
March 24, 2018 | Author: Grant Kelly | Category: Religion And Belief
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Daemon Primarch Lorgar


Found on Colchis by the Emperor and the Primarch Magnus the Red, Lorgar had already become the spiritual and political leader of the planet as much through his powerful oratory as through force of arms. He recognized the Emperor from his prophetic visions and immediately swore loyalty to the Imperium. Under his command the Word Bearers Space Marine Legion became a force throughout the galaxy, instructing all conquered worlds in the worshipping of the Emperor through the building of temples and tributes. Lorgar was ordered by the Emperor to stop worshipping him as a god, and that the Crusade was supposed to free humanity from superstition. And as such he secretly turned to the chaos powers, beings grateful to have such worshippers. After the traitor Horus revealed his allegiance to the dark powers as well, the Word Bearers quickly joined the Warmaster’s side. The Primarch Lorgar has been transformed into a hulking daemonic beast; a gold-skinned satyr, clad in an aura of everlasting fire. Horns protrude from his bald head and pointed jaw, and the only human aspects that remain in the body of the Primarch are his piercing red eyes and his masterful voice.

1 Lorgar and 0-4 Daemon Princes Monstrous Creature N/A Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv 9 7 8 8 7 6 6 10 1+(3+)

Illuminarum: This weapon is the height of an Astartes Warrior with a shaft the colour of ivory bound by black iron and topped with an adamantium orb blackened by a forgemaster. It counts as a close combat weapon which inflicts instant death upon any Imperial Psyker, Commisar, Priest or Chaplain. In addition any non-chaos model wounded by it must re-roll successful Invulnerable Saves. Primarch Armour: This superbly crafted suit of armour provides Lorgar with a 1+ armour save (Rolls of a 1 still fail) and a 3+ Invulnerable save. Book of Lorgar: This evil tome is carried into battle by Lorgar, and aids him in his dark sermons. Every Chaos unit within 36” is fearless. In addition any Imperial unit within 36” must take a Leadership test to shoot Lorgar, or any unit within 6” of him. If it is passed they may proceed. If it is failed they may not shoot that turn. If a double 6 is rolled for this test they must shoot a friendly unit instead; chosen by the Chaos player.

Primarch: As a son of the Emperor Lorgar gains the following abilities: Fleet, Feel no Pain, Acute Senses, Preferred Enemy (Imperial Models). Titanic Might: Such is the power of the Primarchs that Lorgar can re-roll all failed to wound rolls with close combat and shooting attacks. Awesome Presence: Enemy units within 12” suffer -1 leadership. Daemon: As a Daemon Lorgar gains the following abilities: Daemon (See Codex Chaos Daemons) Living Icon (Counts as a Chaos Icon except more than one unit can use it per turn). The Urizen: Lorgar’s golden form has since been enhanced after his fall to Chaos. Now he is writhed in a golden daemonic flame. As such any enemy model in base contact looses one attack and in addition Lorgar can only be wounded by Melta, Flame and Plasma attacks on a 6+. Dark Oratory: Lorgar’s true power lies in his voice and charisma and in his ability to sow doubt in some while bolstering others. If Lorgar remains stationary in the movement phase he may give a Sermon. Choose one of the following effects: 

Faith!: All friendly Chaos units within 24” gain the Furious Charge Special Rule in the next assault phase.

Damnation!: Choose D3 enemy units on the board. These units must pass a leadership test at -2 or suffer D6 automatic wounds with no armour saves allowed and -2 leadership for the remainder of the game.

Glory!: Choose D3 friendly units. If they pass a leadership test they gain + D3 to all the characteristics on their profile (To a maximum of 10) for D3 turns. This power cannot affect more than 8 units at any time.

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