Luc de Schepper

February 2, 2017 | Author: mihaipopescu0 | Category: N/A
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Analysing a case from the Chief Complaint to the Primary Core Delusion...


Luc de Schepper module Beyond Jung…

Analysing a case from the Chief Complaint to the Primary Core Delusion (Jung)


Table of Contents                                   

Introduction 3 The Iceberg and the Hierarchy of Symptoms 3 Before you start the LDS Wizard 4 Luc’s Multimedia6 Luc’s Materia Media and Concepts Database in the Encyclopedia (EH) 6 Luc’s Concepts 7 More about Luc’s Concepts 10 Finding Luc’s Core Delusions 11 Luc’s Core Delusions 12 Luc’s Materia Medica database in EH 15 Using the Wizard 17 Clipboard 1: Chief Complaint 22 Clipboard 2: Sleep and Sexual 24 Clipboard 3: Food and Drinks 25 Clipboard 4: Generals 26 Clipboard 5: Mental, Emotional 27 Clipboard 6: Never well since (Causality) 29 Clipboard 7: Delusions 31 Taking Symptoms by Using Dr. Luc’s Concepts 32 From the Delusions clipboard to the next step 35 Clipboard 8: Core Delusions 36 Summary Window 37 Analysis Window 38 Making corrections: Moving symptoms 39 Making corrections: Changing the value 40 Hide the module window temporarily 40 Potency Selection 41 Paper Case Example 1: ‘My Wife sent me’ 46 Video Case Example 1: Paola, 29 yrs old 54 Video Case example 2: Wendela 81 Video Case example 3: Jorick, a Boy 12 yrs old 105 Video Case example 4: Paivi, 55 yrs old 146 Video Case example 5: Jenny, 27 Yrs old 147 Video Case example 6: Kevin, 7 yrs old 148 Request for Accreditation / Recognition for Postgraduate training 149


INTRODUCTION The Luc de Schepper module (LDS-Module) consist of the following parts:  A case-taking Wizard.  Concepts + patient expressions pointing to related rubrics in Synthesis  Core Delusions with a short explanation (in the Concepts repertory)  Materia Medica differentiation of all the remedies in the concepts and the Core Delusions in the Encyclopedia Homeopathic program (EH).  Several Multimedia files

The Luc de Schepper (LDS) wizard offers a standard method to evaluate and analyse cases. Often students of homeopathy and beginner homeopaths struggle to analyse cases, become confused by all the symptoms and do not know which to select for use. The module helps the user to organize and evaluate all symptoms of a case according to its relative value, which will result in an analysis (repertorisation) where the Simillimum will be present in the top scoring remedies. The user can then differentiate between the top scoring remedies by consulting Luc’s Cure Delusion explanations of the remedies or by reading the Materia Medica of the remedies present in the Concept. Dr. Luc’s Concepts contain over 50 very common concepts with the main remedies. Luc’s concepts are like ‘Super Rubrics’. Connected to these Concepts are:  A definition of the concept  The Main remedies with DD description (In Luc’s database in the EH program).  Patient Language: expressions how patients will present it during consultation.  A list of all the associated delusion rubrics in the Synthesis repertory.

THE ICEBERG AND THE HIERARCHY OF SYMPTOMS The symbol of the iceberg represents the homeopathic case analysis process. Most often the patients come to us with a Chief Complaint on the physical level. Note: Of course a patient could come with a Chief Complaint on a Mental Emotional level like ‘Jealousy’, but then you must add these symptoms in the appropriate clipboard. (e.g. Mental Emotional).

We must always take into account the totality of symptoms, but we will only prescribe successfully if we prescribe for the patient with a disease, and not for the disease itself. Therefore we need to value all symptoms accordingly, which the module helps us to do. You are asked to organize the symptoms into the appropriate clipboards and the module then automatically gives the correct value to them. (For more details see below under each clipboard chapter.)


The most valuable guide for your prescription is often the most deeply hidden. Often the ‘simillimum’ lies in the unconscious of the patient, ‘the deepest part of the iceberg’. Note: You can read Chapter 9 of Hahnemann Revisited “The value of Symptoms” for more general background information.

You always need to prescribe for the totality of the most characteristic, the most valuable, the A153 symptoms. You cannot take one single symptom, even an important one, out of the whole picture. Every case tells a coherent story, and ‘everything’ in the patient’s story has to fit the story of the remedy as described in EH. Ask yourself:  Who is this person (Constitution, Temperament) (extravert or introvert)?  Why does he do what he is doing? What is the motivation behind his actions? In every case you need to check:  Are there Delusions or fixed ideas that the patient presents? What seems to be the most important fixed idea (Core Delusion) that rules the patient’s life?  Is there a causation (NWS or Ailments From)? Was anything happening around the time when symptoms started (trigger or causation)?  How did the patient react? How did he compensate?

BEFORE YOU START THE LDS WIZARD Before you start the module you need to have the following information:    

A full anamnesis with all symptoms and aspects of the case. It must include a full Time Line in order to find the different layers to be treated. Ask yourself: is it an Acute case? Or an acute exacerbation of the Chronic case? If it is a Chronic case, are you dealing with a Single or a Multiple layer case? If it is a multiple layer case, use only symptoms from the last layer.

Definition of a Layer At the first visit you must determine the number of layers in a case following the time line. Two or more different layers will have a different set of symptoms, with a different causality (not necessarily from a different miasmatic background).

Do not go immediately to the rubrics: First try and see if you can fully understand the patient. Actually you should not start thinking of any remedy or any rubric, before you understand the whole case. You should ask yourself ‘Eleven Questions’ to fully understand the patient. They are the following:


11 Q to the Simillimum • • • • • • • • • • •

Where is the leakage of Energy (VF, Qi)? Acute Disease? Chronic? Or an exacerbation of Miasm? What are the common sx and therefore not important? What are the A153 symptoms: uncommon, rare and peculiar? What system is affected? What is the pathology? How many layers are present in the patient? What is the NWS or Ailments from? What is the core delusion? What are pt’s temperament, attitude and dominant function of consciousness? What is active miasmatic state? In what miasmatic state of the remedy is the patient? Psora? Sycosis? Syphilis? Note: For all these aspects read Dr Luc’s book: An Advanced Clinical Guide to the Homeopathic Practice.” (Expected February 2008) Multimedia: You can also see ‘Seminar video recordings’ via the Multimedia button, where several ‘Questions’ are discussed.

Only after answering these questions, should you start using the wizard to fill in the first clipboards. The delusions of the patient are the most difficult to find. By filling out the other clipboards first you will be able to see the top remedies of the patient case. At that point, you can access the Core Delusion of the leading remedies, each with its explanation, and you can decide which fits best the total story of your patient. You can find these Core Delusions in the Materia Medica in the total context of the different remedies in EH so you will be more confident of your choice. This can be done when you are still in the Wizard window, or if you are in the normal Radar Analysis (repertorisation) window. 5

LUC’S MULTIMEDIA You can access several Multimedia files via the option ‘Luc’s Multimedia’. Some available items at present: 

A Power Point program to evaluate Remedy Reaction.

Video with an introduction to Luc’s teachings

Video Live Case consultation ‘Paola’ + Luc’s case analysis + a Lecture about the given remedy.

And there will be more multimedia to come.…

LUC’S MATERIA MEDIA AND CONCEPTS DATABASE IN THE ENCYCLOPEDIA (EH) Luc’s Concepts and Core Delusions summary are not only available in the Concepts repertory, but also in ‘Luc’s Materia Medica’ database in EH.  

Here you will find full material medica descriptions of the Concepts and material medica differentiation between the remedies. And the Core Delusions

Note: Anywhere in the Repertory window or Analysis window, you can Right mouse click on a remedy to search that remedy in Luc’s Materia Medica in the Encyclopedia (EH).


LUC’S CONCEPTS Luc’s Concepts contain more than 50 valuable ‘Super Rubrics’ with ‘patient expressions’ and ‘referring rubrics’ in `the Synthesis repertory. For a full differentiation of the main remedies mentioned in a concept, you can switch to Luc’s database in the EH program for a full description.


e.g. “I am worthless” X

A concept corresponds to the patient’s main feeling and emotion. When the homeopath asks himself the question: “What is the general feeling I get from the patient’s story?”


3 2


X = Language of the patient = rubrics (compensations)

X = delusions = emotional/spiritual center: C.D.

For instance: The story is one about “being forsaken” all her life. There is a concept or “super symptom” “Forsaken,” under which you can find the definition, the language of the patient as how she expresses this “forsaken feeling,” all the delusions in the Synthesis that express this “forsaken” concept and a differential diagnosis of the main remedies. The concept often relates to the painful, secret or shameful long past event that has become the main theme in the patient’s life (therefore intimately linked to the Ailments from). All the delusion rubrics expressing the “same” thing about the chosen concept are shown. In this way, you have an overview of all the possible fixed ideas that express this concept and you can find (select) one or more that really connects well to the patients case. A concept helps to translate the language of a patient into the language of the repertory. In the chapter Dr Luc’s Concepts you will find: Concepts with patient language and the main remedies for each concept with extensive material medica (and differentiation between them). (Note: available in Dr Luc’s EH database) If you want to consult Luc’s concepts directly, click on the Concept button in the toolbar


Then select the chapter Dr Luc

Then you can select the chapters  

Concepts Core Delusions

 Note: You should also consult the Concepts in the EH database. Where you can also find an extensive Materia Media description of the main remedies for each concept.

Each ‘Concept-rubric’ has a definition and main remedies Double click on the note icon to see the definition of the concept

Luc’s Materia Medica The remedies in a concept can be differentiated by reading the materia medica of the remedies in Luc’s database in EH.

Right mouse click on a remedy to open the Concept MM database in EH.


Patient language and linked rubrics  Each concept has a list of ways that a patient can express that concept. And by clicking on the ‘Synthesis icon’ you will see repertory rubrics that are linked to the concept.

Patient’s expressions: These are several ways a patient may express that concept.

The rubrics in the Synthesis repertory that are linked to this concept can be seen by double clicking on the small Synthesis icon.

Synthesis rubrics related to a Concept

By double clicking on the ‘Synthesis icon’ a list of related delusion rubrics in Synthesis will open.


Using Luc’s concepts and taking symptoms when using Luc’s Wizard When the LDS-Wizard has been started, you can also select and take rubrics, which are connected to one of Luc’s Concepts. Please see the chapter: Taking Symptoms by Using Dr. Luc’s Concepts (Clipboard 7: Delusions) for an explanation how to select Symptoms via Dr Luc’s Concepts.

MORE ABOUT LUC’S CONCEPTS Note: The Concept information can be found in the Concept window in Radar or more extensively in Luc’s database in the EH program. From anywhere in Radar with a Right mouse click you can switch to Luc’s Database in EH

Definition of Dr. Luc’s Concepts A concept (or we might use Jung’s term Complex) can be expressed by one or several words. It is usually the main theme of long-term suffering that the patient links to painful recollections. Don’t be surprised if the patient expresses this to you, even on the question, “What brings you to me?” You will be surprised how patients are very clear in recognizing the crux of their suffering, and will answer you with, for example: “I have lack of self worth,” or “I repress my feelings”, “I have problems being intimate with people I love,” even “I have lost all contact with the real world, I am always looking for refuge in a dream world!” What the homeopath must do with this concept or theme is to define it first of all, and further define it through the patient’s expressions during the consultations. We want to sharpen our skills in translating the patient’s language immediately into the language of the repertory, a difficulty many of us have. I want you to become so good in it, that you annoy your husbands, wives, children, cats and dogs by talking to them in rubrics, if not in real talk at least in “your mind!” Our next step will be to link this theme to all the delusions that are possibly express this theme or concept, which was a tedious job for me as there are 2332 delusions in the repertory. This step allows us then to identify the leading 3 – 5 remedies, which we will then analyse through the provings and compare with each other. This strengthens our skills in recognizing our remedies in their different miasmatic stages with their own expressions. It leads you to recognize polychrests you thought you knew in a much better way and identify them in the patient before they have created a full-blown disease expression on the M/E or physical plane.


FINDING LUC’S CORE DELUSIONS The Core Delusions are located in the ‘Access to Synthesis – Concept Repertory’, so you need to switch to the ‘Concept repertory’. Note: The Access to synthesis of Concept Repertory, always opens automatically at the background when the Synthesis repertory is opened. Click on the Concept icon, to switch to the ‘Concepts window’.

Then select the chapter Dr Luc

Similar as opening the Luc’s Concepts, you select the chapter: Core Delusions

Each Core Delusion is followed by a short description

Tip: Anywhere in the Repertory you can Right mouse click on a remedy, and search through Luc’s database in EH. 11

LUC’S CORE DELUSIONS Definition The Core Delusion (CD) always contains a kernel of truth. With men, the CD often has to do with performance, work, achievements and standing in society. In women, the CD is most often linked to affairs of the heart: loss of love, perceived or real, unrequited love, deception and betrayal, etc. Many of the Core Delusions stem from unrealistic expectations: CD are created by aiming for things that are either out of our reach, or are fueled by anxiety, jealousy, greed, etc. A Core Delusion is the expression of the dominant, ruling emotion. It will be the driving force behind the actions, thoughts and plans of the patient, and will create along the way, secondary delusions. Therefore all compensations and secondary delusions have their origin in the Core Delusion. We all have a Core Delusion, therefore everyone executes compensations. Compensations can be regarded as defense mechanisms that help us flee from the Core Delusion when it is negative, or reinforce the Core Delusion. Every patient executes compensations to avoid his inevitable fate: he will have to face this Core Delusion at some point in his life. A “positive” delusion (i.e., “I am a great person”) obviously is also bad for the person as it impedes his self-growth. If the homeopath does not ask enough “Why’s?”,…. the patient will show him compensations that are far away from the Core Delusion. He will try to coach you into prescribing for the mask rather than the shadow side (a mask that is formed by all these compensations). This will lead to the selection of a simile and not the simillimum: “The Mask is the Simile; the Shadow side is the Simillimum!”

The explanation of a CD must match the secondary delusions and its compensations though the real proving of the remedy. The Core Delusion is not taken out of context of the totality of the patient but simply expresses the most important characteristic of his totality.

“The Core Delusion is the emotional or spiritual center, surrounded by a cluster of images or ideas, which are the patient’s compensations.”


How the Core Delusions where defined These Core Delusions were compiled by Luc from his years of clinical experience and by extensively studying the Delusions section in the repertory and the original provings. There were different criteria used to select the Core Delusion among the many different delusions of each remedy. These criteria include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

One delusion is a black type (intensity 3). All delusions might be a 1, but several delusions express the same thing. The remedy is the only one under the rubric of the delusion. The Core Delusion always leads to Secondary delusions. The patient in his story will always return to his CD in spite of many positive or negative compensations. 6. If no delusions can be found in the provings of a remedy: then by using the NWS and the compensations we can deduct the “invisible or secret” CD.

Jung and the definition ‘Core Delusion’ The definition of Core Delusion originally comes from Carl Gustav Jung, who also called it the Primary Core Delusion or the Mother Core Delusion. Even the term Primitive Core Delusion would be suitable to use, since this Core Delusion is hiding in the shadow side and remains primitive as it leads to secondary delusions or fixed ideas since the Primitive Core Delusion is never resolved. With the development of Compensations, the patient tries to stay away from the most deeply hidden feeling (his Primitive Core Delusion). Note: for more information see the book: An Advanced Clinical Guide to the Homeopathic Practice.” (Febr 2008)

Explaining the Core Delusion information presented The Core Delusion database can be consulted via the ‘Concept Repertory’ window in Radar or in Luc’s database in the EH program (via a Right mouse click on a remedy anywhere in the program). The Core Delusions consist of a ‘main expression’ + ‘explanation’ part. Let’s take the example of Silica: The left half of his body does not belong to him: independency at home yet depended and timid outside of the home

This consists of:  The Core Delusion: The left half of his body does not belong to him:  The Explanation: independency at home yet depended and timid outside of the home 13

A few examples more: Lycopodium  Core Delusion: He has done wrong and everything will vanish:  Explanation: reflects the lack of confidence and fear of failure in his performance; he fails when the moment of performance is demanded Veratrum album  Core Delusion: He is a prince:  Explanation: reflects the desire of Veratrum album to “be” someone in society (despair of social position) Anacardium  Core Delusion: a devil is speaking in one ear, an angel in the other, prompting him to murder or acts of benevolence:  Explanation: confusion in his actions and thinking due to ailments from domination


LUC’S MATERIA MEDICA DATABASE IN EH Remember that with a Right mouse click on a remedy abbreviation anywhere in Radar you can open the full database of Luc de Schepper, which is located in the Encyclopedia (EH: Encyclopedia Homeopathica). Luc’s current database already consist of more than 500 pages of text:  Concepts  Definition + Causalities of concepts  Patient expressions of concepts  Rubrics (Delusions) linked to each concept  Specific Remedy description for each remedy mentioned in the concept.  Core Delusions + short description

Right mouse click on a remedy and select: Search remedy in Luc’s Materia Medica You will jump to Luc’s database in EH, and automatically this remedy will be searched through the database.

Opening levels in Luc’s database Click on the + in the left window, to open the table of content and see all levels where the remedy is present


Closing Luc’s database Luc’s database will open on top of your other database. Tip: It is best to first close Luc’s database, before you exit the Encyclopedia. All searches from Radar to EH go in the last-opened database, so if you have opened Luc’s database last, you will always search in this database. To prevent this, first select File, then Close database, to close the most upper database. Then you can exit EH in the normal way.


USING THE WIZARD Luc advised to use the Essential Synthesis or the Synthesis Treasure edition with the (Quantum view). Optional the Millennium view, but be aware that you then also see a lot of new information, new remedies which he seldom uses.

Start the module The case-taking Wizard can be started in different ways. 

From the Menu View, select the Luc De Schepper Wizard.

Via de hot key combination: Alt + Shift + F7

Via de ‘Wizard’ icon in the upper toolbar (Open Wizard Finder with keys: Ctrl + W)

The Wizard Window When starting the Wizard, you enter the follow window (see below) with several clipboards at the left. These clipboards correspond with the categories of symptoms, which are given a different value during analysis.        

Chief Complaint Sleep and Sexual Food and Drinks Generals Mental, Emotional Never Well Since Delusions Core Delusion

The clipboards are in reverse order of the pyramid on page 190 in Hahnemann Revisited (HR), and also in reverse order of the repertorisation sheet on page 194 (HR).

Tip: To move to a next clipboard just press

The clipboards are organized from above to below, from homeopathically less important to most important. Each clipboard (each step) is described below in detail.


Finding and Taking rubrics into the clipboards Although the Wizard window lies on top of the repertory window, you can still search and take symptoms exactly as you would do from the normal repertory window (which you see at the background of the Wizard). However, there is a difference when you come to the last step of the rubric Find: you do not jump to the repertory (or concept) window, but the rubric is taken automatically into the clipboard of the module with a default value 1 (intensity 1). Note: the used intensity can differ according to the clipboard you are in.

Finding and taking symptoms into a clipboard:  Just start typing characters, e.g. GEN to select the chapter Generals, then followed by the characters for the rubric e.g. HEAT etc. etc. Exactly the same as if you where directly in the Synthesis repertory window.  Or by pressing the function key F2 (Find), or  by clicking on the Find icon in the module.  Use the F3 to ‘Find from current symptom’. You search on key-words:  By clicking on the Word search icon  By pressing the function key F4 (Word search) You can search for Concepts  By clicking on the Concept icon

Note: You can search for Luc’s Concepts or any other Concept. Luc’s Concepts are mainly related to delusions rubrics.


Taking symptoms So, when you are in the LDS window, and start to find a symptom, at the last level the symptom will automatically be taken in the current clipboard at the last level. For example when you type: MI JEA

(for mind) (for jealousy)

By pressing 2 times the rubric Jealousy will be taken into the current clipboard. In each clipboard the symptoms are taken with a predefined value. Important note on which symptoms to take In general it is advisable to only use the outspoken (strong and clear, strange and rare) symptoms of the case or A153 rubrics. Luc explains: I know that underlining is a long tradition with some homeopaths but at the same time it is a very subjective process, depending on the observation of the homeopath. In the example cases I used on purpose ALL possible rubrics. As the homeopath becomes more experienced he will be more selective in his choices. But it is comforting to know that the beginner, who would write more rubrics down than the experienced, still will come to the same result. Margret Tyler said, the older I get (read experienced) the less I write down in the inquiry. In other words, she only wrote down the A153 rubrics.

Summary on using symptom intensity (value) In this first version of the module, you should only use the clear, strong and peculiar symptoms without adding a specific intensity value. The symptoms receive automatically a value corresponding to the value of that particular clipboard.

Very strong peculiar (local) symptoms If you find on the Chief Complaint level (Physical level) a strong Strange, Rare or Peculiar symptom, then you should add it to the Generals clipboard.


Reaching Synonym rubrics (Referring Rubrics) Because at the last level you do not switch to the repertory but take the symptom directly into the wizard window, you might occasionally reach a so called ‘referring rubric’. These are synonym rubrics with no remedies, which point to an other rubric that will have remedies in it. You can easily distinguish between ‘Rubrics with Remedies’ or ‘Empty Referring rubrics’ by looking at the ‘number of remedies’.  

You can easily see if a rubric has remedies: indicated with e.g. (15) which is the number of remedies in that rubric. You can see if a rubric has sub-levels: indicated with a + in front of it.

If by mistake you still try to select a Referring rubric, for example: Generals – Heat – Intolerance of heat

You will get a warning message asking if you want to take the rubric which this rubrics points to.

Example: A warning message appears asking if you want to take the synonym rubric that has remedies


Word or Concepts Search In a similar way you can use the search for Concepts or search for Words options To start a Word search in Synthesis press the F4 key or click on the Word search icon.

Click on the Find Concepts button to open the concepts repertory. Note: The special chapter with Dr Luc’s Concepts, are specifically related to the Delusions clipboard.

Searching and taking rubrics from Luc’s Concepts from within the wizard window It is possible to take symptoms connected to one of Luc’s Concepts, when Luc’s module (Wizard) has been started. Please see the chapter: Taking Symptoms by Using Dr. Luc’s Concepts (Clipboard 7: Delusions) for an explanation how to select Symptoms via Dr Luc’s Concepts.


CLIPBOARD 1: CHIEF COMPLAINT Definition: The Chief Complaint (CC) is the complaint the patient brings up to your question, “What brings you to me?” In the patient’s mind it is the complaint to be resolved by your remedy. Often the chief complaint is a physical symptom. So you take in this clipboard the chief physical complaint and its modalities (location, sensation, better or worse with, time of onset). Note: If the CC is a mental/emotional symptom, you need to add this symptom to the mental/emotional clipboard. (You may take it also in the CC clipboard, but be sure to add it also in the corresponding clipboard. Note: Re: Very strong Strange Rare Peculiar (local) symptoms If you find on the Chief Complaint (Physical level) a strong Strange, Rare or Peculiar symptom, then you should add it to the Generals clipboard

Tips  The remedy you will prescribe (simillimum) does not need to be necessarily present in the rubric of the CC.  Never prescribe solely on this CC, even if your remedy has the keynote for this symptom.  Correctly answering the other sections (adding symptoms to the other clipboards), will resolve automatically the CC in most cases, even if the chosen remedy is not in the CC rubric.  Modalities are the most important, permanent and usually the easiest answered by the patient.  The Location of the complaint is the least important and will never exclude a chosen remedy. So if the complaint is left-sided and your selected remedy is a right-sided one that fits all the modalities of the chosen remedy and the patient case, than this is the simillimum  Avoid prescribing on the name of a disease. Always remember that we need to treat a patient with a disease. However, the allopathic diagnostic name is important for the patient’s prognosis and the miasmatic selection of your remedy 

A Complete Symptom These following three aspects form a complete symptom: Location Sensation Modalities We do not include the Concomitant symptoms because according to von Boenninghausen, this would constitute then a complete case. In such a situation we 22

would do a VB method, which is not the case. Concomitant symptoms will be found under the Main CC rubric in Synthesis, followed by either, “alternating with” or “accompanied with”. Type of rubrics you may use Any localization, sensation and modality from the repertory Synthesis Value of this clipboard By default, the value of the symptoms in this clipboard is 1. Number of rubrics There is no recommendation on the maximum number of symptoms to be taken in this layer (clipboard).


CLIPBOARD 2: SLEEP AND SEXUAL Definition of Sleep Different aspects of sleep are taken into account: the position; waking up at what time; restful sleep; difficulties falling asleep, aggravation and amelioration from sleep; sleepiness during day; sleepiness with sleeplessness. Tips  Difficulties falling asleep can have many reasons but a Carcinosin state should always be considered in children with these complaints  Times of waking up should always have a high value if corresponding to a physical/emotional condition. i.e., Asthma, waking up at 3 a.m. (Kali-c; diarrhea at 5 a.m. (Sulphur)  Dreams will be discussed later in an updated version Definition of Sex This contains all complaints under the sections in Synthesis: Genitalia Male and Female Tips  Do not always expect the mother to confide in you the aberrant sexual behavior of her child  It is important to know the sexual milestones in children. Oedipus and Electra complexes are normal at age 3-4. If carried further, especially till age 10 and more, this behavior becomes a great indicator for the remedy. I think of remedies such as Hyoscyamus, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Platina, Tarentula, Bufo, Bar-c, etc.  For adults: take allopathic drug use into consideration (those that suppress or increase sex drive), for example: anti hypertension medication, Viagra, etc. Type of rubrics you may use Any symptom from Synthesis Value of this clipboard By default the intensity of the symptoms to this layer (clipboard) is 1. Number of rubrics There is no recommendation for the maximum number of symptoms to be taken in this layer (clipboard). Note: For more info, see Dr Luc’s book, An Advanced Clinical Guide to the Homeopathic Practice.” (Febr 2008)


CLIPBOARD 3: FOOD AND DRINKS Definition Desires (craving) and Aversions (dislikes) to food are a result of the predominant miasmatic state of the patient. Note: They have to be differentiated from aggravations and ameliorations from food particles, which must be placed in the Generals clipboard. Tips  Be careful about paying too much attention to cravings/aversions in children unless they are truly peculiar. Cravings for pizza, macaroni, hamburgers and sweets are unfortunately normal in our children.  Take the diet habits in the family in account for cravings in children: vegetarian families encourage their children to avoid meat and eat vegetables.  Cravings and aversions in pregnancy do take a more important value in the patient as they denote the miasmatic state brought from the father to the mother.  Avoiding coffee should be a must in those patients whose remedy is found under, “Coffee aggravates (Generalities).”  Pay special attention to all the rubrics indicating aggravation from food stuffs: from fruit, from garlic, onions, fatty foods, spicy, etc. Type of rubrics you may use Any symptom from Synthesis (under Generalities) Value of this clipboard By default the intensity of the symptom in this layer/clipboard is 1. Number of rubrics The recommendation for the maximum number of symptoms to be taken in this layer (clipboard) is 3. (A warning sign will be displayed if you take more symptoms. (Will be implemented at a later stage)


CLIPBOARD 4: GENERALS Definition: General symptoms are those that affect the patient as a whole and thus rank higher than particular symptoms, which affect only one organ or function. General symptoms are those that can be expressed as statements beginning with “I”. For example: I am, I feel, I love, I feel better or worse from, etc. Tips  A general symptom, if well-marked, can overrule any number of even strong particulars.  Most Generals are found in the repertory in the section: Generalities.  A number of strong particulars must not be neglected because of one or more weak generals A few examples of general physical symptoms  Internal temperature (chilly or hot)  Weather condition (Wind, changes, cold, etc.)  Position: Aggravated or ameliorated from lying, sitting, standing, lying on one side  Sides of the body: “What side of body is mainly affected?”  Time of day: aggravation or amelioration of the complaint at a certain time of the day (or night). Type of rubrics you may use Any symptom of Synthesis Value of this clipboard By default the intensity of the symptom in this layer/clipboard is 2. Number of rubrics The recommendation for the maximum number of symptoms to be taken in this layer/clipboard is 6 (A warning is displayed if you take more symptoms).


CLIPBOARD 5: MENTAL, EMOTIONAL Definition The definition of peculiar, rare and strange symptoms is given by Hahnemann in the Organon: “A153: The more striking, strange and unusual signs and symptoms in the case are especially, almost exclusively, the ones to which close attention should be given, because it is these above all which must correspond to very similar symptoms in the symptom list of the medicine being sought if it is the most suitable for cure.” It goes without saying that most of the patient’s A153 rubrics will relate to mental/emotional expressions but obviously general peculiar physical symptoms (worse from wind for instance) or local peculiar symptoms (for instance, coryza with perspiration of Mercury) are following this definition and need then to be added to the corresponding clipboard. Tips  Avoid common symptoms used form the allopathic diagnosis. For instance, depression. This is an opportunity to the homeopath to see all the sub rubrics belonging to the rubric “sadness” which might be more related to your patient. Of course other rubrics express the general symptom to depression: indifference, loss of ambition, brooding, aversion to company, refuses to eat, ennui, morose, etc. 

To be certain of choosing the simillimum, the peculiarity and the intensity of the symptoms in the patient, must match the peculiarity and intensity in the chosen remedy. I.e., if jealousy from A/F grief is outspoken in the patient (3), then it must be a (3) in the proven remedy: Hyoscyamus. This will help you at the end to differentiate between close remedies.

