M. Rades - Dynamics of Machinery 3

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Mircea Radeş

Dynamics of Machinery III


Preface This textbook is based on the third part of the Dynamics of Machinery lecture course given since 1993 to students of the English Stream in the Department of Engineering Sciences (D.E.S.), now F.I.L.S., at the University Politehnica of Bucharest. It grew in time from a postgraduate course taught in Romanian between 1985 and 1990 at the Strength of Materials Chair and continued within the master course Safety and Integrity of Machinery until 2007. Dynamics of Machinery, as a stand alone subject, was first introduced in the curricula of mechanical engineering at D.E.S. in 1993. To sustain it, we published Dynamics of Machinery in 1995, followed by Dinamica sistemelor rotor-lagăre in 1996 and Rotating Machinery in 2003. The course aims to: a) increase the knowledge of machinery vibrations; b) further the understanding of dynamic phenomena in machines; c) provide the necessary physical basis for the development of engineering solutions to machinery problems; and d) make the students familiar with machine condition monitoring techniques and fault diagnosis. As a course taught for non-native speakers, it has been considered useful to reproduce, as language patterns, full portions from English texts. For the students of F.I.L.S., the specific English terminology is defined and illustrated in detail. Basic rotor dynamics phenomena, simple rotors in rigid and flexible bearings as well as the rotor dynamic analysis tools are presented in the first part. Finite element modeling of rotor-bearing systems, hydrodynamic bearings, seals and floating ring bearings are treated in the second part. This third part is devoted to the analysis of rolling element bearings, gears, vibration measurement for machine condition monitoring and fault diagnosis, standards and recommendations for vibration limits, balancing of rotors as well as elements of the dynamic analysis of reciprocating machines and piping systems. No reference is made to the vibration of discs, impellers and blades.

May 2008

Mircea Radeş

Prefaţă Lucrarea se bazează pe partea a treia a cursului de Dinamica maşinilor predat din 1993 studenţilor Filierei Engleze a Facultăţii de Inginerie în Limbi Străine (F.I.L.S.) la Universitatea Politehnica Bucureşti. Conţinutul cursului s-a lărgit în timp, pornind de la un curs postuniversitar organizat între 1985 şi 1990 în cadrul Catedrei de Rezistenţa materialelor şi continuat până în 2007 la cursurile de masterat în specialitatea Siguranţa şi Integritatea Maşinilor. Capitole din curs au fost predate din 1995 la cursurile de studii aprofundate şi masterat organizate la Facultatea de Inginerie Mecanică şi Mecatronică. Dinamica maşinilor a fost introdusă în planul de învăţământ al F.I.L.S. în 1993. Pentru a susţine cursul, am publicat Dynamics of Machinery la U. P. B. în 1995, urmată de Dinamica sistemelor rotor-lagăre în 1996 şi Rotating Machinery în 2005, ultima conţinând materialul ilustrativ utilizat în cadrul cursului. Cursul are un loc bine definit în planul de învăţământ, urmărind: a) descrierea fenomenelor dinamice specifice maşinilor; b) modelarea sistemelor rotor-lagăre şi analiza acestora cu metoda elementelor finite; c) înarmarea studenţilor cu baza fizică necesară în rezolvarea problemelor de vibraţii ale maşinilor; şi d) familiarizarea cu metodele de supraveghere a stării maşinilor şi diagnosticare a defectelor. Fiind un curs predat unor studenţi a căror limbă maternă nu este limba engleză, au fost reproduse expresii şi fraze din lucrări scrise de vorbitori nativi ai acestei limbi. Pentru studenţii F.I.L.S. s-a definit şi ilustrat în detaliu terminologia specifică limbii engleze. În prima parte se descriu fenomenele de bază din dinamica rotorilor, răspunsul dinamic al rotorilor simpli în lagăre rigide şi lagăre elastice, precum şi principalele etape ale unei analize de dinamica rotorilor. În partea a doua se prezintă modelarea cu elemente finite a sistemelor rotor-lagăre, lagărele hidrodinamice, etanşările şi lagărele cu inel flotant. În această a treia parte se tratează lagărele cu rulmenţi, echilibrarea rotoarelor, măsurarea vibraţiilor pentru supravegherea funcţionării maşinilor şi diagnosticarea defectelor, standarde şi recomandări privind limitele admisibile ale vibraţiilor maşinilor, precum şi elemente de dinamica maşinilor cu mecanism bielă-manivelă şi vibraţiile conductelor aferente. Nu se tratează vibraţiile paletelor, discurilor paletate şi ale roţilor centrifugale. Mai 2008

Mircea Radeş

Contents Preface




8. Rolling element bearings


8.1 Rolling-element radial bearings


8.2 Kinematics of rolling bearings


8.2.1 Basic assumptions


8.2.2 Simple kinematic relations for angular contact ball bearings


8.2.3 Primary rolling element bearing frequencies


8.2.4 Kinematic relations for tapered roller bearings


8.2.5 General kinematic relations


8.3 Structural frequencies


8.4 Bearing “mechanical signature”


8.5 Rolling element bearing damage


8.5.1 Primary damage


8.5.2 Secondary damage


8.5.3 Other damages


8.6 Time domain bearing diagnostic methods


8.6.1 Time-waveform indices


8.6.2 Crest factor


8.6.3 Amplitude probability density


8.6.4 Statistical moments


8.6.5 Kurtosis


8.7 Frequency domain bearing diagnostics methods


8.7.1 Band-pass analysis


8.7.2 Spike energy


8.7.3 Envelope detection


8.7.4 Shock Pulse Method


8.8 Cepstrum analysis



iv References

9. Gears



9.1 Gear types


9.2 Gear tooth action


9.3 Gear vibrations


9.3.1 Tooth engagement


9.3.2 Effect of tooth deflection


9.3.3 Effect of tooth wear


9.3.4 Ghost components


9.3.5 Modulation effects


9.3.6 Resonance effects


9.4 Gear errors


9.5 Gear faults


9.5.1 Wear effects


9.5.2 Effects of fatigue


9.5.3 Tooth fracture


9.6 Gear condition monitoring


9.6.1 Vibration signal processing


9.6.2 Condition indicators


9.6.3 Oil debris analysis


9.7 Cepstrum analysis


9.8 Time-frequency analysis




10. Vibration measurement


10.1 General considerations


10.2 Measurement locations


10.2.1 General criteria


10.2.2 Shaft precession


10.2.3 Casing vibrations


10.3 Measured parameters


10.3.1 Measurement of rotor precession


10.3.2 Measurement on bearings


10.3.3 Displacement, velocity or acceleration



v 10.3.4 Peak-to-peak vs. r.m.s.

10.4 Transducers and pickups



10.4.1 Transducer selection


10.4.2 Eddy current proximity transducers


10.4.3 Velocity pickups


10.4.4 Accelerometers


10.4.5 Summary about transducers


10.4.6 Placement of transducers


10.4.7 Instrumentation


10.5 Data reduction


10.5.1 Steady state vibration data


10.5.2 Transient vibration data



11 Condition monitoring and fault diagnostics



11.1 Machine deterioration 11.2 Machine condition monitoring

115 116

11.2.1 General considerations


11.2.2 Maintenance strategies


11.2.3 Factors influencing maintenance strategies


11.3 Diagnosis process 11.4 Fault diagnostics

120 121

11.4.1 Unbalance


11.4.2 Misalignment and radial preload


11.4.3 Fluid induced instabilities


11.4.4 Rotor-to-stator rubbing


11.4.5 Mechanical looseness


11.4.6 Cracked shafts


11.5 Problems of specific machines


11.5.1 Centrifugal equipment


11.5.2 Bladed machines


11.5.3 Electrical machines and gears


11.5.4 Reciprocating compressors Annex 11.1 Shaft alignment References

152 155 159


vi 12 Vibration limits


12.1 Broadband vibration standards and guidelines


12.2 Vibration severity charts


12.3 Vibration limits for nonrotating parts


12.3.1 General guidelines


12.3.2 Steam turbine sets


12.3.3 Coupled industrial machines


12.3.4 Gas turbine sets


12.3.5 Hydraulic machines


12.3.6 Reciprocating machines


12.4 Vibration limits for rotating parts


12.4.1 General guidelines


12.4.2 Steam turbine sets


12.4.3 Coupled industrial machines


12.4.4 Gas turbine sets


12.4.5 Hydraulic machine sets


12.4.6 Selection of measurements


12.5 Gear units


12.6 API Standards 12.7 Industrial buildings

186 187

12.7.1 Vibration intensity


12.7.2 Limits based on vibration velocity


Annexes References

13 Balancing of rotors

192 199


13.1 The mass unbalance


13.1.1 Definitions


13.1.2 Static unbalance


13.1.3 Couple unbalance


13.1.4 Quasi-static unbalance


13.1.5 Dynamic unbalance


13.1.6 Static vs dynamic unbalance


13.2 Single plane balancing


13.2.1 Vector balancing


13.2.2 Influence coefficient method



vii 13.2.3 Three-trial-mass method

13.3 Two-plane balancing



13.3.1 Influence coefficient method


13.3.2 Resolution into static and couple unbalance


13.4 Unbalance tolerances


13.4.1 Permissible residual unbalance


13.4.2 Balance quality grades


13.4.3 Classification of rigid rotors


13.5 Multiplane flexible rotor balancing


13.5.1 Balancing in N+2 planes


13.5.2 Modal balancing


13.5.3 General remarks



14 Reciprocating machines 14.1 Single cylinder engines


237 237

14.1.1 Gas pressure excitation


14.1.2 Inertia effects


14.1.3 Kinematics of crank mechanism


14.1.4 Connecting rod and equivalent two-mass system


14.1.5 Unbalance of a single cylinder engine


14.2 Multi cylinder engines


14.2.1 Unbalance forces and couples


14.2.2 Othe vibration sources


14.2.3 Fault diagnosis of a diesel engine


14.3 Reciprocating compressors and piping systems


14.3.1 Compressor-manifold system


14.3.2 Excitation forces


14.3.3 Pulsation analysis


14.3.4 Piping vibration







This chapter presents the vibration characteristics of rolling element bearings, and techniques for detecting bearing damage.

