Lord Shiva Mantras
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Shiva Mantra for divine protection This is the most effective and powerful Shiva mantra to seek the divine protect ion of Shiva. This mantra is said to fulfill your innermost wishes, give protect ion against evil energies and avert the dangers coming you way. The mantra is most useful for dedicated and committed Shiv Bhakts. This most pow erful Shiva mantra for divine protection is recommended to be recited 11 times e arly in the morning after having a bath. Shri Vyadeshwar is another name by whic h Shiva is known by. Shiva Mantra for divine protection Om Namo Bagvate Shri Vyadeshwaraya Bhootnathaya Bhootbadham Nash-ya Nash-ya Kashtam Chur-ya Chur-ya Manovanchhit Pur-ya Pur-ya Om Hreem Shreem Shree Vyadeshwaraya Namah!!!! ................................................................................ ......................
A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA AND SWAMI SHIVANANDAS EBOOK Shiva Mantras Shiva is one aspect of the Hindu Divine Trinity of the Creater, the Protector an d the Destroyer. Shiva is the Destroyer or the re generator. Shiva is worshipped in numerous forms and manifestations all over India. He is also worshipped as the Shivling; the divine light of Shiva. Shaivites; tho se who primarily worship Shiva as the Ever-Existent or the Eternal one, forms on e of the major chunks of the Indian population. I have since long written a lot of mantras and other devotional material about S hiva. This has now been put together to make it easy for readers of this site. Mantras Powerful Shiva Mantras Powerful Shiva Mantras-2 Unique Shiva Mantra 12 Jyotirlingas Yantra. Dwadasa Jyotirlinga Mantra Shivling Mantra Mantra while offering flowers to the Shivling The Maha-mrityunjaya mantra Siddhi over the Maha-mrityunjaya mantra Short version of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Mrityunjaya Mantra Dakshinamurthy Gayatri Mantra Shiv Vashikaran Mantra Shiva happiness mantra Shiva mantra for mental peace Powerful Shiva mantra for the protection of children Shiva Mantra for divine protection Aartis Shivji Aarti English-Hindi
Maha Shivratri Aarti-English Hindi Shri Shankar Aarti - English - Marathi Stotras Shiva Panchakshara Stotram English-Hindi Shiv Shadakshar Stotra - English -Hindi Dwadasa Jyotirlinga stotra-English Hindi Shiv Tandav Stotra -English -Hindi Ashtakam Rudrashtakam -English - Hindi Lingashtakam - English -Hindi Prarthana Shiv Manas Pooja-English-Hindi Shiv Prarthana Shivling Prarthana Prayer for Maha Shivaratri Short prayer for malefic planetary combinations Chalisa SHIVA CHALISA-HINDI ENGLISH Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/01/shiva-mantras.html#ixzz1nlgfp5B5 « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 01:05:59 AM by marioban29 » Logged marioban29 Member Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #1 on: February 29, 2012, 03:18:41 AM » Powerful Shiva Mantras These are Vedic Mantras to win favour of Shiva.Shiva is part of the Hindu trinit y of Brahma,Vishnu and Mahesh,the Creator,the Protector and the Destroyer.Shiva is the Destroyer. He is the destroyer of ignorance,the destroyer of bad habits and obstacles and t he destroyer of evil,amongst countless qualities attributed to him. These mantras are recited in order to surrender to Shiva fully and in doing so t o eradicate ignorance,and attain bliss and happiness in life. According to the ancient Hindu scriptures Shiva is easy to please and boons are answered quickly and the benefits are gained quickly.. Om vande dev uma pati surguru vande jagatkaaranam l Vande pannagbhooshan mrugdhar vande pashoona pathim ll Vande surya shashank vahni nayan vande mukundpriyam l Vande bhakt jana-ashraya ch varadam vande Shiv-Shankaram ll , ,
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Om mrutyunjayaaya rudraaya neelakantaaya shambhave l Amriteshaaya sarvaaya mahadevaaya te namaha ll l : ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/07/powerful-shiva-mantras.html#ixzz1nl h4yiIg Powerful Shiva Mantras-2 These are some more powerful Shiva Mantras dedicated towards Shiva,the Destructi ve force out of the Hindu trinity of Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva,the Creater,the Pro tector and the Destroyer. These are ancient Vedic Mantras. Om Namastestu Bhagavan l Visvesaraya Mahadevaya l Trayambakaya Tripurantakaya l Trikagni Kalaya l Kalagni Rudraya Nil Kanthaya Mrityunjaya l Sarvesvaraya Sadadhivaya l Sriman Mahadevaya Namah. ll l l l l l ll Om Namah Sambhavaya Cha l Mayaobhavaya Cha l Namah Shankaraya Cha l Mayaskaraya Cha l Namah Shivaya Cha l Shivtaraya Cha ll l l l l l ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/07/powerful-shiva-mantras-2.html#ixzz1 nlhCZYJH Unique Shiva Mantra This is a unique Shiva Mantra.This mantra visualizes Shiva as the holder of the Damru [small drum having two chambers and connected by a narrow neck having two clappers; this drum is held in the hand and played by moving the hand]. The Damru is symbolic of the vibration of the Eternal Sound Om.The chanter implo res Shiva to make him addicted to this Eternal vibration.
Mantra Thakka krutaye damrudhareshaa l Thai thai krutaye tu bhav nashaa ll l ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2011/09/unique-shiva-mantra.html#ixzz1nlhJI HB8 The 12 Jyotirlingas Yantra The 12 Jyotirlingas of Shiva ge. There are Shiv-Lingas or cated in the under mentioned lingas are said to wash away
are the most sacred of the Hindu places of pilgrima the divine light of Shiva located in the temples lo 12 places. Those pilgrims who visit these 12 Jyotir all their accumulated sins.