Rubrics with more than 100 remedies in it can hardly be considered “a Rare and Strange Rubric (i.e., Weariness)”. The size of the rubric will give you an idea about the common or uncommon symptom. Less than 30 remedies in a chosen rubric can be considered “rare” (i.e., A/F grief).

Ask yourself the question, “Is this how most people react to this situation?” If not, it is uncommon. There are of course different reactions to different situations according to the patient’s prevalent active miasmatic state. To give an example: “Laughing at funerals” would be considered uncommon and translated with the rubric, “Laughing about serious matters.”

In order to get to the real “uncompensated” emotion, ask “why and for what purpose” the patient has that feeling. This should give you the “real” emotional rubric. For example: Censorious. We can use this rubric if it is present in the patient but also should add the “uncompensated” rubric belonging to censorious. Why is he censorious? To feed his Ego like Sulphur (Egotism, Haughty), because he is morbidly sensitive to 27

criticism himself, taking everything in bad part like Carcinosin (easily offended); or is it because he wants to give themselves an air of superiority which he doesn’t really possess like Veratrum album (Despair of social position) 

Is it because they are such perfectionists and no one else can live up to their standards like Arsenicum album (Anxiety about trifles-Conscientious about trifles-Anger at trifles)? By adding this “uncompensated” rubric we are doing a differential diagnosis bringing us closer to the real simillimum.

Another example: the dominant emotion is jealousy but upon further questioning as to the “why,” the jealousy stems from grief, so “Ailments from Grief” is the uncompensated feeling. Note: See the book Hahnemann Revisited Chapter Nine, pages 174-180 for explanation of these kinds of symptoms and see the book, An Advanced Clinical Guide to the Homeopathic Practice.” (Febr 2008)

At least 3 of the mental/emotional symptoms should be taken if at all possible. Otherwise there is no limit to the M/E symptoms (more than three) as long as they are peculiar and at least strongly present in the patient (2 and 3)

Type of rubrics you may use Any symptom from the Synthesis chapter MIND, and there are also several M/E symptoms throughout the repertory, which also may be taken. Value of this clipboard By default the value of this symptom in this layer (clipboard) is 3. Number of rubrics The recommendation for the maximum number of symptoms to be taken in this layer/clipboard is 10 (a warning will be displayed if you take more symptoms: ”Before you proceed further, make sure these M/E symptoms you take are peculiar and intense in the patient.”


CLIPBOARD 6: NEVER WELL SINCE (CAUSALITY) Definition This is defined by the question: “What was the event (mental, emotional or physical) that triggered the onset of the illness?” Type of rubrics you may use In this clipboard you should take the Never Well Since (NWS) or Ailments From (A/F) or causality symptoms. You may use the Rubric Mind – Ailments from, but also other NWS rubrics throughout the repertory may be used. For instance the causation could have been Cold NE Wind triggering Bell’s palsy. You will find this causality under “Generals.” So causalities can besides being emotional in nature, also be mental (overwork, reading, etc.), physical (head trauma), weather related (heat stroke, wind, cold exposure, etc.), diet related (see under foods, generals) and iatrogenic (caused by allopathic meds. The latter is NOT taken into account to find your remedy and symptoms related to this meds are not taken into account to find the simillimum.

Pitfalls Make sure to match the NWS of the patient’s illness to the layer you are treating. Do not mix the NWS of two different layers. Each disease layer has its own symptomatology and causality and need to be addressed by the corresponding (different) remedy.

Rx: Aurum

Layer 1: NWS grief: Del, neglected duty, etc

Layer 2: A/F injuries, Mental sx from Rx: Nat-s

Head trauma: Headaches, Irritability, etc.

Guilt, sadness, etc


The trigger or NWS can be expressed by different emotions, in other words we must take in account the different Ailments from (A/F) rubrics that express the same emotion. This will avoid skewing your remedies. i.e., A/F grief, Forsaken, Disappointed love and Deception and Betrayal can all belong to one layer as long as they reflect the sentiments of the patient in that layer.

There might be more than one A/F (NWS) in the same layer. We should take each causality (even if different) take in account for the same layer. For example a layer has A/F fright, A/F disappointed love and A/F jealousy. You must take both to find the simillimum for this layer (this could be Hyoscyamus in this case)

A/F grief; disappointed love; Deception and betrayal. Rx: NatNat-m

Layer 1

A/F fright; Hearing bad news Rx: Gels

Layer 2

A/F jealousy; disappointed love; fright RX: Hyosc.

Layer 1

A/F fright; Hearing bad news Rx: Gels

Layer 2

The NWS can often go back to the Intra-utero event. Ask about the pregnancy of the mother’s patient: any mental, emotional or physical trauma? Note: See the book An Advanced Clinical Guide to the Homeopathic Practice.” (Febr 2008)

Value of this clipboard By default the value of the symptoms in this layer (clipboard) is 4. Number of rubrics There is no recommendation on the maximum number of symptoms to be taken in the layer (clipboard) except they need to belong to the same layer.


CLIPBOARD 7: DELUSIONS Definition “A delusion is a fixed idea, a feeling which becomes dominant and exaggerated, thus affecting the quality of life of the patient as well as his behavior and perception.” It does not mean that there might not be a nucleus of truth in the feeling, but the emotion has almost become an obsession to the detriment of his health. Someone in good health (intact Vital Force) is able to put aside or work through incidents of betrayal, grief, and disappointments. A lowered Vital Force turns these feelings in “stuck” emotions, which if untreated will become delusions. “A delusion is a fixed idea, always linked to a painful, old unresolved complex, in other words it is always derived from a truthful event.” Note: For more information about Delusions, see the book An Advanced Clinical Guide to the Homeopathic Practice.” (Febr 2008)

Type of rubrics you may use Delusion rubrics are located in the section Mind – Delusions. Value of this clipboard By default the value of the symptoms in this layer (clipboard) is 4. Number of rubrics There is no limit to the amount of delusions that can be taken in the patient’s case. Often though, the delusions have the same meaning. We like to take all of them since sometimes other remedies are mentioned in different rubrics. Note: You may combine rubrics if they express the same meaning.


TAKING SYMPTOMS BY USING DR. LUC’S CONCEPTS When you are in the Delusions clipboard, you can search and take Delusion rubrics directly from the repertory Synthesis or you can use the chapter ‘Dr. Luc’s Concepts’. Luc’s Concepts refer to related rubrics in the Repertory. Note: For more general information about this specific Luc’s Concept chapter by Dr. Luc, please see the chapter in the beginning of this manual.

Step 1: Click on the Find Concepts button

Step 2: Select Dr Luc Chapter, (or you may select any other Concept chapter)

Step 3: Select next level ‘Concepts’


Step 4: Select one of the Concepts,

Step 5: When you have selected the Concept you want, press of Click on OK

The program will then directly show you a list of the Synthesis rubrics, which are linked to that concept.

Step 6: You can select a rubric by Double clicking on it, and it will be added to your clipboard in the wizard.

Note: you can select only one rubric at a time

Tip: De-selecting symptoms 33

When the selected symptoms have been taken into the clipboard you can still decide later on to de-select (de-activate) one or more of the symptoms by un-checking the box in front of that symptom. The advantage is that you have not really deleted that symptom from the clipboard, and can select it again, to see the effect it has on the Analysis. Only rubrics that are checked ON, will be taken into account in the analysis.

Tip: You can use a Right mouse click to open a context sensitive menu. In this menu you can select to: - Show only the selected rubrics’ or ‘Show all rubrics’ (by unselecting this option again). - Check rubrics ON or OFF. - Combine several rubrics into one.

Tip: ‘Hide the module’ If you want to study once of Luc’s Concepts more closely (e.g. read the explanation symptom note, see the Language of the patient, Go to Luc’s MM in the Encyclopedia) or if you want to take many symptoms linked to such a concept, then it is also possible to temporarily exit the module by clicking on the ‘Hide’ button. (For more explanation see: ‘Hiding the module window temporarily’)

Then go to Concepts window as described in the chapter ‘Luc’s Concepts’ It is possible to drag and drop several ‘concept-symptoms’ to the appropriate clipboard (often this will be clipboard Nr 7 ‘Delusions’). Remember to give them the correct value (e.g. 4 for Delusions).


FROM THE DELUSIONS CLIPBOARD TO THE NEXT STEP After you have selected possible Delusions rubrics in this clipboard, you have the following choices: 

Go to the next clipboard ‘Core Delusions’ by pressing , click on ‘Next’. When you go to the next clipboard (The ‘Core Delusion’ clipboard) the program automatically shows the Top 5 scoring remedies. It is now time to compare the Core Delusions of the top scoring remedies.

You can also go immediately to the Analysis window by clicking on the ‘Analyse’ button. The Core Delusions of the top scoring remedies will also be added to your analysis window for you to consult.


CLIPBOARD 8: CORE DELUSIONS You have filled in the symptoms of the case into the previous appropriate clipboards, the module has given the appropriate value to the symptoms and now it is time to select the remedy for your case. When you click on the ‘Core Delusion’ clipboard the program automatically shows the Top 5 scoring remedies. It is now time to compare the Core Delusions of the top scoring remedies.

You can then click on the Analyse button or you can continue to the Summary window by pressing or clicking on Next.

If you jump to the Analyse window In the Analysis window the Core Delusions of the Top scoring remedies are added in the last clipboard for you to consult.

If you jump to the Core Delusion clipboard Automatically the Core Delusions will be presented on the top of scoring remedies. Most probably one of these remedies will be the simillimum for your case. You may select one of the Core Delusions if you think it matches your patient, and then click on the Analyse button, or click Next to go to the summary window


You do not need to select any if you do not want. If you do select one Core Delusion already, it will only result in the corresponding remedy being highlighted in the Analysis window (To be added in a later version of the module)

Tip: For more information about the remedies, you can consult Luc’s Materia Medica in the Encyclopedia, via a Right mouse click on a remedy.

SUMMARY WINDOW The summary window shows an overview of the symptoms taken in the clipboards. You can Right mouse click on a symptom to open a context sensitive menu with options like

Tips: Saving a case You can use Control + S to save a case when in the wizard window.

Recalling a case To recall a case you need to close Luc’s wizard first. Then you can recall a case as you do normally: Right mouse click on a clipboard, or Control + R


ANALYSIS WINDOW After clicking on the Analyse button from Luc’s Wizard, you come to the Radar analysis window. If you had already selected one of the Core Delusions in the module, the corresponding remedy will be highlighted. Among the top scoring remedies you will most probably find the simillimum for the patient. You can use either a Right Mouse click on a remedy or us Luc’s button to study the top scoring remedies more closely in Luc’s Materica Medica (Concepts and Core Delusions).. You can now differentiate between these high-ranking remedies by:  Comparing Luc’s Core Delusion’s  Read the material medica in Luc’s Concepts database where you can find differential diagnosis of remedies.  Consult Keynote files or other Materia Medica books in the Encyclopedia (EH).

Right mouse click on a remedy You can Right mouse click on a remedy abbreviation, then select ‘Search remedy in Luc’s Materia Medica’ Note: You can also Right mouse click on a remedy anywhere in the program to open the same context menu

In the Analysis window the Core Delusions of the top scoring remedies are added in the last clipboard for you to consult.


Differential Diagnosis: Select the most important clipboards to use It can happen after the analysis using the first 7 clipboards, that we score two or three remedies close to each other. There are different strategies to resolve this: Reading about the three remedies in the Materia Medica is one option, but I chose an option that makes also sense: limiting the choice to the last three clipboards which takes into account the value of symptoms (the remedy that scores highest here will get the preference! This method is generally accepted by the old masters). In practice I have found that the CD of these leading remedies is of tremendous help to differentiate between them. If you feel that the CD of your chosen remedy does not fit the essence of your patient then most likely you have chosen the wrong remedy! Tip: To select two or more clipboards you can Click on one clipboard, and then use Control + Click on a second or third clipboard to selects them all.

Differential Diagnosis: Consider Miasmatic analysis A second strategy is considering the ‘miasmatic analysis’. If the patient has a predominant syphilitic miasmatic state, then the remedy that is the highest syphilitic among the top three will be selected. A miasmatically chosen remedy has a deeper and long lasting action than one in which the miasma is not taken in account (Hahnemann, Kent, Hering etc all agreed about this). Then the changes in the patient will be more profound! The above strategies can be used simultaneously for a very good differential diagnosis!

MAKING CORRECTIONS: MOVING SYMPTOMS If you see that you have taken a symptom into a wrong clipboard, then you can Drag and Drop a symptom to the correct clipboard. First click once on a symptom to select it (black). Then you can use Drag and Drop to move to the correct clipboard. You can also use: Ctrl + X and Ctrl + V to Cut and Paste between clipboards.

Note: Remember to give the symptom you move the correct value according to the new clipboard. 39

MAKING CORRECTIONS: CHANGING THE VALUE When you move symptoms to a different clipboard, be sure to check if the symptom has the correct value, according to the new clipboard. First select a symptom with: Click Or select more symptoms with: Ctrl + Click

Then press on the keyboard the correct value: 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Values of Symptoms per clipboard Clipboard Chief Complaint Sleep and Sexual Food and Drinks Generals Mental, Emotional Never Well Since Delusions

Value 1 1 1 2 3 4 4

HIDE THE MODULE WINDOW TEMPORARILY It is possible to Close the LDS-Module window temporarily, but keep the module active by using the Button HIDE You can now move around freely in the Radar or EH program. To go back to the LDS-Module window, click again on the Wizard icon, then on Luc’s module. If asked, select: ‘Continue with symptoms present in the clipboards’


POTENCY SELECTION After analysing the case, and selecting the correct simillimum remedy,comes the task of determining which potency to use.  Whenever possible try to use the Split-Dose Method, according to the 5th or 6th edition.  Remember that Hahnemann emphasized that the POTENCY and the DOSE are two separate things.

The Simillimum is: Not only the correct Remedy, but also the correct Potency and the correct Dose (Dose includes also: the correct Amount and the correct Repetition)

Select the potency according to the following criteria:

Lower potency

Higher potency

1. Nature of Disease Gradual onset, slow pace, Structural pathology, Irreversible

Sudden onset, rapid pace, Functional pathology, Reversible/dynamic

2. Etiology Chronic


3. Miasma * Sycosis, Syphilis

Psora, Tub

*Note: nosodes do not correlate with potency selection.

*Note: nosodes do not correlate with potency selection.

4. Symptoms Few sx: one-sided disease Predominance of pathognomic sx

Many characteristic sx Predominance of individual sx

5. Degree of Similarity Distant simile

The closer to the simillimum, the smaller the DOSE and the higher the POTENCY

6. Suppression Always a lower potency!!



7. Nature of the person Old age, sluggish, Blue- collar, addicted, one- sided

Children, vigorous, intellectual, Non-addicted person, M/E

8. Vitality Bad vitality

Good vitality

9. Chronic Skin Diseases Always use low potencies

Some more notes on potency selection:

 Low Potencies: These range from 6C to 30C upwards

 High potencies: These range from 30C upwards and LM potencies” LM-potencies are not low potencies, they react differently and are between a C30 and a C200. 

For more information about potencies see the book ‘Achieving and Maintaining the Simillimum’.

Tip: See the Power Point on Potency Selection, by Marc van Wijk.


The Potency of the Remedy (How Strong), and the Repetition of the Dose (How Often). Article for patients by Luc de Schepper. Part One: The Potency Selection (how strong?), the greatest confusion among homeopaths When it comes to potency selection of the remedy, the homeopathic society never agreed much about this issue, not in the past and certainly not now! There always has been a division between two camps: the high and low potency prescribers. Both parties indeed can demonstrate success but there has to be some kind of middle path, a clear guideline for homeopath and patient alike to bring harmony in this world of madness. I intend to bring enough clarity to unite homeopaths and at the same time to give enough clarity to the patient who deserves the right information, not based on passion and dogmatism, but on logical reasoning, not cookbook prescribing (protocols) but again based on the individuality of the patient. I want to remind the reader again, that the simillimum is the right remedy, the right potency, the right dose repeated at individually chosen intervals, not a mechanical repetition. I already discussed the question of dose in Lesson 2, and this lesson will give the reader enough info to bring clarity in the treatment of his loved ones and himself. Treatment for Acute diseases The potency choice for acute diseases (less than 3-4 months old) is simple: use at least potency from 30C upwards to 200C and 1000C. Always use the watery method by putting two pellets of your chosen remedy and potency in an 8 oz / 250ml bottle (This we call then the: Remedy Solution Bottle or RSB), stir well and take one teaspoon directly from the RSB. Do not repeat earlier than two hours after first dose. When you see a similar aggravation in the first hour (in other words an aggravation of your symptoms during the first hour) this first dose will cure and no further dose will be needed (A157-A158). If symptoms are not entirely gone after two hours, you can repeat the same procedure every two hours after succussing each successive dose (hitting RSB against your palm) 8 times. Note: We are talking here about the 1001 acute daily diseases that can occur from colds, to lower back pains, to ear infections, etc. We are not talking here about URGENT medical care (requires ER visit) like suicidal tendencies, coma, and head trauma with bleeding, seizures, heart attack, etc. Treatment of Chronic Disease The treatment of chronic diseases (>than 3-4 months existing) is very different !! The potency selection (how strong?) will depend on the reactivity of the patient (the reactivity of the Vital Force, Qi in Chinese medicine and to some extent the immune system in allopathy). If the reactivity is good, a stronger potency can be applied. Here are some general guidelines. Always Low potencies (starting with 6C and not higher than 30C) are indicated and a must in the following conditions (these three conditions supersede any other indications following further!):  The patient is a hypersensitive patient: such patient reacts to perfumes, environmental factors like carpets, bleach, newspaper, etc.) or people who react 43

strongly to regular doses of medication and vitamins as well as those that reacted strongly to anesthesia The patient has strong pathology: this usually means, he already has received a medical diagnosis and there is extensive pathology involved like destruction of tissues (Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson, etc.) , formation of tumors, deficiency of factors like in diabetes, hyperthyroidy or Basedow disease, autoimmune disorders with destruction, asthma, etc. Also in chronic diseases affecting the heart, brain, eyes, pancreas, lungs The patient has a chronic skin disease, especially when treated in past with cortisone: chronic eczema from young age on and psoriasis, just to name two common diseases. Often the symptoms were controlled by cortisone intake/creams and in this case the dose should be minimal (drops instead of tsp) and definitely not higher than 6C potency to start Elderly patients: rather start with low potency

Higher Potencies (starting with 30C, then 200C, 1000C, etc.) are indicated in the following conditions:  In young children (babies included) as long as the three previous conditions are not present; the choice of high potency includes ASD, ADHD, ADD, OCD, etc.  Adults with functional diseases (no pathology has been shown) like vertigo, gastrointestinal problems, hypertension with no pathology yet, inflammatory processes like Bell's palsy, etc. or adults with only mental/emotional problems such as depression, grief, lack of self confidence, lack of motivation in life, timidity, loss of meaning of life, etc.  Patients under stress (worries at work, home, in relationships, etc.)


Part Two: the repetition of the Dose (How often), in chronic diseases The most important thing to remember is that the repetition of a dose is determined on an individual basis. This is quite different than when we take allopathic drugs where your physician tells you to take the drug at a certain time (3 times a day, every evening, etc.), usually based on weight and age of patient. The good homeopath will always let you do a test dose with the watery solutions. This works as follows: The homeopath (who tried to adjust potency and dose individually at the first consultation) tells you to take the first dose in the evening (most of the time) and should ask you the third day how you reacted to this first dose. There are three possibilities:  Great reaction with better sleep, better emotional feeling, a sense of well being, more positive outlook, etc (A256), even remembering dreams and dreams with a better theme. At this point do not repeat and see how long this dose gives you these good feelings/reactions. Let's say it last for 2 days and the third day your original symptoms come back, then you need to take the dose changed only by the amount of succussions, every third day!  Bad reaction with an aggravation of your existing symptoms: this is called a similar aggravation: no repetition of the remedy!! You must wait till this aggravation goes away (usually fast after 1-2 days without any harm), then you get the benefit from it and only when then the original symptoms come back should the remedy be repeated, this time in a smaller dose and/or potency, to be determined by your homeopath!  No reaction: the homeopath can now decide to either adjust dose/potency or simply with the watery dose method to take the dose every other evening and check back with him the tenth day to see if the patient is on track! Notes:  This method is only possible with the 5th and 6th edition watery methods, not the 4th dry edition Organon method.  Never take your dose from the bottle in a mechanical way: do not trust the homeopath that gives you a bottle with the remedy and tells you to take it every day and to come back to him when the bottle is finished. Much damage can be done! A test dose and further guidance is a must!  NEVER stop your allopathic medication when starting homeopathic treatment with your chronic patient. Cooperation with your allopathic physician is a must.



PAPER CASE EXAMPLE 1: ‘MY WIFE SENT ME’ Important note on which symptoms to take Normally you should only use the outspoken (strong and clear, strange and rare) symptoms or A153 rubrics. In this example case I mentioned and used on purpose many possible rubrics for learning purposes only. Luc explains more: I know that underlining is a long tradition with some homeopaths but at the same time it is a very subjective process, depending on the observation of the homeopath. As the homeopath becomes more experienced he will be more selective in his choices. But it is comforting to know that the beginner, who would write more rubrics down than the experienced, still will come to the same result. Margret Tyler said, the older I get (read experienced) the less I write down in the inquiry. In other words, she only wrote down the A153 rubrics.

Interview He resides in a modest neighborhood but his mailing address is in the most famous and expensive part of the city (he mentions both addresses on his questionnaire). As his chief complaint (CC) he writes: “wife” (“because he says his wife brought him here and ”he does not know why”). His wife says he has also ADD. No tidiness. Gives very little info. He dislikes wind (1) and loves the ocean (1). Profession: “I am a minister.” When I ask about other professions, he says he works as a secretary in an office. On the question, “When you are upset do you tend to tell a lot of people or keep it to yourself” he writes, “BIG MOUTH-CAPITAL LETTERS.” On the question, how do other people view you, he writes: “TROUBLE (in capitals), either Saint or Devil depending on the individual. Also, “I get anxious if something is going to happen, especially unknown to me. This happens, he says, because he has “psychic perception” He also has a mild fear of falling (1), and for heights (1). On the question, what would you like to improve, he answers: “Nothing but wife keeps on saying things like “hyper,” ADD, ADHD, get the picture? His wife says, he is often absentminded (3) and has restless activity.” On the question, do you worry? “Not much. Trouble is trouble, why worry about it!” I am very casual to the point of clutter to be honest. Loves Chinese sour food (3) and fried foods (1). This is about all what I get in writing from him on his questionnaire. He did not fill out his time line. 46

In order to get more info from him, I asked him about his “work,” he was doing now. It was like I opened a floodgate. He was very animated in his conversation, dropping famous names he met or invited in his home, explaining me in detail the history of the very small religious group he belonged to, explaining the origin of the big cross that was hanging over his shirt, and using philosopher’s expressions to explain his viewpoint of the world and meaning of life for him. There is no use of drugs or alcohol. However his wife was earlier a patient and tells me what she is going through. Her husband’s father was a drill sergeant. He always wanted his son to join the Army to become a sergeant too, but the patient rather wanted a profession that created respect from people, like becoming a doctor or attorney. However, his father belittled him constantly, calling him a “sissy.” They have been married for quite some time but the drastic change happened two years ago when she received a large amount of money from an inheritance of her mother. Before, he was already “ordained” as a priest. He always wanted to preach to people and tell them the right way to live. Now that they have the money, he has even more freedom to do what he wants. He does not work anymore since two years (was a computer programmer) and spends his time now on the streets to talk to prostitutes, homeless people. He offers them money to go to a place, gives money away to psychic people and buys himself expensive unnecessary things. On a regular base he goes to a catholic church or a Jewish temple where he interferes with the service and gets in verbal abusive situations. He tries to force his ideas on everybody. This always leads to altercations and he has now restrictions against him everywhere. He is aggressive, impatient and rude in his behavior. He does not know his boundaries. Even on coming for the first time in the office he stepped right in the reception area, which is separated from the waiting room. He has such behavior all the time in the past. He was thrown out of TCM school and chiropractic school because of similar behavior in which he became destructive and violent. He gets in trouble all the time, the police are constantly at his door and his wife had to bail him out with attorneys numerous times. But this does not change his behavior since he is on a mission. In two years he said to my receptionist, “I will be a Monsignor.” But he believes what he is doing is right, so he is disrespectful towards people all the time and gets in fights all the time. He just spent some days with a monk and managed to antagonize the man so much that this peaceful monk does not want anything to do with him. And when the monk told the patient exactly what he thought, this patient turned it around and talked about the faults of the monk (behind his back he looked through personal papers of the monk and used it against him). He has a good memory and is well read. The bottom line is though that he is really not accomplishing anything except getting into trouble and spending freely the money of his wife. He misuses his intellectual gifts and lies often. When the Dahlia Lama was in town in LA, he requested an audience with him. This lead him to be on the list of the “unwanted” people (the FBI and police came to his door again) and when he went to the BOWL in LA where thousands of people were gathered to listen to the Dahlia Lama, before he could enter, he and his wife were lead by police to his 47

car because he was on the not-wanted list on the police computer. Of course, he is on that list already for a long time because of his altercations when he wants to spread his message in one of those churches. But then he said, luck was with me, I went to another place and “met with the head of the Orthodox church.” And after New Year he is going to the Peace conference in South Africa “to meet with the Dahlia Lama and Nelson Mandela.”

Symptoms to take into the clipboards Note: In the example cases I mention and use on purpose “all” possible rubrics for learning purposes only.

Clipboard 1: Chief Complaint Of course according to the patient he has no complaints (except that his wife brought him here). The only thing he admits too, especially because his wife insists on it and it is a very fashionable diagnosis, even for an adult to have, is ADD and ADHD. This “fashionable” diagnosis fits his high social standing, even for his complaint he is belonging to the “incrowd.” There are no specific modalities or time he can mention with this CC. So we can take the Recall: LDS-Papercase1 rubric: Absentmindedness (ADD) You can recall these symptoms into your MIND - ABSENTMINDED Radar clipboards. - Stop or Close the wizard Clipboard 2: Sleep and sexuality - Select File, then Import, then Nothing mentioned out of the ordinary Cases (cas) - It is located in: \Radar\Cases\LDS-papercase1 Clipboard 3: Food and Drinks His only addiction is sour foods. GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - sour drinks - desire Clipboard 4: General Physical symptoms There is aggravation from windy weather and amelioration at the seashore, but they are not strong and do not have any effect on his CC or his behavior in general. So they are not used. Clipboard 5: the M/E peculiar symptoms Obviously now that he got the money, his “uncompensated” and therefore true characteristics (his shadow) come to the foreground. What does he do since he had the money? He quit his job, and starts connecting with people. Two kinds of people in fact. One group, all people with names, high up in the hierarchy, and with a religious overtone. Two, he targets the “lowest” class of people, the homeless and prostitutes, but again with a “religious” zeal and overtone. He wants to convert the prostitutes and help the needy. The latter is not done out of sheer goodness but rather to increase his standing among them, to


fulfill his ambition to become a “monsignor,” so he can preach, at least in his fantasy, to many people. This leads us clearly to the following M/E peculiar symptoms: MIND - DELIRIUM - religious MIND - DELIRIUM – maniacal Note: delirium is an exalted state, a deviation from the straight line. More ranting and raving. MIND - DELIRIUM - nonsense, with eyes open (in the interview he jumps from one subject to another, incoherent) MIND - DESPAIR - social position, of (This is really the essence of this case) MIND - HAUGHTY MIND - RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS MIND - HAUGHTY - wounded self-esteem; wishes to be flattered MIND - LOQUACITY - religious subjects, about MIND - RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS - too occupied with religion MIND - RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS - too occupied with religion - talking on religious subjects MIND - DESPAIR - religious despair of salvation Of course to impress people and to reach his goals of “fame,” he does not hesitate to lie, boast and to use force to get his opinion heard (the many altercations in churches and temples). He is very critical of others coming from a superior position (he thinks) and uses his intelligence in the wrong way, in a very shrewd and deceitful way. This gives us the following M/E rubrics: MIND - CENSORIOUS MIND - CUNNING MIND - LIAR MIND - LIAR - lies, never speaks the truth, does not know what she is saying MIND - STRIKING MIND - QUARRELSOME MIND - ABUSIVE MIND - DESTRUCTIVENESS MIND - BUSY MIND - UNDERTAKING - many things, persevering in nothing MIND - SHAMELESS MIND - RUDENESS I did not take his fear of falling and for heights since they were mild. But I found them to be worth mentioning here. Are these fears referring to “falling from his high place” that he has created for him, fearful that people will see through this and discover the real person behind it? As a symbol it certainly fits!


