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Lucidology 103: How To Easily Activate Your Nonphysical Sight To Induce Your Very 1st OBEs “How To Make Your Dreams Even More Real And Solid Than Physical Life And Do Superhuman Feats Like Flying, X-Ray Vision And Walking Through Walls” By Nicholas Newport Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved
Part 1: Introduction
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Part 1: Introduction
Contents Introduction – Nonphysical Sight For OBEs - Why And What To Expect ...................................................... 4 Finally! Nonphysical Sight For OBEs Made Easy! (Ever Wondered Why Visualization Is Hard? It’s Because Your Nonphysical Eyes Are Probably Glued Shut!) ..................................................................... 4 Have Fun In OBEs With Flying, Walking Through Walls, Telekinesis, & X-Ray Vision ............................... 5 Eye Pry Makes Your OBEs More Real Than Real And Ultra Vivid.............................................................. 7 Nut And Bolts: Preparation For Eye Pry-Based OBEs ................................................................................ 8 Eye-Pry Refresher.................................................................................................................................. 9 What It Looks Like When You Use Eye-Pry ............................................................................................... 9 The Main Reason Visualization Is Hard: Nonphysical Eyelid Glue Blinds You ........................................ 11 Going Forward, What’s In Lucidology 103 .............................................................................................. 13
Part 1: Introduction
Introduction – Nonphysical Sight For OBEs - Why And What To Expect Finally! Nonphysical Sight For OBEs Made Easy! (Ever Wondered Why Visualization Is Hard? It’s Because Your Nonphysical Eyes Are Probably Glued Shut!)
Part 1: Introduction
5 In this course we’ll cover the simplest and most direct way to gain nonphysical sight that you can use to have your very first lucid dreams and out of body experiences over and over again. This technique is very easy to learn and is simply based around the idea of using your nonphysical fingers to “pry” open your nonphysical eyelids. This is needed because there is probably nonphysical glue keeping your nonphysical eyes shut. If you’ve ever wondered why you had a hard time getting visuals and visualizing to induce OBEs and lucid dreams, a big part of it was because your nonphysical eyes were glued shut and prevented your sight.
Have Fun In OBEs With Flying, Walking Through Walls, Telekinesis, & X-Ray Vision
Part 1: Introduction
When you induce an out of body experience, or OBE, you’re moving your focus away from physicality and into a nonphysical focus in which you’re not limited by the laws of physical world. Once in the OBE you can do all kinds of fun and superhuman feats such as flying, walking through walls, telekinesis and xray vision. There are still limitations in OBEs, but you have far more freedom than what’s possible in waking reality. All of this is possible with the key tricks we’ll cover which show you how to make visualization simple and easy.
Part 1: Introduction
Eye Pry Makes Your OBEs More Real Than Real And Ultra Vivid 1. Here’s an example of how things may look to you once you’ve cleaned out your nonphysical eyes. Sight in OBEs can range anywhere from dull and dreary, to being very life-like and hard to distinguish from physical awareness, on up to ultra-vivid where you have more clarity of sight than you do when physically focused. 2. This is similar to OBE vibrations. Recall from Lucidology 101 that the more OBEs you do the less frequently you’ll get vibrations because you’re clearing out blocks in your nonphysical body that cause nonphysical friction and vibrations. The same is true with eye pry, the more you do it, the brighter and more vivid your OBEs will be. It will become common for nearly all your OBEs to be ultra-vivid and more detailed and realistic than even physical focus is. When you wake up, your physical sight will actually seem dream-like compared to the ultra-realism in the OBE.