The 12 Jyotirlingas of Shiva are located at -Somnath Mallikarjuna Mahakaleshwar Omkareshwar Kedarnath Bhimashankar Vishwanath Trimbakeshwar Vaidyanath Nageshwar Rameshwar Ghushmeshwar This is a Yantra or a Geometrical diagram which is useful for attracting the pur e energies of the 12 Jyotirlingas. Which I have prepared. I recommend that one l ooks at this diagram while worshipping Shiva. The prayer dedicated to the 12 Jyo tirlingas is called the Dwadasa Jyotirlinga Stotra You find the yantra on that link: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/10/12-jyotirlingas-yantra.html#ixzz1nlhPSWD9 Dwadasa Jyotirlinga Mantra Dwadasa Jyotirlinga or the 12 Jyotirlangas are amongst the most sacred of the Hi ndu Shrines. It is said in the holy scriptures that SHIVA himself manifested in these 12 shrines as a divine light. Though there are numerous Prarthanas and Mantras dedicated to the Dwadasa Jyotir linga ,I am giving here a simple and easy to recite Mantra for the devotee to re cite. This is to make it easy for the sincere devotees of Shiva. In this Mantra you bow and seek the blessings of Shiva and then you bow and show your devotion to the Dwadasa Jyotirlinga . :
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2011/11/dwadasa-jyotirlinga-mantra.html#ixz
z1nlhlLAOw Shivling Mantra The Shivling is one of the most important of the Hindu religious symbols. This s ymbol of Shiva representing his creative energy, at its peak, is often described as the divine light of Shiva. Shivlings are present in every nook and corner of India. One question asked more often than not is how to worship the Shivling; what is the specific mantra to b e recited while worshipping the Shivling. The Shivling;especially if it is at home should always kept clean by wiping it w ith a clean wet cloth. Other than this one can offer white flowers to the Shivli ng as it is said that white flowers please Shiva the most. Amarnath Shivling No specific Mantras are prescribed for the worship of the Shivling.One may recit e the Mantra– Om Namah Shivaya Or Om Jum Sah
This mantra is considered to be the Beej or the Root of the most famous Shiva Ma ntra the Maha-mrityunjaya mantra. These three words are often added to the Mahamtirunjay mantra. Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/01/shivling-mantra.html#ixzz1nlhua9yc Mantra while offering flowers to the Shivling A common practice all over India is to offer Bael or Bel leaves [(Aegle marmelos ] and mostly white flowers to a Shivling. In order to give readers of this site more and more unique mantras for most purp oses I have found specific mantras for the worship of the Shivling. I am giving here a unique Shiva mantra which is recited while offering Bel leaves and flowe rs to the Shivling. Om Mahadevaya Sommurtye Namah Mantra while offering flowers Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/02/mantra-while-offering-flowers-to.ht ml#ixzz1nli41Txi The Maha-mrityunjaya mantra , . Om Trayambakam Yajamahe, Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam; Urva Rukamiva Bandhanaan, Mrityor Mokshiye Maamritat.
The Maha-mrityunjaya mantra Rig Veda 7.59 and the Yajur Veda 3.60 is one of the most sacred of the Hindu mantras and has been from time immemorial had its own u nique place in the Hindu religion.This mantra can trace its origin to the Guru o f the Demons Shukracharaya to whom it was given by lord Shiva who is the destruc tive force of the divine trinity of Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh which govern the un iverse it is also know as the Mrita-Sanjivini mantra because of the boon of rest oring life to a dead being which was given to Shukracharaya by lord Shiva. The English translation of this mantra is ''Om. We worship and adore you, O thre e-eyed one, O Shiva. You are sweet gladness, the fragrance of life, who nourishe s us, restores our health, and causes us to thrive. As, in due time, the stem of the cucumber weakens, and the gourd is freed from the vine, so free us from att achment and death, and do not withhold immortality''. This is the mantra in praise of lord Shiva who governs destruction,death and pen ance,the meaning is clear it is a prayer to Shiva to relieve one from the suffer ings of the continuous cycle of life and death,and the merger of the energy of t he soul into the ultimate divine energy which we know as God. There are no preconditions for the chanting of this mantra it can be chanted by anybody at anytime of the day or night,the person chanting this mantra should fr om the bottom of his heart desire to be freed from the bondage of the cycle of l ife and death and achieve immortality. Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2009/06/maha-mrityunjaya-mantra.html#ixzz1n liO9AxX Siddhi over the Maha-mrityunjaya mantra The Maha-mrityunjaya mantra is the most sacred and powerful of the Hindu mantra to avert sudden and untimely death and also the fear of death. This is the mantr a which is most dear to Shiva. Though I said before that there are no pre-conditions to the chanting of this Ma ntra; which can be recited as long as one wishes; at anytime of the day or night . There still exists a procedure; followed on attaining mastery over this mantra . To attain Siddhi [Mastery] it has be prescribed that this mantra be chanted 1, 2 5,000 times. Then one has to offer Dashansh Havan [1/10th] of Til [Sesame Seeds and fruits of the Beal tree [Aegle marmelos or Stone Apple].This works out to 12 ,500 Havans or offerings of Til and Bael fruits. Or If you do not wish to do the Havan then you must give charity to the poor and ne edy. It has been said that whosoever attains Siddhi [Mastery] over this mantra leads a safe, healthy and disease free life and lives for a hundred years; he dies hap pily and without pain or suffering. Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2011/09/siddhi-over-maha-mrityunjaya-mantra .html#ixzz1nlieKizR Short version of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra This is the third type of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra which I am giving. This Ma ntra comprises of just 4 letters. This is the short version of the most powerful
of the Shiva Mantras. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra as mentioned in earlier artic les wards of untimely demise. This Mantra is said to be most powerful if chanted for a total 125,000 recitatio ns after which Dashansh Havans are offered to the lord of this Mantra Shiva. To learn more about how the Havan in done please see this post - Siddhi over the Ma ha-mrityunjaya mantra Short version of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Om Jum Sah Vashat Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/03/short-version-of-maha-mrityunjaya.h tml#ixzz1oVgwmPH9 Mrityunjaya Mantra The Mrityunjaya Mantra is arguably the most chanted of the Hindu Mantras to aver t death, decease and ill Health.There are numerous variations of this Mantra.How ever it has been noted that all of them serve the same purpose. This here is one such Mantra which is chanted for long and disease free life. If you feel this particular mantra suits you can recite it. Mantra Mrityunjayaya rudraya neelkanthaya shambhave ll Amruteshaya sharvaya mahadevaya te namah ll
ll : ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2011/09/mrityunjaya-mantra.html#ixzz1nlipX8 q6 « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 01:05:10 AM by marioban29 » marioban29 Member
Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #2 on: February 29, 2012, 03:26:14 AM » Dakshinamurthy Gayatri Mantra Dakshinamurti translated in English means the Idol facing south. South is said t o be the direction from where death comes. The Dakshinamurti aspect of Shiva pop ularized by the greatest known exponent of Non Duality Adi Shankaracharya is mor e popular in the southern states of India. Adi Shankaracharya worshipped and meditated on this aspect of Shiva to gain the highest divine knowledge. This is the Gayatri Mantra dedicated towards the Dakshinamurti aspect of Shiva.
Mantra Dakshinamurtaye Vidmahe Dhyanasthaya Dhimahi Tanno Dhisah Prachodayat ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2011/10/dakshinamurthy-gayatri-mantra.html# ixzz1nlj5kar7 Shiv Vashikaran Mantra This is a Attraction Mantra or Vashikaran Mantra from the Rudrayamala tantra [ are Hindu religious text. This text is dedicated to the Rudra Avatar or the fier ce manifestation of Shiva.
ll Mantra English Translation Om vajrakaran shive rudh rudh bhave mamae amrut kuru swaha ll This Mantra has to r achieving Siddhi divine vibrations riments are easily
be recited 10,000 times to achieve Siddhi[Mastery].There afte the following Vashikaran experiments can be practices, by the of this Mantra. The articles required for the Vashikaran expe available in most Ayuurveda shops in India.