Clipboard 6: NWS You could say that the inheritance of his wife’s mother was the NWS, only in that sense now that he was able to fulfill his ambition: becoming someone of standing, getting respect from people (see his unsuccessful attempts in schools). However “lack of money” is not in the NWS. We do find Ailments from loss of money” and “ailments from reverse of fortune,’ but this is different than what is seen with this patient. He always needed money to fulfill his fantasies so he does not have to work an ordinary job (secretary) to make a living. Money has set him free to fulfill his ambitions. If we look for other NWS before, they obviously go back to a domineering father who wants his son to follow in his footsteps and has nothing but contempt for his son’s wishes. We also can take in account the many altercations he had with the police as a continued source of NWS, since it fuels his zeal to continue in spite of the degrading situations he gets in. We see MIND - AILMENTS FROM - scorned; being MIND - AMBITION - loss of MIND - AILMENTS FROM - domination - children; in MIND - AILMENTS FROM - honor; wounded

Clipboard 7: Delusions Certainly we see that this person does not think he is an ordinary person. During his interview, he drops names all the times and talks about meetings with high authorities like the Dahlia Lama and Mandela. He does not seem to understand that he is an “ordinary” person (Del selling vegetables; repairing old chairs) but expect to be met by high functionaries and play a leading role in this world. Everything he does or says, is aimed at this, it is a fixed idea, so a delusion. When he writes his both addresses, he wants me to know that his mailing address is not just any ordinary address, but actually worldwide known. We see the following delusions, all related to haughtiness and best fitting this patient MIND - DELUSIONS - great person, is a MIND - DELUSIONS - prince; he is a MIND - DELUSIONS - proud MIND - DELUSIONS - noble; being MIND - DELUSIONS - superiority, of MIND - DELUSIONS - God - communication with God; he is in

Clipboard 8: Selecting the ‘Core Delusion’ By clicking on the button ‘Search for CD’, the program will search the top scoring remedies through Dr Lucs’s Core Delusion database. Or you can select the ‘Search CD + Analyse’ button, to go immediately to the Analysis.


Select a Core Delusion Study the Core Delusions and see if one represents your case If you feel that one of the Core Delusions correspond with your case you can select it in this clipboard. You do not need to select any if you are not sure.

Summary Window After searching for the Core Delusions, you can click on the Analyse button to go to the analysis window, or cab first go to this last step of the Module the ‘Summary window.

Clipboard 9: Miasmatic Analysis Note: This section is not available yet in the first version of the module. In a later stage the Miasmatic analysis might be added. Using the list of Miasmatic symptoms we find: -

His delusions of greatness: sycotic fixed ideas Ailments from domination: cancer Deliriums: sycotic Despair: Psora Haughty: sycotic Loquacity: sycotic Religious affections: sycotic Censorious: syphilitic-psoric Cunning; sycosis-syphilis Liar: sycosis-syphilis 51


Striking: syphilis Destructiveness: syphilis Intolerant of contradiction: sycotic-syphilitic Undertakes many things, perseveres in nothing: tubercular Shameless: sycotic Rudeness: sycotic-syphilitic Absentmindedness: syphilitic

Result of Miasmatic analysis We see about 40% sycotic, 40% syphilitic, 10% psoric, 5% tubercular, 5% cancer. We mainly need a remedy that is strongly sycotic-syphilitic. Note: This section is not available yet in this first version of the module. In a later stage the Miasmatic analysis will probably be added.

Analysis Window When clicking on the analysis button, you will see the Radar analysis window. If you had selected one of the Core Delusions proposed by the module, the corresponding remedy will be highlighted. For our example case 2, you will clearly see the Veratrum album by far to be the winner and as a second Platina. You can consult the Core Delusions of the top scoring remedies (they are shown in the last clipboard). You can also Right mouse click on a remedy or use Luc’s icon, to search Luc’s material medica database.


If we search for the Core Delusions of the top scoring remedies we find: -

bed with him; someone is in (Del of competitiveness) humility and lowness of others while she is great; of (Del of grandeur) old rags are as fine as silk (Del of grandeur) prince; he is a (Reflects the desire of Veratrum-a to "be" someone in society) sold; he is going to be (Reflects the symbiotic relationship to one person)

Not only scored Veratrum the highest, but we can see that its Core Delusion fits his story the best. We can now also look in the different concepts where Verat-a is mentioned or look for words like famous, rich, important, position in society, etc.

Consult Luc’s Materia Medica and differentiate the top scoring remedies Use Luc’s icon or Right mouse click on a remedy to jump to Luc’s material medica.   

You can compare the Core Delusions of the top scoring remedies, Differentiate remedies by reading materia medica descriptions of the Concepts. Consult a Keynote file or other material medica book s in the Encyclopedia.

Potency/Dose Tx: Veratrum-a 1M one dose dry was given. Explanation about the dry dose used in this case This is one of the exceptional situations where I used a dry dose. With this kind of patient it was impossible to give a Remedy Solution Bottle (RSB) along. No doubt he would abuse this remedy as I told him (in order for him to take the remedy) that it would be great to keep his stamina for his work. Therefore he eagerly took the remedy in the office. But such patient is an exception and cannot be trusted with understanding as when to repeat since he does not know in the first place what is wrong with him (nothing according to him!). So in these circumstances, we have no other choice then to give a dose dry, right in the office. I chose a 1m because of no physical pathology but strong constitution and all symptoms on the mental/emotional plane. It worked out very well as the next month he was a changed man, “as if drugged”, calm, cooperative, etc., a 10M potency was given at that moment.


VIDEO CASE EXAMPLE 1: PAOLA, 29 YRS OLD This example consists of:  The Interview (consultation text / video)  The Analysis of the case by Luc (text / video)  A full Materia Medica lecture of the given remedy (video)

Important note on which symptoms to take Normally you should only use the outspoken (strong and clear, strange and rare) symptoms or A153 rubrics. In this example case I mentioned and used on purpose many rubrics for learning purposes only. Luc explains more: I know that underlining is a long tradition with some homeopaths but at the same time it is a very subjective process, depending on the observation of the homeopath. As the homeopath becomes more experienced he will be more selective in his choices. But it is comforting to know that the beginner, who would write more rubrics down than the experienced, still will come to the same result. Margret Tyler said, the older I get (read experienced) the less I write down in the inquiry. In other words, she only wrote down the A153 rubrics.

Interview  

You will find the full text of the interview below, or You can see the full interview on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button:

Please treat all patient information as confidential. Do not discuss this case with anybody else, other then when you might study this case together with a colleague homeopath or student. Do not copy or use any part of the video, without prior written permission. All video recordings are Copyright protected by: Archibel S.A and Dr Luc de Schepper, MD

Paolo, 29 years old. (Interview date: July 2006) If you want to learn the most, then first view the video without reading this consult text where rubrics are already mentioned. 54

L: Tell me P. what your chief complaint is. P: I have a very bad itching problem, quite embarrassing. I have anal itching at night. That’s one of my chief complaints. But I also have this feeling of heaviness that I carry with me since a while now. I even had this very strong as a child. But then it passed away and it has come back to me. It’s a little bit related I think to heaviness I got from my mother and father that I often would want to run from, but it catches up to me.. RECTUM - ITCHING - night MIND - SADNESS - children, in L: Let’s stop here for a moment. First tell me more about the itching problem, and then I will come back to the second problem. So you have anal itching, is it mainly at night?, Never during the day? P: Mainly at night, but even during day when it is bad. RECTUM - ITCHING L: Once you’re in bed or after a while? P: It can start after dinner and I had some bowel movements of gas, then I can feel it will be a bad night, because it’s worse. L: Not every night? What would cause it? If you eat late what do you do? After particular food? P: I tried to look at it but I have not found anything that makes it worse. Maybe sweets, but… ? L: What time do you eat in the evening? P: This can be at 6 when I’m in Sweden to 10 o’clock when I’m in Italy. L: Does that make a difference at all what time you eat? P: No, I can feel the bowel movements but then the itching always comes and it wakes me up or it’s when I lay down in bed. L: You’re in bed, then after a couple of hours? P: Most of time after a couple of hours but when it’s bad, it is at once when I start to read. L: It might wake you up? P: Yes, often. And it is always worse before menses. It’s very much worse before menses. GENERALS - MENSES - before - agg. L: Does it improve while menses or does it last throughout your menses. P: It does improve the first day and then it goes away during my menses. GENERALS - MENSES - during - beginning of menses - amel. GENERALS - MENSES - during - amel. L: What goes away, the itching? P: Yes the itching. I am worse before my menses with bad mood, being very sensitive, like confusion. Always bad before menses, also the itching, it goes together. MIND - CONFUSION of mind - menses – before MIND - SADNESS - menses – before 55

MIND - IRRITABILITY - menses – before L: What else is there before the Menses? Sensitive to what? P: Heavy. I feel heavy and I feel empty at the same time. Heavy because I have that prejudice about myself that I think I’m heavy, because I’m feeling empty. L: What does that do to you when you feel that? What emotion do you feel? P: I feel depressed, that something is not good, that I have to do something. That I am still here. L: What do you mean by that? P: That this is always coming back. L: The feeling? What feeling? P: That I’m still at that point. And not progressing. Even though I’m trying to work with myself and I’m much better during the time that I don’t have my premenstrual problems. I feel like: yes I have achieved something. Better energy, better concentration, better contact with people. Then this comes up again before menses and I’m back at point zero. L: Did you always had this before menses? How long does the itching go back? P: I’ve always had itching since I was a little child. I had eczema on all hot spots, elbows, and knees, even under breasts. SKIN - ERUPTIONS - eczema EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Elbows EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Joints - Bends of EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Joints - Bends of - eczema L: When was this, from when onwards was this, from what age? P: My mother said at age 2-3, but the anal itching came later on. L: What’s later? P: Around 19, 20 yrs old. L: Did you use anything for this eczema? Cortisone? P: Yes L: Was the eczema at 19 still there? P: No, I am better on all levels, only eczema, exactly where you bend. L: So you still have it a little bit? P: Yes, almost always I have it. Worse before menses. Actually what happened with my itching: I moved to Paris and I felt something around my anus. Went to gynecologist and she told me I had 2 condylomata. I got a little bit despair about that because I felt it was something dirty and I could not understand where it came from. RECTUM - CONDYLOMATA


I did not have a social security number, so she said come back when you have it and then we can have the operation. Then after two months I got my number and I went back to have another control and they were gone. From that moment I had my itching coming. L: She didn’t do anything? Disappeared in the sunset? Did she give any explanation? P: She says it sometimes happens, but they can come back. She asked if I had any anal sexual intercourse? I said No !!! She saw my eczema and she said this is because I don’t have any “morals” !!. And this entered into me and I thought, yes it’s true that I don’t have any morals, sometimes. But even my eczema and my condylomata disappeared, so either she helped me or she suppressed it. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mortification L: What was your reaction when she said you don’t have any morals? P: That was supporting my destructive side because I can have very low thoughts about myself, be very critical, think I’m not good enough or I’m not like others. I think I try to cover that up and control that as much as I can and that’s very tiring... In certain situations if I’m with people that I get nervous about, when I say something too spontaneous, then I can dwell about that. It is like a hard side that says I made a fool of myself. “How could you say such a thing”. It can be very hard, killing. It feels like killing myself. MIND - REPROACHING oneself MIND - THOUGHTS - tormenting MIND - DELUSIONS - crime - committed a crime; he had L: It’s painful for you? P: Yes and then it’s hindering me in my life. Especially with my relationship for example, I feel that I have this insecure side that comes and this low self-confidence. So it starts like a machine and gets even physical like breathing, trembling. MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence GENERALS - TREMBLING - Externally - anxiety - from GENERALS - TREMBLING - Externally - nervous L: So these are the physical symptoms when you get this? P: Yes, and it’s like numbness coming up. Sometimes my hands get numb like this. I am nervous. EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS - Upper limbs EXTREMITIES - NUMBNESS L: Do you have a lot of anticipation anxiety too then? When you say nervous, about things that can happen will happen? P: Yes. When I come to the moment I’m completely exhausted. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anticipation MIND - AILMENTS FROM - excitement - emotional GENERALS - WEAKNESS - anxiety - after L: Does this affect your mood in a way? Do you get melancholic? P: It makes me definitely melancholic. I often say that word. 57

L: Yes, sorry I say it for you … L: Interesting for me you say this. “It’s supporting my destructive side”. When did the thought that you were destructive come? P: Actually it was 2 or 3 events that happened when I was 10 or 11 yrs old. L: Tell me a little bit about these events. So 10, 11 years old the first time. P: I first saw a film “Millovicento”, an awful film, great actor, great film about Mussolini and 2nd World war. But there was a scene where two grown-ups fooled with a little child; they took him by the feet and threw him around the room and hurt his head so bad that he died. It’s an awful scene. It’s during a party, and they find the boy death. The couple that killed him accused someone else. Somebody else had done it (so he got the guilt for it). I was too young to see this kind of film, but my mother had thought it would be good we saw an Italian film. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - fright L: What did you feel because you say you were too small to see this kind of film? P: I wanted to call the producer to say he is not allowed to show this kind of films. L: Why? P: It’s too awful to talk about it, I thought. I didn’t want to face reality that this exists. It’s the injustice also, that I do react on a lot. MIND - INJUSTICE, cannot support MIND - FEAR - evil; fear of L: Where you also sad or was it more the injustice? What was the main emotion about this whole event? P: I was sad, crying a lot but I was angry too. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - bad news L: What do you think was the biggest feeling? P: Anger, I think. MIND - ANGER - violent MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - vexation; with L: What was the second event? P: After that I was staying a lot with a girlfriend of mine. We could play really good together. Nice plays, write songs, really good. Sometimes she was in a bad mood, That was very hard for me because she is in general like that. All her family is like that, I can understand that now. They are really pushing you down, it makes you feel like you are nothing. So with her I had a lot of competition. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mortification MIND - AILMENTS FROM - jealousy L: What were you competing about? P: I did not at all feel perfect. I had this deep crisis coming to me. Really afraid to go to sleep in the evening, anxious about the night, that everybody was going to sleep before me. MIND - FEAR - sleep - go to sleep; fear to 58

L: How is that competitive? P: I compared myself to her, with that perfect picture she gave. I want to be perfect, I have that. I don’t think I am perfect. With her I still have this thing, each time I see her. Very strong! MIND - JEALOUSY - irresistible as foolish as it is L: Do you want to be like her or do you want to be better than her? P: I want to be better than her, but sometimes I want to be like her. I’m ashamed about these feelings. It’s not such a beautiful side. Even jealousy that I can feel. Even jealousy towards others. With guys I have a problem to feel a deep relation with a man. MIND - JEALOUSY - irresistible as foolish as it is MIND - JEALOUSY - quarrelling, reproaches and scolding; with MIND - DELUSIONS - jealousy - with

L: What happens? How does this jealousy present? P: I get jealous when I see others that have something I don’t have or that is beautiful. I feel I’m never going to have that. And that’s something wrong. MIND - REPROACHING oneself MIND - JEALOUSY - saying and doing what he would not normally say and do L: This is second event. As you say this still happens, you still know this girl? P: We live close now. L: Did you arrange that? P: No, ,.. but I have to face it. I’m trying to open up and be loving to her. It’s better but I still feel that. L: You said 2-3 events, was it 2 or one more? P: It was when my mother met another guy in that period. My parents are divorced. My mother didn’t have a man for many years and then finally she met this man and I got completely hysterical. MIND - JEALOUSY MIND - AILMENTS FROM – jealousy MIND - HYSTERIA - puberty, at L: When was it? P: I was already in my crisis. I think around 11-12 years old. L: What was your reaction with your mom and this man? P: I really felt he took my mother and he took my place at the table. I did not have a good intuition about him, and actually I was right. MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - being injured; is - surroundings; by his MIND - DELUSIONS - thieves - house, in They were together for 1 year and unfortunately it was revealed in the end he was aggressive and he drank a lot. 59

He had a snow scooter, we were with a lot of friends and he took me on the scooter, I was really afraid and wanted to stop and he did not stop. That same evening he had a discussion with my mother and he tried to strangle her. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - discords - chief and subordinates; between L: You witnessed it? P: Yes MIND - AILMENTS FROM - fright L: How was your reaction? P: Felt really … I don’t know what reaction I had. A bit insensitive about all that. I know I was crying a lot afterwards. L: Angry? P: Anger yes, a lot of anger towards him? MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger L: When was your first menstrual cycle? P: I think it was 14. I have a long period, 32 days from one menses to another. FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - protracted L: How long is the bleeding? P: Quite much bleeding the first 2 days. The 3rd and 4th day just a little bit. L: Since we are at age 12-13, lets continue with your time-line. How was it going further? P: I got better, I was not crying that much anymore. I felt that my energy came back and that I was starting to live again at 13-14 years old. But I was always very sensitive to criticism and afraid to, well this feeling of lower worth that I think I really tried to hide all my life and to compensate. MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence MIND - OFFENDED, easily MIND - AILMENTS FROM - scorned; being MIND - DESPAIR L: Why do you think you have this low self-worth? P: I was quite ashamed that I was half Italian. And the fact that my father was a big smoker. In Sweden someone that smokes is like “oh”. When I was at his place and I came back I really had a garlic breath and my clothes smelled from smoke and I closed myself in a little bit. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mortification Because I always took care of everybody and sensitive, I was to help everybody who had problems I tried to help them. I always managed to be a center person. MIND - AMATIVENESS L: What do you mean by that? P: That I have good contact with everybody and that I can adapt to different situations. Even though now I don’t want to adapt anymore and I’m tired to these kinds of processes. MIND - INDIFFERENCE - welfare of others, to 60

L: You mean you were adapting to other people’s lives, situations? Is that what you mean? P: Yes. MIND - WILL - weakness of MIND - WILL - two wills; sensation as if he had L: I’m tired of it you said? P: Yes L: Go ahead. P: I lost my thought… L: helps P L: I wanted to be in the center? L: Why was that? You wanted the attention? P: Yes L: Did you ask yourself why? P: Approval, I wanted approval, absolutely. I was dancing as a child and really was good at that, and got approval from that too and I worked with that for seven years, in commercial dance. MIND - LONGING - good opinion of others; for L: You took it as a profession? P: I wanted to be an actress to, so I did a lot of jobs, different work, even school. When I did the school this heaviness came back to me. L: When did you feel the heaviness? How old were you? P: This was when I was 23. I worked, I was going to this school (acting). You had to go down in your emotions to find things and then I started to have this pressure, heaviness here, short breath and all these thoughts that I was not good enough. Very insecure and ashamed in one way to let it out, and not able to let it out. MIND - ANXIETY - salvation, about CHEST - OPPRESSION MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mortification L: You stayed there for 7 years? P: In that time I smoked a lot. I even was attracted to people who had this wild style, who took drugs and I had my experience with them. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - debauchery MIND - AMUSEMENT - desire for But I was not myself and I did not like it. I liked to smoke, and I still like it but I didn’t do it that often. I still sometimes want to have a big joint. I was with these persons and I got completely,.... enslaved by them. MIND - DELUSIONS - influence; is under a powerful MIND - DELUSIONS - charmed and cannot break the spell L: One person or persons? It was a group? P: Especially 1 girl but even 3 other we were in the same group; we worked a lot together too. I didn’t really know how I could get rid of them. I thought this could not further go on. I 61

could not say no. I got out of it. I told them but they made me feel I was so boring and heavy MIND - WILL - weakness of MIND - DELUSIONS - conspiracies - against him; there are conspiracies L: How did you react? P: I felt like an old lady staying at home and depressed. One of these girls said I had been with her boyfriend. I was shocked. Everybody accused me of this. It was not real, it did not happen. I was never with this guy. So this was very hard for me. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mortification MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - suffered wrong; he has L: Wrongly accused? P: Yes. L: What did that to you? P: I got paralyzed. I felt like really tsss... L: Shut down? P: Yes and I did not react. I hoped the truth and justice would reveal. So frustrated that I did not react. I did not have the strength to react. I did not want to hit her, she hit me!!, so she … MIND - DULLNESS - mortification, after MIND - DULLNESS - says nothing It took a lot to work through it. L: How old were you? P: 25-26 years old. L: Now 29. Did anything else happen in between? P: Some relationships that didn’t go further. I always had an ability to find a boyfriend at a distance. When I was in France I found someone in Sweden. Every time I had relationships earlier I got bored, and I could not stay with them, because I could not share. I run from this thing to share, to get intimate. MIND - FEAR - men; of [= male persons] MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of (Comment: in the emotional meaning) L: You couldn’t get close to them? P: Exactly. L: So you had to give it up and you ran away from it. Yes, but after all this, and I had a relationship with a French guy, I started to read a lot about Jung, I tried to understand. I could not project all things on him and I realized that I liked him so much, that the difficulty was mine. I did not want to hurt him, but I did, extremely. 62

I just left him one day and I didn’t give him any signals that I did not feel okay. MIND - MALICIOUS MIND - HEEDLESS L: Was it with words you hurt him? Or you never used words more actions? P: Yeh.... I think I hurt him because I said I was not in love with him anymore. That doesn’t depend on him but on me. I was so afraid to hurt him. He believed we had something incredibly, that we had and one day you do like this. L: Could you understand why you did this? P: No, I had to run away from this. MIND - CONFUSION of mind L: Could you understand why? P: Maybe I felt I reached a point where I couldn’t open up for him anymore. I was to ashamed. Or I couldn’t manage to keep the level that I gave the impression to have. MIND - DELUSIONS - doomed, being And my mother’s father was an alcoholic and my father had a lot of alcohol problems to, and now I have the tendency to be attracted to men to have this problem. And my sister also, that’s so interesting. L: You yourself or not attracted to alcohol or anything? P: I like wine and I like to drink and eat and I do like to party. But I don’t like to get drunk, I cannot get drunk. Even when I took drugs, I cannot lose control. MIND - FEAR - control; losing GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - alcoholic drinks - desire GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - wine - desire L: You cannot even if you would like to? P: I cannot lose control. Or I’m afraid of what’s going to get out. I can drink a few glasses, but I don’t want to lose control. Comment: This could be translated by: Fear of having a fit; Fear of insanity and losing his reason-fear of misfortune and Fear for suffocation L: Then you left him? That was the last relationship? P: No, afterwards I had two relationships and everything turned. I was not that strong and I wanted to face and go deeper but I didn’t manage to do it because no harmony with the guy I met. L: I couldn’t go that deep, what do you mean? P: I got disappointed. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed L: Two times? P: Two times and now I’m really afraid to approach someone. MIND - FEAR - men; of [= male persons] 63

L: You think it’s not going to go? P: Yes and I’m insecure. L: That brought you to Sweden or you were already in Sweden with last relationship? P: With the last one I was already in Sweden. What happened with my boyfriend in France. We started to see each other again but we are both very afraid. I show a little bit of my feelings and we talk and it’s good but we are far away from each other. I think his drug problem is bigger than he says. L: He has a drug problem? P: Yes that makes me suspicious. He’s far away and I really have to be close to him and see how things are, I really think about him a lot!!, I’m fixed on him. MIND - SUSPICIOUS MIND - THOUGHTS - persistent MIND - THOUGHTS - tormenting L: Tell me a little bit about your family. Your mother you said ... Is she still alive? P: Yes L: No particular diseases? P: She has a chronic migraine since she was a little girl and that comes back every week. She has tinnitus constant in her ears. She had an alcoholic father that she had been in a very conflicting relationship with. He is dead but it’s as if he is still alive. He was 96, although he drank a lot. No gray hair. I think he died from his heart or something, they don’t really know. Comment: Psora in mother and Psora/Lues in her father L: Grandmother of that side? P: She lived with him all her life. And he broke his children down slowly every night, not by physical violence but by psychological violence and she did not rebel. She was a nurse too and she had a lot of facial paralysis and she had cancer in her tongue. It was operated, or maybe it was connected with the paralysis? (Psora going to Cancer/Lues) L: Paralyzed in the right side? P: I think it was the left but I’m not sure L: Does your mother have any siblings? P: Yes, my uncle is alcoholic. He is a very philosophical type. A very lovely person. Unfortunately he didn’t find a woman. He’s lovely, he’s an artist. For one year he’s not drinking, so that’s nice: .(LUES) My mother’s sister has fibromyalgia, because she never brings out her feelings. She’s living with this very dominant husband, even does not care for their sons, so suppressed. Heavy burden. Some of them haven’t seen each other for 3 year. (LUES) L: Tell me about your father’s side. P: He drank a lot of wine. Since he was a boy they always served a lot of wine in Italy. I think he started to have this when he was really young. (LUES) My father has a lot of dreams, which he never achieved. 64

He loves to travel too. (TUBERCULAR) Very sensitive. He cries, in the church he cries. In Paris, with 5 sisters, they had to manage alone. Not a loving situation at all so he, we don’t know why my grandmother died. He puts her on a pedestal, she is like everything. He almost never talks about her. Probably she took her own life. (LUES) The were quite ignorant people, they couldn’t even write. My father is the opposite, he has a big culture. He could have done so much but low selfesteem. He always had the wine; then came out the social talking but then he always worked in the restaurant but he hated it. My aunts on my father’s side. Two of them never had a relationship. My mother never had any relation after that one who tried to strangle her. My sister always has a problem to have a relation too. It’s really genetic and I’m afraid because I want to have children. L: What about grandfather? P: He had tuberculosis I think. Or chronic lung problems. He worked on boats. He smoked a lot. (Tubercular) L: Any uncles on that side? P: One of them had tuberculosis. Problems with bones, rheumatism. Now there is a big fight. My father and his family don’t talk anymore. So much emotions, which are not resolved. (Tubercular) L: Religion, does that mean a lot for you? P: Yes, I look at it in a very spiritual way. I think it’s energies, we are energies. With people and with myself. But I’m not religious, I’m not catholic. MIND - RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS L: Religious and spiritual? P: No, I don’t believe in one God, I’m agnostic in that way. I don’t believe in any written religion like that. MIND - RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS - want of religious feeling L: Anything else you want to ask me? Anything else that I might have forgotten? P: It could be a lot, I could speak a lot, but this is the most important. There are other physical symptoms but they’re not that important. L: Yes tell me P: I have a post-herpetic pain during summer (back of shoulder). Came back two times, but not strong. Since then numbness. I have eczema a lot on my nipples. Really sensitive nipples. In certain periods I can just touch and it cracks. CHEST - CRACKS - Mammae - Nipples CHEST - ERUPTIONS - Mammae - Nipples CHEST - ERUPTIONS - Mammae - Nipples - eczema BACK - ERUPTIONS - herpes L: OK, this was the case. Thank you Paola !! So the group can work on the case now. 65

Analysis of: Video Case Example 1, by Luc de Schepper 

You can read the complete transcribed analysis of the case by Dr Luc, during his Finland seminar 2006. Also the video of the analysis is available via de button: Luc’s Multimedia.

Full text of the analysis I am very grateful that Paola allowed me to take her case in front of all of us. It enables us to learn from it. P. is an exceptional person!! You’d be surprised we do not all hear the same thing, although we are all present in the same room. Some will say, but she did not say that,… but yes she did say it !! We have selective hearing; it is similar as selective autism. We need to keep that in mind. We must try and write down those things that are important. You see me write down some things, and other things not, because I did not find them important. So don’t write down too much, because you might not be able to keep up, and you might miss the important things. I saw with you that you really had a method to classify and organize the symptoms you heard, this is very good. You see when I analyse and ask things, I follow a certain timeline. In this case I did not ask about the intra-uterine story, the pregnancy period of her mother because I already had enough information, and we needed to save some time. So it was not so important now to find the remedy. A few remarks: Remember, do not put too much emphasis on the physical symptoms. And if you do, then the general physical symptoms are more important then the particular symptoms. (General: I feel this way, it’s my whole body) (Particular: my head hurts, my anus itches, etc.). In order of hierarchical value a particular symptom is of low value. In a traditional flat repertorisation with the computer, all symptoms get the same value, so best to use the generals rather than the particulars. Note: In the LDS-Module the symptoms now get a different value. During the seminar when this case was recorded, the module was not ready yet. Every case you will be able to put into the ‘blue print’ which I made for you. (See the ‘11 Questions’ to ask at the end of case taking) The Delusions are probably the most difficult to find, so you better not put too much energy in it in the beginning. In de LDS-Module I have placed it as the last part, with the Core Delusion as the final step. 66

The tip of the Ice-Berg is the chief complaint and most of the time everything else is hidden under it. The last thing is the Core Delusion, and do not spend too much time to find this initially. Finding the Core Delusion is only the last step, because it will fit everything that is above, and it is the most hidden in the subconscious of the patient, the most difficult to retrieve. Spend more time on what is more easy to find, and these are the Ailments from and the patient’s compensations  ( I ) Ailments from (Causalities) They are very important to find. P. was very clear in this. You must also see ‘How does this person present herself? Remember the 11 Questions:… What is the temperament according to Jung: Extravert or Introvert? How does P. present herself, who is this person, what is her temperament, attitude according to Jung (extravert, introvert)? Certain things you already have to deduct from what you see and the way your patient presents herself.. As we went along the timeline, it’s necessary to see where the first crime has been committed,; is there another crime that is similar? And important to ask: how did you react, how did you feel, what were your main emotions? You have heard me ask many times: Why did you react that way? 

( II ) What are her compensations?

