LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier

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LTE and NRFeature Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Parameter Description Issue

Draft A





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Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description


Contents 1 Change History... History.............. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................1 ........1 1.1 SRAN17.1 SRAN17.1 Draft A (2020-12-2 (2020-12-29)........ 9).................. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ............. ... 1

2 About This This Document.. Document............. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................4 ........4 2.1 General Statements..... Statements................ ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ................... ........ 4 2.2 Applicable Applicable RAT....... RAT.................. ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............... ..... 4 2.3 Features in This Document... Document............. ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................. ........ 5

3 LTE and NR and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown......................................................................... 6 3.1 Principles.......... Principles..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............. ... 6 3.1.1 Identif   ying the Overlapping Overlapping Neighboring Cell............ Cell...................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............7 .7 3.1.2 Entering Entering the Carrier Shutdown State....... State.................. ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .............. 8 3.1.3 Exiting  Exiting  the Carrier Shutdown State.............................................................................................................................10 3.2 Network

Analysis................... Analysis........ ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................. ....... 10

3.2.1 Benet Benetss.......... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ........... 11 3.2.2 Impacts..................................................................................................................................................................................11 Impacts..................................................................................................................................................................................11 3.3 Requirements......... Requirements................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .............. ... 16 3.3.1 Licenses........... Licenses..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .................... .......... 17 3.3.2 Software................................................................................................................................................................................17 Software................................................................................................................................................................................17 3.3.3 Hardware........... Hardware......................... ............................ ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...................... ........ 18 3.3.4 Networking...... Networking................. ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... .................. ....... 19 3.3.5 Others............ Others.......................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ............. 19 3.4 Operation Operation and Maintenance.... Maintenance............... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ............. 19 3.4.1 When to Use......... Use.................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............. 19 3.4.2 Data Conguration onguration......... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .......... 20 Data Prepar Preparation........ ation................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ............. 20 Using MML Commands..... Commands................ ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ............... 22 Using the MAE-Deploym MAE-Deployment......... ent.................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... .......... 23 3.4.3 Activation Activation Verication Verication........... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .................... ............. ... 23 3.4.4 Network Network


4 Param Parameters........ eters................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................... ........ 28 5 Counters.................................................................................................................................. 29 6 Glossary................................................................................................................................... 30 Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description


7 Reference Documents...........................................................................................................31

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

1 Change History


 Change History

This chapter describes changes not included in the "Parameters", "Counters", "Glossary", and "Reference Documents" chapters. These changes include: ●

Technical ch changes Changes in functions and their corresponding parameters

Editorial changes Improvements Improve ments or revisions to the documentation

1.1 SRAN17.1 Draft A (2020-12-29) ( 2020-12-29) This issue introduces the following changes to SRAN16.1 03 (2020-08-31).

Technical Changes Change Description

Parameter Change

Base Station Model

Added support for intrasite SA networking scenarios. For details, see


● 3900 and 5900 series base stations

3L LTE TE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown. Shutdown.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

● DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

1 Change History

Change Description

Parameter Change

Base Station Model

Added parameters indicating the load thresholds for neighboring LTE cells. For

Added parameters:

● 3900 and 5900 series base stations

details, see 3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown.. Shutdown

●   NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranDlPrbThld  ing. EutranDlPrbThld  ●   NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranDlPrbOfset  ●   NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranCarrShutdownRa-  ing. EutranCarrShutdownRa-  tio 

● DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite

●   NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranCarrShutdownEx-  ing. EutranCarrShutdownEx-  itOfs  ●   NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserNumThl  ing. EutranNrUserNumThl d d   ●   NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserNumThl-  ing. EutranNrUserNumThl-  dOfs  ●   NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserDlPrbThld  ing. EutranNrUserDlPrbThld  ●   NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserDlPrbThl-  ing. EutranNrUserDlPrbThl-  dOfs 

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Added a parameter indicating the penalty time for carrier shutdown. For details, see 3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown.. Shutdown

Added the NRDUCellPowerSaving.CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  ing. CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  parameter.

Added support for manually conguring conguring the  the period when the load of  neighboring LTE cells for the NR cell is continuously checked to determine whether to enable the carrier shutdown. For details, see LTE and NR Intelligent 3 LTE Carrier Shutdown. Shutdown.

Added the NRDUCellPowerSaving..ShutdownTrigJudgePeriod  ing parameter.

● 3900 and 5900 series base stations ● DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

● 3900 and 5900 series base stations ● DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

1 Change History

Change Description

Parameter Change

Base Station Model

Added support for manually conguring conguring the  the neighbor relationships between LTE and NR cells

Modied the Modied the NrNRelationship.. AggregationA NrNRelationship  AggregationA ttribute  parameter  parameter by adding the

● 3900 and 5900 series base stations

with CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_OVERL areas.overlapping For details,coverage see 3  AP_FLAG  AP_FLAG option.  option. LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown. Shutdown. Added the counter measuring the number of  power-saving-triggered blind redirections from NR to E-UTRAN. For details, see 3.2.2 Impacts Impacts..


Removed the impact relationship with LTE TDD


LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite ● 3900 and 5900 series base stations ● DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite ● 3900 and 5900 series base stations ● DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite

and NR dynamic spectrum sharing. For details, see 3.2.2 Impacts. Impacts.

Removed the mutually exclusive relationship between LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown and Hyper Cell. For details, see 3.3.2 Software.. Software

● DBS3900


● 3900 and 5900 series base stations ● DBS3900 LampSite and DBS5900 LampSite


Editorial Changes Revised descriptions in this document.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

2 About This Document


 About This Document

2.1 General Statements Purpose Feature Parameter Description documents are intended to acquaint readers with: ●

The tech technic nical al princ principl iples es of featu feature ress and their their rela related ted p par arame ameter terss

The scenar scenarios ios where where these these featu features res ar are e used used,, the the benets benets they  they provide, and the impact they have on networks and functions

Requireme Requirements nts of the the operat operating ing environmen environmentt that that must must be be met bef before ore feature feature activation

Parameter conguration conguration required  required for feature activation, verication verication of  of feature activation, and monitoring of feature performance NOT NO T

This document only provides p rovides guidance for feature activation. Feature deployment and feature gains depend on the specics specics of  of the network scenario where the feature is deployed. To achieve the desired gains, contact co ntact Huawei professional service engineers.

Software Interfaces Any parameters, alarms, counters, or managed objects (MOs) described in Feature Parameter Description documents apply only to the corresponding software release. For future software releases, refer to the corresponding updated product documentation.

