This paper is an overview of Governments role in propagating the different types of Cost Effective technologies on sever...
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Ar.Sarita .A.Deshpande. Professor, D.Y.Patil College of Architecture,Mumbai,
[email protected] ABSTRACT: Government is working towards achieving Affordable Housing on various levels. The reputed Research Laboratories like CBRI, SERC, Laurie Backer, Anna University, Development Alternatives, Cost Ford, Auroville Centre etc are working on several cost Effective technologies which are taken up and government Institutions like HUDCO, BMTPC.These institutions have taken up the technologies further by providing the Financial and Marketing support to the building centers, documenting the technologies,propogation of the technologies through conferences, training programmes,publishing manuals and creating self help groups. To Promote the Cost effective Building Constructions throughout the Country the Concept of Building Centres has emerged This paper is an overview of Governments role in propagating the different types of Cost Effective technologies on several Government and local levels through various organisations. KEY WORDS: Affordable Housing, cost effective technologies, environment friendly building construction, local materials, innovative technologies. SIGNIFICANCE OF LOW COST HOUSING WITH RESPECT TO POPULATION AND ECONOMY: It is a well known fact that about half of total investments in our country goes to construction
Filler Slab Roofing
Stablised Earth Blocks
sector. Construction costs in India are increasing around 50 percent over average inflation levels. This cost increase is due to increase in costs of essential building materials such as steel, cement, bricks, timber and other inputs as well as cost of labour. As a result the construction cost of a structure ranges from 3000-4000 per sq.m. approximately for a standard type of house Higher cost levels are registered for using better finishes and amenities. Economically
Exposed brick arches
weaker, low income groups and lower middle income
groups cannot afford these rates. It becomes necessary to adopt the use of alternative building materials and construction technologies to save the scarce resources. This may be done by up gradation of local technologies using local resources or by application of modern materials and techniques.
Rat trap bond
It is found out that many practitioners and laymen are unaware of usage of appropriate techniques in construction. Some State Governments and agencies are propagating these technologies but they are not precise in specifications as well as lack of schedule of Rates makes the construction based on these technologies impossible. Many people are
privately using them but they will have more impact
been developed by research laboratories like CBRI,
when Governments starts using them extensively.
SERC, Laurie Backer, Anna University, CASSTRA,
The appropriate technologies and their usage remains
and Auroville Earth Center.
confined to lab and a few people because the delivery
HUDCO and BMTPC have played an
system is unable to establish a proper linkage from
important role in documentation of these
‘lab to land’.
technologies and constructing many housing schemes
through building centers.
TECHNOLOGIES: Due to availability of varied low cost materials and
Many State Governments have also incorporated few of these technologies in their work
technologies in India, the main organizations which
manuals and rates for them were incorporated in their
are working towards their development and extension
Schedule of Rates. Building Centers were established
are –
over in various states of countries for promotion of
(1)Central Building Research Institute (CBRI)
safe, cost effective and environment friendly building
(2)Structural Engineering Research Center (SERC)
construction. Self help and use of local materials and
(3)Center of Application of Science and Technology
technology were some of the main factors considered
of Rural Area (CASTRA)
in extension of technology. Many building centers
(4)Regional Research Laboratories (RRL)
also started selling finished materials which were
(5)National Environmental Engineering Research
cheaper than the standard materials, creating an
Institute and many others. (NEERI)
impact. Due to limitations of availability of particular materials in particular areas only certain kind of technologies could be applied over these regions. A very popular technology of using mud,
(Source:, The technologies are found out to be appropriate at the local levels where the people having low income can afford them and use them with self help. A vast majority of population is using the technologies in many regions of the country. ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IN EXTENSION OF CEEF TECHNOLOGIES: The need of promoting the cost effective building construction throughout country to grass root levels led to the concept of establishment of building centers. The types of construction which were not specified in Government books of specifications or if their rates are not available in schedule of rates, such materials and technologies were to be promoted by building centers. Various alternate technologies have
sun dried bricks is used in several regions as mud is a readily available material. Stabilisation of soil is done by stabilisers like cement, lime, asphalt and molasses. In Rajasthan ample red stone is available so people construct stone masonry. Stone masonry using dress stone and rubble is used in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Jammu, Kashmir and several other places. For decreasing the wall thickness, introduction of concrete block masonry is a welcome step as it reduces wall thickness and overall cost of masonry reduces. Due to the availability of kiln-burnt bricks, it is possible to use single brick load bearing walls up to five stories (mainly used in Haryana, UP, Bihar, Bengal). The mode of construction of rat trap bond is popular in Kerala due to unavailability of affordable building stones or cement concrete blocks. Some
another noteworthy constructions of walls can be
enlisted as stone block masonry demonstrated by
HUDCO low cost housing projects in Andhra
TECHNOLOGY PROMOTION COUNCIL): Conventional walling system in North East
Their Motto remains ‘from lab to land’. They aim to
areas called "Ekra" walls, factory made concrete
bridge the gap between research and development
panels, fly ash blocks and hollow concrete blocks are
and large scale application of new building materials
some of the materials and technologies used across
and technologies.