8.1 Rolling element radial bearings The four essential parts of a ball bearing are shown in Fig. 8.1. These are the inner ring, the outer ring, the balls or rolling elements and the cage (separator, retainer).

Fig. 8.1 (from [8.1])

The inner ring is mounted on the shaft and rotating with it. There is a track for the rolling elements incorporated in this ring. For most applications, the outer ring is mounted in a housing and usually fixed. It also contains a track for the



rolling elements. In some instances, both races rotate. The cage connects the rolling elements and keeps an equal spacing between them. It rotates about the shaft. The rolling elements are moving with the cage between the races. Generally, rolling elements rotate around their axes and simultaneously they orbit round the bearing axis. If pure rolling motion is considered, the absolute motion can be seen as the sum of a transport motion with the cage and a relative spinning motion with respect to the cage. In addition, a certain degree of sliding occurs on the raceways, called skidding. In ball bearings with zero contact angle, a ball may have a rotational sliding normal to the contact surface. At the same time, the ball can have another kind of motion due to gyroscopic moments. If the roller axis does not coincide with the rolling axis, a slight skew of the roller in roller bearings may exist. Other motions may occur due to the misalignment of the two raceways. The kinematics of rolling bearings is influenced by structural parameters, operating conditions, lubrication and manufacturing accuracy. Higher clearances and lighter loading can cause internal sliding. Roller bearings used in aircraft engines are sometimes assembled with “out of round” outer raceways to yield a certain amount of preload in the radial direction in order to reduce skidding.


b Fig. 8.2 (from [8.2])

According to the shape of the rolling element, there are ball bearings and roller bearings. Figure 8.2,a shows an angular-contact ball bearing while Fig. 8.2,b illustrates a tapered roller bearing. For the latter, the inner ring is called the cone, and the outer ring is called the cup.



8.2 Kinematics of rolling bearings The main bearing elements have characteristic rotational frequencies at which vibration energy is produced by the periodic impact of a defect. Theoretical estimates of these frequencies can be determined assuming a perfect geometry. This means: a) outer and inner bearing races are perfectly circular; b) all balls are perfectly spherical and of equal diameter; c) perfect alignment of the inner and outer races. In practice this is rarely the case and it is common to find additional frequency components generated by errors such as lobing, ovality and ball diameter differences.

8.2.1 Basic assumptions In order to determine the angular speeds of the components of rolling bearings, the following assumptions are made: a) bearing elements are rigid (contact deformations are neglected); b) rolling elements have pure rolling motions on raceways (sliding neglected) so that the linear velocities at the contact points of a rolling element and a raceway are identical; c) radial clearances are neglected; d) the effect of lubrication is ignored [8.3].

Fig. 8.3

Figure 8.3 shows an angular contact ball bearing. The index i is for the inner ring, o – for the outer ring, B – for the ball, and m – for the cage. Dm is the pitch diameter, DB is the ball diameter, Di is the diameter of the inner contact circle, and Do is the diameter of the outer contact circle, β is the contact angle



( β = 0 for radially loaded deep groove ball bearings). Symbols n i , no and nB

represent the rotational speeds of the inner ring, outer ring and ball. Clockwise rotations are considered positive.

8.2.2 Simple kinematic relations for angular contact bearings The linear velocity of the outer raceway at the contact points is vo = ωo

⎛ ⎞ Do π no ⎛ Dm DB D ⎞ π = + no Dm ⎜⎜ 1 + B cosβ ⎟⎟ . cosβ ⎟ = ⎜ Dm 2 30 ⎝ 2 2 ⎠ 60 ⎝ ⎠


The linear velocity of the inner raceway at the contact points is vi = ω i

Di 2


π n i ⎛ Dm

⎛ ⎞ D D ⎞ π − B cosβ ⎟ = n i Dm ⎜⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟⎟ . ⎜ Dm 30 ⎝ 2 2 ⎠ 60 ⎝ ⎠


The linear velocity at the center of rolling elements is equal to the mean of the outer and inner raceway velocities at contact points (Fig. 8.3) vm =

⎛ ⎞ π ⎛ ⎞ vo + vi D D π = no Dm ⎜⎜ 1 + B cosβ ⎟⎟ + n i Dm ⎜⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟⎟ . Dm Dm 2 120 ⎝ ⎠ 120 ⎝ ⎠


The linear velocity of the cage pitch circle is vm =

π 60

nm Dm .


Equating the two equations, the rotational speed of the cage is derived as

nm =

⎞ DB 1⎡ ⎛ cosβ ⎟⎟ + n i ⎢no ⎜⎜ 1 + Dm 2 ⎣⎢ ⎝ ⎠

⎛ ⎞⎤ D ⎜⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟⎟⎥ . Dm ⎝ ⎠⎥⎦


The rotational speed of the cage relative to the inner ring is equal to the difference between the absolute rotational speed of the cage and that of the inner ring ⎞ n ⎛ D nmi = nm − n i = r ⎜⎜ 1 + B cosβ ⎟⎟ , (8.6) Dm 2 ⎝ ⎠ where nr is the relative rotational speed between the outer and the inner races nr = no − n i .




The rotational speed of the outer ring relative to the cage is nom = no − nm =

nr 2

⎛ ⎞ D ⎜⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟⎟ . Dm ⎝ ⎠


Fig. 8.4

The rotational speed of a rolling element around its own axis can be obtained blocking the cage (nm = 0) . If vm = 0 , then nm i = −n i ,

no m = no .


Equating the linear velocities vi = vo (Fig. 8.4) yields vi =

π 60

n i Di = vo = −

π 60

n B DB ,

so that n m i Di = n B DB and nB=

Di n mi . DB



Do n om . DB



The rotational speed of the rolling element is nB =

⎞⎛ ⎞ 1 Dm ⎛ D D ⎜⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + B cosβ ⎟⎟ , nr 2 DB ⎝ Dm Dm ⎠⎝ ⎠



2 ⎞ ⎤ nr Dm ⎡ ⎛ DB ⎢1− ⎜ cosβ ⎟⎟ ⎥ . nB = 2 DB ⎢ ⎜⎝ Dm ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣


8.2.3 Primary rolling element bearing frequencies Let Z be the number of rolling elements. The impact rate for an inner race defect is equal to Z nmi , the number of rolling elements passing a given point on the inner ring per minute Z nm i =

⎛ ⎞ Z D nr ⎜⎜ 1 + B cosβ ⎟⎟ . 2 Dm ⎝ ⎠


The impact rate for an outer race defect is equal to Z no m , the number of rolling elements passing a given point on the outer ring per minute Z no m =

⎛ ⎞ Z D nr ⎜⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟⎟ . 2 Dm ⎝ ⎠


The impact rate (per minute) for a ball defect is 2 nB , because the ball defect strikes two surfaces (inner and outer races) in one revolution.

For a stationary outer ring, the impact rate for a cage defect is no m . Expressing impact rates per second as frequencies f = n 60 [Hz], one obtains outer race ball pass frequency

fo =

⎞ Z ⎛ D f r ⎜⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟⎟ ; Dm 2 ⎝ ⎠


inner race ball pass frequency

fi =

⎞ Z ⎛ D f r ⎜⎜ 1 + B cosβ ⎟⎟ ; Dm 2 ⎝ ⎠


ball defect frequency

D f B = fr m DB

2 ⎡ ⎛ D ⎞ ⎤ ⎢ 1 − ⎜ B cosβ ⎟ ⎥ ; ⎟ ⎥ ⎢ ⎜⎝ Dm ⎠ ⎦ ⎣


cage defect frequency fc =

1 2

⎡ no ⎛ ⎞⎤ ⎞ ni ⎛ DB D ⎜⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟⎟⎥ . cosβ ⎟⎟ + ⎢ ⎜⎜ 1 + Dm Dm ⎢⎣ 60 ⎝ ⎠⎥⎦ ⎠ 60 ⎝




Note that the above relations are approximate, assuming pure rolling motion and neglecting sliding motions. For normal speeds, these defect frequencies are usually less than 500 Hz. Amplitude modulations especially at the shaft rotational frequency can produce sum and difference sidebands.

Example 8.1 A radial-thrust ball bearing type 46305, GOST 831-54 mounted on a shaft with the rotational speed n i = 1000 rpm , has the following geometry: ball diameter DB = 14.3 mm , pitch diameter Dm = 77.5 mm , contact angle β = 26o , number of balls Z = 10 [8.4].