2.2 Applicable RAT This document applies to LTE FDD, LTE TDD, and NR. For denitions denitions of  of base stations described in this document, see section "Base Station Products" in SRAN Networking and Evolution Overview . Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

2 About This Document

2.3 Features in This Document This document describes the following features.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Feature ID

Feature Name



LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown (NR)

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown


LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown (LTE FDD)

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown


LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown (LTE TDD)

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown


 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

3.1 Principles NR cells in operation still consume energy when there is light or even no trac trac in  in the area covered by both LTE LTE and NR networks. In this case, the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown function migrates from NRRF cells to LTEfor cells and then shuts down NR carriers. If the power services amplier of amplier  of the module the disabled carriers does not serve other working carriers, the power amplier amplier will  will also be turned of  to  to reduce the overall energy consumption, as shown in Figure 3-1.. 3-1 Figure 3-1 Working 3-1 Working principles of LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

This function is enabled when both the following switches are turned on: ●

On the LTE side ide: the CellAlgoExtSwitch. CellAlgoExtSwitch.LnrSmartCarrierShutdownSw  LnrSmartCarrierShutdownSw  parameter

On the NR side: the LNR_SMART_CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_SW LNR_SMART_CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_SW option  option of the NRDUCellAlgoSwitch.PowerSavingSwitch  NRDUCellAlgoSwitch. PowerSavingSwitch  parameter  parameter

The efective efective period  period of LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown is specied specied by  by the parameters in the NRDUCellPowerSaving NRDUCellPowerSaving MO  MO on the NR side. A unique efective period is determined by the NRDUCellPowerSaving NRDUCellPowerSaving..PowerSavingPolicyIndex  and  and NRDUCellPowerSaving..PowerSavingType  parameters. NRDUCellPowerSaving  parameters.

3.1.1 Identifying the Overlapping Neighboring Cell When LTE LTE and NR networks have overlapping coverage areas, the LTE cell serves as the coverage layer of the NR cell. The LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown function migrates services from the NR cell to the L LTE TE cell and shuts down the NR cell. In this case, the LTE LTE cell is the overlapping neighboring cell of the NR cell.

NSA/NSA and SA Hybrid Networking The overlapping neighboring cell can be identied identied in  in either of the following ways: ●

Method 1: automatic identication identication by  by the system No conguration conguration operation  operation is required. You You are advised to use the system to automatically identifying the neighbor relationship between L LTE TE and NR cells with overlapping coverage areas.

Method 2: manual identication When conguring conguring a  a neighbor relationship between the LTE an NR cells, select the CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_OVERLAP_FLAG CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_OVERLAP_FLAG option  option of the NrNRelationship.. AggregationAttribute  NrNRelationship  AggregationAttribute  parameter  parameter on the LTE side to congure the congure  the LTE cell as an overlapping neighboring cell of the target NR cell. When manually conguring conguring the  the neighbor relationship between the LTE and NR cells on the LTE side, set this parameter as planned for all cells enabled with LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown and deliver the parameter setting at the same time. NOT NO T

In NSA or NSA and SA hybrid networking, when an LTE cell is congured congured with  with the indicator for a overlapping neighboring cell, the neighbor relationship with this cell cannot be removed by the inter-RAT ANR function on the LT LTE E side. IInstead, nstead, the neighbor relationship must be removed by running the RMV NRNRELATIONSHIP command NRNRELATIONSHIP command on the LTE side.

SA Networking When conguring conguring a  a neighbor relationship between the LTE and NR cells, select the LNR_CARR_SHUTDOWN_OVERLAP_IND option LNR_CARR_SHUTDOWN_OVERLAP_IND  option of the NRCellEutraNRelation..PowerSavingOverlapInd  parameter NRCellEutraNRelation  parameter on the NR side to congure the congure  the LTE cell as an overlapping neighboring cell of the NR cell. c ell.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown


● In SA SA netw network orking, ing, the aut automa omatic tic identication identication of  of the overlapping neighboring cell by the system is implemented on the MAE-Optimization. For details, see the feature parameter description of the MAE-Optimization. ● In SA network networking, ing, whe when n an L LTE TE ce cell ll is congured congured with  with the indicator for a overlapping neighboring cell, the neighbor relationship with this cell cannot be removed by the intra-gNodeB ANR function. Instead, the neighbor relationship must be removed by running the RMV NRCELLEUTRANRELATION command NRCELLEUTRANRELATION command on the NR side.

3.1.2 Entering the Carrier Shutdown State Turn on the switches on the LTE and NR sides. Figure 3-2 shows 3-2 shows the procedure for LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown. Figure 3-2 LTE 3-2 LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown procedure

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown


The gNodeB gNodeB checks whether whether the the current current time is is wi within thin the shutdown shutdown period, period, which is specied specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving. NRDUCellPowerSaving.StartTime  StartTime  and  and NRDUCellPowerSaving.StopTime  NRDUCellPowerSaving. StopTime  parameters.  parameters. If it is, the procedure goes to the next step. Otherwise, the checking process is repeated.


The gNodeB gNodeB checks whether whether the the current current time is is wi within thin the penalty penalty period period specied by specied  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving. NRDUCellPowerSaving.CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  parameter.. If it is parameter i s not, the procedure goes to the next step. If it is, even when the preceding trigger condition is met, the carrier shutdown is not enabled and the checking process is repeated.


The gNod gNodeB eB checks checks whet whether her the the NR cell cell alway alwayss meets meets th the e follow following ing conditions in the period specied specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving..ShutdownTrigJudgePeriod  parameter: NRDUCellPowerSaving  parameter: –

Avera Average ge numb number er of of active active UEs UEs in in th the e NR cell cell ≤ UE n numb umber er thre thresho shold ld (specied by (specied  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving. NRDUCellPowerSaving.UserNumThld  UserNumThld  parameter)  parameter)

Downli Downlink nk physic physical al rreso esour urce ce block block (PRB (PRB)) usa usage ge of the the NR cell cell ≤ Downli Downlink nk PRB usage threshold (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving. NRDUCellPowerSaving.DlPrbThld  DlPrbThld  parameter)

If these conditions are met, the procedure goes to the next step. Otherwise, the checking process is repeated. NOT NO T

● Activ Active e UEs are are U UEs Es in R RRC_CO RC_CONNECT NNECTED ED mode mode in an NR cell. cell. ● Downl Downlink ink PRB us usage age of an NR cell cell = Average Average number number of P PRBs RBs used used by PDSCH PDSCH DRB services/Average number of available PRBs in the downlink


