Longevity Analysis.pdf

January 16, 2017 | Author: ProfessorAsim Kumar Mishra | Category: N/A
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. By


About Krishnamurti Padhdhati



What is Krishnamurti Padhdhati



Longevity- Assessment






On Predicting Longevity of Death



Mother•s Longevity



Longevity of Mother through K.P. Horary



Daughter's Chatt Gives Clue Regarding Mother's Longevity



Longevity Through K. P. Horary



Premature Death









. Longevity-K.P. Verified Ascendant an Longevity


Factor in Determining

Longevity· Horoscopy Premature Death of a Child

.... 63

longevity Assessment and Premature Death of the Child

... .





Grand Father's Longevity and End Through Grand Son's Birth Chart


PAGI.' •

the Oemise of my Officer and K.P. Horary




... 81

Child Birth and Short life


, Longevity of a Couple longevity-How Stellar Astrology Precis~fy Predicts


... 88 •••


Doctor Gives Number to Know the Longevity of . the Patient •••


PREFACE Astrology is a science w~ich dates back to the times of the CHALOEANS. BABYLONIANS AND EGYPTIANS.

At a time, Monarchs and other members of the Aristocracy only could afford an Astrologer's services. Today, we can all take advantage of the knowledge, which this science can impart to us. To facilitate the common public to understand and learn this Art of predictivity, many books have come into the field and the Astrological knowledge had spread . • An Astrologer, to predict the .future, requires a Horoscope of the native which consists twelve departments, each one signifying a segment of life namely, personality, money, ·brothers and sisters, home, children, health, partnership and marital life, longevity, father, career and prestige, friends, hidden matters and expenditure. Covering these items. many books on Astrology had been published by Late Prof. K.S.K:, under his famous Paohdhathi.

All these books covered many . items in his readers numbering to six, and so J have chosen to ·publish books i'l a more explicable and descriptive manner each of the above segments or portio_n of a man's life. . In this book, I have chosen to write elaborately on Longevity duly giving various lessons to make easy for the students ·of Astrology to assess total span of fife from a nativity or a Horary Chart, to make the· student thoroughly familiar with the principles under the system of SUB THEORY and also arrive at the signrti.:ators connected to MARAKA and BHADHKA houses.


The entire lessons are treated with clear explanations under Krishnamurthl Padhdhathi (Sub Theory) which is gaining momentum and it has certainly revolutionising the whole concept of the predictive science of Astrology. Longevity . . is the most important part and I feel that all students shall master this subject in the assGssment of longevity, before other matters are attempted from a birth nativity. . It is my earnest wish to publish separate books with elaborate and detailed explanations with more examples on aU other portions of life also. as is done in this book.

In presenting this book. I have two fold objects to fullfil, namely to acquaint the students of Astrology, already well conversant with SUB theory, to master the way of assessing the span of life; and to well introduce to the other Astrologers the exist6nce of such a system of K.P. and its principles and also bringing home to their mind that such a lucid system is available by us;ng which the event of death is easily and perfectly predictable and such a task is a trying one for Astrologers in general.

ABOUT KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI Astrology is a noble science which defines the action on celestia! bodies upon animate and inanimate ones and their action there on.


The knowledge of Astrology dates back 5,000 B C. In all parts of the world, there a;e Astrologers and books on Astrology in various language•. Astrology with these books suffered set back in predictive position and gradually reached stage that the faith in Astrology and an Astro!oge·rs has gone down badly In the recent past, as the rules s~ated in a work are contradicted by those in another work aod in the many readers are left to guess ultimately.


Most of the principles incorporated in this book are all tested and verified by late Prof. K.S.K. and h1s beloved disciples.

At this stage, in the 1st decade of this Century, a great soul was born who took pains and did research for quarter of a century to find out the lapses ·in the predictive position of Astrology.

I a.m sure this book will be received well by the students of Astrology, more so by those who are versed in ADVANCED STEllAR THEORY.

He was the revered Sri K. S. Krishnamurti born on 1-11-1908 of a middle class famfly of Tanjore District. TAMIL NAOU.


