Lottery Cheat Guide

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Lottery Cheaters’ Guide By Charles Cooper LOTTERY CHEATERS TOOL-KIT By Charles Cooper

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Legal Notices While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The Publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the user’s particular situation or application of this information. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes complete and total responsibility for the use of these materials and information. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials, or the application or non-application of the information contained herein. We do not guarantee any results you may or may not experience as a result of following the recommendations or suggestions contained herein. You must test everything for yourself. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations is unintentional.

Cheating at Lotto is dedicated to my students without whom this book would have never existed and to all the future lottery winners using this book who deserve the biggest jackpot any lotto has to offer because you have waited long enough!! ENJOY!

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Introduction to Lotto-Cheater Welcome Background Information Chapter 2: The Lottery System Basic Structure of Most Lottery Systems Chapter 3: Main Strategy for Cheating the Lotto Cheat the Source FROM the Source Chapter 4: Cheat the Odds - The X-System Chapter 5: 49/6 Guarantee Win System

5 5 6 9 9 13 13 29 40

Chapter 1: Introduction WELCOME Hello and welcome to the Lottery Cheaters’ Guide. If you have downloaded this amazing information package, I am going to assume that you are tired of making only mediocre lottery profits and you are looking for a way to consistently bring in Big Money. Well the good news is you have made a wise decision and are in the right place. I am going to help you make your lotto wishes become lottery reality. You are a true Money Player and I am going to help you achieve your goals, and win big bucks! The earlier chapters focus on computer related methods. The later chapters focus on the odds. I feel your pain because I too was once exactly where you are today. When I first started playing the lottery I realized that I was merely wasting my money to no avail. It was a very painful lesson to learn but one I did learn nonetheless. Since then I have worked laboriously to come up with an ingenious way to make consistent profits at any local lottery program. The truly amazing thing is that my system doesn’t even require great computer skills, just the ability to follow simple instructions and understand simple concepts. If you can do that then in no time at all you will be laughing all the way to the bank! In the following pages I am going to reveal to you exactly how you can produce your own interceptive strategy to cheat you local lotto system dry. Everything you need to know is right in these pages. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU DO NOT SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH ANYONE. I MEAN ANYONE. I cannot stress this enough. In order for this to remain so profitable it must, absolutely must remain in very few hands.

Normally this is where I would wish you good luck but you aren’t going to need it. Not when you have the Lotto-Cheater ensuring your profitability!! BACKGROUND INFORMATION Experienced software engineers know that perhaps 30% of the cost of a software product goes into specifying it, 10% into coding, and the remaining 60% on maintenance. This has profound effects on computer science. For example, when designing new programming languages the motive nowadays is mostly not to make coding easier, but to cut the costs of maintenance. This provides the inevitable conclusion that the best way to bug a computer system is through glitches throughout its maintenance process. That is, a countrywide system, such as the lottery system is unavoidably vulnerable to interception and ultimate invasion by an outside source. This is extremely hard to achieve alone, but the reality is that it is quite possible. There are also some particular domains in which specification is well known to be hard. Security is one example; the literature has many examples of systems which protected the wrong thing, or protected the right thing but using the wrong mechanisms.

Most real life security failures result from the opportunistic exploitation of elementary design flaws rather than `high-tech' attacks such as cryptanalysis. The list of possible attacks on a typical system is long, and people doing initial security designs are very likely to overlook some of them. By a security policy, we mean a high level specification which sets out the threats to which a system is assumed to be exposed and the assurance properties which are to be provided in response. Like most specifications, it is a means of

