Logistic General IMG

December 22, 2017 | Author: Omer Sanatna | Category: Software, Technology, Computing, Computing And Information Technology, Business
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1 Logistics - General This section covers the introduction of applications which are generally part of Logistics.

1.1 Material Master In this step, you make the configurations required for processing business transactions in Materials Management. Recommendation Before you create master data, you should have completely read through the chapter entitled "Material Master".

1.1.1 Configuring the Material Master In this section, you can configure the material master to suit your specific needs. You can do the following: o

Define the structure of the data screens A data screen is made up of individual subscreens. You can, for example, remove subscreens that you do not require from a particular data screen, include others from other data screens, or include subscreens of your own.


Group screens together to form a screen sequence The standard material master for industry contains the following screen sequences: -

01 Designed so that as much data as possible is displayed on a single data screen. This increases the length of the screen, but reduces their number.


11 Allows a maximum of 21 lines to be displayed on each screen. It is intended for small screens.


21 Presents the screens as tab pages, similar to a stack of index cards. Each tab page has a tab title, for example, the name of a user department such as Purchasing or Sales. It is the screen sequence preset in the standard system.

The standard article master for retail contains the following screen sequences: -

03 Designed so that as much data as possible is displayed on a single data screen. This increases the length of the screen, but reduces their number.



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Presents the screens as tab pages, similar to a stack of index cards. Each tab page has a tab title, for example, the name of a user department such as Purchasing or Sales. It is the screen sequence preset in the standard system. o

R1 This screen sequence is for coupons.

Define the order in which the main screens and/or additional screens appear

Perform these activities in the order given, except if you want to include subscreens of your own, in which case first perform the activity Create Program for Customized Subscreens. Here's How (Quick Guide Using an Example) Scenario For your purchasing agents Kirk, Scott, and McKoy, you want to create a screen sequence containing the following screens: o


Basic Data You want this data screen to include the following unchanged subscreens from the Basic Data 1 view in the standard material master: -

Material description


General data



Purchasing/Storage You want this data screen to include the following subscreens: -

General data (from the Plant Data/Storage 1 view in the standard material master)


Purchasing values (from the Purchasing view in the standard material master)

You also want this data screen to include an additional subscreen containing the following fields from the Purchasing view in the standard material master: -

Purchasing group


Material group


Order unit

Procedure 1.

Carry out the IMG activity Create Program for Customized Subscreens. This requires you to do the following: a)

Create a function group of your own, for example, with the name YENTERPRISE (steps 1 and 2 in the documentation for the IMG activity above).


Copy subscreen SAPLMGD1 2301 (Purchasing Data: General Data) to SAPLYENTERPRISE

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2301, and subscreen SAPLMGD1 2701 (Storage Data: General Data) to SAPLYENTERPRISE 2701 (steps 3 to 7). c)


Remove all fields from subscreen SAPLYENTERPRISE 2301 with the exception of the Purchasing group, Material group, and Order unit using the Screen Painter (transaction SE51) (step 8). Make sure that the fields you have removed are no longer included in checks. You do this by searching for the fields in the source code and making the lines in which they appear comment lines. Using the Screen Painter, rename the frame text of both subscreens as follows: General data -> Purchasing data: General data General data -> Storage data: General data

Access the activity Define Structure of Data Screens for Each Screen Sequence, and do the following: a)

Create a new screen sequence, for example, with the ID ZY, by copying screen sequence 21.


Select screen sequence ZY and double-click Data screens.


With the exception of the data screens Basic Data 1 and Purchasing, delete all other data screens from screen sequence ZY


Rename the data screens as follows: Basic Data 1 -> Basic Data Purchasing -> Purchasing/Storage


Assign the maintenance status L (storage) to the data screen Purchasing/Storage in addition to the screen's present maintenance status E (purchasing) since the screen now contains purchasing fields and storage fields.


Select the data screen Basic Data and double-click Subscreens. View the data screen and identify the subscreen assignments you want to delete by counting from top to bottom. In this case, seven subscreens appear on the screen. Delete the third, fifth, sixth, and seventh.


Select the data screen Purchasing/Storage and double-click Subscreens. Configure the data screen so that it contains the following subscreen assignments. (Subscreen SAPLMGD1 1005 is required because it contains the organizational level Storage location in addition to Plant. Program SAPLMGD1 SAPLYENTERPRISE SAPLYENTERPRISE SAPLMGD1 SAPLMGD1 SAPLMGD1

Screen 1005 (material description) 2301 (purchasing data: general data) 2701 (storage data: general data) 2302 (purchasing values) 0001 (blank subscreen) 0001 (blank subscreen)


Check the order of the two main screens in the activity Maintain Order of Main and Additional Screens.


Assign the screen sequence ZY to the purchasing agents Kirk, Scott, and McKoy in the activity Assign Screen Sequences to User/Material Type/Transaction/Industry Sector (where this example is briefly continued in the documentation).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Structure of Data Screens for Each Screen Sequence In this IMG activity, you have the following navigation levels: o


Screen sequences This overview appears when you access the IMG activity. It contains all existing screen sequences. You have the following options: -

Creating screen sequences by copying existing screen sequences You can create a new screen sequence by selecting an existing screen sequence and choosing Copy as. You are required to enter a new screen sequence ID and description, and to choose Enter. The system copies the screen sequence selected, the data screens, the subscreen assignments, and the order of the data screens.


Deleting screen sequences You can delete screen sequence(s) by selecting them as required and choosing Delete. The system deletes the screen sequence selected, the relevant data screens, and the subscreen assignments (not the subscreens themselves).


Transporting screen sequences and data screens You can transport screen sequences and/or data screens from the test system to the production system by selecting the screen sequence(s) and/or data screen(s) required and transporting them in the usual way.

Data screens This overview appears after you have selected a screen sequence and double-clicked Data screens. It contains all existing data screens for the screen sequence selected, with the exception of initial screens since they cannot be configured. One of the following screen types is assigned to each data screen: -

Main screen 1 The number of main screens in a screen sequence must not exceed 43.


Secondary screen2

You have the following options: -

Creating data screens new You can include new data screens in the screen sequence by choosing New entries. New main screens appear last in the screen order. Be sure to check the screen order in the activity Maintain Order of Main and Additional Screens, where you can change it if necessary.


Creating data screens by copying You can create a new data screen with the same parameters by selecting a data screen and choosing Copy as. After you have changed at least the screen ID and chosen Enter, the system copies the data screen selected and the subscreen assignments.


Changing existing data screens You do this by assigning different subscreens to the data screen, and/or by deleting the assignment of subscreens to the data screen (see under Subscreens below).


Deleting data screens You can delete data screens by selecting them as required and choosing Delete. The system deletes the data screen(s) selected and the subscreen assignments (not the subscreens themselves).

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Points to Consider when Maintaining Data Screens



Field placement Make sure that at least the base unit of measure and the material description can be maintained in Create mode. Since the base unit of measure must be maintained before all other units of measure, position it accordingly on the data screens. Make sure that each field cannot be maintained more than once on the data screen, that is, the same field must not occur on two different subscreens of the same data screen. If you move the Descriptions subscreen (appears on an additional screen in the standard R/3 System) to a main screen, the Description field in the header subscreen of the main screen must not allow an entry. For this reason, descriptions subscreens must have screen numbers between 8000 and 8010. Always position the MRP type before all other MRP fields, and the forecast model before all other forecasting fields.


Configuring data screens The Classification screen must be a separate screen. You can configure consumption values and forecast values only as additional screens, not as main screens.


Configuring data screens as tab pages If you want to configure a main screen or additional screen as a tab page, note the following: A data screen with 7, 8, or 9 subscreens can be replaced only by a tab page with 10 or more subscreens, and a data screen with 12 subscreens can be replaced only by a tab page with 19 subscreens. There are different tab pages for main screens and additional screens. It is recommended that you use GUI statuses without Goto or Extras menus since the navigation provided by these menus is replaced by the tab pages. Instead of these menus, the GUI statuses DATE00 and DATELT00 for the main screens contain an Extras pushbutton. It is not possible to configure special screens such as Status Information and special additional screens (recognizable by GUI status DIALxxxx or by no GUI status and subscreen container 0001) as tab pages.


Accessing secondary screens Define whether new secondary screens are to be accessed as an additional screen or by pushbutton. You do this in the activity Assign Secondary Screens.


Preventing runtime errors Choose the maintenance status of a screen in accordance with the fields on the screen (on all subscreens); that is, each field on the screen must have at least one of the maintenance statuses that the screen itself has. If they do not, an abend will occur when maintaining data on the nonconforming screen. For example, if you include field MARA-BSTME (order unit) on the Basic Data screen, you must also assign status E (purchasing) to this screen. You can view the maintenance status(es) assigned to a field in Customizing for the Material Master in the activity Assign Fields to Field Selection Groups. For all screens, use only the GUI statuses maintained for the main program (SAPLMGMM for industry, SAPLMGMW for retail).

Subscreens This overview appears after you have selected a data screen and double-clicked Subscreens. It contains all the subscreens assigned to the data screen for a particular screen sequence. You have the following options: -

Including new subscreens on a data screen

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You do this by selecting the subscreen above which you want to insert the new subscreen, and choosing New entries. However, this is possible only if the subscreen container contains at least one blank subscreen (a subscreen with the number 0001). -

Shifting subscreens on a data screen


Deleting subscreen assignments You can delete the assignment of a subscreen to a data screen by selecting the subscreen and choosing Delete. The system replaces the deleted subscreen assignment with a blank subscreen.


Viewing the data screen Simulates the data screen as it appears in the material master.


Viewing the subscreen You can simulate an individual subscreen as it appears on the respective data screen in the material master by selecting it and choosing View subscreen.

Points to Consider when Maintaining Subscreens -

Treatment of blank subscreen areas Fill any blank subscreen areas in subscreen containers with a blank subscreen. The blank subscreen must have the screen number 0001 and, for performance reasons, should belong to the same program as the other subscreens on the data screen.


Performance considerations To improve performance, choose the subscreens of a data screen from one program where possible.


Subscreens for maintaining long texts Do not assign more than one long text maintenance subscreen to a single data screen.

Activities After configuring the material master, be sure to test it using the following functions: o

Create material


Change material


Display material

You must be able to save your data without an error message. Note on Transport After changing a screen sequence or data screen, transport the screen sequence. Assign Secondary Screens In this IMG activity, you do the following for each screen sequence: o

Define whether a secondary screen appears as an additional screen or is accessed by pushbutton from another main screen or additional screen

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Defining a secondary screen as an additional screen Choose Add to additional screens. The system assigns the next free number to the additional screen automatically.


Defining that a secondary screen is accessed by pushbutton Choose Create pushbutton function code or enter a four-character pushbutton function code yourself with the prefix PB followed by 2 numbers. The pushbutton function code must not already exist for this screen sequence. Also assign the pushbutton function code to the pushbutton in the Screen Painter.

If a secondary screen appears as an additional screen, and you decide you want to access it by pushbutton instead, or vice versa, delete the number of the additional screen or pushbutton function code, and redefine the secondary screen as described above. It is also possible to define a secondary screen as an additional screen, and to define that it is also accessed by pushbutton, though this is seldom necessary. o

Assign a processing routine to the secondary screen (if required) This processing routine is executed when the secondary screen is accessed. Note on transport

After assigning secondary screens within a screen sequence, transport the screen sequence. Maintain Order of Main and Additional Screens In this IMG activity, you maintain the order in which main screens appear in the Select View(s) dialog box when maintaining material master records, and the order in which main screens and additional screens appear as tab pages. You do this for each screen sequence. The order is indicated by a consecutive number next to the screen. You can change the screen order by changing the consecutive number and saving your data. To view the screens in the new screen order, choose Sort main screens or Sort additional screens respectively. Example Your screen sequence contains the screens Basic Data, MRP, and Purchasing with the consecutive numbers 10, 20, and 30 respectively. You want the Purchasing screen to appear before the MRP screen in the screen order. As a result, you change the consecutive number of the Purchasing screen to a number between 11 and 19. Note on Transport After maintaining the order of screens in a screen sequence, transport the screen sequence.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Screen Sequences to User/Material Type/Transaction/In In this IMG activity, you can assign a screen sequence to a combination of one or more transactions, users, material types, or industry sectors. As a result, this screen sequence appears automatically for the respective user(s) when the transaction, material type, or industry sector is chosen. At screen sequence control level, you have the following options: o

Assigning a different screen sequence to an existing combination of transactions, users, material types, and/or industry sectors Example You want to replace standard screen sequence 21 (valid for all users, material types, and industry sectors) with a screen sequence of your own, for example, Z1. You do this by locating the following combination at screen sequence control level and overtyping screen sequence 21 with Z1. Transaction

User Material type Industry sector






Screen sequence


Assigning a screen sequence to one or more new combinations of transactions, users, material types, and/or industry sectors by choosing New entries This requires you to first create groups of transactions, users, material types, or industry sectors by assigning them to a transaction screen reference, user screen reference, material type screen reference, or industry sector screen reference as required. The screen reference is a freely definable ID. When assigning users to a user screen reference, you can include new users by choosing New entries. When assigning a screen sequence to a new combination of transactions, users, material types, and/or industry sectors, only the following combinations are allowed. You do not necessarily have to enter a specific screen reference for user, material type, or industry sector. In this case, enter * instead. The combination is not then restricted to a specific screen reference. Also indicated is the priority of the combination (1 = highest, 5 = lowest). Priority


User Material type Industry sector


























Key x = Replace with a specific screen reference * = No specific screen reference Note (retail only) When configuring the retail material master, enter * as the industry sector. Example

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You want to assign a specific screen sequence, for example, ZY, to users Kirk, Scott, and McKoy. This requires you to first assign these users to the same screen reference, say GR. At screen sequence control level, you then choose New entries and enter the following combination: Transaction

User Material type Industry sector





Screen sequence

ZY Define How Maintenance Statuses Are Determined in Data Trans In this IMG activity, you define how the maintenance statuses of a material are determined in data transfer. You can assign a maintenance status determination type to each screen sequence. Create Program for Customized Subscreens In this IMG activity, you can create a function group of your own by copying function group MGD1 (for industry) or function group MGD2 (for retail). The subscreens are not copied, except for two subscreens which are copied for technical reasons. You can use this copy to create subscreens of your own which you can assign to a data screen in the activity Define Structure of Data Screens for Each Screen Sequence. Requirements Be sure to read the program documentation first. Activities 1.

Create a function group of your own by choosing Execute.


Enter a name containing up to 25 characters, beginning with the letter Y or Z, and choose Save.


Access the Object Navigator. You do this from the SAP standard menu by choosing Tools -> ABAP Workbench, and then Object Navigator.


Display either program SAPLMGD1 (industry) or SAPLMGD2 (retail) as required.


Copy the subscreens as required, ensuring that they already contain as many as possible of the field names you want to use in your function group. You do this as follows: a)

Choose Screens, position the cursor on the corresponding subscreen, and choose Copy in the context menu.


Enter the program to which you want to copy the subscreen, prefixing it with SAPL, and enter a screen number. Use the screen number of the original subscreen where possible. If the F1 help is specific to a particular subscreen, this ensures that this context-specific help continues to be displayed. Example You have called your function group YENTERPRISE, to which you want to copy subscreen

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SAPLMGD1 2301. Enter SAPLYENTERPRISE as the program to which the subscreen is to be copied, and enter (preferably) 2301 as the screen number. 6.

Return to the initial screen of the Object Navigator and display your program. In the example above, you would enter SAPLYENTERPRISE.


Choose Update object list.


Select the subscreen you have copied and activate it by choosing Activate in the context menu. Using the Screen Painter, you can remove fields you do not require on the subscreen or include additional fields from other subscreens (see the ABAP Dictionary). For information on the Screen Painter, see the R/3 library documentation BC ABAP Workbench Tools. Points to consider when removing or adding fields



Make sure that a field statement exists for each field on the subscreen since data may not otherwise be transported correctly. You can use subscreen SAPLMGD1 2002 as an example.


For the fields you have added, include any check modules and modules for self-programmed F4 help that are called up for these fields on the original subscreen. You can do this by displaying the flow logic for the original subscreen and searching for such modules. They normally have the same names as the fields themselves. When you find a module, copy the corresponding module call to your subscreen.


If you change the order in which fields are transported that are checked together in the flow logic (such as the safety stock and minimum safety stock), you must deactivate the check module for the first field and activate it for the second. The system would otherwise transport the first field, and carry out the check before the second field is transported.


Any error messages that fields are unknown when activating the subscreen are due to the fields still being included in checks, even though you have removed the fields from the subscreen. Search for the fields in the source code and make the lines in which they appear comment lines. Then reactivate the screen.

Assign the subscreen to a data screen as required. Note on transport

Use the Workbench Organizer to transport the copy you have created. Proceed Maintain User Settings In this IMG activity, you can define the following defaults for each user: o

Industry sector Here, you can define that a particular industry sector is proposed whenever the user creates a material master record. This setting cannot be made for the material master for retail since retail is itself the industry sector.


Organizational levels

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Here, you can define for a combination of user and screen sequence the organizational levels that are proposed whenever the user creates, changes, or displays a material master record, and the organizational levels and profiles that are proposed whenever the user creates a material master record. o

Views that are preselected in the Select View(s) dialog box Here, you can define for a combination of user and screen sequence that certain views appear as preselected in the Select View(s) dialog box.

1.1.2 Field Selection In this section, you carry out the following activities: o

Define whether a field is hidden or displayed, or whether an entry is mandatory or optional in material master maintenance by assigning the field to a field selection group


Create and maintain field references


Define industry sectors and industry-sector-specific field selection


Define plant-specific field selection and screen selection Assign Fields to Field Selection Groups To define whether a field is hidden or displayed, or whether an entry is mandatory or optional in material master maintenance, you must assign the field to a field selection group. You may assign a field to one field selection group only. Before including customer-defined fields in a field selection group together with standard fields, or assigning standard fields to a different field selection group, familiarize yourself with the assignment of fields to field selection groups in the standard R/3 System. Standard Settings The values of the field selection groups have been preassigned as follows: o

001-110 Material master for industry


111-120 Reserved for customers (except where the values are already in use)


121-150 Material master for industry


151-210 Material master for retail


211-240 Reserved for customers Recommendation

If possible, use the setting in the standard R/3 System. No further action is then required. If you want to make individual fields inaccessible, the easiest way is to group them together in a single field selection group and to set it to Display or Hide.

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Activities 1.

Check the setting in the standard R/3 System. For this, you need to know the data screen on which the relevant field appears in the material master, and the name of the screen field, for example, MARA-MEINS in the case of the base unit of measure.


If necessary, change the assignment of fields to field selection groups as required. Further Notes

In the case of long texts, you define whether the entire screen is hidden or displayed, or whether entries are mandatory or optional. For this reason, each screen has been assigned to one of the following dummy fields: o

LTEXT_BEST Purchase order text




LTEXT_IVER Internal comment


LTEXT_PRUE Inspection text


LTEXT_VERTSales text

Basic data text Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens In this IMG activity, you create and maintain field references. You can see where a field reference is used by choosing Where-used list. Activities Define or change the field references as required (except for field references with the prefix SAP which must not be changed). New field references must begin with Y or Z. Changing the Field Selection Options for a Field Selection Group 1.

Specify the field selection group.


Select the field selection option (hide, display, required entry, or optional entry) for each field reference as required.


Save your data.

Creating a Field Reference 1.

Choose New entries.


Specify a field reference beginning with Y or Z.


Select the field selection option for each field selection group as required.


Save your data.

Changing a Field Reference 1.

Double-click the relevant field reference.

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Change the field selection option for each field selection group as required.


Save your data. Define Industry Sectors and Industry-Sector-Specific Field S In this step, you check the industry sectors and, if necessary, create new ones. You use the industry sector to determine which fields require an entry when maintaining material master data and which fields do not (an entry being optional in this case). Standard Settings The standard SAP R/3 System comes, for example, with the following industry sectors: o

A for plant engineering and construction


C for the chemical industry


M for mechanical engineering


P for pharmaceuticals

You can change the name of the industry sector (plant engineering and construction, and so on) and, if necessary, the field input control too (via the field reference). Actions 1.

Check the existing industry sectors.


If necessary, change the texts.


If necessary, change the field input control via the field reference.


Then use the field reference to control field selection. Note

You must first create new field references in the step Maintain data screen field selection. Additional Information Conventions for field selection control Priority 1. 2. 3. 4.

Function Hide Display Required field Optional field

Character * + .

Possible field control combinations The table below shows the possible entries for field selection. The points of intersection show the results of

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the field selection combinations. Hide Display Required field Optional field Hide Display * * * Required field * + + Optional field * + . Define Plant-Specific Field Selection and Plant-Specific Scr In this IMG activity, you can o

define the input attributes of the fields in material master records differently for each plant


restrict the maintenance statuses allowed for each plant Standard Settings

All plants are treated identically in the standard SAP R/3 System. Note o

You do not need to make any entries for your plants if the same screen selection is going to apply to all plants.


When configuring the maintenance status, make sure that only plant-specific views can be hidden. Since the Basic Data view and Classification view are not plant-specific, they should not be hidden. Actions


If you want to control the input attributes by plant, you must define new field references (for example, 0002 instead of 0001).


Create the new field reference in the field control string.


Now use the field reference to control field selection. Note

You must first create new field references in the IMG activity Maintain data screen field selection. Additional Information Conventions for field selection control Priority 1. 2. 3. 4.

Function Hide Display Required field Optional field

Character * + .

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Possible field control combinations Shown horizontally and vertically below are the individual possible entries for field selection. The point of intersection shows the result of combining the field selection. Hide Display Required field Optional field Hide Display * * * Required field * + + Optional field * + . Define Lock-Relevant Fields This function can be used only for the material master for industry, not for the material master for retail. You use it to define which fields in the material master are lock-relevant. If a material is locked in material master maintenance, the fields flagged in this activity as lock-relevant can no longer be changed. In test systems, you can set fields flagged as lock-relevant to non-lock-relevant at any time. You do this by cancelling the Lock-relevant indicator. In production systems, you can do this only if there are no locked materials in the system. If locked materials already exist, you can only flag further fields as lock-relevant. If you flag a field as lock-relevant, and changes have already been scheduled for this field in a locked material master record, the scheduled changes are lost. For a quick overview, you can restrict the fields displayed in this activity to those you have already flagged as lock-relevant. Alternatively, you can display only fields that are not flagged as lock-relevant, or you can display both. Standard Settings No fields are flagged as lock-relevant in the standard system.

1.1.3 Basic Settings In this section, you carry out the activities listed below. However, be sure to read the documentation for each activity beforehand. Define Output Format of Material Numbers In this IMG activity, you define the following: o

Input and output length of material numbers A material number can have a maximum of 18 characters.


Template for displaying or printing material numbers You indicate with an underscore any position in the material number that you do not want to contain a

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template character. o

Form in which material numbers are stored


Output with or without leading zeros

You can make these definitions for each client. Activities 1.

Define the length of your material numbers.


If required, define a material number template.


Specify the form in which you wish to store your material numbers. For information on how to use the Lexicographical indicator, be sure to read the corresponding documentation.


Specify whether your material numbers are to contain leading zeros. Note If the Lexicographical indicator is set, the system ignores the setting of the Leading zeros indicator. Make Global Settings In this IMG activity, you make the following global settings: o

How the administrative data for technical data (table MSTA) is updated when material master records are processed Documentation


Standard document type for design drawings if your company uses the document management system Documentation


Standard country in retail Documentation


RFC destination used to access the external purchasing catalog or search help function module MATERIAL_FIND Documentation


Whether the administrative data for a material is updated asynchronously for outstanding maintenance statuses (table MOFF) and for technical data (table MSTA) when transferring data in the background Documentation


What materials may be used as a reference, for example, whether the consumption values of another material may be used as a basis for forecasting. If you decide not to use a particular reference material, that is, to cancel the indicator for the material concerned, the corresponding fields are hidden in the material master. The system can also dispense with certain checks, thus improving performance. You can set the indicator again at any time. Note If you decide not to use a particular reference material, the system checks whether it has already been used as a reference. If it has, a where-used list is displayed and the indicator cannot be cancelled.

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Actions Make your global settings as required. Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management In this IMG activity, you maintain your company codes. There are two situations in which you do this: o

When setting up company codes for materials management


When changing the Allow backposting or Disallow backposting indicators

To create a material master record, the control record must exist for the company code for which you want to create your master record. To set up a company code, enter the current period here. Alternatively, you can do this with the period closing program. Note To initialize company codes during productive operation, you have to use the period closing program. Material Types In this section, you carry out the activities listed below. However, be sure to read the documentation for each activity beforehand. Define Attributes of Material Types Whenever you create a material master record, you must assign it to a material type. This requires you to first define the attributes of each material type. You do this in this IMG activity. Material types are used in the following neighboring areas, where they are also configured in Customizing: o

Profit Center Accounting


Product Cost Planning


Sales and Distribution (availability check)


Valuation and Account Assignment (valuation classes)


Production: -

Bills of material



Consult with these areas if necessary.

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Activities You have the following options: o

Customizing the existing material types in the R/3 System if necessary You do this by selecting the material type and choosing Details.


Creating new material types You do this by copying an existing material type.

In each case, define the attributes of each material type as required. Note You can also maintain the price control for the material type in Customizing for Valuation and Account Assignment in the activity Define Price Control for Material Types. For each material type, you can allow movements in quantity to be updated in all valuation areas, in some valuation areas, or in none. Likewise, you can allow value flows to be updated in all valuation areas, in some valuation areas, or in none. Once you have maintained the material types, define the number ranges for each material type. Further Notes SAP library LO Material Master -> Material Types Assign Material Types to Special "Create" Transactions In this Implementation Guide (IMG) activity, you can assign your own material types to special "create" transactions (such as Create raw material and Create semifinished product) that allow you to create material master records of a particular material type directly, that is, from the Material Master screen, without having to specify the material type on the initial screen. Requirements You have defined the material type that you want to assign to the special "create" transaction in the activity Define attributes of material types. Standard Settings In the standard R/3 System, standard material types (such as ROH and HALB) are already assigned to special "create" transactions. Example You define the material type MRO with the description Maintenance, repair, and operating supplies and assign it to the transaction group I with the material type description Operating supplies by overwriting the standard material type HIBE.

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Note The menu option that appears on the Material Master screen (and in other menus) is not changed. In our example here, the menu path continues to be Material -> Create (special) -> Operating supplies. Activities Check the assignments of material types to special "create" transactions in the standard R/3 System and, if necessary, change them as required. Define Number Ranges for Each Material Type In this step, you define the type of number assignment and the number range intervals for material master records. When creating a material master record, you must assign it a unique number. There are two ways of doing this: o

internal number assignment In this case, a number within the number range interval allowed is assigned by the SAP R/3 System.


external number assignment Here, the user assigns a number within the number range interval allowed. You can define the intervals for external number assignment numerically and alphanumerically.

You define the number range intervals for so-called groups. You assign one or more material types to each group. o

If you assign just one material type to a group, you can define both an internal and an external number range interval for the material type.


If you group together more than one material type, you can define an internal and an external number range interval here too. This allows several material types to have the same number range intervals.

In the step Define attributes of material types, you have defined as an attribute of the material type whether, with external number assignment, a check is to be made against the number range. Recommendation SAP recommends using internal number assignment. Since you can use matchcodes to select materials according to any desired criteria, it is not normally necessary to use a mnemonic external number. However, external number assignment can be advantageous if you want to use your materials not only in the SAP R/3 System. Here too, for example, the field Old material number and a relevant matchcode is available in the standard SAP R/3 System. Actions 1.

Assign each material type to a group. Remember that you can also group together more than one material type.


Define the number range intervals for each group.

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Note If you have not assigned a particular material type to a group, you can only use it if, in the material type, you allow external number assignment without a check against the number range. Notes on Transport Number range objects can be transported as follows: On the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Make sure that all intervals of the number range object chosen are first deleted in the target system so that, after the import, only the intervals exported exist. The current number levels are imported with the value that they have at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Define Attributes of System Messages When processing material master records, the system issues a number of system messages containing important user information. In this activity, you define how the R/3 System handles these messages. You have the following options: o

The message can be suppressed.


The message can be displayed as a warning.


The message can be displayed as an error message. In this case, you can only continue after correcting your entry. Activities

Assign a message category to each message. Note Only message version 00 is used for these configurable messages. As a result, it is not possible to assign different message categories for different users to these messages. Retail only: Before putting the material master into operation, you must change the message category to E for the following EAN messages to prevent data inconsistencies. o

M3 348


M3 818

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1.1.4 Settings for Key Fields In this section, you carry out the activities listed below. However, be sure to read the documentation for each activity beforehand. Define Material Groups In this IMG activity, you define material groups to group together materials with the same attributes or purpose. You can use material groups to: o

Limit the scope of analyses


Systematically search for material master records via matchcodes Note

In the R/3 component Sales and Distribution (SD), you can assign material groups to divisions. Actions 1.

Define your material groups.


Assign each material to a material group. Maintain External Material Groups In this step you can assign a material to an external material group, or to a material group that was created using externally-defined (non-SAP) structures. Example You can, for example, specify the CCG material group or the Nielsen material group here. Define Divisions In this IMG activity, you define the divisions at your company. You use divisions to group together materials, products, or services. The system uses the division to determine the sales areas and business areas to which a material, product, or service is assigned. Note In the R/3 application component Sales and Distribution (SD), the division is an organizational entity

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responsible for selling particular products or for the profit made on them. Recommendation You should define divisions for products only after consulting your Sales and Distribution department. Actions To define a division, enter the following information: o

two-character, alphanumeric key


name Define Material Statuses In this step, you define the material status as well as the characteristics of the individual material statuses. The material status determines how a material is handled in different applications and in business operations (for example, purchasing, materials planning, usage in bills of material, and so on). For each material, you can set a material status in the corresponding material master record. If a material has a material status, the system will issue either a warning or an error message (depending on which status you have chosen) if the material is used. Example Material status assignment You want to designate a material as a material to be discontinued. In the master record, you give the material a status whose parameters have the following settings: Parameters: Purchasing MRP

"B" = error message "A" = warning

Inventory Management

" " = no message

If the material is used, this parameter assignment has the following effect: o

You can perform no further purchasing function for the material; for example, you can enter no further purchase order for the material. In this instance, you are given a corresponding error message.


If you plan requirements for the material, you are warned that the material is one to be discontinued.


You can continue to withdraw the material from stores; no message is given. Actions


Define your material statuses.


On the Details screen, define the characteristic of the individual material statuses. You do so by

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positioning the cursor on the corresponding line and pressing F2. The details screen for the respective line appears. Note You can use a separate status management function in the Sales view on the material. Define Laboratories and Offices In this IMG activity, you define the laboratories/offices allowed. The field "Laboratory/office" in the material master record is normally required if the material is a chemical component. This field is maintained in the Basic Data view on a material master record. Actions Define your laboratories and offices. Define Basic Materials In this IMG activity, you can enter the basic materials that are allowed for materials in your system. When you maintain a material master record, any basic material that you specify on the Basic Data screen in the standard R/3 System is checked against the basic materials you enter here. Note The basic material specified in the material master does not have a control function. If the basic material is not listed here, the system responds in one of the following ways (which you can define in Customizing for the Material Master in the activity Define attributes of system messages): o

It issues a warning message or an error message telling you that the basic material does not exist. In the case of an error message, you must specify one of the basic materials listed here.


It does not issue any message. In this case, you do not need to specify one of the basic materials listed here. Recommendation

It is useful to specify the basic materials allowed if you want to refer to them in programs of your own and you need to be certain that, for example, there are no differences in their spelling. Define Storage Conditions In this IMG activity, you define the storage conditions for your materials. In the Storage conditions field in

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the material master, you can then specify one of the storage conditions you have defined here. In the standard R/3 System, this field appears on the General Plant Data / Storage screen in the material master for industry, and on the Basic Data screen in the material master for retail. In both instances, the storage conditions apply to all the storage locations in which the material is stored. Activities Define your storage conditions. Define Temperature Conditions In this step, you define the temperature conditions under which your materials are to be stored. If a material needs to be stored at a particular temperature, this is indicated in the "Temp. conditions" field in its master record. This field is maintained in the Storage view on the material master record. Actions Define your temperature conditions. Define Container Requirements In this step, you define the type of container in which the material is stored and shipped. This field is maintained in the Storage view on the material master record. Actions Define your container requirements. Define Units of Measure Groups In this step, you can group together existing units of measure. You can store units of measure groups in a material master record. If you specify a units of measure group on the units of measure screen when maintaining material master records, all the units in this group will be copied to the material using the conversion factor assigned. The conversion factors relate to the material's base unit of measure. Actions If you want to access units of measure groups when maintaining material master records, group together the required units with the relevant conversion factors.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ International Article Numbers (EANs) In this section, you configure International Article Numbers (EANs). EANs are managed in material master maintenance. Note Perishables EANs, weight EANs, and Standard Article Numbers (SANs) are normally required only for certain types of commercially sold foods. Define Number Ranges for EANs/UPCs In this IMG activity, you define the number range intervals for International Article Numbers (EANs). For each interval, you define whether numbers are assigned externally or internally. Be sure to enter 18-character number range intervals, that is, with leading zeros if necessary, since the system will otherwise interpret your entry as left-justified. This applies to all number range objects in the system. Example If you enter ABCD, the system will interpret your entry as ABCD______________. However, if you want the system to interpret your entry as right-justified, you must enter 00000000000000ABCD. Note After defining the individual number range intervals, you must assign an EAN category to each interval in the IMG activity Define attributes of EANs. Each time a number is assigned, the system automatically updates the number level. You can use this IMG activity to correct the number level manually. If you want to assign a number range interval to an EAN whose last digit is a check digit (for example, to conform with CCG standards for all EAN categories), you do NOT have to enter the last digit. Example You want to create an interval for 13-figure instore EANs which start with 200. You enter only the first 12 figures, leaving the 13th figure blank: From number 200000000000_

To number 200999999999_

Note To maintain number range intervals for fresh-produce EANs and weight EANs created in accordance with the CCG standard, you use the IMG activity Define number ranges for weight EANs.

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Actions 1.

Create your number range intervals.


Assign the intervals to EAN categories. Notes on Transporting Number Range Objects

You can transport number range objects as follows: On the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Please note that all intervals of the number range object chosen are first deleted in the target system so that, after importing, only the intervals exported exist. The number levels are imported with their value at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Define Number Ranges for Perishables EANs (4-Figure) In this IMG activity, you define the number range intervals for four-figure company-specific perishables EANs. Note This activity is relevant only to retail companies. Standard Settings The standard system contains the following intervals: Number 01 02

From number 0000 5000

To number 4999 9999

External number range X

Activities Create the number range intervals. Notes on Transport Number range objects can be transported as follows: On the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Make sure that all intervals of the number range object chosen are first deleted in the target system so that, after the import, only the intervals exported exist. The current number levels are imported with the value that they have at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Number Ranges for Perishables EANs (5-Figure) In this IMG activity, you define the number range intervals for five-figure company-specific perishables EANs. Note This activity is relevant only to retail companies. Standard Settings The standard system contains the following intervals: Number 01 02

From number 00000 50000

To number 49999 99999

External number range X

Activities Create the number range intervals. Notes on Transport Number range objects can be transported as follows: On the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Make sure that all intervals of the number range object chosen are first deleted in the target system so that, after the import, only the intervals exported exist. The current number levels are imported with the value that they have at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Define Prefixes for EANs/UPCs In this step, you define the prefixes for standard 13-digit EANs and short 8-digit EANs. These prefixes consist of either 2 or 3 digits. Standard Settings The standard SAP R/3 System contains all prefixes conforming with the CCG standard together with their meanings. You only need to carry out this function if the CCG defines new prefixes.

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Actions Create the new prefixes. Define Attributes of EANs/UPCs In this IMG activity, you define the individual International Article Number (EAN) categories, the description of the EAN category, and the following attributes of the EAN category: o

Number range object


Internal number range


External number range


Check-digit algorithm


Fresh produce prefix


EAN length


Alphanumeric EANs indicator Requirements

You have created the EAN prefixes. You do this in Customizing for the Material Master in the activity Define prefixes for EANs/UPCs. Non-Standard Setting for the EAN Category for UPC-E Besides the standard EAN categories, the system also supports the EAN category for UPC-E. This EAN category is a contraction of the existing EAN category for UPCs (identifier UC in the standard R/3 System). With the EAN category for UPC-E, the EAN is entered and displayed in a shortened form normally consisting of one leading zero, a six-figure EAN code, and a single-figure check digit. However, it is stored in the database in the long format like the existing EAN category for UPCs. In this IMG activity, the EAN category for UPC-E is not listed as one of the standard EAN categories since the EAN category for velocity codes (identifier VC in the standard R/3 System) can also have the same display format. The system would not otherwise be able to distinguish between the two. If you want to use the EAN category for UPC-E, you must make the following settings in this IMG activity: 1.

Either delete the EAN category for velocity codes (identifier VC) or a corresponding EAN category that you have created yourself, or adapt the number ranges used so that they do not have the same short display format as the EAN category for UPC-E. (A number range is always defined without a leading zero and without a check digit.)


Define a two-character identifier for the EAN category for UPC-E, for example, UE and enter the description.


Make the following entries: -

Number range object


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Internal number range

(no entry)


External number range

09 (standard interval from 1000000000 to 99999999999)


Check-digit algorithm



Fresh produce prefix

(no entry)


EAN length


Alphanumeric EANs indicator (not set)

8 (proposed value in accordance with the definition of a UPC-E)

Interaction between UPC-E and other EAN categories: o

Normal UPCs (identifier UC) If an EAN category also exists for normal UPCs, you must always specify the identifier for the EAN category for UPC-E when maintaining EANs with the EAN category for UPC-E in dialog mode. This ensures correct conversion to the database format by the system.


Manufacturer short EANs (identifier HK) A UPC-E has seven figures without leading zero, but with check digit. The standard EAN category for manufacturer short EANs has eight figures without leading zero, but with check digit. If you enter an EAN of the category HK without a check digit, and have the check digit determined automatically, the conversion exit used for UPC-E cannot distinguish between a UPC-E with a check digit (seven figures) and an EAN of the category HK without a check digit (also seven figures). For this reason, do not let the check digit be determined automatically for the EAN category HK if you also use UPC-E. Actions

Check the EAN categories in the standard R/3 System and, if necessary, define new ones or change the existing ones to suit your needs. If you define new EAN categories: 1.

Enter a description for the EAN category.


Specify the attributes of the EAN category. Enter SANs (Standard Article Numbers) In this IMG activity, you enter the Standard Article Numbers (SANs) allowed in your system, together with their descriptions. Note This activity is relevant only to retail companies. If, when maintaining a material master record, you specify a perishables EAN (International Article Number) or a weight EAN that contains an SAN, the system checks whether the SAN contained in the EAN has been defined in this activity. According to the CCG (Office for Coorganization) standard, an EAN containing an SAN has 13 digits and

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the prefix 26, 27, or 29. Activities Enter the SANs allowed in your system. Data Relevant to Sales and Distribution In this section, you make settings specific to Sales and Distribution for the material master. Define Product Hierarchies In this step, you define product hierarchies which you can use for statistical analysis or pricing, for example, or you can change their structure. The product hierarchy groups materials by combining different characteristics. Each characteristic is represented by a specific product hierarchy level.

Example A product hierarchy can be structured as follows: Level Example 1 00001 2 00002 3 00000003

Description Electrical appliances Household appliances Wet appliances

In this example, a dishwasher belongs to product hierarchy 000010000200000003.

Standard settings In the standard system, the product hierarchy consists of up to 3 levels. The first and second levels have 5 digits and the third level has 8. The maximum number of digits is 18 and the maximum number of levels is 9. You can define hierarchy nodes at the individual levels of the product hierarchy. From the initial screen you can branch to the following steps: o

Product hierarchy structure In the Data Dictionary, you can change the structure of the product hierarchy (e.g. the number of levels).


Data entry/display Here you define the display of the product hierarchy and the format of the accompanying text.


Product hierarchy Here you define your product hierarchies.


Field catalog for pricing Here you make fields of the product hierarchy structure available for use in pricing.


Field catalog for the Logistics Information System

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Here you make fields of the product hierarchy structure available for use in the Logistics Information System.

Actions concerning the product hierarchy structure

Structuring the product hierarchy The product hierarchy can be structured via DDIC structure PRODHS. In the standard system, a product hierarchy can be created with up to three levels. The individual levels can contain the following number of digits: Level

number of allowed digits







This can be changed as of Release 3.0, where it is possible to extend the maximum number of levels to 9. If you want to change the standard setting of PRODHS, e.g. you want to change the number of levels, proceed as follows: 1.

Create an appropriate domain in the Data Dictionary (type CHAR with the required length).


Assign these domains to the standard data elements PRODH1, PRODH2, ..., PRODH9. Please note that you should use these standard data elements.


Change the structure PRODHS by creating or deleting fields with reference to the data elements. Choose ZZPRODHN as field name, where n is the position of the field in the structure PRODHS.

Example You want to change the structure of the product hierarchy from 5/5/8 digits to 5/5/5/3. Proceed as follows: Create the following domains: ZPRODH3 with length 5, category CHAR, ZPRODH4 with length 3, category CHAR, Change structure PRODHS: -


Strucutre PRODHS in the standard system: Structure Fields Data element PRODHS -> PRODH1 PRODH2 PRODH3


Changes according to example: Structure Fields Data element Category



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Note The structure PRODHS and the data elements PRODH1, ..., PRODH9 are only provided by SAP with Release 3.0 and can be changed by the customer from this point onwards.

Conversion routines for INPUT/OUTPUT The product hierarchy can be assigned to a conversion routine. The name of the conversion routine is PRODH. The output template can be defined in Customizing (see below). The separators used in the template are not allowed for maintaining the product hierarchy nodes. Example: If the template is _____/_____/__________ The symbol "/" cannot be used when maintaining the product hierarchy nodes. In this case, the following entry would not be allowed: 123456/79012345678

Text concatenation The description of a product hierarchy can be determined via concatenation, if required. Proceed as follows: 1.

Determine the node preceding the current node


Concatenate the description of the subsequent node with the description from the preceding node.

The text concatenation is valid for the entire product hierarchy, the concatenated text has a length of 20. Text concatenation can be activated/deactivated in Customizing (see below). Note Make sure during text concatenation that the text of the product hierarchy does not come from table T179T. In this case function module RV_PRODUKTHIERARCHIE_TEXT_GET is available.

Allowed symbols for product hierarchy nodes If you have stored a template for the conversion routine, the separators in the template are not allowed. Actions concerning data entry/display You can make two settings regarding the layout of the product hierarchy and the format of the product hierarchy text:

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Enter a template for displaying the product hierarchy. This template defines the length of the individual levels and the separators. Note that the character used to separate the levels in the template cannot be used in the product hierarchy nodes.


The description of a product hierarchy node can be determined by concatenation if required. If you activate text concatenation, the text for one level is added to the description of the higher level and then output. The text of the first level appears at the beginning followed by the text of the second and third levels. Text concatenation applies to the complete product hierarchy. The concatenated text can have a maximum of 20 characters. Do not activate text concatenation if you only want to issue the description of the hierarchy levels created for these levels when the product hierarchy was defined.

Actions concerning the product hierarchy The product hierarchy can be freely defined and include up to three levels. The SAP System checks the entry in the field product hierarchy during master data maintenance and copies it to the SD document. The separators used in the template cannot be used in the product hierarchy. Note Via a matchcode you can search specifically for material master records with a product hierarchy. Analyze the product hierarchies in your organization and define their representation in the SAP System. 1.

Assign a characteristic value to the individual levels of your product hierarchy: a 5-character value to levels 1 and 2, and an 8-character value to level 3. The level number is determined automatically. A product hierarchy node encompasses a characteristic value of a maximum of 18 characters.


Enter a description for the product hierarchy.

Actions concerning the field catalog for pricing The product hierarchy can be used for functions in pricing. Then the fields of the product hierarchy structure must be entered into the field catalog for pricing. Enter the fields of the product hierarchy in the field catalog.

Actions concerning the field catalog for Logistics Controlling The product hierarchy can be used for statistical analyses in the Logistics Information System. The fields of the product hierarchy structure must then be entered in a field catalog for the Logistics Information System. Enter the product hierarchy in a field catalog. You can refer to field catalog 'VPHI', which displays the standard settings.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Sales Statuses In this step, you define the material statuses that a material can have in Sales and Distribution. You also define how the system responds when entering a sales and distribution document with this material. You can use the material status, for example, to prevent orders from being entered for parts to be discontinued. Actions 1.

Check to what extent you can adopt the settings contained in the standard SAP R/3 System.


To do so, find out what statuses a material can have at your company and to what extent this material may be used in Sales and Distribution.


Adapt the existing statuses to your requirements.


If necessary, add further statuses to the table: For each material status, enter an alphanumeric key with up to 2 characters and a description.


For the individual sales and distribution documents (such as inquiry, order, delivery, and so on), define how the system is to respond when entering the material:



no dialog


warning when entering the document


error message (that is, the sales and distribution document cannot be entered on the basis of the material status)

Make sure that the "Sales status" field is maintained for the materials concerned in the material master record's sales data. Define Material Groups In this IMG activity, you define material groups that you can use on the Sales screen when maintaining a material master record. Since these material groups are not used in the standard SAP R/3 System, you can use them as required, for example, for analyses. Note These material groups have nothing to do with the material group used in pricing. Define Commission Groups In this IMG activity, you define commission groups. You can use them for pricing and for your own evaluations in sales documents and billing documents.

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Note The term "provision group" is derived from provision processing in Sales and Distribution which is planned but not yet realized. When provision processing is provided in the standard system, you should check your usage of the field against the standard usage.

1.1.5 Tools In this section, you carry out the activities listed below. However, be sure to read the documentation for each activity beforehand. Maintain Authorizations and Authorization Profiles In this IMG activity, you can: o

Check the authorization objects defined for individual material master functions in the standard R/3 System, and create or change authorizations for these objects


Check the authorization profiles defined in the standard R/3 System, and create new ones as required Note It is not possible to change the existing SAP-defined authorization profiles in the standard R/3 System.

The following list shows which authorization objects are checked for each material master function. Functions... Create, display, change material, display change documents

Authorization object M_MATE_BUK (Company code) M_MATE_LGN (Warehouse number) M_MATE_MAN (Data at client level) M_MATE_MAR (Material type) M_MATE_MAT (Material) M_MATE_MEX (Foreign trade) M_MATE_MZP (Customs tariff pref. data) M_MATE_NEU (Create) M_MATE_STA (Maintenance status) M_MATE_VKO (Sales org./distr. channel) M_MATE_WGR (Material group) M_MATE_WRK (Plant)

Change material type

M_MATE_MAR (Material type) M_MATE_MAT (Material) M_MATE_STA (Maintenance status) M_MATE_WGR (Material group)

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Flag for deletion

M_MATE_BUK (Company code) M_MATE_LGN (Warehouse number) M_MATE_MAN (Data at client level) M_MATE_MAR (Material type) M_MATE_MAT (Material) M_MATE_STA (Maintenance status) M_MATE_VKO (Sales org./distr. channel) M_MATE_WGR (Material group) M_MATE_WRK (Plant)

Create, display, change, delete profiles

M_MATE_DPR (MRP profile) M_MATE_PPR (Forecast profile) M_MATE_STA (Maintenance status)

Create, display, change batches, display change documents

M_MATE_CHG (Batches) M_MATE_STA (Maintenance status) M_MATE_WRK (Plant) M_MATE_ZST (Change status)

Stock overview

M_MATE_BUK (Company code) M_MATE_WRK (Plant)

Close period, allow posting to previous period

M_MATE_PER (Period closing program)

Extend materials

M_MATE_STA (Maintenance status)

Materials list

M_MATE_BUK (Company code) M_MATE_STA (Maintenance status) M_MATE_WRK (Plant)

Enter storage locations collectively

M_MATE_MAR (Material type) M_MATE_MAT (Material) M_MATE_STA (Maintenance status) M_MATE_WGR (Material group) M_MATE_WRK (Plant)

Standard Settings In the standard R/3 System, authorizations are defined for all authorization objects in the material master. In the standard R/3 System, the authorization profile containing all maintenance authorizations for the material master is M_MATE_ALL. The authorizations in this profile allow data to be maintained and displayed for all organization units. This step is used to create Activity groups an generate authorization profiles using the Profile Generator.

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Activities To assign an authorization profile to a user, do the following: 1.

Create an activity group


Enter a description


Select transactions


Create and edit authorizations


Assigns users and compare the user master (in doing so, the profile is entered in the user's master record)


Transport activity groups, if desired

Detailed documentation For more information about the procedures, see transaction documentation See also the general documentation on the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. Choose: Basis Components -> Computing Center Management System -> Users and Authorizations -> The Profile Generator In the Implementation Guide (IMG), choose: Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Maintain Authorizations and Profiles using Profile Generator Note You can also use authorization profiles you created manually or were delivered by SAP, in activity groups. You can create an activity group without a menu and include the corresponding profile in the authorization data of the activity group. In the fourth step, choose "Edit -> Add authorization -> From profile" to add the authorization profile data to the activity group. Notes on transport See the documentation for transaction PFCG. Data Transfer: Material Master In this section, you define how material master data for industry is transferred from other data processing systems (for example, from legacy systems). Note Besides direct input, you can also transfer data by Application Link Enabling (ALE). Material master data for retail can be transferred only by ALE. For more information, see the following documentation in the SAP library: o


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LO Material Master -> Transfer and Distribution of Material Master Data o

Retail LO SAP Retail -> Articles: Transfer and Distribution of Master Data Define Required-Field Check for ALE/Direct Input In this IMG activity, you define how the material master for industry is updated if required fields not belonging to the core maintenance status do not contain entries. For the material master for retail, this setting is of no relevance since the required fields must always be checked. The setting you make only affects the following: o

Processing by direct input When you transfer data by direct input, the setting you make here is proposed as a default.


Inbound processing in ALE When you distribute data by ALE, the setting you make here appears as a fixed setting; that is, it cannot be changed.

Maintenance online is not affected by this setting. Activities Define whether the indicator is to be set or not. Further Notes For more information, see the documentation for the Check required fields indicator. Data Transfer Workbench: Material Master (Direct Input) The data transfer workbench is a central transaction for transferring data from a legacy system to the R/3 System automatically. It provides the tools necessary for initial data transfer and also for regular data transfer. You can use the data transfer workbench to transfer industry material master data by direct input. However, be sure to read the relevant SAP library documentation first. It gives a step-by-step description of how to transfer data, and also tells you what material-master-specific points you must observe. In the SAP library, you can access this documentation by choosing CA Data Transfer Workbench -> LO Logistics General -> LO Material Master Data: Data Transfer Workbench. Note for Retail Retail article master data can be transferred only by Application Link Enabling (ALE), not by direct input. For more information, see Articles: Transfer and Distribution of Master Data in the SAP library documentation LO SAP Retail.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Set Up Administrative Data at a Later Stage In this IMG activity, you set up the administrative data for outstanding maintenance statuses (table MOFF) and for technical data (table MSTA) if this data was not created synchronously when transferring material master data by direct input. This data is not created synchronously if the corresponding indicator is set (see the documentation referred to below). Requirements Before proceeding with this IMG activity, be sure to read the documentation for program RMMMVERW. This is the program that is run in this IMG activity. Activities Set up the administrative data if it has not been created synchronously. Note on transport A transport link is not necessary for this function since it does not change Customizing data. Define Start Time of Background Jobs In this step, you set the time at which you want to run the background job for adapting materials to MRP profile changes and forecast profile changes. The job will run within the next 24 hours at the specified time. Actions 1.

Check the standard setting.


If necessary, set a new time. Maintain Search Helps In this IMG activity, you can change the existing search helps for material master records and/or create new ones. However, be sure to read the information on how search helps are set up in the R/3 System, and the information on creating and maintaining search helps first. This information is contained in the R/3 library documentation BC ABAP Dictionary. Since a technical knowledge of the ABAP Dictionary is required to perform this task, search helps should be maintained only by your system administrator. Note Search helps are valid for all clients.

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Standard Settings The following elementary search helps are assigned to the collective search help for the material number. Search help ID A B C E F H I K L M N P R S T V W

Search method Old material number Bills of material Materials transferred from a CAD system Competitors (in the case of competitive products) Material descriptions / groupings (for production resources/tools) General product hierarchy (for materials created at distribution chain level Vendor article numbers Classes Material groups Material descriptions International Article Numbers (EANs) Product hierarchies Standard task lists Material descriptions (for materials created at distribution chain level Material types Supply areas Material descriptions (for materials created at plant level

Actions 1.

Check the search helps in the standard R/3 System.


Extend the collective search help MAT1 for the material number to include new search help IDs as required. If you want to create a new search help for finding a material by the material description, use field MAKT-MAKTG since the system will not then differentiate between upper and lower case.


Deactivate any search helps you do not require. Reset Test Data The program deletes all of the current client's material data that you can process using the functions Create material or Change material. The data is deleted without being archived. The program deletes the following information:

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assignments to classification data and document data, as well as the relevant change documents


long texts, forecast values and consumption values, and the sales conditions that are maintained via material master maintenance


assignments to routings and bills of material, but not the routing data or bill of material data itself


all batch data and special stock data


Number ranges for material number assignment, for EAN assignment, as well as for forecast data are also reset. Important All other objects assigned to a material such as material documents and purchasing documents are not deleted.

The parameter Test must not be set on the initial screen of this function if you want to delete the materials. Further Notes Note Regarding Transport There is no point in providing a transport link for this function since it does not change any Customizing data. Initialize Period In this IMG activity, you can initialize the period in material master records. Further Notes Be sure to read the documentation for program RMMMINIT first.

1.1.6 Enhancements Here, you can implement customer-specific enhancements defined either by customer enhancements or business add-ins. Influence Number Assignment (Industry and Retail) You can use enhancement MGA00002 (for industry) or enhancement MGW00002 (for retail) for this. For more information, see the documentation for the following components assigned to these enhancements: o


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Retail -

EXIT_SAPLMG72_001 With the exception of the transfer structure, this function is identical to customer enhancement MGA00002 for material number assignment for the material master for industry. Please see customer enhancement MGA00002 for more information and for sample coding.


EXIT_SAPLMG72_002 With the exception of the transfer structure, this function is identical to customer enhancement MGA00002 for material number assignment for the material master for industry. Please see customer enhancement MGA00002 for more information and for sample coding.


EXIT_SAPLMGNK_003 Influence Number Display (Industry and Retail) You can use enhancement MGA00003 for this. Supplement or Change Default Data (Industry) The business add-in BADI_MATERIAL_REF can be used to create default data of your own for a material. For example, it can be used to propose material data from certain tables of your own. It can be used only for the material master for industry, not for the material master for retail. When a material master record is created or extended in the standard R/3 System, default data is essentially determined from Customizing tables and from a reference material (if one has been specified). This default data is proposed on the views maintained in the material master record. However, you may want the values for certain data fields to be proposed differently from the standard R/3 System, or you may also want values to be proposed for data fields for which values are not proposed in the standard R/3 System. Default data is created in dialog mode and also during data transfer (though default data is not proposed from the reference material in data transfer). The business add-in BADI_MATERIAL_REF runs in dialog mode and in data transfer. This means that default data of your own is also determined during data transfer. In data transfer, the default data is proposed before the data explicitly transferred for the material is merged so that default values are overwritten if specific values are transferred. For more information, see the documentation belonging to business add-in BADI_MATERIAL_REF. Extend Checks and Change Selected Data (Industry) You can use enhancement MGA00001 (industry only) for this. For more information, see the documentation for the following components assigned to this enhancement:

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1.1.7 Retail-Specific Settings In this step, you make the retail-specific settings in the material master. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Settings for Key Fields In this section, you carry out the activities listed below. However, be sure to read the documentation for each activity beforehand. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Maintain Categories of Seasonal Materials In this step you define seasonal material categories. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Material Status for Retail Functions In this step you configure how the system reacts when a material that is blocked for specific functions within a distributiob chain is used. Example When you try to use the material for Replenishment, the system issues a warning message. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Layout Modules In this step you define desired placement groups and their descriptions. A placement group is the grouping together of materials for the management of an assortment. A material can be assigned to one or more placement groups. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following placement groups are available as examples in the standard system: o

1 Soft drinks


2 Fruit juices

Activities Define the desired placement groups and their descriptions. Further Notes See the section "Integrated Layout Maintenance". Assign Layout Modules to Layout In this step you assign layout groups to a layout. The sequence of the layout groups in the layout determines the layout areas. A layout module can be defined more than once in a layout. A layout can be assigned to a plant or a department. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities Assign the layout layout groups.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Area Points In this step you define area points. You can branch to the settings screen as follows: o

Select layout


Print "Layout area for layout"


Print "Area schema points"


Select area ratios for allocating points.

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities Define area points. Price Band Category In this step you define price band categories. You can use this to define the price band in which a material should be placed. A price band category is for example a high price or low price band. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are available as standard: o

1 middle price band


2 upper price band


3 lower price band

Activities Define price band categories.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Return Agreement In this step you define return agreement numbers and their descriptions. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are available as standard: o

01 No return possible


02 Return without settlement


03 Return with reimbursement Service Level In this step you define service levels. These indicate the extent to which a material is held in stock in a store. The service level field is for the information purposes of the assortment list and has no further function. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are available as standard: o

Blank means umlimited availability


1 means soon to be discontinued


2 means soon to be included in assortment Service Agreement In this step you define service agreements. You can define a specific service profile according to which materials are made available to customers. This profile is intended for information and organizational purposes.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following example entries are available as standard: o

1 Own repair service


2 Local partner


3 5 years guaranteed availability Maintain Scales Group In this step you define scales groups. Scales groups help to determine how electronic scales in stores are supplied with master data. This means that you can control which scales are loaded with which material master records. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Settings for Structured Materials In this section, you make all retail-specific settings for structured materials. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Structured Material Maintenance In this step you control maintenance of structured materials. The bill of material usage key determines which areas of your company (production, engineering) may use bills of material. It determines how items in upstream sectors are processed. The item category classifies the items in a bill of material according to predefined criteria such as object

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reference (material master record) or how stocks of the material are managed. This enables item-related data in the bill of material to be processed. Example Structure category entry: o

P Empties


S Set


D Display


L Prepack

Stock item as item category: Material data enabling Inventory Management is maintained for this item category. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities Create the necessary structure. Structured Material in Logistics Process In this step you control how structured materials are split into their components in logistics processes. When you make this setting for specific categories of a structured material, you define the logistics processes in which they are broken down and also the levels at which this occurs. This data is included in the purchase order for information purposes only. If the structured material is broken down at goods receipt, then from this stage onwards stock will be managed for each component individually and the header material will no longer have any stock. You can define that structured materials are broken down at the following levels: store/DC, distribution chain, plant and structured material. Example An example of a logistics process in this context is a store placing an order with a distribution center. Here the structure of a display is broken down into its components. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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Standard Settings If you use the settings provided in the standard system, prepacks, displays and sales sets are split in the store at the point of ordering (purchase order) and at goods receipt. Recommendation Please use the standard settings wherever possible and only make your own entries in exceptional circumstances. In the standard system, structured materials are broken down in purchase orders and at goods receipt. If this setting reflects the "typical" processes in your company, only make your own entries in cases where structured materials cannot be processed using the standard settings. Further Notes You can only break down structured materials that were created in Integrated Material Maintenance with the appropriate material category. You assign components to their header material in a supplementary maintenance screen, which appears if you choose Material -> Bill of material in the application menu. Check Settings Related to Structured Materials This section contains configuration options related to structured materials. The activities listed can influence the master data maintenance of component lists and influence how the system responds in the logistical process. The activities mainly originate from Sales and from Production. The settings in the standard system should not normally be changed. Particularly in Production (Customizing for BOMs), there are numerous configuration options that cannot and must not be used for structured materials because the component lists are not real bills of material (BOMs). For this reason, you should carry out these activities only if there are problems, and carry out these activities only in the way described, and make changes with extreme caution. The explosion of structured materials and empties BOMs in sales orders is controlled by item categories. The item category is proposed on the basis of the item category group for the material (-> Assign Item Categories). By configuring the item category (-> Define Item Categories), you can define whether an explosion takes place (structural scope and also the relevant application). A priority sequence is assigned to the application in Customizing for BOMs (-> Define Applications). This priority sequence (-> Define Priority Sequence for BOM Usage) must contain the BOM usages for Retail (-> Structured Material Maintenance). Stock postings for empties are only made if you have carried out the activity Activate Empties Processing. If, when creating component lists for structured materials or when creating empties BOMs, you encounter problems caused by incorrect Customizing, you can check the following activities: o

Define BOM Usage For BOM usages in Retail, processing in Sales must be allowed because component lists cannot otherwise be created for structured materials.

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Define Allowed Material Types for BOM Header / for BOM Items Here, you can disallow or allow specific material types. All material types are allowed in the standard system.

In addition, the following problems can be caused by incorrect Customizing: o

Despite a material meeting all the requirements (material type, material category) for being the header or component of a structured material, it cannot be included in a BOM. The material may have been assigned a material status that excludes it. In Define Material Statuses, check the fields Usage in BOM header and Usage in BOM item.


Component lists of structured materials cannot be distributed by ALE. A distribution lock (that you can remove) may have been set in Define BOM Statuses. In Define Default Values, you define the default BOM statuses that BOMs have.

In Structured Material Maintenance, you define which item categories are received by the components of structured materials or the components of an empties BOM. In Define Item Categories, ensure that material entry is allowed and that the +/- sign for component quantity may be positive. If you also want to use units of measure other than the base unit of measure in empties BOMs, you must create a separate dimension containing the required units as units of measurement. You do this in Check Units of Measurement. The dimension and also the units of measurement that you assign to it must not already exist in the system. Settings for Material Discontinuation In this section, you carry out the activities listed below. However, be sure to read the documentation for each activity beforehand. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Define Follow-Up Actions In this IMG activity, you can define what follow-up actions are possible when problems prevent a material from being discontinued. All follow-up actions are linked to a function module that is executed when the follow-up action is called. Example Follow-up action Description LK Reset listing FA_SET_BACK_LISTING_CONDITIONS conditions

Function module

You want to discontinue a material that is still listed. As a result, you must first delete the existing listing

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conditions. You can do this by carrying out the follow-up action LK during material discontinuation. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities You can adopt the standard settings. If you want to define other follow-up actions, you must implement function modules for them and assign these function modules to your own follow-up actions. Further Notes Be sure to read the documentation for the activity Assign Follow-Up Actions to Error Messages in Customizing for the Material Master. For more information on material discontinuation, see the SAP library documentation LO SAP Retail -> Articles: Article Discontinuation. Assign Follow-Up Actions to Error Messages In this IMG activity, you can define what follow-up actions are possible when a particular error occurs in material discontinuation. For each error, you can flag at most one follow-up action as the standard follow-up action. In material discontinuation, the standard follow-up action is proposed as the follow-up action. If more than one follow-up action has been defined for an error, they can be chosen from the F4 help. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings In the standard R/3 System, one follow-up action is assigned to each error message. This follow-up action is flagged as the standard follow-up action. Activities You can assign any follow-up actions that you have defined in the activity Define Follow-Up Actions to other error messages here. Further Notes For more information on material discontinuation, see the SAP library documentation LO SAP Retail -> Articles: Article Discontinuation.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Retail Tasks to PD Organization In this step you assign messages and areas to object categories and user IDs. Example Examples for object categories in personnel planning and development: o

Work center




Organizational unit






User Requirements

Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The settings for material discontinuation are delivered as standard. Recommendation No further entries have to be made for material discontinuation. Before you change assignments, check if the standard settings do not meet your requirements. Maintain Sequence of Characteristics In this step you can assign a sequence to the characteristics which are used to define variants for a generic material. This is important for two reasons; firstly for RIS, so that key figures can be updated to the correct characteristics. Secondly, the variants of a generic material are always represented in the same way, namely that, for generic articles with the variant characteristics Size and Color, Size is always on the X axis and Color on the Y axis. Example The material groups "Shirts" and "Sweaters" have the following variant characteristics: o

Material group "Shirts" :

Collar size


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Material group "Sweaters":



The sequence of the characteristics can now be maintained as follows: o




Collar size





Here, you can determine that key figures are updated separately in RIS according to the characteristic values of the characteristics Size, Collar Size and Color. At the same time, the defined sequence for determining the x and y axes is taken into account in representing the variants of a generic material in matrix form. In this example, the characteristic Color is always displayed on the y axis, as it has the second highest number in the sequence in both material groups. Requirements The characteristics to which you wish to assign a sequence must already have been created in the classification system. Activities Assign each characteristic a number between 1 and 999. Each number may only be assigned once. Further Notes Key figures can only be updated and evaluated by characteristic values to those characteristics that have been assigned a number in the sequence. Maintain Country-Group-Dependent Characteristics In this step, you maintain country-specific characteristics. Country groups are defined for particular characteristics that have different characteristic values in different countries. In the first step, you define country groups: Several countries can be grouped together in a country group In the second step, you assign countries to the country group. Assign the countries that have the same characteristic values to a single currency group. Example Shoe sizes: British sizes: 8 1/2, 9, 9 1/2 (used in England, Ireland, and so on) American sizes: 9 1/2, 10, 10 1/2 (used in the USA, Canada, and so on) Country group "01": British market Country group "02": American market

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Recommendation Country groups should be defined to ensure that they can be easily assigned to a single characteristic, such as Size. Activities 1.

First, you must decide which characteristics have different values in different countries, such as shoe size, hat size, garment size, and so on.


Check which countries use the same characteristic values, for example, British shoe sizes are also used in Ireland, and Canada.


American shoe sizes are also used in

Group together the countries with the same characteristic values to form a country group. for example, American market "01", British market "02". Further Notes

Countries can be assigned to different country groups more than once or can belong to more than one country group.

1.1.8 PKWiU pflegen Use In this IMG activity, you enter the PKWiUs that designate the materials used in your company. PKWiUs are numbers used in Poland to classify materials according to the Polish Classification of Goods and Services. For example, PKWiU 15.51.11.-30.31 is for low-fat grocery milk, not condensed, unsweetened, packaged.

1.2 Quantity Optimizing and Allowed Logistics Units of Measure In this step you make the settings to allow order quantity optimizing and to activate the check for allowed logistics units of measure. These settings are taken into account in: o

Purchase orders

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Sales orders


Store orders


Allocation tables

1.2.1 Maintain Rounding Profile In this step you define rounding profiles for adjusting units of measure to match delivery or transport units. Rounding profiles can be maintained on a general or plant-specific basis. General maintenance is recommended as this requires you to enter less data. A distinction is made between static and dynamic rounding profiles. A static rounding profile comprises the following: o

Threshold value


Rounding value

The threshold value is the value from which the system rounds up to the next delivery quantity. The rounding value is the value to which the system rounds up as soon as the threshold value has been reached. Several combinations of threshold and rounding values can be defined for rounding profiles. No logistics units of measure are taken into account with static rounding profiles. This means that the system rounds up statically to the rounding values entered in the profile and not to "full pallets", for example. Dynamic rounding profiles comprise the following: o

Rounding method


Rounding rule


Indicator to show that units of measure are to be condisered only if they are allowed for the vendor or recipient.

The rounding method controls how the system rounds off: o

No rounding


Rounding to a multiple of the order or sales unit


Rounding to order or sales unit, and to logistics units


No rounding

You have to define an additional rounding rule if you want your profile to round off to whole logistics units. This rounding rule is the key used for grouping logistics units of measure. The group contains all the units to which the system can round off when using the profile. You can also have the system include only those logistics units that are allowed for the vendor or recipient.

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Allowed units of measure are defined in unit of measure groups that can be used at material-vendor level or at material-plant level. Example a) Static rounding profile A material has a base unit of measure of 1 piece. Purchases are made in cases (1 case = 5 pieces) or pallets (1 pallets = 8 cases or 40 pieces). You maintain the static rounding profile as follows: From To Rounded to 01 05 05 06 10 10 11 15 15 16 20 20 21 25 25 26 30 30 31 31 35 32 40 40 41 45 45 46 50 50 ... 66 70 70 71 71 75 72 80 80 81 85 85 ... b) Dynamic rounding profile To procure materials in lower price bands, you define rounding rules containing all pallets and cases that the relevant vendors can deliver. You enter a percentage for every pallet and case category that indicates the level to which a quantity is to be rounded up to the next unit of measure. Rounding rule 01 Unit of measure Round up as of Euro pallet 70% full Pallet category 2 80% full Case for euro pallet 65% full Case category 2 75% full You maintain a dynamic rounding profile using the rounding method "round to whole logistics units" and assign the profile rounding rule 01. A material has a base unit of measure of 1 piece. Purchases are made in cases (1 case = 5 pieces) or pallets (1 pallet = 8 cases or 40 pieces). The system then rounds an order quantity of 68 pieces (= 40 + 28) to 2 Euro Pallets (= 80 pieces) because the second pallet is already 70% full.

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Activities Maintain the rounding profiles

1.2.2 Unit of Measure Groups In this step, you can group together several units of measure for a group to check for allowed logistical units of measure. Example You can use the units of measure group, for example, to define all the units of measure for a material allowed for a vendor or a recipient.

1.2.3 Unit of Measure Rounding Rules In this step, you define the rounding up/down rules for grouping the units of measure for rounding purposes. For units of measure assigned the same rounding rule, you can optimize the rounding process using rounding profiles. The fields, %Up or %Down, indicate the percentages from which the system is to automatically round up or down to a complete logistics unit. For a percentage of 100 for %up or 0 for %down, the system does not round either up or down. A percentage of 0 for %up or 100 for %down, means that the system is always to round up/down to a multiple of the assigned logistics unit of measure.

1.3 Basic Data Retail In this step you make cross-function and cross-process settings required for SAP Retail. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

1.3.1 General Control, Retail Master Data In this step you define parameters for several application areas in SAP Retail. 1.

Material group control

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You can enter a default valuation class. Standard entry: ' '.


ID "Material group reference material": This allows you to remind users to create a material group reference material, via a message. Creating a material group reference material is not, however, compulsory. Standard entry: 'X'.


Assortment control


FMod AssortmentIntegrated material maintenance: You enter an interface module between Asssortment and Material Maintenance. Using your own module is a massive deviation from the standard and should not be done lightly. Please read the Assortment documentation.


ID: "Work without listing conditions": This parameter should only be set if good reason exists. Standard entry:' '. If you work without listing conditions -

you have no POS download,


and no assortment list generation


FMod Assortment User-specific assortments Here you enter the interface module with which sub-range functionality can be used. Read the documentation for function group WSOK. Standard entry: ' '.


ID "Subsequent listing for Inventory Management": If the material master data is missing in a transaction involving stock for a target plant, this indicator controls whether the missing master data is created immediately. Standard entry: '1'. Significance: -

'1': No subsequent listing


'2': Subsequent listing


'3': Fine control with function module


FMod Subsequent listing: Here you enter the function module which performs subsequent listing/master data creation. Please read the Assortment documentation.


ID "Log missing material segments": This indicates that a log entry has to be made in the system log if in creating material master segments in assortment maintenance functions no reference copy can be found. Standard entry: 'X'.


ID "Error log, multiple": If when processing the errors reported in the system log for missing material master segments, the system determines that some errors still cannot be solved, another entry is made if this indicator is set. Standard entry: 'X'.

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ID "Log records retention (days)": If "Log missing material segments" is set, this parameter determines the time which the log records for missing segments remain in the system. Since normally one job is run a day to update the log, the number of days should be less than 10. Standard entry: '10'. Standard entry: 'X'.


Industry and reference plants at client level See the section on Reference plant per distribution chain.


ID "Retail industry": This parameter specifies the industry description for Retail. Standard entry: '1'.


Reference plants for DCs: Here you enter the plant that is to be used as a reference plant when copying distribution centers. The standard version does not contain an entry.


Reference plant for stores: Here you enter the plant that is to be used as a reference plant when copying stores. The standard version does not contain an entry.


Product catalog


Document type: Here you enter the document type that controls organizational processes involved in product catalogs. This is part of the document key. Standard entry: 'L01' layout document.


Valuation at sales prices for stock transfers


Procedure for stock transfer valuation: Here you define how the conditions for valuation at sales prices in the case of stock transfer are determined. There is no procedure defined in the standard system.


Valuation at purchase prices for structured materials


Customer exit for valuation: Here you define whether the customer exit for modifying the valuation price split is implemented. Standard entry: ' '.




Activate additionals: Here you define whether the Additionals component is active.

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Standard entry: ' '.

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities Maintain the parameters. Further Notes Note the definition of "Creating listing conditions per plant" (plant master). o

The setting "no listing conditions" always overrides all plant master data to the contrary.


The setting "listing conditions ='X'" is required for creating listing conditions in every plant.

The settings in the "Integrated maintenance, layout" step are also important for product catalogs.

1.3.2 Distribution Chain Control In this step, you can maintain a reference plant for each distribution chain. Maintenance is only provided here for store distribution chains. (category: store distribution chain) You can set the maintenance of the reference plants at client level in the section "General Control, Retail Master Data". Within retail, you should be able to maintain data for a material on different organizational levels. Subsequent maintenance transactions can then be carried out on an aggregated level. The plants to be accessed by the specification of an aggregated level are defined by the membership of a plant to a plant category (distribution center/store) and to a distribution chain. Changes on an aggregated level can of course only affect the subordinate plants if these have not been maintained differently. For the listing, the inheritance of the change is then carried out independent of whether the material is listed in the corresponding plants or not (only the existence of the corresponding segment is decisive here). The maintenance of logistics data on these levels is of course also possible for a material group reference material. However, in contrast to materials used in operations, only the data is physically stored on the correspondingly specified levels for the material group reference material; there is no new creation of individual records for each plant when you specify an aggregated level. In order to do this, a plant must also be defined under which the respective data can be stored and which can also be specified again for later changes. To achieve this, you should be able to define so-called reference plants with the following validity: o

for all plants of a plant category (= store/distribution center) (In the section General control, Retail master data)

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for all plants of a plant category which belong to a certain distribution chain (only relevant to store distribution chains).

Data maintained differently is recognized on material/plant level. These plants are not also changed when changing the data of a material on an aggregated level. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. o

The reference plant must belong to the respective plant category.


You can only maintain reference plants for each distribution chain for retail distribution chains.


A reference plant for a store distribution chain must always be a store of this distribution chain.


The reference plants must always be different for different distribution chains since otherwise the user would always maintain the same data when entering different distribution chains.


A reference material for a distribution chain must not correspond to the reference plant at client level (General control, retail master data) Further Notes


A reference plant can only be changed if there is no alternative material data for the new reference plant (for any material). The reference plant is accessed for this (if a record is found, the change is rejected).


A reference plant can then be defined later for a distribution chain or a plant category if there is no alternative material data for this reference plant.


A reference plant cannot be deleted

The following rules apply to the maintenance of reference data in integrated material maintenance: o

Reference data can only be maintained for all distribution centers or all stores if reference plants are also defined on this level.


Reference data can only be maintained for a distribution chain if a reference plant has been defined for the distribution chain.


The organization levels on plant category level remain empty for the maintenance of the reference data.


For the maintenance of reference data on distribution chain level, only the distribution chain is specified; the store field remains empty.


For the maintenance of the data for a special plant, the plant is specified and all other organizational levels remain empty.

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1.3.3 Applications Depending on the application, a class type is entered. In the classification system, this represents a certain grouping of plants. Example In the case of the allocation table, this plant group application serves to ensure the supply of merchandise to a group of plants for example. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Maintenance of plant groups in the classification system. Standard Settings The following entries are available: o

01 Plant group master maintenance


02 Material group master maintenance


03 Allocation table and promotion


04 Stock overview


05 Sales price calculation


06 Assortment


07 Additionals

only class type 047 allowed

Further Notes Note that it is possible to maintain class types on the detail screen. Caution! Before you delete a plant group you must always check whether the plant group is contained in a promotion or an allocation table. If it is, do not delete it.

1.3.4 IS-R-Specific Authorization Objects This step describes the authorization objects that are defined in the standard system for the individual functions of SAP Retail. You can maintain authorizations for these objects in the SAP system.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Authorization objects The following list shows which authorization objects are checked in the individual functions of the applications. Functions

Authorization objects

All areas Execute transaction


Assortments Listing procedure usage Authorization to accept listing errors


Promotions Purchasing organization/distribution channel create, change, display


Material number create, change, display


Theme create, change, display


Sales org./distribution channel create, change, display


Allocation table Allocation table create, change, display


Allocation rule create, change, display


Sales price calculation Sales price calculation/distribution chain create, change, display


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Standard Settings Authorizations are defined for all authorization objects in the standard system. These have the following standard defaults: Authorization object


Authorizations delivered as standard



Possible values


WA/0 WA/D WA/A WA00 WA10 WA20 WA30 WA40 WA50 WA60 WA70 WA80 WA90


WA/9 WA/Z WA/C WA09 WA19 WA29 WA39 WA49 WA59 WA69 WA79 WA89 WA99


f. order Order appl.




for ranges




for all



Author. group




Author. group




Sales organiz. Distrib. channel W_WAKH_EKO



Purchasing group Purchasing


01 02 03 *

create change display


01 02 03 *

create change display


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organiz. W_AUFT_EKO


Sales organiz. Distrib. channel W_WAKH_MAT



Material number W_WAKH_THE



Promotion theme W_WAKH_VKO



Sales organiz. Distrib. channel W_AUFT_BAA




create change display


01 02 03 *

create change display

01 02 03 *

create change display

01 02 03 *

create change display


01 02 03 *

create change display

01 02 03 Info subtype * SV_additional insurance

create change display

Alloc tbl type W_AUFT_BAR

01 02 03 *


Authorization profile 1.

The standard SAP Retail system contains the profile W_WWS_ALL with all the standard authorizations.


Check whether the authorizations in the standard system meet your requirements.


You should create activity groups and generate authorization profiles using the profile generator.

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This step is used to create Activity groups an generate authorization profiles using the Profile Generator. Activities To assign an authorization profile to a user, do the following: 4.

Create an activity group


Enter a description


Select transactions


Create and edit authorizations


Assigns users and compare the user master (in doing so, the profile is entered in the user's master record)


Transport activity groups, if desired

Detailed documentation For more information about the procedures, see transaction documentation See also the general documentation on the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. Choose: Basis Components -> Computing Center Management System -> Users and Authorizations -> The Profile Generator In the Implementation Guide (IMG), choose: Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Maintain Authorizations and Profiles using Profile Generator Note You can also use authorization profiles you created manually or were delivered by SAP, in activity groups. You can create an activity group without a menu and include the corresponding profile in the authorization data of the activity group. In the fourth step, choose "Edit -> Add authorization -> From profile" to add the authorization profile data to the activity group. The activity groups specific to Retail, which can be used as a template for your own activity groups, begin with SAP_ISR.

1.4 Plant Master In this step you define the retail-specific attributes of plants. In SAP Retail plants can be divided into: o

Distribution centers Distribution centers are the organizational units that supply stores. In SAP Retail they are modeled identically to stores (with a special key).

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From a store point of view, distribution centers carry out the function of a vendor. o

Stores In Retail "store" is the general term used to describe an outlet selling and also ordering its own merchandise as an independent organizational unit. Since, the point of view of the head office, SD sales functions are often carried out for stores, stores must have data characteristics of SD customers.

The maintenance transactions are a mixture of traditional customer master maintenance and plant maintenance. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

1.4.1 Control Data In this step you define characteristics and settings independently of the type of plant. The settings are relevant for all modules in Logistics and must be made as soon as you use a Logistics module. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Define Copy Rule and Assign to Tables In this step, you define the required copy rule and its descriptions. You then assign Customizing tables containing plant-specific entries to the copy rule. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The standard system contains the entry: o

01 Maximum rule

Activities Check the copy rules and their descriptions.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Plant Profiles The following are defined in the plant profile: o

The plant category (e.g. A=store, B=distribution center)


The reference plant


The predefined setting for classification criteria for master data maintenance Requirements

Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Settings in the step "Account groups" must be maintained. Standard Settings The following settings are delivered in the standard system: o

0100 Distribution center


0110 Store - without internal settlement


0120 Store - with internal settlement


0130 Store - with external settlement Note

In the plant profile reference can only be made to existing account groups. Transaction-Dependent Field Selection In this step you can determine the field status relating to the transaction. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Blocking Reasons In this step you can define reasons for blocking sales orders, deliveries or bills within a specified period.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Note A batch program checks daily whether any relevant blocking reasons exist and sets/deletes the appropriate blocking indicator in the plant/customer. Standard Settings The following entry is available in the standard system: o

01 Renovation

This entry can be used to block further sales order processing. Activities Define blocking reasons for a specified period. Departments In this step you create departments. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Note The information entered here is also used to assign departments to contact persons. Standard Settings The following entries are available in the standard system: o

0001 Management


0002 Purchasing


0003 Sales


0004 Organization


0005 Administration

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0006 Production


0007 Quality assurance


0008 Secretaries


0009 Financial department


0010 Legal department

Activities Enter an alphanumeric key and a description for the departments. Area Schema In this step you define area schemas and their descriptions. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Notes See the section "Integrated maintenance, layout". Standard Settings The following entries are available: o

0001 Schema 1


0002 Schema 2 Storage Locations for Materials In this step, you can define situations (uses) for storage location determination. This enables storage location determiantion to be operated differently depending on the logistics process. Situations are used mainly in the Retail environment, in particular for allocation table, promotion and cross-docking processes. There are three different types for each entry: general, putaway and removal from storage. The system searches for a storage location starting with the special case (situation specific to putaway or removal from storage) and proceeds to the general case.

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Further Notes The situations are entered in the particular environment (allocation tables, cross-docking, logistics documents) in the internal program logic. They cannot be maintained online by the user in logistics documents. Maintaining new situations is of no effect without modifying the program. Storage Location Determination In this step, you assign a storage location to the combination of storage condition and situation for each plant. You first define plant, storage condition and situation. This type of storage location determination is of particular importance for Retail scenarios. The settings for a storage location are not required if only this one storage location exists for the plant. On the goods receipt side, storage location determination makes the following possible: o

Entry of a goods receipt without explicit entry of the storage location, in particular for cross-docking and promotion procedures. For the latter, you are therefore able to carry out separate inventory management and valuation for promotional goods and standard goods.


Automatic goods receipt posting in stores following upload from a store retailing system

On the goods issue side, storage location determination enables you to determine a picking storage location dependent on the situation and independent of the shipping point. For this, the picking location determination rule RETA must be assigned to the relevant delivery type. This ensures that the stock removal location in a plant correspond to the putaway location. Number Ranges, Layout In this step, you define the number ranges for layout maintenance. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following setting is available: o

01 0000000001


02 A




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Recommendation The intervals may not be deleted, but can be changed. Integrated Maintenance, Layout In this step you can perform the following tasks: o

Assign placement groups to a layout module


Assign layouts or layout areas to one or more area schemas

Link layout modules (e.g. confectionery products) in a layout. This leads to the creation of layout areas. A layout can be valid for one or more stores or departments with the same structure. A layout module can be defined more than once within the same layout. The layout areas generated are given different consecutive numbers. Any number of areas schemas can be assigned to a layout. The area schema together with the total sales area of the store allow you to carry out an area profitability analysis. After the relevant Customizing settings have been made, each store can be assigned a layout and an area schema centrally in the plant master or for each department. The assignment of materials to layout modules is carried out in the material master. Layout maintenance is used in the advertising media function of Promotions. The layouts required are created in the background. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. The layout, layout modules and area schemas and their descriptions must be maintained. The layout type of an existing layout can be initialized by report SAPRWULT. Activities 1.

Maintain the desired layouts.


Assign materials to layout modules.


Assign a layout and, if required, an area schema to an existing plant. Space Management In this step, you make the settings required for using the interface for external space management programs. Note:

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The transaction for checking and initializing should be run before the interface is used for the first time, to generate all the program components required for reading info structures. You can also run Report RWREGPRO instead of the transaction. Maintain Selection Variant for Space Management In this step, you maintain selection variants for material movement data. You must create a selection variant for stock, sales volume and sales quantity data, defining which information structures and fields are to be used for selecting data. In maintaining the selection variant header, you must enter the value 05 (shelf management) in the "AA" field. The material number is a compulsory field for selecting stock, sales volume and sales quantity data. Either a plant or a customer must be selected. In the step "Fields in selection variant", the field use is defined. For the system to find stock and sales data, you must enter a selection period that has to be the same as the selection period of the information structure. You have to maintain a range parameter entry for every selection field. You can name it as you like. No two names should be the same within the one selection variant. Maintain Space Management Profiles In this step, you maintain the settings required for selecting data to be exported from SAP Retail. You can specify whether the system should retrieve the purchase prices, the sales prices, the sales volume data and stock data for materials. If the sales volume data is read, you must indicate the selection variant to be used, the return fields for the sales volume value and quantity, and the number of periods of the selection. If the stock data is read, you must specify the selection variant and the return field for the stock. The function module for data export must also be entered. Standard Settings Three function modules are available in the standard system as a reference: o

Call the space management program (SMP) and export key parameters. Function module ws_execute calls an external program to which the key parameters are passed via the commando line. The local directory in which the program is installed must be entered when ws_execute is called. These key parameters are imported to the space management program (SMP). For further information, please refer to the function documentation.


Call SMP without export of key parameters. The function module document_show_direct is called. If a new layout module is created, the SMP is

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started via the function module ws_execute. In calling the function module, you must enter the path on which the SMP is installed. If the layout module already exists, the document assigned to the layout module in document management is displayed. If more than one document is assigned to the layout module, you can select one. For further information, please refer to the function module documentation. o

Data export via OLE to MS Excel. MS Excel is started and the data for the materials selected (including header data) exported via OLE. The function module executing the export is shelf_space_opt_MsExcel_exe. For further information, please refer to function module documentation. Recommendation

Copy the reference function modules and change them to suit your requirements Check and Initialize Space Management Profile In this step, you can check a space management profile for completeness and consistency. The system checks the settings for the selection variant used. The only input parameter is the space management profile. If a check is successful, a message is issued to that effect.

1.4.2 Maintain Plants In this step you define retail-specific settings for plants. Plants in R/3 Retail can either be: o

Distribution centers (DCs) Distribution centers or central warehouses supply stores. They are modeled in R/3 Retail in exactly the say was as stores (with a specific ID). From the point of view of a stores, distribution centers have the function of a vendor.


Stores The store in R/3 Retail is an organizational unit that purchases and orders stock independently. Since SD sales functions are carried out centrally for stores, these stores must be able to perform SD customer functions.

The transactions involved are a mixture of conventional "Customer master maintenance" and "Plant maintenance" functions. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Create Plants In this step you maintain retail-specific data for your plants. The step "Maintain plant profiles" contains the standard SAP settings or you have defined your own settings. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. A number of Customizing settings are copied when a plant is created if you have entered a reference plant. The necessary settings must have been made in the Customizing system for MM and SD processes for the reference plant. Activities Create your plants and the relevant local data. Display Plants In this step you can display plant data. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Change/Archive Plants In this step you can change plant data. You access the archiving tool via the area menu. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Import Plants In this step you can import previously exported plants to the client currently in use. The contents of the export file are processed on a line basis, whereby each record contains information on the associated database table in R/3 and the data itself. If any lines cannot be assigned to a database table in R/3, the import is canceled.

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The import program checks the table entries for foreign key dependencies (e.g. whether the company code exists in the target system) and domain values. You can have existing plant master data updated by the import. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. You can only use the import program to import data from ASCII files previously exported using the export program of the SAP Retail plant master. Further Notes Carry out the import in test mode first. This results in a log being created, without any changes being made on the database. The log lists any missing foreign key dependencies. In test mode, the log provides all the information you require as to why a full import of the data may not be possible. Export Plants In this step you can export plant master data from the client currently in use. During the export, all data records for a plant are saved in an ASCII file on your local hard drive. On the selection screen of the export program, you can enter the path and file name of the export file and the plants to be exported. Table records are saved on a line basis in the ASCII file, whereby each line contains the table name and the record information. The stockkeeping level, the retail-specific plant data, the Customizing settings and the customer and vendor master data are exported. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Further Notes No special checks are made during export.

1.5 Material Group Definition

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The material group (base material group) is the level in the material group hierarchy which must be assigned directly to a material when it is created. It is defined across the corporate group and sub-divides the complete material assortment from a business management viewpoint. Those material groups which themselves comprise material groups are called material group hierarchy levels. A hierarchy level can have one or more other hierarchy levels (material groups) assigned to it. By structuring/linking material groups and material group hierarchy levels in a meaningful way you create the material group hierarchy. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. The authorizations for the use of the classification system must be assigned using the following authorization objects: o

C_KLAH_BKP (transaction authorization)


C_TCLA_BKA (authorization for class type 026)

The material types and the supplementary data for the material group material must be maintained. The material types for the material group material and for the material group reference material must be defined in the standard system as follows: WVOR for material group reference material (T134-WMAKG=1) o

WDEP for material group material


These material types must be defined using the "ID" 1 or 2 in the section on maintaining material types. In order to guarantee a 1:1 relationship between material group number and material group material you must define for the material type "material group material" (see above) at least one number range which includes the desired material group codes (number range object: MATERIALNR). The standard industry sector "retail, general" must be defined for the SAP Retail screen layout. Recommendations Define the material group hierarchy from a business management and organizational viewpoint (consider, for example, which material groups should be assigned to which departments across the corporate group). If in doubt it is better to define as many material group levels as possible, making the sub-divisions as subtle as possible. Attempting to extend and change the material group hierarchy in the production system can involve complicated and time-consuming procedures. Activities In this chapter you can o




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the following objects individually: o

base material groups,


hierarchy structure,


characteristics profiles.

1.5.1 Display Material Group In this step base material groups, hierarchy structures and characteristics profiles can be displayed. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities 1. Display material groups (base material groups) 2. Display hierarchy levels You display hierarchy levels using transaction WG04 (displaying material groups) via menu options MG environment --> Hierarchy level --> Display 3. Display characteristics profiles You display characteristics profiles using transaction WG04 (displaying material groups) via menu options MG environment --> Char. profile --> Display

1.5.2 Create Material Group In this step you create material groups. You also have the option of using the same transaction to carry out the following activities: o

Creating superior hierarchy levels


Assigning the superior hierarchy levels to a material group hierarchy


Assigning the base material group to the material group hierarchy


Assigning characteristics profiles below material group level

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities 1. Create superior hierarchy levels You create hierarchy levels using transaction WG01 (creating material groups) via menu options MG environment --> Hierarchy level --> Create 2. Assign the superior hierarchy levels to a material group hierarchy You assign hierarchy levels to a hierarchy using transaction WG01 (creating material groups) via menu options MG environment --> Hierarchy level --> Maint. MG hierarchy 3. Create material groups (base material groups) and then maintain the pre-defined materials (reference material/material group material) 4. Assign the base material group to the material group hierarchy You assign the material group to the hierarchy using transaction WG01 (creating material groups) 5. Assign characteristics profiles below material group level You assign characteristics profiles using transaction WG01 (creating material groups) Further Notes When creating material groups and then maintaining the pre-defined materials (reference material/material group material) you should be aware of the following. As these materials can be created automatically using a minimum of data, you should follow this procedure with a check and possibly further maintenance, especially of plant-specific data. The material group reference material should be defined in as much detail as possible so as to keep the workload to a minimum when you have to create more materials for this material group. All hierarchy allocations involving a material group (base material group) and a higher or lower hierarchy level can be carried out on the initial screen (there is no need to switch to the detail screen). All further hierarchy allocations can be defined top-down when you maintain material group hierarchies. Only the material groups are transported automatically! All the other objects in the material group environment (see points 1, 2, 4 and 5) are not transported automatically!

1.5.3 Change Material Group In this step base material groups, hierarchy structures and characteristics profiles can be changed.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities 1. Change material groups (base material groups) 2. Change hierarchy levels You change hierarchy levels using transaction WG02 (changing material groups) via menu options MG environment --> Hierarchy level --> Change 3. Change characteristics profiles You change characteristics profiles using transaction WG02 (changing material groups) via menu options MG environment --> Char. profile --> Change Further Notes Only the material groups are transported automatically! All the other objects in the material group environment (see points 2 and 3) are not transported automatically!

1.5.4 Delete Material Group In this step base material groups, hierarchy structures and characteristics profiles can be deleted. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities 1. Delete material groups (base material groups) 2. Delete hierarchy levels You delete hierarchy levels using transaction WG03 (deleting material groups) 3. Delete characteristics profiles You delete characteristics profiles using transaction WG03 (deleting material groups) Further Notes You cannot delete a material group if there are materials still assigned to it (with the exception of the reference material and the material group material), nor if the material group is still assigned to stores or any material group hierarchy level is still assigned to the material group. The same applies to hierarchy levels and

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characteristics profiles. Only the material groups are transported automatically! All the other objects in the material group environment (see points 2 and 3) are not transported automatically!

1.6 Assortment In this step, you make the settings required for assortment management and listing procedures.

1.6.1 Assortment In this step you define the settings which control Assortment Management and listing procedures. Number Ranges, Assortment Modules In this step you create number ranges for the assortment modules or change existing settings (number range object: WSORT). A number is determined either externally or internally (by the SAP system) for each module. The module numbers are unique, as each number is only assigned once. Standard Settings Three number ranges are available in the standard system: number range 01 represents an internal interval and number ranges 02 and 03 external intervals. Number range 01, being an internal number range, must be present, but it is possible to change the preset interval values of all the intervals. Number range from to I/E -----------------------------------------------------------01 000000010000000001 000000099999999999 I 02 000000001000000001 000000009999999999 E 03 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ E Activities 1.

Check whether the standard settings meet your requirements.


If necessary, specify new number ranges according to your requirements.


Maintain number intervals for the number range groups created. Ensure that the number intervals do not overlap with other groups.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Number Ranges, Assortments In this step you create number ranges for the assortments or change existing settings (number range object: WSORTIMENT). A number is determined either externally or internally (by the SAP system) for each assortment. Assortment numbers are unique, as each number is only assigned once. Standard Settings Four number ranges are available in the standard system: number ranges 01 and 02 represent an internal interval and number ranges 02 and 03 external intervals. It is advisable to use the same number range for a retail plant and the assortment that was created automatically when the retail plant was created. Although it is technically possible to assign any number to an assortment, the number you assign should be identical with the customer number of the retail plant, simply to avoid confusion later. Number range 01 must always be present. It is possible to change the preset interval values of all the intervals, however. Number range from to I/E ------------------------------------------------------------------01 0000000001 0000099999 I 02 0000100000 0000299999 I XX A ZZZZZZZZZZ I Activities 1.

Check whether the standard settings meet your requirements.


If necessary, specify new number ranges according to your requirements.


Maintain number intervals for the number range groups created. Ensure that the number intervals do not overlap with other groups. Assortment Grades Assortment grades describe the significance of a material for the purposes of Assortment Management per distribution chain, plant and material group. Examples of assortment grades: o

blank Maximum assortment



Smallest assortment/core assortment



Extended core assortment



Extended assortment



Maximum assortment

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Each grade automatically includes any grades of a smaller denomination. Rules which ensure that this is the case are defined in the assortment grade rules step. Example 1. Defining a material: Material Mat. group Distr. chain Assortment grade ------------------------------------------------------------4711 ABCDE 0001/01 3 2. Defining a plant: Plant Material group Assortment grade (maximum) ------------------------------------------------------------------0001 ABCDE 1 --> Material 4711 not listed 0002 ABCDE 4 --> Material 4711 listed Standard Settings The assortment grades blank and 1 to 4 are available in the standard system. Recommendation Define a manageable number of assortment grades. We recommend fewer than ten. Activities Maintain assortment grades. Further Notes Ensure that you define plant material group assignment correctly and completely, including defining the correct assortment grade. If an assortment grade is not specified this is usually because every material is to be listed in every plant. You can ensure that this is the case by defining the "blank" assortment grade as your maximum assortment. Before assortment grades can be used, the following must have taken place: o

Assortment grades must have been created


Assortment grade rules must have been maintained


Assortment grades must have been preset in plant material group assignment


An assortment grade must have been defined during material maintenance

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Listing Algorithm A listing algorithm describes the combination of assortment grades in the assortment grade rule. When defining assortment grade rules you can use more than one listing algorithm. The listing algorithm which you wish to use should then be specified in the listing procedures. Example LA

Assortment grade = Assortment grades links result

-------------------------------------------------01 C A+B+C 01 D A+B+C+D 02 02



Standard Settings Listing algorithm 01 is available in the standard system. Activities Maintain listing procedures. Assortment Grade Rules Assortment grade rules describe the relationships between the various assortment grades. Example Assortment grades

1 2 3 4

Assortment grade rules

4 3 2 1

Smallest assortment/core assortment Extended core assortment Extended assortment Special assortment (managed only in the largest plants) = = = =

1 & 2 & 3 & 4 1 & 2 & 3 1 & 2 1

Each grade automatically includes any grades of a smaller denomination. Assortment grade rule entries are grouped together to form a "listing algorithm". At present only one algorithm (01) is available in the standard SAP system, but at a later point the user will be able to define

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further algorithms. Example: Algorithm 01 =

Algorithm 02 =

4 3 2 1

= = = =

1 & 2 & 3 & 4 1 & 2 & 3 1 & 2 1


= = = =

J & G & H & I I & G & H G & H G

Requirements Before assortment grade rules can be used, you must maintain assortment grades and listing algorithms. Standard Settings Assortment grade rules for assortment grades 1...4 and the assortment grade rule "blank" are available in the SAP standard system. The latter involves all the assortment grades (see assortment grade rule 4 in the example). At present SAP only ships algorithm 01. Recommendation A result assortment grade should not be located directly within any of the assortment grades subordinate to it as this will lead to a loop where the result assortment grade refers back to itself infinitely. Activities Define assortment grade rules. Further Notes At present no more than 20 assortment grades can be contained in an assignment rule. Listing Procedures A listing procedure determines which checks should take place in specific Assortment Management processes. This allows you to specify which plants are assigned to a material ("listed"). In many cases entering a listing procedure is mandatory (for example, in integrated material maintenance, assortment maintenance). Requirements Before you can use a listing procedure you must have maintained the following:

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Assortment grades


Assortment grade rules

Define authorizations for the maintenance of listing procedures before they are used. Authorization object: W_LISTVERF A complete authorization is available in the standard system: W_LISTVERF (contains authorization groups 0001...9999 and AAAA...ZZZZ). Standard Settings The following listing procedures are available in the standard system: o


Standard procedure: "Check all" - plant material group assignment/assortment grades - classification plant material - compliance with layout rules - existence of sales prices



Listing without qualification



Manual module selection



Standard for promotions (unqualified)



Standard for allocation table (unqualified)



Complete check except sales price check



Complete check except sales price and layout check



Complete check except layout check



Automatic conversion when WRF6 changes made



Basic procedure: material group / assortment grade



Basic procedure: classification check



Basic procedure: layout check



Never list

Recommendation Define a manageable number of listing procedures. We recommend fewer than ten. For each of the following, one listing procedure is to be flagged as: o

The standard procedure for a general check (always predefined at system start-up)


The standard procedure for the collective process of changing assortment grades for plant material group assignment ("profile change")


The standard procedure for promotions


The standard procedure for allocation tables

If a procedure is to be used interactively it must be declared as an "external procedure."

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Activities 1. Create listing procedures 2. Define further authorizations if required Further Notes Here is a brief description of fields in the maintenance screen: o

Authorization to use listing procedure: Restricts access to individual users


Assortment listing procedure: If X is set, the listing procedure defined for the assortment is to be used. If no entry is made, the procedure entered online is used.


Standard procedures (general check, profile change, promotion, allocation table): See Recommendations


External procedure: See Recommendations


Screen sequence: Screen sequence for linking results of individual steps in the check. Blank: the system stops at the first error in an AND chain "X" : all steps are carried out.


Multiple listing: If a material is already listed in one assortment module it can only be listed in additional modules if you set this flag. This is common practice (listing in, for example, a promotion module and a standard module).


DC listing for warehouse procurement: The material is only listed in the DC if warehouse procurement has been defined for a it.


Check for sales price: If no sales price exists when the check takes place, listing will be refused.


Listing all:

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If you set this flag, listing will take place in all possible plants, without further checks. It is possible to specify an EXIT (function module); this EXIT will then be branched to (a customer-specific selection of plants is possible). o

Listing procedure K1: The function module ASSORTMENT_VERSION_LIST_NEVER results in no listing being carried out for the selected assortment. The "assortment listing procedure" flag is not set. Procedure K1 is always used by the system and not that defined for the assortment.


Sequence/link rule/EXIT: Here you can determine the sequence and use of the checks (see Standard settings/01) and the relevant EXITS. SAP provides an EXIT for every check. The following checks are defined: "M" - Manual module selection - EXIT: ASSORTMENT_VERSION_M Please do not use this module yet in combination with the checks described below. "P" - Plant material group assignment/assortment grade check ("profile") You need to supply the algorithm necessary for the assortment grade link (no matter where this check occurs in the sequence). "L" - Layout requirements check You must define here whether listing should still take place if there is no layout group defined in the plant master (see F1 documentation to the field label) "K" - Material plant classification check Possible links: & - AND link of the results of consecutive checks | - OR link of the results of consecutive checks Example: Sequence first: P then: K then: L


If an error is discovered, processing continues as per the screen sequence. Ensure that you define plant material group assignment correctly and completely, including defining the correct assortment grade. Ensure that the plants are correctly classified for the purposes of comparison with the material. Example:

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Characteristic: maximum alcohol content permitted for sale Plant 0001: 0...20% Plant 0002: 0% Plant 0003: 0...100% Material WINE 12% is listed in plants 0001 and 0003 Material SCHNAPPS 42% is listed in plant 0003 Ensure that you define the layout group/layout for material and plant correctly and completely. Assortment Priorities Assortment priorities describe the presentation requirement of a material in a plant. They are the prerequisite for inspecting a plant to see whether the goods presentation requirement is being fulfilled, and they are copied over to the assortment list. The "external" assortment priority is used in the user interfaces; an "internal" priority is always assigned to it. The internal priority represents the true priority value. Example Defining external and internal assortment priorities: External priority blank 0 9

Internal priority blank (unclassified) 0 (lowest) 9 (highest)

Standard Settings SAP ships the assortment priorities "blank" and 0...9, with identical external and internal priorities. Recommendation External and internal priority should only differ in exceptional circumstances. Activities Maintain the assortment priorities. Archiving Listing Conditions and Modules In this step you control how listing conditions and assortment modules are archived. The following options exist:

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Create archive files


Start deletion programs


Retrieve archived files


Manage the archive

Archiving takes place in the object W_SOR. The following objects are grouped together to an archiving object and archived together: o

Assortment module header table (WSOH)


Assortment module item table (WSOP)


Assortment module description table (WSOT)


Assortment module to stores assignment table (WSOF)


Listing condition table (WLK1)

The following selections can be made on the next screen: o

Distribution chain (sales organization and distribution channel)






Sales unit


Module name


Past period (Number of days in the past the system goes back to write to the archive file all the listing conditions and assortment modules as of then and earlier that are no longer valid.)

You can define whether the deletion program should physically delete the data in the archiving object from the database or simulate deletion in a test run. Requirements Archiving object W_SOR must be maintained in transaction SAR2 beforehand. Recommendation Please note that an archive file must be generated before anything can be physically deleted. Activities You can create individual variants for archiving. Further Notes Choose Environment->Customizing to make the following settings for the archiving object:

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Name of the logical file


Size of the archive file


Variants of the deletion program


Automatic starting time of the deletion program Matchcodes, Assortments In this step you can edit or redefine the existing assortment maintenance matchcodes for module header table WSOH. Before you edit matchcodes please read the following sections, where you will find further information. o

Matchcode concept This section describes how matchcodes in the SAP system are constructed.


Create matchcode This section describes the procedure for creating a matchcode in the ABAP/4 Dictionary.


Matchcode utility This section describes how to use the matchcode utility. You use the matchcode utility to build matchcodes which are stored physically. Note

Maintaining matchcodes requires technical knowledge of the ABAP/4 Dictionary. Matchcode maintenance should therefore be left to System Administration. Please note that a large number of matchcodes can affect system performance. Check which matchcodes you want to use for your particular work area. You can then deactivate matchcodes which you do not wish to use. Matchcodes are created for all clients. Standard settings The module header table is shipped with the following matchcodes: o

The matchcode with identification "A" allows a search by description and category.


The matchcode with identification "B" allows a search by profile module assignment.


The matchcode with identification "C" allows a search by modules for promotions.


The matchcode with identification "D" allows a search by local modules. Activities


Check whether the standard matchcodes fulfill your requirements.


Add further matchcode IDs to the existing matchcode objects, or create new matchcodes if required.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Layout In this section you can make settings for Layouts and Space Management. Area Schema In this step you define area schemas and their descriptions. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Notes See the section "Integrated maintenance, layout". Standard Settings The following entries are available: o

0001 Schema 1


0002 Schema 2 Number Ranges, Layout In this step, you define the number ranges for layout maintenance. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following setting is available: o

01 0000000001


02 A




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Recommendation The intervals may not be deleted, but can be changed. Integrated Maintenance, Layout In this step you can perform the following tasks: o

Assign placement groups to a layout module


Assign layouts or layout areas to one or more area schemas

Link layout modules (e.g. confectionery products) in a layout. This leads to the creation of layout areas. A layout can be valid for one or more stores or departments with the same structure. A layout module can be defined more than once within the same layout. The layout areas generated are given different consecutive numbers. Any number of areas schemas can be assigned to a layout. The area schema together with the total sales area of the store allow you to carry out an area profitability analysis. After the relevant Customizing settings have been made, each store can be assigned a layout and an area schema centrally in the plant master or for each department. The assignment of materials to layout modules is carried out in the material master. Layout maintenance is used in the advertising media function of Promotions. The layouts required are created in the background. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. The layout, layout modules and area schemas and their descriptions must be maintained. The layout type of an existing layout can be initialized by report SAPRWULT. Activities 1.

Maintain the desired layouts.


Assign materials to layout modules.


Assign a layout and, if required, an area schema to an existing plant. Space Management In this step, you make the settings required for using the interface for external space management programs. Note:

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The transaction for checking and initializing should be run before the interface is used for the first time, to generate all the program components required for reading info structures. You can also run Report RWREGPRO instead of the transaction. Maintain Selection Variant for Space Management In this step, you maintain selection variants for material movement data. You must create a selection variant for stock, sales volume and sales quantity data, defining which information structures and fields are to be used for selecting data. In maintaining the selection variant header, you must enter the value 05 (shelf management) in the "AA" field. The material number is a compulsory field for selecting stock, sales volume and sales quantity data. Either a plant or a customer must be selected. In the step "Fields in selection variant", the field use is defined. For the system to find stock and sales data, you must enter a selection period that has to be the same as the selection period of the information structure. You have to maintain a range parameter entry for every selection field. You can name it as you like. No two names should be the same within the one selection variant. Maintain Space Management Profiles In this step, you maintain the settings required for selecting data to be exported from SAP Retail. You can specify whether the system should retrieve the purchase prices, the sales prices, the sales volume data and stock data for materials. If the sales volume data is read, you must indicate the selection variant to be used, the return fields for the sales volume value and quantity, and the number of periods of the selection. If the stock data is read, you must specify the selection variant and the return field for the stock. The function module for data export must also be entered. Standard Settings Three function modules are available in the standard system as a reference: o

Call the space management program (SMP) and export key parameters. Function module ws_execute calls an external program to which the key parameters are passed via the commando line. The local directory in which the program is installed must be entered when ws_execute is called. These key parameters are imported to the space management program (SMP). For further information, please refer to the function documentation.


Call SMP without export of key parameters. The function module document_show_direct is called. If a new layout module is created, the SMP is

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started via the function module ws_execute. In calling the function module, you must enter the path on which the SMP is installed. If the layout module already exists, the document assigned to the layout module in document management is displayed. If more than one document is assigned to the layout module, you can select one. For further information, please refer to the function module documentation. o

Data export via OLE to MS Excel. MS Excel is started and the data for the materials selected (including header data) exported via OLE. The function module executing the export is shelf_space_opt_MsExcel_exe. For further information, please refer to function module documentation. Recommendation

Copy the reference function modules and change them to suit your requirements Check and Initialize Space Management Profile In this step, you can check a space management profile for completeness and consistency. The system checks the settings for the selection variant used. The only input parameter is the space management profile. If a check is successful, a message is issued to that effect.

1.6.2 Assortment List In this step you make the necessary settings to be able to use the assortment list. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Maintain Outbound in the POS interface section if the assortment list data is to be sent electronically as an IDoc. Number Ranges, Status Tracking In this step you define number ranges for status tracking. Standard Settings The following setting is delivered as standard: o

01 00000000000001



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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Assortment List Types In this step, you define your assortment list types. You can store a time management setting for each assortment list type. This setting determines the format of the lists with regards o

lead time


the generation cycle for change versions


the number of change versions until the next full version of an assortment list is created

You can assign an assortment list type to any material. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Recommendation As with material types, you should create only a few assortment list types. Standard Settings The following is available as standard: AL type Description Lead time AL Cycle, change vers. No. change vers 1

SAP ref.obj. 3



Activities Create one or more assortment list types. Further Notes Assortment lists are created for each plant and assortment list type. The assortment list type needs to have been assigned to the materials. You maintain communications parameters via the Communication profile . You maintain the parameters for the plant via Assortment list profile .

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Profile for Assortment Lists In this step you maintain assortment list profiles and their parameters. Definition An assortment list profile is used to group together control parameters for the generation of assortment lists. It can be used for more than one plant. Each plant can be assigned an assortment list profile. The parameters control how assortment lists are generated and laid out. They determine the following: o

Whether IDocs are created for electronic transfer of data;


Whether data is stored in assortment list version management;


How the materials are arranged in the assortment list;


Which data is prepared;


How an assortment list line appears; Requirements

Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. First maintain assortment list types. Maintain the POS condition type group. If you wish to reduce the data, first maintain Reduction for the logical message category 'WBBDLD' for the assortment list. If you wish to use your own structure for assortment list line layout, this must be created in the data dictionary. Standard Settings The standard version contains the following settings: Assortment list profile 0001 SAP reference object Assortment list type 1 AL application mode 3 AL layout 1 Cat. of allowed cond. types SAPD Reduction WBBDLD AL structure WBBP_LINE Number of lines Change ID X Assortment list X

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Recommendation We recommend you only maintain a few assortment list profiles. Plants with the same profile can be managed with greater performance when the assortment list is generated. Activities Create an entry for all combinations of assortment list types and profiles for which you wish to generate assortment lists. Further Notes Please refer to the ALE documentation for further information on IDoc generation (transfer of master data, change pointer creation and reduction). Control of Logistics Quantities In this step, you define how the logistics quantities are controlled in the assortment list. Definition Assortment list control parameters determine which movement data (for example, previous purchase order quantities) is to be read for an assortment list. You can define how far this data may lie in the past (for example purchase order quantities of the last week or for the last three purchase orders). Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Maintain assortment list types first. Recommendation Reading the documents affects performance. Therefore, restrict the data to be read as far as possible. Activities Create entries if you need the logistics quantities to appear in the assortment list.

1.7 Additionals In this step you make settings for additionals.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. The logical system "TICKETS" is required to use the functions in the additionals environment. Check if it exists in the step Maintain logical systems. Example o

Shelf-edge labels are to be affixed in stores. The stores order label rolls from their distribution center.


A particular batch of jeans is not ticketed until it reaches the distribution center, to enable the sales price to be adjusted at the last minute if necessary. Labeling could be triggered by goods receipt. Further Notes

Please note the settings to be made in the Applications step.

1.7.1 Procedure for Additionals In this step you define procedures for additionals. On the initial screen you make general settings; on the detail screen you make settings for the applications for purchase orders, goods movements, deliveries or sales orders applications. In the column "Enter additional", you check the box to indicate whether an additional is to be entered for the procedure. This box should normally be checked. You can, however, also use procedures for additionals to transfer texts that have been created as supplementary information without reference to a particular additional. In this case, you should not check the box. Select a procedure for additional and define the application for which a follow-up action should be triggered. Depending on the application, you can define the parameters required for a follow-up action to trigger an additional: o

In the case of purchase orders, you can differentiate using order type and category. The system can also check if the procedure for additional has been assigned to the current vendor. This assignment guarantees that a vendor only executes the activities which he is authorized to execute. In vendor price marking, only the vendor who attaches labels to merchandise receives information about relevant additionals.


In the case of goods movements, you differentiate by movement type.


In the case of deliveries, you can define the delivery type for which a follow-up action is triggered.


Sales document categories and sales document types are used in analysis. The system can execute a search to find the internal procedure for additional defined by the customer if the indicator is flagged.

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If a procedure for additional is to be valid for all parameter values, you can enter an asterisk (*) in the field. For example, if a procedure is valid for document category F (purchase order) and all order types, enter '*' as the value for the order type. If more parameters are necessary for analysis, the relevant structures in table TWTCTRL must be modified. If an additional is only to be affixed in particular plants, you have to enter the relevant class and plant in the fields "class type" and "class". A class is read directly from the classification system at the time of the event, i.e. the elements in a class are not fixed. If on day "t" a goods receipt in a distribution center results in an additionals IDoc being created for a particular class, this IDoc can differ from that created on day "t+x", because the class on day "t" may contain different plants than on day "t+x". If the application is allowed on account of the movement type in any plant, no entry has to be made here. You should select one of the following follow-up actions in the first step: Code 1 2 3 8 85 98 99 CAUTION!)

Description Information only Generate additionals IDoc immediately Generate PO for additional Wait for additional IDoc to be requested externally Generate additional IDoc from delivery output SLS: pre-packing Generate additionals IDoc in the transport order Generate additionals IDoc immediately (before posting;

Follow-up actions leading to entries in info structure S108 of the RIS are configured in the second step for existing procedures for additionals. Examples The following considerations are useful for deriving the required procedures for additionals: o

Which applications must react to additionals? Is the assortment list enough information for stores? Should additionals (for example, tickets) be attached to the goods in the distribution center by your own company? Do you require your own additionals management for ordering additionals?


Should relevant changes be analyzed centrally for certain additionals? Could this be the case for printing promotional posters, for example?


Do you want the sender to be narrowed down to a plant class because when stock is transferred in two steps between two distribution centers a goods receipt is posted but the additionals are attached in only one of the distribution centers?


Are additionals included so that they can function as a Supplementary Logistics Service?

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Requirements If you want to use special additionals in a distribution chain for some groups of plants, you have to use the classification system. You have to set up the necessary classes and assign plants to them. Standard Settings The standard system contains seven procedures for additionals. Procedures 0001 and 0002 refer to additionals management. Procedure 0003 shows how an additionals IDoc is generated based on a goods receipt. Procedure 0004 is used to inform stores about additionals to which the procedure for additional is assigned. Procedures 0005 and 0006 show how procedures for additionals can be set as Supplementary Logistics Services for procurement and deliveries. Procedure 0007 shows settings for sales order processing. The additionals from the referenced sales and distribution document are used for deliveries. These procedures can be copied and used as a reference for your own procedures. You can give your own procedure a name. As soon as you have created your own procedures for additionals, you should delete the standard ones. The entry in the standard system for "class type" and "class" is empty. It contains no classes. Effects: o

Procedure 0001: Additionals ordered in company When a standard purchase order (order category F, order type NB) is created or changed, an additionals document is updated. An additionals purchase order can then be generated for this document.


Procedure 0002: IDoc request via BAPI When a standard purchase order is created or changed, an additionals document is updated with the status "IDoc request not yet executed". As soon as the IDoc is requested by the recipient, the status changes to "IDoc requested by BAPI".


Procedure 0003: Additional affixed in DC at goods receipt An additionals IDoc is generated when a goods movement is posted if the movement type is 101 (goods receipt) or 501 (goods receipt without purchase order reference).


Procedure 0004: Additional affixed in store This procedure is assigned to additionals that are to be printed centrally, for example, promotional posters. The fields "Assortment list" and "Created centrally" are selected. No entries are defined in the control tables for the procedures for additionals. The assortment list is used to inform the stores of the procedures involved. The ADDIREL field is not selected in segment E1WTADAL1 of the assortment list IDoc. Changes to materials to which an additional is assigned can be used to create a central IDoc using procedure 0004. To do this, report ADDI_ANALYSIS_OF_CHANGES (transaction WTCA) must be executed when the system is running.


Procedure 0005: SLS: Pre-packing, procurement


Define additionals as a Supplementary Logistics Service in merchandise distribution. Relevant data about pre-packing to be done by the vendor is transferred. The settings made here are used for external

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purchase orders to vendors to generate subitems for end recipients. o

Procedure 0006: SLS: Pre-packing, deliveries Vendors use additionals in sales orders and deliveries to process SLS data provided by the sold-to party. The service data is assigned to the additional using procedure 0006.


Procedure 0007: Additionals in sales order processing This procedure is used to pull data from material master data or to copy data from preceding documents when quotations are requested or made, and when an order is placed. In sales order processing, an additionals IDoc is generated when an outbound delivery for a sales order is created.

