logopress die design manual

March 4, 2017 | Author: jasbir999 | Category: N/A
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Round draw part

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Round draw part

Let's have a look at the Tutorial examples (lessons 29 and 30): Click Help > Logopress3 Tutorial > Advanced functions: Round draw part. 29.

Design each round draw sequence


Round draw part strip layout

Stamping stages of a Round Draw part (cylindrical/conical): 1. Open a round draw part. This part has to be created from a closed contour sketch revolved (created on the left side of the revolve axis/centerline within the sketch), with constant thickness, flat bottom and round flange (see the Main rules of the Round Draw Part module). The part has to be saved before using the module. You can browse to \Logopress3_installation_directory\samples\round_draw_parts to open some examples.

You can use a conical flange too:

You can use a part without flat bottom (but only with cylindrical and vertical portion). Then two stages are added: ▪ one stage with radius and hole in the flat bottom (computed from constant volume) ▪ another similar stage, but the hole is filled-in on the bottom side (this way it allows to regularly continue computing the process)

There can be several Revolved Boss/Base

features (suppressed or unsuppressed) when running this module: then

select the one that you want to create the unstamping process before clicking Round Draw Part

2. Click Round Draw Part

in the Logopress3 toolbar.

in Logopress3 toolbar, or Logopress3 > Round Draw Part.

1. A preview of each sequence is automatically displayed.

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Round draw part

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2. Under General parameters: f you change one of these parameters, all the previous unstamping stages are reset and updated. 

Select a material. NOTE : Materials displayed in this list need specific parameters. You can set them in the Logopress3 Material Database 


Stripper pressure: Specific pressure on the stripper (or draw pad) used to compute the stripper force. Depends on the material. Usual values: Material

N/mm² (MPa)

kN/mm² (GPa)


Steel Stainless steel Aluminum Duralumin Brass

2.5 2 1.2 1.6 2

0.0025 0.002 0.0012 0.0016 0.002

362 290 174 232 290

Reminder: 1 N/m² 1 daN/cm² 1 N/mm² 1 daN/mm² 1 kN/mm² 1 PSI 1 PSI 1 PSI

= 1 Pa = 0.1 MPa = 1 MPa = 10 MPa = 1 GPa = 1 lbf/in² = 1 lbf/in² = 1 lbf/in²

= 0.000145037 PSI = 14.5037 PSI = 0.1 N/mm² = 145.037 PSI = 0.001 kN/mm² = 1450.37 PSI = 145037.7 PSI = 6894.75728 Pa = 0.00689475728 MPa = 0.00000689475728 GPa

Reduction factors: K1 and KN - K1: Reduction factor used on 1st stamping pass (0 ≤ K1 ≤ 1) - KN: Reduction factor used on next stamping passes (0 ≤ KN ≤ 1)

Usual values:




Usual sheet steel Special sheet steel Deep-drawing sheet steel Stainless steel Copper Brass Annealed aluminum Duralumin

0.60 0.55 0.52 0.52 0.58 0.53 0.55 0.55

0.80 0.75 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.75 0.80 0.90

You can set the reduction factor: This parameter has a great influence on the unstamping stages process, like if you change the material. 

K1: Reduction factor on 1st stamping pass

(0 ≤ K1 ≤ 1).

KN: Reduction factor on next stamping passes

NOTE: The KN Reduction factor is uniformly divided up (if possible, and with close value) between every stamping passes related to the diameter to unstamp. For example, for this part below made in Usual sheet steel (K1=0.6 and KN=0.8), K=0.8 for every stamping pass of the main diameter.

(0 ≤ KN ≤ 1).

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Round draw part

The part thickness

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is displayed for information.

3. Under Unstamping stages: A list displays the characteristics of each sequence, from the final part up to the blank. - Select in this list the stage you want to analyze (displayed in green). - You cannot select the stage in the graphic area. - You cannot change anything in this list, but just select the stage to modify. - You can set the parameters under Selected stage parameters.

● You can set an Addendum to add to the flange radius NOTES:


▪ The Addendum to add to the flange radius is automatically computed in order to get a constant flange diameter at every stage. Enter 0 to cancel this value (then it works like previous Logopress3 versions that were released before Logopress3 2011 SP0). ▪ It's recommended to set this value before the other parameters below. ● No. column: - The checkbox in front of each stage is activated. It allows to easily remove/reactivate a stage: simply uncheck/check the checkbox. - The icon displayed in front of stage number shows the type of stamping sequence: ▪

Same stage than the one used to start the round draw module. It's the 1st icon of the list, except if you set an

Addendum to add to the flange radius . Used as default finish part configuration when starting the strip (it avoids to handle the Default configuration in the strip module). ▪

Stage where is made the addendum if you set an Addendum to add to the flange radius

appears as 1st icon in the list and replaces

. In this case, it

. Used as default finish part configuration when starting the strip.

Stage where is made the piercing hole (if there's a hole): it's usually the 2nd icon of the list.

Conical stamping stage.