communication between the users (who understand the environment) and the system engineers (who will have to implement the encryption, access control, logging or other mechanisms). So it must be clearly comprehensible to both communities; it should also be concise. There has also been massive interest in open source software products such as Linux and Apache, whose maintenance is undertaken by thousands of programmers working worldwide in a voluntary and cooperative way. In his influential paper “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”, Eric Raymond compares the hierarchical organization of large software projects in industry (`the cathedral') with the more open, unstructured approach of cooperative developers (`the bazaar'). He makes a number of telling observations about the efficiency of the latter, such as that “GIVEN ENOUGH EYEBALLS ALL BUGS ARE SHALLOW”. His more recent paper, “The Magic Cauldron”, explores the economic incentives that for-profit publishers have found to publish their source code, and concludes that IBM's critics were right: where reliability is paramount, open source is best, as users will cooperate in finding and removing bugs. The next inevitable conclusion flowing from the above is that the best way to intercept a computer system is through parallel requirements engineering. It is known that different testers find the same bugs at different rates - even if Helen and Jack are equally productive on average, a bug that Helen finds after half an hour will only be spotted by Jack after several days, and vice versa. This is because different people have different areas of focus in the testing space. The consequence is that it is often cheaper to do testing in parallel rather than series, as the average time spent finding each bug goes down. Rather than paying a single consultant to think about a problem for twenty days, it will often be more efficient to pay fifteen consultants to think about it for a day each and then have an editor spend a week hammering their ideas into a single coherent document.

I am sure you see the clear logic of my experiment now. A person could work for 30 or more years devising the perfect lotto-cheater strategy, but even during that immensely long period he or she would not be able to come up with a strategy as ingenious as the one devised in parallel by 600 people in a fraction of the time. It therefore seemed worthwhile to see if a high quality security specification could be intercepted in a highly parallel way, by getting a lot of different people to contribute drafts in the hope that most of the possible attacks would be considered in at least one of them.

Chapter 2: The Lottery System BASIC STRUCTURES OF MOST LOTTERIES Most lottery systems are operated through governmental bodies or through companies that hold a license from the government. This license if up for renewal, which makes the question topical; the companies will refuse to share their experience with potential competitors. A large number of franchised retail outlets sell tickets. The customer marks six out of 49 numbers (or any other number out of a different total, depending on the type of lottery system) on a form which he hands with his money to the operator; she passes it through a machine that scans it and prints a ticket containing the choice of numbers plus some further coded information to authenticate it. I will ask you to remember the role of authentication in this puzzle because this is where some of your future strategies will become key interceptors. A couple of times a week there is a draw on TV or other mediums at which the machine selects seven numbered balls from 49 in a drum (the numbers again vary depending on the specific lotto system). The customers who have predicted the first six share a jackpot of several million pounds; the odds should be (49 choose 6) or 13,983,816 to one against, meaning that with much of the population playing there are several winners in a typical draw. Occasionally there are no winners and the jackpot is `rolled over' to the next draw, giving a pot of many millions of pounds which whips the popular press to a frenzy. There are also smaller cash prizes for people who guessed only some of the numbers. The model answer I had prepared had a primary threat model that attackers, possibly in cahoots with insiders, would try to place bets once the result of the draw is known, whether by altering bet records or forging tickets. The secondary threats were that bets would be placed that had not been paid for, and that

attackers might operate bogus vending stations which would pay small claims but disappear if a client won a big prize.

Chapter 3: The Main Strategies I know most of you have probably skipped right to this Chapter and for a good reason. For all your life, or at least for that part of your life in which lottery has become integral to it, you have been focusing on the wrong aspect when playing the lottery. I think most of you already realize what I am referring to. In playing the lottery you have been focusing on what it will be like when you will win the big jackpot. As you walk down to the store to check your ticket your mind trails off to that vacation spot you dreamt of going to, and you say to yourself: after today I will own that place…IF I’M LUCKY! If you look at that picture something is missing. Take a moment and think about it, read it again, and see if you can find the missing element. What has been missing all this time, my dear friends, is the process BEFORE you go to check your ticket. You see, it is not enough to just fill out the numbers incoherently and hope you get lucky. It is much more than that! It is about STRATEGIC CHATING! First, it is time for you to make playing the lottery strategic. Why is generation of the best strategy the most effective way of achieving the right goal? I will tell you why. Think about this analogy. Assume you have to buy a list of products, and for ease of reference lets say you have to buy 6 products. You go to the grocery store and the grocery store has many more products that the 6 that you need. Let’s make another assumption. Let’s assume that you do not have the six products written all neatly in a little list, and to make it even harder, you have absolutely forgotten what you had to buy. Your wife or husband told you what to buy, but by the time you left home you have no recollection of what it was they wanted (for ease of reference we will use the feminine tense to refer to the spouse). Finally, to make it absolutely painful, any groceries that you buy are nonrefundable.