From the formulas for bearing frequencies (8.15)-(8.18) we obtain:

f c = 6.99 Hz , f B = 30.72 Hz , f o = 69.9 Hz , fi = 97.1 Hz .

Example 8.2 A radial ball bearing type SKF6211, mounted on a shaft with the rotational speed n i = 3000 rpm , has the following geometry: ball diameter DB = 25 mm , pitch diameter Dm = 62 mm , contact angle β = 0 , number of balls Z = 10 . The bearing frequencies (8.15)-(8.18) are: f c = 20 Hz , f B = 260 Hz , f o = 205 Hz , fi = 295 Hz .

8.2.4 Kinematic relations for tapered roller bearings Let α be the taper angle and β the contact angle. Denote 1 [ tan (β − α ) − tanα ] tan −1 (β − α ), 2 1 K 2 = [ tan (β − α ) + tanα ] tan −1 (β − α ). 2 K1 =


Dm - the pitch diameter and DR - the roller diameter. When the two rings rotate in the same direction, we obtain the following speeds



the cage speed

nm = n i K1 + no K 2 ,

the cage speed relative to the inner ring

nm i = no − n i K 2 ,

( ) no m = ( no − n i ) K1 ,

the outer ring speed relative to the cage the roller spin speed


nR = no − n i

) 2DDm K1K 2 .

(8.20) (8.21) (8.22) (8.23)


Note that the relations for angular contact ball bearings can be obtained from equations (8.20)-(8.23) by substituting DR = DB and K1 =

1 2

⎛ ⎞ D ⎜ 1 − B cosβ ⎟ , ⎜ ⎟ Dm ⎝ ⎠

K2 =

1 2

⎛ ⎞ D ⎜⎜ 1 + B cosβ ⎟⎟ . Dm ⎝ ⎠


8.2.5 General kinematic relations More accurate kinematic relations for rolling bearings can be obtained taking into account the effect of Hertzian deformations, spinning and sliding ball motions, radial clearances and elastohydrodynamic lubrication [8.5]. Rolling element bearings are statically-indeterminate, nonlinear, elastic systems whose motion is influenced by structural parameters, operating environment, lubrication condition and manufacturing accuracy. Mathematical models for the ball motion have been developed, considering either three or five degrees of freedom [8.6]. Balls may have a rotational sliding normal to the contact surface, called spinning, if its contact angle is not zero. At the same time, balls have another type of motion due to gyroscopic moments. In radial roller bearings a slight skew of rollers may exist, i.e. the roller axis may not coincide with the rolling axis. Internal sliding is more serious in rolling bearings with high clearances and relatively low external loads. Skidding is sometimes reduced by intentional radial preload obtained with out-of-round outer raceways. Early quasi-static analyses of unlubricated roller bearings were based on the assumption of Coulomb friction in the race contacts [8.7], [8.8]. The friction forces resulting from interfacial slip at the ball-race contacts have been included in the dynamic analysis of the elastically constrained bearing. Elastohydrodynamic lubrication effects have been introduced later [8.9] and incorporated in more accurate dynamic analyses [8.10]. More elaborate models have been developed to simulate distributed defects such as off-size rolling elements, misaligned and out-of-round components [8.11]. Their description is beyond the aim of this presentation.



8.3 Structural vibrations The natural frequencies of the ‘free’ bearing elements can be calculated theoretically as [8.12] race natural frequency fn =


k k 2 −1 2π


1 2 k +1 a 2

EI m

[Hz] ,


where k is the number of waves around circumference ( k = 2 , 3, 4 ) , a is the radius to neutral axis, I is the moment of inertia of cross-section, E is Young’s modulus, and m is the mass of race per linear length; ball natural frequency

fBn =

0.848 DB

E 2ρ

[Hz] ,


where DB is the ball diameter and ρ is the density of the ball material. These are the ‘free’ natural frequencies of individual elements. It is difficult to estimate how these frequencies are affected by assembly into a full bearing and mounted in a housing. However it is indicated that resonances are not altered significantly. Resonance of the ball is usually far above the range of vibration analysis and can be ignored. The outer ring resonance can be excited by the rotating balls (rollers). They deform the race into a flexural pattern (with a number of wavelengths equal to the number of rolling elements) which rotates with the ball passing frequency. It can also be produced by the waving motion of the balls around their theoretical circumferential path. In rolling bearings the external load is carried by a finite number of rolling elements. Their number under load varies with the angular position of the cage. The elastic deflection produced by the Hertzian contact under load varies with the position of the rolling element relative to the line of load. This gives rise to a periodical variation of the total stiffness of the bearing assembly and generates the so-called varying compliance vibrations of the rotor [8.13]. Their fundamental frequency is equal to the ball (or roller) passage frequency over the outer ring. Higher harmonics are also excited, to a degree decreasing with their order, mainly due to deviations of the bearing parts from the perfect geometric shape. The magnitude of shaft movements is a function of the external load, number of rolling elements, radial clearance and the local stiffness



between rolling element and tracks, as given by the Hertzian theory for elastic contacts (H. Hertz, 1881). The parametrically excited vibrations of the rotor-bearing system, with strongly coupled vertical and horizontal movements, are described by nonlinear equations of motion with time varying coefficients. Variable contact compliance vibrations are of importance only at frequencies in the neighborhood of the rotational frequency of the bearing, and are generally of appreciable magnitude only for rather high radial loads. Structural resonances can also be excited by other distributed defects such as race misalignment or eccentricity, lack of roundness, waviness of the rolling surfaces and unequal ball diameters produced during the manufacturing process. These ‘distributed’ defects often give rise to excessive contact forcers which in turn result in premature surface fatigue and ultimate failure. Note that waviness defines relatively widely-spaced surface irregularities. In principle, surface roughness is the same type of geometrical imperfection as waviness. Their distinguishing characteristic is the spacing of irregularities, which is finer for surface roughness. Waviness is used to imply irregularities up to an order of 200 waves per circumference, while surface roughness contains waves of a much higher order. Typical examples are the following: at a frequency of 300 Hz, the inner ring has 16 to 17 waves per circumference, and the outer ring has 24 to 27. At a frequency of 1800 Hz, the inner ring has 94 to 101 waves per circumference, and the outer ring has 147 to 166 [8.14]. Geometrical irregularities in the form of a waviness with a few cycles around the circumference give rise to low frequency vibrations. The vibrations of radially loaded bearings with stationary outer rings and positive radial clearances are primarily related to the inner race waviness and varying roller diameter, rather to other geometrical errors. The vibrations due to non-uniform roller diameters occur at cage speed harmonics, while vibrations due to inner race waviness occur at shaft speed harmonics with a side band spaced with the roller passage frequency occurring at the high harmonics [8.15].

8.4 Bearing “mechanical signature” The vibration signal produced by a rolling element bearing, as measured by an accelerometer or other motion transducer, can be electronically broken into its frequency components and their related amplitude levels. This plot of the narrow-band spectrum of the vibration signal is called the “mechanical signature” of the ball bearing, since it identifies the bearing and is unique to the unit selected. Figures 8.5 and 8.6 are examples of mechanical signatures of two different ball bearings. Many of the discrete frequencies contained in the



mechanical signature can be related to the specific mechanical defects within the bearing. The amplitudes of these peaks are a measure of the energy transmitted by impacts and, therefore, of the smoothness of the bearing operation. Peaks generated by unbalance, misalignment and other sources have to be distinguished from bearing generated peaks.

Fig. 8.5 (from [8.16])

Fig. 8.6 (from [8.16])



A comparison of the mechanical signatures of two ball bearings of the same type would require data obtained at the same speed, since most of the vibration frequencies are proportional to speed. Rather than trying to hold speed constant, it was found better to have mechanical signatures independent of speed. This is accomplished by normalizing all frequencies relative to the fundamental rotational speed. The procedure is called “order normalization”. For stationary outer ring, the fundamental frequency of rotation is that of the inner ring. The spectra in Figs. 8.5 and 8.6 are plotted versus frequency orders.

Fig. 8.7 (from [8.16])

The mechanical signature of a good bearing is shown in Fig. 8.7. The amplitude is calibrated for 90dB equal to 0.26 g. The noise floor is approximately 50dB or 0.0026 g. The first order is the only frequency evident in this spectrum. The amplitude of the spectrum is plotted in log scale to provide the greatest vertical magnification. This allows the detection of small defect frequencies in a measurement containing a large frequency component. Otherwise the random noise due to friction may dominate the spectrum making it difficult to locate frequencies that can be correlated with bearing defects. A spectrum averaging technique can be applied to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of the periodic discrete frequencies generated by the ball bearing. A mechanical signature showing a ball defect is illustrated in Fig. 8.8. The presence of two large orders (5.80 and 1.00) generates sum and difference frequencies that can be identified at 5.80 ± 1.00 and 5.80 ± 2.00 . This bearing also shows orders associated with inner race defects that can be explained by a nonlinear (N.L.) theory taking into account race waviness, eccentricity and large ball diameter variations.