the country.
In July 1990, the Ministry of Urban Development,
There are several other alternative building technologies developed by Building Centers and
Government of India has established the Building Materials and Promotion Council.
Government research labs which include
The significant work is done by the Council
For Roofing – micro concrete tiles, precast channel
by developing a large number of alternate materials
units, planks and joists, Ferro cement roofing
and construction systems which are based on
elements, funicular shells, filler slabs and panels,
agricultural wastes. Council has also a link with
prefabricated brick panels, RCC channels etc.
various institutions involved in R and D, finance,
For Doors and Windows -use of secondary species
industrial promotion and housing to establish their
of timber can be done for manufacturing door frames
credentials and facilitate establishment of
and panels. Other better alternatives for door frames
manufacture units.
are precast concrete frames which need a lesser
maintenance and replacement. Auroville Building
(1)Promotion of local materials, cost effective,
Center has manufactured Ferro cement panel for door
energy efficient and innovative technologies.
shutter which is very good replacement for costly
(2)Promotion of agro based products and systems,
wood. The precast elements are cheaper and easier to
promotion of building materials and components.
install on the sites. Several building centers are in
(3)Using cost effective, environment friendly
process of manufacturing these precast elements used
materials, their quality improvement and cost
in several ways in building construction.
reduction through standardisation and adoption of
Precast Elements -Septic tanks, water tanks, poles,
modern information.
posts, shelves, biogas units, jails, lintels, unit rings and several other units are being manufactured by building centers. In spite of considerable efforts made by Government and the relevant institutions, the technologies do not reach to man and have a limited exposure. The institutional mechanism set up in 1986 in form of a Building center as Quilon (Kollam), Kerala has played a very significant role in ensuring technology transfers and training of artisans. LOW COST, ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGIES: ROLE OF BMTPC,
L panel
rcc planks and joists C channel roofing
(Source: (4) Provision of service and transfer facility to Professionals and concerned people. 2] CBRI (THE CENTRAL BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE, ROURKEE):
The institute generates cultivates and
'lab to land' was successful with the transfer of
promotes building science and technology in the
technology from R & D institutions in training and
service of the country. It was established in 1947 and
employment generation, and in development of new
since its establishment has been assisting the building
educational programmes. The effect of first Kendra
industry in finding timely, appropriate and
has led Government to set up several Kendras in
economical solutions to the problems of materials,
whole country and also integrate it in the National
rural and urban housing energy conservation,
Housing Policy. The Kendras also helped providing
efficiency, fire hazard, structural and foundation
shelter to several people who were rendered homeless
problems and also disaster mitigation.
to some natural calamities.
Nirmitee Kendras set up ‘production centres’to
CONSTRUCTION: Building needs to be of
make available fair priced cost effective building
high standard and quality for longer life. CBRI
materials at local level.
has developed a TEAM to develop and
implement a methodology for Quality
(1)Transfer from 'lab' to 'land' of several cost
Improvement in Civil construction work.
effective technologies effective in urban and rural
At National level it forms the link with
HDFCO, BMTPC, Ministry of Urban Development,
(2)Manufacturing of cost effective building materials
Ministry of Rural areas, Housing Boards,
and components which are based on local natural or
Government Societies, Engineering and Academic
agro-wastes and facilitating the sales outlets for the
Institutions, Construction and building material
various user group.
(3)Training and up gradation of skills masons, carpenters, professionals, entrepreneurs and other building related work force in various cost effective building materials production techniques and construction systems. (4)Creating a pool of trained work force and meet
Bored Compaction Pile Foundation
Composites and Door Shutters
various needs of housing, building, construction and other developmental activities taken by individual
households or public housing / development agency.
