Lord of the Rings: Journey to Mount Doom

January 26, 2017 | Author: TheMonk3yMan | Category: N/A
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Contents Introduction What is a Narrative- Map Campaign Campaign Map Campaign Turn Sequence The Quest Campaign Participants Armies Good Participants Evil Participants Movement: Armies To Battle! Fighting Battles Battle Participants Roaming Heroes Allies in Battle Home Cities Siege Battles The Fellowship of the Ring: Movement The Fellowship of the Ring: Decoy The Fellowship of the Ring: Gollum & Smeagol The Fellowship of the Ring: In Battle The Nazgul Evil Powers and Events Expanding the Campaign Expanding the Campaign: Fellowship Enhancements Expanding the Campaign: Weather Conditions Expanding the Campaign: Roaming Hero Realism Expanding the Campaign: Scenario Special Rules Appendices I: Location Hex Reference Appendices II: Scenario Tables Appendices III: Scenario Objectives Appendices IV: Scenario Deployment Appendices V: Scenario End Conditions Resources I: Checklists Resources II: Army Markers Campaign Map Page 2

Introduction This complete narrative-map campaign is set around the dramatic events featured in the Lord of the Rings films and books, more specifically The Fellowship of the Ring’s attempt to destroy The One Ring as war rages all about them. The campaign uses a map (see page 34), and allows you to take the part of the forces of Good or Evil, moving your armies and heroes around the map, conquering cities and fighting out encounters as separate battles. The Journey to Mount Doom will allow players to chart their own journey across Middle Earth to destroy the One Ring, or capture it and keep it for the Dark Lord, during the time of the War of the Ring in the Third Age of Middle Earth.

What Is a Narrative- Map Campaign?


While a narrative campaign follows a set story through a series of defined battles, a map campaign has two separate elements – the Campaign Turns and the battles themselves. In the Campaign Turns, you use a map to plot the locations and movement of each of your armies, allowing you to choose which battles to fight and which to avoid. The second stage is to play the battle games – these are used to resolve what happens when armies clash on the map. Like in most campaigns, there are several options for each player to achieve their victory condition. This means that the combined events of a Campaign Turn become part of a larger strategic game. The narrative element of this campaign comes through Frodo’s quest to destroy The One Ring. The scale of the map and battles may be huge, but in the end victory and defeat will be defined by the courage of the smallest of creatures; a hobbit.

You will need a copy of the latest edition of The Lord of the Rings: Strategy Battle Game rulebook as well as any relevant sourcebooks, models, dice and tape measures. The map for the Journey to Mount Doom campaign can be found at the end of these rules. It is designed to be printed A2, if possible. Army Markers are provided to be cut out on page 33. A campaign Checklist can be found on page 32, it is recommended that this is laminated and used as a wipe board.

“Home is now behind you, the world is ahead!” -Gandalf, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Page 3

Campaign Map Middle Earth is a huge sprawling land filled with life and danger. There are many iconic locations to be explored and even more areas, such as barren deserts and treacherous forests, that will make their own history as you play through the campaign. The game is played on a Campaign Map that represents Middle Earth split in to hexagons. These hexagons, called Hexes, are the spaces that players will use to define how far an army can move and where a battle will take place. No battles actually take place on the Campaign Map; it is instead used to determine the participant of table-top games. The result will then be carried over from the board of battle back on to the Campaign Map.

Campaign Turn Sequence In a Campaign Turn, each player gets an opportunity to do several things. The order in which this happens is determined by following the Campaign Turn Sequence. Once every player has taken their actions and any table-top battles have been fought, a new Campaign Turn starts with another Initiative roll. 1. Initiative roll - At the start of every Campaign Turn, each player rolls a dice and compares the results to determine the order in which they will take their Turn Actions. The player that rolled the highest takes his Turn Actions first, followed by the player who rolled the next highest, and so on until all players have taken their Turn Actions. If the dice scores are a tie, the player who lost the Initiative Roll last time now goes first. 2. Turn Actions - Once Initiative has been determined, players get to move their participants. Once each player has moved their participants it is time to Resolve Battles. This is also the time to use any Special Rules or Evil Powers. 3. Resolve Battles - If there are any opposing forces on adjacent Hexes, if both players agree, a battle takes place. If there are two opposing forces on the same Hex, a battle must take place. The player who won the Initiative roll may choose the order in which the battles are fought.

Page 4

The Quest The journey begins as The Fellowship of the Ring is formed at The Council of Elrond. Frodo and his companions must travel across Middle Earth, from Rivendell to Mordor, to Mount Doom where The One Ring will be destroyed to rid the land of Sauron, The Dark Lord, and all of his Evil allies. One player controls the forces of Good and one controls the forces of Evil. Each player has several Armies at their disposal to move across the Campaign Map. The Good player also controls the Fellowship of the Ring whilst the Evil player controls the Nazgul and Gollum. The Good player must have a hobbit carrying The One Ring reach Mount Doom within 25 turns. If the Good player is in possession of The One Ring at the end of 25 turns, the game is a draw. The evil player must seize The Ring of Power to achieve victory. To do this the Evil player must kill the Ring Bearer, and any potential Ring Bearers that are on the same Hex (see page 18 for further details). Mount Doom spans three Hexes. The Good player must announce that Frodo is attempting to drop the Ring into Mount Doom. To do this Frodo must be on one of the three Hexes of Mount Doom and then pass a Courage test at the end of the Turn Actions phase. If Frodo is alone in dropping The Ring, he must roll three dice and pick the two lowest scores. Custom Fellowship of the Ring There are many brave heroes at the Council of Elrond ready to give their lives to destroy The One Ring. A custom Fellowship of the Ring can be easily made by selecting between six and twelve heroes to the value of 750 points from any Good Army List. It is the player’s choice but it is recommended that no heroes take any equipment as standard and that either Frodo or Bilbo are taken as the Ring Bearer. Remember to clarify House Rules before the campaign begins. Here are some examples of questions to think about: Will anybody take the roll of Merry and Pippin’s second decoy? If used, does the Fellowship Enhancement Table need editing? What role does the original Fellowship of the Ring now have in the campaign? Page 5

Campaign Participants As the Fellowship of the Ring make their way across Middle Earth the War of the Ring begins. Many small skirmishes and huge battles take place in the fields, forests and fortresses of Middle Earth. The Dark Lord Sauron amasses his Evil armies in the East as Elves, Men and Dwarves prepare their defences in the West. There are three different types of participants:


1. Armies - These are forces that can comprise of any warriors and heroes from the given Army List represented by their Army Marker. See below for details. 2. Restricted Armies - These are exactly like regular Armies except that they may only move in certain areas of Middle Earth. These areas are specified with the Good Participants and Evil Participants on pages 7 and 8 respectively.