Class types 035 and 030 have been defined for additionals in the Customizing settings for control tables. Recommendation For the sake of clarity, the number of procedures should be limited. If you have more than 10 different procedures, you should group them together. If no class is maintained in material maintenance, the additionals IDoc is valid for all plants in which the material is listed. This is also relevant for the procedure for additionals. If no class has been entered in the control table, the procedure for additionals is valid for every plant. Also, it is not necessary to create any sort of "higher-level class" containing all your plants. Activities Define procedures for additionals. Further Notes All areas of a company affected by a procedure for additionals and their partners must be informed of the effects of the procedure. A printer connection to print labels from SAPscript, for example, has not been planned. You can print labels and other materials using an external subsystem. Certified partner systems are listed in SAPNet at www.sap.com/csp/scenarios. This provides a detailed description of interface IS-ADP which has been defined for Additionals. Either the assortment list is generated containing data on additionals or an additionals IDoc is generated. The standard system contains additionals IDoc WTADDI01. WTADDI01 contains a sufficient number of elements. Your IDoc does not have to be as big as IDoc WTADDI01. You can copy IDoc WTADDI01 and reduce it to the size you require. For further information, see operation Create reduced message type in distribution (ALE).

1.7.2 Allowed Procedure for Additionals per Material Group In this step you define the procedures for additionals that are allowed for each material group. The settings you make here will ensure that only the combinations of procedures for additionals and material

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groups for additionals that you define are allowed when additionals are created in material maintenance or during subsequent processing for promotions. In this way, you can prevent additionals from being used in situations other than those specifically defined by you. Example You want shelf-edge labels to be are affixed in stores and not in distribution centers. The system will refuse the distribution center assignment as soon as you attempt to create the additional if the material group for shelf-edge labels has not been assigned to the relevant procedure for additionals. In this case, the material group for shelf-edge labels would only be assigned to the procedure defined for affixing the labels in the store. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. The procedures and material groups for the additionals must already have been set up. Further Notes You do not have to assign a procedure to every material group for additionals. If you do not, it is assumed that every procedure is permitted for the additionals in that material group. Security tags can be affixed in both the distribution center and the store, for example. You can, of course, also make entries to define any specific combinations of your choice.

1.7.3 Attributes of the Material Groups of Additionals In this step you define the attributes of the material group to which additionals belong. The material group referred to here is always the base material group. You specify the content of the IDoc by means of the logical message type. With a user exit you can adjust the additionals IDoc to suit your own needs (without needing to make modifications in the SAP sense). Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. You should first create any reductions you intend to use. Activities Define the characteristics of the base material groups to which the procedures for additionals are assigned.

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Further Notes When selecting material groups, you should bear in mind that the Customizing setting results in the same additionals IDoc being used for every additional in a material group. This can mean, for example, that more material groups have to be created for every ticket that is to display different data.

1.8 Retail Pricing In this step, you make the specific system settings that control the different subfunctions of Pricing. There are also other system settings for Pricing that are maintained elsewhere. 1.

In order for conditions to be included in purchase price determination in the sales price calculation function, these must be flagged as relevant for sales price calculations. These conditions must be flagged under Define Condition Types in Purchasing. There, you can set the "Relevant to pricing" indicator which is then copied to the condition record when conditions are created. If the "Pricing on/off" indicator is set for a condition type, its relevancy can be changed during condition record processing. Pricing uses report "RWVKP001" to allow mass processing in instances where condition records that were created for a condition type as not relevant to pricing can be converted to pricing-relevant condition records. If larger quantities of data are to be converted, the report allows these to be split up using the condition record number.


For sales price determination in the sales price calculation function, sales price calculation schemas must be maintained. You make this setting in Sales and Distribution under Define and Assign Pricing Procedures. Calculation schemas WWS001 and WWS002 are supplied. Schemas for price determination must also be defined. These can be used to read the sales price and other price determination data from the database. Schemas VKP001, VKP002 and VKP003 are supplied.


You define which schemas are to be used for which business transactions in the step Assign Pricing Procedures under Basic Functions for Sales and Distribution. Assign the schemas you defined for sales price determination accordingly. You can define a special document schema for Pricing in General Control, Retail Master Data under Logistics - General. Note that when using schema determination for stores that sell to consumers, the customer schema from the master record of the anonymous customer (maintained in the step Aggregated Sales Control in POS Interface) is used. In two-step pricing, the customer schema of the assigned customer is used for the supplied store.


Under Distribution Chain Control, there are two special indicators for Pricing. The Distribution chain category indicator controls, among other things, whether the final price displayed in the sales price calculation function is a net price (wholesale distribution chains and distribution center distribution chains) or a gross price (store distribution chains). The Distribution chain pricing level indicator defines the pricing levels valid within the distribution

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1.8.1 Sales Price Calculation In this step, you make the necessary system settings for performing sales price calculations and creating sales conditions. These can be divided up into the topics listed below. As the steps in Customizing are arranged according to the organizational structure, the settings required for each topic are distributed between several Customizing steps. Alternatively, a Customizing step may contain settings required for more than one topic. 1.




General procedures for sales price calculations -

Maintain pricing type (sales price calculation schema)


Assign pricing types/reference plants to organizational levels


Control per sales price calculation schema and list field (data transport)

Displaying the sales price calculation in the pricing table -

Texts for list fields


Define list variants and assign list fields

Performing the calculation -

Maintain pricing type (pricing currency, data held, exchange rate type)


Maintain purchase price determination sequence


Maintain sales price determination sequence


Price point group

Data backup (pricing documents, conditions in Sales and Purchasing) -

Number ranges, pricing documents


Assigning number ranges to pricing document types


Maintain pricing type (pricing document creation indicator)


Control per sales price calculation schema and list field (storage)


Assigning condition tables Number Ranges, Pricing Document In this step, you create number range intervals for pricing documents.

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Standard Settings The following entry is supplied as standard: o

01 0000000001 0009999999

Activities If required, create additional number range intervals and enter suitable interval limits. Recommendation Make the interval limits generous enough to prevent subsequent overlaps occurring. Further Notes In the step Assign Number Ranges, you can assign the number range intervals defined here to pricing document types. Only pricing document types 0001 (for sales price calculations) and 0002 (for the pricing worklist) are currently used. Maintain Assignment of Number Range to Pricing Document Type In this step, you can assign number ranges to pricing document types. Standard Settings The standard system contains the entries: Pricing document type Number range 0001 0002

01 01

Activities If necessary, change the number range for the standard pricing document types. Further Notes If you want to separate the two document types by document numbers, you can create a separate number range for document type 0002 and assign it in this step.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Pricing Type In this step, you create pricing types. The pricing type contains several parameters for controlling sales price calculations. It determines: o

which sales price calculation schema is used in sales price calculation


whether a pricing document is created when a calculation is saved and whether document indexes for the pricing worklist are saved at the same time


how sales prices are affected by changes in the basic purchase price


which currency the system uses to calculate prices


which exchange rate is used for currency conversions.

Requirements You must have authorization to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings The following settings are included in the standard system: Pr. type SP schema Doc.creat. Pric.DocTy Data held PCrcy ERtype 0001 0002

WWS001 WWS002

1 1

0001 0001

3 3


Pricing type 0001 is used when, in the step Assign Pricing Type to Organizational Level, no pricing type has been assigned to a distribution chain.

Recommendation Do not create too many pricing types. Instead, assign one pricing type to various combinations of distribution chain and price list (with currencies) as described in the step "Assign Pricing Type to Organizational Level". Activities Create one or more pricing types. Assign Pricing Type/Reference Plant to Organizational Level In this step, you assign pricing types and reference plants to different organizational levels. Organizational levels here are:

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Distribution chains (combinations of sales organization and distribution channel)


Price lists (with price list currencies) in certain distribution chains

At the same time, you can use the entries you have made here for price lists to define the sales currencies valid for calculating these price lists. Entries for price lists are, however, not obligatory. If an entry for a particular price list is missing, the entry for the relevant distribution chain is used instead. The sales currency is then - as in calculating for distribution chains and plants - determined from the default currency indicator for the list field ENDPR and the sales price calculation schema that is determined by the pricing type assigned to the distribution chain. If no entry has been maintained for the distribution chain, the supplied pricing type 0001 is used in the calculation. Requirements You must have authorization to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings The following sample entry is included in the supplied system: Sales org. Dist. channel Price list Currency Pricing type Ref. plant 0001




Activities Assign one of the pricing types you have defined to the organizational levels and enter one of the plants in the distribution chain as the reference plant. Maintain Purchase Price Determination Sequence In this step, you maintain purchase price determination sequences for determining purchase prices (net/net) in the sales price calculation function of Pricing. In sales price determination sequences, the sequence of the defined purchase price determination types is set and the specific parameters for the purchase price determination types are entered. A purchase price determination type must be entered in order to perform a sales price calculation. Activities Use the entries that are provided in the standard system or create your own purchase price determination sequences, if you prefer.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Sales Price Determination Sequence In this step, you maintain sales price determination sequences for determining the default values for the final price in the sales price calculation function of Pricing. In the sales price determination sequences, the sequence of the defined sales price determination types is set and the specific parameters for the sales price determination types are entered. A sales price determination sequence must be entered in order to perform a sales price calculation. Activities Use the entries that are provided in the standard system or create your own sales price determination sequences, if you prefer. Texts For List Fields In this step, you define texts for list fields. You can further customize the pricing table by adding your own texts to the list fields predefined by SAP. These texts are used as headings for the table columns. If you do not create your own texts, the standard texts from the text pool are used. Requirements You must be authorized to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings The following list field descriptions are included in the standard system: o

AUFSA MrkUp(amt)

Markup (amnt)


AUFSG Markup(%)

Markup (%)


BDIFF StckValDif



Purch. org.



Basic pur.pr.


EKPNN PP (nt/nt)

Net-net PP


EMPPR Rec. price

Recommended pr.


ENDPA FinalPrOld


ENDPR Final pr.


EVAUF Retail MU (%) Retail markup (%)


EVPRS Retail pr.

Stock val.diff.

Final pr. (old) Final price

Retail price

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EVSPA Retail mrgn(%) Retail margin(%)




LIFNR Vendor




Ven. sub-range


MITPR Cash pr.

Cash price


MPROZ PrChnge(%)


PAUFS Pl. MU (%)

Pl. markup (%)


ROTPR Red-frm pr

Reduced-from pr


SPABA Mrg(g/o)

Margin (gr/old)


SPABR Margin(gr)

Margin (gross)


SPANA Marg.(n/o)



SPANE Marg.(net)

Margin (net)


VKABA Valid from

Valid from


VKBIA Valid to


VKKAB Valid from


VKKBI Valid to

Valid to


VKP01 Var. SP 1

Var.sales pr.1


VKP02 Var. SP 2

Var.sales pr.2


VKP03 Var. SP 3

Var.sales pr.3







Local currency

Price change(%)

Valid to Valid from

Gross SP Net SP Vendor crcy

Recommendation We recommend that you define the texts once and do not change them. Bear in mind that the texts apply to the whole organization. Activities If required, create your own texts for each list field. Further Notes The fields on the maintenance screen have the following meaning: o

List field

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Text with 10 characters,


Alternative text with 15 characters; used if there is sufficient space on the list screen. Define List Variant and Assign Items In this step, you define list variants. List variants are used in sales price calculations to control how the list screen (pricing table) is displayed. On this list screen, the calculation is displayed and changes are made. The list variant determines which list fields appear on the list screen, and in which sequence. A pricing item is identified by means of the organizational level and the material together with the unit of measure. This information is divided up between the list screen header (see list group) and the fixed part of the pricing table in the display. The fixed part of the pricing table remains unchanged by horizontal scrolling. The sales unit and the material description can also be included in this fixed part. This is controlled by the "Fixed part" parameter. Requirements You must have authorization to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings The following list variant is included in the standard system: o

01 Standard retail list variant

Recommendation Do not create too many list variants. Define clear standards for your organization. Activities Create one or more list variants. Standard Settings The list variant 01 available in the standard system contains the following table columns. ColumnNo. Field Text 10 20 30


LIFNR Vendor Vendor WAERS VCrcy Vendor currency EKPGR Basic PP Basic purchase price

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40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

HWAER LCurr Local currency EKPNN Net/net PP Net/net purchase price AUFSG Markup (%) Markup (%) PAUFS Pl. MU (%) Planned markup (%) VKPBR Gross SP Gross sales price ENDPR FinPr. Final price SPABR Margin(gr) Margin (gross) ENDPA FinPr(old) Final price (old) SPABA Margn(g/o) Margin (gross/old)

Activities Enter list fields for the list variants that you have created. Further Notes The column number indicates the sequence of the list fields. Control Data for Pricing Table and Data Backup In this step, you define how sales price calculations are controlled. You must define the following: 1.

Control per sales price calculation schema and list field


Assignment of condition tables for data backup

Sales price determination in the sales price calculation function is performed using the sales price calculation schema that is entered in the pricing type. In "Data transport from pricing schema to list field", you define how specific price determination data from the sales price calculation schema is copied to certain list fields in the pricing table. Here, you can enter a condition type or a subtotal from the calculation schema, the value of which is then copied. If the condition type and subtotal are entered at the same time, data transport via the condition type has priority. The EKPNN "purchase price net/net" list field regulates how the purchase price determined in purchase price determination is transported to the sales price calculation schema. An entry for data transport for the sales price calculation must be made for the EKPNN and AUFSA "Absolute markup" list fields. Depending on the use, an entry must also be made for the list fields VKPNE "Sales price (net)" (pricing for wholesale and distribution centers), VKPBR "Sales price (gross)" (pricing for stores) and/or EVPRS "Consumer price" (calculating consumer prices) to ensure that the appropriate calculation is performed in each case. For certain list fields, such as ENDPR "Final price" or margins, such as SPANE "Margin (net)", which are filled using program logic, the fields for data transport are not ready for input. The way in which values for list fields are saved is controlled via "Saving list fields in master conditions" by entering the condition type together with the application. For condition types, the system differentiates

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between standard sales price calculations and calculations within a retail promotion. You must make an entry for saving for the ENDPR list field and the sales price calculation schemas used. When assigning pricing tables, the pricing tables in which data should be stored are defined for the condition types maintained in "Control per Sales Price Calculation Schema and List Field". This assignment is performed separately for the three pricing levels distribution chain, distribution chain/plant and distribution chain/ price list. Requirements You must be authorized to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings Control data for sales price calculation schemas WWS001 and WWS002 is supplied in the standard system. Activities Make the desired assignments for each of the sales price calculation schemas you use. Further Notes You should not assign any condition type more than once within a sales price calculation schema. Standard sales prices and promotion sales prices cannot be posted to the same condition type. Price Point Group In this step, you make the necessary settings to enable you to use price point groups. The price point group controls which price points are used during sales price calculation. Define Price Point Group and Assign Price Point Ranges In this step you define price point groups and assign price point ranges to them. Price points are used in sales price calculations as proposals for persuasive sales prices. Price points are created with the aid of price point ranges. All price points in a price point range are generated on the basis of the first price point. The interval (increment) is repeatedly added to the first price point until the last price point is calculated. The price point group controls which price points are used in sales price calculations and how prices are rounded off within the price point group. Example Typical price points are the ninety-nine prices (such as 6.99, 7.99, 8.99, 9.99). To enter these prices, create

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the following price point range: o

First price point



Last price point





Requirements You must have authorization to use the sales price calculation function. Recommendation Do not enter each price point separately. Instead, make comprehensive use of the price point range functionality. Do not create too many price point groups. Instead, take advantage of the option of assigning a price point group to various combinations of distribution chains and material groups, as described in the step "Assignment Price Point Group to Distribution Chain/Material Group". The percentage entered in the "Rounding" field determines how prices in the interval between two neighboring price points are rounded off. The figure you enter is the percentage of the difference between the two price points. If you enter 50%, the price is rounded off; if you enter 0%, the price is rounded down to the lower price point; if you enter 100%, the price is rounded up to the next interval. Standard Settings The following example entry is available in the standard system: Price point group Description Currency Rounding 000001 E.g. price point group DEM with the following price point ranges: First price Last price Increment 0.11 0.12 0.19 1.09 10.00

0.00 0.00 0.99 9.99 999999.99

0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.01

Further Notes If you only enter the first price point, this is the only price point in this price point range.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Price Point Group to Organizational Level/Material Gr In this step, you assign price point groups to a combination of distribution chain, price list, material group, price point currency and price point category. Price point categories allow you to distinguish between price point groups for the final price in retail and wholesale (price point category 01) and the recommended retail price in wholesale (price point category 02). Price point groups can be assigned more than once. The key fields "material group" and "price list" do not have to be filled. This is in accordance with the sequence that is used in sales price calculations to determine the price point group. If no entry for the whole key is found, the system searches for an entry with no material group when calculating for distribution chains and plants (the price list field is then blank). When calculating price lists, the sequence has four steps: whole key, entry with initial price list, entry with initial material group and entry with initial price list and initial material group. Requirements You must be authorized to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings The following sample entry is supplied in the standard system: SOrg DChnl MatGroup PL PrPnCy PPCat PrPntGr Description 0001 01 0001 01

01 01


01 02

000001 Sample price point group 000001 Sample price point group

Activities Assign the price point groups you have defined, as required.

1.8.2 Market-Basket Pricing In this step you make the system settings necessary for carrying out market-basket price calculations and for saving the data from a market-basket price calculation in a market-basket pricing document. Make the settings that affect sales price calculations within market-basket price calculations in Sales Price Calculations. Market-Basket Price Calculation Number Ranges In this step, you create number range intervals for market-basket pricing documents.

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Standard Settings The following entries are supplied: o

01 0000000001





Recommendation Ensure that you space the interval limits far enough apart to avoid overlaps later. Activities If necessary, create further number range intervals and enter suitable interval limits. Further Notes In the step Maintain Market-Basket Pricing Type assign the number range intervals you defined here to market-basket pricing types. Maintain Market-Basket Pricing Type In this step, you create market-basket pricing types. The market-basket pricing type contains a number of parameters for market-basket price calculations. You must enter a market-basket pricing type when you create a market-basket price calculation. The market-basket pricing type determines the following: o

which purchase and sales price determination sequences are to be used for the sales price calculation,


which function module is to be used for determining the sales quantity, and


which number ranges are valid for the identification key for market-basket pricing documents. Requirements

You must have authorization to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings The entry "0001 SAP Standard" is supplied as an example. Activities Create one or more market-basket pricing types.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Selection Variants for Sales Quantity Determination Selection variants are used to dynamically read information structures. In this step, you group selection variants by specific application areas such as Allocation, Markdown Planning, etc. The use of each field name can be defined as follows: o


Field use -

S means that the field is used as a selection criterion AND to return values.


R means that the field is used to return values only.

Period split -


This defines the period if information structure selection is carried out over periods.

Range parameter -

This describes a range table in which values for the selection criteria are stored. They are essential for selection.

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

1.8.3 Pricing Worklist In this step, you make the system settings required for creating pricing documents in the pricing worklist when conditions change.

There are two types of system settings: Settings for condition index updates Settings for the creation of document indices for pricing documents Condition index update involves the updating of change pointers when conditions are created or changed. These change pointers are analyzed by the system when the pricing worklist is created. The updating of change pointers must be activated for each message category. The message category "CONDBI" is used for the relevant document categories. You can activate the updating of change pointers in Activate Change Pointers. Under Define Extent of Change, you can define the condition changes (condition amount, start and end of the validity period, scales) for which change pointers are updated. In the settings for creating document indices for pricing documents, you define the condition types (purchase

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price, discounts etc.) for which document indices are created. The document indices for the various pricing items in a pricing document record which particular conditions for the condition types specified were involved for these document items. For this purpose, the document indices also contain the condition key and the condition table of the condition record. Standard Settings The standard system contains all the required entries for message category CONBI forthe pricing worklist function. Further Notes Message category "CONDBI" for condition index updates is also used for document adjustment in purchase orders, order optimizing, and scheduling agreements. To enable the creation of document indices for pricing documents, the "document creation" indicator must be maintained in the Pricing Type. Control Automatic Document Adjustment This step contains the various application areas in which automatic document adjustment is relevant. The system automatically checks in every application area the allowed condition types and tables for the various applications and functions. You can only enter master conditions, i.e. conditions with their own access sequence. The system does, however, take conditons with supplementary conditions into account. The restriction to the updates at condition type table level allows you to only include the conditions in the document index updates that change quickly. This reduces the volume of data processed. Control Pricing Document Adjustment for External Procurement In this step, you define the control mechanisms for the adjustment of pricing documents. The documents that are to be taken into account refer to external sources of supply, or external vendors. Documents that have not yet been saved (status A or B) are adjusted automatically. Documents that have already been saved are not changed, as entries will be generated in the pricing worklist. Example The standard version contains the following sample entries: No. CTyp Condition type Orig. Condition orig. No. Table 10 20 30

PB00 Gross price 2 Price determ. 17 Mat info (plant-spec.) PB00 Gross price 2 Price determ. 18 Mat info RL01 Vendor discount 2 Price determ. 44 Vendor

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Control Pricing Document Adjustment for Internal Procurement In this step, you define how pricing documents are adjusted. The documents affected by this step relate to internal suppliers (distribution centers). Documents that have not yet been saved (status A or B) are adjusted automatically. Documents that have already been saved are not changed, as entries will be generated in the pricing worklist. Subsequent Index Compilation for Sales Prices In this step you define the control parameters for the subsequent compilation of indexes for sales price conditions. You enter the condition types and associated condition tables for which a worklist is to be generated. These settings are checked during inbound processing of the COND_A01 (Interchange of Conditions: Master Data for Price Determination) IDoc. Define Extent of Change for Message Category CONDBI In this step, you define the creation of change pointers at field level. Example Change pointer creation for message category CONDBI (condition index for document changes) can be activated for certain fields. If a change is made to these fields in master data maintenance and change pointers are not active, no change pointer is created and no IDoc generated. Requirements To make these settings apply, change pointer creation for message category CONDBI must be activated and the change pointer itself must be active. Activities Proceed. Further Notes You should not normally have to change anything here. If you have generated a separate message category, you must activate the fields in the following step.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Activate Change Pointer for Message Category CONDBI In this step, you activate/deactive the change pointers defined. Example You can, for example, deactivate change pointers for message category CONDBI (condition index for document changes) for certain fields. When a change is made to these fields in master data maintenance, no change pointer is updated and no IDoc generated. Requirements In order for these settings to take effect, the change pointer must be active. Standard Settings Change pointers are activated as standard for all fields. Activities 1.

Execute the function.


Maintain the active status.


Save your entries. Further Notes

Under normal circumstances, you should not make any changes. If you have created your own message category, you must activate the individual fields in the following step.

1.8.4 Competitor Prices In this step, you make the settings required for using price entry lists to create competitor prices as condition records in the system, and for using competitor prices to aid you in making decisions when creating your own sales prices in the sales price calculation function. These system settings can be divided up into 1.

Settings for price entry lists


Settings for using competitor prices in the sales price calculation function

The settings for price entry lists comprise creating your own number range intervals for the associated documents, and maintaining price entry types. You can define your own algorithms in addition to the pricing strategies supplied for using competitor prices in the sales price calculation function.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Number Ranges for Price Entry Document In this step, you create number range intervals for price entry documents. Standard Settings The following entries are supplied as standard: o

01 0000000001





Recommendation Make sure that the interval limits are spaced far enough apart to prevent overlaps later on. Activities If required, create further number range intervals with suitable interval limits. Further Notes In the step Maintain Price Entry Types, assign the number range intervals defined here to price entry types. Maintain Price Entry Types In this step, you maintain price entry types. Price entry types determine the general characteristics of competitor price entry. You must enter a price entry type when creating a competitor price entry. Requirements You must be authorized to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings The following entries are supplied as standard. Pr. en. type Description NK int.ass. ext.ass. 0001 SAP standard int. number assignment 01 0002 SAP standard ext. number assignment AA

Activities If you do not want to use the supplied entries, you can create price entry types of your own.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Pricing Strategies In this step, you define pricing strategies. Pricing strategies specify how, in the sales price calculation function, a suggested price is generated from competitor prices. A pricing strategy consists of the following individual elements: o

Pricing strategy type


Initialization type


End rule




Rounding to price points


Function module

The pricing strategy type defines the fundamental characteristics of a pricing strategy, for example, whether the lowest or the highest competitor price should be determined. If no competitor price could be determined, the initialization type determines which price is to be used as the suggested price. You can use the end rule to change the suggested price again by a certain percentage once all the competitor prices have been evaluated. This percentage is then maintained in the percentage rate field. The price point rounding indicator rounds the suggested price in accordance with the settings made for the price point group. If the control parameters described here are not sufficient for your particular requirements, you can use a special function module to create an individual pricing strategy. Requirements You must have authorization to use the sales price calculation function. Standard Settings The following entries are supplied as standard: Str. Str.type Init. 01 A B 02 A B 03 C C 04 B A 05 D A

End rule Percentage Rounding Funct.module X A 10 X X X WV_EXAMPLE_11

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Activities If you do not wish to use these entries, you can create one or more pricing strategies of your own.

1.8.5 Maintain Customer-Specific Enhancements The following are the user exits available to you for making adjustments in the Pricing function. o

LWK0001 This enhancement is used if you wish to influence the assignment of pricing type to organizational level for the sales price calculation. You will find detailed information on this in the documentation of the relevant user exit EXIT_SAPLWVK0_001.


LWVK1001 This enhancement is used if you wish to include and fill an additional header field in the communication structure KOMK, which is central to the price determination function. You will find detailed information on this in the documentation of the relevant user exit EXIT_SAPLWVK1_001.


LWVK1002 This enhancement is used if you wish to include and fill an additional item field in the communication structure KOMK, which is central to the price determination function. You will find detailed information on this in the documentation of the relevant user exit EXIT_SAPLWVK1_002.


LWVK1003 This enhancement is used if you want to check (and, if necessary, reject) individual pricing items. You will find detailed information on this in the documentation of the relevant user exit EXIT_SAPLWVK1_003.


LWVKM001 This enhancement is used when you want to influence the entry list header WELPK in competitor price entry. You will find detailed information on this in the documentation of the relevant user exit EXIT_SAPLWVKM_001.


LWVKM002 This enhancement is used when you want to influence the entry list item WELPP in competitor price entry. You will find detailed information on this in the documentation of the relevant user exit EXIT_SAPLWVKM_002.

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1.9 Retail Promotion In this step you make the settings for using promotion management. In addition to the following settings, you must maintain an extra entry in Customizing for Notification categories of the allocation table which is used for the promotion announcement type. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

1.9.1 Number Ranges, Promotions In this step you determine number ranges for promotions. Every promotion must be issued with a unique number assigned either by the user or by the SAP system. Enter meaningful intervals for the number ranges. Make sure the number ranges are far enough apart to avoid any overlapping in the future. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entry is delivered as standard: No From Number AA A

To Number


Ext x

The standard system is set for external number assignment. This is used automatically in the definition of promotion types when the user does not explicitly specify an internal or external number range. Activities Check whether the standard settings are in line with your requirements. If required, redefine new number ranges that best suit your requirements. Maintain number range intervals for the number range groups created. Make sure that the number ranges do not overlap.

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1.9.2 Promotion Category Promotion categories enable you to classify promotions from a business point of view. Technically speaking, the promotion category is an attribute of the promotion type. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings In the standard system the promotion category is the same as the promotion type and is a classification characteristic in the information system. This allows promotions in the classification system to be indirectly classified according to promotion types. The individual customer can use the promotion category to create hierarchy levels and to group together promotion types. In practical terms this means that the same promotion category is stored for several promotion types and there is a separate information structure for promotions with the promotion type and category defined as characteristics (see also further notes). The following entries are delivered in the standard system: o

0001 Company advertising paper


0002 Promotion of sales


0003 Special flyer

Recommendation You must maintain precisely those promotion categories which you wish to create subsequently as promotion types. The text describing the type and category should be identical. Activities 1. Maintain promotion categories 2. Maintain promotion types Further Notes If you want to build up your own information structure with promotion types and promotion categories, you have to make the Promotion category field an input field when maintaining the promotion type.

1.9.3 Promotion Type The promotion type allows you to differentiate promotions from a technical point of view. It controls promotion processing and describes the special features of a promotion that are copied, for example, to the promotion header data.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are delivered in the standard system: o

0001 Company advertising paper


0002 Promotion of sales


0003 Special flyer

Activities 1. Maintain promotion categories 2. Maintain promotion types Further Notes

1.9.4 Promotion Themes The user has the option of dividing a promotion into one or more themes which you can maintain in this step. Themes can be created to meet marketing requirements or assortment considerations. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Recommendation Themes allow promotional materials to be grouped together in any desirable order. Goods can, for example, be grouped according to: o

Material group


Page in an advertising medium


Area of responsibility (e.g. purchasing group)

So that a theme only ever has one single interpretation, the feature used to group together goods should never be changed. Standard Settings The following entries are delivered in the standard system:

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0001 Teenage fashion


0002 Household


0003 Young fashion

Activities Maintain promotion themes.

1.9.5 Promotion Determination in Sales Order Processing In this step you make the settings so that you can use the promotion determination function for sales orders. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Maintain Promotion Determination per Sales Area In this IMG activity you can activate promotion determination for distribution chains. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities Activate promotion determination for transportation chains that you use. Maintain Promotion Determination per Sales Document Type In this step you can define automatic promotion determination for sales document types and screen sequence group (document item and headers). A promotion number is found if: o

the pricing date (today's date) of the order is within the sales period of the promotion;


the required delivery date is within the delivery date defined for the promotion, if one has been specified.

An unloading point, receiving point and department, based on the material group of the material and the

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ship-to party, are found if o

the assignment is maintained in the site master Requirements

Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings Sales doc. type Aut. promo determin. Auto. rec. point determin. AA x x

1.9.6 Condition Type Groups For Promotions in Purchasing In this step, you define groups of condition types and the necessary dependencies in the promotions environment for the Purchasing area. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Define Condition Type Groups for Promotions In this step, you define the condition type groups which specify a group of condition types and condition tables during promotion processing. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are available in the standard system: Condition type group Category 5001 Promotion conditions 1 A Price arrangements (promotion, customer arrangement) 5002 Promotion conditions 2 A Price arrangements (promotion, customer arrangement)

Activities 1.

First check whether you can use the condition type groups of the standard system. Otherwise, proceed as

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follows. 2.

Enter a key with a maximum of four digits and a description for the condition type group. Assign Condition Type/Table to Condition Type Groups In this step, you assign condition types and condition tables for promotion processing and the condition type groups. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities 1.

Enter the key for the condition type group.


In the counter, enter a consecutive number for conditions.


Assign a condition type and a condition table to the condition type group. Assign Condition Type Groups and Arrangement Types In this step, you make assignments between arrangement types and condition type groups. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities Assign a condition type group to the arrangement type by entering a four-character key of the corresponding group.

1.9.7 Condition Type Groups For Promotions In SD In this step you define condition type groups and the required dependencies in the promotion environment for Sales. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Condition Type Groups for Promotions In this step you define condition type groups which determine a group of condition types and condition tables in promotion management. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The standard system contains the following entries: Condition type group Category 0006 Promotion conditions 1 A Price arrangement (promotion, arrangement) 0007 Promotion conditions 2 A Price arrangement (promotion, arrangement)

customer customer

Activities 1.

Check first if you can use the condition type groups in the standard version. If not, proceed as follows:


Enter a key with a maximum of 4 characters and a name for the condition type group. Assign Condition Type/Table to Condition Type Groups In this step you assign condition types and tables to be used in promotions and in condition type groups. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities 1.

Enter a key for the condition type group.


Enter a consecutive number for the conditions.


Assign the condition type group a condition type and a condition table. Assign Condition Type Groups and Arrangement Types In this step you make assignments between arrangement types and condition type groups.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities To assign the arrangement type a condition type group enter a four-figure key of the required group.

1.9.8 Message Determination In this step you set message determination for promotions. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Single Messages In this step, you make message determination settings for the area of individual messages. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Create Condition Table In this step, you define the condition tables for condition records. In a condition table, you specify the combination of fields for which you want to create condition records. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Recommendation The condition tables contained in the standard SAP version should not be changed. If you want to make changes, you should create new condition tables. To do this, copy a similar condition table that already exists and make the necessary changes. Activities 1.

Check to what extent you can use the condition tables in the standard SAP R/3 System for message

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control. 2.


If you want to create a new condition table, proceed as follows: -

Enter the name of the table that you want to create. Note that you can only choose names between 501 and 999.


When creating without reference, specify a table type (for example, pooled table) for the condition table.


Enter a description for the condition table.


Choose the fields you require from the list of the fields allowed for the condition table.


Generate the new condition table.


Define the new condition tables for promotions.

Specify the condition tables in the access sequences (see the section "Access sequence"). In this way, you create the link between the condition, the access sequence and the condition record. Change Condition Table In this step, you can change the available condition tables for message determination in the area of promotions. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Further Notes Please also refer to the section entitled "Create condition table". Display Condition Table In this step, you can display the available condition tables for message determination in the area of promotions. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Further Notes Please also refer to the section entitled "Create condition table".

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Access Sequence In this step, you define the access sequences. The access sequence is a search strategy that the SAP System uses to find valid condition records. The condition represents different messages in the SAP R/3 System such as quotations, order acknowledgments and delivery notes. To define an access sequence you must make the following entries: o

Access sequence An alphanumeric key with a maximum of 4 characters which uniquely identifies the access sequence.


Description Text to describe the access sequence.


Module pool Module pool between N and Z to identify the program for accessing the condition records.


Detailed data -

Consecutive number Consecutive number of the access within the access sequence.


Table Condition table which contains the key fields of the condition records.

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Recommendation


To create a new access sequence or a new condition, copy a similar access sequence that already exists and make the necessary changes.


If you define your own access sequences or conditions, the key should start with the letters Y or Z as SAP does not use these letters in the standard system. Activities


Check to what extent you can use the access sequences and conditions in the standard SAP version and to what extent these need to be changed.


Define and activate your access sequences for promotions.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Message Type In this step you define message types which are used for promotions. The message type is a key which identifies the various message types. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Message Schema In this step you define a condition schema for message determination in the area of promotions. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Assign Schema to Document Type In this step, you assign a schema for the promotion announcement to a promotion type. You must have maintained the promotion types beforehand in the step "Promotion type". Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Assign Program/Form to Message Types In this step, you assign layout sets and programs to the messages. Layout sets control the layout and the contents of the output documents, and programs control how the messages are processed. To assign layout sets and programs you must make the following entries: o

Program Key which identifies the program which controls the processing of the message


FORM routine Key which identifies the routine to be called in the processing program

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Layout set Key of the layout set which is to be assigned to the message and the respective transmission medium

The messages defined before are then proposed for the allowed message types for assignment to the layout sets. Further Notes Further information and technical models for the programs can be found in the "Program Documentation". Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. You can only specify programs, FORM routines and layout sets that already exist. You cannot change programs and FORM routines using Customizing. Activities Make your assignments for each message and its relevant transmission medium. Requirements for Message Types In this step, you define requirements for message determination. "FORM routine" here refers to a copying routine. The routine checks whether certain requirements are fulfilled when copying one document into another. The standard version of the SAP R/3 System contains some standard routines for checking requirements when copying. You can also define your own routines according to the requirements of your company. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Example If, for example, you copy a quotation into a sales order, the system can check every quotation item to ensure that the customer did not reject it for some reason. Activities The system proposes a routine for checking the copying requirements depending on the type of the document to be copied. If you do not want to use the proposed routine, you have the following options: o

You can enter the number of another routine.


You can change the routine and define certain requirements that are to be checked. (Before changing the routine, however, you should check the other positions where this routine is used to avoid unwanted

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changes elsewhere.) o

You can enter the number of a new routine and define this using the SAP development tools. Further Notes

You can find the available routines in the SD Customizing menus by choosing "Transactions -> Document flow" and then selecting the documents that you want to work with. Group Messages In this step, you make message determination settings for the area of group messages. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Number Ranges, Group Message In this step you create number ranges for group messages. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The standard system contains the following entry: No From no. To no. Ext 01 00000000000000000001 00010000000000000000 Internal number assignment is set in the standard configuration. Activities Check if the standard settings meet your requirements. Message Type In this step, you define group message types which are used for promotions. The message type is a key which identifies the various message types.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Assign Program/Form to Message Types In this step, you assign layout sets and programs to the group messages. Layout sets control the layout and the contents of the output documents, and programs control how the messages are processed. To assign layout sets and programs you must make the following entries: o

Program Key which identifies the program that controls the processing of the group message


FORM routine Key which identifies the routine to be called in the processing program


Layout set Key of the layout set that is to be assigned to the group message and the respective transmission medium

The group messages defined before are then proposed for the allowed group message types for assignment to the layout sets. Further Notes Further information and technical models for the programs can be found in the "Program Documentation". Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. You can only specify programs, FORM routines and layout sets that already exist. You cannot change programs and FORM routines using Customizing. Activities Make your assignments for each group message and its relevant transmission medium.

1.10 Season In this step you make the settings necessary for using Seasons. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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1.10.1 Number Ranges, Markdown Planning In this step you create number ranges for markdown planning. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The standard version contains the following entries: 01 0100000000 02 0200000000 AA A

0199999999 0299999999 ZZZZZZZZZZ

internal internal external

Activities Check if the standard system meets your requirements. If not, create new number ranges that do. Maintain number range intervals for the number range groups created. Make sure that number ranges do not overlap.

1.10.2 Check Table for Season Indicators Information on seasons is stored as master data and is valid independent of the year. The master data contains information on the validity period of the season (from and to a particular month and day). The season can only be used once a year (annual season). Merchandise is assigned to an annual season. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are available as standard:


0001 Spring/summer


0002 Autumn/winter


0003 1st quarter


0004 2nd quarter


0005 3rd quarter

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0006 4th quarter

Activities Maintain season indicators. Further Notes One-off periods that do not occur annually should not be planned as seasons, but instead should be planned as promotions.

1.10.3 Maintain Annual Season The annual season defines the exact period of validity of a season for a year, differentiated according to distribution chain if required. Seasonal goods are always assigned to one season. Example Definition of an annual season: Season 0001 (Spring/summer)

Season year 1995

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. The check table for season indicators must be maintained. Standard Settings The following settings are available: Season 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006

Year 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995

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Activities Maintain the annual seasons. Further Notes The period of validity for a season is taken as a default value from the check table and can be overwritten. You can define different periods of validity for the same annual season at distribution chain level. Since seasonal merchandise is often only ordered once, you can define a "can be ordered to" date (document date) per annual season and assign this to the seasonal merchandise. The season wind-up indicator is set automatically when the season is wound up and all the necessary activities have been completed.

1.10.4 Markdown Type In this step define markdown types for markdown planning. Default values are copied to markdown planning via the markdown type. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

1.10.5 Define Selection Variant Selection variants are used to dynamically read information structures. In this step, you group selection variants by specific application areas such as Allocation, Markdown Planning, etc. The use of each field name can be defined as follows: o


Field use -

S means that the field is used as a selection criterion AND to return values.


R means that the field is used to return values only.

Period split -


This defines the period if information structure selection is carried out over periods.

Range parameter -

This describes a range table in which values for the selection criteria are stored. They are essential for selection.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

1.11 Business Partner In this step, you make the system settings necessary for processing business transactions in Materials Management. Recommendation Before creating vendor master data, you should have completely worked through the chapter entitled "Business Partners".

1.11.1 Analyze Partner Relationships In sales and distribution, you come into contact with various business partners (e.g.sales prospects, customers, carriers). Analyze the partnerships which your company is involved in with regard to the SAP functions. Establish the areas in which the partners differ from another, and which partners can be combined. Take into account the various partner functions in the customer master as well as the functionality of partner determination when you process a business transaction.

1.11.2 Identify Origin of Partner Data Determine which sources of information you have for your partners. Gather all the information from each source, for example, the index cards of your external employees, trade directory or lists of other business partners.

1.11.3 Agreement with Other Applications re Partners It is not only in sales and distribution that you have dealings with partners. Other applications can access the centrally managed customer and vendor master data. Customers are also relevant for financial accounting, and vendors and carriers for purchasing. Come to an agreement with the relevant departments regarding your requirements for representing partner data und partner relations in the system.

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1.11.4 Work Out Quantity Framework for Partners To control the hardware configuration, work out the precise volume of partner master records from the information you gathered in the implementation project. To do this, determine the number and size of the partner master records.

1.11.5 Customers The SAP System manages customer data in master records. You can store information relevant to both master data management and transaction processing in the configuration menu. This includes the following: o

Technical parameters (e.g. assigning customer numbers)


Classification criteria (e.g. customer group and sales areas)


Parameters for individual business transaction (e.g. terms of delivery, terms of payment.)

In the standard SAP System, you can distinguish between the following partner functions for customers: o

Sold-to party


Ship-to party




Bill-to party Note

If you already have or are planning to install the FI module, the accounting aspects of customer management and the maintenance responsibilities should be coordinated by FI and SD together. Control The following aspects form the basis for master data management: o

Defining the account groups


Defining the number ranges for customer master records


Defining the matchcodes for customer master records


Setting up the screens for master data maintenance for a sales organization

Maintain these aspects in the following menu options so that you can then define your master data in the system according to your requirements.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Analyze Customer Master Fields and Define Field Usage Analyze the SAP data fields in the customer master record. Determine which fields in the SAP System correspond to those in your old customer master, and can therefore be copied directly, and which fields are missing in the SAP System or can only be used in an amended form. This analysis should result in a comparison of the fields in your old customer master, which can be copied directly into SAP fields, with fields which do not have a counterpart in the SAP System and can only be used in a different form or replaced by new fields. You will find information on analysing the fields in the customer master record in the documentation report on batch input RFBIDE00. When analyzing the fields, take into account the the customer master record's dependency upon account group. If you require new fields, you must specify the appropriate field content. Distinguish between required-entry fields, optional fields and display fields (field control). Define Account Groups and Field Selection for Customers Using this menu option, you define the account groups to which you assign customer master records with the same features (for example, group of one-time customers, group of ship-to parties). Common features include: o

structure of the master record input screens (field status)


number ranges


number assignment (internal/external) Note


With the field status you define -

into which fields you have to enter data when creating the customer master record of an account group


into which fields you can enter data


which fields should not be displayed by the SAP System


You define with the field status, for example, that the sales tax indicator is not suppressed.


Bear in mind that a screen is not displayed when you maintain a customer master record if you have suppressed all of the fields contained in it.


You can define the field status to be dependent on either account group or transaction.


You do not have to make entries for text determination, partner determination and other sales data at this point. You maintain these fields later when you set the defaults for the individual functions.

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Requirements You must specify an number range for each account group. To do this, you must first define the number range (see section "Define number ranges for customers"). Default settings The standard SAP R/3 System is configured for typical account groups. SAP Recommendation o

If you want to implement new account groups, you should copy the existing account groups and only then make changes. This way, you can test the new account groups at this point (for example, concerning partner determination), even if you have not yet entered the remaining data.


The production system should only contain the account groups you require.


If you define your own account groups, the keys should start with the letter Z. SAP has reserved this name convention foe this purpose in the standard SAP system. Actions


Check to what extent you can adopt the settings for the existing account groups in the standard SAP R/3 System.


Copy a similar account group and adapt it to suit your needs. In particular, define the field status of the fields in the master record.


Make the field status dependent on transaction. Define Transaction-Dependent Screen Layout In this step, you determine which master record fields o

are ready for entries


require an entry


are suppressed from display.

These specifications are carried out dependent on transactions and are linked to the field status of the account group. This link determines which status fields are adopted in the entry screen for master data. Standard configuration A specification has been determined for each transaction.

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SAP recommendation You control the field status using the account group. Only in special cases is it reasonable to define field status dependent on a transaction. This may be the case when, for example, fields are to be filled during creation and not changed using the change transaction. Activities If you want to give fields a status different from the default, specify the field status yourself for the appropriate transaction. 1.

Specify the field status dependent on the transaction. Define and Assign Customer Number Ranges In this menu option, you define the number intervals of the number ranges for customer master records. When creating a customer master record, a unique number which identifies the master record is assigned. The number comes from the number range that is provided for the account group. There are two types of number assignment: o

Internal number assignment The SAP System automatically assigns a consecutive number from the defined number range.


External number assignment You specify a number from the external number range. Transport

You transport number range objects as follows: In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Actions 1.


To define a number range you have to create a new number interval: -

Specify an alphanumeric key which can have up to 2 characters.


Specify the limits of the number interval. The individual number intervals may not overlap. Thus, every number can occur only once.


Indicate the number range if it is provided for external number assignment.

Specify the key of the number range for an account group afterwards (see the section "Define account

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groups and field selection customer"). Change Message Control for Customer Master Data In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them. You can o

determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer


change warnings into error messages


switch off warnings and error messages

Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the background. You can make the corresponding specifications for a client or, if required, also for the individual user. The work area is "F2" for switching on the duplicate check for customer master records. In this case, the system checks whether accounts with the same address already exist when creating a new account or changing the address. Matchcode fields are used for searching. If these contain the same data, the duplicates found by the system are displayed in a window. Activities 1.

Select the application area.


Select Edit -> New entries.


Enter the following data: -

Message number By selecting the F4 key on the MsgNo field you can find out which messages are available.


User name If you enter a name here then the specifications only apply to this particular user. If you enter "blank", then the settings apply to all users within the client.


Message type You can find out the permitted message type by selecting F4 on the Online or BatchI fields.


Save your entries. The accompanying message text is inserted automatically. Develop Enhancements for Customer Master Data The following SAP enhancement is available for the customer master data area: o

SAPMF02D for checking the data entered before saving it

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Activities 1.

Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.


Activate the project. This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand. Further Notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original. For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard. Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project management screen for SAP enhancements. Define Industries In this activity you define the industries you require. You can group together your customers by industry. The industry field is located in the general area of the customers master record. You specify what industry a business partner belongs to by entering an industry key in its master record. You can use this information for evaluations, for example, to create a customer list according to industry. Activities Enter the required industry keys and a description. Check Search Fields for Debtors You can check the matchcode query substitute with this menu option. Standard settings Substitutes have already been set for matchcodes in the SAP standard. Recommendations If possible, do not make any changes in capital or small letter substitutes. If you do make changes, you will be required to make changes in standard matchcodes as well.

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Actions Check the substitute and make all necessary changes. Define Customer Matchcodes In this activity you define matchcodes for customer master records. If you want to change or display a customer master record but do not know the account number, you can search for it using a so-called matchcode. The system saves certain fields from a customer master record in a matchcode. You can search for the customer account using these fields, the so-called matchcodes. Matchcodes are set up in the master data tables using database views and indexes (= update type I). Example You are looking for a specific customer account number, but know only the long text name of the account and its relevant company code. You can find the account number with the help of a matchcode search using the company code or long text. Standard settings The standard system includes the following matchcodes for customer accounts: o

The matchcode ID A lets you search using address data.


The matchcode ID C allows you to search by class. You have to classify your customers first.


The matchcode ID D allows you to search using the "Search term" field in the master record. This field usually contains the essential part of the name. This ID also lets you search by company code.


The matchcode ID E allows you to search by country. This matchcode is used to search for foreign customers.


The matchcode ID K allows you to search by account group.


The matchcode ID S allows you to search by sales organization. This matchcode is used in the Sales and Distribution (SD) application.


The matchcode ID Z allows you to search by account number of the head office. This matchcode is used for searching according to the branches of a head office.

The matchcode object for customer accounts is called DEBI. It determines which database tables and fields are required for the matchcode ID. You can create several

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matchcode IDs for a matchcode object. The matchcode ID determines which fields and/or combinations of fields are used for searches. Note Since proper capitalization is required for searches using the name (NAME1) and city (ORT01) of a customer, special substitute fields were created for these fields. All entries are automatically converted to capital letters in these substitute fields (MCOD1 for NAME1 and MCOD3 for ORT01). Therefore, when entering the name or city of the customer within a matchcode selection, you do not need to take capitalization into account. Caution If you require other matchcode IDs than the ones supplied with the standard software, which should include the fields for the name or city of the customer, you have to enter matchcode fields MCOD1 and MCOD3 for the search fields (NAME1 and ORT01) in the matchcode ID field list. The substitute fields MCOD1 and MCOD3 are delivered with the standard SAP system for the search fields NAME1 and ORT01. The search field NAME2 is not contained in the standard matchcodes. Therefore you can configure a field other than the standard one. You can, for example, use the field STRAS (street) instead of NAME2 if you require the street as a search field. To do this, you must enter the field STRAS instead of NAME2 in the "Check search fields for matchcodes" step. Activities 1.

Find out which matchcodes are needed in your company.


Check the standard matchcode IDs. It is very important that the required fields are specified in the correct sequence. Add your own matchcode IDs if necessary.


If you want to carry out a matchcode search using classes, make sure that classes have been created via the Cross-Application Components in the Implementation Guide and are saved in the customer master records. Additional information

For more information on matchcodes, see the BC ABAP/4 Dictionary manual. You can find further information on classification in the relevant section of the Basis Implementation Guide. Define and Assign Field Authorization Groups In this menu option you create field groups used to group together fields which are handled identically with regard to authorization assignment. If a user has the authorization for one or more field groups, he/she can change all fields of this/these authorization group(s). When dividing the fields into field groups, please note that the change authorization either applies to all or no fields of a group. On the other hand, no check is carried out when creating and displaying. Authorizations for field groups are maintained using the object F_KNA1_AEN (Financial Accounting).

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Example A user has the general authorization for maintaining customer master records in SD. Using the field group, this authorization can be controlled more precisely. It may define that a user may only change certain fields namely, the fields of the field group. For more information on the authorization objects in SD, see the section "Authorizations". Note The complete functionality will be available as of Release 3.0. Actions 1.

Check whether you can use the field authorization groups contained in the standard SAP R/3 System.


Create a field authorization group by entering a numeric key with a maximum of two digits and a description for the field group.


Allocate the fields, which should be handled identically with regard to their authorization assignment, to the field group. A field can be allocated to several groups.


Create an authorization for the authorization object F_KNA1_AEN with the corresponding field group and then allocate the object and authorization to the possible authorization profiles. Define Attributes In this step you can define up to ten attributes for defining a customer. Note To define the description for the attribute "mnemonically", you must make relevant changes in the Data Dictionary. This "mnemonic" description is then displayed when you maintain the attribute in the customer master record. Activities 1.

For each of the ten attributes, enter an alphanumeric key of up to three characters and a description.


Make sure that you enter the key for this attribute in the additional data of the customer master records. Define Condition Groups In this step you define condition groups for a customer. You can use the condition groups 1-5 in the customer master to assign a customer to a group. This group can then be used in subsequent processing (order, delivery, invoice), during condition and price determination.

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Activities 1.

Enter an alphanumeric key for each condition group. This key can have up to two characters and a description.


Make sure that you enter the keys for the condition groups into the additional data in the customer master records. Settings for Central Address Management Using central address management, you can maintain and manage the addresses for the different business objects conveniently in a uniform maintenance interface. For more information, see the steps described in Customizing for Address Management. Create Tab Layouts Because of the large number of fields that it contains, the customer master is divided into three views: o

General data -

General data for customers


General data for consumers


Sales area data


Company code data

In this IMG activity, you can define how tabs for these views are laid out. You can specify which tab pages appear on tabs. For each tab, you can specify which group boxes appear in which position on tab pages. Note Any group boxes that contain required entry fields must appear on a tab in a master record. 1.


Create a layout for a new tab : -

Enter a name and description for the new tab layout (New entries).


Enter the keys and titles for the tab pages to be used, and specify the position of each tab page (New entries). The maximum number of tab pages in a tab is ten.


For each tab page, specify the group boxes that should appear, and the positions in which they should appear (New entries). The maximum number of group boxes allowed on a tab page is seven. A group box can only appear once on a tab.

Choose System -> User profile -> Own data to assign the name (Value) of a new tab layout to the relevant parameter: -

Debitor_layout_gd for general data for customers

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Debitor_layout_cs for general data for consumes


Debitor_layout_sd for sales area data


Debitor_layout_fi for company code data

Standard Settings SAP supplies standard tab layouts containing all group boxes. The standard tab layouts are automatically assigned to the relevant user parameter and appear as default tabs for customer master data maintenance. Create Tab Layouts for General Data Because of the large number of fields that it contains, the customer master is divided into three views: o

General data -

General data for customers


General data for consumers


Sales area data


Company code data

In this IMG activity, you can define how tabs for these views are laid out. You can specify which tab pages appear on tabs. For each tab, you can specify which group boxes appear in which position on tab pages. Note Any group boxes that contain required entry fields must appear on a tab in a master record. 1.


Create a layout for a new tab : -

Enter a name and description for the new tab layout (New entries).


Enter the keys and titles for the tab pages to be used, and specify the position of each tab page (New entries). The maximum number of tab pages in a tab is ten.


For each tab page, specify the group boxes that should appear, and the positions in which they should appear (New entries). The maximum number of group boxes allowed on a tab page is seven. A group box can only appear once on a tab.

Choose System -> User profile -> Own data to assign the name (Value) of a new tab layout to the relevant parameter: -

Debitor_layout_gd for general data for customers


Debitor_layout_cs for general data for consumes


Debitor_layout_sd for sales area data


Debitor_layout_fi for company code data

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Standard Settings SAP supplies standard tab layouts containing all group boxes. The standard tab layouts are automatically assigned to the relevant user parameter and appear as default tabs for customer master data maintenance. Note In new tab layouts that you create for maintaining general data, you must create the first tab page exactly the same as the first tab page in the SAP standard tab layout for general data maintenance. Create Tab Layouts for Sales Area Data Because of the large number of fields that it contains, the customer master is divided into three views: o

General data -

General data for customers


General data for consumers


Sales area data


Company code data

In this IMG activity, you can define how tabs for these views are laid out. You can specify which tab pages appear on tabs. For each tab, you can specify which group boxes appear in which position on tab pages. Note Any group boxes that contain required entry fields must appear on a tab in a master record. 1.


Create a layout for a new tab : -

Enter a name and description for the new tab layout (New entries).


Enter the keys and titles for the tab pages to be used, and specify the position of each tab page (New entries). The maximum number of tab pages in a tab is ten.


For each tab page, specify the group boxes that should appear, and the positions in which they should appear (New entries). The maximum number of group boxes allowed on a tab page is seven. A group box can only appear once on a tab.

Choose System -> User profile -> Own data to assign the name (Value) of a new tab layout to the relevant parameter: -

Debitor_layout_gd for general data for customers


Debitor_layout_cs for general data for consumes


Debitor_layout_sd for sales area data


Debitor_layout_fi for company code data

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Standard Settings SAP supplies standard tab layouts containing all group boxes. The standard tab layouts are automatically assigned to the relevant user parameter and appear as default tabs for customer master data maintenance. Create Tab Layouts for Company Code Data Because of the large number of fields that it contains, the customer master is divided into three views: o

General data -

General data for customers


General data for consumers


Sales area data


Company code data

In this IMG activity, you can define how tabs for these views are laid out. You can specify which tab pages appear on tabs. For each tab, you can specify which group boxes appear in which position on tab pages. Note Any group boxes that contain required entry fields must appear on a tab in a master record. 1.


Create a layout for a new tab : -

Enter a name and description for the new tab layout (New entries).


Enter the keys and titles for the tab pages to be used, and specify the position of each tab page (New entries). The maximum number of tab pages in a tab is ten.


For each tab page, specify the group boxes that should appear, and the positions in which they should appear (New entries). The maximum number of group boxes allowed on a tab page is seven. A group box can only appear once on a tab.

Choose System -> User profile -> Own data to assign the name (Value) of a new tab layout to the relevant parameter: -

Debitor_layout_gd for general data for customers


Debitor_layout_cs for general data for consumes


Debitor_layout_sd for sales area data


Debitor_layout_fi for company code data

Standard Settings SAP supplies standard tab layouts containing all group boxes. The standard tab layouts are automatically assigned to the relevant user parameter and appear as default tabs for customer master data maintenance.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Create Tab Layouts for Consumer Data Because of the large number of fields that it contains, the customer master is divided into three views: o

General data -

General data for customers


General data for consumers


Sales area data


Company code data

In this IMG activity, you can define how tabs for these views are laid out. You can specify which tab pages appear on tabs. For each tab, you can specify which group boxes appear in which position on tab pages. Note Any group boxes that contain required entry fields must appear on a tab in a master record. 1.

Create a layout for a new tab : -

Enter a name and description for the new tab layout (New entries).


Enter the keys and titles for the tab pages to be used, and specify the position of each tab page (New entries). The maximum number of tab pages in a tab is ten.


For each tab page, specify the group boxes that should appear, and the positions in which they should appear (New entries). The maximum number of group boxes allowed on a tab page is seven. A group box can only appear once on a tab.

Choose System -> User profile -> Own data to assign the name (Value) of a new tab layout to the relevant parameter:



Debitor_layout_gd for general data for customers


Debitor_layout_cs for general data for consumes


Debitor_layout_sd for sales area data


Debitor_layout_fi for company code data

Standard Settings SAP supplies two standard tab layouts for the maintenance of general data for consumers: o

A short version containing the minimum fields required for general data maintenance for consumers Create three character names for new tab layouts, for example, tab layout XYZ.


An extended version containing all fields for general data maintenance for consumers Make 2 the fourth character of new tab layout names, for example, tab layout XYZ2.

Note For general data maintenance for consumers, you only assign the short version of a new tab layout, for

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example, XYZ, to the parameter Debitor_layout_cs. The extended version, for example, XYZ2, appears then automatically. Note In new tab layouts that you create for maintaining general data for consumers, you must create the first tab page exactly the same as the first tab page in the SAP standard tab layouts for general data maintenance for consumers. Reporting: Customer Master Find out for the report of customer master data which reports you require. You can carry out reports, for example, on export customers, dunning data or delete flags. You can find examples of reports in the Sales Information System. Define which standard reports you can use and whether you have to change the contents or the layout. Determine the requirement for and the contents of additional reports and see to it that they are created. Compare the contents of the reports to the master data. Take into account that the contact persons are part of the customer master records. Additional information In this context, take the functions of logistics controlling into account (see chapters "Logistics-Controlling"), for example, for the creation of customer master data sheets.

1.11.6 Vendors Data on vendors (or creditors) is managed in master records. (The terms "vendor" and "creditor" are often used virtually synonymously in the SAP R/3 System.) The following menu options allow you to store information that is important for managing master data. This concerns technical parameters (such as the assignment of vendor numbers). Note If you already use the SAP components FI and MM, or if you plan to use them, you must discuss the aspects of accounting and procurement in vendor management and agree on maintenance responsibilities. SD uses vendor master records for carriers/forwarders and external sales personnel (commercial representatives). Additional Information You make system settings for vendor master records in Accounting.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Control The following aspects form the basis of master data management for vendors (creditors): o

Definition of account groups


Definition of number ranges for vendor master records


Definition of matchcodes for vendor master records

To record your master data in the system according to your requirements, you must process these aspects in the following steps. Define Account Groups and Field Selection (Vendor) In this step, you define account groups for vendors. When creating a vendor master record, you must specify an account group. You use the account group to determine o

which fields are ready to accept input and which fields require entries when master records are created and changed


whether the account is a one-time account


whether the data retention levels "sub-range" and/or "plant" are allowed for a vendor master record

Account groups allow you to group together accounts according to the above criteria. You define the account number interval and the number assignment type using number ranges. Note Remember to maintain the field status. If you have not selected a status for a field group, the associated fields will be hidden. o


You use the field status to define -

which fields require the entry of data when a vendor master record is created (mandatory-entry fields).


which fields allow the entry of data (optional-entry fields)


which fields are to be hidden by the SAP R/3 System

Please note that a screen will not be offered during vendor master record maintenance if you have suppressed all the fields it contains. Prerequisites

For an account group, you must have specified a number range. This in turn requires the predefinition of the number range (see Define number ranges for vendors). Standard Settings The SAP R/3 System comes with typical account groups already preset.

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Recommendation o

If you want to introduce new account groups, you should copy the existing ones and only then make the necessary changes. This enables you to test the new account groups at this stage (e.g. with regard to partner determination) even if you have not yet specified the remaining data.


The production system should contain only the account groups that are needed.


If you define your own account groups, the keys should begin with the letter Z since SAP keeps these name slots free in the standard R/3 System. Activities


Check to what extent you can use the account group settings contained in the standard SAP R/3 System.


Copy a similar account group and make the necessary changes. In particular, define the field status of the fields in the master record. Define Screen Layout Specific to Purchasing Organization In this step, you define - in dependence on the purchasing organization - which master record fields o

are ready to accept input


require an entry


are hidden

The definition you make is linked to the field status of the account group and the transaction-dependent definition. This linkage determines the status of fields on the entry screen for master data. Note The entry under purchasing organization "*" applies to all purchasing organizations not explicitly entered in the table. Do not delete this entry. Standard Settings Sample entries have been supplied for some purchasing organizations. Recommendation Control the field status via the account groups. Only in exceptional cases is it useful to define the field status as a function of the purchasing organization. Activities If you want the status of fields to differ depending on the purchasing organization, specify the purchasing organization and define the status of the fields.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Transaction-Dependent Screen Layout In this step, you define - as a function of the transactions for vendor (creditor) master data - which master record fields o

are ready to accept input


require an entry


are hidden

The specification you make is linked to the field status of the account group and the screen layout of the purchasing organization. This linkage determines the status of fields on the entry screen for the master data. Standard Settings A definition has been made for each transaction. Recommendation Control the field status using the account groups. Only in exceptional cases is it useful to define the field status in dependence on a transaction. This may be the case, for instance, if fields are to be filled at the time of record creation and these may not be changed when the record is processed using the "Change" transaction. Activities If you want the status of fields to differ depending on the transaction, define the status of the fields separately for each transaction. Define Number Ranges for Vendor Master Records In this step, you define the number intervals of the number ranges for vendor master records. When a vendor master record is created, a unique number identifying the master record is assigned. The number comes from the number range provided for the account group. There are two ways in which numbers can be assigned: o

Internal number assignment Here the SAP R/3 System automatically assigns a consecutive number from the number range defined.


External number assignment Here you specify a number from the external number range. Recommendation

With internal number assignment, you can start search functions for vendor master records using matchcodes. This largely eliminates the need for mnemonic vendor numbers. For this reason, SAP recommends that you use internal number assignment.

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Activities 1.


To define a number range, you must insert a new number interval: -

Specify an alphanumeric key with a maximum of two characters.


Specify the limits of the number interval. The individual number intervals must not overlap. Each number may therefore occur only once.


Mark the number range if it is intended for external number assignment.

Then store the key of the number range in the account group table (see "Define Account Groups and Field Selection for Vendors"). Note on Transport

You transport number range objects as follows: In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Change Message Control for Vendor Master Data In this activity you can set system messages to appear as you require them. You can o

determine whether a message is issued as a note in the dialog box or in the footer


change warnings into error messages


switch off warnings and error messages

Different specifications are possible for the online mode and for the batch input sessions processed in the background. You can make the corresponding specifications for a client or, if required, also for the individual user. Messages for the application area WY can be processed. When you assign a vendor, who is blocked for purchasing or flagged for deletion, to another vendor for a partner function, the following messages are activated: o








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Activities 1.

Select the application area.


Select Edit -> New entries.


Enter the following data: -

Message number By selecting the F4 key on the MsgNo field you can find out which messages are available.


User name If you enter a name here then the specifications only apply to this particular user. If you enter "blank", then the settings apply to all users within the client.


Message type You can find out the permitted message type by selecting F4 on the Online or BatchI fields.


Save your entries. The accompanying message text is inserted automatically. Develop Enhancements for Vendor Master Data The following SAP enhancement is available for the vendor master data area: o

SAPMF02K for checking the data entered before saving it Activities


Create your enhancement. To do this, either create a new project or use an existing one. Modify the source code for a transaction delivered by SAP by adding the elements you need. SAP provides you with the necessary function modules with short text, interface, and documentation to be able to do this. A sample source code created by SAP may exist for user exits which can be copied (and changed) if required.


Activate the project. This allows the ABAP source code to run. Enhancements will not have any effect beforehand. Further Notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements can generally be transferred between Releases since they are carried out within a name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original. For more information about creating enhancements, see the SAP Library BC - Changing the SAP Standard. Every enhancement is documented. To call up the documentation, choose Utilities -> Display req.docu from the project management screen for SAP enhancements.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Industries In this activity you define the industries you require. You can group together your vendors by industry. The industry field is located in the general area of the vendor master record. You specify what industry a business partner belongs to by entering an industry key in its master record. You can use this information for evaluations, for example, to create a vendor list according to industry. Activities Enter the required industry keys and a description. Maintain Matchcodes In this step, you can revise or redefine existing matchcodes for finding vendor (creditor) master records. Before processing the matchcodes, please read the following sections for more information. o

Matchcode concept This section describes how matchcodes are compiled in the SAP System.


Create matchcode This section describes the procedure for creating a matchcode in the ABAP4 Dictionary.


Matchcode utility This section describes how to use the matchcode utilities. You use the matchcode utility to compile matchcodes that are physically stored.

Note Matchcode maintenance requires technical knowledge of the ABAP4 Dictionary. Leave matchcode maintenance to your system administrator. Note that a large number of matchcodes can negatively affect system performance. Check which matchcodes you want to use for your work area. You can deactivate matchcodes you do not want to use. Matchcodes are not client-specific.

Standard settings You can search for vendor (creditor) master records with the following matchcodes: o

Use the matchcode with ID "=A." to search for general vendors


Use the matchcode with ID "=C." to search for vendors by class


Use the matchcode with ID "=E." to search for Purchasing vendors


Use the matchcode with ID "=I." to search for import vendors


Use the matchcode with ID "=K." to search for vendors by company code

________________________________________________________________ 162



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Activities 1.

Check whether the matchcodes in the standard system meet your requirements.


Supplement existing matchcode objects by further matchcode IDs, or create new matchcodes if required. Define Field Groups for Vendor Master Records In this step, you define the field groups by entering a key (one or two-digit, numeric) for the field group and a group name. You can also set the indicator Field group not relevant for the authorization check. In this case, this group is not subjected to the authorization check when maintaining master data. If the indicator is set, the field group is then only used for selecting the fields via which the report for displaying change documents runs. Activities Define your field groups. If you do not need an authorization check, set the corresponding indicator. Additional information You can find additional information on the cross-account display of change documents for the vendor master data in the documentation for program RFKABL00. Group Fields for Vendor Master Records After you have defined the field groups, allocate the required master record fields to the field groups here. Activities 1.

Allocate the fields to the groups.


Then enter the corresponding field groups in program RFKABL00.


If it is necessary, define one or more authorizations for changing the grouped fields.


Enter these authorizations into the required profiles. Settings for Central Address Management Using central address management, you can maintain and manage the addresses for the different business objects conveniently in a uniform maintenance interface. For more information, see the steps described in Customizing for Address Management.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Reporting: Vendor Master Determine which reports you need to evaluate vendor master data. Define which standard reports you can use and whether you need to change the contents or the layout. Determine the need for and content of any further reports, and arrange for them to be created. Compare and agree the content of the reports with the master data. Further Notes For more information on reporting and analysis functions, refer to the SAP Library (chapters General Analyses and Reporting in Purchasing (LO Logistics -> MM Materials Management -> MM Purchasing)).

1.11.7 Tools In this step, you process the following areas: o

the interfaces between the SAP R/3 System and other data processing systems in use in your enterprise


the transfer of your data to the SAP R/3 System Maintain Authorizations This section describes the authorization objects that are defined for the individual functions of the application in the standard SAP R/3 System. You can maintain authorizations for these objects in the R/3 System. Authorizations contain field values for the authorization objects that come with the system. Authorization Objects The following list shows the authorization objects that are checked in the individual functions of the application. Functions for...

Authorization object

Purchasing: Purchase order

M_BEST_WRK Plant M_BEST_EKO Purchasing organization M_BEST_EKG Purchasing group M_BEST_BSA Document type



________________________________________________________________ 164



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________


- Release Outline agreement

- Master conditions

M_BANF_EKO Purchasing organization M_BANF_EKG Purchasing group M_BANF_BSA Document type M_BANF_FRG Release M_RAHM_WRK Plant M_RAHM_EKO Purchasing organization M_RAHM_EKG Purchasing group M_RAHM_BSA Document type V_KONH_EKO Purchasing organization

- SA deliv. schedule

M_LPET_WRK Plant M_LPET_EKO Purchasing organization M_LPET_EKG Purchasing group M_LPET_BSA Document type

Request for quotation

M_ANFR_WRK Plant M_ANFR_EKO Purchasing organization M_ANFR_EKG Purchasing group M_ANFR_BSA Document type


M_ANGB_WRK Plant M_ANGB_EKO Purchasing organization M_ANGB_EKG Purchasing group M_ANGB_BSA Document type

Purchasing info record

M_EINF_EKO Purchasing organization M_EINF_EKG Purchasing group

- Master conditions

V_KONH_EKO Purchasing organization

Source list

M_ORDR_WRK Plant M_ORDR_EKO Purchasing organization

Quota arrangement



M_LFM1_EKO Purchasing organization

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Vendor evaluation

M_LIBE_EKO Purchasing organization

Standard Settings For each function, you will find: o

maintenance authorizations


display authorizations Actions


Check the authorizations supplied.

To do so, choose the object class 'Materials management'. You will obtain the list of authorization objects. Choose an object to obtain the list of authorizations for this object. 2.

If necessary, create new authorizations.

Choose Authorization -> Create. Enter the authorization and a description. Choose a field to maintain the individual field values. Save the new authorization and activate it.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Description of authorization objects Object: M_BEST_WRK Plant Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of purchase orders via the plant.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o




The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which plants and via which activity purchase orders may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all plants. Relevant authorization: plant '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for a particular plant. Relevant authorization: plant '0001', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_BEST_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of purchase orders via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing organizations and via which activity purchase orders may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change", etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 168



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_BEST_EKG Purchasing group This authorization enables you to restrict the maintenance of purchase orders via the purchasing group.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing group



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing groups and via which activity purchase orders may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing groups. Relevant authorization: purchasing group '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing group. Relevant authorization: purchasing group 'XYZ', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_BEST_BSA Document type Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of purchase orders via the document type.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Document type



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which document types and via which activity purchase orders can be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change", etc.

Example User A may create, change and display all document types. Relevant authorization: document type '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display a certain document type (for instance, standard purchase orders). Relevant authorization: document type 'NB', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 170



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_BANF_WRK Plant Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of purchase requisitions via the plant.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o




The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which plants and via which activity requisitions may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all plants. Relevant authorization: plant '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for a particular plant. Relevant authorization: plant '0001', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_BANF_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of purchase requisitions via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing organizations and via which activity requisitions may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change", etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 172



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_BANF_EKG Purchasing group This authorization enables you to restrict the maintenance of purchase requisitions via the purchasing group.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing group



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing groups and via which activity requisitions may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing groups. Relevant authorization: purchasing group '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing group. Relevant authorization: purchasing group 'XYZ', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_BANF_BSA Document type Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of purchase requisitions via the document type.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Document type



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which document types and via which activity requisitions can be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change", etc.

Example User A may create, change and display all document types. Relevant authorization: document type '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display a certain document type (for instance, requisitions). Relevant authorization: document type 'NB,RV', activity '3'.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_BANF_FRG Release Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the release of purchase requisitions via the release code.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises the field 'release code' only. The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate the release codes with which requisitions may be released.

Example User A may release requisitions for all release codes. Relevant authorization: release code '*'. On the other hand, user B may only effect releases for codes '01' and '02'. Relevant authorization: release codes '01,02'.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_RAHM_WRK Plant Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of outline agreements via the plant.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o




The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which plants and via which activity outline agreements may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all plants. Relevant authorization: plant '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for a particular plant. Relevant authorization: plant '0001', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 176



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_RAHM_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of outline agreements via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing organizations and via which activity outline agreements may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change", etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_RAHM_EKG Purchasing group This authorization enables you to restrict the maintenance of outline agreements via the purchasing group.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing group



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing groups and via which activity outline agreements may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing groups. Relevant authorization: purchasing group '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing group. Relevant authorization: purchasing group 'XYZ', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 178



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_RAHM_BSA Document type Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of outline agreements via the document type.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Document type



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which document types and via which activity outline agreements can be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change", etc.

Example User A may create, change and display all document types. Relevant authorization: document type '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display a certain document type (for instance, quantity contracts). Relevant authorization: document type 'MK', activity '3'.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: V_KONH_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object can be used to limit the maintenance and display of master_conditions>master conditions. If a user wishes to create, change, or display a master condition (for example, in an info record or contract), the system checks whether he or she is authorized to do so.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LPET_WRK Plant Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of scheduling agreement delivery schedules via the plant.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o




The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which plants and via which activity scheduling agreement delivery schedules may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display scheduling agreement delivery schedules for all plants. Relevant authorization: plant '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display scheduling agreement delivery schedules for one particular plant. Relevant authorization: plant '0001', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LPET_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of scheduling agreement delivery schedules via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing organizations and via which activity scheduling agreement delivery schedules may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display scheduling agreement delivery schedules for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display scheduling agreement delivery schedules for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 182



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LPET_EKG Purchasing group Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of scheduling agreement delivery schedules via the purchasing group.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing group



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing groups and via which activity scheduling agreement delivery schedules may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display scheduling agreement delivery schedules for all purchasing groups. Relevant authorization: purchasing group '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display scheduling agreement delivery schedules for one particular purchasing group. Relevant authorization: purchasing group 'XYZ', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LPET_BSA Document type Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of scheduling agreement delivery schedules via the document type.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Document type



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which document types and via which activity scheduling agreement delivery schedules may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display all document types. Relevant authorization: document type '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display a certain document type (for example, scheduling agreement delivery schedules). Relevant authorization: document type 'LP', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 184



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ANFR_WRK Plant Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of RFQs via the plant.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o




The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which plants and via which activity requests for quotation may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all plants. Relevant authorization: plant '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for a particular plant. Relevant authorization: plant '0001', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ANFR_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of RFQs via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing organizations and via which activity requests for quotation may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change", etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 186



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ANFR_EKG Purchasing group This authorization enables you to restrict the maintenance of RFQs via the purchasing group.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing group



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing groups and via which activity requests for quotation may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing groups. Relevant authorization: purchasing group '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing group. Relevant authorization: purchasing group 'XYZ', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ANFR_BSA Document type Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of RFQs via the document type.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Document type



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which document types and via which activity requests for quotation can be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change", etc.

Example User A may create, change and display all document types. Relevant authorization: document type '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display a certain document type (for instance, RFQs). Relevant authorization: document type 'AN', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 188



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ANGB_WRK Plant Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of quotations via the plant.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o




The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which plants and via which activity quotations may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display quotations for all plants. Relevant authorization: plant '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display quotations for one particular plant. Relevant authorization: plant '0001', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ANGB_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of quotations via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing organizations and via which activity quotations may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display quotations for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display quotations for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 190



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ANGB_EKG Purchasing group Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of quotations via the purchasing group.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing group



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing groups and via which activity quotations may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display quotations for all purchasing groups. Relevant authorization: purchasing group '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display quotations for one particular purchasing group. Relevant authorization: purchasing group 'XYZ', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ANGB_BSA Document type Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of quotations via the document type.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Document type



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which document types and via which activity quotations may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display all document types. Relevant authorization: document type '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display a certain document type (for example, quotations). Relevant authorization: document type 'AN', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 192



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_EINF_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of info records via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus specify for which purchasing organization and via which activity purchasing info records may be processed. Possible activities include "Create", "Change", and "Display".

Example User A may create, change and display purchasing info records for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display purchasing info records for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_EINF_EKG Purchasing group This authorization enables you to restrict the maintenance of info records via the purchasing group.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing group



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing groups and via which activity purchasing info records may be processed. Possible activities include "Display", "Create", "Change" etc.

Example User A may create, change and display documents for all purchasing groups. Relevant authorization: purchasing group '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display documents for one particular purchasing group. Relevant authorization: purchasing group 'XYZ', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 194



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: V_KONH_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object can be used to limit the maintenance and display of master_conditions>master conditions. If a user wishes to create, change, or display a master condition (for example, in an info record or contract), the system checks whether he or she is authorized to do so.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ORDR_WRK Plant Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of source list records via the plant.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o




The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which plants and via which activity source list records may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display source list records for all plants. Relevant authorization: plant '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display source list records for one particular plant. Relevant authorization: plant '0001', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 196



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_ORDR_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of source list records via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which purchasing organizations and via which activity source list records may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display source list records for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display source list records for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_QUOT_WRK Plant Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of quota arrangements via the plant.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o




The various authorizations for this object thus stipulate for which plants and via which activity quota arrangements may be processed. Possible activities include "Maintain" and "Display".

Example User A may both maintain and display quota arrangements for all plants. Relevant authorization: plant '*', activities '2-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display quota arrangements for one particular plant. Relevant authorization: plant '0001', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ 198



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LFM1_EKO Purchasing organization Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of vendors via the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

Purchasing organization



The various authorizations for this object thus specify for which purchasing organization and via which activity vendors may be processed. Possible activities include "Create", "Change", and "Display".

Example User A may create, change and display vendors for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities '1-3'. On the other hand, user B may only display vendors for one particular purchasing organization. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity '3'.

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LIBE_EKO Purchasing organization Definition With this authorization object, it is possible to restrict maintenance of vendor evaluations on the basis of the purchasing organization.

Defined Fields The authorization object consists of two fields: o

the purchasing organization, and


the activity.

The various authorizations for this object thus determine for which purchasing organizations and with which activity vendor evaluations may be processed. Examples of possible activities are "Create", "Change", and "Display".

Example User A may create, change and display vendor evaluations for all purchasing organizations. Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '*', activities 'A' (for creating and changing) and 'D' (for displaying). User B may only display vendor evaluations for one particular purchasing organization (e.g., "1234"). Relevant authorization: purchasing organization '1234', activity 'D'.

________________________________________________________________ 200



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Note on Transport You transport authorizations as follows: 1.

Display the list of authorizations.


Select the object class.


Choose Authorization -> Transport.


Select the authorizations you wish to transport.


Confirm your selections and enter the correction number. Create Profiles In this step, you create the profiles. Profiles contain authorization objects for clearly defined areas of responsibility. Standard Settings The standard SAP version contains the following profiles for purchasing functions: o

M_EINK_ALL Maintenance authorization Purchasing, total


M_EINK_ANZ Display authorization


M_ANFR_ALL Maintenance authorization Request for quotation


M_ANFR_ANZ Display authorization


M_ANGE_ALL Maintenance authorization Quotation


M_ANGE_ANZ Display authorization


M_BANF_ALL Maintenance authorization Purchase requisition


M_BANF_ANZ Display authorization


M_BEST_ALL Maintenance authorization Purchase order


M_BEST_ANZ Display authorization


M_EINF_ALL Maintenance authorization Purchasing info records


M_EINF_ANZ Display authorization


M_LPET_ALL Maintenance authorization Sched. agreement/deliv. schedule


M_LPET_ANZ Display authorization


M_ORDR_ALL Maintenance authorization Source list


M_ORDR_ANZ Display authorization


M_QUOT_ALL Maintenance authorization Quota arrangement

Purchasing, total

Request for quotation


Purchase requisition

Purchase order

Purchasing info records

Sched. agreement/deliv. schedule

Source list

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________


M_QUOT_ANZ Display authorization

Quota arrangement


M_RAHM_ALL Maintenance authorization Outline agreement


M_RAHM_ANZ Display authorization

Outline agreement

The authorizations contained in the SAP standard profiles are always valid for all organizational units. Actions 1.

Check the profiles that come with the standard SAP R/3 System.


If these profiles do not cover all your needs, create new ones. Note on Transport

You transport profiles as follows: 1.

Display the profiles list.


Choose "Profile - Transport".


Select the profiles you wish to transport.


Confirm your selections and enter the correction number. Data Transfer Workbench: Business Partners The data transfer workbench is a central transaction for the automatic transfer of data from a legacy system into the R/3 system. It offers the tools required for the initial and subsequent data transfer. The complete documentation about the data transfer workbench is in the SAP Library: CA - Cross-Application Components -> CA - Data Transfer Workbench The documentation tells you step by step how to carry out the data transfer, and which object-specific special features you should be aware of. Distribution with ALE The distribution of customer/vendor data can be carried out using the ALE tools. You maintain the relevant settings under Distribution (ALE).

1.12 Batch Management This section contains all information you need to introduce batch management.

________________________________________________________________ 202



R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

For more detailed information, refer to manual 'LO-Batch Management' in the R/3 Library.

1.12.1 Specify Batch Level and Activate Status Management In this IMG activity, you specify the following: o

the level at which batch numbers are unique


whether batch status management is active in the client


the plants in which batch status management is active


the initial status of new batches

o Batch level Batch numbers can be unique at the following levels: o

at plant level


at material level


at client level for a material

If you choose plant level, the batch number is unique in conjunction with the respective material and the plant. If you choose material level, the batch number is unique together with the material. At client level, the batch number is unique in the whole client. To change the batch level, you have to start a conversion program. This program first checks whether conversion is possible and outputs an error log containing all batch numbers that occur more than once at the new level. Now you need to manually transfer these batch records to batch numbers within Inventory Management using a transfer posting 'material to material'. If you change the level from plant level to a higher level, it is possible that batches with the same batch numbers in different plants are actually identical. In this case, all you have to do is remove stocks (including previous period stocks) so that all batches with the same batch numbers, except one, can be reorganized. When you convert from plant level to material level, the material is then to be handled in batches in all plants in which it is defined. Standard Settings In the standard R/3 System, batches are unique at plant level. Activities To change the batch level, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose the level at which you want your batches to be unique.


Save the new settings and choose Back.

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Choose Batch level -> Conversion.


If necessary, carry out the conversion in test mode first. Further Notes

Note that you cannot reset conversion from plant level to a higher level in the standard. If you create a client by copying an existing client, initially, there are no settings in the target client at batch level. The system makes the settings in the target client only when you have carried out an activity (maintaining master data or posting a goods movement, for example). The client level is not transported. If you copy a client with client level, you have to manually set the client level in the target system. SETTINGS BEFORE/AFTER CLIENT COPY: Source client Target client Client level Material level (change setting manually) Material levelMaterial level Plant level Plant level Batch status management Batch status management is an additional function provided by the standard R/3 System. Standard Settings Batch status management is not active in the standard R/3 system. Activities To activate batch status management, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose Batch status management active.


Save the new setting and choose Back.


Choose Batch status management -> conversion.


If necessary, carry out the conversion in test mode first. Further Notes

Batch status management is linked to the batch level. At material and at plant level, the status management settings are valid within the client, that is for all plants. However, if you have defined batches to be unique at plant level, you have to select the plants in which status management is to be active using function Plants with status management. If you activate status management, all existing batches are assigned status 'unrestricted'. If you deactivate status management, the system transfers all restricted batches to unrestricted stock within conversion. Restricted stock only exists if status management is active. If you create a client by copying an existing client, status management is automatically activated if batches exist in the target client, independent of the settings in the source client. If no batches exist in the target

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client, it is not activated. In this case, you have to activate or deactivate status management manually, if required. Plants with batch status management Activities To select the plants in which status management is to be active, proceed as follows: 1.

Set the Batch status management indicator for those plants in which batch status management is to be active.


Save your settings and choose Back.


Choose Batch status management -> conversion


If necessary, carry out the conversion in test mode first. Initial status of a new batch

Using this function, you can specify for each material type which initial status new batches are to be assigned. However, if you use a quality management system, this specifies the status of the batches.

1.12.2 Define Attributes of System Messages In batch management transactions, system messages are issued to inform the user of certain system reactions or data statuses (for example, "The split quantity total is greater than the requirement quantity"). In this work step you can determine the type of system message in a version: o

Warning message


Error message


No message

The system maintains a version (for example, ZZ as parameter identification MSV in the user master record and thus represents a user or a user group. Standard Settings o

All controllable messages are stored in version 00.


The application area (message class) LB is defined for batch management. SAP Recommendation

SAP recommends that you do not change message categories (for example, W for warning messages) in version 00, but that you define your own versions (for example, ZZ) to change the message category.

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Activities To control user-dependent messages, carry out the following activities: 1.

Copy the messages whose category you want to change into a separate version (for example ZZ).


Change the category of this message to the new version.


Allocate the corresponding version to the users, determining a value (for example, ZZ) for the parameter identification MSV in the user master record with Goto -> Parameter. Notes for Transport Connection

The system message attributes are included in the automatic recording of changes. No transport is supported for user maintenance. Further Information o

If the parameter identification MSV is not maintained for a user, the system uses version 00.


If there is no entry in the table for a particular version, the system also uses version 00.


If a certain category is not suitable for a version, the system uses the category from version 00 in its standard setting (normally as an error message).

1.12.3 Batch Master In this section, you make the settings for the batch master data. Field Selection Batch Master In the batch master record data, for the input fields, you can define attributes according to their requirements. You can decide which fields: o

require an entry (required entry fields)


allow you to make an entry (optional fields)


do not allow you to make an entry (display or suppress fields)

You define the control of input requirements per transaction. Recommendation We recommend that you use the standard settings provided. In this case you do not have to do anything.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Fields to Field Groups In this step, you assign the fields for the batch master data to a field group and thereby influence how the screen is set up. In the batch master data, every field is assigned to a field group. Field groups group together fields that have the same technical procedures. If you show or hide a field group using the field selection control, all fields belonging to this group are dealt with in the same way. Standard Settings Values from 001 to 040 are allowed here. No particular values are reserved for customers. Recommendation We recommend that you use the settings provided with the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part. Activities Check the standard settings and, if required, assign the fields to another field group. Edit Field Selection Control In this step, you set the input characteristics for every field group in the batch master data. You define the control for the input characteristics per transaction. Example The fields with shelf life expiration data should be required entry fields when the batch is created. Recommendation We recommend that you use the standard settings provided. In this case, no action is required on your part. Activities 1.

Check the standard settings.


Change the control if required: a)

In the transaction, determine the field name whose input characteristics you want to change (for example, for the shelf life expiration date). Place the cursor on the field and press F1. Choose Technical info and make a note of the name of the table and the field (for example, MCHA and VFDAT).

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Go to the step Assign Fields to Field Groups and determine the field group for this field (for example, 003).


Return to the step Edit Field Selection Control.


Determine the transaction concerned, place the cursor on the corresponding field selection scroll bar before the field group and choose Detail (For example, transaction MSC1N = create batch, cursor before the third item = field group 3).


Edit the field input characteristics on the detail screen and save the data.

Further Notes o

Fields that are required entry fields in the standard configuration cannot be changed.


Only fields that are ready for input in the standard configuration can be defined as required entry fields in Customizing.


Only fields that are not required entry fields in the standard configuration can be hidden in Customizing or defined as display fields. Activate Document Management for Batches In this step, you can activate or deactivate the document management function for batches. When you have activated document management you receive an additional tabstrip in the batch master. You can use this to link the batch with documents. When you deactivate document management, only the tabstrip becomes invisible again. Batches, documents, and links between batches and documents are not affected. You can edit the links at any time in the document management function.

1.12.4 Batch Number Assignment In this section, you make the settings required to use internal batch number assignment. Activate Internal Batch Number Assignment In this step: o

you activate internal batch number assignment


you define whether internal batch number assignment is allowed for goods receipts that have an account assignment

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Standard Settings The standard version of the R/3 System contains a predefined number range. Further Notes Batch number assignment uses two function model exits with which you can define templates for batch numbers. You make the necessary settings in work step function module exits for internal batch number assignment. The system checks whether the assigned batch number already exists in the system. Should the number already exist, the function is terminated. When creating a client by copying another client, please note that internal number assignment is not active in the target client. You must activate it manually. Maintain Internal Batch Number Assignment Range In this activity, you maintain number ranges for internal batch number assignment. Standard Settings In the standard, number range 01 from 0000000001 to 9999999999 has been defined for number range object BATCH_CLT. Activities Check whether number range interval 01 exists and maintain new number ranges, if necessary. Further Notes If you replace the number range object and/or interval proposed by the system with your own object or interval using customer function call EXIT_SAPLV01Z_001, maintain the number range object and/or interval in this step. Configure Customer Exits for Intern. Batch Number Assignment You can use SAP enhancement SAPLV01Z for internal batch number assignment. This enhancement contains two function module exits that you can use to define number ranges or templates for batch numbers: o

EXIT_SAPLV01Z_001. You use this exit to replace the number range object and/or interval proposed by the system with your own number range object and/or interval. In addition, you can, for instance, stop the system from assigning an internal number depending on the material or plant. You can also use this exit to stop the dialog box from appearing.

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EXIT_SAPLV01Z_002. Using this exit, you can either change the number assigned by the system, or assign your own number. Further Notes

Both exits contain a communication structure with application data from the respective business transaction (plant or material type, for example). If you need further information, such as the time, the user name or the date, you must include them yourself in one of the exits. The system always checks whether the assigned batch number already exists in the system. If it does, it terminates the function without assigning a batch number. Example In function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_001, the system uses the material type to determine number range interval XY. This number range is then used to determine number 0000100123 as the next batch number . In function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_002, the final batch number 'ABCD100123' is determined from batch number 0000100123 and plant ABCD. The system suppresses the leading zeros. If you do not use a sequential counter for the batch number, you can skip internal number assignment in exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_001 to specify your own batch number in exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_002. Further information and examples for EXIT_SAPLV01Z_001 and EXIT_SAPLV01Z_002 Further information and examples for EXIT_SAPLV01Z_002 Activities 1.

Implement the required enhancement. Either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement works only after the project has been activated. Further Notes

As opposed to modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive as they are not made in the SAP standard version but in name ranges reserved for the customer. For more information on the general procedure for making enhancements, see the enhancement transaction under Utilities -> Online handbook. Each individual enhancement is documented and can be accessed by choosing SAP docu in the enhancement transaction. Maintain Number Range for External Assgnt of Batch Numbers In this step, you maintain the number ranges for the external batch number assignment.

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Standard Settings In the SAP Standard system, no external number range object is defined for the number range object BATCH_CLT. The number range 02 is checked without changing the number range object or the number range (see SAP enhancement SAPLV01Z -> EXIT_SAPLV01Z_003). It is therefore recommended that you create this interval. Activities Check whether the number range 02 exists and, if required, maintain new number ranges. Further Notes If you want to replace the proposed number range object and/or the interval by your own number range object and/or interval using the Customer Function Calls EXIT_SAPLV01Z_003, you must also maintain the number range object or the interval in this step. Set Up Customer Exits for External Batch Number Assignment As part of the external batch number assignment, the following two function module exits are available in the SAP enhancement SAPLV1ZE for checking a new batch number that has been entered. o

EXIT_SAPLV01Z_003. Using this exit, you can replace the proposed number range object BATCH_CLT and/or external interval 02 with a number range object and/or external interval you have defined yourself. You also have the option of suppressing the batch number check, for example, based on the material or plant.


EXIT_SAPLV01Z_004. Using this exit, you can define your own checking rule. Further Notes

In both exits, a communication structure with the application data for each business transaction (for example, plant or material type ) is available. To obtain more information such as the time, user name, or the date, you must use one of the exits. Example In the function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_003, an external number range XY is determined, against which the batch numbers are checked. In the function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_004, the batch number entered is checked against your own rules.

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Activities 1.

Create the enhancement. Either create a new project or use an existing project.


Activate the project. Your enhancement only works after the project has been activated. Further Notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements are always release-insensitive because they are not included in the SAP original, but in a namespace reserved for the customer. The general procedure for creating enhancements is contained in the enhancement transaction in the "Utilities - Online manual" menu. Every enhancement is documented. To access this documentation, choose the "SAP docu" pushbutton in the enhancement transaction.

1.12.5 Creation of New Batches In this section you control initial batch creation. Define Batch Creation for Production Order / Process Order In this step you can make the following settings in batch management for the existing production control profiles: o

automatic batch creation on order creation and order release


automatic classification on batch creation


evaluation of free characteristics for specified batch

You can automatically create a batch o


on order creation -

with material


with individual conversion of a planned order


with collective conversion of planned orders

on order release -

of an individual order

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using collective release

Activities 1.

Choose the production control profile for which you want to make settings.


Make the desired settings.


Save the changes. Define Batch Creation for Goods Movements Using this function, you can define for each movement type whether a new batch is created for a goods receipt and how it is created. Example You should not be able to manually issue a batch number for a goods receipt for purchase order (movement type 101). Batch numbers should always be determined by the system. To do this, choose option 'C automatic / no new data creation' for movement type 101. Requirements In order to issue batch numbers automatically, you must set internal batch number assignment. To do this, refer to the section Internal Batch Number Assignment. Standard Settings The Standard system is configured so that the batch is created automatically or manually without inspection, as before. Activities Carry out the settings for the movement types that result in batch receipt (including reversal movement types). For the check against an external number range, the number range 02 is checked in the basic setting for number range object BATCH_CLT. This interval is not included in the Standard system. Maintain this in the section Batch Number Assignment. Define Initial Creation of Data for Batch Master Transaction With this function you can define for each material type whether a new batch can be created via the batch master transaction and, if so, how it is created.

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Example It should not be possible to assign a batch manually for finished products. The batch numbers should always be determined automatically by the system. To ensure they are determined automatically, choose the option C - automatic / No manual creation for the material type FERT. Requirements If batch numbers are to be assigned automatically, internal batch number assignment must be set up. To do this, read the section Batch Number Assignment. Standard Settings The standard system is configured to create the batch automatically or manually without check as before. Activities When the system checks against an external number range, it checks the number range 02 in the standard configuration for BATCH_CLT. However, this interval is not provided with the standard system. Please maintain it in the section Batch Number Assignment.

1.12.6 Batch Valuation In this section, you make the settings that are necessary to assign values to batch characteristics. Update Standard Characteristics This function updates the standard characteristics in the classification system reserved for batch management so that they meet the requirements of any new functions. This concerns all characteristics starting with LOBM_*. These are: o

LOBM_VFDAT expiration date, shelf life


LOBM_VERAB availability date


LOBM_LFDAT required delivery date




LOBM_MENGE quantity




LOBM_LVORM deletion flag


LOBM_BWTAR valuation type


LOBM_LGORT storage location

required remaining shelf life of batch

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LOBM_QNDAT next batch check date




LOBM_MBDAT material availability date


LOBM_RLZ_PROZ required remaining shelf life as a percentage


LOBM_BPRIO stock determination: priority


LOBM_UDCODE usage decision


LOBM_QSCORE quality score from usage decision

required waiting days for batch

You need to execute this function in the following cases: o

In newly created clients, after copying other clients


After defining object dependencies for standard characteristic LOBM_RLZ


In every client after a release upgrade Further Notes

When the report for updating the standard characteristics has been completed, you receive a log in which all the activities performed are listed. Valuation for Goods Movement in Inventory Management In this section, you make the settings required for maintaining the batch master record when creating batches, and for assigning batch characteristic values in inventory management. Activate Batch Classification for Goods Movements in IM In this IMG activity, you specify for each movement type whether batch classification is possible during goods movements and how it is to be carried out. If classification is activated, the object characteristics contained in the batch class are assigned values automatically. Notes Furthermore, you can configure the system so that the user-defined characteristics of a batch are classified in the background using a function module exit. You make the settings that are necessary in step CFC for automatic classification of user-defined characteristics. Standard Settings In the standard R/3 system, batch classification is not active.

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Recommendation If you want to use the batch determination function, you should ensure that batch classification is active for all inward movement types so that all batches are classified. Otherwise you have to assign values to the characteristics contained in the batch class during master data maintenance. Activities 1.

Specify for each movement type whether batch classification is to be active during goods movements and how it is to be carried out.


Set indicator Extended classification, if you want the user-defined characteristics contained in the batch class to be assigned values automatically. Set Up Customer Exit for Classification of User-Defined Char You use SAP enhancement MBCFC004 EXIT_SAPMM07M_004, which contains function module exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_004 to classify user-defined characteristics automatically during goods movements in Inventory Management. This is only possible for characteristics which are not assigned values during quality inspection. Requirements 1.

The class of the batch to be classified must be known. This means that a class must be assigned either to the material or at least to one batch of this material.


The exit call must be activated for the respective movement type in activity Activate batch classification during goods movements in IM using indicator 'Extended classification'. Activities


Make the required settings. Either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement is effective only after the project has been activated. Further Notes

As opposed to modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive as they are not made in the SAP standard version but in name ranges reserved for the customer. For more information on the general procedure for making enhancements, see enhancement transaction under menu path "Utilities - online manual". Each individual enhancement is documented. You can find this documentation if you choose "SAP Docu" in the enhancement transaction.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Set Up Customer Exit for Maintaining Batch Master Data of Ne You use SAP enhancement MBCFC003 EXIT_SAPMM07M_003, which contains function module exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_003 to automatically maintain the master data of new batches. You can use this function for master data which is not maintained during goods movements in the standard system. Furthermore, this data is automatically used for classification if the associated characteristics are contained in the batch class. Notes The system provides for a structure containing all valid fields. When a batch is transferred to a new batch, the master data of the original batch is transferred to this structure before the exit is called. Requirements The batch for which you want to define master data must be a new batch. Activities 1.

Make the required changes. Either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement is effective only after the project has been activated. Further Notes

As opposed to modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive as they are not made in the SAP standard version but in name ranges reserved for the customer. For more information on the general procedure for making enhancements, see the enhancement transaction under menu path "Utilities - online manual". Each individual enhancement is documented. You can find this documentation if you choose "SAP Docu" in the enhancement transaction. Valuation for Creation of New Batches Using Function Module In this section, you make the settings required for using the central function module VB_CREATE_BATCH to maintain the batch master record when creating batches and to assign batch characteristic values (for example, in production orders, process orders, or purchase orders).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Set Up Customer Exit for Determining Source Batch You can use function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_011 in SAP enhancement SAPLV1ZN when assigning characteristic values to batches. You use this to specify a reference batch when creating a new batch with the central function module VB_CREATE_BATCH. Further Notes The reference batch must always be specified completely. This means the reference material, source batch and reference plant details must have been entered if the batch is determined at plant level. All batch master data is copied. If the batch is classified in this enhancement, the values assigned to the corresponding characteristics are copied. In the exit, you can use a communication structure with the application data for the respective business transaction (for example, plant or material type). If you require further information, you must obtain it yourself in one of the user exits (such as time, user name, or date, for example). Activities 1.

Create the enhancement. Create also either a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement is only effective after you have done this. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive as they are not located in the SAP original but in a name range reserved for customers. For information on the general procedure for creating enhancements, choose "Utilities - Manual". Each enhancement is documented. To access this documentation, choose "Display SAP doc" in the enhancement. Set Up Customer Exit for Activating Batch Classification You can use function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_012 in SAP enhancement SAPLV1ZN when assigning characteristic values to batches. You use this to determine the type of classification (online or in the background, for example) when creating a new batch with the central function module VB_CREATE_BATCH. Further Notes When creating the batch with regard to a reference batch, the assigned values of the corresponding characteristics are copied. The batch material, or at least one batch of the material must be assigned to a class so that the batch may be

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classified. In the exit, you can use a communication structure with the application data for the respective business transaction (for example, plant or material type). If you require further information, you must obtain it yourself in one of the user exits (such as time, user name, or date, for example). Activities 1.

Create the enhancement. Create also either a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement is only effective after you have done this. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive as they are not located in the SAP original but in a name range reserved for customers. For information on the general procedure for creating enhancements, choose "Utilities - Manual". Each enhancement is documented. To access this documentation, choose "Display SAP doc" in the enhancement. Set Up Customer Exit for Classification of User-Defined Char You can use function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_014 in SAP enhancement SAPLV1ZN when assigning characteristic values to batches. You use this to classify user-defined characteristics in the background when creating a new batch using the central function module VB_CREATE_BATCH during activated batch classification. In this way you can only classify characteristics that are not assigned in QM quality inspection. Requirements 1.

The class of the batch to be classified must be known. To know this class, it must be either assigned to the material or at least one batch of this material.


The exit call must be activated in work step Customer exit for batch classification using the EXTENDED_CLASSIFYING parameter. Activities


Create the enhancement. Create also either a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement is only effective after you have done this.

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Further Notes Unlike modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive as they are not located in the SAP original but in a name range reserved for customers. For information on the general procedure for creating enhancements, choose "Utilities - Manual". Each enhancement is documented. To access this documentation, choose "Display SAP doc" in the enhancement. Set Up Customer Exit for Maintaining Batch Master Data of Ne You can use function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01Z_013 in SAP enhancement SAPLV1ZN when assigning characteristic values to batches. You use this to maintain the batch master record in the background when creating a new batch with the central function module VB_CREATE_BATCH. If the batch is created by reference, this master data then becomes the default values. Activities 1.

Create the enhancement. Create also either a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement is only effective after you have done this. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive as they are not located in the SAP original but in a name range reserved for customers. For information on the general procedure for creating enhancements, choose "Utilities - Manual". Each enhancement is documented. To access this documentation, choose "Display SAP doc" in the enhancement.

1.12.7 Batch Status Management In this section, you make the settings required for batch status management. Activate Batch Status Checking in Warehouse Management In the Warehouse Management system, the batch status is taken into account during the processing of transfer orders. In this IMG activity, you specify, depending on the movement type, whether batches that are assigned status 'restricted' can be transferred.

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Example In the case of stock removals to the interim record for differences. transport of batches with status 'restricted' should be allowed. However, transfer orders for material staging in production should not be allowed for such batches. Requirements You must have activated batch status management. For information on how to activate batch status management, refer to section Specify batch level and activate status management. Standard Settings The transport of "restricted" batches is not activated in the standard movement types in Warehouse Management (warehouse number 001). Recommendation SAP recommends that the transport of batches with status "restricted" should be allowed for goods receipts and transfer postings so that background processing can take place. Activities Set indicator "Transfer of batches with status 'restricted' allowed" on the detail screens of the respective movement types. Customer Exit for Determining the Initial Status of Batches You can use SAP enhancement SAPLV01D with the function module exit EXIT_SAPLV01D_001 to determine the initial status of a new batch. You can use this to overwrite the initial status specified in Customizing. Requirements Status management must be activated. Activities 1.

Create the enhancement. Create also either a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement is only effective after you have done this. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive as they are not located in the SAP original but in

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a name range reserved for customers. For information on the general procedure for creating enhancements choose "Utilities - Manual". Each enhancement is documented. To access this documentation, choose "Display SAP doc" in the enhancement.

1.12.8 Batch Determination and Batch Check Batch determination In this section, you make the settings that are required for batch determination within individual applications. Batch determination is based on the condition technique. For detailed information batch determination, refer to section 'Batch Determination' in manual 'LO Batch Determination' in the R/3 Library. Note Make the settings described in the following sections in the specified order. After making the settings, you also need to define search strategies. You can only then work with batch determination. You define these search strategies within the individual applications. Batch check Within the individual business transactions, you can specify batches manually and have the system check whether these batches meet the required specifications. For this check, the system uses the selection criteria specified for batch determination. Requirements To be able to use the check, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled: 1.

You must have allocated a search procedure to the respective application-specific key.


You must have activated the batch check for this key.

You make the necessary settings in section Batch Search Procedure Allocation and Check Activation. Condition Tables In this section, you define condition tables. Condition tables are combinations of fields that form the key of the batch search strategy. When creating condition tables, you can use the number range from 501 onwards. In the SAP number range 000 to 500, the following number areas are reserved for condition tables in the standard system: o

00-09 Sales and Distribution

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10-19 Warehouse Management


20-29 Inventory Managment


30-39 Production/Manufacturing Note

When creating condition tables, you should ensure that the field sequence is suitable for collective entry of strategy records; that is, you should ensure that the field sequence commences with the most general field and ends with the most specific (for example, customer/material and not material/customer). Define Inventory Management Condition Tables In this IMG activity, you define condition tables for batch determination in Inventory Management. Example You wish to use the storage location and the material type as selection criteria for batch determination. To do this, you create a condition table containing these two fields. Standard Settings The standard R/3 system contains the following condition tables for batch determination in Inventory Management: o


Movement type



Movement type/plant



Movement type/material






Movement type/plant/material




Recommendation You should not change the condition tables contained in the standard version. Activities To create new condition tables, proceed as follows: 1.

Check whether the fields contained in the field catalog meet your requirements. If you want to use a field which is not defined for this use in the standard R/3 system, you need to add it to the field catalog. You can only add fields contained in tables KOMPH or KOMKH.


Enter the name of the table you want to create. Note that you can only select numbers between 501 and 999.

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If you want to use another table as a template, enter the name of this table.


Enter a name for the new condition table.


Select the fields you want to use from the list of allowed fields contained in the field catalog.


Generate the new condition table. Further Notes

Condition tables must be assigned to access sequences. Otherwise the system does not take them into consideration during batch determination. Define Production Order Condition Tables In this IMG activity, you define condition tables for batch determination in production orders. Example You want to use the production material and the customer as selection criteria for batch determination. To do this, create a condition table containing these two fields. Standard Settings The standard R/3 system contains the following condition tables for batch determination in production orders: o


Order type/plant/component



Order type/plant/production material/component

Recommendation You should not change the condition tables contained in the standard version. Activities To create new condition tables, proceed as follows: 1.

Check whether the fields contained in the field catalog meet your requirements. If you want to use a field which is not defined for this use in the standard R/3 system, you need to add it to the field catalog. You can only add fields contained in tables KOMPH or KOMKH.


Enter the name of the table you want to create. Note that you can only select numbers between 501 and 999.


If you want to use another table as a template, enter the name of this table.


Enter a name for the new condition table.


Select the fields you want to use from the list of allowed fields contained in the field catalog.


Generate the new condition table.

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Further Notes Condition tables must be assigned to access sequences. Otherwise the system does not take them into consideration during batch determination. Define Process Order Condition Tables In this IMG activity, you define condition tables for batch determination in process orders. Example You wish to use the production material and the customer as selection criteria for batch determination. To do this, create a condition table containing these two fields. Standard Settings The standard R/3 system contains the following condition tables for batch determination in process orders: o


Order type/plant/component



Order type/plant/production material/component

Recommendation You should not change the condition tables contained in the standard version. Activities To create new condition tables, proceed as follows: 1.

Check whether the fields contained in the field catalog meet your requirements. If you want to use a field which is not defined for this use in the standard R/3 system, you need to add it to the field catalog. You can only add fields contained in tables KOMPH or KOMKH.


Enter the name of the table you want to create. Note that you can only select numbers between 501 and 999.


If you want to use another table as a template, enter the name of this table.


Enter a name for the new condition table.


Select the fields you want to use from the list of allowed fields contained in the field catalog.


Generate the new condition table. Further Notes

Condition tables must be assigned to access sequences. Otherwise the system does not take them into consideration during batch determination.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Sales and Distribution Condition Tables In this IMG activity, you define condition tables for batch determination in Sales and Distribution. Example You wish to use the order type and the customer group as selection criteria for batch determination. To do this, you create a condition table containing these two fields. Standard Settings The standard R/3 system contains the following condition tables for Sales and Distribution: o











Destination country/material group



Destination country



Material group

Recommendation You should not change the condition tables contained in the standard version. Activities To create new condition tables, proceed as follows: 1.

Check whether the fields contained in the field catalog meet your requirements. If you want to use a field which is not defined for this use in the standard R/3 system, you need to add it to the field catalog. You can only add fields contained in tables KOMPH or KOMKH.


Enter the name of the table you want to create. Note that you can only select numbers between 501 and 999.


If you want to use another table as a template, enter the name of this table.


Enter a name for the new condition table.


Select the fields you want to use from the list of allowed fields contained in the field catalog.


Generate the new condition table. Further Notes

Condition tables must be assigned to access sequences. Otherwise the system does not take them into consideration during batch determination.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Warehouse Management condition tables In this IMG activity, you define condition tables for batch determination in the Warehouse Management System. Example You wish to use the warehouse number and the customer as selection criteria for batch determination. To do this, create a condition table containing these two fields. Standard Settings The standard R/3 System contains the following condition tables for batch determination in Warehouse Management. o


Warehouse number



Warehouse number/movement type

Recommendation You should not change the condition tables contained in the standard version. Activities To create new condition tables, proceed as follows: 1.

Check whether the fields contained in the field catalog meet your requirements. If you want to use a field which is not defined for this use in the standard R/3 system, you need to add it to the field catalog. You can only add fields contained in tables KOMPH or KOMKH.


Enter the name of the table you want to create. Note that you can only select numbers between 501 and 999.


If you want to use another table as a template, enter the name of this table.


Enter a name for the new condition table.


Select the fields you want to use from the list of allowed fields contained in the field catalog.


Generate the new condition table. Further Notes

Condition tables must be assigned to access sequences. Otherwise the system does not take them into consideration during batch determination.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Access Sequences In this section, you define access sequences. Note The strategy types and the accesss sequences contained in the standard feature identical identifications and long names. Define Inventory Management Access Sequences In this IMG activity, you define access sequences for batch determination in Inventory Management. Example You want to use the following condition tables: o

526: Storage location


527: Storage location/material type

You can define an access sequence that the system first uses to find a search strategy using condition table 527. If no such strategy is defined, the system is to find the general strategy for the storage location using condition table 526. Requirements To be able to define access sequences, you must have defined the necessary condition tables. Standard Settings Access sequences ME01 and ME02 are defined in the standard SAP R/3 System. Recommendation You should not change the access sequences contained in the standard version. Activities To define new access sequences, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries and enter a four-character key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the access sequence.


Select Accesses and then New entries, enter the condition tables in the desired sequence. The sequence of the entries determines the access sequence.


You can display the fields of each condition table using function Fields.

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Further Notes Do not enter values in fields Direct value and Initial value. Define Production Order Access Sequences In this IMG activity, you define access sequences for batch determination in production orders. Example You have defined two condition tables: o

532: Production material


533: Production material/customer

You can define an access sequence according to which the system uses to first find a search strategy using condition table 533. If no such strategy is defined, the system is to find the general strategy for the order type using condition table 532. Requirements To define access sequences, you must have defined the necessary condition tables. Standard Settings Access sequences CO01 and CO02 are defined in the standard SAP R/3 System. Recommendation You should not change the access sequences contained in the standard version. Activities To define new access sequences, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries and enter a four-character key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the access sequence.


Select Accesses and then New entries, enter the condition tables in the desired sequence. The sequence of the entries determines the access sequence.


You can display the fields of each condition table using function Fields. Further Notes

Do not enter values in fields Direct value and Initial value.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Process Order Access Sequences In this IMG activity, you define access sequences for batch determination in process orders. Example You want to use the following condition tables: o

532: Production material


533: Production material/customer

You can define an access sequence that the system uses to first find a search strategy using condition table 533. If no such strategy is defined, the system is to find the general strategy for the order type using condition table 532. Requirements To be able to define access sequences, you must have defined the necessary condition tables. Standard Settings Access sequences CO01 and CO02 are defined in the standard SAP R/3 system. Recommendation You should not change the access sequences contained in the standard version. Activities To define new access sequences, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries and enter a four-character key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the access sequence.


Select Accesses and then New entries, enter the condition tables in the desired sequence. The sequence of the entries determines the access sequence.


You can display the fields of each condition table using function Fields. Further Notes

Do not enter values in fields Direct value and Initial value. Define Sales and Distribution Access Sequences In this step, you define access sequences for batch determination in Sales and Distribution.

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Example You want to use the following condition tables: o

507: Order type


508: Order type/customer group

You can define an access sequence so that the system first searches for a batch search strategy containing condition table 508. If no such strategy is defined, the system is to find the general strategy for the order type using condition table 507. Requirements To be able to define access sequences, you must have defined the necessary condition tables. Standard Settings Access sequences SD01, SD02, and SD03 are defined in the standard SAP R/3 System. Recommendation You should not change the access sequences contained in the standard version. Activities To define new access sequences, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries and enter a four-character key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the access sequence.


Select Accesses and then New entries, enter the condition tables in the desired sequence. The sequence of the entries determines the access sequence.


You can display the fields of each condition table using function Fields. Further Notes

Do not enter values in fields Direct value and Initial value. Define Warehouse Management Access Sequences In this IMG activity, you define the access sequences for batch determination in Warehouse Management. Example You want to work with the following condition tables: o

010: Warehouse number

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511: Warehouse number / customer

You can define an access sequence according to that the system first uses to find a search strategy using condition table 511. If no such strategy is defined, the system is to find the general strategy for the warehouse number using condition table 010. Requirements To be able to define access sequences, you must first define the required condition tables. Standard Settings In the SAP standard version, the access sequences WM01 and WM02 are defined. Recommendation You should not change the access sequences contained in the standard version. Activities To define new access sequences, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries and enter a four-character key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the access sequence.


Select Accesses and then New entries, enter the condition tables in the desired sequence. The sequence of the entries determines the access sequence.


You can display the fields of each condition table using function Fields. Further Notes

Do not enter values in fields Direct value and Initial value. Strategy Types In this section, you define strategy types. A strategy type is assigned one access sequence. Define Inventory Management Strategy Types In this IMG activity, you define strategy types for batch determination in Inventory Management. Example You wish to use different batch search strategies for different movement types. For this purpose, you create the following strategy types:

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a strategy type with a selection class that uses the shelf life expiration date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type with a selection class that uses the goods receipt date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type without a selection class; this enables you to define the selection class when you create the strategy record Requirements

To be able to define strategy types, you must have defined the necessary access sequences. Standard Settings Strategy types ME01 and ME02 are defined in the standard SAP R/3 System. Recommendation You should not change the strategy types contained in the standard. Activities To define a strategy type, select New entries and enter the corresponding values in the detail screen. Further Notes You can define selection classes and sort rules either in this IMG activity using function Maintain or in activities Define selection classes and Define sort rules. Note on transport If you intend to transport Customizing settings to another system, you should create and assign selection classes and sort rules to the strategy types only in the target system as they cannot be transported. Define Production Order Strategy Types In this IMG activity, you define strategy types for batch determination in production orders. Example You wish to use different batch search strategies for different combinations of plant and order type. For this purpose, you create the following strategy types: o

a strategy type with a selection class that uses the shelf life expiration date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type with a selection class that uses the goods receipt date as search criterion during batch determination

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a strategy type without a selection class; this enables you to define the selection class when you create the strategy record Requirements

To be able to define strategy types, you must have defined the necessary access sequences. Standard Settings Strategy types CO01 and CO02 are defined in the standard SAP R/3 System. Recommendation You should not change the strategy types contained in the standard. Activities To define a strategy type, select New entries and enter the corresponding values in the detail screen. Further Notes You can define selection classes and sort rules either in this IMG activity using function Maintain or in activities Define selection classes and Define sort rules. Note on transport If you intend to transport Customizing settings to another system, you should create and assign selection classes and sort rules to the strategy types only in the target system as they cannot be transported. Define Process Order Strategy Types In this step, you define a strategy type for batch determination in process orders. Example You wish to use different batch search strategies for different combinations of plant and order type. For this purpose, you create the following strategy types: o

a strategy type with a selection class that uses the shelf life expiration date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type with a selection class that uses the goods receipt date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type without a selection class; this enables you to define the selection class when you create the strategy record

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Requirements To be able to define strategy types, you must have defined the necessary access sequences. Standard Settings Strategy types CO01 and CO02 are defined in the standard SAP R/3 System. Recommendation You should not change the strategy types contained in the standard. Activities To define a strategy type, select New entries and enter the corresponding values in the detail screen. Further Notes You can define selection classes and sort rules either in this IMG activity using function Maintain or in activities Define selection classes and Define sort rules. Note on transport If you intend to transport Customizing settings to another system, you should create and assign selection classes and sort rules to the strategy types only in the target system as they cannot be transported. Define Sales and Distribution Strategy Types In this step, you define strategy types for batch determination in Sales and Distribution: Example You wish to use different batch search strategies for different combinations of sales areas and sales document types. For this purpose, you create the following strategy types: o

a strategy type with a selection class that uses the shelf life expiration date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type with a selection class that uses the goods receipt date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type without a selection class; this enables you to define the selection class when you create the strategy record Requirements

To be able to define strategy types, you must have defined the necessary access sequences.

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Standard Settings Strategy types SD01, SD02, and SD03 are defined in the standard SAP R/3 System. Recommendation You should not change the strategy types contained in the standard. Activities To define a strategy type, select New entries and enter the corresponding values in the detail screen. Further Notes You can define selection classes and sort rules either in this IMG activity using function Maintain or in activities Define selection classes and Define sort rules. Note on transport If you intend to transport Customizing settings to another system, you should create and assign selection classes and sort rules to the strategy types only in the target system as they cannot be transported. Define Warehouse Management Strategy Types In this step, you define the different strategy types of the batch determination for warehouse management. Example You wish to use different batch search strategies for different combinations of warehouse number and movement type. For this purpose, you create the following strategy types: o

a strategy type with a selection class that uses the shelf life expiration date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type with a selection class that uses the goods receipt date as search criterion during batch determination


a strategy type without a selection class; this enables you to define the selection class when you create the strategy record Requirements

To be able to define strategy types, you must first define the required access sequences. Standard Settings In the SAP standard system strategy types WM01 and WM02 are already defined.

