Madrinan v. Madrinan July 12, 2007 Corona Naomi SUMMARY:
The husband petitioner took 3 of his children from their home so the wife files for a writ of habeas corpus with the CA. CA. The husband is questioning questioning the jurisdiction of the CA because according to him under Section 5(b) of RA 8369, family courts courts have exclusive exclusive oriinal oriinal !urisdiction !urisdiction to hear and decide decide the "etition for habeas habeas corpus corpus filed filed by res"on res"onden dentt #ife$ #ife$ %he Su"reme &ourt ruled in a "revious !uris"rudence that the &ourt of A""eals should have coni'ance of this case since there is nothin in RA 8369 that revoed revoed its !urisdiction !urisdiction to issue #rits of habeas habeas corpus corpus involvin the custody of minors$ RA 8369 did not divest the &ourt of A""eals and the Su"reme &ourt of their !urisdiction over habeas corpus cases corpus cases involvin the custody of minors$ &ourt &ourt of A""eal A""ealss and Su"rem Su"remee &ourt &ourt has concur concurren rentt !urisdiction #ith the family courts of abeas &or"us involvin custody of minors. minors. DOCTR DOCTRIN INE: E:
,he CA rendered a decision assertin its authority to tae coni'ance of the "etition and rulin that, under Article 013 of the +amily &ode, res"ondent #ife #as entitled to the custody of of 0 minor sons #ho #ere at that time aed six and four, sub!ect to the visitation rihts of husband$ 2ith res"ect to Ronnic (the eldest) #ho #as then eiht years old, the court ruled that his custody should be determined by the "ro"er family court in a s"ecial "roceedin on custody of minors under Rule 99 of the Rules of &ourt$
ence this "etition of husband$ -SS./ *etitioner husband challenes the !urisdiction of the &ourt of A""eals over the "etition for habeas corpus and corpus and insists that !urisdiction over the case is loded in the family courts under RA 8369$ e invoes Section 5(b) of RA 8369
Section 5$ Jurisdiction 5$ Jurisdiction of Family Courts$ Courts$ 4 %he +amily &ourts shall have exclusive oriinal !urisdiction to hear and decide the follo#in cases xxx
%hus res"ondent #ife filed a petition for habeas corpus of their 3 sons in the &A, *etitioner husband filed a memorandum allein that the #ife is unfit and he also questioned the jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals claiming that under Section 5(b) of RA 8!" (other#ise $no#n as the %&amily Courts Act of '""%) family courts hae e*clusie original jurisdiction to hear and decide the petition for habeas corpus filed corpus filed by respondent #ife+
b) *etitions for uardianshi", uardianshi", custody of children, habeas corpus in corpus in relation to the latter
*etitioner +eli"e $ and res"ondent +rancisca R$ #ere married #ith three sons and a dauhter After a bitter /uarrel "etitioner left their home and too their three sons #ith him to Albay and subsequently to Laguna$
SC RA,-01 2etitioner husband is #rong+
n Thornton v. Thornton , this &ourt resolved the issue of the &ourt of A""eals7 !urisdiction to issue #rits of habeas corpus in corpus in cases involvin custody of minors in the liht of the "rovision in RA 8369 ivin family courts exclusive oriinal !urisdiction over such "etitions
,he Court of Appeals should ta$e cogni3ance of the case since there is nothing in RA 8!" that reo$ed its jurisdiction to issue #rits of habeas corpus inoling corpus inoling the custody of minors$
S& rule therefore that RA 8!" did not diest the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court of their jurisdiction oer habeas corpus cases inoling the custody of minors$ %he "rovisions of RA 8369 reveal no manifest intent to revoe the !urisdiction of the &ourt of A""eals and Su"reme &ourt to issue #rits of habeas corpus relatin to the custody of minors$ +urther, it cannot be said that the "rovisions of RA 8369, RA 90 :An Act ;x"andin the * 109 :%he
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