1. During the Solar Eclipse the root of the white Sirpunkha [ ] has to be procu into a paste mixed with water. This paste has to be applied in the Eyes as Anjan [Anoint] doing this will bring the King [Ruler] and the public under your spell .
2. Mustaki Jad [ ] is to be kept in the mouth and the name of the person you wis t has to be taken, this will bring that person under your spell of attraction. 3. Mustamul [ our way.
] if Embossed in gold will bring you happiness and lots of wealth wi
4. Mustamul [ ] if turned into a paste along with Sandalwood and if applied on you d as Tilak [Religious Mark applied with thumb] will attract any member of the op posite sex who sees the Tilak. 5.Mansil [ ], Gorochan [ ] and Mustaki Jad [ ] if mixed into water and as Tilak [Religious Mark applied with thumb] taking the name of the person you w ish to attract, will bring that person under your spell of attraction. Disclaimer-These Mantras and experiments have been given for information purpose s only. Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/11/shiv-vashikaran-mantra.html#ixzz1nl jDpW8r Shiva happiness mantra The Sivananda Lahari a composition by Adi Shankaracharya, like all his compositi ons is alive and filled with mantras with the highest vibratory frequencies.
The Sivaananda Lahri translated into English means the Waves of the happiness of Shiva This second stanza of this divine composition is the Shiva mantra of happiness o r the Shiva mantra of divine ecstasy. The translation of this verse is – Oh! Lord Shambu the unending waves of ecstasy: that divine flow; originating fro m you which has always flooded the world: that which annihilates the misery of s in, and engulfs the mind, that which gives freedom from the sorrows of the turmo il of life, enter my heart and make me forever triumphant. Shiva happiness mantra Galanti Shambho Twacharitha Saritha Khilbhisharajo Dhalanti Dhi Kulya Saranishu Pathanti Vijayatham Dhishanti Sansarbraman Parithapopa Samanam Vasanti Machcheto Hridbhuvi Shivananda Lahiri. I would advise Shiv Bhakts to recite this mantra at least once a day; the wordin gs are self explanatory; need I say more. Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/01/shiva-happiness-mantra.html#ixzz1nl jL4bTg « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:08:41 AM by marioban29 » Logged marioban29 Member Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #3 on: February 29, 2012, 03:35:13 AM » Shiva mantra for mental peace This is a most powerful and beautiful Shiva mantra to attain mental peace. In to day’s fast paced life with its nuclear families; most people lack that vital ingre dient for happiness; mental peace. This mantra is one which the most reliable of the Indian scriptures say vibrates to the unique frequencies of peace. This Shiva mantra is recommended to be reci ted 108 times everyday; this ensures peace, bliss and success in life. Shiva Mantra for mental peace Om Shiv Shiv Saambh Sadashiv Om Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/01/shiva-mantra-for-mental-peace.html# ixzz1nlkuTkWz Powerful Shiva mantra for the protection of children Today I am giving a very powerful Shiva mantra for the protection of children. T his is a rare Sadhna, so please do not misuse it. The Shiva Mantra which is given below has to be written on a Bhojpatra paper wit
h blue ink and then this Bhojpatra paper has to be put in a locket, either of me tal or a waterproof cloth. Then this locket has to be tied or woven into a black thread and put around the neck of the child. This is said to protect the child from all kinds of dangers and evil energies. Shiva Mantra Raksh Raksh Mahadev Neelgriv Jatadhar Grahaistu Sahito Raksh Munch Munsh Kumarkam Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/01/powerful-shiva-mantra-for-protectio n-of.html#ixzz1nllEEmg7 Shiva Mantra for divine protection This is the most effective and powerful Shiva mantra to seek the divine protect ion of Shiva. This mantra is said to fulfill your innermost wishes, give protect ion against evil energies and avert the dangers coming you way. The mantra is most useful for dedicated and committed Shiv Bhakts. This most pow erful Shiva mantra for divine protection is recommended to be recited 11 times e arly in the morning after having a bath. Shri Vyadeshwar is another name by whic h Shiva is known by. Shiva Mantra for divine protection Om Namo Bagvate Shri Vyadeshwaraya Bhootnathaya Bhootbadham Nash-ya Nash-ya Kashtam Chur-ya Chur-ya Manovanchhit Pur-ya Pur-ya Om Hreem Shreem Shree Vyadeshwaraya Namah Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/01/shiva-mantra-for-divine-protection. html#ixzz1nllqGsz5 « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:09:09 AM by marioban29 » marioban29 Member
Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #4 on: February 29, 2012, 03:37:25 AM » Shivji Aarti English-Hindi Om Jai Shiv Omkara is a popular Aarti in praise of Shiva. Shiva is part of the o mnipresent trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh or Shiva. They are portrayed as being separate and yet one and the same at the same time.Hense Shiva is worshipp ed as the ever-existent and his worship is said to include everything else inclu ding Brahma and Vishnu. Shiva is worshipped as Omkar Swaropa or the Omkar, which is the universal sound or the universal ever-existant.The blessings of Shiva are sought to fulfill ones life and evolve further and come closer to Shiva. This Aarti is recited in Shiva temples all over India, where devotees recite thi
s Aarti collectively and experience bliss and ecstasy. Shivji Aarti English Translation Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Bramha,Vishnu ,Sadashiv,Ardhangi Dhaara l l Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Ekaanan Chaturaanan Panchaanan Raje l Hansaanan Garudaasan Vrishvaahan Saaje ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Do Bhuj Chaar Chaturbhuj Dasamukh Ati Sohe l Trigun Rup Nirakhate Tribhuvan Jan Mohe ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l kshamaala Vanamaala Mundamaala Dhaari l Tripuraari Kansaari Kar Maala Dhaari ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Shvetambar Pitambar Baaghambar Ange l Sanakaadik Garunaadik Bhutaadik Sange ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Kar Ke Madhy Kamandalu Charka Trishuladhaari l Sukhakaari Dukhahaari Jagapaalan Kaari ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Bramha Vishnu Sadaashiv Jaanat Aviveka l Pranavaakshar Mein Shobhit Ye Tino Ekaa ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Lakshmi Va Saavitri Paarvati Sangaa l Paarvati Ardhaangi, Shivalahari Gangaa ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Parvat Sohe Parvati, Shankar Kailasa l Bhang Dhatur Ka Bhojan, Bhasmi Mein Vaasa ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Jataa Me Gang Bahat Hai, Gal Mundan Maala l Shesh Naag Lipataavat, Odhat Mrugach aala ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Kashi Me Viraaje Vishvanaath, Nandi Bramhchaari l Nit Uthh Darshan Paavat, Mahim aa Ati Bhaari ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l Trigunasvamiji Ki Aarti Jo Koi Nar Gave l Kahat Shivanand Svami Sukh Sampati Pav e ll Jay Shiv Omkaara,Om Jay Shiv Omkaara l , ,