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Recommendation You should not change the strategy types contained in the standard. Activities To define a strategy type, select New entries and enter the corresponding values in the detail screen. Further Notes You can define selection classes and sort rules either in this IMG activity using function Maintain or in activities Define selection classes and Define sort rules. Note on transport If you intend to transport Customizing settings to another system, you should create and assign selection classes and sort rules to the strategy types only in the target system as they cannot be transported. Batch Search Procedure Definition In this section, you define search procedures by assigning strategy types to these procedures. The order in which you assign the strategy types is the order in which the system searches for strategy records. Recommendation For performance reasons, you should examine which strategy types you want to group under one search procedure as the system always checks all strategy types assigned to a search procedure in order to find a strategy record. Define Inventory Management Search Procedure In this IMG activity, you define search procedures for batch determination in Inventory Management. A search procedure comprises all strategy types that can be used for a particular goods movement. Example You use different strategy types for scrapping than For goods issues forproduction. for scrapping. For this reason, you define two search procedures with the respective strategy types. Requirements To be able to define search procedures, you must have defined the necessary strategy types.

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Standard Settings The standard SAP R/3 System contains search procedure ME0001. Activities To create a search procedure, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries, and enter a six digit key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the search procedure.


Select Control and then New entries, and enter the strategy types in the desired sequence. Define Production Order Search Procedure In this step, you define batch search procedures for batch determination in production orders. A batch search procedure comprises all strategy types that can be used for a particular combination of plant and order type. Requirements To be able to define search procedures, you must have defined the necessary strategy types. Standard Settings The standard SAP R/3 System contains search procedure CO0001. Activities To create a search procedure, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries, and enter a six digit key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the search procedure.


Select Control and then New entries, and enter the strategy types in the desired sequence. Define Process Order Search Procedure In this step, you define batch search procedures for batch determination in process orders. A batch search procedure comprises all strategy types that can be used for a particular combination of plant and order type. Requirements To be able to define search procedures, you must have defined the necessary strategy types.

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Standard Settings The standard SAP R/3 System contains search procedure CO0001. Activities To create a search procedure, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries, and enter a six digit key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the search procedure.


Select Control and then New entries, and enter the strategy types in the desired sequence. Define Sales and Distribution Search Procedure In this step, you define search procedures for batch determination in Sales and Distribution. Each search procedure comprises all strategy types that can be used for a particular combination of sales area and sales document type. Requirements To be able to define search procedures, you must have defined the necessary strategy types. Standard Settings The standard SAP R/3 System contains search procedure SD0001. Activities To create a search procedure, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries, and enter a six digit key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the search procedure.


Select Control and then New entries, and enter the strategy types in the desired sequence. Define Warehouse Management Search Procedure In this step, you define batch search procedures for batch determination in Warehouse Management. A batch search procedure comprises all strategy types that can be used either for a particular warehouse or for a particular combination of warehouse and movement type. Example For transfer orders with destination storage type "Shipping", you use different strategy types than for transfer

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orders for replenishment. For this reason, you define two search procedures with the respective strategy types. Standard Settings The standard SAP R/3 System contains search procedure WM0001. Activities To create a search procedure, proceed as follows: 1.

Select New entries, and enter a six digit key beginning with "Z" as well as a name for the search procedure.


Select Control and then New entries, and enter the strategy types in the desired sequence. Batch Search Procedure Allocation and Check Activation In this section, you allocate the search procedures you have defined before to the application-specific parameters. Batch determination becomes active as soon as you make the allocation. Furthermore, you can activate batch checking. You can use this check if you want to enter batches manually in a business transaction and have the system check whether these batches have the required specifications. For this check, the system uses the selection criteria stored for batch determination. If you want to use batch checking you must have allocated a batch search procedure to the respective application-specific parameters. You can use this function in all applications except Warehouse Management. Allocate IM Search Procedure/Activate Check In this step, you allocate batch search procedures to those Inventory Management movement types for which batch determination is to be carried out, and activate batch checking. Activities 1.

Allocate a search procedure to each movement type.


Set indicator Check batch if you want the system to check manually entered batches. Assign Search Procedures to Production and Activate Check Assign Search Procedure to Production Order and Activate Che In this IMG activity, you allocate batch search procedures to those combinations of production order and plant for which batch determination is to be carried out, and activate batch checking.

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Activities 1.

Allocate a search procedure to each combination.


Set indicator Check batch, if you want the system to check manually entered batches. Assign Search Procedure to Process Order and Activate Check In this IMG activity, you allocate batch search procedures to those combinations of process order and plant for which batch determination is to be carried out, and activate batch checking. Activities 1.

Allocate a search procedure to each combination.


Set indicator Check batch, if you want the system to check manually entered batches. Assign Search Procedure to Network Type and Activate Check

In this IMG activity, you assign batch search procedures to those combinations of network type and plant for which batch determination is to be carried out, and activate batch checking. Activities 1.

Assign a search procedure to each combination.


Set indicator Check batch, if you want the system to check manually entered batches. Assign Search Procedure to Repetitive Manufacturing Profile In this work step you assign batch search procedures to the individual repetitive manufacturing profiles for which batches are to be determined. Assign Search Procedure to KANBAN In this work step you assign batch search procedures to the individual combinations of plant and replenishment strategy for which batches are to be determined.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Search Procedure to Pull List In this work step you assign batch search procedures to the individual plants for which batches are to be determined. Allocate SD Search Procedure/Activate Check In this step you assign the individual combinations of sales organization , distribution channel, division, and sales document type, for which batch determination should occur, to a batch search procedure and activate the batch check. Activities 1.

Assign each combination a search procedure.


Set the indicator Check Batch if you want the system to manually check the batches entered. Further Notes

Batch determination in deliveries If a delivery without reference to a sales order, you must do the following in order to carry out batch determination: o

Define a default order type for the delivery type (Logistics Execution -> Shipping -> Deliveries -> Define Delivery Types)


Assign a batch search procedure to the default order type Assign WM Search Procedure In this IMG activity, you allocate batch search procedures to those warehouse numbers or combinations of warehouse number and Warehouse Management movement type for which batch determination is to be carried out. Example For transfer orders with destination storage type "Shipping", you use different strategy types than for transfer orders for replenishments. For this reason, define two search procedures with the respective strategy types and allocate these search procedures as follows: o

Allocate search procedure 1 to the combination of warehouse number and movement type 601 (stock removal for shipping).


Allocate search procedure 2 to the warehouse number.

In this way, batch determination is executed for all movement types, except movement type 601, with the help of search method 2.

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Standard Settings In the SAP standard system, search method WM0001 is allocated to warehouse number 001. Activities Allocate a search procedure to each warehouse number or combination of warehouse number and movement type. Activate Automatic Batch Determination in SD In this step, you activate automatic batch determination for order and delivery item categories. When entering an order item or a delivery item, batch determination is triggered automatically. Activities Set indicator Auto batch determin for those order and delivery item categories for which you want batch determination to be triggered automatically. Define Selection Classes In this step, you define selection classes. With the help of these selection classes, you define according to which criteria, that is, using which characteristics, batches are to be be selected. As a rule, all characteristics (this applies to standard characteristics as well as to user-defined characteristics) you want to use for selection must also be contained in the batch class. Characteristics LOBM_RLZ and LOBM_LFDAT are an exception; they can be used for selection but not for classification. Standard Settings The following characteristics for defining selection classes are defined in the standard SAP R/3 System: o


valuation type (only if batches are unique at plant level)



delivery date



deletion flag



availability date



expiration date/Shelf life



batch status



next inspection date



remaining shelf life

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Further Notes o

Selection classes and sort rules can be transported provided that you use the same name to create the classes in the target system or target client. If you rename a selection class or sort rule by maintaining the master data in Classification, you have to enter the new class names in Customizing.


To copy the characteristics from client 000 to your logon client, use report RMMCCH01.

For detailed information on the use of the individual characteristics, choose LO Batch Management -> Batch Determination -> Strategy Types in the R/3 Library. Define Sort Rules In this step, you define sort rules. With the help of sort rules, you define according to which criteria, that is using which characteristics batches are to be be sorted. As a rule, all characteristics (this applies to standard characteristics as well as to user-defined characteristics) you want to use for selection must also be contained in the batch class. Characteristics LOBM_MENGE and LOBM_LGORT are an exception; they can be used for selection but not for classification. Standard Settings The following characteristics for defining sort rules are contained in the standard SAP R/3 System: o





deletion flag



next inspection date



availability date



expiration date/Shelf life






storate location



valuation type (only if batches are unique at plant level)

Characteristics LOBM_MENGE and LOBM_LGORT must not be contained in the batch class. Further Notes You can transport sort rules and selection classes provided that you use the same name to create the classes in the target system or target client. If you rename the sort rule or selection class by maintaining the master data in Classification, you have to enter the new class names in Customizing. To copy characteristics from client 000 to your logon client, use report RMMCCH01. For detailed information on the use of the individual characteristics, choose LO Batch Management -> Batch Determination -> Strategy Types in the R/3 Library.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Batch Allocation Strategy Number Ranges In this IMG activity, you maintain the number ranges of batch search strategy records. Standard Settings In the standard SAP system, number range 01 is configured in number range object KONHH. Number range 01 has an interval of 0000000001 to 9999999999. Activities Check whether number range 01 exists. Should this not be the case, create the number range.

1.12.9 Batch Where-Used List In this section, you make the settings for the batch where-used list. Make Settings for Batch Where-Used List In this activity, you make the settings required for the batch where-used list function. For each plant, you define whether o

the batch where-used list function is to be active


the batch where-used file is to be updated automatically whenever a goods movement is posted

When the batch where-used file is built up, the receipt and issue records required for the batch where-used list are generated for the material document items. The system only includes material document items for plants in which building up of the file is allowed. Standard Settings The R/3 System is shipped with the following settings: o

the batch where-used list function is active in all plants


the batch where-used file is not updated automatically when a goods movement is posted Recommendation

Synchronous update of the batch where-used file is an additional load for the system and is liable to impair system response times. If there is a high system load already, we recommend that you work without synchronous posting. To manually start the report for building up the batch where-used file, choose menu options Environment -> Batch wh.-used list -> Build up in the Inventory Management menu.

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Activities Define for each plant whether o

Set indicator BaWU synchron. for those plants in which you wish the batch where-used file to be updated synchronously.


Set indicator BaWU deactivated for those plants in which you wish to deactivate the batch where-used list function. Further Notes

If you do wish to implement the batch where-used list function at a later date and wish to have the file updated synchronously, you first need to create batch where-used records for material documents that already exist, that is you need to manually start the record once as described above. Set Up Customer Exit for Batch Where-Used List For the batch where-used list, the function module exit EXIT_SAPLCHVW_001 is available in the enhancement SAPLCHVW_001. You use this exit to fill in the additional fields you added to the ALV list of the batch where-used list, for example, fields with batch master data, such as the shelf life expiration date. To add the additional fields to the ALV list, use the APPEND structure in table CHWVSHADOW. Requirements To use the customer exit, you have to Set Up the Batch Where-Used List. Activities 1.

Create the enhancement. To do this, create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. The enhancement does not become effective until the project is activated. Further Notes

In contrast with modifications, enhancements are always release-insensitive, as they are not made in the R/3 system, but in a name space that is reserved for the customer. The general procedure for creating enhancements is contained in the enhancement transaction under Utilities -> Online manual. The documentation on each enhancement is contained in the enhancement transaction under SAP documentation.

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1.12.10 Batch-Specific Material Units of Measure You need this section if you want to work with batch-specific material units of measure. Example A fruit juice contains vitamin C. o

When entering a goods movement, you enter the physical quantity of the fruit juice in liters.


The vitamin C quantity should be displayed in milligrams.


You want to specify the vitamin C content as the batch characteristic in milligrams of vitamin C per liter. Activities


Step Check Units of Measurement The table must contain the required units of measurement: -

Unit of measurement for the physical quantity (base quantity), for example, liters


Unit of measurement for the proportion/product qty, for example, milligrams of vitamin C


Unit of measurement for the ratio of proportion/product quantity to the base quantity, for example, milligrams of vitamin C per liter Unit of measurement for the ratio of base quantity to proportion/product quantity, for example, kilograms per piece


For product units, you define rounding after the decimal point. When the system is running, the program checks against this value. If the values calculated after the decimal point are different from this value, the program automatically rounds them up or down.


Step Edit Batch-Specific Material Units of Measure The table must contain the required proportion/product units, for example, milligrams of vitamin C.


Section Calculation of Proportion or Product Quantity Conversion Carry out one of the steps to define the ratio for the proportion unit or the conversion factor for product units.

As soon as you have activated batch-specific material units of measure, the proportion/product units you entered will be available in the R/3 System. Activate Batch-Specific Material Unit of Measure Requirements

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To use batch-specific material units of measure, you have to use Batch Management. Standard Settings In the standard configuration of the R/3 System, batch-specific material units of measure are not active. Activities If you want to use batch-specific material units of measure, set the Batch-specific material units of measure active indicator. Further Notes You can also make the settings for this area in Customizing if the Batch-specific material units of measure not active indicator is set. You cannot make the settings in the material master record until the Batch-specific material units of measure active indicator is set. Edit Batch-Specific Material Unit of Measure In this step, you define which units of measurement you want to use as batch-specific material units of measure. Example You want to work with a material that contains an active ingredient proportion. The material's base unit is Kilogram (KG). You use kilogram of active ingredient (KGAI) as the unit of measure for the active ingredient. You enter the unit of measure (KGAI) in this table. Requirements Batch-specific units of measure must be given a different key from the base unit of measure, otherwise you will not be able to distinguish between batch-specific units of measure in documents such as sales orders or deliveries from the base units of measure. Standard Settings Proportion units: o

Kilogram of active ingredient (KGAI)


Gram of active ingredient (GAI)


Milliliter of active ingredient (MLAI)


Enzyme unit (UE)

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Further Notes As the reference unit, choose the unit of measurement upon which the batch-specific unit of measure is based, for example, for kilogram of active ingredient (KAI), choose the reference unit kilogram (KG). If you do not need dimension-based conversion, for example, enzyme unit (UE), you do not have to enter a reference unit. Calculate Proportional Factors You need this section if you want to work with proportion units. Further Notes You usually need either the step Define Percentage Calculation or Define Calculation of Proportion Unit from Base Quantity The step Define Calculation of Base Quantity from Proportion Quantity is a special function. Define Percentage Calculation In this step, you define ratios such as per cent, per mil, mass per cent, etc. Standard Settings The following ratios are pre-defined in the standard R/3 System: o

Per cent (%)


Per mil (%O)


Mass per mil (M%O) Activities

Maintain a numerator, denominator, and exponent for a unit of measurement. The system proposes the values from Global Settings -> Check units of measurement. You can retain these values, or enter new ones.

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Further Notes For ratios that only refer to units of measure of a particular dimension, enter the appropriate dimension, for example, the dimension mass for mass per cent. Define Calculation of Proportion Quantity from Base Quantity In this step, you define the ratio of the proportion unit to the base unit. This ratio is needed to convert proportion units to base units of measure. Example A fruit juice contains vitamin C. You want to specify the vitamin C content of the drink in milligrams per liter. To do this, in this table, define VC2 (milligrams of vitamin C per liter)=VC1 (milligrams of vitamin C) / liter (L). Activities 1.

Enter the unit of measurement that should be used in the characteristic.


Enter the proportion unit and the base unit you want to use for the calculation. Define Calculation of Base Quantity from Proportion Quantity You only need this special function if you want to work with the ratio of base unit of measure to proportion unit. Product Quantities Conversion You need this section if you want to work with product units. Define Calculation of Product Quantity from Base Quantity Example You use the number of metal plates per kilogram as the characteristic for this batch. The base unit of measure is Kilogramm; the product unit is number of metal plates.

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Activities 1.

Enter the unit of measurement that is to be used in the characteristic (for example, metal plates per kilogram).


Enter the product unit and the base unit of measure you want to use for calculation, for example, number of metal plates per Kilogram. Define Calculation of Base Quantity from Product Quantity Example Use the weight per piece as the characteristic for this batch. Use kilogram per piece as the unit of measure for this characteristic. (Base unit is kilogram, product unit is piece). Activities 1.

Enter the unit of measurement that should be used in the characteristic, for example, kilogram per piece.


Enter the base unit and the product unit that you want to use for the calculation, for example kilogram and piece.

1.12.11 Shelf Life Expiration Date (SLED) In this section, you make the settings for the check and calculation of the shelf life expiration date (SLED). Maintain Period Indicator In this step, you specify which unit of measurement you can use for the total shelf life and minimum remaining shelf life. Set Expiration Date Check In this step, you set the material shelf life expiration date check for goods receipts for each plant and movement type. Prerequisites The shelf life expiration date of a material can only be entered if: o

the minimum remaining shelf life is maintained in the material master record

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The minimum remaining shelf life is the time the material must still be usable, so that the goods receipt is accepted by the system. You can define the time unit the system uses in the storage data of the material master record in the Period ind. field. o

the shelf life expiration date check is active in the plant


the shelf life expiration date check is active for the movement type General Procedure

If the shelf life check expiration date check is active, you must enter the shelf life expiration date or the production date of the material at the time of a goods receipt. At the time of goods receipt, the system checks whether the remaining shelf life is sufficient. If this is not the case, a warning or error message is issued, depending on the system settings. When the goods receipt is posted, the shelf life expiration date is recorded in the material document. Materials handled in batches: For materials handled in batches, the date is also stored in the batch master record. For a further goods receipt for a batch, the shelf life expiration date entered or determined with the movement is compared with the one from the batch master record. If the dates differ, a warning or error message is issued, depending on the system settings. If the goods receipt is posted despite any warning, the old shelf life expiration date in the batch master record is overwritten by the new one. Fields in the Material Master Record In the material master record, the following fields are relevant for the shelf life expiration date check: o

minimum remaining shelf life


Total shelf life -

If you do not enter a total shelf life, you directly enter the shelf life expiration date with the goods movements.


If you enter a total shelf life, you enter the production date with the goods movements. The system automatically calculates the shelf life expiration date on the basis of the production date plus shelf life.

You will find both fields in the storage data of the material master record. Example A material has a minimum remaining shelf life of 10 days and a total shelf life of 20 days. You enter the goods receipt of a new batch on 7/10 and enter 7/1 as production date. The system calculates the shelf life expiration date 07/21 from the production date plus total shelf life (20 days). The batch still has a remaining shelf life of 11 days. The goods receipt is accepted.

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Standard Settings The shelf life expiration date check is not active in the standard system. Activities 1.


Specify -

in which plants the shelf life is checked


for which movement types the shelf life is checked or the shelf life expiration date/production date must be entered

In the step Define system message attributes, set the following messages: -

M7 210 Shelf life expiration date & lies in the past


M7 211 Date of production lies in the future


M7 212 Required shelf life expiration date &


M7 213 Required date of production &


M7 214 Shelf life exp. date & of batch does not match entered sh. life exp. date &.


M7 215 Date of production should be & based on sh. life exp. date & of batch

For each user group, you can define the type of message issued: -

no message


warning message


error message Set Up Customer Exit to Calculate/Check the SLED The function module exit EXIT_SAPLMHD1_001 exists in the SAP enhancement SAPLMHD1 for calculating and checking the shelf life expiration date. You can use this exit to modify the data for calculating and checking the SLED. Requirements To use the customer exit, you have to Set Up the Shelf Life Expiration Date Check. Activities 1.

Create the enhancement. To do this, create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. The enhancement does not become effective until the project is activated.

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Further Notes In contrast with modifications, enhancements are always release-insensitive, as they are not made in the R/3 system, but in a name space that is reserved for the customer. The general procedure for creating enhancements is contained in the enhancement transaction under Utilities -> Online manual. The documentation on each enhancement is contained in the enhancement transaction under SAP documentation.

1.12.12 Tools In this section, you make the system settings for the worklist and the Batch Information Cockpit. Worklist In this section, you make the system settings for the worklist. Define Worklist Folder In this step, you can define worklist folders, which you use to structure the worklist by user-specific categories. To create a worklist folder, assign a four-character, alphanumeric identifier. You can create an explanatory text for this for each language. This then appears as a description of this worklist folder in the worklist. Note If no text has been stored in the user's logon language, the four-character identifier is just displayed for information. Via the Public worklist folder indicator you can define whether worklist folders are public or private. Public folders display the same contents as those in each of the users worklists who are assigned to this worklist folder. Private folders display only the batches that the user has included. The content of a private folder can only be viewed and processed by the respective user. You assign worklist folders to users in the step Assign Worklist Folders to Users. You can assign worklist folders to as many users as you wish. In addition to the worklist folders defined here that a user is assigned to, each user receives the private folder "Standard folder". If you choose Edit -> Add batch to worklist when you create, change, or display a batch master record, the system copies this batch to the "standard folder".

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Worklist Folder to Users In this step, you assign to users the worklist folders defined in the step Define Worklist Folders. You can assign as many users as you want to both public and private worklist folders Further Notes Users can assign themselves to worklist folders by choosing Logistics->Central Functions->Batch Management ->Tools->Assign worklist folder. Batch Information Cockpit In this section, you define the selection for the Batch Information Cockpit. Display SAP Standard Selection In this section, you can display the technical definition of the SAP standard selection for the Batch Information Cockpit. This section provides you with the following information: o

the predefined selection tab titles


the sequence of the selection tab titles


which selection tab titles are active; that is, which are visible and which are invisible


for which selection tab titles the selection fields are fixed; that is, are predefined


which selection fields exist in each selection tab title


the sequence of the selection fields in each selection tab title

To simulate the standard selection screen of the Batch Information Cockpit, choose the Simulate selection button. If you do not want to use the predefined selection, you can define a user-group-specific selection. Define User-Group-Specific Selection In this step, you can adjust the selection in the Batch Information Cockpit to meet your needs by defining one or more user-group-specific selections. For detailed information on the technical definition of the SAP standard selection, refer to the section SAP

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Display Standard Selection. If you do not want to change the SAP standard selection, no action is required on your part. Note Only the data fields that are also contained in the selection tab titles are copied to the selection result. The display fields in the data area of the selection result are oriented mainly to the sequence of the selection tab titles and their selection fields. You can also change the sequence of the data fields in the selection result individually and save them as display variants. For more informationen on the Batch Information Cockpit, refer to the section LO Batch Management in the SAP Library. You have the following options when defining your user-group-specific selection: Change title of selection tab titles If you want to change only the title of a selection tab title, proceed as follows: 1.

Define a user group.


Assign the selection tab title to this user group.


Change the text of the selection tab title.

Change sequence of selection tab titles Carry out the steps 1 and 2 as described under Change title of selection tab titles and enter the item you want in the Item field. Activate and deactivate selection tab titles If you want to use a selection tab title that is not active in the standard system, carry out the steps 1 and 2 as described under Change title of selection tab titles and set the Active tab title indicator. If you do not want to use a selection tab title that is active in the standard system, carry out the steps 1 and 2 as described under Change title of selection tab titles and deactivate the Active tab title indicator. Define user-group-specific selection fields If you do not define any user-group-specific selection fields for the tab titles, the system displays the standard selection fields. You can only define selection fields for selection tab titles that are not flagged as fixed. If you define a selection field for a selection tab title, the system only displays this field on the selection tab title you have defined. Only the selection fields that are on an active selection tab title are visible. Proceed as follows: 1.

Define a user group.


Define a selection tab title and assign this to the user group.


Define selection fields and assign them to selection tab titles.

Assign users to a user group You can choose whether a user-group-specific selection should: o

only be valid for certain users To do this, assign users to a user group via the parameter BICUG in the user master record.

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be used by all users who are not assigned to a user group in the user master record To do this, select a user group as a standard group.

Note If a user is not assigned to a user group and no user group is flagged as the standard group, the SAP standard selection is used in the Batch Information Cockpit. Simulation of selection settings In the User group subdialog, you can simulate the user-group-specific selection screen for the selected user group by choosing the User group button. To display the SAP standard selection screen, choose SAP Standard. In the Selection tab title subitem, you can simulate your selected selection tab title via the User group button. Via the SAP Standard button, you can simulate the corresponding standard selection tab title Recommendation If you want to include additional fields in your user-group-specific selection, we recommend that you use a selection tab title that is not active in the standard system, include these fields in the tab title, and activate it.

1.13 Handling Unit Management This activity contains all the information for introducing handling units. You can find detailed information about this topic in the R/3 library in the 'Handling Unit Management' component.

1.13.1 Basics In this IMG activity, you make general settings for Handling Unit Management. Technical Basics In this section you make the basic technical settings for handling units. Define Number Ranges for Handling Units When creating a handling unit, the system assigns a clear number internally. This number is from the number

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range interval, which you can can maintain in this menu option. Standard settings An internal assignment is carried out in the standard delivery for handling units, from the number range interval '01'. Maintenance of further intervals is not necessary, as the interval cannot be set. Transport You transport number range objects as follows: In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Actions 1.

If the number range is not available for the interval '01', you must insert the number interval '01'.


Enter the boundaries for the number interval. SAP recommends that you maintain the number range interval in the maximum range. Maintain Database Indexes for Handling Units In this step, you can maintain the indices for handling units. Recommendation For indices LT and PV: The indices speed up the selection of handling units (transaction HULI), if you access by criteria packing instruction / loading equipment. If at all possible, you should only store one of these two indices in the database. If you want to determine HUs equally for packing instructions as for loading equipment, you can retain the settings in the standard system. (Index LT: active in the database; Index PV: not in the database) If you mostly want to determine HUs for packing instructions, it is advantageous to store the index PV in the database and delete the index LT. Define Packaging Material Types The packaging material type combines packaging materials into groups and contains essential control features which apply to the corresponding shipping materials. When you specify a shipping material type in

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the material master record, each shipping material is assigned to a shipping material type. The packaging material type controls the following points: o

Output determination procedure and output type By specifying an output determination procedure and an output type, you determine which output can be printed during packing.


Sorting sequence If several handling units are processed, you can define the sorting sequence with which the handling units are presented in the dialog.


Plant determination Within delivery processing, delivery items can be generated from the handling units. This allows you to manage stocks for packaging materials (for example, your own or possibly special stocks) and to bill packaging materials. Two requirements must be met to do this: -

An item category must exist in the handling unit. For an automatic item category determination, an item category group must be defined in the material master for the packaging materials, which is maintained in the delivery item category determination in Customizing for the relevant delivery type.


Packaging material category The packaging material category defines what is dealt with for the packaging material type; the packaging material type "truck" could, for example, be assigned to the packaging material category "means of transport", and a pallet to the packaging material category "packaging".


Number assignment By entering a packaging material, you define, when generating a handling unit according to the method set for number assignment, how the identification of the handling unit is created. The assignment of a SSCC18 is, where necessary, also possible, if you set the number assignment here, using a number range interval, as long as you have maintained the handling unit category for the SSCC18 Generation.


Number range interval If the identification of a handling unit results from a number range object, the number range interval is then defined by the number being retrieved.


Handling unit category for SSCC18 Here, the category for the packaging material is defined for generation of SSCC18.

Defines whether the tare weight for packaging materials for this packaging material type has a changeable tare volume. Standard Settings In the standard delivery, plant determination is set so that the plant can be entered manually in the handling unit. Recommendation Maintenance for the handling unit category SSCC18 generation should always be scheduled, as an SSCC18 can be assigned at any time.

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Activities 1.

If you want to create a new packaging material type, enter an alphanumeric key with a maximum of 4 characters together with a textual description.


Make the necessary specifications in the detail screen of the packaging material type. Further Notes


Packaging materials for the packaging material category "auxiliary packaging materials" cannot be used for generating handling units. They can only be used for supplementing the packaging in a handling unit.


Always assign numbers clearly, using a number range interval or a SSCC18 generation. Define Material Group for Packaging Materials In this menu option, you define material groupings packaging materials, with which materials that are to be packed into similar packaging materials are grouped together. The material grouping for packaging materials is entered in the material master record of the shipping material. Example A material grouping for packaging materials can, for example, include all materials that are to packed in bottles. Activities 1.

If you want to create a new material grouping for packaging materials, enter an alphanumeric key with a maximum of 4 characters together with a textual description.


Assign the allowed packaging material types for the material grouping for packaging materials. Define Allowed Packaging Materials When packing materials or handling units, the system checks whether the packaging materials for the handling unit, to which the items are to be packed, is allowed for packing. By assigning packaging material types to the material groups for packaging materials, you define which packaging materials are allowed for packing. By assigning shipping material types to material groups for shipping materials, you define which shipping materials are allowed for packing. Activities Assign the allowed packaging material types to each material group for

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packaging materials. Further Notes For materials with no material group for packaging materials, no check is carried out on the elegibility of the packaging material. These materials can always be packed. By assigning the allowed packaging material types for the various material groups for packaging materials, allowed packaging materials can be displayed for materials that have maintained a material group packaging material. Use Handling Unit Supplements In the handling unit table, you will find five reserve fields that are not assigned to specific functions and that you can fill and use installation-specifically. The fields can be reached from the packaging screen. Handling unit groups 1-5 are available to you for additional data and can be defined as you require. The following five fields have been included in table VEKP: o

VEGR1 (handling unit group 1)


VEGR2 (handling unit group 2)


VEGR3 (handling unit group 3)


VEGR4 (handling unit group 4)


VEGR5 (handling unit group 5)

The check tables TVE1 - TVE5 exist for the fields. Example You want, for example, to use the additional field VEGR1 to define a level of fragility regarding the packaging content, so that you can carry out statistical evaluations on the basis of these specifications. Proceed as follows: 1.

Change data element VEGR1: -

Change the short description "Handling unit group 1" to "Risk factor".


Change the respective key words.


Activate data element VEGR1.


Maintain the entity table TVE1, for example, by specifying the following values: -

"01" fragile


"02" not particularly fragile


"03" robust

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Recommendation SAP recommends that you use the existing additional fields for individual modifications to the packing function and that you avoid adding further new fields wherever possible. Activities To use an additional field according to your requirements, proceed as follows: 4.

Change the short description of data elements VEGR1-VEGR5 and the texts using the ABAP/4 Dictionary. This way, an individual field receives the required meaning.


Activate the changed data elements. Maintain Goods Movements for Handling Unit Stock-Posting In this activity, you can define the movement types that are used for HU-specific material postings. The Packing process defines the movement type with which the packed (or unpacked) material is transferred between HU-managed storage locations and non-HU storage locations. You can use the other processes during the posting process in the Handling Unit Monitor and in the Goods Movements for Handling Units and Materials transaction. Standard Settings All the processes are delivered with the standard movement types. Recommendation The movement type standards should not be changed for the individual processes. If you try to change the packing/unpacking processes, it could result in stock inconsistencies. Changes in the other processes could cause some input fields for other movements to become inactive. Further Notes The individual processes, with the exception of unpacking, may not contain reversal movement types. Set Profile for Packing Station You can use this activity to set profiles for packing stations. You can make the following settings: o

Name of the packing station Enter a name of your choice for each packing station.


Terminal identification You can specify terminal identification for each packing station profile. When you specify a terminal ID, it means that when the packing station transaction is called up from this terminal, the packing station

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profile that is set for that terminal appears automatically. The system then skips the actual initial screen. o

Packing station type You must specify a packing station type. You can differentiate between packing deliveries (inbound and outbound deliveries) and creating handling units without object reference.


Quantity proposal This field controls proposal of the quantity when you pack a material item.


Plant/Storage location/HU storage location/storage type/storage bin If you selected the Create HUs without object reference option when you set the packing-station type, you must enter a plant for the material that is to be packed. If you want to create handling units with stock information, enter an HU-managed storage-location in the HU storage location field. Then, the system automatically finds the partner storage-location and uses it as the storage location. If you want to use a different storage location, you can enter another non-HU storage location in the Storage location field.


Print profile You can enter a print profile in order to control which output type should be issued to which printer. You can specify printers for several delivery output types and for several HU output types.


Output devices Specifying output devices is an alternative to entering print profiles. The first output device will be used for HU outputs and the second output device will be used for delivery outputs.


Post GI/GR at save This indicator only affects the delivery packing process. When you set this indicator, the inbound/outbound delivery will be posted to goods receipt/goods issue automatically when you select Save.


Packaging material If you have set HUs for delivery as the packing station type, a handling unit with the packaging material listed here will be created each time you process a new delivery. It makes sense to enter a packaging material in a packing station profile if you want to pack several deliveries the same way.


Create an HU using external numbers -

You must set this indicator if the HU is to be created using numbers that were predefined externally. This makes the packaging material and the external number field available for input during the packing process at the packing station.


If this indicator is not set, an HU number will only be created using the packaging material entry and number assignment occurs within the system.


Attach a scale to the packing station If you connect a scale to the terminal, you can have the system determine the weight of a handling unit with the touch of a button. To do this, you must make entries in the RFC destination and Scale name fields. In the Scale name field, enter the scale's name according to the computer's "registry". See also: Introduction: Scale and Packing Station.


Indicator: NO GRID If you use a pre-4.6c version of the SAPGUI, the use of the grid control can lead to runtime errors. If you set this indicator, the usual table control is used instead of the grid control.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define User Status Profile In this IMG activity you define status profiles. Activities 1.

Enter a Status Profile.


Assign the status profile to an Object Type.


Define the User Status.


Assign Business Transactions to user statuses.


Translate the status profile and user statuses.

Defining a status profile. To define a status profile, proceed as follows: Create status profile To create a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Select "Edit -> New entry".


Enter a name for the status profile.


Enter a description.


Enter a maintenance language for the status profile. Changes and supplements to the status profile can only be made in the maintenance language, and must then be translated into the respective foreign languages. This guarantees that the entries in the status profile are complete and unambiguous.


Choose "Enter" to include the new status profile in the list.


Choose "Save".

Assign status profile to an object type To be able to use a status profile for objects of a certain object type, you need to assign the profile to the corresponding object type: 1.

In the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview", position the cursor on the status profile you want to assign.


Choose Goto -> Object types.


Select the object types for which the status profile is valid. Note that there are four object types relevant for the Project System: -

Project definition


WBS element

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Network header


Network activity

Choose Save.

Define user status To define user status for a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

In the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview", position the cursor on the status profile you want to maintain.


Choose Goto -> User status.


For each user status you must enter a four-digit, language- specific key to identify the status.


For each user status you can enter the following:



In "Stat. no." field, enter a status number The sequence number determines the sequence in which the statuses contained in a status profile can be set.


Specify a lowest and highest sequence number in the "Low" and "High" columns.


Enter a short text. The short text contains a short description of the status.


Enter a long text for the user status. Choose Goto -> Long text.


Select a user status as an initial status, if necessary. If you select a user status as an initial status, it is set automatically when you create a cost object. Within a status profile, you can define only one initial status with a sequence number, but as many as you require without a sequence number.


You use "Position" to specify the position in which the status is displayed in the order header.


You use "Priority" to specify which priority the user status has on a particular position if the same position is defined for more than one active status.

Save your entries.

Assign business transactions to a user status To assign business transactions to your user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the desired user status.


Choose Goto -> Business transaction control.


Choose Edit -> New lines to display a list of the existing business transactions.


Assign the corresponding transactions to your user status.


You use "Influencing" to activate the following fields for each transaction: a)

"No influence" The business transaction is not influenced by the current user status.

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"Allowed" The business transaction is allowed by the current user status.


"Warning" The business transaction is allowed by the current user status but a warning message is displayed. You can decide whether to heed the warning or not.


"Disalld" The business transaction is not allowed by the current user status.

To use a business transaction, the following is required:




At least one active status must allow the business transaction.


No active status may disallow the business transaction.

You use "Next action" to specify what effect a particular business transaction has on the respective statuses: a)

"No action" The status is neither set nor deleted by the business transaction.


"Set" The business transaction sets the respective status.


"Delete" The business transaction deletes the respective status. However, you cannot use this to delete a user status that has a sequence number. These statuses can only be deleted by setting a subsequent status, which also has a sequence number.

Save your entries.

Translate status profile and user status You can translate the status profile and the user statuses assigned to it into other languages. If you wish to translate, note the following: o

User statuses can only be created, changed, and deleted in the original maintenance language.


Unless all the user statuses within a status profile are translated, the system shows them all in the original maintenance language.

If you wish to translate a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose Extras -> Profile translation in the status profile overview.


You can call up a list of foreign language ID codes using the F4 key.


Select one using the F2 key.


Choose "Enter".


Translate the name of your status profile into the foreign language.


Save your translation.

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To translate user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the status profile in question.


Choose Goto -> User status. The system lists all user statuses in the profile.


Choose Goto -> Status translation.


You can call up a list of foreign language ID codes using the F4 key.


Select a list using the F2 key.


Choose "Enter".


Translate the key, the description and, if necessary, the long text in the required language.


Save your translation. Additional information

Status simulation You use this to simulate the status development for a particular object. Place the cursor on a status profile, use the function Goto -> Object types, and position the cursor on one of the allowed object types. o

Choose Extras -> Status simulation to simulate the status changes that would result if you were to use the relevant business transactions, or maintain the status manually.


From the simulation, you can go directly to the status maintenance screen for each object type, where you can call up more detailed information on the allowed and disallowed transactions.


Each step you simulate is recorded by the system in a log displayed online. This enables you to trace the status development at all times.

Status profile information Using this function on the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview" you can call up a list which summarizes the specifications in your status profile. The list is structured as follows: o

The first section contains the object types allowed for this status profile.


The second section contains the user statuses that are defined for this profile.


In the third section, the system lists for each user status that business transactions are: -



Allowed, with warning message



Object type info Using this function on the screen "Change Status Profile: Object Types Allowed", you can call up a list that summarizes all the specifications on system statuses for a particular object type. The list is structured as follows:

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The first section contains the valid system statuses for this object type.


The second section contains the allowed business transactions for this object type.

You can assign the user status profile to a packaging_material_type. Materials Management In this section, you make all the settings required for the Materials Managagement (MM) component. Inventory Management In this section, you make the following system settings: o

Activate QM Inspection Processing per Movement Type


Assign Delivery Type per Movement Type


Define Default Values to Create Deliveries Set QM Check and Delivery Type for Each Movement Type In this step, you define for each movement type whether you want to work with inspection processing in Quality Management. You also determine the delivery type for each movement type. You use the delivery type to assign a particular type of delivery to each movement type: o

Inbound deliveries (goods receipt)


Outbound deliveries (goods issue)


Transfer postings or deliveries for a stock transfer (transfer posting / stock transfer) Activities

Define which delivery types you want to use for the different movement types. HU Requirement for Storage Locations and Default Values for In this step, for each storage location, you maintain the handling unit requirement and the default values for creating a delivery. You can override the default settings at plant level with more specific default settings at storage location level.

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When you set the HU requirement indicator for a storage location, you can only make stock postings if you specify the handling unit. If you do not specify the handling unit, the system does not create a material document when you make the posting but creates a delivery document. Since the stock in a storage location that is subject to a handling unit requirement is packed in principle, you must maintain a partner storage location for transactions such as unpacking. Use a storage location in the same plant as the partner storage location that has the same or no warehouse number. Requirements You are only allowed to change the indicator HU requirement for storage locations that do not contain any stock and that are not assigned to a decentralized warehouse management system. Activities Maintain data as required. Further Notes Storage locations that are assigned to a decentralized warehouse management system can be flagged as having an HU requirement in the decentralized Warehouse Management System. Warehouse Management In this chapter, you configure the settings for Warehouse Management and Handling Unit Management. Define Storage Type A warehouse number is divided up into a number of storage types. A storage type is defined on the basis of its spatial or organizational features (for example, high rack storage area, bulk storage area, goods receipt area). A storage type has the following features: o

A storage type does not have an address, but a short description.


It is possible to store storage-type-specific material data.


Within a storage type, inventory is executed for each storage bin. Standard Settings

In the SAP standard version, different examples of storage types are preset in warehouse number 001. Recommendation These interim storage types (900-999) are required for various postings (for example, GR and GI postings,

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differences) in WM. When you define your warehouse numbers, copy the interim storage types from warehouse number 001. Activities 1.

Create your storage types with the respective descriptions.


Copy the interim storage types from warehouse number 001. Further Notes

Further parameters are maintained in the chapters "Strategies" and "Transactions". If you are implementing storage unit management, maintain the parameters that are described in the chapter "Storage type control". Assign Storage Unit Type to Packaging Material Type At the moment there is no documentation for this activity. For more information see the F1 Help for the individual table fields. Define Repacking Movement Type for Warehouse Number At the moment there is no documentation for this activity. For more information, see the F1 Help for the individual table fields. Define Repacking Storage Bin for Warehouse Number In this workstep you define the repacking storage bin of the warehouse. WM stocks are posted to this bin during packing or unpacking. SAP recommends that you use a storage type that does not have any putaway strategy or capacity check and is not activated for storage unit management. Define Control for Automatic Creation of Pick HUs There is currently no documentation for this activity. You can find detailed information by using the F1 help for each table field.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Movement Types The system processes Inventory Management movements (for example, goods receipt for a purchase order or goods issue to a cost center) using movement types. If the SAP system determines that a movement is relevant for Warehouse Management, it assigns a WM movement type to this movement via a table. The movement type for the Warehouse Management system provides the information required for stock placements and stock removals: o

Interim storage type


Coordinate of the interim storage bin -

predefined coordinate


dynamic coordinate


fixed bin coordinate


Control indicator for processing, confirming and printing transfer orders


Indicator for storage type search.

For information on the links between the IM and the WM movement types and how to change them, see the section Movement Types for Interim Storage Bins. Standard Settings In the SAP standard system, all the relevant movement types are preset. Recommendation SAP recommends keeping the movement types delivered with the standard system. Activities 1.

Before you create movement types for a new warehouse number: -

start with the configuration for the printer control


delete the print codes


then maintain the print codes when you configure the printer control


Create the movement types for each warehouse number using the copy function.


Define your own company-individual settings (for example, for the interim storage types) in the detail screen. Define Print Control In this menu option, you set the control parameters for printing invididual slips for transferring storage units. There are four different kinds of storage unit slips: o

Transfer order slip (TO slip)

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(This is the standard TO slip that is controlled by the "standard" print control functions). o

Storage unit slip (SU slip)


Storage unit transfer order slip (SU TO slip)


Storage unit contents slip (SU contents slip)

The logic behind the print control functions for storage units is the same as for "standard" print control functions -- the only difference being that all the settings are defined additionally for printing the three special slips for storage units (and not for the "standard" print slips). It is important that you read the chapter on "standard" print control before you work through this chapter. Information on "standard" print control is available in the section "Define Print Control" of the Implementation Guide. In the following text, we will only elaborate on the storage-unit-specific aspects. Basically, you need to maintain the following data in your system: o

Spool Code To print out each of the four different slips, the system requires the parameters that are defined via the spool code for control of the spool system. The spool code is not set for any specific slip, that is, you can print different slips using the same spool code, and even use a spool code for printing slips for storage units (if this is appropriate in your particular situation).


Printer Pool Since the storage unit slips are of different sizes and, in many cases, it is appropriate to print some slips on self-adhesive labels (and other slips are printed in the normal way), you can print each individual slip on its own special printer. For this purpose, you need to define printer pools. Enter the printer you are using for printing "standard" TO slips as the "Name" of the printer pool. Then define the printers belonging to this printer pool that are to be used for the storage unit slips. You can, of course, have several slips printed on one printer. When you are printing out a transfer order, for example, the system receives the information on which printer a slip is to be printed from this definition. The system searches via the settings for "standard" print control for the printer for printing transfer orders. This printer is, at the same time, the name of the printer pool (see above). In this way, the system determines the individual printers for the storage units slips on the basis of the definition in the printer pool. If you do not define settings for the printer pool, the system will use the printer defined for printing "standard" transfer orders.


Print Indicator For each of the four slips, you can define which form and which spool indicators are to be used for printing. If you do not want to print a particular slip based on the definition of the print code, leave the respective entry fields blank.

Printer Assignment / Movement Depending on the movement concerned (source storage type - destination storage type), you can define different forms and spool indicators for the storage unit slips. Furthermore, you can switch off the printing of individual slips for certain movements. o

Printer Assignment / Storage Type: Here you can assign a printer pool for each storage type.


For the following items:

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Assignment of Print Code / Movement Type


Print Report / Warehouse Number

Printer Control for Multiple Processing the same rules apply as for the settings for "standard" print control. (see Chapter "Define Print Control"). Actions 1.

Create the spool codes for each warehouse number.


Create a printer pool for each warehouse number.


Create the print codes for each warehouse number.


Assign the printers to the specific movements.


Assign the printer to the storage types. Define Shipping Control In connection with the Sales system (Component SD) you can use different picking techniques in the Warehouse Management system. If you are working with LE-WM and SD, the following picking techniques are available: o

picking from fixed storage bin (without TO creation)


random picking (with TO creation)


picking large/small quantities

You can influence the creation of transfer orders from delivery documents using the indicator picking split. If the system determines during picking that different picking areas are addressed, the system can create a TO for each area. Requirements The component SD (Sales) is in use. Activities Assign the following to each warehouse number in accordance with your requirements: o

Picking type


Partial picking


Picking split for transfer orders Further Notes

For more information on the subject multiple processing, refer to the section Master data - Define warehouse

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number. Define Production The Production Planning component (PP SFC component) can carry out material staging for production in production storage bins using the Warehouse Management system. The physical production storage bins are defined and managed in the Warehouse Management system. In this case, you can group together different work centers to production supply areas from the viewpoint of production supply. Within a plant, you define for each material and supply area in which storage bin the required materials are to be provided and which type of material staging is to be used. The following staging types (control cycles) are supported: o

Picking directly for the production order


Crate parts


Release order parts

The material requisition creates a transfer requirement, which usually results in transfer orders. Requirements Implementation of the PP SFC component. Standard Settings In the SAP standard system, storage type 100 and replenishment movement type 319 are preset in warehouse number 001. Activities Set the necessary parameters for the PP interface in the specified sequence: 1.

Maintain production supply area In a plant, you define the material staging type and bin coordinate of the production storage bin for each supply area and material. For the supply of material to production by means of MM-WM, you can group together different work centers from the production supply viewpoint using the supply area. For WM material staging, allocate the (WM-managed) storage location to the plant in question.


Automatic WM material staging during order release At the production scheduler level, you can determine for a combination of plant and order type whether WM material staging is to be carried out automatically during the release or whether this always has to be started manually.


WM movement type for replenishment For a storage type, you determine which WM movement type is used to transfer the warehouse replenishment for production. Allocate the respective WM movement type to your production storage type.

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Activating the PP or PP-PI interface For each warehouse number, you determine whether a direct supply of material to production through Warehouse Management is active or not. Activate the interface for each warehouse number Further Notes

If you are using the automatic creation of transfer orders following the generation of transfer requirements, refer to the chapter "Activate Automatic TO Creation" for more information. Delivery This activity allows you to make the settings in the delivery area of handling unit management. Packing Control By Item Category In this menu option you control for each item category whether it can be packed or whether it requires packing. If an item category is characterized as requiring packing, the item must be packed in delivery, before goods issue. If it can be packed, you can pack it. You cannot pack items with an item category which cannot be packed. For materials to be handled in batches, you control whether only items with batch available can be packed, or basically the cumulated main item quantity is packed. Actions For each item category, enter either the packing control "A" for item categories requiring packing or "B" for item categories which cannot be packed or, leave the field empty if you want to characterize the item category as "can be packed". Define Requirements for Packing in the Delivery In this menu option, you can define your own requirements for packing delivery items. Requirements are represented as form routines which constitute shorter subprograms and check different criteria during packing. If you define new requirements for packing handling units, you must activate the new requirements before using them, otherwise they will not be taken into account. Example A requirement for packing handling units can, for example, stipulate that packing is not possible if a credit block exists.

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Activities 1.

If you want to create a new requirement for packing handling units, go to requirement maintenance.


If necessary, overwrite an existing routine or create a group number from the area set aside for customer modifications (600-699) and enter an appropriate textual description.


Program the desired requirement in the editor.


Activate the requirement.


Enter a long text to describe the purpose of the routine more precisely and in greater detail. Further Notes

For further information on creating requirements, refer to the Implementation Guide in the section "Routines". Delivery Type Determination In this activity, you can set the delivery type determination for the following objects: o

Inbound delivery


Outbound delivery


Posting change Requirements

Set delivery type for each movement type must be set in order for the delivery type determination to take place. In this activity, you can set the following delivery types, which must be uniquely (in accordance with the debit/credit indicator) and correctly assigned, depending on the movement type: "OD" - Delivery type for outbound deliveries = goods issue "ID" - Delivery type for inbound deliveries = goods receipt "TP" - Delivery type for posting change or stock transfer delivery = posting change Activities If either movement type "ID" (Inbound delivery type) or "OD" (Outbound deliveries type) was set according to the Requirements (above), the system searches the activity Set delivery type determination for inbound deliveries/outbound deliveries for a delivery type for the following key fields: o





Storage location

If no entry is found, the system searches for an entry with an abbreviated key as follows:

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Storage location with input template "****"


Storage location and plant with input template "****"

In the activity Set delivery type determination for posting change, key abbreviation occurs as follows: o

Storage location with input template "****"


Stock transfer storage location with input template "****"


Storage location and stock transfer storage location with input template "****"


Storage location and plant with input template "****"

The system determines the delivery type for the material movement transactions according to the activities described above. Define Sequence of Transfer Order - Goods Receipt In this activity, you can define whether goods receipt can be posted for an inbound delivery before creating and confirming the transfer order. You maintain the settings for each warehouse number and item category of the delivery. If the transfer order is created and confirmed after goods receipt has been posted, the user is unable to confirm quantities that deviate from those posted. Activities For each warehouse number and delivery item category, determine whether you want to post goods receipt before you confirm the transfer order. Production In this activity, you can make Handling Unit Management settings in the production area. Production Supply Production Supply Handling units can be used for the production supply to production lines. It is a good idea to use HUs for production supply if the consumption or use of the ingredients is to be checked, recorded, and traced. Set HU Requirement in Staging Area

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If handling units are to be used to ensure that the material is checked from staging to production, the whole plant must be subject to HU-management. to HU-management. Activities 1.

Enter the plant. Call up the input help to select the plant number.


Maintain the HU requirement. Call up the input help for the indicator. Copy Predefined Characteristics for Material Identification In this process step, you copy the SAP standard process instruction characteristics and process message characteristics for material identification from the SAP reference client to the logon client. You require these characteristics o

For the message categories defined by SAP


To define your own message and process instruction categories

The names of the characteristics predefined by SAP begin with PPPI_. You cannot change these characteristics in the logon client. Activities Transport the standard characteristics from the SAP reference client (000) to the logon client. Further Notes o

Characteristics are created at client level. After you have carried out this process step, the standard characteristics are available in all plants of your client.


When you copy the SAP standard characteristics, a warning appears telling you that it is data of type "A". Ignore this warning. Note about transport

Characteristics cannot be transported. You must therefore also carry out this process step in your production system before you transport the other settings for process management from your Customizing system to the production system.

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Partial GI allowed: The partial GI is allowed in the production process for all handling units that are created in picking for a production order. You cannot change this during the picking process. Free handling units that are assigned to a production order also carry the partial GI indicator. You can change the indicator for free handling units.


Partial GI not allowed: If this indicator is set, no partial GI is allowed for handling units that are created in picking for a production order. You cannot change the indicator. If free handling units are assigned, the partial GI can also be carried out. You can change the indicator. Assign HU

Here you can specify whether an HU that has already been staged for an order may be assigned to another order. This indicator is always linked to an order type. This means you can specify whether or not a new assignment is allowed for each order type in a plant. You can specify the following: o

Assignment allowed The HUs are assigned to the new order without a message being displayed.


Assignment with warning allowed A message appears informing you that the HU is already assigned to another order.


HU assignment not allowed -> Error message An error message appears if you try to assign an HU to an order. The assignment is not created.

Example There can be handling units in production that contain materials for several production orders and are not assigned to a production order. These HUs are called free HUs. If they are used in production, only part of the contents are used for production and posted as goods issues. The HU with the rest of the contents can be used for further production orders. In process industries such as the pharmaceutical industry, a function allowing partial goods issue postings for all handling units is not required. In this case, the indicator should be set so that a partial GI is not allowed. In other production types such as discrete production, a partial goods issue posting is required. In this case, the indicator should be set so that a partial goods issue is allowed. Requirements

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Standard Settings


Activities To define the partial GI indicator for an order type, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose "New entries" on the "Change View Customizing HU in Production Environment: Overview" screen. The "New Entries: Details of Added Entries" screen appears.


Enter the plant and the order type to be maintained. If the partial goods issue is not to be allowed, activate this selecting "Part. GI not allowed" indicator.


Choose "Back" to end maintenance. The "Change View Customizing HU in Production Environment: Overview" screen appears.


To complete maintenance of the partial GI, choose "Save".

Further Notes Material Reconciliation In the following sections, you will make the settings for material reconciliation. Create Formula Parameters You must first define formula parameters for calculating material reconciliation. There is no internal SAP naming convention, so you can use your own company's standard for parameters. Activities Choose Edit -> New entries. Further Notes Please note: The attributes dimension, standard, and standard value unit are not taken into account in material reconciliation.

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The Origin field is also not taken into account. However 7 may not be used there. Assign Movement Types to Parameters Each formula parameter you have defined for material reconciliation can have up to 15 movement types assigned to it. You can assign movement types to any number of parameters, but can only use a maximum of 11 parameters per process order. Requirements You have created the parameter in Customizing. Activities 1.

In the Param. column, create the formula parameter. Note: The first parameter to which you enter 0 in the Sp column refers to the material to be produced in a process order. It can be used in all formulas for the components to be classified. All other parameters only refer to the component that is being classified.


Call up the input help for movement types and choose a movement type. Further Notes

The Res column must be selected if calculations based on the planned quantity of the process order are to be carried out. In this case, movement types are not taken into account. This is not possible, however, for the formula parameter of the material to be produced. Create Formulas In this step, you create formulas for calculating deviations. Activities 1.

Choose Edit -> New entries.


Enter the formula key and description. You can name the formulas according to your company's conventions.


Choose Goto -> Detail.


Create the formula. You can use all operators available in the R/3 System. The formula can can contain up to (3x70=) 210 characters.


To link the formulas to the system, activate the Generate indicator. All other indicators can remain

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inactive. Quality Management This section deals with the QM-relevant settings. Maintain Allowed Goods Movements In this step, you define whether certain goods postings are allowed for delivery from the QM point of view. Serial Numbers Define Serial Number Profiles In this step, you define serial number profiles. A serial number profile must be assigned to each material that is to be serialized. This assignment is made at plant level in the material master record. This means that you can assign a separate serial number profile to a material for each plant. However, a material can have a mandatory serial number in one plant but not in others. In a serial number profile, you define the following: o


The business operations for which a serialization: -

Can be performed


Must be performed


Is performed automatically


Is not performed

Information about whether for a business operation: -

Serial numbers for which no master record exists in the system can be assigned


Serial numbers which already exist in the system must be entered


Information about whether a stock validation is made for stock-relevant operations and how the system should deal with inconsistencies. Note that this setting can only deliver meaningful results in combination with the setting of whether an operation requires serial numbers.


The business operations, for which an equipment master record must or must not be created for each serial number


The equipment category which the system should propose for the automatic assignment of serial

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numbers in the case of equipment master records Activities Define the serial number profiles. Define EAN128 In this IMG activity, you make the settings for using the EAN128 norm. These include defining the data descriptions (application identifier, AI) as used in the EAN128 barcode. If you print out EAN128 labels, you need to make the Customizing settings for output determination for handling units. Then you can determine, define, and assign output types to the barcode profiles in this activity. The barcode profiles contain the contents of the individual barcodes. You can also define the ILN (internaional location number) basis numbers needed for the SSCC (Serialized Shipping Container Code) in this section. Maintain Bar Code Specification A handling unit is identified by its external identification (unique). This identification and other characteristics (weight, material contained in the handling unit) are usually specified on a label on the handling unit. In addition to text script, it is becoming more and more common to use bar codes for these labels. In this step, you maintain the structure for the bar code used for this purpose. Bar codes with a construction similar to that of the EAN 128 standard have first priority. The type and structure of the data is described in introductory data descriptor. For example, data ID "00" in the EAN128 standard defines a Number of Shipping Unit/Serialized Shipping Container Code (NSU/SSCC) with a fixed length of 18. In the first step, you determine the name of the bar code so that it can be identified later. Then determine the minimum and maximum length of the data descriptor. If the bar code can be uniquely identified by an introductory character string, maintain the string in the "Prefix" field. In the second part of the first step, define the individual data IDs for the bar code. Some data descriptors are made up of multiple application values placed one after another. This compound is achieved using a part field that is not equal to zero. The value of this part field indicates its place in the total value of the data descriptor. You can reserve certain data descriptors for future additions but the only thing you can specify is the length. It is sufficient to maintain these data descriptors with an entry greater than zero. For useable/used data descriptors, you must check the "Defined" indicator. Define the format of the (sub-) data descriptors using the following attributes: o

Format defines whether Numerical, Alphabetical or AlphaNumerical values are allowed.


Use Length to define fixed or maximum lengths of the values. It does not include the length of the data identification.


If the value of the data descriptor is variable, it must be limited by a delimiter (that you defined in the

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first part of step 1). You can indicate this by checking the Delimiter column. o

Many values must be formatted to an even-numbered length for technical reasons. You can do this by checking the Straight length column.


In the Decimal places column, you can define the number of characters that can be added to the data descriptor in order to estimate the decimal places of the value that is to be represented.


You can use the Variable length column to define the number of characters that can be added to the data descriptor in order to describe the length of the value that is to be represented. This added number is multiplied by the value in the Multipl. column and then added to the value in the Add.fact. column to figure the actual length. The data descriptor "234", for example, is defined with values "1/2/1" in columns Variable length/Multipl./Add.fact. resulting in a length of the value presented as 4 * 2 + 1 = 9.


By checking the Quantity variable column, you define that a data descriptor indicates the quantity for variable quantity trade units.


Enter the unit of measure according to ISO norms in the ISO column.


Routines that check the values using certain tests are defined in the Checking column. The following routines are currently defined: -

1: Carries out a digit check using the Modulo-10/EAN procedure


2: Carries out a date check in YYYYMMDD format


3: Carries out a date check in DDMMYYYY format


In the Applicatn column, you can enter structure or table fields that are assigned to a data descriptor. This column is not used in the HU environment.


In the Description column, you can enter a short text to further identify the data descriptor. Example

The EAN128 standard data descriptor can be found in the standard system and referred to as an example. Recommendation In the EAN128 standard, the data descriptors 90 to 99 are meant for bilateral and internal company use. Define Bar Code Pprofile for Label In this activity, you can define the bar code profile that specifies how a bar code is constructed. Example You want the Number of Shipping Units/Serialized Shipping Container Code (NSU/SSCC), EAN/UPC code, material quantity and the expiration date to appear as a bar code on an EAN128 label. The label is too narrow for the information to fit in one line, so the data must be split up into two lines. The NSU/SSCC should be the only thing in the second line so that it is easier to find. The other information

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fits in the first line. First, give this profile a unique name. Then, in line one, assign AI 02 (EAN) to item 1, AI 37 (quantity) to item 2 and AI 15 (expiration date) to item 3. In line two, assign only AI 00 (SSCC) to item 1. This profile then results in the following bar code, only the text of which appears below: (02) 400638105279 (37) 00000250 (15) 991231 (00) 331084421026048468 Requirements The data indicators / Application Identifiers (AI) used in the profile must be maintained tn the bar code specification. Standard Settings The standard profile in the system, SSCC00, contains only the NSU/SSCC. Recommendation The EAN128 standard recommends that the NSU/SSCC appear in the last part of the bar code. You can achieve more compact bar codes if you place AIs with variable content length at the end of the bar code. Data that has non-numeric contents needs twice as much space (batch numbers, for example). It is much easier to insert other AIs if you use item numbers in steps (of two or five, for example) rather than sequential item numbers. Activities First, enter a unique profile number and short description. Then, enter which bar code type this profile is defined for. Next, enter the necessary data identifier / Application Identifier (AI) for the items in each bar code line provided for this profile.

1.13.2 External Identification In this IMG activity, you make the settings for issuing handling unit identification. Set Unique Number Assignment for HU Identification In this activity, you establish that assignment of handling unit identification is unique in this client.

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Example If you want to process or display a handling unit, it is only possible to find and select it if this identification occurs only once. If you allow multiple assignment of the same handling unit identification, the system cannot determine exactly which handling unit you are requesting, thereby ruling out any chance of scanner-supported processing, for example. Requirements Number assignment settings must be made for all packaging material types in the Implementation Guide. Standard Settings The standard system contains unique number assignment. Recommendation If you want to use handling units outside outbound delivery processing, check the appropriate checkbox. Activities Check the checkbox for unique number assignment. Further Notes It is only possible to indicate a storage location as HU-managed if you have set this indicator. The use of non-assigned handling units without unique number assignment is not supported. In particular, a link from handling unit to storage unit is not possible if there is no assurance of unique number assignment. Number Range Maintenance for HU Identification In this activity, you can maintain number ranges for number assignment for handling unit identification via number range intervals. There are two types of number assignment: o

Internal number assignment The SAP System automatically assigns a sequential number from the specified number range.


External number assignment When creating a handling unit, you use a number from the external number range.

It is possible to maintain multiple internal and external number range intervals in order to assign numbers from different intervals to various packaging material types.

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Requirements The number assignment section in the packaging material type of the packaging material must be customized for number assignment from an internal or external number range interval in order for it to take place. Standard Settings A delivery of an internal and external number range interval with suggested values is available. Recommendation When choosing your intervals, make sure that the number ranges will not overlap. Activities To define a number range, you must insert a new number range interval: 1.

Enter an alphanumerical key with a maximum of two characters.


Enter the limits for the number interval. Individual number intervals may not overlap. In other words, each number may only appear once.


If the number range is to be used for external number assignment, indicate it as such. Transportation

You transport number range objects as follows: In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Further Notes If you also plan to use handling units in the warehouse in connection with storage units, make sure that the maintenance for number range intervals for storage units has the same length as the intervals maintained here. SSCC Generation Acc. to EAN128 In this IMG activity, you make the settings for generating shipping unit numbers / Serialized Shipping Container Codes (SSCC). To do this, you need an international location number (ILN) which you receive from the subsidiary company responsible for your country, from the IAN (international article number), or from the UCC in the US. Create at least one number range object that hasn't been predefined by SAP before you determine the

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parameters for your organizational units. If you have your own ILN for each organizational unit, you can use the whole number range in these units for the SSCC.

Note Note that the intervals can overlap and therefore the same number can be assigned twice. You must ensure for your area that the intervals do not overlap. Maintain Number Range Object for SSCC In this activity, you maintain the number range objects and their associated internal and external intervals for the generation of SSCCs. You need at least one object and one internal interval to create sequential SSCCs for your entire organization (client). If you want to have numbering start again from one for individual organizational units (plant, storage locations or warehouse numbers), you must create new objects. In such cases, you would also need new ILN base numbers. Standard Settings Number range object "LE_SSCC" is provided with interval "01" and a 9-digit number length in the standard system. Recommendation ILN base numbers are normally 7 digits long, although sequential numbers with 9 digits are possible within the Number of Shipping Units/Serialized Shipping Container Code (NSU/SSCC). For this reason, domain "CHAR9" is available for defining number length. Base number and sequential number must occupy 16 digits total (the entire NSU/SSCC is 18 digits in length, including check digit and type). If the ILN base number has more or fewer digits (or if you provide individual constant suffixes), you must adjust the domains accordingly. You can activate the main memory buffering. EAN128 standard requires exclusively unique, not sequential, numbering. If you allow rolling intervals, after the first interval has been completely used up, the system automatically reassigns the first number that was originally assigned in the initial interval. The standard system does assume that the initial assignment occurred at least one year ago, however. Activities Create the number range objects and intervals necessary for your organization, paying special attention to the domain lengths and the length of the ILN base number. Maintain SSCC Generation for Each Plant / Storage Location In this activity, you can set all parameters for generating Numbers of Shipping Units/Serialized Shipping

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Container Codes (NSU/SSCCs), except for those on the storage location level. Example Normally, your entire organization does not create more than 1,000 billion handling units per year. Therefore, you only need one ILN from which to copy the 7-digit base number into an entry (by leaving all key fields blank: plant and storage location, for example). You have previously created a number range object with a rolling 9-digit internal interval. Now you need to assign this number range object. If you would also like to send smaller packages and manage them with NVE/SSCCs as well, you would need more than 1,000 billion NSU/SSCCs per year. In this case, you should enter another base number and a new number range object with an internal interval. Assign these to the exact plant and storage location. Requirements You must have previously created a number range object and an internal interval. If you want to assign NSU/SSCCs externally and you want the system to check if they lie within the valid range, you must also create an external interval. Recommendation If you do not want to generate specific NSU/SSCCs for individual storage locations (and/or plants), leave the storage location (and/or plant) blank, saving you time and effort since there is less information to maintain. You may add information to the individual storage location/plant entries later on if necessary. If the number range is not sufficient for one year (the expected time period in the standard system in which no NSU/SSCC is to be repeated), you can maintain additional parameters in the same organizational unit. The number range object may not be a rolling number range object in such a case. The system selects and entry in the field Do not use?. Further Notes The system searches for NSU/SSCC generation parameters in the following key order: 1.

Plant and storage location: the most detailed of the possible structures


Warehouse number: maintain the parameters for this organizational unit in the next node


Plant: the same parameters for all storage locations of one plant. Leave the Storage location field blank.


Client: the same parameters for all plants. Leave the Plant field blank as well.

Note that the intervals can overlap and therefore the same number assignment is possible twice. You must ensure for your area that the intervals do not overlap. Maintain SSCC Generation for Each Warehouse Number In this activity, you can set the parameters for Numbers of Shipping Units/Serialized Shipping Container Codes (NSU/SSCC) generation on warehouse number level.

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Example Normally, your entire organization does not create more than 1,000 billion handling units per year. Therefore, you only need one ILN from which to copy the 7-digit base number. You have previously created a number range object with a rolling 9-digit internal interval. Now you need to assign this number range object. If you would also like to store smaller packages and manage them with NSU/SSCCs, you would need more than 1,000 billion NSU/SSCCs per year. In this case, you should enter another base number and a new number range object with an internal interval. Assign these to the warehouse number here. Requirements You must have previously created a number range object and an internal interval. If you want to assign NSU/SSCC externally and you want the system to check if they lie within the valid range, you must also create an external interval. Recommendation If you do not want to generate specific NSU/SSCCs for individual warehouse numbers, you can skip this activity, but only if you have maintained the parameters on the plant or client level in the activity immediately preceding this one. You may add information to warehouse number entries after initial entry. If the number range is not sufficient for one year (expected time period in the standard system in which no NSU/SSCC is to be repeated), you can maintain additional parameters for the same warehouse number. The number range object may not be a rolling number range object in such a case. The system selects an entry in the field Do not use?. Further Notes The system searches for NVE/SSCC generation parameters in the following key order: 1.

Plant and storage location: the most detailed of the possible structures


Warehouse number


Plant: the same parameters for all storage locations of one plant. Leave the Storage location field blank.


Client: the same parameters for all plants. Leave the Plant field blank as well.

Maintain the parameters at the client, plant or storage location level in the preceding activity. Note that the intervals can overlap and therefore the same number assignment is possible. You must ensure for your area that the intervals do not overlap. Define Number Assignment for Each Packaging Material Type A handling unit is a technical system reflection of a physical object. For this reason, it is logical to assign each handling unit a unique number. A number range object can guarantee that all number assignments are unique within one client. Unique

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number assignment is only possible throughout the entire system via assignment of a SSCC18. In this activity, you define number assignment per packaging material type. Example If you use various packaging material types, but only within your plant, identification assignment via number range interval should be sufficient. If the packaging materials of these packaging material types are also shipped to customers, number assignment via a SSCC18 is the better choice. Notes If you use the Warehouse Management system, please note that for the conversion of the storage unit number, the length of the LE number must be equal to or greater than the length of the numbers that can be assigned via handling-unit number assignment. For example, if you want to make a SSCC18 number assignment possible, the LE number must be at least 18 characters long. If you use a number range interval that is limited to 10 characters, a 10-character LE number would be sufficient. Recommendation Maintain the HU type for the SSCC18 number assignment for each packaging material type, even if automatic number assignment occurs via a number range interval. Activities Define the type of the number assignment, the number range interval for internal and external number assignment and the HU type for SSCC18 generation. Further Notes If the HU type is maintained for SSCC18 generation, an SSCC18 can be generated at any time, regardless of how the number assignment is set. Consistency Check for Number Range HU LE In this workstep you check that the number assignment for handling units and storage units is consistent.

1.13.3 Automatic Packing In this activity, you make the settings for automatic packing with handling units. You can define packing instructions and their corresponding determination records.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Enhancement Concept There are three customer functions for automatic packing, which have been combined and documented in the 'PACKMODI' enhancement. You can find the 'PACKMODI' enhancement by going to Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Enhancements -> Definition. If you want to program your own logic for generating handling units, create the necessary customer-includes (which you can find in the relevant customer functions). Generate a project for the 'PACKMODI' enhancement and activate this project. You create the project by going to Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Utilities -> Enhancements -> Project management. The customer functions are then called up within the packing functions when you choose "Pack automatically". Maintain Packing Transaction Profile In this activity, you can modify the packing transaction profiles. For each application, in which the packing transaction can be used, there is a packing transaction profile. Therefore, the following profiles exist: o

Inbound delivery


Outbound delivery


Inbound delivery of returns


Return delivery


Inbound shipment


Outbound shipment


Non-assigned packing


Packing in Repetitive Manufacturing


Packing for production order


Packing instruction master data test


Packing proposal in sales order.

In each profile, the following parameters are set: o

display mode or change mode for HU proposals in the packing transaction


the procedure used to automatically determine packing instructions


whether the system expands packing instructions automatically when materials and quantities are entered or changed

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whether the system displays a selection dialog box in the automatic expansion process, so that the user can select a packing instruction from those proposed by the system (main packing instruction or alternative packing instruction)


whether the system takes into account rounding and minimum quantities in the automatic expansion process


whether the system also takes into account alternative packing instructions in automatic expansion, if the main packing instruction cannot pack the required quantity


the expansion strategy. This controls whether -

everything is to be packed automatically, that is, the system creates HU proposals for the complete quantity to be packed.


packages are to be created one at a time, that is, the system creates an HU proposal for exactly one main handling unit (there may be several sub-HUs).


the minimum packing status for packing instruction expansion


the HU status of the handling units created


the minimum packing status of HU proposals required to created HUs. Standard Settings

The profiles are set as standard in the system. You can change the descriptions and the settings for each profile. However, you cannot create new profiles, delete existing ones, or change the assignment of profile to application. Activities To modify a profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Double-click on the profile that you want to modify.


The system displays the screen Change View "Maintain Parameters for Packing Transaction Profile".


Use the field help and input help to make your changes.


Save. Further Notes

If you set Display mode for an application, the system automatically sets Automatic expansion, since it is not possible to manually expand the packing instruction in display mode. Packing Instructions Master Data Packing according to packing instructions automizes the packing process. The system uses certain criteria to generate packing instructions that enable the shipping employee to pack

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the goods suitably for the customer and for shipping, as well as to represent the resulting handling unit simply in the system. Packing according to the packing instruction is based on the condition technique, used by the system to generate the most suitable packing instruction. In this IMG activity, you determine number ranges and checking profiles for the packing instruction. Define Number Ranges for Packing Instructions In this step, you define the number ranges for packing instructions. There are two types of number assignment: o

Internal number assignment The system automatically assigns a sequence number from the defined number range.


External number assignment You enter a number from the external number range.

When creating a number range, you specify whether it is internal or external. Transport Number range objects can be transported as follows: In the initial screen, select Interval -> Transport. Make sure that all the intervals for the selected number range object are deleted beforehand in the target system, so that only the exported intervals exist after the import. The numbers are imported with the value current at time of export. The system does not transport or convert dependent tables. Activities In order to define a number range, you must insert a new number interval: 1.

Enter an alphanumeric key of up to two figures.


Enter the limits of the number range. The individual number intervals must not overlap. Each number can be used only once.


Enter the appropriate indicator if the number range is to be used for external assignment. Define Check Profile for Packing Status In this step, you define inspection profiles for packing instructions. You use these inspection profiles to define the packing status of an HU template. In the inspection profile, you assign packing statuses to the possible ways in which an HU template can vary from a packing instruction (variances). For example, an HU

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template for which the target quantity is fallen short of can be assigned status 'Faulty', if you have specified in the corresponding inspection profile that this variance causes an error. You assign an inspection profile to a packing instruction. When you create an HU template with this packing instruction, the system assigns the template a packing status, according to the inspection profile settings. The packing status of an HU template consists of the individual packing statuses, the worst packing status of all of the sub-HUs determining the packing status of the HU template as a whole. You cannot create a handling unit from an HU template with the status "Packing instruction violated". Activities To create an inspection profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Starting from Customizing for Sales and Distribution, select Shipping -> Packing -> Packing With Packing Instructions -> Define packing status. The system displays the screen Change Inspection Profile: Overview .


Choose New entries. The system displays the screen New Entries: Detail.


Enter a name for the inspection profile and assign a packing status to each of the variances from packing instruction displayed.


Choose Back, and enter a description for the inspection profile.


Save your entries. Determination of Packing Instructions The following IMG activities describe which settings you need to control packing instruction determination. You can use certain assignments and groupings to control how the system determines the permitted packing instruction and to ensure that it packs the goods according to certain predefined criteria. For example, you can determine the criteria that should be used to pack a certain material for a certain customer. Define Key for Packing Instructions Determination In this step, you define packing instruction dependencies. For example, you can make packing instructions dependent on the material to be packed and the respective customer. In this case, the system finds a specific packing instruction depending on the material and customer entered. You use the condition tables to define these dependencies. In a condition table, you define the combination of fields (for example, material and customer), on which you want to make packing instruction determination dependent. You fill this condition table with 'contents' (concrete entries) via the condition records, at a later point in time.

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SAP Recommendation You should not change the condition tables already contained in the standard system. Activities To create a condition table, proceed as follows: 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the condition tables already contained in the standard system. To do this, you can display the condition tables.


Before you create a new condition table, check whether the fields available in the field catalog are sufficient for your requirements. If you want to use a field that is not contained in the field catalog, you must copy it to the field catalog. You can only copy fields that are contained in the table KOMGP.


Create a new condition table. To do this, copy a similar condition table by entering it under Copy from condition, and proceed as follows:


Enter the name of the table that you want to create. Note that you can only use names between 501 and 999. If you make no entry, the system automatically assigns a sequence number in the customer namespace.


Specify whether you want to create the table with or without a period of validity.


Enter a name for the condition table. Select the fields you require for the table from the list of allowed fields that are contained and can be enhanced in the field catalog.


Generate the new condition table.


Enter the condition tables in the access sequences. You thus create the link between determination type, access sequence and condition record. Define Access Sequence for Packing Instruction Determination In this step, you define access sequences. The access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to search for valid determination records for a packing instruction determination type. For example, you can define that, in packing instruction determination, the system searches for a packing instruction firstly via the combination of material and customer (you define this combination via the condition tables, see Define key), and subsequently only via the customer. Recommendation o

If you define your own access sequences, the key should begin with the letter Z, as SAP has kept this name range free in the standard system.


You should not change the access sequences already contained in the standard system.

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Activities 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the access sequences already contained in the standard system.


Create new access sequences by using Edit -> Copy as... to copy and then modify a similar access sequence. Assign it an alphanumerical key of up to 4 figures, and enter a description.


Maintain the accesses for the access sequence by entering the required sequence in the condition tables. To do this, select your new access sequence and choose Accesses. You define the order of priority for the accesses with the sequence. To do this, you can use the input help to display the combinations of key fields defined and select them from here.


From Release 3.0, it is no longer necessary to generate the accesses. This now takes place automatically. However, you still have the option of executing generation manually by choosing Utilities . Define Determination Type for Packing Instructions In this step, you define specific determination types for packing instructions. For example, you can define determination type "Packing in shipping", and assign packing instructions to this determination type. The determination types thus enable you to group the packing instructions valid for a specific area. In each determination type, you enter an access sequence that defines which fields the system searches for a valid determination record (condition record). You always define determination records for a determination type. Recommendation o

If you define your own determination types, the key should begin with the letter Z, as SAP keeps this name range free in the standard system.


You should not change the determination types already contained in the standard system. Activities


Check the extent to which you can use the determination types already contained in the standard system.


Create a new determination type by copying a similar one (via Edit -> Copy as...). Then make the following entries:


Enter an alphanumerical key of up to 4 figures and a description for the determination type.


Enter an access sequence for the determination type.


If required, make an entry for the default date for condition record creation. Define Procedure for Packing Instructions Determination

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In this step, you define packing instruction determination procedures. In a packing instruction determination procedure, you define which determination types are used and in which sequence. In packing instruction determination, the system determines automatically the procedure valid for a business transaction, and uses the determination types contained in this procedure in sequence. Activities Adjust one of the packing instruction determination procedures already contained in the standard system to your requirements, or create new procedures. Further Notes You specify which procedure is used for which business transaction in the IMG activity Maintain Packing Transaction Profiles. Define Number Ranges for Packing Instruction Determination R In this step, you define the number ranges for packing instruction determination records. On creating a packing instruction determination record, the system automatically assigns a sequence number from the defined number range. Transport Number range objects can be transported as follows: In the initial screen, select Interval -> Transport. Make sure that all the intervals for the selected number range object are deleted beforehand in the target system, so that only the exported die exportierten Intervalle vorhanden sind. Die Nummernstände werden intervals exist after the import. The numbers are imported with the value current at time of export. The system does not transport or convert dependent tables. Activities In order to define a number range, you must insert a new number interval: 1.

For an internal number range, use the interval '1'.


Enter limits for the number interval. The indvidual number intervals must not overlap. Each number can only occur once.

1.13.4 Output In this IMG activity, you make the settings for handling unit output.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Output Determination for Handling Units In this step, you maintain output determination for handling units. Maintain Condition Tables In this menu option, you define the condition tables for output condition records. You define the combination of fields for which you want to create output condition records in a condition table. This way, you can control output determination depending on, for example, the combination of sales organization and customer number. Recommendation The condition tables which are contained in the standard SAP R/3 System should remain unchanged. If you want to make changes, you should create new condition tables. To do this, copy a similar, already existing condition table and make the necessary changes. Actions 1.

Check to what extent you can use the condition tables contained in the standard SAP R/3 System for output control.


If you want to create a new condition table, proceed as follows:



Enter the name of the table you want to create. Remember that you may only choose names between 501 and 999.


Enter a description for the condition table.


Select the desired fields for the condition table from the list of allowed fields.


Generate the new condition table.

Specify the condition tables in the access sequences. This way, you establish the link between output condition, access sequence and output condition record. Maintain Output Types In this step, you define the output types for output type records. The output type represents different output, such as quotations, order confirmations, and delivery notes in the SAP System.

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To define an output type, make the following entries: o

Output type alphanumeric key with up to 4 characters to identify the output condition


Access sequence access sequence key


Description text describing the output type


Detailed data (only the most important data is listed here): -

Output type one-digit, numeric key which defines the type of output processing (for example, printout, message sent by telefax or mail)


Time one-digit, numeric key which defines the time of output processing (for example, immediately when saving a document or during the next selection run)


Partner function partner function for defining the recipient of an output in the sales & distribution document


Condition access indicator which controls whether the output is to be proposed using the condition technique If you do not set the indicator, the system finds the output using the proposal in the customer master record. However, you must first set the corresponding defaults for output determination from the customer master record.


Print parameters One-digit, numeric key which defines the requirements on the basis of which the print parameters are defined (see the section "Define print parameters").


Archiving mode This field controls whether a document is only printed, only archived or both printed and archived.


Archiving object type This field identifies the archived outputs and determines whether it is an invoice, quotation, etc. The archiving object type of the incoming document begins with SDI, the archiving object type of the outgoing document begins with SDO.

Note The values entered for output type, time and partner function for the detail data are automatically transferred as default values when creating a condition record by output condition. SAP recommendation o

To create a new output type, copy a similar access sequence in the system and make the necessary changes.


If you define your own output types, the key should begin with the letter Y or Z as SAP reserves these name conventions in the standard SAP R/3 System.

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Actions 1.

Check to what extent you can use output types contained in the standard SAP R/3 System, and to what extent you must change them.


Define output types for all SD documents. Maintain Access Sequences You define access sequences in this menu option. The access sequence is a search strategy which the SAP System uses to search for condition records valid for a condition type. To define an access sequence, make the following settings: o

access sequence four-digit alphanumeric key which uniquely identifies the access sequence


description a text describing the access sequence


detailed data (only the most important data is listed here: for further information, see Online help) -

sequential number the sequential number of the access in the access sequence


table condition table containing key fields from the output condition records



To create a new access sequence, copy a similar one already existing in the system and change it to correspond to your requirements.


If you define your own access sequences, the key should start with the letter Z since SAP reserves this letter for the standard system. Actions


Check to what extent you can change and use the access sequences contained in the standard SAP R/3 System.


Define access sequences for your SD documents. Maintain Output Determination Procedure In this step, define output determinations for documents.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Output Determination Procedures In this menu option, assign output determination procedures to the documents. You may also specify an output type which is to be displayed when the relevant document is displayed or changed. Assign bar code profile and form to an output type In this activity, you assign the profile and form to an output type and label category. By doing so, you refine the rough form assignment for various packed handling units to an output. Example You want the material description to appear on the label and the EAN in the bar code for certain handling units which contain one material. Material description does not apply for handling units that contain more than one material. You therefore define two profiles, one of which contains the material EAN. You also need two forms that reflect the contents of the profiles. You have already assigned the print program and the form of your choice to the output type. Enter the profile and the form that relate to the output type here, omitting material information. If the entry is to be universal, leave the label category blank. If you are dealing with a mixed handling unit (one that contains multiple materials), enter "G". Enter your second profile and form for label categories "S" (handling unit contains only one material and is packed to full capacity) and "M" (handling unit contains only one material and contains other handling units). Requirements Output type, profile and form are maintained. Standard Settings Profile SSCC00 and form LE_EAN128_SSCC00 are assigned to output type E128 for all label categories. Activities If you use labels that can be printed universally for all handling units, enter the bar code profile here that contains the information in bar code format according to the EAN128 standard. Leave the label category blank. For other labels, you can use various label categories to control the form and bar code profile. The system first searches for an entry that corresponds exactly to the category given for the handling unit. Then, it runs a search for an entry with no label category. The following matrix describes the label category:

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\ contains only one material \-----------------------------packed to full capacity \ yes | no --------------------------------------no | M | G --------------------------------------yes | S | G Define Requirements In this step, you can include requirements which can be assigned to the output types in output determination. These requirements are defined as FORM routines. In the standard version, FORM routine 1, for instance, issues an output for deliveries only when goods issue has been booked. You can also define your own FORM routines whose numbers should begin at 600. Assign HU Output Types and Printer to Print Profiles Activities You can use this activity to assign output types and their corresponding intended printers to print profiles. Note that only profiles to which application V6 is assigned are allowed for this activity. Description of the required-entry parameters: o

Print profile Print profile that you created in the Define print profiles activity.


Application Name of the application that is assigned to a print profile. For this activity, the only application that is permitted is V6.


Output type Output type that is to be processed on the intended printer that was defined in the print profile.


Printer Intended printer on which the respective output type is to be printed.

For descriptions of other parameters, see the F1 help. Requirements Before you can assign output types and their intended printers to print profiles, you must first create the print profiles in the Define print profiles activity.

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1.14 Product Catalog In this step you configure product catalogs. A number of media can be used as vehicles for presentations, including: o

Print media




Online services (such as internet, T-Online, CompuServe, AOL)


Information kiosks at the point of purchase

The Product Catalog functionality comprises a programming interface (Business API) for accessing the data and integrated maintenance of product catalog-related data. This data comprises: o

The layout of the product catalog


The materials and prices in the product catalog




Multi-media objects (graphics, sound documents, video clips etc.).

A product catalog is put into its final format for the required medium outside the R/3 system. The only exception to this is the internet product catalog which, used in conjunction with the SAP internet transaction server, allows product catalog data to be accesed via a web server. Setting in the following areas are important for product catalogs: 1.

Document Management Requirements

So that documents can be assigned to layout areas and layout area items, these documents must be of the type that allows links to objects TWGLV and WLBM. For further information on this, please refer to the Control Data in the document management system. Standard Settings The document type "L01" contained in the standard version is of the requisite type. Recommendation You can either use the document type "L01" or define one of your own that allows links to objects TWGLV and WLBM. 2.


Product catalog prices are determined using pricing procedures (sometimes referred to as calculation schemas). The pricing procedure determined by the system depends on the following basic data: o

Document schema


Customer pricing procedure of the reference customer and

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Sales area Requirements

In the step Define and assign pricing procedures you must have entered the required pricing procedure for these values in the "Define pricing procedure determination" activity. The amount termed sub-total "1" in the pricing procedure is used as the price. Standard Settings The standard version contains document schema "X" and pricing procedure "WMP001". The following entry is delivered as standard for pricing procedure determination: SORd DChn SP BeSm KuSm Pricing procedure Condition type 0001 01 01 X 1 WMP001 Recommendation You can use the standard entry and, if required, copy the pricing procedure and change it for other sales areas. You can also enter another pricing procedure. If you do this, you must ensure that it contains a sub-total "1".

1.14.1 Number Ranges, Layout The structure of a product catalog and the placement of the materials within the hierarchy is referred to as the layout. In this step, you can change product-catalog-specific layout number assignment in the "01" number range. Standard Settings The standard version contains the following setting: No From number To number 01 0000000001 9999999999

Ext -

Activities The number range can be changed but cannot be deleted.

1.14.2 Assignment of Layout Number Ranges in ALE Inbound The ALE distribution of product catalogs between systems means that the catalog layouts to be distributed have to be identifiable by the same layout number for all systems in a network. In this step, you make the settings that control number assignment for product catalog layouts at ALE

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inbound. o

Original system:

In this field, you enter the logical system that is assigend to a system or client in the network in which the product catalogs are created and distributed via ALE. o

External number range:

In this field, you assign an external layout number range to the original system. At ALE inbound, the system checks whether the layout numbers of the product catalog IDocs from the original system are within the correct number range. Only if they are is the data processed further or posted. IDocs from an original system that is not entered here are not processed either. You must ensure that the limits of a number range assigned to an original system here match the limits of the layout number range for dialog maintenance in the original system. Requirements The layout number ranges for dialog maintenance in all systems in the network that exchange product catalog data via ALE must be disjunct. Further Notes If the limits of the internal number range for product catalog maintenance have to be changed, the numbers of catalogs created earlier can be outside the number range intended for them. However, there is a program that enables you to convert these layouts to the new number ranges. The program can be accessed from the product catalog menu under IDoc outbound > Convert catalog.

1.14.3 Define Change Pointers In this step, you define change pointers for basic and structure data (message type PCHEAD) and item data (message type PCITEMS). Example Writing of change pointers can be defined for certain fields. If these fields are changed in the master data, change pointers will not be written if they are not activated, which means that IDocs are not created. Requirements For these settings to be effective, the writing of change pointers for the message types must be activated and the change pointers themselves must be activatedin general. Further Notes Usually, you do not need to change anything. If you have created your own message types, you must activate the individual fields in the next work step.

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1.14.4 Activate Change Pointers In this step, you activate/deactivate the defined change pointers. Example The writing of change pointers can be deactivated for a particular field. If this field is changed in master data maintenance, change pointers are not written and an IDoc is therefore not created. Requirements For these settings to be effecting, the change pointer itself must be activated generally sein. Standard Settings In the standard system, the writing of change pointers is active for all fields. Activities 1.

Execute the function.


Maintain the active status.


Save your entries. Further Notes

Usually you should not change anything. If you have created your own message types, you must activate the individual fields here.

1.14.5 Catalog Code Number Ranges In this step, you define the number ranges for Catalog Code Standard Settings The following settings are provided in the standard system: No. Frm Number To number 01 0001 9999 02 A ZZZZ x


Activities If necessary, create more number range intervals and enter sensible interval limits.

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Recommendation Select interval limits that are large enough to avoid a possible future overflow. Further Notes In the detailed screen for Maintain product catalog type step, assign the number range interval intervals defined here to a product catalog type.

1.14.6 Maintain Product Catalog Type In this step, you can define product catalog types. In the details screen, you can control PO number management. In a second step, you can define copy conditions for document types You can use the application to process original files (e.g. text files) directly from the document info record and assign these to a class. Further Notes Product catalog type 'blank' corresponds to the procedure up to and including Release 4.5.

1.15 IAC Product Catalog and Online Store In this step, you configure the Online Store for your own electronic commerce requirements. The Online Store can be configured for consumer-to-business and for business-to-business use. An online-store master record is maintained for each selling point set up on the Internet. This master record has a product catalog and various control profiles. For further information on how the Online Store master record is passed to the IAC is contained in the further information section of the step Online Stores.

1.15.1 Determine Pictures and Sound Files for Web Server The Internet application component "Product catalog", together with the Internet transaction server, permits access to product catalog data via a web browser. In this section, you make settings that define how file names for image and sound documents used in the Internet application component are determined. o

Data carrier type:

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Image and sound documents must be created as documents in the Document Management System. For each document, you can refer to one or two files. The files are defined by the two entries "Data carrier" and "Original". To determine the access path, the mount point/log. drive for the data carrier is linked to the entry under Original. To enable this, the system must know which mount point/log. drive is used to access the data carrier. The mount point/log. drive depends on the data carrier type of the computer from which access is to be achieved. In the "Data carrier type of the web server" field, enter the data carrier type that is to be used to determine the mount point of your HTTP server. Also ensure that the mount point/log. drive is maintained in the General data section of the Document Management System for this data carrier type and for the data carrier that you use when entering the files. Example: From your HTTP server, you can access the iamge and sound files in the directory "/sap/its/pictures/WW10+WW20". This directoy contains the image file "hardware.gif". This file is referenced in a document via the values "Data carrier"="DOCSERV" and "Original"="hardware.gif". You enter type "WS" as the data carrier type of the web server, and ensure that mount point/log. drive "/sap/its/pictures/WW10+WW20/" exists for data carrier type "WS" and data carrier "DOCSERV". Note: In Document Management, you do not have to enter a data carrier for files. However, in this case, the complete access path (from the point of view of the HTTP server) must be entered in the field "Original". o

WA large image / WA small image / WA sound file: In Internet scenarios, the following multimedia objects can be taken into consideration for each shop and material: a large image, a small image and a sound file. In order for the system to be able to determine which file is used for for which function (large image, small image or sound file), the workstation application (WA) of Document Management is interpreted. In the fields WA large image, WA small image and WA sound file, you enter which WA is used for which function. The WAs must be created in the General data section of the Document Management System.

Standard Settings The following settings are provided in the standard system: WS Data carrier type WS Web server WA Large image LIM Large image WA Small image SIM Small image WA Sound file SND Sound

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Recommendation You can adopt the standard settings or enter other values. In both cases, you must ensure that the data carrier types and workstation applications used are maintained in the General data section. Further Notes There is no transport connection!

1.15.2 Profiles for Product Presentation In this step, you define profiles for product presentation. These profiles can be assigned to one or more Online Stores in the step Online Stores. The profile determines how the products are displayed and how the system searches for them. You can configure how products are identified based on the catalog title, material number or material short text. For displaying the prices of generic materials, the From price and To price are used. You can define criteria for searching for products. You can also enter a function module and an RFC destination to use an alternative search algorithm that can run outside the local R/3 System. For selecting variants for generic materials where more than one variant-creating characteristic is involved, you can define the threshold value as of which the screen is entered with a selection box for each characteristic or the screen switches to a selection box for each characteristic.

1.15.3 Country Selection for Customer Address In this step, you can define country schemas and assign countries to each schema. You thus define the countries that can be used in customer addresses. You can also define for each country whether a region can be maintained in a customer address.

1.15.4 Customer Administration Profiles In this step, you define profiles for customer management. These profiles define the procedure for registering, customer identification, and a Possible entries function for countries for customer addresses. These profiles can be assigned to one or more online stores in the Online Stores step. You can select early customer registration, access without registration (preventing the creation of new customers - useful in business-to-business scenarios), and encrypted transfer (SSL). You can define whether a customer is to be identified by means of the customer number or e-mail address, and which possible entries for countries are to be used in a country schema defined in the step Country

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selection for customer address. If no schema is assigned, all countries can be used.

1.15.5 Profiles for Quotation and Order Control In this step, you define profiles for quotation and order control. These profiles can be assigned to one or more online stores in the Online Stores step. You can specify which order type is used for the quotation and order in the online store. In consumer-to-business scenarios, quotations are often not created, to speed up the ordering process. However, if a quotation is required, to determine customer prices and rebates, as well as delivery dates, the field Create quotation before order must be selected. For payment, you can select whether payment can be made on invoice, credit card or cash on delivery (in this case, with a payer for cash on delivery).

1.15.6 Online Stores An online store is a point of sale in the Internet, which can be used to either present products (IAC product catalog) or to present and sell products (IAC online store). If you call the IAC Product catalog or IAC Online store, an online store can be transferred. If one is not transferred, a selection list containing all the online stores that exist for an initial authorization is displayed. In this step, you define the online store master records. You can use the master record to control whether the online store is to be operated without the option of ordering. The authorization group controls whether the authorization to start the online store exists. You use the product catalog to define the product offering. For each online store, you can select profiles for product presentation, order processing, and customer management, which are defined in the preceding steps. You use the RFC destination to control which systems the product catalog and material data are read from and customer and sales order data is processed in. You can use a reference customer to add data that the user does not enter via the Internet. Further Notes In the application, the online store can either be transferred in the URL or as a SET/GET parameter of the R/3 user the ITS used to log on in R/3. In the former case, the URL must have the following structure for the IAC Online store (service WW20): http://.../scripts/wgate.dll/ww20/!?~okcode=start&ostore=, whereby is the name of the online store. (If service WW10 (IAC product catalog) is used, WW20 must be replaced by WW10). If the online store is taken from the GET/SET parameter, the URL must have the following structure:

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http://.../scripts/wgate.dll/ww20/!?~okcode=start An online store transferred in a URL has a higher priority than an online store in a SET/GET parameter.

1.16 Conversion In order for you to visualize your products within the area of PDM SAP has included a viewer from Engineering Animation, Inc. (EAI) as part of the standard SAP Graphical User Interface (SAP GUI). This integrated viewer as well as other visualization programs can only display product information in particular file formats. For this reson it is necessary to convert the source file into a format that can be displayed by the viewer. In the standard SAP System, the conversion of original application files of a document info record is controlled by a conversion interface. You can also set at which processing status a conversion is to be automatically carried out. A conversion specification summarizes all inforamtion in regards to conversions. You use the folloiwng activities to make settings: o

Maintain converter


Define conversion

1.16.1 Maintain converter Maintain data for converter Maintain your general data for the conveter in this work step. Activities Execute the following work steps: o

Enter a Name for converter (for example, CONV-01).


Enter the number for the converter if the same converter program is installed on various computers.


Enter the following destinations:



RFC destination for calling the converter


Destination for calling the help program sap_conv_util


RFC destination for calling the program sapftp


HTTP destination for calling the program saphttp

Set a status. The system creates an error number after status check. You do not have to edit the error number.

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Further Notes Before installing the converter based on the documentation of the supplier read the notes and recommendations from SAP. There are in the SAP Library under the path: CA - Cross-Application Components -> Document Management (CA-DMS) -> Conversion.

1.16.2 Define conversion Determine conversion In this work step you determine detailed data for conversion: o

Converter specification


Parameters for conversion

Converter specification o

Create a name for the converter specification.


Enter the WS Application that you used to create the source format, and also that you want to convert to another format.


Enter the Target format that you want the WS Application to convert to.


Enter the name of the converter.


Enter which document types and document status you want to be converted automatically.


Set one of the following indicators as necassary: -

General local files


Local files


Enter the storage category where you want the converted original application files to be checked in.


Select the language you want the converter to display error messages in.


If the files must be checked out before conversion set the path using the indicator to Check out files according to original path.


Select the directory where you are checking the files out to.


You can also set limits for how long the conversion should take:



Earliest time point for starting the the conversion


Delay of start of the batch job in abnormal time


Maximum wait for conversion (in hours)


Maximum wait for conversion (in days)


Time limit for converter in minutes

You can use the following settings control system behavior after conversion:

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Delete input files


Delete output files


Scope of messages


Expiration date of appl. log (in days after created)


Scope of conversion structure

You can enter parameters for the conversion: -

Absolute epsilon for comparing distances


Absolute epsilon for comparing angles

Parameters for conversion Select the conversion specifications as parameters and parameter values that you want to transfer to the converter. Enter parameters and parameter values based on the converter documentation.

Converter Installation Before installing the converter based on the documentation of the supplier read the notes and recommendations from SAP. There are in the SAP Library under the path: CA - Cross-Application Components -> Document Management (CA-DMS) -> Conversion.

1.17 Product Structure Browser The product structure offers information about all connected objects, for example, material, BOMs, documents within Product Data Management. The product structure can be explodede across the entire system. All read data for the different object types are checked in the standard system. You can define filters for the product structure in order to reduce the quantity of data being valuated.

1.17.1 Define Filter In this step you define filters for the product structure browser. You can restrict the data to be valuated by using a filter for the explosion of the product structure. The filter overview contains the following filters: o

General filters, that you define in this step. They can be assigned to any user.


User related filters, that you define when you run the following function: Display product structure. These cannot be assigned to another user.

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Activities Define a general filter. When you define a filter, all data of the product structure are copied as default values for the filter. You restrict the filter by deactivating the automatically selected default values. 1.

Create a filter name and a descriptive text.


Select the function Multiple selection. You come to the screen Define filter: .




Deactivate the objects you do not want to check. Example: Material, class


Deactivate the object specific data per destination (for example, local system, ALE destination) that you do not want to check. Example for material BOMs: use, plant


Select Copy filter. You return to the filter overview.

Check whether the data for the filter is completely maintained. The following data is displayed: -

Status that informs you of the processing status Green: Filter completely maintained and saved Yellow: Filter maintained but not saved Red: Filter name and description maintained, no data selection


Filter type (general or user related)

Save the filter. The status turns green.

1.18 Variant Configuration You make settings for the following variant configuration areas in this chapter: o

Authorizations for the use of dependencies.


Object dependency settings (statuses and dependency groups).


Settings for configurable objects. Currently, only materials and standard networks can be configured.

1.18.1 Maintenance Authorizations In this section, you define the authorizations for object dependencies. These can be used to check whether a dependency can only be allocated to a particular object (for example, characteristic or BOM item).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Maintenance Authorizations The maintenance authorization fulfills the following functions: o

You can use it to define which object a dependency can be allocated to. For example, you can define a dependency that can only be allocated to BOM items.


You can use it to restrict access to the dependency to specific users. To do this, you must define maintenance authorizations in this step. Authorization object C_LOVC_DEP is defined for dependencies. Actions

Display the authorizations for object depencies that are supplied with the standard system. To restrict the dependency to specific users, define more authorizations as required. You enter maintenance authorizations on the basic data screen when you create or change a dependency. Assign Maintenance Authorizations In this step, you assign maintenance authorizations for object dependencies to various objects. Example In step Define maintenance authorization, you have defined maintenance authorization 001. You want users who have this maintenance authorization to be able to use object dependendies only for BOM items. Therefore you assign object STPO (bills of material). Requirements First, complete the step Define maintenance authorizations. Actions Check the maintenance authorizations supplied by SAP. Assign more objects or change the existing object assignments, as required.

1.18.2 Dependencies In this section, you can make the following settings for object dependencies: o

You can define the statuses that are allowed for a dependency.


You can define dependency groups. Dependency groups are used to group together the dependencies that exist for a particular configurable object.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Statuses In this step, you maintain the statuses for object dependencies. The status defines whether a dependency is active and can be processed. Dependencies with the status 'In preparation' or 'Locked' are not processed. Recommendation SAP recommends that you accept the settings defined in the standard system. In this case, no action is required on your part. Actions 1.

Check the statuses supplied by SAP.


Add more statuses or change the existing status, as required.


Enter a description for the statuses. Define Groups In this step, you can group together similar dependencies into dependency groups. You can use the dependency group to find object dependencies more easily (via matchcode). Actions 1.

Decide whether and how your dependencies can be organized into groups.


Create dependency groups as required.

1.18.3 Variant Tables In this step you dan define the following settings for variant tables: o

Possible statuses for tables


Groups to use as search criteria Maintain Statuses In this step you can check the statuses for variant tables. The standard system provides the following statuses:

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Status 0

Description In prep.





Effect Maintenance of table entries and use in dependencies not released Maintenance of table entries and use in dependencies released Maintenance of table entries and use in dependencies not released

Activity You can change the effect of the statuses and the description. Maintain Groups In this step, you can define groups for variant tables. You can then use the groups as search criteria to find variant tables. You can enter a group for a table on the basic data screen of the table structure. Example You create group TEST to group together all variant tables that you create for test purposes. You can use the search functions to find all variant tables in group TEST. Recommendation You can use groups in the productive system to group together all tables that belong to the knowledge base of a configurable material. Activities Create groups according to your requirements.

1.18.4 Variant Functions In this step, you can define the following settings for variant functions: o

Possible statuses for functions


Groups to use as search criteria

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Statuses In this step, you can check the statuses for variant functions. The standard system provides the following statuses: Status 0

Description In prep.





Effect In preparation (Use in dependencies not released) Released (Use in dependencies released) Locked (Use in dependencies not released)

Activity You can change the effect and description of a status. Maintain Groups In this step, you can define groups for variant functions. You can then use the groups as search criteria to find variant functions. You can enter a group for a function on the basic data screen of function maintenance in the variant configuration menu. Example You can create group TEST to group together all variant functions that you create for test purposes. You can use the search functions to find all variant functions in group TEST. Recommendation You can use groups in the productive system to group together all functions that belong to the knowledge base of a configurable material. Activities Create groups according to your requirements.

1.18.5 Configurable Objects In this section, you maintain configurable objects. You can configure materials and standard networks.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Model Service Specifications In this step, you can define the settings and statuses for configurable model service specifications. Maintain Statuses

In this step, you can change the effect of statuses for configuration profiles. The following statuses are predefined: o

In prep. This status can be assigned to a configuration profile when you first create it. The profile is not released for configuration.


Released The profile is released for configuration.


Locked The profile is locked for configuration.

For each status, you can define that profiles with the status can be changed with engineering change management. However, this only applies to the following settings: o

Organizational areas


Indicators for BOM explosion for configurable materials


The BOM application field for configurable materials Activity

Check whether the standard settings meet your requirements. Maintain Settings

Activities In this step, you can define the following settings for configuration profiles for configurable objects: o

You can set the Start logo indicator as a default.


You can enter a default status for configuration profiles.

You can display all other indicators, but you cannot change them.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Material In this section, you can define settings and statuses for configurable materials. Maintain Statuses In this step, you can change the effect of statuses for configuration profiles. The following statuses are predefined: o

In prep. This status can be assigned to a configuration profile when you first create it. The profile is not released for configuration.


Released The profile is released for configuration.


Locked The profile is locked for configuration.

For each status, you can define that profiles with the status can be changed with engineering change management. However, this only applies to the following settings: o

Organizational areas


Indicators for BOM explosion for configurable materials


The BOM application field for configurable materials Activity

Check whether the standard settings meet your requirements. Maintain Settings

Activities In this step, you can define the following settings for configuration profiles for configurable objects: o

You can set the Start logo indicator as a default.


You can enter a default status for configuration profiles.

You can display all other indicators, but you cannot change them.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Standard Network In this chapter, you can define settings and statuses for configurable standard networks. Maintain Statuses In this step, you can change the effect of statuses for configuration profiles. The following statuses are predefined: o

In prep. This status can be assigned to a configuration profile when you first create it. The profile is not released for configuration.


Released The profile is released for configuration.


Locked The profile is locked for configuration.

For each status, you can define that profiles with the status can be changed with engineering change management. However, this only applies to the following settings: o

Organizational areas


Indicators for BOM explosion for configurable materials


The BOM application field for configurable materials Activity

Check whether the standard settings meet your requirements. Maintain Settings

Activity In this step, you can define the following settings for configuration profiles for configurable objects: o

You can set the Start logo indicator as a default.


You can enter a default status for configuration profiles.

You can display all other indicators, but you cannot change them.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ General Maintenance Task List In this step, you can define the settings and statuses for configurable general maintenance task lists. Maintain Statuses In this step, you can change the effect of statuses for configuration profiles. The following statuses are predefined: o

In prep. This status can be assigned to a configuration profile when you first create it. The profile is not released for configuration.


Released The profile is released for configuration.


Locked The profile is locked for configuration.

For each status, you can define that profiles with the status can be changed with engineering change management. However, this only applies to the following settings: o

Organizational areas


Indicators for BOM explosion for configurable materials


The BOM application field for configurable materials Activity

Check whether the standard settings meet your requirements. Maintain Settings Activity In this step, you can define the following settings for configuration profiles for configurable objects: o

You can set the Start logo indicator as a default.


You can enter a default status for configuration profiles.

You can display all other indicators, but you cannot change them.

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1.18.6 Authorization Management Under Authorization Management, you can maintain authorization objects for variant configuration functions. Maintain Roles Information for Automatic Maintenance Using the Profile Generator This step is used to create Activity groups an generate authorization profiles using the Profile Generator. Activities To assign an authorization profile to a user, do the following: 1.

Create an activity group


Enter a description


Select transactions


Create and edit authorizations


Assigns users and compare the user master (in doing so, the profile is entered in the user's master record)


Transport activity groups, if desired

Detailed documentation For more information about the procedures, see transaction documentation See also the general documentation on the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. Choose: Basis Components -> Computing Center Management System -> Users and Authorizations -> The Profile Generator In the Implementation Guide (IMG), choose: Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Maintain Authorizations and Profiles using Profile Generator Note You can also use authorization profiles you created manually or were delivered by SAP, in activity groups. You can create an activity group without a menu and include the corresponding profile in the authorization data of the activity group. In the fourth step, choose "Edit -> Add authorization -> From profile" to add the authorization profile data to the activity group.

Information for Manual Maintenance

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This section is only relevant to you if you are not using the profile generator to generate authorizations automatically. In the R/3 System, you can maintain authorizations for the following objects: Functions for... Dependency maintenance Variant functions Variant tables - entries Variant tables - link to database table Variant tables - structure


1.18.7 Customer Enhancements Variant Configuration has a range of interfaces for customer-specific enhancements to functions. These enhancements were created with SAP transaction SMOD. You can use the enhancement by creating a project for SAP enhancements (transaction CMOD). To see an overview of existing enhancements for variant configuration, choose Utilities -> SAP enhancements on the initial screen of project management. Start a generic search on enhancement "CCUX*". You can display documentation on any of the enhancements found by the search.

Activity Create a project and assign the enhancement to this project. Note For more information on creating and using customer enhancements, see the application help on transaction CMOD by choosing Help -> Application help.

1.19 Specification System The specification system is a support tool for the enineering process. Functions in it allow you to o

Maintain templates


Maintain data sheets

Functions from the Microsoft Office integration area are used for the settings for templates data sheets. You set the control data for the presentation, selection of Microsoft Office applications and data exchange. When data is exchanged from the SAP System to Microsoft Office applications you can display the characteristic values in another unit of measure than the one they were saved under. To do this, define a

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profile for converting technical units of measure.

1.19.1 Determine Control Data In this work step you define the control data for the specification system. The control data influence the following settings: o

Inplace controls the presentation of the Microsoft Office document


Bidirectional Data Exchange cotrols the data exchange between the SAP System and the Microsoft Office application


Start with Microsoft Office Application indicates which application is started

Inplace You have the following display possibilites with Microsoft Office Integration in the SAP System: o

When this option is selected the Microsoft Office application starts within the application area of the SAP System


When this option is not selected the Microsoft Office application is opened in another, seperate window outside the SAP System

Bidirectional Data Exchange The task of a specification system is to create a detailled description of an object. To do this, data is trasnferred from the SAP System to the Microsoft Office application. Communication between data storage in the SAP System and the Microsoft Office application can also be carried out bidrectionally. When this option is selected the data of the Microsoft Office application are also transferred to the SAP System in order to maintain the classification data. Microsoft Office Application In this input field you enter the Microsoft Office application that you want to work with: o

If you want to work with Microsoft EXCEL, enter excel.sheet.


If you want to work with Microsoft WORD, enter word.document. Activities

Define the control data according to your needs.

1.19.2 Determine Profiles for Converting Units of Measure In this work step you define the unit profile for the conversion of units of measure. Conversion functions are activated when data is processed for transfer to Microsoft Office applications. The conversion is done according to the unit profiles and their rules. In this way you can display the characteristic values in a different unit measure in the Microsoft Office application.

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On the detail screen for the unit profile you can assign a unit of measure. You can enter the following as a unit of measure for a characteristic value in the SAP System: o

Unit of measure





Dimension or characteristic are indicrect ways to set the unit of measure. Regardless of the unit of measure the value is saved as the data will be converted when transferred to the Microsoft Office application. The conversion of units of measure is done in the following order of priority: 1.





Unit of measure Example

You process projects for different makrets. In this case it is necessary that the data is displayed in the units that were agreed upon in the contract. For example, length measurements must be in inches. In order to do this you can maintain a unit profile for each project and control the conversion. The following example illustrates how conversion rules are processed in order of priority. The rules opf the profile are as follows: o

Characteristic: Outer diameter of the boiler's pipes Target unit: inch


Dimension: Diameter Target unit: foot


Unit: in Target unit: foot

The value of the outer diameter of the boiler's pipes is converted into inches for the transfer into the Microsoft Office application. The conversion for dimension and and unit is not executed. All other characteristic values for dimension Diameter are converted into feet for the transfer into the Microsoft Office application regardless of the value inch or unit of measure stored. All other characteristic values that are stored in inches in the SAP System are converted to feet. Activities You can create, change, or delete unit profiles as you need. o

To create a unit profile, enter a profile name and a desciption.


Assign a unit of measure from the SAP System to the Microsoft Office application: -

The unit of measure for the SAP System is set by entering a unit of measure, a dimension, or a characteristic.


Enter the require unit of measure for the Microsoft Office application.

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1.20 Engineering Change Management Here, you define settings for engineering change management. You define the following: o

Statuses in engineering change management


Revision levels


Change types for the change master and for change objects


Status profiles


Number ranges for internal and external number assignment


Matchcodes for finding change master records

1.20.1 Set up control data In this work step, you define central settings for engineering change management: Effectivity o

Parameter effectivity In the standard R/3 System, the effectivity of a change is determind by the valid-from date. You can also activate parameter effectivity, and this define effectivity using effectivity types. The folowing effectivity types are supported in the standrd R/3 System: -

DATE (time interval)

SERNR (serial number interval) You can define other effectivity types. o

Rank active You define whether you can enter a rank in the change master record (change header).


Effectivity Profile You can define an effectivity profile that is valid for every client.

Revision level o

By activating the revision level you can indicate the different processing statuses of materials and documents. You can also make the following additional settings: -

You can define an external revision level number assignment for materials.


You can define that a higher revision level must always be assigned from the predefined revision level sequence. This means that the new revision level always has the highest value.


You can define automatic assignment for internal revision level assignment.


If you want the revision levels to be assigned in the predefined sequence, set the Extended sequence check indicator.

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Release key o

Activate release procedure If you only want changes to become effective after they have been released for successive work areas (for example, production), set the Release procedure active indicator. In the change master record (change header), you define which areas the changes are to be taken into account in using the Release key.


Lock change number You can use the Lock change number with release key indicator to define whether change numbers should be locked against changes that have already been released for one or more areas.


If required, set the follwoing indicators: -

Late packages allowed


"Always effective" active

Object management record o

Display transaction goes to object maintenance This indicator is only relevant to BOMs and documents. You use this indicator to allow you to change BOMs and documents from the object overview (display mode of the change master record).


Assign Alternative Date You use this indicator to allow direct assignment to an object management record when creating or changing an object.

Change number If change numbers with alpha fields are also to be checked during external number assignment, set the Number range check for alpha fields indicator. Date shift o

If the Date shift indicator is set, the protected time interval can be checked when a change master record or a change object is being processed.


You can determine whether the user receives a warning or an error message. The base date for the check is the current date. The system calculates the warning or error time that has been entered (in calendar days) from the current date. The key date and all the days before it are counted in the protected time interval (see the example for warning time. Note: If you enter a negative value (for example, -10), the system calculates the protected time interval in the past, starting from the valid-from date. -

Warning time in days Processing is allowed in this time interval. However, the system sends a warning so that the change objects are checked.


Error time in days Processing is not allowed in this time interval.


Only error messages (relevant to BOMs and routings) You use this indicator to control how messages are displayed when a date shift is performed, and due to this date shift, the sequence of effectivity time periods for BOMs and routings changes.

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Standard settings Aktivitäten Set the control data to meet your requirements.

1.20.2 Parameter Effectivity These settings are only required if you want to define the effectivity of a change using parameter effectivity. You can process the following objects with reference to a change number whose effectivity conditions are determined by an effectivity type: o





Characteristics of class


Classification Define parameters In this step, you define the effectivity parameters for effectivity types. These parameters are allocated to an effectivity type in the work step Define effectivity type assigned values in the change master record Requirements If you want to use parameter effectivity to control the effectivity of object changes, activate the new effectivity types in the work step: Set up control data. Standard Settings In the standard R/3 System, the following parameters are defined: o

DATE (date)


SERNR (serial number)


MATNR (material number) Activities

To define effectivity parameters, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose Create.

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Enter an effectivity parameter key. This key is not language-dependent.


Enter the data element that defines the properties of the parameter.


Enter the data type. The type determines which values you can enter for effectivity.


Enter a language-dependent description in your logon language.


If required, enter the check table.


If required, enter the check field.


Save your entries. Further Notes

Perform the following work steps: o

Describe parameters


Define effectivity types Allocate the effectivity parameters to the effectivity type. Describe parameters You can describe the effectivity parameters language-dependently in this work step. When you define the parameters in the work step Define parameters, just enter the description in your log-on language. The text for the parameters is displayed when you define a new effectivity type Define effectivity types. Requirements You must have defined the effectivity parameters (work step: Define parameters). Standard Settings The table automatically contains all the parameters and their descriptions that have been created in the appropriate log-on language in the work step Define parameters. Further Notes You define the effectivity parameters as follows: 1.

Choose New entries.


Enter the key for the effectivity parameter. This key is language independent.


Enter the language that the description is valid for.

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Enter the language-dependent description.


Save your entries. Enter titles for parameter maintenance In this activity you enter the headings that are displayed on the effectivity parameter maintenance screens, in the change master record, according to the language. Requirements You have defined the effectivity parameters (Define parameters activity). Standard Settings How many headings you maintain for each language depends on the type of effectivity parameter: o

For effectivity parameters with the single value (S) type you maintain one heading per language, with the suffix _LO.


For effectivity parameters with the closed interval (I) type you maintain two headings per language, with the suffixes _LO and _HI.


For effectivity parameters with the open interval (O) type you maintain three headings per language, with the suffixes_LO, _HI and _OI. Activities

You enter a language-dependent heading as follows: 1.

Choose Edit -> New entries.


Enter the key for the effectivity type.


Enter the key for the effectivity parameter.


Enter the suffix as described above.


Enter the language you want the heading to be valid for.


Enter the language-dependent heading


Save your entries. Define effectivity types In this step, you define effectivity types. You can change an object (for example, BOM) with various effectivity types, so you must define a means of prioritizing these effectivity types. Effectivity parameters define the properties of the effectivity type.

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Requirements Before you can use effectivity types to control object changes, you must perform the following steps: o

Define control data Activate the new effectivity types.


Define effectivity parameters Define effectivity parameters. Standard Settings

In the standard R/3 System, the following effectivity types are defined: o

DATE (time interval)


SERNR (serial number interval) Recommendation

In order to be able to keep the change conditions visible at a glance, you should not allocate more than four effectivity parameters to an effectivity type. Activities You define the effectivity types as follows: 1.

Choose Create.


Enter a key for your effectivity type. This key is not language-dependent.


Enter a language-dependent description in your logon language.


Define the priority of the effectivity type.


In the Effectivity parameters dataset, select the parameters you require.


Save your entries. Further Notes

There is the following restriction for the ALE distribution of change numbers: The effectivity type cannot have more than ten self-defined effectivity parameters allocated to it. Enter descriptions of effectivity types In this step you enter the language-dependent descriptions of effectivity types.

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Requirements To be able to work with parameter effectivity, you have set the Parameter effectivity indicator in the Set up control data step of engineering change management. In the Define effectivity types step you have defined effectivity types. Standard Settings Headings already exist in the standard system for the pre-defined R/3 effectivity types SERNR (serial number) and DATE. Activities You enter language-dependent descriptions of effectivity types as follows: 1.

Choose Edit -> New entries.


In the first column enter the language-independent key.


In the second column enter the key for the language, such as EN for English.


In the third column enter the language-dependent description.


Save your data. Maintain effectivity profiles In this step you maintain effectivity profiles. You use effectivity profiles to limit the effectivity types available, client-wide or for particular materials. Requirements In the Set up control data step you have set the Parameter effectivity indicator. In the Define effectivity types step you have defined effectivity types. Activities You define a new effectivity profile as follows: 1.

Choose New entries. A screen appears with a table in which all effectivity types that have been defined in the system are listed.


Enter a name and a description for the new effectivity profile.


For all effectivity types that you want to be included in the effectivity profile, set the Active indicator.

You define a client-wide effectivity profile as follows:

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In Customizing for engineering change management, choose the Set up control data step.


In the Effectivity profile field enter its name and save it.