Remember what P. said, how did she start? Her Chief complaint: I have itching, anal itching. Soon after that she started talking about heaviness. Initially I did not understand it, because it was an abstract thing. I knew this was more important than the itching and the anus. But I did stop her initially, because I wanted to be sure I find out all about the itching. Heaviness is very important. I did not use the rubric ‘anus – itching’, but still I got some useful information from it. There is always some information you cannot translate into rubrics. Or for some information you find a very small rubric. I don’t throw it completely out of the window, but I put this information aside and will look at that piece of information only at the end, if it fits any of the remedies that come up … It will be the icing on the cake. But such a small rubric can be misleading to use initially. About this sensation of heaviness: I do not start to search endlessly ‘How does this feel’, to search for a “vital sensation.” This is done by other ‘schools’. I will teach you this seminar how to find the Core Delusions for remedies. Pay attention to the patient when asking questions. 67

Look for tell tale symptoms such as: hesitation, not answering, crying… She cried two times a little bit, maybe she wasn’t aware of it; some of you may have missed it because she is good in controlling her feelings. She didn’t give much attention to it because she didn’t want to burst out into tears. But you should have seen it. Pay attention to when she cries!! Remember what Jung said: It points back to a painful event in her life that she has not been able to resolve. That is called the delusion. This is a fixed idea. What did P. say: “I cannot make a deep connection with anybody.” She wants to, but she cannot. It is not the same as Nat-carb, because this remedy even has an aversion towards family. Nat-c will not succeed to have relationships. This is not what P. said. P. does have relationships, she wants to connect. But she said: F. was the love of her life. She left F. but why? There where other relationships too, but she left them. If you don’t ask enough questions you will not get answers. Ask “Why, Why, Why”, “What is the purpose”, “What is her motivation”. So I asked “why”. She can connect but she was disappointed !! Let’s go back to the two events where she cried: The first one was when she told about the film. I underlined it in my notes: “cries here”. What was this all about? What she did as a little girl of 12 years old was remarkable. Normally a child of that age would be intimidated but she said “Hé you cannot do that!!”. I asked what was her main emotion with this, and she said something related to injustice. Not be able to see injustice?? So I asked how she reacted, what was her main emotion. It was anger!!... and also sadness. She gives you the rubrics. Don’t make a jump now; the rubric is ailments from anger. There is a difference between the rubric “anger” and “ailments from anger”. I already would use the rubric “anger”. But when does it become ailments from anger? I would call it in a case “ailments from anger” when it occurs more then once. Check the history, the time line, and see if the same thing happens all more often. See if this sentiment, this emotion comes back. And yes, these same emotions came back! The second weeping was, when she was wrongly accused.


You can say it is some kind of injustice again; she’s certainly sensitive to that. But she also said she was angry!! You could say she did not stand up for herself when that girl slapped her, she did not do anything back, but be careful with interpretation. Is it a Staphisagria-situation? No. But it can be very difficult in practice to differentiate all these things But she also said “angry”. And that time she already said too many things about another remedy, so I did not think about Staph. I recognized P.’s feelings and could understand it. P. also mentioned this “Lack of moral feeling”. In what context did it come up? When the gynecologist blurs this out and P. reacted… this confirms it. If you use lack of moral feeling it means you yourself think she has this. That’s not what she’s expressing. She might have the fixed idea that’s different. It’s more a delusion “lack of moral feeling” (unfortunately you cannot find this in the repertory). Do not use lack of moral feeling because you don’t see that in her. Don’t make that mistake. The feeling or “Delusion of heaviness” is quite strong but you have to understand it in the whole context of the case what it really means. All patients tell you at least some rubrics, and P. also did this. I observed: She’s passionate. Does she talk fluently, a lot? If she would speak in her own language it would be clearer. She is extravert, loquacious, passionate; she is a passionate person, you can even see it in the whole story. A little bit spirit of Sycosis; when in this group she years old). She couldn’t go away from the group at first and then she went away and they accused her of being not interesting. At the same time she felt as an old lady. The sensation heaviness is part of it. Their was one clear thing nobody wrote down as a symptom, it came very early in the interview. She said about her Menstrual cycle; improvement from the flow!! This is very important, and several remedies come up in my mind right away, many racehorses come in front right now. This symptom is very important and it came up already during the first five minutes. The she has this Ailments from rudeness from the gynecologist. The condylomata went away. Which I did not understand fully, why would something like this go away? That’s suppression but what was suppressive in her situation? I would keep this information, and if it would ever come up, it would be fine because it is exteriorization. P: adds: I had it an other time also, and then it went away also.


L: So your vital force brought it up again, and it went away again. Why would it go away? If it goes away, this is suppression. But what suppressed it? She had enough emotions and these suppressed it. It will be a good sign if it would come out. An exterior sign that will tell you how long you’ll have to continue with this remedy. This Itching appeared after the sycosis, so actually this was a good move (according to Hering): going from Sycosis to Psora. Second time it comes back the itching is still present. P: …. (Adds some information)… L: See now the opposite was happening and that can be expected. To find the simillimum it says a lot about prognosis, dominant miasma.

She further said: she does not feel good enough about herself, she is putting herself down. How do you call that? Lack of self-confidence, lack of self-worth. She Reproaches herself. You see, the translation of the language of the patient to the repertory is often the most difficult. Actually one of the Concepts which I made is called: Dr Luc: Concepts - lack of self-worth: BAR-C. LAC-C. Pall. It torments her. All these things are hindering her in her relationships. Already I am getting an idea, she is trying to tell me something. I try to find an essence in this thing. I call it… “The Life unlived”. She hasn’t lived so far the life she wants to live according to her, according to her temperament and constitution. She desperately wants this. I noticed several times in the interview where she said this to me. I wrote done ‘Live Unlived’. Some times it is so strong, all these feelings of: numbness, heaviness, oppression in the chest, it stops her from living her life. She cannot express herself, as if someone is sitting on her chest, it stops her from living her life. Even the breathing is more difficult. That is why I call it “the life unlived”. Trembling, numbness, and also Anticipation anxiety. Also definitely melancholic, restless.” Horse” (remedy) running in front at that point already. She was much shaken by seeing the movie, She wanted to do something about it. She felt this as an injustice. If a child is watching this and is totally upset by this, and it makes her angry and touches her really deeply. How do you call that? So with a machete cutting someone’s head off, killing the child by hitting the head to the wall? It is the rubric: Horrible things affect her greatly. 70

She cried a long time from this. But above all she was angry and very much shaken by this. A emotional shock for a girl of 10, 11 years old. Not everyone reacts the same way, so she also reacts the way P. is! There are people who like to see this violence, or there are people who would start crying ‘mommy where are you, hold me’. All of this also tells me a lot about her miasmatic reactions. She said 2 to 3 events: write this down so you don’t forget to ask because otherwise you could forget about one of those events. So I asked, tell me about the other events? Some homeopaths say you cannot take all the emotions (causations), you cannot take all the NWS? I say why not? You can have three NWS, al belonging to the same layer !! So if I only would use one NWS you’ll have e.g. 15 remedies but if you use all three NWS, you may find a remedy that has all three of them. You would otherwise only have half of her emotions. You’ll have to have all the emotions and all the “NWS”. There are remedies that will have all the NWS in the case. Then she mentioned: ‘The second event’. The girlfriend she mentioned, who apparently has a little bit syphilitic streak, because she likes to make her feel bad too. P. uses the word “competitive”. Right away I am thinking, “Which are the competitive remedies?” Listen to the words carefully: she also said she was jealous! Those where her words, I did not need to ask about it. Some of you did not use this rubric because you thought it was not very important. I would have agreed with you, if it had not come back. But now she is 29 years old, and she still feels jealous when I see her, and she’s ashamed for that. This is part of the remedy. I asked her if she still has it, and she confirmed it, when she meets the girl now, she still has it. P. said that she is trying to work on herself regarding this.. She even said that meeting this old friend is happening for a reason. And she is right, She is confronted with it to deal with it to become a better person. It’s probably meant to be, an opportunity to work on herself as unpleasant as this is. It is called a process of individuation, becoming an individual psychologically, something we all have to work on… So it is very important for P., this jealous feeling. So jealousy is really there in her case. So you must take: “Ailments from Jealousy”. Now about the third event. Her mother had a new boy friend. He took her place (competition) and she intuitively felt this man was not good for her mother, and she was right. This is typical for this remedy. They are very intuitive people. So even a child who needs this remedy: the child would see the mother talking with a man, and she would say “my mother has an affair with this man”, and she will be right about it. P. is a “thinking, intuitive person”. 71

And she also was angry about this relationship (ailments from anger). So yes you can

take “Ailments from anger”. People ask, how do I start analysing this case? You start with every sentence she says !!!!! Every sentence, “WHAT DOES IT MEAN”? Go step by step. Ask what is this? Then she said: I got better and I started to live again (age 13-14). ‘So the life unlived’. Also she said: I am always Sensitive to criticism (it is Easily offended). She also talks about shame and lack of self-worth. Then she said: I always took care of everybody, I had a good contact with everybody, I adapt to others, I want to be in the center. So “Please also notice me”. You could call it “looking for approval”. The big remedy for that is Palladium, but that remedy in the rest did not come up at all for her because it is not how she behaves. She is doing this for the other people, to adjust to others. She’s not living her own life again. She’s giving it away. This is called again “The live unlived”. She is trying to yield, to adjust to others. WHY do you think she is doing that? She wanted to get their attention, that is what P. said. It tells you something about what is really going on! It is what? It is Ailments from grief. This you need to take as symptom. P. Is a passionate person with lots of talent, but she’s not able really do what she is able to do. She’s trying to find an outlet, but it is not easy, and sometimes they are the wrong ones: The sycotic behavior: drugs, sex (I did not ask in P.’s case), and jealousy. They are outlets to relieve the inner pressure. The heaviness came back at age 23: “I am not good enough, I am ashamed.” It was because she was in this group. And he words where “I was enslaved by them”. So I wrote down a delusion immediately, it is not her Core Delusion, but it is a delusion: MIND - DELUSIONS - influence; one is under a powerful Or you can also write down: MIND - DELUSIONS - charmed and cannot break the spell She could not get out of it, although she was later on able to get out of it. But she used the words “I was enslaved by the group.” And the feeling as if she was an old lady came from it, from breaking out of the group. (It is almost ailments from rudeness). So you see, I look at every event and try to explain it. This is all one story, all one layer; all this is one big fat layer!! Not at all two or three layers! She was wrongly accused, and she became paralyzed, shut down; can’t move (this is: syphilitic miasmatic reaction). 72

Through the whole case there are a lot of syphilitic signs and sycotic signs also. P. needs a sycotic – syphilitic remedy. Look at the family, both sides syphilitic. It was also interesting what she said about her uncles. She cannot be close to anybody. She tries, but cannot. She is even attracted to this person who is an alcoholic. P. likes wine a little bit, but it is not strong at all. So if I write down alcoholism, then don’t think that I think P. is an alcoholic! She doesn’t like to lose control. She can drink a whole bottle of wine and still not lose control. It tells something about her sensitiveness. But it is important in the history context. I knew I would find this alcoholism back in your family. That confirmed it for me. This is the only reason I wrote it down for you too. The last two boyfriends: she left them because she was disappointed. It is called: Ailments from disappointed love. So the boyfriend F.: she said another rubric there “I am suspicious”. So you can take: Mind – Suspicious for her. The Grandmother at her mother’s side who was abused by her husband. Look what she got: paralysis of the face and cancer of tongue. For me this is the reflection of what happens on the emotional plan. She could not speak up. Staph and Carc cannot speak up; everybody is trampling on them, invasion of your privacy. This is ‘the best way’ to set up cancer. I find it symbolic, she could never speak up, and there is where she gets the pathology. Such things are not uncommon, and not by coincidence. I did ask P. a question about her religion, to see if there’s some kind of compensation. She’s more spiritual then religious. Not religious as Aur or Hyos. But agnostic and this is as much the indicated remedy as being religious! The Herpes zoster is a reflection of what’s happening to her. It’s a sign of paralysis on the physical plane, as on the emotional level with numbness as a result So P. the remedy for you is: Lachesis This remedy is far ahead of the other remedies. This is a beautiful story of Lachesis !! I can show you ten cases of Lachesis, and they will all be a bit different. But the Essence of Lach is “the life unlived”. They are suppressed, they are looking for outlets. So they need to have compensations. Here are the symptoms I used: -

Ailments from anger Ailments from grief Ailments from disappointed love Anticipation anxiety Jealous Suspicious



Horrible things affect her

All these rubrics you should have found.

The Core Delusion is: She is wronged; she is injured by her surroundings. Even the film gave her a feeling of: that she was wronged, the sense of injustice. Lachesis does have this sense of injustice. It is not only Causticum that has this. This becomes her Core Delusion, I am wronged and injured by my surroundings. The horrible sight of this film: This touched her to the core! This is what is called Delusion, injured by her surroundings. Hyos also came close in the analysis, but the Core Delusion is “being sold”. But this does not fit the patient. P. was injured by something horrible. Hyos comes into play because of the jealousy, but the Core Delusion of Hyos has nothing to do with her whole story. You can see how powerful it is to know the Core Delusion of a remedy. Immediately you can see if it fits or not. Horrible things affect her, this is strong for Lach and Calc and Phos. Nux-v also comes up, but she is not a Nux-v patient. It comes in our repertorization because of the anger. Lycopodium also comes up. When you see Lach that high, then Lyc is never far away. It is a complementary remedy. Then, Stram, Puls, Aur you can forget them. Why did I write “Desire for amusement”? P. tells me: she likes to have a joint, a glass of wine, to go out. But this is not so important this rubric. What you should have found are the rubrics: Suspicious, Jealous, etc. I also took “Home, desire to go”. I took this because she is expressing this to me. I use this rubric in an extended meaning. She is expressing a desire to have a connection, a relationship. The rubric, “Sadness”. It is the melancholic feeling already as a child, the heaviness she’s feeling. Vivacious, because P. is a passionate, vivacious person. Delusions doomed, Because she cannot be intimate with a person. This is what her sadness is all about, because she cannot get close. I did not ask about the pregnancy period of her mom. Because I had enough information already. L. Do you have any fears P? P. Only a little bit fear of heights, and for cockroaches. 74

L. The remedy you can most easily confuse with Lachesis in general is Sulph. For P. I think probably a large layer of Lachesis and underneath a constitutional Sulph. Isn’t this s beautiful case!! You do not need to search for all these small or new remedies. Underneath can well be the constitution Sulphur. Probably with a big layer of Lachesis.

Potency/dose (see also below): First she is not a hypersensitive, she can drink the wine, smoke the big joints. Second there is no physical pathology. At some point she said she had a dread for the night, this is a syphilitic sign. So she has sycosis and syphilis, and a little bit psora. So it is important to give a remedy that has both sycosis and syphilis. Lach has both. If she would now not get Lach she would go slowly into a more syphilitic state (hopeless). She is an extravert, thinking and intuitive person this fits Lach. We can start with a 200 C. A 8 oz bottle (about 200ml), let 2 pellets dissolve, add some alcohol in it (about 30 drops). As a test dose give ½ teaspoon from bottle in a 4 oz cup ( 8 tablespoons), stirr, and from this give ½ teaspoon as a dose.

Symptoms to take into the clipboards of the LDS Module Note: In these examples I mention and use on purpose “many” possible rubrics for learning purposes only.

Clipboard 1: Chief Complaint

Recall: LDS-videocase1 You can recall these symptoms into your Radar clipboards. - Stop or Close the wizard - Select File, then Import, then Cases (cas) - It is located in: \Radar\Cases\LDS-videocase1

HEAD - NUMBNESS; sensation of RECTUM - CONDYLOMATA RECTUM - ITCHING RECTUM - ITCHING - night CHEST - CRACKS - Mammae - Nipples CHEST - ERUPTIONS - Mammae - Nipples CHEST - ERUPTIONS - Mammae - Nipples eczema CHEST - OPPRESSION BACK - ERUPTIONS - herpes EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Elbows EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Elbows - Bends of elbow EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Joints - Bends of EXTREMITIES - ERUPTIONS - Joints - Bends of - eczema



Clipboard 2: Sleep and sexuality FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - MENSES - protracted

Clipboard 3: Food and Drinks GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - alcoholic drinks - desire GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - wine - desire

Clipboard 4: General Physical symptoms GENERALS - MENSES - before - agg. GENERALS - MENSES - during - amel. GENERALS - MENSES - during - beginning of menses - amel. GENERALS - TREMBLING - Externally - anxiety - from GENERALS - TREMBLING - Externally - nervous GENERALS - WEAKNESS - anxiety - after

Clipboard 5: the M/E peculiar symptoms MIND - ALCOHOLISM MIND - AMATIVENESS MIND - AMUSEMENT - desire for MIND - ANGER - violent MIND - ANXIETY - salvation, about MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence MIND - CONFUSION of mind MIND - CONFUSION of mind - menses - before MIND - DESPAIR MIND - DULLNESS - mortification, after MIND - DULLNESS - says nothing MIND - FEAR - bad news; of hearing MIND - FEAR - control; losing MIND - FEAR - evil; fear of MIND - FEAR - men; of [= male persons] MIND - FEAR - sleep - go to sleep; fear to MIND - FEAR - suffocation, of MIND - HEEDLESS MIND - HOME - desires to go MIND - HORRIBLE things, sad stories affect her profoundly MIND - HYSTERIA - puberty, at MIND - INDIFFERENCE - welfare of others, to MIND - INJUSTICE, cannot support MIND - IRRITABILITY - menses - before 76

MIND - JEALOUSY MIND - JEALOUSY - irresistible as foolish as it is MIND - JEALOUSY - quarrelling, reproaches and scolding; with MIND - JEALOUSY - saying and doing what he would not normally say and do MIND - LONGING - good opinion of others; for MIND - LOQUACITY MIND - MALICIOUS MIND - MENSES - before MIND - OFFENDED, easily MIND - RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS MIND - RELIGIOUS AFFECTIONS - want of religious feeling MIND - REPROACHING oneself MIND - RESTLESSNESS MIND - SADNESS MIND - SADNESS - children, in MIND - SADNESS - menses - before MIND - SUSPICIOUS MIND - THOUGHTS - persistent MIND - THOUGHTS - tormenting MIND - VIVACIOUS MIND - WILL - two wills; sensation as if he had MIND - WILL - weakness of

Clipboard 6: NWS MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger - vexation; with MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anticipation MIND - AILMENTS FROM - bad news MIND - AILMENTS FROM - debauchery MIND - AILMENTS FROM - discords - chief and subordinates; between MIND - AILMENTS FROM - excitement - emotional MIND - AILMENTS FROM - fright MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief MIND - AILMENTS FROM - jealousy MIND - AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed MIND - AILMENTS FROM - mortification MIND - AILMENTS FROM - scorned; being MIND - CONFUSION of mind

Clipboard 7: Delusions MIND - DELUSIONS - charmed and cannot break the spell MIND - DELUSIONS - conspiracies - against him; there are conspiracies MIND - DELUSIONS - crime - committed a crime; he had MIND - DELUSIONS - doomed, being MIND - DELUSIONS - influence; one is under a powerful MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - being injured; is MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - being injured; is - surroundings; by his 77

MIND - DELUSIONS - jealousy - with MIND - DELUSIONS - thieves - house, in MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - suffered wrong; he has

Clipboard 8: Selecting the ‘Core Delusion’ When you reach the Analysis window, the following are the top scoring remedies: Lach, Sulph, Phos, Sep, Lyc.

You can consult the Core Delusions of the top scoring remedies (they are shown in the last clipboard). You can also Right mouse click on a remedy or use Luc’s icon.

Select a Core Delusion Lachesis’ Core Delusion fits the whole essence of the case better than any CD of the other top scoring remedies. DR LUC - Core Delusions - injury from her surroundings; she is about to receive an - competitive and suspicious, someone is always out there to hurt them

Summary Window If in a case you want to review the symptoms you used, then you can do this in the Summary window.


Clipboard 9: Miasmatic Analysis Note: This section is not available yet in this first version of the module. In a later stage the Miasmatic analysis might be added.

Analysis Window

Consult Luc’s Materia Medica and differentiate the top scoring remedies Use Luc’s button or Right mouse click on a remedy to jump to Luc’s material medica. 79

  

You can compare the Core Delusions of the Top 5 scoring remedies, or differentiate remedies by reading materia medica descriptions of the Concepts. or consult a Keynote file or other material medica book s in the Encyclopedia.

Potency/Dose Lachesis 200C, in 8 oz (250 mill) RSB, ½ tsp from RSB in 4 oz (125 mill) cup and ½ tsp as test dose was given.

Tip: Also see Luc’s video lecture about the Remedy Lachesis.

Remedy Reaction / Follow Ups It goes beyond the scope of this manual to give full account of all follow up reports. Luc says: Finding the opening remedy is not the most difficult thing to do often. But applying correct case management is the hardest thing. But to summarize, below an email received from Paola: (Received email in Sept 2007) My cure has indeed been a process, a path to heal, which I am still continuing. I had been taking Lach (200C, 5th edition) for 5 months, repeating judicially. th Then I received for one month (only 2 doses) Sulph (30C, 5 edition) as an intermediate. th Then I continued with Lach (200C, 5 edition) for 1 month. Then for 1 month I received (only 4 doses) Lyc (30C, 5th edition). I'm now back on a lach (LM1), repeating judicially. I feel more present and creative in all aspects, it is moving in the right direction. I am enjoying being with people. Finally I am also starting to really get rid of my intestinal problems. In general I am really 70 % better! I am really progressing and feeling great with this cure ever since I started with Lach ! I am very grateful. Sincerely Paola


VIDEO CASE EXAMPLE 2: WENDELA This example consists of:  The Interview (consultation video + text)  The Analysis of the case by Luc (video + text)

Interview  

You will find the full text of the interview below. You can see the full interview on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button:

Please treat all patient information confidential. Do not discuss this case with anybody else, other then when you might study this case together with a colleague homeopath or student. Do not copy or use any part of the video, without prior written permission. All video recordings are Copyright protected by: Archibel S.A and Dr Luc de Schepper, MD

Wendela (Interview date: 9 July 2006) (Time video is indicated: 0.00) L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: 00.48 W: L: W: L: W: 01.02

So normally we always say of course what is your main complaint, what would you like to get improved. Big fatigue. This tiredness, tell me more about it, when is it the most, what do you feel? In the morning when I wake up, I am completely exhausted, I am very tired. It can take,.. recently it takes about one or two hours before it is over. So, you wake up and then ….? I am broken. And then for an hour of two? Yes. When does it start to be better then? Actually only now, in the afternoon I get another relapse. But it gets better….? When do you get up?

I get up in the morning at 7.30. OK. 7.30 am, and then you say for two hours it is not good?Then it gets better a little bit? Then it seems to get a little bit better. Then it seems a little bit better . And in the afternoon I get another relapse.


L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: 01.48 L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: 02.24

And in the afternoon. What is the afternoon for you? What time? Between 2 and 3 p.m. the energy becomes less again. Tiredness in the way that you must lay down, take a nap or what? Well, that I feel I can hardly keep my eyes open, so heavy. So you lay down? What are you doing? No, I have to go on. You have to go on. I have to go on. But you would like to take a nap if you could? Yes. It is that bad? Yes at this very moment it is, yes. Yes at this moment. How long does it go back if you say ‘at this moment’? Well, it is already going on for some time. And actually at night I can’t fall asleep at all. So, in the evening you can’t fall asleep. No, absolutely not. When do you go to bed usually? Well, at 10.30 p.m. And then what happens? I am so awake. I can´t fall asleep at all.

And till…the whole night or what happens? Now I notice that my whole body is very restless, so that I move around in the bed and that I am also very warm. I feel very warm lately. Much warmer than usual. When you say lately, what is this, months, years? A month of two. A month of two. And this falling asleep, also since two months? Yes. Since two months is it really prominent also the tiredness? The tiredness becomes even worse the last two months.

L: So, it is falling asleep, the heat, restlessness, all of this is the last two months, would you say? W: Yes. L: And the tiredness, since when do you have that. Is it more than two months? W: Yes actually the tiredness is longer, a year of two. L: Two years, approximately? W: After I have been on a holiday. L: Now, the tiredness, if you have that, does it go together with another symptom? What else do you feel? W: I notice that in the morning there is also moisture in my eyes. L: What do you see? Do you mean that you have swollen eyelids in the morning? W: Yes. 03.03 L:

Your eyelids are swollen? 82

W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: 03.57

Yes. Both? The upper? Yes, both of them. Under your eyes, and..? No, not under, only above. Only here (L shows with his hands)?, so swollen here? Yes. And both of the eyes you say? (Language problem) Yes. Both of the eyes or eyelids? I thought that it were both the eyelids. Yes, it is the eyelids. But just the upper eyelids, yes, ok. Yes. OK. But from both eyes! Yes then we do understand each other. And I have something else with my eyes, the whole day a lot of trembling. What do you have? Trembling eyelids, especially the left eyelid, they are trembling. So trembling? Trembling we call it. And also the inner canthi, these too. And it is from the upper eyelid? Yes and also here, this is also trembling (she shows).

L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L:

And the inner canthi. Also both eyes? Well, the left one the most. Left most. Right just some times. Sometimes right. And since when did you see this, also since two months or what? Well, this is the last weeks. The last weeks. The last two, three weeks. After the tiredness and so on, the insomnia one of the last symptoms would you say? Yes. Is there anything else, other symptoms that go along? The tiredness if you describe it, what would you say. I don’t want to do anything or what is it exactly? Well, in the morning I really have something like…. Well I don’t do anything because first I have to ‘get my strength back’. You can’t wake up? You can’t get started? Yes, exactly. Well, if you say, after two hours then I can start to function a little bit? Yes. When is the best time for you? In the evening. Yes, OK, and what do you mean by evening? Well I start to feel better around 4, 5 p.m. 4, 5 in the afternoon. And in the evening I am… So, then it comes back and best time of all is, when is it?

W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L:


W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: 06.01 L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: 06.49 L: W: L: W:

L: W: L: W: L: W:

In the evening. At 8 , 9 p.m.? Yes, 8, 9, about that time. Then you do have the most energy? Yes 8, 9 p.m. and the energy stays that way till you go to sleep? Yes, and even then, I am much to awake, and then I can’t sleep. Yes even then, because then you can’t sleep. And when you can’t sleep, what do you think then, what are you doing except moving around in your bed, as you say. Again and again thinking what has happened the whole day.

So, yes, your mind is at work? Yes, always. Always thinking, constantly ideas are coming. Yes. OK, and usually about what you have done the whole day, or worries about something, what in general? Well, sometimes worries, but not every day. No, normally, finally you fall in sleep? In pieces and then I wake up again. Ah In small pieces. This goes on the whole night, waking up, sleeping, waking up, sleeping, the whole night, last night, too. On and off. Yes. And never 4 - 5 hours that you can sleep at once. No. And that is since the last two months? Yes.

And you wake up at 7.30 a.m., so at once, or….? Now, no from the alarm clock. Ah, from the alarm clock. OK, I thought you couldn’t sleep, but now you have to be wake up by the alarm clock. Yes, the last part of the night, the last piece, but this morning also, then I wake up at 6.00 a.m., then I try to stay in bed for a little while, because I think, otherwise, I again will be broken, but at 7.00 a.m. I am awake again, you are not really sleeping. It is only for a second that you close your eyes. It is just a continuation of the whole night sleeping, awake, sleeping, awake, sleeping, awake. Yes, actually it is. And then sometimes you have to be wake up by the alarm clock, because at the last part of the night… Exactly, at the last part of the night, you think, he, he. You are sleepy. Yes. 84


OK. then I understand. Any other symptoms, that comes with this? You don’t take any medication for this? Nothing, no sleeping pills, or anything?

07.40 W: L: W: L: W: L: W:

No, no, no. You don’t take that. Very smart, yes. The fatigue, are there other symptoms? So, that my body feels so very warm, really very warm, also in the afternoon, yes very warm. Yes, this is something, since… you say also, since two months the body is very warm. Yes it becomes constantly warmer. Yes, and where, all over, or…? Yes, I actually can’t bear not even to be in a house, I have to get outside, I have to have fresh air, because otherwise I don’t recover.

08.11 L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: 08.27 W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: 09.18

Yes. But, this are not hot flashes. Are you also getting more tired in a warm room, when it is getting too warm? It is not good for the tiredness, then? Now, I just don’t wake up in a warm room. It is not that it makes me more tired. Yes, OK, you just don’t wake up. No, I don’t wake up. You have to go outside. Yes OK.

But this are not hot flashes, I know hot flashes, but that’s not it. No, no. And this is also since two months, that you have this great heat. You feel warm all over? Yes. They are not hot flashes, we call it, no, no, I understand that, it is in general that you are warm. Yes, very warm. The whole body and you don’t look red or…? No, rather pale, I have put now some color on now. You look… I look rather pale. OK. Now I also have a blister on my lower lip. Where is it? Here (she shows it) And eh… This is there since one and a half week. Are you drinking a lot? Are you thirsty usually?


W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L:

Eh, in general I am not so thirsty, I started to drink more water, because I think…., but not because I desire that. Why are you drinking then, because somebody said four glasses of water is good for your health? Yes, in fact. Just as the rest of the world… Yes. But if you wouldn’t have read it, then… Then I wouldn’t have done it. And then you don’t drink much in general? I drink too little, now not very much, no. Not very much? OK, This are all the symptoms, the insomnia, the tiredness, feeling warm, yes restlessness, what are you doing, up and down in bed or changing place… what is happening?

