Love Contract

February 6, 2017 | Author: Yuri | Category: N/A
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Short Description

ff Yulsic Taeny...



A fiction by Yinfany

Prologue - iiiLove Contract

Prologue You are always on my mind, there is no room left for thinking. The waiting is scaring me, the time drains away bit by bit every time You belong to her. We are running out of time, and I feel that this relationship is sinking. The doors are closing, the close is ticking. I am slowly freezing, with the thoughts of not having you around …

©2012 Yinfany

Table Of Contents - ivLove Contract

Table Of Contents Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2 ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 3 ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 Chapter 4 ........................................................................................................................................................... 14 Chapter 5 ........................................................................................................................................................... 19 Chapter 6 ........................................................................................................................................................... 24 Chapter 7 ........................................................................................................................................................... 29 Chapter 8 ........................................................................................................................................................... 34 Chapter 9 ........................................................................................................................................................... 40 Chapter 10 ......................................................................................................................................................... 47 Chapter 11 ......................................................................................................................................................... 52 Chapter 12 ......................................................................................................................................................... 61 Chapter 13 ......................................................................................................................................................... 67 Chapter 14 ......................................................................................................................................................... 75 Chapter 15 ......................................................................................................................................................... 81 Chapter 16 ......................................................................................................................................................... 87 Chapter 17 ......................................................................................................................................................... 92 Chapter 18 ......................................................................................................................................................... 98 Chapter 19 ......................................................................................................................................................... 104 Chapter 20 ......................................................................................................................................................... 112 Chapter 21 ......................................................................................................................................................... 118 Chapter 22 ......................................................................................................................................................... 125 Chapter 23 ......................................................................................................................................................... 132 Chapter 24 ......................................................................................................................................................... 139 Chapter 25 ......................................................................................................................................................... 147 Chapter 26 ......................................................................................................................................................... 158 Chapter 27 ......................................................................................................................................................... 165 Chapter 28 ......................................................................................................................................................... 173 Chapter 29 ......................................................................................................................................................... 179 Chapter 30 ......................................................................................................................................................... 187 Chapter 31 ......................................................................................................................................................... 194 Author’s Notes .................................................................................................................................................... 206

©2012 Yinfany

Chapter 1 - 1Love Contract

Chapter 1 ‘’Over my dead body! I am not going!’’ The yelling girl was exasperated by her friend’s constant pestering. ‘’Come on, I am trying to help here! Can you be more appreciative?’’ ‘’Just leave me alone and I will be more than happy! It’s only eight in the morning! I really need to catch up on my sleep! I WANT TO SLEEP!’’ ‘’Even I made an effort to wake up so early for your sake, can you at least pretend to be a little bit grateful?’’ ‘’I didn’t force you! You did it on your own account! What’s more, I told you already. I don’t want to go to that company!’’ ‘’It will just benefit you more! It won’t harm alright?’’ ‘’What will people think about me if they were to find out? Me attending lessons on how to court a girl?! This is totally ridiculous!’’ ‘’That girl you like isn’t just any other girls! She is our school’s belle Im YoonA! You better come with me! I am getting hungry already!’’ The latter shook her head, staring at her childhood best friend in disbelief. She couldn’t believe her best friend actually enrolled her for some random course named ‘’Perfect Lovers’’ to get coached on how to woo a girl. After all, she was picked as the favourite hot date among her school’s guys and girls. She saw no need for extra knowledge on dating. ‘’What’s the point…’’ ‘’Remember Nicole from the Kara clique? She had a crush on Goo Hara and she didn’t dare to make her first move until she went for the course! She might not be as popular as you but she was consider hot too wasn’t she?’’ Dragging her pillow on the ground and approached the other piece of furniture, the helpless girl slouched deeply into her big comfortable sofa, hugging the pillow and folded her arms across it. She rolled her eyes at the girl standing before her with hands on her waist. ‘’HURRY UP KWONYURI! GET CHANGED!’’ ‘’I give up….. You win, Sooyoung… You win…’’ ‘’Here we are!’’ ‘Don’t talk when you are eating!’’ Yuri flicked a piece of chip that landed on her shoulder which literally flew out of Sooyoung’s mouth, her face was spelling disgust. ‘’Shikshin…’’ They travelled for almost half an hour before arriving at their destination. Sooyoung pushed open the door of a pink shop house and cold air greeted them. The walls were decorated with pictures of couples and some thank you cards from the satisfied customers. Yuri saw a Polaroid of Nicole kissing Hara on her cheek and they looked so compatible. She was envious. ‘’If only it was Yoona and I……’’ ‘’Welcome to the Perfect Lovers! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Kim Hyoyeon, one of the person in charge of this place. How may I help you?’’ ‘’Yes please. I am Choi Sooyoung and I called a few days ago, asking for a Lover For Loan.’’