Fig. 8.8 (from [8.16])

Generally, the outer race geometrical imperfections produce a vibration spectrum having peaks at the harmonics of the outer race defect frequency, with side bands spaced with the cage frequency. The inner race surface irregularities produce a spectrum having peaks at the harmonics of the inner race defect frequency. The side bands are spaced with an interval related to the cage frequency and the shaft running frequency.

8.5 Rolling element bearing damage Each of the different causes of bearing failure – inadequate or unsuitable lubrication, careless handling, ineffective sealing, incorrect fits, etc. – produces its own characteristic damage. Such damage, known as primary damage, can be wear, indentations, smearing, surface distress, corrosion and electric current damage. Primary damage gives rise to secondary, failure-inducing damage – flaking and cracks. A failed bearing frequently displays a combination of primary and secondary damage [8.17]. The local defects, including cracks, pits and spalls, give rise to impulsive contacts between the bearing elements. These impulsive contacts produce vibrations and noise, which can be monitored to detect the presence of a defect in the bearing.



8.5.1 Primary damage Wear Wear may occur as a result of the ingress of foreign particles into the bearing or when the lubrication is unsatisfactory. It may occur also in bearings exposed to vibrations while not running, damage known as false brinelling. Indentations Indentations in raceways and rolling elements occur when the bearing, while not running, is subjected to abnormally heavy loading in the form of impacts or pressure. The distance between the dents is the same as the rolling element spacing. Foreign particles in the bearing also cause indentations. Smearing When two inadequately lubricated surfaces slide against each other under load, material is transferred from one surface to the other. This is known as smearing and the surfaces concerned become ripped up and look scored. When smearing occurs, the material is generally heated to such temperatures that rehardening takes place. This produces localized stress concentrations that may cause cracking or flaking. Surface distress If the lubricant film between raceways and rolling elements becomes too thin, the peaks of the surface asperities will momentarily come in contact with each other. Small cracks then form in the surfaces and this is known as surface distress. These cracks must not be confused with the fatigue cracks that originate beneath the surface and lead to flaking. These cracks may, however, hasten the formation of sub-surface fatigue cracks and in that way shorten the bearing life. Corrosion Rust will form if water or corrosive agents get into the bearing in such quantities that the lubricant cannot provide protection for the steel surfaces. This process will soon lead to deep seated rust that can initiate flaking and cracks. Fretting corrosion occurs when there is relative movement between bearing ring and shaft or housing, on account of the fit being too loose.

8.5.2 Secondary damage Flaking (Spalling) Bearing life is determined by material fatigue. Fatigue is the result of shear stresses cyclically appearing just below the load carrying surface. After a time these stresses cause cracks which gradually extend up to the surface. As the rolling elements pass over the cracks, fragments of material break away and this is known



as flaking or spalling. The flaking progressively increases in extent and eventually makes the bearing unserviceable. The life of a rolling bearing is defined as the number of revolutions the bearing can perform before incipient flaking occurs. The causes of premature flaking may be heavier external loading than had been anticipated, preloading on account of incorrect fits or excessive drive-up a tapered seating, oval distortion owing to shaft or housing seating out-of-roundness, axial compression as a result of thermal expansion, misalignment, etc. Flaking may also be caused by other types of damage, such as indentations, deep seated rust, electric current damage or smearing. Cracks Cracks may form in bearing rings for various reasons. The most common cause is rough treatment when bearings are being mounted or dismounted (hammer blows, excessive drive-up on tapered seatings, heating and mounting on shafts with wrong tolerances). Flaking acts as a fracture notch and may lead to cracking of the bearing ring. Cage damage Cage failures are due to vibrations, excessive speeds, wear and blockage by flaked material wedged between the cage and a rolling element. Misaligned rings produce oval ball paths that distort the cage once per revolution leading to fatigue cracks. The cage is the first component to be affected when the lubrication becomes inadequate. It is always made of softer material than the other components of the bearing and consequently it wears comparatively quickly. Two approaches have been used to study the vibration and acoustic response of rolling element bearings due to defects in the bearings. One is to run the bearings until they fail and monitor the changes in their vibration and acoustic response. Usually the failure is accelerated by overloading, overspeeding, or starving the bearings of lubricant. The other approach is to intentionally introduce defects in the bearings by techniques such as acid etching, spark erosion, scratching, or mechanical indentation. The vibration response of the bearings is measured and compared with the responses of good bearings.

8.5.3 Other damages [8.14] Denting is a defect in the raceway resulting from the introduction of foreign particles which become pressed between the rolling elements and rings. External debris is foreign matter introduced to the bearing from an external source. Glazing is a form of smearing whereby the affected area on the raceway has a shiny appearance similar to the finish on a new ball. Metal flow has taken place during this mode of failure.



Grooving shows as continuous circumferential indentation on balls produced by the balls running on the retaining diameter of the counterbored raceway. Brinelling. The term applies to a bearing which has been statically loaded to an extent such that the raceways and rolling elements are permanently deformed. A brinelled bearing has indentations in the raceways and often has corresponding flats on the rolling elements. Fretting is a corrosive form of wear caused by very slight movement between two metal surfaces under very high contact pressure. The formation of an iron-oxide paste between two fretting steel members is not uncommon. It is often seen between the inner ring and the shaft. Creeping is a relative movement between the bearing inner ring and the shaft, caused by inadequate interference fit for the applied load. Creeping is evidenced by circumferential scoring on the bearing bore and shaft. It may be an advanced stage of fretting. Spinning is an advanced stage of creeping. The relative movement between inner ring and shaft is much greater than in creeping and the sliding surfaces may become polished. The iron-oxide from the fretting phase may still be present and assist in further wear. Discoloration due to temperature indicates operation of the bearing elements with marginal lubrication or under excessive power conditions.

8.6 Time domain bearing diagnostics methods The time-history of the vibration signal can be measured to detect defects in rolling element bearings.

8.6.1 Time-waveform indices Time-waveform indices are calculated based on the raw vibration signal and used for trending and comparisons. Examples are the peak level (maximum vibration amplitude within a given time signal), peak-to-peak amplitude (maximum positive to maximum negative signal amplitudes), mean level (average vibration amplitude), and root-mean-square (r.m.s.) level [8.12]. For a sample record x (t ) of duration T, the mean value and the root mean square value have the following expressions:


17 1 x= T

mean value

root mean square value


∫ x (t )d t ;



xr .m .s . =

1 T




(t ) d t .



Usual practice is to measure the r.m.s. velocity of the overall vibration level at the bearing housing. Measured levels are compared with general standards or with established reference values for each bearing. By plotting the measurement results over time the trend in vibration can be followed and extrapolated to give a prediction of when the bearing needs replacement. However, because the overall vibration level often increases only in the final stages of failure, this method gives late warnings of failure. Two time-waveform indices used to get early warnings of the bearing failure – the Crest Factor and the Kurtosis – are presented in the following.

8.6.2 Crest Factor An early warning of bearing failure is obtained measuring the Crest Factor. The Crest Factor is defined as the ratio of the peak level to the r.m.s. level of a signal [8.18] Crest Factor =

peak level . r .m.s . level


The curve in Fig. 8.9 shows a typical trend for the Crest Factor as the bearing condition deteriorates. Initially, for a bearing with no faults there is a relatively constant ratio of about 3.0. As localized faults develop, the resulting impacts increase the peak level substantially, but have little influence on the r.m.s. level. The peak level will typically grow to a certain limit. As the bearing condition deteriorates, more spikes will be generated per ball-pass, finally influencing the r.m.s. level, even though the individual peak levels are not greater. Towards the end of the bearing life, the crest factor may have fallen to its original value, even though both peak and RMS levels have increased considerably. The best way to trend the data is as illustrated in Fig. 8.9: peak and r.m.s. levels on the same graph, with Crest Factor inferred as the difference between the two curves (log scale).



Fig. 8.9 (from [8.19])

Measuring the overall vibration level over a wide frequency range (10 Hz to 10000 Hz), the method is prone to interference from other vibration sources.

8.6.3 Amplitude probability density A vibration signal taken near a rolling bearing can be analyzed as a stationary random signal. Considering a sample record x (t ) of duration T, the signal is described by the probability with which the signal will take values between x and x + Δ x (Fig. 8.10). It is equal to the time spent in the window Δ x , equal to the sum Δt1 + Δt2 + .... + Δtn , divided by the averaging time T P ( x, x + Δ x ) =


∑ i =1

Δ ti . T


When Δ x → 0 and T → ∞ , one obtains the amplitude probability density p (x ) , giving the probability to have an amplitude x , plotted on the left of Fig.



8.10. The bell-shaped curve corresponds to the Gaussian (normal) distribution, which describes signals occurring in practice with sufficient precision.

Fig. 8.10

Figure 8.11 shows the normalized probability density function ∞

∫ p ( x ) dx = 1



as a function of the dimensionless variable x σ , where σ is the r.m.s. value for zero mean.

Fig. 8.11



It is found that 99.8% of all events occur in the range ± 3σ . From that follows approximately that the peak value is 3σ , which, divided by the r.m.s. value σ , gives for the Crest Factor (8.29) a value of ≈ 3.0 . An obvious measure of bearing condition is obtained by observing changes in the probability at particular amplitude levels, those above 3σ providing most significant information.

