LTE-IMS Network Test Solutions

October 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Test Solution Solutions  s  LTE-IMS Network Test


Wireless networks can impair voice quality by various means including poor mobile phone quality, quality, voice comp algorithms, delay, loss or gain in speech levels, noise, acousc echo, and other distorons. GL's LT!"#$ Test $ to monitor, simulate, and troubleshoot problems over LT!"#$ networks.

GL's LT!"#$ %naly&er is %naly&er is capable o capturing, decoding and perorming various test measurements across var networks. GL's #essage %utomaon and (rotocol $imulaon (la)orm *#%($+ ! *#%($+  ! a mul!protocol mul!protocol and mul!i be used to simulate almost all elements in the wireless G /oLT networks. 0ur latest  1igh 2ensity 2ensity LT 3etwo massive number o 4s *up to 566666 along with high volume o mobile GT( and packet tra7c tra7c to load test c setup a virtual real!me network simulang all the network elements using 8#%($+ 8 #%($+ 9G :G G Wireless Wireless Lab $ What makes GL tools unique?

$cript!controlled simulaon o wireless networks 4nllimited ability to edit signalling messages, protocol protocol ;elds, and call ible architecture is independent o any protocol or network, which makes cross!domain tesng ea

=or more details, visit LT and "#$ Test $oluons. $oluons.


4G LTE Communicatons Nework Lab

GL o?ers an nd!to!nd G LT!"#$ @ommunicaons 3etwork Lab *@3L Lab *@3L with all components such as e3odeA, ##,

Simulaton of IMS Inerfaces

#%($+ "#$ supports "#$ supports simulang mulple 4s and "#$ core elements such as (!@$@=, "!@$@=, $!@$@=, (@B=, #G@= to test mulple


$erving Gateway, (23 Gateway, 1$$, $G$3, (@B=, (@=, %= and others to simulate both !4TB%3 and (@ *volved (acket @ore, allowing complete tesng o the LT network. %ll unconalies conorm to industry standards. The @3L provides reliable integrated soluons to vendors and service providers or simulaon, monitoring, troubleshoong troubleshoo ng the wireless networks. networks. $ome o the real!me scenarios that can be reali&ed with GLCs G LT!"#$ Lab soluon are listed below ! $"( call between two LT 4s using a $"( client installed on each 4 *using third party $"( @all %gents %gents $#$ sent rom a roaming :G 4 to a roaming LT 4 

interaces in the "#$ core network such as ! @>D2>, B>, G>, Gm, #w, $Gi, #i, and #J. With the help o real mobile phones, and other simulated elements, the applicaon applicaon allows or making real!me /oLT calls and also or tesng interworking o LT!"#$ with ($T3 and /o"( networks. 2iameter  can simulate $a, $a, #%($+ 2iameter $E:, $E:C, @>D2>, G>, Gy,B>, $Lg, $Lh and Gy interaces and test unconalies o network elements such as ! ##, 1$$, %=, %=, %$, (@B= (@B =, @$@=, $G$3, (@=, (@=, "B, " B, (23 (2 3 GW, @T=, and 0@$. #%($+ 2iameter is also enhanced to simulate  simulate Locaon Locaon $ervice *L@$ based *L@$  based $Lh and $Lg interaces between the G#L@ K! 1$$ and G#L@ K!##.

@$ all back *@$=A call rom a roaming LT 4 and a roaming 4#T$ 4 /0LTD"#$ call rom a roaming LT 4 to a roaming LT 4 on a di?erent network

=ollowing test scenarios can be reali&ed using #%($ LT and "#$ simulators ! 4 3on!Boaming Begistraon /oice @all between 3on!Boaming 4sers on the same network  

4ser quipment ! to ! 4ser quipment @all mulaon Lab

#obile Tra7c and Web %ccess mulaon Lab

"nter and "ntra 1andovers

"nteraces $upported 

$E, $:, $, $EE, $5D$F, $E6, $E, H9, $Ls, $Gs 2iameter!$a, $d, $E:, 2iameter!$a, @>D2>, G>, B> I $Gi

/oice @all between 3on!Boaming 4ser to 3on!Boaming 4ser across networks /oice @all rom "#$ to ($T3 3etwork 4 Boaming Begistraon :G!to!:G Boaming 4ser $#$ $ervice $#$ $ervice between roaming G to :G via @$=A *$Gs /oice call through "#$ 3etwork between G and :G users 4se o @%#L or $#$ and (repaid @alls $treaming 0nline /ideo rom a


