LWU 4 Reinforcement Extension Teaching Notes

July 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Dhxgc-eihbhty tgenahfj fotgs ^tertgr Yghf`orngdgft 5 5 @hfc efc nhrnbg tag doftas. Sagf wrhtg tagd hf orcgr. ]uphbs `hfc efc nhrnbg gena dofta hf tag worcsgerna. Sagf tagy wrhtg tagd hf narofobojhneb orcgr.



5 Kefuery 9 @giruery > Derna 3 Eprhb 7 Dey 0 Kufg : Kuby 1 Eujust 8 ^gptgdigr 5= Ontoigr 55 Fovgdigr 59 Cgngdigr 9 Nodpbgtg tag fudigrs. ]uphbs wrhtg tag best two bgttgrs o` gena orchfeb fudigr. Efswgrs

]uphbs‘ owf efswgrs.

Wfht 5 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 9 5 Boolbool efcet wrhtg. ]uphbs gena phnturg efc wrhtg tag worcs hf tag nrossworc. Efswgrs

5st, 9fc, >rc, 3ta, 7ta, 0ta, :ta, 1ta 8ta, 5=ta, 55ta, 59ta, 5>ta, 53ta, 57ta, 50ta 5:ta, 51ta, 58ta, 9=ta, 95st, 99fc, 9>rc, 93ta 97ta, 90ta, 9:ta, 91ta, 98ta, >=ta, >5st > Bool efc wrhtg tag cetgs. ]uphbs bool et tag nebgfcer efc tag cetgs nhrnbgc hf ch``grgft stybgs. Sagy wrhtg tag cetgs fgxt to tag norrgspofchfj hnofs. Efswgrs

5 8ta Kuby 9 99fc Kuby > 9=ta Kuby st

9 Ygec eiout Agfry. Sagf crew efc wrhtg eiout you. ]uphbs rgec tag tgxt eiout Agfry. Sagy tagf wrhtg sgftgfngs ushfj tag sedg strunturgs es hf Agfry‘s tgxt, iut whta taghr owf pgrsofeb hf`ordethof.


5 agecenag 9 gerenag > stodena-enag 3 tootaenag 7 nut 0 nobc : nouja 1 tgdpgreturg 9 Bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturg o` tag nahbcrgf vhshthfj tag snaoob fursg. Sagy tagf hcgfth`y tag nahbc gena thdg efc efswgr tag qugsthof. Efswgrs

5 ^ag‘s jot e nut. 9 ^ag‘s jot e nobc. > Ag‘s jot gerenag. 3 Ag‘s jot e agecenag. 7 ^ag‘s jot e stodena-enag. 0 Ag‘s jot e tgdpgreturg tgdpgreturg..


3 >5  Kuby 7 >  Kuby 0 53  Kuby

^tertgr Yghf`orngdgft 9 5 Orcgr efc wrhtg. Sagf bool efc crew tag nahbcrgf hf orcgr o` taghr ihrtaceys. ]uphbs orcgr tag worcs to `ord e (spolgf) sgftgfng. Sagy tagf rgec ebb tag sgftgfngs efc cgnhcg wahna nahbc‘s ihrtacey hs `hrst hf tag yger. Sagy bool efc crew tag aehr efc `enheb `geturgs o` tahs nahbc of tag `hrst nahbc hf tag row et tag iottod o` tag pejg „ tag `hrst nahbc aes ebrgecy iggf crewf es ef gxedpbg. Sag puphbs worl out tag fgxt nahbc‘s ihrtacey efc crew ahs/agr `geturgs of tag sgnofc nahbc hf tag row, efc so of ufthb ebb tag nahbcrgf erg crewf.

Wfht 5 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 0 5 Ygec, bool efc fudigr. Sagf nobour. ]uphbs rgec tag sgftgfngs efc hcgfth`y tag targg ioys hf tag ertworl iy fudigrhfj tagd. Sagy tagf rgec tag sgftgfngs ejehf efc nobour taghr aehr ennorchfjby. Efswgrs


5 c, Dy ihrtacey hs of tag >= ta o` Kefuery. 9 > 3 7 0

g, Dy ihrtacey hs of tag > rc o` Eprhb. n, Dy ihrtacey hs of tag 95 st o` Eprhb. i, Dy ihrtacey hs of tag 0 ta o` Kuby. `, Dy ihrtacey hs of tag 50ta o` Kuby. e, Dy ihrtacey hs of tag 51 ta o` Fovgdigr.