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, Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/05/shivji-aarti-english-hindi.html#ixz z1nlnM388n Maha Shivratri Aarti-English Hindi Maha Shivratri or the great night of Shiva is a very important festival in the H indu religion. This festival falls on the night before the new moon on the 13th or the 14th night of the new moon during Krishna Paksha or the second fortnight in the Hindu month of Phalgun. This is an Aarti recited during Maha Shivratri. Maha Shivraatri Aarti English Translation Aagyi Mahashivratri Padharo Shankarji l Ho Padharo Shankarji, Aarti Utare l Paar Utaro Shankarji, Ho Utaro Shankarji ll Tum Nayan Nayanme Ho Man Man Me Dham Tera l He Neelkanth Hai Kanth Kanth Me Naam Tera l Ho Devon Ke Dev Jagat Ke Pyare Shankarji l Tum Raj Mahal Me, Tum Hi Bikhari Ke Ghar Me l Dharti Per Tera Charan Mukut Hai Ambar Pe l Sansar Tumhara Ek Hamare Shankarji l Tum Duniya Besa Kar Bharam Ramane Wale Ho l Papi Ke Bhi Rakhwale Bhole Bhale Ho l Duniya Me Bhi Do Din To Gujaro Shankarji l Kya Bhent Cherhaye Tan Maila Ghar Suna Hai l Le Lo Aansoo Ke Gangajal Ka Namuna Hai l Aakerke Nayan Me Charan Pakharo Shankarji ll
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/06/maha-shivratri-aarti-english-hindi. html#ixzz1nlnSLaKA Shri Shankar Aarti - English - Marathi This is an Aarti in the Marathi Language recited in praise of Shankar or Shiva .Shankar is the Destroyer out of the Hindu divine trinity of Bhahma, Vishnu and Mahesh or the Creator, the Protector and the Destroyer. The Aarti is a description of the various qualities of Shankar in brief. His app earance, the blue throat, as a result of drinking the poison emerging during Sag ar-Manthan.The poison emerging out of the churning of the ocean of milk, threate ned to destroy the Universe.Shankar swallowed the poison; hence he is also calle
d Neelkanth which translated into English means one having a Blue Throat. Aarti of Shankar English Translation Luvthavthi vikrala bramhandi mala l Vishe kanthi kala trinetri jwala ll Lavanaya sundar mastaki baala l Tethuniya jal nirmal vahe zulzula ll 1 ll Jay dev jay dev jay shrishankara l Aarti ovalu tuj karpurgaura ll Dhru.ll Karpurgaura bhola nayani vishala l Ardhangi parvati sumananchaya mala ll Vibhutiche udhalan shivkanth neela l Esa shankar shobhe uma velhala ll Jay Dev.ll 2 ll Daivi daitye sagar-manthan pai kele l Tyamaji avchit halahal uthile ll Te tya asurpane prashan kele l Neelkanth nam prasidha zale ll Jay Dev.ll 3 ll Vaghranvar-fanivardhar sundar madnari l Panchanan manmohan munijan sukhkari ll Sathkotiche beej vache ucchari l Raghukultilak ramdasa antari ll ll Jay Dev.ll 4 ll l ll l ll l ll
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/11/shri-shankar-aarti-english-marathi. html#ixzz1nlnaQ0Jz « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:09:38 AM by marioban29 » Logged marioban29 Member Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #5 on: February 29, 2012, 03:40:21 AM » Shiva Panchakshara Stotram English-Hindi The Shiva Panchakshara Stotram consists of the five letters Na,Ma,Shi,Va,Ya, or
in Hindi “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”.These are the five holy letters e holy letters will come close to Shiva,be like him and merge lightened forever. This is a important Manta for those seeking enlightenment and The recitation of this Mantra will sincerity,devotion,a clean love for Shiva will lead the devotee towards Shiva.
which are contained in Shiva. into him and be en bliss. and pure heart and
Shiva Panchakshara Stotram English Translation Nagedndra Haaraay Trilochanaay Bhasmaangraay Maheshwaraay l Nityaay Shudhaay Digambaraay Tasmai “Na” Kaaraay Namaah Shivaay ll Mandaakini-Salilam-Chandan-Charchitaay Nandishwar-Pramathnaath-Maheshwaraay ll Manddar-Pushy-Bahupushy –Supujitaay Tasmai “Ma” Kaaraay Namaah Shivaay ll Shivaay Gaurivadanaabjvrand-Suryaay Dakshadhwar- Naashkaay l Shrineelkanthaay Vrashdhvajaay Tasmai “Shi” Kaaraay Namaah Shivaay ll Vasishth-Kumbhodbhav Gautamary-Munindr-Devarchit-Shekhraay l Chandrark-Vaishvanar-Lochnaay Tasmai “Va” Kaaraay Namaah Shivaay ll Yagyaswaruupaay Jataadharaay Pinaak-Hastaay Sanaatanaay l Divyaay Devaay Digambaraay Tasmai “Ya” Kaaraay Namaah Shivaay ll Panchaaksharmidam Punyam Yah Pathet Shiv Sanidhau l Shivlokamvaapnoti Shiven Sah Modate ll
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/05/shiva-panchakshara-stotram-english. html#ixzz1nlniSgkE
Shiv Shadakshar Stotra - English -Hindi The Shiva Shadakshar Stotra is a prayer which praises the six letters contained in the Mantra Om Namo Shiva—Om, Na, M, Si, Va, Ya or , , , , , .This Stotra praise all t x letters and says that who so ever prays to these six letter would be one with Shiva and would always be happy and live a life of contentment. Shiv Shadakshar Stotra English Translation Om Kaaram Bindu Samyuktam Sada Dhyayanti yogina l
Kaamadam Mokshadam chaiva Om kaaraya Namo Namaha ll Namasthe Rushayo Deva Namsthyapsara Saanganah l Naraa Namanthi Devesam Na kaaraya Namo Namaha ll Mahaadevam Mahaatmaanam Mahaa Dhyana Parayanam l Maha Papa haram devam Ma kaaraya Namo Namaha ll Sivam Saantam Jagannatham Lokaanugraha Rakshakam l Sivameka Padam Nityam Si kaaraya Namo Namaha ll Vaahanam Vrishbho Yasya Vasuki Kanta Bhooshanam l Vaame Sakti Dharam Devam Va kaaraya Namo Namaha ll Yatra Yatra Sthitho Deva Sarva Vyape Maheswaraha l Yo Guru Sarva Devaanam Ya kaaraya Namo Namaha ll Shadakshara midam stotram yah patethchiva sannidhou l Siva Lokamavaapnothi Sivena Sahamodathe ll Iti Shri Rudrayamale Uma Maheshwar Samvade Shadakshar Stotra Sampurnam ll l "
