Teodoro Teodoro vs. vs. Macaraeg 27 SCRA 7 (1969) Facts: Macaraeg had been the lessee o the !ro!ert" o Teodoro or the !ast seven (7) "ears #hen he #as adv$sed b" the latter to vacate the !ro!ert" beca%se $t #o%ld be g$ven to another tenant. Thereater& Thereater& a ne# tenant tenant #as $nstalled $nstalled #ho orbade orbade Macaraeg ro' ro' #or$ng on the r$celand. r$celand. n the other hand& Teodoro den$ed that Macaraeg #as h$s tenant and cla$'ed that he had al#a"s leased all o h$s *9+hectare r$celand %nder c$v$l lease. ,e %rther cla$'ed that ater the e-!$rat$on o h$s Contract o /ease #$th Macaraeg $n 1961& the latter d$d not an"'ore rene# h$s contract. ,eld: The Contract o /ease bet#een bet#een the !art$es conta$ns the essent$al essent$al ele'ents ele'ents o a leasehold leasehold tenanc" agree'ent. The landhold$ng $n d$s!%te $s %n'$staabl" an agr$c%lt%ral land devoted to agr$c%lt%ral !rod%ct$on. More s!ec$0call"& the !art$es st$!%lated that the !ro!ert" leased shall be %sed or %t$l$ed or agr$c%lt%ral enter!r$se onl". F%rther'ore& the !art$es also agreed that the ar'land '%st be %sed or r$ce !rod%ct$on as co%ld be $nerred ro' the st$!%lat$on that the rental o n$ne (9) cavans o !ala" !er hectare or one agr$c%lt%ral "ear . . . '%st be o the sa'e var$et" (o !ala") as that !rod%ced b" the /SS. The land $s de0n$tel" s%sce!t$ble s%sce!t$ble o c%lt$vat$on c%lt$vat$on b" a s$ngle s$ngle !erson !erson as $t $s o an an area o onl" onl" o%r and a hal (3+142) ha. Th$s co%rt has held that even a b$gger area 'a" be c%lt$vated !ersonall" b" the tenant& s$ngl" or #$th the hel! o the 'e'bers o h$s $''ed$ate ar' ho%sehold. Fro' the st$!%lat$on that the rental '%st be o the sa'e var$et" as that !rod%ced !rod%ced b" the /SS& $t can reasonabl" be $nerred that the $ntent$on o the !art$es #as that Macaraeg !ersonall" #or the land& #h$ch he d$d as o%nd b" the Agrar$an Co%rt& th%s: 5n the $nstant case& !et$t$oner (Macaraeg) c%lt$vated the landhold$ng belong$ng to sa$d res!ondent (Teodoro) or the agr$c%lt%ral "ear 196+61 $n cons$derat$on cons$derat$on o a 0-ed ann%al rental. ($tal$cs s%!!l$ed) Moreover& there there $s no ev$dence that Macaraeg d$d not !ersonall" c%lt$vate the land $n d$s!%te. e$ther d$d Teodoro allege& '%ch less !rove& that Macaraeg ava$led o o%ts$de ass$stance $n the c%lt$vat$on o the sa$d r$celand. Teodoro Teodoro $s the reg$stered reg$stered o#ner o#ner o the d$s!%ted d$s!%ted landhold$ng landhold$ng and he he del$vered the !ossess$on !ossess$on thereo to Macaraeg $n cons$derat$on o a rental certa$n to be !a$d $n !rod%ce. v$dentl"& there #as a val$d leasehold tenanc" agree'ent. Moreover& the !rov$s$on that the rental be acco%nted $n ter's o !rod%ce 8 9 cavans !er hectare 8 $s an %n'$staable ear'ar& cons$der$ng the other st$!%lat$ons& st$!%lat$ons& that the !art$es d$d act%all" enter $nto a leasehold tenanc" relat$on (at 16+ 17 %nderscor$ng s%!!l$ed). Agr$c%lt%ral tenanc" relat$on $s d$erent ro' ar' e'!lo"er e'!lo"e r+ar' e'!lo"ee relat$on. The Co%rt clar$0ed the d$erence $n the case o ;elos o ;elos vs. CA& 2< SCRA 6< (1992) & as ollo#s: n the other hand& the $nd$cat$ons o an e'!lo"er+e'!lo"ee e'!lo"er+e'!lo"ee relat$onsh$! relat$onsh$! are: 1) the select$on and engage'ent o the e'!lo"ee 2) the !a"'ent o #ages *) the !o#er o d$s'$ssal and 3) the !o#er to control the e'!lo"ee=s cond%ct 8 altho%gh the latter $s the 'ost $'!ortant ele'ent. Accord$ng to a #ell+no#n a%thor$t" on the s%b>ect& tenanc" relat$onsh$! $s d$st$ng%$shed ro' ar' e'!lo"er+ar' #orer relat$onsh$! $n that: 5n ar' e'!lo"er+ar' #orer relat$onsh$!& the lease $s one o labor #$th the agr$c%lt%ral laborer as the lessor o h$s serv$ces and the ar' e'!lo"er as the lessee thereo. 5n tenanc" relat$onsh$!& $t $s the lando#ner #ho $s the lessor& and the tenant the lessee o agr$c%lt%ral land. The agr$c%lt%ral #orer #ors or the ar' e'!lo"er and or h$s labor he rece$ves a salar" or #age regardless o #hether the e'!lo"er 'aes a !ro0t. n the other hand& the tenant der$ves h$s $nco'e ro' the agr$c%lt%ral !rod%ce !rod%ce or harvest. (at 613) ?art$es: landholder and tenant Tenant enan t de0ned. de0n ed. A tenant $s a !erson #ho #ho b" h$'sel& h$'sel& or #$th the a$d ava$lable ro' #$th$n h$s $''ed$ate $''ed$ate ho%sehold& c%lt$vates the land belong$ng to or !ossessed b" another& #$th the latter=s consent or !%r!oses o !rod%ct$on& shar$ng the !rod%ce #$th the landholder or or a !r$ce certa$n or
ascerta$nable $n !rod%ce or $n 'one" or both& %nder the leasehold tenanc" s"ste'. ( Re!. Act o. 1199 @193B& sec. (a)). An overseer o a cocon%t !lantat$on $s not cons$dered a tenant.
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