10.04 W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: 11.16 W: L: W: L: W: L: L: W: L: W: L:

Sometimes I also get out of bed, because I think, now I just have to get up a moment and then I come back and then… You even get out of bed, because, why, because you think that you can‘t come at ease in bed, so then you get up and then? No. I actually can only sleep on my left side, …. actually I notice, even if I only sleep for a short moment, only on my left side not on my right side. And when you go out of bed, is this to drink something or is it just to read anything? I need bananas…, I need bananas. Ah, bananas, what is it with the banana? Now, I am just hungry and that is the easiest. Also I had often cramps in my calves. So, you get much hunger during the night, then… Now it is just that at a specific moment I only long for a banana. Ah, only a banana. Only a banana. Nothing else? No nothing else. But you are really hungry? Yes. So, you say, what is it, at two ‘o clock when I wake up, I am hungry? And then I go downstairs and I take a banana. You have to eat something? Yes And banana, you eat because it is the easiest? Now, no, but also that is what I desire most. Ah, the most desire? Desire for, we say in English. Yes. OK….. That is the only thing you eat, he? Yes, at night. OK. And does this happen more than once in the night? No, just once. Once. So, let’s say, when, usually two, three ’ o clock? 86

W: L: W: L: W: L: W: 12.09

I had it this morning, I had eh.. this morning it was extraordinary, I took it only at 5 a.m., usually it is at 3 a.m. 2, 3 a.m. 2, 3 a.m. Then I go to eat a banana. Then you feel very hungry, you go downstairs, to eat a banana. One banana, two bananas. One. That’s enough? Now I don’t know.

L: Ah, you tell yourself, one banana. W: Yes. L: OK, I understand this. (12.28) L: W: L:

Now we do know the symptoms. We are first going to talk about the fatigue, ok? It is about two years ago that it started, about? Yes. I have been in Greece on holidays. OK, holidays are no good, he, I only want to know what happened, because that’s my question. What has happened?

W: L: W: L:

Eh…. Yes, they suspect that I had a parasite in my intestines… You became sick? I had a check-up in the laboratory, and indeed it showed that I have a parasite. Yes, but never mind that, I want to hear… what has happened in Greece? Did you become ill. W: I have been there for two weeks. L: Yes. W: And I went every time out for dinner. L: You have been going out for dinner? W: Going out for dinner. L: Going out for dinner, OK, When did you get the symptoms? W: Immediately after, I started again and again…. Strictly speaking shortly after the holidays the fatigue started. L: While still in Greece? W: Yes, yes, because something has happened then, yes. L: Ok, tell me. (13.35) W: Well, very good, already in the first week when I was there I wanted to lift up a small piece of paper and then I got so much pain in my thumb. In this thumb (shows). Then X rays have been made by a doctor across the street and then it showed that it was appearing apart from each other, that there was a great inflammation at that moment. L: An inflammation? W: Yes in my… L: Are you left-handed? (14.00) W: I am right-handed. 87

L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L:

But it was here, you pick something up and it was painful? Just a small piece of paper. Where is the location? It is still hurting sometimes, yes. Still hurting? Yes. OK. Always it comes back. There it started. This was the first symptom before the tiredness began. Yes. And what else did you see? Except the pain. You took an x-ray. It was all normal or what did they say? W: I took an x-ray and it was not normal, because the small bones stood apart from each other and the doctor wanted to operate, but no way. L: How did he call it. Did he explain it to you? W: Now, yes he said, in fact you have arthritis, but then acute. L: Inflammation? W: So, he has taped it in completely. L: Operating? I wonder what? W: Yes that’s why…. what he said was that he wanted to take away the pus, but I thought, now. L: What? Remove the moisture? (14.58) W: Well, he said, there is also pus inside. Then I explained to him, that I definitely wouldn’t do that, that I am a classical homeopath and that it would only become worse. L: OK. W: He wanted to prescribe medication, I didn’t take them. L: What a good woman. L: So, what did you do? The thumb, did it stay, is it gone? W: Yes it stayed, from time to time when I am tired it comes back, I did have it this morning also, yes, now. L: When you are tired. W: When I am tired the pain is coming back. L: Ah I see, OK, So, the pain is coming back when you are tired, every time when you are very tired you feel a little bit of pain on the same place. W: Yes. L: Is that the first thing you have seen when you were in Greece? Any other symptom, that has also come, except then…When did the tiredness actually began? Already after the first week, or… W: Now, actually of course because of the pain, then I got tired of course. (15.58) L: From the pain you already got tired, only from the pain. W: Yes, from the pain. L: But no other symptoms? W: Now, later he said, the doctor said, this comes because you have been swimming in cold water, you probably can’ t bare that and that’s why it started. But I thought, now, I had been carrying heavy shopping bags, so I think it’s rather activated from that. 88


Yes makes more sense, common sense. But now, the first week you see this, but you are there for two weeks. No diarrhea? You don’t tell me anything about it so I have to ask a direct question. W: No I didn’t have any complaints from this, no complaints.. L: No complaints during the fourteen days. W: No, not that I can remember. L: No, but you have been already tired when you were in Greece? Very tired, just like now? W: Now, actually it became stronger gradually. L: Gradually, more and more. W: Yes. L: Without any other symptoms, that goes along with this. I still only have one symptom. W: Pain in the abdomen. L: Ah, Belly-ache. W: Again and again pain in the abdomen. L: Ok, is it the abdomen or is it the stomach? W: Down here (shows) L: OK, the abdomen. W: Really bad pain in the abdomen. L: And when did it started? (17.12) W: It has been worst the last 4 - 5 months, but it gradually became worse. L: Since four months worse, but an early symptom. W: Yes. L: When you returned from Greece or something like that? W: Actually then it has already been started. L: Then already? W: Then it started already, yes. L: And describe the pain to me.., is it if you have to prescribe it for me, is it, is it very low you say? W: It is very low, I can also, I notice that I cannot tolerate milk products at all. If I take milk it goes wrong, all ice crème, all milk. L: Ice too? W: Ice too. L: Cold drinks or ice cubes. W: No, the point is, that I can’t have milk ice. L: Ah milk in ice crème you mean or not? W: Yes, I don’t like it and it doesn’t agree with me, because I.. L: Milk, the milk. W: It is the milk. When I eat milk I immediately get diarrhea. L: Then you get diarrhea? W: Yes. L: And when have you seen that? Immediately after you came back from Greece? W: Now, it became more and more and on a specific moment I had noticed it and I thought that I absolutely should not take it anymore. If I just have a little… L: And before that you could just take it? W: Now before I took it. From pregnancy, because I developed an allergy against milk during the pregnancy from my son, I didn’t take it for a long time. 89

L: W: L: W: L:

Ah, yes. But I thought, that I again can tolerate it, but that is not so… And how much time ago is that? That was with my second child, which was in ’89. And after this for always trying to avoid milk products, because you felt that this was not good for you. But it get worse after you had been to Greece. W: Yes. (19.02) L: Then it became more pronounced. W: Then the pain in the abdomen became worse. L: Then the pain in the abdomen became worse, cramps or… W: Yes, quite heavy cramps. L: Cramps, yes with the diarrhea of course, watery diarrhea, or… W: Also with slime. L: With slime. Any specific color? W: No it was normal brown. L: So not ‘frog pound’ (joke). So did it come forcibly, very watery? W: Sometimes indeed forcibly,… L: Yes. W: But not really, it wasn’t, yes, sometimes very thin, then again thicker diarrhea, with a lot of slime. L: Yes, with mucous. And undigested food, not digested food? W: Yes. (19.56) L: And, does this still happen? W: Yes. L: Even without the milk, or only when you drink milk? W: I really have to, even, if I ever drink only one cup of coffee, but I can’t tolerate coffee, but if I drink coffee and there is just a little bit of milk in it, then already I get pain in the abdomen. L: Yes, yes, it is always the milk of course. W: Yes, but also I don’t agree with coffee, that makes me very nervous. L: Too nervous from coffee. W: Yes. L: OK, now tell me. About two months ago the other symptoms came with it. W: Yes. L: Insomnia. What happened two months ago, anything special? W: I fell in love. L: This is a good thing. But as you can see it can be bad for your health. OK, Tell me if you can. (20.59) W: Well, very strange, actually something happened what… I used to have a boyfriend, thirty years ago, a friend, now, we were seeing each other. We were intensely in love, we were very fond of each other, but my little brother died, very sudden, in a traffic accident. L: Thirty years ago. W: Thirty years ago. L: You speak about this, so thirty years ago you already know this man. W: Thirty years ago we were seeing each other. 90

L: W:

Yes. Then, because my little brother died I completely closed up, because I was made responsible for his death. (21.35) L: How do you see this? W: I picked up the phone and if I wouldn’t have taken the phone then my mother wouldn’t have left the house with my brother and the accident wouldn’t have happened. L: You took the phone, you say? W: Yes, my stepfather called. He wanted…, my mother and my stepfather had a fight. My boyfriend and I came back from London, from a school excursion. L: How old were you? W: I was eighteen. L: Yes, OK, tell me. W: And I came back and I was very tired, school trip to London and we had an agency with the Telegraaf (newspaper). So I delivered news papers in the morning to earn some extra money and my mother had the agency, so the phone rang more often when somebody didn’t receive the newspaper. (22.15) And well, shortly before I came back from London my stepfather and my mother had a very big fight, and my stepfather was taken away from the house by the police. When I came and they had tried to reach me which couldn’t. Ehhh…. Therefore my stepfather wanted to see my little brother, but he of course was at home, he wanted to see him very badly and my mother went on the bicycle. But my mother had fallen in love with another man,… well she drove through a red light, with my little brother on her bike at the back. L: Ah, your little brother was, how old was he? W: Two and a half years. L: And why do you say, I was guilty? W: My mother blamed me, and she at a ceirtain moment….., well she…. L: So your mother said it is your fault. W: Yes, that’s true. L: You also felt it this way? W: I felt it this way, yes (emotional, almost crying). L: Still now, he!? W: Yes, she also…, at a certain moment…., I was forbidden to have any contact with my brothers and sisters, so I was locked up in my room. L: She says, no contact with your other brothers and sisters. W: No, because I also was angry, I was rebellious. And then I was not allowed to talk to my brothers and sisters any more, then I ran away from home. But this boy has….., that is very special. In December I had a dream about this boy, for the first time in my life again, and one and a half week later I got a mail from him from America. And we have contact now about this event. L: He lives in America? (23.49) W: He lives in America, and it has always puzzled him too. He found it terrible that we stopped seeing each other at tat time, and never forgot me. So he always was very upset by it, actually just as much as I was. But I completely closed up. 91


So, you were depressed from what happened to your brother, and then he disappeared from your life. W: Well, he …, we never actually broke up, but I couldn’t talk any more, I could… I was completely closed up. L: So you were completely closed up. Your reaction was that you didn’t want to see anyone. W: No, I couldn’t anymore. L: Can you prescribe this? Talk about how you felt, what you did? W: Every time, when I saw him, I wanted to talk, but I could not talk. I had very much pain, because every time when I saw him…., I did want to talk but I couldn’t anymore, I could not find any ‘starting point’. L: You couldn’t talk about it anymore? W: Nobody knew how much fighting there had been at home. How much, what all had happened, and I didn’t want to tell this to anybody. L: Ah, yes. W: Because I was ashamed about it. L: This is what you wanted to keep private. A feeling of shame you say and guilt. W: Ehm, yes…. L: And then this man disappeared from your life? At that same time? W: Well, I ran away from home. L: Ehm W: And I went to live somewhere else. Yes I locked all this up in myself…. I didn’t want to feel that anymore. L: So, you said, I don’t want to think about it anymore. W: It hurted too much, because we liked each other so much. L: Right, only sometimes you think about it? W: Well, it is actually, one and a half year ago came the first man with this name in my practice. And the first time that somebody with this name came into my practice I already felt a little bit a shock sensation. L: What do you mean by the name? W: Well, the name of my friend, Jelle, his name is Jelle. L: Ah, your friend contacted you one and a half year ago? W: No, no. L: It was just the name, that… W: The name, somebody came in with this name. L: With the same name, OK. W: And then it already started. L: Made you think. Did you know that he was in America? W: I didn’t even know if he was still a life. L: Only when he contacted you, you didn’t know where he was. (16.25) W: No he has, on a specific moment, no I absolutely didn’t know where he was. No, he had during the same night, that I dreamed about him, he also had a dream about me and because of this he…. L: He phoned, e-mailed W: He has been searching on google. L: Ah, and then he found you. W: He found me. L: And he has mailed or spoke to you? 92

W: L: W: L: W:

He mailed. Mailed and then two months ago… Yes, a few months ago, yes. How did you feel when you received an email the first time? That was very strange. I was screaming through the whole house. I was so happy. I was so happy, and now I also understand it. I finally had…, for the first time in my life I could talk about it again. I always had put it away. L: About what has happened. W: He has and he said this also immediately in his mail. How was this for you, that your brother died. L: He knew that? W: Yes he knew it. L: And since then you can’t sleep anymore? W: Yes because I have the feeling, that I am processing a lot of this.. L: You are dealing with everything? What do you mean? W: Well, I am just for the first time since I have this contact with my friend, everything comes back again. L: Ah yes, this whole situation about your brother. W: Yes, this and also the feelings of being in love at the time, both things are mixed together. L: Yes, well, what are all the emotions that are going through you, except being happy, what are the emotions, there are two things… W: Well, Happiness and grief. L: There are two things here, yes W: I can so…there is such a deep grief that I only now have the feeling I can cry. On the other hand there is also a very great happiness that again he has contact with me, and that we can talk about it. L: And when you have the grief, how do you react, how do you express this grief? L: By yourself. W: Quiet, nobody may see it. (28.30) L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L:

Except this, what is it that you like to eat or to drink. I am very fond of vegetables. Vegetables. Yes lately. I have to have vegetables. And special things, salt, sour, sweets anything? Yes, sweets. Sweets. Sweets also. Do you have an aversion for something you absolutely don’t want? Yes, I can’t tolerate pork meat, it doesn’t agree. Do you get sick from it, except for the milk of course. My skin reacts on it very much, but I also feel, it doesn’t agree. Do you have any specific fears? Yes, I have. I feel very insecure. Insecure? Yes. What do you mean by that? 93


L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W:

Insecure about the future, but also what is going to happen. He is coming back into my life, but I just let it happen. I will see how it will go, but this is also very insecure. What is going to happen here? Maybe you are longing…. , Are there many questions for you there? I shall see how it works? There are still question marks. Mm, he didn’t say I am on the boat or the next plane? Well he is coming, I don’t know, soon he is coming, but he didn’t tell me that, but I feel it. That’s true. He let me notice this a bit. And this is also something where you say I hope this is going to happen or? Yes, does it really going to happen, yes. And you speak together with MSN, e-mail? Very much. Very much, every day? Yes, almost every day. So, insecure about the future. He is also married. He is also married? He is marries, but it is different, he is already four years .... (laughing). Not important. No, actually they live already four and a half year separated. Separated. Separated, but yes he … The divorce hasn’t been done yet? He is, no, this he wants to do now. This he now wants to settle now. But he is first looking for a job in the Netherlands or something like that. Yes very intelligent. Yes. And except the fears, do you have other fears or not specific. Eh, well I am always afraid about my children that something happens to them. If they are just a little bit too late, then.. Yes, has something happened when they are late? Yes. You have two children, he? I have three children. Three children, so always worrying about the children, when they are a little late. When they are really too late, oh they didn’t have an accident? But I think I have this from what has happened to my little brother, of course. But no fears for flying, I just say something. Well I do have this a little bit. The first time when I flew to Greece, then, but it is not so bad that I didn’t go there in the first place. Yes, but only a bit. Yes a bit I do have it. A little bit of concern. So like, oh god, there was one child not coming with us, he was with his father to Cuba, and I only had two kids with me, so it was also strange to be split up. 94

L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L: W: L:

So a bit fearful and when you where sitting in there it was OK, or still a little bit anxious? Still a little bit, but afterwards it was OK, I really enjoyed it, and was looking down.. Till it goes down, landing or what? Well, no, on a specific moment it was over and did I also enjoy, I really looked down. It was just in the beginning? Yes. Other fears. There are people who are afraid in an elevator, you know. No I am not afraid of that. No other fears? Let me think, no, not… Is there anything else you like to ask me or anything that I forgot? No I think that you already have a lot. Thank you of being so brave in front of everybody. That’s a good thing. Thank you very much !!

(End of consultation)

Analysis of: Video Case Example 2, by Luc de Schepper You all know the remedy, don’t you? But that is not what I am going to ask right away. Because the most important question is always: ‘Quis’? Çur”? ‘Who is the person’, ‘when did it start’? And you have heard me asking these questions. I am always very grateful when somebody has the courage to come up here and tells his story in front of everybody. And I am always impressed and admire it, I must say. This is not easy and I am very grateful that you are very honest, too. Not easy to explain your things in front of everybody! So for us, what did I say yesterday? What is the most difficult to find is the Core Delusion. Do you remember this? Now did you pay attention what I told yesterday and what you have seen today? Yes I know, that you especially paid attention and everybody else too, I hope, well what have you seen? Audience: …… 01.03 Yes, did you pay attention? What did I ask right now? Or what has she just told me, what did she tell me right now? And it was the story, the history, the story what has happened 30 years ago. And it is 30 years ago, that is important, you know. Thirty years ago and there was mainly, so as you said, a feeling of guilt. That is a fact and you see now and what has she done with it, she pushed it away, she suppressed it, because naturally, her first reaction was to ‘close herself off’. 02.01 She closes herself. On purpose I haven’t asked the family history yet, but I will ask about it, you know, because it is very interesting, and especially I am going to ask about the father’s side. And I know that something must be there, but I will ask it later. 95

So what is she doing, she has the grief. Her reaction is what? To put a wall around herself. As you say ‘I closed’. Closed so much, to the point that she completely won’t say anything to anybody anymore. Then what does she say why? I feel ashamed, I feel…, what else did she say? I don’t want it to become known of course, I want to push it away. I will not talk about it, I can’t talk about it. In a way you want to talk about it, but you can’t get yourself so far to talk about it. Do you see what a battle this is. She doesn’t stand any chance. If we have such deep grief and we can express ourselves. It is such a relief for a human being. 03.12. If we can’t do this, we are going to pay for it. So why is she doing it in this way? And why did I say, I am going to ask about the family, but why is she doing it in this way? You see we first want to understand the person, then we are going to talk about remedies. But first we have to understand her. Why is she doing like this? And why is she, maybe…., maybe if I would go through this, I would take the phone and I might speak about it with somebody, maybe I am going to a psychotherapist, you know, there are different possibilities, you know. That’s why we have to think about this. What does it tell you. Why am I interested in that? 04.07 Audience: Which miasma. L: Yes of course, that’s why I said. The miasma of course, that’s why I said, I will have to ask the side of your father. And I will see it also at once. Maybe you can say something here? Wendela: …… Wait for the microphone. W: My father was a sailor, he was gone for two years and then he was home for three months. And the marriage between my mother and father was not very good, because he drank too much alcohol. L: He was an alcoholic? W: Yes he was an alcoholic. L: Aha. W: And something else I know, I know this from my mother, that they had been married by proxy, so he in Indonesia, my mother in the Netherlands and when she came there, she found that my father was infected by syphilis. L: That he was infected by syphilis? W: Yes. L: This I know beforehand that there had to be something, why did I know this? Why did I say that already before she had told me, I am going to see it. What do we see now? As you can see her expressions. And for me this is important. Sometime we are…., we only give attention to what has happened, what the trigger is, what the causality is. 05.22 96

But we also have to know, how did the patient react. That is at least as important, even more important almost as the trigger. How does she react and how has she reacted, hide, suppress. And I knew for sure, that I would find a syphilitic miasma by your father. But it is syphilis itself, but alcoholism of course, self destructive. W: Something else has happened, because he is…., my father and mother…., At a certain moment my mother couldn’t continue with the marriage, then she wanted to divorce and my father found it so terrible, he then went to live with his family, so he didn’t return to us. He went on his motorcycle, they had…., the people from the pub had bound him to his motorbike, so he couldn’t fall off. Then he drove against a tree and fell into the water. A car driver found him. He then still lived for three months, but this had never been told to our family, only two days after his death we were called and were being told that he was deceased and that they didn’t agree with the wreath that was going to come on his grave. Then I went with my brother…., we have been there, we just got in time to…. , they opened the coffin for us, we just had the opportunity to see, but….. yes. L: You see. W: There was more…. 6.42 L: A heavy hereditary load. W: They hadn’t informed us and later he has also …, when he just was in the hospital he had asked to see me and my brother, but this was denied by the family. They just did as if the family didn’t want to have any contact with him. L: Besides your father, from your father’s side, do you know something about it, does he have brothers and sisters? W: Yes. L: Can you say something about them? W: Yes, I don’t know the family very well, we didn’t have much contact with them, but yes all of them were….., One of them was also an alcoholic indeed. L: And his parents, do you know them? W: His mother died at a very young age. I belief with 35/36 and his father became quite old, he was very…. L: His mother died young? W: Ehm, mother died young and his father…. L: Do you know from what? W: No. L: But early, yes, 35/36. W: Yes 07.47 L: You see it again: Woman-man-woman, you see, always right, you know by forehand. You see now the heavy load from this side. I knew from your father’s side I knew for sure it had to be and you see what happens when she now has so much grief, a very strong grief, sudden, suddenly, and in addition to that the mother say’s: it is your fault, that is usually…., I call it the crime that has been done to her, the crime not intra utro, but later when you already have much more feelings. It is very difficult when you are 18 years to deal with this. 97

No doubt about this. See what happens, what I told you yesterday, you have no choice to react. It is predetermined in you. I would know if you come across it, because I know now you have a strong load from the syphilitic miasma that you are going to react in this manner. Run away, hide, suppress everything, don’t think about it, much too painful and of course..,.. that is what Jung has called the ‘mandatory respons pattern’, not ‘elective’. You can’t choose it. It is really something you will do to everything. 09.09 Audience: …… L: To close off, is not communicating. Locked up, cut off from the world, cut off from communication, it is also hiding, not being able to talk. Every time you see a sudden break, a break in communication, when you have an accident and there are people who have a head trauma, such an accident with a head trauma, as we call it, right, head trauma, but there are different reactions that you can have. But if this would happen with our beautiful lady here with the syphilitic background, then you immediately have loss of memory. And that does not happen with everybody, some people have change in character, but somebody with sudden loss of memory, such as we can see after a head trauma, then I guarantee you that you can find the syphilitic miasma. You see, sudden break is also an expression, sudden destruction, you see, from something, it is communication. As she has said, I want to talk but I can’t, it stopped, paralysis, you can almost say, right, paralysis. Audience: ….… 10.31. No, no, there is a difference. There is a difference and yesterday I also said something about, paralysis, when it is inflammation, caused by an inflammation, like with Bell’s Palsy, that is psora, but established paralysis as we call it, when it is established when it looks as apoplexy, it is syphilis. There is a difference. So, here as you can see... And what has happened, so for me, as you really can see, the Core Delusion, you know where you can find it. It is connected to her statement, to her feeling of guilt, she put it away. What else did I ask, what else did you see, do you have any idea what happens to her now? We know what has caused it. We know since when it is. Then intentional I have asked other symptoms that came along. At once becoming much warmer, can’t sleep anymore, heat, she has to go outside, in the fresh air. So what happened two months ago? 11.39 Audience: She fell in love. L: She fell in love. Love can hurt, he! But it is strange, then I ask…. now I have listened very well, she tells me and I also asked it like this what kind of feelings, and of course there are two, cheerfulness, and then of course happiness and then grief. On purpose I didn’t ask which of the two is the strongest, because I knew the answer, then why should I ask it. What do you think? Audience: Grief. L: And why René? 98

Answer: ….. L: Yes of course it is grief and why because she started to cry….., so that is the Core Delusion, ok. The Core Delusion is, everything you are doing, everything you think, do you still remember what I said ...... comes from the Core Delusion. So before that too, not only there was the happiness to hear again from a man, with who she was in love with, but from the same time also the painful memories came back and that of course is the most difficult. It is a nice case, every case is beautiful, isn’t it. 12.56 Now, what do you think is the Core Delusion ? What is the Core Delusion ? What happened when…… Audience: …… L: Right, yes that is a good prescription, and what do you think what is the Core Delusion? I still haven’t heart the Core Delusion yet. I can tell you the different delusions, if I tell them to you, you will say, ok, yes, but I first want to hear it from you. Audience: …… Absolutely, for the first time I am going to ask you to translate the language of the patient into the rubrics: delusion…… Audience: Delusion, he has committed a crime. L: Could be, very good, delusion he has committed a crime. Delusion, brother fell overboard in her sight. 14.00 Have you heard about that? It is nice, it is in my computer: Delusion, brother fell overboard in her sight. But also more important….., Which I did not hear yet. Go back and I am going to help you with it. Take her place and this happens. And what did her mother do, her mother accused her. Yes, even stronger, you are the one who caused it. It is your fault, even to that extent that she is not allowed to see her other brothers and sisters any more. I mean what else can you do then run away. Do you see how syphilitic her mother was. So…., the normal role of a mother, I am going to take you there now step by step, is what? Protecting, loving, caring, consoling. What happened here? Audience: Repudiated. Exactly what a mother should not do. Her Core Delusion is, so as we call it, ‘mother is dead’. This is her Core Delusion. When she needed her mother, her mother cast her off completely, not completely cast her off...., but accused, I mean attacked. The worst thing somebody ever can do. Her reaction so as we have said already, syphilitic, closing off, breaking, run away and with that she has lived for thirty years. And I am sure about it, although, I haven’t forgot to asked about it on purpose, that she has thought about it once in a while, but as little as possible. Get busy, get busy, so nothing happens. 16.00 99

So for me, the last two months ago. I always ask in my mind, is there more than one layer? Is there more than one layer or do we have one thick layer of thirty years? See, you too have to ask yourself this question. What do you think? So we already know now the core delusion. We know what has happened, we know her reaction, it has to be a syphilitic remedy he. For sure, syphilitic. So how many layers do you see? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, then, why this is so important ? Well, if there are two layers, first we have to treat the first layer if there is only one layer, then oeps. I shall give you the definition of a layer. One layer, if there is one…., if there are two layers then every layer has a different symptomatology, number one, and a different causality. Ok? Then you have two layers. Here what do you think? The first.…., yes of course one layer. Of course, then for a very short moment, for a very short moment I thought, sleeplessness, happy event, coffea, but that thought left me quickly, then of course the Core was….., except for the happy event, the other things came up and then I knew, the other things are much more important and I didn’t ask it on purpose to let you think, but I am sure that she would give that answer. The ….., the pain that she must have felt after thirty years, thirty years of suppression is very big and as I tell you, you have to see the Core Delusion. You have to look closely. There it happens, every time again, I can tell you that. 18.05 So it is easy, isn’t it, in this way. Of course you have to find it, what is it, of course. So now we have all said this, it is ok; we are doing well, aren’t we. You see, you have to answer all this questions, because when there are two layers, three layers, when there are three layers you must have three remedies, according to the definition of a layer…. When there are two layers, two remedies. When I say a layer of thirty tears, this is the case here, one remedy. Of course it is important to know this, because for a patient…., for you it is important that you only need one remedy. But also you want to know, how fast can I go, how long is it going to take, which potencies I am going to give, if it is only for two months it is called acute, ok! That is a very different potency then in a chronic case. That is important. So it is not that you can easily say, one layer, two layers, three layers, you have to know for sure, but sure, but did you see now clear enough, that it is really one layer. It is the same trauma, the trauma just came back, after everything she wanted to have suppressed, fear that it would comes back. Could you follow? 19.21 Audience: …. What you are asking me, in a way you are speaking about two different things. You speak about a trauma and you talk about the hereditary load and of course the two go hand in hand together. In other words we call it: Never Well Since, Ailments From. And the hereditary load (influence) is going to tell me how she is going to react. I always say, be clear, you have to have two things, just like a barbecue. We have the coals, right, but nothing happens with the barbecue, until I put a fire in it. That’s the trigger. That’s the 100

causality, you see. The two things go hand in hand together and now we have the picture. Now we can barbecue. The same, he. So, I have to know the trigger and then I say how is she reacting, now. That of course is important, because it gives me some information about the remedy, if I have two remedies that are close. But one is very syphilitic and the other is not, then you know which one you are going to choose of course. So you see it goes hand in hand. I speak about two different things. But they are going hand in hand. We always want to know this, what is the Never Well Since, and how did he react. An other question? What do you think now? Now, now you can think about a remedy. Now you will have to…. 20.50 Audience: …... At a certain moment Pulsatilla also came to my mind, but mainly because of the heat and all this things, but, I also asked her then about her grief. What did she answer? Quietly she says, quietly. That goes against Pulsatilla and there is a very big difference, so, but I have to say Pulsatilla had to be in the differential diagnosis, very good. And I also thought about it, a little bit, but because off an other aspect, no it’s losing, it’s losing. But such a great suppression: Pulsatilla would never do that, for thirty years.…., so. Audience: Aur-m-n. L: Don’t make it too complicated. Just say: Nat-m. 21.42 Just say Nat-m, keep it simple. Audience: ….. The Kali’s you also have to….., so the differential diagnosis there is no doubt, the Kali’s, Puls, Nat-m. But of course, Kali-br, with brother fell overboard, the feeling of guilt, no. But the biggest remedies that feel guilty and there it is also going about is of course in the first place. At first place is Aur and Nat-m, more than Kali- br. So with Kali-br also and therefore I say, brother fell overboard in her sight, black type, as only remedy. So Kali-br is mostly, is also, have a religious feeling, ok there is sex and religion, it is more this behind the whole thing, you see, religion, sex, so that is here not the case, iy doesn’t come up here. If you want to differentiate. Aur also: I haven’t done my duty. I don’t think, this went through her head. The most important was, that her mother who was supposed to support her in such an event, just imagine, if you are a mother you just give the opposite signals. But of course she couldn’t do otherwise, because she was syphilitic, strong syphilitic. So mandatory response pattern, you see. So for us when you are the victim, what you are from this crime, then you never should think, even if your mother is still living or not, I haven’t ask you this, that you can ask her and say, what did you do to me? Could you, are you thinking about it? I would wish that you ask my forgiveness. You don’t have to try that, you know. That never is going to happen. 101

23.32 The only one who can change is you, under the remedy and that will be a good feeling for you, and I think that it is very important for you, even before you meet with the other man, well, maybe it is just good that he is still in America and taking care of certain things. And for you too at this moment, you really have to take care that you become better after such a long time, so that you don’t take it into your relationship with him, or otherwise this will not work out and that would be a pity. It wouldn’t be nice. We all carry a backpack on our back, we have an enormous backpack on our back, but it is a good thing to empty it before you meet with somebody else. But it is good in one way or another. You look with longing to something else, but first you have to get rid of the pain, that is very big and forgive yourself, reproaching herself, besides guilt, you can also use that reproaching herself. MIND - REPROACHING oneself Now you can put all the rubrics there and as you can see Nat-m comes up there nicely. So, that of course is very important for you to do that first and in a way you have got the possibility, because it is not someone who lives nearby, but it is overseas, ocean therapy I call it. It is a good thing, in a way. For yourself, you have to concentrate on yourself. You earn to be good for yourself. 24.54 For once, forgive yourself. You have to remember this, it will be painful, but the feelings already came up and now they don’t want any more to be suppressed, otherwise she will get sick physically, and we have to avoid this. Which potency selection are we going to do? Next question? She didn’t tell me anything, that just the weakness, pathological we see the tiredness, difficult to get out of bed, heavy in the afternoon. You see there is something I was also thinking about, Sepia also should be thought of, it is of course a complementary remedy of Nat-m. But she didn’t talk about her work and I haven’t asked her. Audience: ….. No, she becomes worse between 2 and 3. But she ameliorates from 4 to 5, yes, well as you know Sepia is worse between 3 and 5 and 4 and 6. Right, you can’t just ignore it. I am your judge now. You have to be a good lawyer. So, you cannot directly throw it away here, but I haven’t heard anything about her work, stress at work. No stress at work? W: It was the last period quite busy at work but I could spread it out. L: Yes, it gives you pleasure? W: Yes. L: So, yes, your homeopathic practice…., well nice he. I believe that, yes, because a Nat-m person is a very good homeopath and therapist but you will be a step further with the remedy, it can do you good. So, there is in a way no pathology, thank god. You could have got MS, multiple sclerosis. Many cases with multiple sclerosis I have seen, that get this after such an event, especially after such inheritance of syphilis. Very big danger. 102

27.03 Luckily this didn’t happen, but now, yes well the information is psora. You are still in the begin stage, we don’t want it to go in the direction of syphilis. So that is a good thing for you that you are so strong. I think that your constitution comes much stronger from underneath, except the inheritance. So which potency are we going to choose, what do you think? How is the reactivity? Her ability to reaction? Is good. Audience: Not too low. L: No, of course not too low, because her reactivity is good. There is no real pathology; we still can call it dynamic pathology. 27.54 So no problem at all. She is not old, she hasn’t got an organically disease, so we must not…., So in the past I would have said 6C. We must not do that. We can just start with 200C, but 5th edition split method. You know 5th edition split method? OK.