MISSION: To improve the Quality of Civil
(5)Providing guidance, information and counseling
Construction Work under ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’
on housing and building.
by means of Training, Regular Inspections & Other
Extensive awareness, campaigns and demonstration
Quality Control Practices
were launched which resulted in public acceptance of
these technologies.
Nirmitee Kendras organized various skills up
Building Centers played a significant role in
gradation programs for various skills in masonry,
extension of CFFE technologies.
carpentry, plumbing, landscaping and other skill
The first building center established at Quilon
related to housing.
District at Kerala was a trend seller in CEEF
The another significant aspect of Nirmitee Kendras
technology, saving 30% of the cost. The movement
was setting up a 'Production Centers' to make
available fair priced cost effective building materials
The emphasis is mainly on earth based
at local level.
technologies. They conduct several training courses
This ended in training of hundreds of youth and
including soil identification, production of
women thus generating employment contributing to
compressed stabilized earth blocks, masonry with
alleviate poverty.
stabilised earth technologies, building with arches
The building materials these centers produced
and vaults. They also impart an extensive training in
construction of vaults and domes.
centenary, Semi circular, Equilateral pointed bucket
filler blocks, conc. blocks.
For Roofs – Tiles, funicular shells, precast
pointed and Segmental vault similarly they have developed Half segmental grained, Gayatri
plate floors and panels etc.
The special types of vaults include Egyptian
For walls – Soil stabilized blocks, rubber
Other Items – Ferro cement rafters, ridges, joists, concrete door and window frames, water tanks, sanitary wares etc.
Housing Guidance centers were set up to provide services by way of consultancy, design, estimation and execution as required by client.
Equilateral and Gaudi domes. They have also done a significant work in introduction of disaster and earthquake resistant structures. 'Aum' House is one of the significant developments in earthquake resistant structures and also helped to rebuild after Gujarat earthquakes. 5] HABITAT TECHNOLOGY GROUP: It is the largest NGO working in Green Architecture and Appropriate technologies. It works in several states of India giving employment to over six
thousand workers, more than 200 Engineers and
Nirmithi House P.T.P.Nagar Earthquake Resistant
Architects on its rolls and 26 regional offices.
Habitat has built a thousand of buildings all over
country such as public buildings, school buildings,
It was previously named the Auroville Building
commercial complexes, tourist resorts, and hospitals.
Center which was founded by HUDCO, Government
It has helped in decentralisation process in state by
of India in 1989. The introduction of various
undertaking several development projects.
technologies using earth as a main base and
A very significant project called ‘Janakeeya
development of former building center in such a way
Paripada Padhati’ has been undertaken by HTG to
led to evolution of ‘Auroville Earth Center’.
facilitate total technical support for building fifty
Auroville earth center researches, develops,
thousand houses. It was instrumental in rehabilitation
promotes and transfers earth based technologies,
of hundreds of families in Bhopal Gas Tragedy also;
which are cost and energy effective.
they have worked for housing of cyclone hit areas in
Technology extension is done through training courses, seminars, workshops, manuals and
Orissa. They have also rendered their services for
documents.A significant technology developed by the
several homeless people.
institute is ‘Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks
Training is one of their focus areas. HTG conducts
(CSEB)’ Institute offers consultancy as well as offers
training programme do upgrade the skills of
various services within as well as outside country.
professionals, artisans and skilled workers in habitat
sector. They also train women and lower income groups. ‘Habitat school of Housing’ is a division of Habitat Technology Group which conducts training
programs for the professionals,
CONCLUSION: India has always faced an acute
housing problem due to growing population and UN
4] Government Initiatives and Program for
affordable building costs. With the availability of
Affordable Housing – National
alternate technologies and materials which are much
Work shop on Pro-poor Housing Finance.
cheaper, there is a need of transferring them to needy
to build low cost houses. Government has dealt this
issue on various levels by creating BMTPC,
7] Paper by Mr. V. Suresh, Director Corporate
establishing CBRI, Nirmitee Kendras, SERC,
Planning HUDCO at symposium on
CASTRA Regional Research Laboratories, National
‘Construction for housing and Infrastructure
Environmental Engineering Research Institute and
many related organisations. The technologies
selected helped to some extent in employment generation, upliftment of women, decentralisation of production, conservation, recycling and reuse of resources as well as development of human resources. Although the Housing Problem in India is grave and cannot be resolved easily, these steps have surely helped in increasing the housing stock and creating employment and alleviating poverty to an extent.