Macfulfer Face Reading

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 by Mac Fulfer

A Communications Breakthrough

MAC FULFER   Attorney at Law  Author • Face Reader

3604 West 6th Street Fort Worth, Worth, Texas Texas 76107

(817) 737-6934


(817) 336-3445


Before the development of what is today called “modern psychology”, cultures and civilizations around

study of human character called phrenology. The phrenologists claimed that the bumps on the head were

the world had for thousands of years recognized the fact that a person’s character, history, and potentials are reflected in the face.

caused by the brain development beneath and that by studying the bumps you could understand the mind of  the subject. The development of scientific brain

The idea that the personality and character might be linked to the features of the face has been a provocative one and has engaged some of the finest minds

mapping proved this theory to be in error and in an overreaction the scientific community ignored or abandoned many other valuable areas of inquiry including physiognomy and even hypnosis.

throughout history, both in eastern and western civilizations. Among the classical scholars of ancient Greece who wrote about “physiognomy”, the scientific name for face reading, were Aristotle, Plato, Aristophanes, Hippocrates and Pliny. In Imperial Rome, face reading was considered an honorable profession. It has been a branch of Chinese medicine for centuries. With the rise to power of the Catholic Church in the West, especially during the Inquisition, many forms of  research and esoteric knowledge fell into disrepute. In fact, during the 1500’s, Queen Elizabeth I let it be known that anyone claiming to have knowledge of  physiognomy or “fantastical imaginations” would be stripped to the waist and whipped until bloody. It was outlawed again during the reign of George II, but research continued. Many greats and near greats studied and wrote about face reading, with the most notable body of works written by scientist Charles Darwin and German pastor and poet, Johann Kasper Lavater. Even the famed financial analyst, Charles Schwab not only used face reading, he also wrote the forward for a publication on how to find the right job by using physiognomy. The decline of face reading in modern times was due in large part to the discrediting of another competing

How does it work?

We are all face readers, almost from birth. Our face becomes our personal representation or metaphor for who we are. It is how we are identified. Even more significantly, as we take ourselves through the world and as each person we meet responds to us they are responding in part to our face. The response that we get from each person we meet in turn affects how we perceive ourselves. Our self-perception affects how we think and feel which in turn affects not only the lines in our face but even its physical form. In one sense our habitual patterns of thought and feeling are etched in our face. What shapes our face is both “nature” and “nurture”. On the nature side we could say that the structure of  our face is genetic. It is true that we can trace certain personal features such as ears that stick out, a particular type of nose, or a strong chin just by looking at the family photo album. However, in our family of  origin we also hear things like, “you have your grandpa’s independence,” or “you have your uncle’s nose for business” or, “you have your father’s competitive drive.” If you look closer you may notice you also inherited the physical feature that indicates that trait.


On the nurture side of the equation, life events shape our face. Or put another way our face is shaped by the way we use it. We readily accept that we can change our bodies. If we want bigger muscles we sign up for a health club, and we are not surprised when we see results. Yet, we seldom stop to consider that our faces are just as changeable. In fact, our faces are even more affected by our attitude, outlook,

and emotions than our bodies because our face is our most expressive feature. Just as your senses develop your mind and your inner world, that inner self is reflected in your face as you react and respond in every waking moment. For example if you are a person who requires of yourself a forced mental focus as a habitual pattern, you will develop those two vertical lines you can see between the eyebrows.



When we start to look at faces one of the first things we notice is that faces are not symmetrical. This fact gives a tremendous insight into the changes in a person’s life.

the right side of our face. We could say that the right side of our face reflects how we take ourselves out into our external or business world.

When reading a face one of the first things I do is to

On the other hand the right half of our brain is concerned with non-linear or global consciousness.

mentally draw an imaginary line down the center (from forehead to chin) and notice all the differences between the left half and the right half of the face. (Remember it is not your left and right but the left and right of the

For our purposes we can describe right brain functions as our imaginative, intuitive, emotional, dream, or childhood world which is reflected on the left side of  our face. We could say the left side of our face is our

person being read.) Everything counts, including the differences in the lines, eyebrows, eyes, the sides of  the nose, nostrils, cheeks, ears, etc. The more noticeable the difference the more significant the meaning. It is a scientific fact that the left half of our brain controls the right side of our body including everything on the right side of our face. While, at the same time, the right half of our brain controls everything on the left side of our body including the left side of 

personal side.

our face. (It does not make any difference if you are left or right-handed, This is true regardless of  dominance.)

to personal matters or relationships but expects problems in their external world and may be more guarded or pessimistic about outcomes in business.