You have several ways to approach this problem. First, you can decide that you will just walk around the grocery store, and you figure that if you see something it will probably refresh your memory. You do this for a while but nothing comes to your mind. This is obviously not the way to do things. The next way is to say OK, I will just pick 6 products that I like, take them home and see if they were the ones she wanted. If they are, guess what….You will get lucky tonight!! If they aren’t…this means another trip to the grocery store. So, you pick the 6, pay the money, go home hoping that these are the 6 product, and LOL and BEHOLD….none of the products are the ones your spouse wanted. You cannot refund them, so you go to the grocery again, with a lighter pocket and the hopeless cycle begins. The third strategy is to just call your wife and ask her for the products, but this is definitely not a good idea because you will ridiculed and criticized for never remembering anything she says, and she will not give it to you anyways. So this leaves you at a bind, doesn’t it? THINK AGAIN! Suppose you could find out the products that your spouse wanted without asking her. Not only that, suppose that you could find the product list without her even knowing! Well, I am sure you would think that this plan better be a good one because you do not want to be found out. This is where strategy comes to play and specifically, my fist strategy: “Cheat the Lotto Like you Cheat your Wife!!” Just joking. But seriously, Strategy #1 is priceless! STRATEGY #1: CHEAT THE SOURCE FROM THE SOURCE Many of my students pointed out in their exams that “Any attack that can be done from the outside can be done at least as well, if not better, from the inside”. This is something almost everyone knows, but which many system designers disregard in

practice. This means that lottery terminals can NEVER be completely tamperproof. By a terminal I mean the computer system stores and lottery sellers have when they print and check your ticket. The inevitable conclusion is that if the lottery terminal is not tamperproof it can be tampered with, and if it can be tampered with this means YOU CAN TAMPER WITH IT! You are probably thinking, yeah right! How can I even get close to a lottery terminal that always has a person supervising unless I break into the store at night? Well, we do not have to go to such extreme lengths. Remember from our analogy, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BREAK INTO YOUR OWN HOUSE. And everything you need is in your home, or will be, after I tell how and where to get it. A. WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 1. Lottery Terminals I am sure that you have noticed that every retailer or kiosk that sells lottery tickets has a specialized lottery terminal. This terminal has several functions: (1) it prints tickets; (2) it codes every ticket with a special identification code; (3) it verifies winning numbers; and (4) stores that data in the computer so that when a terminal operator pays out a winner it can get retrieve it from the official lottery operators. Also, all lottery terminals have a specialized printer and scanner. Lottery terminals receive their data from a mainframe. Data refers to the winning lottery numbers for different Jackpots. Originally, the numbers are drawn from the lottery center and then imputed in the Main or Central Server for all lottery terminals. In order to receive this data each terminal must be connected to the Main Server. Such a connection is done (to our great delight) through the internet. Remember: the internet is full of information, and sometimes information we do not want revealed can very easily end up in the wrong hands.

The data sent includes several things. When a ticket is issued from a lottery terminal, a message is sent to the central server, the central server in turn issues ticket authentication codes to the vending machines or lottery terminals. This is done for every single ticket that is bought in every single terminal. This is mainly done for security reasons so that every ticket will have a signature (something that is discussed further below) and so that there will not be any tickets issued without authorization.

2. Lottery Tickets We said that lottery terminals print lottery tickets. Depending on the country or city in which you play the lottery, and the type of lottery you play, the information on the tickets may vary slightly. However, all tickets have certain essential characteristics. All tickets are printed on specialized paper. They usually have small print in the back, sometimes in red, that provide information about rules, information request, and claiming prizes of different sizes. All tickets have the numbers you have chosen printed on the front of the ticket, usually in black dark ink, a special number (this number makes sure that the same ticket is not used multiple times to claim a prize), and a special bar code and authentication code. Authentication codes are very important for every ticket, and you will need to familiarize yourself with the process of authentication and ways to maneuver around it. I will give you a crash course on authentication right now. Basically an authentication code is originated from formal message authentication codes (MAC). MACs are authentication tags derived by application of an