The eNodeB eNodeB sends sends the the follow following ing load load informati information on about about neighbo neighboring ring LTE LTE cells cells of the NR cell to the gNodeB. The gNodeB checks whether the load of any neighboring LTE LTE cell meets the following conditions in the period specied specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving NRDUCellPowerSaving..ShutdownTrigJudgePeriod  parameter:  parameter: –

Downli Downlink nk PRB PRB usage usage of the the neig neighbo hborin ring gL LTE TE cell cell < E-UTR E-UTRAN AN downl downlink ink PRB threshold (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving. NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranDlPrbThld  EutranDlPrbThld  parameter)

Number Number of NR NR UEs UEs in the neighb neighbori oring ng LTE LTE cell cell < EE-UTR UTRAN AN NR NR user user number threshold (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserNumThld  NRDUCellPowerSaving. EutranNrUserNumThld  parameter)  parameter)

Downli Downlink nk PRB PRB usag usage e of NR NR UEs UEs in the the neig neighbo hborin ring gL LTE TE cell cell < E-UT E-UTRAN RAN NR user downlink PRB threshold (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserDlPrbThld  NRDUCellPowerSaving. EutranNrUserDlPrbThld  parameter)  parameter)

In addition, the eNodeB checks whether the proportion of neighboring LTE cells that meet the preceding conditions is i s greater than or equal to the EUTRAN carrier shutdown ratio specied specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranCarrShutdownRatio  NRDUCellPowerSaving. EutranCarrShutdownRatio  parameter.  parameter. If these conditions are met, the procedure goes to the next step. Otherwise, the checking process is repeated.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)


The gNodeB gNodeB sends system informatio information n to prohibit prohibit new UEs UEs fr from om accessin accessing g the NR cell.


The gNodeB gNodeB checks whether whether there there are SA UEs UEs in the NR NR cell. cell. If ther there e are, are, the procedure goes to the next step. Otherwise, the procedure jumps to step 9.


The gNodeB gNodeB performs perf orms inter-RAT inter-RAT handovers hando vers LTE cells cells for forcell. SA UEs. If a handover fails, the gNodeB redirects the SA to UELTE to an L LTE TE Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown


The gNodeB gNodeB checks whether whether there there are SA UEs UEs in the NR NR cell again. If there there are, the procedure goes to the next step. Otherwise, the procedure jumps to step 9.


The NR NR carrier carrier is not not shut shut down down and and the cell cell enter enterss the pena penalty lty perio period d specied by specied  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving. NRDUCellPowerSaving.CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  parameter.. The gNodeB sends system information to allow new UEs to access parameter the NR cell.

10. The gNodeB gNodeB shuts shuts down the the carrier in the the NR cell and and blocks the the NR cell. The The NR cell enters the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state.

3.1.3 Exiting the Carrier Shutdown State After the cell enters the carrier shutdown state, the gNodeB checks whether either of the following conditions is met. If it is, the NR cell exits the carrier shutdown and is unblocked with the NR carrier enabled again. ●

The The shut shutdo down wn pe peri riod od elap elapse ses. s.

Proportion Proportion of neighb neighboring oring LTE cells cells that meet one of the the follow following ing conditions conditions ≥ E-UTRAN carrier shutdown ratio (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranCarrShutdownRatio  NRDUCellPowerSaving. EutranCarrShutdownRatio  parameter)  parameter) – E-UTRAN carrier shutdown exit ofset ofset  (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranCarrShutdownExitOfs  parameter) NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranCarrShutdownExitOfs   parameter) – Downli Downlink nk PRB PRB usage usage of the the neig neighbo hborin ring gL LTE TE cell cell ≥ E-UTR E-UTRAN AN do downl wnlink ink PRB threshold (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving. NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranDlPrbThld  EutranDlPrbThld  parameter) + E-UTRAN downlink PRB ofset ofset  (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranDlPrbOfset  parameter) –

Number Number of NR NR UEs UEs in the neighb neighbori oring ng LTE LTE cell cell ≥ EE-UTR UTRAN AN NR NR user user number threshold (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserNumThld  NRDUCellPowerSaving. EutranNrUserNumThld  parameter)  parameter) + E-UTRAN NR user number threshold ofset ofset  (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserNumThldOfs  NRDUCellPowerSaving. EutranNrUserNumThldOfs  parameter)  parameter)

Downli Downlink nk PRB PRB usag usage e of NR NR UEs UEs in the the neig neighbo hborin ring gL LTE TE cell cell ≥ E-UT E-UTRAN RAN NR user downlink PRB threshold (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserDlPrbThld  NRDUCellPowerSaving. EutranNrUserDlPrbThld  parameter)  parameter) + E-UTRAN NR user downlink PRB threshold ofset ofset  (specied (specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserDlPrbThldOfs  NRDUCellPowerSaving. EutranNrUserDlPrbThldOfs  parameter)  parameter)

If a cell remains in the carrier shutdown state for less than 15 minutes, the cell enters the penalty period specied specied by  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  NRDUCellPowerSaving. CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  parameter  parameter to prevent the ping-pong carrier shutdown. NOT NO T

● The number number of NR UEs iin n neighboring neighboring L LTE TE cells cells of the NR ce cell ll is measured measured by by checking checking the UE capability attribute (SA/NSA). ● In carrier carrier aggregatio aggregation n (CA) sce scenarios narios,, only UEs o on n the primary primary component component ca carrier rrier (PCC) (PCC) are counted.

3.2 Network Analysis Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

3.2.1 Benets In areas covered by both LTE LTE and NR networks, enabling LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown reduces the energy consumption of base stations when the network is under light or no load. However, However, the energy saving gains are less-thandesirable in the following scenarios: ●

Multipl Multiple e carrie carriers rs shar share e the same same PA PA of an RF modul module. e. The The PA PA can cannot not be be shut shut down if an NR carrier is shut down but the other carriers are still working.

An RF RF modul module e has has an an exce excessi ssivel vely y large large tem temper peratu ature re diferential diferential within  within 24 hours before the start time of carrier shutdown. In this case, the RF module does not enter the carrier shutdown state. This is because hardware faults may occur if the temperature diferential diferential is  is excessively large before and after the RF module enters the carrier shutdown state.

3.2.2 Impacts Network Impacts ●

QoS of a single UE UEs in a to-be-shutdown NR cell will be migrated to neighboring LTE cells in the overlapping overlapping coverage coverage areas. Due to less service processing capability in the neighboring LTE LTE cells, the peak rate of a single UE will decrease.