^tertgr Yghf`orngdgft > 5 Zrhtg. Sagf tahfl o` dorg worcs efc wrhtg. ]uphbs bool et tag worcpoob efc wrhtg tag worcs hf ofg o` tag targg ioxgs. Sagy nef tagf tahfl o` dorg worcs tagy lfow efc ecc tagd to tag ioxgs.

9 Orcgr efc wrhtg. Sagf rgec efc crew. ]uphbs nodpbgtg tag sgftgfngs iy wrhthfj tag two eckgnthvgs hf tag dhfh worcpoob hf tag norrgnt orcgr. Sagy tagf rgec tag nodpbgtgc sgftgfngs efc crew tag aehr of tag nahbcrgf. Efswgrs

5 Ag‘s jot nurby, cerl aehr. 9 ^ag‘s jot bofj, rgc aehr. > Ag‘s jot saort, `ehr aehr. 3 ^ag‘s jot strehjat, cerl aehr.


Eckgnthvgs; `rhgfcby, sporty, quhgt, hftgbbhjgft, `uffy ^naoob suikgnts; ]G, Detas, Ahstory, Ert, ^nhgfng, Gfjbhsa @ooc; tufe, swggtnorf, naggsg, phfgeppbg, sefcwhnags, lgtnaup, seusejgs

Bgerf whta Ws 3  

© Ox`orc Wfhvgrshty ]rgss



Dhxgc-eihbhty tgenahfj fotgs Wfht 9 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 9

Wfht > Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 9

5 Bool efc wrhtg. ]uphbs bool et gena phnturg efc wrhtg tag worcs ushfj tag worcpoob `or rg`grgfng rg`grgfng..

5 Bool efc wrhtg. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturg efc wrhtg tag enngssory worcs ushfj tag worcpoob `or rg`grgfng rg`grgfng..



5 jgt up 9 get irgel`est > jo to snaoob 3 nodg aodg 7 wetna SP 0 get chffgr : irusa dy tggta 1 jo to igc 9 Bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et tag berjg phnturg efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. Efswgrs

5 udirgbbes 9 webbgts > wetnags 3 rhfjs 7 irengbgts 0 fgnlbengs : gerrhfjs 1 igbts 9 Bool efc nodpbgtg tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs phn turgs efc nodpbgtg tag sgftgfngs ushfj tag worcpoob `or rg`grgfng rg`grgfng.. Efswgrs

5 ^ag jgts up et `our o‘nbonl. 9 ^ag irusags agr tggta et aeb` pest `our. > ^ag cogsf‘t jo to snaoob. 3 ^ag cogsf‘t wetna SP. 7 ^ag gets chffgr et aeb` pest `hvg. 0 ^ag jogs to igc et aeb` pest sgvgf.

5 tahs 9 tagsg > taosg 3 taosg gerrhfjs 7 tahs fgnlbeng 0 taet rhfj

Wfht 9 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 0

5 @hfc efc nhrnbg. Zrhtg. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs efc `hfc efc nhrnbg tag worcs hf tag worcsgerna. Sagy tagf wrhtg tag worcs igbow gena phnturg.

5 Bool, nodpbgtg tag efswgrs efc nhrnbg. ]uphbs bool et gena phnturg efc nodpbgtg tag efswgr iy wrhthfj tag thdg efc nhrnbhfj tag norrgnt worc opthof. Efswgrs

5 Ht‘s quertgr pest tgf et fhjat. 9 Ht‘s quertgr to targg hf tag e`tgrfoof. > Ht‘s quertgr pest fhfg hf tag dorfhfj. 3 Ht‘s quertgr to twgbvg et fhjat. 9 Bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs o` tag targg jhrbs‘ ceys efc efswgr tag qugsthofs.

Wfht > Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 0


5 nobour`ub 9 nagnlgc > `bowgry 3 spotty 7 strhpy 0 lfhtthfj 9 Bool efc nodpbgtg tag efswgrs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs phn turgs efc nodpbgtg tag efswgrs ushfj tag worcpoob `or rg`grgfng rg`grgfng.. Efswgrs

5 Ht‘s ahs. 9 Ht‘s taghrs. > Ht‘s agrs. 3 Sagy‘rg yours. 7 Sagy‘rg dhfg. 0 Sagy‘rg ours.


5 Xgs, sag cogs. 9 Xgs, sag cogs. > Fo, sag cogsf‘t. 3 Xgs, sag cogs. 7 Fo, sag cogsf‘t. 0 Fo, sag cogsf‘t.

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Dhxgc-eihbhty tgenahfj fotgs Wfht 3 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 9

Wfht 7 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 9

5 Bool efc wrhtg. Zaet‘s tag sgnrgt worc? ]uphbs bool et gena phnturg efc wrhtg tag worcs hf tag nrossworc. Sagy tagf bool et tag sgnrgt worc saecgc hf jrgy efc wrhtg ht igbow tag nrossworc.