authentication scheme together with a secret key to a message. MACS are computed and verified with the same key so they can only be verified by the intended receiver (unlike digital signatures). They can be categorized in four different ways: (1) unconditionally secure; (2) hash function-based; (3) stream cipher-based; or (4) block cipher-based. An unconditionally secure MAC is based on encryption with a one-time pad, in popular terms it is know as a Simmons-type code (based on Simmons and Stinson, the originators of the code. The ciphertext of the message authenticates itself because of lack of access to the one-time pad. However, there has to be some redundancy in the message or obvious reasons that I will not get into. A Simmonstype MAC can also be obtained by use of a one-time secret key. Hash function-based MACs use a key or keys in conjunction with a hash function to produce a checksum that is appended to the message. An example is the keyedMD5 method of message authentication. Some of my students discussed and proposed a MAC based on stream ciphers. In their algorithm, a provably secure stream cipher is used to split a message into two substreams and each substream is fed into a LFSR; the checksum is the final state of the two LFSRs. A LFSR or Linear Feedback Shift Register is a mechanism for generating a sequence of binary bits. The register consists of a series of cells that are set by an initialization vector that is, most often, the secret key. The behavior of the register is regulated by a clock and at each clocking instant, the contents of the cells of the register are shifted right by one position, and the exclusive-or of a subset of the cell contents is placed in the leftmost cell. One bit of output is usually derived during this update procedure. MACs can also be derived from block ciphers. The DES-CBC MAC is a widely used US and international standard. The basic idea is to encrypt the message

blocks using DES CBC 0and output the final block in the ciphertext as the checksum. For our purposes, it is important that you understand some of the process of authentication so that you will be able to know how to decode it later on. 3. Lottery Website Every country that runs the lottery has a specialized website for the lottery. This is not the general website that every person has access to in order to check the winning numbers but a private website for employees and terminal owners. 4. Decoding All files sent from the Main Server to the specific lottery terminals have been encoded in some format or another. These files contain the information you need in order to authenticate a ticket. In order to be able to read those file you have to decode them. Decoding, in simple terms, is basically opening a compressed file. This can be done by playing the file, by storing it in an uncompressed format to HDD, or, in case of more sophisticated encoding, getting the authentication and encryption keys first in order to figure out the encryption and the decoding it using that encryption. Do not be alarmed if you do not understand all the concepts, if you are not very clear, simply go back and read it again, this will make things easier when you actually get to do it in real life. B. WHAT YOU NEED TO HAVE High Speed DSL Connection Assuming that you bought my product on the internet, you have an internet connection at home. If you do not, you must get an internet connection.

Since the data you will be downloading is compiled in very large files, you will need a computer with a lot of memory, and preferably a DSL internet connection. A DSL internet connection is faster than

Cable connection; getting a DSL connection will ensure that you download the files quickly and without getting noticed. Note: getting notices is not going to get you caught because it is impossible for the Main Server to know what IP# it is accessing it. The Main Server will just realize that somebody just tried to hack into it, as a result it will tighten security, and this will make it harder for you to access it at a later date. Main Steps: Working for years as a technology security expert I came into contact and had to use tons of different software systems every day. There was one incredible program that I used almost ever day and became quite proficient in using. The actual software itself is called TightVNC and there are quite a few absolutely amazing things that I am going to teach you about this absolutely incredible software package and how it can help you ACTUALLY SEE the Server side. The first incredible thing about this software is what it does. As the makers say themselves on their web site: “With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of that computer.” Yes you have read correctly. This software will actually allow you to see another computer as if you were right in front of it. Now it does not take a computer scientist to understand the obvious implications of what you can do with this software and how someone could perhaps use it to gain a massive advantage playing Lottery.