The participants specified for this campaign are the recommended armies and heroes to use, however, almost every hero and army in Middle Earth is represented. It is expected that players will have to improvise or alter the rules slightly.

3. Roaming Heroes - These are heroes or small bands of warriors that do not necessarily fit into a particular Army List, there are certain conditions that will need to be met before they can be used. The Fellowship of the Ring, The Nazgul and Gollum are variants of Roaming Heroes, detailed later in the rules.

For example, the entire campaign could easily be played with just the forces of Mordor and Gondor or with a single warband and a hero representing each army.

Armies Each player will control a number of Armies during the game, representing the forces they can bring to bear in any given area. Army Markers are used to show the locations of Armies on the Campaign Map. Each Army Marker has a Location Hex and Army assigned to it which is detailed on pages 7 and 8. The Location Hex specified is the Army’s Home City (page 14). The Army specified is the Army List that players may choose from when fighting out battles with that particular Army Marker.

Above: Example of Army Markers.

Page 6

Good Participants It is Frodo and The Fellowship of the Ring that will ultimately shape the fortunes of the free people of Middle Earth. However, it is the alliances formed between men, elves, dwarves, hobbits and many other beings that will keep the forces of darkness at bay, and prove that Middle Earth a world worth saving. This page provides details of the Good player’s participants for use in the campaign. The chart below shows which Army List the Good player should choose from when an Army enters battle. It also shows where each Army’s Home City is and therefore where it begins the campaign.

Army List

Home City

Good Armies Army Marker Army List

Minas Tirith

Minas Tirith


Lothlorein, Malorn Tree

Minas Tirith

Minas Tirith, begins on Osgiliath

Thranduril’s Halls

Mirkwood, Thraduril’s Hall


Dol Amroth

Army of Thror




Dwarves of Moria

Iron Hills


Helms Deep

Arnor/The Shire

The Shire



The Fellowship of the Ring*


*See from page 16 for details on The Fellowship of the Ring. Evening the Odds: Good Bonuses If the Good player is a less experienced player than the Evil player, there are a few changes that can be made to the campaign to give them a little more hope than maybe they would have had. Here are a few ideas: Add Bill the Pony to The Fellowship of the Ring. All Good Home Cities contribute two Rally Points to siege battles. The Good player may choose the Scenario, Deployment and End Conditions when defending. For one game, two Eagles may be added to a battle by the Good player free of charge.

Page 7

Home City

Army Marker

Evil Participants Where there is good, there is evil. Sauron’s hand has stretched far. His servants can be seen in every corner of the land doing their master’s bidding; taking back Middle Earth for The Dark Lord. The chart below shows which Army List the Evil player should choose from when an Army enters battle. It also shows where each Army’s Home City is and therefore where it begins the campaign. Additionally, there are several Evil Armies that are restricted to certain Hexes. These are also detailed below.

Army List

Home City

Evil Armies Army Marker Army List

Home City


Barad Dur

Dol Guldur

Dol Guldur


Minas Morgul




The Black Gate










Port of Umbar

Azog’s Hunters


The Nazgul


Army List

Evil Restricted Armies Starting Location Area Allowed



Within two Hexes of the Misty Mountains*


Khazad Dum

Khazad Dum*

Goblin Town

Goblin Town

Within two Hexes of the Misty Mountains

Mirkwood Spiders Shelob

Mirkwood Spider’s Lair Shelob’s Lair

Evening the Odds: Evil Bonuses Army Marker

Within two Hexes of Mirkwood Shelob’s Lair*

*If this Army loses a battle it is not able to fall back; it is removed from play. “Build me an army worthy of Mordor.” -Sauron, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Page 8

Army Marker

If the Evil player is a less experienced player than the Good player, consider these changes: The Fellowship of the Ring begin the campaign of Weathertop, with the Nazgul starting on Dol Guldur. All Mordor Armies begin the game with four Rally Points. The Evil player may choose the Scenario, Deployment and End Conditions when attacking. For one game, two Mordor Trolls may be added to a battle by the Evil player at no cost.

Movement: Armies Middle Earth is a vast and deadly world for an army to traverse. Some will harden their resolve and march through marshes, bogs and forests in the pursuit of victory. Others will falter and the terrain will prove too much as they fight to reach their allies making war in distant battlefields. Player’s follow the Turn Sequence outlined on page 4. When it is an Army’s time to move, they can move to any adjacent Hex in any direction automatically. If they wish to move further that turn a Forced March roll must be taken. Forced March roll: Each Hex on the map represents a considerable distance. Marching an army across such an expanse can be very troublesome. To represent the exhausting effect such manoeuvring can have, you will need to make a Forced March roll for each Hex moved. The Forced March chart tells you the number you need to equal or beat in order to successfully move into the next space. As indicated on the chart, you must make a roll for each successive space you wish to move to, and you will find it gets progressively harder the farther you go. If you fail a Forced March roll, the army does not move into the Hex and can advance no further that Campaign Turn. An army cannot move more than three spaces in a single Campaign Turn. Forced March Chart Distance Roll Required First Space Automatic Second Space 3+ Third Space 4+

“Run, Shadowfax!

Show us the meaning of haste!” -Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

There are a few different types of Hex that Armies may have to move through. Hexes with locations on may all be moved through as normal, but some may be Home Cities or have other significance. As for the rest, below is a chart to show what they are and the effects that they have on movement. Terrain on the Table Top

Terrain Type

Terrain Chart Hex


Grassland/Tainted Land

No Penalty.

Desert/Snow Land

No Penalty.




-1 to Forced March rolls. Does not apply to Elves.


-1 to Forced March rolls.


Forced March may not be used.*

*Does not apply to Armies with Home Cities in Umbar or Dol Amroth. Page 9

The following rule could be applied: roll a dice before each battle. On the roll of a 4, 5 or 6 apply the effects of the terrain shown on the chart below. Note: this cannot be used in conjunction with weather effects (page 22). Terrain on the Table Top Terrain Effect Grassland No Effect. Tainted +1 Courage to all Evil Land models. No ‘With Me’ can be Desert used for Heroic Actions. -1 Duel Roll to Snow Land spear/pike support. -6” range to missile Forest weapons. No charge bonuses Marsh for cavalry.