5 Bool efc wrhtg. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs, phn turgs, ufsnredibg tag efejred bgttgrs efc wrhtg tag worcs igbow.


5 pehfthfj 9 wetgrhfj tag `bowgrs > cryhfj up 3 swggphfj 7 beyhfj tag teibg 0 noolhfj : wesahfj up Sag sgnrgt worc hs; jercgfhfj 9 Ygec efc `obbow. Bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs rgec tag qugsthof efc tagf `obbow tag bhflhfj bhfg to e phnturg. Sagy tagf bool efc efswgr tag qugsthof ushfj tag worcpoob `or rg`grgf rg`grgfng. ng. Efswgrs

5 Xgs, sag hs. 9 Xgs, ag hs. > Fo, ag hsf‘t. 3 Xgs, sag hs. 7 Fo, ag hsf‘t. 0 Fo, sag hsf‘t.

Wfht 3 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 0


5 sebec 9 `ruht > rhng 3 pucchfjs 7 `hsa 0 vgjgteibgs : irgec robbs 1 dget 9 Nodpbgtg tag qugsthofs. Sagf bool efc wrhtg tag efswgrs. ]uphbs nodpbgtg tag qugsthofs ushfj tag dhfh worcpoob `or rg`grgfng. rg`grgfn g. Sagy tagf bool et tag ihj phnturg efc wrhtg tag efswgrs ushfj tag two dhfh worcpoobs `or rg`grgfng. Efswgrs

5 9 > 3 7 0

Hs tagrg efy sebec? Xgs, tagrg hs. Erg tagrg efy vgjgteibgs? Xgs, tagrg erg. Erg tagrg efy irgec robbs? Xgs, tagrg erg. Hs tagrg efy rhng? Fo, tagrg hsf‘t. Erg tagrg efy pucchfjs? Fo, tagrg ergf‘t. Hs tagrg efy `hsa? Fo, tagrg hsf‘t.

5 Bool efc wrhtg. Sagf detna tag opposhtgs. ]uphbs bool et gena phnturg efc wrhtg tag eckgnthvg eck gnthvg igbow. Sagy tagf crew e bhflhfj bhfg to detna tag opposhtg

Wfht 7 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 0


]uphbs rgec tag sgftgfng gena thdg efc thnl tag norrgnt phnturg.


5 thcy (opposhtg; i ufthcy) 9 bezy (opposhtg; n aerc-worlhfj) > strofj (opposhtg; e wgel) 9 Bool efc wrhtg sgftgfngs. ]uphbs bool et tag sdebb phnturgs efc hcgfth`y gena nahbc iy boolhfj et tag berjg phnturg. Sagy wrhtg e sgftgfng eiout waet tagy weft or cof‘t weft to co. ^ag wefts to pehft. Ag cogsf‘t weft to wetgr tag `bowgrs. ^ag cogsf‘t weft to cry up. Ag wefts to wesa up. Ag cogsf‘t weft to swggp. ^ag wefts to nool.

Bgerf whta Ws 3  


5 `hrst phnturg 9 `hrst phnturg > sgnofc phnturg 3 sgnofc phnturg 7 sgnofc phnturg 0 sgnofc phnturg 9 Bool efc nodpbgtg tag sgftgfngs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturg phn turg efc nodpbgtg tag sgftgfngs ushfj tag dhfh worcpoobs `or rg`grgf rg`grgfng. ng. Efswgrs


5 9 > 3 7 0

5 Ygec, bool efc thnl ✓ tag norrgnt phnturg.

© Ox`orc Wfhvgrshty ]rgss

5 9 > 3

Sagrg erg sodg irgec robbs. Sagrg ergf‘t efy rehshfs. Sagrg erg e `gw futs. Sagrg‘s e bhttbg nelg. Sagrg‘s sodg `ruht. Sagrg hsf‘t efy sebec. Sagrg erg e bot o` sggcs. Sagrg‘s e bhttbg dhbl.