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/08/shiv-shadakshar-stotra-english-hind i.html#ixzz1nlnu58rN Dwadasa Jyotirlinga stotra-English Hindi The 12 or Dwadasa Jyotirlinga are extremely important place of pilgrimage in Ind ia. The ancient Hindu religious text the Shiva Purana,has the description, locat ion and significance of these 12 Jyotirlingas.It is believed in Hinduism that Sh iva manifested as divine light in these 12 Jyotirlinga. Jyotirlinga means a ling a of divine light. The worship of the Jyotirlingas has great significance and importance in the Hin du religion.This is the shorter version of the stotra, which is praise or stuti of the 12 Jyotirlinga.It is said that who so ever remembers the 12 Jyotirlanga w ith sincerity washes away the sins which he has accumulated in his past seven li ves. Dwadasa Jyotirlinga stotra English Saurashtre Somnatham ch, Shri Shaile Mallikarjunam l Ujjayinyaam Mahakaalam Omkaarmmaleshwaram ll Paralyam Vaidhnaath ch, Daakinyaam Bhimshankaram l Setubandhe tu Ramesham, Naagesham Daarukaavane ll Varanasyaam tu Vishvesham, Trayambkam Gautami Tate l Himaalaye tu Kedaaram, Dhushmesham ch Shivaalaye ll Etaani Jyotirlingaani, Saayam Praatah Pathennarah l Saptjanmkratam Paapam Smarnen Vinashyati ll Translation by P. R. Ramachander
The twelve Lingas of light are l Somanatha in Sourashtra, Mallikarjuna in Sri Shailam l Mahakala in Ujjain,Omkaram in Amaleshwara ll Vaidhyanatha in Parali,Bhimasankara in South l Rameshwara near the bridge in Sethu,Nageswara in Daruka forest ll Visweswara in Varnasi,Trayambakeshwara in the shores of Godavari l Kedareshwara in Himalayas,And Ghushmesha in Sivalaya ll He who remembers them,Morning and evening l Would wash away sins,Committed in his seven births ll
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/06/dwadasa-jyotirlinga-stotra-english. html#ixzz1nlo6X58x Shiv Tandav Stotra -English -Hindi The Shiva Tandev Stotra is a devotional hymn recited by the King of Lanka Ravana in praise of Shiva.Ravan seeks the blessings of Shiva and implores him to grant him the boon of liberation from the unending cycle of life and death. This stotra describes the various qualities of Shiva. Shiv Tandav Stotra English Translation Jatatavigalajjala pravahapavitasthale Galeavalambya lambitam bhujangatungamalikam l Damad damad damaddama ninadavadamarvayam Chakara chandtandavam tanotu nah shivah shivam ll Jatakatahasambhrama bhramanilimpanirjhari Vilolavichivalara ivirajamanamurdhani l Dhagadhagadhagajjva lalalatapattapavake Kishorachandrashekhare ratih pratikshanam mama ll Dharadharendrana ndinivilasabandhubandhura Sphuradigantasantati pramodamanamanase l Krupakatakshadhorani nirudhadurdharapadi Kvachidigambare manovinodametuvastuni ll Jatabhujangapingala sphuratphanamaniprabha Kadambakunkumadrava praliptadigvadhumukhe l Madandhasindhurasphura tvagutariyamedure Mano vinodamadbhutam bibhartu bhutabhartari ll Sahasralochanaprabhritya sheshalekhashekhara Prasunadhulidhorani vidhusaranghripithabhuh l Bhujangarajamalaya nibaddhajatajutaka Shriyai chiraya jayatam chakorabandhushekharah ll Lalatachatvarajvala dhanajnjayasphulingabha Nipitapajnchasayakam namannilimpanayakam l Sudhamayukhalekhaya virajamanashekharam Mahakapalisampade shirojatalamastunah ll Karalabhalapattika dhagaddhagaddhagajjvala Ddhanajnjaya hutikruta prachandapajnchasayake l Dharadharendranandini kuchagrachitrapatraka Prakalpanaikashilpini trilochane ratirmama ll
Navinameghamandali niruddhadurdharasphurat Kuhunishithinitamah prabandhabaddhakandharah l Nilimpanirjharidharastanotu kruttisindhurah Kalanidhanabandhurah shriyam jagaddhurandharah ll Praphullanilapan kajaprapajnchakalimaprabha Valambikanthakandali ruchiprabaddhakandharam l Smarachchidam purachchhidam bhavachchidam makhachchidam Gajachchidandhakachidam tamamtakachchidam bhaje ll Akharvagarvasarvamangala kalakadambamajnjari Rasapravahamadhuri vijrumbhanamadhuvratam l Smarantakam purantakam bhavantakam makhantakam Gajantakandhakantakam tamantakantakam bhaje ll Jayatvadabhravibhrama bhramadbhujangamashvasa Dvinirgamatkramasphurat karalabhalahavyavat l Dhimid dhimid dhimidhvanan mrudangatungamangala Dhvanikramapravartita prachandatandavah shivah ll Drushadvichitratalpayor bhujangamauktikasrajor Garishtharatnaloshthayoh suhrudvipakshapakshayoh l Trushnaravindachakshushoh prajamahimahendrayoh Samapravrutikahsamam pravartayanmanahkada sadashivam bhaje ll Kada nilimpanirjharinikujnjakotare vasanh Vimuktadurmatih sada shirah sthamajnjalim vahanh l Vimuktalolalochano lalamabhalalagnakah Shiveti mantramuchcharan sada sukhi bhavamyaham ll Idam hi nityamevamuktamuttamottamam stavam Pathansmaranbruvannaro vishuddhimetisantatam l Hare gurau subhaktimashu yati nanyatha gatim Vimohanam hi dehinam sushankarasya chintanam ll Phalastuti Pujavasanasamaye dashavaktragitam Yah shambhupujanaparam pathati pradoshhe l Tasya sthiram rathagajendraturangayuktam Lakshmim sadaiva sumukhim pradadati shambhuh ll -
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ll l ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/08/shiv-tandav-stotra-english-hindi.ht ml#ixzz1nloEIl8F « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:10:09 AM by marioban29 » Logged marioban29 Member Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #6 on: February 29, 2012, 03:41:43 AM » Rudrashtakam -English - Hindi The Rudrashtakam is Ashtakam or an eight verse Octet or a rhyming prayer dedicat ed to the manifestation of Shiva the Destroyer out of the Hindu holy trinity as Rudra.Rudra is considered as the fearsome manifestation of Shiva who is to be fe ared. The Rudhrashtakam was composed by the great saint Goswami Tulsidas. Rudrashtakam English Translation Namam Meesana nirvana roopam,Vibhum vyapakam Brahma Veda swaroopam l
Nijam nirgunam nirvikalpam nireeham,Chidakasamaakasa vasam Bhajeham ll Niraakara monkaara moolam thureeyam ,Giraa jnana gotheethamesam gireesam l Karalam maha kala kalam krupalam,Gunaa gara samsara param athoham ll Thushaaraadhi sankasa gowram gabheeram,Mano bhootha koti prabha sree sareeram l Sphuran mouli kallolini charu ganga,Lasaddala balendu kante bhujanga.ll Chalath kundalam bru sunethram vishaalam,Prasannananam neela kandam dhayalam l Mugadheesa charmambaeam munda malam Priyam shankaram sarva nadham bhajami ll Prachandam prakrushtam Prakalbham paresam,Akhandam ajam bhanu koti prakasam l Thraya soola nirmoolanam soola panim,Bhajeham bhavani pathim bhava gamyam ll .Kalatheetha kalyani kalpanthakari,Sada sajjananda datha purari l Chidananda sandoha mohapahari,Praseeda praseeda prabho mamamadhari ll Na yavad Umanada padaravindam ,Bhajantheeha loke pare vaa naraanaam l Na thath sukham shanthi santhapa nasam,Praseedha prabho Sarva bhoothadhivasam ll Na janami yogam , japam , naiva poojaam,Nathoham sada sarvadha Shambhu thubhyam l Jara janma dukhogha thathpyamanam,Prabho pahi aapannamameesa Shambho ll Rudhrashtakamidham proktham Viprena hara thoshaye l Ye padanthi naraa bhakthya thesham Shambhu praseedathi ll Ithi Sri Goswami Thulasi dasa krutham Sri Rudhrashtakam sampurnam ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l .