To Battle! At the end of the Third Age, Middle Earth is a world at war. The War of the Ring has begun and evil hordes pour out of the fortresses of Isengard and Barad-Dur whilst mountains and forests grow ever more dangerous. War will surely come to every corner of Middle Earth; its only end can be with the destruction of The One Ring. If an Army moves into a Hex that is occupied by an enemy Army, it can move no further. The Army that moved into the Hex is the attacker. The defending Army may not move out of combat until a table-top battle is fought at the end of the Turn; the two are now locked in combat and a battle is fought at the end of the Campaign Turn to see which force will remain in that Hex. The exception to this rule is if the defending Army’s Home City is attacked (page 14). If an Army moves into a Hex adjacent to an enemy Army, if both players agree, a battle takes place. An Army can move into a space occupied by a friendly Army but no more than two allied armies may ever enter one Hex. The Fellowship of the Ring, Gollum and The Nazgul do not count towards this total. Any battles fought at sea follow the rules for Naval Warfare, outlined in a separate document.

Above: The Mordor army has moved onto the same Hex as the Gondor player. A battle must take place. In this case Mordor take will the roll of the attacker.

Above: Opposing armies are in adjacent Hexes. A battle takes place here if both the Mordor and the Gondor player agree.

Fighting Battles When a battle takes place the scenario is determined by the relevant scenario table at the end of these rules (page 26), players are also free to use the scenarios provided in the main rules manual. Some scenarios will mean a clear winner must be decided but others may end as a Draw. If the battle ends as a Draw move all Armies back one Hex towards their Home City. When an Army loses a battle, if the enemy has claimed a Major Victory the winner may move the losing Army three Hexes in a direction of their choice. If it is a Minor Victory, the losing team moves three Hexes back towards their Home City; they will not move through their Home City and will stop on it where applicable. Alternatively, the Army that suffered the Minor Defeat may choose to disband and attempt to reform on their Home City on the roll of a 4, 5 or 6 before the next Initiative roll. If the result is a 1, 2 or 3 continue to roll each Turn until a 4, 5 or 6 is scored. “The board is set, the pieces are moving.

We come to it at last... The great battle of our time.” -Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King Page 10

Battle Participants Players choose participants from the Army Lists represented by the Army Markers on the Campaign Map. Armies are not assigned table-top points values on the Campaign Map, instead they all have three Rally Points. Every time an Army loses a battle, a Rally Point is removed. When an army has no Rally Points remaining it is removed from play and is lost forever. Battles are always played out on the table-top and are always played with an even amount of points per side. Use a points value agreed by both players. If an agreement cannot be reached, 450 points is the default amount + 50% of the points value of any participants from The Fellowship of the Ring, if applicable. The Ring Bearer and any members of the Fellowship of the Ring must participate in battle, where applicable. All members of the Fellowship of the Ring count for 50% of their points value, without any equipment. If one Army has more Rally Points remaining than the other, there are three advantages: 1. Re-Rolls: The Army may choose to re-roll any one dice per battle per Rally Point more that they have available to them than their opponent. 2. Courage Bonus: The Army will also automatically pass all Courage tests for the first Turn of their force being broken. 3. Reformed Retreat: The Army will only back away two Hexes instead of the usual three if they are defeated. If the Army with more Rally Points suffers a Minor Defeat, one Army on the Hex loses a Rally Point. If the Army with more Rally Points suffers a Major Defeat all allied Armies in the Hex lose a Rally Point, if applicable. Quick- Play Battles During the course of the campaign there will be many, many battles to fight. Often there will be three or more in just one Campaign Turn. Using the Quick-Play Battle rules is optional but it is recommended for most battles fought purely between two Armies. Rules are provided for simulating Siege Battles but it is recommended that they are fought on the table-top. Battles involving any members of The Fellowship of the Ring or The Nazgul must be fought on the table-top. To simulate a battle is simple. Each player rolls two dice and adds their scores. They then add their participating Army’s Rally Points to the result. The player with the highest overall score is the winner. A winning margin of three or more counts as a Major Victory, anything less is a Minor Victory. If there are two allied Armies on one Hex, both Armies contribute all of their Rally Points. If there is an allied Army on an adjacent Hex to the battle they may contribute one Rally Point to the result and will suffer the usual penalties for an allied Army if the battle is lost. For Siege Battles the defending player adds one Rally Point to their Army, provided by their Home City as usual. The defending player then doubles the value of their Rally Points when adding them to their dice score.

Page 11

Roaming Heroes From the mighty Fellowship of the Ring to the humble Radagast the Brown and the treacherous Gollum, there are many heroes and villains who roam Middle Earth. These are the people and creatures that will shape the Third Age and The War of the Ring more than any others. They all have a role to play and must be used to their utmost potential to ensure victory for the forces of Good or Evil. Roaming Heroes are heroes that do not necessarily fit into a specific faction during the time of The War of the Ring. They can be used in any Army List for any battle by an allied faction, as long as the conditions for their participation are met. Details on this can be seen on the ‘Roaming Heroes Chart’ below. There are three other Roaming Heroes not included on the ‘Roaming Heroes Chart’. These are The Nazgul, Gollum and The Fellowship of the Ring. Details for these Roaming Heroes and their Speicial Rules can be found over the coming pages. Roaming Heroes Chart Roaming Hero

Optional Army Marker

Location Restriction

Requirement For Use

Radagst the Brown

The North. Level with an including The Argonaith and above.

No requirements.

Gwahir & the Eagles

No restrictions.

Must be fighting against an enemy with more Rally Points.


Within two Hexes of Mirkwood.

No Requirements.

Treebeard & the Ents

Within two Hexes of Fangorn Forest. May also attack any one enemy Home City during the Campaign.

Gandalf or Merry & Pippin must be in Fangorn Forest for two consecutive Turns.

The Army of the Dead

Any one battle only.

Aragorn must be in possession of Anduril.

Page 12

Allies in Battle The history of Middle Earth is littered with late arrivals and heroic fight-backs thanks to the aid of allies. Sometimes these allies arrive in the shape of a single heroic figure, sometimes a whole army; many battles are won and lost because of their timely arrival. Even The Dark Lord relies heavily on his evil accomplices to further take hold of Middle Earth. If an allied Army is in an adjacent Hex to a battle, they may participate. Warriors and heroes from that Army List may be selected but only one Rally Point may be offered to the allied Army when determining if the battle is even. If the battle is lost, however, both Armies suffer the penalty.

Persistent Heroes If you want to add a level of realism to your campaign you could think about assigning each Army a named Hero. This would mean that, for example, Theoden would not be able to participate in a battle in Isengard for the Helms Deep Rohan Army and then take part in another battle in Harad for the Edoras Rohan Army on the following Turn. Make a note of who is assigned to what Army. You could also keep track of their Might, Will, Fate and Wounds. Heroes could regain one point of each after every Minor Victory and recover fully after every Major Victory. If a battle is lost the hero could recover any one of those stats. If you choose to use this rule make sure every Army from both factions has a hero attached to it to keep things as fair as possible.

“What are we holding onto, Sam?”