Part 1: Introduction
Eye Pry Makes Your OBEs More Real Than Real And Ultra Vivid “HIGH BANDWIDTH EXPERIENCES” WITH HYPER DETAIL
Nut And Bolts: Preparation For Eye Pry-Based OBEs
Part 1: Introduction
9 So what exactly is going on here? Here’s a refresher on what we covered about eye pry back in Lucidology 101 and how we’ll use it as a actual OBE induction here in 103. Eye-Pry Refresher 1. “Eye-Pry” was first mentioned in Lucidology 101 as a way to fix exit blindness in OBEs. a. “Exit blindness” is where you enter an OBE and can’t see 2. What is: (Basic Eye-Pry Technique) use nonphysical fingers to manually force nonphysical eyelids open 3. Why: Nonphysical eyelids are often very weak at first or have some kind of nonphysical glue holding them shut 4. Reality Check: Using nonphysical hands to open your eyelids is also a very good movement-free reality check to know that you really are in an OBE. Recall from Lucidology 101 that you always need your reality checks to be movement free when doing the induction so that you don’t move your physical body and wake yourself up. 5. Eye Pry As Exit Technique, Not Just Fix For Exit Blindness: I found that not only can you use eye pry as a very powerful exit technique rather than just using it as a solution to exit blindness. a. (IMPORTANT) Fixes basic problem people have with visualizations: The reason why visualization is hard for most people is their nonphysical eyes are glued shut or too weak to open. Using eye pry early in the induction as an exit technique fixes this. This is better than waiting until you’re already in the OBE and have exit blindness to use eye-pry b. I also found you can do OBEs with eye-pry alone without using any other tricks, meaning it’s quite powerful. Having said that, it’s still generally more effective to use it along with other methods to make the exit faster
What It Looks Like When You Use Eye-Pry
Part 1: Introduction
10 1. Before we get into the details of how you actually get to the point where you can open your nonphysical eyelids and have an OBE you may be wondering what it looks like when you actually have success with it. Here’s the view similar to what you might see when laying on a bed looking toward the side. You’ll notice a few things about this: a. You can see your nonphysical hand which you use to pry open your eyelids as like a translucent shadow. b. You’re also able to see somewhat through your eyelids on the edges. This is a case of having somewhat transparent eyelids which we covered in Lucidology 101. c. The center of vision is still a little bit darker than it should be. This indicates that repeated eye pry action will brighten your vision even more. In fact once you’ve done several OBEs and have cleared your sight completely you’ll find that you start having extremely bright and vivid sight in dreams and OBEs.
Part 1: Introduction
The Main Reason Visualization Is Hard: Nonphysical Eyelid Glue Blinds You 1. Glue Has Magnetic Quality: Often times you’ll pry your eyelids open but the glue has a magnetic quality and pulls them back together. You have to repeatedly pull your eyes back open. The magnetic effect does not always occur
Part 1: Introduction
12 2. Glue strength can be stronger than your nonphysical skin: Sometimes the glue is extremely strong and it feels like you’ll rip your eyelids apart before you break the glue. In these cases it’s better to use the ‘what is here’ technique for seeing or teleport into a different nonphysical body. Refer to Lucidology 101 and 102 for those techniques. 3. Glue Weakens And Strengthens: The more you do eye pry over days or weeks, the weaker it gets. If you stop doing eye pry for a few days or weeks you may find it has been renewed again and is harder to break. By using eye pry a lot, eventually opening your eyes becomes as easy as in the physical, once you’re close to a nonphysical focus. 4. Multiple Layered Eyelids: Sometimes you’ll need to open your eyelids several times, like you have 10 eyelids on top of each other and they all need to be opened. Each time you pry open a lid your sight becomes a bit clearer but it’s still not completely clear until it’s all cleaned out. 5. New Eyelids Reform Like Oxidizing Film: Even after you’ve cleared your eyes once, new closed eyelids may form again over your eyes a minute later. 6. Eyelid bonding surface area: Sometimes the glue isn’t just gluing the rims of your lids together but the lids have been stretched so a large area of lids have been pulled together. It takes a lot of prying to get them apart. 7. Keep At It – Habit To Form: Check Your Eyes 1st Thing In EVERY OBE Before Doing Anything Else. Because of the multiple layered eyelids effect, bonding surface area and the magnetic effect, you need to be persistent and consistent about prying your eyes open. Even if you think you have your eyes open you may not, keep clearing out your eyes repeatedly in OBEs and inspect them carefully in OBE mirrors to make sure you’ve got them cleaned out. Every single the OBE you do, make it a reflexive habit to check your eyes before going off to explore. 8. Your Nonphysical Eyelids Are Probably Weak: In the first Matrix movie when Neo asks why he has a hard time seeing when he’s in the “real” world and the reply is that it’s because he’s never used his eyes before. It’s the same thing with OBEs, even if you don’t have glue on your eyes, your lids are probably weak and hard to open on their own. Eye pry is extremely useful for opening your lids and holding them open to compensate for weak eyelids.
Part 1: Introduction
Going Forward, What’s In Lucidology 103
Part 1: Introduction
Part 1: Introduction
Part 1: Introduction
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