Ok so you are probably wondering how much this thing is going to cost you right? Well that is the second amazing thing about this software - it is absolutely 100% free! Yes and that is not a demo version but a full working version. It is completely free software. OK so let’s get started already and learn how you can start putting this amazing software to work for you: Step #1: Go to where you will see the following screen:

Now if you look down the right side of the web page you will see the word download right under the TightVNC and Main Page words. Please click on that link. Once you do that you will see a page that looks like this:

Step #2: You can now download the program by clicking on the the first line inside the table. More specifically if you see where it is written Stable Version, 1.2.9 then look underneath you will see a table. Click in the top row and second column (where is says file) and you will be taken to the following screen:

Now if you look down the third column (continent) you will see a list of different continents. Please find the one nearest to you and then click on the little picture in the fourth column (Download). This will immediately bring up the download box where you can choose to either save the download on your hard drive or you can install it right from there. If you choose to save it you must remember where you have saved it on your computer so that you can install it next. Step #3: Program Installation – now that you have gotten this incredible piece of software on your machine it is time to begin installing it so that you can see just what this amazing piece of software is really all about. Please go to wherever you saved the download and double-click on the file named: tightvnc-1.2.9-setup.exe You will see this:

Click next and you will then see:

Click next again and you will see:

Here you need to choose the path on your computer where you want the program to be installed. Usually the default path that is picked is good enough but you are free to change it to anywhere. Once you are happy with the path you can hit the next button again where you will be brought to this screen:

You should leave all three options checked and then hit next. Don’t worry about what the Server and Viewer mean right now I will explain what they are and how they work shortly. You will next get this screen:

Just hit next. You will then see the following screen:

Just hit next again. You will then get to this screen:

You should now hit the install button. That is it the program will now install on your computer. Once it is none installing you will have to turn your computer off and then on again before you can begin using this incredibly powerful and simply amazing tool. Ok now that you have installed it you probably want to know how you can actually use this thing - especially with regards to lottery. Well don’t worry I am going to show you the potential of this little tool right now. The first thing I need to explain it this whole client/server thing. What you just installed is actually two separate programs that work together – a server part and a client part. I will explain the client part first and how you can use it effectively. If you go to your start menu and find the entry for TightVNC which you just installed you will see three entries for the TightVNC viewer you can pick anyone

of them however I prefer the one that says (best compression) once you do that you will see a dialog that looks like this:

All you need to do is fill in the correct IP address of the computer you wish to see and then hit OK and then enter the password of the server and you can actually see that computer desktop like it was your own desktop. Yes it really is that simple. As long as the target computer is running the TightVNC server and you know the password you can connect to it and see everything! You are going to be absolutely blown away when you see this in action, trust me. Ok that takes care of the client now it is time to understand the server a bit. The server part is what sits on the computer and waifts for a request from a client to connect. Once it receives the request it can verify it and then give control of the computer to the client. You don’t need to do anything with the server. You can however go into to options and set the password.

Chapter 4: Cheat the Odds - The X-System Hi there, before we introduce you to System X we will first give you a little background into the basic operations, and chances of winning a 6 from 49 Lottery, which surprisingly very few people know to cheat it. How Much The biggest win so far was apparently on the California State Lotto, back in 1991, when ten players shared a magnificent $118.8 million dollars. The biggest individual win, in excess of $55 million, was in Honda in 1988. In the UK, the biggest individual win went to someone who wished to remain anonymous, who is now £17.8 million better off! How the Prize Money is Shared Out If three of your numbers are drawn, you will receive £10. For four, five or six correct numbers, the prize you win depends on the number of tickets sold, and the number of people sharing the same numbers. You must have the same as the first 6 number's drawn in any order, to guarantee a share in the Jackpot. A bonus number is drawn to give you additional chances to win a major prize, not including the jackpot. With five out of six numbers plus the bonus number, you could win an estimated £100,000. Cheating Up the Odds The odds against winning the Jackpot in the UK Lottery by matching all six winning numbers are 13,983,816 to 1. Your chances do look slim, but in fact you have a much higher chance of winning a prize on the lottery than winning anything significant on the Premium Bonds. The chances of Ernie making you an instant millionaire are close to 3.37 billion to 1! In comparison, scooping a pools jackpot is far easier at 30 million to 1!