“That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo…

...and it's worth fighting for.” -Frodo & Sam, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Page 13

Home Cities The hope of seeing The Shire again and the fear of losing it forever are the reasons Frodo & Sam struggle on in their journey to Mordor. Without their homes, they have nothing. They’re like countless other warriors and heroes in Middle Earth; when home is behind and the world is ahead, it’s the looking back that keeps them moving forward. Home Cities are the Location Hex in which an Army begins the Campaign. When an Army’s Home City is attacked a Siege Battle takes place. To capture a Home City an Army simply needs to be on the correct Hex uncontested before the Initiative roll for the following Campaign Turn. If a Home City has been captured by the enemy, once the Army belonging to it loses a battle, it is lost forever regardless of their remaining Rally Points. If the Hex is recaptured before the Army belonging to it loses a battle they may continue as normal.

Settlements and Consistent Armies The Journey to Mount Doom Campaign is played so that all of the battles fought are more or less even. A more ‘realistic’ approach would be to have armies be represented by their actual Points Value. Remove the Rally Points rule and instead assign 400 points to each Army. Every time an Army suffers a Minor Defeat remove 150 points from the Army’s total, a Major Defeat suffers 250 points. Each surviving Home City would then generate 50 points per turn to distribute between Armies.

If a Home City is attacked and no Army is present the Army from the given Home City may attempt to rush back to defend their Hex. In this instance, choose the participants as usual and then roll a dice for each model due to participate in the battle. On the roll of a 1, 2 or 3 the model does not take part in the battle. If the Army has to disengage from combat to return to fight at the Home City, the dice score needed to participate in the battle becomes a 5 or 6. Might may be used to alter this roll. This may result in participants that do not adhere to the warbands rules. Siege Battles are not played in some Home Cities: If a battle is fought in Moria, Lothlorien or Goblin Town roll a dice. On the roll of a 1, 2 or 3 a Pitched Battle is played, on a 4, 5 or 6 Building Defence is played; both with Pitched Deployment and Job Well Done End Conditions (from page 26). Also, apply the following Special Rule. If a defending warrior (not hero) is killed, roll a dice. On the roll of a 3+ the warrior may re-enter play from a board edge chosen by the controlling player on the following Turn. They move on and may act normally but may not charge. If a 1 or 2 is rolled the model is removed as a casualty.

Page 14

Siege Battles More than any other battles, it is the great sieges that will define the fate of Middle Earth. Huge armies and unthinkable odds can be overcome by a well organised defence and inspirational leader. More than ever, the free peoples will look to their leaders for hope in times where there is none. Siege Equipment The participants for Siege Battles are not always even forces. Add up the total amount of Rally Points for each player. Each team’s Rally Points should then Here are the points cost for be multiplied by a number to give the desired amount of points for the battle. siege equipment not included Use 300 points per Rally Point as a default option. in the main rules manual. Homes Cities may contribute 1 Rally Point as a garrison to an allied Army fighting on that Hex. Note: When selecting table-top participants for Siege Battles models that can fly cost 1.5x their usual cost.

Siege Ladder – 5 points Siege Tower – 25 points Battering Ram – 25 points

“They will break upon this fortress like water on rock.” -Theoden, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Attacking armies do not need to be on the Home City to participate in the battle; they only need to be in the adjacent Hexes but at least one must be on the Home City Hex to mean the battle must be played, as usual. The attacking Armies on the adjacent Hexes can contribute all of their Rally Points to the battle, not just one. Siege Participants Example There is one Minas Tirith Army with 1 Rally Point defending Minas Tirith. One Mordor Army with 2 Rally Points attacks by moving onto the Minas Tirith Location Hex. Another Mordor Army with 3 Rally Points is on an adjacent Hex to Minas Tirith. The Defender gets 1 Rally Point from their Army and one as a Garrison from the city, making 2 Rally Points. The Attackers gets 2 Rally Points from one Army and 3 Rally Points from the second, making 5 Rally Points. It is decided that 300 points per Rally Point will be played so the attacking player picks an army of 1500 points whilst the defender has an army of 600 points. When a battle takes place on a Home City, roll on the Siege Scenario Table (page 26) to determine which scenario is used for the battle.

Page 15

The Fellowship of the Ring: Movement Time is of the essence. Everyday longer that the Frodo takes to reach Mordor is a day closer the Dark Lord is to victory. They travel light and quick, often by night and, where possible, as the crow flies. There will be times when the speed and guile of the Fellowship will be of more use than their axes and swords. The Fellowship of the Ring always move two Hexes at a time and may not use Forced March. They can split into six groups: Frodo & Sam - Merry & Pippin - Gandalf – Aragorn – Legolas & Gimli - Boromir


Fellowship of the Ring Additional Army Markers Army Marker Hero


Gandalf the Grey

Legolas & Gimli

Gandalf the White

Merry & Pippin


Army Marker

The Fellowship may Sprint five times in the game; this allows them to move an extra space for that Turn. It cannot be used more than once in one Turn and if the Fellowship has split up it only applies to one group, or all members of the Fellowship that wish to start and finish their movement in the same Hex. The Fellowship may find a Hidden Pass once in the campaign; this allows them to finish the Turn on mountainous terrain, which is usually impassable. This will normally allow The Fellowship to move through mountains to escape danger or find an alternate route to a key objective. The Fellowship may choose to Heroic move on the Campaign Map. This affects one group of the Fellowship (or all members on one Hex) and may only be used twice in the Campaign. It allows the Fellowship to move before the Evil player, even if they have lost priority. However, if this power is used they will not recover any Might, Will, Fate or Wounds for that Campaign Turn. If Gandalf or Merry & Pippin end two consecutive Turns in Fangorn Forest, the ents will be awakened. From Turn 4 Aragorn may collect Anduril from Rivendell, or on Turn 13 it is delivered to him. If Aragorn has Anduril, he may summon The Army of the Dead for use in one battle.

Page 16

The Fellowship of the Ring: Decoy The Eye is always searching. Sometimes it will hunt the wrong target, other times it will be a heroic sacrifice of a friend that allows the Ring Bearer to continue his journey in relative safety; but the Eye still hunts. When the Fellowship of the Ring move on the Campaign Map they may also move a Decoy Ring Bearer represented by the alternate Ring Bearer Army Marker. A note should be made by the Good player of which Ring Bearer Army Marker is the Decoy. If the Decoy is engaged in combat it is simply removed at the end of the Turn and may move again from the same Hex that the real Ring Bearer is on from the following Campaign Turn. Make a new note of which Army Marker is representing the correct Ring Bearer. The Decoy may be removed at the start of the Good player’s Turn Actions phase by the Good player at any point in the Campaign. In this instance remove the Decoy Army Marker, make a new note of which Army Marker represents the real Ring Bearer and then move the Decoy and the Ring Bearer from the same Hex as normal. The Good player may choose to split Merry & Pippin off as a separate group to Frodo & Sam. When moving them on the Campaign Map they may act as a second Decoy for the Ring Bearer. A note should be made by the Good player of which Army Marker is representing Frodo & Sam, Merry & Pippin and the Decoy. If powers such as ‘Sprint’ are used on the Ring Bearer, it affects Frodo & Sam, the Decoy and Merry & Pippin.