Symptoms to take into the clipboards of the LDS Module Note: In these examples I mention and use on purpose “many” possible rubrics for learning purposes only.

Overview of the clipboards (Will follow at a later stage)

(Will follow at a later stage) Recall: LDS-videocase2 You can recall these symptoms into your Radar clipboards. - Stop or Close the wizard - Select File, then Import, then Cases (cas) - It is located in: \Radar\Cases\LDS-videocase2

Remedy Reaction / Follow Ups It goes beyond the scope of this manual to give full account of all follow up reports. Luc says: Finding the opening remedy is not the most difficult thing to do often. But applying correct case management is the hardest thing. But to summarize, below an email received from Wendela: (Received email in Jan 2008) Luc had advised me to take Nat-m C200 in water, fifth edition. I had not understood correctly the oz. measurement, and so took by mistake in to little amount of water. The dose was therefore stronger as intended. Immediately the first week after taking the remedy I went very deeply through the grief and mourning of my little brother,…. with a lot of weeping.


In a therapeutic session, I saw clearly every detail of the whole event from the accident until the funeral from my little brother Appie (his full name: Albert-Joost). But I felt during these memories the presence of both my parents (who have both ‘died’ already) and especially my little brother. Especially my little brother gave me a tremendous love and insight that it had not been my fault, that it all had been pre-destined, and that he came now to relieve me from my guilt. And that he had tried this already for years and that he had been with me already several times, and that I now finally was allowed to leave all this behind me so I could continue with my life. An intense but also beautiful experience! I took the remedy the first weeks every 2 or 3 days. After 3 weeks the reaction became too strong (I had taken the Nat-m in too small amount of water). On my birthday my friend from my youth ‘Jelle’ came unexpectedly as a big surprise. After a long walk with him, I wanted to step in the car, but then had strong cramps in my left calf, and nothing helped to relieve it. We continued for a walk near the waterfront of a lake to see if it would relieve, but there I slipped and fell backwards very hard on my back. I tried to break my fall and then broke my right arm. Luc told me to stop the Nat-m, and I then took Arnica and Symphytum, and after 3 weeks also Hypericum (for severe back pains), as acutes. After a few month Luc prescribed Sepia as follow up remedy, which I then took more carefully (in a correct amount of water), on which I reacted very well. Since then no follow-ups yet, maybe soon when Luc come to Europe again. Currently the last few months, I have some strange sudden neuralgic pains shooting in different locations of my body, sometimes in my fingertips, sometimes in my toes, my head or my wrists. I am not sure yet what homoeopathically I should do, so wait advise for the moment. My warmest regards, Wendela


VIDEO CASE EXAMPLE 3: JORICK, A BOY 12 YRS OLD This example consists of:  The Interview (consultation video + text)  The Analysis of the case by Luc (video + text)

Interview  

You will find the full text of the interview below. You can see the full interview on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button: Important note on which symptoms to take Normally you should only use the outspoken (strong and clear, strange and rare) symptoms or A153 rubrics. In this example case I mentioned and used on purpose many rubrics for learning purposes only. Luc explains more: I know that underlining is a long tradition with some homeopaths but at the same time it is a very subjective process, depending on the observation of the homeopath. As the homeopath becomes more experienced he will be more selective in his choices. But it is comforting to know that the beginner, who would write more rubrics down than the experienced, still will come to the same result. Margret Tyler said, the older I get (read experienced) the less I write down in the inquiry. In other words, she only wrote down the A153 rubrics.

Please treat all patient information as confidential. Do not discuss this case with anybody else, other then when you might study this case together with a colleague homeopath or student. Do not copy or use any part of the video, without prior written permission. All video recordings are Copyright protected by: Archibel S.A and Dr Luc de Schepper, MD

Jorick, 12 years old. (Interview date: 31 March 2007) If you want to learn the most, then first view the video without reading this consult text where rubrics are already mentioned. The first part, interview with the boy was in Dutch (until 13 minutes 20 seconds). You can read the translated text below. Video provided with voice over in English.

J: S: L:

= Jorick = Susanna, mother = Luc


Hello, how are you, what is your name? 105

J: L: J: L: L: J: L: J:

Jorick. What is your age? 12 years 12 years old! Do you know why your mom brought you here? No. You have no idea? Did she say anything; we are going to discuss this or that? Something about my headaches and eczema. HEAD – PAIN SKIN - ERUPTIONS - eczema L: So headache and eczema? Tell me something about your headaches Jorick. When did it start, was it long ago? Well that I shall ask your mom. Tell me, where is the headache located, on a certain location? Wait, I’ll give you the microphone. Now you are Michel Jackson. J: No, I do not want it! S He does not want to have the microphone. MIND - APPROACHED by persons; being - aversion to L: No,.. You don’t want to hold the microphone, why not? You don’t like that, why not? J I don’t like it. L You don’t like it. What you don’t like about it? What do you think? J: I find it irritating. L: Ah… You do not like to hold it ? You think it’s too cold or too warm? J: No……. L: Don’t you play with cd’s or music at home? J: Yes L: Don’t you have a microphone at home? J: No, I don’t. L: You don’t, okay, no problem. Do you like music? Which kind of music you like? J ´Schot Rock´,… and Hard Core. L: Ok,.. I don’t know that kind of music. And this headache, is it everywhere the same or different? J: Different. (L: No problem, I will repeat it) L: Can you give me an example of the headache; does it start in the morning, afternoon or evening? Is I always here,… or.. ? J: Afternoon. L Always in the afternoon? HEAD - PAIN - afternoon J: Yes. L Always in the afternoon! L At what time, late in the afternoon or early, after lunchtime? J: I don’t know. L: Okay, no problem. 106

J: L: J: L J: L: J: L: S: L: J: L J: L: J: L: L: J: L: J: L: J: L: J: L L J: L: J: L: J: L: J: L: L: J: L J: L: J: L: J L: J: L J:

And this headache is it sharp or dull? Is it so painful that you have to lie down? No. So, it isn’t so bad, you just can do your work; you just can go on doing things? (No answer) OK, no problem. And the eczema, where is it? On my toes. Just on your toes? Here also a little bit. A little on the legs? And how long is it there already? For a few months. No longer than a few months? And is it itching? Do you do something about it? Little itching. Ok, a Little bit itching. Is the itching worse at night, does it wake you? In the evening. A little bit worse in the evening. During the day when you are busy, it is no problem? No. Ok. Do you like to go to school? No. MIND - LAZINESS That’s an honest answer, I like that. What is it you don’t like about school? To get up so early. You have problems coming out of bed? When I have to go to school yes, not in the weekends. Not in the weekends, why is that? Because I don’t like to go to school. That’s a good answer, because you do not like to go to school. Don’t you have friends at school you like to see? Yes. You have lots of friends? Enough. Who is your best friend? Tom. Tom. Alex. Alex. These two are your best friends. They also don’t like to go to school, or do they like school? Sometimes they do. What do you like in school? Is there a subject you prefer? Mathematics. You are good in mathematics? Yes. And do you like reading? No. No. You don’t like to read? Is there no book you like to read? No. You don’t like to read. Do like to watch movies? Yes. 107

L: J: L: J: L J: L: J: L: J: L: J: S: L: S: L: J: L: J: L: J: L: J L:

J: L:

J: L: J: L: J: L: J: L: J: L: J: L: J: L: J: L

What kind of movies do you like? Different. Different. What do you mean? About fighting, war? Most of the time something with knights. Aah, knights. What do you like about knights? The swords and arrow and bows I like. Aah, The knights look good with the shields and the bows? The fighting, is no problem? You don’t dream about that? No. No dreams. Do you have ever dreams you remember? No. That is no problem. And at school the only thing you like is math, nothing else? Physical education also. And English. Ok, English. On which level you are in school? He is in the first year of high school. Okay, first year in high school, that’s good. You are doing all right, no problems to keep up? Except you don’t like to go? Now I do. Before you didn’t? What happened before, you had to double? No. You always went to the next year? Yes. And although you don’t like school, you are doing now better? Yes. And the teachers agree with that? And mom also says you do now better? No problems, I like to hear that! What about music and dance? No, but I want an electric guitar. You have an electric guitar? Oh, you want one, but you don’t have one yet? I shall look at your mom. That is what you would like to learn, electric guitar? With your friends. Would you like to start a band? I don’t know yet. And… What about sports? Are you interested in sports? No. No, not interested in sports. And animals? Do you have animals at home? We had two cats and a dog, but the cats died. Two cats and a dog!? Two cats are dead!? And the dog is still there? Yes. Did you like the cats and the dog a lot? Yes. Now they are gone, but did you feed them, or is it mom who does it? Mom did everything with the cats Ok, and you feed the dog? If I have to. When you have to do it, OK, so from time to time. And walking with the dog? Yes. Yes!, Also because you have to? 108

J: L: J: L:

Yes. Okay, is there anything you would like to ask me? No. So there is no problem you would like to have improved? Do you think about the future? What would you like to become? J Mechanic. L: What kind of mechanic? J: Cars. L: Repairing cars. Motor mechanic? What do you like about that? J: The engine. L: To fix engines, you’re good at that? J: I don’t know yet. L: But if you want to do that, it must be something you are attracted to? J: Yes. L: Who taught you that? Or did it just come up in your mind? J: Dick. L: Who’s Dick? J: He is there. L: Is he a mechanic? J: He’s a policeman. L: Did Dick tell you, you should become a mechanic? J: No. L: You decided it yourself? J Yes. L: OK, You don’t have any question for me? J: No. L: Okay. It was a nice visit. Then you can go home now, maybe with Dick. Ok, thanks for coming Jorick. J: Mom told me to come. L Mom made you. I think mom makes you do a lot of things: feed the dog, walk with the cats? J: No, walk with the dog, not with the cats. L Okay, you are right, not the cats. But mom, she has a lot of ”you have to”? If mom never makes you do things, what would you do then? J: Nothing. L: Nothing! Okay, But how will you then get any food. who would take care for you then? J: I will sleep at friends then. L: Yes, such friends are great. Thank you Jorick. J: You’re welcome. L: I will probably see you again some time. Yes you are ready. See how quickly it went. You did a wonderful job. Excellent. (13.20: end interview with Jorick himself) L:

So in short in English, there are two complaints: eczema and headaches. Why didn’t I ask too many questions about that? Because I don’t think it’s really that much of a problem. I will hear from mom, but I already see to some extend I don’t get to much information anyway. I am not going to lose my time. I just wanted to see him. 109

He doesn’t really like too many things. Nothing in school, except his friends I guess. And cats or dogs he is not particularly fond of. He walks the dog, because he has to. If he could choose he would do nothing, that’s the bottom-line. That’s the whole thing. Obviously now we can just start. But it is always good to see the patient. (Sometimes,… last week I had a patient, 16 years old, who came in and he had a phenomenal act. Foolish behaviour, He played theatre with himself, while all these people were sitting there, he acted like they were not there. And he was acting with shadows and three different voices. I hadn’t even said hello to him. So he was not timid. Let’s put it that way. So we want to see things obviously) And I already have seen some things, but I need mom, SuSanne. And mom is going to take her microphone. L: S: L: S: L:

All right SuSanne. I even have two. SuSanne and I will speak in English. I will try to speak in English, my English is not so very well. Don’t worry about that, if you don’t know the word in English say it in Flemish and I will translate it. Flemish, I mean Dutch, we don’t have the same accent. So anyway what I want to know in general. I’m sure your complaint about him is not headaches and eczema and I just want to hear from you, what the chief complaint is. Just tell me what you see. Just tell me about your child. S: When he is in a safe place it is a very open and friendly boy. When it is not a safe place, like here or school or outside, he is timid and he doesn’t see things anymore. L: So you mean close places? S: No, not closed places, but different places, new places. MIND - TIMIDITY - public; about appearing in L: So new things. In new things he doesn’t feel good, he doesn’t feel safe. S: No. (Indeed) MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence L: And if he doesn’t feel safe what is he going to do then. S: Sometimes timid like here, he doesn’t say a thing. (MIND - TACITURN) You said he doesn’t like cats. His cat died yesterday and he was very upset about the dying of the cat. He does not tell you, he was very upset that the cat died. L: He is upset about that the cat died!? S: Yes, and you do not hear it here. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief L: Why would that be? Why would he not say this? S: because you don’t ask him. Jorick always gives the answer you ask. If you ask do you have cats, he will say: yes. It is the same when you phoned me. If you ask him, is your mother home, he will say, yes, and will put the phone down. So he gives answers at what you say and nothing more. MIND - ANSWERING – abruptly MIND - ANSWERING - aversion to answer (17.37) L: OK, so he is timid when he doesn’t feel safe. A safe place for him would be what? 110


L: S: L: S:

L: S:


S: L: S: L: S:


S: L: S:

L: S:

L: S:

L: S:

home is safe. He said it very softly, when you asked if he liked school and then he said: well, now I like it, but at first not. He said he had to get used to the new school and this took him half a year. So after half a year he was used to the school. Yes and then it was okay. what happened before, how did he act? he was doing very strange things. He was very wild, said strange things, impolite, made wild movements with his arms and legs (S. shows) Talking, talking, talking. You couldn’t stop him from talking. MIND - LOQUACITY - changing quickly from one subject to another Talking about what? About everything, swords, he likes swords. You asked what he likes about movies and the swords are the number 1 for him He does have four or five swords at home and he likes to play with it. MIND - DELUSIONS - fancy, illusions of Tell me a bit more about the period before he got used to his new school. So he was restless, impolite, he does all these movements even in presence of other people? It doesn’t matter? (MIND – IMPOLITE) He just acts as if they are not there, or what? Yes. MIND - RESTLESSNESS And does it matter if somebody says something to him? He doesn’t hear it. If you say No, Jorick stop, it is not coming to him. MIND - DELUSIONS - fancy, illusions of He doesn’t connect. So he finally stops after a certain amount of time I guess, when he gets tired of it? Yes and now he is older and he knows now better how to behave in school and in strange places. But when he was younger about 8, 9 years it was only the wild thing. You couldn’t stop him. Tell me a little bit more about the wild thing, because this is the first thing I want to hear. It started at 8 years. Tell me a bit more about it. When did you see it the first time? About when he was 1 ½ years almost two. What was the first thing you saw? The first thing I saw when he was a baby, I gave breastfeeding, he was always looking very intense at me. It was frightening for me. He had big blue eyes when he was more little and he was always looking like this (shows) to me. A wild look? No, not wild. It was focussed and it was always very strange because other children were always looking around and oh yes there is mom, but Jorick was always like this (she show this focussed look). And when he was very little, he was not wild; he was always very quiet, silent. You could put him on the floor with a little thing and he was sitting there for an hour or two hours. Without moving? Yes, without moving, only moving the thing before his eyes (S. shows) and then after a quarter he would throw it away. And even when he could crawl, he didn’t go and pick it up. He was just sitting and crying. And you have to go get it? Yes, I have to go get it and if I don’t go get it he was still crying. 111


But he didn’t do the movement to get it himself. He didn’t understand it. That was the first thing you saw? (22.20) S: Yes, that were the first things, another thing was the talking. He didn’t talk but he was singing the way I talked. If I say: do you want something to drink, then he said (In the same rhythm) huhuhuhuhu... I know now with autism, this is called echolalia. L: At what age? S: About 1 ½ till two years. Normally children say mama and papa L: He never said this. MIND - TALKING - slow learning to talk MIND - SPEECH - unintelligible speech; with S: No. But he was singing huhuhuh, the way I talked. So it looked like he said something, but it wasn’t speech. It was very funny. L: Yes, But there was no connecting with what you were saying. S: No, he was echoing what I was saying, or my husband, or his sister or the cat or the dog. L: So this was until two. S: Yes. L: So when did he speak his first word anyway? S: About two and a half and then he speak whole sentences L: right away? S: Yes L: So he waited that long. There weren’t just words but the whole thing? S: Yes, and then started the restlessness. L: That is what a want to hear next. Restlessness how? S: He was always moving with his fingers (ticking the fingers on the table) L: Busy? S: Busy, touching something, putting his fingers in his mouth, wringing hands and he never wanted to be touched. Even as little baby he didn’t want to be touched. L: What happened when you did touch? S: (shows shivering) MIND - TOUCHED - aversion to be MIND - APPROACHED by persons; being - aversion to L: He withdraws? S: Yes. And when I touched him harder, it was okay. A soft touch made him shiver and this is still so. L: Like giving him a hand? S: Oh, he doesn’t like, it’s terrible... But when you give him a hard touch, like this, then it is okay... And he always says when you do like this (shows gentle touch): “you hurt me”. L: But he doesn’t react like that on a hard touch. S: No, he likes it. When I wake him in the morning, because he is always sleeping, I always push him very hard and he likes that. He says mmm Mama, I like that. But when a stranger looks at this, they are very surprised. But if I touch him softly he shivers. L: Still now!? S: Yes. L: Does he give you a hug. S: No never, he never wanted to sit on my lap. 112

L: S: L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S: L:

S: L: S L: S:

L: S:

L: S:

And hard noises were very painful for him. Even when he was a little boy, he was sitting like this (Shows putting hands on ears) MIND - SENSITIVE - noise, to Just hard noises or regular noises? For me regular noises but for him it was too hard. HEARING - ACUTE Was he started from noises like a siren? Yes, started and then put his hands to cover his ears. Telephone? I don’t remember anymore. And now he has an mp3 player with hardcore and techno and black metal and it is always on his head. Also in school, so he can exit the other noises. So he blocks the other noises. But this music is very hard? Yes very hard. But he has it always on his head so he can blocks the other sounds. Do you ever ask him about that? Why do you do that. Yes. What does he tell you: he doesn’t want to hear the rest? Yes, that is what he says. The rest hurts and I cannot concentrate when I hear all the noises surrounding me. And then he says: when I put my mp3 on, then I only hear this music and I can concentrate. MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult Even when he does his homework? Yes. Only when the teacher is talking he puts it off and for the rest he puts it on the whole day. So when the teacher is talking, it is more difficult for him? Yes, but he is on a special school. He is not on a regular school. So, we were actually at age two and I want to go further with this about the restlessness. Was he also restless when he was sitting? Always restless. MIND - RESTLESSNESS - sitting, while Even when he had to sit down and do his homework? Always, rocking in his chair, ticking on the table, closing and opening drawers. And when he has to eat, does he run away from the table? Yes, till he was 4 or 5 years old, I was always putting his food on the table and he was walking around and then comes to the table, eats one or two spoons, and then starts walking around again. I think he learned at school to sit for eating. It didn’t work with me. And was he a good eater? Yes, he eats too much. He eats eats and eats. He is always hungry. So we had to teach him to stop. STOMACH - APPETITE – insatiable STOMACH - APPETITE - ravenous Even at this age? Yes, but always the same things. For instance he likes for months only bread covered with peanut butter. And than from one to another day it is over and then he says: I hate peanut butter. It is the most disgusting thing I know. And then he wants 113

only bread with choco butter and that for months and than he only wants to eat potatoes with salad. He doesn’t like meat. GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - meat - aversion (30.35) L: So in spite of eating so strong, was he never fat? S: Yes, he was very fat L: He was never thin? S: Well he was thin until 7 or 8 years L: But he ate already voracious when he was 5 years? S: Yes, but he was thin. And he was about 8 years and then he became fatter and fatter. And since one year he listens to us, when we say: stop eating. And he lost 10 kilos. L: But if you wouldn’t say it he wouldn’t stop eating? S: Yes.. L: He never was uncomfortable with that or constipated or complaining about stomach pain? S: Yes. He had stomach pain, diarrhoea, and constipation. Still now, L: So constipation, diarrhoea, pain in stomach, bloating. S: But the problem is when he likes something, he only eats that or drinks that and a lot. So if he likes mandarin, he eats twenty mandarins. So we have to hide this food. It is a very nice thing of him, because if you say something, he thinks it is true. So if I hide something and I say to him: no, I’m sorry, it is gone. He says: okay!! L: So he doesn’t get upset about it? S: No, just says okay. L: Does he drink with meals? S: Yes: he wants to. And also with drinking, he drinks a lot and also quick. STOMACH - THIRST - large quantities; for L: We are age 4, 5, after the restlessness we come to his speech. Once he started to speak, it was full sentences and he has a tendency from then till now to talk when he feels safe at home, at school with his friends. Talks too much in class? S; Yes, too much. But Jorick says he is not talking. If the teacher says: you were talking for about half an hour about swords, Jorick says: No, I haven’t done that: it was only 5 minutes. MIND – LOQUACITY MIND - TALKING - one subject; of nothing but L: So he talked for ½ an hour and J. says it was only 5 minutes. Okay, we are at age 4 - 5. What did you see next? S: Anger and upset. L: When did that appeared first? S: When he was younger about 3 years L: What did he become angry about? S: About everything? L: Was it violent anger or what did he do? S: Different. Sometimes he was coming to me timid, but sometimes he was really angry. L: Irritable!? About nothing? S: Yes, mama, can I have a cookie? No, we are going to eat. Then he started screaming for a quarter. 114

L: S:

L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S; L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S:

MIND - CONTRADICTION - intolerant of contradiction MIND - DEFIANT Was it just because you refused him something, or was it otherwise too? It was about everything. You never know when it comes. Also when you say: do you want a cookie? And he doesn’t have cookie in his mind, he became angry also. When it is not in his mind, he became angry. And every child of 3 can get angry, but this was extreme!! I never forget when he was so angry, lying on the ground, banging with his head and then I put him in the hallway. I said you can come back when you are quiet. He was so angry he came in the room with the whole door!! I stood with my back to the door and he was kicking at the door. And my other children said: mama, he is breaking the door. So, this is how angry he was. MIND - ANGER – violent MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger And this is still now? Yes, but it is different. I can see when it is coming. What do you see? Restlessness, more restlessness. In his whole body, but mainly in his hands and fingers. And a little bit blinking of the eyes. And now I can say: Jorick go to your room, I think it is better for you. And he knows now by him self that when he goes away it is better. So he knows more about his own. So, you just say, go to your room and he doesn’t protest? Yes, he is just sitting there for ½ an hour and then it is okay. What makes him angry now? Also everything Still everything? Yes, if he doesn’t understand what is happening he becomes angry This can happen in school too? Yes, in school everything is strange and there are always happing little things. He has a plan in his head, how things should be going. And when it is not like that, he becomes angry. So anything new, like you said. Does he refuse to do something when it is new? He needs your help? His first answer about everything is: NO. I always say he is born with the word: NO. MIND - CONTRADICTION - disposition to contradict And then you help him, what do you do? Be very calm. You have learned it. You’re a good mom I don’t talk about feelings with him only talk about what you see. So: I see you have to make some homework/ Lets start, you begin here. And then he says in a loud voice: No, I don’t want that, and then I don’t say anything about that, just say okay I hear you, you start here with your homework. And then it goes. If I try to have a discussion with him, I will loose. Do you help him with his homework? No, he is very clever. He is very good at mathematics and also English. What happened when you said he has to come to this place? I told him yesterday, not too far because he makes himself angry. Because what is happening there and how many people are there. I decided to tell him yesterday 115

evening and then he said: why? I told him it is for your headache and eczema. He said: okay! And I said there are a lot of people but the man who is speaking to you, he speaks Dutch, and he’s from Belgium. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anticipation My husband came with us, and it was okay for him. But when we were sitting there it was to long for him and he said to me: I go home. (40.55) L: You always have to inform him about what is going to happen? S: Yes. It is a funny thing. I never till now cut his nails neither fingernails, nor toenails, because he always bites them and eats it. And when he was little we couldn’t cut his hair. This was a drama, he didn’t want it. L: Why not? What was it? Touching? MIND - TOUCHED - aversion to be S: Touching, and something (hair) was leaving from him. This was terrible, we couldn’t do it. So when he slept in the night I cut a little of his hair. I did this till he was about 6 year old. After that we lived nearby a hairdresser and I took him everyday to this place and he was playing there and sitting in the chair and the barber was combing his hair and after 3 months the barber could cut a little bit of his hair. And now he goes once in 2 1/2 months to a special barber and he is not sitting still, he is always moving in the chair. But this barber is very funny and makes jokes with him and cuts very quickly. L: Does Jorick make up his own stories, we know he likes swords. Does he like to play by himself? Is he entertaining himself? S: Well, what he is doing is exactly what he sees on television or video. It is not that he is phantasising on his own knight’s play but he is copying what he has seen. Even in his speech, sometimes he says something and I think: ah, Lord of the Rings, ah, Sponge Bob L: Lord of the Rings is probably his favourite? S: And of course his computer games L: He is very comfortable when he does this at home? S: Yes, when we go on holiday we always take the Play station with us. Then he is a very easy child. L: OK, I am now at age 5 – 8. He has restlessness and anger and this changes a little bit but is still there. How old is he now again? S: He is almost thirteen. L: What happens from age 5 – 6? Anything new from there on? S: No. L: Do I have the whole picture? S: There is something else. He was about 8 years and then he was pulling out one hair after another. So he had a big bold spot on his scalp. And with a pen and a scissors he was making marks on his arm and hands. Hurting himself MIND - PULLING – hair MIND - PULLING - hair - desire to pull - her own hair L: Puncturing himself? Age 8. S: Yes, He was at a regular school then and he was also depressed. L: Tell me about the depression. S: He said: nobody likes me, I do everything wrong, everything goes to quick for me. I try to do well, but I never succeed. I hate school and I don’t have friends. He only 116

had 2 friends. And he cut his own clothes with scissors. Also his blankets, the carpet. MIND - DELUSIONS - right - doing nothing right; he is MIND - UNDERTAKING - nothing, lest he fail MIND – DESTRUCTIVENESS MIND - DESTRUCTIVENESS - children; in (46.12) L: Is it true he never listens to music, except he uses it for blocking his ears. He doesn’t like dancing? S: Yes, he dances but he doesn’t tell you. L: That is why I ‘m asking you. So what does he do, when he dances? S: He dances like the rappers. L: It feels good to him? S: Yes, very. It is entertaining and he is also funny. L: It is funny too? S: Yes. L: I mean funny or foolish? MIND - FOOLISH behaviour S: I don’t know, maybe both. L: He doesn’t care who ever sees that? S: No, he has to be in a safe place. L: At home, you mean? S: Yes, at home and at school. L: and his friends can watch? S; Yes, but there is interaction. He is not doing it without seeing you. And if you say: I like that, he will say: okay and will go further with it. L: In that way there is interaction. So when you speak to him and say you are dancing pretty well, then he goes for it? S: Yes. L: Does it calm down the stress in him? S: He is more calm down now. He is not so restlessness as when he was younger, but the restlessness is still in his hands. L: And when he dances? S: It is more civilized restlessness. L: It is more supportable for you. Does he do it for quiet some time or just a couple of moments? S: It is more a couple of moments, but it is more moments during the day. L: Several times on a day. So he does this besides playing the computer games? S: Yes. L: So when he was depressed, how long did that last? And what did he do besides saying those things? MIND - SADNESS S: Well, he marked himself and cut his clothes, pulled out his hair. And I asked of course why he was doing that and then he said: then I feel something. Then we decided to put him on a special school. L: How long did this last, doing all these things? S: Almost 1 year. L: Did you give him any medications for that? S: No. 117

