Lucid Dreaming

March 24, 2017 | Author: Virgi Didi | Category: N/A
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HOW TO REMEMBER YOUR DREAMS ......... ....AND GENERATE THE DREAM YOU WANT!!!! This sounds difficult, doesn't it? But in reality, it is a lot easier than you might think. The simple trick is to convince your subconscious mind that it is to perform this task for you. And how is this achieved? The easiest way is to give your subconscious precise instructions while you are in a "dream state" just before you go to sleep at night. And the most effective way to do this is to go to bed an hour or so earlier than usual so that you are still fresh enough to effectively do this "programming" without drifting off from over-tiredness. You simply instruct your subconscious as follows: ........"I will wake up when I have a really important dream and I will remember it consciously"...... Alternatively you might say........ ......."I will have a dream about (whatever) and I will wake up and remember it consciously". This message must be repeated over and over as you go to sleep.........either mentally or softly to yourself. This can sometimes be quite hard to do as you may drift off half way through your selfprogramming. The easiest way to overcome this problem is to pre-record a simple cassette/Dictaphone message to yourself and let it play as you drift off. But instead of using the word "I" in your tape message, you should use the word "you". For example: "You will wake up when you have a really important dream, etc." Even after years of practice I still occasionally find that I drop off to sleep before completing this subconscious programming so I 3

quickly repeat my message a dozen times or so on a Dictaphone I keep at my bedside. This only takes 3-4 minutes. Then I go to bed and place the Dictaphone beside me (set at just audible volume) with my fingers ready to press the start button. As I feel myself starting to drift off I trigger the machine by pressing the start button. It seldom fails to work..........and generally only fails if I am too mentally exhausted from recent activities. By doing this you are telling your subconscious exactly what you expect it to do. A lot of people don't realize that this is possible.........but it is the basis of self hypnosis. The remote viewers have discovered that the mind will follow instructions precisely, providing these instructions are given with serious intent. One of the most interesting discoveries to emerge from the United States military remote viewing program was the factor of intent. We also found that it applied to psychokinetic activities. When a person develops a serious intent......and lives, breathes and visualizes that intent....then in many instances the mind will supply the results required. The other factor is the emotional input behind the intent. Our inherent ability to become emotional about a given subject appears to trigger a focused mental energy state which causes the desired result to manifest itself. The research we have done to date indicates that a deep emotional yearning coupled with focused intent are the two factors that cause an individual to evoke the circumstances and events that are required to manifest their desire. Positive thinking and visualization by themselves are not enough.....absolute intent and emotional yearning must be added. Which is why people who merely "wish" for nice things normally don't get them. But the individual who develops a burning emotional desire coupled with absolute intent usually ends up with what they want. 4

So it is with dream control. If it is your intent and focused desire to achieve a level of dream control for yourself......then so you shall. You may achieve results the first time you try it but usually it takes weeks or even months of practice. One helpful aid is to have your pen and paper ready by your bedside so that when you suddenly awaken with full memory of a dream you can quickly jot down the main details. This process tells your mind that you are serious about dream control and that your intent is to capture these dreams. That is, you are proving your intent. Your subconscious will soon wake up to the fact that you are very serious indeed about the process and eventually supply results that may sometimes leave you breathless. If you don't get it right the first time......keep practicing it. Your subconscious will soon "get the message" and do things your way. If you want to have a dream about a specific subject.....then instruct your subconscious accordingly. This is only slightly harder to achieve than remembering random dreams. After you practice this procedure for a week or two you may be quite pleasantly surprised to find that you can not only trigger dreams at will.......but actually remember the main details. When you get to the point when you can program up a dream that you will usually find that it is presented to you in "coded" format. That is not usually straightforward. The trick then is to analyze it correctly....and this is actually the hardest part. You can buy a multitude of books on dreams but as every dream is an individual experience it is most likely that your particular dream will not be explained in any detail. This is where the Mental Pendulum can be extraordinarily useful. It can help you "decode" your dream there and then....while you are lying in bed with full recall of the dream.


Once you learn to generate and recall dreams....then decode them with the Mental Pendulum you are in a very powerful personal position. You can basically get an accurate "sense of direction” in life that others are unable to figure out. This gives a person a strong feeling of self-confidence...maybe for the first time in their life. Your biggest aid initially is the simple cassette recorder. I bought a cheap Dictaphone which I have used for a couple of years. I can easily change the message on it every night if I wish and because the unit is so small and flat I place it under the corner of my pillow so the sound filters through the pillow. I hear it.....but my spouse does not. The other advantage of a Dictaphone (or any small player) is that you can drift off to sleep with you hand on the machine and your finger on the play button. As you feel yourself losing consciousness you simply press the play button. Another idea is to record 5-10 minutes of background music.....or even record 5-10 minutes of silence before you record your message. Then when you press the play button on your recorder you will have some minutes of either silence or background music before the actual message starts. By this time you will probably be totally relaxed and on the verge of sleep. The message will impinge upon your subconscious mind, even if you are asleep. The 5-10 minutes of silence or light background music gives you a chance to relax. If your recorded message were to start immediately your subconscious mind might not be ready for it. Example: Let us suppose that you wake up with the full memory of a dream where you were flying unaided through the air. You would ask the following questions of your mental pendulum: ** Is this dream significant to my wellbeing. Yes or No? ** Does this flying represent a positive outcome for me. Yes or No? 6

