Lymph Node Levels

July 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Subment Subm ental al nodes nodes Submandibular nodes Jugulodigas Jugulod igastric tric nodes Submuscular Submusc ular rece recess ss Middle jugular chain nodes

Anterior compartment nodes

Posterior triangle nodes

Paratr Par atrachea acheall nodes Lower jugular chain nodes


Primary tumors within the oral cavity and lip metastasize to the nodes in levels I, II, and III.

Oral tongue cancers- level III and IV oropharynx, hypopharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx most commonly spread to the lymph nodes of the lateral neck in levels II, III, and IV Malignancies of the nasopharynx and thyroid commonly spread to level V nodes in addition to the jugular chain nodes. tumors of the nasopharynx, soft palate, and later l ateral al and posterior walls of the orophar oropharynx ynx and hypophar hypopharynx ynx - Retrop Retropharyn haryngeal geal lymph nodes nodes Tumors of the hypopharyn hypopharynx, x, cer cervical vical esophagus, and thyroid frequently involve the par paratr atracheal acheal nodal nodal compartmen compartmentt, and may extend to the lymphatics in the upper mediastinum (level VII).

Delphian node, a pretr pretrachea acheall lymph node, may become involved by advanced tumors of the glot glottis tis with subglot subglottic tic spre spread ad.

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