LTD Case Digests
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Land Title And Deeds...
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES, PHILIPPINES, v. MARJENS INVESTMENT CORPORATION, G.R. No. 156205, Noveme Noveme! ! 12, 12, 201" F#$%&' On December 22, 1998, or almost 46 years after the issuance of OCT No. 0669, !e"ublic, re"resente# by the !e$ion %& !e$ional '(ecuti)e Director of the D'N!, *le# a "etition before the Court Co urt of +" +""e "eal als s fo forr ann annulm ulment ent of u# u#$m $men ent, t, ca cance ncella llati tion on of tit title le,, an an# # re re)er )ersio sion n a$ a$ain ainst st res"on#ents, the !e$ister of Dee#s for the -ro)ince of atan$as, an# the !e$ional Trial Court of /i"a City. -etitioner alle$es that res"on#ents a""ear as re$istere# oners of a lan# i#enti*e# as /ot 1 -cs 94, hich is a "ortion of /ots 1 an# 2, "lan -su11440 /!C !ecor# No. N44, co)ere# by TCT No. T1892. The O3 alle$es that u"on )eri*cation, it as ascertaine# that the lan# co)ere# by TCT No. T 1892 18 92 is ith ithin in the uncl unclassi assi*e# *e# "ublic for forest est "er /an# Cla Classi* ssi*cati cation on Con Contr trol ol 5a" No No.. 10 10,, therefore, cannot be subect of #is"osition or re$istration an# the re$istration "rocee#in$s, the u#$ment in the subect case, the OCT No. O669 issue# "ursuant thereto, an# all subseuent titles are null an# )oi#. The lan# co)ere# by TCT No. T1892, not ha)in$ been le$ally re$istere#, remains an# forms "art of the "ublic #omain of the 3tate. %n their comment, res"on#ents #eny the O37s alle$ations. They claim that their titles, their "re#ec "r e#ecess essors7 ors7 titles, titles, an# their moth mother er titl title e ar are e issu issue# e# in acco accor# r#ance ance ith la, an# that the "ro"erty as re$istere# an# brou$ht un#er the Torrens system. !es"on#ents conten# that the subect "ro"erty as alrea#y "ri)ate "ro"erty e)en before the 3"anish Cron ce#e# so)erei$nty o)er the -hili""ine %slan#s to the nite# 3tates of +merica. The Court of +""eals #ismisse# #ismis se# the case an# a""lie# a" "lie# the case of Cariho v. Insular Government of the Philippin Philippine e %slan#s, hich reco$nie# reco$nie# "ri)ate onershi" of lan#s alrea#y "ossesse# or hel# by in#i)i#uals un#er claim of onershi" as far bac: as testimony or memory $oes an# therefore ne)er to ha)e been "ublic lan# that 3"ain coul# beueath to the nite# 3tates of +merica. ncon)ince#, the O3 *le# this "etition for re)ie on certiorari certiorari before before the Court. sub ect "ro"erty is a "ri)ate "ro"erty. "ro"erty. I&&(e' ;"rescri"tion is mentione# a$ain in the royal ce#ula of October 1, 1?4, cite# in -hili""ine, 46@ 7>Ahere such "ossessors shall not be able to "ro#uce title #ee#s, it shall be suBcient if they shall sho that ancient "ossession, as a )ali# title by "rescri"tion.7 %t may be that this means "ossession from before 1?00@ but, at all e)ents, the "rinci"le is a#mitte#. +s "rescri"tion, e)en a$ainst a$a inst Cron Cron lan# lan#s, s, as reco$ni reco$nie# e# by the las of 3"ain e see no suB suBcien cientt re reaso ason n for hesitatin$ to a#mit that it as reco$nie# in the -hili""ines in re$ar# to lan#s o)er hich 3"ain ha# only a "a"er so)erei$nty s o)erei$nty.= .= +s for res"on#ents, it is un#is"ute# that the subect "ro"erty traces its title to the "ro"erty ori$inally one# by !ita a. #e %lustre since 1890. rom her it "asse# on to se)eral han#s until it as transferre# to ammon . uc:, ho successfully re$istere# it in his name. rom 1890, res"on#ents7 "re#ecessors in interest ha# been in "eaceful, o"en, continuous, e(clusi)e, a#)erse, an# an # no noto torio rious us "o "osse ssessi ssion on in the co conce nce"t "t of an o one nerr of th the e sub sube ect ct "r "ro"e o"erty rty. oll ollo oin$ in$ the Cariño Cariño rulin$, rulin$, the subect "ro"erty ha# been a "ri)ate lan# an# e(clu#e# from the "ublic #omain since 1890 "rior to the si$nin$ of the Treaty of -aris on December 10, 1898. Therefore, it
is not "art of the "ublic #omain that "asse# on from 3"ain to the nite# 3tates of +merica. or the same reason, it is also not "art of the unclassi*e# "ublic forest as "etitioner claims. %nRepublic v. Court of Appeals and Cosalan, the Court hel# that = 7hile the o)ernment has the ri$ht to classify "ortions of "ublic lan#, the "rimary ri$ht of a "ri)ate in#i)i#ual ho "ossesse# an# culti)ate# the lan# in $oo# faith much "rior to such classi*cation must be reco$nie# an# shoul# not be "reu#ice# E be consi#ere# forestry lan#, unless "ri)ate interests ha)e inter)ene# before such reser)ation is ma#e7= R(*+-' ;'!'O!', "remises consi#ere#, the Court of +""eals Decision is +%!5'D.
