Lung Gom Pa Runners

March 25, 2017 | Author: Johnette Ricchetti | Category: N/A
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Lung-gom-pa Runners of Ti Tibet bet The Marathon monks of Japan are quite similar to the Lung-gom-pa runners of old Tiet. There ha!e een many re"ords kept of these ama#ing running monks who appear to fly when they run. $"ross grassy plains% they seem to float apparently in a tran"e. They are said to tra!el nonstop for forty-eight hours or more and "an "o!er more than &'' miles a day. Many are said to e faster  than horses and at times they were used to "on!ey messages a"ross a "ountry. (n order to qualify as a lung-gom-pa runner% the trainee must first learn to master seated meditation. They had lots of emphasis on reath "ontrol and !isuali#ation te"hniques. They had to e ale to imagine their own odies as eing light as a feather.

)ther te"hniques they had to master required them to wat"h a single star in the sky intently for days% ne!er allowing themsel!es to e distra"ted. *hen they ha!e attained this aility of mo!ing meditation% they are ale to fly like the wind. The term +lung-gom, is used for the kind of training that de!elops un"ommon nimleness and gi!es them the aility to make etraordinarily long tramps with ama#ing rapidity. They run at a rapid pa"e without e!er ha!ing to stop for days. They do not run short% qui"k ra"es ut ha!e the aility to go far distan"es in a qui"k amount of time. +The *ay *ay of the *hite louds, y Lama $nagarika o!inda eplains that the word Lung%  pronoun"ed rlun% signifies the state of air as well as !ital energy or psy"hi" psy"hi" for"e. om means meditation% "ontemplation% "on"entration of mind and soul upon a "ertain su0e"t. (t has to do with the emptying of ones mind of all su0e"t-o0e"t relationships. This means that a lung-gom pa runner is not a man who has the aility to fly through through air% ut ut one who "an "ontrol his energy% energy% re-"hannel and "on"entrate it in a new dire"tion. These lung-gom-pa runners follow the an"ient  pra"ti"e of pranayama. They follow the idea of "ompletely "ompletely anonymity and therefore no one is allowed to talk to them or see any part of their odies. True lung-gom-pa runners are !ery rare for it is !ery diffi"ult to really master their skills. (n the  ook% +Magi" and Mystery in Tiet, Tiet, the author% $leandra 2a!id34eel% mentions mentions how she en"ountered her first lung-gom-pa runner in 4orthern Tiet. This is a wild% grassy region where a few tries li!e in tents. There are few people in this area% and when they spotted the lung-gom pa runner% he he was alone in a plain and was the first person they had spotted in more more than ten days

of tra!eling. Thinking the man to e lost and wandering on the plain% they were going to go retrie!e him and take him with them. $s they grew "loser they reali#ed he was tra!eling at a remarkaly swift speed and was one of the so-"alled lung-gom-pa runners. 2a!id34eel was told not to speak to the runner e"ause they were not allowed to reak their meditation while running. The od that li!es within him would then es"ape and the runner would die. Just witnessing this was enough to ama#e her though. +5y that time he had nearly rea"hed us6 ( "ould "learly see his perfe"tly "alm impassi!e fa"e and wide-open eyes with their ga#e fied on some in!isile far distant o0e"t situated somewhere high up in spa"e. The man did not run. 7e seemed to lift himself from the ground% pro"eeding y leaps. (t look as if he had een endowed with the elasti"ity of a all and reounded ea"h time his feet tou"hed the ground., The lung-gom-pa runner "an also e "alled a Maheketang. The word +mahe, is from the fearless  uffalo% whi"h they had een know to ride. To aspire to e a part of Maheketang% there is a lot of training. This in"ludes reathing eer"ises that are pra"ti"ed during a se"lusion period in "omplete darkness% whi"h lasts three years and three months. The student must sit "ross-legged on a large "ushion. 7e inhales and allows his ody to fill with air. Then holding his reath% he 0umps up with legs still "rossed using no hands to support him. 7e repeats this always remaining in the same position. This method enales them to e"ome etremely light% almost weightless. +The lung-gom method does not aim at training the dis"iple  y strengthening his mus"les% ut y de!eloping in him psy"hi" states that make these etraordinary mar"hes possile., )nly after years of drilling oneself with different types of reathing eer"ises are they permitted to attempt the a"tual ra"ing performan"e itself. *hen he finally rea"hes this point in time% he must "ompletely "on"entrate on the walk% the in and out reathing rhythm% always looking ahead% ne!er speaking. 7e "an not e distra"ted y anything and must keep his eyes fied on a single o0e"t. The est "onditions for their runs are flat plains% desert spa"es% and e!ening twilight. 8!en after walking for miles or days% when the e!ening has een rea"hed% the tiredness of the run susides and the lung-gom-pa runner and "ontinue on for miles more. 2uring their runs% they are "ontinually told to keep their eyes fied on a parti"ular star. 9ome float through the air so mu"h% that they wear hea!y "hains around their odies so that he is not in danger of floating in the air. $fter ha!ing performed all these feats% the lung-gom-pa usually finds a quiet pla"e to retreat to where they spend the rest of their li!es tea"hing% meditating% and pursuing !arious religious duties. Those who "ome to him% he will heal or less and "onsole those who are upset. +The en of ;unning, is a ook written y y the magi" dagger?. 7is right arm mo!ed slightly at ea"h step as if leaning on a sti"k% 0ust as though the phura% whose pointed etremity was far ao!e the ground% had tou"hed it and were a"tually a support. My ser!ants dismounted and owed their heads to the ground as the lama passed efore us% ut he went his way apparently unaware of our presen"e., $""ording to the ook Magic and Mystery in Tibet  y +*ind Meditation,% lung  D +wind%A&C gom pa D +meditation,AEC? in Tiet% allows a pra"titioner to run at an etraordinary rate of speed for days without stopping. This te"hnique "ould e "ompared to that pra"ti"ed y the  Kaihigyo  Monks of Mt. 7iei in Fyoto% Japan.AGC http://www.llewellyn."om/ookstore/arti"le.phpHidDEI1