You define an effectivity profile for a material as follows: 1.

Choose Logistics -> Central functions -> Engineering change management -> Parameter effectivity -> Assign material to profile.


Choose New entries.


Under Finished prod. enter the material number and under Effectivity profile enter the name of the effectivity profile. Then save your data. Further Notes

In an effectivity profile you can set a maximum of ten effectivity types as active.

1.20.3 Release Key You make settings for the release key in this work step. These work steps are only required if you have activated the release procedure (work step: Set up control data). Define release key In this work step, you define release keys that you can allocate to a change master record (change header). You define which areas of the company the changes are to be taken account in. As soon as you allocate a release key to a change master record, you can no longer change the definition for the release key. Requirements Activate the release procedure in the following work step: Set up control data. Standard Settings The following release keys are available in the standard R/3 sSystem: o

No release: leave blank The changes with reference to a specific change number are not released for other areas (for example, production).


Global release: value 1 The change master record is released for all areas of the company.

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Activities Define the release keys: 1.

Enter the release key.


Set one or mor indicators: -



Release for costing


Release for planning


Release for prpoduction

Further Notes In the following work step you can define whether change numbers can be locked against changes that have already been released for one or more areas: Set up control data. Describe release key In this activity you define the language-dependent descriptions for the release keys. Requirements You have defined the release keys in the Define release key activity. Activities You can enter a language-dependent description for a release key as follows: 1.

Choose New entries.


Enter the langauge-dependent release key in the first column.


Enter the language key (such as EN for English) in the second column.


Enter the language-dependent description in the third column.


Save your data.

1.20.4 Define statuses for change master records In this step, you define the properties of the change master record and describe these properties using statuses: 1.

For each status, enter a numeric key and a descriptive short text.


Define whether a change number with this status can be used for making changes.

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Specify whether the valid-from date can be changed.


If you are using distribution for ID PDM, define whether the status allows distribution to other ALE systems. Default settings

In the standard R/3 System, the following statuses are defined: o



Not active Actions

Define the settings for the allowed statuses for change master records.

1.20.5 Revision Levels In this step you define revision levels for materials and documents. Requirements First you must complete the step "Set up Control Data". Define revision levels for materials In this step, you define the revision levels for materials. You also define the sequence in which the revision levels are to be assigned. Note o

Once a revision level has been assigned, you can no longer delete it.


Each revision level can only exist once within the sequence. Requirements

You must process the step "Set up control data" first. Default Settings Various revision levels are included in the standard SAP R/3 System. Actions Define the revision levels for materials and the sequence in which these revision levels are to be assigned.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define revision levels for documents In this step, you define the revision levels for documents. You also define the sequence in which the revision levels are to be assigned. Note o

Once a revision level has been assigned, you can no longer delete it.


Each revision level can only exist once within the sequence. Requirements

You must process the step "Set up control data" first. Default Settings Various revision levels are included in the standard SAP R/3 System. Actions Define the revision levels for documents and the sequence in which these revision levels are to be assigned.

1.20.6 Change Type You only need to make the settings here if you want to control the change process with different change types of change requests / change orders. Approval During the change process, different statuses are set for the ECR/ECO by either one or more than one person in order to allow the next processing step to take place. The affected person(s) must make a digital signature. If more than one signature is to be required to set the status, make settings for the approval procedure. Maintain Basis settings for the digital signature You can specify that the setting of a status in a change request/order with a digital signature has to be approved.

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The basis application component Secure Store and Forward (SSF) is used to realize digital signatures in the SAP System. This section tells you how to make the following settings: o

SSF settings for the digital signature Which settings you make here depends on the signature method you use (see Specify Signature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature and Define Signature Strategies)


The complete names of the users that are supposed to execute the signatures as well as their personal time zones When a signature is executed, the system copies the signatory name together with the local time according to the signatory's personal time zone to the signed document.

Caution All users can maintain their address data and defaults by choosing System -> User profile -> Own data. The general user settings along with the SSF settings for the user are part of this data. Therefore if you use digital signatures, do not assign the authorization to maintain own data to all users. Requirements If you use the user signature as your signature method, you need an external security product that islinked to your SAP System by way of SSF. Note that you should not store the users' Personal Security Environment (PSE) in a file system but rather, for example, on a smart card. The PSE software does not comply with legal requirements for digital signatures. Standard Settings The SSF settings for the system signature are contained in the standard system. Activities SSF Settings for the User Signature 1.

Go to Customizing for Basis Components, choose System Administration -> Digital Signature and carry out activity Application-Dependent Parameters for SSF Functions.


Enter the SSF information for the users that are supposed to execute digital signatures. If you want, you can also make the general user settings now (see below). a)

Go to user maintenance.


Enter the user ID of the user whose data you want to maintain and choose Change.


Go to the Address tab page.


Choose Other communication and double-click SSF (Secure Store & Forw.).


Enter the user's SSF information. How the entries must be structured depends on the security product you use.


Choose Continue and save your entries.

SSF Settings for the System Signature Check and, if required, maintain the standard settings. To do so, go to Customizing for Basis Components, choose System Administration -> Digital Signature and carry out the following activities:

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Application-Dependent Parameters for SSF Functions


SAPSECULIB Maintenance Information

General User Settings 1.

Go to user maintenance.


Enter the user ID of the user whose data you want to maintain and choose Change.


Go to the Address tab page and enter the user's first and last names.


Go to the Defaults tab page and enter the user's personal time zone.


Save your entries. Define authorization group You define the authorization groups for the digital signatures in this work step. You can use the authorization groups to help you restrict the authorizations for approving ECR/ECOs as follows: o

You define different authorization groups for users who work in different task areas.


In the user master record, allocate each user with the correct authorization for the authorization group that corresponds to his/her task area (authorization object: C_SIGN_BGR).


Define single signatures that have to be entered by users in a specific user group and are used in the signature strategies for the change types of an ECR/ECO.

The authorization groups are not taken into account if, in the ECR/ECO, a single signature suffices to approve which system status is set and a signature strategy is not required. Example Release of the change order and also release of the object changes (for example, BOM changes) must be approved in your company. You must make the followoing settings for this: o

Define the authorization groups FECM (Release change master record) and FECO (Release object).


The boss of production and his/her replacement receive an authorization for the group FECM, the engineering/design boss and his/her replacement for the group FECM.


Define a single signature for the approval of the object change Allocate this to the authorization group FECO.

o Activities 1.

Decide which user groups or task areas you have to be able to distinguish between in your company.


Define an authorization group for each user group.

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Further Notes Authorization groups take effect in all areas where a digital signature is used. Before you change the authorization groups available, or use them for your own requirements, please check that any the changes you make do not cause problems in other areas. Define single signature In this work step, you define the single signatures that users in a specific authorization group must make. You can then use these single signatures as individual steps in a signature strategy when a status in the ECR/ECO is approved. If a single signature suffices to approve the status that is set in the ECR/ECO and no signature strategy is required, you do not have to define the single signatures. Example In your company, release of the ECR/ECO must be approved by the production manager, the release of object changes (for example, BOM changes) by the engineering/design manager. You define the following single signatures: o

SM with the authorization group Release change master record


SO with the authorization group Release object Requirements

Define authorization group Activities Define the single signatures that must be entered when your ECR/ECOs are approved. Further Notes Single signatures also apply in other areas that use the digital signature. Before you change the individual signatures available or use them for your own purposes, please check that no conflicts arise with other areas. Define signature strategy In this work step you define signature strategies. Doing this you carry out the following settings: o

You group together individual signatures of different user groups into one signature process.


You determine which signature method you use when carrying out the signature process.

Then, for each signature network, you can define which signature strategy is to be followed when you set a

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system status in the ECR/ECO. If you only need one signature to approve the setting of the system status in the ECR/ECO, you do not need a signature strategy. Requirements Define single signature Recommendation If you use the user signature with external security product as the signature method, you always work with verification in the production system. For signatures without verification, the validity of the user certificate is not checked. This signature method should therefore only be used for test purposes. Activities To create a signature strategy, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose New entries and enter a key and a description for the signature strategy.


Assign individual signatures


Define signature sequence


Define release conditions Further Notes

Signature strategies also apply in other areas where digital signatures are used. Before you change existing strategies or use them for your own purposes, please ensure that you do not cause any confusion in other areas. Define signature network for change master record In this work step you define signature networks in which you allocate one signature strategy to the individual system statuses of the ECR/ECO. When you set the system status in the ECR/ECO (change header), the allocated signature process is started. Requirements Define single signature Define signature strategy Activities If you want to create a new signature network, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose New entries and enter a key and a description for the signature network.

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Enter a signature strategy for each system status that you want a signature process to be started for. Describe signature network for change master record In this work step you describe the signature network for the ECR/ECO (change header) language-dependently. Requirements Define signature network for master record Activities This is how you describe the signature network: 1.

Choose New entries.


Enter the language that the description applies to.


Enter the key for the signature network. This key is language-independent.


Enter the language-dependent description.


Save your entry. Define signature network for objects In this work step, you define the signature networks in which you allocate a signature strategy to each of the individual system statuses of an object management record in the ECR/ECO. The allocated signature process is started when you set a system status in the ECR/ECO (object management record). Requirements Define single signature Define signature strategy Activities To create a new signature network, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose New entries and enter a key and a description for the strategy network.


Enter a signature strategy for each system status that a signature process is to be started for.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Describe signature network for objects In this work step you describe the signature network for the object management record language-dependently. Requirements SDefine signature network for objects Activities This is how you describe the signature network: 1.

Choose New entries.


Enter the language that the description applies to.


Enter the key for the signature network. This key is language-independent.


Enter the language-dependent description.


Save your entry. Define status profile This step describes how to define status profiles. You can add your own user statuses to the standard SAP system statuses and assign specific business transactions to them. Actions Define status profiles according to your requirements. To do this, carry out the following steps on the Change Status Profile: Overview screen: a)

Create a Status profile.


Assign your status profile to an Object type. Please note that the following object types are relevant to engineering change management: Engineering change management - master records Engineering change management - change objects


Define User statuses.


Assign Business transactions to your user statuses.


Translate your status profile and user statuses.

Defining status profiles To define a status profile, proceed as follows:

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Create status profile To create a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose Edit -> New entry....


Enter a name for your status profile.


Enter a descriptive text.


Enter a maintenance language for your status profile. You can only change and add to a status profile in the maintenance language you enter. These changes must then be translated into the other languages used in your system. This ensures that the entries are complete and consistent.


To add your new status profile to the list, confirm your entries.


Choose "Save".

Allocate status profile to object type Before you can use a status profile for objects of a specific object type, you allocate the profile to the object type concerned. 1.

On the Change Status Profile: Overview screen, place the cursor on the status profile you want to allocate to an object type.


Choose Goto -> Allowed object types.


Select the object types for which you want to use the status profile. Please note that the following object types are relevant to engineering change management:



Engineering change management - master records


Engineering change management - objects

Choose Save.

Define user statuses To define user statuses for a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

On the Change Status Profile: Overview screen, place the cursor on the status profile you want to change.


Choose Goto -> User status.


For each user status, you must enter a 4-character language-dependent abbreviation to identify the status.


For each user status, you can make the following entries: a)

In the "SN" field, you can enter a Status number. The status number defines the order in which the statuses can be set in a status profile can be set.


Enter a lowest and highest status number in the columns "Low" and "High". By using lowest and highest status numbers, you determine the range from the lowest to the highest status number that the new status can have.


Enter a short text. The short text is a brief description of the status.

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Enter a long text for the user status. To do this, choose Goto -> Long text.


You can mark a user status as an initial status if required. This means that this status is set automatically when you create an object. For each status profile, you can only define one status with a status number as an initial status. However, you can define any number of statuses without a status number as initial statuses.


In the "Pos" field, you can define the position in the list in the order header where the status appears.


In the "Prty" field, you can define the priority of the user status for a position where more than one active status has the same position.

Save your entries.

Assign business transactions to user status To assign business transactions to your user status, proceed as follows: 1.

Place the cursor on the user status you require.


Choose Goto -> Transaction control.


Choose Edit -> New entries to see a list of existing business transactions.


Assign the business transactions you require to your user status.


You can also activate the following fields per transaction, using the "Influence" function: a)

"No infl." The transaction is not affected by this user status.


"Allowed" The transaction is allowed by this user status.


"Warning" The transaction is allowed by this user status, but you see a warning message. It is then up to you whether you act on the warning or not.


"Disallowed" The transaction is not allowed by this user status.

Before you can do a business transaction, the following must apply:



At least one active status must allow the transaction.


No active status can disallow the transaction.

Using the "Follow-up action" function, you can define how each status is affected when you do a specific transaction: a)

"No infl." The transaction neither sets nor deletes this status.


"Set" The transaction sets this status.

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"Delete" The transaction deletes this status. However, you cannot delete a user status that has a status number in this way. You can only delete a status with a status number by defining a subsequent status. The subsequent status must also have a status number.

Save your entries.

Translate status profile and user status You can translate the status profile and the user statuses allocated to it into other languages. To create a translation, please note: o

You can only create, change and delete user statuses in the original maintenance language.


If not all the user statuses in a status profile are completely translated, you see all the user statuses in the original maintenance language.

To translate a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose Extras -> Profile translation from the status profile overview screen.


Display a list of possible language keys using the "Possible entries" function.


Select a language by choosing "Choose".




Translate the description of your status profile into the language you require.


Save your translation.

To translate user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Place the cursor on the status profile you require.


Choose Goto -> User status. You see a list of all the user statuses allocated to the profile.


Choose Goto -> Status translation.


Display a list of possible language abbreviations using the "Possible entries" function.


Select a language by choosing "Choose".




Translate the status key, the description, and any long text into the language you require.


Save your translation. Additional information

Status simulation This function is used to simulate how the status of an object changes. To do this, go to the Allowed object types screen for a status profile and select one of the allowed object types.

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Choose Extras -> Status simulation to simulate the status changes made to the object type, either manually or automatically when specific business transactions are done.


From the simulation, you can go directly to status maintenance for the object type concerned, to get further information on the transactions that are allowed or disallowed.


The log function can be used to record all the steps you take. You can then go back any time and look at how the statuses have changed.

Status profile info Choose Extras -> Status profile info from the "Change Status Profile: Overview" screen to show a list summarizing the data in your status profile. The structure of the list is as follows: o

The first block shows the object types allowed for this status profile.


The second block shows the user statuses defined for this status profile.


The third block shows per user status which business transactions are: -



allowed with warning message



Objekt type info Call Extras -> Object type info from the Change Status Profile:Allowed Object Types screen to show a list summarizing the system status data for an object type. The structure of the list is as follows: o

The first block shows the system statuses defined for this object type.


The second block lists the allowed business transactions for this object type. General status management

This section describes general status management in the R/3 System. Before you can activate status management for internal orders, you have to assign the status profile you want to use to the order type concerned. This form of status management is useful if you need your own status control. The status The current processing status of an object is documented by one or more statuses. A status is an indicator that performs the following functions: o

It tells you that a specific stage or state has been reached (for example "order released").


The status determines which business transactions can be done on the object.

Once a business transaction has been done, this transaction can in turn set or delete one or more statuses for the object concerned. You can set as many statuses as you like for an object.

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For example, you can set any of the following statuses simultaneously for a production order: o








Statuses are shown in the R/3 System as either a text of up to 30 characters or a 4-character key. Both of these are language dependent. o

A status is active if it is in effect at this moment.


A status is inactive if it has never been active or if it has been active but has since been deactivated.

A status can have the following effects on a business transaction: o

allow it


allow it with a warning message


disallow it

If a business transaction is allowed with a warning message for an object, you see a warning message when you start the transaction. However, you can still do the business transaction. Example You want to mark a released production order for deletion. However, the production does not yet have the status "complete". You see a warning message telling you that the order has not yet been finished. Requirements Before you can do a business transaction, the following must apply: -

At least one active status must allow the transaction.


No active status can disallow the transaction.

In R/3 status management, there are two types of status: o

System status A system status is a status set by the system. This status tells you that a specific function was performed on an object. For example, when you release an order, the system automatically sets the "released" system status. You can only change this status by doing a transaction that triggers a change to the system status.


User status A user status is a status that you set. This can be created to supplement the existing system statuses. You can define and activate any number of user statuses. User statuses are defined in a status profile.

Both types of status influence business transactions in the same way.

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Object type Object types are used to distinguish objects with different status control. The object type determines which system statuses are activated automatically when you create a new object and which business transactions are possible. Each object that uses general R/3 status management is assigned permanently to one object type by the system. The following object types exist in engineering change management: o

Engineering change management - master records


Engineering change management - change objects Status profiles

A status profile is a user-defined system of user statuses and rules. A status profile can be used for one or more object types. You usually define in the IMG which status profile is to be used for which object(s). For example, for orders, the order type is used to determine which status profile is used. One status profile can be used in several order types. In a status profile, you can define any number of user statuses and identify them with a 4-character key. These keys are language-dependent and can be translated into other languages. However, you can only make changes to a status profile in the maintenance language. Status number You can use user statuses to define a sequence for the processing steps for an object. To do this, you have to define a status for each step and assign a status number to each status. If you do not assign a status number to a status, the status can be set any time, regardless of whether other user statuses are active, set or deleted. However, you can only have one user status with a status number active at one time. If you set another user status with a status number, the old user status is automatically deleted. Example The user statuses are used to monitor the individual steps for constructing a building. You create the following user statuses in a status profile: Sta.no ------

Status ------

ShrtText --------

Low High --- -----

10 20 30 40 50


Planning Plan approval Building Sale Building finished

10 10 30 30 50

20 30 40 50 50

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Normally the statuses will occur in the sequence of the status numbers. For example, it is not possible to go directly from status "PLAN" to status "BUI", since the highest status number you can go to from 10 is status number 20. Once the status has got to BUI, you can no longer go back to a lower status, such as "PLAN" or "PAPR". Recommendation We advise you to assign status numbers such that they are set in ascending order. You can define the order in which the user statuses with a status number can be set by defining a lowest and highest status number. Initial status In the status profile, you can define a user status as an initial status. This status is then set automatically when you create a new object (such as order or project). You can have any number of user statuses as initial statuses, but only one initial status can have a status number. Transaction control A user status can allow or disallow business transactions. A business transaction can cause a user status to be set or deleted. Example In the above example, you could define your status profile such that the user status "FIN" is set automatically when you perform the function "Edit -> Finish" (in the change master). Status display The active statuses of an object are either listed below each other or in the form of a status line. In the status line, up to eight statuses can be displayed side by side. You can define which position a user status is displayed in within this line in your status profile. Sometimes, more than one status can be displayed in the same position. In such cases, the column "Prty" in the status profile is used to determine which status to display. In the list, you see all the active statuses, sorted according to position and priority. Define change types for change master records In this step, you define how changes to the change master record are to be controlled. To define a change type, you complete one or more of the following two steps, according to your requirements: 1.

In the first step, you must enter an identifying numeric key for the change type (change type and description). You need to choose a change type when you create an engineering change request. The system automatically creates a status object. The status network (system status) for engineering change requests is already defined internally in the system and is allocated to this status object (change master record).

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The processing sequence is controlled by the system status and cannot be changed by the user. If you do not enter any further data for the change type, the processing sequence is controlled uniquely by the system status. 2.

In a second step, you can enter the data that you need to adapt the processing sequence to your specific requirements. a)

You can use business transactions from a workflow instance to complete the process. To do this, you must enter the data for the workflow task, which is allocated to a workflow definition (object type and object ID). For engineering change management, you can define workflow tasks in the workflow workbench. These tasks are carried out when certain events occur. Events are defined in the object repository and describe changes to object statuses. You find the object type for the change master record (ECM) in the object repository under "Logistics - General". You must define the workflow task for the task type "workflow task" (WF) and enter an object ID which you allocate to the change type in this step.


You can supplement the system status with the company-specific user statuses that you have defined as a status profile in an earlier step. You must allocate the status profile for the change type (master record) to the object type "Engineering Change Management - Change Master Record". You can allocate business transactions to the user status. You can define follow-up actions to determine how the status is affected when a specific business transaction is carried out. For example, the transaction can trigger the setting or deletion of a status.

In the Signature network for ECR/ECO field, you can define which approval process takes effect when you set the individual system statuses. Requirements o

If you want to define specific workflow tasks for a processing sequence, first define the tasks in the workflow workbench.


If you want to use a status profile to control a processing sequence, first complete the step Define status profile. Activities

Define change types for the change master record according to your requirements. o

If you want the processing flow to be controlled only by the system status, enter only a numeric key and a descriptive text.


If you want the system to perform a workflow task, enter the data that identifies the workflow task. To do this, maintain the fields Object type and Object ID.


If you want to supplement the system status with a user status, enter the key for the status profile.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define change types for objects In this step, you define how changes to objects allocated to the change master record (such as BOM, routing, document) are to be controlled. To define a change type, you can complete the following two steps. 1.

In the first step, you enter an identifying numeric key for the change type (change type and description). When you enter a change type for a change object allocated to the change master, the system automatically creates a status object. The status network (system status) for change objects is already defined internally in the system and is allocated to this status object (change object). The processing sequence is controlled by the system status and cannot be changed by the user. If you do not enter any further data for the change type, the processing sequence is controlled entirely by the system status.


In a second step, you can enter data for adapting the processing sequence to your company's requirements. a)

You can use business transactions from workflow in the processing sequence. To do this, you must enter the data for the workflow task, which is allocated to a workflow definition (object type and object ID). You can define workflow tasks for engineering change management in the workflow workbench. These tasks are carried out when certain events occur. Events are defined in the workflow object type directory and describe changes to object statuses. To find the object type for the change object (ECO) in the workflow object type directory, choose "Logistics - General". To define a workflow task for the object type "workflow task" (WF), enter an object ID which you allocate to the change type in this step.


You can supplement the system status with the company-specific user statuses that you have defined as a status profile in an earlier step. You must allocate the status profile for the change type (change object) to the object type "Engineering Change Management - Change Objects". You can allocate business transactions to the user statuses. You can define follow-up actions to determine how the status is affected when a specific business transaction is carried out. For example, the transaction can trigger the setting or deletion of a status.

In the Signature network for object management record field, you define which approval process takes place when each individual system status is set. Requirements o

If you want to define specific workflow tasks for a processing sequence, first define the tasks in the workflow workbench.


If you want to use a status profile to control a processing sequence, first complete the step Define status profile. Activities

Define change types for the change object according to your requirements.

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If you want the processing flow to be controlled only by the system status, enter only a numeric key and a descriptive text.


If you want the system to perform a workflow task, enter the data that identifies the workflow task. To do this, make an entry in the fields Object type and Object ID.


If you want to supplement the system status with a user status, enter the key for the status profile. Set workflow for ECR/ECO In this activity you make specific settings for the workflow for ECR/ECOs. You can o

Assign tasks to certain users


De/activate event linkage Recommendation

You should leave event linkage deactivated in this activity, since workflow is started via the change type in engineering change management. You can make the settings necessary for this in the Define change types for change master records step. Set workflow for object management record In this activity you make specific settings for the workflow for object management records. You can o

Assign tasks to certain users


De/activate event linkage Recommendation

You should leave event linkage deactivated in this activity, since workflow is started via the change type in engineering change management. You can make the settings necessary for this in the Define change types for objects step.

1.20.7 Maintain profile In this step, you define the profiles for default values and settings when you create a change master record. The information in a profile is standard information that you need to enter frequently in a similar combination

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in change master records. The profile makes it easier to enter and manage change data. Recommendation Before you create a change master record, check whether a suitable Object type profile exists. See Display object type profile. Activities To define a profile: 1.

On the profile overview, choose New entries.


On the detail screen, enter a name and description for your profile.


Enter your default values for the following fields in change master records:




Change number status


Authorization group


Reason for change


Status profile

Enter an object type profile if required. You use the object type profile to define which objects can be processed with the change master record (for example, BOMs, task lists, or documents). For this reason, you cannot use profiles to create a leading change master record. -

Enter a suitable object type profile, if one exists.


If you want to create a new object type profile, see: Create object type profile.

Save your settings for the profile.

Create object type profile o

On the profile overview for change master records (initial screen), choose Object type overview in theNavigation dataset. You see an overview where you can enter the object types for change objects that you want to process with a profile. The possible entries function shows you the change object types. For example, if you want to process BOMs and routings, enter object types 2 (material BOM) and 12 (routing). The system find the description of the object type.


Set your default indicators for the object types.


You can use the Can be overridden indicator to allow you to change the default settings for object types when you create a change master record.

1.20.8 Define number ranges In this step, you define the type of number assignment. You must assign a unique number to each change master record.

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You have the following options: o

internal number assignment The SAP System assigns change numbers.


external number assignment The user assigns change numbers. Note

For purely numeric change numbers, you can specify whether numbers are to be assigned internally or externally. In the step Set up control data, you can also define number range checks for alphanumeric fields. Actions 1.

Create number range 01 for external number assignment.


Create number range 02 for internal number assignment.

Notes for transport: Number range objects can be transported as follows: On the initial screen, select the menu options "Interval -> Transport". Make sure all intervals for the selected number range objects have been deleted in the target system to ensure that only the exported intervals exist after the import. The number statuses are imported with the value they possessed at the time of the export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

1.20.9 Authorization Management You define authorizations for the different authorization objects in this work step. Define authorization You can find out which authorization objects are defined for Engineering Change Management in this work step. You can maintain authorizations for these objects in the SAP system. Authorization objects The following list shows which authorization objects are checked for each function. Change master record C_AENR_BGR Authorization group create, change, display

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Change master rceord (enhanced check)

C_AENR_ERW Change master record

Revision level cretae, change

C_AENR_RV1 Revision level for material

Revision level create, change

C_AENR_RV2 Revision level for document

Change docouments display

S_SCD0 Change documents

Standardeinstellungen In der SAP-Standardauslieferung sind für alle Berechtigungsobjekte der Anwendung Berechtigungen vorgesehen. Sie finden für die Berechtigungsobjekte Pflegeberechtigungen und Anzeigeberechtigungen. Die ausgelieferten Berechtigungen gelten für alle Organisationseinheiten. Aktivitäten 1.


Prüfen Sie, ob die ausgelieferten Berechtigungen Ihren Anforderungen genügen. Gehen Sie dabei folgendermaßen vor: a)

Wählen Sie die Objektklasse der Anwendung aus. Sie erhalten die Liste der Berechtigungsobjekte.


Wählen Sie ein Berechtigungsobjekt aus. Sie erhalten die Liste der Berechtigungen zu diesem Objekt.

Legen Sie ggf. neue Berechtigungen gemäß Ihren Anforderungen an. Gehen Sie dabei folgendermaßen vor: a)

Wählen Sie Berechtigung -> Anlegen.


Geben Sie die Berechtigung und einen Kurztext ein.


Wählen Sie ein Feld aus, um die einzelnen Feldwerte zu pflegen.


Sichern Sie Ihre Einstellungen.


Aktivieren Sie die neue Berechtigung.

Hinweis Mit dem Profilgenerator können Sie Berechtigungen und Profile erstellen. Diese Funktion vereinfacht das Customizing der Berechtigungsverwaltung erheblich. Sie sollte von Neukunden benutzt werden. Die einzelnen Konfigurationsschritte für den Profilgenerator finden Sie unter Basis - Systemadministration Benutzer und Berechtigungen - Berechtigungen und Profile mit dem Profilgenerator pflegen.

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Description of authorization objects Object: C_AENR_BGR Change master record Definition This authorization object allows you to protect a change master record, together with all object types and object management records belonging to it. The system checks your authorization: o

when you edit a change master record If the authorization group is changed while you maintain the master record, the system makes another check.


when you change master data with reference to the change number

Defined Fields The table below shows the fields and values covered by this authorization object. Fields ACTVT (Activity)

BEGRU (Authorization group)

Possible entries 01 02 03 06 22 81


Meaning Create Change Display Delete (change master) Enter (change number in object) Set dates (for change number)

Used to make additional restrictions on access to individual change master records (change header).

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Object: C_AENR_ERW Change master record - Enhanced check Definition This authorization object enables you to protect a change master record with all its object types and object management records. This check takes place: o

when you process a change master record If the authorization group is changed during change master maintenance, a new check takes place.


when you change master data with reference to a change number

Defined Fields The following table contains the fields and values of the authorization object. Fields ACTVT (Activity)

Possible Values 01 02 03 06 22 81

Meaning Create Change Display Delete (change master) Enter (change number in object) End (change number)

BEGRU (Authorization group)


Used to limit authorizations for the change master record (change header).

AEFUN (Change number function)


Change number without release key Change number with release key Change package Leading change master record

AENST (Change number status)

01 - 99

1 2 3

Used to limit authorizations for the change master rceord (Change header).

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Object: S_SCD0 Change documents Definition Authorization for access to change objects and change documents.

Defined Fields o

ACTVT activity -

06 delete change documents.


08 display change documents.


12 maintain change document objects.

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Object: C_AENR_RV1 Revision level for material Definition Using this authorization object, it is possible to restrict the creation and change of a revision level. If the revision level is assigned from processing the material master record or BOM maintenance, an authorization check also occurs.

Defined Fields Maintain the field Activity for the authorization object. Field ACTVT (activity)

Possible Values 01 02

meaning Create Change

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Object: C_AENR_RV2 Revision level for document Definition This authorization object allows you to restrict authorizations for creating and changing revision levels for document info records. If you assign a revision level when processing a document info record, the system checks your authorization, too.

Defined Fields Maintain the Activity field for the authorization object. Field ACTVT (Activity)

Possible values 01 02

Description Create Change

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define profile Profiles contain authorization objects for clearly-defined work areas. Standard settings There are default settings for profiles in the SAP standard. Activities 1.

Check the standard profiles.


If necessary, create new profiles.

1.20.10 Edit matchcodes In this step, you can create new matchcodes or change existing matchcodes for change master records. Before you maintain matchcodes, please read the following sections for further information: o

Matchcode Concept This section describes the structure of matchcodes in the SAP System.


Create Matchcode This section describes how to create a matchcode in the ABAP/4 dictionary.


Create matchcode You can find information on how to maintain matchcodes in the R/3 library under Basis Components -> ABAP/4 Development Workbench -> ABAP/4 Dictionary -> Maintaining Matchcodes.


Matchcode Utility This section describes the handling of the matchcode utility. The matchcode utility is used to set up matchcodes that are physically stored.

Note To maintain matchcodes, you need technical knowledge of the ABAP/4 dictionary. Matchcodes should only be maintained by your system administrator. o

Note that a large number of matchcodes can adversely affect the performance of your system. Check which matchcodes you want to use in your application area. You can deactivate the matchcodes you do not want to use.

Matchcodes are valid in all clients. Default settings The following matchcodes are supplied as standard for change master records:

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Matchcode ID "A" is used to find a change master by its description.


Matchcode ID "B" is used to find a change number for materials.


Matchcode ID "C" is used to find a change number for documents.


Matchcode ID "D" is used to find a change master by the classes to which the change master is assigned. Actions


Check whether the standard matchcodes are sufficient for your requirements.


Define new matchcode IDs for existing matchcodes or create new matchcodes, if necessary.

1.20.11 Define Selection Profiles In this work step you define the status selection profile which you use to define the status combinations for the selection of objects (such as change master records, change requests, change orders). A status selection profile is therefore, particularly useful if you repeatedly select a large number of objects according to the same selection criteria. Selection run The selection criteria are evaluated from top to bottom. The following rules apply: o

Several consecutive lines, linked with an OR, are cumulated in a block and are evaluated at the same time. The block must fulfil at least one selection criterion.


AND links such blocks or individual criterion. All blocks or individual criterion linked by AND have to be fulfilled. A change number is removed from the evaluation, as soon as a block or individual criterion is not fulfilled. That means that each time a new AND is added, brackets are placed around the previous expresion. To select the desired selection combination you may have to reshape the selection criteria.


In general you can say that: OR is a stronger link than AND !

Status "Active", "Inactive", or "Never active" In addition, you can define the level of the status to be selected from: o

When the status is set to active the system looks for objects for which the given status is currently active.


When the status is set to inactive the system looks for objects for which the given status is currently inactive.


When the status is set to never active the system looks for change numbers in which the given status was never active.

"Exempt" indicator In certain cases, this indicator enables you to reduce the input times when maintaining selection criteria. Some selection criteria can be seen more easily by setting the exempt indicator. Example

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Selection criteria without exempt indicator: Link text Exempt _ OR _

Level Inactive Never active

Same selection criteria with exempt indicator: Link text Exempt X

Level Inactive

Recommendation Criteria that significantly restrict the selection, ought to be set at the start of the status selection profile for performance reasons. System status/User status In the status selection profile, you can enter both system status and user status. If you want to select objects by user status, you have to enter the relevant status profile. Language dependancy of a selection profile Once a selection profile has been created in a language, it can be used in all the languages defined by the system. However, if the user status is defined in a status selection profile you have to make sure that the user status is translated in the relevant status profile. If no translation exists, you have to enter the user status in the language in which it was created. Aktivities If necessary, define your own status selection profiles.

1.21 Configuration Management In this section you enter the Configuration Management. For each work step, you get the necessary instructions on how to change the system settings and how to adapt the requirements to your company.

1.21.1 Application control In this section, you assign the basic settings for Configuration Management as well as for the user interface of the CM Workbench. General settings In this work step, you determine the general settings for the CM-Workbench.

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If you work in a multi-national company, define a language in the field 2. language that the entire company can understand. If a colleague displays a CM object whose description is not maintained in his logon language, then the system displays the description in the language that you determine here.


In the field Stor. duration (Max. storage duration for log entries) you determine for how long log entries are kept in the user log. Define life cycle profile In this work step, you define the life cycle phases as well as the life cycle profile for your company. 1.


In the first sub-step, you define the life cycle phases that, from the point of view of your company, are important for specific products or projects. For each life cycle phase, you determine -

Which object type the system recommends as standard when creating a configuration folder for the controlled object (default object).


Which BOM usages are allowed in the respective life cycle phases (selected usages).

In the second sub-step, you define the life cycle profile for your products or projects. In a life cycle profile, you determine -

Which life cycle phases are allowed within configuration definitions that you create with this profile


In which life cycle phase the system creates the first configuration folder when you create a configuration definition


Which transitions are allowed between life cycle phases when you create a successor for a configuration folder For various products, you may need different life cycle profiles. Activities Create life cycle phase 1.

In the overview tree, double click on the node life cycle phases. On the right hand side of the screen a list of all life cycle phases is displayed.


Select new entries to create a new life cycle phase.


In the field Def. Obj. you can select which object types the system recommends as standard in the respective life cycle phase for the controlled object.


Save your entires.

Create life cycle profile 1.

In the overview tree double click on the node life cycle profile On the right hand side of the screen a list of all life cycle profiles is displayed.


Select new entries to create a new life cycle profile.


Enter a key and a description for the life cycle profile.

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Select |@2M@. You go back to the list of all life cycle profiles.


Select the life cycle profile and double click on phase transitions.


On the right hand side of the screen, enter transistions between life cycle phases that are permitted.


With the indicator initial phase, you determine in which life cycle phase the system creates the first configuration folder when you create a configuration definition. Further Notes

Additional information can be found in the SAP library in the component Configuration Management under Life cycle phase and Life cycle profile. External component In this section, you determine the settings for components that are used in the CM Workbench. Note Note that all of the settings that you assign in this section also apply in other SAP System applications in which these components are used. Product Structure Browser Define Filter In this step you define filters for the product structure browser. You can restrict the data to be valuated by using a filter for the explosion of the product structure. The filter overview contains the following filters: o

General filters, that you define in this step. They can be assigned to any user.


User related filters, that you define when you run the following function: Display product structure. These cannot be assigned to another user. Activities

Define a general filter. When you define a filter, all data of the product structure are copied as default values for the filter. You restrict the filter by deactivating the automatically selected default values. 1.

Create a filter name and a descriptive text.


Select the function Multiple selection. You come to the screen Define filter: .

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Deactivate the objects you do not want to check. Example: Material, class


Deactivate the object specific data per destination (for example, local system, ALE destination) that you do not want to check. Example for material BOMs: use, plant


Select Copy filter. You return to the filter overview.

Check whether the data for the filter is completely maintained. The following data is displayed: -

Status that informs you of the processing status Green: Filter completely maintained and saved Yellow: Filter maintained but not saved Red: Filter name and description maintained, no data selection


Filter type (general or user related)

Save the filter. The status turns green.

1.21.2 CM objects In this work step, you enter the settings for the Configuration Management objects. These are the following objects: o

configuration definition


configuration folder



You have the option to supplement the system statuses provided by SAP with user statuses and to assign specific business operations to them. This enables you to define a Status profile for each of the three objects. Furthermore, you can determine a number range for each of the object types. Configuration definition In this work step, you determine the setting for the configuration definitions. Define Status Profiles In this IMG activity you define status profiles.

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Activities 1.

Enter a Status Profile.


Assign the status profile to an Object Type.


Define the User Status.


Assign Business Transactions to user statuses.


Translate the status profile and user statuses.

Defining a status profile. To define a status profile, proceed as follows: Create status profile To create a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Select "Edit -> New entry".


Enter a name for the status profile.


Enter a description.


Enter a maintenance language for the status profile. Changes and supplements to the status profile can only be made in the maintenance language, and must then be translated into the respective foreign languages. This guarantees that the entries in the status profile are complete and unambiguous.


Choose "Enter" to include the new status profile in the list.


Choose "Save".

Assign status profile to an object type To be able to use a status profile for objects of a certain object type, you need to assign the profile to the corresponding object type: 1.

In the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview", position the cursor on the status profile you want to assign.


Choose Goto -> Object types.


Select the object types for which the status profile is valid. Note that there are four object types relevant for the Project System:



Project definition


WBS element


Network header


Network activity

Choose Save.

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Define user status To define user status for a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

In the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview", position the cursor on the status profile you want to maintain.


Choose Goto -> User status.


For each user status you must enter a four-digit, language- specific key to identify the status.


For each user status you can enter the following:



In "Stat. no." field, enter a status number The sequence number determines the sequence in which the statuses contained in a status profile can be set.


Specify a lowest and highest sequence number in the "Low" and "High" columns.


Enter a short text. The short text contains a short description of the status.


Enter a long text for the user status. Choose Goto -> Long text.


Select a user status as an initial status, if necessary. If you select a user status as an initial status, it is set automatically when you create a cost object. Within a status profile, you can define only one initial status with a sequence number, but as many as you require without a sequence number.


You use "Position" to specify the position in which the status is displayed in the order header.


You use "Priority" to specify which priority the user status has on a particular position if the same position is defined for more than one active status.

Save your entries.

Assign business transactions to a user status To assign business transactions to your user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the desired user status.


Choose Goto -> Business transaction control.


Choose Edit -> New lines to display a list of the existing business transactions.


Assign the corresponding transactions to your user status.


You use "Influencing" to activate the following fields for each transaction: a)

"No influence" The business transaction is not influenced by the current user status.


"Allowed" The business transaction is allowed by the current user status.


"Warning" The business transaction is allowed by the current user status but a warning message is displayed. You can decide whether to heed the warning or not.

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"Disalld" The business transaction is not allowed by the current user status.

To use a business transaction, the following is required:




At least one active status must allow the business transaction.


No active status may disallow the business transaction.

You use "Next action" to specify what effect a particular business transaction has on the respective statuses: a)

"No action" The status is neither set nor deleted by the business transaction.


"Set" The business transaction sets the respective status.


"Delete" The business transaction deletes the respective status. However, you cannot use this to delete a user status that has a sequence number. These statuses can only be deleted by setting a subsequent status, which also has a sequence number.

Save your entries.

Translate status profile and user status You can translate the status profile and the user statuses assigned to it into other languages. If you wish to translate, note the following: o

User statuses can only be created, changed, and deleted in the original maintenance language.


Unless all the user statuses within a status profile are translated, the system shows them all in the original maintenance language.

If you wish to translate a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose Extras -> Profile translation in the status profile overview.


You can call up a list of foreign language ID codes using the F4 key.


Select one using the F2 key.


Choose "Enter".


Translate the name of your status profile into the foreign language.


Save your translation.

To translate user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the status profile in question.


Choose Goto -> User status. The system lists all user statuses in the profile.

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Choose Goto -> Status translation.


You can call up a list of foreign language ID codes using the F4 key.


Select a list using the F2 key.


Choose "Enter".


Translate the key, the description and, if necessary, the long text in the required language.


Save your translation. Additional information

Status simulation You use this to simulate the status development for a particular object. Place the cursor on a status profile, use the function Goto -> Object types, and position the cursor on one of the allowed object types. o

Choose Extras -> Status simulation to simulate the status changes that would result if you were to use the relevant business transactions, or maintain the status manually.


From the simulation, you can go directly to the status maintenance screen for each object type, where you can call up more detailed information on the allowed and disallowed transactions.


Each step you simulate is recorded by the system in a log displayed online. This enables you to trace the status development at all times.

Status profile information Using this function on the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview" you can call up a list which summarizes the specifications in your status profile. The list is structured as follows: o

The first section contains the object types allowed for this status profile.


The second section contains the user statuses that are defined for this profile.


In the third section, the system lists for each user status that business transactions are: -



Allowed, with warning message



Object type info Using this function on the screen "Change Status Profile: Object Types Allowed", you can call up a list that summarizes all the specifications on system statuses for a particular object type. The list is structured as follows: o

The first section contains the valid system statuses for this object type.


The second section contains the allowed business transactions for this object type.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define general settings for configuration definition In this work step, you determine the general settings for configuration definitions. o

You select a status profile to control the user status that is used as standard for configuration definitions. Define number ranges In this work step, you determine the number range for configuration definitions. Each configuration definition is uniquely identified by a number within clients. There are two types of number assignment: o

Internal number assignment When you create a configuration definition, the SAP System automatically assigns a consecutive number from the number interval that you determined.


External number assignment When you create a configuration definition, you assign a number from the valid number interval. Further Notes

You transport number range objects as follows: In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Configuration folder In this section you assign the settings for configuration folders. Define Status Profiles In this IMG activity you define status profiles. Activities 1.

Enter a Status Profile.


Assign the status profile to an Object Type.

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Define the User Status.


Assign Business Transactions to user statuses.


Translate the status profile and user statuses.

Defining a status profile. To define a status profile, proceed as follows: Create status profile To create a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Select "Edit -> New entry".


Enter a name for the status profile.


Enter a description.


Enter a maintenance language for the status profile. Changes and supplements to the status profile can only be made in the maintenance language, and must then be translated into the respective foreign languages. This guarantees that the entries in the status profile are complete and unambiguous.


Choose "Enter" to include the new status profile in the list.


Choose "Save".

Assign status profile to an object type To be able to use a status profile for objects of a certain object type, you need to assign the profile to the corresponding object type: 1.

In the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview", position the cursor on the status profile you want to assign.


Choose Goto -> Object types.


Select the object types for which the status profile is valid. Note that there are four object types relevant for the Project System:



Project definition


WBS element


Network header


Network activity

Choose Save.

Define user status To define user status for a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

In the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview", position the cursor on the status profile you want to maintain.

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Choose Goto -> User status.


For each user status you must enter a four-digit, language- specific key to identify the status.


For each user status you can enter the following:



In "Stat. no." field, enter a status number The sequence number determines the sequence in which the statuses contained in a status profile can be set.


Specify a lowest and highest sequence number in the "Low" and "High" columns.


Enter a short text. The short text contains a short description of the status.


Enter a long text for the user status. Choose Goto -> Long text.


Select a user status as an initial status, if necessary. If you select a user status as an initial status, it is set automatically when you create a cost object. Within a status profile, you can define only one initial status with a sequence number, but as many as you require without a sequence number.


You use "Position" to specify the position in which the status is displayed in the order header.


You use "Priority" to specify which priority the user status has on a particular position if the same position is defined for more than one active status.

Save your entries.

Assign business transactions to a user status To assign business transactions to your user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the desired user status.


Choose Goto -> Business transaction control.


Choose Edit -> New lines to display a list of the existing business transactions.


Assign the corresponding transactions to your user status.


You use "Influencing" to activate the following fields for each transaction: a)

"No influence" The business transaction is not influenced by the current user status.


"Allowed" The business transaction is allowed by the current user status.


"Warning" The business transaction is allowed by the current user status but a warning message is displayed. You can decide whether to heed the warning or not.


"Disalld" The business transaction is not allowed by the current user status.

To use a business transaction, the following is required:

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At least one active status must allow the business transaction.


No active status may disallow the business transaction.

You use "Next action" to specify what effect a particular business transaction has on the respective statuses: a)

"No action" The status is neither set nor deleted by the business transaction.


"Set" The business transaction sets the respective status.


"Delete" The business transaction deletes the respective status. However, you cannot use this to delete a user status that has a sequence number. These statuses can only be deleted by setting a subsequent status, which also has a sequence number.

Save your entries.

Translate status profile and user status You can translate the status profile and the user statuses assigned to it into other languages. If you wish to translate, note the following: o

User statuses can only be created, changed, and deleted in the original maintenance language.


Unless all the user statuses within a status profile are translated, the system shows them all in the original maintenance language.

If you wish to translate a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose Extras -> Profile translation in the status profile overview.


You can call up a list of foreign language ID codes using the F4 key.


Select one using the F2 key.


Choose "Enter".


Translate the name of your status profile into the foreign language.


Save your translation.

To translate user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the status profile in question.


Choose Goto -> User status. The system lists all user statuses in the profile.


Choose Goto -> Status translation.


You can call up a list of foreign language ID codes using the F4 key.


Select a list using the F2 key.

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Choose "Enter".


Translate the key, the description and, if necessary, the long text in the required language.


Save your translation. Additional information

Status simulation You use this to simulate the status development for a particular object. Place the cursor on a status profile, use the function Goto -> Object types, and position the cursor on one of the allowed object types. o

Choose Extras -> Status simulation to simulate the status changes that would result if you were to use the relevant business transactions, or maintain the status manually.


From the simulation, you can go directly to the status maintenance screen for each object type, where you can call up more detailed information on the allowed and disallowed transactions.


Each step you simulate is recorded by the system in a log displayed online. This enables you to trace the status development at all times.

Status profile information Using this function on the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview" you can call up a list which summarizes the specifications in your status profile. The list is structured as follows: o

The first section contains the object types allowed for this status profile.


The second section contains the user statuses that are defined for this profile.


In the third section, the system lists for each user status that business transactions are: -



Allowed, with warning message



Object type info Using this function on the screen "Change Status Profile: Object Types Allowed", you can call up a list that summarizes all the specifications on system statuses for a particular object type. The list is structured as follows: o

The first section contains the valid system statuses for this object type.


The second section contains the allowed business transactions for this object type. Define general settings for configuration folder In this work step, you determine the general settings for configuration folders.

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You select a status profile to control the user status that is used as standard for configuration folders. Define number ranges In this work step, you determine the number range for configuration folders. Each configuration folder is uniquely identified by a number within clients. There are two types of number assignment: o

Internal number assignment When you create a configuration folder, the SAP System automatically assigns a consecutive number from the number interval that you determined.


External number assignment When you create a configuration folder, you assign a number from the valid number interval. Further Notes

You transport number range objects as follows: In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Var. object identification In this section you make the settings for variable object identification. You can use variable object identications for several object types in the SAP system. Instead of the standard SAP object identication, you can then use this self-defined identification to refer to the object. Define identification categories In this activity you can define ID types for the variable object identification. You can combine up to 3 ID types in an ID group. The ID types in a group have a logical relationship. The group represents the complete identication. The ID types are part of the identification. Example A variable object identication could consist of the year, month and a number. In this case the year, month and number are each an ID type in an ID group.

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Requirements Before you can define ID types and groups, you must have maintained the Customer Include in the relevant container table. A container table has been defined by SAP for each object type that can have a variable object identification. For instance for Configuration Management CONT06_PFOLDER. In this case, you must maintain the fields in the Customer Include CI_CONT06. General Features In this activity you specify whether the variable object identifications that you defined in Define Identification Types are required entries and whether the ID has to be unique. You set the Req. fld. indicator to stipulate that an entry has to be made for this variable object ID in the application. You set the Unique indicator to specify that the application object can only have one variable identification. In other words, there is a 1:1 relationship betwen the object and the variable identification. Global Settings If you have defined several variable object IDs for an object type in Define Identification Types, you can specify here which ID group should appear by default in the transaction. If there are severel ID types within an ID group, you can also a character to use as a separator when the ID types are displayed in one field. Baseline In this section you assign settings for the Baselines. Define Status Profiles Note In Release 4.6C no status profile is used for Baselines. In this IMG activity you define status profiles. Activities 1.

Enter a Status Profile.


Assign the status profile to an Object Type.

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Define the User Status.


Assign Business Transactions to user statuses.


Translate the status profile and user statuses.

Defining a status profile. To define a status profile, proceed as follows: Create status profile To create a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Select "Edit -> New entry".


Enter a name for the status profile.


Enter a description.


Enter a maintenance language for the status profile. Changes and supplements to the status profile can only be made in the maintenance language, and must then be translated into the respective foreign languages. This guarantees that the entries in the status profile are complete and unambiguous.


Choose "Enter" to include the new status profile in the list.


Choose "Save".

Assign status profile to an object type To be able to use a status profile for objects of a certain object type, you need to assign the profile to the corresponding object type: 1.

In the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview", position the cursor on the status profile you want to assign.


Choose Goto -> Object types.


Select the object types for which the status profile is valid. Note that there are four object types relevant for the Project System:



Project definition


WBS element


Network header


Network activity

Choose Save.

Define user status To define user status for a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

In the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview", position the cursor on the status profile you want to maintain.

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Choose Goto -> User status.


For each user status you must enter a four-digit, language- specific key to identify the status.


For each user status you can enter the following:



In "Stat. no." field, enter a status number The sequence number determines the sequence in which the statuses contained in a status profile can be set.


Specify a lowest and highest sequence number in the "Low" and "High" columns.


Enter a short text. The short text contains a short description of the status.


Enter a long text for the user status. Choose Goto -> Long text.


Select a user status as an initial status, if necessary. If you select a user status as an initial status, it is set automatically when you create a cost object. Within a status profile, you can define only one initial status with a sequence number, but as many as you require without a sequence number.


You use "Position" to specify the position in which the status is displayed in the order header.


You use "Priority" to specify which priority the user status has on a particular position if the same position is defined for more than one active status.

Save your entries.

Assign business transactions to a user status To assign business transactions to your user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the desired user status.


Choose Goto -> Business transaction control.


Choose Edit -> New lines to display a list of the existing business transactions.


Assign the corresponding transactions to your user status.


You use "Influencing" to activate the following fields for each transaction: a)

"No influence" The business transaction is not influenced by the current user status.


"Allowed" The business transaction is allowed by the current user status.


"Warning" The business transaction is allowed by the current user status but a warning message is displayed. You can decide whether to heed the warning or not.


"Disalld" The business transaction is not allowed by the current user status.

To use a business transaction, the following is required:

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At least one active status must allow the business transaction.


No active status may disallow the business transaction.

You use "Next action" to specify what effect a particular business transaction has on the respective statuses: a)

"No action" The status is neither set nor deleted by the business transaction.


"Set" The business transaction sets the respective status.


"Delete" The business transaction deletes the respective status. However, you cannot use this to delete a user status that has a sequence number. These statuses can only be deleted by setting a subsequent status, which also has a sequence number.

Save your entries.

Translate status profile and user status You can translate the status profile and the user statuses assigned to it into other languages. If you wish to translate, note the following: o

User statuses can only be created, changed, and deleted in the original maintenance language.


Unless all the user statuses within a status profile are translated, the system shows them all in the original maintenance language.

If you wish to translate a status profile, proceed as follows: 1.

Choose Extras -> Profile translation in the status profile overview.


You can call up a list of foreign language ID codes using the F4 key.


Select one using the F2 key.


Choose "Enter".


Translate the name of your status profile into the foreign language.


Save your translation.

To translate user statuses, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the status profile in question.


Choose Goto -> User status. The system lists all user statuses in the profile.


Choose Goto -> Status translation.


You can call up a list of foreign language ID codes using the F4 key.


Select a list using the F2 key.

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Choose "Enter".


Translate the key, the description and, if necessary, the long text in the required language.


Save your translation. Additional information

Status simulation You use this to simulate the status development for a particular object. Place the cursor on a status profile, use the function Goto -> Object types, and position the cursor on one of the allowed object types. o

Choose Extras -> Status simulation to simulate the status changes that would result if you were to use the relevant business transactions, or maintain the status manually.


From the simulation, you can go directly to the status maintenance screen for each object type, where you can call up more detailed information on the allowed and disallowed transactions.


Each step you simulate is recorded by the system in a log displayed online. This enables you to trace the status development at all times.

Status profile information Using this function on the screen "Change Status Profile: Overview" you can call up a list which summarizes the specifications in your status profile. The list is structured as follows: o

The first section contains the object types allowed for this status profile.


The second section contains the user statuses that are defined for this profile.


In the third section, the system lists for each user status that business transactions are: -



Allowed, with warning message



Object type info Using this function on the screen "Change Status Profile: Object Types Allowed", you can call up a list that summarizes all the specifications on system statuses for a particular object type. The list is structured as follows: o

The first section contains the valid system statuses for this object type.


The second section contains the allowed business transactions for this object type. Define general settings for baselines In this work step, you define the general settings for Baselines.

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Note In Release 4.6C no status profile is used for Baselines. Define number ranges In this work step, you determine the number range for Baselines. Each Baseline is uniquely identified by a Baseline number within clients. There are two types of number assignments: o

Internal number assignment When you create a Baseline, the SAP System automatically assigns a consecutive number from the number interval that you determined.


External number assignment When you create a Baseline, you assign a number from the valid number interval. Further Notes

You transport number range objects as follows: In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

1.22 Collaboration 1.22.1 Define Field Selection In this step you define a profile for the field selection of individual objects in CEP.

1.22.2 Define CEP profile In this work step you define the profile for CEP Here you specify o

Whether the data is transferred comprises a cooperative or a competitive scenario


Which field selection profile should be used for processing individual objects.

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The URL of an ITS server from which the participants should download the data.


Whether the data are read-only or can be processed by the participants. Requirements

You must have previously defined the field selection profile before you can use it in a CEP profile.

1.22.3 Define life cycle profile In this work step, you define the life cycle phases as well as the life cycle profile for your company. 1.


In the first sub-step, you define the life cycle phases that, from the point of view of your company, are important for specific products or projects. For each life cycle phase, you determine -

Which object type the system recommends as standard when creating a configuration folder for the controlled object (default object).


Which BOM usages are allowed in the respective life cycle phases (selected usages).

In the second sub-step, you define the life cycle profile for your products or projects. In a life cycle profile, you determine -

Which life cycle phases are allowed within configuration definitions that you create with this profile


In which life cycle phase the system creates the first configuration folder when you create a configuration definition


Which transitions are allowed between life cycle phases when you create a successor for a configuration folder For various products, you may need different life cycle profiles. Activities Create life cycle phase 1.

In the overview tree, double click on the node life cycle phases. On the right hand side of the screen a list of all life cycle phases is displayed.


Select new entries to create a new life cycle phase.


In the field Def. Obj. you can select which object types the system recommends as standard in the respective life cycle phase for the controlled object.


Save your entires.

Create life cycle profile 1.

In the overview tree double click on the node life cycle profile On the right hand side of the screen a list of all life cycle profiles is displayed.


Select new entries to create a new life cycle profile.

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Enter a key and a description for the life cycle profile.


Select |@2M@. You go back to the list of all life cycle profiles.


Select the life cycle profile and double click on phase transitions.


On the right hand side of the screen, enter transistions between life cycle phases that are permitted.


With the indicator initial phase, you determine in which life cycle phase the system creates the first configuration folder when you create a configuration definition. Further Notes

Additional information can be found in the SAP library in the component Configuration Management under Life cycle phase and Life cycle profile.

1.22.4 Define Workflow In the work step you define the workflow: o

In Assign agents to tasks you specify which pre-defined user groups take part in one of the workflows.


In Activate event linking you have to activate event linking for the object KonfigFolderSenden Created which is under the Dispatch folder to recipient node. This indicator enables the workflow functionality.

1.22.5 Administration of CEP Documents In this work step you define how documents are stored. o

If you have genearted a Microsoft Project project in configuration management, this document is stored in the document management system. To do so, you must specify a document type and storage category. It must be possible to link the chosen document type to WBS elements.


During the CEP process new documents are created. You need to define a document type and a storage category for these documents too.

Note that you must be able to store the document type you choose in the Knowledge Provider (KPRO).

1.22.6 Enhancements for Collaboration Here you can define user specific enhancements (user exits) for Collaborative Engineering & Project Management

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Check User Authorization for Folders With this module you can check in Monitoring whether a user has the necessary authorization to edit certain folders. You must specify the following parameters: 1) ACTION_TYPE This paramter can have three values:. -

'1' = The user can display the folder


'2' = The user can review the folder


'3' = The user can transfer the folder to the SAP System

2) Folder_tab: The system transfers all folders that are in the database and that meet the filter conditions to the user exit. The function module checks according to the Action_Types whether the user has the requisite authorization for the folder. If not the entry has to be removed from the table. The changed table is returned to the SAP System. The user can work with the remaining entries. Activities 1.

Create the enhancement. To do so either create a new project or use an existing project.


Process the enhancement component: Enhance the program coding for the function exit CEPEX001. To do so, call up the function module and double-click on the Include line. Create the Include module


Activate the project. The enhancement becomes effective after you have activated the project. Further Notes

As oppossed to modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive, since they are not in SAP name range, but in the customer name range. For general details on how to create enhancements, refer to the onlie help in the enhancement transaction by choosing Goto -> Online handbook. Each enhancement has its own documentation. You can call up this documentaion by choosing the Display documentation pushbutton in the enhancement transaction.

1.23 Logistics Information System (LIS) This Implementation Guide contains all information required for implementing the "Logistics Information System" module in your business.

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The Logistics Information System (LIS) currently consists of information systems for the following logistics applications: o

Inventory Controlling




Shop Floor Control


Plant Maintenance


Quality Management


Retail Information System (RIS)

For this reason, LIS has a modular structure, but all information systems have a standardized user interface and use central techniques. They include: o

flexible aggregation


standard reporting


flexible reporting


planning tools


analysis tools


archiving tools

Information systems are flexible tools for collecting, aggregating and evaluating data from the operative application. In addition, you can use this data as the basis for planning. You can therefore use the information systems for controlling, monitoring and planning purposes.

1.23.1 Logistics Data Warehouse The functionality that is presented to you in the sections "Data Basis" and "Updating", comprises the Logistics Data Warehouse (previously: statistics database). The subsequent sections will deal with the following questions: o

What type of information can be used in data collection in the Logistics Data Warehouse? Definition of field catalogs


Among the various views on characteristics and key figures, which ones are needed in the applications? Definition of information structures


How should the characteristics and key figures from the various business transactions be updated? Definition of updating


Are freely-defined requirements or formulas needed for updating? Definition of requirements and formulas


Is special processing necessary in updating? Definition of updating


Can data from various applications be combined in one information structure?

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self-defined applications o

Is it possible to control the monitoring of the updating process?


Can statistical data also be set up retrospectively? Definition of updating Technical Information for Transport of LIS Objects Objects in LIS can be either transportable or non-transportable. Technical information is necessary to clarify the transport of LIS objects. Tho following objects in LIS have an automatic link to transport with the appropriate transport objects, some of which can be locked: o

Self-Defined Application -


Self-Defined Field Catalog -









as well as generated function groups and additional required table entries

Information Structure -






Requirements and Formulas


Update Activation -


Includes and table entries

Update Definition -



Self-Defined LIS Inbound Interface




Copy Management Methods for data enhancement: -



Programs and includes

Methods of automatic data enhancement:

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Standard Analyses in Reporting Methods of data enhancement: -



Programs and includes

Methods of automatic list enhancement: -


Standard settings for an LIS standard analysis: -


(Event YY, unit ZZ and information structure Snnn) More detailed information on transporting to the flexible analysis can be found in Transport of Evaluation Structures and Evaluations. In the maintenance of update groups, the transport object o


can be manually included in a transport object. In addition to the transport objects with automatic link to transport in LIS, there are also transport objects, some of which are application specific and some of which can be taken from the transaction and included in the transport order if required. When creating, changing and deleting, you must specify a development class and a correction request if appropriate. Attention This is sometimes not the case if the setting 'Changes without automatic recording' is set for the affected client in client maintenance for client-dependent objects. TADIR entries are also generated for the transport objects. This means that: o

The transport objects are assigned to an original system


Changes in systems other than the original system are carried out as repairs


The transport objects cannot be overwritten in the original system.

It is therefore recommended that you only change the objects in LIS and then transport the changes to other systems (based on the recommended settings for the system and transport environment). Repairing an info structure (in a non-original system) leads to problems during further processing in the original system and during transporting. Note 90718 in the Online Service System (OSS) describes the further steps. Only control table entries are transported within the transport objects in LIS. When the transport objects R3TR MCEV, R3TR MCIN, R3TR VKOS, R3TR TDAT MC_UPDATE and R3TR MCUA have been transported, the control table entries are imported into the target system and are adjusted in method execution (after import methods). The dictionary tables Snnn and Snnne and their database tables are generated and activated, and the update program RMCXxxxx is generated. The dictionary tables Snnn and Snnne, and the

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update program RMCXxxxx are not transported. Instead they are generated in the target system from the transported control table entries. The numbers xxxx of the update program can be source and target systems. Recommendation Incorrect and incomplete transports can lead to interruptions in posting and consequently to a considerable reduction in system performance, particularly in productive systems. SAP therefore recommends the following sequence for transporting LIS objects: 1.

The information structure and all required objects, such as self-defined applications, self-defined field catalogs and self-defined LIS inbound interfaces with the relevant dictionary objects


The formulae, the requirements and the update definition


Update activation

The following transport should only be executed once already imported without errors. Further Notes You should also note that the information in the control tables at the time of export (in other words, when the transport request is released) is transported, and NOT the information in the tables at the time they were included in the transport request. This is particularly important if you have deleted an information structure, for example. When an information structure is deleted, all LIS objects dependent on it are also deleted. The update definiton and the update deactivation do not need to be transported. In particular, the update deactivation must be exported before the information structure is deleted from the source system. There are also LIS objects that cannot be transported. These are generated during runtime if required, such as the standard analysis for example. A generation time stamp ensures that changes to the template, for example when Hot Packages are applied or when making corrections to a note, are considered. For some objects, it is possible to reset the generation time stamp and then to regenerate the objects using the tool execute mass generation. Data Basis One of the most important requirements that an information system needs to satisfy is the capability to aggregate information. Data aggregation is always a prerequisite if strategic decisions are to be derived from operative transactions. Here, it is vital that significant interrelationships and trends can be recognized by aggregating the many pieces of detailed information from the operative processes in an appropriate manner. This problem demonstrates the benefits that can be derived from storing aggregated information separately, thus enabling quick and efficient access. Yet the concept of an integrated Logistics Information System also needs to satisfy the requirements of a wide range of user groups. These requirements result in the need for variable data structures in which every user group can define its own individual view of the data. Consideration also needs to be given to the widely differing requirements of the different applications in terms of the selection of key figures and their level of aggregation. Requirements can vary greatly, even within the same application.

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It must therefore be possible to define flexible data structures which can be filled with different data from the respective applications. Consequently, a flexible tool is required which the individual user groups can use to define their own individual information systems. For this reason, the self-defined information structures form the key concept of the Logistics Information System. In this section, you can use field catalogs and information structures to aggregate the data from the operative processes in accordance with your own business requirements. In addition, a variety of tools for both editing and generating your information structures is available. Applications In the Logistics Information System, many of the settings must be made in accordance with the respective application. As a rule, you can use those standard applications which are components of the Logistics Information System. For many considerations which concern the Logistics Information System, you need to use cross-application functions. It therefore makes sense to analyze data from a variety of applications together (for example, Purchasing and Sales). The most important data collection settings, however, are assigned to no more than one application. You therefore have to define new applications which can be used for "mixed" views and which have the features of more than one standard application. You can first use all of the SAP applications which are integrated in the Logistics Information System. This allows you to arrange the "mixed applications" that you need for your business. Maintain Self-Defined Applications In this step, you can create, change and display new, i.e. self-defined applications. Activities 1.

Choose the function New application. You branch to the detail screen.


Enter a number for the self-defined application.


Enter a text for the self-defined application.


Allocate the attributes of at least one of the displayed standard applications to this new application.


Save the self-defined application. Additional information

You can use self-defined applications in the following areas:

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Definition of field catalogs


Definition of information structures LIS Inbound Interface for External Data The LIS inbound interface for external data (LIS inbound interface), enables you to supply the Logistics Information System (LIS) with data that cannot be written to LIS by means of LIS updating. This means that you can make use of all the functions available in the Logistics Information System to manipulate this data as well. The basis of the LIS inbound interface are communication structures which are created in the dictionary as data types. Data can be transferred to LIS either using an IDoc or your own load program. When you create the IDoc, the data is automatically released to LIS via the IDoc interface. This is therefore the more convenient means of updating data in LIS. You also have the option, however, of using your own load program. This load program must call up the respective inbound function modules of the LIS inbound interface and transfer the data to be processed to this interface. If you are using self-defined communication structures and are subsequently generating the LIS inbound interface, it is possible to transfer data to LIS updating. Generation of the LIS inbound interface creates a new business event and the accompanying function modules for controlling the update. This is how events are added to event-driven LIS updating. If you want to supply LIS with external data, then proceed as follows: 1.

Create your data as a communication structure.


Create an LIS inbound interface with reference to your communication structure. Note Events can only be created for SAP basis applications (Sales and Distribution, Purchasing, Inventory Controlling, Transportation, Production, Quality Management, Plant Maintenance, External Data and Retail). If you refer to an application that does not belong to these SAP basis applications when you create your LIS inbound interface, you must select one of the assigned SAP basis applications. You can find more information about self-defined applications in the Implementation Guide for the Logistics Information System (LIS).


Create information structures.


Maintain the update rules for your information structures.


Activate the respective updating process.


Supply the IDoc interface or the inbound function module of the LIS inbound interface with your data. Further Notes

The functionality of the LIS inbound interface and of Copy Management overlap in certain places.

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SAP recommends that you use the LIS inbound interface instead of Copy Management when: o

transferring data permanently


transferring different types of data


using data elements that differ from SAP data elements Communication Structures Communication structures form the basis of the LIS inbound interface for external data (LIS inbound interface). The communication structure must contain a date field of type DATS. It is recommended that you use the following field types for indicators that can be totalled: CURR (currency field), QUAN (quantity field), DEC and NUMC (for other field values that can be totalled), CHAR, DATS (date field), TIMS (time field). If you use currency and quantity fields, you must also include the corresponding unit (type UNIT) and currency key (CUKY) in the communication structure. If possible, you should use the SAP standard data elements. Note o

If you wish to use IDocs, the sender system (your system) must serve the IDoc interface, or be able to perform Remote Function Call (RFC).


Long names are not supported in LIS. You cannot include fields in the fields catalog if their table name/structure name/field name has more than ten characters. This also applies to communication structures used in the LIS inbound interface.


Before you use IDocs as communication structures, you need to gain an overview of the following basic concepts: IDoc type, the different types of IDoc, and segments). You can find detailed information about these concepts in the SAP library under Basis Components -> Basis Services/Communication Interfaces -> The IDoc Interface -> BC IDoc Interface: EDI Application Scenarios.


Before you use dictionary structures as communication structures, you need to gain an overview of how to use and maintain structures. You can find detailed information on this subject in the R/3 library under Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary. Maintain as IDoc If you wish to transfer your data via the IDoc interface to LIS, you must first create a communication structure/> as a DDIC structure. In this IMG activity, you create your IDoc type as an enhancement to the SAP Basis IDoc type "LIS_EXTR", which contains your data for the IDoc interface. Enhancement. The enhancement is where you create your enhancement segment with the data to be

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transferred. Note Please observe the name ranges: o

SAP segment types begin with "E1"; customer-specific segment types begin with "Z1".


Customer-specific IDoc types begin with "Y" or "Z". Activities

If you wish to create an IDoc, proceed as follows: 1.

Create your extension type. You create an extension as follows: a)

Enter any name for the object in the Object name field.


Mark the development object as "extension".


Select the function Create development object.


Select create and enter the related basis type "LIS_EXTR".


Enter a short description for the object.


Confirm by pressing Enter.


Go to the initial screen "Segment Development" via Environment -> Segment maintenance


Enter a name for your enhancement segment in the field Segment type Note the Name space.


Use the function Create segment with reference.


Use the DDIC structure you created as the communication structure for the IDoc interface as the reference.


Enter a short description of the segment type.


In the segment definition, the fields in the communication structure are automatically proposed according to the reference. The export length required for the correct conversion of the various data types in CHAR fileds is also automatically determined in the segment definition. The export length can therefore be longer than the length used for the same field in the communication structure. The field names in the segment definition and the communication structure must be identical, as the segment releases the data to the communication structure by means of MOVE CORRESPONDING.


Save your segment definition.


Return to the initial screen "Segment Development"


Leave this screen to create the enhancement.


Position your cursor on the LIS basis segment "E1LISBA" and choose the function Edit -> Create segment. Your enhancement segment type is added as a subsegment type of "E1LISBA". You now branch into maintenance of the segment attributes.

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In the field Segment type, enter the name of the enhancement segment just created from h) to m).


Set the indicator for mandatory segment.


Specify the minimum number of segments in sequence, in other words, the minimum number of external data records that are to be transferred (at least 1).


Specify the maximum number of segments in sequence, in other words, the maximum number of external data records that are to be transferred at any one time. SAP recommends that you enter the number 1000 here.


Save your enhancement.


Return to the initial screen "Development of IDoc Types".


When your development is completed, you should release the segment definition in the initial screen "Segment Development" (n) via Edit -> Set release and release the enhancement in the initial screen "Development IDoc Types" (v) via Edit -> Set release. You can also test using objects that have not yet been released.

Further Notes If you use the IDoc interface, you need to make the following specifications when transferring your IDoc type to the IDoc interface: o

IDoc type:

Name of your IDoc


Message type: LIS000 (fixed value)


Partner: the logical system that you have chosen (only in the case of ALE) from which the function module is to be called up ALE/RFC: INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS File: EDI_DATA_INCOMING (you need to specify the file name and path) Maintain as Dictionary Structure In order to use the LIS inbound interface, you need to create your data as a communication structure. If your communication structure is a dictionary structure, you can only perform the data transfer to LIS if you have written your own load program. This load program has to call up the corresponding inbound function module in the LIS inbound interface and transfer the data to be processed to it. Prerequisites If you would like to create your communication structure as a dictionary structure, it is absolutely essential that you famailiarize yourself with the functions of the dictionary, particularly how to maintain structures. You can find detailed information in the SAP library under Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary.

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Activities You maintain structures as follows: 1.

Specify a name for your dictionary structure in the Object name field.


Mark the object type "Structures"


Choose the function Create DD object. Maintain Self-Defined LIS Inbound Interface In this step, you create your LIS inbound interface for external data. Maintenance of the LIS inbound interface is always dependent on an event (business transaction). Note Customer-specific events are named "Y" (Y1 - Y0 and YA - YZ) or "Z" (Z1 - Z0 and ZA - ZZ). Activities 1.

Specify both an event and a short description for this event. If you ask the system to propose an event, it automatically uses the next event that is available in your name range.


Specify an application that suits the business transaction (event). If you do not consider any of the other applications suitable, choose application "09" (External data).


Enter the name of your communication structure. If you use the IDoc interface to transfer the structure, enter the name of the enhancement.


Select the type of your communication structure.


If you use the IDoc interface to transfer the structure, you also need to select the type of transfer. Here you have the following options: -

ALE/RFC This involves a synchronous data transfer. You can find further information in F1 Help for this option.


File This involves an asynchronous data transfer. You can find further information in F1 Help for this option.


Without inbound definition This option is for expert use only. You can find further information in F1 Help for this option.


Confirm by pressing ENTER.


If you have specified an application that does not belong to the SAP basis applications, you need to create a reference to one of the SAP basis applications that is assigned to the application you have

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specified. A dialog box appears offering you the application in question. Confirm by pressing ENTER. 8.

If you use the IDoc interface to transfer the structure, the uniqueness of the name and the length of the fields in the segment definition of the enhancement and the communication structure are checked.


Specify a new function group (group of logically related function modules). You also have the option of asking the system to propose a function group.

10. Choose a field as a key field for the update log. To do this, mark the Log field for the field you require. Recommendation If possible, select the document number, or a similar field by which you can identify the data, to be the key field for the update log. 11. Save your entries. If your communication structure is an IDoc, you need to specify a logical system when you save. The event is generated. The function modules are generated. The LIS inbound interface is created. Environment -> Display log displays the generation log in which any errors that occurred are listed. Field Catalogs Generally, all information that is used in the respective business transactions can form the basis for the collection and aggregation of application data in the information structures. Much of this information is designed, however, for the internal control of a business transaction rather than for updating statistical data. Therefore, if a user wishes to define his/her own information system by using self-defined information structures, he/she must be able to clearly recognize which type of information he/she can use for the Logistics Data Warehouse. The definition of field catalogs guarantees that this information can be easily recognized. A field catalog (as understood in statistics updating) defines a group of relevant fields from the application. You can thus use a mixture of fields from any document hierarchies. This means that all fields that refer to the sales organization (distribution channel, sales district, product hierarchy, etc.), can be combined into one field catalog. It is not important for the user to know whether these fields are used at document header, document item, or schedule line level. A field catalog therefore takes on the following functions: o

Selection of relevant information


Logical grouping of this information Attention

Long names are not supported in LIS. You can only include fields in the field catalog if their table name/structure name/field name does not exceed ten characters.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Self-Defined Field Catalogs In this IMG activity, you can create, change, delete and display field catalogs. Requirements If you want to create a field catalog which is to contain fields from several different applications, you can either create a self-defined application or use application 41 (Logistics General). Standard settings SAP provides some sample field catalogs for each application. You cannot change these field catalogs, however you can extend them by adding your own field catalogs. Activities 1.

Specify a name and a description for the field catalog you want to create in the field Field catalog.


Assign the field catalog to an application.


Define the catalog category.


Press ENTER. You branch to the maintenance screen of the individual fields of the catalogs.


Depending on the catalog category you have chosen, select Edit -> Characteristics or Key figures or Date. Two dialog boxes are displayed for selecting the fields. One dialog box lists the fields you have already selected. Choose Selection list to select further fields. If you have not yet selected any fields, the second dialog box is displayed at the same time. The second dialog box consists of two lists. The list on the right contains all source tables from which you can select fields for the field catalogs. In this case, only the source tables valid for the selected application are displayed.


If you want to display the fields of a certain source table, you can select this by double-clicking on it. The list on the left shows the fields of the selected source table.


If you want to copy a field from the list into your field catalog, position the cursor on the corresponding field name and choose Copy. The selected field is marked and copied into the list of the already selected fields. Note When you select the source tables and fields, the respective descriptions are displayed. You can use the Switch display function to display the technical names (table and field names from the Data Dictionary).


Press Copy + close to branch to the list of the selected fields. You can now also edit this list, i.e. you can change the sequence in which the fields appear, delete fields from the list or add new fields from the source tables.


The sequence of the selected characteristics can be changed as follows:

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Select the characteristic, or a block of characteristics that is to be moved. The selection can be made using the icon Select/Deselect or Select block, or with a double click. The icon move is displayed.


Position your cursor on a different characteristic and choose the icon Move. The characteristic or block of characteristics you initially selected will now be inserted above the second selected characteristic.

10. To copy the selected fields to your field catalog, choose Copy. 11. Save the field catalog. Additional information When you copy fields, two different types of information are proposed: o

Source table / source field This information is primarily required to update statistical data. When you define the update rules, this information is proposed as source fields. Note It is not absolutely essential that you specify a source field. If you are using fields in the field catalogs that are to be derived from a formula during the update, then you are not recommended to specify a source field, as it does not make sense. The same applies if you want to include counters (for example, the number of order items) in the field catalog. Please refer to the chapter Updating Definition for more information on how to use formulas and counters.


Reference table / reference field The reference field specifies the technical attributes of a field. When information structures are generated, the reference field is used as a template for the technical attributes of the new Data Dictionary field. Source field and reference field are usually identical. Note An different reference field is always required if the field in an information structure must have different technical attributes to those of the source field. This is often the case for key figures, for example. The aggregation of many pieces of information from documents to one piece of cumulated information in the information structure means that a larger field is required to contain longer numbers. In this case, the technical attributes of the field to be generated in the information structure must be different to those of the source field from document processing. Another example is if you wish to use your own texts. Here, too, you need a reference field that is different from the source field. Please refer to the chapter on Technical Information for Field Catalogs for more information on the definition of new reference fields. Technical Information for Field Catalogs The following technical issues are of interest when maintaining field catalogs: o

When you specify a source field or a reference field, why are special tables used (for example, MCVBAK, MCEKKO, MCEKPO), and not the original tables (for example, VBAK, EKKO, EKPO)

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from document processing? o

What do you do if you need a reference field whose technical features differ from those of the source field?


What do you do if you use additional fields during document processing and you also want to use these fields during the statistics update? Special source tables

Special source tables are required in the LIS interface to interact between document processing and the updating of statistical data. The LIS interface works with different datasets than those used in document processing. It uses communication structures which are automatically supplied with the document data when the documents are posted. The use of these communication structures has the following benefits: o

Storing the data separately enables the system to perform statistics updating, which is independent of the document updating. The statistics update can therefore take place at a later point in time than document processing, which is more important for the operative business processes. This therefore reduces the system load while the critical posting activities take place.


The extent of the data that is transferred to the LIS interface from the operative processes can be reduced; the communication structures contain fewer fields than the corresponding structures in the application.


Seen from a technical perspective, the clear distinction between document processing and statistics updating makes it easier to connect an external system (e.g. SAP R/2) to the LIS.


If additional fields are required for the statistics update, which are not used in the operative document processing (e.g. additional grouping terms), then these fields can be assigned to the communication structures and can be individually supplied with data. All of the communication structures that are used have a similar structure. They contain three types of field: -

Fields from the corresponding structure in the application


Fields that are required in addition by the LIS interface in the standard system.


Additional fields that are required for statistics updating

Example from Sales: Communication structure MCVBAP (sales document: item data) -

INCLUDE VBAP (all fields from the corresponding application structure)


INCLUDE MCVBAPADD (additional fields in the SAP standard ..ADD)


INCLUDE MCVBAPUSR (additional self-defined fields ..USR)

Example from Purchasing: Communication structure MCEKKO (purchasing document header) -

MANDT, EBELN, ... (separate listing of fields - filter function)


INCLUDE MCEKKOADD (additional fields in the SAP standard ..ADD)


INCLUDE MCEKKOUSR (additional self-defined fields ..USR)

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Different reference field Reference fields which differ from the source field are needed if the target field in the information structure needs to have other technical features . Example o

This would be the case if the statistics field has to contain large figures that are the result of the cumulation of many separate pieces of information. The size of the source field in the document may not be sufficient in certain situations.


Another example, is if you feel that it is necessary to make the meaning of the statistics field more specific than what is offered by the source field in the document. If we take the Sales Information System as an example: you want to express the information concerning the returns order quantity separately from the information about the "normal" incoming orders quantity. To do that, you need to have different field texts and different field documentation in the information system. The source field is the same for both types of information, i.e "Item quantity in the sales order". The source field is given its different meaning for the statistics update by using different types of sales orders. You can illustrate the different meanings in the information system by using two different reference fields, different field texts, and different field documentation.

You can define new reference fields in the Data Dictionary of the system. Tables have already been created in the Data Dictionary and are designed to contain your new field definitions. Differing reference fields are also used in the standard SAP system. You can find the definitions in the following tables: o

SD: table MCVKENNZ1 (SAP standard) table MCVKUSR (additional self-defined fields ..USR)


Purchasing: table MCEKKZ (SAP standard) table MCEKUSR (additional self-defined fields ..USR) Additional fields in statistics updating

In the operative business processes, information which is not available in the SAP standard system is often processed. In this case, standard processing is usually modified. If you want to use this additional information for the statistics update, then you need to make this available to the LIS interface as well. You can do this by enhancing the respective communication structures in the Data Dictionary and maintaining the area "user-specific enhancements". Note If the additional fields are also to be used in the application in the corresponding structures, you then do not need to expand the communication structure. In Sales, for example, the complete application structure has been integrated into the communication structure. It therefore already includes the new fields. If the additional fields are not used in the application in the corresponding structures, the respective information cannot be copied automatically. You then need to write your own program which supplies the additional fields with data. Caution Before you program the enhancements, you are strongly advised to consult the SAP contact person responsible.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Information Structures In an information system, data aggregation is necessary in order to ensure that the user has a clear overview of key interrelationships. Since the requirements which need to be satisfied by data aggregation are determined by many different user groups, it is absolutely vital that aggregation functionality is flexible. Experience shows that various user groups need to view aggregated data from many different perspectives. The SAP system makes these different views possible by providing self-defined information structures. In the information structures, you can define your own view, by selecting the information from the operative application that you consider worthy of aggregation. A distinction is made between three types of information: o

Characteristics You can define a maximum of nine characteristics for each information structure. These characteristics form the table keys of the database table.


Key figures The key figures refer to values with significance to business, which are aggregated by means of the characteristics (e.g. invoiced sales, quantity of incoming orders, order quantity, lead time).


Period split The periodic cumulation of data is a further criterion for aggregation. The key figures are thus aggregated on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, or on the basis of a variable period split that is determined by the fiscal year variant.

Information structures can be classified according to certain structure characteristics. The standard information structures have the same basic structure (for example, they all contain four period fields). Information structures with the same indicator have the same structure type. The following types of information structures can be used in LIS: o

Type '': Standard Information structure with periodic transaction data. This is the normal type of information structure.


Type 'C': Without period Information structure containing no period data. It contains current stock values, for example the indicator "Stock".


Type 'D': Without update This information structure contains no actual data (or planning data, as applicable). It is therefore not possible to create an update for this information structure. This structure is necessary to ensure the periodic display of stock values. The actual data can be found in an assigned information structure, type 'standard' and 'without period'. The corresponding standard analysis reads the data from the assigned information structures and carries out a back calculation of stock.


Type 'E': Standard (with stock values) Information structure which contains periodic key figures including periodic stock values. These stock values must be included in the information structure at the end of the period (or any point) using a batch program.


Type 'F': Document evaluation

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Information structure used to display document data. These information structures are subject to various performance measures due to the volume of data expected (for example, planning is not allowed). Additional functionality exists within the standard analysis (for example, total document analysis). Implementation area: Shopping Basket Analysis IS-R. o

Type 'T': Transfer to SAP-BW Special information structure for transfers to the Business Information

Warehouse (BW). This information structure cannot be used in Reporting. These information structures are subject to performance measures (for example, planning not allowed) due to the volume of data expected. Use of these different types is dependent on the application in which they are to be created: Type ' ': All applications (default) Type 'C': Application 01 (Sales & Distribution), 03 (Inventory Controlling) and 40 (Retail) Type 'D': Application 03 (Inventory Controlling) and 40 (Retail) Type 'E': Application 03 (Inventory Controlling) and 40 (Retail) Type 'F': Application 40 (Retail) Type 'T': All applications When creating a customer-defined information structure using the attribute Planning possible, you must decide whether this is relevant or not. An information structure of type 'C' or type 'F' cannot be relevant to planning. It is important to consider whether the information structure to be created is to be used in planning, as information structures that cannot be used in planning significantly increase the speed of the evaluation during reporting. Information structures not relevant to planning have their existing key fields in the table converted, so that non-relevant fields (SSOUR, period fields not required) can be positioned at the end of the key fields. This speeds up the database search. If the self-defined information structure is to be populated with data, the primary index checks each table key. Version 000 is always used as the search criteria. The client is the first position in the database key, as otherwise each table in the data dictionary is interpreted as client-independent. The characteristics are positioned directly after the clients in the database key. The sections of the database key appear as follows: Client - characteristics - version - ... When the update is activated, the database key is converted again, so that the period selected for the update appears earlier in the key. Example: Client - month - characteristics - version - ... In order to avoid an accidental loss of data, key fields from an information structure not relevant to planning are only converted if there is no data in the accompanying database table. It is important to note the following: o

An information structure not relevant to planning can be used and updated with just one period (day, week, month, or posting period) in all clients of a system.


Changing a period results in the key fields being converted. It is only possible to change a period if none of the clients have any data in the database table anymore.

The self-defined and the standard information structures form the basis for all of the subsequent functions in the information system (e.g. analyses, planning).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Self-Defined Information Structures In this step, you can create, change, delete and display information structures. New self-defined information structures need a four-character name, which lies between S501 and S999. Information structures created with different names before Release 3.0A can still be used. Requirements If you wish to create an information structure that contains fields from different applications, you first need to create a self-defined application. Caution You can only change or delete information structures if no data is stored in them. If the information structure in question contains data, then you have to delete this data first. When you delete an information structure, all of the update rules that are assigned to it will also be deleted in all of the clients. Activities 1.

In the Info structure field, specify both a name and a description for the information structure that you wish to create.


Assign the information structure to an application.


You use the attribute to determine the type of info structure, and also to determine if this info structure can be planned. Once an information structure has been created with certain attributes, these attributes can not be changed.


If you want to create an information structure with reference to an information structure that already exists, specify the name of the information structure to which you are referring in the field Copy from info structure. The elements of the reference structure are then automatically copied to the new information structure. You can make changes to these proposals.


Press Enter. a)

If you chose type 'D' (without update), the transaction structure (type ' ') and the stock structure (type 'C') must be specified first. You now branch into the maintenance screen of the characteristics and key figures of the information structure. 6.

Select Edit -> Characteristics, in order to define the characteristics for the information structure. Two dialog boxes for selecting the characteristics are displayed. One dialog box (Chosen Characteristics: Sequence) lists the fields that have already been selected. To select other fields choose the function Selection list. The second dialog box (Selection List) consists of two lists. Only those field catalogs from which you can select characteristics are displayed. Only the field catalogs that apply to the selected application are displayed (characteristic catalogs).

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If you want to display the characteristics in a certain field catalog, select it by double-clicking on the catalog. The list on the left shows the characteristics from the selected field catalog.


If you want to copy a characteristic from the list to your information structure, position the cursor on the respective charcteristic name and select the function Copy. The characteristic you select is marked and is then copied into the list of the characteristics you have already selected. Note When you select field catalogs and characteristics, the respective descriptions are displayed. You can use the Switch display function to display the technical names (field catalog names and field names of the characteristic from the Dictionary).


You can branch into the list of selected characteristics, by pressing Enter. You can now edit this list further, i.e. you can change the sequence of the of the characteristics, delete characteristics from the list or insert new characteristics from the field catalogs. To change the sequence of the selected characteristics, proceed as follows: a)

Select the characteristic or block of characteristics that needs to be moved by double clicking or using icon Select/Deselect or Select block. The icon Move appears. Position your cursor on another character, and choose Move. The characteristic or block of characteristics that you marked first will now be be inserted exactly above this second characteristic.

An alternative to selecting characteristics from the field catalogs is to copy the characteristics from an information structure that already exists. Select the function Edit -> Chacteristics with reference. In the dialog box, specify the name of the information structure from which you want to copy the characteristics. Caution If you have already selected characteristics and use the "Characteristics with reference" function, the characteristics that you have already selected will be overwritten and not added. 10. In order to define the key figures for the information structure, select Edit -> Key figures. The system displays the field catalogs for key figures and the catalogs for date fields which correspond to the application. The procedure for the definition of the key figures is exactly the same as for the definition of the characteristics. Note It is sometimes necessary to define key figures which resemble characteristics in the key figure area. This is necessary in cases of information structures that are relatively document-specific, for example. The key figure catalogs in the standard system only contain key figures that can be calculated. If you want to define key figures that resemble characteristics, you need to have created your own key figure catalogs. When defining a key figure, you must also specify a unit. You thus determine the unit in which the key figure should appear in the information structure (for example, document currency, local currency, order unit, sales order unit). This causes the unit from the source field of the application to be proposed. The unit of the key figure can differ from this proposal. If you use similar key figures in an information structure whose source fields have different units (for example, local currency and document currency), these key figures are not directly comparable when different document currencies and local currencies are used in evaluations.

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In this case you can assign the unit "local currency" to the key figure whose source field is in document currency for statistical purposes. If the units in the source field and key figure are different, the units are automatically converted when the statistics update from the application takes place. Caution There is a limited number of ways in which the unit conversions can be used. Only very specific conversisons are allowed for the statistics update. These are, as a rule, the unit conversions whose conversion factors are saved in the document of the application. This is required to guarantee the consistency of statistics updates when changes are made to the document. This will help prevent inconsistencies arising during the time between the creation of a document and the subsequent changes to the document. In both cases, the same conversion rate is used for the unit conversion. Note When the information structure is generated, a corresponding unit field is automatically created in the information structure in accordance with the selected unit. This unit field is automatically supplied with the respective unit that corresponds to the key figure during updating. The automatic generation of a unit field does not occur for key figures that do not have a unit or for numerators. It is possible to use self-defined units for self-defined key figures. If the log shows missing entries for the table TMC6 and TMC24 after the check or generation, execute maintain units. They also play an important role in standard analyses for the definition of a key figure. If you use qualitative key figures, it is not recommended to display these key figures as a percentage. For example, if the key figure value to be evaluated is greater than the key figure 3.5 by 1.5, it does not make sense to illustrate both of the key figures as a percentage of a sum of 5.0. The indicator "SKz" (summation indicator) indicates whether the value of the key figure can be properly cumulated. This information is used in the standard analysis for totals formation, execution of the ABC analysis, classification and segmentation. It is also used in Copy Management. Caution This key figure does not affect the display of totals in the flexible analyses. a)

In information structures for which the attribute Planning possible is set, you can select the indicator "FKz" (Fix indicator) so that the values of this key figure can be fixed in the planning table in Flexible Planning. During generation, an additional field is created, with the prefix "F". Example: If the field name is AETNETWR, a field with the name FAETNETWR is generated in the dictionary table and the database table. This field is not displayed in the information structure.


In information structures of type 'D' (without update) or type 'E', (standard with valuations) stock values are marked with the indicator "BWt" (Stock value). For the stock values with an information structure type 'D' (without updating) you must define the stock value in the stock info structure type 'C' (without period), and the receipt/issue values in the transactional information structure type ' ' (standard). To do so, choose Edit -> Receipt/issue key figures.

11. Save the information structure. 12. Choose Info structure -> Generate During generation, the dictionary table and its database table for the information structure "Snnn" and the table for the planning hierarchy "SnnnE" are created ("nnn" is the number of the information structure). In order to generate this environment automatically, select the function "Generate info structure". First you gain an overview of the most important steps of the generation (brief summary of the generation log). Position your cursor on a row in the log and choose Goto -> Detailed log for a detailed

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overview of the object created. Alternatively, you can choose Goto -> Complete log to see the entire log. Using Goto -> Documentation, you can obtain a message number and the long text (if available) for the message, which is useful in solving the problem. To print the log, select the function Log -> Print. It is possible to display the generated objects. Position the cursor on the appropriate line of the log and select Goto -> Generated object. You then branch to the Dictionary to display the generated table. If you need precise technical information about the characteristics or key figures, select the function Edit -> Techn. field inform. The following information is shown in a dialog box: o

the field name of the characteristic or the key figure as it was created in the information structure and in the accompanying Dictionary table This field name is a default name from the name of the reference field and can be overwritten.


the names of the reference table and the reference field from which the technical features for the fields in the information structure are copied. These fields can also be overwritten.


the name of the corresponding data element and the domain of the reference field


The name of the source field is for documentation purposes only in this case. It is proposed as a source field when you define the update rules. It is important to display the unit of the source field for the technical features of the key figure. Only specific unit conversions to the unit of the key figure are permitted, dependending on this source unit.

In you wish to display the field documentation, position the cursor on a characteristic or a key figure and select the function Edit -> Display field docu. The documentation of the respective reference field is then shown. You can use Edit -> General features to display the name of the Dictionary table that belongs to the information structure. The table is only displayed if the information structure has already been saved or generated. You can use the function Tools -> Transport features to change the transport features (development class) of an object. You can use Environment to branch into any update definition of an information structure or to display the generation log for an information structure. Display Generation Log for Information Structures When the system generates an information structure, it also writes a log. This log lists the objects that were created during the generation. The log also displays any errors that occurred during generation. The system saves the generation log. You can therefore also display deletion logs for information structures that have already been deleted. In this step, you can display the last log (deletion log) written for each information structure.

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Activities 1.

Enter the name of the information structure for which the log is to be displayed.


Press ENTER. Tools You have the following tools o



To edit the statistical data -

Setup statistical data


Distribute statistical data using ALE


Copy Management

To generate information structures, updates and components dependent on information structures: -

Reset generation time stamp


Carry out mass generation

For maintenance of self-defined units -

Maintain units Setup of Statistical Data During a setup (statistical setup), the information structures are filled with consistent and complete data. The statistical setup of one or more information structures is necessary in the following cases: o

If an information structure was created using the Logistics Data Warehouse (statistical database)


If the update for the information structures was activated after documents were already in the system that were meant to be included in the statistics


If the statistical update in Customizing was changed


If the statistical data is inconsistent Preparation

To restart a statistical update after an termination, allocate a name to each background run of the setup. If a statistical setup is then terminated or if a setup is interrupted from the archive documents, the status of the setup will then be saved under the name of this run. When restarting under the same name, processing will continue from the intermediate status that was saved. After the run is successfully completed, the intermediate status that was saved is deleted.

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Recommendation o

The reports should run as a background job.


You should not change the sequence of steps that describe the statistical setup of information structures (procedure). Procedure

The following steps are necessary to perform a complete statistical set up: 1.

Initialize version for statistical setup For reasons of security, the statistical data determined during a setup is not directly written into an information structure, but are saved instead under a separate version name. This version must be activated for intermediate storage before the statistical setup is carried out. For this purpose, the report RMCSISCP is available. The actual data is saved under the version name "000".


Save actual data The actual data in the system should be saved for safety reasons. Again, use report RMCSISCP for this purpose.


Edit all archived documents To do this, you can use the various reports that are available in the individual applications.


Edit all documents in the system This also takes place via the various reports that are available in the individual applications.


Transfer the data which was obtained in the statistical setup from the statistical setup version to the actual version The data obtained is only imported to the actual version instead of the existing data after the successful completion of the statistical setup. The report RMCSISCP is again used for this purpose. Note You can see the versions of the standard information structures by using the standard analyses. Here are the following possibilities: a)

You can allocate the version number of the version as a value to the user parameter "MCR" that you would like to see. On the selection screen of the standard analysis, the field Version under Parameters is automatically completed with the given version number. The version number can be changed simply by overwriting it. This setting is user-dependent and applies to all standard analyses.


If you assign the value "X" to the user paramter "MCR", the version "000" will generally appear on the selection screen of the standard analyses. Even in this case, the version number can be overwritten. This setting is also user-dependent and applies to all standard analyses. If you want to use either one of these functions, select System -> User profile -> User parameters. You can select this function from any menu. Recommendation

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You should change the user parameters in an alternative session, as it is not possible to return to the starting point from the user parameters maintenance screen. c)


Via "User settings", you can also make specifications for the versions, which are also user-dependent, but also only refer to one particular standard analysis. To do this, in the selection screen of the standard analysis, select Goto -> User settings. You are now in the standard drill-down. Select Goto ->Parameters. If you set the indicator "Selectable version", the field "Version" with the version number "000" will also appear on the selection screen. This version number can be overwritten at any time and thus changed.

Follow-up processing After successfully completing the statistical setup, you can then delete data that is no longer needed by deleting the version under which this data is saved. These include: -

Safety copy

Version for statistical setup The report RMCSISCP can be used for this purpose. Activities To carry out a statistical setup, procede as follows: 1.

Enter your selection requirements.


Save your entries.


Select Program -> Execute. Description of the report RMCSISCP

The report RMCSISCP is used in all information systems in Logistics. For this reason, the report is described below. You can use report RMCSISCP you can copy or delete versions from information structures under which statistical data has been saved. The data, that has been saved in an information structure, is different due to the version under which they have been saved. The version "000" includes the actual data, i.e., the data that was written into the information structure as a result of the statistical update. The intermediate results are stored in the versions that begin with "&(" and that are created when an information structure is setup. Planning data is stored under all other versions (that means version A000 and all numerical versions except version 000). The statistical setup of an information structure is carried out just like the online update, with the difference being that the data is not usually written into version "000" first, but rather into a version that you choose, that begins with "&(". The data is only copied from this version into the "000" version after the successful completion of the initial transfer.

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Note While copying into the "000" version, you must not carry out any postings that update the respective information structure. To keep the old version "000" (the existing actual data) from being lost, save it under another version. This "safety copy" is also generated with report RMCSISCP. You can use the indicator "Initialize target version" to delete data data stored until now under this version. If the indicator "Do not copy initial records" is set, data records are only set if at least one key figure is not initial. Attention The report RMCSISCP should only be used for copying, deleting and for copying + deleting. Copy Management should be used to meet more complex requirements (Tools -> Copy Management). Activities 1.

Enter the name of the information structure that is to be copied/deleted.


Choose a processing type. The Copy Management screen is called up. The processing type that you have selected is already set.


Here you make all the remaining entries required for selection. Additional functions

You can also call up a log which contains detailed information about all of the completed setup runs. This function allows you to make restrictions by specifying the start date of a run, the run name, the user and the application. You can also either print the list of selected setup runs or the detail screen for a setup run. Cross-Application Selection Parameters The following section describes the selection parameters that are used by several applications for the setup of statistical data. Specifications for the target structures: o

Information structure to be set up Here, you can specify which information structures you would like to supply with data. The information structures that you specify here will be set up.


Save under a version To optimize saving the statistical data, the actual data will not be overwritten by the data of the statistical setup. During the statistical setup, the statistical data is stored under the version that you specify here, whereas statistical data is stored in the information structures under the version "000" (actual data) in the case of

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online entry and online updating of an order. The "000" version is the version that is used by the information systems to refer to their data. The reports for the statistical setup do not prevent the data that already exists from being unavailable. The old data is not replaced by the new data until later, in a subesequent step of the setup. After completing the setup of statistical data you can analyze the results and then copy them to the actual version (report RMCVISCP). This report also allows you to save the old actual values in a version. Note All versions, that begin with "&(" are reserved for the setup of statistical data. The other versions (i.e. version A00 and all numerical versions except version 000) are available as planning versions. You can use a standard analysis to look at the SAP standard information structures, by specifying the version number of the version that you would like to analyze (to see the various options available to you here, refer to the section Setup of Statistical Data under "Procedure"). The standard analyses then read the data of the version you have specified, and no longer read the actual data. Restriction of the document data : o

Archive file Here, you specify the name of the archive file from which the archived documents are to be read. If you do not specify an archive, the documents will be read from the residence (the documents located in the system).


Archiving run Archiving runs are numbered consecutively, and called up automatically and sequentially. The numbers for the archiving runs are applicable to all objects.

Control of the setup run: o

Name of the run In order to continue an interrupted or a terminated setup, you must assign a name to each run of the report, under which the status of the run will be permanently stored. The system then searches for the first document that has not yet been processed and subsequently begins to process it under this name. Note To avoid similarities in the names, use the transaction se16 to check the list of names that already exist in the table TMCW3.


New run If you set this indicator, document processing then begins with the first selected document if an entry for restarting still exists under the run name used.


Termination date and termination time You can determine when processing should end. If a report runs over the weekend, for example, it would make sense to stop processing on Monday morning when online operations begin again. This is particularly necessary if you have selected the option "Lock all documents".


Redetermining the update group If you set this indicator, the update group will be redetermined for the documents processed during the

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setup in accordance with the settings that you have made in Customizing for the respective application. o

Update documents If you set this indicator, the redetermined update groups will be written to the documents. The advantage here is that if a change is made to a document, the current update group is taken into account when the change is updated. If you have changed the Customizing settings, you should definitely make use of this option.

Specifications for the use of ALE (Application Link Enabling: o

Statistical setup: partner system In the case of distributed systems, if you set this indicator, only the partner system will be set up, and not the local one.


Logical target system Here, you specify the name of the system that is to be set up. Further information about logical systems can be found in the Implementation Guide for "Distribution (ALE)", under Cross-Application Components -> Distribution (ALE) -> Basic Configuration -> Set up logical system. Application-Specific Setup of Statistical Data This section describes the application-specific features of the respective applications that can perform a setup of statistical data. Perform Statistical Setup - Sales In this step you can either populate the information structures of the Sales Information System initially using document data from the SD application, or correct data inconsistencies. The report RMCVNEUA performs the statistical setup of the sales information structures from orders. It reads the orders and updates the data with statistical relevance in the same way as if they were being newly created. Both archived orders and orders that are in the system are used in the processing. The report reads the documents that you selected in the selection screen and triggers the statistics update. This helps you to ensure that the documents processed by the report are updated in such a way that the newly determined update group is placed in the order. The advantage here is the same rules apply when subsequentchanges are made to an order, and so the process is identical to the statistical set up. Archived documents are not updated, as they should no longer be changed, as a rule, and the update would be too time-consuming.

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Note The report RMCVNEUL performs the statistical set up of the sales information structures from deliveries, the report RMCVNEUF performs the statistical set up from billing documents. The same rules apply to both of these reports as those for the report which processes the orders. The reports RMCVNEUL and RMCVNEUF will not therefore be described separately. Requirements To execute the statistical setup of one or more of the information structures, all of the orders, deliveries and billing documents must be read. As a rule, this involves a large overhead. To avoid any inconsistencies, all of the documents that are in the system must be processed in one step. At this time the sales documents should not be changed, and no new sales documents should be created. Documents that have already been archived can be worked on in succession. Recommendation In order to keep the number of documents to be set up in the system down to a minimum, you should archive unnecessary sales documents before the statistical setup . Application-specific selection parameters


Sales organization Here you specify the sales organizations to which the statistical setup applies.


Company code If a link to cash management and forecast exists, then this will be supplied with the data from the Sales Information System update. The update of this data is company code-dependent. Selecting the company codes means that only the data from the sales organizations that are allocated to the selected company codes is updated. If you use this selection criterion, the documents are not updated, even when you have selected the option "Update documents" at the same time.


Sales document Here, you can restrict the number of documents that should be included in the statistical setup. You should only use this selection criterion for tests and when making subsequent updates of faulty documents, since all of the documents should, as a rule, be worked on.


Block all orders/deliveries/billing documents You should select this option to prevent the sales documents that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended.


Number of tolerated faulty documents If the report comes across a faulty document during the statistical setup (for example, if an order includes a customer that is no longer available in the system), the document and the cause of the error are then shown in the log of the background job. In this case, no updating takes place.

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You can also determine the number of faulty documents that are to be tolerated before the report terminates. You should first start the report with a small number of tolerated faulty documents. This will allow general errors (for example, a sales organization no longer exists) to be found beforehand. Procedure A complete statistical setup of the sales information structures consists of the following steps: 1.

Update the version for the statistical setup For security reasons, the statistical data that is obtained during a statistical setup is not directly written into an information structure, but is stored under a separate version name. This version must be initialized before the statistical set up for intermediate storage purposes. To do this, use report RMCSISCP. The actual data is saved under the version name "000".


Save actual data The actual data that is in the system should be saved for reasons of safety. To do this, also use RMCSISCP.


Process all archived orders You can do this via the report RMCVNEUA. Note Processing of the archived orders can easily be carried out in a few steps without any problems.


Process all archived deliveries To do this, use report RMCVNEUL. Note Processing of the archived deliveries can easily be carried out in a fewsteps without any problems.


Process all archived billing documents To do this, use report RMCVNEUF. Note Processing of the archived billing documents can be easily carried out in a few steps without any problems.


Process all sales and distribution documents in the system The sales and distribution documents (orders, deliveries and billing documents) that have been archived can be changed online at any time. To prevent inconsistent statistical data, no sales and distribution documents may be created or changed during the processing of these documents. For this reason, this step is divided up into three parts, each of which should be carried out as a background job: a)

Process all orders that reside in the system


Process all deliveries that reside in the system


Process all billing documents that reside in the system

Note Perform these steps sequentially. Do not start the next step until the previous one has been successfully completed.

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Caution If the update group has been correctly set in all of the documents, you do not need to redetermine the update group during the statistical setup. Furthermore, you do not need to perform a document update. In this case, it is possible to carry out the reports RMCVNEUA, RMCVNEUL and RMCVNEUF in parallel. If you wish to use this option, you can neither set the indicator "Redetermine update group" nor the indicator "Update documents". Detailed information can be found in the note 0019056 in OSS. 7.

Analyze and process incorrect documents where necessary a)

Check the faulty documents that have been listed in the log of the background runs.


Correct the errors.


Start the corresponding statistical setup reports with the corrected documents.


Transfer the data that was obtained by the statistical setup from the version for the statistical setup into the actual version The data obtained from the statistical setup is not imported to the actual version to replace the existing data until the setup has been successfully completed. You should use report RMCSISCP to do this.


Subsequent processing After the statistical setup has been successfully completed, you can delete the data that is no longer needed. This consists of: -

versions that are no longer needed Use the report RMCSISCP to delete them.


the statistical data that was created during the setup in intermediate storage Use the report RMCVNEDE to delete this data.

Description of the report RMCVNEDE The report "RMCVNEDE" is only used in the Sales Information System. It is designed to delete the temporary storage which was created during the statistical setup. During the statistical set up, data is stored temporarily during the processing of orders and deliveries. This data is required in subsequent steps of the statistical setup. Intermediate storage takes place in the tables "MCVSRFK" (header data) and "MCVSRFP" (item data). You can delete this intermediate storage area after the statistical setup has been successfully completed. Note When the update group is redetermined in the Sales Information System, the statistic currency for the sales organization is redetermined according to the current Customizing settings (if you selected the option Update documents) and is copied to the appropriate application tables in Sales & Distribution.

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Caution The report "RMCVNEDE" is only intended to be used as a background job. To do this, select System -> Services -> Reporting. Specify the name of the report and select the function Program -> Background. You also have to specify a variant. Additional Hints Before you set up information structures in the Sales Information System (SIS), please read note 0174134 in OSS. In this note, you will find a list of all of the notes that are concerned with known program errors or performance problems in the setup of statistical data for SIS. These notes contain both the necessary corrections for your release level and tips and tricks. Perform Setup - Sales Support In this IMG activity, you have the option of resetting the information structures in the Sales Information System for Sales Suppoer. Program RMCVNEUC is designed to statistically set up the sales information structures from the following areas: o

Sales activities


Sales promotions


Address lists

It reads the documents and updates the statistically relevant data in such a way that it is as if it has been newly created. Here both archived documents and documents residing in the system are processed. The program selects the documents in accordance with the selection criteria you define in the selection screen and triggers updating. You can also specify that this program puts the current defined update group in the respective document. This ensures that the subsequent change made to a document is carried out in accordance with the same rules that apply to the setup of statistical data. Perform Setup - Transportation In this step, you initialize the information structures of the transportation information system. The report RMCVNEUT is used for the statistical setup of the transportation information structure from transport documents. It reads the documents and updates the data relevant to statistics as if it were newly created.

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Only orders resident in the system are processed. The report reads the documents you chose in the selection screen and triggers the statistics update. You can define that this report updates the documents it processes. It does this by including in the order the update group determined in the order. The advantage is that the additional change to the order is carried out according to the same rules as for statistical setup. Application-Specific Selection Parameters o

Name of run Name in which the date determined is to be saved. Use In case you include a terminated run (in other words, do not carry out a new run), it starts with the data already determined, which means that the next run is executed with data that was selected up to the termination time specified.


New run Indicator defining that a new run should be started. Use If you set this indicator, the processing of the documents begins with the first of the selected documents if there is still an entry to be restarted in the run name used.


Termination date Date until which the run should be executed.


Termination time Time until which the run should be executed.


Redetermine update groups If you set this indicator, the update group for the documents processed in the statistical setup is redetermined according to the definitions made in Customizing of the relevant application.


Update documents If you set this indicator, the redetermined update groups will be put in the documents. The advantage therefore being that the current update group is used to update any change to a document. If you have changed the Customizing settings, you should make use of this option.


Block all transports You should select this option to prevent resident transport documents from being changed during a statistical setup. However, it can be advantageous not to choose this option if tests are to be carried out while the system is in operative use.


Number of faulty documents tolerated If the report comes across a faulty document during the statistical setup (for example, an order contains a customer who is no longer available in the system), the document and the cause of error are included in the log for the background run. In this case, the update is not continued. At this point, you can define the number of faulty documents tolerated before the report is terminated with an error message. At first, you should start the report with a low number of tolerated faulty documents. This means that general errors can be found in advance. Procedure

A complete statistical setup of the transportation information structures consists of the following steps:

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Initialize version for statistical setup For security reasons, the statistical data determined in the statistical setup is not written straight to an information structure. Instead, it is saved under its own version name. This version for temporary storage must be initialized before the statistical setup. The report RMCSISCP is available for this purpose. The actual data is saved under the name "000"


Save actual data The actual data in the system should be saved for security. You should also use report RMCSISCP for this purpose.


Process all transport documents Transport documents that are not archived can be changed online at any point. To prevent statistical data becoming inconsistent, no transport documents can be created or changed while these documents are being processed. Attention If the update group is already correctly set in all documents, it does not need to be redetermined during the statistical setup. This also means that no document update needs to take place.


Analyze, and if necessary, reprocess faulty documents a)

Check the list of faulty documents in the log for the background run.


Correct the error.


Start the relevant statistical setup report with the repaired documents.


Copy recovered data from version for statistical setup to actual version Once the statistical setup has been successfully completed, the recovered data is copied to the actual version (instead of the previous data). This also takes place via the report RMCSISCP.


Post-process You can delete data no longer required once the statistical setup has been successfully completed. This data consists of versions no longer required. Use the report RMCSISCP to delete versions no longer needed. Perform Setup - Purchasing In this step you can initialize the information structures from the Purchasing Information System. The report RMCVNEUA performs the statistical setup of the sales information structures from purchasing documents. It reads the purchasing documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents in accordance with the selection you made in the selection screen. Both archived documents and documents that are in the system are processed. Start statistics reconstruction for archived purchase vouchers. Mark in addition the flag < ZK>Archive file< / >. it were added: Use a version, which with ' & (' begins. This name space is reserved for statistics reconstruction. Start afterwards statistics reconstruction for resident purchase vouchers. Mark in addition the

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flag < ZK>Archive file< / > < ZH>not< / >. using you the same version, which you already used for the statistics reconstruction of the archived purchase vouchers. Check your version of the information structure over the ' flexible analyses ' or ' standard analyses '. In order to analyze with the standard analyses the data of the again structured version, you enter the parameter ' MCR ' into your user master and assign it as value the version of reconstruction. Delete the actual version 000 over the report < ZH>RMCSISCP< / >. copying you afterwards with the help of the report < ZH>RMCSISCP< / > your version of the information structure into the actual version 000. < ZH>Note< / > Note No online postings can be made while a statistical setup of Purchasing Information System information structures is running in the background. Application-specific selection parameters


Purchsing organization Here you can specify the purchasing organizations for which the statistical setup is to be carried out.


Purchasing document Here, you can restrict the number of documents which are to be included in the statistical setup. This selection criterion should only be used for tests and during the subsequent update of faulty documents, since all documents should be processed as a rule.


Block all documents You should select this option to prevent the purchasing documents that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended. Perform Setup - Inventory Controlling In this step you can initialize the information structures in Inventory Controlling. You can use the following reports for this purpose: o

RMCBNEUA This report supports the statistical setup of information structures from material movements. It reads the material documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents in accordance with the selection that you made in the selection screen. The system then processes both the archived documents and those documents in the system. Application-specific selection parameters -

Posting date Here you specify the posting date of the documents, which is to be affected by the statistical setup.


Material document Here you can restrict the number of documents to be included in the statistical setup.

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You should only use this selection criterion for tests and for the subsequent updating of incorrect documents, since all documents should be processed as a rule. Note Using the radio button, you can decide whether you want to select by document number or posting date. o

RMCBNEUB This report supports the statistical setup of information structures from INVCO. It reads the material stocks and other material master information and triggers the statistics update of these documents in accordance with the selection that you made in the selection screen. This also allows you to display the stocks for which no goods movements exist. Application-specific selection parameters -

Plant Here, you enter the keys of the plants to be affected by the statistical setup.


Material Here you specify the number of the materials which are to be affected by the statistical setup.


Storage location Here you specify the number of the storage locations which are to be affected by the statistical setup.

Note You can use the radio button to select from only valued stocks, or from all stocks, including those where no value is assigned. o

RMCBNERP This report supports the statistical setup of information structures from invoice verification. It reads the accounting documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents in accordance with the selection you made in the selection screen. The system then processes both the archived documents and the documents in the system. Application-specific selection parameters -

Company code Here you specify the company code that is to be used in the setup of statistical data.


Accounting document Here you specify the numbers of the accounting documents, which are to be used in the statistical setup.

Note Here it is also possible to select according to posting date or document number. Perform Setup - Warehouse Management In this step you can initialize the information structures of Warehouse Management.

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You can use the following reports to do this: o

RMCWMNMB This report supports the setup of information structures from material documents. It reads the material documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents, based on the selection you made in the selection screen. In this process, both the archived documents and the documents in the system are processed. Application-specific selection parameters



Warehouse number Here you specify the key of the warehouse to which the statistical setup is to apply.


Material document year Specify the material document years which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Posting date Specify the posting date of the documents to which the statistical setup applies.


Material document Here you can restrict the number of documents that are to be included in the setup. This selection criterion should only be used for tests and during the subsequent update of faulty documents, since generally all documents should be processed.


Block all material documents You should select this option to prevent the material documents that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisable to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended.

RMCWMNTA This report is used for the setup of information structures from transfer orders. It reads the transfer orders and triggers the statistics update of these documents in accordance with the selection you made in the selection screen. Caution During the setup of information structures S090 (Stock placement and removal) or S091 (Flow of quantities) from the archive, it is possible that information will not be available from the dependent documents for the transfer orders. The transfer order of the central document is in Warehouse Management, and therefore in this case the key figures cannot be updated in the same way as is the case for online updating. Application-specific selection parameters -

Date of Creation Here you specify the creation date of the tranfer orders to which the statistical setup should apply.


Transfer order Here you specify the numbers of the transfer orders which are to be included in the statistical setup.

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Block all transfer orders You should select this option to prevent the transfer orders that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended. Perform Setup - Production In this step you can initialize the information structures from the Shop Floor Information System. The following report helps you to do this: o

RMCFNEUA. It reads the production orders and triggers the statistics update of these orders in accordance with the selection you made in the selection screen. In this process, only the production orders in the system are processed and not those that have already been archived. Application-specific selection parameters -

Plant Here you specify the key of the plants to which the setup of statistical data applies.


MRP controller Here you specify the numbers of the MRP controllers or the MRP controller groups which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Production order Here, you specify the order numbers which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Production scheduler Here, you specify the production scheduler groups which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Entry date Here, you specify the creation date of the production orders to which the statistical setup applies.


Check for S021 If you set this indicator, the system carries out a check via the information structure S021 (production order) to see whether a production order was already updated for the specified version. Updating is only carried out if this is not the case. Note In the standard R/3 system, this indicator is not set.


Enhanced setup of statistical data Some communication structures must be stored in the Shop Floor Information System for technical reasons. This applies to release versions and costs. If you use the indicator "Enhanced setup", the respective communication structures will be set up. The note also applies to this (see below), which states that the quality of the setup data is generally worse than the quality of the data from online updating.

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You can use report RMCFCSCP to copy the communication structures that were created by the enhanced statistical setup. Caution You can perform a statistical setup for two basic reasons: In the first case, you wish to perform a statistical setup of all the selected data because the statistics update was switched off, for example, or because there were errors in the statistical data. In this case, it is recommended to execute an enhanced statistical setup. In the second case, you want to fill a new information structure with statistical data. In this case, you should not execute an enhanced statistical setup. o

RMCFCSCP This report has essentially the same functionality as the report RMCSISCP. Both of these reports enable you to copy or delete versions as part of the statistical setup. In contrast to report RMCVISCP, the selection criterion "Date" is not not included in the report RMCFCSCP. Instead, the report RMCFCSCP uses the selection criterion Order. Here, you need to specify the order numbers of the production orders which determine the restrictions to be made. Note

Due to technical reasons involving data, the calculated costs cannot be reconstructed according to specific work centers because this allocation is only temporary. This is not relevant to the production cost analysis (S027) since the work center is not a characteristic in this standard analysis. Perform Setup - Quality Management In this step, you can initialize the information structures of the Quality Management Information System (QMIS). To do this, use report RMCQNEUA. This report supports the statistical setup of information structures from the following documents: o

Inspection lots


Inspection lots with usage decision


Quality notifications

The system reads these documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents, in accordance with the selection made by you in the selection screen. Only documents in the system will thus be processed, and not those documents that have been already archived. Application-specific selection parameters


Block all documents You should select this option to prevent the documents that are in the system from being changed during

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a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended. Perform Setup - Plant Maintenance In this step you can initialize the information structures of the Plant Maintenance Information System. The following reports are available for this purpose: o

RIPMCO00 This report is designed for the statistical setup of file PMCO (order costs).