Dhxgc-eihbhty tgenahfj fotgs Wfht 0 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 9

Wfht 5 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 9

5 Bool efc wrhtg. ]uphbs bool et gena phnturg efc wrhtg tag worcs ushfj tag worcpoob `or rg`grgfng rg`grgfng..

5 Ygec efc detna. ]uphbs rgec tag sgftgfngs efc detna tagd whta tag phnturgs iy wrhthfj tag norrgnt fudigr gena thdg.



5 aorsg rhchfj 9 sehbhfj > douftehf ihlhfj 3 sforlgbbhfj 7 ahlhfj 0 rowhfj : nefoghfj 1 whfcsur`hfj 9 Orcgr efc wrhtg. Sagf bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs orcgr tag worcs to `ord e qugsthof. Sagy tagf bool et tag phnturg efc efswgr tag qugsthof. Efswgrs

5 9 > 3 7

5 e 9 j > ` 3 g 7 n 0 a : c 1 i 9 Orcgr efc wrhtg. Sagf bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs orcgr tag worcs efc wrhtg tag qugsthof of tag bgecgr bhfg. Sagy tagf bool et tag phnturg o` tag nahbcrgf vhshthfj tag snaoob fursg. Sagy hcgfth`y tag nahbc gena thdg efc efswgr tag qugsthof. Efswgrs

Zaet erg tagy cohfj? Sagy‘rg whfcsur`hfj. Zaet erg you cohfj? Zg‘rg douftehf ihlhfj. Zaet erg tagy cohfj? Sagy‘rg aorsg rhchfj. Zaet erg you cohfj? Zg‘rg sforlgbbhfj. Zaet erg you cohfj? Zg‘rg nefoghfj.

5 9 > 3 7

Zaet‘s tag dettgr whta agr? ^ag‘s jot e nut. Zaet‘s tag dettgr whta agr? ^ag‘s jot e nobc. Zaet‘s tag dettgr whta ahd? Ag‘s jot gerenag. Zaet‘s tag dettgr whta ahd? Ag‘s jot e tgdpgreturg. Zaet‘s tag dettgr whta agr? ^ag‘s jot e stodena-enag.

Wfht 0 Yghf`orngdgft Bgssof 0

Wfht 5 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 0

5 Bool, nhrnbg efc wrhtg sgftgfngs. ]uphbs bool et tag nahbcrgf hf tag dehf phnturg efc hcgfth`y waet tagy erg cohfj. Sagy naoosg efc nhrnbg ef ecvgri to

5 Ygec, bool efc wrhtg tag fedgs. ]uphbs rgec tag sgftgfngs, hcgfth`y tag nahbc hf tag phnturg efc wrhtg taghr fedgs.

cgsnrhig aow tagy erg cohfj tag enthvhty efc tagf wrhtg e sgftgfng ushfj taet ecvgri.

5 @rgc 9 Kefg > ]eub 3 Dery 7 Kenl 0 [og


5 9 > 3 7 0 : 1 8 5=  

Ag‘s rowhfj cefjgrousby. Sagy‘rg sforlgbbhfj quhgtby. ^ag‘s douftehf ihlhfj quhnlby. Sagy‘rg sehbhfj boucby. Ag‘s nbhdihfj nerg`ubby. Sagy‘rg ahlhfj boucby. ^ag‘s swhddhfj sbowby. Ag‘s aorsg rhchfj cefjgrousby. ^ag‘s whfcsur`hfj quhnlby. Sagy‘rg nefoghfj quhgtby.

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9 Bool efc wrhtg. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs phn turgs efc wrhtg sgftgfngs cgsnrhihfj tag nahbc‘s eppgerefng. @or qugsthofs 7 efc 0, tagy dust nodpbgtg tag qugsthofs, too. Efswgrs

]uphbs‘ owf efswgrs.



Dhxgc-eihbhty tgenahfj fotgs Wfht 9 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 9

Wfht > Gxtgfshof Bgssof 9

5 Bool, rgec efc wrhtg tag fedgs. ]uphbs rgec tag sgftgfngs, hcgfth`y tag nahbc efc wrhtg taghr fedgs.

5 Bool efc wrhtg qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et gena phnturg efc wrhtg qugsthofs ushfj tag worcpoob `or rg`grgfng rg`grgfng..



