LTE Questions

April 14, 2018 | Author: Mousam Jha | Category: N/A
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LTE Questions...


If 1. 2. !. $. +. . .

I were Interviewer, the followings are questions: What is LTE? What's the difference etween !" # LTE? What's the enefit of LTE? What's technolog% a&&lied in LTE? oth in (L and )L* What's the a-. through&ut we can achieve fro LTE? In the ar/et, which t%&e0categ. of (E are availale now? )o %ou have an% e-&erience in LTE diensioning0&lanning and drivetesting?

If so, &lease /indl% answer the following questions? 1. is ain&lanning, frequenc%what andare forthe LTE? 2. what In coverage ost influence factors? !. In !", 345 and Ec0Io are used to deterined in coverage &lanning. 6ow's aout in LTE? 7nd wh%? $. What are the range of 3I8, 35, 39, 43 and 49I values? +. What is the t%&ical cell range of LTE? . 6ow do %ou understand ; and how does ; i&act on Through&ut? . What is the t%&ical value of latenc%? . What are the t%&e of 6
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