RIPMS001 This report is designed for the statistical setup of the information structures in Plant Maintenance. The following events are taken into account: -

Plant maintenance notification




Functional location


PM order (historical and current orders)

The statistical setup of information structures is necessary in the following situtaions: o

if you have created new information structures


if you have changed the value categories


if you have changed the statistics currency

You must then always start report "RIPMC000" if you have changed the value categories in Customizing. Afterwards you must set up the information structures respectively again. Caution The file PMCO is the basis file for the information structures of Plant Maintenance, therefore you absolutely must perform the statistical setup of this file before you set up the information structures. Documentation for report RIPMS001 The report RIPMS001 always sets up all information structures of application 07 (plant maintenance). From a technical viewpoint, the setup of statistical data occurs in three steps: 1.

Check / Deletion of the target version


Setup of the info structures of application 07 into the temporary version The system automatically creates temporary versions beginning with the start indicator you specified in the selection screen.


Aggregation of the temporary versions to the target version

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Possible input parameters o

Target version The newly setup info structure data is saved under this version.


Temporary version The information structures are filled during the parallel setup of statistical data under this version number.


Server group Server groups are used internally for load distribution of background jobs.


Number of parallel processes You can define the maximum number of parallel used processes here. If the number you choose here is larger than the maximum number (for system technical reasons) of parallel processes, only the system technical process number is used.


Run name Is used to identify the setup of statistical data. The system fills the field run name with the first two letters of the user name and current date.


Date / Time of termination Time by which the setup of statistical data should be completed.


New run If you select this indicator, the data determined up until the specified date and time of termination is included in the next program run and is not recalculated.


Lock all documents Indicator with which you can determine that resident documents are locked during a statistical setup of data and can thereby not be changed. For tests that run parallel to the operative process, it can be desirable not to set the lock.


Parallel merge In the last phase of the statistical setup of data, in which the target version is set up from the temporary versions, you can decide whether this merge takes place sequentially in the active background process or whether a separate background process is started per info structure. Additional functions

In the Plant Maintenance Information System, the system automatically makes a log after every completed Online run. This log can be printed, but not saved. Perform Setup - Retail In this step, you can perform the statistical setup of information structures which contain retail-specific key figures. The setup of statistical data in the Retail Information System (RIS) consists of three components:

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Setup of data from Inventory Controlling (material documents)


Setup of data from Purchasing (purchasing documents)


Setup of data from Sales and Distribution (billing documents)

The report RMCWNEUA is available for this purpose. It reads the material documents, the purchasing documents, as well as the billing documents and triggers the statistics update of these documents in accordance with the selection made by you in the selection screen. The selection screen adapts to the respective components that you selected under the option "Specifications for the target structures". In this process, both the archived documents and the documents in the system are processed. Caution In order to avoid any subsequent inconsistencies in the data, no documents should be created, changed, deleted, or archived during a setup of statistical data. Standard settingds The SAP standard system supports the setup of statistical data from the three components listed above, i.e., it sets the respective indicators for the setup of statistical data from material documents, from purchasing documents, and from billing documents. Recommendation In order to obtain consistent key figure information for the Retail Information System, you should perform a statistical setup for the three three components (SD, INVCO, Purchasing) at least for the first time you perform a statistical setup. In the case of any subsequent statistical setup, this is no longer necessary as a rule, nor is it recommended, as a complete statistical setup of the information structures in the Retail Information System is extremely time-consuming. Further Notes You can find detailed information about the individual statistical setups that are used in the Retail Information System in the respective descriptions of the setup of statistical data for Inventory Controlling, Purchasing and Sales and Distribution. Perform Setup - Warehousing & Shipping In this step you can initialize information structures for the rough load estimate. Note A statistical setup of rough load information from historical information is not normally necessary, as only the current daily load or coming loads for days in the future are of any relevance to controlling.

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It can however also be used to set up comparison values from historical horizons, for example so that the approximate warehouse load can be forecasted for special weeks in the year (christmas and easter sales, for example). However, if you do wish to carry out a statistical setup for the rough load estimate so that you can forecast based on values for a year, you must initialize the appropriate information structures for the rough load estimate. Do so as follows: 1.

Execute the statistical setup for Purchasing and


the statistical data from sales orders and deliveries in the Sales & Distribution area. Note

Please note that this statistical setup is very performance intensive. It should only be executed after careful consideration. Further notes Before carrying out a statistical setup of information structures for the rough load estimate, you must read OSS note 0017557. This note lists all notes that deal with known program errors and performance problems within the rough load estimate statistical setup. These notes describe the corrections required for your release, and also contain useful tips and tricks. Distribution of Statistical Data (ALE) The following section contains all information that is relevant for the distribution of statistical data in the Logistics Information System (LIS). For more information on Distribution (ALE), please refer to the Implementation Guide of the same name or the "ALE Consulting Handbook" under "Cross-Application Components". Note Before you use ALE (Application Link Enabling) in your place of business, you are first strongly recommended to read the above documentation on distribution in full. Background In the past few years, a new business philosophy has taken hold whereby rigidly-held centralized management areas were transferred more and more to the organizational units of the business that are linked to the production and the information that is used there. This development has not only led to the increasing independence of business units, but also to changes in the business processes and thereby in the way processes were run. As a result, the flow of logistics and information must also adapt to these changes. At the same time, however, a high level of communication must be sustained so that multi-tasked functions have quick and easy access to information from all areas.

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Goal and concept ALE (Application Link Enabling) supports the setup and operation of distributed applications in one integrated system. This makes it possible for an exchange of data between a central application and several distributed applications, which run on various logical systems. ALE encompasses an exchange of messages controlled by the business, and at the same time consistent data retention in loosely linked SAP applications. The individual applications run autonomously, i.e. each non-central application has its own data basis which leads to redundant data retention. The data must therefore be distributed and synchronized in the overall system. The different distribution capabilities are integrated into the individual R/3 applications. The application initiates the distribution of the data. The communication that is necessary to do this takes place asynchronously by using so-called IDocs (Intermediate Documents). The IDoc has a neutral data structure. For that reason, not only can SAP systems (R/3 - R/3, R/2 - R/3) communicate by using IDocs, but non-SAP systems and the SAP R/3 system can also communicate with each other. ALE also enables communication between different release levels. To ensure that this functions correctly, data must be exchanged continually between the decentralized applications. This includes: o

Control data (data from Customizing)


Master data


Transaction data ALE in the Logistics Information System (LIS)

At present, ALE can support the following distribution scenarios in LIS: o

Cross-system Inventory Controlling


Cross-system Purchasing Information System


Cross-system Sales Information System

You can use ALE to distribute the statistical data from these logistics information systems in such a way that detailed statistical data is saved in the decentralized systems. This detailed data can then be consolidated and made available at any time in aggregated form in a centralized system. Consolidated statistics can even be saved when business transactions have been performed on various R/3 systems. It is also possible to update differing statistics in the decentralized systems and in a centralized system. The use of ALE in LIS is brings particular benefits in the area of performance, as LIS can run independently of the applications, on a separate system that has more capacity. This allows the various systems to communicate on various levels with one another: o

Via the exchange of aggregated data


Via the event-driven data exchange

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Exchange of Aggregated Data In the exchange of aggregated data, data in the operative application is aggregated in an information structure defined for this purpose in the respective information system. This data is then sent at regular intervals to a central system. Evaluations take place at local level. Access to individual documents from the application or the cumulation of the imported data is no longer possible in the receiving system. The exchange of aggregated data causes the locally aggregated data to be made centrally available. Requirements o

Sender and receiver must use the same information structure for the exchange of aggregated data.


In addition, this information structure must be defined identically in all of the participating systems.


The combinations of characteristics that are used in the local systems must not overlap, otherwise the data might be overwritten. To ensure this, you can assign the logical system to the information structure as the last characteristic value in the definition. SAP considers that one logical system corresponds to exactly one client and is therefore clearly defined. Recommendation

To guarantee synchronized data collection in all of the participating systems, you should determine a system as the maintenance system before you begin. The information structure for the exchange of aggregated data will be defined in this maintenance system and the system will supply data to all of the other systems. The maintenance system can be either one of the local systems or, alternatively, the central system. Generate Message Type In this IMG activity, you can generate message types for the information structures which contain the data you which to send. To do this, you need to assign a message type to every sender information structure. This ensures that an IDoc that contains statistical data will always be sent to the receiver whenever the data of the corresponding information structure is saved. In general, the name "LIPxxx" is given to the generated message types (xxx indicates the three numbers that follow the "S" in the name of the information structure; for example: the message type that is generated for information structure S011 is called LIP011). Requirements The message type of the sender information structure and the receiver information structure must be identical.

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Activities 1.

Enter the name of the information structure.


If you set the update indicator, the system first determines whether a message type already exists for the information structure you have specified. If the indicator was set, the existing message type will be overwritten. If you do not set the update indicator, the system will still determine whether a message type already exists for the information structure you have specified. If the indicator was not set, the existing message type will not, howebver, be replaced.


Press ENTER. A message type is generated for the information structure you have specified. Determine Version for Comparison Create a comparison version in the local system for internal use . The comparison verion will be compared with the 000 version (actual data) or with the A00 version (active planning version) every time a Delta determination takes place. The data is stored in the comparison version is the data that was last sent to the central system. This data is overwritten whenever a every new data exchange takes place (NET-CHANGE-process). Define ALE Settings If you want to use ALE for logistics information systems, you need to define the following ALE-specific Customizing settings: o

maintain logical systems and assign a logical system name to every participating system (client). (Implementation Guide for Distibution (ALE): Basic configuration -> Set up logical system)


enter the message flow (message type LIPxxx) in the distribution customer model. (Implementation Guide for Distibution (ALE): Distribution customer model)


define the communication parameters. (Implementation Guide for Distibution (ALE): Communication)


configure the ALE workflow error processing. (Implementation Guide for Distibution (ALE): Error processing) Further Notes

You can find detailed information about these activities in the corresponding documentation (as described above) in the Implementation Guide for Distribution (ALE).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Schedule Data Dispatch of Information Structures Schedule the dispatch of information structures to run in the background at regular intervals. Event-Driven Data Exchange In the event-driven data exchange, every time a posting is made in the logistics application, a message (IDoc) is sent for every document from the respective decentralized system to the central system. Both evaluations and the updating of the statistical data from the individual documents in the application to the respective information system take place in the central system. The event-driven data exchange offers you the following distribution options: o

On a local level there are no information systems. The local systems supply the central information system with their data.


There are both parallel and local information systems and even an information system at central level.

The scenarios of the logistics information systems that are supported by ALE at present (these are: Inventory Controlling, the Purchasing Information System and Sales Information System) are event-driven. Only the ALE settings that have already been described should be made for these information systems. In the case of the Sales Information System only, you should also maintain the statistics groups. Set Scenario for "Inventory Controlling" This scenario supports a central overview of distributed inventory management. Decentralized inventory management systems send their data to central Inventory Controlling. This causes the information structures to be updated in Inventory Controlling. The data in Inventory Controlling can be aggregated in the central system. You can find all other information necessary for setting this scenario in the corresponding documentation in the Implementation Guide for Distribution (ALE). Set Scenario for "Purchasing Information System" This scenario supports a central overview of the data and transactions within the scope of distributed purchasing systems. The decentralized purchasing systems transfer their data to the central Purchasing Information System. This causes information structures to be updated in the Purchasing Information System. The data in the purchasing systems can be aggregated in the centralized system. All other information necessary for setting this scenario can be found in the corresponding documentation in the Implementation Guide for Distribution (ALE).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Set Scenario for "Sales Information System" This scenario supports a centralized overview of the data and transactions within the scope of the distributed sales systems. The decentralized sales systems transfer their data to the centralized Sales Information System. This causes information structures to be updated in the Sales Information System. The data in the sales systems can then be aggregated in the centralized system. The following logical message types are available for the distribution of data: SISCSO (sales order),SISDEL (delivery) and SISINV (invoice) with the relavant IDoc types SISCSO01, SISDEL01 and SISINV01. Note This step supports only the distribution of statistical data. Document data cannot be distributed using this method. Instead, the appropriate ALE scenario in must be used in the application concerned. All other information that you need for setting this scenario can be found in the corresponding documentation in the Implementation Guide for Distribution (ALE). Copy Management You can use the Logistics Data Warehouse to tailor the Logistics Information System (LIS) to meet your requirements. The design of the information structures is instrumental for guaranteeing a high level of performance for updating and evaluations, as well as for ensuring that the statistical data is up-to-date and consistent. To achieve these goals, Copy Management offers the following options: o

reducing the system load by reducing the number of information structures to be updated


improving the evaluation performance by providing information structures with a high level of aggregation


enhancing statistical data with information that is not provided by the "normal" updating function


restructuring historical statistical data


simulating the effects of reorganizing data


preparing statistical data to satisfy special requirements (e.g. in accordance with planning requirements)


importing external statistical data to the LIS information structures


distributing statistical data over one or more information structures


providing a simple process for copying statistical data


enabling specific statistical data to be targetted for deletion

Every run of the Copy Management function consists of three steps:

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Reading statistical data The statistical data is either read from a source information structure in LIS or from any other data sources that you choose. In order to read the latter data, you can use the function exit RMCAF000.


Adapting, enhancing and aggregating statistical data This step is divided up into two parts: a)

The period unit of the information structures is converted, i.e. the periods of the source information structure are automatically adapted to the periods of the target information structure, where the period unit in the source information structure has to be smaller or equal to the period in the target information structure. If, for example, the source information structure is updated on a daily basis, but the target information structure is updated on a monthly basis, then automatic conversion takes place and it is aggregated into monthly values. In some cases, it is not possible to clearly convert periods, e.g. when the source information structure is updated on a weekly basis, but the target information structure is updated on a monthly basis. In this case, the data for the entire week is added to the month which contains the last day of this week. If the automatic period conversion does not suit your specific requirements, you can always create your own period conversion program manually.


The system also offers the option of automatic aggregation, i.e. the contents of the fields (characteristics, key figures and units) with identical field names in the source and target information will be assigned to the target information structure from the source information structure. If the characteristics in the target information structure form part of the characteristics in the source information structure, i.e. if the target information structure has a higher level of aggregation than the source information structure, this automatic assignment will result in a logical aggregation from the source information structure to the target information structure. In addition, Copy Management also provides a function for automatic data enhancement. Automatic data enhancement enables you to adapt statistical data from master data and to enhance statistical data with additional master data. When using automatic data enhancement you can identify, for example, the current division for a material or the current MRP controller for a plant and material, and thus adapt the statistical data on the basis of these current allocations. If you want to make use of automatic data enhancement, proceed as follows: Start from the initial screen of Copy Management or from the work table, and select Goto -> Automatic data enhancement. If you have not yet fixed any methods for automatic data enhancement, select the function Edit -> New entries. Define both the source and target information structure. Source and target information structure can be identical. If you want to select an entry from the overview of the methods for automatic data enhancement that already exist, mark it and select Source field allocations. Here, you can specify, for the fields of the target information structure, those fields that are to be defined from the master data that is read. In the fields source table and source field, you define the place where the system reads the required allocation. If the current division, for example, is to be read from the material master, you must specify MARA as the source table and SPART as the source field.

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Caution For the system to read the source table, all of the key fields of the specified source table must be able to be supplied from fields of the source information structure. For this reason, the system tries to make the following allocations: If there are fields with the same name in the source information structure and in the source table, they will be allocated. In a further step, the system tries to make allocations by using the same data elements. Finally, the system tries to make allocations by using the same domains. F4 Help provides all the tables which satisfy this condition. You can perform complex transformations of statistical data by using methods. You can branch to methods maintenance of Copy Management as follows: o

from the initial screen of Copy Management via the function Goto -> Methods maintenance


from the work table of Copy Management also via Goto -> Methods maintenance

The procedure for this is described in Methods maintenance. 3.

Writing altered data to an LIS information structure The generated data records are automatically written to the target information structure. Key figures that can be cumulated (floating decimals, whole figures, packed numbers), which are indicated as such in the information structure definition, are added and then aggregated to values that already exist. The summation indicator is set for cumulative key figures in the information structure display. All other key figures are updated by data transport, which overwrites values that already exist. In addition to these standard procedures, the behavior of the key figures in Copy Management can be manipulated such that they can be aggregated, replaced, initialized (deleted) or excluded (not changed). If the source and target information structure as well as the source and target versions are identical, the source data is deleted and replaced by the target data. In this case, the system assumes that the statistical data will be updated with the help of Copy Management (for example, adapting the data after the sales areas have been reorganized). You can set the parameters of each Copy Management run so that data in the source information structure can be changed. You can use this option to indicate those data records that have already been processed, for instance. It is also possible to set the parameters of a Copy Management run so that the system deletes those data records of the source information structure that have already been processed. Caution If you wish to change source data, then online updating must be switched off for the assigned source information structure, at least in the area that is processed by Copy Management. Technical information

Source data is changed as follows: If you have changed a data record, this data record will be deleted from the source table and then added to the source information structure in its altered form via MODIFY. Caution

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If you use a method to change key fields of the source information structure, then a data record that already exists under this key will be overwritten by the changed data record. Activities 1.

Specify the name of the source information structure.


Press Enter to reach the work table.


Specify the name of the variant for the Copy Management run. You can use the pushbutton Maintain to branch to function selection.


In the function selection of LIS Copy Management you define the settings for the further processing of the Copy Management run. In doing so, you select:


Data source




Info structure The source data originates from an information structure from the Logistics Information System.


@48@External Data External data is all data that is not saved in the LIS information structures. This includes all data in the tables of the R/3 System, as well as data read from a file. The functional enhancement RMCAF000 is used for reading external data. To use this enhancement, you need to have created and activated a project.

Data target -

@0S@Info structure The data is written to an information structure in the Logistics Information System.


@49@Update Data is transferred to the LIS inbound interface which consequently leads to the updating of the Logistics Information Structure. To use this functionality, you must already have generated an LIS inbound interface to the source information structure, which defines update rules and activates the update. The functionality cannot be used for the information structures "S032" and "S035".

Data processing type -

@2U@Copy data Data from the source information structure is written to the target information structure, depending on the method used.


@0Z@Change source data The function copy and change source data has the effect that source data can be changed while being copied to an information structure using a method. As a result, they are updated in the database. This function can only be used if you selected the function copy data.


@18@Delete source data The function copy and delete source data has the effect that source data is deleted after it is copied to the target info structure. This function can only be used if you selected the function copy data.


@37@Change data This function only allows you to change the key figure values of the source information structure; this can considerably speed up the data conversion. The data source and target must be identical for

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this option. Any changes to characteristic values made using a method are ignored, which means that the the set of data changed in this manner is not updated. If a method produces more than one target data record, these data records will not be updated. This functionality is only available in the update mode. -


@11@Delete data Only the selected data from the source information structure is deleted; no data is copied. Within the expert mode there is the option Initial data records only , with which only those data records with initial key figure values are deleted.

Processing mode -

@5W@User mode Functionality for copying, changing, and deleting data is offered in the user mode. The function Change data cannot be selected in the user mode.


@6C@Expert mode The expert mode offers additional functionality for data processing (key figure parameters, Delete only initial data records) and for performance improvement (Change data, Delete/set up indexes,Initialize target structures, Parallel mode), as well as for the general control of the program flow(Data packet size, Lock info structure/version). You make the selection by clicking the relevant button, although only certain combinations are possible, which are indicated using status icons. Based on the settings made here, the selection screen that appears when you release data shows only the combination of fields possible. The default setting is the "normal" copying of data from a source info structure to a target info structure in the user mode. Four different status icons can be displayed in the selection screen. The icons have the following meanings: @01@Function is selected @5B@Function can be selected without current settings being changed @5C@Function can be selected, but current settings are changed @02@Function cannot be selected


Choose Enter to reach the selection screen.


Here, you define the following parameters: Data source -

Source info structure This is where you specify the name of the information structure which contains the data you want to process using Copy Management.

Source Version This is where you specify the number of the version in the source information structure. -

Restrictions Here you can select the data of the source information structure that is to be read by using its characteristics, period units, and key figures similar to periods.


Selection parameters Data packet size This parameter is only available in the expert mode. The setting Data packet size indicates how many data records within a database LUW are read from the database table of the source

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information structure in order to be further processed in Copy Management. The standard (default setting) is: 1000 in user mode, 10000 in the expert mode, and 50000 when reading external data. Sorted reading When you set this indicator, reading is sorted according to the primary key of the source table (source info structure). Sorted reading is a prerequisite for continuing a cancelled Copy Management run, and can be necessary for the process of self-defined methods.



LIS External Data This includes:


Data via SAP Enhancement If you set this indicator, the system does not read the source information structure to determine the source data, but uses the functional enhancement RMCAF000 instead. Note If you use the SAP enhancement RMCAF000 to determine the source data, the options found under Edit are not possible and are therefore deactivated when you press enter. File path Control indicator Can be freely used in the SAP enhancement RMCAF000.


Processing The data processing chosen in the function selection is displayed: Change source data when copying (Change source data in the function selection) Delete source data after copying (Delete source data in the function selection) Change only selected data (Change data in the function selection) Delete only selected data (Delete data in the function selection) Select and delete only initial data records This indicator is only available in Expert mode and Delete data were selected in the function selection. If this indicator is set, the only data records selected and deleted are those in which all key figures are populated with the relevant initial values, which means they are either blank or = 0. From a technical point of view, they are selected using the condition 'WHERE field_x = SPACE OR field_x IS NULL'

Additional logic expert mode -

Delete/set up indexes If this indicator is set, any secondary indexes in the target info structure are deleted before copying takes place. They are then set up once copying is completed. If the indicator is set together with the function Delete data, the secondary indexes of the source info structure are deleted before the data is deleted. They are then set up again once deletion is complete. This improves performance.


Block Structure/Version This parameter is only available in the expert mode, but not if the data source is external to LIS and the the target of the data is the release to the update. This parameter is used to set a write protection (lock mode "E") in the source and/or target table (at the level of the information structure or version), which means that the data is blocked during the Copy run and can only be read or processed by Copy Management. The following values can be selected:

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0 -- Block (information structure/version) no tables 1 -- Block (information structure/version) source table 2 -- Block (information structure/version) target table 3 -- Block (information structure/version) source and target table -


Parallel mode: This parameter is only available if Expert mode and Copy data were selected in the function selection. When copying statistical data, if both the source and target information structure, and the source and target version are identical, Copy Management uses a temporary version internally. In order to execute multiple jobs in parallel, they must have a different "parallel mode" indicator (letter or number). The indicator "Parallel mode" is only useful if both the source and target information structure and version are identical when copying. Note Because source data is to be changed, the online update must remain in at least one are which is processed by Copy Management. Furthermore, the different parallel Copy Management jobs must be selected so that independent data areas are processed, for example by different periods.

Data target -

Target info structure: Here you specify the name of the information structure to which the data to be processed using Copy Management should be written. Target and source information structures can be identical.


Target version Here you specify the number of the version in the information structure to which the data is to be written after it has been processed by Copy Management. If source and target information structures are identical, then the source and target versions can also be identical. Transformation No Copy Method (default) -

Self-defined method If you wish to use a method that you have designed yourself, you need to enter the name of this method in the Copy method field and also mark this field.


Automatic data enhancement If you wish to use a method with automatic data enhancement, you need to enter the name of this method in the Copy method field and also mark this field. You can find a description of this functionality in this chapter under 2b.


SAP standard method At present, SAP provides methods for the Sales Information System (SIS) and the Retail Information System (RIS). You can display these methods from the work table: Goto -> SAP Methods. If you wish to use one of these methods, you need to both specify the name of the method in the field Copy method and mark this field.


Copy method This is where you specify the name of the method for transforming the data, if necessary.



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Key figure This parameter is only available in the expert mode. In the parameter settings for key figure processing, you can define the rules according to which the key figures of the target information structure are processed during the Copy Management run. The processing types that can be set are: @3Z@Total The contents of the field are added to the relevant field in the database. This is a default setting for all key figures of type F (floating point number, Float), I (whole number, Integer), N (numeric text) and P (packed number, Packed), for which the totals indicator is set in the definition of the information structure. This processing type is not available for key figures of other types. @7X@Replace The contents of the field replace the field in the database table. This is a default setting for all key figures of types other than F, I, N and P, and all fields of these types, for which the totals indicator was not set in the definition of the information structure. @84@Exclude This field is excluded from processing during a Copy Management run so that the content of the relevant database field cannot be changed. @5C@Delete The content of the database table field is deleted (in other words, reset to the initial value). The first time the selection screen "Key figure processing" is called, the default settings are copied from the information structure definition. The setting Total is made for the 'FINP' key figures with the totals indicator, and Replace is set for all other key figures. The options that appear in the application toolbar have the following effect: @2L@Save All settings that differ from the aforementioned default settings are saved. Copying based on these settings will begin immediately. @42@Initialization The settings in the selection screen are reset to their orginal status which means they are reset to the default and other settings. @11@Delete All rules that differ from the default settings are deleted. The rules from the definition of the information structure apply again for copying, with immediate effect. Do not copy initial records If the indicator 'Do not copy initial data records' is set, the only data records in the target information structure that are copied are those in which at least one of the key figures is not initial (usually not equal to 0, or not blank). From a technical point of view, the condition 'IF NOT field_x IS INITIAL' is used for copying. Note When choosing an option, bear in mind that initial key figures can also be relevant to statistics. -

Initialize target version If you set this indicator, the values in the target version of the target information structure are initialized before copying takes place. Initialize target structure This indicator is only available if Delete data was selected in the expert mode, and should always be used together with Delete/set up indexes. If you set this indicator, the structure of the target table in the database is removed and set up again. This removes all the data in the target

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information structure. Attention All data in the information structure in the system is deleted, in all clients! -

No automatic period conversion If you set this indicator, the system does not carry out any automatic period conversion. In this case, you need to perform the period conversion in the method you are using. This period conversion is not checked by the system.

Follow-up processing -

Mail to user If you want to send a mail to a user after the Copy Management run has ended, enter the name of the user here.


Transfer to distribution list The information about Copy Management is transferred to the distribution list that you specify here.


Save the variant (Edit -> Attribute, Maintain meaning and Save).


Fix the print parameters. This setting determines whether and in what way WRITE statements from methods maintenance appear (e.g. to display errors).


Define the start date values for the Copy Management run.

10. Plan the Copy Management via CM run -> Schedule job. Additional Functions in the Work Table o

To use Copy Management to transfer statistical data to the update, you must first create the LIS inbound interfaces using Environment -> LIS interface.


You reach the update rules maintenance via Environment-> LIS interface -> Update definition.


The Copy Management run can also be executed directly. You reach the function selection via CM run -> Execute where activities 5-7 should be carried out. Execute the Copy Management run directly or in the background. Do not create any variants. If you wish to create a variant for a job, proceed as described above.


You can use the function Environment -> Job overview to monitor the background processing.


You can use the function Environment -> Display log to display the most important data for completed Copy Management runs. Restart logic is only used for terminated Copy Management runs if: -

The Copy Management run was started using a variant (indirectly) and

Source data is read sorted by the primary index. If these prerequisites are met, the restart logic is supported in two ways, depending on the parameters and processing progress of the job.

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These two types of support are: -

@0J@Create method reference In this case, it is not possible to support restart logic, because no program variant can be created from the last data record to have been processed. Using the method reference created here, a self-defined method can be created, with which the terminated job can be restarted. During processing, this method "filters" out the data records that have already been processed (the filter can be described as: "anything smaller than the data record key will not be processed"). In doing so, all data records are first read again, including those already processed. For the sake of performance, you should check if the data records that have definitely already been processed can be excluded using manual entries in the selection options.


@0R@Create program variant In this case, it is possible to provide the program variant(s) with the relevant selection options. If you click on the icon in front of the text, the selection screen of the program RMCAnnn5 (nnn = numbers from the source information structure) appears with the selection options/parameters already populated. These settings should be saved as a variant, and the variant can be scheduled in Copy Management. Note If a job in which only data is to be deleted terminates, you must create just one program variant (in the detailed overview, a row "Create program variant" is displayed). If a job terminates, in which more than just deletion was to take place, generally two program variants must be created (the row "Create 1./2. program variants" is shown).

Further notes The Copy Management functionality and that of the LIS inbound interface overlap in certain respects. When faced with the choice as to which tool is the more suitable, SAP recommends that you use Copy Management instead of the LIS inbound interface in the following cases: o

once-only data transfer


data enhancement


when using data elements similar to those of SAP

The above is merely a suggestion. The final decision as to which tool you should use obviously depends on your specific requirements. Methods Maintenance You can carry out complex statistical data transformations by using methods. To reach methods maintenance in Copy Management, proceed as follows: o

Start from the initial screen in Copy Management and select: Goto -> Methods maintenance


You can also select Goto -> Methods maintenance from the Copy Management work table.

A method consists of management information and an ABAP/4 FORM routine.

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Complex transformations are carried out in the FORM routine (e.g. data enhancement; updating in accordance with the master data). If methods had already been created, a list appears first which contains all existing methods. From this list you can select and maintain a method. The source information structure (and target info structure) must, however, be compatible with the method you choose. If no methods have been created yet, you branch directly into the detail screen of methods maintenance. You need to make the following specifications in the detailed screen: o

Name of the method


Description of the method


Name of the source information structure


Name of the target information structure


Name of the program, in which the FORM routine was created for the transformation


Name of the FORM routine that carries out the transformation

By double-clicking on the field Program or FORM routine, you branch into the editor for maintaining the program, as long as the program has already been created. If you have not yet created the program, a popup appears when you double-click on the Program field and asks you to create the program. The program is usually created without TOP_INCLUDE. When you maintain the program attributes, you need to enter "subroutine" as the type. SAP provides several transformation scenarios in the work table to support and facilitate the creation of methods. Each scenario consists of both a detailed business description (documentation) and one or more reference methods which the system automatically adapts to the information structure that you have chosen, copies to the clipboard, so that they can then be used when you create a method. Caution Automatic adaption to the source and target information structures only takes place if you call up a reference method via the pushbutton Copy from. You can also call up a reference method from the documentation that is assigned to it. Here, however, the system cannot perform automatic adaption. Technical information The FORM routine must have the following interface: FORM DEMO_SAP TABLES OUTPUT STRUCTURE S$$$ CHANGING INPUT STRUCTURE Sxxx RETURNCODE. Sxxx indicates the table for the source information structure (e.g. S001, S501); S$$$ indicates the table for the target information structure. If you set the variable RETURNCODE = 0, the data record will be written into the target information structure.

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If you set the variable RETURNCODE 0, no update will take place because an error has occurred while reading supplementary information, for example. Note The system proposes the interface for a method under "General scenario". Reset Generation Time Stamp In this IMG activity, you can mark the tools which are required for a regeneration in the Logistics Information system. They are as follows: o



Planning tools -





Programs for background planning

Tools to edit statistical data -

Archiving programs


Reorganization programs

Tools to evaluate statistical data -

Standard analyses


Flexible analyses

This functionality causes the object types which you have selected in this activity to be automatically regenerated when accessed again. Note If you want to execute this program as a background job, you must specify a variant. Activities 1.

Mark the object types that are to be regenerated.


Save your entries.


Select Program -> Execute. Execute Mass Generation In this IMG activity, you can generate information structures and updating in larger quantities at the same time.

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In contrast to the option of marking a regeneration, generation takes place immediately in mass generation. This means that you do not have to wait until the next time you access the function. In addition, you are able to generate not only dependent elements such as standard analyses and planning programs, but also database tables for the information structures. When you use mass generation for information structures, it is possible to further restrict the selection of information structures, so that information structures are first generated in accordance with those versions that already exist in edited form, and on the other hand, that only the already generated versions are regenerated, which means that edited versions are not included. It is also possible to make further distinctions in the mass generation, by selecting database tables which belong to the designated information structures for generation, or by choosing components that are dependent upon the information structures (for example evaluation structures, planning screens). Mass generation of updating is dependent on the information structure and the update group. Note If you want to execute this program as a background job, you need to specify a variant. Recommendation SAP recommends that you carefully determine the selection requirements or execute the program as background job. Activities 1.


If you want to generate information structures, proceed as follows: a)

In the fields from and to, specify the interval limits of the information structures you want to select.


Mark the selection options in accordance with your requirements.

If you want to generate updates, proceed as follows: a)

In the fields from and to, specify the interval limits of the information structures you want to select.


In the fields from and to, specify the interval limits forthe update groups you want to select.


Save your entries.


Select Program -> Execute. Maintain Units In this step, you can have the units of your self-defined key figures automatically maintained in the necessary control tables.

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Requirements In the logistics information system it is possible for you to define your own key figures and to update these in information structures. This is done either via an enhancement of an communication structure or reference structure using an append structure. New key figures often have new units that must also be included in the communication structure. When information structures and update programs with these new key figures and units are generated, errors often occur. The entries missing from the tables TMC6 and TMC24 are listed in the log. Activities There are two programs that maintain control tables. RMCSUNIT creates the control table entries, and RMCSUDEL deletes them again for a unit. 1.


If you wish to maintain the units of the new key figures, proceed as follows: a)

Choose the action Create. The dialog field "hit list" appears. The user-defined key figures and their units that have not yet been maintained in the control table are listed.


Select the unit you wish to maintain, and copy it.

If you wish to delete the new units in the control table, proceed as follows: a)

Choose the action Delete. The dialog field "hit list" appears.


Select the entry to be deleted and copy your selection.

Further Notes Do not include new units in reference structures (such as MCFKENNZ).They should always be included in communication structures to avoid complications. Updating In the "Updating" section, you can configure the settings for both the updating definition and for controlling the updating process. Updating Definition By defining information structures, you lay the foundations for your own customized information system. By defining the update process, you define the flow of statistical data from the application to the information system. There are two types of update control:

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General control facility by means of the application using update groups


Fine-tuning using update rules General Definition Using Update Groups It is often necessary that the various business events influence the statistics update. This usually means that certain organizational elements in the application (for example, sales organization, document type, customer group) can contribute to the update. Since the influential elements differ from application to application, a standardized control element is necessary. This control element is the update group. In the application, one update group is allocated to one specific business event or group of business event. The type of allocation and the determining organizational elements vary from application to application. At present, the application can influence the statistics update by means of the update group in the following information systems: o

Sales and Distribution The description of the application-specific settings for update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Sales".


Purchasing The description of the application-specific settings for update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Purchasing".


Plant Maintenance The description of all of the application-specific settings for the update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Plant maintenance".


Quality Management The description of the application-specific settings for the update group can be found in the section "Settings: Quality Management".


Transport The description of all of the application-specific settings for the update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Transport".


Sales and Distribution The description of all of the application-specific settings for the update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Sales and distribution".

For all other information systems, only one predefined update group is allowed in each case. Maintain Update Groups In this IMG activity, you can create, change, display, copy or delete update groups for the statistics update.

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Note The updating definition is a central function in the Logistics Information System, whereas the allocation of the application-specific business transactions is made using the respective organizational elements in the corresponding applications. Standard settings All of the update groups that begin with numbers or with "S" lie in the SAP name range. Activities Maintain the update groups which can be used by the application. Specific Definition Using Update Rules When you define updating, you must define both update rules for the key figures and update rules for the characteristics. The update rules are divided into general rules and extended update rules. You need to define the following update rules: Update rules for key figures


Type of updating The update type determines how the data to be updated is linked to the data that has already been updated in the information structure. If you choose cumulative updating, the new values are always added to or subtracted from the old values. The update type "Counter" is a special form of cumulative updating. In this case, value "1" is always added to or subtracted from the old values. If you want the new value to overwrite the already updated value, then choose the update type "Data transfer only". The old value in the information structure is deleted and replaced by the new value. This update type enables you to update information such as "Latest price".


Event The event determines which activity in the operative application is to trigger the update of this key figure. Since this update rule is directly assigned to a key figure, you can trigger the update of an information structure from a variety of different transactions in the application. This enables you to mix key figures from the sales order, delivery note, and billing document in an information structure, for instance. If you want to use "mixed" information structures, you must define a self-defined application. When you define the update rules, you can use update groups from different applications. Note You can also mix key figures across applications (for example, data from sales order processing and from purchase order processing).

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In this case, your information structure should contain characteristics which are available in both applications. o

Unit This field displays the unit in which the key figure is displayed (e.g. local currency, statistics currency), which you specified when you defined the information structure. Caution You cannot change this update rule any more because a special unit field has been generated for the unit you specified when you created the information structure.


Source table/source field name/source unit The information proposed in the fields Source table and Source field name is either the information that you specified in the key figure definition when you created the information structure or the information that you received automatically when you selected a key figure from a field catalog. The source unit is determined automatically from the specified source field. At this stage, you can change the source field. Note If you use the update type "Counter" or specify a formula or an external routine as a source, you do not have to specify a source table or a source field. In this case, you must specify the source unit yourself since this unit can no longer be determined automatically. You must also specify a hierarchy.


Date field for period determination When a key figure is updated, the system determines the period in which the key figure is cumulated. You must specify a date field from the application. The contents of this field then determine the period. Selecting the correct date has a significant effect on the informative value of the stored information. For example, if you update the sales order quantity for the event "sales order" using the date on which the order was entered in the system, you obtain information on the order receipt since the current date of the incoming order is taken as the entry date. If you use the shipping date instead of the entry date, the order quantity is cumulated in another period since the shipping date usually lies in the future. The update now contains information on the shipping capacity to be planned in the subsequent periods. Note When you define the order receipt, an order receipt by period can be interpreted in two ways. These can be varied by using the date field. The different interpretations can be best explained by an example: The basis is a sales order with an item of 100 pieces which you created in January. In February, you reduce the order quantity of this item to 50 pieces, because you cannot produce or supply the full quantity or because your customer no longer needs as many pieces, for instance. How should this change be updated by period in the information structure? Situation A: You are of the opinion that the order for the item was received in January, and therefore that the change to the item should also be updated in January. You reduce the quantity in the information structure from 100 to 50 in the January period. In this case, you use the entry date of the item (MCVBAP-ERDAT) to specify the period. Situation B: You are of the opinion that the order receipt in January should not be changed by the order modification in February since an order for 100 pieces was actually placed in January.

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You want to post the order modification to the current period (February). The incoming order for 100 pieces in January will remain unchanged in the information structure. Minus 50 pieces will be updated as the incoming order in February. The changes are therefore credited to the period that caused the changes (current) and not the original period. In this case, you choose the special date field (MCVBAP-VDATU) which always contains the current date. o

Formula You use a formula when the specification of one source field is insufficient for the chosen key figure because the key figure is calculated using several source fields. To define a formula, branch to the appropriate maintenance activitiy for this task. Caution If you specify a formula, you cannot specify a source field. In this case, you need to specify a source unit manually. If you specify a source field, the source unit is determined automatically. This is not possible when you use a formula.


Requirement The updating of a key figure often depends on a particular combination of factors in the business event which triggers updating. For example, if you only want the delivery quantity to be updated if the delivery item is marked as being completely delivered, you can define a requirement which checks whether the Status field of the delivery note has been set to "Delivery completed". To define a requirement, branch to the appropriate maintenance activitiy for this task. Note If you want to use requirements, you can check beforehand to see whether these can be represented using the function General Definition Using Update Groups (for example, if key figures are only to be updated for specific organizational units or document types). This check is performed at a much earlier stage than the requirements check of the update rules in the overall chain of updating activities, and is therefore more favorable to performance levels. Caution If you specify a requirement, you may not enter a source field. In this case, you must specify a source unit yourself. If you give a source field, the source unit will automatically be determined. This is not possible when using a requirement.


Program name/FORM routine If you need a complex update definition which cannot be represented by the definition of "normal" update rules, you can save your own update rules in an external program. Processing of these rules is then triggered automatically at the time of update. To configure this process, enter the name of the external program in the Program name field and the name of the FORM routine containing your special processing in the FORM routine field. Note The definition of external update routines is subject to conventions. Depending on the event to which you refer, you can only use certain source information from the application, for example. This source information is transferred to the update routine as USING parameters. The following method provides a simple way of identifying the necessary parameters: a)

Enter the name of the routine you want to use for the update in the FORM routine field.

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Generate the update. The log displays the name of the generated update program.


Position the cursor on the program name and choose Display object. The generated update program is displayed. The part which describes the key figure update also contains the generated call of the external update routine. The transfer parameters you require were also generated. Use them to define the external update routine.


Hierarchy The document hierarchy determines which information from the application must be made available for the update. This information is generally determined automatically from the specification of a source field. If you use the update type "Counter" or formulas, requirements, and external update programs, you do not have to specify a source field. In this case, you must manually specify the level of the hierarchy from document processing up to which you need information for the update. The specification of a hierarchy is important for the internal flow control of the update. Update rules for characteristics


Source table/source field In the field Source field, enter the source field from the application from which the information is to be taken. The system proposes the source fields from the definition of the information structure. If you use several different events for the key figures, you must adjust the default values accordingly, since the proposed source fields are not available for every event.


Offset/length If you do not want the entire contents of the source field is to be used in the update, you can use offset and length to precisely specify the section of the source field that you require. It is not possible both to specify offset or length and use a formula.

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Example Offset and length are most often used for interpreting hierarchy fields. A hierarchy is often represented in the 18-character field "Product hierarchy" from sales and distribution processing. For example, the first five characters represent a main group, the next five characters a subgroup, and the last eight characters a further subgroup. Proceed as follows if you want to update and evaluate data according to these logical elements: a)

Define three new fields.


Save them in the dictionary table in which you have also stored the other reference fields.


The three new fields are P1, P2, P3 with the lengths 5, 5, and 8 respectively.


Include the new fields in one of your own field catalogs.


Create a new information structure which contains these three fields as characteristics.


Define the update rules for this new information structure. The update rules for the new characteristics are as follows: - P1 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 00 length 05 - P2 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 05 length 05 - P3 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 10 length 08 The new characteristics P1, P2 and P3 are used in reporting and planning in just the same way as any other characteristic.


Initial condition If the specified source field in the document is not filled (initial) and if no update is to be made, you can activate the initial condition. In this way, you can prevent the statistics update if no representative was specified in the sales order, for example. If you do not activate the initial condition, all values are cumulated from the documents in which no representative was specified. This option allows you to cumulate all these values under "Miscellaneous".


Formula If the update for a characteristic cannot be directly determined from one source field, you can specify a formula to determine the source information. This is the case, for example, if the characteristic is to be made up of several source fields. Otherwise, you define the formula for characteristics in exactly the same way as for key figures. Unlike the key figures formulas, you use the "FORMULA_VALUE_OBJECT" field and not the "FORMULA_VALUE" field in characteristics formulas to transfer the result of the determination by the formula.


Hierarchy The document hierarchy enables you to determine which information from the application must be made available for the update. This information is usually determined automatically from the source field specified. If you use the update type "Counter" or formulas, requirements and external update programs, you do not have to specify a source field. In this case, you must manually specify the level of the hierarchy from document processing up to which you need information for the update. The specification of a hierarchy is important for the internal flow control of the update.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Update Rules Update rules help you to define updating in detail. The definition of the update rules depends on the information structure and update group. Update rules consist, for example, of the source field, the event which triggers the update, requirements and formulas. Once you have defined the update rules, the corresponding update programs are automatically generated. In this IMG activity, you can create, change and display update rules. Note Once you have defined the update rules, you then need to activate the update in a separate step. The creation of update rules, the generation of the update programs, and the eventual activation of the update have been divided up into separate steps for security reasons. Activities 1.

In the "Info structure" field, specify the name of the info structure for which you would like to maintain the update rules.


Allocate an update group to the information structure in order to establish an application-specific reference.


If you wish to create updating for the information structure with reference to an existing update for an information structure, enter the name of the information structure in the field Copy from -> info structure and the name of the update group to which you are referring in the Copy from -> update group field.


Press Enter. You are now in the update rules maintenance screen. The maintenance screen lists all of the key figures in the information structure for which you can define update rules. If no update rules have been defined by the time that updating is created, then all available information from the information structure definition will be proposed.


In order to reach the detail screen of the updating definition, place the cursor on the key figure you require and select the Edit -> Rules for key figures function.


Define the individual update rules.


When you have defined all of the update rules for the key figure, select the Copy function. The update rules that you have defined will be copied and displayed in the maintenance screen.


Procede in the same way for the other key figures.


In addition to the update rules for the key figures, define the update rules for the characteristics. Place the cursor on the desired key figure and select the Edit -> Rules for characteristics function. You are now in the detail screen for maintaining the update rules for the characteristics. Note You must define the update rules of the characteristics for each key figure so that the key figures can be

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updated when different events occur. The update rules for the characteristics can be different for each key figure. 10. Define the individual update rules. 11. When you have defined the update rules for all key figures and characteristics, save these update rules. 12. Generate the update from the update rules. Before the generation, all of the update rules are checked for consistency. Possible inconsistencies are documented in a log and generating is canceled. You can also start the check independently by selecting Updating -> Check. If no errors occur during the check, the update is generated. A log is issued after generation is completed. Additional information You can also make use of the following additional functions when defining update rules: o

Delete rule If you would like to exclude key figures from the update (for example, when using a specific update group), place the cursor on the correspondingkey figure and select Edit -> Delete rule. The update rules are then deleted for the key figure and the corresponding characteristics that you selected.


Restore The "restore" function is closely connected to the delete function. If you delete the update rules for a key figure by mistake, you can reactivate this key figure by selecting it from the list of key figures that have not been used. To do this, select Edit -> Restore -> Key figures. A dialog box appears which lists all of the key figures that you have defined in the information structure but which you have not used in your update definition. Select the key figures which you have not yet included in your update. Press Enter to copy the selected key figures. This, however, does not restore all of the update rules that you might have defined. Only the source field information that was already specified in the information structure definition is copied.


Copy rule You need to use this function if you would would like to define more than one update for one key figure. The best way to explain this function is to use an example. Example You want to update the open order quantity. The open order quantity is defined as the order quantity that has not yet been delivered. Customer order processing updates the "open order quantity" field. When a delivery is entered, the open order quantity should be reduced. When defining updating for this process, you need to define two update rules for the key figure "open order quantity". The first update rule describes the upate for the event "sales order". Here, the key figure is updated from special source information in the document (MCVBAP-OAUME) that is provided specifically for this purpose. The second update rule describes the reduction of the open order quantity by the delivered quantity for the event "delivery".

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Here, you need to copy the first update rule and change the event and the and the source information. The quantity delivered is also made available for updating in a special field (MCLIPS-APOAUME). Since the open order quantity is reduced by the delivered quantity, the information is then shown as a negative value. The open order quantity that is established by the first update rule is then reduced by the second update rule. Note This is a special case, where the delivered quantity is automatically displayed as a negative value to reduce the open order quantity. If you would like to express differences in different ways, where the second update is supposed to reduce the value of the previously updated value, for instance, use a formula to invert the process. Maintain Requirements When updating key figures, it is often necessary to define complex update rules. This includes the definition of requirements which either allow or prevent the update. The definition of requirements is subject to widely differing conditions; for this reason, a flexible medium is necessary for the definition. Maintenance of the requirements is subdivided into the specific applications. Activities Select the application for which you want to maintain requirements. An overview of all existing requirements for the selected application appears. Create 1.

If you want to define a new requirement, enter a new number for it in the field Routine number. Note A specific name range is reserved for standard SAP requirements. For that reason, please use numbers 600 through 999 for your requirements.


Enter an explanatory text for the requirement.


If you want to save a long text which describes the requirement, proceed as follows: a)

Position the cursor on the requirement.


Select the function Documentation. You branch to the SAP editor.


Enter the text.


Save your text.


Return to the overview screen.

Create/Change 1.

To change a requirement, place the cursor on the line of the respective requirement.


Select the function Source text.

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The system branches to the program editor. Caution A name is automatically predefined for the FORM routine when the requirement is defined. You may not change this name. 3.

Now define your requirement using ABAP language elements. To define the requirement, you can use all the source fields that are valid for the event you have selected for the relevant update rule and to which the requirement is to apply. Note If you use transaction SM30 to evaluate the view V_QUTAB, the system displays an overview of the source tables permitted for each event.


When you define requirements, you must assign the result of the check to the Return code field. The following then applies: -

Return code equals 0

requirement was satisfied

Return code does not equal 0 requirement was not satisfied The field Return code has already been defined in a common data area. 5.

Save the requirement definition.


Return to the overview screen of the requirements. Example

You want to define a requirement so that data from sales order processing is only updated if the document has been completely processed. The completeness of document processing is recorded in the document via a status field. FORM MCV1_600. IF MCVBUK-UVALL = 'C'. RETURNCODE = 0. ELSE. RETURNCODE = 4. ENDIF. ENDFORM. Activate A requirement definition can only be used in updating if it is active. To activate a requirement, proceed as follows: 1.

Place the cursor on the line of the requirement you wish to activate.


Select the function Edit -> Activate.

Delete You can only delete a requirement if it is inactive. If you want to delete a requirement, proceed as follows: 1.

Place the cursor on the line of the requirement you wish to delete.


Select the function Edit -> Deactivate.

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Select the function Edit -> Delete line. The requirement is then deleted. Maintain Formulas When updating key figures, it is often necessary to define complex update rules. These include the definition of formulas for determining the key figures. The definition of formulas is subject to widely differing conditions; for this reason, a flexible medium is necessary for the defining them. The maintenance of formulas is subdivided according to application. Activities Choose the application for which you want to maintain formulas. An overview of all the existing formulas for the selected application is displayed. 1.

If you want to define a new formula, enter a new number for the formula in the field Routine number. Note A specific name range is reserved for standard SAP formulas. For that reason, please use numbers 600 through 999 for your formulas.


Enter an explanatory text for your formula.


If you would like to save a long text to describe your formula, proceed as follows: a)

Position the cursor on the formula.


Select the function Documentation. You branch to the SAP editor.


Enter the text.


Save your text.


Return to the overview screen.

Create/Change 1.

To change a formula, place the cursor on the line of the respective formula.


Select the function Source text. The system branches to the ABAP/4 editor. Caution A name is automatically predefined for the FORM routine when the formula is defined. You may not change this name.


Now define your formula using ABAP language elements. To define the formula, you can use all the source fields that are valid for the event which you have selected for the respectve update rule and to which the formula is to apply. Note If you use transaction SM30 to evaluate the view V_QUTAB, the system displays an overview of the

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source tables permitted for each event. 4.

If you define formulas for key figures with numerical data type (type F, N, P, or X), you must assign the result of the formula calculation to the field formula_value. If you define formulas for characteristics or key figures with alphanumeric data type, you need to use the field formula_value_object. You can use the field returncode, to specify the validity of value determination via the formula. You should always define the return code (for example, CLEAR RETURNCODE). The fields formula_value, formula_value_object and returncode have already been defined in a common data range.


Save the formula definition.


Return to the overview screen of the formulas. Example of the Formula Definition

For the event "Billing document", you want to determine the profit margin I. The profit margin I is the difference between the net value of the billing document and the corresponding cost. FORM MCV2_600. FORMULA_VALUE = MCVBRP-NETWR - MCVBRP-WAVWR. RETURNCODE = 0. ENDFORM. Activate A formula definition can only be used in updating if it is active. To activate a formula, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on a line.


Select the function Edit -> Activate.

Delete You can only delete a formula if it is inactive. If you want to delete a formula, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on the line of the formula you wish to delete.


Select the function Edit -> Deactivate.


Select the function Edit -> Delete line. The formula is then deleted. Display Generation Log of Update Rules A log is written during the generation of the update rules for an information structure and an update group. This log lists the objects that were created during the generation. It also displays the errors that occurred during the generation.

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The generation log is stored. This means that you can also display deletion logs for information structures that have already been deleted. In this IMG activity, you can display the last log for each information structure. Activities 1.

Specify the name of the information structure for which the log is to be issued.


Specify the corresponding update group.


Press ENTER. Updating Control In this section, you make the specifications which apply to the following elements of updating control: o

activation of update


application-specific update settings


updating check Activate Update In this IMG activity, you make settings for updating the information structures. Data analysis in the information systems is based on statistical data which is updated from the operative application to the information structures. Updating is triggered by an event in a logistics application (e.g. purchase order, sales order). An event is a point in time when information is created that needs to be recorded. You can influence updating by making the following settings: o

Period unit of the update You define the time level on which statistical data is to be cumulated. Here you can choose from the following periods: -

updating on a daily basis


updating on a weekly basis


updating on a monthly basis


updating on the basis of posting period In this case, you can allocate a posting period to the information structure. The period is then always determined on the basis of this posting period and not in accordance with the posting period for the company code. You should allocate a posting period if the company code cannot be accurately derived from the characteristics in the information structure. If you do not specify the fiscal year variant, the period split "Posting period" will correspond to the

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posting period that is automatically determined in the documents for the connection to Financial Accounting. If you want to define your own period split (e.g. quarter, two weeks) for an information structure, you need to specify a fiscal year variant. If you change the periodicity, data in the information structure for the old periodicity is deleted. o

Type of updating You determine when the information structures are updated. Here, you have the following options: -

Synchronous update (V1 update) The statistics update is carried out at the same time as the document update. If, however, errors occur during updating and the statistics update is therefore terminated, the corresponding documents are no longer available and will need to be re-entered.


Asynchronous update (V2 update) Here the document update and the statistics update take place separately so that if the statistics update is terminated, this does not affect the update of the documents that are available in the operative application. In addition, you can perform the document update one one system and the statistics update on another.


Collective update (U3 update) Again in this case, the document update is separate from the statistics update. This means that if the statistic update is terminated, it does not affect the document update in the operating application. However, contrary to the U2 update, the U3 collective update must be scheduled as a job.


No update, which means that the update is switched off.

The update can be activated for each application. Note You can only change the update periods when the information structures contain planning data only. For this reason, the information structure whose update period you wish to change cannot be updated yet, i.e. filled with actual data. Activities 1.

Select the application in which you wish to change the update parameters of the information structures.


Place the cursor on the information structure whose update parameters you wish to change.


Choose the function "Parameters". The update parameters are displayed.


Select the setting you require.


Copy the setting you have selected.


Save the update parameters you have changed.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Settings: Sales In this section, you can make application-specific update settings for Sales and Distribution. The business events from the application influence the statistics update via the update group. In sales and distribution processes, the following organizational elements determine the update group: o

sales organization


distribution channel




a group of customers


a group of materials


sales document type


item type

You can avoid assigning every single object of an organizational element (for example, every single customer) to an update group, by combining the individual objects of some organization elements to make a group. Each group of objects forms a statistics group. Statistics groups can be formed for the following organizational elements: o





Sales document type


Item type Example

In sales and distribution processes, a distinction is made between "normal" sales and so-called returns. These different business types are identified by different sales document types. You want to save the order quantities from the different business types in different statistics fields in an information structure. This ensures that when a "normal" sale takes place, only the assigned statistics fields are updated, and not the statistics fields that cumulate the returns quantities, and vice versa. For controlling this different kind of update, you need to use two different update groups. For example, assign the update group "000001" to the sales document types that show the "normal" sales. You have already assigned these sales document types to the statistics group "01". You then assign the update group "000002" to the sales document types that represent the returns processes. These sales document types have all been assigned to the statistics group "02". If you define the update rules for the key figures of an information structure, make sure you always refer to an update group. If you define the update rules for your information structure with reference to the update group "000001", only define the key figures that are updated by the "normal" sales.

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Conversely, only define the key figures which are updated by the returns transactions with reference to the update group "000002". Key figures that are to be updated by both business events should be assigned to both update groups in the definition. Statistics Groups In the following IMG activities, you can define statistics groups for customers, materials, and sales document types/item types and then assign them to sales document types/item types. The statistics groups must be entered into the respective customer master record or material master record. Maintain Statistics Groups for Customers In this IMG activity, you define the statistics groups which can be used in the allocation of individual customers. Statistics groups can be assigned to customers in the maintenance of the customer master record (screen "Sales"). Activities 1.

Determine which groups of customers should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows:



Enter a one-digit, alphanumeric key in field Stat (customer: statistics group).


Enter an explanatory text for the respective statistics group in the Descr. field.

Make sure that the statistics groups are entered into the customer master records. Maintain Statistics Groups for Material In this IMG activity, you define the statistics groups which can be used in the allocation of individual materials. Statistics groups can be assigned to materials in the maintenance of material master record (screen "Sales 2"). Activities 1.

Determine how which groups of materials should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows: a)

Enter a one-digit, alphanumeric key in field Sats (material: statistics group).

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b) 3.

Enter an explanatory text for the respective statistics group in the Descr. field.

Make sure that the statistics groups are entered into the material master records. Maintain Statistics Groups for Sales Documents In this IMG activity, you define the statistics groups which can be used in the allocation of individual sales documents. In the following activities, you allocate these statistics groups to the document types and the item categories. Activities 1.

Determine which groups of sales documents should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows: a)

Enter an alphanumeric key which can contain up to two characters in field SGr (statistics group).


Enter an explanatory text for the respective statistics group in the Descr. field. Assign Statistics Groups for Each Sales Document Type In this IMG activity, you allocate the previously defined statistics groups to the individual sales document types. Activities Allocate the statistics groups to the sales document types. Assign Statistics Groups for each Sales Document Item Type In this step, you allocate previously defined statistics groups to the sales document item types. Activities Allocate the statistics groups to the item categories in the sales documents. Assign Statistics Groups for each Delivery Type In this IMG activity, you allocate the previously defined statistics groups to the delivery types.

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Note It is only advisable to assign those deliveries and delivery items which do not contain a reference to an order to delivery types and delivery item categories. This is the only case in which it is necessary to determine the update groups using the delivery types and delivery item categories. In the case of deliveries and delivery items which do refer to an order, the respective update group will be automatically copied from the corresponding sales order. Activities Allocate the statistics groups to the delivery types. Assign Statistics Groups for each Delivery Item Type In this step, you allocate previously defined statistics groups to the delivery item types. Note Assignments to delivery types and delivery item types is only recommended for deliveries and delivery items without an order reference. Only in this case is it necessary to determine the update groups by using the delivery types and delivery item types. In the case of deliveries and delivery items with an order reference, the respective update group will be automatically copied from the corresponding sales order. Activities Allocate the statistics groups to the item categories in the deliveries. Determine Billing Document Types Relevant to Statistics As with the delivery documents with an order reference, the same also applies to the billing document types. This means that it is no longer necessary to assign the individual billing document types to a statistics group in order to determine the update groups. In the case of the billing document types, the respective update group is determined using the corresponding sales document type or delivery type. In this IMG activity, you determine if and for which billing document types statistics should be updated. This allows you to exclude pro forma invoices, which are not to be included in the statistics, by using the billing document type from the update, although the corresponding sales order was used in the update.

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Activities Place a cross in the field Stat (statistics) for each of the billing document types relevant to the statistics. Update Group In the following activities you assign the individual business events to an update group. You can thereby specify which statistical data is to be updated from the individual business transactions. The allocation of update groups usually takes place along with elements from the sales document item (for example, statistics group material). In this case, the assignment of the update group occurs at the item level. In rare instances, it is necessary to update statistical data that originates exclusively from sales document header data. To do this, use the allocation of the update group at header level (for example, statistics group sold-to party). Assign Update Group on Item Level In this IMG activity, you can assign the business events of an update group on item level. Use the previously defined and assigned statistics groups as well as the corresponding sales areas. Caution If a sales area does not need to have a special influence on the statistics update, it is then possible, as of Release 3.0C, to generically specify the sales area, which means that you do not have to further specify the corresponding field contents for the sales organization, the distribution channel and the division. The statistic group "+" fulfils the same function for customers. Requirements o

You must have created the sales areas.


You must have defined and allocated the statistics groups. Activities

Allocate the statistics groups and sales areas to each update group. Assign Update Group on Header Level In this IMG activity you can assign the business events of an update group on header level. To do this, you use the previously defined and assigned statistics groups as well as the corresponding sales

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area. Caution If a sales area does not need to have any special influence on the statistics update, it is possible to specify the sales area generically, which means that you do not have to assigned field contents for the sales organization, the distribution channel and the division. Requirements o

You must have created the sales areas.


You must have defined and allocated the statistics groups. Activities

Allocate the statistics groups and sales areas to each update group. Change Statistics Currency for each Sales Organization In the definition of the information structures, you specify the currency (for example, local currency, document currency) in which the key figures are to be updated. This sometimes means that varying currencies will be updated in the statistics. This can cause values with different units to be added together in the totals lines of analyses. If you want to ensure that a standardized currency is used right from the update, you can define so-called statistics currencies which apply across all sales organizations. You can also allocate currency type "Statistics currency" to a key figure in the information structure definition. In this IMG activity, you can determine which uniform statistics currency is to apply to which sales organizations. Requirements o

You must have defined the currency key.


You must have created the sales organizations. Activities


For each sales organization, define the statistics currency applies which is to apply.


For each sales organization, specify a currency key for the statistics. Note

If the assignment of the statistic currency to the sales organization is later changed, it is possible to set up resident sales documents with the current statistic currency, using the statistical setup. To do so, choose the

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option Redetermine update group (this also redetermines the update group). To update the statistic currency of the resident dociments, choose the option Update documents (this also updates the redetermined update group in the document tables). Settings: Transportation In this section, you make the application-specific update settings for transportation. The business transactions from the application influence the statistics update with Update Group. The transportation planning point determines the update group in transportation processing. To avoid assigning single objects (for example, every single transportation service agent) to an update group, you can group together objects belonging to the same organizational element. Each group of objects is then considered a statistics group. Statistics groups can be formed for the following organizational elements: o

Transportation service agent


Shipment type Example

In transportation processing, single shipments are distinguished from collective shipments. Both methods of shipment are identified by different shipment types. You want to save the quantities from different shipment types in various statistics fields in an information structure. Only statistics fields corresponding to single shipment quantities are allowed to be updated by single shipments. Likewise, only statistics fields that cumulate collective shipment quantities can be updated by collective shipments. To control the various updates, use two different update groups. For example, assign the update group "000001" to the shipment type for single shipments. You previously assigned this shipment type to statistics group "01". Assign the update group "000002" to the shipment type for collective shipments. You previously assigned this shipment type to statistics group "02". Always refer to an update group when you define the Update Rules for the key figures of an information structure. When you define the update rules for your information structure with reference to the update group "000001", you define only the key figures that are updated by single shipments. Likewise, when you define the update rules with reference to the update group "000002", you define only the key figures that are updated by collective shipments. You assign key figures that should be updated from both shipment types according to the definition for both update groups.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Statistics Groups In the following steps, you can define statistic groups for transportation service agents and shipment types, and then assign these to shipment types. Maintain Statistics Groups for Transportation Service Agent In this step, you define the statistics groups that can be used for the assignment of individual transportation service agents. The assignment of statistics groups to transportation service agents is carried out in the maintenance of the transportation service agent master record (screen "Control"). Activities 1.

Determine which groups of service agents should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows:



Enter a one character alphanumeric key in the field StG (Statistics group: Transportation service agent)


Enter an explanatory text for each statistics group in the field Description.

Ensure that the statistics groups are being entered in the service agents master records. Maintain Statistics Groups for Shipment Types In this step, you define the statistics groups that can be used for the assignment of individual shipment types. You then assign these statistics groups to shipment types in the following step. Activities 1.

Determine which groups of shipment types should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows: a)

Enter an alphanumeric key with up to two characters in the field StG (Statistics Group)


Enter an explanatory text for each statistics group in the field Description. Assign Statistics Groups for each Shipment Type In this step, you assign the previously defined statistic groups to shipment types.

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Activities Assign the statistic groups to shipment types. Update Group In the following steps, assign individual transportation planning points to an Update group. By doing so, you define which statistical data from the individual business transactions will be updated. Assign Statistics Groups for each Transportation Planning Lo In this step, you have the option of assigning an update group. To do this, use the previously defined and assigned statistics groups as well as the corresponding transportation planning points. Prerequisites o

You have defined Transportation planning point.


You have defined and assigned Statistics groups. Activities

Assign each statistics group and transportation planning point to an update group. Maintain Statistics for each Transportation Planning Point By defining the information structures, you determine in which units (weight, volume, and distance) the key figures are updated. Dissimilar units could possibly be updated in the statistics. In which case, values with different units are added together in the analysis totals display. Units can be determined per transportation planning point in order to carry out an update with similar units. Activities 1.

For each transportation planning point, determine in which units the key figures should be updated.


For each transportation planning point, specify a unit of weight, volume, and distance for the statistics.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Settings: Sales Support In this IMG activity, you can make specific update settings for Sales Support. The business transactions from sales support influence the update of statistics by means of the update group. The following organizational elements in Sales Support determine the update group: o

Sales organization


Distribution channel




Customer statistics group


Statistics group for the sales activity type Statistics Groups In the following activities, you define statistics groups and assign them to sales activity types. Maintain Statistics Groups In this activity, you define the statistic groups that you then assign to the sales activity or direct mailing campaign types in your system. Activities 1.

Decide which groups of sales support documents should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows: a)

Enter an alphanumeric key in the STG field (statistics group for sales activities). The key can be up to 2 digits long.


Enter an explanatory text in the Description field for each statistics group. Assign Statistics Group per Sales Activity Type In this activity, you assign the statistics groups you have just defined to the individual sales activity types. Activities Assign the statistics groups to the sales activity types.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Update Groups In this activity, you assign business transactions, such as sales activity or direct mailing campaign types, to an update group. To do this you need to use the statistics groups, which you defined and assigned in the previous activities, as well as the relevant sales areas.

Caution If a sales area does not have a particular influence on the statistics update, you can specify a generic sales area by leaving the Sales organisation, Distribution channel, and Division fields blank.

Prerequisites 1.

You must have created the sales areas.


You must have defined and assigned the statistic groups for sales support .

Activities Assign each statistics group and sales area to an update group.

Note You do not need to create update groups for the sales summary because it is automatically updated by the system. Settings: Purchasing In this section, you make the application-specific update settings for Purchasing. In the Purchasing Information System, the application-specific maintenance of the settings for updating applies to: o

The schedule for quantity reliability With this schedule, the delivery quantity variance is valuated. The schedule for quantity reliability is determined in dependency upon the purchasing organization.


The schedule for on-time delivery performance With this schedule, the delivery date variance is valuated. The schedule for on-time delivery performance is also determined depending upon the purchasing organization.


The definition of the update group at the level of the purchasing document header.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Update Group on Item Level When you choose a specific update group you are defining the way in which the data from the document items is updated in the statistics file. You can choose between the following update groups: o

If you do not enter any update group, no update is carried out at item level.


If you enter the update group SAP, the corresponding purchasing documents are updated.


If you enter an update group that begins with Z, a customer-specific update is made on the relevant purchasing documents. Assign Update Group on Header Level When you choose a specific update group you are defining the way in which the data from the document header is updated in the statistics file. You can choose between the following update groups: o

If you do not enter any update group, no update is carried out on the header level.


If you enter the update group SAP, the corresponding purchasing documents are updated.


If you enter an update group that begins with Z, a customer-specific update is made on the relevant purchasing documents. Change Period Split for Quantity Reliability In the Logistics Information System (LIS), the statistics is managed on the amount of quantity variances of vendors. The delivery quantity variance is a key figure which specifies in percent the variance between the purchase order quantity and the quantity actually delivered. This key figure is determined if an order item is completed and is updated for the entry date of the goods receipt or for the entry date of purchase order change. You can determine four interval limits. Five intervals are then available to you for the valuation. Example You have set the interval limits, for example, as follows: o

1 -20%


2 -10%


3 10%


4 20%

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You have determined the intervals as follows then: o

x Execute. Note

If you execute this program in the background, you must specify a variant. Additional functions Via Utilities -> Help selection screen, you receive possible entries for the selection criteria specification.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Transport of Evaluation Structures and Evaluations When creating self-defined evaluation structures and evaluations, you can include them in one transfer order. This will allow you to use the R/3 transfer system to transfer self-defined objects between various clients (client copy) as well as between various systems. Notes on transporting Evaluation structures and evaluations are not blocking objects in the sense of the transfer system. For that reason, transferring into another system (client) can overwrite already existing evaluation structures and evaluations. To prevent this from happening you must ensure that none of the following objects exist in the target system (-client) with the same name: o


Transfer of evaluation structures -

evaluation structure


library Determine the names using transaction SE16 from table TMCSC (information structure = evaluation structure).


Variable Define the names using transaction SE16 from the table T802G (table = evaluation structure).

Transfer of evaluations -



report group The names are shown in the F4 Help for evaluation as "int.AuswNr".

Note By setting the issue of internal numbers you can prevent libraries, variables and reporting groups from being generated with the same name in various systems (clients). Caution Evaluations can only be transferred if the internal set up of the under- lying evalution structures are identical in the source system (client) and target system (client). This is only ensured if the evaluation structures were also transferred from the source system (client). If in both systems (clients), evaluation structures for self-defined information structures ("ZF..." for customer structures "S..." for SAP structures) exist but which were generated in various systems, you should first delete the evaluation structure in the target system (client) and then transfer the evaluation structure and assigned evalaution together. In contrast, with standard evaluation structures in the R/3 system, which are automatically generated (with the same name), you can assume that the internal structures in all systems (clients) are identical, such that evaluations can be transported independent of the evaluation structure upon which they are based.

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You should, however, note that the evaluation structure must first be generated in the target system (or client), for example via Evaluation structure -> Display, before their evaluation(s) can be transported. Note After the transport, you can use the mass generation function in the target system (client) to generate the evaluations. Determine internal number assignment In this step, you can assign a number interval to protect the libraries, report groups and variables in the Logistics Information System from being overwritten when importing from other clients or systems. For libraries, you must in each case maintain the last two positions of the library name in the From-To interval. The first position is always a value of "2" internally (number for customer-specific objects). For the report groups, you must maintain the last three positions of the From-To interval and the last four positions for the variables. You must do the number assignment separately in each client. This prevents objects with the same name from being created in different clients. The fields Update library, Update auth. grp and Update var. no. display the current counter reading. If you have reached the maximum of a number interval (99) during the number assignment, you can reset the counter readings. Note The keys are checked only when creating. Actions 1.

Specify a two-digit alphanumeric key for each library in the fields From and To.


Specify a three-digit alphanumeric key for each report group in the fields From and To.


Specify a four-digit alphanumeric key for each variable in the fields From and To. Perform mass generation of evaluations When you create and change evaluations, you can either generate them immediately or just save them. If you have only saved an evaluation, you can now go back and execute a generation in this step, thereby generating several evaluations simultaneously. Note If you want to execute this program in the background, you must set the indicator Generate without

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selection list. In this case, you must also specify a variant. If you execute the program in the background, all of the selected objects will be generated directly. If you do not execute the program in the background, you first receive the list of all selected objects and can further restrict the generation of objects. Actions 1.

Enter the interval limits for the selection of evaluations in the fields From and To.


Enter the interval limits for the selection of evaluation structures in the fields From and To.


If required, select the indicator for the background generation.


Start the generation program. Select layout reports for evaluation structures In this step, you can display and extend the selection list of the layout reports for evaluation structures. Select a layout report from this list when changing an evaluation structure and assign it to the evaluation structure. You can make this assignment in the definition screen for the evaluation structure via Edit -> Technical info. Default settings The standard layout report for the evaluation structures of the Logistics Information System is layout report 33AAREPO. Caution You have to have created the layout reports which you define in this step for the standard library 3AA. Actions To include further layout reports for evaluation structures in the selection list, choose Edit -> New entries. Additional information o

Report In a report, data from a database is edited in list form. You can define the structure of a report yourself. In this case, you can make the following specifications: -

general selection of characteristics for the report


selection of characteristics for the rows and columns


selection of key figures for the columns

subtotals that are to be created in the rows and columns in each case The layout of a report is determined by layout parameters. The standard layouts contain default values

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for the layout parameters. You can define standard layouts independent of a report. o

Library If you have defined a report, you must allocate it to a library. The library determines which database fields may be used in a report.


Report Group Executing a report occurs via a report group. Within the framework of the flexible analyses, one report group contains exactly one report. The report names are unique only in conjunction with the library name, whereas a report group is uniquely identifiable by its name only. Determine standard layout In this work step, you can define the layout parameters for the layout of your reports. SAP has default layouts, "SAP" and "LIS". If you want to define the layout individually, all fields are first filled with the layout parameters from the default layout you have selected. These parameters are proposed values you can overwrite depending on your requirements. The layout parameters are divided into language-specific and language- independent parameters. The following input templates are available for the layout definition: o



Line totals


Line texts


Column totals


Column texts


Display Note

The SAP default layout "SAP" is delivered with the Report Writer. Default settings The standard SAP R/3 System for the Logistics Information System additionally contains the default layout "LIS". Actions 1.

You want to use the SAP standard layout "SAP" or the standard layout "LIS". This does not require a configuration.


You want to determine the standard layout for your reports individually. Proceed as follows: a)

Enter a name for your own default layout in field Default layout.

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Copy the SAP standard layout you want to use as a reference for your own standard layout by entering the name of the required standard layout in field Copy standard layout.


Press ENTER. You branch to the input template for the header data.


Enter a description for your standard layout.


The authorization group specification is optional. The authorization group allows an extended authorization protection for certain objects.


Determine the general page format.


Determine the line parameters.


Determine the parameters for the line texts.


Determine the column parameters.


Determine the parameters for the column texts.


Determine the numeric format of the values to be issued.


Determine the language-specific parameters.


Save your settings.

Note for transport The default layout is a Report Writer object. Report Writer objects are transported by using a special Customizing function provided especially for it in the productive system. Refer to Description in the Implementation Guide "Special Ledger". Additional functions With Utilities -> Layout directory, you branch to the directory which contains the standard layouts for the Report Writer. Via the Report Writer menu option, you can branch into all of the Report Writer functions.

1.23.3 Planning The planning functionality of the information systems in Logistics and the Sales and Operations Planning (SOP) component were combined and expanded in one central planning and forecasting tool in Release 3.0. Planning within these information systems is performed with the help of this flexible planning tool. Not only can you evaluate actual data with the Logistics Information System, but you can also set up planning data. Planning is based on the information structures. This means that not only the standard information structures, but the self-defined information structures can be planned as well. In this chapter, you will find a description of all of the system settings that are possible under the planning functionality of the Logistics Information System (LIS). You can thus plan on every aggregation level, i.e., planning hierarchies or product groups on a high planning level, as well as detailed planning of final results.

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In addition, you also have the capability for sales and operations planning and to plan other data (for example, key figures of an information structure). You can also compare resources for materials, production resource/tools and costs in order to ensure that your resources are sufficient for fulfilling certain goals. Planning takes place in a easy-to use planning table which resembles a spreadsheet. Here the possibilities include defining macros and events, as well as comparing planned and actual data. Master Data In this section, you configure the following master data for Sales & Operations Planning: o

planning parameters for information structures


planning parameters for key figures


number range intervals for combinations of characteristics


number range intervals for events Set parameters for info structures and key figures In this step, you set the planning parameters of information structures and their key figures for use in Sales & Operations Planning. These parameters are as follows: Information Structures o

Table This is the number of the information structure.


Number of rolling versions At any one time, the system can manage one active planning version and a number of historical versions for an information structure. You specify here the number of historical versions which you want to be stored in the system.


Planning method -

Consistent planning


Level-by-level planning

Delta planning In consistent planning, planning levels are interdependent. The user plans at any characteristic level, and the data is then aggregated and disaggregated automatically up and down the planning hierarchy. The sum of the details always gives the planning value at the aggregate level. In contrast to level-by-level planning, the system stores the data at the most detailed hierarchy level only. In level-by-level planning, planning data is saved for every characteristic value of an information structure. The planning levels are independent of each other, unless they are aggregated and/or disaggregated by manual intervention from the user. In order to aggregate, you need to write a macro (see SOP: Planning Types and Macros). You perform disaggregation for a key figure using the planning

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table function Edit -> Disaggregate line; the system then bases disaggregation on the proportional factors in the planning hierarchy master record. In delta planning, aggregation is performed automatically, but not disaggregation. o

planning plant The plant you enter here is used in resource leveling. Resource leveling is always carried out with reference to a plant, even if no plant has been specified in the rough-cut planning profile. For more information, see Define scheduling levels, Define routing selection, and Set planning plant for SOP.


storage periodicity The storage periodicity gives the time unit in which planning versions of the information structure are stored. The default storage periodicity is the update period defined in Customizing for the Logistics Information System. If the planning method is consistent planning or delta planning, this entry is mandatory. If the planning method is level-by-level planning, this entry is optional. If you do not define a storage periodicity, the data is saved as it is displayed in the planning table.


fiscal year variant If the storage periodicity is "posting period", you must specify a fiscal year variant.


factory calendar Make an entry here if you want to be able to disaggregate one or more key figures in this information structure with regard to time (see "time-based disaggregation" below).


exchange rate type You define here whether, for example, an average rate, a buying rate, or a selling rate is to be used for currency conversion.


statistics currency This is the currency in which you want to plan value key figures from this information structure. It will apply throughout the planning hierarchy.


base unit of measure If the planning method is consistent planning, this is the default unit in which you plan quantity key figures from this information structure. The unit can be overwritten in the planning table provided that conversion is possible either via the SI system (e.g. 1 tonne = 1000 kg) or via conversion factors defined in the material master. If the planning method is level-by-level planning, this is the default unit in which you plan quantity key figures from this information structure. This unit can be changed in the planning hierarchy for characteristic values above the material level provided that conversion is possible via the SI system (e.g. 1 tonne = 1000 kg). Key figure quantities are shown in the planning table in the unit of measure maintained for that characteristic value in the planning hierarchy. The unit can also be overwritten in the planning table provided that conversion is possible either via the SI system or via conversion factors defined in the material master. When data is transferred from SOP to Demand Management, planned independent requirements are created in Demand Management in the base units of measure of the materials. This is not necessarily the same as the base unit you maintain here. If you plan a material in SOP in a unit other than its base unit, the necessary conversion factor between the two units needs to have been defined in the material master record. Otherwise, you cannot pass on this material's data to Demand Management.


zero values to MRP You set this indicator if you want key figure values of zero to be transferred to Demand Management. Note

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When you perform this transfer, any planned independent requirements that already exist in Demand Management are overwritten with the SOP data. o

capacity allowed Enter a "1" here to allow the capacity situation to be displayed for this information structure. You will then be able to carry out resource leveling for the following resources: -

work center capacities




production resources and tools




capacity key figure If you want to carry out capacity planning in flexible planning on the basis of routings, enter here the field name of the key figure to which the capacity load is to be attached.


no unit conversion Enter an "X" here to disallow units conversion for this information structure.


no user exits Enter an "X" here to disallow the incorporation of non-SAP data into your sales and operations plans.


no 0 column usage Enter an "X" here to disallow the setting of values (for example, opening stock) in the 0 column of the planning table.


no event usage Enter an "X" here to disallow the use of events for this information structure.

Key Figures o

forecast You specify whether or not it will be possible to run a forecast for this key figure in this information structure.


time-based disaggregation You specify whether or not, in the case of period splitting to a smaller period (e.g. months to weeks), you wish to disaggregate on a proportional basis. You use the "factory calendar" setting (see above) in conjunction with this parameter. Example The key figure is stock level and you wish to maintain a constant stock level of 100 tonnes. Therefore, you do not disaggregate (that is, you do not set this indicator); when you change the period split from months to weeks, the stock level stays at 100 tonnes. Example The key figure is planned production order quantity. You wish to view it first in months and second in weeks. In this case, you do disaggregate. The system works out the key figure values in each of the periods with reference to the factor calendar.


aggregation type This parameter is designed for use with the consistent planning method. In consistent planning, data is aggregated and disaggregated automatically to every level in the planning hierarchy. For each key figure,

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you choose one of three options: 1.

Average calculated If you are in Create mode and enter or overwrite data at the aggregate level, this data is copied to the detailed level. If you are in Change mode and overwrite data at the aggregate level, the values at the detailed level change so that each one represents the same proportion of the aggregate value as before. If you create or change data at the detailed level, the new value at the aggregate level is calculated as the mean average of the values at the detailed level. This option is designed for key figures that represent prices (for example, sales price) or percentages (for example, percentage of purchasing budget already released).


Total created This is the default setting for planned key figures. The system performs aggregation by totaling the key figure values at the detailed level and writing the total to the aggregate level. The system performs disaggregation using the proportional factors. In consistent planning, the proportional factors can be determined in four ways: -

You can have the system calculate them on the basis of existing (normally actual) data (the menu option Master data -> Calculate proportions -> Using actual data). This calculation gives generic proportional factors that will be valid for all key figures, characteristic values, and periods unless they are overridden.


You can have the system calculate them on the basis of proportional factors already entered for adjacent levels in the planning hierarchy (the menu option Master data -> Calculate proportions -> Using planning hierarchy). This calculation gives generic proportional factors that will be valid for all key figures, characteristic values, and periods unless they are overridden. Note If you have calculated the proportional factors in one of the two ways just described and then change the values of a key figure in the planning table, you override the predefined proportional factors of this key figure in this period. This means that the next time disaggregation of this key figure for this period takes place, the system uses the new (temporary) proportions that it derives from the changed data at the detailed level. However, you can still apply the predefined proportional factors to this key figure. To do so, place the cursor on it and select Edit -> Disaggregate line.


You have not calculated the proportional factors and no planning data has yet been entered in this version of the information structure. The data is distributed evenly, that is, the proportional factor of each of the details is the same.


You have not calculated the proportional factors and data has already been entered for this version of the information structure. The system distributes the data according to the proportions which it derives from the key figure values at the detailed level.

Therefore, the following situations may arise:

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If you create a version and enter data for the first time, the system performs disaggregation in one of two ways: the data is distributed using the predefined proportional factors (see above) This is the case if you have predefined the proportional factors. The data is disaggregated automatically to the detailed level when the planning table is regenerated, that is, when you select ENTER or switches to the detailed level with Goto -> Details. the data is distributed evenly This is the case if you have not predefined the proportional factors. The data is disaggregated automatically to the detailed level as soon as the screen is regenerated, that is, when you select ENTER or switch to the detailed level with Goto -> Details. If you create a planning version and overwrite data which has just been entered, or if you change a planning version, the system performs disaggregation in one of two ways: the data is distributed in accordance with the proportions it derives from the existing planning data This is the case either if you have not predefined the proportional factors, or if you have changed the key figure values at the detailed level in certain periods, thus overriding the predefined proportional factors. The data is disaggregated to the detailed level as soon as the screen is regenerated, that is, when you select ENTER or switch to the detailed level with Goto -> Details. the data is distributed using the predefined proportional factors (see above) This is the case if you have predefined the proportional factors. However, if you have changed the key figure values at the detailed level in certain periods, thus overriding the predefined proportional factors in those periods, you must also select Edit -> Disaggregate line for this key figure. Otherwise, the system will disaggregate the key figure in these periods on the basis of the new proportions that it derives from the altered planning data. 3.

No aggregation Neither aggregation nor disaggregation is performed. This option is designed for key figures which do not need to be aggregated or disaggregated, such as text lines or auxiliary lines. This is the default for actual data.

Requirements You create, change, and display information structures in Customizing for the Logistics Information System (the step Maintain self-defined information structures). Actions 1.

Select the information structure whose parameters you want to set, if necessary, using the pushbutton Position.


Select Goto -> Details.

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Set the parameters of this information structure.


Select Table view -> Save.


Select Goto -> Back.


In the Navigation group box at the top of the screen, click on the navigation icon for Key Figure Parameters.


Select the key figure whose parameters whose want to set, if necessary, using the pushbutton Position.


Select Goto -> Details.


Set the parameters of this key figure.

10. Select Table view -> Save. 11. Select Goto -> Back. Set planning plant for SOP In this step, you specify which plant is to be used for resource planning in SOP in cases where no other plant can be identified. When you carry out resource planning in SOP, the system reads the resource requirements from a routing or a rough-cut planning profile. Precisely which routing or rough-cut planning profile is read depends on the selection ID set in Customizing and on the priorities defined for this selection ID (see Define scheduling levels and Define routing selection). The system identifies the selection ID with reference to several selection criteria, in particular, the criterion "plant". If plant is not a characteristic of the planned information structure, or if the planned characteristic values combination includes more than one plant, no plant is uniquely identifiable. The system then checks to see whether a planning plant has been set for this information structure in the Customizing step Set parameters for info structures and key figures. If no entry is found here, the selection ID is identified via the plant marked as the planning plant in this step. Actions 1.

Enter an 'X' by the plant you want to function as your planning plant in SOP.


Select Table view -> Save. Further Notes

Only one plant can be marked as the SOP plant. Define number range for combined characteristics In this step, you define the number range intervals of characteristic value combinations in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP). The system uses these numbers internally; they do not appear in the application.

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Example You may find it useful to define different intervals for test data and production data. Actions 1.

Maintain the number range intervals of your characteristic value combinations as required.


Make sure that no number intervals overlap.


Save your changes. Transport Notes

To transport number range objects, select Interval -> Transport on the initial screen. In the target system, all intervals of the chosen number range object are deleted first so that only the exported intervals exist after the import. The number statuses are imported with the value that they had when exported. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Define number range for events In this step, you define the number range intervals of events in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP). The system uses these numbers internally; they do not appear in the application. Example You may find it useful to define different intervals for test data and production data. Actions 1.

Maintain the number range intervals of your events as required.


Make sure that no number intervals overlap.


Save your changes. Transport Notes

To transport number range objects, select Interval -> Transport on the initial screen. In the target system, all intervals of the chosen number range object are deleted first so that only the exported intervals exist after the import. The number statuses are imported with the value that they had when exported. Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Create characteristics for remainder allocations In this step, you maintain a block allocation for characteristic values for which no specific allocation is defined. SAP recommends you carry out this step if you intend to plan product allocation quantities. The system then adds the characteristic value '#' to every level of the planning hierarchy except the top one. This top level is represented by the characteristic "product allocation object". Thus, it acts as a container for all characteristic values that are not specified by name in the planning hierarchy. You quantify the allocations by defining proportional factors in the planning hierarchy. When the system carries out allocations checking, it works from the bottom of the planning hierarchy upwards. With information structure S140, it checks whether an allocation has been maintained for the sold-to party for which the order has been taken. If not, it moves up one level and checks to see whether the customer belongs to a customer group for which an allocation has been maintained. If no allocation has been maintained for characteristic values at the lower levels, the system arrives at the "product allocation object" characteristic value at the top of the planning hierarchy and derives the allocation from the proportional factor from the appropriate container. If a valid combination of characteristic values is found but the allocation has already been used up, then the container is not used. Thus you can assign allocations to only the most important customers without having to create separate master records for each of the less important characteristic values (i.e. customers). Activities 1.

Enter the information structure on which your product allocation planning is based. The standard information structure provided by SAP for product allocation is S140.


If you want the results to be saved on the database, select Change database.


Select Program -> Execute. Open-To-Buy (OTB) In this IMG activity, you configure Open-To-Buy (OTB). Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Parameters for Open-To-Buy (OTB) In this IMG activity, you can maintain paramters for Open-to-Buy (OTB). o

You can activate Open-to-Buy in "General Control".


You can choose the unit in 'Scenario Selection". This ensures that the suitable planning types and standard analyses are used. You can choose between

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the following: -

Sales prices including value-added tax


Sales prices without value-added tax


Purchase prices without value-added tax

In addition to the value-based calculation of OTB, you can also specify whther the calculation is to be carried out in terms of quantity. o

You control the OTB check in the purchase order under "Control order check" in the purchase order. -

Check in the purchase order You can indicate whether and how you want to be warned when you create a purchase order and exceed the limit. This function has a very negative effect on performance levels due to the extensive nature of the checks. Alternatively, you can use exception reporting to perform a periodic OTB check. This does not affect the online processes.


Planning type for the order warning Here you need to specify the planning type used to create the plan and which is used to check the purchase order. The planning type is relevant for the planning horizon.


Version number for the order warning Here you need to specify the planning version to be checked in the purchase order.

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Recommendation For reasons of performance, you should only acticate Open-to-Buy when you also want to implement OTB. If you do not require the quantity-based OTB calculation, you should switch off this function for performance reasons. Average prices of price band categories In this step, you define o

the average price and


the valid price range

for every price band in retail prices including tax. You define these on the basis of the o

Sales organization

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Distribution channel


Material group


Season category

In addition, you can specify the price band even further using the two characteristics. The characteristics are any characteristics of an information structure for whose attributes average prices can be stored. They can be maintained in the following step Characteristics Fields per Information Structure for Price Band Categories. Because the price is likely to change over time, you can specify the end of the validity period for each record. The start of the validity period is implied by the end of the validity period of an earlier record. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Further Notes If a planning type for an information structure contains the average price band price as a key figure, the corresponding prices are then imported into the planning screen for all members during planning. The values at totals level are the result of aggregation. A requirement for this is an information structure which contains the following characteristics: o

Sales organization,


Distribution channel,


Material group and


Price band category

If characteristics are missing, they must be maintained here using a ' ' for each key field. The prices are imported for each period. for this the system determines the nearest record with an end of validity date after or the same as the period-end. The price band prices are displayed in the planning currency. Characteristic Fields Per Info Structure for Price Bands In this step you can choose two characteristics fields per information structure. These fields can then be used in the step Average prices of price band categories.

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Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are contained in table S002: QWEQWE VKBUR Functions In this section, you configure the following planning functions for Sales & Operations Planning (SOP): o

proportional distribution of data across plants


resources planning




mass processing


Application Link Enabling (ALE) Define proportional distribution across plants In this step, you configure the proportional distribution across different plants of material values that the user copies from one information structure to another. The source information structure does not contain the characteristic "plant", but the target information structure does contain it. Example You want to create sales plans in standard SOP by transferring the sales quantities already planned in the Sales Information System (SIS). However, the sales quantities in SIS are not planned with reference to plants, while product groups and materials in SOP are defined in terms of their plant. Product group PGTB contains two members: the material MTB "touring bike" in plant 1 and plant 2. The system treats them as the same planning object in the Sales Information System and as separate planning objects in standard SOP. For standard SOP, you define the proportion of this material's sales in plant 1 as 0.7 and the proportion of sales in plant 2 as 0.3. Actions 1.

Enter your plants.


Specify the proportions of these plants, for example, 0.75 and 0.25.

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Enter materials to which these proportions do not apply, including materials which are managed in only one plant. You enter a material as many times as it has plants.


For each material, enter the plants in which it is managed.


Specify the proportions of your materials in each plant. If a material is managed in only one plant, the proportion for this plant will be 1. Further Notes

You do not have to enter proportions for each material separately, but only for materials to which the usual distribution does not apply. To specify the usual distribution, you enter the proportions of your plants leaving the material column blank. If you do not enter any proportions here, the system will distribute the data evenly across all plants in which the material is managed. Resource Planning In this section you configure resources planning for Sales and Operations Planning (SOP). You define the following: o

Scheduling parameters


Routing selection


Number range intervals (number areas) for SOP orders Configure scheduling parameters In this step you specify for each plant and production scheduler the parameters for scheduling SOP orders. This comprises the maintenance of o

scheduling levels (detailed-, production-rat- and rough-cut)


scheduling control for detailed scheduling



The parameters are described in more detail in what follows: o


In detailed-, production-rate- and rough-cut scheduling you specify for each scheduling level -

how the production dates are calculated


whether capacity requirements are generated


which rough-cut planning profile is the basis for scheduling

In scheduling control for detailed scheduling you define the control parameters for detailed scheduling, among other things

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scheduling type Here you specify the scheduling direction. You can also specify that a scheduling run is only used to generate capacity requirements.


Start date in the past Here you specify how many days an order can be in the past before today scheduling is automatically triggered.


Automatically display log Here you specify whether the log is automatically displayed after scheduling.

In reduction you specify -

up to what maximum reduction level the reduction can take place


to what percentage the floats before and after production in every reduction level should be reduced.

Note o

Note that scheduling is always carried out for all scheduling levels that you have maintained. This is very performance-intensive since data must be read from the database. Therefore it is recommended that you only maintain the relevant scheduling levels. Actions

Define the scheduling parameters for SOP orders. Define routing selection In this step, you define the selection IDs which identify the criteria for the automatic selection of routings. The selection criteria are: o

routing type


routing usage


routing status

You can assign several combinations of these selection criteria to every selection ID, and specify a selection priority for each combination. When selecting routings, the system searches for a routing which matches the selection criteria. If it cannot find a routing matching the criteria with the highest priority, it will continue to search using the criteria with the next highest priority, and so on. Actions 1.

Define the selection criteria and their priorities for the desired selection ID.


Save your routing selection criteria.

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Further Notes When computing resources, the system determines the selection ID according to the following criteria: o



order group


order type


production scheduler

See also Define scheduling levels. However, flexible planning in SOP may be carried out on a combination of characteristic values for which a plant cannot be uniquely identified. Possible reasons for this are: o

"plant" is not a characteristic of the information structure


you are planning at an aggregate level across multiple plants Example You plant all materials that belong to sales organization CENTRAL. These materials are managed in several different plants. You now wish to carry out resource leveling for this characteristic values combination.

If no one plant can be identified, the plant which the system uses to determine the selection ID is the plant defined in the Customizing step Set parameters for info structures and key figures. If no plant has been defined here, the selection ID is determined using the SOP plant defined in the Customizing step Set planning plant for SOP. The system determines the selection ID by searching in the following order for these criteria: First Choice Plant Order group Order type Production scheduler

see above 1 [space] [space] or entry as in material master

Second Choice Plant Order group Order type Production scheduler

see above 1 [space] *

Third Choice Plant Order group Order type

see above 1 *

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Production scheduler

[space] or entry as in material master

Fourth Choice Plant Order group Order type Production scheduler

see above 1 * * Define number range for SOP orders In this step, you maintain the number range intervals of SOP orders. The quantities and dates of requirements planned in Sales & Operations Planning are stored in SOP orders. The system creates SOP orders in the background. SOP orders are used in resource leveling. Example You may find it useful to define different intervals for test and production data. Actions 1.

Check the number range intervals of your SOP orders to ensure there is no danger of overflow.


Make sure that no number intervals overlap.


Make any necessary changes.


Save these changes. Transport Notes

To transport number range objects, select Interval -> Transport on the initial screen. In the target system, all intervals of the chosen number range object are deleted first so that only the exported intervals exist after the import. The number statuses are imported with the value that they had when exported. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Forecast In this section you configure the forecast for Sales and Operations Planning (SOP). You define the following: o

Forecast profiles


Number range intervals (number areas) for forecast parameters


Number range intervals (number areas) for forecast values

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain forecast profiles In this step, you configure forecast profiles. The automatic forecast is one way to create sales plans in Sales & Operations Planning. Forecast profiles combine forecast parameters which are often used together. Thus, they facilitate data entry since the user does not have to make the same settings every time he/she runs a forecast, but can simply choose a forecast profile. Standard Settings Release 3.0 of the R/3 System comes with the standard forecast profile SAP. You can add your own profiles as necessary. Actions 1.

Maintain the name and description of your forecast profile.


Maintain its forecast parameters.


Save your entries. Define number range for forecast parameters In this step, you configure the internal number range intervals of your forecast parameters. Example You may find it useful to define different intervals for test and production data. Actions 1.

Check the number range intervals of your forecast parameters to ensure there is no danger of overflow.


Make sure that no number intervals overlap.


Make any necessary changes.


Save these changes. Transport Notes

To transport number range objects, select Interval -> Transport on the initial screen. In the target system, all intervals of the chosen number range object are deleted first so that only the exported intervals exist after the import. The number statuses are imported with the value that they had when exported. Dependent tables are not transported or converted.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define number range for forecast values In this step, you configure the internal number range intervals of your forecast values. Example You may find it useful to define different intervals for test and production data. Actions 1.

Check the number range intervals of your forecast values to ensure there is no danger of overflow.


Make sure that no number intervals overlap.


Make any necessary changes.


Save these changes. Transport Notes

To transport number range objects, select Interval -> Transport on the initial screen. In the target system, all intervals of the chosen number range object are deleted first so that only the exported intervals exist after the import. The number statuses are imported with the value that they had when exported. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Mass Processing In this section, you configure the processing of large volumes of data in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) for actions which require a planning activity. The following actions require a planning activity for mass processing: o

forecasting You create a forecast profile in Maintain forecast profiles. You define an activity for forecasting in this section.


copying key figures from one information structure to another You create a key figure assignment profile and a copy profile in this section. You define an activity for copying in this section.


transferring data to Demand Management You create a transfer profile in this section. You define an activity for the transfer in this section.


executing macros You write a macro for a planning type in Maintain planning types. You define an activity for the macro in this section.

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For full information on the various steps required to carry out each of these actions, see the online guide "PP Sales & Operations Planning". Define activities In this step, you make the general configurations necessary for SOP activities. Background jobs can then be created and scheduled for these activities. An SOP activity includes one or more of the following: o

a macro as defined in a planning type


a transfer of data to Demand Management


the copying of key figure values between versions of different information structures


the forecast

For each activity, you specify: o

a key This represents the activity that will be performed when the background job is run.


a sequence number One activity can comprise several actions. This number determines the sequence in which these actions are performed when the background job (that is, the activity) is carried out.


a planning type In this field, you specify the planning type to which the activity refers. You must make an entry in this field. If you are copying between information structures, you enter a planning type of the target information structure.


an action In this field, you specify whether the action is a macro, a transfer to Demand Management, the copying between versions of information structures, or the forecast.


macro If the action is a macro, you specify the macro name here.


transfer profile If the action is the transfer of planning data to Demand Management, you specify a transfer profile here.


copy profile If the action is the copying of data from one information structure to another, you specify a copy profile here.


forecast profile If the action is the forecast, you specify a forecast profile here.


table If the action is the forecast, you enter here the information structure of the key figure for which the forecast will be run.


field name If the action is the forecast, you enter here the key figure for which the forecast will be run.

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Requirements Before you carry out this step, you need to have defined the planning type. You also need to have defined the action: o

a macro


a transfer profile


a key figure assignment profile and a copy profile , or


a forecast profile Actions


Make or change your entries.


Save them.

Further Notes You do not need to create an activity if the following conditions are met: o

the planning method of both your source and your target information structures is consistent planning


you require a high-level copy with subsequent distribution

In this case, you create a key figure assignment profile and then carry out the function Planning -> Mass processing -> Copy/delete version -> High-level copy. For more information, see Copy key figures between info structures. Copying Key Figures Between Info Structures In this section, you configure the copying of key figures from one information structure to another. The copying method you use depends on the planning methods of the source and target information structures and on the characteristics in each one. Sales & Operations Planning comes with standard copying methods for three combinations of planning methods: o

consistent -> consistent


consistent -> level-by-level


delta -> level-by-level

Otherwise, you can write your own copying method and define it in the Customizing step Define user methods. The standard copying methods are as follows: Consistent -> Consistent The system copies key figures to the detailed level of the target information structure in one of two ways:

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The system attempts to match planning objects with identical characteristic values in the source and target information structures. It then copies key figures to the target information structure for each planning object in the source information structure in which the characteristic value can be found. Example

Source Information Structure Region















Key figure





The sum of the key figures at the detailed level is 60. Target Information Structure SalesOrg

0001 0001 0002 0002
















Key figure





The key figure has been copied to the four planning objects which contain material A. 2.

The system attempts to match planning objects with identical characteristic values in the source and target information structures. It copies a key figure once only for each characteristic value. This key figure is then distributed among the planning objects which contain this characteristic value. The key figure is distributed either equally or in accordance with the proportional factors. If you are copying online, the characteristic values for which key figures are copied depend on the characteristics for which you specified values when calling up the planning screen. If you use background processing, key figures are copied for all planning objects with identical characteristic values in the source and target information structures. If you desire an aggregate copy with subsequent distribution (see example below), you must perform one of two actions depending on whether you will be copying data online or in the background: -

online processing You set the Aggregate copy indicator in the second dialog box that appears after you have selected Edit -> Copy data in the planning table.


background processing You carry out the function Planning -> Mass processing -> Delete/Copy -> High-level copy in the flexible planning menu.

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Example Source Information Structure Region


















Key figure






The sum of the key figures at the detailed level for material A is 60. Target Information Structure SalesOrg

0001 0001 0002 0002 0001



















Key figure






The key figure has been copied to material A and then distributed among the planning objects which contain this material. Only material A was specified when the planning screen was called, not material B. Consistent -> Level-By-Level The target information structure can be either the standard information structure S076 or an information structure you have created yourself. The level to which the key figures are copied depends on the characteristics. When planning online, you specify these when calling up the planning table. When planning in the background, you specify the characteristics in the variant. If the target information structure is S076, you need to have run the Actual Data Generator in standard SOP before you copy data. If plant is a specified characteristic of the target information structure but is not contained in the source information structure, the system distributes the key figure quantities across the different plants of each material provided that two conditions are fulfilled: o

the target information structure is S076 or a similar information structure with the same characteristic fields


the proportions by which the key figure is to be distributed have been defined in the Customizing step Define proportional distribution across plants

Delta -> Level-By-Level This method is used when you create sales plans in standard SOP by copying data from the Sales Information System in which one of the standard information structures for sales has been planned. You need to have run the Actual Data Generator in standard SOP before you copy data.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain copy profiles In this step, you configure copy profiles. Copy profiles allow you to copy data in the background from one version to another version of different information structures. Copy profiles facilitate data entry since you do not have to make the necessary settings every time you want to copy data from one information structure to another; instead, you simply choose a copy profile. Note You do not need to create a copy profile if the following conditions are met: -

the planning method of both your source and your target information structures is consistent planning

you require a high-level copy with subsequent distribution In this case, you create a key figure assignment profile and then carry out the function Planning -> Mass processing -> Copy/delete version -> High-level copy. For more information, see Copy key figures between info structures. You make the settings for the copying process in two steps: 1.

You create a key figure assignment profile.


You create a copy profile.

The second of these steps is described below. Copy profiles specify: o

the name of the copy profile (this is a speaking name of your own choice)


the version of the information structure from which data is copied


the version of the information structure to which data is copied


the first and last dates of the period for which you want data to be copied


the assignment key which you defined in the step "Assign key figures to copy profile" Example

Your company uses one information structure to plan sales and another information structure to plan production. You can use the combination of a copy profile and a key figure assignment profile to define that the key figures for "planned sales quantities" are copied from the first information structure to the key figures for "planned producion quantities" in the second information structure. Requirements You need to create a key figure assignment profile before carrying out this step.

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Actions 1.

Create or change your entries.


Save them. Maintain key figure assignment profiles In this step, you maintain key figure assignment profiles. In SOP, you can copy data from one information structure to another in the background. You make the settings for this process in two steps: 1.

You create a key figure assignment profile.


You create a copy profile.

The first of these steps is described below. Key figure assignment profiles facilitate data entry, since you can use them in conjunction with as many copy profiles as you like. Example Your company uses one information structure to plan sales and another information structure to plan production. You can use the combination of a copy profile and a key figure assignment profile to define that the key figures for "planned sales quantities" are copied from the first information structure to the key figures for "planned production quantities" in the second information structure. Actions To create a key figure assignment profile: 1.

Enter a key figure assignment key. This key uniquely identifies your key figure assignment profile and provides the link to the copy profile.


Enter a counter. The counter serves to differentiate key figure assignments within a key figure assignment profile. For example, you can store the copying of several key figures in one profile. The default counter is 0.


In the first Table name field, enter the source information structure, that is, the information structure from which you want to copy data.


In the second Table name field, enter the target information structure, that is, the information structure to which you want to copy data.


In the first Field name field, enter the field name of the source key figure, that is, the key figure whose values you want to be copied.


In the second Field name field, enter the field name of the target key figure, that is, the key figure to which you want values to be copied.

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Save your entry. Further Notes

You can save several key figures under the same assignment key in the event that you want several key figures to be copied together. See the description of the field Counter above. Maintain transfer profiles In this step, you configure transfer profiles for the transfer of SOP data to Demand Management where it is processed further. Transfer profiles facilitate data entry since you do not have to make the necessary settings every time you transfer planning data to Demand Management; instead, you simply choose a transfer profile. In a transfer profile, you specify o

the name of the transfer profile (this can be any speaking name of your choice)


the transfer strategy -

You transfer the planning data of a material direct from the sales plan (created in the standard planning table).


You transfer the planning data of a material from the sales plan (created in the standard planning table) as a proportion of the product group of which it is a member.


You transfer the planning data of a material direct from the production plan (created in the standard planning table).


You transfer the planning data of a material from the production plan (created in the standard planning table) as a proportion of the product group of which it is a member.


You transfer the planning data of a material from an information structure (either a planned information structure or a planning type based on an information structure).


the information structure (table name) that the material data is to be transferred from


the information structure from which you want material data to be transferred -


the key figure (field name) which you want to be transferred -


You make this setting in conjunction with the strategy for transferring from an information structure.

You make this setting in conjunction with the strategy for transferring from an information structure.

the requirements type -

An entry in this field is optional. If you do not make an entry, the system will determine the requirements type automatically.


version number for independent requirements


active/inactive indicator

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This specifies whether or not the version is active and therefore relevant for MRP.

Actions 1.

Create or change your entries.


Save them. Transfer LIS / CO-PA In this IMG activity, you set up the interface for the transfer of data between LIS information structures and CO-PA operating concerns. This interface enables you to exchange the following data: o

Planning data


Planning data with SOP information structure


Statistical key figures

The activity consists of three functions: o

In the characteristics assignment, you assign exactly one characteristic of an operating concern to a characteristic of an information structure.


In the key figure assignment, you assign exactly one value and quantity field of an operating concern to a key figure of an information structure. In this assignment, only fields of the same type can be assigned to each other, i.e. quantity field to quantity field, value field to value field.


In the assignment of information structure to operating concern, you basically have to specify the operating concern you wish to use, the corresponding information structure, along with the characteristics and key figure assignment. Further Notes

In the transfer of planning data with SOP information structure, the characteristics assignment does not take place, because this is already understood for information structure S076 (Sales and Operations Planning) The assignment is defined as follows: o







WWxxx -> PMNUX

The field WWxxx stands for a freely definable characteristic whose contents correspond to the product group in SOP. In the transfer of data from SOP (Sales and Operations Planning) to CO-PA, the system determines whether the current characteristic value of the field PMNUX refers to an article or a product group. If it is a product group,the corresponding field in CO-PA is taken from the master data of the respective product

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group. In the case of information structures that are copied from S076, data can only be transferred at the level of article / product group and plant. Any other characteristics that may exist are aggregated. Generate message type In this step, you configure information structures for use in Application Link Enabling (ALE). ALE is the technique by which data is exchanged between a central application and distributed applications running on different logical computer systems, sometimes in different countries, in a communications network. Communication between applications is carried out via the medium of the IDOC (intermediate document). The configuration of all information structures is based on one central reference IDOC. An IDOC used for SOP has ten segments for key figures, one segment for characteristic values, and one segment for the planning version. You maintain a distribution model for the IDOC of each information structure, in which you define the reference as the sender and the client as the receiver. You can then set up this distribution model such that organizational units (characteristic values) receive only data (key figures) which is relevant to them. For example, you specify that sales organization Florida is to be sent its own target sales quantities but not the target sales quantities of sales organization Texas, and not the total target sales quantities for all sales organizations. You configure distribution models in Customizing for Application Link Enabling. In order to be able to send the data of a particular information structure, you must have the system generate a message type for it (please see "Activities" below). This ensures that an IDOC containing planning data is transmitted to the receiver whenever the data of this information structure is saved. This may be a sales plan, a production plan, or any planning data saved in an information structure. Previous planning data at the receiver location is overwritten in this process. Thus, if the user wishes to resend data for any reason, he or she must call up the planning data and save it. All message types generated for Sales & Operations Planning have the format "LIPxxx" (xxx stands for the three figures after the leading "S" in the name of the information structure). At the receiving end, the Workflow Management module records the arrival of an IDOC, checks its date, and ensures that the most recent data is saved. If subsequently it is decided that the older data is needed after all, it has to be sent again. It is possible to define a line in the planning table such that it is not ready for input, for example, such that the planning figures set centrally cannot be changed decentrally. Example 1.

Sales plans are created decentrally by the company's sales organizations and passed to head office. Head office creates an overall production plan based on the cumulated sales plans and then distributes production quotas to individual plants. These, in turn, report their ability to meet these targets back to head office, which adjusts the production quotas accordingly. Reasons why production plants might not be able to meet the central targets include machine failure or a staff shortage. The planning table might contain a line showing the difference between the quotas set by head office and those set decentrally. Because the criteria which determine a sales plan are very different from the criteria which determine a production plan, there is no need for the sales planner and the production planner to communicate

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directly with each other. 2.

Alternatively, or in addition, head office may adjust the sales targets set by the individual sales organizations. Requirements

The information structure must be present both centrally and decentrally so that characteristic values can be recognized on both sides. Actions To configure an information structure for use in Application Link Enabling: 1.

Specify the information structure.


If you want any existing message type for this information structure to be overwritten by a new message type, set the update indicator. If you want a message type to be created for this information structure only on condition that none existed before, do not set the update indicator.


Select Enter. The system now creates a message type for this information structure. Further Notes

To use ALE for Sales & Operations Planning, you must also make a number of settings centrally. For further information, see the Implementation Guide for Application Link Enabling. Transport Notes When you execute this transaction, you are required to enter a change request number. This will enable your ALE setting to be transported via a transport request. Tools In this section you configure the following tools for Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): o

Planning types and user-specific macros


Self-defined procedure (user methods)


Generation time stamp


User parameters Maintain planning types In this step, you maintain planning types. A planning type is a customized view on the planning table; for example, you might have one view for the sales planner and another view for the production planner. A

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planning type defines the content and layout of the lines in the planning table as well as the mathematical operations, in the form of macros, which can be performed on these lines. A planning type is based on any information structure of your choice (either a standard information structure or a self-defined information structure). You therefore have almost infinite possibilities with regard to the information you can plan. If you intend to use the consistent planning method, you must create your own information structure. The different planning methods are explained in the online guide "PP Sales & Operations Planning". For more information on information structures, see the "Implementation Guide for the Logistics Information System" and the online guide "LO Logistics Information System". Requirements Each planning type is based on an information structure. A suitable information structure must therefore exist before you can create a planning type. You create, change, and display information structures in Maintain self-defined information structures of Customizing for the Logistics Information System. You configure your information structure for use in Sales & Operations Planning in Set parameters for info structures and key figures. Actions The actions you perform to create a planning type are as follows: o

making the initial specifications for a planning type


creating planning type info


assigning a key figure to a line


creating lines in the planning table


defining line attributes


defining a macro


using special operators to define macros for stock balance, production, days' supply, and historical totals


translating planning type, freely defined line, and macro texts


viewing a planning type in different formats

Each of these actions is described below. Making the Initial Specifications for a Planning Type To make the initial specifications for your planning type: 1.

Select Create planning type. The initial screen for creating a planning type appears.


Enter the name of your new planning type in the first Planning type field. It must begin with the letter Y or Z and may be up to 11 characters long.


If you want to base your planning type on an existing planning type, enter the existing planning type's name in the Copy from box.

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To copy the line layout of the reference planning type, select the Line layout checkbox.


To copy the macros of the reference planning type, select the Macros checkbox. Note If you copy the macros of the reference planning type, you must also copy its line layout. This is because the system needs to know to which lines it should apply the macros.


Select Enter. If you have specified a reference planning type, the Define Planning Type screen appears. Proceed to the section "Assigning a Key Figure to a Line". If you have not specified a reference planning type, a window appears asking you to enter an information structure.


Enter the name of the information structure on which you want to base your planning type and select Enter. The Define Planning Type dialog box appears. Creating Planning Type Info

If you have specified a reference planning type, the system will have copied its planning type info to the new planning type. Proceed to the section "Assigning a Key Figure to a Line". To create planning type info for a planning type without a reference: 1.

In the Text field, enter a text up to 60 characters long to describe your planning type.


If you want to plan owner data only, select the radio button for Single-level planning. If you want to plan owner and member data, select the radio button for Dual-level planning. Note If consistent planning or delta planning has been defined for the information structure on which this planning type is based, only dual-level planning is possible.


You determine when planning is to start in one of two ways. -

In the Planning start field, you enter the date on which you want plans of this planning type to begin.

In the Period offset field, you enter the number of periods into the future that you want plans of this planning type to begin. The time unit of your chosen information structure as defined in Set parameters of info structures and key figures determines whether the period is month, week, day, or posting period.



In the Future periods field, specify the number of future periods that you want to plan in plans of this planning type.


In the Historical periods field, specify the number of historical periods that you want to be displayed in plans of this planning type. The days between the current date and your planning start date count as "historical" and cannot be overwritten unless you select the Ready for input checkbox.


If you want to be able to overwrite the data in historical periods, select the Ready for input checkbox. For example, you may want to correct past planning data or revise planning data in the periods between the current date and planning start start.

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In the Default macro field, enter the name you want to give to your default macro. This entry is optional. A default macro is a macro which the system runs every time the planning screen is regenerated, for example, when the user selects Enter. You define macros on the next screen.


In the Final macro field, enter the name you want to give to the macro which is run before the planning data is stored. This entry is optional.


In the Initial macros field, enter the name you want to give to the macro which is run when the planning data is read in. This entry is optional.

10. In the Initial display box, specify whether you want -

both owner and member data (Disaggregation) or

just owner data data (Charac.) to be displayed initially when you call up a plan of this planning type. The user can change this setting interactively. Note You can only make this setting if dual-level planning was set in step 2 above, and level-by-level planning has been defined for the informaton structure. 11. To continue, select Enter. The Define Planning Type screen appears. The initial planning table contains ten blank lines. You can assign key figures and some other types of data to these lines. Note If your planning type is dual-level and level-by-level planning is defined for the information structure, you create lines, define line attributes, assign key figures, and define macros at both owner and member level. Assigning a Key Figure to a Line To assign a key figure from the information structure to a line: 1.

Place your cursor on the line.


Select Edit -> Assign structure. A dialog box appears inviting you to choose a key figure.


Select the key figure you want to be displayed in this line.


To continue, select Enter. The selected key figure now appears in the planning table.


Repeat this procedure until you have assigned all the key figures you require in this planning type. Creating Lines in the Planning Table

You can add extra lines in several ways.

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Note Only key figures are saved in the information structure; other data is calculated or read into the planning table at runtime. o

You select Edit -> Add line. A blank line appears at the bottom of the planning table.


You select Edit -> Insert line. A blank line appears at the point in the planning table where you positioned your cursor.


You select Edit -> Propose lines. This causes lines to appear containing all key figures from the information structure. You can delete any lines you do not need.


You place your cursor on a key figure line and select Edit -> Actual data. A line is inserted below the current line. In the planning table, the actual values of this key figure will be displayed here, that is, the values from version 000. You cannot enter or overwrite the values on this line. This line is useful for comparing planned data with actual data. In retail, for example, you can use it to track open-to-buy.


You place your cursor on a key figure line and select Edit -> Actual data, previous year. A line is inserted below the current line. In the planning table, the actual values of this key figure from the previous year will be displayed here. You cannot enter or overwrite values on this line. This line is useful for comparing planned data with actual data from the previous year.


You place your cursor on a key figure line and select Edit -> User exit data. A line for external data is inserted below the current line. You can write your own coding for function module EXIT_SAPMMCP6_001 to display data - for example, auxiliary data - on this line. The function module will be called when you create or change a plan of this planning type. See also Develop functional enhancement to read non-SAP data.


You place your cursor on a key figure and select Edit -> Insert event. Lines to show the values of events for this key figure are inserted. For more information on events, see the online guide "PP Sales & Operations Planning". Defining Line Attributes

Each line has certain attributes that define how its contents are processed and displayed in the planning table. The system proposes values for these attributes which you can change as necessary. To maintain the attributes of a line: 1.

Place the cursor on the line and select Edit -> Line attributes. The Line Attributes dialog box appears.


In the Line text field, enter the text that you want to be displayed on this line if it is different from the standard text. You can also enter your own line in the main planning type screen.


Specify a text type: -

Standard text indicates that the text comes from the key figure in the information structure.


Freely defined text indicates that the text is entered by the user (see step 2 above).

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Planning object indicates any characteristic value, such as a material number or a work center capacity.

Specify the Ready for input status: -

Planning line indicates that you want to be able to plan, that is, overwrite the figures in this line.


Output line indicates that you want to be able to see, but not enter or change, values in this line.


Text line indicates that the line contains a text but no numerical values.


Auxiliary line indicates that the line acts, for example, as an intermediate step, but is displayed only in Definition mode (Goto -> Format -> Definition) and not in Layout mode (Goto -> Format -> Layout).


Check and, if necessary, change the Aggregation type (see Set parameters for info structures and key figures).


Select Continue. Defining a Macro

A macro is a mathematical operation made up of a given sequence of instructions. It is useful to define macros for often-used, sometimes complicated, series of instructions. Macros save time and eliminate the possibility of typing errors during the planning process. The user executes a macro with a single keystroke or mouse-click. The definition of macros is optional. Note In the case of consistent planning, the macros for aggregation and disaggregation of characteristic data come predefined with the system. You do not have to write them yourself. You can define macro in one of two ways: o

with the Record function The Record function allows you to define a macro directly in the planning screen. It is therefore quicker than the Create function. The operands can be either texts from lines in the planning table or numerical values. The operators are displayed in the application toolbar. Standard operators are provided for the calculation of stock balance, production, days' supply, and historical totals (see "Macros for Stock Balance, Production, Days' Supply, and Historical Totals" below).


with the Create function The Create function allows you to define a macro in a separate window. You therefore see exactly how each macro is calculated. You also set two indicators that control how the macro is handled in the planning table. The operands can be either texts from lines in the planning table or numerical values. Note You can also write your own coding for function module EXIT_SAPMMCP6_002 to define a highly complicated macro. For more information, see Develop functional enhancement to calculate a macro.