Left brain functions can be described as dividing the world into monads of data, which we organize into logical sequences to predict an outcome. Our left

Each time there is a very noticeable difference between features on the left side of the face from those on the right there is a difference between the person’s

brain is like our computer. It is concerned with facts, logic, data and linear time and that part is reflected on

personal life or inner world and their business life or external world.

When we see a face that is asymmetrical we can see that the person may have one style in their personal life but have a very different perspective in their professional or business life. For example, from the difference in “eye angle” we may be able to determine that a person who has a left eye that angles up but a right eye that angles down is optimistic when it comes


Eyes - Showing Stress

Anytime we experience mental stress we also have a corresponding physiological response: our eyes “float” up. This appears as white showing between the eyelid and the iris, or colored part of our eye. Our eyes are in a constant expressive dance. With each even mildly stressful feeling or thought, they will react to indicate our true mental state.

Stressed (some white showing below iris)

• Mental Stress

When the white is showing between the iris and the lower lid in both eyes, it indicates mental or emotional stress and possible fearful feelings or worry. If there is more white showing in your left eye, the stress is about concerns in your personal life. If  there is more white showing in the right eye, the stressful thoughts or feelings are related to business, professional or financial factors.

Violent (white shows above iris) • Stressed to the point of possible violence

If you see someone with the white showing above the iris, it indicates not only stress but also that the person may react in a violent manner. For example, a person who is approaching the psychological flight-or-fight threshold may have white showing above the iris.

Disconnected (white is showing all the way around the iris) • Mental disconnect • State of shock

If you see someone with the white showing all the way around the iris, be careful. This indicates someone who may be in a state of extreme mental disconnect and may not even be aware of his actions. You will sometimes see this in a person who is going into shock after a catastrophic event or who is under the influence of dangerous drugs.

Reprinted from   Amazing Face Reading © 1996 all rights reserved AMAZING FACE READING • A COMMUNICATIONS BREAKTHROUGH BY MAC FULFER • (817) 737-6934

Eyelids - Bottom lids

Wouldn’t you like to know if a person is open to what you are saying or if they are closed off with wariness, suspicion, skepticism, shyness or a judgmental stance? You can know a person’s true attitude even when they are maintaining a pleasant smile just by checking out their bottom eyelids. When we are open and positive, our bottom lids become more curved to let in more light. When we become guarded or defensive, our bottom lids will become almost straight or flat. Straight (bottom lids are straight across the eye) • Guarded • Extremely loyal to friends • Screens out information

You are maintaining an emotional distance or self-protective attitude. You may be suspicious, fearful, mistrusting, anxious, or even shy. You keep your guard up and can be initially difficult to approach. Once you accept someone, however, you can be a most loyal friend, lover, spouse, or supporter. If someone’s bottom lids become straight while you are talking to them, the person has become suspicious and guarded. They are screening information through a wary, mistrustful mental filter. If the lid is straight on the left side only, the person is suspicious on a personal level. If the right side only is straight, the person is wary of the information being received or of something occurring in their external environment or professional life. Curved (bottom lids are curved) • Open and receptive • Non- judgmental • Willing to listen

You are positive, receptive and open to people and new ideas. You are willing to take in and want to consider all the facts and information. If a person’s lids become more curved as you talk, then he or she has just become more open to you and is truly listening to whatCurved (bottom lids are curved) Cutting Pupils (top lids cut pupils in half) • Internal agenda • Very different world view

If you see someone who has the top lids cutting the pupils in half, this can be a danger signal. It is frequently seen on violent criminals and terrorists. It indicates that the person’s internal agenda is more real to them that anything in the external world. Reprinted from   Amazing Face Reading © 1996 all rights reserved AMAZING FACE READING • A COMMUNICATIONS BREAKTHROUGH BY MAC FULFER • (817) 737-6934


How can we tell when someone is open and receptive to what we are saying? Some additional signals that will tell us when a person is receptive are included in the following checklist. Equally important are those subconscious early-warning signals that indicate that the person is rejecting what is being presented. For the purpose of clarity in the checklist, the buyer is the one receiving the information and the seller is the person presenting the information. Positive signals

Negative signals

• Buyer’s bottom lids are rounded or curved. This

• Beware of the smiling face with straight bottom

indicates a willingness to hear the information before

lids (the lower eyelids are straight across, covering

passing judgment.

part of the iris of the eye and the wrinkles below the

• Buyer gestures with open palms or palms displayed

eye seem to disappear). This can indicate an underlying

in the direction of the seller with fingers slightly cupped.

wariness, guardedness or even anger that is not being

This is a gesture of mental integration.