** Does this indicate that I will soon be as free as a bird. Yes or No? ** Does this dream represent my future in some way. Yes or No ** Does this dream represent my personal life. Yes or No? ** Does this dream represent my business life. Yes or No? ** Does this dream represent my emotional life. Yes or No? ** Is this dream telling me to follow any particular path of action. Yes or No? ** Overall, is this dream good news for me. Yes or No? Obviously you could ask dozens of related questions such as....”Is this dream representative of my current state of affairs?”....etc. As the pendulum can basically only give digital Yes/No/Maybe responses then it cannot voluntarily feed you information, unless you ask specific questions that it can answer with a Yes or No. Do not be afraid to ask off-beat questions, because sometimes the answers will not be what you expect and may guide you to start a different line of questioning. The more you use the Mental Pendulum for dream decoding.....the more accurate it will become. After a while you will develop a pattern of questioning which will give you accurate answers fairly rapidly. You can also use a conventional dowsing mechanism such as a pendulum or L-Rods to achieve the same answers. The advantage of the mental pendulum however is that you can start the decoding process while you are lying in bed....immediately after you have woken from the dream. Recently I developed a feeling that something was not right somewhere. It was a feeling of uneasiness or apprehension. I decided to program up a dream to determine if there was a real problem or whether it was just my imagination. That night I stated the problem clearly as I was going to sleep. I asked that if there was a real problem that I be given a dream that would identify it. 7

Early the next morning I woke up with full memory of a very frustrating dream. I had dreamt that I could not locate a car I had parked earlier. I walked around the area looking for this car but it was nowhere to be found. The first thing I asked my mental pendulum was whether this dream was relevant to me. The answer was yes. I then asked if it was anything to do with frustration...the answer was yes. I then queried the pendulum to determine whether this frustration was connected to my business, personal or emotional life. The answer indicated it was related to business. I next asked if it was connected with my overall business life or a specific aspect of it. The answer indicated frustration with a specific project. I then listed out all the projects I was currently involved in and a particular one was identified. I then used the mental pendulum to confirm that this project was the one that the dream referred to. The answer was a definite yes. At this point I thought long and hard about this particular project as I was not consciously aware of any actual frustration. In a sudden burst of inspiration I asked if this frustration referred to the current state of the project or the future state. To my surprise it gave a very strong yes response for the future state. That certainly got me thinking as the whole project seemed quite straightforward. But the more I thought about it the more uneasy I became. Something didn't add up with one of the participants in the deal. To save time I then decided to remote view this participant and acquired a "bad news" impression. I then used the pendulum to check this out and came up with the same results. I decided to make some serious enquiries about the individual concerned and to my dismay discovered that he was in no financial position to complete his end of the deal. In fact one of the contactees referred to him as a "bit of a con artist". Later that morning I contacted this person and confronted him with my remote viewing of his situation. After a little verbal pressure 8

(dedicated intent on my part?) he admitted that he couldn't keep his end of the bargain financially but that he had "hoped" things would get better before the deal was to be concluded. Obviously he would have failed to complete his end of the transaction which would have thrown the project into chaos causing me some financial loss and considerable frustration. I bailed out of it then and there. Without the dream control warning I would have been headed toward some serious frustration and annoyance, not to mention the financial loss. The interesting thing is that this type of dream scenario has happened probably a dozen times over the past few years, giving me warning in advance of impending problems. I honestly don't know how I made it through my business life prior to developing this dream control/pendulum mechanism. The ability to use these intuitive mechanisms has made the passage of life much smoother. The small group of Australians and New Zealanders who have followed our research have also reported some cases, quite spectacular ones. The bottom line is that these intuitive procedures are of definite benefit in daily activities. Dream control and interpretation is an extraordinarily useful process for determining your future track through life. If you have a serious intent about learning the process then your mind will oblige. Like any other skill that has to be learnt you need to keep practicing until you get results. If you were learning to play the piano you would recognize that you needed to keep practicing to gain any degree of expertise. Strangely enough individuals who start learning these personal mind techniques quite often give up after a few sessions. This appears to be something to do with the ego becoming worried about loss of control. While piano practice is an acceptable activity as far as the ego is 9

concerned, deep down personal mind control is not and your subconscious may throw up negative messages about it all. For example you may rapidly develop the feeling that it is all a waste of time while prior to that you thought it was a vital process to learn. You recognize that it will be of major benefit to you but for some reason you lose interest in doing anything about it. If this happens be aware that it may be an ego-control thing and if you override your ego by setting aside a specific time each day or night for practice then your ego will slowly accept that you are serious about learning this process. You may find that your interest in this new process rapidly increases as your successes add up. When it gets to the point where you are reliably calling up dream answers then your ego is basically out of the picture and has accepted your interest in this new discipline. I am always amazed at the number of people I have met who have had an absolutely stunning success with their first controlled intuition experience....then totally lost interest in doing a follow-up. When I query them about this they always agree that the results were breathtaking and they must try it out again. But they seldom ever do. Beyond belief.....isn't it? …Now with accompanying mp3 available in the download area -

Also highly recommended – These 2 detailed videos that go through many different techniques for lucid dreaming and out of body experiences. Many people had their first lucid dream at the first attempt using these techniques… (Less than 20 bucks at the time of writing too!) Click here for more details.


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