The inquisitive wind in him nevar m1ssed the l inflict death,

·31 At the time of birth the cuspal- end planetary positions are as under :



Following is the horoscope of a child born on 27-10-68, Sunday at 7-30 p .m. JST at· 11 o N lat. and 7r -0' E Long .


v VI

. Saturn 2.,. 49' XII 3° I S' Rahu...l4°46'


s• S6'


rii 3• lS' Ill 29° IS'

XI 29° IS'


NIRAYANA BHAVA CHAKRAM Ayanamsa : 23° 10'. Sidereal Time:

IV 27° 1'5' ..


X Tr IS'

Balance in Sun period as birth years Mara 28°S6' S y-1 m-6 d V 29• IS'

IX 29° IS' M oo n28°40' VIII 3° U '



Jup. 3• I 2' Sun .to• 24' K~ tu 14° 46' VI 3• IS' Mercury 23" 12'

V enus

l 4° 17' VII s• 50'

Planet •

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Saturn Venus Rahu Kethu

Sub lord


Mercury Venus Sun Jupiter Rahu Venus


Sub lord

Mercury Sun Rahu Jupiter Sun Sun

Star lord

Sub lord


Saturn Mars Mars Sun Saturn ' Jupiter Rahu Rahu . Jupiter

Rahu -

Sun Sun · Moon Sun Mercury Saturn Saturn Moon

Fi rst of all. we must see the position of the IVth cusp to fi nd 9ut the 1ongevity of mother. Here the IVth cusp falls. in Cancer 27°- 15'.


We should find out of this IVth cusp is well fortified or adversely expected and rendered weak.

The baby was born on 27 -10- 1968 and the mother fell ill and was admitted In the hospital.

The IV cusp owns i n Moon and the cusp falls in the constell ation of Mercury and Sub is ruled by Jupiter.

In spite of the treatment. she breathed her last on 16-11 - 1968 leaving her beloved child to the mercy of the almighty. · Mother survived only for 20 days. On the basis of Krishna.murti Padhdhati, reasons, why the child's mother died within a spell of so short period is clearly obvious. Tht Padhdhathi alone can exprain,

Moon is the general karaka of Mother and also owner of the IVth cusp that tells about mother. Moon is the Vlllth bhava, but on the IXth cusp. IXth is the Vlth from IVth telling about Illness. Moon is In the constellation of Sun. · Sun owns the Vth cusp which is a Maraka House for mother. l hus Moon is highly afflicted.


IVth cusp is under the constellation of Mercury, Mercury in the star of Moon, on the Vlth cusp and Mercury '' ln the

33 32 . Vth the Mareka house for IVth and is in the sub 9f Moon signifies Vth house.

Thus Mercury is also afflicted.

Jupiter is in the constellation of Sun, owing Vth which is the Maraka house for mother. Further Jupiter is in Vth having no planet in its stars Vishakam, Purattadhi and Punarpoosam . • So he is a full significator of Vth in the Marakastanam for mother. Jupiter is further in the sub of Saturn signifying the Vth again Maraka ho.use for mother. This i~ vital point to tell how the longevity ot mother is badly cut down. · As · these combination in terms of the IVth cusp and the Karaka Moon, go a long way to tell how the Jqngevity of mother is badly afflicted with the result the mother was short I ived and I ived only c. very few days, after the baby was born. At the time of birth .the baby was running Sun period, Mars bukthi, Jupiter Anthra. No~ we should find out in whose period the mother

passed away. For that we should select the strongest significators bringing about her death. Mothers Lagna is Katakam. It is. a chara rasi (movable sign). XI is the Bhadakasthana. Mercury is the owner of the Bhadakasthana (for IV, II is the XI). As lind ·cusp falls in Gemini 3°-15'. Mercury is in the Marakasthana for IVth cusp. But these are plan·ets in Mercury~ star and so he is not to bring about death. Saturn is .in Mercury star and so Saturn is a Bhadhaka. Then consider Marakasthana !I and Vllth from IVth are Marakasthana. They are Vth and Xth.