©2012 Yinfany

Chapter 1 - 2Love Contract ‘’Ahh yes! So you are Sooyoung shi? Hold on a moment while I go print new sets of information for the both of you. Have a seat please.’’ Hyoyeon ushered the two tall girls into a small but well furniture room before shutting the door closed. ‘’Yah Choi Sooyoung! I thought we were coming for lessons? What’s with the loaning of a lover?!’’ Apparently Yuri had no particular idea about how the whole thing operates. ‘’You have to loan a personal lover to teach you all the things about romance for a period time. She will shape you into the perfect lover that all girls would yearn for.’’ ‘’There’s no way I’m doing this! Let’s get out of here!’’ Yuri was about to head to the door before she was pulled back by a huge force from her back. ‘’You saw the picture of Nicole and Hara didn’t you? Unless you tell me you feel nothing, then we will leave this place immediately.’’ ‘’I feel noth-‘’ Sooyoung glared hard at Yuri with her big eyes, making her swallow back her lie. She wondered who was actually the older one. Sooyoung can be really scary at times. ‘’Nothing but enviousness…….’’ Yuri swears she saw the shikshin smirked from corner of her eyes even though she was hanging her head low. ‘’Sorry for taking such a long time, the printer got a little cocked up. Here are your notes. Take your time to read through and decide. Feel free to ask anything if you have questions in mind or any doubts that you want to clear. I will try to answer all your unknowns.’’ Hyoyeon came in with two sets of information, handing the two girls one set each. It was still warm, fresh from the photocopy machine.

INFORMATIONS STEP ONE - Choose your Lover For Loan STEP TWO - Decide the duration of loan STEP THREE - Sign the contract STEP FOUR - Let the coaching begins! (:

RULES AND REGULATIONS ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °

Contract will be kept confidential in order to protect customers and our Lovers For Loan Perfect Lovers will not be responsible for any fail confessions made Durations are divided into short term* and long term** *Short Term : One Month – Six Months **Long Term : Seven Months and above Contract can be extended or terminated when it comes to an end Limit of skinship will be determined by Lover For Loan Any customers that have inordinate ambitions towards any of Lover For Loan will be blacklisted and reported Amount of contract will be calculated by duration Both customer and Lover For Loan are not allowed to fall for each other. This is to make sure our Lovers For Loan stay professional during work If confession is made before contract ends, Perfect Lovers will charge by rounding up/down, depending on the days left before the month ends A minimum hour of three hours are to be spend with your respective Lover For Loan for coaching sessions In whichever case that happens, Perfect Lovers will stand by our Lovers For Loan