ANDY ANG, v. SEVERINO PACUNIO, G.R. No. 208928, July 08, 2015 Fac!" Respondents filed a complaint for Declaration for nullity of Sale, Reconveyance and damages before the RTC involving the subject land originally owned by Udiaan. Respondents alleged that they are grandchildren and successorininterest of Udiaan. !owever, an imposter falsely representing herself as Udiaan sold the subject land to petitioner. "etitioner entered the subject land and used the same in his livestoc# business. Respondents then informed petitioner that he did not validly ac$uire the subject land, and thereafter, demanded its return, but to no avail. !ence, they filed the aforesaid complaint, contending the Udiaan cannot sold the subject considering that she was already dead for more than %& years when the sale occurred. "etitioner denied respondents' allegations and countered that( ) a* at first, he bought the subject land from a person representing herself as Udiaan who showed a community ta+ certificate as proof of identity, has in her possession CT -o. T/0, #new the location of the subject land, and was not afraid to face the notary public when they e+ecuted the 1uestioned Deed of 2bsolute Sale3 ) b* he was initially prevented from entering the subject land since it was being occupied by the !eirs of 2lfredo 4accion3 ) c * in order to buy peace, he had to 5buy5 the subject land anew from the !eirs of 4accion3 ) d * he was a buyer in good faith, for value, and was without any #nowledge or participation in the alleged defects of the title thereof3 and ) e* respondents were never in possession of the subject land and they never paid real property ta+es over the same. Ultimately, petitioner claimed that he was duped and swindled into buying the subject land twice.
!TC rule# in fa)our of the "etitioner. C+ mo#i*e# !TCFs #ecision as follosG )a* ,/&% s$. m. to petitioner3 )b* 6,07 s$. m. to the !eirs of 4accion3 and )c* the remainder of the subject land to Udiaan's children. "etitioner 8R but was denied, hence, this petition.
I!!u#" 9:- the respondents are not real parties in interest. Discussion( The rule on real parties in interest has two )%* re$uirements, namely( ) a* to institute an action, the plaintiff must be the real party in interest3 and ) b* the action must be prosecuted in the name of the real party in interest. ;nterest within the meaning of the Rules of Court means material interest or an interest in issue to be affected by the decree or judgment of the case, as distinguished from mere curiosity about the $uestion involved. ne having no material interest cannot invo#e the jurisdiction of the court as the plaintiff in an action. 9hen the plaintiff is not the real party in interest, the case is dismissible on the ground of lac# of cause of action. ;n the instant case, respondents claim to be the successorsininterest of the subject land just because they are Udiaan's grandchildren. Under the law, however, respondents will only be deemed to have a material
interest over the subject land and the rest of Udiaan's estate for that matter if the right of representation &
provided under 2rticle 0or such right to be available to respondents, they would have to show first that their mother( )a* predeceased Udiaan3 ) b* is incapacitated to inherit3 or ) c * was disinherited, if Udiaan died testate. !owever, as correctly pointed out by the C2, nothing in the records would show that the right of representation is available to respondents. !ence, the RTC and the C2 correctly found that respondents are not real parties in interest to the instant case. ;t is wellsettled that factual findings of the RTC, when affirmed by the C2, are entitled to great weight and respect by the Court and are deemed final and conclusive when supported by the evidence on record, as in this case.
Rul$%&" 9!?R?>R?, the petition is 4R2-T?D.
SPOUSES )OMINA)OR MARCOS #+ GLORIA MARCOS, v. HEIRS OF ISI)RO BANGI, G.R. No. 1/5"5, O$%oe! 15, 201" F#$%&' On Hune 26, 1998, the heirs of %si#roI an# eno)e)a, *le# ith the !TC a com"laint for annulment of #ocuments, cancellation of transfer certi*cates of titles, restoration of ori$inal certi*cate of title an# reco)ery of onershi" "lus #ama$es a$ainst s"ouses Domina#or an# loria. /i:eise im"lea#e# in the sai# com"laint are s"ouses Hose an# -acita, Ceasaria , an# s"ouses 'milio an# Jenai#a. %n their com"laint, the res"on#ents a)erre# that their "arents, %si#ro an# eno)e)a, bou$ht the onethir# "ortion of subect "ro"erty from 'usebio, as e)i#ence# by a Dee# of +bsolute 3ale e(ecute# by the latter, hich as subseuently re$istere# in the name of +li"io, 'usebioFs father. +fter the sale, the res"on#ents claime# that %si#ro an# eno)e)a too: "ossession of the subect "ro"erty until they "asse# aay. The res"on#ents then too: "ossession of the same. urther, the res"on#ents alle$e# that sometime in 1998, they learne# that the title to the subect "ro"erty, inclu#in$ the "ortion sol# to %si#ro an# eno)e)a, as transferre# to herein "etitioner Domina#or, -rimo, CeasariaFs husban#, Hose, an# 'milio throu$h a Dee# of +bsolute 3ale #ate# +u$ust 10, 199, su""ose#ly e(ecute# by +li"io ith the consent of his ife !amona. The res"on#ents claime# that the sai# #ee# of absolute sale is a for$ery since +li"io #ie# in 1918 hile !amona "asse# aay on Hune 1, 19?. -etitioners, to$ether ith the s"ouses Hose an# -acita, Ceasaria an# the s"ouses 'milio an# Jenai#a, #enie# the alle$ations of the res"on#ents, claimin$ that they are the oners of the subect "ro"erty, inclu#in$ the onethir# "ortion thereof alle$e#ly sol# by 'usebio to the res"on#entsF "arents %si#ro an# eno)e)a. !TC rule# in fa)our of the res"on#ent. C+ #enie# the 5!. ence, this "etition. I&&(e' ;
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