5 Cehsy 9 Eve > Cehsy 3 Nberg 9 Bool efc wrhtg tag qugsthofs. Sagf rgec efc crew tag thdgs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturg efc wrhtg tag qugsthof. Sagy tagf rgec tag efswgr efc crew tag aefcs of tag nbonl to saow tag norrgnt thdg. Efswgrs

5 9 > 3 7

Zaet thdg cogs ag jgt up? Zaet thdg cogs ag irusa ahs tggta? Zaet thdg cogs ag jo to snaoob? Zaet thdg cogs ag wetna SP? Zaet thdg cogs ag get chffgr?

5 Co you bhlg tahs igbt? 9 Co you bhlg tagsg irengbgts? > Co you bhlg taosg udirgbbes? 3 7 0 : 1

Co you bhlg taosg gerrhfjs? Co you bhlg tahs fgnlbeng? Co you bhlg taet rhfj? Co you bhlg tagsg wetnags? Co you bhlg taet webbgt?

9 Bool efc wrhtg tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturg efc wrhtg qugsthofs ushfj tag worc prodpts. Efswgrs

Wfht 9 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 0

5 Co you bhlg tagsg sufjbessgs? 9 Co you bhlg taet aet? > Co you bhlg taosg jbovgs? 3 Co you bhlg tahs nep?

5 Bool efc nodpbgtg tag qugsthofs. Sagf wrhtg tag efswgrs. ]uphbs usg tag phnturg prodpts to nodpbgtg tag qugsthof.

Wfht > Gxtgfshof Bgssof 0

Sagy tagf bool et tag berjg phnturg efc wrhtg tag efswgrs. Efswgrs

5 Orcgr efc wrhtg. Sagf bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs orcgr tag worcs to `ord e qugsthof. Sagy tagf bool et tag phnturg to efswgr tag qugsthof.

5 Cogs sag jgt up et quertgr pest `our? Xgs, sag cogs. 9 Cogs sag irusa agr tggta et `hvg o‘nbonl? Fo, sag cogsf‘t. > Cogs sag get chffgr et quertgr to shx? Fo, sag cogsf‘t. 3 Cogs sag jo to igc et quertgr pest ghjat? Xgs, sag cogs.

5 9 > 3

9 Bool efc wrhtg tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs usg tag prodpts to wrhtg qugsthofs.

9 Bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs efc efswgr tag qugsthofs.


5 9 > 3

Zaosg hs tahs `bowgry igbt? Ht‘s agrs. Zaosg hs tahs strhpy webbgt? Ht‘s ahs. Zaosg hs tahs nagnlgc udirgbbe? Ht‘s agrs. Zaosg hs tahs spotty wetna? Ht‘s ahs.


Cogs ag get irgel`est hf tag dorfhfj? Cogs ag jo to snaoob hf tag e`tgrfoof? Cogs ag nodg aodg hf tag dorfhfj? Cogs ag wetna SP et fhjat?

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5 Ht‘s ahs. 9 Ht‘s taghrs. > Ht‘s agrs. 3 Sagy‘rg yours. 7 Sagy‘rg dhfg. 0 Sagy‘rg ours.



Dhxgc-eihbhty tgenahfj fotgs Wfht 3 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 9

Wfht 7 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 9

5 Ygec tag dgssgfjgr naet efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs rgec tag dgssgfjgr naet efc efswgr tag qugsthofs.

5 Bool efc efswgr tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et tag berjg phnturg efc efswgr tag qugsthofs.


5 Xgs, ag hs. 9 Fo, ag hsf‘t. > Fo, sag hsf‘t. 3 Xgs, sag hs. 7 Xgs, ag hs. 9 Bool efc wrhtg tag qugsthofs. ]uphbs bool et gena phnturg efc wrhtg e qugsthof. Efswgrs


5 Fo, tagrg hsf‘t. 9 Xgs, tagrg erg. > Xgs, tagrg hs. 3 Fo, tagrg ergf‘t. 7 Fo, tagrg hsf‘t. 0 Xgs, tagrg erg. 9 Bool efc wrhtg qugsthofs efc efswgrs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs efc wrhtg qugsthofs efc efswgrs. Efswgrs

5 Hs ag wesahfj up? 9 Hs sag pehfthfj? > Hs ag wetgrhfj tag `bowgrs? 3 Hs ag jercgfhfj? 7 Hs sag cryhfj up? 0 Hs sag noolhfj?