To define a macro using the Record function: 1.

Select Macro -> Record. The Define Macro dialog box appears.

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Enter here the name and description of your macro. To continue, select Enter.


Choose the first line, that is, the first operand for your macro (place the cursor on it and select Choose or double-click with the mouse).


From the application toolbar, choose the operation you wish to perform.


Define the second operand for your macro (either choose a line or enter a value using the pushbutton Enter value).


Choose the line in which you want the results of the operation to be displayed.


To save your macro, select Macro -> Save.


To exit Record mode, select Macro -> Exit macro.


You can now try out your macro by entering values in the appropriate lines and selecting Macro -> Execute.

To define a macro for stock balances, production, days' supply, or historical totals using the Record function: 1.

Select Macro -> Record. The Define Macro dialog box appears.


Enter here the name and description of your macro. To continue, select ENTER.


Select the pushbutton Special operation. See also "Macros for Stock Balance, Production, Days' Supply, and Historical Totals" below.


Choose the desired operation and select ENTER.


Choose the lines to be included in the calculation by following the instructions at the bottom of the screen (to choose a line, place the cursor on it and select Choose or double-click with the mouse). The mathematical operations to be performed by this operator are recorded internally.


When the message Choose first line reappears, either specify further calculations or save the macro with Macro -> Save.


To exit Record mode, select Macro -> Exit macro.


You can now try out your macro by entering values in the appropriate lines and selecting Macro -> Execute. Note You cannot try out macros for production or days' supply in the planning type. This is because these macros depend on the number of workdays in a period and the period type is not specified in the planning type.

To define a macro using the Create function: 1.

Select Macro -> Create. The Define Macro dialog box appears.


Enter here the name and description of your macro. To continue, select Enter.

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In the first Operand field, enter the first operand for your macro. This operand must be a line text from the planning table.


Choose an operation.


In the second Operand field, enter the second operand for your macro. This operand can either be a line text from the planning table, or a number, or a blank. You leave the field blank if, for example, you want to aggregate members (first Operand) to owner level (Result).


In the Result field, enter the text of the line on which you want the macro result to appear.


If your macro requires more than one line for its calculation, repeat steps 3 to 6 until your macro is complete.


Set or not, as required, the Display and Disregard selection indicators.


Select Macro -> Save.

10. To return to the main definition screen, select Goto -> Back. 11. You can now try out your macro by entering values in the appropriate lines and selecting Macro -> Execute.

Macros for Stock Balance, Production, Days' Supply, and Historical Totals The following operators are provided for the calculation of stock levels, goods receipts, goods issues, and days' supply: Operator L0 L1 L2 L3 L4 PR RW ZS

Description Stock balance Target stock/receipts Receipts Issues Target stock/issues Target supply/production Days' supply Historical totals

The operations performed by these operators are defined internally as described below. All you need to do is specify which lines in the planning type are to represent which operands in the macro (see "Defining a Macro" above); for example, you might define the sales line as goods issues and the production line as goods receipts. o

stock balance The operator L0 Stock balance calculates stock levels. As the basis for this calculation, you specify goods receipts, goods issues, and (if required) an opening stock level. For every period (i): stock level (i) = receipts (i) + stock level (i - 1) - issues (i) where stock level (i - 1) is the closing stock from the previous period

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receipts based on target stock The operator L1 Target stock/receipts calculates goods receipts and stock levels. You specify target stock levels, goods issues, and (if required) an opening stock level as the basis for this calculation. For every period (i): receipts (i) = target stock (i) + issues (i) - stock (i - 1) if receipts (i) < 0, then receipts (i) = 0 stock (i) = receipts (i) + stock (i - 1) - issues (i)


receipts The operator L2 Receipts calculates goods receipts. You specify goods issues, stock levels and (if required) an opening stock level as the basis for this calculation. For every period (i): receipts (i) = stock (i) + issues (i) - stock (i - 1)


issues The operator L3 Issues calculates goods issues. You specify goods receipts. stock levels, and (if required) an opening stock level as the basis for this calculation. For every period (i): issues (i) = receipts (i) + stock (i - 1) - stock (i)


issues based on target stock The operator L4 Target stock/issues calculates goods issues and stock levels. You specify target stock levels, goods receipts, and (if required) an opening stock level as the basis for this calculation. For every period (i): issues (i) = receipts (i) + stock (i - 1) - target stock (i) if issues (i) < 0, then issues (i) = 0 stock (i) = receipts (i) + stock (i - 1) - issues (i)


production based on target days' supply The operator PR Target supply/production calculates goods receipts. As the basis for this calculation, you specify goods issues, target days' supply, and (if required) an opening stock level. The lines which represent goods issues and goods receipts are recorded in the macro, normally goods issues is the sales line and goods receipts is the production line. The system works out for each period the quantity that will need to be received (that is, produced) in order to cover both sales in the current period and the target days' supply, where one day's supply is the quantity sold in the next period divided by the number of workdays in that period. Example

Key figure

0 Column

Workdays in month

Month 1 -


Month 2 19

Issues (sales)




Target days' supply





Opening stock level





Receipts (production) o



Month 3




days' supply The operator RW Days' supply calculates days' supply. As the basis for this calculation, you specify stock levels and goods issues. The line which represents goods issues is recorded in the macro; normally

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goods issues is the sales line. The system works out the days' supply in a period according to the closing stock level in that period and the goods issues (that is, sales) in the following periods. Example Key figure

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Workdays in month





Issues (sales)











Stock Days' supply o


Month 4


historical total The operator ZS Historical total calculates the sum of all the historical values of a chosen key figure, and displays the result in the first future period of either the same or a different key figure. You use this operator to calculate a backlog such as open orders. Note In this context, historical periods are historical periods that have not been defined as ready for input in the planning type. Translating Planning Type, Freely Defined Line, and Macro Texts

If you want more than one language group to be able to use a planning type, you need to translate the planning type text as well as any freely defined line texts and macro texts so that they are available in systems with different logon languages. Example You implement Application Link Enabling (ALE) in order to carry out sales and operations planning in distributed systems around the world. To translate planning type, freely defined line, and macro texts: 1.

Select Goto -> Translation. A window appears showing the planning type text(s) in the top half of the screen and any freely defined line texts in the bottom half of the screen.


In the To language field, enter your target language. The source language (your logon language) is displayed in the field above.


Select Continue. The fields for the planning type and freely defined texts in the target language are ready for input.


Enter your translations.


Select Macro texts. The bottom half of the screen now shows the macros defined for this planning type.


Enter your translations of the macro texts on the bottom right of the screen.


To flag your translations of all texts for saving and return to the planning table, select Adopt texts. The translations will be saved when you save the planning type.

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Viewing a Planning Type in Different Formats You can view a planning type in o

either Definition mode (Goto -> Format -> Definition)


or Layout mode (Goto -> Format -> Layout). In Definition mode, you see all the lines that have been defined. In Layout mode, you see the lines that will be visible during planning; these do not include auxiliary lines.

In addition, there are a number of formats that apply only to the level-by-level planning method in dual-level planning types: o

owner data only (Goto -> Format -> Owner)


member data only (Goto -> Format -> Member)


owner data and all members at the lower level (Goto -> Format -> Dual-level -> All members)


owner data and just one member at the lower level (Goto -> Format -> Dual-level -> One member) Define user methods In this step, you create one or more methods. A method allows you to perform complex transformations on statistical data. It consists of administrative information and an ABAP/4 FORM routine which you write yourself. In Sales & Operations Planning, you can define methods for the following situations: o

the setting of initial stock values (B) For full information on the different possibilities for setting opening stock levels, see the online guide "PP Sales & Operations Planning" (SOP).


the copying of planned key figure values from one information structure to another (Y) For information on the standard copying methods supplied with the R/3 System, see the online guide "PP Sales & Operations Planning" (SOP).


the reduction in the number of fully qualified records from an information structure, determined by the Actual Data Generator, to those records relevant for planning (P) For information on the Actual Data Generator, see the online guide "PP Sales & Operations Planning" (SOP).

In a method, you maintain the following: o

method usage (B, Y, or P)


method This is a four-character key of your choice which denotes the method.


source table This is the source information structure.


target table This is the target information structure. If the method usage is 'B' or 'P', you enter the same information

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structure for both the source and the target table. o

program This is the program in which you create the FORM routine for the transformation.


subroutine This is the FORM routine with which the data transformation is carried out.


description This is a description of the method. Actions


Enter the method usage (B, Y, or P).


Select Edit -> New entries.


Maintain your entries. To branch into the editor for program or subroutine maintenance, double-click on the field Program or Subroutine.


Save your entries. Further Notes

You can also create a method to plan characteristic values that are not updated from the operative applications. For an example, see Copy Management in Customizing for the Logistics Information System. Reset generation time stamp In this IMG activity, object types are regenerated for information structures that are used in Sales and Operations Planning (SOP). When an information structure is planned for the first time, the planning screens and programs required for the planning of this information structure are generated in the background. Each time the coding of these programs is changed (for example, when a program is corrected), it is necessary to regenerate these objects. Note In order to ensure that the regeneration runs in background processing mode, you need to specify a variant. Activities 1.

Select the object types that need to be regenerated.


Save your entries.


Choose Program -> Execute. Notes for Transport

These settings cannot be transported. You should therefore make them in the client(s) of the system in which

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you want to use them. Set user parameters In this step, you make user-specific settings for Sales & Operations Plannning. All entries shown here are default values which the user can overwrite in the application in the Settings menu. o



Date and time specifications for the planning table -

The date which you enter as the planning start determines the time split (for example, month or week) of the planning period. The system uses it to work out the first column of the planning table. If you do not enter a date, the current date is adopted.


You also have the option of specifying the number of time splits (periods) you want to plan. If this field is left blank, the planning horizon is unlimited.

Parameters for copying planning quantities from either the Sales Information System (SIS) or Profitability Analysis (CO/PA). You specify the following: -

the information structure


the planning version of the information structure


which key figure is to be adopted (for example, incoming orders quantity or invoiced quantity)

Disaggregation You specify here whether -

automatic disaggregation is to be carried out or not


the sales plan or the production plan of the product group is to be used for disaggregation into its members

Note The period specifications are copied from the material master. Actions 1.

Make your settings.


Save them.

1.23.4 Logistics Information Library In the Logistics Information Library (LIL), all of the key figures available in the Logistics Information System (LIS) are systematically cataloged and organized in accordance with application-specific criteria. In addition, the Logistics Information Library helps you to create, classify and find key figures in the area of

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logistics. The Logistics Information Library makes it possible to not only access the key figures in the area of logistics, but also to access key figures that are not available in the Logistics Information System and also those key figures that were created in your enterprise. You can make use of simple search strategies which help you to access this large number of key figures more quickly and give you a clearer overview. They are as follows: o

Key figure retrieval using info sets (hierarchical search)


Key figure retrieval using text elements; this means using terms that appear in the description of a key figure


Key figure retrieval using classification characteristics (for example, product group, deviation)

In the Logistics Information Library, you can also combine key figures that are logically related, user-specific or function- specific to make so-called info sets. A distinction is made between single- and multi-level info sets. Single-level info sets contain key figures, while multi-level info sets include one or more subordinate info sets. The Logistics Information Library performs the following important functions: o

integrates key figures from customer-specific developments


catalogs all available key figures centrally


groups key figures individually to make info sets Additional information

You can find a detailed description of various key figure retrieval strategies as well the maintenance of key figures and info sets in the online documentation for the Logistics Information Library under "Logistics General". Number Ranges In this work step, maintain the number range for the key figures and info sets of the Logistics Information Library. A distinction is made between internal and external number range intervals. The numbers for internal number range intervals are automatically issued by the R/3 system. These numbers lie between the from-number and the to-number, whereby the number that was last issued will be logged in the field Number status. You must enter the numbers for external number range intervals yourself. These numbers must also lie between the from-number and the to-number. Caution External number range intervals may consist only of characters or only of numbers.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define number range intervals for key figures In this work step you will have the opportunity to determine the number range intervals for the key figures in the Logistics Information Library. Use the number range 00000001 - 00099999 for issuing the internal numbers. When issuing external numbers, you may only use those numbers that do not exist in this number range. Standard settings The number range 90000000 - 99999999 has been reserved for the key figures that are included in the SAP standard R/3 system. Recommendation You should only use those numbers that do not lie in this number range. Please note that with every Release or put change there is the possibility of overwritting. Actions Determine the number range interval for the key figures. Notes on transporting To transport the number range intervals, from the initial screen, select Interval -> Transport. Caution If you transport number range intervals, all of the already existing intervals will be deleted in the target system. After the import, only the exported intervals will be available. The status of the numbers will be imported with the value, which you will have at the time of export. Dependent tables are neither transported nor converted. Define number range intervals for info sets In this work step, you have the opportunity to determine the number range interval for the info sets in the Logistics Information Library. Use the number range 00000001 - 00099999 for issuing the internal number range. When issuing external number ranges, you may only use those numbers that do not lie in this number range. Standard settings the number range 01000000 - 99999999 is reserved for the info sets that are included in the standard SAP R/3 system.

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Recommendation You should only use those numbers that do not lie within this number range interval. Also note that overwritting is possible with every Release or put change. Actions Determine the number range interval for the info set. Notes on transporting To transport number range intervals, from the initial screen, select Interval -> Transport. Caution When transporting number range intervals, all of the already existing intervals will be deleted in the target system. After importing, only the intervals that are to be exported will be available. The status of the numbers will be imported with the value that you will have at the time of the export. Dependent tables are neither transported nor converted.

1.23.5 R/2 - R/3 Link With Release 5.0F, R/2 customers have the opportunity to use the R/3 Logistics Information system (LIS) as a satellite system. The functionality of the R/3 LIS is considerably more comprehensive than that of the R/2 information systems. Additionally, the performance of operative business in the R/2 applications has been eased considerably using the R/3 LIS. Process of the R/2 - R/3 link The data transfer from the R/2 into the R/3 system is done using special structures, the so-called sender structures. The sender structures are, depending upon the application information system, different and based on the respective business transactions (for example, goods receipt, purchase order, production order). By using these sender structures, the data will reach the communications structures of R/3 from the R/2 system. Even the operative R/3 applications communicate via these communications structures of LIS. With every activity in logistics (for example, goods issue, purchase order, confirmed confirmation of a production order) the corresponding communications structure is filled with info and is sent to the LIS. For the R/2 - R/3 link, SAP has data collection reports which read the documents from R/2 in periodic intervals and which are then transferred into the sender structures. The transport into the R/3 system is done per CPIC (Common Program Interface Communication) or FTP (File Transfer Program). In the R/3 system, receiver programs take the sender structures, adapt them to your stipulations for data transfer rules and send them to the R/3 communications structures, i.e., to the R/3 LIS. While the R/3 LIS is usually provided with info from the R/3 application, in the case of the R/2 - R/3 link, it is given the necessary data from this receiver program. This allows the R/2 customer to use the functionality of the R/3 Logistics Information Systems in all its capacity, but still restricted to the data from the sender structures.

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Prerequisites To use the R/3 information systems in logistics as a satellite system, you must have the following price list components: o


on the R/2 side: -


Host communication with LU6.2



Data collection for the Logistics Information System



CPIC Handler (SAP Gateway)



CPIC Interface in ABAP/4



RKE Interface for data transfer (no cost)

on the R/3 side: -



MM Material Management Inventory Controlling (INVCO) and Purchasing Information System (EKS)


PP Production planning Information system (PP-IS) Customizing Settings The following work steps will describe the system settings that are necessary for communication between the SAP R/2 (source system) and R/3 (target system) systems. Define settings in the R/2 System On the R/2 side, you must maintain the following tables by using the transaction TM31: o

T242S Maintain sender structure This table stores the respective sender structure for every sender program (or data collection program) that collects movement data from R/2. Tables T242I and T241S are then automatically maintained as well and must therefore be available in the target system, i.e., in R/3.


T242T Maintain the sender structure for the master data texts Here, you must make the following entries: -

Name of the sender program (or data collection program)

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Target system (transfer path)


Language field name (user-defined)


Sender field name (user-defined)


Type and length of sender field


Name of receiver field


Length of text field

T2420 Maintain the CPIC control parameters Maintain the following fields for a paramter group (e.g., CPIC): -

QABAP R/3 receiver program always: SAPFKCIM


QAPPL target system e.g., C11


QDEST LU (Logical Unit) e.g., CK9F



CPIC password



CPIC user in R/3


QMAND client in target system


QMODU R/3 receiver routine: RECEIVE_AND_TRANSFER with movement data REC_AND_TRANS_TEXTS with master data texts IMS_REC_AND_TRANS with DC system IMS Define settings in the R/3 System The following tables must be maintained in R/3: o

T242I This table contains sender information and can be maintained with using the transaction SM30 (View Maintenance). Note With older Releases, import the table entries by using the OSS note 0027768.


T242S Here, you maintain the sender structures (or programs for data collection from R/2) for the master data texts. The procedure is the same in both cases. This table can be called up from the implementation guides for the Logistics Information System (LIS). Note A detailed description of Maintain the sender structures can be found in the implementation guides for

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SAP EIS (Executive Information System). o

T2421 Maintain the parameter groups in the system control parameters. After a sender program has collected data from R/2, they are then written into the file DOUT (queue file). As soon as this data has been transferred without an error message into the R/3 system, they are deleted from the DOUT file. If you want to work with the DC system IMS, you cannot automatically send the sender data records from the file DOUT. In this case, the sender data records must be "retrieved" with the program RKCIMSST from the DOUT file. In addition, you must specify a paramter group in this table. Using this parameter group will identify the target of the data. You maintain table T2421 by using transaction SM31.


T2420 You only have to maintain this table if you want to work in R/2 with an IMS system. Maintain the system control parameters GRPID and DEST for the parameter groups which are given in the table T2421. For parameter GRPID specify the origin of the data as the parameter value, and for the parameter DEST, the LU (Logical Unit) in R/2. Maintain table T2420 also using transaction SM31. Recommendation If the data must be "retrieved" from R/2, you should organize the data transfer from the R/2 system in such a way that the various sender programs use a variety of LUs. Data Collection in the R/2 System Data collection in R/2 is done via reports that read the application documents and then interpret them accordingly. The statistically relevant information is then transferred to a sender structure. This sender structure is used for data transfer by using CPIC or FTP. You can control the duration of the data collection from R/2 in R/3, whereby you schedule the corresponding data collection program in periodic intervals as background jobs. A restart, which is oriented towards the document that was last transferred, is designed to prevent a document from being transferred twice. Which programs are available for collecting the various R/2 data can be found in the following work steps. Obtain master data texts Currently, the following reports can be used for creating master data texts (texts on characteristics) from R/2: o

RMLIST01 transfers the company code and is relevant for all applications



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transfers the business area and is relevant for Inventory Controlling o

RMLIST03 transfers the value and is relevant for Inventory Controlling as well as for production


RMLIST04 transfers the material number and is relevant for all applications


RMLIST05 transfers the vendor number and is relevant for purchasing


RMLIST06 transfers the material group and is relevant for inventory management


RMLIST07 transfers the material category and is relevant for inventory management


RMLIST08 transfers the division and is relevant for inventory management

The master data texts are transferred from R/2 and stored in R/3 in the table TMCTX. Activities 1.

In the field Sender program, specify the name of the respective data collection report.


In the field Transfer path specify CPIC or FILE depending upon the data collection report.


Check the box R/2 - R/3 Communication, to activate the connection between the R/2 and R/3 system.


In the field Variant sender program, specify a selection variant for the respective data collection report. This entry is only necessary if a data collection report is to run as a background job.


If you have scheduled a data collection report to run in the background you must set the indicator in field Batch start.


Execute the start program for the data collection report. Obtain data from Inventory Management The data source for collecting R/2 data in Inventory Controlling is the accounting document. Currently, the following reports can be used for collecting data in Inventory Controlling from the R/2 system: Report Transfer path RMCBR2R3 CPIC RMCBBCOS CPIC RMCBINIT CPIC RMCBFILE FTP RMCBFIBL FTP RMCBFIBS FTP


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The report RMCBR2R3 is a main program which calls up the data collection report RMCBBCOS for every document type. On the selection screen of the main program, you must specify the company code. The main program selects all of statistically-relevant document types, then determines the last transferred document for every document type and then starts the program RMCBBCOS. The report RMCBBCOS reads the material document data, interprets it for LIS and transfers it by using a sender structure into R/3. This will also transfer the stock quantities and stock values that belong to a document. The report RMCBINIT determines the material stocks from the material master records based on the plant and storage location levels and transfers them into R/3. This report is for materials, for which there are stocks, but no material documents. The report RMCBFILE corresponds to report RMCBR2R3. In contrast to report RMCBR2R3, data transfer is done by using the program RMCBFILE per FTP. The report RMCBFIBL corresponds to report RMCBBCOS. The report RMCBFIBS corresponds to report RMCBINIT. Archived material documents are transferred into R/3 by using report RMCBARCH. Note The data transfer cannot be executed as a background job via CPIC. For that reason, you should start the corresponding reports to collect R/2 data online. Activities 1.

In the field Sender program, specify the name of the respective data collection reports.


In the field Transfer path, specify either CPIC or FILE depending upon the data collection report.


Check the field R/2 - R/3 Communication, to activate the connection between the R/2 and R/3 systems.


In the field Variant sender program, specify a selection variant for the respective data collection report. This entry is only necessary if a data collection program is done as a background job.


If you scheduled a data collection program in the background, you must set the indicator in the field Batch start.


Execute the start program for the data collection report. Obtain data from Purchasing The data source for collecting R/2 data in purchasing are the individual statistics EKSE of the R/2 Purchasing Information System. Currently, use the following reports for collecting purchasing data from the R/2 system:

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Sender structure R2 / R3 MCEKS / MCEKS_S MCEKS / MCEKS_S

Hinweis Data collection via CPIC cannot be done as a background job. For that reason you must start the corresponding report for collecting R/2 data online. Activities 1.

If you are using the R/2 Release 5.0G (or greater), you must first maintain the table T165D by using the transaction TM31 this way: Set the indicator "R/2 - R/3 - link" on active (= "x"). If you are using the R/2 Release 5.0F, you must place an "x" on the field "LIS" in the Assembler program SAPVBES in module VESDEFIS and then recompile the program SAPVBES.


Start the report RMCEEKSN, in which you specify the name (as described in point 4) in the field "Sender program". The R/3 statistics will be set up from R/2 data using this program. The program selects the data from the EKSE by using the company code and posting period and transfers them into the R/3 system.


Start the program RMCEEKSS in periodic intervals, whereby you specify the name (as described in point 4) in the field "Sender program". This program transfers only data that was changed or added since the last data transfer into R/3 took place. Table TMCNR is thereby interpreted into R/2.


In the field Sender program, specify the name of the respective data collection report.


In the field Transfer path, specify either CPIC or FILE, depending upon the data collection report.


Check the field R/2 - R/3 communication to activate the link between the R/2 and R/3 system.


In the field Variant sender program, specify a selection variant for the respective data collection report. This entry is only necessary if a data collection program is to be done as a background job.


If you schedule a data collection program as a background job, you must set the indicator in the field Batch start.


Execute the start program for the data collection report. Note


In the R/2 - R/3 link in the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS), updating is only done for the update group "000011". Take this note into consideration in the update definition for self-defined information structures.


Which key figures are updated in the R/2 - R/3 link within the scope of the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS) for the standard information structures S011 (purchasing groups) and S012

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(purchasing) can be found in the update rules of these information structures for update group "000011". Transfer data to the R/3 System The following describes ways to transfer data into the R/3 system: o

CPIC After beginning a data collection program, the data records of the sender structure are placed into the DOUT file and are from there automatically transferred into the R/3 system. To find out about the status of the data transfer, use transactions TMQD and TMQM. The DC system CICS supports the automatic data transfer. This will trigger all of the necessary activities on the R/2 side. But under an IMS system, the data must be "retrieved" from R/3 out of a DOUT file. To do this, use report RKCIMSST.


FTP In a file transfer, the data is not transferred into the DOUT file, but rather into a sequential file which you yourself must define. This file is placed via FTP, RFC or PC download into a UNIX file in R/3 and can be "retrieved" from there by using the read program RKCFILE0. Activities

Execute the program for communication, according to your requirements, by using the IMS systems (RMCIMSST) or the read program for file transfer (RKCFILE0). Process data in the R/3 System After the data is sent from the sender records into R/3, they will then be taken in by receiving programs, which are automatically started in R/3, and subsequently delivered to the communications structure of LIS. This is the decisive step. LIS receives the data not from an R/3 application, but rather from a receiving program. The applications use various receiver programs and communications structures. Before the data records sent from R/2 can be posted in LIS, you must maintain data transfer rules. There are several types of data transfer rules that are described in detail in the Implementation Guides for SAP EIS (Executive Information System). For movement data, maintain transfer rules for characteristics as well as key figures; for master data texts, you only need to maintain the transfer rules for characteristics. With the data transfer rules, you determine how the field contents will be shown from the R/2 into R/3 system. The characteristic "plant", for example, can be combined with the characteristic "BUKRS". The detailed description of the Maintain the data transfer rules can be found in the Implementation Guides for SAP-EIS.

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1.23.6 Maintain Authorizations This step explains which authorization objects are defined for the individual functions of the application in the standard SAP R/3 System. For these objects, you can maintain authorizations in the SAP System. You can display the corresponding fields for each authorization object. The contents of these fields are checked by the SAP System during the authorization check. If the contents do not agree with the value in the authorization object for the user, then it is not possible for the user to edit the object. Authorizations can be best maintained using roles. Note that maintaining authorizations using roles is a new function. This step is used to create Activity groups an generate authorization profiles using the Profile Generator. Activities To assign an authorization profile to a user, do the following: 1.

Create an activity group


Enter a description


Select transactions


Create and edit authorizations


Assigns users and compare the user master (in doing so, the profile is entered in the user's master record)


Transport activity groups, if desired

Detailed documentation For more information about the procedures, see transaction documentation See also the general documentation on the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. Choose: Basis Components -> Computing Center Management System -> Users and Authorizations -> The Profile Generator In the Implementation Guide (IMG), choose: Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Maintain Authorizations and Profiles using Profile Generator Note You can also use authorization profiles you created manually or were delivered by SAP, in activity groups. You can create an activity group without a menu and include the corresponding profile in the authorization data of the activity group. In the fourth step, choose "Edit -> Add authorization -> From profile" to add the authorization profile data to the activity group.

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The following is information for the previous procedure up version 4.0. Authorization objects The following authorization objects are checked when the individual functions of the Logistics Information System (LIS) are carried out. Standard analyses Functions for ...

Authorization object

Info structure MRP controller


Info structure Purchasing organization


Info structure Purchasing group


Info structure key figure


Info structure Warehouse number


Info structure Material type


Info structure division


Info structure Sales office


Info structure Sales organization


Info structure Distribution channel


Info structure Material group


Info structure plant


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Selection versions


General hierarchy


Flexible analyses Functions for ...

Authorization object

Evaluation structure/ Application


Evaluation structure/ DD Table


Evaluation/ Application


Evaluation/ Evaluation structure


Planning Functions for ...

Authorization object

Info structure/ Version


Object class "Materials Management - master data": Material master: Maintenance status


Material master: Plant


Object class "Production Planning": Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Version


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Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Application


Information systems Functions for ...

Authorization object

Early Warning System


Logistics Information Library (LIL) Functions for ...

Authorization object

Info set calls


Info sets


Key figures


Key figure retrieval


Key figure retrieval via info sets


Key figure retrieval via classification


Key figure retrieval using text strings


Logistics Data Warehouse Functions for ...

Authorization object

Define updating: Application/Info structure


Field catalog/ Application


Update formula/conditions: application


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Generation: info structures/ update definition


Info structure/ Application


Statistical setup info structure/ Application


Customizing in Logistics Information System (LIS) Functions for ...

Authorization object

Update parameters/ Application




LIS Inbound interface


Settings for standard analyses/ Application


Logistics Information Library


Standard settings In the standard R/3 System, authorizations are supplied for all of the authorization objects of the application. You will find maintenance authorizations and display authorizations for the authorization objects. The standard authorizations apply to all organizational units. Activities 1.

Check whether the standard authorizations meet your requirements. Proceed as follows: a)

Select the object class of the application. The list of the authorization objects will be displayed.


Select an authorization object. The list of the authorizations for this object will be displayed.

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Create new authorizations based on your requirements where necessary. Proceed as follows: a)

Choose Authorization -> Create.


Enter the authorization and a short text.


Select a field to maintain the individual field values.


Save your settings.


Activate the new authorization.

Notes for transport To transfer authorizations, proceed as follows: 1.

Select the function Authorization -> Transfer in the object list. The list of transferable authorizations is shown.


Mark the authorizations that you want to transfer into the productive system.


Confirm your entry using ENTER and specify a correction number.

If technical names of the separate authorization objects are also displayed in the object list, proceed as follows: 1.

Select an authorization object in the object list. You now branch to the list of authorizations for the selected authorization object.


Select Authorization -> Transfer. The list of transferable authorizations is displayed.


Mark the authorizations that you wish to transfer to the productive system.


Confirm your entry using ENTER and specify a correction number.

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Description of the authorization objects Object: M_IS_DISPO Info structure MRP controller Definition For standard analyses with the characteristic "MRP controller" a restriction to specific MRP controllers can be made.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


DISPO MRP controller

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Object: M_IS_EKORG Info structure purchasing organization Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "purchasing organization" a restriction for certain purchasing organizations can be made.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


EKORGPurchasing organization

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Object: M_IS_EKGRP Info structure purchasing group Definition For standard analyses that have the characteristic "purchasing group" a restriction can be made for certain purchasing groups.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


EKGRP Purchasing group

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Object: M_IS_KENNZ Info structure key figure Definition For standard analyses with the characteristic "Key figure", you can make a restriction for certain key figures.

Defined Fields MCINF

Name of the info structure


Field name of the key figure

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Object: M_IS_LGNUM Info structure warehouse number Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "warehouse number" you can set a restriction on certain warehouse numbers.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure



Warehouse number

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_IS_MTART Info structure material type Definition For standard analyses with the characteristic "material type", you can make a restriction for certain material types.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the info structure


MTARTMaterial type

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_IS_SPART Info structure division Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "division" you can place a restriction on certain divisions.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


SPART Division

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_IS_VKBUR Info structure sales office Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "sales office", you can place a restriction on certain sales offices.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


VKBURSales office

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_IS_VKORG Info structure sales organization Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "sales organization" you can place a restriction on certain sales organizations.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure



Sales organization

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_IS_VTWEG Info structure distribution channel Definition For the standard analyses that use the characteristic "distribution channel", you can place a restriction on certain distribution channels. Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure



Distribution channel

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Object: M_IS_MATKL Info structure material group INCLUDE M_IS_MATKL OBJECT DOKU ID UO NEW-PAGE Object: M_IS_WERKS Info structure plant Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "Plant", you can place a restriction on certain plants.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure



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Object: M_IS_SELVS Selection versions Definition You can using this authorization object to limit the maintenance of the selection versions.

Defined Fields o

MCAPP Number of the application


MCINF Name of the information structure


SELVS Name of the selection version


ACTVT Action 01 Create 02 Change 03 Display 16 Execute (schedule)

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Object: M_HIER_MCK General hierarchy Definition Editing general hierarchies in LIS.

Defined Fields Activity: o

01 Create


02 Change and delete


03 Display

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Object: M_INFO_MCC Evaluation structure/application Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of evaluation structures to specific applications.

Defined Fields o

Action: 01 Create evaluation structures 02 Change evaluation structures 03 Display evaluation structures


Number of application determines which applications may be maintained by the user.

Example A user may create, change, and display evaluation structures in Sales and Distribution. This user requires authorizations for actions 01, 02 and 03 or * for the application 01.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_DDIC_DOB Evaluation structure/DDIC table Definition Using this authorization object, it is possible to restrict the creation of evaluation structures which refer to Dictionary structures.

Defined Fields Name of the DDIC object defines the object for which an evaluation structure may be created.

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Object: M_AUSW_MCC Evaluation/application Definition Using this authorization object, it is possible to restrict the maintenance of evaluations to certain applications

Defined Fields o

Action: 01 Create evaluations 02 Change evaluations 03 Display evaluations


Number of the application, determines which applications may be maintained by the user.

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Object: M_INFO_MCB Evaluation/evaluation structure Definition In accordance with the authorization objects M_INFO_MCC and M_AUSW_MCC, this authorization object allows you to restrict the analysis of evaluation structures. This restriction always refers to the application which you have specified in both the dependent authorization objects.

Defined Fields Name of the evaluation structure.

Example One user has the authorization to maintain evaluation structures and evaluations in Sales and Distribution (Application 01). You can add further restictions to this authorization within application 01, for instance by limiting it to the evaluation structures S004 (material) and S005 (shipping point).

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Object: M_INFO_MCD Info structure/version Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict planning in the Logistics Information System to: o

specific information structures


specific statistical sources (currently no restrictable values)


specific versions

Defined Fields The authorization object consists of the following fields: o

Action: determines whether the user may do the following to plan versions of information structures: -

create/generate (action 03)


change (action 02), or


display (action 03).


Info structure: determines which information structures may be planned.


Statistical source (currently not supported).


Version: determines which versions may be planned.

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Object: M_MATE_STA Material master: maintenance status Definition Maintenance status authorization for material master records The data contained in a material master record is divided into user departments or views (Purchasing, MRP, and so on). The maintenance status is a single-character key for the relevant user department or view. This object determines which user departments or views a user is authorized to process; that is, which data he or she may process from this view. Note To use material master functions, a user needs the authorization for at least one user department.

Defined Fields Fields ACTVT

Possible values 01 02 03 06

Meaning User may create data. User may change data. User may display data. User may flag data for deletion. User may display change documents. Here, you specify the maintenance status for which the user is authorized.


The maintenance statuses possible are as follows: User department Work scheduling Accounting Classification MRP Purchasing Production resources/tools Costing Basic data Storage Forecasting Quality management Warehouse management Sales

Maintenance status A B C D E F G K L P Q S V

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Plant stocks Storage location stocks


Notes This authorization object also determines: o

Whether a user may flag a material master record for deletion. In this case, 06 must be entered in field ACTVT; the maintenance status is irrelevant here.


Whether a user may change the material type. In this case, 02 must be entered in field ACTVT; the maintenance status is irrelevant here.


Whether a user may process an MRP profile or forecast profile. In this case, the following values must be entered in field ACTVT: -

01 to create


02 to change or delete

03 to display The maintenance status must be D for the MRP profile or P for the forecast profile. o

Whether a user may create an overview of all extendable materials. In this case, 01 must be entered in field ACTVT; the maintenance status is irrelevant here.


Whether a user may call up the materials list. In this case, 03 must be entered in field ACTVT; the maintenance status is irrelevant here.


Whether a user may create or change production versions from task lists. In this case, 02 must be entered in field ACTVT, and A in field STATM.

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Object: M_MATE_WRK Material master: plant Definition This object determines whether a user is authorized to process material master data at plant level. The following data is mostly at plant level: o

MRP data


Forecasting data


Work scheduling data


Shipping data


Accounting data (depending on your system configuration)

If a user has this authorization, he or she is also authorized to process material master data at all dependent levels of the plant(s), for example, at storage location level and at special stock level.

Defined Fields Fields ACTVT

Possible values 01 02 03 06 08


Meaning User may create data. User may change data. User may display data. User may change deletion flags. User may display change documents. Here, you must specify the plants for which data may be processed.

Notes This authorization object also determines whether a user is authorized to create or to change production versions from standard task lists. In this case, 02 must be entered in field ACTVT.

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Object: C_PLAN_SOP Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Version Definition You can use this authorization object to define and, if necessary, restrict a user's authorization to maintain planning versions in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP). In this way, authorizations can be assigned such as to underline the importance of planning versions in organizational terms. For example, planning version A00 is always the active version and therefore only certain employees should be allowed to change it.

Defined Fields The authorization object contains two fields: o

action Determines which actions (create 01, change 02, display 03) the user may carry out.




Determines which planning versions a user may maintain.

Therefore, by means of the various authorizations for this object, you determine which actions a user is allowed to carry out on which planning versions.

Example User A may create, change, and display all planning versions. Relevant authorization: o

Action "1-3"


Version "*"

User B, by contrast, may only display versions 020-060. Relevant authorization: o

Action "3"


Version "020-060"

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Object: C_APPL_SOP Sales and Operations Planning: Application Definition You use this authorization object to define and, if necessary, restrict a user's authorization to maintain data in different areas of Sales & Operations Planning (SOP).

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

action Determines which actions the user may carry out in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP).


SOP application area Determines which areas of Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) the user may maintain.

Thus, the authorizations for this object specify the actions with which different functional areas in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) may be processed. The following field combinations are possible: Application area AS AS AS PM PM PM PP PP PP DP DP DP LI DM

Action 01 02 03 01 02 03 01 02 03 01 02 03 16 02

Meaning Create product group/pl.hierarchy Change product group/pl.hierarchy Display product group/pl.hierarchy Create plan for material Change plan for material Display plan for material Create plan for product group Change plan for product group Display plan for product group Create product group disaggregation Change product group disaggregation Display product group disaggregation Display lists Transfer to Demand Management

Example User A may create, change, and display in all areas of SOP. Relevant authorization: o

Action "1-3"


Application area "*"

User B, by contrast, may only display product group and planning hierarchy structures. Relevant authorization: o

Action "3"

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Application area "AS"

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Object: M_MCYA_EWS Early Warning System Definition Processing exceptions in connection with the Early Warning System in LIS.

Defined Fields Action: o

01 Creating exceptions and group exceptions, creating periodic analyses


02 Changing exceptions and group exceptions, changing and deleting periodic analyses



Displaying exceptions, group exceptions and periodic analyses



Scheduling periodic analyses

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Object: M_LIBI_IST Info set calls Definition This authorization object prevents certain users from calling up individual info sets, so that they may not call up or display the respective info set.

Defined Fields o

Number of the info set: specifies the number of the info set.

Example The info set with the number 01010100 is blocked for user X.

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Object: M_LIBI_INS Info set Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the maintenance of info sets.

Defined Fields Action o


Create info sets



Change info sets



Display info sets


display an info set (action 03)

Example A user wants to create, change, and display info sets. This user needs authorizations for actions 01, 02 and 03 or *. Anotehr user may only display info sets. This user attains only the authorization for action 03.

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Object: M_LIBI_KNZ Key figures Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the maintenance of key figures.

Defined Fields Action: o


Create key figures



Change key figures



Display key figures

Example A user may create as well as change and display key figures. This user needs authorizations for actions 01, 02 and 03 or *. Another user may only display key figures. This user only attains the authorization for action 03.

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Object: M_LIBI_KZS Key figure retrieval Definition This authorization object dictates whether a user is allowed to retrieve key figures from the Logistics Information Library. The authorization is valid for all forms of selection, that is: o

Key figure retrieval via info sets


Key figure retrieval via text elements


Key figure retrieval via classification

Defined Fields Action: 16

Execute key figure retrieval

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LIBI_KSI Key figure retrieval using info sets Definition You can use this authorization object to exclude the user from searches for key figures via info sets.

Defined Fields Action 16

Execute key figure retrieval via info sets

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Object: M_LIBI_KSK Key figure retrieval using classification Definition You can use this object to exclude a user from searches for key figures via the classification characteristics.

Defined Fields Action: 16

Execute key figure retrieval via classification

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LIBI_KST Key figure retrieval using text strings Definition You can use this object to exclude the user from searches for key figures via text strings.

Defined Fields Action: 16

Execute key figure retrieval via text strings

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Object: M_INFO_UPD Updating definition: application/info structure Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the update definition for information structures.

Defined Fields o

Number of the application: A user may define the update of information structures for the applications that are noted here (e.g.: application 01= Sales)


Name of the information structure: A user may define the update for the information structures that are noted here


Update group for statistics updates: A user may define the update for the update groups noted here.


Action: 01 Create update definition 02 Change update definition 03 Display update definition

Example A user may create, change, and display update definitions from all applications, all information structures, and all update groups. Relevant authorizations are: o

Application: *


Info structure: *


Update group: *


Action: *

Another user may display update definitions only in Sales and Distribution for information structure "INFO1" and the update group "000001". In this case, the user has the folllowing relevant authorizations: o

Application: 01


Info structure: INFO1


Update group: 00001


Action: 3

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_FCAT_ANL Field catalog/application Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the maintenance of field catalogs.

Defined Fields o

Number of the application: A user may maintain field catalogs for the applications that are noted here (for example: application 04 = production).


Action: 01 Create field catalogs 02 Change field catalogs 03 Display field catalogs

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Object: M_INFO_FOR Updating formulas/requirements: application Definition Using the authorization object, you can restrict the maintenance of formulas and requirements for the definition of update rules.

Defined Fields Number of the application: A user determines whether the user may maintain formulas/requirements for the applications noted here (for example: application 03 = Inventory Management).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_INFO_GEN Generation: info structure/updating definition Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the generation of information structures and updates.

Defined Fields Authorization to generate information structure or update: indicator that the generation is permitted ('X' = generation permitted)

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Object: M_INFO_ANL Info structure/application Definition Using this authorization object, you can restrict the maintenance of information structures.

Defined Fields o

Number of the application: Specify the number of the applications for which a user may maintain information structures (for example: application 02 = purchasing).


Name of the information structure: A user may maintain the information structures that are specified here.


Action: 01 02 03 24 71

Create information structures Change information structures Display information structures Archive information structures Evaluate information structures (only with standard analyses)

Example A user may create, change and display information structures for all applications. The authorizations that apply are: o

Application '*'


Activity '*'


Information structure '*'

Another user may only display the information structures S001 and S002 in the Sales Information System. In this case, the user will receive the following authorizations: o

Application: 01


Action: 03


Information structure: S001-S002

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_NEUA_AUS Statistical setup info structure/application Definition You can restrict the set up of information structures with this authorization object. You can also restrict the reorganization of statistical data by using this authorization object.

Defined Fields o

Number of the application: A user may only carry out the set up for the applications that are noted here (for example: application 02 = purchasing).

Example If a user is to execute statistical set ups for information structures of all applications, enter a "*" in this field.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_CUFO_MCS Updating parameters/application Definition This authorization object makes it possible to limit the change made to update parameters. The object is checked in Customizing of Logistics Controlling if you change the time unit split or update type of an information structure.

Defined Fields Number of the application: A user can maintain the update parameters to the information structures of the applications that are specified here (for example: application 02 = purchasing)

Example If a user wants to maintain the update parameters in all of the applications, enter a "*" in this field.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_APPL_ANL Applications Definition You can use this authorization object to limit the applications which a user may maintain in the Logistics Information System.

Defined Fields Actions: 01 02 03

Create applications Change applications Display applications

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_EVNT_ANL LIS inbound interface Definition Maintain LIS input interface for external data.

Defined Fields o

Activity 01 -> create 02 -> change 03 -> display


Event 00 - 99 AA - ZZ

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_CUST_MCS Setting for standard analyses/application Definition With this authorization object, it is possible to set the configuration of standard analyses via the Customizing function of the Logistics Information System.

Defined Fields Number of the application: A user may maintain the configuration of all standard analyses in the applications that are noted here (for example: application 01 = Sales and distribution).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Object: M_LIBI_CUS Logistics Information Library Definition With this authorization object, you specify whether a user may use the Customizing facility for the Logistics Information Library.

Defined Fields Action 16

Execute Customizing

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

1.23.7 Functional Enhancements The SAP enhancement concept allows you to use function exits to enhance individual functions in the Logistics Information System that cannot be adapted by means of the Customizing functions and to tailor them to meet your requirements, using 'SAP enhancements'. An SAP enhancement consists of at least one component. A distinction is made between the different kinds of components (for example, function exits, screen areas). In the Logistics Information System (LIS), enhancements are currently made possible by function exits only. In contrast to modifications, enhancements are basically compatible with all release levels, as they are not incorporated in the original SAP System, but exist in a name range that is reserved for customers. In the Customizing activities below, you have the option of compiling the SAP enhancements relevant to your business in enhancement projects, edting the enhancement components, and finally activating the enhancement projects. Enhancements are only visible once activation has taken place in the corresonding transaction. Note Once an SAP enhancement has been allocated to a project, you can no longer use it in another project. Activities 1.

First check the functionality of the standard functions.


If the functionalities necessary for your business are not covered by the Customizing functions, you can then use the transaction CMOD to develop the functional enhancements. To do this, proceed as follows: a)

In the field Project, specify a name for your enhancement project.


Select Project -> Create.


Enter a short description for your project.


Save the attributes (maintenance info) for the project using Attributes -> Save.


Select the function Goto -> Enhancement assignments.


Enter the name of the SAP enhancement that you would like to edit in the field Enhancement. You can find the names of the SAP enhancements in the corresponding documentation in the Implementation Guide. You can combine several SAP enhancements to make an enhancement project. To display the SAP documentation on an SAP enhancement, place the cursor on the name of this SAP enhancement and select the function Goto -> Display documentation.


Save your entries.


Go back to the initial screen.


Select the sub-object Enhancement components.

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Choose Change. The system now displays the SAP enhancements you specified along with their components.


Place the cursor on the name of the component (for example EXIT_SAPLRSTH_001) that you wish to edit and choose Edit -> Component. You now branch to the ABAP/4-Editor (function module display).


When you double-click on the INCLUDE line, the system will ask you to create the object INCLUDE. If you have already created this object, then double-click to branch directly to the ABAP/4-Editor (program display). This is where you can store your own coding.


If you have not yet created the object, you first need to specify the program attributes.


Save the program attributes.


Choose Goto -> Source text. You branch to the ABAP/4-Editor.


Enter the coding for your program.


Save the program.


Go back to the initial screen.


Activate the project via Project -> Activate project. Your enhancement only takes effect once it has been activated.

Further Notes Detailed information about developing functional enhancements is available in the documentation on enhancing SAP transactions. You can find it by branching from the intitial screen via Tools -> Online Handbook. Functional Enhancements - Logistics Data Warehouse In the following work steps, you can process the function exits, which SAP has made available in the Logistics Data Warehouse section. Read external data: Copy Management Each run of the Copy Management is carried out in three steps. In the first step, statistical data is written in the information structures of the Logistics Information System (LIS). If these statistical data cannot be read from an LIS source information structure, but instead must be read from other desired (external) data sources, use the SAP enhancement RMCAF000.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Perform statistical update: SIS - sales documents The following SAP enhancements are available for the Sales Information System: o

MCS10001 for sales documents


MCS50001 for deliveries


MCS60001 for billing documents


MCV20001 for the inclusion of own fields for the statistics


update from sales support documents You can find further information under Statistics update from Sales support documents.


V43MLIS for the inclusion of own fields for the statistics update from address lists in sales support. You can find further information under Statistics update from addresses. Perform statistical setup: TIS - transport documents The SAP enhancement MCST0001 is available for the Transportation Information System (TIS). Perform statistical update: PURCHIS - purchasing documents Use the SAP enhancement LEINS001 for the Purchasing Information System. Perform statistical update: INVCO In Inventory Controlling, the follwoing SAP enhancements are available: o

MCB10001 for material movements and stock


MCBR0001 for invoice verification and valuation Perform statistical update: PP-IS - production orders Use the SAP enhancement MCF20001 for the Shop Floor Information System. Functional Enhancements - Reporting In the following work steps, you can process the function exits, which SAP has made available in the Reporting section.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Determine characteristic texts The SAP enhancement RMCSTEXT gives you the opportunity to determine texts to characteristic values that were not taken into account in the SAP standard (for example, characteristics which you have defined). It also enables you to override existing SAP texts. This enhancement is automatically called if no text can be found for a characteristic value in an evaluation of an analysis. Note The SAP enhancement RMCSTEXT affects the standard analyses, as well as the flexible analyses. Yet there are restrictions for the flexible analyses which are described in the SAP enhancement documentation. Perform authorization check: standard analyses In the standard analyses of the Logistics Information System, it is possible to carry out authorization checks on the characteristic values level. You can thereby prevent colleagues of an organizational unit (for example, purchasing organization, plant, sales organization) from getting a display of key figures from external organizational units. Since the information structures and thus the claims on the authorization check differ greatly, you can also call up a form routine developed by you, in which you can carry out authorization checks according to your needs, in addition to the standard SAP authorization checks. If you do not want to use the standard SAP authorization checks because you want to use your own authorization objects, for example, you can override the standard authorization checks. SAP offers authorization checks for the following domains: Domains Authorization object DISPO MRP controller M_IS_DISPO EKGRP Purchasing group M_IS_EKGRP EKORG Purchasing organization M_IS_EKORG SPART Division M_IS_SPART VKBUR Sales office M_IS_VKBUR VKORG Sales organization M_IS_VKORG VTWEG Distribution channel M_IS_VTWEG WERKS Plant M_IS_WERKS The fields that the authorization objects use are information structure and characteristic. Set authorizations and profiles to these authorization objects.

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The SAP enhancement belonging to it is MCR00001. Note This functions exit replaces the program ZMCREPAU as of 3.0C, with which you could create your own authorization checks. But it is still possible to integrate the authorization checks, which you created with program ZMCREPAU, into the functions exit MCR00001. Display key figures: standard analyses Use the SAP enhancement MCR00002 for the standard analyses. Process external hierarchies: standard analyses The SAP enhancement BRSTEX01 is available for self-defined hierarchies within the scope of the standard analyses. Functional Enhancements - Planning The following steps will allow you to process the function exits that are available by SAP in the area of LIS planning. Import external data to the planning table In this step, you can create a user exit to read non-SAP data into the planning table of SOP. To program this user exit, use the following enhancement: o

MCP20001 User exit to read external data into the planning table Actions


Create the functional enhancement. For this purpose, you either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will not take effect until you have activated it.

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Further Notes Unlike modifications, enhancements can be used with different release levels. This is because they are stored in a name range that is reserved for SAP customers, and not in the original SAP name range. To find out how to create an enhancement, see the documentation in the functional enhancements transaction (CMOD) under Utilities -> Online manual. In addition, each enhancement comes with its own documentation. To view this documentation, select the pushbutton Display SAP doc. in the enhancements transaction (CMOD). Develop functional enhancement to calculate a macro In this step, you can create a user exit to calculate a macro in the planning table. To program this user exit, use the following enhancement: o

MCP20002 User exit to calculate a macro in SOP Actions


Create the functional enhancement. For this purpose, you either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will not take effect until you have activated it. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements can be used with different release levels. This is because they are stored in a name range that is reserved for SAP customers, and not in the original SAP name range. To find out how to create an enhancement, see the documentation in the functional enhancements transaction (CMOD) under Utilities -> Online manual. In addition, each enhancement comes with its own documentation. To view this documentation, select the pushbutton Display SAP doc. in the enhancements transaction (CMOD). Develop functional enhancement to define a function code In this step, you can define your own function codes for the planning table. To program this user exit, use the following enhancement: o

MCP20003 User exit to define a function code

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Actions 1.

Create the functional enhancement. For this purpose, you either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will not take effect until you have activated it. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements can be used with different release levels. This is because they are stored in a name range that is reserved for SAP customers, and not in the original SAP name range. To find out how to create an enhancement, see the documentation in the functional enhancements transaction (CMOD) under Utilities -> Online manual. In addition, each enhancement comes with its own documentation. To view this documentation, select the pushbutton Display SAP doc. in the enhancements transaction (CMOD). Develop functional enhancement to create own header info In this step, you can design your own header information for the planning table of flexible planning. To program this user exit, use the following enhancement: o

MCP20004 User exit to design header screens Actions


Create the functional enhancement. For this purpose, you either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will not take effect until you have activated it. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements can be used with different release levels. This is because they are stored in a name range that is reserved for SAP customers, and not in the original SAP name range. To find out how to create an enhancement, see the documentation in the functional enhancements transaction (CMOD) under Utilities -> Online manual. In addition, each enhancement comes with its own documentation. To view this documentation, select the pushbutton Display SAP doc. in the enhancements transaction (CMOD).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define additional authorization checks In this step, you can define authorizations checks which you want to be carried out in addition to the standard planning checks. To program this user exit, use the following enhancement: o


User exit to extend authorization checks

Actions 1.

Create the functional enhancement. For this purpose, you either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will not take effect until you have activated it. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements can be used with different release levels. This is because they are stored in a name range that is reserved for SAP customers, and not in the original SAP name range. To find out how to create an enhancement, see the documentation in the functional enhancements transaction (CMOD) under Utilities -> Online manual. In addition, each enhancement comes with its own documentation. To view this documentation, select the pushbutton Display SAP doc. in the enhancements transaction (CMOD). Edit EXCEL header information In this step, you can edit Excel headers for data that is exported from the planning table. To program this user exit, use the following enhancement: o


User exit to edit Excel headers

Actions 1.

Create the functional enhancement. For this purpose, you either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will not take effect until you have activated it. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements can be used with different release levels. This is because they are stored

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in a name range that is reserved for SAP customers, and not in the original SAP name range. To find out how to create an enhancement, see the documentation in the functional enhancements transaction (CMOD) under Utilities -> Online manual. In addition, each enhancement comes with its own documentation. To view this documentation, select the pushbutton Display SAP doc. in the enhancements transaction (CMOD). Create F4-Help for self-defined characteristics In this step, you can create a possible entries list (F4) for self-defined characteristics. To program this user exit, use the following enhancement: o


User exit to define own F4 (possible entries)

Actions 1.

Create the functional enhancement. For this purpose, you either create a new project or use an existing one.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will not take effect until you have activated it. Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements can be used with different release levels. This is because they are stored in a name range that is reserved for SAP customers, and not in the original SAP name range. To find out how to create an enhancement, see the documentation in the functional enhancements transaction (CMOD) under Utilities -> Online manual. In addition, each enhancement comes with its own documentation. To view this documentation, select the pushbutton Display SAP doc. in the enhancements transaction (CMOD). Example



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Standard Settings



Further Notes Extrapolate sales for Open-to-Buy (OTB) In this IMG activity you have the option of assigning different methods for calculating the sales extrapolation - as opposed to the linear method for calculating sales extrapolation at the end of the month. You can use the following enhancement to program this user exit: o

MCP20009 User exit for sales extrapolation for OTB Requirements

Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities 1.

Create the functional enhancement. To do this, either create a new project, or use an existing project.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will only take effect once the project has been activated. Further Notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements are compatible with all release levels because they are not created in the original SAP System, but in a name range that is reserved for customers. You can find information on creating enhancements in the documentation for transaction CMOD under

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Utilities -> Online manual. Each enhancement has its own documentation. You can access this in transaction CMOD using Display SAP docu. Set order warning for Open-to-Buy (OTB) In this IMG activity you have the option of programming a self-defined purchase order warning. You can use the following enhancement to program this user exit: o

MCP20010 User exit for OTB check in the purchase order Requirements

Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities 1.

Create the functional enhancement. To do this, either create a new project, or use an existing project.


Activate the project. Your enhancement will only take effect once the project has been activated. Further Notes

In contrast to modifications, enhancements are compatible with all release levels because they are not created in the original SAP System, but in a name range that is reserved for customers. You can find information on creating enhancements in the documentation for transaction CMOD under Utilities -> Online manual. Each enhancement has its own documentation. You can access this in transaction CMOD using Display SAP docu. Functional Enhancements - Early Warning System The following steps make it possible for you to process the function exits that are available in the Early Warning System. Further Notes Look under the Winhelp documentation in the Logistics Information System (LIS) in the R/3 Library under 'General Logistics' where the Early Warning System is described in detail within each component.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define exceptions for certain characteristic values You can define exceptions that indicate exceptional situations in standard analyses in the Early Warning System of the Logistics Information System (LIS). In the exception definition, you can determine that an exception is only valid for a certain characteristic value (for example, not for all sales organizations, but rather only for the sales organization 0001). By using the SAP enhancement MCYA0001 you can dynamically determine these characteristic values. Further Notes Also refer to the WinHelp document "Selecting characteristics and saving characteristic values" under "Early Warning System -> Exceptions -> Creating an exception". Add texts to fax symbols In the Early Warning System of the Logistics Information System you can define exceptions that point out exceptional situations in standard analyses. Additionally, you will also be able to send a list of the exceptional situations as a fax. If you use a self-defined fax layout with symbols, you can provide these symbols with texts by using the SAP enhancement MCYA0002. Further Notes To do this, refer to the WinHelp document "Follow-up processing for determining an exception" under "Early Warning System -> Exceptions -> Create exception".

1.24 Merchandise Distribution In this step you manipulate the basic parameters for distribution of merchandise in each plant. The parameters are maintained at three levels: 1.

You define the processing methods possible in your plant. Putaway is always possible.


You define when which processing steps can be carried out.


You define how individual documents should be processed in Merchandise Distribution.

These settings are the basis for Merchandise Distribution in your plant.

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1.24.1 Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution You enter possible processing methods to define whether your plant supports cross-docking or flow-through. This does not determine whether these processes are used, if at all. The blocking and rejection reasons are used when a document is blocked or rejected. The blocking reason for sales order may only be "Block delivery due list processing". The "Not picking-relevant" flag enables you to ensure that cross-docking deliveries in a plant are never relevant for picking. Further Notes The distribution profile cannot be used for stores.

1.24.2 Adjustment Profiles per Processing Method In this step, you define how planned distributions should be brought into line with the quantities actually delivered. A planned distribution can either be created using an allocation table or a collective purchase order. Control parameters are maintained for every business process and processing method. The business process describes the process that led to the distribution. The processing method defines how the merchandise is to be processed in the plant (e.g. cross-docked). You enter algorithms the system should use when too much or too little is delivered so that the distribution can be adjusted. If any quantity remains after the adjustment is made, the system contains various procedures for processing these quantities.

1.24.3 Distribution Profile of Material in DC In this step, you define the details of how a particular material should be distributed in a plant. If you want to select a particular processing method, you must have allowed the processing method for the plant in the distribution profile in plant master maintenance. The processing method is the planned method. In the adjustment profile, however, it is the actual method used. Requirements You must have maintained a suitable profile in the plant master.

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1.24.4 Movement Types for Distribution Orders In this step you define the movement type used for distribution orders when merchandise-driven flow-through is used.

1.24.5 Supplementary Logistics Services: Maintain Service Profile In this step you define procedures for additionals. On the initial screen you make general settings; on the detail screen you make settings for the applications for purchase orders, goods movements, deliveries or sales orders applications. In the column "Enter additional", you check the box to indicate whether an additional is to be entered for the procedure. This box should normally be checked. You can, however, also use procedures for additionals to transfer texts that have been created as supplementary information without reference to a particular additional. In this case, you should not check the box. Select a procedure for additional and define the application for which a follow-up action should be triggered. Depending on the application, you can define the parameters required for a follow-up action to trigger an additional: o

In the case of purchase orders, you can differentiate using order type and category. The system can also check if the procedure for additional has been assigned to the current vendor. This assignment guarantees that a vendor only executes the activities which he is authorized to execute. In vendor price marking, only the vendor who attaches labels to merchandise receives information about relevant additionals.


In the case of goods movements, you differentiate by movement type.


In the case of deliveries, you can define the delivery type for which a follow-up action is triggered.


Sales document categories and sales document types are used in analysis. The system can execute a search to find the internal procedure for additional defined by the customer if the indicator is flagged.

If a procedure for additional is to be valid for all parameter values, you can enter an asterisk (*) in the field. For example, if a procedure is valid for document category F (purchase order) and all order types, enter '*' as the value for the order type. If more parameters are necessary for analysis, the relevant structures in table TWTCTRL must be modified. If an additional is only to be affixed in particular plants, you have to enter the relevant class and plant in the fields "class type" and "class". A class is read directly from the classification system at the time of the event, i.e. the elements in a class are not fixed. If on day "t" a goods receipt in a distribution center results in an additionals IDoc being created for a particular class, this IDoc can differ from that created on day "t+x", because the class on day "t" may contain different plants than on day "t+x". If the application is allowed on account of the movement type in any plant, no entry has to be made here.

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You should select one of the following follow-up actions in the first step: Code 1 2 3 8 85 98 99 CAUTION!)

Description Information only Generate additionals IDoc immediately Generate PO for additional Wait for additional IDoc to be requested externally Generate additional IDoc from delivery output SLS: pre-packing Generate additionals IDoc in the transport order Generate additionals IDoc immediately (before posting;

Follow-up actions leading to entries in info structure S108 of the RIS are configured in the second step for existing procedures for additionals. Examples The following considerations are useful for deriving the required procedures for additionals: o

Which applications must react to additionals? Is the assortment list enough information for stores? Should additionals (for example, tickets) be attached to the goods in the distribution center by your own company? Do you require your own additionals management for ordering additionals?


Should relevant changes be analyzed centrally for certain additionals? Could this be the case for printing promotional posters, for example?


Do you want the sender to be narrowed down to a plant class because when stock is transferred in two steps between two distribution centers a goods receipt is posted but the additionals are attached in only one of the distribution centers?


Are additionals included so that they can function as a Supplementary Logistics Service? Requirements

If you want to use special additionals in a distribution chain for some groups of plants, you have to use the classification system. You have to set up the necessary classes and assign plants to them. Standard Settings The standard system contains seven procedures for additionals. Procedures 0001 and 0002 refer to additionals management. Procedure 0003 shows how an additionals IDoc is generated based on a goods receipt. Procedure 0004 is used to inform stores about additionals to which the procedure for additional is assigned. Procedures 0005 and 0006 show how procedures for additionals can be set as Supplementary Logistics Services for procurement and deliveries. Procedure 0007 shows settings for sales order processing. The additionals from the referenced sales and distribution document are used for deliveries.

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These procedures can be copied and used as a reference for your own procedures. You can give your own procedure a name. As soon as you have created your own procedures for additionals, you should delete the standard ones. The entry in the standard system for "class type" and "class" is empty. It contains no classes. Effects: o

Procedure 0001: Additionals ordered in company When a standard purchase order (order category F, order type NB) is created or changed, an additionals document is updated. An additionals purchase order can then be generated for this document.


Procedure 0002: IDoc request via BAPI When a standard purchase order is created or changed, an additionals document is updated with the status "IDoc request not yet executed". As soon as the IDoc is requested by the recipient, the status changes to "IDoc requested by BAPI".


Procedure 0003: Additional affixed in DC at goods receipt An additionals IDoc is generated when a goods movement is posted if the movement type is 101 (goods receipt) or 501 (goods receipt without purchase order reference).


Procedure 0004: Additional affixed in store This procedure is assigned to additionals that are to be printed centrally, for example, promotional posters. The fields "Assortment list" and "Created centrally" are selected. No entries are defined in the control tables for the procedures for additionals. The assortment list is used to inform the stores of the procedures involved. The ADDIREL field is not selected in segment E1WTADAL1 of the assortment list IDoc. Changes to materials to which an additional is assigned can be used to create a central IDoc using procedure 0004. To do this, report ADDI_ANALYSIS_OF_CHANGES (transaction WTCA) must be executed when the system is running.


Procedure 0005: SLS: Pre-packing, procurement


Define additionals as a Supplementary Logistics Service in merchandise distribution. Relevant data about pre-packing to be done by the vendor is transferred. The settings made here are used for external purchase orders to vendors to generate subitems for end recipients.


Procedure 0006: SLS: Pre-packing, deliveries Vendors use additionals in sales orders and deliveries to process SLS data provided by the sold-to party. The service data is assigned to the additional using procedure 0006.


Procedure 0007: Additionals in sales order processing This procedure is used to pull data from material master data or to copy data from preceding documents when quotations are requested or made, and when an order is placed. In sales order processing, an additionals IDoc is generated when an outbound delivery for a sales order is created.

Class types 035 and 030 have been defined for additionals in the Customizing settings for control tables. Recommendation For the sake of clarity, the number of procedures should be limited. If you have more than 10 different procedures, you should group them together. If no class is maintained in material maintenance, the additionals IDoc is valid for all plants in which the

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material is listed. This is also relevant for the procedure for additionals. If no class has been entered in the control table, the procedure for additionals is valid for every plant. Also, it is not necessary to create any sort of "higher-level class" containing all your plants. Activities Define procedures for additionals. Further Notes All areas of a company affected by a procedure for additionals and their partners must be informed of the effects of the procedure. A printer connection to print labels from SAPscript, for example, has not been planned. You can print labels and other materials using an external subsystem. Certified partner systems are listed in SAPNet at www.sap.com/csp/scenarios. This provides a detailed description of interface IS-ADP which has been defined for Additionals. Either the assortment list is generated containing data on additionals or an additionals IDoc is generated. The standard system contains additionals IDoc WTADDI01. WTADDI01 contains a sufficient number of elements. Your IDoc does not have to be as big as IDoc WTADDI01. You can copy IDoc WTADDI01 and reduce it to the size you require. For further information, see operation Create reduced message type in distribution (ALE).

1.24.6 Allocation The Allocation component is used by Purchasing for long-term planning and central distribution of merchandise. In addition to manual allocation of stock, the system supports the an automated allocation process involving allocation rules. These are used when merchandise is split up in the same ratios among the same stores. The allocation rules are highly flexible, as you can define the plants as you choose. Statistical information is based in the Retail Information System. To best use the Allocation component, it makes sense to have the same structure of material and plant groups in the Retail Information System and Logistics Information System. Allocation Rule In this step, you make settings for the allocation rule. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Number Ranges, Allocation Rule In this step you create number ranges for allocation rules. Enter useful intervals for the number ranges. Make sure that the intervals are large enough to avoid them running out at some point in the future. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following standard settings are : No From number To number 01 0000000001 0010000000 02 A ZZZZZZZZZZ

Current number 0 x


Activities Check whether the standard settings meet your requirements. If not, define new number ranges that best suit your needs. Make sure that the number range intervals do not overlap. Allocation Rule Types In this step you define allocation rule types. The allocation rule type establishes the following parameters for the allocation rule: o

The number range interval (internal)


The number range interval (external)


The material class type for which material classes are specified


Whether navigation is single-lined or doubled-lined as a default

The allocation table type results in the system proposing parameters for the following: o

Rounding off


Splitting up of remaining stock

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Quota category

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Material class type 026 must at present always be used. Standard Settings Allocation rule type 001 is delivered with the following standard settings: Number range interval (internal) Number range interval (external) Material class type Navigation (default)

01, 02, 026, blank (single-lined).

The allocation rule type proposes the following parameters: Rounding off Splitting remaining stock Quota category

C (round up), C (smallest stock allocation), A (ratio).

Activities Maintain the parameters. Allocation Rule Transaction Control In this step you define transaction control for allocation rules. Transaction control defines the transaction category for a transaction code and an allocation rule type: o

Transaction category: -

H (Create),


V (Change),


A (Display).

The allocation rule type is set as a default value. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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The allocation rule type has to be created. Standard Settings The system is delivered with the following standard settings: Transaction code for "Creation" Transaction category Allocation rule type

WA21, H, 0001.

Transaction code for "Change" Transaction category Allocation rule type

WA22, V, ' '.

Transaction code for "Display" Transaction category Allocation rule type

WA23, A, ' '.

Recommendation Only the allocation rule type can be changed in Customizing. Activities Maintain the parameters. Further Notes In "Change" and "Display" mode the allocation rule type has no function. Allocation Rule Determination In this step you define allocation rule determination. Allocation rule determination is defined by: o

The material class type -


The material group -


material classes of class type 026

any material group of class type 026

The plant group -

any plant group of class type 030

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The serial number -


The default indicator of the allocation rule -


this allows several entries with the same combination of material group and plant group to be defined. Each entry can be assigned a different allocation rule.

indicates which entry has priority when there are several entries with the same combination of material group and plant group

Allocation rule number -

the number of the allocation rule that is to be retrieved with the combination of material group and plant group

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Only material groups of class type 026 may be used. This class type is used as a constant in the program. Materials are found in the classification system via the class type. Recommendation The plant groups maintained in the step "Create plant" should be entered as the plant group. Activities Maintain the parameters. Define and Assign Key Figure Category In this step you define key figure categories and assign them to RIS fields. The key figure category is used in allocation rule generation to determine which key figures are analyzed in the Retail Information System. You define for each key figure category which fields from the RIS information structure are to be used in allocation rule generation. Several entries are possible for every key figure catgory. An entry consists of: o

the table name, -

the DDIC table name of the information structure used for analysis,

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the field name, -

the DDIC field name from the information structure.

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

Standard Settings The standard system coontains the following setting: Key figure cat. Description Table Field name A SP value incl. tax S077 UMSGVP B Sales qty in ord. un. S083 UMSMNG Further Notes In analyzing the information structure, the system always summates the values in the field of a key figure category. Define Selection Variant Selection variants are used to dynamically read information structures. In this step, you group selection variants by specific application areas such as Allocation, Markdown Planning, etc. The use of each field name can be defined as follows: o


Field use -

S means that the field is used as a selection criterion AND to return values.


R means that the field is used to return values only.

Period split -


This defines the period if information structure selection is carried out over periods.

Range parameter -

This describes a range table in which values for the selection criteria are stored. They are essential for selection.

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Allocation Table In this step you enter settings for allocation tables. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Number Ranges, Allocation Table In this step you create number ranges for allocation tables. Each allocation table must be assigned a unique number. This can be done by the user (externally) or by the system itself (internally). Standard Settings The following intervals are delivered as standard: No From number To number 01 0000000001 1000000000 02 A ZZZZZZZZZZ

Current number 0 x


Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

Activities Check whether the standard settings meet your requirements. If not, define new number ranges that best suit your needs. Enter useful intervals for the number ranges. Make sure that the number range intervals do not overlap. Make sure that the ranges are large enough so that they do not run out at a later date. Item Categories of Allocation Table In this step you define item categories for the allocation table. The item category controls the logistics process between the procurement of a material and the goods receipt in a plant.

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The item category determines the default parameters for o

Purchase orders


Stock transfers




Supply source determination




How allocation table items are grouped together in follow-on documents

Standard Settings The following settings are available as standard for item categories: Item category Description A B C D E F G H I J K

No follow-on docs Third-party order (NB - standard PO) PO via DC (UB - stock transfer order) PO via DC (LO - delivery) PO via DC (NB - cross company code) Use warehouse stock (UB - stock transfer order) Use warehouse stock (LO - delivery) Use warehouse stock (NB - cross company code) Third party/PO via DC (UB) Third party/PO via DC (LO) Third party/PO via DC (NB - cross company code)

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

Activities Maintain the relevant parameters. Notification Categories of Allocation Table In this step, you define notification categories. The notification category in the allocation table controls the information exchange between head office and the plants and between the

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head office and the distribution centers. Standard Settings The following settings are available in the standard system: Notif.cat. Description A B C D E F G H I

No notification Stock allocation notification Request notification Request notification/confirmation notification Request notification/reminder/confirmation notification Promotion announcement Announcement - request Announcement - request/confirmation Announcement - request/reminder/confirmation

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Allocation Strategies In this step, you define stock allocation strategies. The stock allocation strategy specifies how the quotas are to be determined for calculating the planned quantities on plant group level or plant level. The strategy is proposed via the allocation table type. You can overwrite this default with a standard strategy or a strategy of your own. Standard Settings The following settings are available: Strategy A

Description Quota origin Entry plant group/alloc rule Replenishment WBQF_REPLENISHMENT_ALLOCATION

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Allocation Table Types In this step you define allocation table types. The allocation table type establishes the following parameters for an allocation table: o

The number range interval, internal


The number range interval, external


The item interval


Other default data such as -

the item category


the notification category


the external format of the period


any allocation strategy


the schema for message determination


the application for message determination


the check schema


whether navigation is single or double lined

The allocation table type results in default data being proposed by the system for the following in an allocation table: o

Rounding off


How remaining stock is split


Listing. Requirements

Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. You must have maintained parameters for the item category, the notification category, the schema, the application and the number range interval. Standard Settings The following settings are made as standard: Alloc tbl type Description Item interval No. range int. No. range. ext. Lg.scr.seq.

0001 Standard allocation table 10 01

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Item category C (class. of item; e.g. follow-on documents) Listing B (listing check and subsequent listing, if necessary) Rounding C (round up) Remaining stock C (allocated to plants with the smallest stock allocation) Del. date Strategy (planned qty calculation at plant group or plant level) FCODE Item POS2 (default value for function code for item on moving to next screen) FCODE Store group FGP2 (default value for function code for store group) Notif. category B (stock allocation notification) Schema RTAN01 (messages, stock allocation notification) Application WA (allocation table) Message type Check schema Alloc tbl type 1000 Description Promotion allocation table Item interval 10 No. range int. 01 No. range ext. Lg.scr.seq. Item category C Listing Rounding C Remaining stock C Del. date Strategy FCODE Item POS1 FCODE Store group FGP1 Notif. category A Schema RTAN01 Application WA Message type Check schema

Activities Maintain the parameters. Reasons for Rejection In this step, you define reasons for rejection.

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This makes it a blocking reason for the allocation table. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following settings are available: BR Description A B C D E F G

Block for notification Block for purchase order Block for stock transfer order/delivery Block for notification and stock transfer order/delivery Block for purchase order and stock transfer order/delivery Block for purchase order and notification Block for all follow-on activities

Further Notes If a reason for rejection is chosen, the system automatically deletes all of the requirement quantities previously created for the items. Text Types, Allocation Table Header In this step, you define text types for the allocation table header. The text ID specifies the different types of texts which belong to a text object. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are delivered: ID Meaning AK1 Header text AK2 Header note

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Text Types, Allocation Table Item In this step, you define text types for the allocation table item. The text ID specifies the different types of texts which belong to a text object. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The following entries are delivered: ID Meaning AP1 Item text AP2 Item note Maintain Split Criteria for Allocation Table Follow-On Docum In this step you define the splitting criteria for allocation table follow-on document generation. The split criteria indicator enables a specific combination of splitting criteria to be identified. The follow-on document category determines the follow-on documents processed. The following splitting criteria are supported: o

Delivery date


Distribution center




Processing method in the distribution center. Creation of Follow-On Documents In this step you generate follow-on documents for the allocation table. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The standard system is delivered with the following entries:

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For the purchase orders (for external vendor) display group: Variant Description ZB1 Allocation view Store ZB2 Allocation view Distribution center


For the stock transport orders display group: Variant Description ZU1 Distribution Center


For the deliveries display group: Variant Description ZL1 Delivery Shipping point view ZL2 Delivery Shipping point view


For the totals variant: Totals variant Description ZS1 Allocation table Z32 Plant ZS3 Vendor ZS4 Distribution center ZS5 Shipping point

Activities Maintain the parameters for generating follow-on documents. Message Determination In this step you make the settings for message determination for the Allocation component. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Single Messages In this step, you make message determination settings for the area of individual messages.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Create Condition Table In this step, you define the condition tables for condition records. In a condition table, you specify the combination of fields for which you want to create condition records. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Recommendation The condition tables contained in the standard SAP version should not be changed. If you want to make changes, you should create new condition tables. To do this, copy a similar condition table that already exists and make the necessary changes. Activities 1.

Check to what extent you can use the condition tables contained in the standard SAP R/3 System for message control.


If you want to create a new condition table, proceed as follows:



Enter the name of the table that you want to create. Note that you can only choose names between 501 and 999.


When creating without reference, specify a table type (for example, pooled table) for the condition table.


Enter a description for the condition table.


Choose the fields you require from the list of fields allowed for the condition table.


Generate the new condition table.


Define the new condition tables for stock allocation.

Specify the condition tables in the access sequences (see the section "Access sequence"). In this way, you create the link between the condition, the access sequence and the condition record. Change Condition Table In this step, you can change the available condition tables for message determination in the area of stock allocation. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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Further Notes Please also refer to the section entitled "Create condition table". Display Condition Table In this step, you can display the available condition tables for message determination in the area of stock allocation. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Further Notes Please also refer to the section entitled "Create condition table". Access Sequence In this step, you define the access sequences. An access sequence is a search strategy that the SAP System uses to find valid condition records. The condition represents different messages in the SAP R/3 System such as quotations, order acknowledgments and delivery notes. To define an access sequence you must make the following entries: o

Access sequence An alphanumeric key with a maximum of 4 characters which uniquely identifies the access sequence.


Description Text to describe the access sequence.


Module pool Module pool between N and Z to identify the program for accessing the condition records.


Detailed data -

Consecutive number Consecutive number for the access within the access sequence.


Table Condition table which contains the key fields of the condition records.

Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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Recommendation o

To create a new access sequence or a new condition, copy a similar access sequence that already exists and make the necessary changes.


If you define your own access sequences or conditions, the key should start with the letters Y or Z as SAP does not use these letters in the standard system. Activities


Check to what extent you can use the access sequences and conditions in the standard SAP version or to what extent these need to be changed.


Define and activate your access sequences for stock allocation. Message Type In this step you define message types which are used for stock allocation. The message type is a key which identifies the various message types. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Message Schema In this step you define a condition schema for message determination in the area of stock allocation. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Further Notes If you want to send notifications by EDI, enter 8 (special function) as the transmission medium of the message and not 6 (EDI). Assign Schema to Document Type In this step, you assign a schema for stock allocation messages to an allocation table type. You must have maintained the allocation table types beforehand in the step "Allocation table type". Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Program/Form to Message Types In this step, you assign layout sets and programs to the messages. Layout sets control the layout and the contents of the output documents, and programs control how the messages are processed. To assign layout sets and programs you must make the following entries: o

Program Key which identifies the program which controls the processing of the message


FORM routine Key which identifies the routine to be called in the processing program


Layout set Key of the layout set which is to be assigned to the message and the respective transmission medium

The messages defined before are then proposed for the allowed message types for assignment to the layout sets. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Further Notes If you want to send notifications by EDI, choose 8 (special function) and not 6 (EDI) as the transmission medium of the message. Further information and technical models for the programs can be found in the "Program Documentation". Requirements You can only specify programs, FORM routines and layout sets that already exist. You cannot change programs and FORM routines using Customizing. Activities Make your assignments for each message and its relevant transmission medium. Requirements for Message Types In this step, you define requirements for message determination. "FORM routine" here refers to a copying routine. The routine checks whether certain requirements are fulfilled when copying one document into another. The standard version of the SAP R/3 System contains some standard routines for checking requirements when copying. You can also define your own routines according to the requirements of your company.

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Example If, for example, you copy a quotation into a sales order, the system can check every quotation item to ensure that the customer did not reject it for some reason. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Activities The system proposes a routine for checking copying requirements depending on the type of document to be copied. If you do not want to use the proposed routine, you have the following options: o

You can enter the number of another routine.


You can change the routine and define certain requirements that are to be checked. (Before changing the routine, however, you should check the other positions where this routine is used to avoid unwanted changes elsewhere.)


You can enter the number of a new routine and define this using the SAP development tools. Further Notes

You can find the available routines in the SD Customizing menus by choosing "Transactions -> Document flow" and then selecting the documents that you want to work with. Group Messages In this step, you make message determination settings for the area of group messages. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Number Ranges, Group Message In this step you create number ranges for group messages. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Standard Settings The standard system contains the following entry:

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No From no. To no. Ext 01 00000000000000000001 00010000000000000000 Internal number assignment is set in the standard configuration. Activities Check if the standard settings meet your requirements. Message Type In this step, you define group message types which are used for stock allocation. The message type is a key which identifies the various message types. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Assign Program/Form to Message Types In this step, you assign layout sets and programs to the group messages. Layout sets control the layout and the contents of the output documents, and programs control how the messages are processed. To assign layout sets and programs you must make the following entries: o

Program Key which identifies the program that controls the processing of the group message


FORM routine Key which identifies the routine to be called in the processing program


Layout set Key of the layout that is to be assigned to the group message and the respective transmission medium

The group messages defined before are then proposed for the allowed group message types for assignment to the layout sets. Requirements Your R/3 System is configured as an SAP Retail System. Further Notes Further information and technical models for the programs can be found in the "Program Documentation".

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Requirements You can only specify programs, FORM routines and layout sets that already exist. You cannot change programs and FORM routines using Customizing. Activities Make your assignments for each group message and its relevant transmission medium.

1.25 Supply Chain Planning Interfaces (SCPI) Supply Chain Planning Interfaces (SCPI) are a group of interfaces that enable you to optimize demand planning, distribution resource planning, production planning and transportation planning in external systems. The data transfer between R/3 and the external systems takes place through ALE and RFCs. This section of the IMG tells you which settings to maintain if you want to use these interfaces.

1.25.1 Demand Planning/Distribution Resource Planning Interface If you want to use the DP/DRP interface to optimize master data and transaction data in an external system, you must maintain ALE settings. Application Link Enabling (ALE) In this step, you configure information structures for use in Application Link Enabling (ALE). ALE is the technique by which data is exchanged between a central application and distributed applications running on different logical computer systems, sometimes in different countries, in a communications network. Communication between applications is carried out via the medium of the IDOC (intermediate document). The configuration of all information structures is based on one central reference IDOC. An IDOC used for SOP has ten segments for key figures, one segment for characteristic values, and one segment for the planning version. You maintain a distribution model for the IDOC of each information structure, in which you define the reference as the sender and the client as the receiver. You can then set up this distribution model such that organizational units (characteristic values) receive only data (key figures) which is relevant to them. For example, you specify that sales organization Florida is to be sent its own target sales quantities but not the target sales quantities of sales organization Texas, and not the total target sales quantities for all sales organizations. You configure distribution models in Customizing for Application Link Enabling. In order to be able to send the data of a particular information structure, you must have the system generate a message type for it (please see "Activities" below). This ensures that an IDOC containing planning data is

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transmitted to the receiver whenever the data of this information structure is saved. This may be a sales plan, a production plan, or any planning data saved in an information structure. Previous planning data at the receiver location is overwritten in this process. Thus, if the user wishes to resend data for any reason, he or she must call up the planning data and save it. All message types generated for Sales & Operations Planning have the format "LIPxxx" (xxx stands for the three figures after the leading "S" in the name of the information structure). At the receiving end, the Workflow Management module records the arrival of an IDOC, checks its date, and ensures that the most recent data is saved. If subsequently it is decided that the older data is needed after all, it has to be sent again. It is possible to define a line in the planning table such that it is not ready for input, for example, such that the planning figures set centrally cannot be changed decentrally. Example 1.

Sales plans are created decentrally by the company's sales organizations and passed to head office. Head office creates an overall production plan based on the cumulated sales plans and then distributes production quotas to individual plants. These, in turn, report their ability to meet these targets back to head office, which adjusts the production quotas accordingly. Reasons why production plants might not be able to meet the central targets include machine failure or a staff shortage. The planning table might contain a line showing the difference between the quotas set by head office and those set decentrally. Because the criteria which determine a sales plan are very different from the criteria which determine a production plan, there is no need for the sales planner and the production planner to communicate directly with each other.


Alternatively, or in addition, head office may adjust the sales targets set by the individual sales organizations. Requirements

The information structure must be present both centrally and decentrally so that characteristic values can be recognized on both sides. Actions To configure an information structure for use in Application Link Enabling: 1.

Specify the information structure.


If you want any existing message type for this information structure to be overwritten by a new message type, set the update indicator. If you want a message type to be created for this information structure only on condition that none existed before, do not set the update indicator.


Select Enter. The system now creates a message type for this information structure. Further Notes

To use ALE for Sales & Operations Planning, you must also make a number of settings centrally. For further information, see the Implementation Guide for Application Link Enabling.

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Transport Notes When you execute this transaction, you are required to enter a change request number. This will enable your ALE setting to be transported via a transport request.

1.25.2 Production Optimization Interface (POI) In this step, you define the settings required for using the Production Optimization Interface (POI). The interface cannot function correctly until the following settings have been defined. ALE settings for POI The logical system is used on the selection screen for entering the target optimization systems. You can use as many logical systems as you like for a physical optimization system. A complete list of settings is found in IMG Customizing under CA Components -> Distribution (ALE). Maintain logical system Prerequisites Before you maintain logical sytems, read the documentation for setting up logical systems. In this step, you can define the logical systems in your distributed system. Caution Logical systems are defined cross-client. Activities 1.

To create a logical system, choose Edit -> New Entries.


Enter a name for the logical system that you want to create.


Enter a description of the logical system. If you want to change this entry: a)

Select the appropriate line.


Choose Edit -> Change field contents.


Enter the new text.

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d) 4.

Choose Replace.

Save your entries. Allocate logical system to the client In this work step, you assign a client to each logical system. Actions 1.

Select one line.


Choose: Goto -> Details. The 'Client Details' screen appears.


In the field Logical system, enter the name of the logical system to which you want to assign the selected client.


Save your entries. Notes on the transport

These settings cannot be transported. When a new system is being set up, these settings must be made after the system installation has been completed. Define RFC destination In this section, you define the technical parameters for the RFC destinations. The Remote Function Call is controlled by the RFC destination parameters. To create an RFC port, the RFC destinations must be assigned. The name of the RFC destination should be the same as the logical system name. The following types of RFC destinations can be assigned: o

R/2 connections


R/3 connections


Internal connections


Logical destinations


CMC connections


SNA/CPI-C connections

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TCP/IP connections


ABAP driver connections Example


For an R/3 connection, enter the following parameters: -

Name of RFC destination:



Connection type:

3 (for R/3 connection)


Target system:



System number:



User in target system:


Password, language and target client.


Standard Settings No RFC destinations are assigned in the standard system. Activities 1.

Select one of the types (for example, R/3 connections) and choose Edit -> create;


Enter the parameters required for that type.


For an R/3 connection, these are, for example, the name of the RFC destination, the name of the partner system, logon parameters (see example). Processing RFCs With Errors

If errors occur in a remote function call, they are processed individually in the standard system. A background job is scheduled for each RFC that resulted in an error. The background job keeps restarting the RFC until the RFC has been processed successfully. If the connection to the receiver system is broken, this can mean that a large number of background jobs are created. This will be a considerable load for the sending system. To improve system performance, you should always process errors collectively in productive operation. This will not automatically re-submit the RFC immediately, but a periodically scheduled background job will collect together all the RFCs that failed and will re-start them as a packet. This helps to reduce the number of background jobs created. This can be done both for R/3 connections and for TCP/IP connections. To set up collective error processing: o

Change the RFC destination


Select the Destination -> TRFC options function from the menu.


Enter the value 'X' in the field 'Suppress backgroung job if connection error'.

Perform the error handling as follows: o

In ALE Administration choose Services -> Communication Transactional RFC -> Display incorrect

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calls) o

Choose Edit -> Execute LUW. For the error handling you should schedule a periodic background job that regularly executes this function.

Practise handling errors in remote function calls before the function is used productively. Further Notes The 'SAP*' user cannot be used for remote function calls on the target system. For connecting to R/2 Systems: o

Use an R/2 destination to read the users with passwords. The actual communication uses CPI-C.


Select 'Unencrypted password' Notes on the transport

The maintenance of the RFC destination is not a part of the automatic Change and Transport System. Therefore the setting has to be made manually on all systems.

Standard Settings for POI: o

ALE destination


Connection type T


Activation type: Register


Program ID:

RFC destination R/3 -> external system o

Connection type T


Activation type: Register


Program ID:

is provided by the external optimization system. Define port In this section you can define the port description. This is required for dispatching messages to logical systems. The port is assigned to a partner system in the partner profile. Requirements The RFC destinations must be assigned. - Sending and Receiving Systems

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- Systems in Network - Define Target Systems for RFC Calls. The number range for the ports must be defined before the distribution will work properly. - Sending and Receiving Systems - Systems in Network - Asynchronous Processing - Assign Ports - Define Number Range for IDocs. Activities For the distribution you need a port of type transactional RFC. 1.

Select this port type and select Edit -> Change


On the detail screen, choose New entries.


Enter the description and an assigned RFC destination. In version you can set the Release with which the data is to be transferred (for example, version 2 = Releases 3.X).

Standard Settings for POI o





Logical destination: Reduce interim structures Basic types for master data are supplied in the standard SAP System. If you want to reduce the basic types, you can select the segments and fields that you want to distribute. To do this you activate the segments and fields that you require and generate a new message type. Reduction is carried out for logical message types associated with an IDoc type. Mandatory segments and mandatory fields cannot be deactivated. Keep in mind that when you send reduced message types to target systems of Release 3.0 or 3.1 (tRFC ports of type 2), the message type has to be converted. For further information open the following node in the IMG structure: Cross Application Components IDoc Interface/ Electronic Data Interchange IDoc Interface - Basis Map long names (Release 4.0) to short names Activities 1.

Execute the function

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To reduce a basic type, create a new logical message type. To do this, enter a new name.


Enter the reference message type (for example, MATMAS). You can use the following message types as reference message types for the various master data objects: Reference DEBMAS CREMAS GLMAST INFREC LOIBOM LOINUM LOIPGR LOIPLO LOIPRO LOIRNH LOIROU LOIRSH LOISTD LOIWCS MATMAS SHPMNT WBBDLD WPDCUR WPDNAC WPDSET WPDTAX WPDWGR WP_EAN WP_PER WP_PLU WTADDI

Master data objects Customer master Vendor master G/L account master Prchasing info record Bill of material IDoc for the number of IDocs sent Planned order Production order Hierarchy/network Routing Run schedule header Requirements/stock list Work center Material master Shipment Replenishment list: Article message POS Interface: Download exchange rates POS Interface: Download follow-on items POS Interface: Download set allocations POS Interface: Download tax rates POS Interface: Download material group master POS Interface: Up and download EAN numbers POS Interface: Up and download personnel data POS Interface: Up and download article master Additional


Enter a short text for the reduced message type. You can explode this structure.


Activating a segment: -



Place the cursor on the segments required and select select.

Activating a field: -

Place the cursor on the active segment and click on 'Select' pushbutton.


Place the cursor on the fields required and select Select.

After activating the required fields in all active segments, save the new reduced message type. Make a

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note of the number of the transport request used. 8.

The reduced message type was created in a system independent of any particular client, but it cannot yet be used. Before the reduced message type can be used, it must be activated for each client in the initial screen of the reduction. This must also be done if new changes are made to a reduced message type.

This is done in the Activate change pointers generally section of this IMG. Further Notes o

After you create and activate the message type, you must transport it into the other systems using the standard means of transport.


You can use the transport request in which you entered the reduction. If this transport request also contains corrections that should not be transported, then you can generate a new transport request in the following point Generate transport request for IDOC type, and have this request contain only the data relevant to the reduced message type. To dispatch the reduced message type you have to create the communications parameters.


If you want to delete a reduced message type, you must deactivate it in all clients first.

Reduce interim structures for POI IDocs For the Production Optimization Interface, you must define a unique message type for each logical system and each basic message type for example, LOIBOM. To do so, reduce the original message type, in this case, MYBOM. You will find a list of the IDocs used in the Production Optimization Interface in the R/3 Library under LO-SCPI-POI. Maintain partner profile For ALE communication to take place, the partners must be defined with inbound or outbound parameters. Requirements o

The logical systems must be known to the system. A number range must be maintained for the ports.


For outbound processing the receiving ports must be assigned: - Sending and Receiving Systems - Systems in Network - Asynchronous processing - Assign ports. Activities


Execute the function. Enter the number of the logical system as the partner number (e.g. K11MAND005).


Use LS (logical system) as the partner type. In the scenario "Sales and distribution" you can also use the partner types "LI" and "KU", with the appropriate customer or vendor number.


Choose the menu path Partner -> Create.


Enter details in the "Partner class" and "Partner status" fields.

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The inbound or outbound parameters must be created according to the direction in which communication takes place. Refer to F1 help and the application help. Further Notes

For BAPIs you use the BAPI Browser to determine the message type. We recommend that you send several IDocs by tRFC (field: "Packet size" for the outbound options of a message type), because a work flow is started for each tRFC. In outbound processing, collecting and sending IDocs in packets, rather than than immediately dispatching them, considerably reduces system load. You can schedule the dispatch of IDoc packets in the background: - Modeling and Implementing ALE Business Processes - Partner Profiles and Time of Processing - Schedule IDoc Dispatch in Packets. Standard Settings for POI o

Partner number:


Partner type: LS




Partner class: LOI (for example)


Partner status: A


-> Outbound parameters

Each of the message types of the customer distribution model must be assigned to the partner profile. Enter the receiver port, package size, output model, and IDoc type in the detail screen of the receiver port. You must also define whether the IDocs should be sent immediately, or if they should be collected first. Maintain customer distribution model directly The applications that communicate with each other within an ALE business process are specified when you model the message flow. You can define the message flow in the distribution model. The distribution model consists of separate model views in which all the associated, cross-system message flows in your organization can be defined. These views must be distributed to the receiving systems. In the individual message flows you can define filters to determine which data is to be transferred to which receiving systems. The distribution model controls this distribution.

You can model ALE business processes using or not using templates for the model views. Templates contain the description of a business process in the form of message types/BAPIs and filters. If you do not want to use templates, choose Edit -> Model view -> Create. If you do want to use templates, choose Edit -> Model view -> Create using templates.

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Templates can be created by SAP or by customers. If you want to create your own templates, use the template editor. If you use a template, the basic model view entries are generated. You can find out whether a template is available for a particular business process from the documentation. o

With these entries you can run the ALE business process.


You can edit the generated entries by maintaining the model manually.


Equally you can define the model without using a template at all.

Each model view is defined in a central system and distributed from here to the other systems. You can transfer model views to other environments. If you use different names for logical systems in different environments, you have to create a local copy (Edit -> model view -> copy) and change the names of the logical systems so that they match those in the target environment. Then you can transfer the copy of the model view to the target environment. You can use the following ways to distribute data: -



Message types

To find out more about BAPIs and message types, see the section Modelling and Implementing ALE Business Processes -> Predefined ALE Business Processes. See the notes at the end of this section. Example In a 'master data' model view you can specify that material master data is sent from system PRODUCTION to system SALES. Using a filter you can also specify the material types to be sent. Requirement To set up the distribution model, you must have already specified the logical systems. Refer to: Sending and Receiving Systems -> Logical Systems Recommendation One system should be defined as the central maintenance system for all the model views. Activities Execute the function and select the processing mode. o

Maintaining, Distributing and Transporting Model Views You can create, change and delete model views. You can work with or without templates. You can enter a short text describing both the valid time period for the message flows and the maintenance system of this view. When you create a new model view, the system in which the view is created is automatically entered as the maintenance system. The names of the model views must be unique to the whole distributed

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environment in your organization. Position the cursor on the model view. Choose 'Edit -> Model view', then choose the action you want to carry out. -

Creating a Model View With a Template If you are working with templates, the BAPIs/message types and possibly predefined filters are created in your model view.


Creating a Model View Without a Template If you do not want to use a template, you have to add the BAPIs and/or message types yourself.


Changing or Deleting a Model View You can change or delete entries for an existing model view. Position the cursor on the model view and select the required function. You can add or delete BAPIs/message views for a receiving system of a model view and you can define filter object values for the data or receiver filtering, if filters are available. Note that model views that have already been distributed and that you now want to delete, are not automatically deleted in the receiving systems. Before you delete a model view, take a note of the receiving systems and then delete it (Edit -> Delete). Now you have to distribute the model view to the receiving systems. Place the cursor on the root node, select the logical systems (receiving systems) of the deleted model view and then choose Edit -> Model view -> Distribute. The entries will be deleted in the receiving systems.



Distributing and Transporting Model Views Model views are distributed between systems on the same level (development systems, test systems, productive systems) via the Change and Transport System. You have to create a transport request for the model view. Choose Edit -> Model view -> Distribute.

Adding BAPIs To model a BAPI call, enter the method to be called in the distribution model. You must specify the model view in which the entry is to be made, the sending and receiving systems, the SAP business object and the method of this object to be called. If you place the cursor within the distribution model list before you add the method, default values will be suggested in accordance to the position of the cursor.



To add a BAPI to the model, place the cursor on the model view or on the receiving system, select Add BAPI and enter the required values.


To remove a BAPI from the model, position the cursor on the model view and select 'delete'.

Adding Message Types To model a message flow without using BAPIs (IDoc communication), add the message type to the distribution model. You have to specify the model view in which the message flow is to be entered, the sending and receiving systems and the message type to be used. If you place the cursor within the distribution model list before you add the message type, default values will be suggested. -

To add the message type to the model, select Add message type and enter the required values.

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To remove a message type from the model, place the cursor on it and select 'delete'.

Defining Filters for Datasets and Receivers of Message Types You can use filters to define conditions for the datasets to be transferred and for the message receivers. Filters are conditions that BAPIs have to satisfy so that they can be distributed by ALE outbound processing. The BAPIs and message types in a model view that are filtered contain a relevant sub-entry. In the change mode you can define filter groups and values by selecting Edit -> Display/edit details. The following types of filtering are possible: -

Data Filtering with BAPIs

Prerequisite: You have defined the filter objects for a specific BAPI and assigned them to the BAPI. For more information see the ALE Programming Guide under Filtering Data. There are two types of filtering to choose from: Interface Reduction: Here optional BAPI parameters and/or BAPI fields are switched off. You can choose the options: - Reduce by fields - Fully reduced For example, the BAPI RetailMaterial.Clone is called with parameters containing basic data, production data, sales and distribution data, plant data, etc. If the BAPI is called by a material reference system in a sales and distribution system, only the parameters containing basic data and sales and distribution data have to be transferred. Content-Dependent Filtering The rows of the BAPI table parameters which do not satisfy the distribution conditions are filtered out. Developers can also use field references to define hierarchy relationships between table parameters. Such hierarchies are maintained in the ALE Development menu under BAPI -> Maintain hierarchy for BAPI table parameters. You can also distribute data using classes. For more information see the section Master Data Distribution. -

Receiver Determination for BAPIs For BAPIs that allow receiver determination you can create filter groups and define values for each object type within a filter group. To do this select Display details. The receiver determination checks whether a BAPI is to be called at all. Data Filtering for Message Types IDoc Segment Filtering With message types the filter object type corresponds to a field name of an IDoc segment. When the data is filtered any IDoc segments and sub-segments that do not satisfy the conditions are not sent.

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If a mandatory segment of an IDoc is not sent, neither is its parent segment of the IDoc structure. If this parent segment happens to be the header segment of the IDoc, the whole IDoc is not sent. To get to segment filtering choose: Master Data Distribution Scope of Data for Distribution Filter IDoc Segments. Distribution Using Classes Message types can also be distribed using classes. For more information see Distribution Using Object Classes. The following sections describe how you create and combine filters. -

Creating Filters The BAPIs and message types of a model view that can be filtered contain a sub-entry. You can define filter groups and values by choosing Edit -> Display/edit details. Message types and BAPIs are always filtered using filter object types. To define filters: -

Create a filter in a new filter group:

Place the cursor on the required method/message type and choose Edit -> Display details. If there are several filtering options for one BAPI or message type, then choose the relevant option (e.g. receiver determination). Define the filter object by assigning a value to the selected fitler object type in Display details (e.g. filter object type "material type", value "PROD").

For some filter object types you can only select Distribution using classes and no object value. For some filter object types you can select one or more predefined dependencies. If such a dependency exists in the ALE distribution model, the data and receiver are filtered in the referenced interface. Dependencies describe the following relationships: - between message types - between a BAPI method and a message type - between BAPI methods If a dependency exists between BAPI methods in the distribution model, the data filtering and receiver filtering is carried out via the referenced interface.



Adding filters to an existing filter group To add a fitler to an existing filter group, place the cursor on the filter group and proceed as above.


Adding further filters to an existing filter object type To add another filter to a filter object tpye already used, you can place the cursor directly on the filter object type.

Combining Filters

Individual filters can be linked with logical operators. Filter groups are used for this purpose. An 'OR'

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operator links filters in different filter groups. Each filter group is evaluated independently of other filter groups. Within a filter group the filter object types (for example, material type and plant) are linked by an 'AND' operator. On the other hand, if there are several filter object types in one filter group (for example, Plant 0001 and 0002), they are linked by an 'OR'. If no filter has been specified for a method or for a message type, the appropriate link operator for all possible objects is used.

Further Notes o

You cannot maintain a message type or a method between the same sender and receiver in more than one model view. The message type CONDA2 used for cross-system synchronization of Customizing data is the only exception.


If you want to change the maintenance system of a model view, position the cursor on the model view and choose Edit -> Display detail. This change must also be distributed to all the other systems known to the model. This can be done in the Change and Transport System.

o Maintain customer distribution model for POI First, define a customer model for a logical R/3 system. The displayed list shows all the possible receiving systems that have been defined, as well as which logical system is the sender. "Create message type" defines which logical system receives information from the logical R/3 System. When maintaining the customer distribution model, add all the reduced message types that should be sent from R/3 to the external optimization system. Activate change pointer If you want to transfer data changes in the Production Optimization Interface (POI), you must activate the writing of change pointers. Reorganizing Change Pointers To prevent a change from being transferred to the external optimizaiton system more than once, the change pointers are set to "Processed" after they have been evaluated by POI.e change pointers are still stored in the data bank although they are no longer needed. To prevent them from taking up too much memory space, you must periodically call up a report to delete them. To do so, follow the menu path Tools -> Business framework -> ALE -> Administration -> Period. work -> Reorganization -> Change pointers (Transaction BD22) Make sure you have transferred all relevant changes before deleting change pointers. Note Note the following points if you want to use the transfer of data changes when working with POI:

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Use a message type derived from a Basis message type, preferably reduced. For example, if you want to transfer material master data, use a message type derived from MATMAS.


Use a specific POI message type because it could happen that other applications have also evaluated the Basis-derived message type and have already set the change pointers to "Processed."


In case several logical receiving systems are being used simultaneously in POI, and all of them are using MATMAS, for example, you should create a separate MATMAS-derived message type for each one. Otherwise it is not possible to determine which external systems have already received changed material data and which ones haven't because the change pointers are message-type specific.


After a reorganization run in the data bank, you must conduct a complete transfer of master data so that the external system is notified of the deletions. Activate change pointer (generally) This step generally switches the writing of change pointers on or off. Requirements The number range for change pointers must be defined. Standard Settings SAP uses "generally switched off" in the standard system. Activities 1.

Execute the function.


Select the box to activate the writing the change pointers.


Save the settings.

Activate change pointers for POI You must activate the writing of change pointers for the message types which need them, for example, those which must be sent to the external optimization system and for the ones whose master data objects are supported during the transfer of data changes. Before you activate the change pointers for a specific message type, read the general information on activating change pointers to find out which message types should be used. Activate change pointer for message types In this work step, writing change pointers can be activated or deactivated for each message type.

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Example For example, writing change pointers can be switched on for the message type MATMAS (material master data) and off for the message type DEBMAS (customer master data). Requirements Writing the change pointers generally must be activated. Standard Settings In the standard system, writing change pointers is switched off for all message types. Activities 1.

Execute the function.


Activate writing the change pointers for the message types you need.


Save your entries.

Activate change pointers for POI message types If you use reduced message types, you must make sure they have been activated. IMG -> Distribution (ALE) -> Distribution scenarios -> Master data distribution -> Reduce IDoc types for master data Planning settings for POI Specify scheduling type In this step you define the scheduling type, which determines how the SAP System should carry out scheduling. Options include: o





no scheduling


'today' scheduling


basic dates with times (only for process orders)

You can save the scheduling type in the control data for scheduling depending on the order type. It is then proposed by the SAP System when an order is created.

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Recommendation Scheduling types are predefined in the SAP standard package. We recommend you work with the predefined scheduling types. Set up production scheduler group In this menu option, you assign the work scheduler groups for each plant. A work scheduler group defines responsibility within routing maintenance. You can assign the scheduler groups to a profile. Activities Create the work scheduler groups. Automatic task list selection In this step, you define the selection criteria for automatic alternative plan selection with the selection ID. You assign priorities to the selection criteria, and you can define more than one priority for each selection ID. The automatic alternative plan selection searches for an alternative plan that fulfills the selection criteria. Example Examples of selection criteria include: o

plan type


plan utilization


plan status Activities

For each selection ID, define: o

selection priority


plan type


plan utilization


plan status Further Notes

When dealing with shop floor control, the selection ID is based on the type of order.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define scheduling parameters for planned orders Define scheduling parameters for production orders In this step you define for each plant, order type and production scheduler the parameters for scheduling production orders. This comprises maintaining o

scheduling levels (detailed, production-rate and rough-cut scheduling)


date adjustment when dates are exceeded


date control for detailed scheduling



The parameters are described in what follows in details: o

In detailed-, production-rate and rough-cut scheduling you definefor every scheduling level -

how production dates are to be calculated


whether capacity requirements are generated


which routing is the basis for scheduling If a production version exists in the material master then the routing is selected using this version. If no version exists for a scheduling level then a routing is selected according to the selection ID that you have given for the scheduling level.


In date adjustment you specify whether and how the basic dates are adjusted to the production dates (for example, when deadlines are exceeded) and how dates for dependent requirements are to lie.


In Scheduling control for detailed scheduling you specify the control parameters for detailed scheduling, among other things the -

scheduling type Here you specify in which direction scheduling is to be carried out and whether it is to be carried out to an exact time. Among other things you can specify that a scheduling run only be used to generate capacity requirements.


Start date in the past Here you specify how many days an order may lie in the past before today scheduling is triggered.


Calculate dates automatically Here you specify whether scheduling is carried out automatically on saving.


Display log automatically Here you specify whether the log is displayed automatically on scheduling.


Required date of material Here you specify where the required date of a component should be with respect to an operation.

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Schedule exact to the break Here you specify that the exact time a break occurs must be taken into account.


Dates to be specified Here you specify that when you create or change an order the user must enter schedules dates (production dates) instead of basic dates.


Move order Here you specify whether the order can be moved if partially confirmed operations exist.

In reduction you specify -

whether in the order or in the collective order all the operations are to be reduced or only those along the critical path.


Reduction along the critical path is only possible for networks, production orders and planned orders with parallel sequences and for collective orders that contain production orders or planned orders.


up to which maximum reduction level the reduction takes place


to what percentage the float before and after production in every reduction level is to be reduced.

Note o

Note that scheduling is always carried out for all scheduling levels that you have specified. For example, if you make changes in the order that are relevant to scheduling (basic dates, quantities) and schedule it again then scheduling is carried out not only for detailed planning but also for production-rate and rough-cut planning. This is very performance-intensive because data must be read from the database. Therefore it is recommended that you only maintain levels relevant to scheduling.


Whereas you can choose between several scheduling types for detailed scheduling, rough-cut and production-rate scheduling always use backwardscheduling. Reductions are also only relevant for detailed scheduling. Actions

Define the scheduling parameters for production orders. Define scheduling parameters for process orders In this step you define the parameters for scheduling process orders for each plant, order type and production scheduler. It comprises maintenance of o

scheduling levels (detailed-, production-rate and rough-cut scheduling)


date adjustment when deadlines are exceeded


scheduling control for detailed scheduling



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The parameters are described in more detail in what follows: o

In detailed-, production-rate and rough-cut scheduling you specify for every scheduling level how production dates are determined -

whether capacity requirements are generated


which master recipe forms the basis for scheduling If a production version exists in the material master then the master recipe is selected using this version. If no version exists for a scheduling level then a master recipe is selected according to the selection ID that you have specified for this scheduling level.


In date adjustment you specify whether and how basic dates are adjusted to the production dates (for example, when deadlines are exceeded) and where the dates for the dependent requirements are meant to be.


In scheduling control for detailed scheduling you specify the control parameters for detailed scheduling, among others



scheduling type Here you specify the scheduling direction and whether scheduling is to be to specific points in time. You can also specify that a scheduling run is only to be used to generate capacity requirements.


Start date in the past Here you specify how many days an order may be in the past before today scheduling is automatically triggered.


Automatically calculate dates Here you can specify whether scheduling is automatically executed on saving if changes relevant to scheduling have occurred.


automatically save log Here you specify whether the log is automatically displayed after scheduling.


Required date of material Here you specify where the required date of a component is to be in relation to the operation.


Schedule taking breaks into account Here you specify that the times of a break are to be taken into account.


Dates to be specified Here you specify that when creating or changing an order the user must enter the scheduled dates (production dates) instead of the basic dates.


Move order Here you specify whether the order can be moved if partially-confirmed operations exist.

In reduction you specify -

up to what maximum reduction level the reduction takes place


to what percent the floats before and after production in every reduction level are to be reduced.

Note o

Note that scheduling is always carried out for all scheduling levels that you have maintained. This is

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very performance-intensive. Therefore it is to be recommended that you only maintain the relevant scheduling levels. Actions Define the scheduling parameters for process orders. Data transfer parameters for POI In this step, you define the settings required for using the Production Optimization Interface (POI). Note The interface cannot function correctly until the following settings are defined:

ALE settings The logical system is used on the selection screen for entering the target optimization systems. You can use as many logical systems as you like for a physical optimization system. Check the following settings under "Cross-application components -> Distribution (ALE)":

Set up logical system: Maintain logical systems Allocate logical system to the client Communication: Define RFC destination

Define port

Reduce IDoc types for master data Maintain partner profile

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Maintain customer distribution model directly

Planning settings: In applications for planned and production order, certain settings are required for the POI interface. Check the relevant sections to see if these settings are defined. Define scheduling type: The scheduling type determines how the SAP R/3 System schedules and which values are transferred to the external optimization system for calculating dates. Define production scheduler Automatic task list selection: You need to match the selection procedure to the external optimization system if the selected task list is relevant to production optimization. Define scheduling levels: The interface only deals with capacity requirements on a detailed level. The parameters for adjusting dates are also valid for the scheduling process started by the interface. Parameters for detailed planning: Control parameters for planned orders The scheduling indicator determine that lead-time scheduling is carried out in the SAP R/3 System. Only planned orders for which lead-time scheduling has been carried out can have operations (more precisely: virtual operations based on capacity requirements) substituted between the SAP R/3 System and the external optimization system. All other parameters should be adapted to the external optimization system. Control parameters for production orders The scheduling type is especially important for the interface. The scheduling type defines which order dates (start and finish dates) are transferred. All other parameters should be adapted to the external optimization system. Control parameters for process orders The scheduling type is especially important for the interface. The scheduling type defines which order dates (start and finish dates) are transferred. All other parameters should be adapted to the external optimization system.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define general parameters for transfer In this step you define the general parameters for the POI data transfer. You can enter values for each logical system, though entering values is optional. Requirements Make sure you read the documentation for any fields in which you make new entries or changes. Standard Settings If no entries are made, either for a field or for a whole logical system, default values will be used. Recommendation If you have any doubts about which values to enter, leave this field blank so that the default values are used. Define filter for task list usage Define filter for task list status Define filter for BOM usage Define filter for BOM status Select available capacity version In this step, you determine which version should be used when sending available capacity data with IDoc LOIWCS, segment E1KAREL. Besides the active version, you can select one of the following alternatives: o

normal available capacity


minimum available capacity

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maximum available capacity

The active available capacity version is used for data transfers to any logical systems that have not been entered in this list. You have the option of entering a capacity version for each logical system. Define filter for production/process orders In this step, you can further restrict the data download of production and/or process orders by defining additional selection criteria. For example, you could decide to download only those orders whose status is 'incomplete'. Selection criteria are stored in selection profiles that you must define in Customizing. Entries for logical systems are optional. You can make only one entry per logical system. For each logical system you can choose a selection profile for either the order header, the order operations, or both. Requirements You must first define selection profiles. Activities o

In the Selection Profile Maintenance screen, choose New Entries.


Enter the logical system.


Enter selection profiles for orders in the column SelProfiles and for operations in Column OprSelProf. Further Notes

Keep in mind that using a selection profile for order operations may cause the selection process to take longer because all order operations have to be checked, but you can reduce the time needed for the data download if not all order operations have to be downloaded. Define filter for control keys In this step, you can define additional filters for operations and suboperations pertaining to business objects such as routings and process/production/planned orders. For each logical system, you can transfer only those operations and suboperations for which the SCHEDULING and CAPACITY REQUIREMENTS control key settings match those of the logical system. That means you can download only those operations/suboperations that are relevant to scheduling and/or capacities requirements. If no entry exists for a logical system, all the operations/suboperations pertaining to the business object are downloaded.

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Example Control keys specify how operations and suboperations should be processed by defining the specific transactions to be carried out. In this case, control keys are used to define scheduling and to determine capacity requirements. Requirements Define the control keys for scheduling and capacity requirements. Activities o

In the maintenance screen: Define filters for control keys, select New entries.


Enter the logical system (for example, EXTERNAL 1).


Flag field SCHD to send operations/suboperations of message types belonging to the logical system EXTERNAL 1 (for example, message types LOIROU, LOIPRO and LOIPLO) whose control keys for scheduling have also been flagged.


Flag field CAPR to send operations/suboperations of IDocs whose control keys for capacity requirements have also been flagged.


Flag both fields to send operations/suboperations requiring both scheduling and capacity requirements. Further Notes

If you flag the field 'SCHED' but not 'CAPR', only those operations/suboperations are downloaded that should be scheduled. If you flag only 'CAPR', only those operations and suboperations for which capacity requirements are needed will be downloaded. Choose method for finding planned orders via work centers Define target system for data upload

1.25.3 Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) Interface To use the external SOP planning function of POI, you must perform the following activities. Activate external system support

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Before you can begin external SOP planning, you must make sure that the external planning engine has been checked as active. Requirements An external planning system must be connected to R/3. Activities o

In the screen, List of Active Systems, click the 'new entries' button on the menu bar.


In the New Entries screen, enter system type "1" for optimization system, and check the active box. Maintain problem categories identified by external system In this step, you list the different types of problems that could occur during the planning run. This enables the external planning system to categorize and display them in the problem window, sorted by category. The problem categories are client dependent. Example Problems could be sorted into categories as follows: Category Description 001 Capacity shortage 002 Order lateness 003 Order shortage 004 Material shortage Activities o

In the Problem Category screen, click the 'new entries' button in the menu bar.


Enter a problem category ID number and a description for each category. Maintain planning actions In this step you must maintain the planning actions you want to send to the external system. The individual steps taken during a planning run are grouped together, and each group represents a planning action. Each planning action has its own key and short description. Each action consists of one or more steps, and each step is assigned to a specific action and has its own ID.

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The external system determines the sequence of the steps within each action and uses the IDs to keep the steps in the correct order. Parameters are assigned to the specific steps, and the external system identifies them either by name or ID. The values, steps and parameters are not interpreted by R/3, but are sent to the external system as part of an RFC function call for interpreting. Activities o

In the planning action screen, click the new entries button in the menu bar.


Enter the unique identifier and a short description for each action you want to send to the external system. Maintain planning action steps Each step consists of a unique identifier, called a step ID and a character string that can be interpreted by the external system. Requirements Before maintaining planning action steps, you must first maintain the planning actions. Activities In the Determine Work Area entry screen, enter the action for which you want to maintain steps. You can then enter several steps for each action in the SCPI planning action screen. o

To do so, click the new entries button on the menu bar.


Enter the step ID and step in the next screen. Maintain action step parameters You can maintain step parameters for each step in an action. Requirements Before maintaining step parameters, you must first maintain the planning action steps. Activities o

In the Determine Work area entry screen, enter the action for which you want to maintain step parameters.


In the next screen, enter the following data: -

step ID: identifies step for which you want to maintain parameter

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parameter counter: unique ID which determines sequence of parameter


parameter: name used by the external system for identification


value: value of parameter Maintain model A planning model contains all data necessary for conducting SOP planning in an external system. In this step, you can create, maintain or delete models. Requirements Only users with authorization C_CSCP_ALL are allowed to create, maintain or delete models. This authorization is part of profile C_SCPTAB_ALL. Before you can maintain a model, you must have maintained authorization groups. Activities o

To create a new model, click the new entries button.


Enter model name, a short description, and an authorization group. Only those users assigned to this group are able to plan externally within this particular model. Maintain RFC destination The external system's planning function can be reached through the RFC destination. If the external system provides an engine for interactive planning which you can use for making changes or finding additional information, you must also specify the destination where the interactive planning RFC can be found. Activities o

To create a model destination, click the new entries button.


Enter the model name, the RFC destination, and the destination of the interactive planning engine. The destination NONE is reserved. Maintain download and planning defaults When you create a new model, you must connect the report and variant names for the master data download to the model. This variant is used for every model initialization. The master data download will take place every time the

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external system is used for planning a version of the model. In this step, you can also specify a default action which is then used as a proposal. Standard Settings The standard SAP report for downloading master data is RCCBP_SOP_MASTERDATA_DOWNLOAD. To create variants for this report, use the standard R/3 functionality for variant maintenance. Follow the path Goto -> Variants Activities o

To assign download and planning defaults, click on the new entries button.


Enter the name of the model, the report and the variant for the master data download.


Specify the default action, if desired. Maintain startup parameters Each model can have a number of different versions corresponding to the standard SOP versions. For each version, you can define startup flags for the external planning system which are used for initializing the external planning engine for a specific version. Activities o

To assign new startup parameters to a version, click the new entries button.


Enter the model, version, flag name and value. Assign model to info structure In this step, you must assign the model you are planning to info structure S076. Activities o

To assign a model to info structure S076, click the new entries button.


Enter the model name. Determine planning versions for external system In this step, you determine which versions are to be planned by the external system. If you create a new version in SOP, it is not automatically added to the versions that are planned externally. You must perform this action manually, and

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if you no longer need a version, you must delete it. Activities o

To determine which versions of info structure S076 are to be planned externally, click the new entries button.