Cylindrical stamping stage.

Blank stage: it's usually the last icon of the list. Used as default blank configuration when starting the strip.

Warning: invalid stage. Check and change parameters under Selected stage parameters in order to repair it.

● Subsequent Diameter column: displays the inside diameter to unstamp (reference diameter given by the subsequent stage). No display in case of Conical stamping stage


● Diameter column: displays the inside diameter (or punch diameter, or flat blank diameter in case of first blank) computed from the Diameter (Inside diameter, or punch diameter, or flat blank diameter in case of first blank) change under Selected stage parameters. NOTE: If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied. ● Ra column: displays the Ra radius (Die fillet radius) computed from the Ra Radius (Die fillet radius) change under Selected stage parameters. NOTE: If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied.

that you can

that you can

● Rb column: displays the Rb radius (Punch fillet radius) computed from the Rb Radius (Punch fillet radius)

that you can

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Round draw part

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change under Selected stage parameters. NOTE: If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied. ● K column: displays the K reduction factor computed from K Reduction factor that is computed at this stage can change under Selected stage parameters. NOTES:

that you

▪ 0≤K≤1 ▪ If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied. ● Select the stages preview mode: sets the default display of the stages preview mode: - No preview - Stages preview: unstamping direction (We strongly recommend that you make adjustments in the Unstamping stages list with the Stages preview set to unstamping direction and NOT the feeding direction. Otherwise it becomes confusing. Also, you must make your edits from the top of the list and work your way to the bottom of the list in numerical order and never work from the bottom towards the top)

- Stages preview: feeding direction

- Stages preview: when entering the die (It simulates the part position in contact with the die when entering the die)

● Zoom on selection: sets by default an automatic zoom on the selected stage. NOTE: Manual zoom by right-click on the selected stage in the list and select Zoom to the selected stage. ● In case of round draw part with central hole, Progressive piercing option allows to report the piercing into the blank stage. Then the hole diameter is computed for each stage: the K1 reduction factor (on 1st stamping pass) or KN reduction factor (on next stamping passes) is applied to the hole diameter, as it's applied to the stamping diameter (holding constant volume).

NOTE: only dedicated to a hole with a small diameter. ● Show the final part falling down: this option automatically creates a configuration to show the final part that is falling down. - This configuration is named 005 Part falling down. - A Move/Copy feature is created to simulate the part that is falling down. - If you have set an Addendum to add to the flange radius final part.

, then another configuration is created, called 003 Fallen

4. Under Selected stage parameters, you can change the characteristics of the selected stage. NOTE: The displayed characteristics are the theoretical values that the software tries to reach. Sometimes, near values are displayed because the wished characteristics cannot be reached due to not feasible stages (that doesn't appear in the list under Unstamping stages), not expected geometry, or radius that can't be applied according to the volume compensation... In this case, try to enter other values.

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Round draw part

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● Display of the diameter dimensions: ▪ At the selected stage, there's a green display in the graphic area of the diameter and radii dimensions that you can set under Selected stage parameters.

▪ At the subsequent stage: - there's a red display in the graphic area of the diameter and radii dimensions that you can set at the selected stage under Selected stage parameters. - there's a blue display in the graphic area of the other diameters dimensions that you can unstamp at the selected stage if you click Select the diameter in the list that you want to unstamp at this stage


● Display of the information texts at the selected stage: ▪ Stripper For.: Stripper Force (or draw pad force) that is computed from the specific pressure on the stripper. This information is only displayed on the first stamping station close to the blank station. ▪ Stamp. Force: Stamping Force (computed at each stamping station). ▪ Friction Surf.: Friction Surface of the external cylindrical area of the part (surface in contact with the stamping die). Useful to help you to compute the stripper force (or draw pad force) and the power of the extractor spring. ● In case of staged steps, you can click Select the diameter in the list that you want to unstamp at this stage - The smallest diameter is set by default, in order to unstamp the central stamped form first.


- You can select a larger diameter in order to unstamp it first, then the sequences are completely different.

- If you click Select the diameter in the list that you want to unstamp at this stage , the values in the list are displayed with a prefix: C for conical, D for diameter (same for the color display of the dimensions in the graphic area). ● You can set the K Reduction factor that is computed at this stage NOTES: -0≤K≤1 - The Stamping height


is updated in order to keep constant volume.

