LSi: 7 Resolutions to guarantee success w/ women 2011

June 3, 2016 | Author: Love Systems | Category: Types, Books - Non-fiction, Self-Help
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Love Systems Insider


Date: December 31, 2010 c c




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itself, that made the biggest difference to my game." "7  ), )58  {  !      -9# #.      2 p

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They have stupid pseudonyms like Cajun, Sheriff, Samurai, and The Don, but it's better than what they used to be called: geek, nerd, jackass, and douche bag. They dress well but aren't necessarily good looking. Some are skinny with patchy facial hair. Others are slightly overweight. A few are just plain fucking ugly. But they're nothing out of the ordinary. They look like... guys. If you were at a bar hanging out and they walked in you probably wouldn't even notice them. That's okay with them. ×ou're not their type. ×ou'd probably laugh with your friends as you watch one of them approach a group of gorgeous girls. But your laughter may turn to disbelief when you see the girls offer phone numbers. Disbelief might turn to shock as you watch a master pick-up artist walk out with the hottest one on his arm. And shock may turn to awe when you see him do it over and over again with different groups of sexy women. Pick-up artists leave with Playboy centerfolds, porn actresses, models, perfect 10s. ×ou leave with your best friend Steve. But don't worry; they used to be just like you. Probably worse. And you can learn how to pick up chicks, too. That is, if you're man enough to ask for help.        ) !$%   *!   !         


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