revocation hearing that Lohan missed nine alcohol counseling sessions since December, when the judge ordered her to attend weekly classes or face jail.



Lindzi Lohan osuđena na 90 dana zatvora zbog kršenja uslovne kazne

Los Anđeles, Kalifornija - Glumici Lindzi Lohan u utorak je naređeno da služi 90 dana u zatvoru zbog propuštanja savetodavne seanse o alkoholu što je u suprotnosti sa njenom zabranom. Sudija je naredio Lohanovoj i da provede 90 dana u programu odvikavanja od droge i alkohola nakon njene odslužene zatvorske kazne. Glumica mora početi služenje svoje kazne 20. jula, rekla je sudija Višeg suda u Los Anđelesu, Marša Revel. Nakon Reveline presude da je Lohanova prekršila svoju uslovnu kaznu iz 2007.godine zbog vožnje u pijanom stanju i nedostajala sa nedeljnih sesija savetovanja o alkoholu,

Lohanova je počela da jeca dok se obraćala sudu. „Uradila sam sve što mi je rečeno da uradim i uradila sam to najbolje što mogu“ rekla je ona. Još ranije, direktor programa savetovanja o alkoholu svedočio je na saslušanju probnog opoziva da je Lohanova propustila devet sesija savetovanja o alkoholu od decembra, kada je sudija naredio da nedeljno pohađa nastavu ili će ići u zatvor.



Spain celebrates Iniesta, World Cup

Spain won the World Cup for the first time in its history as an extra-time goal from midfielder Andres Iniesta gave his country a last-gasp 1-0 victory over the Netherlands in the final at Soccer City. The showpiece game of the South Africa-hosted tournament on Sunday was littered with no less than 14 yellow cards and one red but was settled by a moment of magic by the Barcelona man after he was played in by substitute Cesc Fabregas. His 116thminute strike was the goal all Spaniards were waiting

for and spared both sides the agony of deciding the new world champions by penalties. The breakthrough came after the Dutch had been reduced to 10 men, following Johnny Heitinga's dismissal in the second half of extra time by referee Howard Webb for a foul on Iniesta. "It's incredible," Iniesta told

gathered media in a postmatch news conference.

"What a joy especially when you see how we won it. There aren't the words to describe what I am feeling. After my goal, I thought about my family and all the people who I love. But the victory is the fruit of a lot of work," an emotional Iniesta told reporters. Spain coach Vincente del Bosque added to the happy sentiment following his side's victory: "Today is a reward for beautiful football. Everyone in the dressing room is ecstatic," he said.



Španija slavi Inijestu, Svetski kup Španija je osvojila Svetski kup prvi put u svojoj istoriji, golom veznog igrača Andresa Inijeste u produžetku čime je svojoj zemlji dao 1-0 pobedu nad Holandijom u finalu u Fudbal Gradu. Najatraktivnija igra u Južnoj Africi domaćinu turnira u nedelju je bila prepuna kartona sa ni manje ni više već 14 žutih kartona i jednim crvenim,

nakon što je ušao kao zamena Sesku Fabregasu. Njegov udarac u 116. minutu je bio gol koji su svi Španci čekali i koji je obe strane poštedeo agonije odlučivanja novog svetskog šampiona penalima. Proboj je usledio kada je Holandija ostala sa 10 igrača, posle razrešenja Džonija Hejtinga u drugoj polovini produžetaka od

“To je neverovatno“, rekao je Iniesta okupljenim medijima posle meča na konferenciji za novinare. “Ono što posebno raduje je kada vidite kako smo pobedili. Nema reči da opišem ono što osećam Nakon mog gola, mislio sam o mojoj porodici i svim ljudima koji volim.. Ali, pobeda je plod mnogo posla, “emocionalni Inijesta je rekao novinarima. Selektor Španije Vinsent del Boske proslavljajući pobedu njegovog tima dodao je: “Danas je stigla nagrada za lep fudbal Svako u svlačionici je presretan“, rekao je on.

ali je rešena trenutkom magije Barseloninog igrača

strane sudije Hauarda Veba zbog faula na Inijesti.



Is Facebook becoming a 'tool' for cheating spouses?