Treasures of Tibetan Occultism  4ew *orlds (sse: 4*'&E

5y: J.7. 5rennan (magine what it would e like to dis"uss magi" with $leister rowleyto talk philosophy with Klatoto re"ei!e spiritual instru"tion from the 2alai Lamato le!itate at willto !isit any "ountry on earth% or lea!e the planet altogetherto take on any form you wished% learn any se"ret you desired% dis"o!er strange new worlds and sensual delights. (t sounds like wildest fantasy% yet these powers-and many more-are promised y an astonishing "olle"tion of te"hniques de!eloped in the 7imalayan fastness of Tiet efore the hinese in!asion of )"toer% 1'. Tietan mysti"s and magi"ians "alled su"h pro"edures the +Kra"ti"e of the 4ight%, a form of yoga designed to take "ontrol of your sleeping dreams and use them as gateways to other dimensions of reality where literally anything e"omes possile-in"luding the highest known forms of spiritual de!elopment. Practice of the Night $ yoga holding out su"h enefits requires time to learn and dis"ipline to pra"ti"e% ut surprisingly% it is open to !irtually anyone prepared to make the ne"essary effortand there are e!en "omputeri#ed de!i"es a!ailale in the =nited 9tates to ease the way. $lthough largely unknown to o""ultists of the industriali#ed *est% the Kra"ti"e of the 4ight is an etraordinarily useful "omplement to the do"trines of astral magi" and any work of *i""a in!ol!ing the use of !isuali#ation. ( learned of the Kra"ti"e of the 4ight while resear"hing my new ook% Occult Tibet % for Llewellyn. (t was 0ust one among many "olle"tions of te"hniques that make traditional Tiet a !irtual goldmine of information for the *estern esoteri" pra"titioner. Tietan o""ultism as a whole has two main roots-the sulime spiritual insights of Tietan 5uddhism and the an"ient tea"hings of 5Nn shamanism% the aoriginal religion of the "ountry. Together with pro"edures imported from neighoring (ndia and hina% they "omine to form an 8soteri" Tradition of unparalleled power and authority. Tibetan Marvels $s ( in!estigated some of the most an"ient pra"ti"al tets of this tradition% ( was astonished y the results a"hie!ed and delighted at the way Tietan methods might e asored into *estern magi"al pra"ti"e. $longside the "laims of the tets themsel!es% 8uropean tra!elers rought a"k firsthand reports of mar!els su"h as O The tran"e runners "apale of "arrying messages !ast distan"es without food or rest. These lung-gom-pa% as they were known in Tiet% managed prodigious feats not through athleti" training% ut from mental dis"iplines that apparently influen"ed the weight of their odies and led% in the ad!an"ed stages% to le!itation. O Thought forms !isuali#ed so strongly that they "ould a"tually e seen y others and sometimes took on a physi"al reality of their own. $ unique use of thought-form te"hnology was aimed at tea"hing students the fundamental nature of reality through a pro"ess analogous to the spirit e!o"ations of *estern magi". O $ near-forgotten s"ien"e of soni"s so potent it was reputed to ha!e on"e een used to uild a