Enter the version name. Maintain background processing profile In this step, you must maintain the background processing profile. Activities In the External Planning Profile screen, enter: o

a short description of the planning profile


select the appropriate control parameters


select the control flags

1.25.4 Transportation Planning Interface (TPI) The following IMG activities configure all system parameters that are necessary for installing communication between the SAP R/3 system and one or more external transportation planning systems. When creating a shipment in the R/3 system for normal business processes (transaction VT01), the deliveries that are planned for the shipment are selected. This process is normally undertaken manually. If you are using an external system for transportation planning, a record is selected from the deliveries in the R/3 system that are to be transported and sent to the planning system over the interface where the deliveries are combined according to certain optimization criteria. The newly created shipments are confirmed in the R/3 system via the interface, which then leads to the creation of the shipment documents. In order to update documents correctly you need to synchronize the master data between both systems (e.g. customer adddress, goods issue times). Creating and changing shipments takes place in the transportation planning system. Any other processing steps for the shipment (such as printing papers, registering the start of the transportation) take place in normal document processing in the R/3 system. Note Communication with external transportation planning systems is realised by ALE technology, whereby the messages to be transmitted are sent using asynchronous RFC. The logical mapping of a system takes place over the transportation planning point and there must be a unique relationship between an external transportation planning system and a transportation planning point.

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Activities Execute the following activities in order to implement the communication with an external transportation planning system and to activate the transmission mechanism in the R/3 system: 1.

Define a logical non-SAP system Definition of external planning system


Define RFC destination Definition of technical transmission path and destination for the communication.


Maintain mapping of non-SAP system to messages Here the messages to be transmitted (e.g. transmit delivery or shipment) are mapped to the non-SAP system defined in this step.


Port definition Determining the ALE port where the communication takes place.


Maintain partner profile Determining ALE partner profile where technical ALE parameters are maintained for individual messages for the logical non-SAP system (partner).


Maintain transportation planning points for external systems In this IMG activity an external transportation planning system is mapped to a transportation planning point.


Maintain material cumulation for routes In this IMG activity you can define which of the delivery items should be sent to the transportation planning system. It is possible to send only shipment relevant items and to cumulate the items according to predefined freight codes.


Maintain planning restrictions for routes If goods are to be sent beyond the planning area of an external system, you can use this IMG activity to define the planning borders and replacement procedures for departure or destination locations in individual routes.


Maintain message control for outbound deliveries You can initiate the transmission of delivery documents to the external system using message control. In this IMG activity you can maintain the necesssary message types and procedures. You must define a separate message type for each external system.

10. Maintain change control for master data Transmitting changed master data can take place automatically using change control (only for customer and vendor masters). This IMG activity allows you to activate change control. Define logical non-SAP systems In this IMG activity you can define the description and long text for the logical non-SAP system (here an external transportation planning system)

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Note Please note that maintaining the logical system is client-independant. Example If you wish to connect the external planning system ABC from producer SUPERTRANS as the first planning system, your entry will proceed as follows: TPS_ABC001 Transportation planning system ABC Additional Information You can find additional information for maintaining logical systems in the chapter Cross-Application Components - Distribution (ALE): Maintain logical systems Define RFC destination In this IMG activity you can define the technical paramters for RFC transmission to be used for connecting to a non-SAP system. Normally an external transportation planning system is connected via a TCP/IP link. Activities 1.

Copy a new entry under the category TCP/IP links, which has the name of your logical system as an RFC destination.


Complete the technical specifications via link category, activition type and Gateway.


Test the link using the "Link test" function. Further Information

You can find additional information about the RFC destination in the chapter Cross-Applicaton Components - Distribution (ALE): RFC-Define RFC destination Maintain allocation of non-SAP system to ALE output In this IMG activity you can determine which ALE output types can be sent/received to your external transportation planning system. This mapping is necessary to allow further processing of the necessary output

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in the ALE functions. You need to maintain output mapping both for the R/3 system and the external transportation planning system. You need to specify outbound output for the R/3 system and inbound output for the planning system. The following output is sent by R/3 to a planning system (outbound output): o


Transmit delivery document



Transmit location master data





Declare shipment status Status notification

The following output is sent from an external planning system to R/3 (inbound output): o




Transmit shipment document Status notification

Activities 1.

Enter the logical name of your R/3 client in the logical system field. You will find additional information in the chapter on Cross Application Components - Distribution (ALE): Assign logical system to client


Enter the customer distribution model. You can choose the name (e.g. TPS1) which represents a grouping for your output mappings.


Add the previously defined outbound output (TPSDLS, TPSLOC, SHIPPL, STATUS).


Save your entries.


Return to the initial screen and specify the name of your external logical system.


You can use the same customer distribution model for the inbox.


Add the previously defined inbound output for your R/3 client's logical system (SHIPPL, STATUS).


Save your entries. Additional Information

You can find additional information for mapping ALE output in chapter Cross Application Components Distribution (ALE): Maintain customer distribution model directly. Maintain ALE port definition You can use this IMG activity to assign the logical system defined for your transportation planning system to an RFC port, which allows you to transmit output to a logical system.

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Normally transportation planning systems can be connected using the transaction-based RFC. Add a port and allocate this to the logical system that you have defined. Further Information You can find additional information on port definitions in the chapter Cross-Application Components Distribution (ALE): Define port Maintain ALE partner profiles In this IMG activity you have to maintain the inbound and outbound parameters for the ALE communication partner transportation planning system. The name of the parameter is the name of the logical system that you defined, partner type is 'LS'. Important Note Enter the following output categories and IDocs in the 'outbound parameter': Output category IDoc TPSDLS TPSDLS01 TPSLOC TPSLOC01 SHIPPL TPSSHT01 STATUS SYSTAT01

Enter the following output categories, IDocs and process codes in the 'inbound parameter': Output category IDoc Process code SHIPPL TPSSHT01 SHIP STATUS SYSTAT01 STA1

Further Information You can find additional information on partner profiles in the chapter Cross-Application Components Distribution (ALE): Maintain partner profile Maintain transportation planning points for external systems There is a unique mapping between a transportation planning point and an external transportation planning system, i.e. one planning point is assigned to exactly one planning system (whereas a logical system can be

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assigned to several transportation planning points). In this IMG activity, control and communication parameters are set for a transportation planning position in its linked planning system: o

Partner category and partner name of the planning system


Message category for message control


External number range for the shipment documents generated by the planning system


Whether an externally generated shipment document can be changed or not


Shipment status, where an externally planned shipment can be set to "not changeable" for the planning system


Filter mode for sending status messages to the transportation planning system


Text ID for shipping texts Prerequisites


The external transportation system must be defined as a logical system.


You must set up an external shipment number range for the document numbers generated by the planning system.


If an external system is assigned to a transportation planning point, you must maintain the partner category, partner number, external number range and shipment changeability fields together. None of the fields may remain blank.


If you require that message processing for the planning system takes place while using message control (recommended setting), then you must configure your own message category for your planning system. Activities


Enter partner category 'LS' and the name of the logical system of your transportation planning system as the partner number for the transportation planning point.


Enter the required external number range.


Set whether the shipment can be changed for the externally generated shipment documents. By switching this function off you can ensure that there are no inconsistencies between the shipment documents in the R/3 system and those in your planning system.


If you wish to use message control for the communication, enter the message categories to be used by your planning system.


You can enter the required status, if you wish to send a message to the planning system at a certain shipment status (e.g. loading begun), to say that this shipment can no longer be re-planned.


If you wish to confirm the shipment messages in the planning system, whether they are incorrect or successful, set the required error mode.


Enter up to three text IDs for shipping texts which you would like to transmit with the planned deliveries to your planning system (e.g. shipping instructions).

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Save the settings. Maintain materials cumulation for routes In order to plan shipments it is not always necessary to know all the details of the material / delivery items that are to be transported. For example, it is often irrelevant to know whether two delivery items are made up of 500 litres of red and 500 litres of green paint and sufficient to know that 1000 litres of paint need to be planned as shipment goods. Similar circumstances exist in the batch handling area where different batches of one material are divided up between several delivery items. Delivery items can be combined together according to different criteria in order to provide a better overview and to reduce the volume of data to be transmitted. o

Combining or deleting delivery items depending on how transportable they are.


Combining items with the same freight codes.

You can configure the combination (cumulation) for each combination of transportation planning point and route separately in the maintenance transaction. However they can also be configured together for one transportation planning point. Both cumulation procedures have the following effects: o

Reducing transportable materials: Activating this function by clicking on the relevant table field affects: -

the cumulation of a material's batch items in each header item


the cumulation of a material's product selections in each header item


Deletion of text and value items


Deletion of BOM items not relevant to movement.


Cumulation according to freight code: A Maintain freight code sets and freight codes can be allocated to the combination of transportation planning point and route.


It is not possible to determine the freight code set as this has to be predefined for the transportation/route combination. In this way the freight code can be determined together with the material freight group from the material master. The items in a delivery are cumulated according to freight code, whereby the material category is only represented in the message by its freight code. The quantities are still available in weight and volume specifications but no longer as number of pieces, etc.

If both cumulation procedures are activated, the cumulation according to shipment relevant items is executed before the freight code - related cumulation. In this IMG activity you can maintain the planning restriction with the following resources:

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Maintain individual entries in material cumulation for the transportation planning point or a combination of transportation planning point and route.


Enter route areas in the table (mass transaction)


Copy route areas in the table if transportation planning point has changed (mass transaction) Activities


Maintain material cumulation a)

Select the transportation planning point to be processed.


If you wish to maintain the cumulation for a route, enter the route. If you wish to maintain the cumulation for all the shipments in the transportation planning point, leave the route field blank.


If you wish to activate the cumulation according to freight code, enter the required freight code set. If you do not enter a freight code set, the cumulation will be deactivated.


If you wish to activate a shipment relevant cumulation, click on the relevant button.


Enter route areas in the table (mass transaction) Entering route areas is appropriate if you wish to carry out the same material cumulation for several routes. In the selection screen enter a transportation planning point and the routes for which you would like to add entries in the table. For each new entry you can configure a freight code set and activate the shipment relevance. You can use a switch to select whether existing entries for the transportation planning point should remain or be overwritten.


Copy route areas with changes to transportation planning point (mass transaction) Copying route areas is appropriate if you have several planning systems with the same material cumulation defaults and you just wish to copy the defaults. Specify the transportation planning point and the routes whose entries you would like to copy. You also need to specify to which transportation planning point the entries should be copied. You can use a switch to select whether existing entries for the transportation planning point / route should remain or be overwritten. Maintain planning restriction for routes There are cases in which the whole shipment run is not determined by a transportation planning system for individual deliveries. If a company sends deliveries both inland and overseas it is feasible that you will need to use a planning system in order to optimize planning for the inland shipment on roads, but that shipment documents need to be generated manually using R/3 transactions for the overseas transportation (sea routes). In this case, the transportation planning system has to be notified that the destination location abroad is not the definitive one. Instead this will be another location, to which automatic planning will be carried out (for example, the departure harbor or a border location). Similar situations can arise for purchase orders sent from shipping points outside the planning area of a transportation planning system. In planning restrictions, you can determine which substitution procedure should be used to find a substitution location for the shipping and / or destination location of the delivery separately for each combination of

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transportation planning system and route. A substitution procedure is composed of a sequence of conditions, which are checked one after the other until a valid substitution for the departure or destination has been found. Once the system has found a substitute, it changes the times specified for the location. For example: Substitute Location for Subsequent Leg Planning The "German Roads" planning system is used for the "North America to Hamburg" route for planning subsequent legs. Therefore, the delivery's departure point in North America, that is, outside the planning area, needs to be substituted with a suitable starting point. The following are suitable condition sequences that the determination procedure should process in sequence until it has found a substitution: 1.

End of last main leg: If there is one or more main leg for the delivery, the system uses the destination location of the last main leg as the starting point for planning. The transportation end date is used as the journey date of the shipment.


End of the delivery route: The system uses the destination point of the delivery route, if there is one, as the starting point of planning. The departure time is determined using the delivery date and the travel time of the subsequent leg.


Defined points The system uses points defined in Customizing and the system does not determine a departure time.


No substitution

In this activity, you can maintain planning restrictions using the following steps: o

Maintain individual entries and substitution procedures in the table


Insert route areas to the table (mass transaction)


Copy route areas in the table under "Changing Transportation Planning Point (mass transaction) Activities


Maintain individual entries directly in the table: Enter the transportation planning point and the route you want to restrict in the table. Maintain the required substitution procedures and transportation connection points for the start and end of planning. Enter the required travel times for the preliminary, main and subsequent legs. The total travel time must be equal to or less than the total transit time of the route. You must always enter the travel times in days with two decimal places. This means that you can only specify them down to 15 minutes. The maximum value is 99 days. Use the possible entries help to enter time values in days, hours and minutes. Because of the limited number of decimal places, you will have to allow for inprecise minute calculations.


Maintain the substitution procedure Choose a substitution procedure that you want to maintain or create a new one. Maintain the condition sequence for the procedure so that it meets your requirements. You can use the existing conditions and you can also create your own. You can also use your own determination routines to substitute the

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location (see below). o

Enter route areas in the table (mass transaction): It is useful to enter route areas if you want to restrict the planning for a large number of routes that are set up according to a certain procedure.


On the selection screen, enter a transportation planning point and a route for which you want to add entries. For the departure and destination point for each new entry, specify which substitution procedure and which defined transportation connection point should be used. You can also specify the travel times for preliminary, main and subsequent legs but only if their total exceeds the total transit time. You can also choose whether to keep or overwrite existing entries for the transportation planning point / route.


Copy route areas with changes to transportation planning point (mass transaction): You should copy the route areas if you have several planning systems with the same planning area, for example, and you just want to copy the planning restrictions. Enter a transportation planning point and a route on the selection screen whose entries you want to copy. You must also specify for which transportation planning point you want to copy the entries. You can choose whether to keep or overwrite existing entries for the new transportation planning point / route. Maintain output control for delivery transfers This IMG activity allows you to configure output control for transferring the deliveries to be planned to a transportation planning system. Configuring output control is necessary for delivery documents which have undergone shipment-relevant changes since their first transfer to the planning system. It allows them to be automatically retransferred with the changed data. Output type 'TPSO' and output procedure 'V10TPS' are available as copy templates in the SAP standard system for connecting external transportation planning systems. Prerequisites In order to activate output control correctly an output type needs to be assigned to a transportation planning point. Activities


Copy output type 'TPSO' with dependent entries to a new output type for your transportation planning system. Set the transmission medium to '8' and the dispatch time to '3' or '4'.


Call up the configuration for the processing programs. Copy the processing program for output type 'TPSO' to your newly set-up output type. Save the configuration.


Go to the configuration for the output procedures.

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Carry out the configurations that have been executed in the template procedure 'V10TPS' for output type 'TPSO' for your own output type in the required procedure. Please use the 'Shipping Output' procedure as a standard. The requirement should be set to '40'. Note If you only use one transportation planning procedure to which all deliveries should be transferred, you can leave the field for output procedure requirements empty. This means that a delivery is automatically transferred to your planning system immediately after being added. Otherwise you will have to call up transaction VT61 explicity in order to transfer a delivery for the first time. Further Information You can find additional information on maintaining output in Sales and distribution - Basic Functions Output determination: Maintain output types Maintain output determination procedure Activate change management for master data In this IMG activity you can activate the change management for master data. Master data (customer and vendor masters) are automatically earmarked for transmission in activated change control, in case you have already transmitted to an external transportation plannning system with transaction VT60. Note Change control means that the changes that need to be transmitted in order to maintain consistent data are automatically earmarked. The changed master data document is however only transmitted once the function 'Analyse change pointers' has been called up (application menu path: Logistics - Central functions Distribution - Periodic work - Analyse change pointers, transaction BD21). To trigger it off, enter message type 'TPSLOC'. Restrictions Master data is only automatically transferred for customer and vendor masters. Transportation connection points, shipping points and plants are not joined to the change interface. This data must be manually transmitted with transaction VT60 in activated change control. Activities Activate change control for output category 'TPSLOC'. Save your settings. Additional Information You can find additional information on change control in the chapter on Cross-Application Components -

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Distribution (ALE): Activate change pointer for message types

1.25.5 Authorization Management In the chapter "Authorization management", o

you define authorizations to the different authorization objects


you aggregate authorizations to authorization profiles Define authorizations This step explains which authorization objects are defined for the individual functions of the application in the standard SAP R/3 System. For these objects, you can maintain authorizations in the SAP System. You can display the corresponding fields for each authorization object. The contents of these fields are checked by the SAP System during the authorization check. If the contents do not agree with the value in the authorization object for the user, then it is not possible for the user to edit the object. Authorization objects The following authorization objects are checked when the individual functions of the Supply Chain Planning Interfaces (SCPI) are carried out. Demand Planning/Distribution Resource Planning Interface Functions for ... Material requirements planning MRP Total planning MRP Single item planning MPS, Single level MPS; Multi-level MPS, Interactive MPS, Total planning Display stock,req.list

Authorization object

M_MTDI_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_MTDI_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_MTDI_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_MTDI_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_MTDI_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_MTDI_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_MTDI_ORG

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MRP list, Individual display MRP list, Collective display

Planned order processing Process planned order Display planned order Planned order, list display Convert planned order Firm planned order

Long-term planning LTP Total planning

(Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_MTDI_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_MTDI_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP)

M_PLAF_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_PLAF_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_PLAF_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_PLAF_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_PLAF_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP)

LTP, Single item planning Multi-level

M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP)

LTP, Single item planning Single level

M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP)

Stock/reqts list Process

M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP)

MRP list, Individual display

M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP) M_LFPL_ORG

MRP list, Collective display Create planning scenario Change planning scenario Display planning scenario Calculate simulative

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opening stock

(Class: Materials Management: MRP)

Set up data for PURCHIS

M_LFPL_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP)

Back order processing Back order processing execute

M_MIPA_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP)

Back order processing display

M_MIPA_ORG (Class: Materials Management: MRP)

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Beschreibung der Berechtigungsobjekte Objekt: M_MTDI_ORG Organisationsebenen der Materialbedarfsplanung Definition Organizational authorizations for material requirements planning This authorization object controls whether an MRP controller is authorized to carry out the planning run for one or more plants or which specific activities the MRP controller is authorized to execute.

Defined Fields The authorization contains three fields: o

Activity categories in MRP (Field MDAKT) Possible values: BMRP: Total planning EMRP: Single-item planning O MRP: Project planning M MRP: Sales order planning A MRP: Stock/requirements list LMRP: MRP list, individual display S MRP: MRP list, collective display / planned order, collective conversion RMRP: Current materials overview H MRP: Create planned order V MRP: Change planned order F MRP: Firm planned order U MRP: Planned order, individual conversion P MRP: Generate planning file entries W MRP: Stock value display in the collective display graphic 1 Long-term planning: Total planning 2 Long-term planning: Single-item, multi-level planning 3 Long-term planning: Single-item, single-level planning 4 Long-term planning: Display stock/requirements list 5 Long-term planning: Display MRP list J Long-term planning: Sales order planning K Long-term planning: Project planning Y Multi-level MPS ZSingle-level MPS I Interactive MPS CMPS, total planning


Plant (Field WERKS) Here, you must enter all the plants for which materials planning can be carried out.


MRP controller (Field DISPO) Here, you must enter the MRP controller(s), who are authorized to carry out the activities.

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Objekt: M_PLAF_ORG Organisationsebenen der Planautragsbearbeitung Definition Organization authorization for processing planned orders This object controls which options the MRP controller has for processing planned orders and in which plants.

Defined Fields The authorization object contains three fields: o

Activity categories of materials planning Possible values: 'H': Create 'V': Change 'A': Display 'L': List display 'S': Collective conversion 'U': Individual conversion 'F': Fixing

(For the conversion of planned orders into production orders only the values 'S' and 'U' are of relevance.) o

Plant Here, you must enter all the plants for which planned order processing can be carried out.


MRP controller Here, you must enter the MRP controller(s) who are authorized to process planned orders.

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Production Optimization Interface (POI) Functions for ...

Authorization object

Authorizations POI


Authorization group maintenance


Transportation Planning Interface (TPI) Functions for ...

Authorization object

Standard settings In the standard R/3 System, authorizations are supplied for all of the authorization objects of the application. You will find maintenance authorizations and display authorizations for the authorization objects. The standard authorizations apply to all organizational units. Activities 1.

Check whether the standard authorizations meet your requirements. Proceed as follows: a)

Select the object class of the application. The list of the authorization objects will be displayed.


Select an authorization object.

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The list of the authorizations for this object will be displayed. 2.

Create new authorizations based on your requirements where necessary. Proceed as follows: a)

Choose Authorization -> Create.


Enter the authorization and a short text.


Select a field to maintain the individual field values.


Save your settings.


Activate the new authorization.

Notes for transport To transfer authorizations, proceed as follows: 1.

Select the function Authorization -> Transfer in the object list. The list of transferable authorizations is shown.


Mark the authorizations that you want to transfer into the productive system.


Confirm your entry using ENTER and specify a correction number.

If technical names of the separate authorization objects are also displayed in the object list, proceed as follows: 1.

Select an authorization object in the object list. You now branch to the list of authorizations for the selected authorization object.


Select Authorization -> Transfer. The list of transferable authorizations is shown.


Mark the authorizations that you wish to transport to the productive system.


Confirm your entry using ENTER and specify a correction number. Define profiles In this step, you maintain the different authorization profiles which define the authorizations of the individual users. A profile contains authorization objects with the corresponding authorizations for restricted working areas. You store the authorization profile for a user in their user master record. Default settings The profile M_LIS_ALL (maintenance authorization for all functions in thLogistics Information System, including planning) is preset in the standard R/3 system. The profile M_LIS_ALL (maintenance authorization for all functions in thLogistics Information System, including planning) is preset in the standard R/3 system. C_SOP_ALL (Maintenance authorization for all SOP functions)

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C_SOP_ANZ (Display authorization for all SOP functions) The standard SAP profiles always authorize all organizational units. Actions 1.

Check the default profiles.


If the default profiles are not sufficient, create new profiles as follows: a)

Choose "Create work area". The profile list is displayed.


Choose Profile -> Create.


Enter the new profile as well as a short text. If you only want to allocate authorizations to the new profile, you choose "Single profiles". If you also want to allocate single profiles to the new profile, you choose "Composite profiles".


Enter the new profile as well as a short text. If you only want to allocate authorizations to the new profile, you choose "Single profiles". If you also want to allocate single profiles to the new profile, you choose "Composite profiles".


Save the new profile.


Activate the new profile.

Note for transport To transfer profiles, proceed as follows: 3.

Select the function Profile -> Transfer in the profile list. The list of transferable profiles is shown.


Select the profiles that you want to transfer into the productive system.


Confirm your entry with ENTER and specify a correction number. Maintain authorization groups When you create a new model, you have to specify an authorization group. Only members of this group are allowed to plan the model. To assign an authorization group to a user, create a new authorization for the authorization object C_SCP_MOD, and assign it via a profile to the user. The profile C_SCP_MODALL contains the authority to plan all models regardless of the assigned authorization group. Requirements Only users with the authority C_CSCP_ALL are allowed to maintain authorization groups. This authorization is part of the profile C_SCPTAB_ALL.

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Activities o

To create a new authorization group, click the new entries button.


Enter the authorization groups, and a short description for each one.

1.26 SAP Retail Store In this step you make settings for SAP Retail Store. In certain areas, reference is made to other areas in the implementation guide, and no other information is provided.

1.26.1 Sales Order In this step, you make the settings in SAP Retail Store for sales orders. If you have not previously used the sales order functions, the following steps will be of relevance to you: o

Shipping: Master Data Basic Functions (without material determination and serial numbers)


Sales: Sales Document Header Sales Document Item importantly, the step Assign item categories, manually allowed item categories must be added, as the category selected by the user under "Collect in/ delivery by" is converted internally to a manually allowed item category. If, for example, the default item category is "standard item", but the user selected the direct delivery (third party) option, the system searches the manually allowed item categories for the item category for third party delivery. If, on the other hand, the default item category is "Third-party" and the user selects supply by own store, the system searches the manually allowed item categories for the item category for single purchase orders.


The required sales document item category is identified by the purchasing document item category in the schedule line category assigned in the step Assign schedule line categories. In the step Basic settings for order entry in the "Define Customizing schemas with basis settings", you have to define the purchasing document item categories for third party, single purchase orders and stock transfers for consumer orders. Schedule Lines Sales Order Processing


Logistics execution: Shipping Point and Goods Receipt Point Determination If you want to define separate internal logistics processes for collection of goods by the customer and delivery of goods to the customer, you have to define separate shipping conditions for collection and delivery in the step Basic settings for order entry under "Define Customizing schemas with basis settings".

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You must previously have created shipping conditions in the step Define shipping conditions. In the step Assign shipping points , you can then decide whether a specific material should be picked up in a plant or supplied by the plant. You do this by assigning (or not) a shipping point for the combination of shipping condition, loading group of the material and plant. For payment with payment cards, you must maintain the settings for Payment with payment cards in Financial Accounting, and for Payment cards in Sales and Distribution For subsequent delivery and billing for the order, you must maintain the settlings for Deliveries in Shipping under Logistics Execution and Billing in the Billing section of Sales and Distribution. Basic Settings for Order Entry In the first step, you define a Customizing schema with basis settings for general sales data and for controlling sales documents in sales orders. You have to mark a schema as standard. If you want to use a schema that differs from the standard one for a particular plant, you have to define further schemas in the first step, and in the second step maintain an explicit assignment between the plant and the schema. If you do not maintain any further entries in the second step, the standard schema from the first step is used. Grouping of allowed order types In the first step, you define grouping schemas and assign them allowed order types for sales orders. To do this, you define the order types allowed for sales order maintenance. You have to mark a schema as standard. If you want to use a schema that differs from the standard one for a particular plant, you have to define further allowed order types in the first step, and in the second step maintain an explicit assignment between the plant and the allowed order types. If you do not maintain any further entries in the second step, the standard schema from the first step is used. Grouping of Countries for Customer Maintenance In this step, you define grouping schemas and assign them to countries. You thus define the countries valid for customer order maintenance. You have to designate a schema as standard. If you want to use a country schema for a plant that differs from the standard schema, you must define further country schemas in the first step and then assign the country schema to the plant in the second step. If you maintain no further entries in the second step, the standard schema from the first step is used.

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1.26.2 Goods Movement In this step, you make the settings in SAP Retail Store for goods movements. Further basic settings are also required for inventory management in the areas Goods Issue/Transfer Posting Goods Receipt Movement Types and also general plant parameters and settings in the Logistics, General area. Basic Settings for Goods Receipt In the first step, you define a Customizing schema with basis settings for default values, movement types and goods receipt. You have to mark a schema as standard. If you want to use a schema that differs from the standard one for a particular plant, you have to define further schemas in the first step, and in the second step maintain an explicit assignment between the plant and the schema. If you do not maintain any further entries in the second step, the standard schema from the first step is used. Basic Settings for Goods Movements/Stock Transfers Im ersten Arbeitsschritt definieren Sie ein Einstellungsschema mit allgemeinen Vorbelegungen für den Bereich Warenbewegung/Warenverschiebung. Ein Schema müssen Sie als Standard deklarieren. Soll für bestimmte Werke ein von diesem Standard abweichendes Schema verwendet werden, so müssen Sie im ersten Arbeitsschritt weitere Schemata definieren und im zweiten Arbeitsschritt eine explizite Zuornung von Werk und Schema pflegen. Pflegen Sie im zweiten Arbeitsschritt keine weiteren Einträge, wird das Standardschema aus dem ersten Arbeitsschritt verwendet. Grouping of business transactions for other goods movements In the first step, you define the keys for selecting values via select boxes in SAP Retail Store Internet interface. In the second step, you define grouping schemas and assign them to business transactions for stock transfers. You this define business transactions for stock transfers for the goods movement area. You have to mark a schema as standard. If you want to use a grouping schema that differs from the standard one for a particular plant, you have to

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define further grouping schemas for business transactions for stock transfers in the second step, and in the third step maintain an explicit assignment between the plant and the groups of business transactions for stock transfers. If you do not maintain any further entries in the third step, the standard schema from the second step is used. Grouping of business transactions for stock transfers In the first step, you define the keys for selecting values via select boxes in SAP Retail Store Internet interface. In the second step, you define grouping schemas and assign them to business transactions for stock transfers. You this define business transactions for stock transfers for the goods movement area. You have to mark a schema as standard. If you want to use a grouping schema that differs from the standard one for a particular plant, you have to define further grouping schemas for business transactions for stock transfers in the second step, and in the third step maintain an explicit assignment between the plant and the groups of business transactions for stock transfers. If you do not maintain any further entries in the third step, the standard schema from the second step is used.

1.26.3 Allocation In this step, you make the settings in SAP Retail Store for allocations.

1.26.4 Retail promotion In this step, you make the settings in SAP Retail Store for promotions.

1.26.5 Physical Inventory In this step, you made the settings within SAP Retail Store for the store physical inventory. You can define tolerances for physical inventory differences. Basic Settings for Physical Inventory In the first step, you define a Customizing schema with basic control settings for Physical Inventory. You must define one schema as standard. If a schema other than this standard schema is to be used for certain plants, you must define further schemas in this first step, and explictly assign plant and schema in a second step.

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If you do not make any further entries in the second step, the standard schema from the first step is used.

1.26.6 Store Order In this step, you make the settings in SAP Retail Store for store orders. Reorganization period for follow-on documents In this step, you maintain a period in days, specifying which stores orders and their reference to follow-on documents are to be deleted. Requirements A profile has been created in the step Profile for POS inbound.

1.26.7 Product catalog In this step, you make the settings in SAP Retail Store for product catalogs.

1.26.8 Working Time Recording The IAC working time entry in SAP Retail Store is based on the IAC for the time sheet (CATS) in the Internet.

Notes o

The following module contains the system settings for the time sheet in the Internet. These are the same as those you need for the entry of working times in SAP Retail Store.


In particular, you create an entry profile that is geared towards the particular requirements in the store.


You then assign this entry profile to the store manager via user parameter CVR. Set Up Internet Time Sheet (CATS) In this step, you set up the Internet Application Component (IAC) for the Time Sheet. The Internet Time Sheet is available as an Employee Self-Service application. It generates HTML pages using the SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS). The majority of Time Sheet functions are also available for the Internet Time Sheet. For more information,

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see the online documentation for the Internet Time Sheet. You determine the layout of the HTML pages in the same way that you customize the Time Sheet. You can also make specific profile settings in a view designed especially for the IAC. Requirements 1.

To use the IAC, you must have the SAP ITS and a SAP@Web Studio installed.


The CATW transaction must be checked out from your SAP System to the SAP@Web Studio.


The service must be publicly available on your web server. For more information, see the documentation on the SAP@Web Studio. Standard Settings

In the user parameter CVR, specify for each employee the data entry profile to be used for maintaining data. If you do not maintain this user parameter for an employee, the system uses the data entry profile ESS. Recommendation Set up a data entry profile with the name ESS. The system can use this profile if you have not maintained the user parameter CVR. Activities 1.

If required, set up your own data entry profiles in the Create Data Entry Profiles for ESS step. You can make the following profile settings under General settings: - With target hours - With totals line - Highlight rejected records - Display weekdays - Release future times - Approval required - Immediate transfer to HR - Print program The following functions are fully supported: - Time settings - Default values - Worklist - Data entry checks (general) - Checks for users of SAP HR - Cost accounting variant - Workflow The following function is not supported: - Person selection


Perform the Specify Additional Information for ESS Profile step to enter additional specifications for

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the web settings. 3.

Perform the Define Field Selection for ESS step to select the fields in which users should make entries using the standard profile ESS or your own profile. Further Notes

In Customizing for Employee Self-Service, you make the settings for displaying and using the IACs.

1.26.9 Sales Prices In this step, you make the settings in SAP Retail Store for the area of sales prices. Basic Settings for Sales Prices In the first work step, you define a Customizing schema with basic control data settings for the area of sales prices. You must declare one schema to be the standard schema. If you want to use a schema other than this standard schema for certain plants, in the first work step, you must define further schemas, and in the second work step, explictly assign plants to schemas. If you do not make any entries in the second step, the standard schema defined in the first step is used.

1.26.10 Set Up Web Reporting In this step, you make the settings necessary for starting reports over the web. The following steps are required: 1.

Release function modules

You release function modules by choosing Internet release -> Function modules Procedures: Enter function module Choose Release The following function modules must be released:








Release reports

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You release reports by choosing Internet release -> Reports Procedure: Enter the report name Choose Release The following reports must be released:






























Release report tree

The standard analyses are contained in report tree RSW1. You release the reports by choosing Internet release -> Reporting trees Procedure: Enter reporting tree RSW1 Choose Release Notes for authorization management: Prerequisites 1.

Maintain authorization groups of the reports

To be able to execute the reports on the internet, a value must be entered for your authorization group. You can do this using report RSCSAUTH. Procedure: a)

Choose System -> Services -> Reporting to start report RSCSAUTH


Under Program name, enter the name of the report to be changed (if there is a default, enter an

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authorization group (e.g. "SWANALYS")) c)

Execute the report


Maintain the authorization groups in the list


Select all reports to be changed




Answer YES to the prompt "Change TRDIR entries?"

RSTWBFAF, RSTWBFLI, RSTWBFMB, RM06EM00, RM06EN00, RWBEST01 and several standard analyses are used In SAP Retail Store at the moment. In the case of standard analyses (RMCW0000 to RMCW9999), the authorization group must be set to 'SWANALYS'. For all the other reports, the authorization group is freely definable. General information on authorization management: This step is used to create Activity groups an generate authorization profiles using the Profile Generator. Activities To assign an authorization profile to a user, do the following: 1.

Create an activity group


Enter a description


Select transactions


Create and edit authorizations


Assigns users and compare the user master (in doing so, the profile is entered in the user's master record)


Transport activity groups, if desired

Detailed documentation For more information about the procedures, see transaction documentation See also the general documentation on the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. Choose: Basis Components -> Computing Center Management System -> Users and Authorizations -> The Profile Generator In the Implementation Guide (IMG), choose: Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Maintain Authorizations and Profiles using Profile Generator Note You can also use authorization profiles you created manually or were delivered by SAP, in activity groups. You can create an activity group without a menu and include the corresponding profile in the authorization data of the activity group. In the fourth step, choose "Edit -> Add authorization -> From profile" to add the authorization profile data to the activity group.

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Special features: Every user who wants to start reports on the web needs authorization to execute the relevant authorization group (authorization object S_PROGRAM, user action = 'SUBMIT', authorization group e.g. 'SWANALYS'; see documentation on SAP Retail Store - authorization concept). For information on the authorization concept for SAP Retail Store, see the online documentation.

1.27 Merchandise and Assortment Planning This Implementation Guide contains all necessary information for introducing Merchandise and Assortment Planning in your enterprise. Large sections of Basic Settings, Information System, Tools, and Function Enhancements have been restructured using existing applications. The SAP Library contains detailed descriptions of Planung activities. This can be find under: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario -> Settings for manual planning Notes Certain functions can be processed in operational planning maintenance. Pay particular attention to the data delivered for the Best Practice Scenario.

1.27.1 Basic Settings Use this process step for making the Basic Settings for Merchandise and Assortment Planning. Cross-Scenario Settings Here you can make settings that influence Merchandise and Assortment Planning (MAP). Example You can define if you want to use interfaces to applications outwith MAP or if you want to use MAP in connection with Workflow functionalities and object services. Collective Maintenance for User Settings You can make user-specific settings for network planning in MAP. By making

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these settings, you can hide informaton that users do not require on a daily basis. Example You can define that a user can see information about assigned key figures and charactetristics in the planning session. Further Notes Users can also maintain their personal settings in network planning. Data Warehouse In this section, you can make settings for the Data Warehouse, as detailed in Data Basis in the Logistics Information System (LIS). Applications In the Logistics Information System, many of the settings must be made in accordance with the respective application. As a rule, you can use those standard applications which are components of the Logistics Information System. For many considerations which concern the Logistics Information System, you need to use cross-application functions. It therefore makes sense to analyze data from a variety of applications together (for example, Purchasing and Sales). The most important data collection settings, however, are assigned to no more than one application. You therefore have to define new applications which can be used for "mixed" views and which have the features of more than one standard application. You can first use all of the SAP applications which are integrated in the Logistics Information System. This allows you to arrange the "mixed applications" that you need for your business. Maintain Self-Defined Applications In this step, you can create, change and display new, i.e. self-defined applications. Activities 1.

Choose the function New application. You branch to the detail screen.


Enter a number for the self-defined application.


Enter a text for the self-defined application.

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Allocate the attributes of at least one of the displayed standard applications to this new application.


Save the self-defined application. Additional information

You can use self-defined applications in the following areas: o

Definition of field catalogs


Definition of information structures LIS Inbound Interface for External Data The LIS inbound interface for external data (LIS inbound interface), enables you to supply the Logistics Information System (LIS) with data that cannot be written to LIS by means of LIS updating. This means that you can make use of all the functions available in the Logistics Information System to manipulate this data as well. The basis of the LIS inbound interface are communication structures which are created in the dictionary as data types. Data can be transferred to LIS either using an IDoc or your own load program. When you create the IDoc, the data is automatically released to LIS via the IDoc interface. This is therefore the more convenient means of updating data in LIS. You also have the option, however, of using your own load program. This load program must call up the respective inbound function modules of the LIS inbound interface and transfer the data to be processed to this interface. If you are using self-defined communication structures and are subsequently generating the LIS inbound interface, it is possible to transfer data to LIS updating. Generation of the LIS inbound interface creates a new business event and the accompanying function modules for controlling the update. This is how events are added to event-driven LIS updating. If you want to supply LIS with external data, then proceed as follows: 1.

Create your data as a communication structure.


Create an LIS inbound interface with reference to your communication structure. Note Events can only be created for SAP basis applications (Sales and Distribution, Purchasing, Inventory Controlling, Transportation, Production, Quality Management, Plant Maintenance, External Data and Retail). If you refer to an application that does not belong to these SAP basis applications when you create your LIS inbound interface, you must select one of the assigned SAP basis applications. You can find more information about self-defined applications in the Implementation Guide for the Logistics Information System (LIS).


Create information structures.


Maintain the update rules for your information structures.

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Activate the respective updating process.


Supply the IDoc interface or the inbound function module of the LIS inbound interface with your data. Further Notes

The functionality of the LIS inbound interface and of Copy Management overlap in certain places. SAP recommends that you use the LIS inbound interface instead of Copy Management when: o

transferring data permanently


transferring different types of data


using data elements that differ from SAP data elements Communication Structures Communication structures form the basis of the LIS inbound interface for external data (LIS inbound interface). The communication structure must contain a date field of type DATS. It is recommended that you use the following field types for indicators that can be totalled: CURR (currency field), QUAN (quantity field), DEC and NUMC (for other field values that can be totalled), CHAR, DATS (date field), TIMS (time field). If you use currency and quantity fields, you must also include the corresponding unit (type UNIT) and currency key (CUKY) in the communication structure. If possible, you should use the SAP standard data elements. Note o

If you wish to use IDocs, the sender system (your system) must serve the IDoc interface, or be able to perform Remote Function Call (RFC).


Long names are not supported in LIS. You cannot include fields in the fields catalog if their table name/structure name/field name has more than ten characters. This also applies to communication structures used in the LIS inbound interface.


Before you use IDocs as communication structures, you need to gain an overview of the following basic concepts: IDoc type, the different types of IDoc, and segments). You can find detailed information about these concepts in the SAP library under Basis Components -> Basis Services/Communication Interfaces -> The IDoc Interface -> BC IDoc Interface: EDI Application Scenarios.


Before you use dictionary structures as communication structures, you need to gain an overview of how to use and maintain structures. You can find detailed information on this subject in the R/3 library under Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain as IDoc If you wish to transfer your data via the IDoc interface to LIS, you must first create a communication structure/> as a DDIC structure. In this IMG activity, you create your IDoc type as an enhancement to the SAP Basis IDoc type "LIS_EXTR", which contains your data for the IDoc interface. Enhancement. The enhancement is where you create your enhancement segment with the data to be transferred. Note Please observe the name ranges: o

SAP segment types begin with "E1"; customer-specific segment types begin with "Z1".


Customer-specific IDoc types begin with "Y" or "Z". Activities

If you wish to create an IDoc, proceed as follows: 1.

Create your extension type. You create an extension as follows: a)

Enter any name for the object in the Object name field.


Mark the development object as "extension".


Select the function Create development object.


Select create and enter the related basis type "LIS_EXTR".


Enter a short description for the object.


Confirm by pressing Enter.


Go to the initial screen "Segment Development" via Environment -> Segment maintenance


Enter a name for your enhancement segment in the field Segment type Note the Name space.


Use the function Create segment with reference.


Use the DDIC structure you created as the communication structure for the IDoc interface as the reference.


Enter a short description of the segment type.


In the segment definition, the fields in the communication structure are automatically proposed according to the reference. The export length required for the correct conversion of the various data types in CHAR fileds is also automatically determined in the segment definition. The export length can therefore be longer than the length used for the same field in the communication structure. The field names in the segment definition and the communication structure must be identical, as the segment releases the data to the communication structure by means of MOVE

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Save your segment definition.


Return to the initial screen "Segment Development"


Leave this screen to create the enhancement.


Position your cursor on the LIS basis segment "E1LISBA" and choose the function Edit -> Create segment. Your enhancement segment type is added as a subsegment type of "E1LISBA". You now branch into maintenance of the segment attributes.


In the field Segment type, enter the name of the enhancement segment just created from h) to m).


Set the indicator for mandatory segment.


Specify the minimum number of segments in sequence, in other words, the minimum number of external data records that are to be transferred (at least 1).


Specify the maximum number of segments in sequence, in other words, the maximum number of external data records that are to be transferred at any one time. SAP recommends that you enter the number 1000 here.


Save your enhancement.


Return to the initial screen "Development of IDoc Types".


When your development is completed, you should release the segment definition in the initial screen "Segment Development" (n) via Edit -> Set release and release the enhancement in the initial screen "Development IDoc Types" (v) via Edit -> Set release. You can also test using objects that have not yet been released.

Further Notes If you use the IDoc interface, you need to make the following specifications when transferring your IDoc type to the IDoc interface: o

IDoc type:

Name of your IDoc


Message type: LIS000 (fixed value)


Partner: the logical system that you have chosen (only in the case of ALE) from which the function module is to be called up ALE/RFC: INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS File: EDI_DATA_INCOMING (you need to specify the file name and path) Maintain as Dictionary Structure In order to use the LIS inbound interface, you need to create your data as a communication structure. If your communication structure is a dictionary structure, you can only perform the data transfer to LIS if you have written your own load program. This load program has to call up the corresponding inbound function module in the LIS inbound interface and transfer the data to be processed to it.

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Prerequisites If you would like to create your communication structure as a dictionary structure, it is absolutely essential that you famailiarize yourself with the functions of the dictionary, particularly how to maintain structures. You can find detailed information in the SAP library under Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Dictionary. Activities You maintain structures as follows: 1.

Specify a name for your dictionary structure in the Object name field.


Mark the object type "Structures"


Choose the function Create DD object. Maintain Self-Defined LIS Inbound Interface In this step, you create your LIS inbound interface for external data. Maintenance of the LIS inbound interface is always dependent on an event (business transaction). Note Customer-specific events are named "Y" (Y1 - Y0 and YA - YZ) or "Z" (Z1 - Z0 and ZA - ZZ). Activities 1.

Specify both an event and a short description for this event. If you ask the system to propose an event, it automatically uses the next event that is available in your name range.


Specify an application that suits the business transaction (event). If you do not consider any of the other applications suitable, choose application "09" (External data).


Enter the name of your communication structure. If you use the IDoc interface to transfer the structure, enter the name of the enhancement.


Select the type of your communication structure.


If you use the IDoc interface to transfer the structure, you also need to select the type of transfer. Here you have the following options: -

ALE/RFC This involves a synchronous data transfer. You can find further information in F1 Help for this option.


File This involves an asynchronous data transfer. You can find further information in F1 Help for this option.

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Without inbound definition This option is for expert use only. You can find further information in F1 Help for this option.


Confirm by pressing ENTER.


If you have specified an application that does not belong to the SAP basis applications, you need to create a reference to one of the SAP basis applications that is assigned to the application you have specified. A dialog box appears offering you the application in question. Confirm by pressing ENTER.


If you use the IDoc interface to transfer the structure, the uniqueness of the name and the length of the fields in the segment definition of the enhancement and the communication structure are checked.


Specify a new function group (group of logically related function modules). You also have the option of asking the system to propose a function group.

10. Choose a field as a key field for the update log. To do this, mark the Log field for the field you require. Recommendation If possible, select the document number, or a similar field by which you can identify the data, to be the key field for the update log. 11. Save your entries. If your communication structure is an IDoc, you need to specify a logical system when you save. The event is generated. The function modules are generated. The LIS inbound interface is created. Environment -> Display log displays the generation log in which any errors that occurred are listed. Field Catalogs Generally, all information that is used in the respective business transactions can form the basis for the collection and aggregation of application data in the information structures. Much of this information is designed, however, for the internal control of a business transaction rather than for updating statistical data. Therefore, if a user wishes to define his/her own information system by using self-defined information structures, he/she must be able to clearly recognize which type of information he/she can use for the Logistics Data Warehouse. The definition of field catalogs guarantees that this information can be easily recognized. A field catalog (as understood in statistics updating) defines a group of relevant fields from the application. You can thus use a mixture of fields from any document hierarchies. This means that all fields that refer to the sales organization (distribution channel, sales district, product hierarchy, etc.), can be combined into one field catalog. It is not important for the user to know whether these fields are used at document header, document item, or schedule line level. A field catalog therefore takes on the following functions: o

Selection of relevant information

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Logical grouping of this information Attention

Long names are not supported in LIS. You can only include fields in the field catalog if their table name/structure name/field name does not exceed ten characters. Maintain Self-Defined Field Catalogs In this IMG activity, you can create, change, delete and display field catalogs. Requirements If you want to create a field catalog which is to contain fields from several different applications, you can either create a self-defined application or use application 41 (Logistics General). Standard settings SAP provides some sample field catalogs for each application. You cannot change these field catalogs, however you can extend them by adding your own field catalogs. Activities 1.

Specify a name and a description for the field catalog you want to create in the field Field catalog.


Assign the field catalog to an application.


Define the catalog category.


Press ENTER. You branch to the maintenance screen of the individual fields of the catalogs.


Depending on the catalog category you have chosen, select Edit -> Characteristics or Key figures or Date. Two dialog boxes are displayed for selecting the fields. One dialog box lists the fields you have already selected. Choose Selection list to select further fields. If you have not yet selected any fields, the second dialog box is displayed at the same time. The second dialog box consists of two lists. The list on the right contains all source tables from which you can select fields for the field catalogs. In this case, only the source tables valid for the selected application are displayed.


If you want to display the fields of a certain source table, you can select this by double-clicking on it. The list on the left shows the fields of the selected source table.


If you want to copy a field from the list into your field catalog, position the cursor on the corresponding field name and choose Copy. The selected field is marked and copied into the list of the already selected fields. Note When you select the source tables and fields, the respective descriptions are displayed.

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You can use the Switch display function to display the technical names (table and field names from the Data Dictionary). 8.

Press Copy + close to branch to the list of the selected fields. You can now also edit this list, i.e. you can change the sequence in which the fields appear, delete fields from the list or add new fields from the source tables.


The sequence of the selected characteristics can be changed as follows: a)

Select the characteristic, or a block of characteristics that is to be moved. The selection can be made using the icon Select/Deselect or Select block, or with a double click. The icon move is displayed.


Position your cursor on a different characteristic and choose the icon Move. The characteristic or block of characteristics you initially selected will now be inserted above the second selected characteristic.

10. To copy the selected fields to your field catalog, choose Copy. 11. Save the field catalog. Additional information When you copy fields, two different types of information are proposed: o

Source table / source field This information is primarily required to update statistical data. When you define the update rules, this information is proposed as source fields. Note It is not absolutely essential that you specify a source field. If you are using fields in the field catalogs that are to be derived from a formula during the update, then you are not recommended to specify a source field, as it does not make sense. The same applies if you want to include counters (for example, the number of order items) in the field catalog. Please refer to the chapter Updating Definition for more information on how to use formulas and counters.


Reference table / reference field The reference field specifies the technical attributes of a field. When information structures are generated, the reference field is used as a template for the technical attributes of the new Data Dictionary field. Source field and reference field are usually identical. Note An different reference field is always required if the field in an information structure must have different technical attributes to those of the source field. This is often the case for key figures, for example. The aggregation of many pieces of information from documents to one piece of cumulated information in the information structure means that a larger field is required to contain longer numbers. In this case, the technical attributes of the field to be generated in the information structure must be different to those of the source field from document processing. Another example is if you wish to use your own texts. Here, too, you need a reference field that is different from the source field. Please refer to the chapter on Technical Information for Field Catalogs for more information on the definition of new reference fields.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Technical Information for Field Catalogs The following technical issues are of interest when maintaining field catalogs: o

When you specify a source field or a reference field, why are special tables used (for example, MCVBAK, MCEKKO, MCEKPO), and not the original tables (for example, VBAK, EKKO, EKPO) from document processing?


What do you do if you need a reference field whose technical features differ from those of the source field?


What do you do if you use additional fields during document processing and you also want to use these fields during the statistics update? Special source tables

Special source tables are required in the LIS interface to interact between document processing and the updating of statistical data. The LIS interface works with different datasets than those used in document processing. It uses communication structures which are automatically supplied with the document data when the documents are posted. The use of these communication structures has the following benefits: o

Storing the data separately enables the system to perform statistics updating, which is independent of the document updating. The statistics update can therefore take place at a later point in time than document processing, which is more important for the operative business processes. This therefore reduces the system load while the critical posting activities take place.


The extent of the data that is transferred to the LIS interface from the operative processes can be reduced; the communication structures contain fewer fields than the corresponding structures in the application.


Seen from a technical perspective, the clear distinction between document processing and statistics updating makes it easier to connect an external system (e.g. SAP R/2) to the LIS.


If additional fields are required for the statistics update, which are not used in the operative document processing (e.g. additional grouping terms), then these fields can be assigned to the communication structures and can be individually supplied with data. All of the communication structures that are used have a similar structure. They contain three types of field: -

Fields from the corresponding structure in the application


Fields that are required in addition by the LIS interface in the standard system.


Additional fields that are required for statistics updating

Example from Sales: Communication structure MCVBAP (sales document: item data) -

INCLUDE VBAP (all fields from the corresponding application structure)


INCLUDE MCVBAPADD (additional fields in the SAP standard ..ADD)


INCLUDE MCVBAPUSR (additional self-defined fields ..USR)

Example from Purchasing:

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Communication structure MCEKKO (purchasing document header) -

MANDT, EBELN, ... (separate listing of fields - filter function)


INCLUDE MCEKKOADD (additional fields in the SAP standard ..ADD)


INCLUDE MCEKKOUSR (additional self-defined fields ..USR)

Different reference field Reference fields which differ from the source field are needed if the target field in the information structure needs to have other technical features . Example o

This would be the case if the statistics field has to contain large figures that are the result of the cumulation of many separate pieces of information. The size of the source field in the document may not be sufficient in certain situations.


Another example, is if you feel that it is necessary to make the meaning of the statistics field more specific than what is offered by the source field in the document. If we take the Sales Information System as an example: you want to express the information concerning the returns order quantity separately from the information about the "normal" incoming orders quantity. To do that, you need to have different field texts and different field documentation in the information system. The source field is the same for both types of information, i.e "Item quantity in the sales order". The source field is given its different meaning for the statistics update by using different types of sales orders. You can illustrate the different meanings in the information system by using two different reference fields, different field texts, and different field documentation.

You can define new reference fields in the Data Dictionary of the system. Tables have already been created in the Data Dictionary and are designed to contain your new field definitions. Differing reference fields are also used in the standard SAP system. You can find the definitions in the following tables: o

SD: table MCVKENNZ1 (SAP standard) table MCVKUSR (additional self-defined fields ..USR)


Purchasing: table MCEKKZ (SAP standard) table MCEKUSR (additional self-defined fields ..USR) Additional fields in statistics updating

In the operative business processes, information which is not available in the SAP standard system is often processed. In this case, standard processing is usually modified. If you want to use this additional information for the statistics update, then you need to make this available to the LIS interface as well. You can do this by enhancing the respective communication structures in the Data Dictionary and maintaining the area "user-specific enhancements". Note If the additional fields are also to be used in the application in the corresponding structures, you then do not need to expand the communication structure. In Sales, for example, the complete application structure has been integrated into the communication structure. It therefore already includes the new fields. If the additional fields are not used in the application in the corresponding structures, the respective

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information cannot be copied automatically. You then need to write your own program which supplies the additional fields with data. Caution Before you program the enhancements, you are strongly advised to consult the SAP contact person responsible. Information Structures In an information system, data aggregation is necessary in order to ensure that the user has a clear overview of key interrelationships. Since the requirements which need to be satisfied by data aggregation are determined by many different user groups, it is absolutely vital that aggregation functionality is flexible. Experience shows that various user groups need to view aggregated data from many different perspectives. The SAP system makes these different views possible by providing self-defined information structures. In the information structures, you can define your own view, by selecting the information from the operative application that you consider worthy of aggregation. A distinction is made between three types of information: o

Characteristics You can define a maximum of nine characteristics for each information structure. These characteristics form the table keys of the database table.


Key figures The key figures refer to values with significance to business, which are aggregated by means of the characteristics (e.g. invoiced sales, quantity of incoming orders, order quantity, lead time).


Period split The periodic cumulation of data is a further criterion for aggregation. The key figures are thus aggregated on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, or on the basis of a variable period split that is determined by the fiscal year variant.

Information structures can be classified according to certain structure characteristics. The standard information structures have the same basic structure (for example, they all contain four period fields). Information structures with the same indicator have the same structure type. The following types of information structures can be used in LIS: o

Type '': Standard Information structure with periodic transaction data. This is the normal type of information structure.


Type 'C': Without period Information structure containing no period data. It contains current stock values, for example the indicator "Stock".


Type 'D': Without update This information structure contains no actual data (or planning data, as applicable). It is therefore not possible to create an update for this information structure. This structure is necessary to ensure the periodic display of stock values. The actual data can be found in an assigned information structure, type 'standard' and 'without period'. The corresponding standard analysis reads the data from the assigned information structures and carries out a back calculation of stock.

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Type 'E': Standard (with stock values) Information structure which contains periodic key figures including periodic stock values. These stock values must be included in the information structure at the end of the period (or any point) using a batch program.


Type 'F': Document evaluation Information structure used to display document data. These information structures are subject to various performance measures due to the volume of data expected (for example, planning is not allowed). Additional functionality exists within the standard analysis (for example, total document analysis). Implementation area: Shopping Basket Analysis IS-R.


Type 'T': Transfer to SAP-BW Special information structure for transfers to the Business Information

Warehouse (BW). This information structure cannot be used in Reporting. These information structures are subject to performance measures (for example, planning not allowed) due to the volume of data expected. Use of these different types is dependent on the application in which they are to be created: Type ' ': All applications (default) Type 'C': Application 01 (Sales & Distribution), 03 (Inventory Controlling) and 40 (Retail) Type 'D': Application 03 (Inventory Controlling) and 40 (Retail) Type 'E': Application 03 (Inventory Controlling) and 40 (Retail) Type 'F': Application 40 (Retail) Type 'T': All applications When creating a customer-defined information structure using the attribute Planning possible, you must decide whether this is relevant or not. An information structure of type 'C' or type 'F' cannot be relevant to planning. It is important to consider whether the information structure to be created is to be used in planning, as information structures that cannot be used in planning significantly increase the speed of the evaluation during reporting. Information structures not relevant to planning have their existing key fields in the table converted, so that non-relevant fields (SSOUR, period fields not required) can be positioned at the end of the key fields. This speeds up the database search. If the self-defined information structure is to be populated with data, the primary index checks each table key. Version 000 is always used as the search criteria. The client is the first position in the database key, as otherwise each table in the data dictionary is interpreted as client-independent. The characteristics are positioned directly after the clients in the database key. The sections of the database key appear as follows: Client - characteristics - version - ... When the update is activated, the database key is converted again, so that the period selected for the update appears earlier in the key. Example: Client - month - characteristics - version - ... In order to avoid an accidental loss of data, key fields from an information structure not relevant to planning are only converted if there is no data in the accompanying database table. It is important to note the following: o

An information structure not relevant to planning can be used and updated with just one period (day, week, month, or posting period) in all clients of a system.

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Changing a period results in the key fields being converted. It is only possible to change a period if none of the clients have any data in the database table anymore.

The self-defined and the standard information structures form the basis for all of the subsequent functions in the information system (e.g. analyses, planning). Maintain Self-Defined Information Structures In this step, you can create, change, delete and display information structures. New self-defined information structures need a four-character name, which lies between S501 and S999. Information structures created with different names before Release 3.0A can still be used. Requirements If you wish to create an information structure that contains fields from different applications, you first need to create a self-defined application. Caution You can only change or delete information structures if no data is stored in them. If the information structure in question contains data, then you have to delete this data first. When you delete an information structure, all of the update rules that are assigned to it will also be deleted in all of the clients. Activities 1.

In the Info structure field, specify both a name and a description for the information structure that you wish to create.


Assign the information structure to an application.


You use the attribute to determine the type of info structure, and also to determine if this info structure can be planned. Once an information structure has been created with certain attributes, these attributes can not be changed.


If you want to create an information structure with reference to an information structure that already exists, specify the name of the information structure to which you are referring in the field Copy from info structure. The elements of the reference structure are then automatically copied to the new information structure. You can make changes to these proposals.


Press Enter. a)

If you chose type 'D' (without update), the transaction structure (type ' ') and the stock structure (type 'C') must be specified first. You now branch into the maintenance screen of the characteristics and key figures of the information structure. 6.

Select Edit -> Characteristics, in order to define the characteristics for the information structure.

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Two dialog boxes for selecting the characteristics are displayed. One dialog box (Chosen Characteristics: Sequence) lists the fields that have already been selected. To select other fields choose the function Selection list. The second dialog box (Selection List) consists of two lists. Only those field catalogs from which you can select characteristics are displayed. Only the field catalogs that apply to the selected application are displayed (characteristic catalogs). 7.

If you want to display the characteristics in a certain field catalog, select it by double-clicking on the catalog. The list on the left shows the characteristics from the selected field catalog.


If you want to copy a characteristic from the list to your information structure, position the cursor on the respective charcteristic name and select the function Copy. The characteristic you select is marked and is then copied into the list of the characteristics you have already selected. Note When you select field catalogs and characteristics, the respective descriptions are displayed. You can use the Switch display function to display the technical names (field catalog names and field names of the characteristic from the Dictionary).


You can branch into the list of selected characteristics, by pressing Enter. You can now edit this list further, i.e. you can change the sequence of the of the characteristics, delete characteristics from the list or insert new characteristics from the field catalogs. To change the sequence of the selected characteristics, proceed as follows: a)

Select the characteristic or block of characteristics that needs to be moved by double clicking or using icon Select/Deselect or Select block. The icon Move appears. Position your cursor on another character, and choose Move. The characteristic or block of characteristics that you marked first will now be be inserted exactly above this second characteristic.

An alternative to selecting characteristics from the field catalogs is to copy the characteristics from an information structure that already exists. Select the function Edit -> Chacteristics with reference. In the dialog box, specify the name of the information structure from which you want to copy the characteristics. Caution If you have already selected characteristics and use the "Characteristics with reference" function, the characteristics that you have already selected will be overwritten and not added. 10. In order to define the key figures for the information structure, select Edit -> Key figures. The system displays the field catalogs for key figures and the catalogs for date fields which correspond to the application. The procedure for the definition of the key figures is exactly the same as for the definition of the characteristics. Note It is sometimes necessary to define key figures which resemble characteristics in the key figure area. This is necessary in cases of information structures that are relatively document-specific, for example. The key figure catalogs in the standard system only contain key figures that can be calculated. If you want to define key figures that resemble characteristics, you need to have created your own key figure catalogs. When defining a key figure, you must also specify a unit. You thus determine the unit in which the key

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figure should appear in the information structure (for example, document currency, local currency, order unit, sales order unit). This causes the unit from the source field of the application to be proposed. The unit of the key figure can differ from this proposal. If you use similar key figures in an information structure whose source fields have different units (for example, local currency and document currency), these key figures are not directly comparable when different document currencies and local currencies are used in evaluations. In this case you can assign the unit "local currency" to the key figure whose source field is in document currency for statistical purposes. If the units in the source field and key figure are different, the units are automatically converted when the statistics update from the application takes place. Caution There is a limited number of ways in which the unit conversions can be used. Only very specific conversisons are allowed for the statistics update. These are, as a rule, the unit conversions whose conversion factors are saved in the document of the application. This is required to guarantee the consistency of statistics updates when changes are made to the document. This will help prevent inconsistencies arising during the time between the creation of a document and the subsequent changes to the document. In both cases, the same conversion rate is used for the unit conversion. Note When the information structure is generated, a corresponding unit field is automatically created in the information structure in accordance with the selected unit. This unit field is automatically supplied with the respective unit that corresponds to the key figure during updating. The automatic generation of a unit field does not occur for key figures that do not have a unit or for numerators. It is possible to use self-defined units for self-defined key figures. If the log shows missing entries for the table TMC6 and TMC24 after the check or generation, execute maintain units. They also play an important role in standard analyses for the definition of a key figure. If you use qualitative key figures, it is not recommended to display these key figures as a percentage. For example, if the key figure value to be evaluated is greater than the key figure 3.5 by 1.5, it does not make sense to illustrate both of the key figures as a percentage of a sum of 5.0. The indicator "SKz" (summation indicator) indicates whether the value of the key figure can be properly cumulated. This information is used in the standard analysis for totals formation, execution of the ABC analysis, classification and segmentation. It is also used in Copy Management. Caution This key figure does not affect the display of totals in the flexible analyses. a)

In information structures for which the attribute Planning possible is set, you can select the indicator "FKz" (Fix indicator) so that the values of this key figure can be fixed in the planning table in Flexible Planning. During generation, an additional field is created, with the prefix "F". Example: If the field name is AETNETWR, a field with the name FAETNETWR is generated in the dictionary table and the database table. This field is not displayed in the information structure.


In information structures of type 'D' (without update) or type 'E', (standard with valuations) stock values are marked with the indicator "BWt" (Stock value). For the stock values with an information structure type 'D' (without updating) you must define the stock value in the stock info structure type 'C' (without period), and the receipt/issue values in the transactional information structure type ' ' (standard). To do so, choose Edit -> Receipt/issue key figures.

11. Save the information structure. 12. Choose Info structure -> Generate

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During generation, the dictionary table and its database table for the information structure "Snnn" and the table for the planning hierarchy "SnnnE" are created ("nnn" is the number of the information structure). In order to generate this environment automatically, select the function "Generate info structure". First you gain an overview of the most important steps of the generation (brief summary of the generation log). Position your cursor on a row in the log and choose Goto -> Detailed log for a detailed overview of the object created. Alternatively, you can choose Goto -> Complete log to see the entire log. Using Goto -> Documentation, you can obtain a message number and the long text (if available) for the message, which is useful in solving the problem. To print the log, select the function Log -> Print. It is possible to display the generated objects. Position the cursor on the appropriate line of the log and select Goto -> Generated object. You then branch to the Dictionary to display the generated table. If you need precise technical information about the characteristics or key figures, select the function Edit -> Techn. field inform. The following information is shown in a dialog box: o

the field name of the characteristic or the key figure as it was created in the information structure and in the accompanying Dictionary table This field name is a default name from the name of the reference field and can be overwritten.


the names of the reference table and the reference field from which the technical features for the fields in the information structure are copied. These fields can also be overwritten.


the name of the corresponding data element and the domain of the reference field


The name of the source field is for documentation purposes only in this case. It is proposed as a source field when you define the update rules. It is important to display the unit of the source field for the technical features of the key figure. Only specific unit conversions to the unit of the key figure are permitted, dependending on this source unit.

In you wish to display the field documentation, position the cursor on a characteristic or a key figure and select the function Edit -> Display field docu. The documentation of the respective reference field is then shown. You can use Edit -> General features to display the name of the Dictionary table that belongs to the information structure. The table is only displayed if the information structure has already been saved or generated. You can use the function Tools -> Transport features to change the transport features (development class) of an object. You can use Environment to branch into any update definition of an information structure or to display the generation log for an information structure. Display Generation Log for Information Structures When the system generates an information structure, it also writes a log. This log lists the objects that were created during the generation. The log also displays any errors that occurred during generation.

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The system saves the generation log. You can therefore also display deletion logs for information structures that have already been deleted. In this step, you can display the last log (deletion log) written for each information structure. Activities 1.

Enter the name of the information structure for which the log is to be displayed.


Press ENTER. Maintain Authorizations This step explains which authorization objects are defined for the individual functions of the application in the standard SAP R/3 System. For these objects, you can maintain authorizations in the SAP System. You can display the corresponding fields for each authorization object. The contents of these fields are checked by the SAP System during the authorization check. If the contents do not agree with the value in the authorization object for the user, then it is not possible for the user to edit the object. Authorizations can be best maintained using roles. Note that maintaining authorizations using roles is a new function. This step is used to create Activity groups an generate authorization profiles using the Profile Generator. Activities To assign an authorization profile to a user, do the following: 1.

Create an activity group


Enter a description


Select transactions


Create and edit authorizations


Assigns users and compare the user master (in doing so, the profile is entered in the user's master record)


Transport activity groups, if desired

Detailed documentation For more information about the procedures, see transaction documentation See also the general documentation on the Profile Generator in the SAP Library. Choose: Basis Components -> Computing Center Management System -> Users and Authorizations -> The Profile Generator In the Implementation Guide (IMG), choose: Basis Components -> System Administration -> Users and Authorizations -> Maintain Authorizations and

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Profiles using Profile Generator Note You can also use authorization profiles you created manually or were delivered by SAP, in activity groups. You can create an activity group without a menu and include the corresponding profile in the authorization data of the activity group. In the fourth step, choose "Edit -> Add authorization -> From profile" to add the authorization profile data to the activity group. The following is information for the previous procedure up version 4.0. Authorization objects The following authorization objects are checked when the individual functions of the Logistics Information System (LIS) are carried out. Standard analyses Functions for ...

Authorization object

Info structure MRP controller


Info structure Purchasing organization


Info structure Purchasing group


Info structure key figure


Info structure Warehouse number


Info structure Material type


Info structure division


Info structure Sales office


Info structure Sales organization


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Info structure Distribution channel


Info structure Material group


Info structure plant


Selection versions


General hierarchy


Flexible analyses Functions for ...

Authorization object

Evaluation structure/ Application


Evaluation structure/ DD Table


Evaluation/ Application


Evaluation/ Evaluation structure


Planning Functions for ...

Authorization object

Info structure/ Version


Object class "Materials Management - master data": Material master: Maintenance status


Material master:

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Object class "Production Planning": Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Version


Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Application


Information systems Functions for ...

Authorization object

Early Warning System


Logistics Information Library (LIL) Functions for ...

Authorization object

Info set calls


Info sets


Key figures


Key figure retrieval


Key figure retrieval via info sets


Key figure retrieval via classification


Key figure retrieval using text strings


Logistics Data Warehouse Functions for ...

Authorization object

Define updating:

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Application/Info structure


Field catalog/ Application


Update formula/conditions: application


Generation: info structures/ update definition


Info structure/ Application


Statistical setup info structure/ Application


Customizing in Logistics Information System (LIS) Functions for ...

Authorization object

Update parameters/ Application




LIS Inbound interface


Settings for standard analyses/ Application


Logistics Information Library


Standard settings In the standard R/3 System, authorizations are supplied for all of the authorization objects of the application. You will find maintenance authorizations and display authorizations for the authorization objects. The standard authorizations apply to all organizational units.

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Activities 1.


Check whether the standard authorizations meet your requirements. Proceed as follows: a)

Select the object class of the application. The list of the authorization objects will be displayed.


Select an authorization object. The list of the authorizations for this object will be displayed.

Create new authorizations based on your requirements where necessary. Proceed as follows: a)

Choose Authorization -> Create.


Enter the authorization and a short text.


Select a field to maintain the individual field values.


Save your settings.


Activate the new authorization.

Notes for transport To transfer authorizations, proceed as follows: 1.

Select the function Authorization -> Transfer in the object list. The list of transferable authorizations is shown.


Mark the authorizations that you want to transfer into the productive system.


Confirm your entry using ENTER and specify a correction number.

If technical names of the separate authorization objects are also displayed in the object list, proceed as follows: 1.

Select an authorization object in the object list. You now branch to the list of authorizations for the selected authorization object.


Select Authorization -> Transfer. The list of transferable authorizations is displayed.


Mark the authorizations that you wish to transfer to the productive system.


Confirm your entry using ENTER and specify a correction number.

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Description of the authorization objects Object: M_IS_DISPO Info structure MRP controller Definition For standard analyses with the characteristic "MRP controller" a restriction to specific MRP controllers can be made.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


DISPO MRP controller

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Object: M_IS_EKORG Info structure purchasing organization Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "purchasing organization" a restriction for certain purchasing organizations can be made.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


EKORGPurchasing organization

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Object: M_IS_EKGRP Info structure purchasing group Definition For standard analyses that have the characteristic "purchasing group" a restriction can be made for certain purchasing groups.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


EKGRP Purchasing group

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Object: M_IS_KENNZ Info structure key figure Definition For standard analyses with the characteristic "Key figure", you can make a restriction for certain key figures.

Defined Fields MCINF

Name of the info structure


Field name of the key figure

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Object: M_IS_LGNUM Info structure warehouse number Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "warehouse number" you can set a restriction on certain warehouse numbers.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure



Warehouse number

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Object: M_IS_MTART Info structure material type Definition For standard analyses with the characteristic "material type", you can make a restriction for certain material types.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the info structure


MTARTMaterial type

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Object: M_IS_SPART Info structure division Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "division" you can place a restriction on certain divisions.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


SPART Division

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Object: M_IS_VKBUR Info structure sales office Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "sales office", you can place a restriction on certain sales offices.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure


VKBURSales office

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Object: M_IS_VKORG Info structure sales organization Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "sales organization" you can place a restriction on certain sales organizations.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure



Sales organization

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Object: M_IS_VTWEG Info structure distribution channel Definition For the standard analyses that use the characteristic "distribution channel", you can place a restriction on certain distribution channels. Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure



Distribution channel

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Object: M_IS_MATKL Info structure material group INCLUDE M_IS_MATKL OBJECT DOKU ID UO NEW-PAGE Object: M_IS_WERKS Info structure plant Definition For standard analyses that use the characteristic "Plant", you can place a restriction on certain plants.

Defined Fields o

MCINF Name of the information structure



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Object: M_IS_SELVS Selection versions Definition You can using this authorization object to limit the maintenance of the selection versions.

Defined Fields o

MCAPP Number of the application


MCINF Name of the information structure


SELVS Name of the selection version


ACTVT Action 01 Create 02 Change 03 Display 16 Execute (schedule)

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Object: M_HIER_MCK General hierarchy Definition Editing general hierarchies in LIS.

Defined Fields Activity: o

01 Create


02 Change and delete


03 Display

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Object: M_INFO_MCC Evaluation structure/application Definition This authorization object enables you to restrict the maintenance of evaluation structures to specific applications.

Defined Fields o

Action: 01 Create evaluation structures 02 Change evaluation structures 03 Display evaluation structures


Number of application determines which applications may be maintained by the user.

Example A user may create, change, and display evaluation structures in Sales and Distribution. This user requires authorizations for actions 01, 02 and 03 or * for the application 01.

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Object: M_DDIC_DOB Evaluation structure/DDIC table Definition Using this authorization object, it is possible to restrict the creation of evaluation structures which refer to Dictionary structures.

Defined Fields Name of the DDIC object defines the object for which an evaluation structure may be created.

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Object: M_AUSW_MCC Evaluation/application Definition Using this authorization object, it is possible to restrict the maintenance of evaluations to certain applications

Defined Fields o

Action: 01 Create evaluations 02 Change evaluations 03 Display evaluations


Number of the application, determines which applications may be maintained by the user.

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Object: M_INFO_MCB Evaluation/evaluation structure Definition In accordance with the authorization objects M_INFO_MCC and M_AUSW_MCC, this authorization object allows you to restrict the analysis of evaluation structures. This restriction always refers to the application which you have specified in both the dependent authorization objects.

Defined Fields Name of the evaluation structure.

Example One user has the authorization to maintain evaluation structures and evaluations in Sales and Distribution (Application 01). You can add further restictions to this authorization within application 01, for instance by limiting it to the evaluation structures S004 (material) and S005 (shipping point).

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Object: M_INFO_MCD Info structure/version Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict planning in the Logistics Information System to: o

specific information structures


specific statistical sources (currently no restrictable values)


specific versions

Defined Fields The authorization object consists of the following fields: o

Action: determines whether the user may do the following to plan versions of information structures: -

create/generate (action 03)


change (action 02), or


display (action 03).


Info structure: determines which information structures may be planned.


Statistical source (currently not supported).


Version: determines which versions may be planned.

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Object: M_MATE_STA Material master: maintenance status Definition Maintenance status authorization for material master records The data contained in a material master record is divided into user departments or views (Purchasing, MRP, and so on). The maintenance status is a single-character key for the relevant user department or view. This object determines which user departments or views a user is authorized to process; that is, which data he or she may process from this view. Note To use material master functions, a user needs the authorization for at least one user department.

Defined Fields Fields ACTVT

Possible values 01 02 03 06

Meaning User may create data. User may change data. User may display data. User may flag data for deletion. User may display change documents. Here, you specify the maintenance status for which the user is authorized.


The maintenance statuses possible are as follows: User department Work scheduling Accounting Classification MRP Purchasing Production resources/tools Costing Basic data Storage Forecasting Quality management Warehouse management Sales

Maintenance status A B C D E F G K L P Q S V

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Plant stocks Storage location stocks


Notes This authorization object also determines: o

Whether a user may flag a material master record for deletion. In this case, 06 must be entered in field ACTVT; the maintenance status is irrelevant here.


Whether a user may change the material type. In this case, 02 must be entered in field ACTVT; the maintenance status is irrelevant here.


Whether a user may process an MRP profile or forecast profile. In this case, the following values must be entered in field ACTVT: -

01 to create


02 to change or delete

03 to display The maintenance status must be D for the MRP profile or P for the forecast profile. o

Whether a user may create an overview of all extendable materials. In this case, 01 must be entered in field ACTVT; the maintenance status is irrelevant here.


Whether a user may call up the materials list. In this case, 03 must be entered in field ACTVT; the maintenance status is irrelevant here.


Whether a user may create or change production versions from task lists. In this case, 02 must be entered in field ACTVT, and A in field STATM.

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Object: M_MATE_WRK Material master: plant Definition This object determines whether a user is authorized to process material master data at plant level. The following data is mostly at plant level: o

MRP data


Forecasting data


Work scheduling data


Shipping data


Accounting data (depending on your system configuration)

If a user has this authorization, he or she is also authorized to process material master data at all dependent levels of the plant(s), for example, at storage location level and at special stock level.

Defined Fields Fields ACTVT

Possible values 01 02 03 06 08


Meaning User may create data. User may change data. User may display data. User may change deletion flags. User may display change documents. Here, you must specify the plants for which data may be processed.

Notes This authorization object also determines whether a user is authorized to create or to change production versions from standard task lists. In this case, 02 must be entered in field ACTVT.

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Object: C_PLAN_SOP Sales and Operations Planning (SOP): Version Definition You can use this authorization object to define and, if necessary, restrict a user's authorization to maintain planning versions in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP). In this way, authorizations can be assigned such as to underline the importance of planning versions in organizational terms. For example, planning version A00 is always the active version and therefore only certain employees should be allowed to change it.

Defined Fields The authorization object contains two fields: o

action Determines which actions (create 01, change 02, display 03) the user may carry out.




Determines which planning versions a user may maintain.

Therefore, by means of the various authorizations for this object, you determine which actions a user is allowed to carry out on which planning versions.

Example User A may create, change, and display all planning versions. Relevant authorization: o

Action "1-3"


Version "*"

User B, by contrast, may only display versions 020-060. Relevant authorization: o

Action "3"


Version "020-060"

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Object: C_APPL_SOP Sales and Operations Planning: Application Definition You use this authorization object to define and, if necessary, restrict a user's authorization to maintain data in different areas of Sales & Operations Planning (SOP).

Defined Fields The authorization object comprises two fields: o

action Determines which actions the user may carry out in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP).


SOP application area Determines which areas of Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) the user may maintain.

Thus, the authorizations for this object specify the actions with which different functional areas in Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) may be processed. The following field combinations are possible: Application area AS AS AS PM PM PM PP PP PP DP DP DP LI DM

Action 01 02 03 01 02 03 01 02 03 01 02 03 16 02

Meaning Create product group/pl.hierarchy Change product group/pl.hierarchy Display product group/pl.hierarchy Create plan for material Change plan for material Display plan for material Create plan for product group Change plan for product group Display plan for product group Create product group disaggregation Change product group disaggregation Display product group disaggregation Display lists Transfer to Demand Management

Example User A may create, change, and display in all areas of SOP. Relevant authorization: o

Action "1-3"


Application area "*"

User B, by contrast, may only display product group and planning hierarchy structures. Relevant authorization: o

Action "3"

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Application area "AS"

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Object: M_MCYA_EWS Early Warning System Definition Processing exceptions in connection with the Early Warning System in LIS.

Defined Fields Action: o

01 Creating exceptions and group exceptions, creating periodic analyses


02 Changing exceptions and group exceptions, changing and deleting periodic analyses



Displaying exceptions, group exceptions and periodic analyses



Scheduling periodic analyses

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Object: M_LIBI_IST Info set calls Definition This authorization object prevents certain users from calling up individual info sets, so that they may not call up or display the respective info set.

Defined Fields o

Number of the info set: specifies the number of the info set.

Example The info set with the number 01010100 is blocked for user X.

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Object: M_LIBI_INS Info set Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the maintenance of info sets.

Defined Fields Action o


Create info sets



Change info sets



Display info sets


display an info set (action 03)

Example A user wants to create, change, and display info sets. This user needs authorizations for actions 01, 02 and 03 or *. Anotehr user may only display info sets. This user attains only the authorization for action 03.

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Object: M_LIBI_KNZ Key figures Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the maintenance of key figures.

Defined Fields Action: o


Create key figures



Change key figures



Display key figures

Example A user may create as well as change and display key figures. This user needs authorizations for actions 01, 02 and 03 or *. Another user may only display key figures. This user only attains the authorization for action 03.

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Object: M_LIBI_KZS Key figure retrieval Definition This authorization object dictates whether a user is allowed to retrieve key figures from the Logistics Information Library. The authorization is valid for all forms of selection, that is: o

Key figure retrieval via info sets


Key figure retrieval via text elements


Key figure retrieval via classification

Defined Fields Action: 16

Execute key figure retrieval

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Object: M_LIBI_KSI Key figure retrieval using info sets Definition You can use this authorization object to exclude the user from searches for key figures via info sets.

Defined Fields Action 16

Execute key figure retrieval via info sets

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Object: M_LIBI_KSK Key figure retrieval using classification Definition You can use this object to exclude a user from searches for key figures via the classification characteristics.

Defined Fields Action: 16

Execute key figure retrieval via classification

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Object: M_LIBI_KST Key figure retrieval using text strings Definition You can use this object to exclude the user from searches for key figures via text strings.

Defined Fields Action: 16

Execute key figure retrieval via text strings

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Object: M_INFO_UPD Updating definition: application/info structure Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the update definition for information structures.

Defined Fields o

Number of the application: A user may define the update of information structures for the applications that are noted here (e.g.: application 01= Sales)


Name of the information structure: A user may define the update for the information structures that are noted here


Update group for statistics updates: A user may define the update for the update groups noted here.


Action: 01 Create update definition 02 Change update definition 03 Display update definition

Example A user may create, change, and display update definitions from all applications, all information structures, and all update groups. Relevant authorizations are: o

Application: *


Info structure: *


Update group: *


Action: *

Another user may display update definitions only in Sales and Distribution for information structure "INFO1" and the update group "000001". In this case, the user has the folllowing relevant authorizations: o

Application: 01


Info structure: INFO1


Update group: 00001


Action: 3

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Object: M_FCAT_ANL Field catalog/application Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the maintenance of field catalogs.

Defined Fields o

Number of the application: A user may maintain field catalogs for the applications that are noted here (for example: application 04 = production).


Action: 01 Create field catalogs 02 Change field catalogs 03 Display field catalogs

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Object: M_INFO_FOR Updating formulas/requirements: application Definition Using the authorization object, you can restrict the maintenance of formulas and requirements for the definition of update rules.

Defined Fields Number of the application: A user determines whether the user may maintain formulas/requirements for the applications noted here (for example: application 03 = Inventory Management).

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Object: M_INFO_GEN Generation: info structure/updating definition Definition You can use this authorization object to restrict the generation of information structures and updates.

Defined Fields Authorization to generate information structure or update: indicator that the generation is permitted ('X' = generation permitted)

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Object: M_INFO_ANL Info structure/application Definition Using this authorization object, you can restrict the maintenance of information structures.

Defined Fields o

Number of the application: Specify the number of the applications for which a user may maintain information structures (for example: application 02 = purchasing).


Name of the information structure: A user may maintain the information structures that are specified here.


Action: 01 02 03 24 71

Create information structures Change information structures Display information structures Archive information structures Evaluate information structures (only with standard analyses)

Example A user may create, change and display information structures for all applications. The authorizations that apply are: o

Application '*'


Activity '*'


Information structure '*'

Another user may only display the information structures S001 and S002 in the Sales Information System. In this case, the user will receive the following authorizations: o

Application: 01


Action: 03


Information structure: S001-S002

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Object: M_NEUA_AUS Statistical setup info structure/application Definition You can restrict the set up of information structures with this authorization object. You can also restrict the reorganization of statistical data by using this authorization object.

Defined Fields o

Number of the application: A user may only carry out the set up for the applications that are noted here (for example: application 02 = purchasing).

Example If a user is to execute statistical set ups for information structures of all applications, enter a "*" in this field.

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Object: M_CUFO_MCS Updating parameters/application Definition This authorization object makes it possible to limit the change made to update parameters. The object is checked in Customizing of Logistics Controlling if you change the time unit split or update type of an information structure.

Defined Fields Number of the application: A user can maintain the update parameters to the information structures of the applications that are specified here (for example: application 02 = purchasing)

Example If a user wants to maintain the update parameters in all of the applications, enter a "*" in this field.

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Object: M_APPL_ANL Applications Definition You can use this authorization object to limit the applications which a user may maintain in the Logistics Information System.

Defined Fields Actions: 01 02 03

Create applications Change applications Display applications

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Object: M_EVNT_ANL LIS inbound interface Definition Maintain LIS input interface for external data.

Defined Fields o

Activity 01 -> create 02 -> change 03 -> display


Event 00 - 99 AA - ZZ

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Object: M_CUST_MCS Setting for standard analyses/application Definition With this authorization object, it is possible to set the configuration of standard analyses via the Customizing function of the Logistics Information System.

Defined Fields Number of the application: A user may maintain the configuration of all standard analyses in the applications that are noted here (for example: application 01 = Sales and distribution).

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Object: M_LIBI_CUS Logistics Information Library Definition With this authorization object, you specify whether a user may use the Customizing facility for the Logistics Information Library.

Defined Fields Action 16

Execute Customizing

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Period and Season Settings Use this section to make settings for periods and seasons. Maintain Fiscal Year Variant (Maintain Shortened Fisc. Year) You can define the following characteristics for a fiscal year variant: o

how many posting periods a fiscal year has


how many special periods you need


how the system is to determine the posting periods when posting

When defining your fiscal year, you have the following options: -

Your fiscal year is the calendar year In this case, you must only select the Calendar year field.


Your fiscal year is not the same as the calendar year and is not year-dependent In this case, you first enter the number of your posting periods in the Number posting per. field. To define your posting periods, select your fiscal year variant and select Periods on the navigation screen. On this screen, enter the month and the day of the period end and the period in each case.


Your fiscal year is not the same as the calendar year and is year-dependent Enter the number of your posting periods in the field Number posting periods and select the field Year-dependent. To define your posting periods, select your fiscal year variant and select Periods on the navigation screen. The system asks for which calendar year your year-dependent fiscal year variant is valid. You then enter the month and day of the period end for each of your periods, and the periods themselves.

It is also possible to determine names for the periods of a non-year-specific fiscal year variant. To do so, select your fiscal year variant and choose Period texts on the navigation screen. You can specify a three-character abbreviation (Jan, Feb, Mar...) and a 20-character long text (January, February, March). Standard settings The following fiscal year variants have been created in the standard system: o

Variants in which the fiscal year is the same as the calendar and has up to four special periods


Variants for shortened fiscal years. For more information on shortened fiscal years, see "Defining shortened fiscal years".


Variants for non-calendar fiscal years: -

April to March with four special periods


July to June with four special periods

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October to September with four special periods

Variants that are set up on a weekly basis. These variants can only be used in the Special Purpose Ledger application. Activities


Check the standard fiscal year variants.


Change the existing variants, if necessary, or create your own variants.

Defining shortened fiscal year A shortened fiscal year is a fiscal year having less than twelve months, but for which year-end closing must be carried out. The definition of a shortened fiscal year is always year-dependent, since it represents a year-related exception. You must always define an entire calendar year when defining a fiscal year variant. The year-related fiscal year variant therefore contains not only the periods from the shortened fiscal year, but also other periods from the previous or subsequent fiscal year. There are two ways to define a shortened fiscal year: o

If you use Financial Accounting without Asset Accounting, you can begin a fiscal year with any period. Example If your shortened year goes from January to September, you can assign periods 004 to 012. Assign periods 001 to 003 of the new fiscal year to the months October-December. Specify the number of periods for the fiscal year variant (12 in the example above). Note Keep in mind that the last period of a fiscal year must correspond to the number of periods in that year. This means that if you want to define 12 periods, the last period in that year must be number 12.


If you implement the Asset Accounting component, each fiscal year must begin with period number 001, to allow asset depreciation calculations to be carried out accurately. For a fiscal year variant, specify the periods and the number of periods the shortened fiscal year has. This way, each fiscal year of the variant can begin with period 001. Example If you define a fiscal year with twelve periods, it can contain a shortened year with nine periods (from 001 to 009). The remaining calendar year contains the first three periods of the new fiscal year (periods 001 to 003). For more information about implementing the Asset Accounting component, see the Asset Accounting documentation.

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Note You define your shortened year and the following normal fiscal years under the same fiscal year variant. Bear in mind that you generally need to ensure that it is possible to post to previous fiscal years. You need to keep the year-dependent fiscal year variant for as long as you are posting in or prior to a shortened fiscal year, or if you are transferring old data from this period. You cannot define year- independent fiscal year variants until the shortened fiscal year has been closed (from the accounting perspective), with no further adjustment postings expected. Year-dependent definitions will be deleted as soon as you convert the fiscal year variants from year-dependent to year-independent. Standard settings Two shortened fiscal year variants are provided with the standard system: variant R1 for a Financial Accounting shortened year, and variant AM for shortened years when Asset Accounting is in use. Activities 1.

If you need to define a shortened fiscal year, first determine which of the two options above will be used.


Define the shortened fiscal year. To define the shortened year for Asset Accounting, select Navigation -> Shortened fisc.yr. Maintain assignment of periods to seasons Use this process step to assign periods to a season using the fiscal year and fiscal year variants. Currency Translation Use this section to make settings for currency conversion. Set Up Exchange Rate Types Exchange rate (ER) types consist of the the exchange rate version and the exchange rate indicator. In the system, you store every ER type needed for currency translation using a 4-digit key, which is made up of the 3-digit ER version and the 1-digit ER indicator. Typical exchange rate types are, for example, rates of exchange on a certain key date, average rates or historical exchange rates.

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Standard Settings Various exchange rate types are preset in the SAP standard delivery system. Activities Store the necessary exchange rate types in the system. Maintain exchange rates In this step, you store the currency exchange rates for each exchange rate type in the system. These rates are valid beginning with the date entered until a new entry is made. Activities Maintain the exchange rates valid at the current date. Depending on the translation method being used, you may also have to maintain historical exchange rates for the first consolidation of a new company. Store Groupings Use this section to make settings for store groupings. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Master Data -> Planning Hierarchy Maintain store groupings In this process step, make settings for store groupings: Note For further information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Master Data -> Creating Store Groups Maintain assignment store to store grouping In this process step, assign stores to store groupings. Note

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For further information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Master Data -> Creating Store Groups

1.27.2 Planning Use this section to make settings for Planning. Note For further information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design the planning scenario -> Planning scenario, planning step, settings for manual planning Basic Settings Use this process step to make basic settings for planning. Maintain master data check for self-defined characteristics In this process step, you can maintain complex master data checks for customer-specific characteristics. Maintain characteristic names for self-defined characteristi In this process step, you can maintain descriptions for customer-specific characteristic values. Graphically-Supported Maintenance Using Networks In this process step, you can maintain planning scenario designs graphically. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Alternative Maintenance via Standard Tools Use this process step to maintain the planning scenario design non-graphically. Planning scenario/step In this process step, maintain the dialog structure using view cluster maintenance. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario Maintain planning hierarchy versions In this process step, maintain the Planning hierarchy version using view maintenance. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Master Data Maintain Plan Versions In this process step, maintain the plan version using view maintenance. Note For further information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Master data Set automatic planning In this process step, maintain automatic planning using view maintenance. Note For further information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Master data Planning hierarchy -> Generate data for a planning hierarchy version

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain self-defined transactions/programs In this process step, maintain your customer-specific transactions and programs. Maintain planning step links In this process, maintain the planning step links using view maintenance. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario -> Manual planning settings Planning Interfaces In this section you can make settings for configuring planning interfaces. Maintain the Promotions Interface In this section you can make settings for configuring the promotions interfaces. Maintain the Allocation Table Interface In this section you can make settings for configuring interfaces to allocation tables. Assignment of Interfaces to Layouts In this section maintain the assignments of interfaces to planning layouts. In doing so, you can send data using this interface in manual planning. You can assign an interface to a planning layout for each interface category. Maintain Break-Downs

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In this area you can define the properties of grouping break-downs. Break-downs can be assigned to planning interfaces.If you are in aggregated planning you can use an interface that requires more specific information. Example A break-down can contain instruction for defining products for a specific level in a merchandise hierarchy. You can also use the SAP Class System to do this. Manual Planning Use this section to make settings for manual planning. Note For further information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario -> Manual planning settings Maintain planning layouts In this process step, maintain planning layouts using the report painter. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario -> Manual planning settings Maintain Manual Planning Variants In this process step, maintain the manual planning variants using view cluster maintenance. Note For further information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario -> Manual planning settings

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Transport planning layouts In this process step, you can generate suitable transport requests for transporting planning layouts. Import standard planning layout In this process step you can define target clients to which the transport requests you create are to be imported. Maintain time-based distribution key In this process step, maintain the time-dependent distribution keys. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Manual planning settings Transport time-based distribution keys In this process step, you can transport the time-dependent distribution keys using a pre-selection. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Manual planning settings Maintain additional planning key figures In this process step, maintain the additional key figures for the planning step using view maintenance. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario -> Planning step -> Plan characteristics and planning key figures for the planning step. Maintain control parameters for planning key figures Use this process step to maintain additional Key Figures With Control Parameters using view maintenance.

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Note For further information, see the SAP Library under: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario -> Manual planning settings Maintain formula groups In this process step, maintain the formula groups for a planning step. Maintain Assignment of Layout to Formula Groups In this process step, you can assign planning layouts to formula groups. The key figure formulas in the formula group are automatically included when running manual planning with the relevant planning layout for calculations. Maintain self-defined CUA status/title In this process step, you can assign your customer-specific GUI status and title to a planning layout for manual planning. In doing this, it is possible to give an individual title to a specific layout, and enhance or restrict the menu functions in the planning session. Requirements A newly assigned GUI status or titel must be created using the ABAP Workbench menu painter. Recommendation To modify the menu functions of the SAP standard system, you should using the 'DEFAULT' GUI status in program 'SAPLWIS_PLAN' (function group WIS_PLAN) as the copy reference. Further Notes To run the new function codes included in the menu, see IMG activity WIS_PLAN_00992. Maintain self-defined CUA functions In this process, you can list your customer-specific menu functions for a planning layout in manual planning. Function codes in the program GUI status are used to list menu functions. Menu functions can be run in two ways:

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In an external program for manual planning: the function is run in the form routine 'EW010_FCODE' for the external program. This program does not allow access to manual planning data. The name of the external program must be defined in this IMG activity and the form routine mentioned above must also exist in the program. The form routine must be defined as follows: FORM ew010_fcode USING fcode mesg STRUCTURE mesg. CASE fcode. WHEN ... ENDCASE. ENDFORM. The function code is available in parameter 'fcode'. An error message can be sent to manual planning in parameter 'mesg'. The error message is then displayed in manual planning (see the definition of structure 'mesg' in the Data Dictionary).


In the planning program: no program name is stated for this IMG activity. The function is run using SAP enhancement WISPL007, which must be activated accordingly (see IMG activitiy WIS_PLAN_0177). You have full access to the current planning data. Depending on the specific function class you have chosen, you can limit the

data to be processed when running manual planning. Requirements o

Customer-specific function codes must begin with 'Z'. Function codes are important elements in GUI status. The GUI status is created using the menu painter for the ABAP Workbench and is listed for manual planning using IMG activity WIS_PLAN_00991.


To run a function code in manual planning, enhancement WISPL007 must be active. Furthermore, the function must already have been implemented in the enhancement.

1.27.3 Information system This section contains the relevant activities from the Logistics Information System (LIS) for Merchandise and Assortment Planning. Actual Data Update This section contains special features in updating for Merchandise and Assortment Planning. Note For more information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design the planning scenario -> Planning step -> Plan characteristics and planning key figures for the planning step

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Updating In the "Updating" section, you can configure the settings for both the updating definition and for controlling the updating process. Updating Definition By defining information structures, you lay the foundations for your own customized information system. By defining the update process, you define the flow of statistical data from the application to the information system. There are two types of update control: o

General control facility by means of the application using update groups


Fine-tuning using update rules General Definition Using Update Groups It is often necessary that the various business events influence the statistics update. This usually means that certain organizational elements in the application (for example, sales organization, document type, customer group) can contribute to the update. Since the influential elements differ from application to application, a standardized control element is necessary. This control element is the update group. In the application, one update group is allocated to one specific business event or group of business event. The type of allocation and the determining organizational elements vary from application to application. At present, the application can influence the statistics update by means of the update group in the following information systems: o

Sales and Distribution The description of the application-specific settings for update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Sales".


Purchasing The description of the application-specific settings for update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Purchasing".


Plant Maintenance The description of all of the application-specific settings for the update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Plant maintenance".


Quality Management The description of the application-specific settings for the update group can be found in the section "Settings: Quality Management".



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The description of all of the application-specific settings for the update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Transport". o

Sales and Distribution The description of all of the application-specific settings for the update groups can be found in the section "Settings: Sales and distribution".

For all other information systems, only one predefined update group is allowed in each case. Maintain Update Groups In this IMG activity, you can create, change, display, copy or delete update groups for the statistics update. Note The updating definition is a central function in the Logistics Information System, whereas the allocation of the application-specific business transactions is made using the respective organizational elements in the corresponding applications. Standard settings All of the update groups that begin with numbers or with "S" lie in the SAP name range. Activities Maintain the update groups which can be used by the application. Specific Definition Using Update Rules When you define updating, you must define both update rules for the key figures and update rules for the characteristics. The update rules are divided into general rules and extended update rules. You need to define the following update rules: Update rules for key figures


Type of updating The update type determines how the data to be updated is linked to the data that has already been updated in the information structure. If you choose cumulative updating, the new values are always added to or subtracted from the old values. The update type "Counter" is a special form of cumulative updating. In this case, value "1" is always added to or subtracted from the old values. If you want the new value to overwrite the already updated value, then choose the update type "Data

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transfer only". The old value in the information structure is deleted and replaced by the new value. This update type enables you to update information such as "Latest price". o

Event The event determines which activity in the operative application is to trigger the update of this key figure. Since this update rule is directly assigned to a key figure, you can trigger the update of an information structure from a variety of different transactions in the application. This enables you to mix key figures from the sales order, delivery note, and billing document in an information structure, for instance. If you want to use "mixed" information structures, you must define a self-defined application. When you define the update rules, you can use update groups from different applications. Note You can also mix key figures across applications (for example, data from sales order processing and from purchase order processing). In this case, your information structure should contain characteristics which are available in both applications.


Unit This field displays the unit in which the key figure is displayed (e.g. local currency, statistics currency), which you specified when you defined the information structure. Caution You cannot change this update rule any more because a special unit field has been generated for the unit you specified when you created the information structure.


Source table/source field name/source unit The information proposed in the fields Source table and Source field name is either the information that you specified in the key figure definition when you created the information structure or the information that you received automatically when you selected a key figure from a field catalog. The source unit is determined automatically from the specified source field. At this stage, you can change the source field. Note If you use the update type "Counter" or specify a formula or an external routine as a source, you do not have to specify a source table or a source field. In this case, you must specify the source unit yourself since this unit can no longer be determined automatically. You must also specify a hierarchy.


Date field for period determination When a key figure is updated, the system determines the period in which the key figure is cumulated. You must specify a date field from the application. The contents of this field then determine the period. Selecting the correct date has a significant effect on the informative value of the stored information. For example, if you update the sales order quantity for the event "sales order" using the date on which the order was entered in the system, you obtain information on the order receipt since the current date of the incoming order is taken as the entry date. If you use the shipping date instead of the entry date, the order quantity is cumulated in another period since the shipping date usually lies in the future. The update now contains information on the shipping capacity to be planned in the subsequent periods. Note When you define the order receipt, an order receipt by period can be interpreted in two ways. These can be varied by using the date field. The different interpretations can be best explained by an example: The basis is a sales order with an item of 100 pieces which you created in January. In February, you

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reduce the order quantity of this item to 50 pieces, because you cannot produce or supply the full quantity or because your customer no longer needs as many pieces, for instance. How should this change be updated by period in the information structure? Situation A: You are of the opinion that the order for the item was received in January, and therefore that the change to the item should also be updated in January. You reduce the quantity in the information structure from 100 to 50 in the January period. In this case, you use the entry date of the item (MCVBAP-ERDAT) to specify the period. Situation B: You are of the opinion that the order receipt in January should not be changed by the order modification in February since an order for 100 pieces was actually placed in January. You want to post the order modification to the current period (February). The incoming order for 100 pieces in January will remain unchanged in the information structure. Minus 50 pieces will be updated as the incoming order in February. The changes are therefore credited to the period that caused the changes (current) and not the original period. In this case, you choose the special date field (MCVBAP-VDATU) which always contains the current date. o

Formula You use a formula when the specification of one source field is insufficient for the chosen key figure because the key figure is calculated using several source fields. To define a formula, branch to the appropriate maintenance activitiy for this task. Caution If you specify a formula, you cannot specify a source field. In this case, you need to specify a source unit manually. If you specify a source field, the source unit is determined automatically. This is not possible when you use a formula.


Requirement The updating of a key figure often depends on a particular combination of factors in the business event which triggers updating. For example, if you only want the delivery quantity to be updated if the delivery item is marked as being completely delivered, you can define a requirement which checks whether the Status field of the delivery note has been set to "Delivery completed". To define a requirement, branch to the appropriate maintenance activitiy for this task. Note If you want to use requirements, you can check beforehand to see whether these can be represented using the function General Definition Using Update Groups (for example, if key figures are only to be updated for specific organizational units or document types). This check is performed at a much earlier stage than the requirements check of the update rules in the overall chain of updating activities, and is therefore more favorable to performance levels. Caution If you specify a requirement, you may not enter a source field. In this case, you must specify a source unit yourself. If you give a source field, the source unit will automatically be determined. This is not possible when using a requirement.


Program name/FORM routine

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If you need a complex update definition which cannot be represented by the definition of "normal" update rules, you can save your own update rules in an external program. Processing of these rules is then triggered automatically at the time of update. To configure this process, enter the name of the external program in the Program name field and the name of the FORM routine containing your special processing in the FORM routine field. Note The definition of external update routines is subject to conventions. Depending on the event to which you refer, you can only use certain source information from the application, for example. This source information is transferred to the update routine as USING parameters. The following method provides a simple way of identifying the necessary parameters: a)

Enter the name of the routine you want to use for the update in the FORM routine field.


Generate the update. The log displays the name of the generated update program.


Position the cursor on the program name and choose Display object. The generated update program is displayed. The part which describes the key figure update also contains the generated call of the external update routine. The transfer parameters you require were also generated. Use them to define the external update routine.


Hierarchy The document hierarchy determines which information from the application must be made available for the update. This information is generally determined automatically from the specification of a source field. If you use the update type "Counter" or formulas, requirements, and external update programs, you do not have to specify a source field. In this case, you must manually specify the level of the hierarchy from document processing up to which you need information for the update. The specification of a hierarchy is important for the internal flow control of the update.

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Update rules for characteristics


Source table/source field In the field Source field, enter the source field from the application from which the information is to be taken. The system proposes the source fields from the definition of the information structure. If you use several different events for the key figures, you must adjust the default values accordingly, since the proposed source fields are not available for every event.


Offset/length If you do not want the entire contents of the source field is to be used in the update, you can use offset and length to precisely specify the section of the source field that you require. It is not possible both to specify offset or length and use a formula. Example Offset and length are most often used for interpreting hierarchy fields. A hierarchy is often represented in the 18-character field "Product hierarchy" from sales and distribution processing. For example, the first five characters represent a main group, the next five characters a subgroup, and the last eight characters a further subgroup. Proceed as follows if you want to update and evaluate data according to these logical elements: a)

Define three new fields.


Save them in the dictionary table in which you have also stored the other reference fields.


The three new fields are P1, P2, P3 with the lengths 5, 5, and 8 respectively.


Include the new fields in one of your own field catalogs.


Create a new information structure which contains these three fields as characteristics.


Define the update rules for this new information structure. The update rules for the new characteristics are as follows: - P1 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 00 length 05 - P2 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 05 length 05 - P3 : Source MCVBAP-PRODH offset 10 length 08 The new characteristics P1, P2 and P3 are used in reporting and planning in just the same way as any other characteristic.


Initial condition If the specified source field in the document is not filled (initial) and if no update is to be made, you can activate the initial condition. In this way, you can prevent the statistics update if no representative was specified in the sales order, for example. If you do not activate the initial condition, all values are cumulated from the documents in which no representative was specified. This option allows you to cumulate all these values under "Miscellaneous".


Formula If the update for a characteristic cannot be directly determined from one source field, you can specify a formula to determine the source information. This is the case, for example, if the characteristic is to be made up of several source fields. Otherwise, you define the formula for characteristics in exactly the same way as for key figures.

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Unlike the key figures formulas, you use the "FORMULA_VALUE_OBJECT" field and not the "FORMULA_VALUE" field in characteristics formulas to transfer the result of the determination by the formula. o

Hierarchy The document hierarchy enables you to determine which information from the application must be made available for the update. This information is usually determined automatically from the source field specified. If you use the update type "Counter" or formulas, requirements and external update programs, you do not have to specify a source field. In this case, you must manually specify the level of the hierarchy from document processing up to which you need information for the update. The specification of a hierarchy is important for the internal flow control of the update. Maintain Update Rules Update rules help you to define updating in detail. The definition of the update rules depends on the information structure and update group. Update rules consist, for example, of the source field, the event which triggers the update, requirements and formulas. Once you have defined the update rules, the corresponding update programs are automatically generated. In this IMG activity, you can create, change and display update rules. Note Once you have defined the update rules, you then need to activate the update in a separate step. The creation of update rules, the generation of the update programs, and the eventual activation of the update have been divided up into separate steps for security reasons. Activities 1.

In the "Info structure" field, specify the name of the info structure for which you would like to maintain the update rules.


Allocate an update group to the information structure in order to establish an application-specific reference.


If you wish to create updating for the information structure with reference to an existing update for an information structure, enter the name of the information structure in the field Copy from -> info structure and the name of the update group to which you are referring in the Copy from -> update group field.


Press Enter. You are now in the update rules maintenance screen. The maintenance screen lists all of the key figures in the information structure for which you can define update rules. If no update rules have been defined by the time that updating is created, then all available information

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from the information structure definition will be proposed. 5.

In order to reach the detail screen of the updating definition, place the cursor on the key figure you require and select the Edit -> Rules for key figures function.


Define the individual update rules.


When you have defined all of the update rules for the key figure, select the Copy function. The update rules that you have defined will be copied and displayed in the maintenance screen.


Procede in the same way for the other key figures.


In addition to the update rules for the key figures, define the update rules for the characteristics. Place the cursor on the desired key figure and select the Edit -> Rules for characteristics function. You are now in the detail screen for maintaining the update rules for the characteristics. Note You must define the update rules of the characteristics for each key figure so that the key figures can be updated when different events occur. The update rules for the characteristics can be different for each key figure.

10. Define the individual update rules. 11. When you have defined the update rules for all key figures and characteristics, save these update rules. 12. Generate the update from the update rules. Before the generation, all of the update rules are checked for consistency. Possible inconsistencies are documented in a log and generating is canceled. You can also start the check independently by selecting Updating -> Check. If no errors occur during the check, the update is generated. A log is issued after generation is completed. Additional information You can also make use of the following additional functions when defining update rules: o

Delete rule If you would like to exclude key figures from the update (for example, when using a specific update group), place the cursor on the correspondingkey figure and select Edit -> Delete rule. The update rules are then deleted for the key figure and the corresponding characteristics that you selected.


Restore The "restore" function is closely connected to the delete function. If you delete the update rules for a key figure by mistake, you can reactivate this key figure by selecting it from the list of key figures that have not been used. To do this, select Edit -> Restore -> Key figures. A dialog box appears which lists all of the key figures that you have defined in the information structure but which you have not used in your update definition. Select the key figures which you have not yet included in your update. Press Enter to copy the selected key figures. This, however, does not restore all of the update rules that you might have defined. Only the source field information that was already specified in the information structure definition is copied.


Copy rule

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You need to use this function if you would would like to define more than one update for one key figure. The best way to explain this function is to use an example. Example You want to update the open order quantity. The open order quantity is defined as the order quantity that has not yet been delivered. Customer order processing updates the "open order quantity" field. When a delivery is entered, the open order quantity should be reduced. When defining updating for this process, you need to define two update rules for the key figure "open order quantity". The first update rule describes the upate for the event "sales order". Here, the key figure is updated from special source information in the document (MCVBAP-OAUME) that is provided specifically for this purpose. The second update rule describes the reduction of the open order quantity by the delivered quantity for the event "delivery". Here, you need to copy the first update rule and change the event and the and the source information. The quantity delivered is also made available for updating in a special field (MCLIPS-APOAUME). Since the open order quantity is reduced by the delivered quantity, the information is then shown as a negative value. The open order quantity that is established by the first update rule is then reduced by the second update rule. Note This is a special case, where the delivered quantity is automatically displayed as a negative value to reduce the open order quantity. If you would like to express differences in different ways, where the second update is supposed to reduce the value of the previously updated value, for instance, use a formula to invert the process. Maintain Requirements When updating key figures, it is often necessary to define complex update rules. This includes the definition of requirements which either allow or prevent the update. The definition of requirements is subject to widely differing conditions; for this reason, a flexible medium is necessary for the definition. Maintenance of the requirements is subdivided into the specific applications. Activities Select the application for which you want to maintain requirements. An overview of all existing requirements for the selected application appears. Create 1.

If you want to define a new requirement, enter a new number for it in the field Routine number. Note A specific name range is reserved for standard SAP requirements. For that reason, please use numbers 600 through 999 for your requirements.


Enter an explanatory text for the requirement.

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If you want to save a long text which describes the requirement, proceed as follows: a)

Position the cursor on the requirement.


Select the function Documentation. You branch to the SAP editor.


Enter the text.


Save your text.


Return to the overview screen.

Create/Change 1.

To change a requirement, place the cursor on the line of the respective requirement.


Select the function Source text. The system branches to the program editor. Caution A name is automatically predefined for the FORM routine when the requirement is defined. You may not change this name.


Now define your requirement using ABAP language elements. To define the requirement, you can use all the source fields that are valid for the event you have selected for the relevant update rule and to which the requirement is to apply. Note If you use transaction SM30 to evaluate the view V_QUTAB, the system displays an overview of the source tables permitted for each event.


When you define requirements, you must assign the result of the check to the Return code field. The following then applies: -

Return code equals 0

requirement was satisfied

Return code does not equal 0 requirement was not satisfied The field Return code has already been defined in a common data area. 5.

Save the requirement definition.


Return to the overview screen of the requirements. Example

You want to define a requirement so that data from sales order processing is only updated if the document has been completely processed. The completeness of document processing is recorded in the document via a status field. FORM MCV1_600. IF MCVBUK-UVALL = 'C'. RETURNCODE = 0. ELSE. RETURNCODE = 4. ENDIF. ENDFORM. Activate

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A requirement definition can only be used in updating if it is active. To activate a requirement, proceed as follows: 1.

Place the cursor on the line of the requirement you wish to activate.


Select the function Edit -> Activate.

Delete You can only delete a requirement if it is inactive. If you want to delete a requirement, proceed as follows: 1.

Place the cursor on the line of the requirement you wish to delete.


Select the function Edit -> Deactivate.


Select the function Edit -> Delete line. The requirement is then deleted. Maintain Formulas When updating key figures, it is often necessary to define complex update rules. These include the definition of formulas for determining the key figures. The definition of formulas is subject to widely differing conditions; for this reason, a flexible medium is necessary for the defining them. The maintenance of formulas is subdivided according to application. Activities Choose the application for which you want to maintain formulas. An overview of all the existing formulas for the selected application is displayed. 1.

If you want to define a new formula, enter a new number for the formula in the field Routine number. Note A specific name range is reserved for standard SAP formulas. For that reason, please use numbers 600 through 999 for your formulas.


Enter an explanatory text for your formula.


If you would like to save a long text to describe your formula, proceed as follows: a)

Position the cursor on the formula.


Select the function Documentation. You branch to the SAP editor.


Enter the text.


Save your text.


Return to the overview screen.

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Create/Change 1.

To change a formula, place the cursor on the line of the respective formula.


Select the function Source text. The system branches to the ABAP/4 editor. Caution A name is automatically predefined for the FORM routine when the formula is defined. You may not change this name.


Now define your formula using ABAP language elements. To define the formula, you can use all the source fields that are valid for the event which you have selected for the respectve update rule and to which the formula is to apply. Note If you use transaction SM30 to evaluate the view V_QUTAB, the system displays an overview of the source tables permitted for each event.


If you define formulas for key figures with numerical data type (type F, N, P, or X), you must assign the result of the formula calculation to the field formula_value. If you define formulas for characteristics or key figures with alphanumeric data type, you need to use the field formula_value_object. You can use the field returncode, to specify the validity of value determination via the formula. You should always define the return code (for example, CLEAR RETURNCODE). The fields formula_value, formula_value_object and returncode have already been defined in a common data range.


Save the formula definition.


Return to the overview screen of the formulas. Example of the Formula Definition

For the event "Billing document", you want to determine the profit margin I. The profit margin I is the difference between the net value of the billing document and the corresponding cost. FORM MCV2_600. FORMULA_VALUE = MCVBRP-NETWR - MCVBRP-WAVWR. RETURNCODE = 0. ENDFORM. Activate A formula definition can only be used in updating if it is active. To activate a formula, proceed as follows: 1.

Position the cursor on a line.


Select the function Edit -> Activate.

Delete You can only delete a formula if it is inactive. If you want to delete a formula, proceed as follows:

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Position the cursor on the line of the formula you wish to delete.


Select the function Edit -> Deactivate.


Select the function Edit -> Delete line. The formula is then deleted. Display Generation Log of Update Rules A log is written during the generation of the update rules for an information structure and an update group. This log lists the objects that were created during the generation. It also displays the errors that occurred during the generation. The generation log is stored. This means that you can also display deletion logs for information structures that have already been deleted. In this IMG activity, you can display the last log for each information structure. Activities 1.

Specify the name of the information structure for which the log is to be issued.


Specify the corresponding update group.


Press ENTER. Updating Control In this section, you make the specifications which apply to the following elements of updating control: o

activation of update


application-specific update settings


updating check Activate Update In this IMG activity, you make settings for updating the information structures. Data analysis in the information systems is based on statistical data which is updated from the operative application to the information structures. Updating is triggered by an event in a logistics application (e.g. purchase order, sales order). An event is a point in time when information is created that needs to be recorded. You can influence updating by making the following settings: o

Period unit of the update You define the time level on which statistical data is to be cumulated. Here you can choose from the

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following periods:



updating on a daily basis


updating on a weekly basis


updating on a monthly basis


updating on the basis of posting period In this case, you can allocate a posting period to the information structure. The period is then always determined on the basis of this posting period and not in accordance with the posting period for the company code. You should allocate a posting period if the company code cannot be accurately derived from the characteristics in the information structure. If you do not specify the fiscal year variant, the period split "Posting period" will correspond to the posting period that is automatically determined in the documents for the connection to Financial Accounting. If you want to define your own period split (e.g. quarter, two weeks) for an information structure, you need to specify a fiscal year variant. If you change the periodicity, data in the information structure for the old periodicity is deleted.

Type of updating You determine when the information structures are updated. Here, you have the following options: -

Synchronous update (V1 update) The statistics update is carried out at the same time as the document update. If, however, errors occur during updating and the statistics update is therefore terminated, the corresponding documents are no longer available and will need to be re-entered.


Asynchronous update (V2 update) Here the document update and the statistics update take place separately so that if the statistics update is terminated, this does not affect the update of the documents that are available in the operative application. In addition, you can perform the document update one one system and the statistics update on another.


Collective update (U3 update) Again in this case, the document update is separate from the statistics update. This means that if the statistic update is terminated, it does not affect the document update in the operating application. However, contrary to the U2 update, the U3 collective update must be scheduled as a job.


No update, which means that the update is switched off.

The update can be activated for each application. Note You can only change the update periods when the information structures contain planning data only. For this reason, the information structure whose update period you wish to change cannot be updated yet, i.e. filled with actual data.

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Activities 1.

Select the application in which you wish to change the update parameters of the information structures.


Place the cursor on the information structure whose update parameters you wish to change.


Choose the function "Parameters". The update parameters are displayed.


Select the setting you require.


Copy the setting you have selected.


Save the update parameters you have changed. Settings: Sales In this section, you can make application-specific update settings for Sales and Distribution. The business events from the application influence the statistics update via the update group. In sales and distribution processes, the following organizational elements determine the update group: o

sales organization


distribution channel




a group of customers


a group of materials


sales document type


item type

You can avoid assigning every single object of an organizational element (for example, every single customer) to an update group, by combining the individual objects of some organization elements to make a group. Each group of objects forms a statistics group. Statistics groups can be formed for the following organizational elements: o





Sales document type


Item type Example

In sales and distribution processes, a distinction is made between "normal" sales and so-called returns. These different business types are identified by different sales document types. You want to save the order quantities from the different business types in different statistics fields in an

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information structure. This ensures that when a "normal" sale takes place, only the assigned statistics fields are updated, and not the statistics fields that cumulate the returns quantities, and vice versa. For controlling this different kind of update, you need to use two different update groups. For example, assign the update group "000001" to the sales document types that show the "normal" sales. You have already assigned these sales document types to the statistics group "01". You then assign the update group "000002" to the sales document types that represent the returns processes. These sales document types have all been assigned to the statistics group "02". If you define the update rules for the key figures of an information structure, make sure you always refer to an update group. If you define the update rules for your information structure with reference to the update group "000001", only define the key figures that are updated by the "normal" sales. Conversely, only define the key figures which are updated by the returns transactions with reference to the update group "000002". Key figures that are to be updated by both business events should be assigned to both update groups in the definition. Statistics Groups In the following IMG activities, you can define statistics groups for customers, materials, and sales document types/item types and then assign them to sales document types/item types. The statistics groups must be entered into the respective customer master record or material master record. Maintain Statistics Groups for Customers In this IMG activity, you define the statistics groups which can be used in the allocation of individual customers. Statistics groups can be assigned to customers in the maintenance of the customer master record (screen "Sales"). Activities 1.

Determine which groups of customers should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows:



Enter a one-digit, alphanumeric key in field Stat (customer: statistics group).


Enter an explanatory text for the respective statistics group in the Descr. field.

Make sure that the statistics groups are entered into the customer master records.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Statistics Groups for Material In this IMG activity, you define the statistics groups which can be used in the allocation of individual materials. Statistics groups can be assigned to materials in the maintenance of material master record (screen "Sales 2"). Activities 1.

Determine how which groups of materials should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows:



Enter a one-digit, alphanumeric key in field Sats (material: statistics group).


Enter an explanatory text for the respective statistics group in the Descr. field.

Make sure that the statistics groups are entered into the material master records. Maintain Statistics Groups for Sales Documents In this IMG activity, you define the statistics groups which can be used in the allocation of individual sales documents. In the following activities, you allocate these statistics groups to the document types and the item categories. Activities 1.

Determine which groups of sales documents should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows: a)

Enter an alphanumeric key which can contain up to two characters in field SGr (statistics group).