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ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/08/rudrashtakam-english-hindi.html#ixz z1nloVIq1y Lingashtakam - English -Hindi The Shiv Ling is one of the most important and worshipped religious symbols in t he Hindu religion. It is considered as the representation of the God of the Univ erse from which the entire creation emerged. This is an Aahtakam or an Octet, which is a rhyming eight verse prayer dedicated to the Shiv Ling. Lingashtakam English Translation Brahma Murari Sura architha Lingam,Nirmala bashitha Shobitha Lingam l Janmaja dukha vinasaka lingam.That pranamami sada shiva lingam ll Deva Murari pravarchitha Lingam,Kama dahana Karunakara lingam l Ravana darpa vinashana lingam,That pranamami sad shiva lingam ll Sarva sukandhi sulepitha lingam,Budhi vivarthana karana lingam l Siddha surasura vandhitha lingam,That pranamami sada shiva lingam ll Kanaka mahamani bhooshitha lingam,Panipathi veshtitha shobitha lingam lll Daksha suyagna vinasana lingam,That pranamami sada shiva lingam ll
Kunkuma chandana lepitha lingam,Pankaja hara sushobitha lingam l Sanchitha papa vinasana lingam,That pranamami sada shiva lingam ll Deva Ganarchitha sevitha lingam,Bhavair bakthi pravesa lingam l Dinakara koti prabhakara lingam,That pranamami sada shiva lingam ll Ashta dalopari veshtitha lingam,Sarva samudbhava karana lingam l Ashta daridra vinasana lingam,That pranamami sada shiva lingam ll Suraguru sura vara poojitha Lingam,Sura vana pushpa sadarchitha lingam l Parathparam paramathmaka lingam,That pranamai sada shiva lingam ll Lingashtakam, Idam Punyam padeth Shiva Sannidhow l Shivalokam avapnothi shive na sahamodathe ll Shivling Meaning - P.R.Ramachander I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva, Which is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and other Devas, Which is pure and resplendent, And which destroys sorrows of birth. I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva, Which is worshipped by great sages and devas, Which destroyed the god of love, Which showers mercy, And which destroyed the pride of Ravana. I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva, Which is anointed by perfumes, Which leads to growth of wisdom, And which is worshipped by sages, devas and asuras. I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva, Which is served by gods and other beings, Which is the doorway for devotion and good thought, And which shines like billions of Suns. I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva, Which is ornamented by gold and great jewels, Which shines with the snake being with it, And which destroyed the Yagna of Daksha. I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva, Which is adorned by sandal paste and saffron, Which wears the garland of lotus flowers, And which can destroy accumulated sins. I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva, Which is surrounded by eight petals, Which is the prime reason of all riches, And which destroys eight types of poverty. I bow before that Lingam, which is the eternal Shiva, Which is worshipped by the teacher of gods, Which is worshipped by the best of gods, Which is always worshipped by the flowers, From the garden of Gods, Which is the eternal abode, And which is the ultimate truth. Any one who chants the holy octet of the Lingam, In the holy presence of Lord Shiva, Would in the end reach the world of Shiva, And keep him company. l ll l ll l ll
l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/08/lingashtakam-english-hindi.html#ixz z1nlodl4u7 « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:10:54 AM by marioban29 » Logged marioban29 Member Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #7 on: February 29, 2012, 03:49:25 AM » Shiv Manas Pooja-English-Hindi The Shiv Manas pooja composed by Adi Shankara is a unique prayer. While reciting this prayer, the devotee does not offer anything material as an offering to Shi va. Everything is on the mental level. All that one wants to offer to Shiva is o ffered in the mind of the devotee reciting this prayer. One can offer thing he desires to Shiva in his mind.Adi Shankara most probably w anted to do away with rituals and flaunting of wealth by wealthy devotees, hence this unique prayer. Shiv Manas Pooja English Translation Rathnai Kalpitham asanam, Himajalai snanam cha divyambaram l Naana rathna vibhooshitham mruga madha modhanvitham Chandanam l Jathi champaka bilwa pathra rachitham, pushpam cha deepam Thada l Deepam deva dayanithe pasupathe, hrud kalpyatham gruhyatham ll Souvarne nava rathna Ganda Rachithe, pathre Grutham Payasam l Bakshyam pancha vidam Payo dadhiyutham, rambha phalam panakam l Saaka namayutham jalam ruchikaram, karpoora gandojwalam l Thamboolam manasa maya virachitham Bhakthyo prabho sweekuru ll Chathram Chamarayoryugam vyajanagam, chaa darshakam nirmalam l Veena bheri mrudanga kahala kala geetha nruthyam thada l Sasthangam pranthi sthuthir bahu vidha, hyethat samastham maya l Sankalpena samapitham thava vibho , poojam gruhana prabhoo ll Aathma thwam Girija Mathi sahacharaa, prana sarreram gruham l Pooja theey vishayopa bhoga rachana, nidhra samadhi sthithi l Sanchara padayo pradakshina vidhi, , sthothrani sarva giraa l Yadyath karma karomi thathad akhilam, shambho thavaradhanam ll Kara charana krutham vaak kayajam karmajam vaa l Sravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa aparadham l Vihithamavihitham vaa sarva methath Kshamaswa l
Jaya Jaya katunabdhe sri Mahadeva Shambho ll Meaning translated by Translated by P. R. Ramachander I offer you an imaginary throne made of precious jewels, I offer you bath in the water of melted snow from the Himalayas, I offer you holy silken cloth to wear, I adorn you with very many precious jewels, I offer you musk and sandal, I offer you Bilwa and Champaka flowers, And I offer you the holy lamp, But all these I offer in the portal of my mind, Please God who is merciful and who is the Lord of all beings, Accept my offerings and bless me. Sweet rice in a golden bowl inlaid with the nine jewels, the five kinds of food made from milk and curd, bananas, vegetables, sweet water scented with camphor, and betel leaves - I have prepared all these in my mind with devotion. O lord, p lease accept them. I offer you Ghee and the sweet payasam in golden vessel , Decorated with nine type of precious gems, I offer you five different dishes made of curd and milk, I offer you panakam made of sweet fruits, I offer you tasty sweet scented water to drink, I offer you the lamp made of camphor along with tinkling bells, And I offer you betel leaf and nut, But these are offered by my mind with utter devotion to you, So Lord Kindly accept and bless. I offer you a pretty stage, I offer you couple of decorative fans, I also offer you shining mirror, I offer you Veena, kettledrums, Mrudanga and a very big drum, I offer you song and dance, I offer you full prostration, I offer you several types of prayers, But all these I offer you my Lord, in my mind So Lord kindly accept this my worship. My soul is your temple my lord, My activities are thine attendants, My body is thine home, My acts to please my senses are thine worship, My act of sleep is the deep meditation on thee, All my walks with my feet are thine perambulations, What ever falls from my mouth are thine prayers, Oh Lord, everything I say and do are thine forms of worship. Please pardon Oh lord All those acts committed by me, By hands, by action, by body or By hearing, by my sight, or by my mind, Whether they are proper or improper.. Victory oh victory, Oh, ocean of mercy, Oh, The greatest of Gods and Oh benevolent one.