Fig. 8.12 (from [8.20])

A typical result for a bearing is shown in Fig. 8.12, where the vertical logarithmic scale was chosen to enhance the changes at low probability which have been found important in detection of bearing damage. Endurance tests have been carried out at constant speed and twice the recommended load, to accelerate fatigue failure. The overall acceleration level was measured in the frequency range 3Hz − 5 kHz . The three curves correspond to increased test durations, expressed in terms of the bearing life L10 = 50 h . Note that L10 is defined as the rating life of a group of apparently identical rolling element bearings, operating under identical loads and speeds, with a 90% reliability before the first evidence of fatigue develops [8.21]. A fatigue spall of specific size ( 6 mm 2 ) is usually considered (ISO 281, 2006). In the early stages of the test, i.e. 0.067 L 10 ( 3.35 h ), when the bearing is undamaged, the distribution curve is an inverted parabola which indicates a normal (Gaussian) distribution. With incipient damage at 1.4 L10 ( 70 h ), pronounced changes occur in the tail of the distribution curves. This is consistent with the observation made on Fig. 8.9 that the measured peak acceleration level increases



but the r.m.s. level remains relatively unchanged. With increasing time, i.e. 1.6 L10 and advancing damage, the tail of the distribution curve initially broadens.

8.6.4 Statistical moments Rather than examining the probability density function in detail, it is often more informative to examine statistical moments of the data [8.22]. These are defined by the general integral ∞

Mn =

∫ x p ( x ) dx ,

(n = 1, 2, 3, ...) .




The first two moments are ∞

mean value


∫ x p ( x ) dx ,



mean square value

__ 2

x =

∫ x p ( x ) dx . 2



The variance (dispersion) is ∞


σ =

∫ ( x − x ) p ( x ) dx , 2



where σ is the standard deviation (mean square error). Odd moments, i.e. n = 1, 3, 5,…, etc., relate information about the position of the peak density relative to the median value. Even moments, n = 2 , 4, 6 ... , etc., indicate the spread in distribution. Higher moments (n > 2 ) generally have the mean value removed and are normalized by the standard deviation. The third moment yields ∞

∫ x p (x ) dx 3

Skewness and the fourth moment yields

skew (x ) =






22 ∞

∫ x p (x ) dx 4

kurt ( x ) =






Skewness is a measure of symmetry, or more precisely, the lack of symmetry. The skewness for a normal distribution is zero.

8.6.5 Kurtosis The Kurtosis factor is the ratio of the fourth central moment of the amplitude distribution to the second power of the second central moment. Kurtosis characterizes the relative peakedness or flatness of a distribution compared to the normal distribution (Karl Pearson in Biometrika, 1905). A normal distribution has a Kurtosis of 3 and is called mesokurtic. Indeed, for a Gaussian distribution

p (x ) =

⎡ (x − x ) 2 ⎤ exp ⎢− ⎥, 2π 2 σ 2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣




the fourth statistical moment is ∞

M4 =

∫ ( x − x ) p ( x ) dx =






σ 2π

x−x , σ 2

( x − x ) 4 exp ⎢− (x − x2) ⎡




⎥ dx . ⎦⎥

d x = σ 2 dy ,

we obtain M4 =

4σ 4


∫ y exp (− y ) dy = 3σ 4





The second statistical moment is ∞

M2 =

∫ (x−x )



p ( x ) dx =

2σ 2


∫ y exp (− y ) dy =σ 2







The Kurtosis results as kurt ( x ) =


(M 2 ) 2


A flat distribution with short tails has a Kurtosis value less than 3 and is called platykurtic. A peaked distribution with longer tails has a Kurtosis value greater than 3 and is said to be leptokurtic. Higher Kurtosis means that more of the variance is due to infrequent extreme deviations, as opposed to frequent modestlysized deviations. Kurtosis provides an early warning of surface damage (Dyer and Stewart, 1978). For a good bearing it equals 3. Bearing damage causes an increase in the impulsive components of the vibration signal, due to impacting. The signals become more “spiky”. A damaged bearing exhibits a non-Gaussian probability distribution with dominant tails which increase the Kurtosis value. The advantage of Kurtosis, as a parameter for detecting the condition of rolling element bearings, lies in the finding that it remains close to 3 (± 8% ) for an undamaged bearing and is insensitive to the load or speed of bearing. One disadvantage is that the Kurtosis value comes down to the level of an undamaged bearing (i.e. 3) when the damage is well advanced. Therefore, it has been suggested to measure Kurtosis in selected frequency bands [8.23]. Experiments have shown that initial damage increases Kurtosis in the lower frequency bands. As damage spreads, the Kurtosis value begins to decrease in the first band (2.5 − 5 kHz ) , while increasing in the other bands. At the end of the useful life of the bearing, the highest Kurtosis numbers are in the highest frequency band (40 − 80 kHz ) [8.24].

8.7 Frequency domain bearing diagnostics methods The time-domain bearing vibration signal is processed into the frequency domain by applying a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. The principal advantage of this format is that the repetitive nature of the vibration signal is clearly displayed as peaks in the frequency spectrum at the frequencies where the repetition takes place. This allows for faults, which usually generate specific characteristic frequency responses, to be detected early, diagnosed accurately, and trended over time as the condition deteriorates. However, the disadvantage of frequency-domain analysis is that a significant amount of information (transients, non-repetitive signal components) may be lost during the transformation process.



Particular emphasis is placed on changes in the frequency spectrum of the vibration signals. Additional processing techniques are used as an aid to interpretation of the spectrum, like synchronous time signal averaging and cepstrum analysis (see Sections 9.6.1 and 9.7).

8.7.1 Band-pass analysis Frequency spectra obtained from measurements made on bearings, referred to as “mechanical signatures” in Section 8.4, are used in fault detection and diagnosis. For fault detection, current spectra are compared with those obtained over a period of time to detect changes in spectrum, which denote bearing deterioration [8.25]-[8.27].

Fig. 8.13 (from [8.19])

Fig. 8.14 (from [8.28])



Figure 8.13 shows how a developing fault changes the spectrum as a function of time. The frequency spectrum gives earlier warnings than monitoring of overall vibration. The level of overall vibration only increases after an increasing component has become the highest peak in the spectrum. Whenever an increase of the baseline (reference) level is detected, a further analysis is carried out for fault diagnosis. The frequency range in which the levels are exceeded gives an indication of what type of faults to expect. Band-pass analysis involves filtering the vibration signal above and/or below specific frequencies in order to reduce the amount of information presented in the spectrum to a set band of frequencies. These frequencies are typically where fault characteristic responses are anticipated. Changes in the vibration signal outside the frequency band of interest are not displayed. Vibrations produced by machines with rolling element bearings occur in three frequency regions (Fig. 8.14): a) the rotor related region, in the range of 1 4 to 3 times the shaft rotational speed. In the low frequency region, unbalance, misalignment, bent shaft, mechanical looseness, oil whirl, hysteretic whirl, etc. will be found; b) the prime spike (element passage) region, normally 1 to 7 times the element passage rate. In the medium frequency region, indication on wear and incipient faults in a gearbox will be found, as well as eccentricity, uneven gearwheels, misaligned gearwheels, etc.; c) the high frequency (spike energy) region, from 5 kHz to approximately 25 kHz . At very high frequencies, to the megahertz region, measured data may contain information related to incipient faults in rolling-element bearings, rubs, cavitation, valve noise, etc. Guideline alarm threshold values are [8.1]: 7.7 mm s peak for region a, 2.5 to 3.8 mm s peak values for region b, 3 to 4 g peak values for region c.

8.7.2 Spike energy Spike Energy is a measure of the intensity of energy generated by repetitive mechanical impacts or pulses that occur as a result of surface flaws or insufficient bearing lubrication. These impacts tend to excite the resonance response of machine components. A signal measured near a rolling element bearing appears as periodic spikes of high-frequency energy and can be measured by accelerometers [8.29].



For a bearing with fixed outer ring, rotating inner ring and fixed load, Fig. 8.15 shows the signal produced by a defect in the fixed race

Fig. 8.15 (from [8.30])

For a defect in the rotating inner race, it is important to consider the load distribution around the bearing circumference. This results in a modulation effect illustrated in Fig. 8.16.

Fig. 8.16 (from [8.30])

When the load is not fixed in space, but rotating as for centrifugal forces, modulations are also generated for a fixed outer race defect. The intensity of impact energy is a function of pulse amplitude, pulse rate and pulse duration. This signal is processed by a Spike Energy™ detector (IRD Mechanalysis). A simplified flow chart of the Spike Energy signal processing is shown in Fig. 8.17. The vibration signal from an accelerometer is passed through a high frequency bandpass filter. The purpose of filtering is to reject the normal rotational



vibration components, such as unbalance and misalignment, while allowing the vibration generated by impacts to remain. The lower corner frequency, f c , can be selected between 100 and 5000 Hz, and the upper corner frequency, f d , is 65 kHz . The filtered vibration signal passes through a peak-to-peak detector with a properly selected output time constant, which detects and holds the peak-to-peak values. Then, it decays at the rate of the time constant until the next pulse occurs. The instrument repeats this process.