Number Number of int inter er-RA -RAT T hando handover verss and and cell cell rrese eselec lectio tions ns This function triggers the following interoperability procedures between networks of diferent diferent RATs:  RATs:

When When an NR NR cell cell enter enterss the the LTE LTE and and NR NR intel intellig ligent ent carr carrier ier shutdo shutdown wn state, the number of inter-RAT handovers or cell reselections to LTE LTE cells by multimode UEs increases.

After After th the e NR cell cell exits exits the the LTE LTE and and NR intell intellige igent nt car carrie rierr shutdo shutdown wn state state,, the number of inter-RAT handovers or cell reselections to the NR cell c ell by multimode UEs increases.

Perfo Performa rmance nce counte counters rs in in NSA, NSA, or or NSA NSA and and SA hybrid hybrid network networking ing Table 3-1 3-1 describes  describes the impacts on counters on the LTE side. Table 3-1 Impacts 3-1 Impacts on counters on the LTE LTE side

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Counter Name


L.Trafc.User.NsaDc.PCell.A vg

The value of this counter may decrease when an NR cell enters the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state.


The value of this counter may decrease when an NR cell enters the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state.


The value of this counter may decrease when an NR cell enters the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state.

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Counter Name



The value of this counter may increase when an NR cell enters the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state.


The value of this counter may increase, as UEs are released when an NR cell enters the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state.


In Option 3x architecture, the value of this counter may increase because the E-RAB modication procedure modication  procedure is initiated when an NR cell enters the LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state.


In Option 3x architecture, the value of this counter may increase because the E-RAB modication procedure modication  procedure is initiated when an NR cell enters the LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state.

  3-2 describes the impacts on counters on the NR side when there are Table 3-2 describes SA UEs in NSA and SA hybrid networking. Table 3-2 Impacts 3-2 Impacts on counters on the NR side Counter Name



The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are blindly redirected to neighboring LTE cells.


The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are blindly redirected to neighboring

N.RRCRedirection.N2E.Blin d N.RRCRedirection.N2E.Blin d.PowerSaving

LTE cells. The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are blindly redirected to neighboring LTE cells. The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are blindly redirected to neighboring LTE cells for power saving.


Perf Perfor orma manc nce e ccou ount nter erss in SA ne netw twor orki king ng –

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

When When NR carrier carrierss are are shut shut down down,, SA UEs UEs ((if if any) any) will will be be hande handed d over over to to LTE cells. The following table lists afected afected counters.  counters.

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Counter Name



The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are handed over to neighboring LTE cells.


The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are handed over to neighboring LTE cells.


The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are handed over to neighboring LTE cells.

N.HO.InterRAT.N2E.PrepA ttOut

The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are handed over to neighboring LTE cells.

N.HO.InterRAT.N2E.ExecA ttOut

The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are handed over to neighboring LTE cells.

N.HO.InterRAT.N2E.ExecS uccOut

The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are handed over to neighboring LTE cells.


If handov handovers ers fail, SA UEs UEs are are blindly blindly redirected redirected to LTE LTE cells. cells. The followin following g table lists afected afected counters.  counters. Counter Name



The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are blindly redirected to neighboring LTE cells.


The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are blindly redirected to neighboring LTE cells.

N.RRCRedirection.N2E.Bli nd

The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are blindly redirected to neighboring LTE cells.

N.RRCRedirection.N2E.Bli nd.PowerSaving

The value of this counter may increase when SA UEs are blindly redirected to neighboring LTE cells for power saving.


Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

This This functio function n sav saves es ener energy gy by shut shuttin ting g dow down n downli downlink nk carri carriers ers inste instead ad of  deactivating the cell. Therefore, when carriers are shut down, the counters and KPIs listed in Table 3-3 will 3-3 will still be measured without afecting afecting energy  energy saving efects.

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Table 3-3 Related 3-3 Related performance counters and KPIs Function Subset


PRB Measurement

● Counters related to the number of used PRBs

DU Cell Operator PRB Measurement

● Counte Counters rs rela related ted to to the number number o of  f  available PRBs ● Counte Counters rs rela related ted to to the number number o of  f  physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) control channel elements (CCEs) ● Counte Counters rs rela related ted to to the number number o of  f  PDCCH resource allocations ● PRB usage

DU Cell Algorithm Measurement

● Counte Counters rs relat related ed to the the total total numbe numberr of  physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) transmission time intervals (TTIs) ● Counte Counters rs relat related ed to the the total total numbe numberr of  PDSCH TTIs

DU Cell SI Message Measurement

Number of SI transmissions

Channel Quality Measurement

● Counte Counters rs relat related ed to interf interfer erenc ence e and noise received in the uplink

DU Cell TRP Channel Quality Measurement Uplink Interference Measurement on PRB 0 to PRB 99 Uplink Interference Measurement on PRB 100 to PRB 199 Uplink Interference Measurement on PRB 200 to PRB 272

● Counte Counters rs relat related ed to uplin uplink k receiv received ed signal strength indicator (RSSI) ● Counters Counters related related to uplink uplink and and downlin downlink k power ● Counte Counters rs rela related ted to to the avera average ge interference and noise detected on a single PRB ● Counte Counters rs rela related ted to to the maximu maximum m interference and noise detected on a single PRB

  In the case of false physical random access channel (PRACH) detection where the base station mistakenly regards interference interference or noise as UEs' random access preambles, the following counters and KPIs are still measured:

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Counte Counters rs rela related ted to the the numbe numberr of rand random om pream preamble ble recep receptio tions ns

Counte Counters rs rela related ted to the the numbe numberr of rand random om pream preamble ble respo response nsess

Counte Counters rs rela related ted to the the numbe numberr of UEs UEs ssche chedul duled ed in the uplink uplink and and downlink in a cell

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Counte Counters rs re relat lated ed to upli uplink nk data data tr trans ansmis missio sion nd dur uratio ation n

Counte Counters rs rela related ted tto o the numb number er of tra transp nsport ort bloc blocks ks (TBs) (TBs) used used for for uplin uplink k data transmission

Counte Counters rs rela related ted to modu modulat lation ion and coding coding scheme scheme (MC (MCS) S) iinde ndexx distribution for scheduling on the PUSCH

Counte Counters rs rela related ted tto o the numb number er of RBs RBs us used ed ffor or sched scheduli uling ng on on the PUSC PUSCH H

PUSCH RB usage

Function Impacts RA T

Function Func tion Name Name

Function Function Switch




RF module deep dormancy

RRU.DORMANC  RF Module Deep  RF module deep RRU.DORMANC  YSW   Dormancy  dormancy takes precedence over LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown when the functions are both enabled.


