LTE-IMS Network Test Solutions
October 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Test Solution Solutions s LTE-IMS Network Test
Wireless networks can impair voice quality by various means including poor mobile phone quality, quality, voice comp algorithms, delay, loss or gain in speech levels, noise, acousc echo, and other distorons. GL's LT!"#$ Test $ to monitor, simulate, and troubleshoot problems over LT!"#$ networks.
GL's LT!"#$ %naly&er is %naly&er is capable o capturing, decoding and perorming various test measurements across var networks. GL's #essage %utomaon and (rotocol $imulaon (la)orm *#%($+ ! *#%($+ ! a mul!protocol mul!protocol and mul!i be used to simulate almost all elements in the wireless G /oLT networks. 0ur latest 1igh 2ensity 2ensity LT 3etwo massive number o 4s *up to 566666 along with high volume o mobile GT( and packet tra7c tra7c to load test c setup a virtual real!me network simulang all the network elements using 8#%($+ 8 #%($+ 9G :G G Wireless Wireless Lab $ What makes GL tools unique?
$cript!controlled simulaon o wireless networks 4nllimited ability to edit signalling messages, protocol protocol ;elds, and call ible architecture is independent o any protocol or network, which makes cross!domain tesng ea
=or more details, visit LT and "#$ Test $oluons. $oluons.
4G LTE Communicatons Nework Lab
GL o?ers an nd!to!nd G LT!"#$ @ommunicaons 3etwork Lab *@3L Lab *@3L with all components such as e3odeA, ##,
Simulaton of IMS Inerfaces
#%($+ "#$ supports "#$ supports simulang mulple 4s and "#$ core elements such as (!@$@=, "!@$@=, $!@$@=, (@B=, #G@= to test mulple
$erving Gateway, (23 Gateway, 1$$, $G$3, (@B=, (@=, %= and others to simulate both !4TB%3 and (@ *volved (acket @ore, allowing complete tesng o the LT network. %ll unconalies conorm to industry standards. The @3L provides reliable integrated soluons to vendors and service providers or simulaon, monitoring, troubleshoong troubleshoo ng the wireless networks. networks. $ome o the real!me scenarios that can be reali&ed with GLCs G LT!"#$ Lab soluon are listed below ! $"( call between two LT 4s using a $"( client installed on each 4 *using third party $"( @all %gents %gents $#$ sent rom a roaming :G 4 to a roaming LT 4
interaces in the "#$ core network such as ! @>D2>, B>, G>, Gm, #w, $Gi, #i, and #J. With the help o real mobile phones, and other simulated elements, the applicaon applicaon allows or making real!me /oLT calls and also or tesng interworking o LT!"#$ with ($T3 and /o"( networks. 2iameter can simulate $a, $a, #%($+ 2iameter $E:, $E:C, @>D2>, G>, Gy,B>, $Lg, $Lh and Gy interaces and test unconalies o network elements such as ! ##, 1$$, %=, %=, %$, (@B= (@B =, @$@=, $G$3, (@=, (@=, "B, " B, (23 (2 3 GW, @T=, and 0@$. #%($+ 2iameter is also enhanced to simulate simulate Locaon Locaon $ervice *L@$ based *L@$ based $Lh and $Lg interaces between the G#L@ K! 1$$ and G#L@ K!##.
@$ all back *@$=A call rom a roaming LT 4 and a roaming 4#T$ 4 /0LTD"#$ call rom a roaming LT 4 to a roaming LT 4 on a di?erent network
=ollowing test scenarios can be reali&ed using #%($ LT and "#$ simulators ! 4 3on!Boaming Begistraon /oice @all between 3on!Boaming 4sers on the same network
4ser quipment ! to ! 4ser quipment @all mulaon Lab
#obile Tra7c and Web %ccess mulaon Lab
"nter and "ntra 1andovers
"nteraces $upported
$E, $:, $, $EE, $5D$F, $E6, $E, H9, $Ls, $Gs 2iameter!$a, $d, $E:, 2iameter!$a, @>D2>, G>, B> I $Gi
/oice @all between 3on!Boaming 4ser to 3on!Boaming 4ser across networks /oice @all rom "#$ to ($T3 3etwork 4 Boaming Begistraon :G!to!:G Boaming 4ser $#$ $ervice $#$ $ervice between roaming G to :G via @$=A *$Gs /oice call through "#$ 3etwork between G and :G users 4se o @%#L or $#$ and (repaid @alls $treaming 0nline /ideo rom a
Boaming :GDG 4
LTE/5G QoS Tes Suie oice! i"eo! # $aa Quali% Testn&