Fig. 8.17 (from [8.31])



It is customary to measure accelerations in g units 1 g = 9.81 m s 2 . The acceleration measured to describe the energy produced by early bearing defects is measured in “gSE” units (acceleration units of Spike Energy). These faults produce a high frequency carrier and modulating sidebands. The carrier is the natural frequency of the excited bearing component. The modulating sidebands are caused by load and speed changes. The gSE reading is determined by the intensity of the high-frequency peaks in the vibration signal. Pulses with large amplitude and high repetition rate produce high overall gSE readings. In addition to overall Spike Energy measurements, a Spike Energy Spectrum can be obtained by fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis of the signal from the Spike Energy detector. It is different from the acceleration frequency spectrum. The components in the gSE spectrum are modulation frequencies that are related to the high frequency carrier, such as the resonance frequency of the machine element.



Spike Energy readings can be affected by accelerometers and mounting methods. The gSE readings can be different if different transducers are used unless transducers have exactly the same frequency response characteristics. To ensure the consistency of gSE data, it is necessary to always use the same accelerometer and the same mounting conditions. Stud mounting is the best. Spike Energy readings are highly dependent upon the machine size, configuration and bearing details. Users must go through a learning phase, taking periodic readings, observing trends, noting failed bearings and building up historical background before accurate condition assessments are made. As an order of magnitude, energy alarm levels of 0.5 gSE have been used in an application with the dryer rolls on a paper machine.

8.7.3 Envelope analysis Envelope analysis is essentially a signal processing technique that utilizes a filter and rectification preprocessing of a standard accelerometer signal to reveal the bearing defect at its fundamental frequency [8.32]. Sometimes it is referred to as the high frequency resonance technique [8.33].

Fig. 8.18 (from [9.11])

The traditional method uses an analogue bandpass filter plus a rectifier and a smoothing circuit (Fig. 8.18). The filter extracts the resonance excited by the bearing fault from the frequency spectrum and the detector detects the envelope. In modern signal analyzers, zooming around a resonance excited by the bearing defect extracts the useful part of the frequency spectrum, and then the Hilbert transform generates the envelope of the time signal. The spectrum of the envelope is calculated to show the repetition frequency of the fault generated pulses.

Envelope Detection or Amplitude Demodulation is the technique of extracting the modulating signal from an amplitude-modulated signal. The result is the time history of the modulating signal. This signal may be studied/interpreted as it is in the time domain or it may be subjected to a subsequent frequency analysis.



Envelope Analysis is done on the FFT frequency spectrum of the modulating signal.

Fig. 8.19 (from [8.34])

Envelope detection is detailed in Fig. 8.19. The time signal is filtered around the frequency region where the increase is detected (in the kHz range). This leaves the high frequency signal which contains the pulse-excited vibration of the bearing housing without most of the “contaminating” signals. This signal is then rectified and low-pass filtered, at a frequency approximately one half the bandwidth of the bandpass filter. The signal now looks somewhat like the original pulses from the bearing, but of most significance, we have thus recreated the pulse frequency.



By analyzing this signal with an FFT analyzer, the pulse frequency can be determined exactly. Since the impulse rate can be calculated, see equations (8.15)(8.18), the source of the fault can be pinpointed. Note that the real frequency will be slightly lower than the calculated one due to sliding.

Fig. 8.20 (from [8.29])

If the fault is on the rotating race, then it is sometimes possible to see the amplitude modulation from the varying load on the crack illustrated in Fig. 8.16. This modulation effect will turn up as sidebands around the lines corresponding to the pulse rate, spaced at the rotational speed (Fig. 8.20).

8.7.4 Shock Pulse Method Shock pulse technology was developed by SKF AB, Gothenburg, in the early 1970s [8.35]. It was prompted by difficulties encountered by techniques based on the analysis of the repetitive components of the vibration signals from rolling element bearings. The method involves the analysis of the high-frequency (ultrasonic) shock waves generated by metal-to-metal impacts in a rotating bearing, where most of the information about bearing damage can be found.



Fig. 8.21 (from [8.14])

Empirical relationships were developed that provided both a measure of the theoretical lubricant film thickness between the bearing surfaces, as well as the overall condition of the bearing surface. The shock pulse analyzer detects impacts of very short duration arising from the presence of pits and spalls. Unlike conventional vibration analysis, that monitors a broad vibration band with the objective of detecting discrete frequencies, the shock pulse method (SPM) measures and evaluates the ultrasonic frequency band centered around 36 kHz.



Shock (or stress) waves that result from metal-to-metal contact are short duration bursts of energy that travel at the speed of sound through the material. As the wave travels, it dissipates energy through the structure, thereby reducing the wave pulse. The SPM is designed to detect the weak shock pulse signals using an accelerometer with a natural frequency of about 36 kHz, ideally placed very closely to the subject bearing. In fact, a patented design called Tandem-Piezo is used, which enables the accelerometer to accurately measure both shock pulse and vibration. To distinguish the shock pulses from vibration, a band pass filter around de 36 kHz shock pulse signal is used. This helps isolate the shock pulse from other interference created by machinery vibrations. The last stage of signal processing is the conversion from a waveform to analog pulses. This process provides a signal that then can be processed to determine bearing condition.




Fig. 8.22 (from [8.36])

Figure 8.21 shows the block diagram of an early shock pulse meter [8.14]. The accelerometer output (Fig. 8.22, a) is passed through a high-gain amplifier tuned at the resonant frequency of the accelerometer, the amplifier acting as a very sharp band filter. The filtered and amplified shock pulse is shown in Fig. 8.22, b.

Fig. 8.23 (from [8.37])

The signal is rectified, averaged and then passed through a peak-sampleand-held circuit. This measures the information and displays it on a counter which records the number of peaks occurring above a defined peak amplitude;



alternatively, it presents the signal r.m.s. value. The amplitudes of analog shock pulses are displayed as function of time in Fig. 8.22, c. The bearing condition is defined by a string of pulses with varying magnitudes (Fig. 8.23). A shock pulse analyzer measures the shock pulse magnitude on a decibel scale, in dBsv (decibel shock value). It takes a sample count of the shock pulses occurring over a period of time and displays: LR (Low Rate of occurrence), the value for the relatively small number of strong shock pulses, and HR (High Rate of occurrence), the value for the large number of weak shock pulses in the pattern. The difference between LR and HR is called the delta value, Δ .


b Fig. 8.24 (after [8.38])

The strength of the individual pulses, and the ratio between stronger and weaker pulses in the overall pattern, provide the row data for bearing condition analysis. The magnitude of these pulses is dependent on the bearing surface condition and the peripheral velocity of the bearing. In undamaged bearings, the shock level varies with the thickness of the lubricant film between the rolling elements and raceway. The relationship between stronger and weaker pulses, however, is only slightly affected (Fig. 8.24, a).



Surface damage causes an increase of up to 1000 times (60 dB) in shock pulse strength, combined with a distinct change in the ratio between stronger and weaker pulses (Fig. 8.24, b).

Fig. 8.25 (from [8.37])

The shock pulse readings are evaluated and a code is displayed describing the general bearing condition.

Code A is for a bearing in good condition. There is no detectable damage to the surfaces of the load carrying parts, and no extreme lack of lubricant in the rolling interface. Figure 8.25, a shows a typical shock pulse pattern from a good bearing: a low shock level and a normal delta value. Code B indicates a dry running condition, causing a high HR value and a low delta value (Fig. 8.25, b). Code C is for reduced condition defined by an increased shock pulse level with a large delta value (Fig. 8.25, c). This denotes incipient surface damage. Code D is for bearing damage characterized by a high shock level with a large delta value (Fig. 8.25, d). A contamination of the lubricant by hard particles causes a similar pattern.

Fig. 8.26 (from [8.37])



Output data are displayed as in Fig. 8.26. The delta value Δ = LR − HR is plotted as a function of HR. The fields marked A, B, C, D correspond to the condition codes. The black point marks a shock pulse reading. For a bearing in good condition it is in the field A. Developing surface damage causes a marked increase of the delta value, HR remains low while LR increases. The marker point moves upwards, from A through field C towards D. For poor lubrication, the condition code changes from A to B then to D as damage develops and increases. The marker point moves to the right. Shock pulse is not limited to determining the condition of rolling element bearings. Any machine element with continuous metal-to-metal contact gives off shock pulse signals. Equipment such as gearboxes, lobe compressors, screw compressors and centrifuges can be monitored using SPM.

8.8 Cepstrum analysis Cepstrum analysis is a post-processing technique involving a Fourier transform of a logarithmic frequency spectrum (see definitions in Section 9.7). It is used to detect and quantify families of uniformly spaced harmonics arising from periodic added impulses generated by bearing faults.

Fig. 8.27 (after [8.39])



Figure 8.27 gives an example of the development of an outer race fault in a ball bearing, showing the spectra on the left and the cepstra on the right [8.39]. The initial cepstrum has a single peak at the quefrency equal to the rotational period. The second cepstrum (after 5 months) reveals the development of a fault by a series of new rahmonics. The quefrency of the first rahmonic is 4.1 times lower than the shaft speed quefrency (r.p.m.). This means that its corresponding frequency is 4.1 times the shaft speed. In this case it immediately identified the source as corresponding to the impact rate of the outer race for a particular bearing in the gearbox (which had 10 balls and a ball-diameter-to-pitchdiameter of 0.18). The cepstrum can only be used for bearing fault diagnosis when the fault generates discrete harmonics in the spectrum. This is usually the case for highspeed machines, where resonances excited by the fault represent a relatively low harmonic order of the ballpass frequencies involved, but is often not the case for slow-speed machines, where this order may be in the hundreds or even thousands, and these high harmonics are often smeared together. It should be noted that envelope analysis (see Section 8.7.3), where the envelope obtained by amplitude demodulation of the band-pass filtered signal is frequency analyzed, can be used in either case.