The Fellowship of the Ring: Gollum & Smeagol Of all the creatures in Midddle Earth, Smeagol is the most curious. He is loyal and always serves his master faithfully. His alter ego Gollum, however, is loyal only to his Precious – The One Ring – and he will deceive and trick and kill to get it back. You can never be sure if it’s Smeagol you’re talking to, or if Gollum is listening. Gollum is represented by the Army Marker to the right and is controlled by the Evil player on the Campaign Map. He may move two Hexes and is not able to use Forced March. If Gollum is on the Ring Bearer’s Hex, he fights for the Good side in table-top battles but every time that The Ring Bearer wishes to move on the Campaign Map he must roll a D6. If the result is a 1 he is moved on by the Evil player. If Gollum joins up with a Decoy the Evil Player will be unaware until a battle would be due to take place as usual. If there is no Decoy present or if the Good Player chooses to recall the Ring Bearer’s Decoy, a Decoy may be split from the Ring Bearer as normal. In this instance the Good Player must make a note of which Army Marker is representing the real Ring Bearer and which represents the Decoy. The Evil Player must then nominate which Army Marker Gollum will be moving with on the Campaign Map. Once this has been done, the Good player may move as normal. If Gollum is alone, he is ignored and may move through Armies and Home Cities as if they were not there.

Page 17

The Fellowship of the Ring: In Battle As they make their way to Mount Doom, The Fellowship of the Ring will face many adversaries. Their primary goal has to be to escape and make their way as close to Mordor as quickly as possible, unless there is no other choice. Whilst playing through the campaign The Fellowship of the Ring will often not be at full strength from the start of a battle, they will also have to face many battles and the odds will often be stacked against them. If any member of The Fellowship of the Ring is in a Hex that features a battle, they must participate. They cost half of their usual points value. They are assumed to have no equipment and must pay full price for any that they wish to purchase. Alternatively, the Fellowship Enhancement Table (page 21) could be used throughout the Campaign to provide a more organic feel to the Fellowship’s Journey. Unless both players agree, if the Fellowship is attacked alone the scenario ‘Breakthrough’ is always played. This does not apply to siege battles. The Fellowship of the Ring each recover one point of Might, Will or Fate or a Wound per Turn on the Campaign Map. If the Fellowship or one group of the Fellowship lose a battle they are moved three full spaces in a direction chosen by the Evil player. This can be separate from any allies that they may have been fighting alongside. If any member of the Fellowship dies in a battle roll a D6 and consult the chart below, remember that a character’s Might, Will, Fate and Wounds may not exceed their starting value:

Dice Roll 1 or 2 3 5 or 5 6

Out of Action Chart Effect Dead.* -1” to movement. 1 Wound, 1 Fate recovered. Second time this is rolled treat the result as Dead. 1 Wound and 1 Fate recovered. 1 Wound, 1 Might, 1 Will and 1 Fate recovered.

*If Frodo rolls the ‘Dead’ result, any friendly hobbit in the same Hex can pick up The One Ring. Once all of the hobbits are dead or unable to pick up The One Ring, the game is lost. If another hobbit picks up The One Ring, they also pick up Sting and the Mithril coat.

Expanding the Out of Action Chart To make the Campaign follow the films and books more closely, players could make the following amendments to the Out of Action Chart: *Boromir receives -1 to all rolls on the Out of Action Chart. **If Gandalf is killed he does not roll on the Out of Action Chart; instead roll a dice for every battle that takes place from the following Campaign Turn. On a 4+ Gandalf the White arrives as reinforcements 2D6 turns into the game and resumes play from that Hex on the Campaign Map. From then on Gandalf rolls on the Out of Action Chart.

Page 18

The Nazgul The free peoples fear the Nazgul more than any other evil being, save for the Dark Lord himself. They often ride to battle upon terrible fell beasts or horses mutilated and bent to follow the will of their evil masters, but it is not only the animals and creatures of Middle Earth that follow these cursed spirits. Between the nine Ringwraiths thousands upon thousands of evil men and orcs will pour from the East to do their evil bidding, hell bent on one goal; to reclaim The One Ring for Sauron. The Nazgul are represented on the Campaign Map by one Army Marker. This Army Marker counts for 450 points worth of any combination of named and unnamed Nazgul to use in battle. There are a few restrictions, however; when choosing equipment for the Nazgul take a note of the participants for the upcoming battle. If the Nazgul are allied with 0, 1, 2 or 3 Rally Points of allies, they may only be taken on foot or mounted on horses. If they are allied with 4 or more Rally Points of allies, they may choose to take Fell Beasts. The Crown of Morgul and The Morgul Blade may be taken by the Witch King, but only in games of the utmost importance to the Evil Player; when facing The Ring Bearer or when attacking an opposing team’s Home City. The Nazgul move exactly like a regular Army except that instead of Forced March Rolls, they always move two Hexes per Campaign Turn and suffer no penalty for terrain. They do not count as an army for the purposes of sharing a Hex. Every time that the Nazgul lose a battle they must attempt to respawn at Minas Morgul. From the end of the Campaign Turn after a battle is lost roll a dice. On the roll of a 4, 5 or 6 the Nazgul re-enter play from Minas Morgul. If the roll is failed continue to roll each Turn until a 4, 5 or 6 is scored. When the Nazgul suffer a Minor defeat, remove 25 points from their total. When they suffer a Major Defeat remove 50 points from their total.

Evil Powers and Events There are forces of evil and dark magic at work in the world that can be more deadly than a battle between thousands of warriors. The Eye of Sauron and Saruman’s Palantir will prove to be deadly. The evil player may use the Eye of Sauron once to remove the Decoy Ring Bearer from the Campaign Map for one Campaign Turn. Merry and Pippin still remain disguised, if applicable. If Isengard belongs to the Evil player, they may make Saruman freeze the entire Fellowship of the Ring in place and stop them recovering any Might, Will, Fate or Wounds for one Turn. If Isengard belongs to the Evil player, for one Siege Battle Isengard may take four demolition charges complete with two demolition crew and a berserker each for no points cost. Page 19

Expanding the Campaign These rules are meant to portray the events of the War of the Ring and the Fellowship of the Ring’s Journey to Mount Doom. There are many other ways to play this campaign and many ways to make it more advanced or more detailed. Some options of how to add more depth have already been outlined and, over the coming pages, a few more methods will be explained. Remember, most of these points are suggestions for players to elaborate on - to build and play the Journey to Mount Doom the way they want to. Below is a contents table of where to find info on how to expand the campaign.