Wfht 3 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 0 5 Ygec, bool efc wrhtg tag fedgs. ]uphbs rgec tag sgftgfngs, hcgfth`y tag doflgys hf tag phnturg efc wrhtg taghr fedgs of tag beigbs.

5 9 > 3 7 0

Hs tagrg efy `hsa? Xgs, tagrg hs. Erg tagrg efy pucchfjs? Fo, tagrg ergf‘t. Erg tagrg efy vgjgteibgs? Xgs, tagrg erg. Hs tagrg efy `ruht? Fo, tagrg hsf‘t. Hs tagrg efy dget? Xgs, tagrg hs. Erg tagrg efy irgec robbs? Fo, tagrg ergf‘t.

Wfht 7 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 0 5 Ygec, bool efc wrhtg  E or I. ]uphbs rgec tag sgftgfngs, bool et tag phnturgs efc cgnhcg h` tag sgftgfng eppbhgs to phnturg E or phnturg I. Sagy wrhtg tag norrgnt bgttgr.



5 I 9 E > E 3 I 7 E 0 I 9 Bool efc wrhtg sgftgfngs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturg efc wrhtg sgftgfngs ushfj tag worc prodpts. Efswgrs

9 Bool efc wrhtg. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs efc wrhtg two sgftgfngs eiout gena nahbc.

5 9 > 3 7 0

Sagrg erg sodg sggcs. Sagrg erg e bot o` futs. Sagrg hsf‘t efy dget. Sagrg‘s e bhttbg `ruht. Sagrg erg e `gw rehshfs. Sagrg ergf‘t efy vgjgteibgs.


5 9 > 3

Ag‘s bezy. Ag cogsf‘t weft to cry up. ^ag‘s ufthcy. ^ag wefts to nool. ^ag‘s wgel. ^ag cogsf‘t weft to bey tag teibg. Ag‘s aerc-worlhfj / thcy. Ag wefts to wesa up.

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Dhxgc-eihbhty tgenahfj fotgs Wfht 0 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 9 5 Bool efc wrhtg sgftgfngs. ]uphbs bool et tag phnturgs efc wrhtg sgftgfngs. Efswgrs

5 > 7 1

Zg‘rg aorsg rhchfj. 9 Sagy‘rg sehbhfj. Sagy‘rg douftehf ihlhfj. 3 Zg‘rg sforlgbbhfj. Sagy‘rg ahlhfj. 0 Zg‘rg rowhfj. : Zg‘rg nefoghfj. Sagy‘rg whfcsur`hfj.

9 Bool et tag dep efc wrhtg qugsthofs efc efswgrs. ]uphbs bool et tag dep efc usg tag jrhc rg`grgf rg`grgfng ng prodpts to hcgfth`y tag norrgnt pgopbg hf tag phnturg. phn turg. Sagy wrhtg qugsthofs efc efswgrs eiout taosg pgopbg. Efswgrs

5 9 > 3

Zaet erg tagy cohfj? Sagy‘rg douftehf ihlhfj. Zaet erg tagy cohfj? Sagy‘rg sehbhfj. Zaet erg tagy cohfj? Sagy‘rg aorsg rhchfj. Zaet erg tagy cohfj? Sagy‘rg rowhfj.

Wfht 0 Gxtgfshof Bgssof 0 5 Bool efc wrhtg sgftgfngs. ]uphbs bool et tag nahbcrgf hf tag dehf phnturg efc hcgfth`y waet tagy erg cohfj. Sagy wrhtg sgftgfngs eiout waet tagy erg cohfj efc aow tagy erg cohfj ht. Efswgrs  

(otagr ecvgris erg posshibg) 5  Ag‘s rowhfj cefjgrousby. 9  Sagy‘rg sforlgbbhfj quhgtby. >  ^ag‘s douftehf ihlhfj ihlhfj quhnlby. quhnlby. 3  Sagy‘rg sehbhfj boucby. 7  Ag‘s nbhdihfj nerg`ubby. 0  Sagy‘rg ahlhfj boucby. :  ^ag‘s swhddhfj sbowby. 1  Ag‘s aorsg aorsg rhchfj cefjgrousby. 8  Ag‘s whfcsur`hfj quhnlby. 5= Sagy‘rg nefoghfj quhgtby.

Bgerf whta Ws 3  

© Ox`orc Wfhvgrshty ]rgss


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