References 8.1. ∗* ∗ Predictive maintenance through the monitoring and diagnostics of rolling element bearings, Bently Nevada Application Note AN044, June 1988. 8.2. Li, C. J. and McKee, K., Bearing diagnostics, Encyclopedia of Vibration, Braun, S., Ewins, D. and Rao, S.S., eds., Academic Press, London, 2002, p.143152. 8.3. Changsen, W., Analysis of rolling element bearings, Mechanical Engineering Publications, Ltd., London, 1991. 8.4. Scheithe, W., Vibration measurement – a method for early detection of rolling element bearing failures, Practice of Vibration Analysis 13, Schenck C 1213e. 8.5. Hamrock, B. J. and Anderson, W. J., Rolling-Element Bearings, NASA Reference Publication 1105, June 1983. 8.6. Jones, A. B., The mathematical theory of rolling element bearings, Mechanical Design and Systems Handbook, H.A.Rothbart, ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1964, p.13-1 to 13-76. 8.7. Jones, A. B., Ball motion and sliding friction in ball bearings, Journal of Basic Engineering, Trans. ASME, vol.81, March 1959, p.1-12.



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This chapter provides an overview of current vibration methods used for gearbox diagnostics. It presents gear defects, gear errors and condition indicators used for gear failure detection. Differences of various metrics are in the characteristic frequencies that are included, excluded, or used as a reference.

9.1 Gear types Four essential types of gear are shown in Fig. 9.1. Spur gears (Fig. 9.1, a) are used to transmit rotary motion between parallel shafts. They are usually cylindrical in shape, and the teeth are straight and parallel to the axis of rotation.





Fig. 9.1 (from [9.1])

Helical gears, used to transmit motion between parallel shafts, are shown in Fig. 9.1, b. The line of contact of helical-gear teeth is diagonal across the face of the tooth, so that there is a gradual engagement of the teeth and a smooth transfer of load from one tooth to another. Helical gears subject the shaft bearings to both



radial and thrust loads. Double helical gears (herringbone) are used for the transmission of high torques at high speeds, and to cancel out the thrust load. For power transfer between intersecting shafts, there are straight bevel gears (Fig. 9.1, c). Spiral bevel gears (Fig. 9.1, d) are the bevel counterpart of the helical gears. Their teeth are curved and oblique.




Fig. 9.2 (from [9.2])

Hypoid gears (Fig. 9.2, a) are like spiral bevel gears, but their pitch surfaces are hyperboloids rather than cones, and their pitch axes do not intersect. They operate more smoothly and quietly and are stronger for a given ratio. Crossed helical gears (Fig. 9.2, b), also known as spiral gears, are ordinary helical gears used in nonparallel shaft applications. The worm gearset (Fig. 9.2, c) consists of a worm, which resembles a screw, and a worm wheel, which is a helical gear, with the respective shafts 900 apart. They are quiet and vibration free, with lower Hertz contact stresses than the crossed-helical gears.

9.2 Gear tooth action For spur gears, the terminology of gear teeth is given in Fig. 9.3. Gear calculations are based on the theoretical pitch circle. The operating pitch circles of a pair of gears in mesh are tangent to each other. The clearance circle is tangent to the addendum circle of the mating gear. Additional terminology is shown in Fig. 9.4. Here the pinion rotates clockwise and drives a gear in a counterclockwise direction. OP is the line of centers, connecting the rotation axes of the meshing gears. The pitch circles are tangent at P, the pitch point.



The resultant force vector between a pair of meshing gears acts along the pressure line (also called line of action or generating line). The pressure line is tangent at points c and d to the base circles.

Fig. 9.3 (from [9.3])

The angle between the pressure line and the common tangent to the pitch circles is the pressure angle, and it usually has values of 20 or 25 deg. The operating diameters of the pitch circles depend on the center distance used in mounting the gears, but the base circle diameters are constant and depend only on how the tooth forms are generated, because they form the base of the starting point on the involute profile.

Fig. 9.4 (from [9.3])



Point a is the initial point of contact, where the flank of the pinion driving tooth just touches the tip of the driven tooth. This point is located at the intersection of the addendum circle of the gear with the pressure line. Should point a occur on the other side of point c on the pinion base circle, the pinion flank would be undercut during the generation of the profile. Point b is the final point of contact, when the tip of the driving tooth just leaves the flank of the driven tooth. This point is located at the intersection of the addendum circle of the pinion with the pressure line. For no undercutting of the gear teeth, point b must be located between the pitch point P and the tangent point d on the base circle of the gear. Line aP represents the approach phase of tooth contact, while line Pb is the recess phase. Tooth contact throughout the line of action ab is by both sliding and rolling, except for an instant at P when the contact is pure rolling. Sliding gives rise to friction forces that vary in magnitude and direction as the teeth go through the meshing cycle. During the approach action, the flank of the pinion tooth is sliding down the face of the gear tooth, producing a frictional force oriented upwards in Fig. 9.4. During the recess action, the face of the pinion tooth is sliding up the flank of the gear tooth, and the resulting friction force exerted by the pinion against the gear is oriented in opposite direction (downwards in Fig. 9.4). Friction forces produce a characteristic type of gear wear.

Fig. 9.5 (from [9.4])

The zone of action of a pair of meshing gear teeth is shown in Fig. 9.5. The arc of action AB is the sum of the arc of approach AP and the arc of recess PB. In the unlikely situation in which the arc of action is exactly equal to the circular pitch, when one pair of teeth are just beginning contact at a, the preceding pair will be leaving contact at b. Thus, for this special condition, there is never more or less than one pair of teeth in contact. If the arc of action is greater than the circular pitch (their ratio is called the contact ratio) but less than twice as much, then when a pair of teeth come into contact at a, another pair of teeth will be still in contact somewhere along the line



of action ab. Thus, for a short period of time, there will be two pairs of teeth in contact, one near the vicinity of A and another near B. As the meshing proceeds, the pair near B must cease contact, leaving only a single pair of contacting teeth, until the procedure repeats itself. Gears are not generally designed having contact ratios less than 1.20 because inaccuracies in mounting might reduce the contact ratio even more, increasing the possibility of impact between the teeth as well as an increase in the noise level. A contact ratio of 1.2 means 80 percent of the time – single tooth contact, and 20 percent of the time – double tooth contact.

Fig. 9.6 (from [9.5])

The contact ratio is equal to the length of the line of action ab divided by the base pitch. The base pitch is the distance, measured on the line of action, from one involute to the next corresponding involute. In Fig. 9.6, a the mating teeth of the meshing spur gears are in contact at the pitch point. The number of tooth pairs in contact is shown in Fig. 9.6, b. The transition from single to double tooth contact produces variations in the mesh stiffness.



The tooth involute profiles are designed to produce a constant angular velocity ratio during meshing. Ideally, when two gears are in mesh, their pitch circles roll on one another without slipping. Denoting the pitch radii by r1 and r2 , and the angular velocities by ω 1 and ω 2 , the pitch line velocity is v = r1 ω 1 = r2 ω 2 .


ω2 r1 = . ω1 r2


Thus, the gear ratio is


Fig. 9.7 (after [9.4])

In order to transmit uniform rotary motion during meshing, a pair of gears must meet the following requirements (Fig. 9.7): a) the pitch point P must remain fixed on the line of centers O1O2 ; b) the lines of action for every instantaneous point of contact e must pass through the same point P; c) the generating (pressure) line must be always tangent to the base circles and normal to the involute profiles at the point of contact e. Deviations from the above requirements produce transmission errors giving rise to vibrations [9.6]. Changing the center distance, the above requirements are still satisfied, because it has no effect on the base circles used to generate the tooth profiles. Increasing the center distance increases the pressure angle and decreases the length of the line of action, but the teeth are still conjugate, and the angular velocity ratio



is not changed. This increase creates two new operating pitch circles having larger pitch diameters but remaining tangent to each other at the pitch point.

Interference might be produced by the contact of portions of tooth profiles which are not conjugate. It is eliminated by undercutting (which weakens the teeth), by using a larger pressure angle, or by increasing the number of teeth, hence increasing the pitch line velocity and making the gears noisier, which is an unacceptable solution.

9.3 Gear vibrations Rigid and geometrically perfect gears do not produce vibrations. Deviations from the ideal tooth profile and gear geometry generate vibrations whose measurement and analysis can help in diagnosing gearbox faults. The main sources of such deviations are the tooth deflection under load, the wheel distortion during heat treatment or gearbox assembly, and the geometrical errors in the profile itself, resulting from the gear cutting process and wear.

9.3.1 Tooth engagement Assuming the teeth to be perfectly formed, equally spaced, perfectly smooth, and absolutely rigid, the meshing frequency, f m , is equal to the number of teeth in the wheel, N, multiplied by the speed of the shaft on which the wheel is mounted, f s , in rps

fm = N ⋅ fs .