Ken Savage says that, at first, he welcomed his wife's new interest in Facebook. She had recently recovered from a bout with depression and dependence on prescription drugs, and he thought reconnecting with old friends would help get her out of her rut. But he says he became increasingly suspicious of her social networking activity when she began hiding her computer screen when he entered the room. Savage soon discovered his wife was using the site

to meet up with an old boyfriend -- an increasingly common occurrence as more and more adults join Facebook. Savage, 38, of Lowell, Massachusetts, is the creator of, a website he started in 2009 shortly after he discovered his wife's affair in an effort "to help others cope with someone cheating on them as well as shine light upon someone who is using Facebook to cheat." A recent survey by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found that 81 percent of divorce

attorneys have seen an increase in the number of cases using social networking evidence during the past five years. More than 66 percent of those attorneys said the No. 1 site most often used as evidence is Facebook with its 400 million registered users. Another recent survey by of more than 5,000 attorneys says Facebook is mentioned in about 20 percent of divorce cases. "As everyone continues to share more and more aspects of their lives on social networking sites, they leave themselves open to much greater examinations of both their public and private lives in these sensitive situations," Marlene Eskind Moses, president of the AAML, said in a statement of the survey's results.



Facebook je postao alatka za varanje supružnika? Ken Sevidž kaže da je u početku pozdravio interes svoje supruge za Facebookom. Ona se nedavno oporavila od depresije i zavisnosti od lekova na recept, a on je mislio da će joj povezivanje sa starim prijateljima pomoći da izađe iz kolotečine. Ali on kaže da je postajao sve sumnjičaviji u vezi sa njenim socijalnim umrežavanjem kada je počela da krije ekran svog računara kada bi on ušao u prostoriju.

kao i da razotkrije nekog ko koristi Facebook za prevaru. “ Nedavna anketa koju dodeljuje američka Akademija za Bračne advokate je utvrdila da 81 odsto razvoda što su advokati primetili imaju zabeležen porast broja slučajeva korišćenja društvenog umrežavanja što je dokazano tokom poslednjih pet godina. Više od 66 odsto onih advokata izjavilo je da je broj 1 sajt

Još jedno nedavno istraživanje sprovedeno od sa više od 5.000 advokata, kaže da se Facebook pominje u oko 20 odsto slučajeva razvoda. “Kako svi i dalje dele sve više i više aspekata života na socijalnim mrežama, oni sami ostavljaju sebe otvorenim za mnogo veće preglede njihovog javnog i privatnog života u tim osetljivim situacijama”, Marlen Eskind Mojsije,

Savage je uskoro otkrio da je supruga koristila sajt da se sastane sa starim dečkom – što je sve uobičajenija pojava, kao što se i sve više i više odraslih pridružuju Facebooku. Savage, 38-godišnjak iz, Lowell-a, u Masačusetsu, je tvorac, sajta koji je osnovao u 2009. godini nedugo nakon otkrića afere njegove supruge sa ciljem da “pomogne drugima da se nose sa nekim ko ih vara,

najčešće korišćen kao dokaz Facebook sa 400 miliona registrovanih korisnika.

predsednik AAML, navodi u izjavi o rezultatima ankete.



Congratulations, it's a sun! Image reveals how stars are born ITS name is a little unromantic, but this amazing picture released by NASA shows the place where stars are born and nurtured.

distance and chemical composition of other galaxies, scientists say.

The NGC 2467 nebula is a vast cloud of gas, mostly hydrogen and strangely-shaped dust clouds.

Some galaxies contain huge star-forming regions like NGC 2467 which may contain tens of thousands of stars, while others are almost barren.

The star-forming region is located in the southern constellation of Puppis and is a mere 13,000 light years away from Earth. To put it in perspective one light year is about 9.46 trillion kilometres.

The hot young stars, recently formed from dust and the mostly hydrogen gas clouds, are shown as bright blue dots, while many more young stars are hidden from view behind the hydrogen gas clouds.

Vast gas clouds containing hydrogen help serve as "an incubator for stars" which has been now been revealed in detail in a newly released image from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.

Experts say the hydrogen gas clouds within NGC 2467 are believed to be only a few million years old.

Stellar nurseries like NGC 2467 can be seen out to considerable distances in the universe and their study is important in determining the

Most of the radiation comes from a single hot and brilliant massive star called HD 64315. Its fierce radiation has cleared the surrounding areas and is helping shape the structure of the whole nebular region.