L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S:

L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S:

So then you decided to bring him to a special school, because it was the same at school? The teachers told you something? Yes, they told that he was always very angry at school and doesn’t want to work. He refused to work? He refused to do anything? MIND - LAZINESS Yes. Did he have a lot of friends then? No. Very isolated? MIND - FORSAKEN feeling Yes. He says he has 2 friends, true? Yes, it is true. The 2 good friends he told you about are at school and then at home he also has 3 good friends. So he is not completely isolated. But one of them is also autistic. So they sit together and play the same game (not interacting). The other friends are a bit older and they accept very much. Is he dominating? He is very dominating when he gets the chance. MIND – DICTATORIAL MIND - DICTATORIAL - talking with air of command He says: this is what we are going to do? Yes, this is what we are going to do and also how we are going to do it You have to play with him, on his commands? Yes. Then you sent him to a special school and did the depression disappear? It disappeared. At this new school? Yes about 2 months, he liked it there, he gets some friends and then the behaviour disappeared. But when he is stressed now, he is always cutting his clothes. He still does that? Yes or his blankets, or the curtains. Not cutting paper? No paper, because we always say take papers to cut. But no, it has to be clothes. Also a sweater he likes, he will cut. Not your clothes? No, just his own. Especially the things he likes. He has a Disney sheet and a motorcycle sheet, he really likes. These are the ones that he cuts. Not the old ones. The ones he likes. That one he cuts, also with the clothes. Can you speak with him about this cutting? I asked him of course but then he said nothing. So, this comes up from time to time, when he is stressed? Yes, when he is stressed. Can you give me an example? When he has the feeling that there are too many things changing. For example at school some teachers were ill, other teachers were coming and then he is cutting his clothes. The other teachers are different, saying different things. 118

During a regular week I always tell him Monday evening I am not at home, Wednesday evening Dick is not at home, so he knows how the week goes L: As long as he knows, he has to be told in advance? MIND - ANXIETY - anticipation; from S: Yes. And when there is one thing that changes, it is okay, two things is also okay but more changes becomes too much. (54.34) L: So he is in that school now, at age 8- 9? S: About 9 years he went to this special school. L: And you have seen the same thing since then, nothing added to it? S; No. L: What about sexual behaviour? You didn’t see anything particular, especially towards you? S: He doesn’t ask much. He gets his lessons from school and his friends. He is telling me that ‘’mama, do you know that. And how’s a man working, woman working and how you have to make children’’ L: He is interested? S: Very interested! L: But he doesn’t do anything, not even as a small child? Going through your hair, wanting to feel you, never talks about it to you? S: No. L: So, just what he hears in schools, he asks you at home? You have never seen him doing anything neither? S: No. (56.16) L: Now tell me about your pregnancy. Was it your first child? S: No, second child. L: First child was okay, no problem? S: With the pregnancy yes, but the child is normal. L: You can tell me about that pregnancy also. S:

L: S:

L: S: L: S:

Both pregnancies were the same. I had very much nausea. Extreme, it was the whole 9 months and I was vomiting so much that there was blood coming. And with the first child I was 2 times in the hospital. There they put you in a dark room, no visits and it worked. Except when you go home, everything the vomiting starts again. Also the first delivery was very heavy. How long was the labour? 3 days. Of course this was not very nice and very painful and stressful etcetera. So I was so frightened for a pregnancy that I did not want to have another child. So between the first child Eva and Jorick is 5 years. After all those years I thought, okay, maybe… Let’s try. MIND - AILMENTS FROM – anticipation MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anxiety You did not have a postpartum depression after the first child? No. So you say that is too painful? Yes. 119

L: S:

If men would do deliveries, we would not have overpopulation. But it was the combination. The whole 9 months so ill and then the delivery, which was so long and painful. L: Then you decided too try again, but you did not forget about it? S: Oh no. L: What did you think of when you decided to do it? S: There was another doctor in the hospital and this was a woman and deliveries with spinal tap (anaesthesia), she did that. Then I thought, no pain, it is a woman. And she did it, the vomiting and nausea was the same again all the months. L: All the months! You went to the hospital? S: No, because I knew it doesn’t help. So I stayed at home. L: You never got dehydrated? S: No, it was always on the limit. Normally women become fatter in a pregnancy, and I became thinner. (1.00.10) L: But what were your thoughts during this second pregnancy. You wanted to be pregnant? This was not an unexpected pregnancy? S: No, it was not. I wanted it. The pregnancy was just as terrible as the first one, but I knew then that after 9 months it would be over. L: S: L: S:

Was there any other thought? I hope this will not happen or that? Anything? No, I was not afraid to get sick children, or without arms or legs. But what about delivery, because you had 3 days labour before? No, I was not afraid because this doctor would give me a spinal tap. So I thought I would be okay.

L: S: L:

Did anything happen, what about emotions during this pregnancy? Yes, I had a very bad marriage. I thought so, well I didn’t mean that, but there is something different obviously between first and second pregnancy. And I want to know the major difference between the two. The bad marriage, as you say, when did it start? The bad marriage? Or was it just getting worse? Yes, it was getting worse. I think it was bad from the first day. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed Was in the first pregnancy was your marriage as bad as during the second pregnancy? What would you say?

S: L: S: L:

S: L: S:

L: S:

No, then my marriage was better then during the first pregnancy. And can you tell me what the worst was for you, what were your emotions? What really happened to you? I realized that I made it very difficult for myself, to stop the marriage when you have 2 little children. That it was easier when I still had only one child to leave. That was the most emotional thing. You were saying: oh, what did I do? Yes, I thought ‘stupid!’ not for having this baby, but stupid because it is not very easy to end a marriage when you have a little baby. MIND - REPROACHING oneself 120

L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S:

So, that was your main emotion? Yes. Can you tell me a little bit about the husband? Wasn’t he attentive, wasn’t he interested in your pregnancy? No, he was very aggressive. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - rudeness of others Why would he become aggressive, what situation would make him aggressive? Everything. Also everything. Did he strike you? Yes. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - domination And verbal abusing? Yes. How did you react most of the times? I think I blocked it a little, I really think I did that most of the times. Sometimes angry, I left twice. But then I did came back, I don’t know why. Stupid of course, but leaving is also difficult. I tried to talk with him of course, but that was the worst option. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger It didn’t help? No. Did you have somebody else to talk to? No, I guess I am a little bit too proud for that. To tell your friends I don’t have such a nice husband? So you kept this all inside. Did he have any interest in your pregnancy? Yes, he liked that very much. Why would that be? He was hoping for a boy. He hoped for a boy, the first one is a girl? Why was he particularly interested in a boy, did he always wanted a boy? No, he wanted to have children. I think, but this is speculation, that then he would have more power over me. And you couldn’t talk to anybody? I think I could, but I didn’t do it Too proud? So, that lasted during nine months. Did it get worse, he wanted that boy, it is kind of a strange thing? Yes, but he is a double man. He can be very nice when you see him here but that’s his other face. Schizophrenic? Yes, he is very! He liked to have the baby, but he doesn’t want me with the baby. He just wanted the baby. How did you feel about all that? I was so busy with myself and the 24-hour nausea and vomiting that it goes I little bit like that. You mean like you were in your own world? Yes, of course I knew it and I saw it but I was busy with my little daughter Eva of five years old. I was busier with that. But you must have had some feelings. Did you say something back to him? Yes, I did, but I don’t know how to say it. It was not that important anymore. Before the pregnancy it was important, then I wanted to save my marriage. But when I was 121

L: S: L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S; L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S:

pregnant and so ill, Eva my daughter was more important, taking care for her. If he was coming with his everything, I thought: leave it. Because you were just focussed on the child? Yes, and I needed all my energy to do that. You never did something angry back to him? No, I left. I went to my parents and stayed there for three months. During the pregnancy? Yes, and I told my parents I came to them because I was so very ill and there it was easy for me. They could bring me food and water while my husband was working. I made a nice story of it. Those were the last months of the pregnancy? The last month I went back home. For a particularly reason? I don’t know anymore. Nothing? Did he come along to your parents? Yes, sometimes he came to visit me. To do what? To talk with me, to visit. No more? No, after one hour he left What did you talk about? Nothing. But he was nice and friendly. He couldn’t do anything in front of your parents? No, of course not. Did he come with you to the hospital for the delivery? Yes. He wanted to see the boy? You knew already it was a boy? Yes we knew it was a boy. He came with me and was very attentive. And he was happy? He was very happy. Oh, Jorick came by caesarean section. Why, long labour again? It was too long again and at one moment there were no heartbeats anymore, so they made a very quick caesarean section. It took about ten minutes. I also have a very big cicatrix. It wasn’t aesthetically done, it was fast? It wasn’t a nice little cut, it was big. Everything was okay after that. You recuperated after this. No postpartum depression? Everything was okay. Feeding was okay? Yes, very good. But when you went home, what happened? Well, when there were visitors he was very attentive. But when there were no visitors he was doing his own things. He didn’t pay attention to you or the baby? No, hardly. He was nice to the baby when he was good fed, well dressed and not crying. But he didn’t pay much attention to you? No. 122

L: S:

L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S:

L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S; L: S: L: S; L: S: L:

MIND - AILMENTS FROM – disappointment MIND - AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed And how did you feel about that? Sad and angry, I made me feel more” and now I’m going to leave, and I am not coming back”. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief You had this desire? But I was not physically very well. Because of all the illness I wasn’t very strong anymore, so I waited until Jorick was about 1 year and then I left. After one year? Yes. And the feeling I had, after I decided to leave and not coming back, was indifference. I didn’t care anymore what he said or what he was doing. Was there a time even during pregnancy that he was trying to do a little amicable or hug you or kiss you? Yes, but I didn’t like that. And why not? Because it was not real. Tell me just a little bit about your family, your side first. First of all you, any diseases or anything like that? I had asthma when I was younger. I was ill a lot times when I was younger, that was because I was allergic and because of the asthma. (Sycotic miasm) You have sisters or brothers? I have one sister. She has Hashimoto and she has Addison Biermer. (Syphillitic miasm) So she has two autoimmune disorders, Hashimoto and Addison. They looked for me if I have it too, but I am always on the border. In both ways, thyroid and….? Yes, both. No brothers? No. What about grandfather and grandmother on mother’s side? My grandmother had diabetics and rheuma. And breast cancer when she was older about 65. My mother has colitis. (Sycosis) Oh, I thought the first one was your mom, but she was the grand grandmother of Jorick? Yes Give me your mom My mother has diabetes too and colitis. Insulin-depended? (Syphillitic miasm) Yes, but she is following a low-carb diet and now she is not using insulin. and what else you said? Colitis. Colitis or colitis ulcerosa? Ucerosa. (Syphillitic miasm) Big difference. And your father, before I start with your grandfather? 123


L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L: S: L:

My father had a brain tumour when he was 36. (Cancer) They took out his hypophysis, so he had to live on medication for his thyroid en his adrenal glands (glandular suprarenalis). They took the hypophysis out? Yes, and he has asthma. But this came when he was 60. What about your grandfather? My grandfather has emphysema. (Sycosis) Nothing else? Did he die from it? He suicided himself. (Syphylitic miasm) What was his age? 68. And you know what your grandmother died from? Leukaemia and she had asthma (Sycosis). Your mom is still alive? Yes, my father is also alive. You know anything of the family of your husband? Not much. First of all your husband, you must know something about him? He always has spinal complaints and further he was very healthy. Brothers and sisters? He has six brothers and sisters, all very healthy. Do you know anything further? From his father I don’t know anything, because he left his family when my exhusband was very small. His mother, she is healthy. Still alive? She is still alive. What age? 72, I think. Very good. Any thing you want to ask me? Did I forget something? No, I can’t think of any, but I can always correct you. No, you cannot do anything about it anymore (joke), we are finished.

Question from the audience: Which vaccination Jorick has had? S: Only Hib and once DKTP. Nothing more L: We are finished. Thank you SuSanne, you did an excellent job. ‘End of interview’


To the audience, I will give you 30 minutes to work out the case.


Analysis of: Video Example Case 3, by Luc de Schepper 

You can read below the complete transcribed analysis of the case by Luc. Also the video of the analysis is available via de button: Luc’s Multimedia.

Full text of the analysis I didn’t have the time to go around. I like to see how you approach the case, and learn from you. I didn’t know this case. All I heard, you heard ! This was a wonderful, rich and beautiful case. Thank you SuSanna! Rich in rubrics and beautiful for which I am actually teaching this weekend. It always comes to me like this. I am very lucky. Lucky Luc. Usually from my own students, I never want to hear a remedy. They have to explain to me about the case. If I am not there, tell me what you saw and basically it is a mixture of what knowing what you see and rubrics. I am so deviated I guess, that half of the time when I was listening to SuSanna I wrote the rubrics down. Because I speak and dream in rubrics! I want to have amorous dreams, but I never have. It is always about work. But what can I do about it. But when you talk to me, I must say, I am so used to do it. Actually I don’t talk in rubrics; I talk in provings, because I am with my nose in the provings all the time. Basically what I never want to hear from my students: it is this remedy or that. Because you can be lucky and you don’t even know why you say that. It doesn’t mean anything to me. But this time I will ask you what remedies you thought of and then we will discuss it and I am going to explain what I see in this case. And you should be able to do this, if I ask you about it. Than I understand that you understand the case. And there is very little occasion for going wrong. We will do a differential diagnosis. Give me some remedies you thought of. Some of you thought about Tarentula. I saw Nux Vomica, Cuprum, any other remedies that you thought of? Audience: Lycopodium, Tuberculinum Luc: We will try to keep those remedies in mind for the d.d. Audience: Stramonium, Belladonna, Veratrum Luc: Pity there is no blackboard; otherwise I would write all these remedies down and after finishing we could do the d.d. Any other remedy? Audience: Lyssinum, Syphilinum Luc: Of course I understand why you say Syphilinum.


Audience: Baryta Carbonicum. Luc: Okay, we will try to keep all those remedies in mind. Do I get enthusiastic or what? As long as you don’t see me enthusiastic, although I am a good poker player…. You cannot see what I am thinking anyway. Okay, I am going to start my story, because every patient is a story and this is a beautiful story. Every patient starts somewhere in life and I am really grateful today to see such a beautiful case. Usually it is not uncommon if you see these challenged children, that it starts IntraUteral, as you will see. I know it is sometimes for a mother very hard to hear this, and SuSanna is here now. I really like her, there is no guilt. You have to be very sensitive the way you tell it. SuSanna is not only a professional but also a mom who wants to do only good for her child. So we can talk about it: to see what happened, why did it happen? For me the most important thing is to answer two questions that allopath never can answer: 1) Why did it happen? and… 2) Can you do something about it? And we both have to be able say yes. Because we can. I am very optimistic after hearing the case and I will only ask SuSanna after we are done and decided, what remedies he already got. I am not interested in that now. But I am interested in what you are telling me because you are my colleagues. I hope that when we are all together we come to better thoughts. This is interesting for me. Now the first thing. I talked to the boy only for a short time. Because I observed him and certainly you can say his answers were short. I write those things down. He just says: Yes, No. MIND - ANSWERING - aversion to answer He looks at his mom sometimes. I can see some kind of disconnection, he doesn’t connect too quickly to me and I can understand it. There are some autistic symptoms so to speak. But we are going to look what is peculiar for this case. I have written 50 rubrics down for you. I would never do this for myself. I did it for didactic reasons. But all 50 are peculiar; I am not writing anything down that is not peculiar. I am not writing anything down that is common and general to autistic children. I have seen enough autistic children and I will see plenty of them again, we have enough in California, I can assure you. Everyone is different, no doubt about that. We just need to find the peculiar things. (6.51) So when I look at this boy, what is the first thing I see? He tells me several things about himself. If he could get away with it, he would do nothing, he said. Nothing, if he would get away with it. It was his mom who makes him do some things. He is not really disobedient, but she needs to be forceful with him. He does it although he doesn’t like it, he is not disobedient. But certainly he is not industrious. Let’s put it that way. We have to look at it, always think: what does it not mean and what does it mean…… MIND – LAZINESS 126

MIND - LAZINESS - children, in This answering that wasn’t like the typical Phosphorus, hanging over you, telling you everything you want to hear. And I saw when I wanted to give him a hand, this little hesitating. Aversion to be touched, as you said it very clearly, certainly was present there. But of course SuSanna made it a little bit more interesting, the aversion to be lightly touched, this is very peculiar. A push, that is okay, actually he likes it. Now, you can write that down, but you must also ask what it means. You can write down : aversion to be touched, but it is very specific because it is to slight touch and not to a hard touch. Not necessarily we are going to find this rubric back in the Repertory. I know in the Boeninghausen, we do have slight touch aggravates, and hard touch improve. MIND - TOUCHED - aversion to be I don’t know if that is in Synthesis. But what does it mean, is much more important. And by the way, in the context of the whole case. If you would give me that rubric just by itself, it would still say something. But in view of the whole case it becomes very important. And you must understand what you see in this child, knowing what I have asked SuSanna, I must see it in her. And I did. The intra-uterine story absolutely beautiful corresponds to him. Now, I will ask you first: what does it mean? Slightly touch aggravates and hard touch improves. He likes hard touch, but don’t hug him, don’t kiss him. Audience: …. Luc: You make the connection very well. Remember I did ask the question: SuSanna, during pregnancy how did you react when the husband wanted to hug you. And she said: Oh, no, I didn’t want to. Remember, connection is made. Now that you know the connection what does it mean for the boy? You have to understand his language otherwise, you will not get anywhere. Okay, slight touch, caressing, hugging, stands for what symbolically? For love. Emotional nourishment for the unconscious. Eros, we call it, love, female. Yin in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). We call it relative fixed symbols. Because any of the explanations that I give to you, can be related to that. It is all about emotional nourishment. Aversion, SuSanna had it too. On the other hand, hard touch. This is the right side, the sword side. No wonder he likes the swords. It is symbolical for him. All these relative fixed symbols are all explained by Carl Jung. That is why psychology is so important for us. I understood this immediately. Now I can see he likes swords to, he likes action. Right side, male, dominant, hard touch, reason, conscious, stands for Yang in TCM, stands for action. That is what he wants, he doesn’t get into action until she wakes him in the morning, she gives him a firm push, bang. He likes that. He likes also fighting and swords and knights. He doesn’t look at Bambi or Walt Disney. It has to fit together, all of it. And it is also the connection what you see with SuSanna. That is why I asked it. I did the work for you. I could have kept it for myself, but I wanted to know it, because I already saw the many connections, mom did the same thing. Don’t forget it, what the mom feels, she carries over to the unborn foetus, without any doubt. 127

(14.00) Do you understand what it means when I say something like this? When you understand this, you understand the case and you will not go wrong. When I look at the whole case, it is so beautiful, that split, this contradictory behaviour, this fits the whole case. Right away comes to my mind certain rubrics, not necessarily remedies. That is one thing we just heard from him. I didn’t get too much from him anyway, just wanted to see what he had to say. There wasn’t that much. It wasn’t like he was too enthusiastic. And believe me I connect with children very well. The way I looked at it, it is like he is in his world. I am sitting here, he is sitting there. It is not like remedies who have…. , (I thought about this, there is a remedy that has an abyss behind him, Delusion, abyss behind him. There is also a remedy that has an abyss (abyss stands for big hole) in front of him. These things go through my mind all the time. I write those things down. I call it a racehorse. All the remedies (horses) are racing..…, and by each question I ask, one horse is a little ahead. At the end I will tell you the winning horse. How can you give me the outcome when we didn’t even start the race? That is why I don’t want to hear remedies.) A safe place, I was asking SuSanna what is really is going on. One thing I knew definitely, he was there, and I was here, disconnection. I have to tell you one thing that Jung would have called this a case of schizophrenia. Now we leave that, I don’t care about the name. But let put it this way, Jung was a lot closer than we are now. In other words, Jung always said, which is right, the bad cases of schizophrenia, give schizophrenia a bad name. That is what Jung said, and this is really true. He would call this a schizophrenic case. And all those A.D.D. kids, Jung would have called schizophrenia. He is actually much more correct. You know the ultimate case of schizophrenia, there is a total disconnection between the conscious and the unconscious. Here this boy goes in between. Now he has learned to connect more in a safe way. But he is not really coming out. Timidity appearing in public, I write that down. MIND - TIMIDITY - public; about appearing in I want you to know one thing: I never have one remedy in my mind. I tell my students you cannot think in remedies. You have to explain everything, what I have just explained to you. Because otherwise you are going to skew remedies. So, on purpose I don’t do it either. I write down whatever I see: timidity appearing in public, bashful, is also OK. MIND - TIMIDITY - bashful (18.51) You have to talk in the language of the repertory. The step from the patient to the repertory, I can see that people struggle with that, worldwide. It has to come like this. If you do a case 128

like this, you cannot write down what the patient says but you should write the rubrics down as he is talking. That is how fast you should be. As we go further, we just will follow the interview. What SuSanna said is timidity appearing in public and of course answers shortly even aversion to answer. I wrote those things down, these were rubrics for me. And then of course she talks to me about a safe place. And guess what, the home is the first safe place, but any new place, like school, it takes him about 2 or 3 months. And that becomes his other safe place then. Does this correspond to Susanna’s story, Intra-Uteral? Absolutely. Her home was not really a safe place, but what was her safe place? Her mothers place. It does correspond. All these feelings he has, SuSanna had. See how beautiful this is? That is what I want to hear from you when I say: explain me the case. I don’t want to hear Stramonium, Tarentula. You just can be lucky, it doesn’t mean a thing to me, I am not impressed, I want you to explain it to me. So Jorick has the need to feel safe. You could probably say, it is a dangerous world, the delusion all alone in the world…, there is a delusion like that. I love the delusions, but we come to the end with that. Does he have this fixed idea all alone in the wilderness? That is why some of you talked about Stramonium. All alone in the world? I don’t think that one neither. That is Pulsatilla. That does not represent the whole case, because SuSanna, what did she say, actually: she did what I had to do, in spite of somebody abusing her, and she went to her mother. So, forget these delusions. But then she said, he was restless. That was not to be seen here, obviously he wasn’t too restless, he wasn’t dancing etc. Talking about the restlessness, what did I asked about? I asked certain things. You could say to me: you asked guided questions when you ask these kinds of things. But I don’t, because I know that those thoughts she won’t tell. And I have already something in my mind; I might have five horses racing ahead. I want to eliminate a couple of them. With one question, I can. So, it is not like a yes or no-question, I want explanation. Remember what I asked about the restlessness? I asked a specific thing and this thing made 2 horses going ahead. If you see me writing anything down, you should write down too. About the restlessness I asked one question that was not volunteered. That is why I was asking it from SuSanna. (23.45) There was one specific question what I wanted to know and SuSanna said: oh, yes, now that you say it. The question was if he was restless when he was eating. And was did SuSanna say to that? Yes, I had to catch him, he ran away, he was eating while standing etcetera. MIND - RESTLESSNESS - eating


Does this say anything to you? Besides it would be sycosis, at least I am sure about it. But you know, right away comes to my mind one racing horse that goes ahead? What did I ask after that? It has to be in your head now. I did ask: does he eat a lot? And why did I ask it, because there was one horse running ahead. And she said: yes, voracious. What was the next question I asked? About his weight. And SuSanna said, for 3 or 4 years he was thin, in spite of voracious eating. Only when did he get fat, as SuSanna says it. When did he get more obese? When did this picture disappear, of himself as a nervous racing horse? Did you see what I did, I made a timeline. I want to know, what changed when. Because you see clearly the person going from psora to sycosis to syphilis. Did he go to puberty already? He did. You see the full picture now. But what did I ask? When did that disappear, when did he became obese, what happened? (26.56) Yes, he got depressed, that is what happened. He went from sycosis to syphilis and became obese. Well, the obesity can be sycosis overbuild of course. But the picture with it, why he changed. Now he cannot get rid of it. That was very important for me and did it confirm my remedy? Indirectly, yes. But I am only going to say that in the end to you. Because otherwise I give it away. Immediately one horse was ahead, but I am not making any conclusions, because I am only this far. I am just saying it is ahead and there are 10.000’s horses behind it. Remember SuSanna told me, he had this very intend look, focused, almost scaring for a mom. It is interesting because remember how restless he became after that, and then depressed. Focused, almost too much, just focus on one thing. That was psora. Psora going to sycosis at this point. The late speaking… but when he started speaking, he was late obviously, he speaks with sentences. The Calcarea carbonica person does this all the time, usually around 14/15 months. The mothers of the Calcarea carbonica children get very anxious: ah, he hasn’t said a word yet. And then, suddenly he cannot shut up anymore. There is something about the speech that I want to ask you. There is again something that you should have noticed. Mom said something about his speech. What do I see with him? And I asked questions about it, because I was interested. I wanted confirmation. You heard me asking about these questions. What did I ask? What is so special about this? It confirms the whole context of the case. It is like WHOW… I get exited. Audience question: That he was not speaking, and then suddenly started speaking a lot? Luc: No, I was not impressed by that. Well…., to some extent is fits a little bit…. Is he a Baryta carbonica? To differentiate Baryta carbonica,… What is the delusion of the Baryta carbonica person, what is his fixed idea, his Core Delusion, his primary delusion: he walks on his knees and his legs are cut off. 130

Which reflect the dependency in one hand and also the lack of self-confidence. Basically the smallness of the person on all planes, physically, emotionally, mentally or on one plane or a combination. Does Baryta carbonica come to mind in this case? Well, first of all, Jorick is tall, second. SuSanna said he is very intelligent. There goes Baryta carbonica out of the door, right! He is shy, yes, but why. How many shy remedies do we have? Bashful? About 50 remedies at least. Each remedy for a different reason. That is what I do with my students,… I say, okay there are 10 remedies in one rubric, now tell me the difference. That is what you should know. Each for a different reason. This boy’s timidity does reflect something else. But the speech what about it? That is very interesting. Because no common symptoms of ASD, I am not interested in. But SuSanna did a beautiful job and I think I did it rather okay, asking the right questions. Pat myself on the shoulder, its not a Palladium thing, I am not longing for approval... I am confident enough Audience:….. the echolalia, the imitating? Luc: no, I am not impressed with that. I mean that is his part of ASD. SuSanna said it herself. And it wasn’t far into the conversation, we are not far yet, that is why it takes a long time for me to explain, I just want to know for you how you see, I want you to learn something from it. What did I see? Audience: ……… Luc: Let me ask you: how did Jorick talk to me? Short, yes. And what did mom say? Loquacity! Talking about a difference !!: zero to me, loquacity where he feels safe. Loquacity at home and at school, the other safe place. We have a remedy that can be loquacious and silent! It is simple; you don’t have to look too far. But that one horse was coming forward. I write it down, in rubrics. Isn’t this peculiar!! That is peculiar. MIND - LOQUACITY (35.00) Remember what I said: He is in one world and in another, he is loquacious, and he is taciturn. Just answers yes, no. He probably wouldn’t answer if his mom wouldn’t sit there, she had to stimulate him. Mom answers in his place, did you see that? So it is even aversion to answer. I wrote that down!! And no remedy do I have in my mind, Aversion to answer is 30 remedies. You should not think remedies, or you will skew remedies. That is the last thing you want to do. Audience: Isn’t it logical that he does not want to answer when he is here. Luc: No, I had children who behave different. It is not rule, For example I had a Helleborus case, also autistic, he was just sitting there, and nothing. His sister, also autistic, went to the back of the room and threw her clothes off, and she talked. But the Helleborus boy wasn’t talking at home also! 131

Jorick does not seem to be shy at home also. I see the need for a safe world. So you see he is a different person when he out or in his safe world, that is what you need to say. You can translate that also in a rubric, I wont say it, otherwise you will go and look at it, what remedies are there. My first thought was, Whow, this boy is there, and then there. SuSanne was also there, and there. The world of violence, and the world of protection she needs. These two things pulling at her. Very hard for her. That was about his speaking. (38.42) Okay, the restlessness. I didn’t see him doing, not even the tapping. But I believe he is doing it. And of course I wrote down a rubric. Which one? You have to translate the patient’s language to rubrics...... You must speak in rubrics. I ask you now, to translate his language, to the language of the repertory. The first step, often a difficult step. And you are not alone, everywhere it is difficult. You need to speak in rubrics ! Or you need to get diarrhea, like I did in India, then you take your repertory and you just read all the rubrics. The first thing I say to my students, you must read the whole Mind and the Generalities. Because then you know what is in there. Because it then becomes your language. So anybody…. I was asking about the restlessness. Remember SuSanna said about his wringing hands, tapping fingers, busy with his fingers. How do you translate that? It is not under extremities or under rectum. Yes, it is under Mind, gestures. Sub rubrics: Wringing hands, picking at fingers. There is the rubric. MIND - GESTURES, makes - hands; involuntary motions of the - wringing the hands If you start thinking it must be this Family of remedies, or these 5 remedies e.g. the most violent ones, you can be right once in a while, but it is like you have a stick in your hand in the dark and try to hit something. You are not guided; you don’t have any light shining. First: translate, be good at the translation!! (41,48) So, the aversion to be touched, we already talked about and we now know why, it was a very beautiful thing. So far there was one common thing, every time, including the touch. It is the extremes, every time !! I can understand that some of you thought of Meddhorinum, not my thought by the way. Why no to Meddhorinum? It is a remedy of extremes obviously. Can be very cruel, can be very kind, there is no in-between. But Meddorhinum never came to my mind. That horse never left the stable, and I would never use it in this case. Why not? Because look at the whole case. What is the dominant miasm?