- The Diameter (Inside diameter, or punch diameter, or flat blank diameter in case of first blank) keep constant volume.

is updated in order to

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Round draw part

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- If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied (the computed and applied consistent value is displayed in the K column under Unstamping stages). - If the displayed value is not the wished one, it's because it corresponds to a not feasible stage. ● You can change the Diameter (Inside diameter, or punch diameter, or flat blank diameter in case of first blank) NOTES:


- The Stamping height is updated in order to keep constant volume. - If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied (the computed and applied consistent value is displayed in the Diameter column under Unstamping stages). - If the displayed value is not the wished one, it's because it corresponds to a not feasible stage. ● You can change the inside Ra Radius (Die fillet radius) NOTES:


- The Stamping height is updated in order to keep constant volume. - If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied (the computed and applied consistent value is displayed in the Ra column under Unstamping stages). ● You can change the inside Rb Radius (Punch fillet radius) NOTES:


- The Stamping height is updated in order to keep constant volume. - If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied (the computed and applied consistent value is displayed in the Rb column under Unstamping stages). ● You can change the Stamping height NOTES:


- The Diameter (Inside diameter, or punch diameter, or flat blank diameter in case of first blank) keep constant volume. - If you enter an inconsistent value, a consistent computed value is applied. ● In case of conical stamping, Select the technology that you want to use for conical unstamping - Unstamping by staged rough steps

is updated in order to


- Unstamping by calibration

● In case of round draw part with central hole, and with Progressive piercing option checked, you can change the Piercing diameter at the selected stage, then the Stamping height NOTE: only applicable if the hole has a small diameter.

5. Click Ok

is updated in order to keep constant volume.

. One configuration per sequence is created.

6. Tips and tricks: You may sometimes encounter these 2 issues: 1. You may sometimes see this kind of non-revolved stage:

It means that SOLIDWORKS cannot create a revolved solid from the sketch. 2. You may sometimes see this warning icon

in the list under Unstamping stages:

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Round draw part

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with this text displayed in the graphic area: Stage3 Invalid stage It means that Logopress3 cannot successfully compute this stage, then SOLIDWORKS cannot create a revolved solid. 2 ways to repair them: ● Either select this stage in the list under Unstamping stages, and change any dimension under Selected stage parameters.

● Or click Ok to exit the module. Activate this stage configuration, edit the sketch, and repair it in order to have a usable sketch for the revolve feature.

3. You can start again the module if you want to change any parameter. NOTE: If want to keep the previous stages in order to compare them with new ones, and restart the computation from scratch based on the original configuration: 1. Click Logopress3 > Computation reset. 2. Activate the original configuration. 3. Start again the module. The previous stages are ignored, as if you're working on a new part.

Strip Layout of a Round Draw part (cylindrical/conical):

You can start a strip layout from this round draw part with its configurations: 1. Save the part.


Do not click Part preparation before strip starting

3. You can run the Strip Layout module



When starting the strip with a round draw part (with its configurations), in the Save the strip assembly as dialog box you can select the Type of link and number of rows that you want : 2 webs

3 webs or more

3 Webs or more in line

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Round draw part

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no web


These types of link are SOLIDWORKS template files located in \Logopress3 installation directory\template\english\skeleton folder.

When starting a strip, type of link and number of rows are saved and proposed for the next strip.

 

It's strongly recommended to click Configuration at station... to set each station of the strip before starting. Tips and tricks: ● When starting a strip with 2 webs type of link, you may sometimes encounter this kind of skeleton display:

It means that the 2D sketch skeleton cannot be solved successfully because of the set parameters. ● How to repair it? Under Link parameters increase one of these parameters: - either the Strip width - or the Fixed value from top of the strip - or the Fixed value from bottom of the strip - or under Link parameters increase the Link Width - then click Apply.

When starting the strip of a round draw part with 3 webs or more type of link, notice that this skeleton template includes by default the 2 shearing stations (small diameter and large diameter) + an idle station. Each one of these stations can be set or changed: 

Either when starting the Strip Layout module, in the Save the strip assembly as dialog box, click Configuration at station....

Or when running the Strip Layout module, click Configuration of this station It's recommended to create idle stations before setting these configurations.

under Strip stations.

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Round draw part

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Inside shearing All inside shearing (small diameter) are operated at this selected station (in green). The red arrow shows the feeding direction. This is the 1st default station.


Outside shearing All outside shearing (large diameter) are operated at this selected station (in green). This is the 2nd default station.


Odd Row Inside shearing All inside shearing (small diameter) are operated on the odd rows at this selected station (in green).


Odd Row Outside shearing All outside shearing (large diameter) are operated on the odd rows at this selected station (in green).


Even Row Inside shearing All inside shearing (small diameter) are operated on the even rows at this selected station (in green).


Even Row Outside shearing All outside shearing (large diameter) are operated on the even rows at this selected station (in green).


Outside + Inside shearing All outside and inside shearing (large and small diameter) are operated at this selected station (in green).


Odd Row Outside + Inside shearing All outside and inside shearing (large and small diameter) are operated on the odd rows at this selected station (in green).


Even Row Outside + Inside shearing All outside and inside shearing (large and small diameter) are operated on the even rows at this selected station (in green).

When creating the strip of a round draw part with 2 webs type of link, you can set or change the station where the links are cut: click Configuration of this station

under Strip stations.

Links cut The links are cut at the selected station. The red arrow shows the feeding direction. This is the 2nd default station.

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Round draw part

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When creating the strip of a round draw part with the following types of link: ● 3 webs or more ● 3 Webs or more in line you can set the Number of offset stations between odd and even rows (>0 or
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