Maersk Case Study Solution
March 22, 2017 | Author: venkat1105 | Category: N/A
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Maersk Harvard case study...
Maersk Line – B2B Social Media Case Study
Jai n i h s i R l t Pati aru i h o M g at Po rabh k n e V u sh Sa e y i r P Shah abhan g a r i Ch m an d a P Arjun
Q1 Why do you think Maersk Line was so successful in social media? What do you think are Maersk Line’s key drivers of success
Q2 Evaluate how Maersk executed on its social media plan and platforms
Channel Specific Content Development Delivering the right content to the right audience
Ranking social media channels from least to most corporate
Breaking the notion of Maersk being a boring and conservative company
Develop Content
4 target audiences:
4 key areas of focus:
• • • •
• • • •
Fans Customers Experts Employees
Communications Internal Usage Customer Service Sales
Before Maersk engaged in Social Media marketing, it clearly identifies the different platforms that it wants to utilize and the purpose, audience, and focus for each platform. The rationale is to assist Maersk in setting achievable engagement goals and developing appropriate content based on four key areas of focus listed above.
Social media platforms plotted as per user preference
From least corporate to most corporate
How does Maersk stack up Social Engagement Channels
1.1 million likes
Fans including NGOs, current and potential employees, suppliers, regulatory bodies, shipping enthusiasts and fans
Fans, employees, experts, trade press, shipping professionals, customers
Create engagement through stories and visuals in a conversational way
Share news with the industry, humanize the brand and interact publicly with the various stakeholders
Platform suitable for general audience and raising brand awareness
Platform suitable for quick resharing (re-tweets)
How does Maersk stack up Channels for corporate use
Customers and shipping experts
Customers, shipping professionals, experts and journalists
Share business related news, to get closer to customers informing them, listening to them and discussing with them
For business news, interacting candidly with users about innovation, leadership and business, Hangouts with press
Most corporate platform suitable for communication with customers
Platform used for getting quick ideas from users
How does Maersk stack up Channels for video sharing Focused on functionality, not reach(35 videos, 16 subscribers) Fans
16337 subscriptions
Primary video channel for uploading all videos for internal viewing(restricted) and external viewing
Supplementary video channel where all business units had their albums
Proved superior to company’s own ability to broadcast videos with relevant functionality
Provided consolidation and synergy across business units
How does Maersk stack up Dedicated channels for visuals
Instagram container spotters, people interested in taking photos of containers and vessels
Flickr 491 followers
Fans and press
Inspiring people around the world to take photos of Maersk vessels and containers
Used for functionality more than building a community
Maersk Line was one of the strongest brands on the platform, gave brand recognition and engagement, kept product and services top-of-mind
Used for uploading high-res photos and grouping them into categories
How does Maersk stack up Dedicated channels for visuals
Fans and blog readers
Pinning images on specific boards, to engage a large audience by pinning images in blog posts by the company
Sharing stories, opportunity for employees to blog, post stories or articles, which can be then shared
Not a primary focus for the company
It is an easy-to-use blog site with extensive social capabilities
Q3 How do you think Jonathan Wichmann calculated the 1500 percent ROI on Facebook? Do you agree with his calculation? Why or why not?
1500% ROI??????? For every wall post made public, an impression is made on a fan. – Virtue Group
68% customers feel social media efforts improved perceptions of Maersk Line. – Q4 2012 survey
1 million fans
600,000 FB fans in 2012 2 posts daily
$5 per 1000 views Benchmark, not targets
4x engagement than average B2B Only 22% fans were actual customers
“Our ROI could be zero, or it could be 5000% depending upon your assumptions.”
“The value of one interaction can be worth more than 300,000 likes.”
Q4 How do you think Maersk Line’s competitors will react to the company’s success in social media?
Global Competitors Maersk is a clear winner in the digital space when compared to its competitor
1.1 Mil Fb Likes 115k Twitter Followers
11000 Fb Likes 27832 LinkedIn followers
4184 Fb Likes 1205 Twitter Followers
Non Existent
68000 Fb Likes 6821 Twitter Followers
5825 Fb Likes 15546 LinkedIn followers
How Competitors will react? Competitors may stick to the traditional approach for the short run
Current Industry View
Proven Measurabl e Impact Find Impact difficult to measure
They continue to believe that the traditional and low profile container line industry does not require social media programs
Industry Marketing Managers know the importance of social media but find metrics difficult to implement
Competitors are unlikely to catch up to Maersk in the short run
How Competitors will react? Competitors will seek to emulate Maersk’s success As Digital and Social fronts become increasingly important in the B2B sphere, competitors will not sit idly by and cede control of this sphere to Maersk
Possible competitors Game plan Build a strong foundation • Build a social media strategy focused team • Incorporate industry conversion instead of self promotion
Launch a counter attack • Concentrate on where your users are • Share relevant industry and company news • Showcase Core Competencies
Measure the impact • Come up with metrics to measure social media performance: % of positive/negative sentiments,% reduction in support costs
Q5 What are the challenges facing Maersk Line in social media going forward?
Future Challenges 4 key tailwinds shape the future of social media
Redefining real-time marketing
Companies focusing on the right time to engage the right clients rather than rapid response
Greater Information Density
Cutting through background noise to capture limited consumer attention will be a challenge
Content Marketing will continue to grow
Visual Web
Companies will continue to prioritise engagement and metrics for social media success
Visual platforms like Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr will increase in popularity as customer engagement
Implication of trends Maersk can ride the tailwinds of change
Redefining realtime marketing
Share relevant content with the right audiences on the right platforms
Greater Information Density
Content Marketing will continue to grow
Achieve consistent and coherent brand image for sticky impression
Integrate social media marketing with strategic marketing efforts and update organizational structure to support marketing changes
Visual Web
Keeping abreast of changes in social media and implementing technologies to engage consumers eg. CRM and digital marketing tools
Q6 What should Maersk Line do next? What areas should the company focus on and why?
Focus Areas Augmenting social media marketing in overall business External
Role Maersk Position
Employee Employee Usage Usage
Communicatio Communicatio n n
Sales Sales
Build Employee Engagement
Develop brand awareness
Generation of leads
Employees as content generators
Wide reach across social media
Content not directed towards lead generation
Customer Customer Service Service Conversation with customer Lack of focus on customer service
Maersk needs to develop its social media efforts to have a significant impact on growth
Compass Campaign Insights and best practices sharing will foster growth Thought Thought Leadership Leadership Information Information source source Value Value Creation Creation
Maersk is established as the go-to-shipping provider for clients with its expertise Provide insights to potential customers and optimize shipping solutions Encouraging sharing of best practises and customer dialogue
How Maersk Compass Works Maersk publishes technical insights and information on industry best practices on LinkedIn
Customers engaged with technical insights and recognize the economic value proposition of working with Maersk
Sales team works with clients to propose tailor-made solutions and optimizing their shipping processes
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