©2012 Yinfany

Chapter 1 - 3Love Contract ‘’It sounds like we are at Build A Bear.’’ Sooyoung chuckled at her own joke. Yuri face palmed herself for her embarrassing friend. ‘’We actually get to choose our own Lover For Loan?’’ The tanned girl placed her chin on the table, questioning Hyoyeon without looking up. She was blushing, for the fact that she couldn’t help but imagine about her and Yoona in a relationship. ‘’But of course! We can also help by assigning you a Lover For Loan, or LFL in short, according to your profile. It would be an extra service, but for such a handsome looking customer, it will be on the house if you need it.’’ The girl behind the table flashed a big smile, her friendliness definitely had seized Yuri’s attention and interest. She shrugged her shoulders. Maybe it was worth a try. ‘’Assign one for her please would you? I bet a newbie like my friend here will have no idea on who to pick.’’ Feeling insulted by the ugly truth, Yuri gave the younger girl a hard punch on her arm, which was enough to send her flying off her chair. Hyoyeon giggled and Sooyoung burst out laughing. ‘’No problem. I would love to help. How long would you like to set your contract for?’’ The lady boss started taking out a pen, preparing to fill up the paper. ‘’Hmm… Most probably a short term? Say, three months from now?’’ Yuri just nodded at her friend’s suggestion. She had no idea who her Lover For Loan was, but she knew she was secretly anticipating it. After a few more questions and explanations, it was time to sign the contract. Hyoyeon pushed it in front of Yuri, signalling her to sign it. But before the latter could pick up the pen, she was interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by a sweet voice. ‘’Hyo, Fany said you called for me?’’ A gorgeous looking, brown haired girl was at the door. Her body was slightly leaning against the door frame, showing off her perfect slim bodyline. She was dressed in an orange tank top with a grey hoodie, a pair of black jeans and flats. Simple but yet elegant. A delightful smell of strawberry lingered in the room, coming from the direction of the beautiful lady. ‘’Come in Sica. I want you to meet our dashing new client, Kwon Yuri. This lady is her friend, Choi Sooyoung. Yuri shi, Jessica will be your Lover For Loan starting from today onwards, until three months later.’’ Yuri must admit that Jessica was pretty. No wait, pretty isn’t enough to describe. Her beauty was breath taking, next in line with Yoona. She couldn’t take her eyes off her Lover For Loan. She was beginning to like the whole idea and how the thing operates. ‘’Hi, my name is Jessica Jung. Nice to meet you. Hope we will work well together in the future.’’ The petite girl held out her hand to Yuri, a wide grin plastered on her face. ‘’I am Kwon Yuri. Nice meeting you too. I’m sure we will. Please guide me well.’’ She gladly took the hand before her, only to find that it was icy. Nevertheless, she put on her best smile ever, wanting her ‘’lover’’ to have a good impression of her. ‘’Alright, so your coaching class will start immediately after you sign the contract. So, Yuri shi?’’ Hyoyeon reminded the girl who was still holding on Jessica’s small hand about the contract before anyone forgets about it. Sooyoung sensed that her best friend was going to benefit a lot from this course, and she was not least happier than anyone else in the room. Despite she foresees that it was going to cost the earth, she knew and hope that the output of her money will be worth. ‘’Thank you for choosing us Perfect Lovers, our Lover For Loan will make sure your money is put to absolute good use. Sooyoung shi, can you please kindly follow me to the counter outside so I can explain the last bit of detail

©2012 Yinfany

Chapter 1 - 4Love Contract regarding our partnership?’’ Hyoyeon clapped her hands together after the tanned girl signed the contract, then leading Sooyoung out of the room. Yuri was left alone with her Lover For Loan and she had no idea what to say or do. All she did was pretending to explore the room a little, from corners to corners, but yet taking small looks at the girl in front of her at the same time. ‘’So… I assumed you understand how the whole thing works now right?’’ Jessica slowly approached the taller girl, tracing the outline of the table with her table. Yuri gave a slight nod and shifted backwards, seeing that the girl was moving towards her. Eventually she reached the end of the small room, her back against the cold hard wall and the girl up close to her. Their faces were merely a fist apart. Jessica snaked her hands around the nervous girl’s skinny waist before examining her beautiful features. Yuri could feel the hot breath of Jessica’s on her face, and her heart was racing like a sports car. Once again, the strawberry smell filled her nostrils. Jessica wiped away those beads of sweat forming on Yuri’s forehead with the end of her hoodie sleeves and tilted her head towards the ear. ‘’From this moment onwards till three months later, you, Kwon Yuri, only belong to me, Jessica Jung.’’

