Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality
September 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Tourism Commodies
The Economics of Tourism
Fundamentally - Meas Measur urem emen entt and und under erst stan andi ding ng of deci decisi sion onss about the use and allocaon of scarce resources - Scarc Scarce e resou resourc rces es:: resou resourc rces es for for which which po pote ten nal al uses are greater than supply - Th Thus us,, choi choices ces must must b be e ma made de abo about ut whi which ch use usess to support Two branches - Macr Macro: o: fun funco coni ning ng of of la larg rgee-sc scal ale e econo economi micc systems such as labour markets, the eects of inaon and governmental economic policies - Micro: Micro: valua valuaon, on, pricin pricing, g, and dec decisi isionon-mak making ing by individuals, families and businesses
What is Economics?
Economics is a social science concerned with the producon, distribuon, and consumpon of goods and services. It studies how individuals, businesses, governments, and naons make choices about how to allocate resources.
The Challenge of Tourism Tourism commodies are also purchased by people not engage in tourism: e.g. restaurant meals Tourism commodies are also produced by nontourism businesses: e.g. some department stores oer travel agency services Some tourism commodies are purchased frequently by people not engages in tourism, e.g. insurance (for ight cancellaons or illness), or clothing (purchased as a souvenir)
Economic Impact
Measures the changes in an economy as tourism increases or decreases Three basic types - Direc Directt: magn magnit itud ude e of vis visit itor or sspe pend ndin ing g - Ind Indire irect ct: magni magnitud tude e of touris tourism m bu busin siness esses es purchasing supplies and services from other businesses - Ind Induce uced d: iimpa mpact ct o off e empl mploye oyee e sspen pendin ding g iin n community Employment impact: jobs created by tourism
Other measures
Employment Employme nt impact : job creaon driven dr iven by tourism
Economics is especially concerned with eciency in producon and exchange and uses models and assumpons to understand how to create incenves and policies that will maximize eciency. Economists formulate and publish numerous economic indicators, such as gross domesc product (GDP) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
Key Macro-economic Concepts
Industry - A grou group p of of busi busines nesses ses produ producin cing ge esse ssena nall lly y tthe he same product using the same technology - A hier hierar archi chica call conc concep ept: t: can can refe referr to a gene genera rall type of business such as ‘accommodaon’ or to specic forms such as hotels, motels, resorts - Ne New w indu indust stri ries es eme emerg rge e over over me me and and old old one oness may disappear
A ‘characterisc commodity’ of a tourism industry is any service or good that earns a signicant poron of total revenues from persons engaged in tourism - ‘sig ‘signi nic can antt por poron on’’ is a ma mae err of jjud udgem gemen entt This is called a ‘tourism commodity’ - E. E.g. g. hot hotel el acc accom ommo moda dao ons ns,, pa pass ssen enger ger a air ir service, restaurant meals - Base Based do on n clas classi sic ca aon onss iin n tthe he CP CPC C
Employme nt income : wages and salarie Employment salariess provided by tourism Tourism value-added valu e-added : the value of tourism g goods oods and services produced in a community, minus and wages, salaries and benets paid by the employer
Others measures - Wealth Wages and salaries provided by tourism Increase in property values Investment income generated through tourism - Mulpliers Measure of overall increase in wealth arising from visitor expenditure; associated with economic impact Several types, each must be used and interpreted with cauon Value - Exchange - Intrinsic - Existence - Opon Assets - Tang Tangib ible le vers versus us inta intang ngib ible le - Cons Constr truc ucte ted d vers versus us na natu tura rall
Consumer surplus
Opportunity costs
Economic rent
Public goods - Comp Compe ev ve e vers versus us n non on-c -com ompe pe ve ve
Merit goods
PHP 482.15 BILLION VISITOR RECEIPTS IN 2019 An increase of 18.80%
Key Understanding
Culture is the ‘way of life’ of people and includes characteriscs such as language, religion, customs, food, clothing, architecture, livelihoods, art and technology tec hnology
The world is divided up into dierent cultural groups and regions, each with a disncve way of life. Every culture, whether isolated or exposed to other groups, has adopted some aributes of other cultures A country’s culture and heritage sites are an important part of what it oers to tourists Cultural tourism is increasing as more people can aord the me and money and are becoming more culturally aware. Pop culture, high culture and sports tourism are all aspects of cultural tourism Heritage conservancy looks at ways to protect the oral and wrien tradions of a culture and its landscapes, historic buildings and places, collecons and natural sites, all which appeal to many tourists. Globalizaon of the music industry has resulted in increased interest in the music of dierent cultures Internaonal sporng events encourage interacon among cultures some sports tourism such as World Cup soccer can result in economic benets but also have negave impacts on the environment and people.
Key Word and Terms:
WHAT IS CULTURE? According to the denion adopted by the UNTWO General Assembly, at its 22nd session (2017), Cultural Tourism implies “A type of tourism acvity in which the visitor’s essenal movaon is to learn, discover, experience and consume the tangible and intangible cultural aracons/products in a tourism desnaon. These aracon/products relate to a set of disncve material, intellectual, spiritual and emoonal features of a society that encompasses arts and architecture, historical and cultural heritage, culinary heritage, literature, music, creave industries and the living cultures with their lifestyles, value systems, beliefs and tradions”.
Alternave tourism – individually planned tourist acvity that explores desnaons or events that are considered outof-the-ordinary Cultural tourism – travel that focuses on learning about characteriscs of life of people in dierent desnaons Cultural transmission – the transfer of traits when dierent cultures meet Culture various characteriscs of life shared by a group of people in a parcular community or naon
Democrazaon – travel for all Fully independent tourist (FIT) – traveler who makes all his or her own travel arrangements
Heritage conservancy – preservaon of important cultural and physical environments High culture – aspects of culture that include such acvies as opera, ballet, and theatre
Popular culture – current cultural pracce and acvies of a society’s general public Sports tourism – travel that focuses on aending sporng events Transculturaon – the integraon of dierent traits from one culture to another
Socio-cultural impacts of tourism are the eects on host communies of direct and indirect relaonship with tourists, and of interacon with the tourism industry. For a variety of reasons, host communies oen are the weaker party in interacons with their guests gue sts and service providers. These inuences are not always apparent, as they are dicult to measure, depend on value judgments and are oen indirect or hard to idenfy.
Once a desnaon is sold as a tourism product, and the tourism demand for souvenirs, arts, entertainment and other commodies begins to exert inuence, basic changes in human values may occur. Sacred sites and objects may not be respected re spected when they are perceived as goods to trade.
Desnaons risk standardizaon in the process of sasfying tourists’ desires for familiar facilies While landscape, accommodaon, food and drinks etc., must meet the tourists’ desire for the new and unfamiliar, they must at the same me not be too new or stage because few tourists are actually looking for completely new things. Tourists oen look for recognizable facilies in an unfamiliar environment, like well-known fast-food restaurants and hotels chains.
Loss of Authencity and Staged Authencity
Tourism can turn local cultures into commodies when religious rituals, tradional ethnic rites and fesvals are reduced and sanized to conform to tourist expectaons, resulng in what has been called “reconstructed ethnicity”.
Adapng cultural expressions to the tastes of tourists or even performing shows as if they were “real life” constutes “staged authencity” As long as tourist just want a glimpse of the local atmosphere, a quick glance at local life, without any knowledge or even interest, staging will be inevitable.
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