The chances of getting five out of six numbers right are 55,492 to 1. One in 11,031 people will choose four out of six winning numbers, and one in 57 will correctly choose three out of six winning numbers. Just Another Numbers Game In theory all numbers from 1 to 49 have the same statistical probability of being drawn. In practice however, most Lotteries develop numbers that have a higher than average appearance rate (Hot numbers), and others with a lower than average appearance rate (Cold numbers). Even when Albert Einstein studied gambling, he concluded that there is no such thing as luck, probability is the deciding factor. Others will tell you differently, including a couple who purchased their ticket in California just after a black cat ran in front of their car. The cat survived, and the couple ended up the equivalent of $750,000 richer! Even odder methods of predicting winning numbers have evolved, including one regular winner of the Australian State Lottery, who says she makes her choice based on the first two number-related events that happen to her on the morning of the lottery. So if she reads in the paper that four people have been killed in a car crash, and the postman knocks three times on her door, she will use those numbers three and four, to make her selections, choosing 3, 4, 33, 34, 43 and 44. Several theories claim to help you plan a Lottery win, including reading tea leaves, studying the palm of your hand, using computer-based statistical theories, and more. In truth nothing will help you plan a major Jackpot win, but experts argue that certain statistical systems and other number theories can help you balance the odds in your favour, and give you some very sizeable wins on a consistent basis. This report concentrates on the powerful System X which is far more successful than many people think!

Does Luck Have a Part to Play A lady who entered the pools once, and only once, won over £75,000, all down to numbers, she says. The numbers she chose represented family birthdays, their ages, special events, even the disputed date of birth of her beloved pet dog. th

‘Everyone said her date of birth on the pedigree form was the 27 , but I knew th

there had been a mistake. I later discovered she was born on the 28 , and that was the number I entered on the pools coupon. If I had put 27, we would have won £1,000 or so. Thanks to number 28 we won over £75,000!’ System X System X incorporates what has been successful on the pools for years, and that is ‘Perming’. Perming involves picking a certain amount of numbers, then mixing and matching them against each other, and if any three or more of your pened numbers are drawn that week, you are more often than not guaranteed several winning lines. But System X is not just a simple perming plan, perming is only a part of this most powerful system. The second part involves the so called Hot and Cold numbers. These are probably the best, yet most underrated way of picking your lottery numbers. Despite what they say about the law of averages, it seems that some numbers are more prone to pop out than others.

The following numbers are those picked in the first 8 weeks of the UK Lottery system when even now certain numbers have appeared several times, others not



Frequency Theory Frequency theory allows us to highlight any bias in the draw, and to ‘Predict’ whether any numbers have a greater chance of being drawn than others. The following chart is based on the results of the first eight weeks of the UK Lottery. It is important to remember, that if there is any bias in the draw, the Lottery organizers might change the mechanism and/or balls used in the Lottery, if this happens you must start your predictions again.

Frequency of Occurrence Chart

Lottery Numbers • Update this chart every 4 weeks. • Do not add the next 4 weeks numbers to the old numbers, always start with a new chart Five years of hard work went into studying hot and cold numbers and their frequency of occurrence, with statistics and probability all playing a major part. Taking these two theories and combine them together, and you have one of the most effective, yet simple systems ever devised. So How Do you Combine them Together ? What follows is a step by step guide, on how to operate System X for maximum success. Pening and the use of hot and cold numbers will be explained as we go along. Step 1 Every week for four weeks, record all the numbers drawn, by filling in one of the squares on your photocopied chart, like the one shown in our example above. As you will notice after this period, a pattern will begin to emerge of the most frequent numbers drawn.

Then after 8 draws, pick the 8 most popular numbers drawn from your chart during this period. In our example this would be 3, 5, 30, 44, as they have all been drawn three times, with the exception of 44, which has been drawn a staggering four times! But as we need eight hot numbers, we need to find another four, so from the chart you will see there were twelve numbers that were drawn twice, so pick any four from these twelve to give you your total of eight hot number selections. It does not matter what four you pick from the twelve, as this will not effect the long term profitability of the system, so from our example we will pick 9, 21, 29, 31. Now for the stake we are placing (£20), we need to find a total of fifteen numbers, therefore we have to find another seven. This is where System X comes into it’s own, as these seven numbers will be cold numbers, the numbers least drawn over the last four weeks, as the chances of them being drawn now, are far better than average if the lottery is to uphold it's claim of being as random as they say. Step 2 So now pick the seven least popular (Cold numbers). In our example there are thirteen numbers that have yet to be picked during the four weeks, so again pick any seven out of the thirteen. From our example we will pick 7, 19, 23, 33, 41, 45, 48. We now have our fifteen selections ready for pening, listed in numerical order they are: 3, 5, 7, 9, 19, 21, 23, 29, 30, 31, 33, 41, 44, 45 and 48 Step 3 Pening your selections is easy.