Page 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 17 20 21 22 23

Contents Custom Fellowship of the Ring Beginners Evening the Odds: Good Bonuses Evening the Odds: Evil Bonuses Terrain on the Table- Top Quick- Play Battles Persistent Heroes Settlements and Consistent Armies Expanding the Out of Action Chart Fellowship Enhancements Weather Conditions Roaming Hero Realism Scenario Special Rules

Page 20

Expanding the Campaign Fellowship Enhancements Rather than paying points for equipment for The Fellowship of the Ring each battle, if a Fellowship member ends a Turn on a Location Hex consult the chart below to see if they receive any upgrades. Fellowship Enhancement Chart Bonus

For Who?


Balin’s Tomb

Durin’s Axe



Beorn’s House

Full Heal

One Member


The Carrock

Full Heal

One Member



Cursed Skull; causes Terror

Ring Bearer




All Man-Sized



The Ents Roaming Heroes Available

Merry & Pippin or Gandalf

Must stay in Fangorn for two consecutive Turns.

Goblin Town

Goblin Spears


4+ per Hobbit

Helms Deep


All Man-Sized


Iron Hills

Heavy Armour

All Man Sized and Shields for Dwarves & Hobbits


Hired Swords: 20 points extra to spend next game.



Elven Cloaks



Phial of Galadriel; causes Terror

Ring Bearer


Heavy Armour

All Man-Sized


Full Heal/Anduril


Automatic/From Turn 4

Elven Cloaks




Lake Town

Lothlorein, Outskirts Lothlorien, Malorn Tree Minas Tirith


Thranduril’s Halls


Page 21

Expanding the Campaign: Weather Conditions Before a battle begins roll a dice. If the result is a 1, 2 or 3 play the battle as normal. On the roll of a 4, 5 or 6 roll on the Weather Conditions Chart below. Weather Conditions Chart Dice Score 1






Dust Storm

Weather Condition


The demoralising effect of unrelenting rain is taking its toll on both armies. -1 Courage to all warriors and heroes. Archers are struggling to find their targets whilst enemies are finding it hard to defend against incoming arrows. Night Fight Bow and crossbow fire range is reduced by 50% but gain +1 To Wound. Marching in this heat in unbearable at best. Unbearable Heat Heroes may not call With Me for Heroic Move or Heroic March actions. It is already hard enough to fight the enemy hand to hand yet Thick Snow alone through an ally. Spears and pikes receive -1 to their Duel rolls. There is a strong swirling wind in the area, like the beginnings of a hurricane. Before the game decide which player is facing North and which is facing South. Each Turn before Priority is rolled, roll a dice. On Swirling Wind the result of a 1, 2 or 3 the Wind blows North, on a 4, 5 or 6 it blows South. If the wind blows in the direction that the player wishes to use missile fire add +1 To Hit and +1 To Wound rolls for the missile fire. A horrific dust storm has brewed and sticking together until it passes is the best way to survive now. Any model out of 6” of a friendly model must take a Courage test before their next move. If they fail they are removed as a casualty. Heavy Rain

Page 22

Expanding the Campaign: Roaming Hero Realism Rather than abiding by the Location Restriction provided in the chart on page 7, players could use the Army Markers provided (page 33) to move the Roaming Heroes around the Campaign Map. If players choose to do this, the Roaming Heroes move two Hexes each Campaign Turn and may only participate in battles if they are on the appropriate Hex. Much like the Fellowship of the Ring, Roaming Heroes contribute 50% of their points value to battles and must participate in battles where applicable. Romaing Heroes Might, Will, Fate and Wounds are persistent and one point of each is recovered after each battle. Each Roaming Hero starts on their own Home City, see below. Radagast – Rhosgobel

Gwaihir & the Eagles – The Carrock

Beorn – Beorn’s Lodge

Treebeard & the Ents– Fangorn Forest

The Army of the Dead* – Dunharrow. *The Army of the Dead are represented by 12 Warriors of the Dead and The King of the Dead. One Warrior of the Dead is recovered after each game. The Roaming Army is lost if The King of the Dead dies. “Loyalty. Honour. A willing heart... I can ask no more.” -Thorin Oakenshield, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Page 23

Expanding the Campaign: Scenario Special Rules Once a scenario has been determined (page 26) roll a dice. If the result is a 4, 5 or 6 choose a Special Rule from the chart below to add some variety to the battle. If player’s cannot decide on a Special Rule both players should roll a dice, the player with the highest score chooses which Special Rule to add. Scenario Special Rules Barrage Siege Battle Only Both teams have siege catapults/trebuchets deployed off the board. Each team receives one free shot to anywhere on the board each turn. Dead of Night All archers may only shoot targets within 12” but, as the shot is harder to evade, they score +1 to wound. Also, models left alone at night may be overcome with fear; if a model is not within 6” of a friendly model they must take a break test during the turn’s End Phase. This is additional to any regular break test they may have to take. Eye of the Storm Naval Battles Only The battle takes placed in the middle of a storm or a hurricane. To represent this, the wind changes direction every turn in a clockwise manner. Inspiring Leader The opposing team’s Leader is an inspirational figure and so must be bested in hand-to-hand combat; he may not be shot. Whilst the Leaders live, neither army will break. Once a team’s leader is killed, the army counts as having reached Break Point. Late Reinforcements Siege Battles Only Each team chooses one of the opponent’s warbands. The defender’s warband must deploy 12” outside of the fortress walls. The attacking warband moves on from the attacker’s board edge on Turn 3. Midst of a Larger Battle Everytime a warrior (not hero) for either side is slain, roll a dice. On the result of a 4, 5 or 6 the model may move on to the board from any table edge in the following Turn. They may not charge but may otherwise act normally. Second Wave Attack/Defend scenarios and Siege Battles Only Roll a dice for every Wound of every defending model. On the roll of a 1 or a 2 the wound is removed. Fate and Might may be used as normal. The defenders will never break. The attackers will break as normal. Strong Current Naval Battles Only A D6 is rolled at the start of the game to determine the strength of the Current, rather than a D3. Tactically Aware The Good player has priority for the first Turn, it then alternates each Turn between the Good and Evil side. To the Last Neither army ever needs to take break tests. Page 24

Appendices I: Location Hex Reference Below is a chart to show where in Middle Earth each of the Location Hexes represents.