Cell load simulation



After LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown takes efect, efect, the  the cell load simulation function cannot be enabled and will be disabled if it has been enabled. It is not recommended that these functions be both enabled.

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown


Function Func tion Name Name

Function Function Switch



gNBSibCong..Si  CMAS  in gNBSibCong  in 5G  bType  set  set to RAN Feature  SIB_TYPE_8 Documentation 



Description When an NR carrier is shut down, the NR cell is blocked and commercial mobile alert system (CMAS) messages cannot be properly sent in this cell. But UEs can receive CMAS messages from other carriers.


RF channel intelligent shutdown

RF_SHUTDOWN  _SW option  _SW  option of  the

Energy  Conservation  and Emission 

 in  in 5G  NRDUCellAlgoS RAN Feature  witch.PowerSav  witch. PowerSav  Reduction  Documentation  ingSwitch  parameter

When LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown is enabled, RF channel intelligent shutdown cannot take efect for efect  for some low-frequency NR TDD AAUs/ RRUs in automatic coverage compensation mode. For details, see Energy  Conservation  and Emission  Reduction  in  in 5G  RAN Feature  Documentation .


3.3 Requirem Requirements ents

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

3.3.1 Licenses RAT

Feature ID

Feature Name



Sales Unit


MRFD-16026 3

LTE and NR



Per Cell

Intelligent Carrier Shutdown (NR) LTE TDD

MRFD-16023 3

LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown (LTE TDD)



Per Cell


MRFD-16022 3

LTE and NR



Per Cell

Intelligent Carrier Shutdown (L (LTE TE FDD) FD D)  

3.3.2 Software Before activating this function, ensure that its prerequisite functions have been activated and mutually exclusive functions have been deactivated. For detailed operations, see the relevant feature documents.

Prerequisite Prerequisit e Functions ●

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

NSA NSA or or NSA NSA and and S SA A hyb hybri rid d net netwo work rkin ing g

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Functi nctio on Name

Functi nctio on Switch

Reference nce

Descr criipt ptiion

NSA networking based on EPC

NSA Networking  LTE: NSA_DC_CAPABI based on EPC  LITY_SWITCH option of the NsaDcMgmtConf 

For each NR cell, the NSA_DC_CAPAB ILITY_SWITCH option of the

ig. ig.NsaDcAlgoSwi  tch  parameter  parameter

NsaDcMgmtCo ng..NsaDcAlgo  ng Switch  parameter must be selected for at least one cocoverage neighboring LTE cell.


SA networking None

Mutually Exclusive Functions Function Name Timing carrier shutdown

Functio tion Switch TIMING_CARRIER  _SHUTDOWN_S W option of the NRDUCellAlgoSw itch.PowerSaving  itch. PowerSaving  Switch  parameter  parameter



Energy  Conservation and  Emission  Reduction  in  in 5G  RAN Feature  Documentation 

The timing carrier shutdown period cannot overlap that of this function. You are advised to preferentially prefer entially plan the period during which timing carrier shutdown takes efect.


3.3.3 Hardware Base Station Models ●

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

LTE: –

3900 3900 and and 590 5900 0 sser erie iess bas base e sta stati tion onss

DBS3 DBS390 900 0 Lamp LampSi Site te and and DBS DBS59 5900 00 Lam LampS pSit ite e

NR : –

3900 and 5900 series series base base stati stations ons.. 3900 3900 serie seriess base base stat station ionss must must b be e congured with congured  with the BBU3910.

DBS3900 DBS3900 LampSi LampSite te a and nd DBS5 DBS5900 900 Lamp LampSit Site. e. DBS3 DBS3900 900 Lamp LampSit Site e must must be be congured with the BBU3910. congured with Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Boards ●

LTE: –

The UMPT UMPTb, b, UMPT UMPTe, e, UMPT UMPTga, ga, and UMPT UMPTg board boardss are are the the only only main main control boards that support this function.

All All UBB UBBP P boa board rdss ssup uppo port rt th this is func functio tion. n.

NR : All NR-capable main control boards and NR TDD-capable TDD- capable baseband processing units support this function. To learn which main control boards are NR-capable and baseband processing units are NR TDD-capable, see the related BBU technical specications specications in  in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station  Product Documentation .

RF Modules All low-frequency RF modules support this function. ●

For detail detailss abo about ut low-f low-fre reque quency ncy remo remote te radi radio o units units (RRU (RRUs), s), ssee ee RRU Technical  Specifcations   in in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product Documentation .

For detail detailss abo about ut low-f low-fre reque quency ncy activ active e antenn antenna a uni units ts (AAUs (AAUs), ), se see e AAU  Technical Specifcations   in in 3900 & 5900 Series Base Station Product  Documentation .

3.3.4 Networking ●

In NSA NSA and and SA hybr hybrid id ne netw twor orki king ng,, the the conguration conguration and  and activation procedure of this function are the same as those in NSA networking. The load information is transmitted between the eNodeB and gNodeB over the X2 interface.

In SA SA networkin networking, g, this this functio function n applies applies only to LTE LTE and and NR NR co-site co-site scena scenarios. rios.

3.3.5 Others ●

The The UE has has subs subscri cribe bed d to LTE and and NR NR serv service ices. s.

This This fun functi ction on req requi uire ress that that UEs UEs sup suppo port rt N NSA SA DC DC dened dened in  in 3GPP Release 15 in NSA networking or NSA and SA hybrid networking.

3.4 Operation and Maintenance 3.4.1 When to Use To achieve satisfactory energy-saving gains without impacti impacting ng network performance, LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown is recommended in the following scenarios: ●

LTE and and NR cells overlap overlap in their coverage coverage areas, areas, and and the the LTE LTE network network provides continuous basic coverage. –

In SA SA networ networkin king, g, o orr NSA NSA and and SA hybrid hybrid networ networkin king, g, tthe he neig neighbo hborr relationships with LTE LTE cells must be congured congured for  for the NR cell on the gNodeB. In NSA and SA hybrid networking, the neighbor relationship

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

with the NR cell also needs to be congured congured for  for the LTE cells on the eNodeB. NOT NO T

In multi-operator sharing scenarios, the neighboring LTE cells of the NR cell congured on congured  on the gNodeB must be the cells of the LTE LTE primary operator.

