M A K A L A H Agreement and Disagreement

October 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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MAKALAH TENTANG 1. Agr Agreem eement ent a and nd D Disa isagre greeme ement nt 2. Letter

Kelompok 7 : 1. 2. $. '. (. ).

Siti a Siti a!d !dat! at!ll " "an ana# a# Siti Siti S! S!na nari ria# a# Sr Srii %a %a#&! #&!ni ning ngsi si# # S!naria# Ti Titi tin n S!t S!tin ina# a# *di

SM+ NEGE, 2 -AANT, TAH*N A-AAN 2/1( 0 2/1)


Disagreement 1. Expression of Agreement and Disagreement (The phrase Agree and Disagree) This time we will discuss the affirmative and negative expressions in English. The  phrase agreed or commonly known as expression of agreement is used to express the consent consent to an opinio opinion, n, solicit solicitati ation, on, or facts. facts. For example example in a pre-ev pre-event ent meeting Indonesia's independence day, there are memers who say that should do show the sack race. If you agree with the proposal, then surely it responds with the phrase phrase agree agree or express expression ion of agreeme agreement. nt. !onver !onversely sely,, if the propos proposal al is consid con sidered ered less effecti effective ve sack race, then then surely surely will will re"ect re"ect or agree agree with with the  proposal and will provide a response in the form of expression of disapproval. #ere are some examples of phrases of expression of agreement and expression of  dissagrement and what they mean$

!ontoh Expression of agreement % The phrase agrees$ •

I agree with your opinion.

I am on your side.

I can go along with that..

I think so..

I am with you.

I like your idea.

Expression of disagreement / The expression of disapproval$ •

I disagree with you.

I am not with you.

I can&t go along with that.

I don&t think so.

 o, I don&t like the idea.



)se of the phrase agree and disagree in dialogue form and what they mean *rga

$ +hat +hat should we give give to *ra on her irthday irthday

hould we give her doll ira

$ I don’t think so. he prefers oys& activities, right


$ )mm/ +hat do you think if we uy her a skateoard


$ I agree with you. you. I think she will e happy to get it.


$ 0o you think we can go to the shop on unday

ira $  I like your idea.  1kay2 +e will look for a skateoard on unday. *nyway, what do you think if we ought to go to the shop y driving your car *rga

$ I disagree with you . It will etter if we use pulic transp transportatio ortation. n. It will

 e faster. I am afraid if we are trapped on occlusion if I drive my car. ira

$ )mm/ Well, I am with you then.  then.  ee you later2


$ ee you too.

2. Letter o Assignment in Englis# *n assig assignm nment ent letter letter in th thee Engl Englis ish h lang langua uage ge is a le lett tter er th that at is us used ed y an institution or company to assign the interested parties to engage in activities outside the office ut still has a close relationship with the company or institution. 3etter task emphatic, clear and vital, therefore, the parties shall carry out the tasks assigned to it as well as possile in the asence of denial to the company or  inst instit itut utio ion n wher wheree th they ey work work.. The fu func ncti tion on of th thee le lett tter er is to pr prov ovid idee an



introductory task that might e rought y the leader who has an appointment at the same time. *s an illustration there is a leader of a multi-national companies that want to assign staff to follow a training training or outdoor outdoor activities associated with the office, the head of the company or the authorities need to have to make an assignment assignm ent letter in English or assignment assignment letter ecause ecause English English is the language international communication. Therefore, companies oth from the region *sia, *frica, *merica, *ustralia, and Europe may e associated with communicative. Typically an assignment letter in the English language itself consists of four asic  parts$ the letter head or head, the contents of a letter of assignment, the latter part of an assignment letter.

The contents of the letter head is to explain the reason and the foundation of the assignment assignm ent to the relevant, relevant, if the company is an agency could e the cornerstone cornerstone laid letter or writ of more powerful. powerful. Then the contents of the letter in the English English language task is to explain what should e done y a responsile, who is tasked, when it will e implemented, in which place, how long it will e assigned, and how they should perform the task. To the end, it will usually e filled y edict or  hope to assigned to perform the task as well as possile.




Samp Sa mple le le lett tter er / let lette ter r of of non non-f -for orma mall

English Language and translation 1. Sample Letter 1


Dear Gede,


Thanks for your present, i really like your gift. How are you, friend? I

hope you’re well.

How about your family in Bali? I really miss them,

speially your father, !r. "etut. I

remember when we’re going to

"uta for surfing. He taught me how to surf, it was


moment. "uta was a beautiful plae.


I li#e in Bandung now. $ast night, my family planned to go to Bali. we

will be in Bali for %

weeks in #aation. &e will go on !arh. I hope we

an meet again.


'ke I will send you an email soon.


Best wishes,



2. Sample Letter 2 Dear $usi, Hi, friend? Do you remember me? This is me (ita from )akarta. &e ha#e met before at !ia’s birthday party. How are you, friend? I hope you’re well. I heard you worked as a nurse in Bandung. I’m really glad  to hear that. *e+t month, i am going to #isit my grandmother in Bandung. I will ha#e be been en th ther ere e fo forr % week weeks. s. nd I hope hope th that at we a an n ge gett to toge geth ther er in Bandung. !aybe, we an #isit many intersting plaes in Bandung. -orry, I ha#e to finish my work now. I’m happy if you reply this letter.  ll the best, (ita



$. Sample Letter $

Dear )oko, !any thanks for your kind in#itation to ome and stay with you and )oni in )oga, but I’m going to ha#e to turn you down this time. The problem is that I’m  ust too busy studying for my e+am and I don’t ha#e enough time. /erhaps I  an take you up on your offer sometime ne+t year.I must get down to work  again. -o thanks one more for your kind in#itation and I do hope that we an get together sometime. "ind regards, Doni 


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