Saturn is in th(:) star of Mercury in lind. Owning the lind cusp the badhakasthanam. ·

Venus i& in Saturn star Anthra. ·

No pfan&ts in Xth. So Saturn c:nd Venus ate death inHiciting planets. The demise came on 16-11' -1968 on that day the child was having Sun major period, bukhthi of Mars and anthra of Saturn. ,

. These three planets find in a strong place ·birth list of marakhas and Sa.t urn bukhti, anthra lord Is in more a bhadakha. as well as a marakha as she was death cusp which is the Vllth from the IX denoting mother. On the moment of death 5 p.m. on 16-11 -1968, it was Moon sookshma. It has been explained about that Moon is a marakha, baing in the star of Sun, owner of V cusp. It was a Saturday, and Saturn rules the day, and Saturn is both Marakha and Badhdka. At the moment of passing away the luminary Sun was.in Yrichikam, Mars Rasi, in the 'constellation of Visakam Of · Jupiter and in the sUb of Mars. Mars, Jupiter is needless to repeat that they are _strong Marakhas. The ano.ther luminary Moon was at that moment in Mercury Rasi Virgo ' is Uthradam Sun ConsteUation and in the Sub of Venus who are also strong significators of 'death.

Vth is ruled by Sun. Jupiter is in Sun starUthradam. . . Moon is in Sun star Uthradam. Mars is in Sun star Uthradam. Jupiter is in Vth having no plc:;~nets in its stars. Kethu is in Vth having no planets in its stars. ·so.the Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Kethu and Mars are Marakhas Xth is rvled by Saturn.

At that moment of passing away, the lagna degree was in the sign aries in the constellation of Bharani of Venus. . The student may well note how Krishnamurti Padhdhathi pin points the time of-occurence of events.



LONGEVITY OF MOTHER through K. P. Horary I and My younger brothe r are discussing about the correctness and efficacy of Krishnamurthi Padhdhati and during the course of discussion and chat, my brother evinced his interest in knowing the longevity of our mother, aged more than ?5 and suffering from high blood pressure si nce 10years. I thought to solve the query·resorting to Horary method , propounded .by late Prof. KSK. Accordingly I told him to give a number between 1 and 249. He said ' '235". The Data forming the basis of the Hor~uy investigation is as follows:

No. 235 (1·249) Takingup for Judgement: 1-40 P.M. I.S.T. Place: 22°·42' N. Lat. 71 "-40, E l«?ng. Date: 24·9-83. Ayanamsa used : 23"·31' (KSK) Balance In Kethu dasa ""· Years 6-8-4 days.

Cusp I II Ill IV

v VI

Sub lord


Sub lord

Venus Venus Rahu Rahu Rahu Venus


Venus Mercury Mars Rahu Jupiter Mercury

Planets Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jup~ter


Star lord

Sub lord

Son Kethu Kethu Venus Kethu Kethu

Kethu Kethu Venus Saturn Mercury Venus

Saturn -Rahu Ke.thu

Star lord

Sub lord

Rahu Mars

Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter

M~rcurv '


Ill 12° 28' 37' II 13• 28' . Rabu 26°8'


Is· 6' 40'





IV 7° 28'

v l 0 28'

XII 1" 28' NIRAYANA Horary Chart No. 23S

VI •• 28'

XI 2° 28'

1Mara 2• Sl' ~Mercu ry (R) 22° 49' •

. · • - - · - -·· • I

--X 7° 28'

-Ven. O" 8S' •

Kethu VHI 13" 28' Sun 7" 5' 26"'.8' IX 12• 28' Sat. 9• 19' VII 8"6'40' Jup. 12° 00'


If the Ascendant is in movable sign, Xlth house In the bhadhakastana, if the ascendant falls in a fixed sign IXth house is the Bhadhakastana, it the Ascendant falls in a common sign, ttle Vllth is the bhadhakastana. .

Whatever be the sign while the nscendant falls, the lind and the Vllth houses are Marakflstanas. Therefore one ts· to j udge all these three houses and find out the significators. It the query is for younger sister or brother, take third house .connected from Horary Lagna as tile Ascendant for that youngster. If it relates to mother take the fourth house. If it refers to children take the fifth house, as Lagna to childrenFor wife take the seventh. for father take the ninth 3nd for elder brother or sister taka the elaventh and find out. •

Here the query is about mothor to consider the IVth cusp .as, ascendant. Alf calculation will be considered here from IVt~' cusp as ascendant,



I shall again write the Horary chart and rearrange the cusps k~eping the IVth as Lagna for making easy for students to understand the system and proceed.

I Moon 3--37 XI 8-20

X 8·6·40


XII l2-28 Rahu26-8


Mother l 7-28


·.- - ........