First of all we need to draw a grid. The size of the grid depends upon the amount of selections you want to pen, in our case 15, therefore find a blank piece of paper and draw grid 15 blocks across. You then need to number them from 1-15.(See diagram below).

Underneath place the 15 hot/cold selections in any order you wish. Now extend the grid down so you have 20 Iines, as £20 is going to be our stake (20 X £1.00 = £20). You are now ready to perm your selections in these 20 Iines. Example:

The best way to do this is to get a member of the family, or a friend to call out six numbers between 1 and 15 and then to do this 20 times to give you 20 permed Iines. You can do it yourself but it may not be as random. Say for example the first six they call out are; 1, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15. Each of these six numbers called out, will represent one of your selections listed below. Example:

So if the first number called out is 1, in our example under the column 1 you have the number 48, so now you write 48 underneath as the first selection on line one. The second number called out was 7, so underneath 7 you have the selection 3, so again you write 3 underneath column 7 as your second selection on line one. Then the next 4 called out were 9,11,13 and 15. So the finaI 6 selections for line one are 48-3-23-31-19-41 (See above). 36

This process is then carried out a further 19 times to give you a final total of 20 Iines. You can in fact pen as many lines as you wish depending on your finances. If you want to pen more, then you simply need to extend the grid down. Obviously the more lines you pen the greater chance you will have of getting more winning lines, if any of the numbers drawn that week are in your 15 selections. These 20 Iines are now your selections for a period of 8 draws only, while at the same time, keep recording every week’s Lottery numbers on your frequency of occurrence chart. Often there will be week’s when you don’t get any numbers in your 15 selections, but not to worry, because such is the concentration of your selections, that statistically over a period of time, they will frequently fall into place on many lines. So be patient, and you will soon be making plenty. After 4 weeks it's time to update them again, with eight of the most popular, and seven of the least popular numbers drawn from the previous eight weeks. So in other words, steps 1 to 3 will have to be repeated every 8 draws. For the first 8 draws, you will have to record the hot and cold numbers before you play, unless of course you can get hold of the past 4 weeks’ results. In which case you can then compile your own chart, and start straight away. Remember System X is based on a £20 stake, you can of course stake smaller by simply perming five or ten lines instead of twenty. If you want to double your stake from say, £20 to £40, then we advise sticking with the 15 selections chosen from the frequency of occurrence chart, and then extending the grid to 40 Iines, or to whatever you wish. PLEASE NOTE: Because of the midweek draw you will have to update your chart and renew your numbers every 4 weeks, as there are 2 draws per week, giving you a total of 8 draws in any 4 week period. AIways start with a new chart after the 8 draws, do not add the new numbers to the old ones, as this will upset the probability theory of the system. 37


Statistics Up To Draw Date: 2 January 2005 Please note that these statistics are included for reference only! They have been included purely because of others claiming to have the LATEST statistics, but if you read and understand System X you will realize that these statistics are of no practical use as you have to pick your numbers from the previous 8 draws! Some people have claimed however that they like to check their hot and cold number selections against the previous number of times those balls have been drawn.



Chapter 5: 49/6 Guarantee Win System To wrap up, use this system and you are GUARANTEED to at least get one winning line! You don’t really need to cheat here. The following Lotto lines cover all 49 numbers in a 49/6 Lotto (eg. UK National Lotto). It guarantees at least one winning line of 3 so you are guaranteed a return and you might get more than one winning line. Greatly increasing your chances of getting 4, 5 or 6 numbers! Cost $163





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