©2012 Yinfany

Chapter 2 - 5Love Contract

Chapter 2 ‘’Wait up Jessica shi! Is it okay to leave just like that? What about my friend? She might not like me leaving like that.’’ ‘’Just call me Sica. You don’t use formal language with your girlfriend, do you? They will understand. This is how it works.’’ Jessica had Yuri walking beside her, and they left the place without informing anyone. The taller girl was worried about Sooyoung, for she never liked departing obscurely. Jessica led her to a nice cozy café just a stone throw away from Perfect Lovers. ‘’Taengoo! I’m here!’’ They settled down on the sofa at a corner before Jessica called out for somebody named Taengoo. ‘’What a weird name…’’ ‘’No, her name is Taeyeon. Kim Taeyeon. Taengoo is just a nickname. Don’t you have a nickname too?’’ Jessica looked around the shop for her friend. ‘’Ahh I do! People in my college calls me Yurisistable.’’ Yuri beamed upon her own words. She was extremely proud of her title. ‘’Hmm… You are tall, tanned, pretty and handsome. Worthy name. Kim Taeyeon! Where are you?!’’ Jessica stood up, heading towards the kitchen. The other girl’s cheeks were turning red like tomatoes after receiving compliments. Despite being praised for umpteen times, she never had felt so joyous. ‘’Excuse me Miss, do you need help?’’ A fun-sized, kid looking girl with short hair was standing in front of Yuri, breaking her thoughts. She had a nametag pinned on her uniform. Kim Taeyeon. ‘’Jessica shi! Your friend is here!’’ Yuri’s Lover For Loan poked her head out of the kitchen door cutely. ‘’There you are. Where were you?’’ She ruffled Yuri’s hair before sitting down beside her. ‘’It’s Sica, remember?’’ ‘’We ran out of sugar and the supplier can’t send some over immediately so I went to get just enough for the rest of the day.’’ Taeyeon lifted the bag in her hand. ‘’I want two strawberry cheesecake please. By the way, she is Kwon Yuri.’’ ‘’Hello, I am Taeyeon. Sorry for the absence just now. You must be Sica’s girlfriend. Many wanted to ask her out but never succeed. You are a lucky one you know?’’ Yuri’s jaws nearly touched the ground when she heard the word ‘’girlfriend’’. For a moment, she forgot about the contract with immediate effect. She didn’t snap out of her daze until she saw a pair of eagle eyes glaring at her. ‘’Hello, I’m Kwon Yuri. I guess I am...?’’ ‘’Yah just get going. I’m getting hungry!’’ Jessica held her fist up in the air, pretending to punch Taeyeon from where she was. Yuri chuckled at that precious moment. Unknowingly, she brushed her finger across the girl’s nose and smiled. ‘’Do you know that you looked really cute?’’ Jessica was stunned for a second, she never saw that coming. It was just barely two hours since they both met. Apart from all the previous people that she coached, nobody had skinship with her. To be true, she was always alert about her surroundings when she was with her clients. She never allowed any of them to touch her. Yuri was the first.