IX 1-28

II 2·28 (Rearranged)· · Nirayaoa Horary Chart No. 235




Ven 2·S8

III 1-28 Mars 1·51 Mercury (R) . 22-49

-----·... ---

I Ket 26-8




2~28 •'




v 13-28 Vl12-28 .. Saturn Jup 12-00 9-19

Sun 7-S IV 8-6-40



Note the sublord of the ascendant. If he is deposited in the constellations of the significatbrs of Badhakasthana and Marakasthana, the life will be short from the time of the judgement. It -will not be for many years. If the sub lord of the ascendant were to be i_n the constellation of the significator ot 6th house, the person will suffer from disease but :will not succumb to it. And if the su_b lord of the ascendant is deposited in ·the constellation of the significator qf the ei~1th house, he will meet with accident. If the sublord of the a·scendant is in the Horary chart in the significators of the Xflth house. he wilt be in bed for a long period arJd may be hospitalised. Death is indicated only by the significators Marakha and Bhadhakasthana. According to the strength of the lord of the constellation in which the sub!ord of the ascendant is deposited, one has to fix the dasa and sub periods. The conjoined period of the significators will operate and indicate the life span. ·

Here the ascendant of the mo~her is 7°·28' Gemini. It's Mercury sign. star and subford is Rahu. Rahu is placed in Xllth house and is aspected by Jupiter the Vllth lord (both Badhakha and Marakha). Rahu is in the star .of Mars and sub of Jupjter; Mar.s is lord of Vlth in closer proximity with Venus the Xllth lord and also with Mercury the lord of .IVth that tells the end of life. Sublord Jupiter is the Badhakha and .Marakha. Hence Rahu is the significator of IVth, VII and Xllth, and so it is evil to cause death of the mother of the querent. • StarSord Mars is along with Venus lord of XllttdMoksha) hence Mars is weak in strength. So the sublord Jupiter i~ badhakha and Marakha and it is too weak also. So it lw JS to say t~at querists mother's life is too short. Further I looked into the VI cusp, as it tells the strength of the current disease and heul th condition.

VI cusp sublord is Mars here. Mars·is posited in the third bhava along with Venus the lord of XII and Mercury lord of I. Mars is in the star of Ketnu in VI. Mars and Venus is closer proximity. Venus is karaka for kidney. urinary disorders wh-ereas Mars shows disease of private parts. Mars, Venus and VI Cusp are fixed signs which tells that she will be suffering from kidney disorder for a long duration. She was admitted to hospital during October 1983, for kidney ·trout?le. The Xlth cusp sublord is Venus. it is in Kethu star and in Venus sub. Star lord Kethu is in VI with Jupiter lord of Badhaka and Marakha. Sub lord Venus is ford of Xllth. This tells about non recovery from illness. If the Xlth cusp sub lord signifies I, V, or Xlth one can recover from ill·health. On 5/6-10-83 Wednesday at 4-40 a.m. the querisfs mo~her passed away, . It was Kethu dasa, Kethu bukthi and Moon anthra. Kethu is in VI with Jupiter both Badhaka and Marakha and Moon owns the II cusp and no p_ l anets in Moon star and no planets in II Bhava. And so Moon is a powerfuf marakha to inflict death on her.

·39 Date of birth: 16/17-1~1954. Time: 4-57 a.m . I .S.T. Place :


13° -4/80°-17' (Madras)

Ayanamsa :

If a person is destined to live up to a certain period. he will live up to that time and his horoscope w ill clearly reveal his end . At the same time his wife:s chart w ill show that her · husband will meet his death and the chart of the soh and daughter too will point to iha same event. It is not, as many people wrongly assume that the chart of any member of a family causes the eve ~ t of death of another member. Truly apea1ignifies Maraka and Bh ~ d a ka sthanas, the life is short after the time of judgement".

The slgnificators are : · 1) The planets owning II, VII and bhadakasthana. 2) The planets is the constell at i ~ n of these houses. 3) The occupant oi these houses. 4) The planets ten;;nting that t he co·nstellation of the occupants. Following are the death inflicting significators in this particuhu cases: . lind house : No planet, th~re owned by Moon . Jupiter owning Vllth and Venus owning Xllth are in Moon stars. VHth house: No planet there. Jupiter owns his house. Moon is in the.star of Jupltor.