Location Hex Reference Chart Location Hex Location



Amon Hen


Ithilien, North


The Argonaith


Ithilien, South

The Pine Cliffs

Balin’s Tomb



Port of Umbar

Barad Dur

Emen Muil

Khazad Dum


Beorn’s House


Lake Town


The Black Gate


Lothlorein, Malorn Tree



Goblin Town

Lothlorien, Outskirts

River Running

The Carrock

Grey Havens

Minas Morgul

Shelob’s Lair

Dead Marshees


Minas Tirith


The Desolation of Smaug

Helms Deep

Mirkwood Spider’s Lair

Thranduril’s Halls

Dol Amroth

Iron Hills

Mount Doom

Troll Shaws

Dol Guldur


Mt Gundabad



“Mordor. The one place in Middle-Earth we don’t want to see any closer. And it’s the one place we’re trying to get to.

It’s just where we can’t get. Let’s face it, Mr. Frodo, we’re lost.” -Samwise Gamgee, The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Page 25

Appendices II: Scenario Tables Basic Scenario Table Deployment (1,2 /3,4 / 5,6)

First Roll 1

Second Roll -

Pitched Battle




2 2 3

1, 2 or 3 4, 5 or 6 1 or 2

Pitched Battle Breakthrough Assassination

Corners Pitched Pitched

Clustered Pitched Clustered

Split Army Pitched Four Banks

A Matter of Time Job Well Done Job Well Done Job Well Done


3 or 4





3 4

5 or 6 1 or 2

Building Defence Champion Chance Encounter

Clustered Play on 6x4 board. Pitched, Clustered

Split Army Play on 2’x2’ board. Pitched, Pitched.

Dawn Job Well Done

All Is Lost A Matter of Time

4 4 5 5 5 6

3 or 4 5 or 6 1 or 2 3 or 4 5 or 6 1 or 2

High Ground Hit and Run Hunters Plunder Surrounded Territories

Pitched Play on 2’x2’ board. Pitched, Corners. Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched Scenario Pitched

Corners Pitched Pitched Pitched Scenario Pitched

Four Banks Corners Pitched Clustered Scenario Pitched

Dawn Until Dark Job Well Done Until Dark Dawn Dawn

Until Dark Leaderless Job Well Done Job Well Done Until Dark A Matter of Time

6 6

3 or 4 5 or 6

Roll Again Roll Again

First Roll 1 2 3

Second Roll -

4 5 6 6

1, 2 or 3 4, 5 or 6

First Roll 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 or 6


Second Roll 1, 2 or 3 4, 5 or 6 1, 2 or 3 4, 5 or 6 1, 2 or 3 4, 5 or 6

Siege Scenarios Table Deployment (1,2 / 3,4 / 5,6)

Result Assassinate Break Through Building Defence Escort Siege Points Foot Hold Territories

End Condition (1,2,3 / 4,5,6) Dawn Until Dark Leaderless A Matter of Time All Is Lost

End Condition (1,2,3 / 4,5,6)

Pitched Pitched Pitched

Pitched Pitched Pitched

Split Army Split Army Split Army

All Is Lost Leaderless Leaderless

Job Well Done Job Well Done All Is Lost

Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched

Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched

Split Army Split Army Split Army Split Army

All Is Lost All Is Lost Sunset Leaderless

Job Well Done Job Well Done All Is Lost All Is Lost

Result Pitched Battle Assassinate Break Through* Champion Commandeer Escort Plunder Roll Again

Naval Scenarios Table Deployment (1,2 / 3,4 / 5,6) Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched Pitched

Pitched Corners Pitched Corners Pitched Pitched Corners

Page 26

Corners Split Army Pitched Split Army Pitched Pitched Split Army

End Condition (1,2,3 / 4,5,6) Job Well Done All Is Lost Leaderless Dawn Job Well Done Job Well Done Leaderless

Until Dark Job Well Done Job Well Done All Is Lost Until Dark Until Dawn Until Dark

Appendices III: Scenario Objectives Victory Basics MAJOR VICTORY: Win the game by two or more Victory Points. MINOR VICTORY: Win the game by one Victory Point. DRAW: Finish the game with the same amount of Victory Points as the opposing player. FORFEIGHT: A game may be forfeit at the end of any turn; this counts as a Major Victory for the opposing player. Scenario Objectives 1 of 3 Pitched Battle Both sides are attempting to reduce the enemy to below 25% of their starting number. 1 Victory Point for reducing the opponent’s army to below 50% of their starting number. 1 Victory Point for reducing the opponent’s army to below 25% of their starting number. 1 Victory Point for killing the opposing leader. Assassinate Both sides are attempting to kill the enemy team’s leader. 1 Victory Point for killing the enemy leader. 1 Victory Point if your leader’s wounds and fate are intact at the end of the game. Break Through The attacking team is must have 33% of their models leave the opposing team’s board edge. In Naval Battles it is 33% of the team’s boats. In Siege Battles it is 20% of the team’s models; also neither army needs to take Courage tests for reaching breaking point. 2 Victory Points for the attacker if 33% of their models leave the designated table edge. 1 Victory Point for the attacker if their leader leaves the designated table edge. The defender begins the game with 1 Victory Point. Building Defence The attacking player is attempting to destroy the opposing team’s buildings. Three buildings are placed by the defender at the start of the game. They are placed at least 12” apart. The buildings have Defence 7 and 5 Wounds. Before attempting to strike, the attacker may declare that they are attempting to torch the building. Roll to wound as normal; if the wound is successful, instead of removing a wound, place a Blaze Counter on the building. The building suffers one Strength 5 hit per Blaze Counter on the building per turn in each combat phase. Defenders may attempt to put the blaze out by rolling a dice when in contact with the building; on the roll of a 5+ the blaze is extinguished. If a model is in contact with the building and an enemy model, he may only attempt to put out the blaze or set a blaze at the sacrifice of his attacks. Anybody in contact with the building suffers one Strength 1 hit per Blaze Counter in the combat phase. 1 Victory Point to the attacker for destroying a building. 1 Victory Point to the defender for each building alive at the end of the game.