/Muad+ (robe 12 12 is a sel!contained unit used to obJecvely evaluate Si&nal Sren&'! oice! i"eo! # $aa Quali% on Sren&'! Quali% on @ellular networks *5G, G /oLT, :G, 9G, Land #obile Badios, and Wired networks. networks. "t includes /Muad+ so-ware, so-ware, 2ual 4niversal Telephone %dapter *2ual 4T% 12, and (@ in a portable pla)orm. /Muad+ (robe 12 can connect to praccally pracc ally any end!point, wired or wireless devices, independent o underlying oLTE TE estn& supported estn& supported network type. oL using either AluetoothN or wired headset connecon methods. /arious associated analycal applicaons applica ons */oice Muality! /ideo Muality,, 2ata tests, cho and 2elay Muality tests!! =a> tests! /oice Aand %nalysis tests %nalysis work with the base /Muad+ so-ware to provide Oend!to!end assessmentO assessmentO o the network perormance. GLCs /oice Muality Tesng */MT GLCs */MT supports automated automa ted voice quality between using ! (0LM% *"T4!(.F: and ($M *"T4!(.F9. The (0LM% algorithm is speci;cally used or tesng Wideband /oLT networks. GLCs /Muad+ 3etT GLCs 3etTest est soluon supportse&ress/in&ress supports e&ress/in&ress $aa anal%sis along anal%sis along oice/i"eo Quali% Quali% Testn& Testn& and G(S.. withoice/i"eo with and G(S
Massi)e LTE *E an" Tra+c Simulaton
GLCs #%($+ $erver with (acketLoadappliance (acketLoad appliance supports massive simulaon o 4s *up to 566666 with mobile data tra7c at high line rates *up to Gbps or 6 Gbps or both 4#T$, and LT networks. "t o?ers all eatures to perorm unconal unit tests at every integraon point within the wireless inrastructure. inrastructure. The #%($+ $erver with (acketLoad can be used to test all network elements in access I packet core to ensure negoated Mo$ is met. The soluon allows to encapsulate encapsulate the generated packet data within GT( headers and transmit through the gateway points such as $G$3 I GG$3, or $GW I (GW. "t allows simultaneous simulaon o mulple sessions per user to veriy bearer allocaon bandwidth at the end points. @urrently, the soluon o?ers stateul T@(D1TT(, and (@%( Beplay tra7c types. (acketLoad supports 1TT( tra7c simulaon with the base requirements such as port number, server "( address, and pre!canned 1TT( tra7c ;le.
Simulaton of LTE S, Inerface
Simulaton of LTE eGT( Inerfaces -S.! S4! S5! S! S,0! S,, an" S,12
GL's #%($+ designed or tesng LT ! $E interace can interace can simulate volved 3ode A *e3odeA, and #obility #anagement #anagement nty *## network elements. The applicaon applicaon gives the users the unlimited ability to edit $E!%(D3%$ messages and call scenarios *message sequences. The product supports real!me GT( tra7c tra7c using #obile tra7c using tra7c core core ! GT( *T1E6E between any two nodes in LT and 4#T$ networks."t also supports #obile Tra7c @ore ! Gateway *T1E69 module to oPoad GT( tra7c to media gateway over "(. These modules also support generaon and veri;caon o data tra7c such as Web *1TT(.
GL's #%($+ designed or tesng LT eGT( interaces intera ces ! $:, $, $5D$F, $E6, $EE, I $Ecan $E can simulate #obility #anagement nty *##, $erving Gateway Gateway *$GW, and (acket 2ata 3etwork Gateway *(GW network elements. The #%($+ LT eGT( supports simulaon o (ath #anagement procedures, Tunnel #anagement procedures, @ontrol (lane, and 4ser!plane GT( tra7c simulaon over eGT( interaces. The product supports real!me GT( tra7c tra7c core ! GT( *T1E6E using #obile tra7c between any two nodes in LT and 4#T$ networks. "t also supports #obile Tra7c @ore ! Gateway *T1E69 module to oPoad GT( tra7c to media gateway over "(. These modules also support generaon and veri;caon o data tra7c such as Web *1TT(.
We value your associaon with us. Write to us i you have queries on tesng needs. Thank Qou.
Qours $incerely $incerel y, S'elle% S'arma GL @ommunicaons "nc FEF West 2iamond %venue ! Third =loor Gaithersburg, Gaithersbu rg, #2 96FRF (honeS *:6E R6!RF >t. EE =a>SS *:6E R6!EFR =a> mailS 1owever, i you are no longer interested in GL's telecommunicaons soluons and do not wish to receive these updates about addions and enhancements to GL's products, (lease ollow the unsubscribe.. link to to unsubscribe " you have any inquiries or quesons on test and measurement products or "(, T2#, or Wireless based telecommunicaon networks
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