46 Xllth house:

Saturn and Kethu ara posited there with no plarots placed in their constellation. v~ ~ws owns Xllth. Rahu is in Venus star Poorvashada. As node Rahu is in Dhanus and so it also assumes the effer,t of Jupiter as marakha and bhadaka powers.

The student may al~o nate that the Vllth c•Jsp is most Badhaka and Marakha house is rul9d by J upiter as sign lord. Venus as constellation lord and Rahu as sublord.


Following Is the birth chart of a girl who died in her age ot 19. .

By applying the principle of Krishnamurti Padhdhathi , 1 could hint her demise in forward to the father as a precautiona ry step

You must know lagna cu~p · comb ina tion is a life giving one anc ex ~ ctly the opposite degree the VI !th cusp dea ls with the Ufe. This is general thaory as it is the house of detriment to lagna.


: 1 1-30 a. m. I.S .T. : 13° 4' /80" 17'


Balance in Saturn period at birth .years 11'- 4-17 days. Kethu 22° 4!' Xllll 0 38I


Vl.'hile examining the Virnshothari Dasa in the Horary chart. you wilt note that 1h~ nat!ve was running the major period of Jupiter bu lch~hi o f Rahu and the Anthra Dasa of Venus.

Moon 8-49-47


.. I



Hi" 49• Asc.


·4-...... -

Mars 7• 6' IIJ5u38'


Ij lV

XI 7• 38.

•Sao 28° 34' . Mercury 26'" 28. x s• 38'

in the discussios1 you will i :Cl tt3 that Rahu fully rel)resents Jupi ter who is both 1\Aarakhu and Bhad aka. I just brought down . The time of demise to Rahu socksh ma ·which W'ls worked out to ruf' betwF:en 30 · 6-1973 and 22-7-1973 and b id good. bye to them, w ithout i ntilTlating the sam& to the partfcu Ia r.


v 7° 38'

--VIII 15"Jg'! 0 VI II 38' Jupiter I VII 16° 49' R!lhU 22°4 I' 6" 33. .


go 3.8'



Sub lord Moon Jupiter Mercury Venus


NIRAYANA BHAVA CHAKRAM S.T. 20-18-19 Ayana msa: 23° 11'


Cusp I




IX 12• 38' Saturn 10° 42'


---- ··-


20° 21i'

Ar. Rahu a node was ~ i le sub lord of Vllth cusp and also

111 ·.


Venus ,~ n th~~'' das :~ runs between 9 . 5. 73 3-10-73. • So it was ind;cated by me. tha end will be in that period of Venus Anthra.

Students may well note how K.P. pinpoi:-~ts the time of deat h with such accu rar.y through K.P. Horary system . of prediction under Kriahnamurti Padhdhathi.


Date of b irth Time

1 he three planets Jupiter. Venu·s and Rahu ruling the Vllt h cusp, are also Bhadakasthana and Marakha as detailed above are the worst death Inflicting planets.

I was in timate rl thro1Jgh a letter that the end actually came in t he Bveninq on 17th ~lu l y 1973. It was Rahu sookshma as I told tham ahe.:; dv.






Sub lord J upiter M ars Venus Jupiter





Sub lord Mercury Venus

Rahu Moort


48 Pl11net

St11 lord

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Kethu

Mars Saturn Sun

Mars Saturn Jupiter Kethu Moon Mercury

Sub lord Saturn .Venus Kethu Jupiter Mercury Jupiter Saturn Sun Moon

Jupiter in VII signifying the Bad_ha~a.sth~na cqnnoction with death ir,flicting Slgn•f•cat;on.

So D11sa has

The bhukthi, Lord Moon, is in the star of Saturn, the owner of XI the Cusp, the Bhadhakasthana, an~ is in the sub of Venus owning 11 and VII in XI. Lastly the Anthra Lord Saturn, i.s the Bhadhakadhipati and is posited in the star of Ketu, placed in XII in Dhavam, (the h~use of Mok~~am.) The students may well note, how the sub lord theory reveals the intricate points in a life such as death .etc.