And what did I ask, moms side first. Everything that I expected came, I knew it. That is why I said mothers side first. I don’t even need to father, but I just wanted to see how far does that go. What did I see? That is why Meddorhinum you cannot have that in your mind. Why not? Homeopathy is beautiful but difficult… How is the case? This case is syphilitic!! Almost totally syphilitic. There are some sycotic characteristics, but the main thing is he progressed quickly from the intense look, to the restlessness, to the depression and hurting himself. In 8 years he progressed from psora to sycosis to syphilis. When you see that, you have to find it in SuSanna’s family history. And I did. Strong, I knew it. When I see crime stories, I see these murders and I understand them and I say I bet I can see it on that side… and then it comes to television, and there it comes… But all the psychiatrics in the world, the police say the book has not yet been written about how one should react towards grief and I say: yes it was, in 1828 and Hahnemann wrote it, when he for the first time talked about the miasmas. That is why it is so important. I can understand this boy, better than he thinks and even better than his mom at this point. I know exactly what he thinks, I know what he is afraid of and I know exactly what he wants. The miasmatic influence is important. So, when you give Meddorhinum, what would that do? Aggravation? But what kind of aggravation. It would accelerate and I am more afraid it would add sycotic traits to the case for sure. And sycotic traits fuelling the syphilitic traits, you will have a big problem!!! That is why I am so vehement about it. I hope you will never do it. There is no reason why you would take Meddhorinum. If you want to talk about the nosode and you want to talk about the miasmatic influence then you have to look at the whole case. That is why I did the family history. I started with SuSanna’s side. SuSanna told, he would never sit on her lap, never hug, which is the soft touch. He never wanted. That is translated in soft touch aggravates. GENERALS - TOUCH - slight touch agg. He refuses love, no not refusing he cannot accept it. Just like SuSanna could not accept it. Remember what SuSanna said: it is not real. That is what the boy thinks exactly: I don’t accept it because I don’t feel it is real. This is real,…. You shake me!!! Hard push, that is real. SuSanna got beaten up, that was real. Logos killed Eros. The sword killed the shield and animus killed anima. Why, because SuSanna had to survive, remember how she said it. I asked her, how did you react to that…. (Some problems with the microphone) (48.12) OK, Than the next thing she says, she is very kind to you, she speaks sometimes in rubrics: he cannot tolerate noise; he just puts his hands on his ears. And interesting again about this noise. There is such a contradiction all the time. What is the contradiction with the noise? His music! The sound he cannot tolerate, but the music. He is blasting his ears all the time, this ‘metal music’ I could not listen to it for 2 seconds. But he is blasting it in his ears all the time,…. It is almost he is retracting in his own world; he likes to live in his own world. 133

How did I translate it in the rubrics? I had two rubrics. SuSanna said something more about it: what did she say,… I asked, he listens to this music, but at school he cannot listen. (Audience) Yes, he does this to block the world, all these different things, he cannot stand. Blocking the world. Which is what SuSanna did in her pregnancy: blocking what was happening to her, because she said ‘I must survive’, ….., I am vomiting for 8 months. I do not have the strength. In other words, we call it, …. The instinct of survival. We all have an instinct of survival; instinctively we can shut everything else down, blocking, to survive. I have to save my child, the other child and myself. Just block it out what the husband was doing. So, this is what this boy is doing to, he blocks all the other things in the world. It is too many for him. It is called an assault. (microphone adjustment) So this is what I wrote down, again this is something peculiar. Have I seen this with every autistic child? Absolutely not. So my students need to say these things first. And all the time I am doing this, because once I am done, you will understand the case. It cannot go wrong. Remedies then automatic, because then you understand it. And you will be sure about your prescription. Then of course comes the case management, that’s a different story. So how did I translate this, beside sensitive to noise? This is interesting because he is not sensitive to this noise on his head, but sensitive to this……., this and this… What did I write down? …… I wrote down animation aggravates. Too much, it is all coming from all sides. It is like going to a kermis? (a fair). All the noises. Like Las Vegas, all those blinking machines, the lights... That is animation. MIND - SENSITIVE - noise, to MIND - ANIMATION - agg. That he wouldn’t take one second, he would block it out that‘s for sure. What does it really mean for him? What is he really trying to do? So far everything he said is for the same purpose. Safety! He creates his own safe world. Therefore to some extend he must dissociate from the real world. That is what his mom did too: ´I must dissociate from this dangerous world, I must protect myself. I have to do it or I am not going to survive´. That is what this boy is thinking. He says the same thing. Imagine if mom wouldn’t have this patience, because I have to give a lot of credits to SuSanna. If she wouldn’t have the patience, if she wouldn’t have the understanding and just rip the headphone of and forbid him to listen to that stuff (music), what would that do? It would be like, he would be invaded.


Just like SuSanna being attacked, like… ripped by her ex-husband. The headphone on his head is safe for him. The world is not safe, except my home, except my school after 2 or 3 months… This is basically what is happening with him. Every step has to fit. None of them can be separated. My horse was bolting, but I was holding it back. I didn’t want it to finish yet. But so far everything was there so far, this remedy has everything. So you see, I do not need to go to Families, to this or that. If you can do it, then OK, … We talked about the restlessness, about the voracious eating. This constipation, diarrhea, bloating… SuSanna had to say stop, he would keep on eating. Which rubric? Stomach - Appetite - Insatiable. STOMACH - APPETITE – ravenous STOMACH - APPETITE - insatiable And the constipation, I can imagine. In TCM we can explain this very well. It would also affect his energy and his concentration. Why did I ask at that point?…. I asked something more? Is he drinking with his meals? I asked it on purpose. And mom said definitely Yes to it. STOMACH - THIRST - eating - while - agg. Because I am thinking about my horses. You must think by yourself, would I have asked this question? If he would have it a little bit, then I would say forget about it. But SuSanna said a definite YES. And she still says a yes. So for me, it becomes important. I want to stay with the time line, it is very easy else to get lost. But I always came back,.. we where there, and now we continue from there. You need to do this, else you will miss have of it. …… (58.30 ) So anyway, at age 3, the anger started! About what? About anything, about trifles…., stress. How do you translate stress in a homeopathic way? People say “I have migraines when I have stress”. Is stress in your in your repertory? What is it, ailments from what..….?? Von Boeninghausen said something different, everybody else said something different…., but it is the same thing… How can you translate it? It is called: Ailments from emotional excitement. MIND - AILMENTS FROM - excitement - emotional So far everything I said is in the computer (repertory). But because I understand the case. So even to the point when he was banging his head. It is amazing how it goes there from sycosis to syphilis. Self-destructive, banging the head, hurting himself. This really has to get your attention, when you have a patient like this and there is such fast progression from sycosis to syphilis. HEAD - KNOCKING head against things 135

He is frustrated of course and everything, and everything is strange. See, here too, it was beautiful how SuSanna said this: it is like he has it all set in his mind and if it doesn’t go like that: BANG. He creates his own world and when it comes in confrontation with the real world: done,… see the clash again, two different worlds. People do this in a very different degree. He does it at two different places, at school and at home. And when people go even further,… a Natrium carbonicum case, this was one remedy that should have come to your mind. Natrium carbonicum who has,.. The only remedy for ‘an abyss behind him’ only one remedy, Kali Carbonicum, but this is not what it is in this case. An abyss is in front of him, ‘basically I cannot connect’. I want to connect, I would love to connect, yet I cannot…. that is Natrium carbonicum. What do they do as a compensation? The go and flee in a dream world, they even go further what we saw now. They cannot connect at all. I had this beautiful Natrium carbonicum child, 5 years old, she would tell her mom: go get me some friends to play with. The friends would arrive and the child goes in her room alone, doesn’t talk to the friends at all. See, she wants to connect, but she cannot. A beautiful case, called ASD. It was perfectly resolved with Nat-carb. Here too, like I said, he is in another world, but not to the point where he is completely dissociated. He has two places where he is pretty safe in his own world. Home and school. But school, obviously, after training. Two or three months training and then ‘yes, now I can do it’. He would not want to change easily, once he feels safe. That is his safe world; at least he has some order in that world. All the other things are disorder, al the noise, disorder, very bad for him. Remember what was the first thing he said when SuSanna asked him something? The word: No. He was born with the word: No. Which rubric? How do you translate that? What rubric did I write down: You have to become good at this. What does it mean, … how do you translate that? Yes,... contradiction. Tendency to contradict, MIND - CONTRADICTION - disposition to contradict And don’t even try to discuss it with him, SuSanna said, because you are going to loose it. He is a good lawyer, he is a very smart fellow. Don’t underestimate him. He doesn’t want to do anything. What did I write down? Indolence, If you ask him what he would like to do, if he could get away with it, he says “nothing”. He would just play his game, and really do nothing. It is called: Indolence, or laziness. See every sentence is a rubric. It is beautiful. MIND - LAZINESS (1.05.20) 136

Also this thing was interesting,…. He has some degree of anticipation anxiety. He had to come here and SuSanna had to explain it to him. It is not the most outspoken anticipation anxiety, it is not the most outspoken factor in him. And again I thought, I had to keep this in mind when I will talk to SuSanna about her own feelings during the pregnancy. It wasn’t the most outspoken either. Not at first, remember,… first she went through this horrific pregnancy and delivery,.. I asked, I wanted to make sure. That is why I kept on asking a couple of times…. So you where OK?…. n the beginning of the pregnancy, you where not anxious…. About having again three days labour,.. She said No. So it is interesting for me, that the degree of Anticipation anxiety,.. at least about this,.. it is also not found much in her boy. Well because I was thinking, if it is not going well between your husband you, maybe there is some anticipation anxiety about that? But you did not have, and why not? SuSanna reacted the way she wanted to react… and what did she do, she Blocks!! Of course then you do not have anticipation anxiety, you just block, you need to stay alive. That is what this boy is doing also. So anticipation anxiety is not that strong. Although I used it, but only a degree 1. It was not strong, neither in SuSanna. Again, a beautiful correspondence. MIND - ANTICIPATION He asked, Why do I need to come. He needs to hear some comfort, is there a particular reason for. Well OK, my eczema,… that is reasonable.

Biting the nails and eating them, what does that reflect? I always ask, what does something reflect, I am not always right away thing rubrics. I ask ‘what does it mean’? And in the whole context of the whole case. ….. what does it mean? What does is reflect… biting nails? Of course! Inner tension, inner restlessness. It is like tic nerveux, same thing. When you see people with tics nerveux, you must think right away; I wonder what is going on inside. The stronger it is outside, it calls for you to go inside, and to find out what is going on. It is just a reflection from the inside. I call it the conscious version of the unconscious. You see the conscious, but you must fish in the unconscious… because there is the simillimum. Not in what the patient tells you, … some (symptoms), but those are his compensations. He has a lot of compensations: putting headphones on, be sure he does not have anything new, if something new, he refuses to do it… and there a some remedies you have to think of. I saw it only once in he analysis in the audience. There is a special reason why that remedy came up. 137

When I asked SuSanna about the homework, what did she say, what did she have to do? She really has to push him to start and he doesn’t want to do it. (That makes me thing about some remedies right away). And I thought does this correspondent with my racing-horse in some aspects?, Yes it does. Also the diarrhea, the constipation, the bloating. I did ask that question with a reason. Then of course, you told us you could not cut his hair. This is important! SuSanna said something about it, does anybody remember? Why did he not like it? He said: something (the cut hair) leaves him. SuSanna said it beautiful, because that gives me a fixed idea or the delusion. My favourite things. I am looking at what Jung would call: telltale symptoms. These points to the most sensitive issue, Jung called it the high feeling toned complex which is our painful Never Well Since. Telltale symptoms are weeping, stuttering, not answering, delayed answers, closing the eyes, looking away from me. One thing before I forget it, while I was asking many questions to SuSanna, … I am looking for what Jung would call ‘tell tail symptoms’, that would point to me to her most sensitive issue. Jung called it ‘high feeling toned complex’. Those where his words, .. which are our painful ‘Never Well Since’. And I was looking for these tell tail symptoms in SuSanna. Which include, weeping, stuttering, not answering, delayed answering, even closing the eyes, looking away from me. She did none of these. I was looking very carefully,.. but none of it. This tells me, how Susanna is doing the same as her son; block it away, because it is too painful to think about it. I need to survive, I need to move on, and that is what I am going to do. But for me this is a great reflection of something that I will change in you, because you are going to take the same remedy as your son !! Two for the price of one. (1.12.30) It is very rare that I cannot elicit some tears, some hesitations. It is very rare. It just tells me about her strength and her determination and really the need to block it, and more than that, ….. which is actually not good. What Jung said about that,…. If you repress or suppress your emotions, he says, nature will come and visit you with a physical illness. So I want to do this as much as for you as for your son. So…. When he was telling she could not cut his hair, because something was leaving from him, I wrote a delusion down immediately…….. MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - being injured; is No, I will tell you later, because I want you to understand the whole case. But I understood this and wrote the delusion down.


And then comes 8 years, pulling his hair out. The totally syphilitic phase. It was pretty quick. Sycosis was behind it. He goes right away into depression, pulling his hair. Everything self-destructive behaviour, nobody likes me, nobody loves me, I do nothing right, I am done with it. These were all his words. You could just translate it: delusion does nothing right. MIND - DELUSIONS - right - doing nothing right; he is You know how many times I have heard this from children; it is a cry for help so much. How many times they go to mom, asking do you still love me. Three or four times a day. Self-mutilation, tearing the hairs out, it is all a cry for help. It is just terrible for those children, terrible, because what else can they do to get the attention to get help? The vital force throws such symptoms up, what else can the VF do, to become selfdestructive and syphilitic, it is horrible. And guess what we do in allopathy? Thank god SuSanna never did this. We put them on Prozac and whatever, all these medications I call it, robbing that person of that little emotional strength they have. That is what we really do. And we make zombies of them. These children are lost, and for the rest of their lives they have to be on it. Unless by some coincidence the VF is strong enough to go against it, but this is rare. What does the doctor say,… it is for the rest of your life. SuSanna: The doctors have often said, that he should be put on Ritalin or some other medication. Luc: Yes I believe you that they have tried!! And you are a strong person. I commend you for doing what you did, for the love of your child. You know this is horrible for a child. I see so many children like this. And usually what I do, I put them alone with myself sometimes, and then I ask them… I remember a girl, she was cruel towards the mother, who was a nice person and she was deadly afraid of the father who was an alcoholic. She was 8 years old and I asked her why do you do this. She said: someone makes me do it. She talked in homeopathic language; it was a beautiful Anacardium case. There are no psychiatrists who can do what we can to help these children. I have seen all kinds of ‘potential’ murderers with me, children are 7 years old,.. and I will see them again. It is wonderful for us, if we can safe someone like that. Only you can do that. That is the beauty, there is no psychiatrist, nobody else, not even TCM can do this.) (1.17.06) Destructiveness of course, he was cutting clothes and all kind of things. He is cutting the things he likes. That is interesting. MIND - DESTRUCTIVENESS MIND - DESTRUCTIVENESS - children; in Some of you thought of Tuberculinum. But Tuberculinum is very different. Tuberculinum does have destroying things that you like or eating things that make you sick, these kind of things. It does all have this. Important: Keep this in mind: do not start with a nosode when the remedy is clear. 139

The remedy always has the upper hand on the nosode. The nosode is a special, beautiful key, you must use it really sparingly. Very rarely you have to open a case with a nosode! Very rarely you should think that first,…when the remedy is clear. You know what Hering said about nosodes: it never cures. It always has to be followed up with the remedy. When do we use it?, There are eleven uses for a nosode. One of the main reason to use a Nosode is when there is paucity of symptoms, because the VF is overwhelmed by the poison of the miasm. Then you relieve it and the VF can throw symptoms up and you can prescribe on it. You have to tell the patient after a nosode lots of symptoms will come up. You must be happy, because the VF is telling you what to do! But do I need more symptoms here in this case? We have 50 symptoms!! This is not paucity of symptoms. So, we don’t choose a nosode here. Maybe here, there is one exception, what will this be? What would be the exception? Audience: When it is the picture of the nosode? Luc: Yes, he could be born with the picture of the nosode, but in this case now, (there is no paucity of symptoms, and not the picture of the nosode). You could be born a Meddorhinum, bit it is very rare. Do not think about starting with a nosode,.. you have to think twice about that! They are such wonderful weapons, you want to keep them when you really need them. But it could happen, when I give my remedy and nothing happens (there can be 5 other reasons), but if you have given enough of the remedy and when I would see on both sides of the family that that miasm overload is very strongly present. It can be that the miasmatic overload is so strong that in spite of many symptoms, the remedy cannot work. But this is rare. Because if I have this many symptoms, it means the VF is able to react. It does throw so many symptoms up. When I look at this case, there is from once side, as I expected, from the mom,… from the boy to the mom,.. if it would have been a girl I would first have asked about the father. Guess what she said about the father’s side, it was all-normal. It is always this way, crossing gender. Always you will see it this way. It could well have been on both sides, imagine what then would have happen,.. probably a killer. No doubt. But only then! When I see so many symptoms, NO, do not use a nosode! (01.22.00) And about this dancing? I did ask about it, because I want to make sure, does this dancing really ameliorate? …. Well, I was not so convinced about it. He likes the attention that is for sure. I did not take: Dancing ameliorate. He is domineering in his play. He is the one saying this is going to happen, we are all going to do this. I wrote down, mind, dictatorial, speaks with a voice of command. MIND - DICTATORIAL 140

MIND - DICTATORIAL - talking with air of command They have to play what he says. This is special, do you think any autistic child has that? No way. The Natrium carbonicum autistic child played by herself, never wants anybody. So this is different, therefore peculiar. And what did I say about,…. I was trying to get another horse in there: I asked about the sexual behaviour. I had many remedies for differential diagnosis, so I wanted to be sure. What did SuSanna say about this? She said what he learned at school, he comes home,… see the two homes. But he is certainly not overly sexual interested in his mother, not touching inappropriately, no lewd talk. Not even as a baby. It is very important for you to know the sexual milestones of a child. When is it inappropriate, and when appropriate. This is important to know. So Hyosciamus goes out of the door, but I needed to know it, because it was definitely one of the running horses. Sometimes mothers are too ashamed to tell about this. Or they think, Oh well, probably he likes me a lot, touching their breast, kissing them on the lips. I had a beautiful Hyosciamus case last week. They get any opportunity to show sexual behaviour. The mother said he had to come for interview, he had to shave, Ok he said I will do it if I can kiss you on the mouth, see they take any opportunity, to get sexual behaviour. It is called Electra complex versus Oedipus complex. When 2 or 3 years of age, well OK, but fourteen years and you still wants to come in bed with mom, that is a different story. Okay, I have mentioned everything. Any other horses came out now? Audience: Cuprum. Luc: Well,… who is Cuprum, what is the Core Delusion of Cuprum? I know every Core Delusion of the remedies, I will teach you about the CD’s. When you know the Core Delusion of every remedy, you know right away this is not Cuprum. Because Cuprum is dictatorial, speaks with a voice of command, so is Phosphorus by the way. Is he Phosphorus, well forget about that. Phosphorus would hang around my neck telling me the rumours. Cuprum has a delusion he is an officer, he is a commanding officer. These kind of things. Is he a commanding officer, is he a general, delusion he is an important person? Is he really this,… No, because he has also other delusions, he is selling green vegetables, or is repairing old chairs, and he is gathering herbs. That tells you right away ‘how important he is’. This is what is really refers to, it is a person who has come high in his profession, but it is not a noble profession. It is like a shoemaker. I has a shoemaker like this, working down in my office building, he was the only one working longer then me. He was pounding shoes, from 8 o’clock to 10 in the evening, I worked until 9. What is so important about pounding shoes. Is it a matter of live and death, no. But in his mind it is. This is called: Delusion he is a general, a important person. So this does not fit here in this case. So, do you know the remedy? 141

SuSanna said she will pay you 700 euro, joke!! Does this stimulate you? This is a beautiful Lachesis case. And there are two remedies which are related to Lachesis, that are also coming up strong: Lycopodium and Iodium. Remember he was running around the table, he didn’t gain weight and had a more than insatiable appetite. For two years he did not gain weight in spite of eating a lot. That has to get your attention. Over combustion: Iodium. Iodium complementary and is the acute Lachesis. Lycopodium is complementary and the acute of Lachesis many times. On the Radar analyses we can see Hyosciamus 2nd place, Tarentula 4th, Belladonna 3rd place, Stramonium 5th. Of course you see all the violent remedies. This case reflects the two worlds, the dissociation, two wills, that is what you have to keep in mind. Loquacious and taciturn is perfect for Lachesis, drinking during meals, only Lachesis. MIND – LOQUACITY MIND – TACITURN STOMACH - THIRST - eating – while (- agg.) OK, potency selection,….. Did Jorick ever get that remedy? SuSanna: No, he did get Lycopodium, Meddorhinum, Pulsatilla, Tuberculinum, Belladonna, Stramonium. (Belladonna works well when he had ear pain). Some other remedies…. Luc: Whow, everything!. Well I could escape with a remedy he did not had yet, but that does not matter for me. We know that when we have a distant simile it is not going to do much. Belladonna was good for his acutes. Maybe it corresponds to his constitution Calcarea carbonicum. SuSanne: Pulsatilla, that did something. Luc: Yes, because it is a Tubercular remedy also. Remedies in our analysis,…. Lycopodium,… , …Phos,… I did not know what would come out in this analysis, I just put the rubrics in. What are we going to do potency wise…. Audience: …, ... what was this rubric you mentioned, about this cutting of the hair? Luc: Yes, it was belonging to Lachesis. The Core Delusion of this case and of Lachesis is….. Now think about what happened to SuSanna and to him: Delusion, he is injured by his surroundings. MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - being injured; is MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - being injured; is - surroundings; by his For SuSanna the surroundings refer to the husband, for Jorick it refers to the world. Even the noise, the animation aggravates, I called it. And Delusion, he is wronged. Those two I took. 142

MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - suffered wrong; he has Obviously, when we say Delusion in our language, it actually means there is some truth to it. But it is a fixed idea, and what happens out of this fixed idea, for the Core Delusion? Everything comes out now. Her whole behaviour, his whole behaviour, all his actions, all his words have to be driven by these delusions. If I am going to be injured by my surroundings; I am going to protect myself. I am not doing this, I do not want to go outside, I don’t want new things, and I don’t want to get out, because otherwise I am going to get injured. Both mom and son. Mom, of course did unfortunately give it to the son, but she is a great mom. You see how it all fits. See how beautiful the case of the child must fit the mom. Intra-uteral. I couldn’t have a better case! (End of analysis)

Symptoms to take into the clipboards of the LDS Module Note: In these examples I mention and use on purpose “many” possible rubrics for learning purposes only.

Overview of the clipboards

Chief Complaint (physical) HEAD - PAIN SKIN - ERUPTIONS - eczema

Recall: LDS-videocase3 You can recall these symptoms into your Radar clipboards. - Stop or Close the wizard - Select File, then Import, then Cases (cas) - It is located in: \Radar\Cases\LDS-videocase3

Food and drinks STOMACH - APPETITE - insatiable STOMACH - APPETITE - ravenous STOMACH - THIRST - eating - while - agg. STOMACH - THIRST - large quantities; for GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - meat - aversion Mental, Emotional MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anticipation MIND - AILMENTS FROM - disappointment MIND - AILMENTS FROM - domination MIND - AILMENTS FROM - excitement - emotional MIND - AILMENTS FROM - rudeness of others MIND - ANGER - violent MIND - ANIMATION - agg. MIND - ANSWERING - abruptly 143

MIND - ANSWERING - aversion to answer MIND - ANXIETY - anticipation; from MIND - APPROACHED by persons; being - aversion to MIND - CONCENTRATION - difficult MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence MIND - CONTRADICTION - disposition to contradict MIND - CONTRADICTION - intolerant of contradiction MIND - DANCING MIND - DEFIANT MIND - DESTRUCTIVENESS MIND - DESTRUCTIVENESS - children; in MIND - DICTATORIAL MIND - DICTATORIAL - power, love of MIND - DICTATORIAL - talking with air of command MIND - FOOLISH behavior MIND - FORSAKEN feeling MIND - GESTURES, makes - fingers - picking at fingers MIND - GESTURES, makes - fingers - playing with the fingers MIND - IMPOLITE MIND - LAZINESS MIND - LAZINESS - children, in MIND - LOQUACITY MIND - LOQUACITY - changing quickly from one subject to another MIND - MONOMANIA MIND - PULLING - hair MIND - PULLING - hair - desire to pull - her own hair MIND - RAGE - touch, renewed by MIND - REPROACHING oneself MIND - RESTLESSNESS MIND - RESTLESSNESS - sitting, while MIND - SENSITIVE - noise, to MIND - SPEECH - unintelligible speech; with MIND - STRIKING - himself MIND - TACITURN MIND - TALKING - one subject; of nothing but MIND - TALKING - slow learning to talk MIND - TIMIDITY MIND - TIMIDITY - public; about appearing in MIND - TOUCHED - aversion to be MIND - UNDERTAKING - nothing, lest he fail MIND - VIVACIOUS GENERALS - TOUCH - slight touch agg. Never Well Since MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anger MIND - AILMENTS FROM - anticipation MIND - AILMENTS FROM - discords - chief and subordinates; between MIND - AILMENTS FROM - excitement - emotional MIND - AILMENTS FROM - grief 144

MIND - AILMENTS FROM - love; disappointed MIND - AILMENTS FROM - shame Delusions MIND - DELUSIONS - fancy, illusions of MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - being injured; is MIND - DELUSIONS - injury - being injured; is - surroundings; by his MIND - DELUSIONS - right - doing nothing right; he is MIND - DELUSIONS - wrong - suffered wrong; he has

The selected Core Delusion You can consider the Core Delusions, which are shown in clipboard 8


VIDEO CASE EXAMPLE 4: PAIVI, 55 YRS OLD This example consists of:  The Interview (consultation video only)  The Analysis of the case by Luc (video only)

Interview 

You can see the full interview on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button:

Please treat all patient information as confidential. Do not discuss this case with anybody else, other then when you might study this case together with a colleague homeopath or student. Do not copy or use any part of the video, without prior written permission. All video recordings are Copyright protected by: Archibel S.A and Dr Luc de Schepper, MD

Analysis 

You can see the full analysis on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button:

(More information might be added at a later stage)


VIDEO CASE EXAMPLE 5: JENNY, 27 YRS OLD This example consists of:  The Interview (consultation video only)  The Analysis of the case by Luc (video only)

Interview 

You can see the full interview on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button:

Please treat all patient information as confidential. Do not discuss this case with anybody else, other then when you might study this case together with a colleague homeopath or student. Do not copy or use any part of the video, without prior written permission. All video recordings are Copyright protected by: Archibel S.A and Dr Luc de Schepper, MD

Analysis 

You can see the full analysis on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button:

(More information might be added at a later stage)


VIDEO CASE EXAMPLE 6: KEVIN, 7 YRS OLD This example consists of:  The Interview (consultation video only)  The Analysis of the case by Luc (video only)

Interview 

You can see the full interview on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button:

Please treat all patient information as confidential. Do not discuss this case with anybody else, other then when you might study this case together with a colleague homeopath or student. Do not copy or use any part of the video, without prior written permission. All video recordings are Copyright protected by: Archibel S.A and Dr Luc de Schepper, MD

Analysis 

You can see the full analysis on video. The Video is available via Luc’s Multimedia button:

(More information might be added at a later stage)


REQUEST FOR ACCREDITATION POSTGRADUATE TRAINING Name: . . . . . . . . . Member of: . . . . . . . . . . Radar user license number: . . . . . . .



Member ID Nr: . . . . . . .

Teacher: Luc de Schepper Description: From the Luc de Schepper module in the Radar program, I have viewed the following video: . . . . . . . . . . . Viewed at date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total time video: . . . . . . . . . . I declare to have followed the above described training, as proof I include the below notes made in my handwriting Signature:

Time on video

Summary / Notes / Comments






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