Sample Mechanics and Guidelines for Logo Making Contest...
Arriba future future Civil Engineers! Engineers! The Junior Philippine Philippine Institute Institute of Civil Engineers Engineers - Letran Chapter proudly presents the JPICE - Logo Making Contest "# that $ill be held on %e&e'ber "( "#) Contest Me&hani&s *
The Th e &o'p &o'pet etit itio ion n is E+ E+CL CL, ,I. I.E E only only to to all all / rd( 0th( 1th 2ear Civil Engineering students
There $ill be no no 'a3i'u 'a3i'u' ' nu'ber nu'ber of parti parti&ipan &ipants ts in in the the said said &o'peti &o'petition tion
Parti&ipants Parti&ip ants 'ust 'ust sub'it sub'it their their entries entries individ individually ually)) 4roup( 4roup( pair( pair( or tea' entri entries es $ill $ill not be a&&epted)
Parti Par ti&ip &ipant ants s 'ust 'ust sub sub'it 'it not 'or 'ore e than than one one 5"6 5"6 entr entry y
Alll sub'it Al sub'itted ted $ork $ork 'ust 'ust be be the orig origina inall $ork $ork of the the parti& parti&ipa ipant nt
The 7JPIC 7JPICE E - LET8A LET8A97 97 or 7JPI 7JPICE CE - Letra Letran7 n7 'ust 'ust be in&lu in&luded ded in in the logo logo
The Th e ent entri ries es 'u 'ust st fi fitt in in an an A0 A0 si: si:e e pap paper er
The part parti&i i&ipan pants ts 'ust 'ust sub'i sub'itt their their entri entries es in P%; P%; and JPE JPE4 4 for'at for'at))
Judging Judgi ng $ill $ill be &o'po &o'posed sed of /< by a&tua a&tuall voting voting of of students students and =< =< by CE CE ;a&ulty ;a&ulty
A&tual A&t ual voti voting ng of stud students ents $ill be done done upon upon entran& entran&e e on the general general asse'b asse'bly ly
Ea&h stude students nts $ill $ill given given a one 5"6 5"6 voting voting stub stub and 'ust be be sub'itt sub'itted ed at the the stub stub bo3 of the &hosen entry) e ntry)
>innin >in ning g logo logo $ill $ill be used used as an offi offi&ia &iall logo logo of JPICE JPICE-LE -LET8A T8A9 9
Criteria fo for Ju Judg dgiing
Aestheti& ?ual Aestheti& ?uality ity - the entr entry y shoul should d &o'' &o''and and atte attention ntion(( disp display lay visual balan&e and &olor &oordination
@riginality - the entry should be &reative( innovative an and original $ork of the parti&ipant
8elevan&e - the entry should be relevant to the @rgani:ation
o$ to Boin ub'it your entry $ith the follo$ing for'at to &ru:Buan&arlosla3 &ru:Buan&arlosla3aDg'ail)&o' aDg'ail)&o' on before 9ove'ber ( "#( "" ""1Fp') 1Fp') ;o'at ubBe&t JPICE-Letran Logo Making Contest "# Gody
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