The Lagna is jointly ruled by Mars as rasi l ord, Venus as constel!ation lord and Moon as the Sun lord. In the light of the principle, l et us see how the Sub lord Moon played the part in making the lor1gevlty as short as 19 years. As per Krlshnamurthi Padhdhati, if the Sub lord of the Lagna Cusp Is in the constellation of the occupant of Marakasthana or Bhadhakasthana, the life of the native is rather very short. Moon the Sub lord of Lagna cusp, is in the constellation of Saturn, who is the lord of Xlth Cusp which is the Bhadhaka~tha na for Chara Lagna (Maham). This Saturn is rendered very weak by being placed in the star of Kethu in Xllth (House of Moksha) and so Saturn signifies Xllth fully. This Moon owns the IVth Cusp which tefls her last days. This is rather unfortunate. Moon is the Sub of Venus who is the owner of the lind and Vl lth houses which are Marakasthanas for Mesha m and that Venus is placed in Bhadhaka.sthc.nas also. Thus M oon is rather rendered so malefic as to give very short life for the native. The girl had passed away on 7 -5-1978 in the major period of Mercury bhukthi of Mcon, Anthra of Saturn. Mercury the Osta t.ord. owns the llf and Vlth Cu sps. placed in Xth bhava in the star of Mars, and i n the. $ub of


51 ...._...~


. . . . . . ., _ . 3

I VI '29° 42' v o• 42'


K.P. on the other hand, deals with the Longevity in a clear manner free from all manner of doubts and is universally applicable. These rules can bu appl;c~d both in NATAL & HOAARY Astrology. The only differonce is that, in the case of. a Nativity, the ~pan d life G:itl be judged from the time of birth of the 1~ ative, where as in Hotary, it can ba nds bedri ddeoness or hospitalisat -ion . Now she i s completely bed ri dden. Th e same Satur n is in the sJar of Ven us in XIL owning lind a mara kast hana . So Saturn is a maraka. Further the Satu rn is in the sub of sub signifying Xllth. This deepen!> the m.'l iter and teli s the longevity is rather very short and the demise is nearing . According to K. S. K. £he total disease is stlown by the significators of Vllth Bhava and the Vlllth cusp Sub lord.

Venus owns lind cusp and is in Xllth duly opposed by Jupiter from Vlth, owning IXth.

Jupiter is in Vlth and owns IXth and no planets in its $tars. So a cent percent killer. . So demise should come in this buktl Itself. Anthra?

In which

To · dec ide the same. we resort t o the system of ruling planets proposed by our Guruji Late Sr i K. S. K. At this hour of 10 a.m. on 8-4-70 when we have worked out this Horary, the Lagna is running in Rohini star Venus Rasi (Rishabham) and so Moon and Venvs are R.Ps.

It is Bharani constellation and so Venus and Mars are RPs. 0

It is Wednesday so Mercury is the day lord .

So Venus, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury are the ruling planets. ( RPs.} So 1 have chosen Venus An t lua for t he demise to come when Sun transits the sensitive degree formed by these ·RPs. is preferably when it passes Venus Rasi (Libra ), Mars, Star (Ctllth frai 3 and 4 Pada)'Moon ~ub which worked out to be. · 185° -33' -20" to ·1 86°·40'-0" (Falls on 23rd and '24th October 1970). She passed away exactly at 12-30 p.m. on 23 - 10-1970 when Lagna degree was ruling through Oh anus ·which ccintains the IXth cusp which is a badhaka d egree fo t stira Rasi.


CHILD BIRTH AND SHORT LIFE On 14-12-1971 I was approached by one of my friends who was expecting bi rth of a child through his wife, already much advanced in .age. He wanted to know when she will deliver.

Ae expected by me, the new born child passed away on the fifteeoth day and the demise took place on 11-1-72, at 1 -10 a.m. 1 started analysing the event of the demise of the child and the birth chart is as follows : l

Immediately the ruling planets were worked out, and I did not take any number from him, as the delivery was expected any moment.

VI 29-19


I Jup. 28-05 Til 25·1-9


The abov9 -:::ombination falls in ARIES from 18°·6'-40" to 20-6-40.

III 25-19 I Mercury Sun 12-08 I ?.0-24 1 Neptune J0-38

Date of birth :

When Moon transit the above sensitive degree i e. by 27/ 28-12- 1971 and it was wo rked out to be arou nd 3-00to 3-12 (night) night of 27th.