Page 27

Appendices III: Scenario Objectives Continued… Scenario Objectives 2 of 3 Champion Each team nominates one of their heroes; the player whose hero has inflicted the most wounds by the end of the game is the winner. Wounds saved by Fate rolls do not count as Wounds inflicted. 2 Victory Point for inflicting the most Wounds with your nominated hero. 1 Victory Point for having your nominated hero kill the opposing team’s nominated hero. 1 Victory Point for reducing the opponent below 50% of their starting number. Commandeer Naval Battles Only The defending team begins the game with a frigate and a selection of other boats. The attacking team may only take small or medium sized boats. The attacker must board the frigate, take control and steer it off any board edge. 1 Victory Point to the attackers for gaining control of the frigate at any point during the game. 1 Victory Point to the attackers for having control of the frigate at the end of the game. 1 Victory Point to the attackers for steering the frigate off any board edge. The defender starts with one Victory Point. Escort Siege Battles Only The attacking team must move their Leader through the fortress and off the defending player’s board edge. 1 Victory Point to the attacker for having their Leader leave the defender’s board edge. 1 Victory Point for killing the opposing team’s leader. Foothold Siege Battles Only The attacking army are just attempting to get a foothold in the early stages of the battle. They must get more models onto or behind the fortress walls than the defender. 1 Victory Point to the attacker for having more models on or behind the walls than the enemy at the end of the game. 1 Victory Point to the attacker for having twice as many models on or behind the walls than the enemy and the end. High Ground Place a hill in the centre of the board, roughly 6” in diameter. Both players are trying to take and hold the hill. 2 Victory Points for controlling the hill at the end of the game. 1 Victory Point for reducing the opponent to below 50% of their starting number. Hit and Run Both armies are attempting to reduce the enemy army below 50% of its starting number and then have their leader leave any table edge. 1 Victory Point for reducing the enemy below 50% of its starting number. 1 Victory Point for your leader leaving any table edge after the reducing the enemy to below 50%. Hunters Each player is trying to kill more Neutral Warriors than their opponent. 15 neutral warriors (unarmed goblins) are placed in the centre of the board. They fight for and are controlled by the player who wins priority. Both players are trying to kill the neutral warriors. 1 Victory Point for each neutral warrior that is killed by each team.

Page 28

Appendices III: Scenario Objectives Continued… Scenario Objectives 3 of 3 Plunder Each team is trying to loot as many Plunder Points off the opposing team as possible. Before each team deploys select five opposing warriors or heroes; these models are carrying plunder. 1 Victory Point per enemy carrying plunder that is killed. Siege Points Siege Battles only. The attackers are attempting to seize complete control of the opposing team’s fort. The attacker earns a Siege Point for killing an opposing hero or for destroying the defending team’s gate. They earn two siege points for killing the defending team’s leader and for getting more models on or behind the walls than the defender at the end of the game. 1 Victory Point to the attacker for every Siege Point that is earned by the end of the game. 1 Victory Point to the defender for every Siege Point that the attacker fails to earn. Surrounded The defender deploys their whole army within 12” of the centre of the board. The attacker moves on from all board edges on Turn 1. The defender is trying to escape. 2 Victory Points to the defender for getting 50% of their models off any board edge. 2 Victory Points to the attacker for reducing the defender below 50% of the starting models. 1 Victory Point for killing the opposing team’s leader. Territories Place five territories in neutral locations. The team who has the models model’s inside 3” of the territory at the end of the turn controls the territory. In Siege Battles the territories are placed in key locations inside the fortress and on the walls. 1 Victory Point for controlling a territory at the end of the game.

Page 29

Appendices IV: Scenario Deployment Deployment Basics All boards are assumed to be 4’x4’. Unless otherwise stated, players take it in turns to deploy warbands. The player with the most warbands deploys first. All models in a warband must deploy within 6” of the warband’s leader.

Scenario Deployment Chart Pitched Each team deploys 12” in from their starting board edge. Siege Battles: The defending army deploys anywhere on or behind their walls and the attacking army deploys 24” away. Corners Each team’s army is split into two evenly split groups of warbands – attempting to make it as even in terms of models, not warbands, as possible. Each player deploys in 12” squares in diagonal corners of the board. One player deploys half of their army in one corner of the board, the other player then deploys their whole army. The first player then deploys the rest of their army. Clustered Each team takes it in turns to deploy their models anywhere on the board. Each warband must be deployed within 3” of its leader and outside of 6” of any opposing model. Four Banks The board is split into four 12” strips. Each player splits their army into two and deploys half their army in the nearest strip to them and half in the third closest. One player deploys half of their army in one slice of the board; the other player then deploys their whole army. The first player then deploys the rest of their army. Split Army Roll a dice for each warband on each team as they are deployed. On a 1, 2 or 3 they must be deployed within 3” of their board edge. On a 4, 5 or 6 they must be deployed within 12” of the opposing players half of the board. Siege Battles: Both players must roll a dice. For the defending player on the roll of a 1, 2 or 3 the warband is deployed on or within 3” of the walls. On a 4, 5 or 6 the warband is deployed 3” from the back of the board. Defenders never need to take courage tests with this deployment method. For the attackers, on the roll of a 1, 2 or 3 the warband is deployed 12” away from the walls. On a 4, 5 or 6 the warband is deployed 3” from the attacker’s board edge. No more than half of the siege equipment may be deployed 12” from the walls.

Page 30

Appendices V: Scenario End Conditions Scenario End Conditions A Matter of Time Once one army has been reduced to below 50% of its starting number, the game may end. Each turn after the first army has been reduced to below 50% of its starting number; roll a dice before Priority is rolled. If the result is a 5 or 6 the game will end at the end of the next End Phase. All Is Lost The game ends when one army has been reduced to 25% of its starting number. Job Well Done The game ends when one team has completed its objective. Leaderless Once one army’s leader has been killed, the game may end. Each turn after the first leader is killed; roll a dice before Priority is rolled. If the result is a 5 or 6 the game will end at the end of the next End Phase. Dawn The game lasts for twelve turns. Until Dark Each turn from the eighth, roll a dice before Priority is rolled. If the result is a 5 or 6 the game will end at the end of the next End Phase

Page 31

Resources I: Checklists Turn Count

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15* 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 *Turn 15: Aragorn receives Anduril if he has not collected it yet. Mumakil may be used outside of Harad. Powers & Events Good Powers Turn Count/ Time Used Check Box

Power Sprint

Gandalf or Merry & Pippin Summoning Ents Anduril

The Dead

Hidden Pass Heroic Move

Evil Powers Eye of Sauron Saruman’s Freeze Isengard Siege Nazgul Points Value

Hero Frodo Sam Merry Pippin Aragorn Legolas Gimli Boromir Gandalf Gollum



Alive/ Dead

Home City Minas Tirith Osgiliath Dol Amroth Edoras Helms Deep Lothlorein, Malorn Tree Mirkwood, Thraduril’s Hall Erebor Iron Hills The Shire Rivendell Moria Goblin Town








Hero Status Might






Home City Control Checklist Controlled By Home City Good Evil Barad Dur Minas Morgul The Black Gate Isengard Dunland Gundabad Dol Guldur Rhun Khand Harad Port of Umbar Mirwood Spider’s Lair Shelob’s Lair Page 32






Controlled By Good Evil


Resources II: Army Markers Provided here are all of the Army Markers that you will need to use to play the Journey to Mount Doom Campaign. It is recommended that players cut them out and mount them on card.

Page 33

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