Download Louise L. Hay - Doenças e Correlatos de A-G...
Sucfmh vhlê lhfsubtcr c bkstc quo so soiuo, jã punbklcmc og gou bkvrh Luro h \ou Lhrph, prhluro oflhftrcr c lhrrobcéìh oftro mhofécs quo vhlê phmo tor mh hu ostã tofmh cihrc o cs prhvãvoks lcuscs cprosoftcmcs. _g nhg ghmh mo uscr c bkstc qucfmh vhlê tog ug prhnbogc `sklh ë: 3. Qrhluro c lcusc goftcb. Pojc so vcbo pcrc vhlê. \o fìh, softo-so og skbêflkh, trcfqukbkzo-so o poriuftoso: "Sucks sorkcg hs pofscgofths quo lrkcrcg ksth og gkg8" >. ^opktc lhfskih gosgh: "Osthu mksphsth c shbtcr h pcmrìh og gkfec lhfslkêflkc quo lrkhu ostc lhfmkéìh".
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