IX 25-19


Nirayana Bhava Cbakram 1 Ayanamsa .: ·-- ' 23" 21' (K.S K.) Balance in Ven.us Period · JV 27-19 Yes. 10-4-26 days. Rahu 13-30 Venus 12-22

I selected the combination in Mars sign (Aries) and the constellation of Venus and sub of Rahu (Saturn rejoined as it has been retrograde. ·

Kethu 13-30 X 27·1w the Sub lord Saturn signifies fully XL an'J as he is posited in the star of Venus owning Vth he attains the signification ot Vth and Saturn owns JXth cusp and he is t ile full signiticaror of IXth, since you find no pl anet in its star.

To find out the longevity of w i fe. you must judge the same from the Vllth cusp ana its Sub Lord Here in this chart, the VII th cvsp falls in Dha nus 11 u - 58° and the Sub lord is Mercury.

The suo lo rd Saturn siynifios V, IX and XI and this contributes poomayush for the native of this horoscope and he sti II I ives.

Mercury is deposited with star of Mars in the Xllth House i._e. Vlth from the Vllth Cusp Hence th is portends a sic k/~ life and does not contribute tc f;Oornayush as the star lord Mars in the vraya bhavadhlpathi in terms of Vllth House. . Accordingly the native's wife passed away on 18-1

o. 69.

Let us d iscuss hi:> span of life. Now it is Venus pe riod from 29-7-1971 to 27- 7·1991 . The significa tor of death inflicting houses, lind Moon ovvns the llnd No planet in lind •

'90 Mars alone in it~ stars, and Rahu a node tenants Mars house Aries Vllth (Marakasthanamand Bhadhikasthanam for Gemini) Jupiter owns the Vllth, No Pianet In Jupiter star, So Jupiter Is a Maraka and Bhadhaka. Venus is in Vllth . These are planets in its star and Venus in the star of Sun in VI lith and owns IVth both life giving houses. (So Venus is not a Maraka dasa)

Longevity-How Stellar Astrology Precisely Predicts My friend's daughter had beBn sick for a long period, She was under medical treatment ot experts, but she had only temporary relief and she fell seriously ill again.

On seeing her gradually deteriotating health condition, I felt an urge to find out if she would survive for long.

Saturn is in the Venus Star.

So I took a number on her behalf and worked out the Horary chart.

Xllth :-Mars is in Xlhh and Mercury and Kethu is in Mars stars. Rahu is in Mesha representing Mars in Xllth owning Vlth.

I found that her disease was incurable and her life was short after that day, and worked out the date of her expiry to be 7-1-1980 and actually left her p.hysical world about 10-00 a.m. on Monday 7 -1 :' 980, as predicted.

So Rahu attains these significators.

The particulars of the chart and my analysis are furnished below:

Sun and Moon are in Rahu star. Summing up, Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars are powerful marakas. So demise will come ir, Sun ;:>eriod, Moon bukthl,_Jupiter Anthra and·Mars sookshma only not Saturn Sookshama as it is now 7-40 p.m. on 18-3-86 and day is. ruled by Mars be.i ng Tuesday and it is Mrigasira star day.

The Ql,l&ry was judged at 8 -00 a.m. Thursday, 20-.1 2-1979 at 20°-11' N Lat. and 85°-40' E Long. Horary No. 73 (between 1 and 249} K.S.K. Ayanamsa used : .


I XI 08·28





23 o- 26' for 1979.

X 10·28 .

I XI 12-28

XII 13-28








9·~ ·vn


I 12-53-20

NIRAYANA Horary Cha rt ··Ayanamsa: 23·28 Balance io Venus .period ~1112-53-20 Yes. 19·3·0 d11ys Venua . 3-14



' Moon - 13-50 VI 13-28 Sun 4·2


08-28 Rahu 9-4 Jup 16-4l Mars . 17-49


Mercury 16-48 v 12-28

JV 10•28 .

Sat 3·6 · III Olt-28



Sub lord

I II fll IV

Rahu Jupiter Venus Saturn


Sub lord


Mars Venus Rahu Rabu


93 Cusp

Sub lord


Venus Saturn Rahu Mercury




Star lord

Sub lord

Sun Moon. Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu· Kethu

Kethu Venus Venus Mercury Venus • Sun Sun Kethu Rahu

Moon Venus Mars Mercury Moon Saturn Saturn Jupiter Jupiter

The houses VI, VIII and XU tell about disease, danger and separation respectively. The houses XI and V indicate cure. The sub lord of tt>e Xlth cusp is Rahu. Rahu is with Jupiter, lord of Vlth in the lind (Maral
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