Boaming :GDG 4



LTE/5G QoS Tes Suie oice! i"eo! # $aa Quali% Testn&

/Muad+ (robe 12  12 is a sel!contained unit used to obJecvely evaluate Si&nal Sren&'!  oice! i"eo! # $aa Quali% on Sren&'! Quali%  on @ellular networks *5G, G /oLT, :G, 9G, Land #obile Badios, and Wired networks. networks. "t includes /Muad+ so-ware, so-ware, 2ual 4niversal Telephone %dapter *2ual 4T% 12, and (@ in a portable pla)orm. /Muad+ (robe 12 can connect to praccally pracc ally any end!point, wired or wireless devices, independent o underlying oLTE TE estn& supported estn&  supported network type. oL using either AluetoothN or wired headset connecon methods. /arious associated analycal applicaons applica ons */oice Muality! /ideo Muality,, 2ata tests, cho and 2elay Muality tests!! =a> tests! /oice Aand %nalysis tests %nalysis work with the base /Muad+ so-ware to provide Oend!to!end assessmentO assessmentO o the network perormance. GLCs /oice Muality Tesng */MT  GLCs  */MT supports automated automa ted voice quality between using ! (0LM% *"T4!(.F: and ($M *"T4!(.F9. The (0LM% algorithm is speci;cally used or tesng Wideband /oLT networks. GLCs /Muad+ 3etT GLCs  3etTest est  soluon supportse&ress/in&ress supports e&ress/in&ress $aa anal%sis along anal%sis  along oice/i"eo  Quali% Quali%  Testn& Testn& and G(S.. withoice/i"eo with  and G(S

Massi)e LTE *E an" Tra+c Simulaton

GLCs #%($+ $erver with (acketLoadappliance (acketLoad appliance supports massive simulaon o 4s *up to 566666 with mobile data tra7c at high line rates *up to  Gbps or 6 Gbps or both 4#T$, and LT networks. "t o?ers all eatures to perorm unconal unit tests at every integraon point within the wireless inrastructure. inrastructure. The #%($+ $erver with (acketLoad can be used to test all network elements in access I packet core to ensure negoated Mo$ is met. The soluon allows to encapsulate encapsulate the generated packet data within GT( headers and transmit through the gateway points such as $G$3 I GG$3, or $GW I (GW. "t allows simultaneous simulaon o mulple sessions per user to veriy bearer allocaon bandwidth at the end points. @urrently, the soluon o?ers stateul T@(D1TT(, and (@%( Beplay tra7c types. (acketLoad supports 1TT( tra7c simulaon with the base requirements such as port number, server "( address, and pre!canned 1TT( tra7c ;le.




Simulaton of LTE S, Inerface

Simulaton of LTE eGT( Inerfaces -S.! S4! S5! S! S,0! S,, an" S,12

GL's #%($+ designed or tesng LT ! $E interace can interace  can simulate volved 3ode A *e3odeA, and #obility #anagement #anagement nty *## network elements. The applicaon applicaon gives the users the unlimited ability to edit $E!%(D3%$ messages and call scenarios *message sequences. The product supports real!me GT( tra7c tra7c using  #obile tra7c using tra7c core  core ! GT( *T1E6E between any two nodes in LT and 4#T$ networks."t also supports #obile Tra7c @ore ! Gateway *T1E69 module to oPoad GT( tra7c to media gateway over "(. These modules also support generaon and veri;caon o data tra7c such as Web *1TT(.

GL's #%($+ designed or tesng LT eGT( interaces intera ces ! $:, $, $5D$F, $E6, $EE, I $Ecan $E can simulate #obility #anagement nty *##, $erving Gateway Gateway *$GW, and (acket 2ata 3etwork Gateway *(GW network elements. The #%($+ LT eGT( supports simulaon o (ath #anagement procedures, Tunnel #anagement procedures, @ontrol (lane, and 4ser!plane GT( tra7c simulaon over eGT( interaces. The product supports real!me GT( tra7c tra7c  core ! GT( *T1E6E using #obile tra7c between any two nodes in LT and 4#T$ networks. "t also supports #obile Tra7c @ore ! Gateway *T1E69 module to oPoad GT( tra7c to media gateway over "(. These modules also support generaon and veri;caon o data tra7c such as Web *1TT(.

We value your associaon with us. Write to us i you have queries on tesng needs. Thank Qou.


Qours $incerely $incerel y, S'elle% S'arma GL @ommunicaons "nc FEF West 2iamond %venue ! Third =loor Gaithersburg, Gaithersbu rg, #2 96FRF (honeS *:6E R6!RF >t. EE =a>SS *:6E R6!EFR =a> mailS in  in   1owever, i you are no longer interested in GL's telecommunicaons soluons and do not wish to receive these updates about addions and enhancements to GL's products, (lease ollow the unsubscribe.. link to  to unsubscribe " you have any inquiries or quesons on test and measurement products or "(, T2#, or Wireless based telecommunicaon networks

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