To query query the cove covera rage ge rela relation tionshi ship p between between LTE LTE an and d NR cells, cells, you you can can run the LST NRNRELATIONSHIP command NRNRELATIONSHIP command on the eNodeB in NSA networking or NSA and SA hybrid networking, or run the LST NRCELLEUTRANRELATION command NRCELLEUTRANRELATION  command on the gNodeB in SA networking or NSA and SA hybrid networking.

The trac trac volume  volume presents a typical tidal efect efect in  in some areas such as central business districts (CBDs) and shopping malls.

The overall trac trac volume  volume of LTE and NR services is low, as is often the case in suburban and rural areas.

In overlapping coverage areas, if multiple neighboring LTE LTE cells of the NR cell for which LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown is to be enabled are anchor cells: ●

When When no ancho anchorr cells cells has has a small small bandwi bandwidth dth,, it is recom recommen mended ded that that LTE LTE and and NR intelligent carrier shutdown be enabled for all anchor cells.

When there there are are anchor anchor cells with small bandwidths bandwidths,, LTE LTE and and NR NR intellig intelligent ent carrier shutdown is not recommended for these small-bandwidth anchor cells.

When When all ancho anchorr cells cells hav have e small small bandwi bandwidth dthss and LTE LTE and and NR intel intellig ligent ent carrier shutdown must be enabled, it is recommended that the UE number threshold (indicated by the NRDUCellPowerSaving NRDUCellPowerSaving..UserNumThld  parameter) and downlink PRB usage threshold (indicated by the NRDUCellPowerSaving..DlPrbThld  parameter) NRDUCellPowerSaving  parameter) of the NR cell be set to smaller values, and the PRB usage threshold ofset ofset (indicated  (indicated by the NRDUCellPowerSaving..EutranDlPrbOfset  parameter) of the anchor cells be NRDUCellPowerSaving set to a larger value. In this way, ping-pong migration can be avoided.

This function is not recommended in the following scenario: There are NR-only UEs. After the NR network is shut down, NR-only UEs cannot access services.

3.4.2 Data Conguration Data Preparation Table 3-4 Parameters 3-4 Parameters used for conguration conguration on  on the LTE side

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Parameter Name

Parameter ID

Setting Notes

LNR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Switch

CellAlgoExtSwitch.Ln  CellAlgoExtSwitch.Ln  rSmartCarrierShut-  downSw 

Set this parameter to ON ON..

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

Parameter Name

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Parameter ID

Aggregation Attribute   NrNRelationship NrNRelationship.. Agg   Agg  regationAttribute 

Setting Notes Set the CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_OVER LAP_FLAG option LAP_FLAG  option of this parameter to the recommended value.

  Table 3-5 Parameters 3-5 Parameters used for conguration conguration on  on the NR side Parameter Name

Setting Notes

Power Saving Switch   NRDUCellAlgoSwitch .PowerSavingSwitch 

Select the LNR_SMART_CARRIER_SHUT DOWN_SW option DOWN_SW  option of this parameter.

Start Time


NRDUCellPowerSaving.StartTime  ing. StartTime 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

Stop Time



Set this parameter based on

ing.StopTime  ing. StopTime 

the network plan.

Power Saving Type

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Parameter ID


NRDUCellPowerSavSet this parameter to ing.PowerSavingType  ing. PowerSavingType  LNR_SMART_CARRIER_SHUT DOWN.. DOWN

UE Number Threshold   NRDUCellPowerSaving.UserNumThld  ing. UserNumThld 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

Downlink PRB Threshold

NRDUCellPowerSaving.DlPrbThld  ing. DlPrbThld 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

E-UTRAN Downlink PRB Threshold

NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranDlPrbThld  ing. EutranDlPrbThld 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

E-UTRAN Downlink


Set this parameter based on

PRB Ofset


the network plan.

E-UTRAN Carrier Shutdown Ratio

NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranCarrShutd  ing. EutranCarrShutd  ownRatio 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

E-UTRAN Carrier Shutdown Ofset

NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranCarrShutd  ing. EutranCarrShutd  ownExitOfs 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Parameter Name

Parameter ID

Setting Notes

E-UTRAN NR User Number Threshold

NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserNu  ing. EutranNrUserNu  mThld 

Set this parameter based on the network plan. If this parameter is set to 65535 65535,, this parameter and the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserDlPrbThld  ing.EutranNrUserDlPrbThld  parameter are invalid.

E-UTRAN NR User Number Threshold Ofset

NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserNu  ing. EutranNrUserNu  mThldOfs 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

E-UTRAN NR User Downlink PRB Threshold

NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserDlP  ing. EutranNrUserDlP  rbThld 

Set this parameter based on the network plan. If this parameter is set to 255 255,, this parameter and the NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserNumThld  ing. EutranNrUserNumThld  parameter are invalid.

E-UTRAN NR User Downlink PRB Threshold Ofset

NRDUCellPowerSaving.EutranNrUserDlP  ing. EutranNrUserDlP  rbThldOfs 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

Carrier Shutdown Penalty Time

NRDUCellPowerSaving.CarrShutdownPe  ing. CarrShutdownPe  naltyTime 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

Shutdown Trigger Judge Period

NRDUCellPowerSaving..ShutdownTrigJud  ing gePeriod 

Set this parameter based on the network plan.

Power Saving Overlapping Indicator

NRCellEutraNRelaCongure the Congure the tion.PowerSavingOve  tion. PowerSavingOve  LNR_CARR_SHUTDOWN_OVE rlapInd  RLAP_IND option RLAP_IND  option based on the network plan. This parameter is mandatory only in SA networking. Using MML Commands  Activation Command Examples //On the LTE side: MOD CELLALGOE CELLALGOEXTSWITCH: XTSWITCH: LocalCellId=0, LnrSmartCarrierSh LnrSmartCarrierShutdownSw=ON; utdownSw=ON; //(Optional, required only when the neighbor relationship between LTE and NR cells with overlapping coverage areas needs to be manually congured congured in  in NSA or NSA and SA hybrid networking) Conguring Conguring all  all overlapping neighboring cell in the overlapping coverage areas with the parameters set as follows: mobile country code (MCC) is 460, mobile network code (MNC) is 01, and gNodeB ID is 441233. MOD NRNRELATIONSHIP: LocalCellId=0, Mcc="460", Mnc="01", GnodebId=441233, CellId=100, AggregationAttribute=CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_O AggregationAttribu te=CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_OVERLAP_FLAG-1; VERLAP_FLAG-1; //On the NR side: //Turning //Turni ng on the switch for LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown MOD NRDUCELLALG NRDUCELLALGOSWITCH: OSWITCH: NrDuCellId=0,