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/07/shiv-manas-pooja-english-hindi.html #ixzz1nlonqde7 Shiv Prarthana This is a short prayer or Prarthana recited in praise of Shiva in the Marathi L anguage. This prayer is the first verse of the Shiv Stuthi or a prayer in praise of Shiv.This prayer is most suitable for those who find it extremely difficult to recite lengthy prayers. This prayer calls upon Shiva the lord of Kailas, also lovingly called as Kailasr ana to help one tide over the difficulties of life.The worshipper tells Shiva th at he is his only hope in life. This Prarthana is normally recited on Monday, the weekly day that is said to be presided over by Shiva. Shiv Prarthana English Translation Kailasrana shivchandramauli l Fanindra matha mukuti zalali ll Karunya sindhu bhav:dhukhari l Tujvin sambho maj kon taari ll l ll :
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/11/shiv-prarthana.html#ixzz1nlowXKzZ Shivling Prarthana This is a verse taken from the Lingashtakam which has been recommended as a shor t prayer or Prarthanas dedicated to the Shivling.The Shivling is one of the most important symbols in the Hindu religion. It is the representation of Shiva, the eternal light of reproduction or creation from which originated the whole of cr eation.
The meaning of this verse is that the worshipper is bowing before the eternal Sh ivling, which is worshipped by everyone including the Gods and the Sages. The Sh ivling which burnt Kamdev the God of love to ashes. The Shivling which is the gi ver of bliss and the Shivling which destroyed the ego and pride of Ravana. Deva Murari pravarchitha Lingam,Kama dahana Karunakara lingam l Ravana darpa vinashana lingam,That pranamami sad shiva lingam ll l ll Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2011/02/shivling-prarthana.html#ixzz1nlp1Sz Rx Prayer for Maha Shivaratri Greetings to all Shiv Bhakts on the auspicious day of Maha Shivaratri; the great night of Shiva, celebrated with fervor all over India. On this auspicious occas ion of Maha Shivratri I am giving here a Short Prayer or Prarthana to all Shiv Bhakts. This Short Prayer is taken from the Atmastakam composed by none other than the g reat Adi Shankaracharya. The deep and profound meaning of this verse will be crystal clear to all those a spiring to seek the elusive state of Non- Duality; as it has been composed by ar guably the greatest of all those who scaled that elusive sate of being. Prayer for Maha Shivaratri Na Me Mrityushanka Na Me Jatibhedah Pita Naiva Me Naiva Mata Na Janma Na Bhandur Mitram Gururnaiva Shishyah Chidanandarupah Shivoham Shivoham Meaning I have no fear of death, nor do I see anyone divided by caste or creed; I do not have a father or mother I am unborn; I have neither relatives nor friends; I do not have a guru nor am I a disciple; I am that ever- existent, ever blissful su preme one Shiva who is the ultimate truth. I am Shiva, I am Shiva. . Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/02/prayer-for-maha-shivaratri.html#ixz z1nlp7lwep Short prayer for malefic planetary combinations A lot of people write to me saying that they are affected by malefic planetary c ombinations; and are at their wits end for the transit of malefic planets to com e to an end. One does not have to wait patiently for bad periods to come to an end. Sheer ded ication and will power will make good times come back again. This is a short Prarthana or prayer for relief from malefic planets dedicated to Shiva. This prayer has been composed by me especially for Shiv Bhakts.One can r ecite this prayer only once in the morning daily. Graha Badha Prarthana Ardhachandradhari parvati ke pati Graha badha se raksha karo kailaspati
Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2012/01/short-prayer-for-malefic-planetary. html#ixzz1nlqQZYia SHIVA CHALISA-HINDI ENGLISH The Shiva chalisa is an ancient prayer which is dedicated to Shiva, the recitati on of this prayer which is of 40 verses is most beneficial in eradicating the Ka rma of past sins, and misdeeds if done as a repentance. This prayer is also bene ficial in aiding ones path towards Moksha or Liberation. This prayer leads one t owards a contented existence free from any kind of worries and tensions. Shiva Chalisa-English Translation Doha Jaya ganesha girijaasuvana mangala mula sujaana Kahata ayodhyaadasa tuma deu abhaya varadaana Jaya girijaapati diinadayaala sadaa karata santana pratipaala Bhaala chandramaa sohata niike kaanana kundala naaga phanii ke Anga gaura shira ganga bahaaye mundamaala tana kshaara lagaaye Vastra khaala baghambara sohe chhavi ko dekhi naaga mana mohe Mainaa maatu ki have dulaarii vaama anga sohata chhavi nyaarii Kara trishuula sohata chhavi bhaarii karata sadaa shatruna kshayakaarii Nandii ganesha sohain tahan kaise saagara madhya kamala hain jaise Kaartika shyaama aura ganaraau yaa chhavi kau kahi jaata na kaau Devana jabahiin jaaya pukaaraa tabahin dukha prabhu aapa nivaaraa Kiyaa upadrava taaraka bhaarii devana saba mili tumahin juhaarii Turata shadaanana aapa pathaayau lava nimesha maham maari giraayau Aapa jalandhara asura sanhaaraa suyasha tumhaara vidita sansaara Tripuraasura sana yuddha machaai tabahin kripaa kara liina bachaai Kiyaa tapahin bhaagiiratha bhaarii puraba pratigyaa taasu purarii Daanina mahan tuma sama kou naahiin sevaka stuti karata sadahiin Veda maahi mahimaa tuma gaai akatha anaadi bheda nahiin paai Prakate udadhi manthana men jvaalaa jarata suraasura bhae vihalaa Kiinha dayaa tahan karii sahaai niilakantha taba naama kahaai Puujana raamachandra jaba kiinhaan jiita ke lanka vibhiishana diinhaa Sahasa kamala men ho rahe dhaarii kiinha pariiksha tabahin tripurarii Eka kamala prabhu raakheu joi kamala nayana pujana chahan soi Kathina