Čestitamo, to je sunce! Slika otkriva kako se zvezde rađaju Njegovo ime nije baš romantično, ali ova neverovatna slika koju je objavila NASA pokazuje mesto gde su rođene i odgajane zvezde.

Vruće mlade zvezde, koja su nedavno formirane od prašine i uglavnom vodonikovih oblaka, se prikazuju kao plave tačke, a

NGC 2467 izmaglica je ogroman oblak gasa, uglavnom od vodonika i čudno oblikovanih oblaka prašine. Region formiranja-Zvezda se nalazi u južnom sazvežđu Puppis i samo 13.000 svetlosnih godina je daleko od Zemlje. Da biste imali predstavu koliko je to recimo da je jedna svetlosna godina oko 9,46 biliona kilometara. Veliki gasni oblaci koji sadrže vodonik služe kao “inkubator za zvezde”, koji je sada otkriven u detaljima u nedavno objavljenoj slici iz NASA-inog svemirskog teleskopa Habl. Zvezdane jaslice kao NGC 2467 se mogu videti do znatne razdaljine u svemiru i njihovo izučavanje je važno u određivanju udaljenosti i hemijskog sastava drugih galaksija, kažu naučnici. Neke galaksije sadrže velike zvezdaformirajuće regione kao što je NGC 2467 koje mogu da sadrže na desetine hiljada zvezda, dok su druge skoro neplodne.

mnogo više mladih zvezda je skriveno od pogleda iza oblaka od vodonikovog gasa. Stručnjaci kažu da se veruje da su vodonikovi oblaci u NGC 2467 stari samo nekoliko miliona godina. Većina zračenja dolazi iz jedne vruće i sjajne masivne zvezda koja se zove HD 64315. Njena žestoka zračenja su očistila okolna područja i pomažu u oblikovanju strukture celog regiona izmaglice.



World’s sexiest beach hotels

Nightclub named Passion.

your relationship, or single

multiple restaurants and

An infinity pool named

life, needs.

bars, plus a Sea Centre for

Wet. There's no doubt that

all your aquatic needs —

the combination of sand

The Caribbean just got

so, isolated it isn't. At the

and seclusion is a winning


same time, the island is

formula for a sexy beach

Dating and married

only 16 miles long, so the

hotel. But the definition of

couples who love the

scale stays small and far

"sexy" can vary from one

newest and hottest unwind

from overcrowded.

beach scene to another.

are at Viceroy Anguilla in

Some of the world's sexiest

the Caribbean island of

Sex appeal: The Viceroy

beach hotels are overtly


Anguilla is like the set of a big-screen getting-to-know-

hedonistic, while other,

mellower hotels channel

Do-not-disturb factor:

the quiet seductiveness of

you montage, complete with dinners by candlelight

a private outdoor soaking

At this glossy resort, which

and moonlit walks on the

tub or a seaside table for

opened in December 2009



on the west end of Anguilla, you'll find

Stay at any of these hot spots may be just what

boutique shopping and



Svetski hoteli sa najseksi plažama Noćni klub se zove strast. Beskonačni bazen sa imenom Vlažno. Nema sumnje da je kombinacija peska i odmora pobednička formula za seksi plažu hotela. Međutim, definicije “seksi” mogu varirati od jednog mesta do drugog mesta plaže. Neke od najseksi svetskih plaža hotela su otvoreno hedonistički, dok ostali, ugodni hoteli

Boravak u bilo kojem od ovih vrućih mesta mogu biti baš ono što vaš odnos, ili jedan život, treba.

kanališu tihu zavodljivost kvašenja u privatnim kadama na otvorenom ili stola za dvoje pored mora.

U ovom sjajnom naselju, koje je otvoreno u decembru 2009 na zapadnom kraju Angvila

Karibi postaju atraktivniji


Parovi u vezi i bračni parovi koji vole najnovija i najtraženija opuštanja su na Viceroy Angvila na karipskom ostrvu Angvila. Ne--uznemiravaj faktor:

ćete naći butik i više restorana i barova, kao i morski centar za sve vaše vodene potrebe - tako da nije izolovana. U isto vreme, ostrvo je samo 16 milja dugo, tako da razmera ostaje mala i daleko je od pretrpanosti. Seksipil: Viceroy Angvila je kao set velikih ekrana koji vas upoznaje montirajući vaše slike, zajedno sa večerom uz svetlost sveća i šetnjom na mesecom osvetljenoj plaži.

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