wall around the whole of Tiet and "ontinued to e used right up to modern times to mo!e !ast  lo"ks of stone with far less effort than the me"hani#ed methods familiar to our so-"alled ad!an"ed industrial so"ieties. O $ "omplete yoga of ody heat whi"h permitted-among other things-adepts to sur!i!e in the  rutal su-#ero temperatures of the high 7imalayas while wearing nothing more than a thin "otton roe. Kra"titioners of tumo% as this yoga was "alled% were required for their final initiation to dry three lankets soaked in a free#ing mountain stream using ody heat alone. Create Your On Tumo (nterestingly% you "an sample the results of tumo for yourself net time the weather turns "old. (nstead of turning up the "entral heating% try !isuali#ing a fire at the le!el of your na!el while emarking on a series of deep% rhythmi" reaths. This% you will find% produ"es a su0e"ti!e sensation of warmth and% on"e you get the hang of it% leads e!entually to a measurale temperature rise in the etremities. 5ut this is a tri!ial te"hnique when set against the full tumo training outlined in Occult Tibet . This takes years to "omplete and in!ol!es pre"ise "ontrol of sutle energy flows largely unsuspe"ted in the *est. (t "an lead to e"stati" states and sometimes e!en mysti"al eperien"e. (n Tiet% o""ult pra"ti"e often lended seamlessly into mysti"ism. (n one well-known instan"e% a  la"k magi"ian e!entually transformed himself into as spiritually-ad!an"ed a yogi as the "ountry had e!er seen. My own determination to in!estigate the wellsprings of 7imalayan o""ultism was originally stimulated y an unpleasant en"ounter with a negati!e aspe"t of Tietan magi". ( suspe"ted there might e preser!ed te"hniques and insights of use to the *estern 8soteri" Tradition. The reality turned out to e a great deal ri"her than ( had e!er suspe"ted. 5efore the "ultural rape emarked on y the in!ading hinese% "onditions in Tiet en"ouraged an o""ult pra"ti"e so ad!an"ed and so profound as to make the "ountry the !eritale magi"al "apital of our planet. (n pro!iding details of the ma0or te"hniques% Occult Tibet  is an attempt to present Tietan esoteri" insights to the *est% yet does no more than s"rat"h the surfa"e of a treasure-tro!e.

P!YC"#C !PORT! http://memers.tripod."om/~0ohnnyfg/mmtiet/page1PE.htm 7$KT8; Q( K9R7( 9K);T9 The Lung-gom-pas ;unners =428; the "olle"ti!e term of lung-gom Tietans in"lude a large numer of pra"ti"es whi"h "omine mental "on"entration with !arious reathing gymnasti"s and aim at different results either spiritual or physi"al. (f we a""ept the elief "urrent among the Lamaists we ought to find the key to thaumaturgy in that "urious training. Feen in!estigations do not% howe!er% lead to etraordinary enthusiasm for the result otained y those who ha!e pra"ti"ed it% seeking to a"quire o""ult powers.  4e!ertheless% it would also e an error to deny that some genuine phenomena are produ"ed y the adepts of lung-gom. Though the effe"ts as"ried to lung-gom training !ary "onsideraly% the term lung-gom is espe"ially used for a kind of training whi"h is said to de!elop un"ommon nimleness and espe"ially enales its adepts to take etraordinarily long tramps with ama#ing rapidity.

5elief in su"h a training and its effi"a"y has eisted for many years in Tiet% and men who tra!elled with supernormal rapidity are mentioned in many traditions. *e read in Milarespas iography that at the house of the lame who taught him la"k magi" there li!ed a trapa who was fleeter than a horse. Milarespa oasts of similar powers and says that he on"e "rossed in a few days% a distan"e whi"h% efore his training% had taken him more than a month. 7e as"ries his gift to the "le!er "ontrol of +internal air., 7owe!er% it should e eplained that the feat epe"ted from the lung-gom-pa is one of wonderful enduran"e rather than of momentary etreme fleetness. (n this "ase% the performan"e does not "onsist in ra"ing at full

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