bhakti dekhii prabhu shankara bhaye prasanna die ichchhita vara Jaya jaya jaya ananta avinaashii karata kripaa sabake ghata vaasii Dushta sakala nita mohi satavain bhramata rahaun mohe chaina na aavain Traahi traahi main naatha pukaaro yaha avasara mohi aana ubaaro Le trishula shatruna ko maaro sankata se mohin aana ubaaro Maata pitaa bhraata saba koi sankata men puuchhata nahin koi Svaamii eka hai aasa tumhaarii aaya harahu mama sankata bhaarii Dhana nirdhana ko deta sadaa hii jo koi jaanche so phala paahiin Astuti kehi vidhi karon tumhaarii kshamahu naatha aba chuuka hamarii Shankara ho sankata ke nashana mangala kaarana vighna vinaashana Yogii yati muni dhyaana lagaavain shaarada naarada shiisha navaavain Namo namo jaya namah shivaaya sura brahmadika paara na paaya Jo yaha paatha kare mana laai taa para hota hain shambhu sahaai Raniyaan jo koi ho adhikaarii paatha kare so pavana haarii Putra hona kii ichchhaa joi nishchaya shiva prasaada tehi hoi Pandita trayodashii ko laave dhyaana purvaka homa karaave Trayodashii vrata karai hameshaa tana nahin taake rahai kaleshaa Dhuupa diipa naivedya chadhaave shankara sammukha paatha sunaave Janma janma ke paapa nasave anta dhaama shivapura men paave Kahain ayodhyadaasa aasa tumhaarii jaani sakala dukha harahu hamaarii IIDohaaII
Nita nema uthi praatahii paatha karo chaalisa Tuma merii manakaamana purna karo jagadisha
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/01/shiva-chalisa-hindi-english.html#ix zz1nlqaskqG « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:11:25 AM by marioban29 » Logged marioban29 Member Blessings 6 Offline
Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #8 on: March 03, 2012, 12:56:53 PM » Upasan or the way of whorshipping and pleasing a deity to seek its blessings: http://www.panditjiusa.com/Mantra_Stotra_Prayers_Collection/Upasana_HowToDo.pdf « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:11:53 AM by marioban29 » Logged marioban29 Member Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008 A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #9 on: March 05, 2012, 09:01:13 AM » Shiv Prarthana This is a short prayer or Prarthana recited in praise of Shiva in the Marathi L anguage. This prayer is the first verse of the Shiv Stuthi or a prayer in praise of Shiv.This prayer is most suitable for those who find it extremely difficult to recite lengthy prayers. This prayer calls upon Shiva the lord of Kailas, also lovingly called as Kailasr ana to help one tide over the difficulties of life.The worshipper tells Shiva th at he is his only hope in life. This Prarthana is normally recited on Monday, the weekly day that is said to be presided over by Shiva. Shiv Prarthana English Translation Kailasrana shivchandramauli l Fanindra matha mukuti zalali ll Karunya sindhu bhav:dhukhari l Tujvin sambho maj kon taari ll
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Read more: http://www.prophet666.com/2010/11/shiv-prarthana.html#ixzz1oGL8pTdO « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:12:18 AM by marioban29 » Logged marioban29 Member Blessings 6 Offline Posts: 8008
Re: A COLLECTION OF SHIVA MANTRAS AND THE UPASANA « Reply #10 on: March 08, 2012, 12:44:06 AM » Lord Siva And His Worship The Ultimate Shiva Guide By Subhamoy Das, About.com Guide Who doesn t know Shiva, the Lord of Destruction? But if you want to know Shiva r eally well, I recommend you read Swami Sivananda s 170-page book Lord Siva And H is Worship. This is a veritable Shiva encyclopedia complete in 15 chapters. The good news is that now it s available as e-book in PDF format for FREE DOWNLOAD. AUTHOR S NOTE "Blessed Aspirants, Lord Siva is the God of Love. His Grace is boundless. He is the Saviour and Guru . He is the Beloved of Uma. He is Satyam, Sivam, Subham, Sundaram, Kantam. He is the Supreme Light that shines in your heart. Meditate on His Form. Hear His Lilas. Repeat His Mantra Om Namah Sivaya . Study Siva Purana. Do His worship daily. Behold Him in all names and forms. He will b less you with His Vision." ~ Swami Sivananda PUBLISHERS NOTE This is a most valuable and instructive book for the aspirants, particularly for the devotees of Lord Siva. It contains fifteen chapters. It is full of instruct ions on practical Sadhana for attaining Siva-Tattva or God-realisation. The chap ters will speak for themselves. The secrets of Siva-Tandava, Sakti-Yoga, Siva-Ta ttva, etc., are very nicely presented. The translation of the Saiva Upanishads i s a beautiful addition. The lives of Siva Acharyas, the Bhaktas and the Nayanars are inspiring and soul-stirring. A study of their lives will make one s life su blime and holy. Up to this time, there has been no such presentation on this sub ject. The philosophical portion is highly illuminating and helpful to the reader s. The book contains the essence of all Saiva Puranas, such as Periya Puranam, L inga Puranam, Siva Parakrama and Tiruvilayadal Puranam. Its value is enhanced by the addition of some important Siva-Stotras with English translation. The book is written in a most lucid and clear style. It must be studied by all religiousminded persons, as it is of solid worth from the spiritual point of view. — THE DI VINE LIFE SOCIETY Download the FREE e-Book by clicking on the link below: Lord Shiva & His Worship http://hinduism.about.com/cs/shaivism/qt/shivabook.htm Here is the Ebook with many mantras: http://hinduism.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=hinduism&cdn=religion&tm=18 &f=21&tt=13&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www.dlshq.org/download/lordsiva.pdf « Last Edit: March 08, 2012, 12:48:28 AM by marioban29 » Logged Pages: [1] Go Up print « previous next » Jump to:
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