• Buyer has a relaxed body posture and relaxed

• Watch for stiff-fingered palms and an extended,

facial expression. Remember that we tense our

rigid thumb. This is a control gesture warning people

muscles when we feel threatened, frightened or

to remain at a distance. It also telegraphs, “I will not


give up my position.” · Also notice rigid or stiff body

• Buyer’s gestures and facial expressions are congruent. For example, the buyer nods his or her

head yes when listening and responds positively, smiling and laughing at appropriate times. • Buyer’s body movements are synchronous with seller. Look for the buyer’s pattern of gestures and

body movement to mirror, match, or be in harmony with those of the seller. • Increase in the buyer’s self-disclosure. Notice when the buyer starts revealing more of his or her thoughts, and displaying a greater willingness to express feelings. • Buyer is willing to make direct eye contact and appears open and enthusiastic. • Buyer rubs his or her chin. While this might indicate that the buyer is feeling a little uncertain, it can also signal the buyer’s subconscious acknowledgment of the seller’s expertise or authority.

postures, like arms folded tightly across the chest or tight, frozen facial expressions. When these are coupled with either little or no body movement or sudden, erratic body movements, they are warning signs. The buyer is not relaxed and happy. • Additional negative signals include: running or rubbing an index finger back and forth under the nose; rubbing the face; pulling the hair; or rubbing the back  of the neck. • Be aware of incongruent body signals, such as shaking the head “no” when responding to a positive statement. Incongruent body signals often telegraph an internal conflict that isn’t being expressed. • Indicators of strong resistance include any or all of the following: buyer crosses their arms across their chest, crosses their legs and turns them away from the seller, turns their legs toward an exit, looks away, turns their back, or closes the door in your face.


Without a doubt, the greatest asset in sales is the ability

undisclosed thought or feeling will expand your

to communicate. A successful sales person is often

communication skill beyond measure. When observing

perceived as having a natural gift of gab. However,

gestures and body movement as communication,

contrary to what we may think, the most important

remember that timing is of the essence. By becoming

component of communication is not the ability to speak 

consciously aware of the context of the situation, you

well, but rather the ability to listen well.

will discover hidden reactions. Ask yourself, “What happened or was being said when the gesture was

Becoming aware of the fact that every gesture, facial expression and body movement is an indication of an

made?” It will often give you a deeper insight into the person’s unexpressed inner thoughts and feelings.



THE CHANGING FACE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Timothy McVeigh as a high school senior in 1986.

Timothy McVeigh in Fort Riley, Kan. yearbook.

Timothy McVeigh at time of arrest.

FACIAL SYMMETRY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Albert Einstein: Listed demands in an April 1914 letter to his wife. He described Mileva as “an unfriendly, humorless creature who does not get anything out of life and who, by her mere presence, extinguishes other people’s joy of living.”

Warren Christopher

SPOTTING STRESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MarshallApplewhite: Wanda Holloway: Pom-Pom Mom Heaven’s Gate Leader

Donald Dugan: 1st Bosnian casualty.


Rick Pantoja: Killed while assaulting police officer.


WHO’S GOT THE POWER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bill Clinton: winner by a nose. Machiavalli: Power Politician, author of “The Prince.” Dain Hancock: President of  Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems.

Claire Morris: Perfect SAT score.

KEEPING SECRETS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Darlie Routier: Follows her attorney’s advice and keeps silent.

Mark Furhman: takes the Fifth - deals blow to police credibility. REVEALING LIPS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Robert Tilton: smile says it all.

Menendez Brothers: convicted murderers. AMAZING FACE READING • A COMMUNICATIONS BREAKTHROUGH BY MAC FULFER • (817) 737-6934


About the book . . . Face Reading is a means to a deeper communication with

Amazing Face Reading includes:

every person you meet. Fulfer takes this art/science out of  the realm of the mysterious and into a hands-on method of  learning. The most comprehensive, easy-to-use book of Face Reading available today, Amazing Face Reading is organized in an encyclopedic format and lavishly illustrated. It takes you through faces, top to bottom, detail to gestalt, gesture to metaphoric meaning. This how-to guide is so easy to use that you can begin to read faces before you even finish the book!

275 illustrations

Sales Applications

Understanding gestures

Guide to personality profiles

Sample readings

Face reading quiz to test yourself 

Checklist to begin reading faces immediately

ORDER FORM To order additional copies of  Amazing Face Reading: Telephone Orders: Call the Connections Bookstore: (817) 923-2320. Have your AMEX, Optima, Discover, VISA or MasterCard ready. Postal Orders:

Mac Fulfer P.O. Box 100904 Fort Worth, TX 76185


For information about Face Reading Classes, Presentations, Seminars and Jury Selections, Call: (800) 697-6097 or (817) 336-3445 or (817) 737-6934 email: [email protected]


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