For a pair of spur gears, if f s1 and f s 2 are the rotation frequencies of the two shafts, and N 1 and N 2 are the corresponding number of teeth, the fundamental meshing frequency is the same for both gears in mesh

f m = N1 ⋅ f s1 = N 2 ⋅ f s 2 .


An epicyclic geartrain is shown in Fig. 9.8. It consists of three revolving planet pinions that engage the central sun gear and the coaxial ring gear with internal teeth, and a carrier in which the planet pinions are supported. For a planetary gear system, the following relationships can be used: the meshing frequency

f m = N s ( f s − fc ) = Nr ( fc − fr ) ,



46 the carrier frequency fc =

Ns fs + Nr fr , Ns + Nr


where f r and N r are the speed (rps) and the number of teeth of the ring gear, and f s and N s are the speed (rps) and the number of teeth of the sun gear.

Fig. 9.8 (from [9.2])

In most planetary gear systems one of the elements is attached to the frame and has a zero input motion. Profile errors identical on each tooth, or deflection effects which are the same for each tooth mesh, produce vibrations with components at the tooth meshing frequency and its harmonics.

9.3.2 Effect of tooth deflection Consider a pair of gears whose teeth are not rigid, but equally spaced, perfectly formed and at constant speed. Since the contact stiffness varies periodically, as shown in the lower part of Fig. 9.6, with the number of teeth in contact and with the contacting position on the tooth surface, vibration will be excited at the tooth engagement frequency and its harmonics. A typical gearmesh waveform is shown in the lower part of Fig. 9.9. In Fig. 9.6, the segment ab on the line of action denotes the interval of engagement of a pair of gears. At the point a, when the flank of the driving tooth A just touches the tip of the driven tooth D, there are two pairs of teeth meshing, each taking a share of the transmitted load. Tooth B will then be relieved of some of its load and will tend to deflect towards its unstressed position, imparting a forward acceleration to tooth E on the driven gear. At the termination of meshing of teeth B and E, only teeth A and D are available to transmit the load, as a result of which



tooth A is deflected back further and tooth D will momentarily lag. The final point of contact b is where the addendum circle of the driver gear crosses the pressure line.

Fig. 9.9 (from [9.7])

This tooth deflection is very load dependent. For condition monitoring purposes it is necessary to make measurements always at the same loading, and this loading should be sufficient to ensure that the teeth are permanently in contact, and not able to move into the backlash.

9.3.3 Effect of tooth wear During the motion of the compliant meshing gears, the wear produced by sliding tends to give the kind of profile deviation indicated in exaggerated form in Fig. 9.10.

Fig. 9.10 (from [9.7])

When the point of contact of the engaging teeth reaches the pitch point, the direction of sliding reverses, causing a shock – sometimes referred to as the pitch-circle impulse – which is perpendicular to the axes of rotation of the two



gears. The two shafts are then subjected to bending stress reversals at the rate of the product of shaft speed and number of teeth. When a new pair of teeth takes part in the transmission of load, the driven gear retrieves its retardation by a renewed forward acceleration. It is subjected to an engagement shock, the impulse acting in a tangential direction at a rate of the product of rotational speed and number of teeth. These impulses cause the transmitted torque to fluctuate about a mean level, with variations of the angular velocity, producing a frequency modulation of the tooth-meshing frequency. The pitch circle and engagement vibrations are transmitted through the shaft and bearing housing causing casing vibrations. This vibration can be measured using an accelerometer mounted on the casing.

9.3.4 Ghost components Ghost (phantom) frequency components in the gear vibration signal are due to periodic faults introduced into the gear by the machining process. They normally correspond to the number of teeth on the index wheel driving the table of the gear-cutting machine, and are due to errors in these teeth. Therefore, they appear at a harmonic of the particular gear speed. Being a result of a fixed geometrical error, they are not very load dependent and get smaller as a result of gear wear. Hereditary excitations can also occur at frequencies determined by the characteristics of the machine which made the gear-cutting machine.

9.3.5 Modulation effects Gear defects alter the magnitude and phase of the meshing stiffness and therefore produce changes in the amplitude and phase of the vibration at meshing frequency and its harmonics as the teeth go through the meshing. In addition, these changes introduce amplitude and phase modulation effects which create side-bands around the meshing frequency and its harmonics. The spacing of these side-bands is the rotating speed of the gear (Fig. 9.11). Faults occurring in a gear system introduce time-varying torques. These induce a multiplicative effect and obviously modulation effects. Distributed effects, affecting all the teeth (imperfect tooth profile, wear, etc.) generate modulation at the meshing frequency, f m . Localized defects (like spalling, cracks, and breakage) generate repetitive impulses at the shaft rotation frequencies f s1 and f s 2 . This gives rise to amplitude or phase modulation effects at these frequencies. Due to imperfect profile and teeth surface quality, the gear vibration spectrum consists of numerous harmonics, of frequencies

f (k , p , q ) = k f m ± p f s1 ± q f s 2 ,

k = 1, 2, .. ,

p , q = 0,1, 2, .. . (9.7)



Fig. 9.11

The existence of complex phase and amplitude modulation may also be interpreted as a nonlinear or cyclostationary phenomenon.

Amplitude modulation When the excitation due to the tooth engagement occurs simultaneously with excitations having a frequency of once or twice per gearwheel rotation, amplitude modulation (multiplicative) effects are produced (Fig. 9.12).

Fig. 9.12

Typical once per revolution excitations are produced by: a) the accumulative effect of the pitch error; b) an isolated error of the tooth form; c) debris trapped in the teeth; d) eccentricity of mounting the gear wheel; e) load variation and f) unbalance. Typical twice per revolution excitations are produced by misalignment and wheel distortion (ovality).



Amplitude modulation of a carrier frequency by a lower frequency gives rise to a pair of sidebands in the frequency spectrum, spaced on either side of the carrier frequency by an amount equal to the modulating frequency.

Fig. 9.13 (from [9.7])

Fig. 9.13 shows the simple case of modulation of a cosine signal, uc (t ) , by a lower-frequency cosine (plus d-c component), um (t ) . U c ( f ) and U m ( f ) are the corresponding Fourier spectra obtained by a forward Fourier transform. The final resulting spectrum consists of the carrier frequency plus two sidebands spaced at an amount equal to the modulating frequency. Indeed, transformation of the product of cosines in a sum yields cos ωc t cos ω m t =

1 [ cos (ωc + ωm )t + cos (ωc − ωm )t ] , 2

where cos ωc t =



1 iω c t e + e − iω c t , 2


ωc = 2π f c , ωm = 2π f m .




Considering only amplitude modulation effects, Fig. 9.14 shows the effect of fault distribution on the sideband pattern. A very localized fault, e.g., on one tooth, would tend to give a modulation by a short pulse of length of the order of the tooth mesh period, but repeated once every revolution. Figure 9.14, a shows how this in the spectrum would result in the generation of a large number of sidebands of almost uniform level.

Fig. 9.14 (from [9.7])

The effect of a more distributed fault is shown in Fig. 9.14, b. It is seen that as the envelope of the fault in the time signal becomes wider, it makes the corresponding envelope in the frequency domain narrower and higher. The resulting modulation products become more obviously sidebands grouped around the tooth meshing harmonics.

Frequency modulation When the rotational speed of the gears is not constant, and the tooth spacing is not perfectly uniform, a frequency modulation of the tooth meshing frequency occurs. In fact, the same fluctuations in the tooth contact pressure which give rise to amplitude modulation apply a fluctuating torque to the gears, producing angular velocity fluctuations at the same frequency. Frequency modulation, even by a single frequency f1 , gives rise to a whole family of sidebands with a spacing equal to the modulating frequency, i.e., the same frequencies as produced by amplitude modulation by a distorted periodic signal (Fig. 9.15). Since in gears the two effects are virtually inseparable, the



resulting spectrum is a combination of the sidebands produced by both amplitude and frequency modulation.

Fig. 9.15

The instantaneous amplitude of a frequency modulated signal can be represented by [9.7]



a = A cos ω 0 t + β sinω 1 t ,


where β = Δω ω 1 is the modulation index. It represents the maximum deviation of phase from that of the unmodulated carrier. The decomposition into cosine components, and further decomposition into positive and negative frequency components, yields (giving details of the positive frequency components alone)


A iω t i (ω +ω ) t − i (ω 0 −ω 1 ) t { C0 (β ) e 0 + C1 (β ) [ e 0 1 − e ]+ 2

+ C2 (β ) [ e

i (ω 0 + 2ω 1) t


− i (ω 0 − 2ω 1) t


] + ...} + negative frequency terms...

The relative amplitude of the carrier frequency component is given by C0 (β ) and that of the nth order sidebands by Cn (β ) . Assuming in a gearbox that the carrier frequency f 0 is the tooth meshing frequency and the modulating frequency f1 is the rotating speed of the gear, then


Δf f1


Δ f f0 f 0 f1

=εN ,


where ε is the relative speed fluctuation of the gear, and N is the number of teeth on the gear.



Fig. 9.16 (from [9.7])

It can be shown that, for β
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