©2012 Yinfany

Chapter 2 - 6Love Contract Given her usual character, she would have blown. Surprizingly, all she did was simper, shattering the short silence. Almost instantly, the girl beside her shifted her gaze outside the window. ‘’Ahem… I… Ah… I’m sorry for that… Ah… Yeah.’’ ‘’Nah, don’t be. That was an impressive and unexpected move. It will definitely wow her. You know, your crush.’’ Awkward was the best word to describe the atmosphere at that point of time between the two girls. Thankfully, Taeyeon came along with two pieces of mouth-watering looking strawberry cheesecakes and a jar of ice water. ‘’My best friend makes the best strawberry cheesecake within this estate. You ought to try some.’’ ‘’It must be my lucky day then. Yoona loves strawberry cheesecakes.’’ Yuri beamed from ear to ear, formulating the plan in her mind of bringing her crush to the café for desserts. ‘’That is it? Yoona is her name?’’ ‘’Yup, Im Yoona. She is a year younger than me. She is turning twenty one after three months.’’ ‘’What a pretty name. You are twenty two this year? Me too, that makes me your chingu. Taeyeon is twenty two too. Her birthday just passed, during March.’’ Yuri was awed when she realized that Taeyeon aren’t any high school student but someone of her age. In fact, the girl was older than her by nine months. ‘’Really? What about you? When is your birthday?’’ ‘’April Eighteenth. You?’’ ‘’December Fifth. Should I call you Unnie instead since you are older?’’ She jokingly emphasized the word ‘’older’’, causing Jessica to choke on her ice water that came with the cake earlier on. ‘’Are you okay? I was just joking. I didn’t mean what I said. I’m sorry!’’ Yuri stroked the coughing back tenderly, wiping Jessica’s mouth with the tissue. ‘’I’m fine now, no worries.’’ Jessica picked up her fork, slowly slicing the cake into a smaller piece before she attempted to feed Yuri. ‘’Have a taste, it’s really delicious. Trust me.’’ Doubtfully, the taller girl took a bite. Rising her eyebrows, Jessica waited for a reply. ‘’It’s really good…’’ ‘’I know right! Told you to trust me! Princess Jessica’s taste is never wrong! Well, maybe sometimes… But still hardly faulty!’’ She herself had a bite and it wasn’t too long before she knew that she shared a fork with her client. She was never careless about things like this, and she never shared any piece of utensils with her customers, or feed anything to them. What was happening…? Yuri looked at her, wondering if she was alright. She quickly got rid of that thought and turned back. ‘’Back to where we were. Can you tell me about Yoona?’’ Yuri gladly nodded. ‘’Well, her birthday is in May, when the contract will ends. She excels in acting and modelling.’’ ‘’Hmm...’’ Jessica rubbed her fingers against her chin, thinking hard. ‘’So how did you fall for her?’’ ‘’Wow, what a question. Emm… I was her facilitator when she had her orientation camp last year and after that we would hang out together occasionally since Sooyoung often do modelling with her.’’

©2012 Yinfany

Chapter 2 - 7Love Contract ‘’What makes you so certain that you fell for her?’’ ‘’Well, they always say if you are always thinking about someone no matter what you are doing, yearning to see that person every time means you like them. Yeah so… I guess that’s about it…’’ *** ‘’Finally I’m done with all the cakes! Just got to put them into the oven and I can have my rest! Aigoo… I’m so tired!’’ Taeyeon let out a loud yawn as she placed all the fresh batch of homemade cake dough into the oven. ‘’I wonder what Fany is doing right now… She didn’t come over for lunch… Maybe she got caught up at Perfect Lovers… I miss her…’’ She had been working continuously since she returned from her little trip to the supermarket to get her sugar. Business was getting on track and she even received big orders from companies. Being a baker wasn’t easy, but that was her passion. She was happy-tired, like what her four years girlfriend, Tiffany, always says. She took a bottle of Vita500 out from her personal fridge, the vitamin drink that Tiffany bought for her to replenish her energy before heading towards her office. She was planning to call her girlfriend when she discovered that her inbox was flooded with messages and had fifteen missed calls. Miss Calls : HoneyFany (4) Hyoyeon (11) 18 New Messages Taeyeon wondered what was so urgent and she clicked on her first message. From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 11:56AM ‘’Taetae ah… I’m sick… ): I’m running a temperature.. :/’’ From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 12:15PM ‘’Baby, can you come pick me up at Perfect Lovers? Upset… D:’’ From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 12:37PM ‘’Tae…? ):’’ From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 1:02PM ‘’Threw up like almost a million times already…>..>’’ From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 1:47PM ‘’Are you that busy? ’’

©2012 Yinfany

Chapter 2 - 8Love Contract From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 2:04PM ‘’Remember to eat your lunch. ’’ From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 2:29PM ‘’Wish you were here… I miss you.. >;’’ From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 2:32PM ‘’Remember to settle your bills with the flour supplier! It is almost outstanding! Himnae! ^^’’ From : HoneyFany To : DorkyTae 2:58PM ‘’Busy? Have a break, drink some Vitamin C. ? I love you.
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