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

PowerSavingSwitch=LNR_SMART_CARR PowerSavingSw itch=LNR_SMART_CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_SW IER_SHUTDOWN_SW-1; -1; //(Optional, required only in SA networking) Conguring Conguring all  all neighboring cells in the overlapping coverage area with the parameters set as follows: MCC is 460, MNC is 01, and eNodeB ID is 441282. MOD NRCELLEUTRANRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="460", Mnc="01", EnodebId=441282, CellId=111, PowerSavingOverlapInd=LNR_CARR_SHUTDOWN_OVERLAP_IND-1; //Adding power saving congurations ADD NRDUCELLPOWERSAVING: NRDUCELLPOWERSAVING: NrDuCellId=0, PowerSavingPol PowerSavingPolicyIndex=0, icyIndex=0, StartTime=00&00&00, StopTime=06&00&00, PowerSavingT PowerSavingType=LNR_SMART_CARRIER ype=LNR_SMART_CARRIER_SHUTDOWN, _SHUTDOWN, DlPrbThld=5, UserNumThld=20, CarrShutdownPenaltyTime=30, CarrShutdownPenaltyTime=30, EutranDlPrbThld=30, EutranDlPrbThld=30, EutranDlPrbOfset=30, EutranDlPrbOfset=30,   EutranCarrShutdownRatio=90, EutranCarrS hutdownRatio=90, EutranCarr EutranCarrShutdownExitOfs=7 ShutdownExitOfs=70, 0, EutranNrUserNumThld=10, EutranNrUserNumThld=10, EutranNrUserNumThldOfs=20, EutranNrU serNumThldOfs=20, EutranNrUserDlPrbThld=10, EutranNrUserDlPrbThld=10, EutranNrUserDlPrbThldOfs=5, EutranNrUserDlPrbThldOfs=5, CarrShutdownPenaltyTime=30, CarrShutdownPena ltyTime=30, ShutdownTrigJudgePeriod=1; ShutdownTrigJudgePeriod=1;

Deactivation Command Examples //On the LTE side: MOD CELLALGOE CELLALGOEXTSWITCH: XTSWITCH: LocalCellId=0, LnrSmartCarrierSh LnrSmartCarrierShutdownSw=OFF; utdownSw=OFF; //(Optional, required only when the neighbor relationship between LTE and NR cells with overlapping coverage areas needs to be manually congured congured in  in NSA or NSA and SA hybrid networking) Removing the neighbor relationship for energy saving in the overlapping coverage area MOD NRNRELATIONSHIP: LocalCellId=0, Mcc="460", Mnc="01", GnodebId=441233, CellId=XXX, AggregationAttribute=CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_O AggregationAttribu te=CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_OVERLAP_FLAG-0; VERLAP_FLAG-0; //On the NR side: //Turning of  the  the switch for LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown MOD NRDUCELLALG NRDUCELLALGOSWITCH: OSWITCH: NrDuCellId=0, PowerSavingSwitch=LNR_SMART_CARRIE PowerSavingSw itch=LNR_SMART_CARRIER_SHUTDOWN_SW R_SHUTDOWN_SW-0; -0; //(Optional, required only in SA networking) Removing all neighbor relationships for energy saving in the overlapping coverage area MOD NRCELLEUTRANRELATION: NrCellId=0, Mcc="460", Mnc="01", EnodebId=441282, CellId=111, PowerSavingOverlapInd=LNR_CARR_SHUTDOWN_OVERLAP_IND-0; //Removing power saving congurations RMV NRDUCELLPOWERSAVING: NRDUCELLPOWERSAVING: NrDuCellId=0, PowerSavingPolicyIndex=0; PowerSavingPolicyIndex=0; Using the MAE-Deployment For detailed operations, see Feature Conguration Conguration Using  Using the MAE-Deployment.

3.4.3 Activation  Verication Using MML Commands Use either of the following methods to verify that LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown has taken efect efect in  in an NR cell. ●

Method 1 a.

Run the DSP NRDUCELL command NRDUCELL command on the gNodeB side during a shutdown period.


Quer Query y the the cell cell sta statu tus. s. IIff the the valu value e of the the Power Saving State parameter State parameter is LNR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown:Enabled, Shutdown:Enabled, the cell has been shut down and this function has taken efect.

Method 2 Run the DSP NRDUCELLPOWERSAVING command NRDUCELLPOWERSAVING command to query the status of LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

If the value of the Power Saving Type parameter Type parameter is LNR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown and Shutdown and the value of the Current State parameter State parameter is Enabled,, LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown has taken efect. Enabled

If the value of the Power Saving Type parameter Type parameter is LNR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown and Shutdown and the value of the Current State parameter State parameter is Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.



SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Disabled, LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown has not taken efect Disabled, and the reason needs to be further determined. For details about the possible reasons, see Table 3-6. 3-6. Table 3-6 Possible 3-6 Possible reasons why the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown function does not take efect Cause Insucient L Insucient  Liicense

Description The license item has not been applied for.

Switch Turned Of 

The function switch for the NR cell has not been turned on.

Neighboring Cell Not Congured

The neighbor relationships with LTE cells are not congured congured for  for the NR cell, the overlap indication is not congured congured for  for the neighboring LTE cells of the NR cell, the X2 interface is faulty, or the NR cell fails to obtain information about its neighboring LTE cells.

Cell Unavailable

The NR cell is blocked or deactivated, fails to be set up, or is unavailable due to other reasons.

Triggering Ti Time Not Re Reached

● The cu current ttiime is is no not wi within the time range specied specied for  for the function. ● If the the trigge triggerr condit condition ionss are are sti still ll not met when the congured shutdown stop time is about to elapse within 20 minutes, then the shutdown process cannot be started during the remaining period even with the trigger conditions satised.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Neighboring Ce Cell Un Unavailable

The ffu unct ctiion sw swit itcch of of th the neighboring LTE LTE cell is not turned on, the licenses for the neighboring LTE cell are insucient, the insucient,  the neighboring LTE cell is in barred state or not activated, or no neighboring LTE LTE cell is anchor cell.

Impacted Feature Taken Efect


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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown



Downlink PRB Threshold Not Reached

The user number in the NR cell has reached the trigger threshold, but the downlink PRB usage has not reached the trigger threshold.

UE Number Threshold Not Reached

● NR Thecell downli dow nlink nk PRB usage usa getrigger in the the has reached the threshold, but the user number has not reached the trigger threshold. ● Neit Neithe herr the the down downli link nk PRB PRB usage nor the user number in the NR cell has reached the trigger threshold.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Neighboring Cell Load Exceeding Threshold

The load in all the neighboring LTE cells of the NR cell exceeds the threshold.

Triggering Decision Period Not

The current time is within the


check period,triggering but the thresholds for function have not been met.

In Penalty State

If this function is in efect efect for  for a consecutive period of less than 15 minutes for one time, a penalty is imposed and this function cannot take efect efect again  again until the penalty time elapses. The penalty time is specied by specied  by the NRDUCellPowerSaving.CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  ing. CarrShutdownPenaltyTime  parameter.

RF Hardware Capability Not Supported


BBP Software Capability Not Supported


UE Being Transferred or Transfer Failed

Online SA UEs in the NR cell fail to be handed over or redirected.

NR UEs in NCell Exceeding Threshold

The number of NR UEs in a neighboring LTE LTE cell of the NR cell exceeds the threshold.

NR UE Load in NCell Exceeding Threshold

The load of NR UEs in a neighboring LTE LTE cell of the NR cell exceeds the PRB usage threshold.

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown




● The current time is within the time range specied specied for  for the LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown function, but this function is in its detection period. ● Intern Internal al softwa software re or other other reasons cause the function not to take efect.


Observing Counters Observe the performance counter of the afected afected NR  NR cell. Counter Name

Counter Description

N.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySavi ng

Duration of cell unavailability due to energy saving

  Observe the performance counters of the afected afected gNodeB.  gNodeB. Counter Name

Counter Description

 VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.N R

The sum of power consumption of all boards in NR


Power consumption of board

  Observe the performance counter of the afected afected eNodeB.  eNodeB. Counter Name  VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LT  VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LT E

Counter Description The sum of power consumption of all boards in the LTE


3.4.4 Network Monitoring NR counters: ●

gNod gNodeB eB po powe werr con conssumpt umptio ion n Check the VS.EnergyCons.BTSBoard the VS.EnergyCons.BTSBoard counter  counter to see the power consumption of RF modules. Check the VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.NR the VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.NR counter  counter to see the power consumption of the entire base station.

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

3 LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown

Duratio Duration n of of cell cell una unavai vailab labilit ility yd due ue to energ energy y savi saving ng Check the N.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving N.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving counter  counter to see this duration. There is delay in making decisions on whether to enter or exit the LTE LTE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown state. Therefore, Therefore, the duration measured by the N.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving counter N.Cell.Unavail.Dur.EnergySaving  counter has an approximately 1 minute deviation from the congured congured L  LTE TE and NR intelligent carrier shutdown period.

LTE counters:

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

Check the VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.L  VS.EnergyCons.BTS.Adding.LTE TE counter  counter to see the power consumption of the entire base station.

If LTE LTE a and nd NR NR cells cells are served served by by the same same RF modu module le usin using g th the e SDR SDR technology,, check the VS.EnergyCons.BTSBoard technology the VS.EnergyCons.BTSBoard counter  counter to see the LTE power consumption of the RF module.

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

4 Parameters



The following hyperlinked EXCEL les les of  of parameter documents match the software version with which this document is released. ●

Node Node Parame Parameter ter Refe Refere rence nce:: contain containss devi device ce and trans transpor portt parame parameter ters. s.

eNodeBFuncti eNodeBFunction on Parameter Parameter Referen Reference: ce: conta contains ins all parameter parameterss related related to radio access functions, including air interface management, access control,

mobility control, and radio resource management. eNodeB eNodeBFun Functio ction n Use Used d Reserv Reserved ed Para Paramet meter er Li List: st: contain containss the rese reserved rved parameters that are in use and those that have been disused. NOT NO T

You can nd nd the  the EXCEL les les of  of parameter reference and used reserved parameter list for the software version used on the live network from the product documentation do cumentation delivered with that version.

FAQ 1: How do I nd nd the  the parameters related to a certain feature from parameter reference? Step 1 Open the EXCEL le le of  of parameter reference. reference. Step 2 On the Parameter List sheet, List sheet, lter lter the  the Feature ID column. ID column. Click Text Filters and Filters and choose Contains Contains.. Enter the feature ID, for example, LOFD-001016 LOFD-001016 or TDLOFD-001016. Step 3 Click OK OK.. All parameters related to the feature are displayed. ----End FAQ 2: How do I nd nd the  the information about a certain reserved parameter from the used reserved parameter list? Step 1 Open the EXCEL le le of  of the used reserved parameter list. Step 2 On the Used Reserved Parameter List sheet, List sheet, use the MO MO,, Parameter ID, ID, and BIT columns to locate the reserved parameter parameter,, which may be only a bit of a parameter. parameter. View its information, including the meaning, values, impacts, and product version in which it is activated for use. ----End Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

5 Counters



The following hyperlinked EXCEL les les of  of performance counter referen reference ce match the software version with which this document is released. ●

Node Node Perform Performanc ance e Counter Counter Summa Summary: ry: contai contains ns device device and and transp transport ort count counters ers..

eNodeB eNodeBFun Functio ction n Perf Perform ormanc ance e Counter Counter Summa Summary: ry: contain containss all counter counterss relate related d to radio access functions, including air interface management, access control, mobility control, and radio resource management. NOT NO T

You can nd nd the  the EXCEL les les of  of performance counter refer reference ence for the software version used on the live network from the product documentation delivered d elivered with that version.

FAQ: How do I nd nd the  the counters related to a certain feature from performance counter reference? reference? Step 1 Open the EXCEL le le of  of performance counter reference. reference. Step 2 On the Counter Summary(En) sheet, Summary(En) sheet, lter lter the  the Feature ID column. ID column. Click Text Filters and Filters  and choose Contains Contains.. Enter the feature ID, for example, LOFD-001016 or TDLOFD-001016. Step 3 Click OK OK.. All counters related to the feature are displayed. ----End

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

6 Glossary



For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and denitions, denitions, see  see Glossary .

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

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SingleRAN LTE and NR Intelligent Carrier Shutdown Feature Parameter Description

7 Reference Documents


 Reference Documents

Issue Draft A (2020-12-29)

NSA Networking based on EPC 

Fe Feat atur ure e param paramet eter er des descr crip iptio tion n do docu cume ment ntss in 5G RAN Feature Documentation : –

Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction 

Hyper Cell (Low-Frequency TDD) 

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