Enter an explanatory text for the respective statistics group in the Descr. field. Assign Statistics Groups for Each Sales Document Type In this IMG activity, you allocate the previously defined statistics groups to the individual sales document types. Activities Allocate the statistics groups to the sales document types.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Statistics Groups for each Sales Document Item Type In this step, you allocate previously defined statistics groups to the sales document item types. Activities Allocate the statistics groups to the item categories in the sales documents. Assign Statistics Groups for each Delivery Type In this IMG activity, you allocate the previously defined statistics groups to the delivery types. Note It is only advisable to assign those deliveries and delivery items which do not contain a reference to an order to delivery types and delivery item categories. This is the only case in which it is necessary to determine the update groups using the delivery types and delivery item categories. In the case of deliveries and delivery items which do refer to an order, the respective update group will be automatically copied from the corresponding sales order. Activities Allocate the statistics groups to the delivery types. Assign Statistics Groups for each Delivery Item Type In this step, you allocate previously defined statistics groups to the delivery item types. Note Assignments to delivery types and delivery item types is only recommended for deliveries and delivery items without an order reference. Only in this case is it necessary to determine the update groups by using the delivery types and delivery item types. In the case of deliveries and delivery items with an order reference, the respective update group will be automatically copied from the corresponding sales order. Activities Allocate the statistics groups to the item categories in the deliveries.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Determine Billing Document Types Relevant to Statistics As with the delivery documents with an order reference, the same also applies to the billing document types. This means that it is no longer necessary to assign the individual billing document types to a statistics group in order to determine the update groups. In the case of the billing document types, the respective update group is determined using the corresponding sales document type or delivery type. In this IMG activity, you determine if and for which billing document types statistics should be updated. This allows you to exclude pro forma invoices, which are not to be included in the statistics, by using the billing document type from the update, although the corresponding sales order was used in the update. Activities Place a cross in the field Stat (statistics) for each of the billing document types relevant to the statistics. Update Group In the following activities you assign the individual business events to an update group. You can thereby specify which statistical data is to be updated from the individual business transactions. The allocation of update groups usually takes place along with elements from the sales document item (for example, statistics group material). In this case, the assignment of the update group occurs at the item level. In rare instances, it is necessary to update statistical data that originates exclusively from sales document header data. To do this, use the allocation of the update group at header level (for example, statistics group sold-to party). Assign Update Group on Item Level In this IMG activity, you can assign the business events of an update group on item level. Use the previously defined and assigned statistics groups as well as the corresponding sales areas. Caution If a sales area does not need to have a special influence on the statistics update, it is then possible, as of Release 3.0C, to generically specify the sales area, which means that you do not have to further specify the corresponding field contents for the sales organization, the distribution channel and the division. The statistic group "+" fulfils the same function for customers. Requirements o

You must have created the sales areas.

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You must have defined and allocated the statistics groups. Activities

Allocate the statistics groups and sales areas to each update group. Assign Update Group on Header Level In this IMG activity you can assign the business events of an update group on header level. To do this, you use the previously defined and assigned statistics groups as well as the corresponding sales area. Caution If a sales area does not need to have any special influence on the statistics update, it is possible to specify the sales area generically, which means that you do not have to assigned field contents for the sales organization, the distribution channel and the division. Requirements o

You must have created the sales areas.


You must have defined and allocated the statistics groups. Activities

Allocate the statistics groups and sales areas to each update group. Change Statistics Currency for each Sales Organization In the definition of the information structures, you specify the currency (for example, local currency, document currency) in which the key figures are to be updated. This sometimes means that varying currencies will be updated in the statistics. This can cause values with different units to be added together in the totals lines of analyses. If you want to ensure that a standardized currency is used right from the update, you can define so-called statistics currencies which apply across all sales organizations. You can also allocate currency type "Statistics currency" to a key figure in the information structure definition. In this IMG activity, you can determine which uniform statistics currency is to apply to which sales organizations.

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Requirements o

You must have defined the currency key.


You must have created the sales organizations. Activities


For each sales organization, define the statistics currency applies which is to apply.


For each sales organization, specify a currency key for the statistics. Note

If the assignment of the statistic currency to the sales organization is later changed, it is possible to set up resident sales documents with the current statistic currency, using the statistical setup. To do so, choose the option Redetermine update group (this also redetermines the update group). To update the statistic currency of the resident dociments, choose the option Update documents (this also updates the redetermined update group in the document tables). Settings: Transportation In this section, you make the application-specific update settings for transportation. The business transactions from the application influence the statistics update with Update Group. The transportation planning point determines the update group in transportation processing. To avoid assigning single objects (for example, every single transportation service agent) to an update group, you can group together objects belonging to the same organizational element. Each group of objects is then considered a statistics group. Statistics groups can be formed for the following organizational elements: o

Transportation service agent


Shipment type Example

In transportation processing, single shipments are distinguished from collective shipments. Both methods of shipment are identified by different shipment types. You want to save the quantities from different shipment types in various statistics fields in an information structure. Only statistics fields corresponding to single shipment quantities are allowed to be updated by single shipments. Likewise, only statistics fields that cumulate collective shipment quantities can be updated by collective shipments. To control the various updates, use two different update groups. For example, assign the update group "000001" to the shipment type for single shipments. You previously

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assigned this shipment type to statistics group "01". Assign the update group "000002" to the shipment type for collective shipments. You previously assigned this shipment type to statistics group "02". Always refer to an update group when you define the Update Rules for the key figures of an information structure. When you define the update rules for your information structure with reference to the update group "000001", you define only the key figures that are updated by single shipments. Likewise, when you define the update rules with reference to the update group "000002", you define only the key figures that are updated by collective shipments. You assign key figures that should be updated from both shipment types according to the definition for both update groups. Statistics Groups In the following steps, you can define statistic groups for transportation service agents and shipment types, and then assign these to shipment types. Maintain Statistics Groups for Transportation Service Agent In this step, you define the statistics groups that can be used for the assignment of individual transportation service agents. The assignment of statistics groups to transportation service agents is carried out in the maintenance of the transportation service agent master record (screen "Control"). Activities 1.

Determine which groups of service agents should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows:



Enter a one character alphanumeric key in the field StG (Statistics group: Transportation service agent)


Enter an explanatory text for each statistics group in the field Description.

Ensure that the statistics groups are being entered in the service agents master records. Maintain Statistics Groups for Shipment Types In this step, you define the statistics groups that can be used for the assignment of individual shipment types. You then assign these statistics groups to shipment types in the following step.

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Activities 1.

Determine which groups of shipment types should influence the statistics update.


Define the statistics groups as follows: a)

Enter an alphanumeric key with up to two characters in the field StG (Statistics Group)


Enter an explanatory text for each statistics group in the field Description. Assign Statistics Groups for each Shipment Type In this step, you assign the previously defined statistic groups to shipment types. Activities Assign the statistic groups to shipment types. Update Group In the following steps, assign individual transportation planning points to an Update group. By doing so, you define which statistical data from the individual business transactions will be updated. Assign Statistics Groups for each Transportation Planning Lo In this step, you have the option of assigning an update group. To do this, use the previously defined and assigned statistics groups as well as the corresponding transportation planning points. Prerequisites o

You have defined Transportation planning point.


You have defined and assigned Statistics groups. Activities

Assign each statistics group and transportation planning point to an update group.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Statistics for each Transportation Planning Point By defining the information structures, you determine in which units (weight, volume, and distance) the key figures are updated. Dissimilar units could possibly be updated in the statistics. In which case, values with different units are added together in the analysis totals display. Units can be determined per transportation planning point in order to carry out an update with similar units. Activities 1.

For each transportation planning point, determine in which units the key figures should be updated.


For each transportation planning point, specify a unit of weight, volume, and distance for the statistics. Settings: Sales Support In this IMG activity, you can make specific update settings for Sales Support. The business transactions from sales support influence the update of statistics by means of the update group. The following organizational elements in Sales Support determine the update group: o

Sales organization


Distribution channel




Customer statistics group


Statistics group for the sales activity type Statistics Groups In the following activities, you define statistics groups and assign them to sales activity types. Maintain Statistics Groups In this activity, you define the statistic groups that you then assign to the sales activity or direct mailing campaign types in your system. Activities 1.

Decide which groups of sales support documents should influence the statistics update.

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Define the statistics groups as follows: a)

Enter an alphanumeric key in the STG field (statistics group for sales activities). The key can be up to 2 digits long.


Enter an explanatory text in the Description field for each statistics group. Assign Statistics Group per Sales Activity Type In this activity, you assign the statistics groups you have just defined to the individual sales activity types. Activities Assign the statistics groups to the sales activity types. Update Groups In this activity, you assign business transactions, such as sales activity or direct mailing campaign types, to an update group. To do this you need to use the statistics groups, which you defined and assigned in the previous activities, as well as the relevant sales areas.

Caution If a sales area does not have a particular influence on the statistics update, you can specify a generic sales area by leaving the Sales organisation, Distribution channel, and Division fields blank.

Prerequisites 1.

You must have created the sales areas.


You must have defined and assigned the statistic groups for sales support .

Activities Assign each statistics group and sales area to an update group.

Note You do not need to create update groups for the sales summary because it is automatically updated by the system.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Settings: Purchasing In this section, you make the application-specific update settings for Purchasing. In the Purchasing Information System, the application-specific maintenance of the settings for updating applies to: o

The schedule for quantity reliability With this schedule, the delivery quantity variance is valuated. The schedule for quantity reliability is determined in dependency upon the purchasing organization.


The schedule for on-time delivery performance With this schedule, the delivery date variance is valuated. The schedule for on-time delivery performance is also determined depending upon the purchasing organization.


The definition of the update group at the level of the purchasing document header. Assign Update Group on Item Level When you choose a specific update group you are defining the way in which the data from the document items is updated in the statistics file. You can choose between the following update groups: o

If you do not enter any update group, no update is carried out at item level.


If you enter the update group SAP, the corresponding purchasing documents are updated.


If you enter an update group that begins with Z, a customer-specific update is made on the relevant purchasing documents. Assign Update Group on Header Level When you choose a specific update group you are defining the way in which the data from the document header is updated in the statistics file. You can choose between the following update groups: o

If you do not enter any update group, no update is carried out on the header level.


If you enter the update group SAP, the corresponding purchasing documents are updated.


If you enter an update group that begins with Z, a customer-specific update is made on the relevant purchasing documents. Change Period Split for Quantity Reliability In the Logistics Information System (LIS), the statistics is managed on the amount of quantity variances of vendors.

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The delivery quantity variance is a key figure which specifies in percent the variance between the purchase order quantity and the quantity actually delivered. This key figure is determined if an order item is completed and is updated for the entry date of the goods receipt or for the entry date of purchase order change. You can determine four interval limits. Five intervals are then available to you for the valuation. Example You have set the interval limits, for example, as follows: o

1 -20%


2 -10%


3 10%


4 20%

You have determined the intervals as follows then: o

x Design the planning scenario -> Planning step -> Plan characteristics and planning key figures for the planning step Average Retail parameters In this process step, maintain the update parameters for Average Retail. Note For further information, see the SAP Library: SAP Retail -> Merchandise and Assortment Planning -> Design planning scenario -> Planning step -> Plan characteristics and planning key figures for the planning step. General parameters In this process step, maintain general parameters for updating.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Reporting In this section you can make settings for reporting. The following process steps have been taken from Reporting in the Logistics Information System (LIS). Standard Analyses In this section you can make the settings for special parameters in standard reporting. In standard reporting, data evaluation is carried out using the standard analyses. In the standard analyses, you can use a range of functions and selection possibilities to define the scope of the data that is to be evaluated. The information structures form the data basis of the standard analyses. An information structure defines a block of information that is used for the aggregation and subsequent evaluation of data. In standard reporting, detailed data from the operative application is integrated in the Logistics Information System that is based on aggregated data. On the one hand, you can drill-down on the characteristics defined in an information structure along the key figures, and thus refine the level of aggregation; on the other hand, you can display the operative data (master and transaction data). The standard analyses are subdivided according to application. This allows you display key figures selectively on a specific level of aggregation. Change Settings In this IMG activity, you can configure the initial settings for the standard analyses. You can make specifications for the following areas of standard reporting: o

Standard drill-down In every standard analysis in the SAP R/3 System, a standard drill down for the characteristics is available. You also have the possibility to change the sequence of these characteristics to suit your requirements.


Key figures The key figures are predefined for every standard analysis in the standard SAP R/3 System. You can determine which key figures in the list, which is created in the analysis that is chosen by you, are displayed. You also have the possibility of interactively changing the selected key figures during the analysis.


Parameters In the standard SAP R/3 System, the parameters are predefined for the layout of the evaluation lists for every standard analysis. You can change these parameters to suit your requirements. In addition, you have the option of defining default values for the selection screen. You can interactively change these settings during the analysis.

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You can make specifications for the following parameters: -

Number of periods in the selection screen


With current period


Selectable version


Analysis currency


Type of exchange rate for the currency conversion


Characteristic display (key, description or both)


Width of the characteristics column


Width of the key figures columns


Display drill-down log in the page header


Initial graphics


Method for data enhancement


Method for list enhancement


Formula for list enhancement

The standard analyses are divided up according to application. Activities 1.

Determine the application in which you want to execute a standard analysis.


Specify the name of the information structure for which you want to carry out a standard analysis.


Press Enter.


Select an analysis. If there is only one analysis for the information structure that you have selected, branch directly to the overview of the characteristics.


Define the sequence of the characteristics for the standard drill-down.


Define the key figures.


Set the parameters for the evaluation lists. Data Enhancement Under certain circumstances it might be necessary to enhance data that was not available at the time of updating at the point of evaluation, or to interpret data on a higher aggregation level that was already updated and thus calculate new key figures. Such a key figure can be created when defining an information structure. This key figure is excluded from the update process, as the values are first determined by means of a so-called method when the standard analysis is carried out.

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In the standard analyses, a method is a FORM routine which supports the enhancement of, or changes to, statistical data and it is automatically called up by the standard analysis. These methods are similar to the methods that you can use in Copy Management. In standard analyses, a distinction is made between the two types of methods: o

Data enhancement methods


List enhancement methods

The data enhancement methods allow you to enhance data on the lowest level, i.e. data at the level of the individual data record of an information structure. A data enhancement method could be used to write master data that was not available at the time of the update to a material. After data selection, an internal table containing all of the data records is transferred to the FORM routine that describes the method so that it can change the records. In order to support and facilitate the creation of methods, SAP provides several transformation scenarios. Each scenario consists of both a detailed business desciption (documentation) and a reference method which the system automatically adapts to the information structure that you have chosen. It is then copied to the clipboard so that the system can make use of it when creating a method. Caution A scenario is only automatically adapted to the source and target information structures when you call up the reference method via the pushbutton Copy from. You also have the option of calling up a reference method from the accompanying documentation. In this case, no automatic adapting can take place. The methods maintenance is integrated in the step "Change settings". In the case of self-defined information structures, you can select a data enhancement method as well as the accompanying scenarios in the parameters settings screen by using the Maintain function. Procedure Proceed as follows: 1.

Execute the step "Change settings". The screen "Select action" appears.


Choose an application in which you wish to carry out a data enhancement.


Enter the name of a self-defined information structure.


Choose Enter. The overview screen for parameter selection appears.


In the area data enhancement choose an existing method. If no methods exist yet, choose the function maintain and confirm the message if necessary. The overview screen "Methods in LIS" appears.

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Activities 1.

To create a method, proceed as follows: a)

Specify a method name and a method description.


Also specify a program and a FORM routine, i.e. the actual method. If you double-click on the field Program or FORM routine you will branch into the editor to maintain the program, as long as the program has already been created. If the program has not yet been created, a popup appears when you double-click on the Program field and asks you to create the program. As a rule the program is created without a TOP-INCLUDE. When maintaining the program attributes, you need to specify the type "S" (Subroutine pool). A data enhancement method must have the following interface: FORM DATA_METHOD_TEST TABLES S000 STRUCTURE SXXX. (SXXX refers to the generated table for the information structure) Example FORM DATA_METHOD_0001 TABLES S000 STRUCTURE S665. LOOP AT S000. * Enhancing individual fields in S000 ... ENDLOOP. ENDFORM.


Assign the method In the IMG activity "Change settings", you can find the field "Method" under data enhancement for self-defined information structures in the screen for parameter settings. Here you can enter the name of the method you require, if necessary. Maintain List Enhancement Methods Under certain circumstances it might be necessary to enhance data that was not available at the time of updating at the point of evaluation, or to interpret data on a higher aggregation level that was already updated and thus calculate new key figures. Such a key figure can be created when defining an information structure. This key figure is excluded from the update process, as the values are first determined by means of a so-called method when the standard analysis is carried out. In the standard analyses, a method is a FORM routine which supports the enhancement of, or changes to, statistical data and it is automatically called up by the standard analysis. These methods are similar to the methods that you can use in Copy Management. In standard analyses, a distinction is made between two types of methods:

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Data enhancement methods


List enhancement methods

This method enables you to determine key figures for which such a determination is not practical at individual data record level, i.e. it is impossible to interpret them meaningfully when they are expressed as a total. Such a key figure can be the proportion of one key figure in terms of another key figure and is expressed as a percentage value. This proportion must be redetermined on every list level. If a standard analysis features the list, then the key figures in the information structure are transferred to the FORM routine that describes the method for every list line and for every totals line so that they can be changed. In order to support and facilitate the creation of methods, SAP provides several transformation scenarios. Each scenario consists of both a detailed business desciption (documentation) and a reference method which the system automatically adapts to the information structure that you have chosen. It is then copied to the clipboard so that the system can make use of it when creating a method. Caution A scenario is only automatically adapted to the source and target information structures when you call up the reference method via the pushbutton Copy from. You also have the option of calling up a reference method from the accompanying documentation. In this case, no automatic adapting can take place. The methods maintenance is integrated in the IMG activity "Change settings". In the case of self-defined information structures, you can select a list enhancement method as well as the accompanying scenarios in the parameters settings screen by using the Maintain function. Procedure Proceed as follows: 1.

Execute the step "Change settings". The screen "Select action" appears.


Choose an application in which you wish to carry out a list

enhancement. 3.

Enter the name of a self-defined information structure.


Choose Enter. The overview screen for parameter selection appears.


In the area list enhancement choose an existing method or formula. If no methods or formulas exist yet, choose the function maintain and confirm the message if necessary. The overview screen "Methods in LIS" appears. Activities


To create a method, proceed as follows:

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Specify a method name and a method description.


Also specify a program and a FORM routine, i.e. the actual method. If you double-click on the field Program or FORM routine you will branch into the editor to maintain the program, as long as the program has already been created. If the program has not yet been created, a popup appears when you double-click on the Program field and asks you to create the program. As a rule the program is created without a TOP-INCLUDE. When maintaining the program attributes, you need to specify the type "S" (Subroutine pool). A list enhancement method must have the following interface: FORM LIST_METHOD_TEST USING LT_FIELDNAME LIKE MCDDOWN-DDICFELD CHANGING S000 STRUCTURE SXXX. (LT_FIELDNAME describes the field name of the information structure characteristic, that is to be displayed; SXXX is the generated table for the information structure) Note In the transferred information structure, the characteristic values or the period values are only filled if this is clearly highlighted in the previous drill-down. Example FORM LIST_METHOD_0001 USING LM_FIELDNAME LIKE MCDDOWN-DDICFELD CHANGING S000 STRUCTURE S665. S000-ZFIELD = ... ENDFORM.


Assign the method. In the IMG activity "Change settings", you can find the field "Method" under list enhancement for self-defined information structures in the screen for parameter settings. Here you can enter the name of the method you require, if necessary.

In addition to these methods, which you can use to calculate as many key figures as you like from other key figures, you can also use formulas for list enhancement. Formulas enable you to make simple key figure calculations. A formula is a series of calculation steps. Each step has the form: Key figure = Operand1 Operator Operand2. Operand1 and Operand2 can either be key figures of the info structure or a normal number. The four basic calculation types can be operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For example, the average of the key figures value1 and value2 can be represented by the following calculation steps, for example: 001 002

Key figure = value1 + value2 Key figure = key figure / 2.

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Activities 1.


To create a formula, proceed as follows: a)

Specify a name and a description for your formula.


Mark the formula you have created and select Calculation steps.


You can now use the function Edit -> New entries to define the individual calculation steps.

Assign the formula. In the IMG activity "Change settings", you can find the field "Formula" under list enhancement for self-defined information structures in the screen for parameter settings. Here you can enter the name of the formula you require, if necessary. Delete Selection Versions In the standard analyses, you can select data at a certain point in time and save it under a version name. The selection versions that are created in this way can then be called up at any time for later analyses. You can find a detailed description of the various techniques for creating a selection version in the documentation on the Logistics Information system in the R/3 Library under "Logistics General". In this IMG activity, you can delete data from a standard analysis that you had saved as a selection version and no longer need. This causes not only the selected data to be deleted, but also the definition of the selection version. Activities 1.

Define the selection criterion for deleting.


Mark the selection version tat you wish to delete.


Start the deletion program. Flexible Analyses In this section, you can make settings for special parameters in the flexible analyses. Flexible analyses enable you to represent characteristics in self-defined, multi-level hierarchies and cumulate the corresponding key figures. It is also possible to combine key figures from different information structures. Furthermore, in the flexible analyses you can easily create Report Writer reports for displaying data. This gives you the option of varying the layouts for these reports. The evaluation structures form the interface to Report Writer. Evaluation structures are made up of characteristics and key figures. You can use evaluation structures to help you when you define your own evaluations. To do this, you can use the pick-up technique to choose the characteristics and key figures that you require.

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Note An evaluation structure exists for each respective information structurein the standard SAP R/3 system. The information structure and its corresponding evaluation structure always have the same name. Every time you define your own information structure, a corresponding evaluation structure is generated accordingly. Due to the fact that an evaluation structure of the same name is made available for each information structure, it is very easy to evaluate the information structures using the flexible analyses. Support of Various Languages This section allows you to determine in which language the evaluations will appear and which you have created with Report-Writer. Define Languages For Report Writer The Report Writer can create reports in several languages in parallel. Generally, Report Writer texts can be done in English and in the language in which they were generated. In addition, you can also specify other languages in this step, in which you want your report to appear. If you then log on to the SAP System using one of these languages, the texts in the reports are issued in the logon language. Note Also refer to the F1 help documentation on the 'Language' field. Actions Enter the keys for the languages which the Report Writer is to support. Translate Characteristic Texts For Evaluation Structures If you want to use evaluation structures and evaluations in different languages, the texts to the characteristics must be translated. In this step, you can regenerate characteristic texts for evaluation structures in languages which you had not, until now, determined as languages for the Report Writer. In this case, the languages that you have determined for the Report Writer are proposed first. You can overwrite these proposed values.

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The characteristic texts are issued in list form which contains the following information: o

the names of the evaluation structures you have selected


the language keys for the languages you have specified for the characteristic texts


the local field names of the fields from which the data is read for the characteristic texts


the characteristic texts in the languages you have specified


the short texts for the variables Caution

If you use this function you must regenerate the evaluations to the evaluation structures selected in this step in the newly added languages. Actions 1.

Enter the interval limits for the selection of evaluation structures in the fields From and To.


Enter the keys of the languages in which the characteristic texts is to be issued.


Choose Program -> Execute. Note

If you execute this program in the background, you must specify a variant. Additional functions Via Utilities -> Help selection screen, you receive possible entries for the selection criteria specification. Transport of Evaluation Structures and Evaluations When creating self-defined evaluation structures and evaluations, you can include them in one transfer order. This will allow you to use the R/3 transfer system to transfer self-defined objects between various clients (client copy) as well as between various systems. Notes on transporting Evaluation structures and evaluations are not blocking objects in the sense of the transfer system. For that reason, transferring into another system (client) can overwrite already existing evaluation structures and evaluations. To prevent this from happening you must ensure that none of the following objects exist in the target system (-client) with the same name: o

Transfer of evaluation structures -

evaluation structure



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Determine the names using transaction SE16 from table TMCSC (information structure = evaluation structure). o

Variable Define the names using transaction SE16 from the table T802G (table = evaluation structure).

Transfer of evaluations -



report group The names are shown in the F4 Help for evaluation as "int.AuswNr".

Note By setting the issue of internal numbers you can prevent libraries, variables and reporting groups from being generated with the same name in various systems (clients). Caution Evaluations can only be transferred if the internal set up of the under- lying evalution structures are identical in the source system (client) and target system (client). This is only ensured if the evaluation structures were also transferred from the source system (client). If in both systems (clients), evaluation structures for self-defined information structures ("ZF..." for customer structures "S..." for SAP structures) exist but which were generated in various systems, you should first delete the evaluation structure in the target system (client) and then transfer the evaluation structure and assigned evalaution together. In contrast, with standard evaluation structures in the R/3 system, which are automatically generated (with the same name), you can assume that the internal structures in all systems (clients) are identical, such that evaluations can be transported independent of the evaluation structure upon which they are based. You should, however, note that the evaluation structure must first be generated in the target system (or client), for example via Evaluation structure -> Display, before their evaluation(s) can be transported. Note After the transport, you can use the mass generation function in the target system (client) to generate the evaluations. Determine internal number assignment In this step, you can assign a number interval to protect the libraries, report groups and variables in the Logistics Information System from being overwritten when importing from other clients or systems. For libraries, you must in each case maintain the last two positions of the library name in the From-To interval. The first position is always a value of "2" internally (number for customer-specific objects). For the report groups, you must maintain the last three positions of the From-To interval and the last four positions for the variables.

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You must do the number assignment separately in each client. This prevents objects with the same name from being created in different clients. The fields Update library, Update auth. grp and Update var. no. display the current counter reading. If you have reached the maximum of a number interval (99) during the number assignment, you can reset the counter readings. Note The keys are checked only when creating. Actions 1.

Specify a two-digit alphanumeric key for each library in the fields From and To.


Specify a three-digit alphanumeric key for each report group in the fields From and To.


Specify a four-digit alphanumeric key for each variable in the fields From and To. Perform mass generation of evaluations When you create and change evaluations, you can either generate them immediately or just save them. If you have only saved an evaluation, you can now go back and execute a generation in this step, thereby generating several evaluations simultaneously. Note If you want to execute this program in the background, you must set the indicator Generate without selection list. In this case, you must also specify a variant. If you execute the program in the background, all of the selected objects will be generated directly. If you do not execute the program in the background, you first receive the list of all selected objects and can further restrict the generation of objects. Actions 1.

Enter the interval limits for the selection of evaluations in the fields From and To.


Enter the interval limits for the selection of evaluation structures in the fields From and To.


If required, select the indicator for the background generation.


Start the generation program.

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Report In a report, data from a database is edited in list form. You can define the structure of a report yourself. In this case, you can make the following specifications: -

general selection of characteristics for the report


selection of characteristics for the rows and columns


selection of key figures for the columns

subtotals that are to be created in the rows and columns in each case The layout of a report is determined by layout parameters. The standard layouts contain default values for the layout parameters. You can define standard layouts independent of a report. o

Library If you have defined a report, you must allocate it to a library. The library determines which database fields may be used in a report.


Report Group Executing a report occurs via a report group. Within the framework of the flexible analyses, one report group contains exactly one report. The report names are unique only in conjunction with the library name, whereas a report group is uniquely identifiable by its name only. Determine standard layout In this work step, you can define the layout parameters for the layout of your reports.

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SAP has default layouts, "SAP" and "LIS". If you want to define the layout individually, all fields are first filled with the layout parameters from the default layout you have selected. These parameters are proposed values you can overwrite depending on your requirements. The layout parameters are divided into language-specific and language- independent parameters. The following input templates are available for the layout definition: o



Line totals


Line texts


Column totals


Column texts


Display Note

The SAP default layout "SAP" is delivered with the Report Writer. Default settings The standard SAP R/3 System for the Logistics Information System additionally contains the default layout "LIS". Actions 1.

You want to use the SAP standard layout "SAP" or the standard layout "LIS". This does not require a configuration.


You want to determine the standard layout for your reports individually. Proceed as follows: a)

Enter a name for your own default layout in field Default layout.


Copy the SAP standard layout you want to use as a reference for your own standard layout by entering the name of the required standard layout in field Copy standard layout.


Press ENTER. You branch to the input template for the header data.


Enter a description for your standard layout.


The authorization group specification is optional. The authorization group allows an extended authorization protection for certain objects.


Determine the general page format.


Determine the line parameters.


Determine the parameters for the line texts.


Determine the column parameters.


Determine the parameters for the column texts.

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Determine the numeric format of the values to be issued.


Determine the language-specific parameters.


Save your settings.

Note for transport The default layout is a Report Writer object. Report Writer objects are transported by using a special Customizing function provided especially for it in the productive system. Refer to Description in the Implementation Guide "Special Ledger". Additional functions With Utilities -> Layout directory, you branch to the directory which contains the standard layouts for the Report Writer. Via the Report Writer menu option, you can branch into all of the Report Writer functions. Maintain sets In this step, you can define sets. Furthermore, you can change, display and delete already existing sets. A set is a flexible structure for representing hierarchies and quantities. Sets are required in planning and when working with the Report Writer. A distinction is made between the following types of sets: o

Basic set A basic set contains the values for a certain field. When you allocate these values, you can either: -

specify fixed values and/or fixed intervals Fixed values are strictly allocated to the corresponding set. For that reason, you cannot change fixed values.


specify variable values and/or intervals You can change variable values. If you refer to a reference set, for example, that contains a variable, a dialog box is displayed in which you can enter the variable value. In the set, you always have to include a "&" at the beginning when you specify a variable.


Single set In a single set, you can group together basic sets and thus create hierarchy levels.


Multi set This allows you to group several basic sets together to form one set. You can select several fields at the same time.


Data set A data set contains key figures.

You can use the following input templates to define sets:

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Basic entries


Additional entries Note

You cannot create multi sets from multi sets. Activities 1.

Enter the set ID.


Specify the name of the table for this set. Note The set name is only unique in conjunction with the table name.


Select a set type. Note For basic sets and single sets, you also need to specify the name of the table field to which the set refers.


Press ENTER or choose Continue to create a basic set or single set. You branch to the input template for the header data.


Enter a description for the set.


Enter the authorization group.


Determine the basic entries.


Maintain the set variable, if necessary.


Determine additional entries, if necessary.

10. Save the set. Note for transport Sets are transferred into the productive system my means of a Customizing function that is specially designed for this purpose. Refer to Description in the "Special Purpose Ledger" Implementation Guide. Additional information You can find further information about how to maintain sets in the Implementation Guide under "Special Purpose Ledger". Maintain variables In this work step, you can define variables and allocate them to a set. Furthermore, you change, display and delete already existing variables. You can use variables in sets instead of an individual value or another set.

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A variable always refers to a particular field. You must therefore specify the name of this field when creating a variable. A distinction is made between the following types of variables: o

Value variables A value variable stands for a single value.


Formula variables A formula variable consists of a formula with which you can determine the value of a variable. You can only use formula variables in basic sets.


Set variables A set variable stands for a set. You can only use set variables in multi sets.

When you maintain variables, you can make the following specifications: o

Proposed value You can specify a reference variable. You then copy from this variable when you want to create a new variable.


Description You must enter a text in the input template for the general data which describes the meaning or the contents of the variables. This text is used for the definition of sets and in the Report Writer.


Parameter ID If you select this field in the input template for the general data, the parameter ID that belongs to the specified field name is set as SET/GET parameter. If you do not select this field, the default value of the reference variable is used. Actions


Enter a variable name.


Enter the table and the name of the field you are referring to. Note If you do not enter a table or a field, you must specify a reference variable.


Select a variable type.


Press ENTER. You branch to the input template for the general data on the variable.


Determine the general data.


Save the variable. Note for transport

Variables are transferred into the productive system by using a special Customizing function designed for them. How to proceed is described in the Description under the Implementation Guides "Special Ledger".

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Additional Information Further notes on how to Maintain variables are in the Implementation Guides under "Special Ledger". Structure report selection In this process step, you can define your report selection. In step 1 you reach area menu maintenance. In step 2, maintain the activity groups. For detailed information, see Help -> Application help.

1.27.4 Tools You have the following tools o



To edit the statistical data -

Setup statistical data


Distribute statistical data using ALE


Copy Management

To generate information structures, updates and components dependent on information structures: -

Reset generation time stamp


Carry out mass generation

For maintenance of self-defined units -

Maintain units Setup of Statistical Data During a setup (statistical setup), the information structures are filled with consistent and complete data. The statistical setup of one or more information structures is necessary in the following cases: o

If an information structure was created using the Logistics Data Warehouse (statistical database)


If the update for the information structures was activated after documents were already in the system that were meant to be included in the statistics


If the statistical update in Customizing was changed


If the statistical data is inconsistent

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Preparation To restart a statistical update after an termination, allocate a name to each background run of the setup. If a statistical setup is then terminated or if a setup is interrupted from the archive documents, the status of the setup will then be saved under the name of this run. When restarting under the same name, processing will continue from the intermediate status that was saved. After the run is successfully completed, the intermediate status that was saved is deleted. Recommendation o

The reports should run as a background job.


You should not change the sequence of steps that describe the statistical setup of information structures (procedure). Procedure

The following steps are necessary to perform a complete statistical set up: 1.

Initialize version for statistical setup For reasons of security, the statistical data determined during a setup is not directly written into an information structure, but are saved instead under a separate version name. This version must be activated for intermediate storage before the statistical setup is carried out. For this purpose, the report RMCSISCP is available. The actual data is saved under the version name "000".


Save actual data The actual data in the system should be saved for safety reasons. Again, use report RMCSISCP for this purpose.


Edit all archived documents To do this, you can use the various reports that are available in the individual applications.


Edit all documents in the system This also takes place via the various reports that are available in the individual applications.


Transfer the data which was obtained in the statistical setup from the statistical setup version to the actual version The data obtained is only imported to the actual version instead of the existing data after the successful completion of the statistical setup. The report RMCSISCP is again used for this purpose. Note You can see the versions of the standard information structures by using the standard analyses. Here are the following possibilities: a)

You can allocate the version number of the version as a value to the user parameter "MCR" that you would like to see. On the selection screen of the standard analysis, the field Version under Parameters is automatically completed with the given version number. The version number can be changed simply by overwriting it.

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This setting is user-dependent and applies to all standard analyses. b)

If you assign the value "X" to the user paramter "MCR", the version "000" will generally appear on the selection screen of the standard analyses. Even in this case, the version number can be overwritten. This setting is also user-dependent and applies to all standard analyses. If you want to use either one of these functions, select System -> User profile -> User parameters. You can select this function from any menu. Recommendation You should change the user parameters in an alternative session, as it is not possible to return to the starting point from the user parameters maintenance screen.



Via "User settings", you can also make specifications for the versions, which are also user-dependent, but also only refer to one particular standard analysis. To do this, in the selection screen of the standard analysis, select Goto -> User settings. You are now in the standard drill-down. Select Goto ->Parameters. If you set the indicator "Selectable version", the field "Version" with the version number "000" will also appear on the selection screen. This version number can be overwritten at any time and thus changed.

Follow-up processing After successfully completing the statistical setup, you can then delete data that is no longer needed by deleting the version under which this data is saved. These include: -

Safety copy

Version for statistical setup The report RMCSISCP can be used for this purpose. Activities To carry out a statistical setup, procede as follows: 1.

Enter your selection requirements.


Save your entries.


Select Program -> Execute. Description of the report RMCSISCP

The report RMCSISCP is used in all information systems in Logistics. For this reason, the report is described below. You can use report RMCSISCP you can copy or delete versions from information structures under which statistical data has been saved. The data, that has been saved in an information structure, is different due to the version under which they have been saved. The version "000" includes the actual data, i.e., the data that was written into the information structure as a result of the statistical update.

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The intermediate results are stored in the versions that begin with "&(" and that are created when an information structure is setup. Planning data is stored under all other versions (that means version A000 and all numerical versions except version 000). The statistical setup of an information structure is carried out just like the online update, with the difference being that the data is not usually written into version "000" first, but rather into a version that you choose, that begins with "&(". The data is only copied from this version into the "000" version after the successful completion of the initial transfer. Note While copying into the "000" version, you must not carry out any postings that update the respective information structure. To keep the old version "000" (the existing actual data) from being lost, save it under another version. This "safety copy" is also generated with report RMCSISCP. You can use the indicator "Initialize target version" to delete data data stored until now under this version. If the indicator "Do not copy initial records" is set, data records are only set if at least one key figure is not initial. Attention The report RMCSISCP should only be used for copying, deleting and for copying + deleting. Copy Management should be used to meet more complex requirements (Tools -> Copy Management). Activities 1.

Enter the name of the information structure that is to be copied/deleted.


Choose a processing type. The Copy Management screen is called up. The processing type that you have selected is already set.


Here you make all the remaining entries required for selection. Additional functions

You can also call up a log which contains detailed information about all of the completed setup runs. This function allows you to make restrictions by specifying the start date of a run, the run name, the user and the application. You can also either print the list of selected setup runs or the detail screen for a setup run. Cross-Application Selection Parameters The following section describes the selection parameters that are used by several applications for the setup of statistical data. Specifications for the target structures:

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Information structure to be set up Here, you can specify which information structures you would like to supply with data. The information structures that you specify here will be set up.


Save under a version To optimize saving the statistical data, the actual data will not be overwritten by the data of the statistical setup. During the statistical setup, the statistical data is stored under the version that you specify here, whereas statistical data is stored in the information structures under the version "000" (actual data) in the case of online entry and online updating of an order. The "000" version is the version that is used by the information systems to refer to their data. The reports for the statistical setup do not prevent the data that already exists from being unavailable. The old data is not replaced by the new data until later, in a subesequent step of the setup. After completing the setup of statistical data you can analyze the results and then copy them to the actual version (report RMCVISCP). This report also allows you to save the old actual values in a version. Note All versions, that begin with "&(" are reserved for the setup of statistical data. The other versions (i.e. version A00 and all numerical versions except version 000) are available as planning versions. You can use a standard analysis to look at the SAP standard information structures, by specifying the version number of the version that you would like to analyze (to see the various options available to you here, refer to the section Setup of Statistical Data under "Procedure"). The standard analyses then read the data of the version you have specified, and no longer read the actual data.

Restriction of the document data : o

Archive file Here, you specify the name of the archive file from which the archived documents are to be read. If you do not specify an archive, the documents will be read from the residence (the documents located in the system).


Archiving run Archiving runs are numbered consecutively, and called up automatically and sequentially. The numbers for the archiving runs are applicable to all objects.

Control of the setup run: o

Name of the run In order to continue an interrupted or a terminated setup, you must assign a name to each run of the report, under which the status of the run will be permanently stored. The system then searches for the first document that has not yet been processed and subsequently begins to process it under this name. Note To avoid similarities in the names, use the transaction se16 to check the list of names that already exist in the table TMCW3.


New run

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If you set this indicator, document processing then begins with the first selected document if an entry for restarting still exists under the run name used. o

Termination date and termination time You can determine when processing should end. If a report runs over the weekend, for example, it would make sense to stop processing on Monday morning when online operations begin again. This is particularly necessary if you have selected the option "Lock all documents".


Redetermining the update group If you set this indicator, the update group will be redetermined for the documents processed during the setup in accordance with the settings that you have made in Customizing for the respective application.


Update documents If you set this indicator, the redetermined update groups will be written to the documents. The advantage here is that if a change is made to a document, the current update group is taken into account when the change is updated. If you have changed the Customizing settings, you should definitely make use of this option.

Specifications for the use of ALE (Application Link Enabling: o

Statistical setup: partner system In the case of distributed systems, if you set this indicator, only the partner system will be set up, and not the local one.


Logical target system Here, you specify the name of the system that is to be set up. Further information about logical systems can be found in the Implementation Guide for "Distribution (ALE)", under Cross-Application Components -> Distribution (ALE) -> Basic Configuration -> Set up logical system. Application-Specific Setup of Statistical Data This section describes the application-specific features of the respective applications that can perform a setup of statistical data. Perform Statistical Setup - Sales In this step you can either populate the information structures of the Sales Information System initially using document data from the SD application, or correct data inconsistencies. The report RMCVNEUA performs the statistical setup of the sales information structures from orders. It reads the orders and updates the data with statistical relevance in the same way as if they were being newly created. Both archived orders and orders that are in the system are used in the processing.

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The report reads the documents that you selected in the selection screen and triggers the statistics update. This helps you to ensure that the documents processed by the report are updated in such a way that the newly determined update group is placed in the order. The advantage here is the same rules apply when subsequentchanges are made to an order, and so the process is identical to the statistical set up. Archived documents are not updated, as they should no longer be changed, as a rule, and the update would be too time-consuming. Note The report RMCVNEUL performs the statistical set up of the sales information structures from deliveries, the report RMCVNEUF performs the statistical set up from billing documents. The same rules apply to both of these reports as those for the report which processes the orders. The reports RMCVNEUL and RMCVNEUF will not therefore be described separately. Requirements To execute the statistical setup of one or more of the information structures, all of the orders, deliveries and billing documents must be read. As a rule, this involves a large overhead. To avoid any inconsistencies, all of the documents that are in the system must be processed in one step. At this time the sales documents should not be changed, and no new sales documents should be created. Documents that have already been archived can be worked on in succession. Recommendation In order to keep the number of documents to be set up in the system down to a minimum, you should archive unnecessary sales documents before the statistical setup . Application-specific selection parameters


Sales organization Here you specify the sales organizations to which the statistical setup applies.


Company code If a link to cash management and forecast exists, then this will be supplied with the data from the Sales Information System update. The update of this data is company code-dependent. Selecting the company codes means that only the data from the sales organizations that are allocated to the selected company codes is updated. If you use this selection criterion, the documents are not updated, even when you have selected the option "Update documents" at the same time.


Sales document Here, you can restrict the number of documents that should be included in the statistical setup. You should only use this selection criterion for tests and when making subsequent updates of faulty documents, since all of the documents should, as a rule, be worked on.


Block all orders/deliveries/billing documents You should select this option to prevent the sales documents that are in the system from being changed

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during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended. o

Number of tolerated faulty documents If the report comes across a faulty document during the statistical setup (for example, if an order includes a customer that is no longer available in the system), the document and the cause of the error are then shown in the log of the background job. In this case, no updating takes place. You can also determine the number of faulty documents that are to be tolerated before the report terminates. You should first start the report with a small number of tolerated faulty documents. This will allow general errors (for example, a sales organization no longer exists) to be found beforehand. Procedure

A complete statistical setup of the sales information structures consists of the following steps: 1.

Update the version for the statistical setup For security reasons, the statistical data that is obtained during a statistical setup is not directly written into an information structure, but is stored under a separate version name. This version must be initialized before the statistical set up for intermediate storage purposes. To do this, use report RMCSISCP. The actual data is saved under the version name "000".


Save actual data The actual data that is in the system should be saved for reasons of safety. To do this, also use RMCSISCP.


Process all archived orders You can do this via the report RMCVNEUA. Note Processing of the archived orders can easily be carried out in a few steps without any problems.


Process all archived deliveries To do this, use report RMCVNEUL. Note Processing of the archived deliveries can easily be carried out in a fewsteps without any problems.


Process all archived billing documents To do this, use report RMCVNEUF. Note Processing of the archived billing documents can be easily carried out in a few steps without any problems.


Process all sales and distribution documents in the system The sales and distribution documents (orders, deliveries and billing documents) that have been archived can be changed online at any time. To prevent inconsistent statistical data, no sales and distribution documents may be created or changed during the processing of these documents. For this reason, this step is divided up into three parts, each of which should be carried out as a background job: a)

Process all orders that reside in the system

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Process all deliveries that reside in the system


Process all billing documents that reside in the system

Note Perform these steps sequentially. Do not start the next step until the previous one has been successfully completed. Caution If the update group has been correctly set in all of the documents, you do not need to redetermine the update group during the statistical setup. Furthermore, you do not need to perform a document update. In this case, it is possible to carry out the reports RMCVNEUA, RMCVNEUL and RMCVNEUF in parallel. If you wish to use this option, you can neither set the indicator "Redetermine update group" nor the indicator "Update documents". Detailed information can be found in the note 0019056 in OSS. 7.

Analyze and process incorrect documents where necessary a)

Check the faulty documents that have been listed in the log of the background runs.


Correct the errors.


Start the corresponding statistical setup reports with the corrected documents.


Transfer the data that was obtained by the statistical setup from the version for the statistical setup into the actual version The data obtained from the statistical setup is not imported to the actual version to replace the existing data until the setup has been successfully completed. You should use report RMCSISCP to do this.


Subsequent processing After the statistical setup has been successfully completed, you can delete the data that is no longer needed. This consists of: -

versions that are no longer needed Use the report RMCSISCP to delete them.


the statistical data that was created during the setup in intermediate storage Use the report RMCVNEDE to delete this data.

Description of the report RMCVNEDE The report "RMCVNEDE" is only used in the Sales Information System. It is designed to delete the temporary storage which was created during the statistical setup. During the statistical set up, data is stored temporarily during the processing of orders and deliveries. This data is required in subsequent steps of the statistical setup. Intermediate storage takes place in the tables "MCVSRFK" (header data) and "MCVSRFP" (item data). You can delete this intermediate storage area after the statistical setup has been successfully completed.

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Note When the update group is redetermined in the Sales Information System, the statistic currency for the sales organization is redetermined according to the current Customizing settings (if you selected the option Update documents) and is copied to the appropriate application tables in Sales & Distribution. Caution The report "RMCVNEDE" is only intended to be used as a background job. To do this, select System -> Services -> Reporting. Specify the name of the report and select the function Program -> Background. You also have to specify a variant. Additional Hints Before you set up information structures in the Sales Information System (SIS), please read note 0174134 in OSS. In this note, you will find a list of all of the notes that are concerned with known program errors or performance problems in the setup of statistical data for SIS. These notes contain both the necessary corrections for your release level and tips and tricks. Perform Setup - Sales Support In this IMG activity, you have the option of resetting the information structures in the Sales Information System for Sales Suppoer. Program RMCVNEUC is designed to statistically set up the sales information structures from the following areas: o

Sales activities


Sales promotions


Address lists

It reads the documents and updates the statistically relevant data in such a way that it is as if it has been newly created. Here both archived documents and documents residing in the system are processed. The program selects the documents in accordance with the selection criteria you define in the selection screen and triggers updating. You can also specify that this program puts the current defined update group in the respective document. This ensures that the subsequent change made to a document is carried out in accordance with the same rules that apply to the setup of statistical data.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Perform Setup - Transportation In this step, you initialize the information structures of the transportation information system. The report RMCVNEUT is used for the statistical setup of the transportation information structure from transport documents. It reads the documents and updates the data relevant to statistics as if it were newly created. Only orders resident in the system are processed. The report reads the documents you chose in the selection screen and triggers the statistics update. You can define that this report updates the documents it processes. It does this by including in the order the update group determined in the order. The advantage is that the additional change to the order is carried out according to the same rules as for statistical setup. Application-Specific Selection Parameters o

Name of run Name in which the date determined is to be saved. Use In case you include a terminated run (in other words, do not carry out a new run), it starts with the data already determined, which means that the next run is executed with data that was selected up to the termination time specified.


New run Indicator defining that a new run should be started. Use If you set this indicator, the processing of the documents begins with the first of the selected documents if there is still an entry to be restarted in the run name used.


Termination date Date until which the run should be executed.


Termination time Time until which the run should be executed.


Redetermine update groups If you set this indicator, the update group for the documents processed in the statistical setup is redetermined according to the definitions made in Customizing of the relevant application.


Update documents If you set this indicator, the redetermined update groups will be put in the documents. The advantage therefore being that the current update group is used to update any change to a document. If you have changed the Customizing settings, you should make use of this option.


Block all transports You should select this option to prevent resident transport documents from being changed during a statistical setup. However, it can be advantageous not to choose this option if tests are to be carried out while the system is in operative use.


Number of faulty documents tolerated If the report comes across a faulty document during the statistical setup (for example, an order contains a customer who is no longer available in the system), the document and the cause of error are included

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in the log for the background run. In this case, the update is not continued. At this point, you can define the number of faulty documents tolerated before the report is terminated with an error message. At first, you should start the report with a low number of tolerated faulty documents. This means that general errors can be found in advance. Procedure A complete statistical setup of the transportation information structures consists of the following steps: 1.

Initialize version for statistical setup For security reasons, the statistical data determined in the statistical setup is not written straight to an information structure. Instead, it is saved under its own version name. This version for temporary storage must be initialized before the statistical setup. The report RMCSISCP is available for this purpose. The actual data is saved under the name "000"


Save actual data The actual data in the system should be saved for security. You should also use report RMCSISCP for this purpose.


Process all transport documents Transport documents that are not archived can be changed online at any point. To prevent statistical data becoming inconsistent, no transport documents can be created or changed while these documents are being processed. Attention If the update group is already correctly set in all documents, it does not need to be redetermined during the statistical setup. This also means that no document update needs to take place.


Analyze, and if necessary, reprocess faulty documents a)

Check the list of faulty documents in the log for the background run.


Correct the error.


Start the relevant statistical setup report with the repaired documents.


Copy recovered data from version for statistical setup to actual version Once the statistical setup has been successfully completed, the recovered data is copied to the actual version (instead of the previous data). This also takes place via the report RMCSISCP.


Post-process You can delete data no longer required once the statistical setup has been successfully completed. This data consists of versions no longer required. Use the report RMCSISCP to delete versions no longer needed. Perform Setup - Purchasing In this step you can initialize the information structures from the Purchasing Information System. The report RMCVNEUA performs the statistical setup of the sales information structures from purchasing

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documents. It reads the purchasing documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents in accordance with the selection you made in the selection screen. Both archived documents and documents that are in the system are processed. Start statistics reconstruction for archived purchase vouchers. Mark in addition the flag < ZK>Archive file< / >. it were added: Use a version, which with ' & (' begins. This name space is reserved for statistics reconstruction. Start afterwards statistics reconstruction for resident purchase vouchers. Mark in addition the flag < ZK>Archive file< / > < ZH>not< / >. using you the same version, which you already used for the statistics reconstruction of the archived purchase vouchers. Check your version of the information structure over the ' flexible analyses ' or ' standard analyses '. In order to analyze with the standard analyses the data of the again structured version, you enter the parameter ' MCR ' into your user master and assign it as value the version of reconstruction. Delete the actual version 000 over the report < ZH>RMCSISCP< / >. copying you afterwards with the help of the report < ZH>RMCSISCP< / > your version of the information structure into the actual version 000. < ZH>Note< / > Note No online postings can be made while a statistical setup of Purchasing Information System information structures is running in the background. Application-specific selection parameters


Purchsing organization Here you can specify the purchasing organizations for which the statistical setup is to be carried out.


Purchasing document Here, you can restrict the number of documents which are to be included in the statistical setup. This selection criterion should only be used for tests and during the subsequent update of faulty documents, since all documents should be processed as a rule.


Block all documents You should select this option to prevent the purchasing documents that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended. Perform Setup - Inventory Controlling In this step you can initialize the information structures in Inventory Controlling. You can use the following reports for this purpose: o

RMCBNEUA This report supports the statistical setup of information structures from material movements. It reads the material documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents in accordance with the selection that you made in the selection screen. The system then processes both the archived documents and those documents in the system.

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Application-specific selection parameters -

Posting date Here you specify the posting date of the documents, which is to be affected by the statistical setup.


Material document Here you can restrict the number of documents to be included in the statistical setup. You should only use this selection criterion for tests and for the subsequent updating of incorrect documents, since all documents should be processed as a rule.

Note Using the radio button, you can decide whether you want to select by document number or posting date. o

RMCBNEUB This report supports the statistical setup of information structures from INVCO. It reads the material stocks and other material master information and triggers the statistics update of these documents in accordance with the selection that you made in the selection screen. This also allows you to display the stocks for which no goods movements exist. Application-specific selection parameters -

Plant Here, you enter the keys of the plants to be affected by the statistical setup.


Material Here you specify the number of the materials which are to be affected by the statistical setup.


Storage location Here you specify the number of the storage locations which are to be affected by the statistical setup.

Note You can use the radio button to select from only valued stocks, or from all stocks, including those where no value is assigned. o

RMCBNERP This report supports the statistical setup of information structures from invoice verification. It reads the accounting documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents in accordance with the selection you made in the selection screen. The system then processes both the archived documents and the documents in the system. Application-specific selection parameters -

Company code Here you specify the company code that is to be used in the setup of statistical data.


Accounting document Here you specify the numbers of the accounting documents, which are to be used in the statistical setup.

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Note Here it is also possible to select according to posting date or document number. Perform Setup - Warehouse Management In this step you can initialize the information structures of Warehouse Management. You can use the following reports to do this: o

RMCWMNMB This report supports the setup of information structures from material documents. It reads the material documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents, based on the selection you made in the selection screen. In this process, both the archived documents and the documents in the system are processed. Application-specific selection parameters



Warehouse number Here you specify the key of the warehouse to which the statistical setup is to apply.


Material document year Specify the material document years which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Posting date Specify the posting date of the documents to which the statistical setup applies.


Material document Here you can restrict the number of documents that are to be included in the setup. This selection criterion should only be used for tests and during the subsequent update of faulty documents, since generally all documents should be processed.


Block all material documents You should select this option to prevent the material documents that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisable to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended.

RMCWMNTA This report is used for the setup of information structures from transfer orders. It reads the transfer orders and triggers the statistics update of these documents in accordance with the selection you made in the selection screen. Caution During the setup of information structures S090 (Stock placement and removal) or S091 (Flow of quantities) from the archive, it is possible that information will not be available from the dependent documents for the transfer orders. The transfer order of the central document is in Warehouse Management, and therefore in this case the key figures cannot be updated in the same way as is the case for online updating.

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Application-specific selection parameters -

Date of Creation Here you specify the creation date of the tranfer orders to which the statistical setup should apply.


Transfer order Here you specify the numbers of the transfer orders which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Block all transfer orders You should select this option to prevent the transfer orders that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended. Perform Setup - Production In this step you can initialize the information structures from the Shop Floor Information System. The following report helps you to do this: o

RMCFNEUA. It reads the production orders and triggers the statistics update of these orders in accordance with the selection you made in the selection screen. In this process, only the production orders in the system are processed and not those that have already been archived. Application-specific selection parameters -

Plant Here you specify the key of the plants to which the setup of statistical data applies.


MRP controller Here you specify the numbers of the MRP controllers or the MRP controller groups which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Production order Here, you specify the order numbers which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Production scheduler Here, you specify the production scheduler groups which are to be included in the statistical setup.


Entry date Here, you specify the creation date of the production orders to which the statistical setup applies.


Check for S021 If you set this indicator, the system carries out a check via the information structure S021 (production order) to see whether a production order was already updated for the specified version. Updating is only carried out if this is not the case.

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Note In the standard R/3 system, this indicator is not set. -


Enhanced setup of statistical data Some communication structures must be stored in the Shop Floor Information System for technical reasons. This applies to release versions and costs. If you use the indicator "Enhanced setup", the respective communication structures will be set up. The note also applies to this (see below), which states that the quality of the setup data is generally worse than the quality of the data from online updating. You can use report RMCFCSCP to copy the communication structures that were created by the enhanced statistical setup. Caution You can perform a statistical setup for two basic reasons: In the first case, you wish to perform a statistical setup of all the selected data because the statistics update was switched off, for example, or because there were errors in the statistical data. In this case, it is recommended to execute an enhanced statistical setup. In the second case, you want to fill a new information structure with statistical data. In this case, you should not execute an enhanced statistical setup.

RMCFCSCP This report has essentially the same functionality as the report RMCSISCP. Both of these reports enable you to copy or delete versions as part of the statistical setup. In contrast to report RMCVISCP, the selection criterion "Date" is not not included in the report RMCFCSCP. Instead, the report RMCFCSCP uses the selection criterion Order. Here, you need to specify the order numbers of the production orders which determine the restrictions to be made. Note

Due to technical reasons involving data, the calculated costs cannot be reconstructed according to specific work centers because this allocation is only temporary. This is not relevant to the production cost analysis (S027) since the work center is not a characteristic in this standard analysis. Perform Setup - Quality Management In this step, you can initialize the information structures of the Quality Management Information System (QMIS). To do this, use report RMCQNEUA. This report supports the statistical setup of information structures from the following documents: o

Inspection lots


Inspection lots with usage decision


Quality notifications

The system reads these documents and triggers the statistical update of these documents, in accordance with the selection made by you in the selection screen.

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Only documents in the system will thus be processed, and not those documents that have been already archived. Application-specific selection parameters


Block all documents You should select this option to prevent the documents that are in the system from being changed during a statistical setup. It is, however, not advisible to use the block in the case of tests that run parallel to the operative system. During the processing of archives, blocking is automatically suspended. Perform Setup - Plant Maintenance In this step you can initialize the information structures of the Plant Maintenance Information System. The following reports are available for this purpose: o

RIPMCO00 This report is designed for the statistical setup of file PMCO (order costs).


RIPMS001 This report is designed for the statistical setup of the information structures in Plant Maintenance. The following events are taken into account: -

Plant maintenance notification




Functional location


PM order (historical and current orders)

The statistical setup of information structures is necessary in the following situtaions: o

if you have created new information structures


if you have changed the value categories


if you have changed the statistics currency

You must then always start report "RIPMC000" if you have changed the value categories in Customizing. Afterwards you must set up the information structures respectively again. Caution The file PMCO is the basis file for the information structures of Plant Maintenance, therefore you absolutely must perform the statistical setup of this file before you set up the information structures. Documentation for report RIPMS001 The report RIPMS001 always sets up all information structures of application 07 (plant maintenance). From a technical viewpoint, the setup of statistical data occurs in three steps:

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Check / Deletion of the target version


Setup of the info structures of application 07 into the temporary version The system automatically creates temporary versions beginning with the start indicator you specified in the selection screen.


Aggregation of the temporary versions to the target version Possible input parameters


Target version The newly setup info structure data is saved under this version.


Temporary version The information structures are filled during the parallel setup of statistical data under this version number.


Server group Server groups are used internally for load distribution of background jobs.


Number of parallel processes You can define the maximum number of parallel used processes here. If the number you choose here is larger than the maximum number (for system technical reasons) of parallel processes, only the system technical process number is used.


Run name Is used to identify the setup of statistical data. The system fills the field run name with the first two letters of the user name and current date.


Date / Time of termination Time by which the setup of statistical data should be completed.


New run If you select this indicator, the data determined up until the specified date and time of termination is included in the next program run and is not recalculated.


Lock all documents Indicator with which you can determine that resident documents are locked during a statistical setup of data and can thereby not be changed. For tests that run parallel to the operative process, it can be desirable not to set the lock.


Parallel merge In the last phase of the statistical setup of data, in which the target version is set up from the temporary versions, you can decide whether this merge takes place sequentially in the active background process or whether a separate background process is started per info structure. Additional functions

In the Plant Maintenance Information System, the system automatically makes a log after every completed Online run. This log can be printed, but not saved.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Perform Setup - Retail In this step, you can perform the statistical setup of information structures which contain retail-specific key figures. The setup of statistical data in the Retail Information System (RIS) consists of three components: o

Setup of data from Inventory Controlling (material documents)


Setup of data from Purchasing (purchasing documents)


Setup of data from Sales and Distribution (billing documents)

The report RMCWNEUA is available for this purpose. It reads the material documents, the purchasing documents, as well as the billing documents and triggers the statistics update of these documents in accordance with the selection made by you in the selection screen. The selection screen adapts to the respective components that you selected under the option "Specifications for the target structures". In this process, both the archived documents and the documents in the system are processed. Caution In order to avoid any subsequent inconsistencies in the data, no documents should be created, changed, deleted, or archived during a setup of statistical data. Standard settingds The SAP standard system supports the setup of statistical data from the three components listed above, i.e., it sets the respective indicators for the setup of statistical data from material documents, from purchasing documents, and from billing documents. Recommendation In order to obtain consistent key figure information for the Retail Information System, you should perform a statistical setup for the three three components (SD, INVCO, Purchasing) at least for the first time you perform a statistical setup. In the case of any subsequent statistical setup, this is no longer necessary as a rule, nor is it recommended, as a complete statistical setup of the information structures in the Retail Information System is extremely time-consuming. Further Notes You can find detailed information about the individual statistical setups that are used in the Retail Information System in the respective descriptions of the setup of statistical data for Inventory Controlling, Purchasing and Sales and Distribution.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Perform Setup - Warehousing & Shipping In this step you can initialize information structures for the rough load estimate. Note A statistical setup of rough load information from historical information is not normally necessary, as only the current daily load or coming loads for days in the future are of any relevance to controlling. It can however also be used to set up comparison values from historical horizons, for example so that the approximate warehouse load can be forecasted for special weeks in the year (christmas and easter sales, for example). However, if you do wish to carry out a statistical setup for the rough load estimate so that you can forecast based on values for a year, you must initialize the appropriate information structures for the rough load estimate. Do so as follows: 1.

Execute the statistical setup for Purchasing and


the statistical data from sales orders and deliveries in the Sales & Distribution area. Note

Please note that this statistical setup is very performance intensive. It should only be executed after careful consideration. Further notes Before carrying out a statistical setup of information structures for the rough load estimate, you must read OSS note 0017557. This note lists all notes that deal with known program errors and performance problems within the rough load estimate statistical setup. These notes describe the corrections required for your release, and also contain useful tips and tricks. Distribution of Statistical Data (ALE) The following section contains all information that is relevant for the distribution of statistical data in the Logistics Information System (LIS). For more information on Distribution (ALE), please refer to the Implementation Guide of the same name or the "ALE Consulting Handbook" under "Cross-Application Components". Note Before you use ALE (Application Link Enabling) in your place of business, you are first strongly recommended to read the above documentation on distribution in full.

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Background In the past few years, a new business philosophy has taken hold whereby rigidly-held centralized management areas were transferred more and more to the organizational units of the business that are linked to the production and the information that is used there. This development has not only led to the increasing independence of business units, but also to changes in the business processes and thereby in the way processes were run. As a result, the flow of logistics and information must also adapt to these changes. At the same time, however, a high level of communication must be sustained so that multi-tasked functions have quick and easy access to information from all areas. Goal and concept ALE (Application Link Enabling) supports the setup and operation of distributed applications in one integrated system. This makes it possible for an exchange of data between a central application and several distributed applications, which run on various logical systems. ALE encompasses an exchange of messages controlled by the business, and at the same time consistent data retention in loosely linked SAP applications. The individual applications run autonomously, i.e. each non-central application has its own data basis which leads to redundant data retention. The data must therefore be distributed and synchronized in the overall system. The different distribution capabilities are integrated into the individual R/3 applications. The application initiates the distribution of the data. The communication that is necessary to do this takes place asynchronously by using so-called IDocs (Intermediate Documents). The IDoc has a neutral data structure. For that reason, not only can SAP systems (R/3 - R/3, R/2 - R/3) communicate by using IDocs, but non-SAP systems and the SAP R/3 system can also communicate with each other. ALE also enables communication between different release levels. To ensure that this functions correctly, data must be exchanged continually between the decentralized applications. This includes: o

Control data (data from Customizing)


Master data


Transaction data ALE in the Logistics Information System (LIS)

At present, ALE can support the following distribution scenarios in LIS: o

Cross-system Inventory Controlling


Cross-system Purchasing Information System


Cross-system Sales Information System

You can use ALE to distribute the statistical data from these logistics information systems in such a way that detailed statistical data is saved in the decentralized systems. This detailed data can then be consolidated and made available at any time in aggregated form in a centralized system. Consolidated statistics can even be saved when business transactions have been performed on various R/3 systems. It is also possible to update differing statistics in the decentralized systems and in a centralized system. The use of ALE in LIS is brings particular benefits in the area of performance, as LIS can run independently

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of the applications, on a separate system that has more capacity. This allows the various systems to communicate on various levels with one another: o

Via the exchange of aggregated data


Via the event-driven data exchange Exchange of Aggregated Data In the exchange of aggregated data, data in the operative application is aggregated in an information structure defined for this purpose in the respective information system. This data is then sent at regular intervals to a central system. Evaluations take place at local level. Access to individual documents from the application or the cumulation of the imported data is no longer possible in the receiving system. The exchange of aggregated data causes the locally aggregated data to be made centrally available. Requirements o

Sender and receiver must use the same information structure for the exchange of aggregated data.


In addition, this information structure must be defined identically in all of the participating systems.


The combinations of characteristics that are used in the local systems must not overlap, otherwise the data might be overwritten. To ensure this, you can assign the logical system to the information structure as the last characteristic value in the definition. SAP considers that one logical system corresponds to exactly one client and is therefore clearly defined. Recommendation

To guarantee synchronized data collection in all of the participating systems, you should determine a system as the maintenance system before you begin. The information structure for the exchange of aggregated data will be defined in this maintenance system and the system will supply data to all of the other systems. The maintenance system can be either one of the local systems or, alternatively, the central system. Generate Message Type In this IMG activity, you can generate message types for the information structures which contain the data you which to send. To do this, you need to assign a message type to every sender information structure. This ensures that an IDoc that contains statistical data will always be sent to the receiver whenever the data of the corresponding information structure is saved. In general, the name "LIPxxx" is given to the generated message types (xxx indicates the three numbers that follow the "S" in the name of the information structure; for example: the message type that is generated for

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information structure S011 is called LIP011). Requirements The message type of the sender information structure and the receiver information structure must be identical. Activities 1.

Enter the name of the information structure.


If you set the update indicator, the system first determines whether a message type already exists for the information structure you have specified. If the indicator was set, the existing message type will be overwritten. If you do not set the update indicator, the system will still determine whether a message type already exists for the information structure you have specified. If the indicator was not set, the existing message type will not, howebver, be replaced.


Press ENTER. A message type is generated for the information structure you have specified. Determine Version for Comparison Create a comparison version in the local system for internal use . The comparison verion will be compared with the 000 version (actual data) or with the A00 version (active planning version) every time a Delta determination takes place. The data is stored in the comparison version is the data that was last sent to the central system. This data is overwritten whenever a every new data exchange takes place (NET-CHANGE-process). Define ALE Settings If you want to use ALE for logistics information systems, you need to define the following ALE-specific Customizing settings: o

maintain logical systems and assign a logical system name to every participating system (client). (Implementation Guide for Distibution (ALE): Basic configuration -> Set up logical system)


enter the message flow (message type LIPxxx) in the distribution customer model. (Implementation Guide for Distibution (ALE): Distribution customer model)


define the communication parameters. (Implementation Guide for Distibution (ALE): Communication)


configure the ALE workflow error processing. (Implementation Guide for Distibution (ALE): Error processing)

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Further Notes You can find detailed information about these activities in the corresponding documentation (as described above) in the Implementation Guide for Distribution (ALE). Schedule Data Dispatch of Information Structures Schedule the dispatch of information structures to run in the background at regular intervals. Event-Driven Data Exchange In the event-driven data exchange, every time a posting is made in the logistics application, a message (IDoc) is sent for every document from the respective decentralized system to the central system. Both evaluations and the updating of the statistical data from the individual documents in the application to the respective information system take place in the central system. The event-driven data exchange offers you the following distribution options: o

On a local level there are no information systems. The local systems supply the central information system with their data.


There are both parallel and local information systems and even an information system at central level.

The scenarios of the logistics information systems that are supported by ALE at present (these are: Inventory Controlling, the Purchasing Information System and Sales Information System) are event-driven. Only the ALE settings that have already been described should be made for these information systems. In the case of the Sales Information System only, you should also maintain the statistics groups. Set Scenario for "Inventory Controlling" This scenario supports a central overview of distributed inventory management. Decentralized inventory management systems send their data to central Inventory Controlling. This causes the information structures to be updated in Inventory Controlling. The data in Inventory Controlling can be aggregated in the central system. You can find all other information necessary for setting this scenario in the corresponding documentation in the Implementation Guide for Distribution (ALE). Set Scenario for "Purchasing Information System" This scenario supports a central overview of the data and transactions within the scope of distributed

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purchasing systems. The decentralized purchasing systems transfer their data to the central Purchasing Information System. This causes information structures to be updated in the Purchasing Information System. The data in the purchasing systems can be aggregated in the centralized system. All other information necessary for setting this scenario can be found in the corresponding documentation in the Implementation Guide for Distribution (ALE). Set Scenario for "Sales Information System" This scenario supports a centralized overview of the data and transactions within the scope of the distributed sales systems. The decentralized sales systems transfer their data to the centralized Sales Information System. This causes information structures to be updated in the Sales Information System. The data in the sales systems can then be aggregated in the centralized system. The following logical message types are available for the distribution of data: SISCSO (sales order),SISDEL (delivery) and SISINV (invoice) with the relavant IDoc types SISCSO01, SISDEL01 and SISINV01. Note This step supports only the distribution of statistical data. Document data cannot be distributed using this method. Instead, the appropriate ALE scenario in must be used in the application concerned. All other information that you need for setting this scenario can be found in the corresponding documentation in the Implementation Guide for Distribution (ALE). Copy Management You can use the Logistics Data Warehouse to tailor the Logistics Information System (LIS) to meet your requirements. The design of the information structures is instrumental for guaranteeing a high level of performance for updating and evaluations, as well as for ensuring that the statistical data is up-to-date and consistent. To achieve these goals, Copy Management offers the following options: o

reducing the system load by reducing the number of information structures to be updated


improving the evaluation performance by providing information structures with a high level of aggregation


enhancing statistical data with information that is not provided by the "normal" updating function


restructuring historical statistical data


simulating the effects of reorganizing data


preparing statistical data to satisfy special requirements (e.g. in accordance with planning requirements)


importing external statistical data to the LIS information structures

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distributing statistical data over one or more information structures


providing a simple process for copying statistical data


enabling specific statistical data to be targetted for deletion

Every run of the Copy Management function consists of three steps: 1.

Reading statistical data The statistical data is either read from a source information structure in LIS or from any other data sources that you choose. In order to read the latter data, you can use the function exit RMCAF000.


Adapting, enhancing and aggregating statistical data This step is divided up into two parts: a)

The period unit of the information structures is converted, i.e. the periods of the source information structure are automatically adapted to the periods of the target information structure, where the period unit in the source information structure has to be smaller or equal to the period in the target information structure. If, for example, the source information structure is updated on a daily basis, but the target information structure is updated on a monthly basis, then automatic conversion takes place and it is aggregated into monthly values. In some cases, it is not possible to clearly convert periods, e.g. when the source information structure is updated on a weekly basis, but the target information structure is updated on a monthly basis. In this case, the data for the entire week is added to the month which contains the last day of this week. If the automatic period conversion does not suit your specific requirements, you can always create your own period conversion program manually.


The system also offers the option of automatic aggregation, i.e. the contents of the fields (characteristics, key figures and units) with identical field names in the source and target information will be assigned to the target information structure from the source information structure. If the characteristics in the target information structure form part of the characteristics in the source information structure, i.e. if the target information structure has a higher level of aggregation than the source information structure, this automatic assignment will result in a logical aggregation from the source information structure to the target information structure. In addition, Copy Management also provides a function for automatic data enhancement. Automatic data enhancement enables you to adapt statistical data from master data and to enhance statistical data with additional master data. When using automatic data enhancement you can identify, for example, the current division for a material or the current MRP controller for a plant and material, and thus adapt the statistical data on the basis of these current allocations. If you want to make use of automatic data enhancement, proceed as follows: Start from the initial screen of Copy Management or from the work table, and select Goto -> Automatic data enhancement. If you have not yet fixed any methods for automatic data enhancement, select the function Edit -> New entries. Define both the source and target information structure. Source and target information structure can be identical. If you want to select an entry from the overview of the methods for automatic data enhancement

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that already exist, mark it and select Source field allocations. Here, you can specify, for the fields of the target information structure, those fields that are to be defined from the master data that is read. In the fields source table and source field, you define the place where the system reads the required allocation. If the current division, for example, is to be read from the material master, you must specify MARA as the source table and SPART as the source field. Caution For the system to read the source table, all of the key fields of the specified source table must be able to be supplied from fields of the source information structure. For this reason, the system tries to make the following allocations: If there are fields with the same name in the source information structure and in the source table, they will be allocated. In a further step, the system tries to make allocations by using the same data elements. Finally, the system tries to make allocations by using the same domains. F4 Help provides all the tables which satisfy this condition. You can perform complex transformations of statistical data by using methods. You can branch to methods maintenance of Copy Management as follows: o

from the initial screen of Copy Management via the function Goto -> Methods maintenance


from the work table of Copy Management also via Goto -> Methods maintenance

The procedure for this is described in Methods maintenance. 3.

Writing altered data to an LIS information structure The generated data records are automatically written to the target information structure. Key figures that can be cumulated (floating decimals, whole figures, packed numbers), which are indicated as such in the information structure definition, are added and then aggregated to values that already exist. The summation indicator is set for cumulative key figures in the information structure display. All other key figures are updated by data transport, which overwrites values that already exist. In addition to these standard procedures, the behavior of the key figures in Copy Management can be manipulated such that they can be aggregated, replaced, initialized (deleted) or excluded (not changed). If the source and target information structure as well as the source and target versions are identical, the source data is deleted and replaced by the target data. In this case, the system assumes that the statistical data will be updated with the help of Copy Management (for example, adapting the data after the sales areas have been reorganized). You can set the parameters of each Copy Management run so that data in the source information structure can be changed. You can use this option to indicate those data records that have already been processed, for instance. It is also possible to set the parameters of a Copy Management run so that the system deletes those data records of the source information structure that have already been processed. Caution If you wish to change source data, then online updating must be switched off for the assigned source information structure, at least in the area that is processed by Copy Management.

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Technical information Source data is changed as follows: If you have changed a data record, this data record will be deleted from the source table and then added to the source information structure in its altered form via MODIFY. Caution If you use a method to change key fields of the source information structure, then a data record that already exists under this key will be overwritten by the changed data record. Activities 1.

Specify the name of the source information structure.


Press Enter to reach the work table.


Specify the name of the variant for the Copy Management run. You can use the pushbutton Maintain to branch to function selection.


In the function selection of LIS Copy Management you define the settings for the further processing of the Copy Management run. In doing so, you select:


Data source




Info structure The source data originates from an information structure from the Logistics Information System.


@48@External Data External data is all data that is not saved in the LIS information structures. This includes all data in the tables of the R/3 System, as well as data read from a file. The functional enhancement RMCAF000 is used for reading external data. To use this enhancement, you need to have created and activated a project.

Data target -

@0S@Info structure The data is written to an information structure in the Logistics Information System.


@49@Update Data is transferred to the LIS inbound interface which consequently leads to the updating of the Logistics Information Structure. To use this functionality, you must already have generated an LIS inbound interface to the source information structure, which defines update rules and activates the update. The functionality cannot be used for the information structures "S032" and "S035".

Data processing type -

@2U@Copy data Data from the source information structure is written to the target information structure, depending on the method used.


@0Z@Change source data The function copy and change source data has the effect that source data can be changed while being copied to an information structure using a method. As a result, they are updated in the

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database. This function can only be used if you selected the function copy data.



@18@Delete source data The function copy and delete source data has the effect that source data is deleted after it is copied to the target info structure. This function can only be used if you selected the function copy data.


@37@Change data This function only allows you to change the key figure values of the source information structure; this can considerably speed up the data conversion. The data source and target must be identical for this option. Any changes to characteristic values made using a method are ignored, which means that the the set of data changed in this manner is not updated. If a method produces more than one target data record, these data records will not be updated. This functionality is only available in the update mode.


@11@Delete data Only the selected data from the source information structure is deleted; no data is copied. Within the expert mode there is the option Initial data records only , with which only those data records with initial key figure values are deleted.

Processing mode -

@5W@User mode Functionality for copying, changing, and deleting data is offered in the user mode. The function Change data cannot be selected in the user mode.


@6C@Expert mode The expert mode offers additional functionality for data processing (key figure parameters, Delete only initial data records) and for performance improvement (Change data, Delete/set up indexes,Initialize target structures, Parallel mode), as well as for the general control of the program flow(Data packet size, Lock info structure/version). You make the selection by clicking the relevant button, although only certain combinations are possible, which are indicated using status icons. Based on the settings made here, the selection screen that appears when you release data shows only the combination of fields possible. The default setting is the "normal" copying of data from a source info structure to a target info structure in the user mode. Four different status icons can be displayed in the selection screen. The icons have the following meanings: @01@Function is selected @5B@Function can be selected without current settings being changed @5C@Function can be selected, but current settings are changed @02@Function cannot be selected


Choose Enter to reach the selection screen.


Here, you define the following parameters: Data source -

Source info structure This is where you specify the name of the information structure which contains the data you want to process using Copy Management.

Source Version This is where you specify the number of the version in the source information structure.

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Restrictions Here you can select the data of the source information structure that is to be read by using its characteristics, period units, and key figures similar to periods.


Selection parameters Data packet size This parameter is only available in the expert mode. The setting Data packet size indicates how many data records within a database LUW are read from the database table of the source information structure in order to be further processed in Copy Management. The standard (default setting) is: 1000 in user mode, 10000 in the expert mode, and 50000 when reading external data. Sorted reading When you set this indicator, reading is sorted according to the primary key of the source table (source info structure). Sorted reading is a prerequisite for continuing a cancelled Copy Management run, and can be necessary for the process of self-defined methods.


LIS External Data This includes:


Data via SAP Enhancement If you set this indicator, the system does not read the source information structure to determine the source data, but uses the functional enhancement RMCAF000 instead. Note If you use the SAP enhancement RMCAF000 to determine the source data, the options found under Edit are not possible and are therefore deactivated when you press enter. File path Control indicator Can be freely used in the SAP enhancement RMCAF000.


Processing The data processing chosen in the function selection is displayed: Change source data when copying (Change source data in the function selection) Delete source data after copying (Delete source data in the function selection) Change only selected data (Change data in the function selection) Delete only selected data (Delete data in the function selection) Select and delete only initial data records This indicator is only available in Expert mode and Delete data were selected in the function selection. If this indicator is set, the only data records selected and deleted are those in which all key figures are populated with the relevant initial values, which means they are either blank or = 0. From a technical point of view, they are selected using the condition 'WHERE field_x = SPACE OR field_x IS NULL'

Additional logic expert mode -

Delete/set up indexes If this indicator is set, any secondary indexes in the target info structure are deleted before copying takes place. They are then set up once copying is completed. If the indicator is set together with the

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function Delete data, the secondary indexes of the source info structure are deleted before the data is deleted. They are then set up again once deletion is complete. This improves performance.



Block Structure/Version This parameter is only available in the expert mode, but not if the data source is external to LIS and the the target of the data is the release to the update. This parameter is used to set a write protection (lock mode "E") in the source and/or target table (at the level of the information structure or version), which means that the data is blocked during the Copy run and can only be read or processed by Copy Management. The following values can be selected: 0 -- Block (information structure/version) no tables 1 -- Block (information structure/version) source table 2 -- Block (information structure/version) target table 3 -- Block (information structure/version) source and target table


Parallel mode: This parameter is only available if Expert mode and Copy data were selected in the function selection. When copying statistical data, if both the source and target information structure, and the source and target version are identical, Copy Management uses a temporary version internally. In order to execute multiple jobs in parallel, they must have a different "parallel mode" indicator (letter or number). The indicator "Parallel mode" is only useful if both the source and target information structure and version are identical when copying. Note Because source data is to be changed, the online update must remain in at least one are which is processed by Copy Management. Furthermore, the different parallel Copy Management jobs must be selected so that independent data areas are processed, for example by different periods.

Data target -

Target info structure: Here you specify the name of the information structure to which the data to be processed using Copy Management should be written. Target and source information structures can be identical.


Target version Here you specify the number of the version in the information structure to which the data is to be written after it has been processed by Copy Management. If source and target information structures are identical, then the source and target versions can also be identical. Transformation No Copy Method (default) -

Self-defined method If you wish to use a method that you have designed yourself, you need to enter the name of this method in the Copy method field and also mark this field.


Automatic data enhancement If you wish to use a method with automatic data enhancement, you need to enter the name of this method in the Copy method field and also mark this field. You can find a description of this functionality in this chapter under 2b.


SAP standard method At present, SAP provides methods for the Sales Information System (SIS) and the Retail Information System (RIS).

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You can display these methods from the work table: Goto -> SAP Methods. If you wish to use one of these methods, you need to both specify the name of the method in the field Copy method and mark this field. -

Copy method This is where you specify the name of the method for transforming the data, if necessary.


Processing Key figure This parameter is only available in the expert mode. In the parameter settings for key figure processing, you can define the rules according to which the key figures of the target information structure are processed during the Copy Management run. The processing types that can be set are: @3Z@Total The contents of the field are added to the relevant field in the database. This is a default setting for all key figures of type F (floating point number, Float), I (whole number, Integer), N (numeric text) and P (packed number, Packed), for which the totals indicator is set in the definition of the information structure. This processing type is not available for key figures of other types. @7X@Replace The contents of the field replace the field in the database table. This is a default setting for all key figures of types other than F, I, N and P, and all fields of these types, for which the totals indicator was not set in the definition of the information structure. @84@Exclude This field is excluded from processing during a Copy Management run so that the content of the relevant database field cannot be changed. @5C@Delete The content of the database table field is deleted (in other words, reset to the initial value). The first time the selection screen "Key figure processing" is called, the default settings are copied from the information structure definition. The setting Total is made for the 'FINP' key figures with the totals indicator, and Replace is set for all other key figures. The options that appear in the application toolbar have the following effect: @2L@Save All settings that differ from the aforementioned default settings are saved. Copying based on these settings will begin immediately. @42@Initialization The settings in the selection screen are reset to their orginal status which means they are reset to the default and other settings. @11@Delete All rules that differ from the default settings are deleted. The rules from the definition of the information structure apply again for copying, with immediate effect. Do not copy initial records If the indicator 'Do not copy initial data records' is set, the only data records in the target information structure that are copied are those in which at least one of the key figures is not initial (usually not equal to 0, or not blank). From a technical point of view, the condition 'IF NOT field_x IS INITIAL' is used for copying. Note

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When choosing an option, bear in mind that initial key figures can also be relevant to statistics. -

Initialize target version If you set this indicator, the values in the target version of the target information structure are initialized before copying takes place. Initialize target structure This indicator is only available if Delete data was selected in the expert mode, and should always be used together with Delete/set up indexes. If you set this indicator, the structure of the target table in the database is removed and set up again. This removes all the data in the target information structure. Attention All data in the information structure in the system is deleted, in all clients!


No automatic period conversion If you set this indicator, the system does not carry out any automatic period conversion. In this case, you need to perform the period conversion in the method you are using. This period conversion is not checked by the system.

Follow-up processing -

Mail to user If you want to send a mail to a user after the Copy Management run has ended, enter the name of the user here.


Transfer to distribution list The information about Copy Management is transferred to the distribution list that you specify here.


Save the variant (Edit -> Attribute, Maintain meaning and Save).


Fix the print parameters. This setting determines whether and in what way WRITE statements from methods maintenance appear (e.g. to display errors).


Define the start date values for the Copy Management run.

10. Plan the Copy Management via CM run -> Schedule job. Additional Functions in the Work Table o

To use Copy Management to transfer statistical data to the update, you must first create the LIS inbound interfaces using Environment -> LIS interface.


You reach the update rules maintenance via Environment-> LIS interface -> Update definition.


The Copy Management run can also be executed directly. You reach the function selection via CM run -> Execute where activities 5-7 should be carried out. Execute the Copy Management run directly or in the background. Do not create any variants. If you wish to create a variant for a job, proceed as described above.


You can use the function Environment -> Job overview to monitor the background processing.


You can use the function Environment -> Display log to display the most important data for

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completed Copy Management runs. Restart logic is only used for terminated Copy Management runs if: -

The Copy Management run was started using a variant (indirectly) and

Source data is read sorted by the primary index. If these prerequisites are met, the restart logic is supported in two ways, depending on the parameters and processing progress of the job. These two types of support are: -

@0J@Create method reference In this case, it is not possible to support restart logic, because no program variant can be created from the last data record to have been processed. Using the method reference created here, a self-defined method can be created, with which the terminated job can be restarted. During processing, this method "filters" out the data records that have already been processed (the filter can be described as: "anything smaller than the data record key will not be processed"). In doing so, all data records are first read again, including those already processed. For the sake of performance, you should check if the data records that have definitely already been processed can be excluded using manual entries in the selection options.


@0R@Create program variant In this case, it is possible to provide the program variant(s) with the relevant selection options. If you click on the icon in front of the text, the selection screen of the program RMCAnnn5 (nnn = numbers from the source information structure) appears with the selection options/parameters already populated. These settings should be saved as a variant, and the variant can be scheduled in Copy Management. Note If a job in which only data is to be deleted terminates, you must create just one program variant (in the detailed overview, a row "Create program variant" is displayed). If a job terminates, in which more than just deletion was to take place, generally two program variants must be created (the row "Create 1./2. program variants" is shown).

Further notes The Copy Management functionality and that of the LIS inbound interface overlap in certain respects. When faced with the choice as to which tool is the more suitable, SAP recommends that you use Copy Management instead of the LIS inbound interface in the following cases: o

once-only data transfer


data enhancement


when using data elements similar to those of SAP

The above is merely a suggestion. The final decision as to which tool you should use obviously depends on your specific requirements.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Methods Maintenance You can carry out complex statistical data transformations by using methods. To reach methods maintenance in Copy Management, proceed as follows: o

Start from the initial screen in Copy Management and select: Goto -> Methods maintenance


You can also select Goto -> Methods maintenance from the Copy Management work table.

A method consists of management information and an ABAP/4 FORM routine. Complex transformations are carried out in the FORM routine (e.g. data enhancement; updating in accordance with the master data). If methods had already been created, a list appears first which contains all existing methods. From this list you can select and maintain a method. The source information structure (and target info structure) must, however, be compatible with the method you choose. If no methods have been created yet, you branch directly into the detail screen of methods maintenance. You need to make the following specifications in the detailed screen: o

Name of the method


Description of the method


Name of the source information structure


Name of the target information structure


Name of the program, in which the FORM routine was created for the transformation


Name of the FORM routine that carries out the transformation

By double-clicking on the field Program or FORM routine, you branch into the editor for maintaining the program, as long as the program has already been created. If you have not yet created the program, a popup appears when you double-click on the Program field and asks you to create the program. The program is usually created without TOP_INCLUDE. When you maintain the program attributes, you need to enter "subroutine" as the type. SAP provides several transformation scenarios in the work table to support and facilitate the creation of methods. Each scenario consists of both a detailed business description (documentation) and one or more reference methods which the system automatically adapts to the information structure that you have chosen, copies to the clipboard, so that they can then be used when you create a method. Caution Automatic adaption to the source and target information structures only takes place if you call up a reference method via the pushbutton Copy from. You can also call up a reference method from the documentation that is assigned to it. Here, however, the system cannot perform automatic adaption. Technical information The FORM routine must have the following interface:

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FORM DEMO_SAP TABLES OUTPUT STRUCTURE S$$$ CHANGING INPUT STRUCTURE Sxxx RETURNCODE. Sxxx indicates the table for the source information structure (e.g. S001, S501); S$$$ indicates the table for the target information structure. If you set the variable RETURNCODE = 0, the data record will be written into the target information structure. If you set the variable RETURNCODE 0, no update will take place because an error has occurred while reading supplementary information, for example. Note The system proposes the interface for a method under "General scenario". Reset Generation Time Stamp In this IMG activity, you can mark the tools which are required for a regeneration in the Logistics Information system. They are as follows: o



Planning tools -





Programs for background planning

Tools to edit statistical data -

Archiving programs


Reorganization programs

Tools to evaluate statistical data -

Standard analyses


Flexible analyses

This functionality causes the object types which you have selected in this activity to be automatically regenerated when accessed again. Note If you want to execute this program as a background job, you must specify a variant. Activities 1.

Mark the object types that are to be regenerated.

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Save your entries.


Select Program -> Execute. Execute Mass Generation In this IMG activity, you can generate information structures and updating in larger quantities at the same time. In contrast to the option of marking a regeneration, generation takes place immediately in mass generation. This means that you do not have to wait until the next time you access the function. In addition, you are able to generate not only dependent elements such as standard analyses and planning programs, but also database tables for the information structures. When you use mass generation for information structures, it is possible to further restrict the selection of information structures, so that information structures are first generated in accordance with those versions that already exist in edited form, and on the other hand, that only the already generated versions are regenerated, which means that edited versions are not included. It is also possible to make further distinctions in the mass generation, by selecting database tables which belong to the designated information structures for generation, or by choosing components that are dependent upon the information structures (for example evaluation structures, planning screens). Mass generation of updating is dependent on the information structure and the update group. Note If you want to execute this program as a background job, you need to specify a variant. Recommendation SAP recommends that you carefully determine the selection requirements or execute the program as background job. Activities 1.


If you want to generate information structures, proceed as follows: a)

In the fields from and to, specify the interval limits of the information structures you want to select.


Mark the selection options in accordance with your requirements.

If you want to generate updates, proceed as follows: a)

In the fields from and to, specify the interval limits of the information structures you want to select.


In the fields from and to, specify the interval limits forthe update groups you want to select.


Save your entries.


Select Program -> Execute.

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1.27.5 Functional Enhancements You can use this section to make Function Enhancements that may be useful for Merchandise and Assortment Planning. Functional Enhancements - Logistics Data Warehouse In the following work steps, you can process the function exits, which SAP has made available in the Logistics Data Warehouse section. Read external data: Copy Management Each run of the Copy Management is carried out in three steps. In the first step, statistical data is written in the information structures of the Logistics Information System (LIS). If these statistical data cannot be read from an LIS source information structure, but instead must be read from other desired (external) data sources, use the SAP enhancement RMCAF000. Perform statistical update: SIS - sales documents The following SAP enhancements are available for the Sales Information System: o

MCS10001 for sales documents


MCS50001 for deliveries


MCS60001 for billing documents


MCV20001 for the inclusion of own fields for the statistics


update from sales support documents You can find further information under Statistics update from Sales support documents.


V43MLIS for the inclusion of own fields for the statistics update from address lists in sales support. You can find further information under Statistics update from addresses. Perform statistical setup: TIS - transport documents The SAP enhancement MCST0001 is available for the Transportation Information System (TIS).

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Perform statistical update: PURCHIS - purchasing documents Use the SAP enhancement LEINS001 for the Purchasing Information System. Perform statistical update: INVCO In Inventory Controlling, the follwoing SAP enhancements are available: o

MCB10001 for material movements and stock


MCBR0001 for invoice verification and valuation Perform statistical update: PP-IS - production orders Use the SAP enhancement MCF20001 for the Shop Floor Information System. Functional Enhancements - Planning Use this section to make function enhancements for Planning. Authorizations SAP enhancement WISPL001 is available for this purpose. You can manage the authorization that you created in step 2. For more information, see Details. Cell manipulation in planning layouts SAP enhancement WISPL002 is available for this. Additional planning key figures SAP enhancement WISPL003 is available for this purpose.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Change Function for Retail Promotions SAP enhancement WISPL004 is available for doing this. Editing a New Promotion SAP enhancement WISPL005 is available for doing this. Editing a New Allocation Table SAP enhancement WISPL006 is available for doing this. Running a Menu Function in Planning Program SAP enhancement WISPL007 is available for doing this. Functional Enhancements - Reporting In the following work steps, you can process the function exits, which SAP has made available in the Reporting section. Determine characteristic texts The SAP enhancement RMCSTEXT gives you the opportunity to determine texts to characteristic values that were not taken into account in the SAP standard (for example, characteristics which you have defined). It also enables you to override existing SAP texts. This enhancement is automatically called if no text can be found for a characteristic value in an evaluation of an analysis. Note The SAP enhancement RMCSTEXT affects the standard analyses, as well as the flexible analyses. Yet there are restrictions for the flexible analyses which are described in the SAP enhancement documentation.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Perform authorization check: standard analyses In the standard analyses of the Logistics Information System, it is possible to carry out authorization checks on the characteristic values level. You can thereby prevent colleagues of an organizational unit (for example, purchasing organization, plant, sales organization) from getting a display of key figures from external organizational units. Since the information structures and thus the claims on the authorization check differ greatly, you can also call up a form routine developed by you, in which you can carry out authorization checks according to your needs, in addition to the standard SAP authorization checks. If you do not want to use the standard SAP authorization checks because you want to use your own authorization objects, for example, you can override the standard authorization checks. SAP offers authorization checks for the following domains: Domains Authorization object DISPO MRP controller M_IS_DISPO EKGRP Purchasing group M_IS_EKGRP EKORG Purchasing organization M_IS_EKORG SPART Division M_IS_SPART VKBUR Sales office M_IS_VKBUR VKORG Sales organization M_IS_VKORG VTWEG Distribution channel M_IS_VTWEG WERKS Plant M_IS_WERKS The fields that the authorization objects use are information structure and characteristic. Set authorizations and profiles to these authorization objects. The SAP enhancement belonging to it is MCR00001. Note This functions exit replaces the program ZMCREPAU as of 3.0C, with which you could create your own authorization checks. But it is still possible to integrate the authorization checks, which you created with program ZMCREPAU, into the functions exit MCR00001. Display key figures: standard analyses Use the SAP enhancement MCR00002 for the standard analyses.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Process external hierarchies: standard analyses The SAP enhancement BRSTEX01 is available for self-defined hierarchies within the scope of the standard analyses. Functional Enhancements - Early Warning System The following steps make it possible for you to process the function exits that are available in the Early Warning System. Further Notes Look under the Winhelp documentation in the Logistics Information System (LIS) in the R/3 Library under 'General Logistics' where the Early Warning System is described in detail within each component. Define exceptions for certain characteristic values You can define exceptions that indicate exceptional situations in standard analyses in the Early Warning System of the Logistics Information System (LIS). In the exception definition, you can determine that an exception is only valid for a certain characteristic value (for example, not for all sales organizations, but rather only for the sales organization 0001). By using the SAP enhancement MCYA0001 you can dynamically determine these characteristic values. Further Notes Also refer to the WinHelp document "Selecting characteristics and saving characteristic values" under "Early Warning System -> Exceptions -> Creating an exception". Add texts to fax symbols In the Early Warning System of the Logistics Information System you can define exceptions that point out exceptional situations in standard analyses. Additionally, you will also be able to send a list of the exceptional situations as a fax. If you use a self-defined fax layout with symbols, you can provide these symbols with texts by using the SAP enhancement MCYA0002. Further Notes To do this, refer to the WinHelp document "Follow-up processing for determining an exception" under "Early Warning System -> Exceptions -> Create exception".

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1.28 Agency Business In this section you make the settings required for vendor billing documents.

1.28.1 Basic Settings In this step, you make the basic settings for agency business. Number Ranges In this step you define the number intervals for number ranges for vendor billing documents. When you create a billing document, the system issues a unique number identifying the billing document or group. This number comes from the number range defined for the billing document type. Numbers are only assigned internally for billing documents, i.e. the SAP system automatically assigns a consecutive number from a pre-defined range of numbers. Transport You transport number range objects as follows: In the initial screen, choose Interval -> Transport. Note that all intervals for the selected number range object are deleted in the target system first. After the import, only the intervals you export are present. The number statuses are imported with their values at the time of export. Dependent tables are not transported or converted. Activities 1.


To define a number range, you must create a new number interval: -

Enter an alphanumeric key of up to 2 characters.


Enter the limit of the number interval. The individual number intervals are not allowed to overlap. Each number can only appear once.

Enter the number range key for the billing document types.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Copying control In this step you determine how document flow is controlled for vendor billing documents. For every billing document type, you enter which billing document type reference documents can have that are copied. For each copy transaction, you must maintain data on a details screen controlling how data is transferred and values updates in document flow. Activities 1.

Check the document flow contained in the SAP standard configuration.


Determine the extent to which you must change the settings contained in the standard configuration to meet your requirements.


Define the document flow for billing documents referencing billing documents.


Define the document flow for billing documents referencing arrangements.


Define the document flow for billing documents referencing preceding documents. Note

Copy control must be maintained for reversal document. Reversal documents cannot, however, be influenced by the original document in terms of data transferred and values updated. Maintain Price Change Group In this step, you define the price change groups that define the table fields that, if changed, mean that a new price determination is required. You have the following options: o

You change an existing price change group


You copy an existing price change group and change this to meet your requirements

You must make/check the following entries: 1.

Table name


Field name Configuration: Texts In this step, you define text determination.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Blocking Reasons In this step you define the blocking reasons possible for billing documents. Blocking reasons are currently not used in the application. Transaction Reasons In this step you create the reasons you want to use in billing document processing. o

Enter an alphanumeric key of up to four characters for the billing reason.


Give the key a text that describes it.

If you want a default reason in your documents, you can maintain a default value in the billing document type. This can be changed at any time when you are processing the individual documents. The transaction billing reason appears for information in the accounting documents, so that accounting staff can always see why the document has to be created.

Example When a document is cancelled, you want to enter a reason for the cancellation in the document. You would therefore maintain a reason corresponding to the case in hand and enter a description. You then assign the reason to the reversal billing document type. The system will then suggest this reason when a reversal document is created and also pass it on as information to the accounting document. Message Control by User In this menu option, you can make the settings for displaying selected system messages according to your requirements. You can o

define the message type (error, warning, message in footer, message in window)


completely switch off a message

In the "Dialog" column, you can define the message type for the following processing types: o



Background processing


In the dialog (open) of processed batch input

You can define the message type for batch input processed in the background in the "BatchI" column. You can make these settings for all or individual users.

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Activities 1.

Enter application area "WS". Choose "Exit" to close the window.


Choose Edit -> New entries


Enter the following data: -

Message number Note that only selected messages in an application area are changeable.


User name If you enter a name here, your settings apply to that particular user. If you do not enter a name here, the settings apply for all the users in the client.


Message type Enter the required message type.


Save your entries. The related message text is included automatically.

Notes on transport You can transport settings for message control manually. To do this, choose "Table view -> Transport". Assign Company Code to Plant In this step, you assign a plant to a company code for subsequent settlement. If document items without a reference to a plant are processed in agency business (settlement requests and vendor billing documents), you must make this assignment, as business volume cannot be updated without a plant. Settlement accounting for the whole company code is not possible without this assignment, as the company code for the plants concerned is used. If you use agency documents without plant references, you may have to enter a suitable plant for each company code. Maintain Bar Code Entry In this step, you make the settings for bar code entry. o

For document type:

In this step, you define the document types. Activities 1.

Perform the function. You go to a list of all document types.

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In change mode, choose Edit -> New entries.


Enter the:



Document type


Long description


Document category


Status The status flag determines whether a document appears in the Business Document Navigator as a standard document (status flag is selected) or not (status flag is not selected).

Choose Table view -> Save. Further Notes

Take account of the naming conventions. Names Y* and Z* are defined for new names. o

For link to archive:

In this step, you define the links for the storage of documents in the optical archive. For a detailed description of the process, see Basis Services / SAP ArchiveLink / Basic Settings / Maintain Links in the IMG. Requirements An (optical) archive exists. The archive link for the outbound document currently exists for transmission medium printing but not faxing. Activities Also make the settings for the following business objects: -









BUS2126002 Define Price Determination Process net price or effective price The following steps describe how the price determination process is controlled. Before you set up the price determination facility in the SAP System, you should do the following: o

Check the dependencies under which prices, discounts, and surcharges are arrived at.

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For example, determine whether different conditions apply to individual material groups and the basis on which surcharges and discounts are calculated. o

Then bring your pricing dependencies into line with the criteria for price determination in the SAP System.


After this, work through the following sections.

Note For further information on this topic, please refer to the documentation "SD Pricing and Condition Technique". Define Access Sequences In this step you define access sequences. An access sequence is a search strategy with the aid of which the SAP System searches for valid condition records of a certain condition type. For example, you can stipulate for a price that the SAP System first searches for a price for a specific plant, and then for a generally applicable price. For condition types for which you wish to maintain conditions with their own validity period, you must assign an access sequence. With this, you define which fields the SAP System checks in searching for a valid condition record. Example: An access sequence has been assigned to condition type PB00 so that prices can be maintained in purchasing info records and contracts. No access sequence has been assigned to condition type RC00 because it does not have a validity period of its own. In the standard system, it is always maintained simultaneously with the price and is valid for the period of the price. SAP recommendation If you define your own access sequences, the key should begin with the letter Z, as SAP keeps these name slots free in the standard system. You should not change the access sequences that are included in the standard SAP system. Actions 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the condition types and access sequences that are included in the standard system.


Create new access sequences by copying and changing similar existing ones. In doing so, enter an alphanumeric key, which can have a maximum of 4 characters, and a descriptive text.


Maintain the accesses for the access sequence by specifying the condition tables in the desired sequence.

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The sequence indicates the order of priority of the accesses. You can display and choose the defined combinations of key fields using the "possible entries" facility. Define Condition Types In this step you define condition types. The condition types are used to represent pricing elements such as prices, discounts, surcharges, taxes, or delivery costs in the SAP System. These are stored in the system in condition records. You also have the option of entering conditions requiring subsequent (end-of-period rebate) settlement. A separate topic "Subsequent Settlement" in the Purchasing IMG covers this functionality. For condition types for which you wish to maintain conditions with their own validity period, you must specify an access sequence. In this way, you stipulate the fields the SAP System is to check in its search for a valid condition record. Example: An access sequence has been assigned to condition type PB00 so that prices can be maintained in purchasing info records and contracts. No access sequence has been assigned to condition type RC00 because it does not have a validity period of its own. In the standard system, it is always maintained simultaneously with the price and is valid for the period of the price. Note In a price calculation schema (which may also be termed a "pricing procedure"), you collect together all the condition types that are automatically to be taken into account by the SAP System in the process of price determination with regard to a business transaction. Note that you can only also enter manually the condition types that are contained in the calculation schema. You can alter the result of the price determination process in the purchasing document manually. You can limit the change options for a condition type in this step. SAP recommendation If you define your own condition types, the key should begin with the letter Z, as SAP keeps these name slots free in the standard system. You should not change the condition types that are included in the standard SAP System supplied. Actions 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the condition types that are included in the standard SAP system supplied.


Create new access sequences by copying and changing similar existing ones. In doing so, you must specify the following:

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enter an alphanumeric key (which can have a maximum of 4 characters) for the condition type, together with a descriptive text.


Specify an access sequence for the condition types. (For header conditions, you need not specify an access sequence.)

Maintain the detail screen for the condition type.

Note: To improve performance, you can optimize the accesses for a condition type. In searching for condition records, the SAP System will then initially check the header fields in the document only. Define Limits In this step, you can define upper and lower limits for the value of a condition. In this way, you restrict the amounts or scale values in the relevant contition records. The limits are defined at the level of the condition type. Actions Maintain the desired limits. Define Exclusion Indicators In this step, you can set exclusion indicators for condition types. The exclusion indicator prevents the use of too many condition types in the price determination process. In the standard system, it determines that either the automatic or the manual price is applied, but not both. Note: To be able to use the exclusion indicator, you must first maintain a requirement in the step Define Calculation Schema. Define Calculation Schema In this step, you define the calculation schemas. In the MM area, a calculation schema - a framework of steps used to calculate or determine something - is used among other things to calculate costs, prices, period-end rebates, and taxes. Note This concept is referred to in the Sales and Distribution (SD) area as a pricing procedure. In the calculation schema (pricing procedure), you specify which condition types are to be taken into account in which sequence.

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In the price (or cost) determination process, the SAP System automatically determines which calculation schema is valid for a business transaction and takes into account, one after another, the condition types it contains. Standard settings The following calculation schemas are predefined in the standard system. You should not change these schemas. RM0000 and RM1000 Control the price determination process in POs, quotations, and scheduling agreements. Both calculation schemas require 2 condition types for the gross price: one for automatic price determination (standard: PB00) and one for manual maintenance (standard: PBXX). RM0001 and RM1001 Determine which condition types you can enter in purchasing document headers with time-dependent conditions (e.g. contracts). RM0002, RM1002 Determine which additional condition types you can enter in purchasing document items with time-dependent conditions or in the purchasing info record. RMMP00 Defines the condition type for determining the market price which can be entered for each material. RM2000 Controls the delivery cost determination process in stock transport orders and stock transport scheduling agreements. Note In the calculation schemas RM0000, RM1000, RM0001, and RM1001, the field "Subtotal" must contain the following values in the following lines: Gross value:


Effective value: S If the interim total 'S' is not set, the PO values cannot be updated in the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS). Actions 1.

Check to what extent you can use the calculation schemas provided in the standard SAP System.


Create new calculation schemas by copying similar existing ones and changing them.

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Enter a key (length max. six characters) for the schema you wish to create, and a descriptive text.


For each schema, specify the condition types in the order of their usage, and maintain the relevant data. Define Schema Group In this step, you define schema groups. These allow you to group together purchasing organizations that use the same calculation schema. You can also use them to group together vendors for whom the same calculation schema is valid. (Note: calculation schemas may also be referred to as "pricing procedures".) For example, you can define one schema group that uses a simple calculation schema with just a price and a discount, and another that works with a more complex schema containing a large number of conditions. Example: Define a schema group that uses a simple calculation schema with only one price and a discount, and a schema group that works with a more complex schema containing a large number of conditions.

Activities In this step, you can: o

Define schema groups for purchasing organizations and vendors


Assign schema groups to your purchasing organizations

Note: You assign vendors to schema groups in the relevant vendor master records. Document Schema (Billing Document Type Grouping) For each transaction, you can define whether the system should determine different calculation schemas for different business transactions.

Example For a specific purchasing organization and vendor, you want the system to determine different conditions and thus different condition schemas for different business transactions (such as credit memo creation or invoice creation). To do so, you assign different document schemas to the vendor billing document types of the category "invoice" and "credit memo".

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Calculation Schema Determination In this step you assign calculation schemas to different transactions, in conjunction with: o

purchasing organizations




vendor billing document types

In a calculation schema, you define which condition types the system should take into account in which order. In Pricing, the system automatically determines which calculation schema is valid for a business transaction and takes the condition types in the schema into account in the order specified. In the area of Pricing, calculation schemas are often referred to as "pricing procedures". The schema (or pricing procedure) determined by the system depends on the following factors: o

schema group defined for the purchasing organization


schema group defined for the vendor


document schema defined for the vendor billing document type

Schema groups combine certain purchasing organizations that use the same calculation schema. You can also combine vendors and vendor billing document types to form groups (vendor schema group or document schema). For schema determination you assign the calculation schema to a combination of the purchasing organization schema group, the vendor schema group and the document schema. Define Transaction/Event Keys In this step, you define transaction/event keys for condition types involving provisions. To enable the system to find the relevant account for provisions (for accrued delivery costs or miscellaneous provisions, for example), you must assign a transaction/event (internal processing) key to each condition type that is relevant to provisions in the step Define Calculation Schema. If purchase account management is active within a company code, you must specify the transaction/event key in the field 'AccKy'. If not, you make this specification in the field 'Provis.'. Via "Transaction/Event Key Usage" and "Usage of Transaction Key in Purchase Account Management", you can determine the calculation schemas in which these keys are used. SAP recommendation Use the transaction/event keys supplied with the standard system, since any new ones must first be set up within the account determination facility. For more on this topic, please refer to Configure Automatic Postings under Materials Management -> Valuation and Account Assignment. If you define your own calculation schemas, the key should begin with either the letter Z or the digit 9, since SAP keeps these name slots free in the standard system supplied.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Define Condition Exclusion

In this step, you define the condition exclusion process. If several condition records are valid in the price determination process, you must define rules stipulating which conditions are selected and which are disregarded. To do this, use the condition exclusion mechanism. The exclusion of condition records is controlled via exclusion groups. An exclusion group is a list of condition types that are compared with each other during the price determination process. The result may be the exclusion of a whole group of conditions or the exclusion of individual conditions within a group. The result of the price determination process can thus be influenced with regard to a desired criterion (for example, the lowest price) by the exclusion of certain condition types, whereas others are taken into account in this process. Example You can define a condition exclusion process that determines the most favorable price and excludes less favorable but fundamentally possible pricing results. The lowest price then overrides the condition type priorities that would have been dictated by the access sequence. In the calculation schema you define the procedure by which selection within or between the condition exclusion groups takes place. The following possibilities are available: o

Selection of the most favorable condition type within a condition exclusion group.


Selection of the most favorable condition record of a condition type if more valid condition records exist (for example, selection from different condition records of condition type PR00)


Selection of the most favorable of two condition exclusion groups (in this case, all condition types of the two groups are cumulated and the totals compared with each other)

The tables for the exclusion of conditions are supplied empty. You must therefore work through the following points if you wish to use the condition exclusion facility: o

Define condition exclusion groups


Assign condition types to condition exclusion groups


Enter condition exclusion groups in the calculation schema and define a procedure for the determination of the condition types to be excluded. Activities


Create a condition exclusion group by entering an alphanumeric key that is max. four characters long, together with a description.


Assign the condition types to a condition exclusion group. A condition exclusion group can contain any number of condition types.

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Enter the condition exclusion group in the calculation schema that you will be using for price (or cost) determination purposes.


In the process, note the sequence (consecutive numbers) in which the exclusion groups are to be processed. You can use two exclusion groups for condition exclusion purposes. In this case, you must choose procedure "C", which determines the lowest price between two exclusion groups. Maintain Condition Table In this step, you define the price dependencies. You can make prices, discounts and surcharges dependent on almost all the fields in a purchasing document. You define these dependencies with the aid of condition tables. In a condition table, you specify the combination of fields for which you can create condition records. SAP recommendation You should not change the condition tables that are included in the standard version of the SAP System. Actions 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the condition tables that are supplied with the standard SAP System. To do this, you can display these condition tables.


Before creating a new condition table, you should check whether the existing fields of the field catalog are sufficient for your requirements. If you wish to use a field for price determination which is not defined for this usage in the standard system, you must include it in the field catalog (see Extend Field Catalog for Condition Tables). You can only include fields that are included in table KOMG, KOMK or KOMP.


Create new condition tables. To do so, copy a similar condition table and proceed as follows: -

Enter the name of the table you wish to create. Note that you can only choose names between 501 and 999. If you make no entry, the system will automatically assign a consecutive number.


Specify whether you wish to create the table with or without a validity period.


Enter the type of condition table (for example, transparent table).


Enter a description for the condition table.


From the list of allowed fields that are included in the field catalog and which can be extended there, choose your desired fields for the condition table.

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Generate the new condition table.

Note: You can only maintain conditions for a new condition table if the condition table is used in an access sequence. Extend Field Catalog for Condition Tables In this step, you can extend the field catalog for condition tables to include fields that are not available for the purpose in the standard system. Example: Enter the field ZZEKGRP in the field catalog with the following specifications: o

Usage A (= price determination)


Application M


Field group 001 System Modifications If you have extended the field catalog to include your own fields, you must make the relevant fields available for accessing in the Purchasing transactions. This section describes how to proceed. Communication structures The following communication structures are relevant to pricing: -

KOMK (Price determination communication header)


KOMP (Price determination communication item)


KOMG (Allowed fields for condition structures) For technical reasons, the communication structure KOMG is used. This represents the total of KOMK and KOMP and contains all fields that can basically be used for price determination purposes. The inclusion of new fields in KOMK or KOMP automatically means that they are also included in KOMG.

INCLUDES Fields for price determination are contained in the following INCLUDES: -

Header data in KOMKAZ (INCLUDE in KOMK/KOMG)



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USER EXITS The new fields in the processing of purchasing documents are filled with the following USER EXITS: -

Extension of LMEKO001 with function module EXIT_SAPLMEKO_001 (for the header fields of table KOMK)


Extension of LMEKO002 with function module EXIT_SAPLMEKO_002 (for the item fields of table KOMP) You must activate the USER EXITS with transaction CMOD.

Example The example describes how to proceed in order to use the document field EKGRP (purchasing group) for price determination (in the standard system it is not defined for this purpose). 1.

First check whether there is a corresponding document field in the standard system. The purchasing group (= field EKGRP) is found in purchasing documents at header level.


Check whether a header or item field is involved. Field EKGRP is stored in table EKKO and is therefore a header field.


Include the field name ZZEKGRP in the communication structure KOMK (via the INCLUDE KOMKAZ) and assign the data element EKGRP to it. Note that new data fields must begin with the letters "ZZ" or "YY", because SAP keeps these name slots free in the standard system to protect them from being overwritten at the time of Release changeovers.


Activate the structure. This causes those structures in which this INCLUDE structure is integrated also to be generated.


Supply the new field in program ZXM06U14, which is used in the function module EXIT_SAPLMEKO_001, as follows: MOVE I_KOMK TO E_KOMK. MOVE I_EKKO-EKGRP TO E_KOMK-EKGRP.

1.28.2 Billing In this step, you make the Customizing settings for billing. Billing Document Types In this step you define the billing document types that model the different business transactions involved with vendor billing activities.

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You have the following options: o

You change an existing billing document type.


You copy an existing billing document type and change this to suit your requirements.


You create a new billing document type.

In this step you do not enter any information for the following functions: o



Account determination



These functions are addressed later in other steps. What this means, however, is that you only finish all the necessary activities for a billing document type once you have processed all the steps. In this step you make or check the following settings: o

Billing document type -

Enter an alphanumeric key of up to 4 figures for the billing document type.


Give the key a description to explain what it is.


Vendor billing document category Here you assign a specific business transaction a billing document type. This makes the billing document unique, i.e. a document can be uniquely identified as an invoice or as a reversal document. Enter an alphanumeric key. Press F4 to find out which keys you can enter.


Number assignment Enter a number range for number assignment. Billing documents can be assigned numbers internally by the system. If you want different billing document types to have the same number assignment, you must enter the same number range for these. The number ranges must already exist. For further information on this, see the step Number ranges, vendor billing document.


Item increment Here you must enter the increment for item number assignment.


Posting block Here you define whether a billing document with a particular billing document type is automatically blocked for transfer to Financial Accounting (FI). If you do, you must release the billing documents at a later point before they can be passed on to FI.


Cancellations/reversals Here you define which reversal billing document type is automatically suggested by the system when you want to cancel a billing document. You can only enter a reversal billing document type which already exists. You must also define copy rules (see the section on Copy control).

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SAP recommendation o

Check if you can use the billing document types contained in the standard SAP configuration.


If you define your own billing document types, start the key with the letter Z, as SAP keeps this name range free for customers.


Also, if you define your own billing document types, you should copy similar SAP billing document types and change them to suit yourself. Activities


If you only have to change existing billing document types slightly, change them directly. Slight changes would be the name or the number range. These are parameters that are not of a controlling character.


If you have to make more extensive changes, define new billing document types. This would allow you to define different account assignments for differnet billing document types. Standard settings

The standard system contains eight different billing document types: 0001 for invoices 0002 for credit memos 0003 for invoice reversals 0004 for credit memo reversals 0005 for remuneration lists 0006 for credit memo lists 0007 for reversal remuneration lists 0008 for reversal credit memo lists 0009 for settlement lists 0010 for posting lists Three billing document types have been created for special types of processing in agency business 1000 for agency business 1001 for agency business incidental costs 1002 for agency business reversal Four billing document types have been created for settlement of arrangements in Purchasing BM10 Rebate final settlement plant (final settlement at plant level) BM11 Rebate final settlement POrg (final settlement at purchasing organization level) BM30 Rebate settlement plant (partial settlement at plant level) BM31 Rebate settlement POrg (partial settlement at purchasing organization level)

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Billing Type to Remuneration List Type Remuneration lists are used to group together existing billing documents in a new document. A remuneration list is sent to a central payment recipient who pays the items on the list. The remuneration list can be used to settle remuneration list conditions (such as del credere conditions) arranged with the payment recipient. The remuneration list is made up of document that have already been passed on to Accounting. In this step you determine for each billing document type the remuneration list type with which invoice lists are generated. Standard settings The standard SAP system contains four settings for invoice lists: 0005 for remuneration lists 0006 for credit memo lists 0007 for remuneration list cancellations 0008 for credit memo lists Criteria for Split In this step, you define splitting criteria for agency business. Splitting criteria control how preceding documents are handled when invoice lists and posting lists are created. Preceding documents meeting the same criteria are adopted in the same posting list or invoice list. You can maintain the following fixed splitting criteria: o

Organizational data


Creditor/debtor (customer)


Entry type


Payment type


Billing document type


Calculation schema


Document currency


Exchange rate


date of currency translation

You can maintain additional splitting criteria: o



Payment reference

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Document data


Terms of payment


Payment method Example

You enter agency documents with different payment references. You now want to create invoice lists for these documents, for example to settle invoice list conditions for the individual documents. The payment reference has to be adopted in the invoice list. To achieve this, you maintain the splitting criterion 'payment reference'. The system will now automatically create a separate invoice list for each difference payment reference. Requirements Splitting criteria can only be used in invoice lists and posting lists. Standard Settings The standard system contains no splitting criteria. Further Notes Note that - depending on the splitting criteria - any number of different documents can be created.

1.28.3 Payment In this step, you make settings for settlement. Maintain Profit Analysis Type In this step, you define the profit analysis types that are used to simulate the profit of a business transaction in Agency Business. You have the following options: o

You change an existing profit analysis type


You copy an existing profit analysis type and change it to meet your requirements

You must make/check the following entries: 1.

Profit group: Profit groups group together the parameters of a profit analysis, such as margins and interest rates


Control: This parameter controls whether the profit analysis is started automatically when a document is created

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or changed, or is started manually by the user. 3.

Display method: The result of the profit simulation can be displayed as a simple list of messages or as a hierarchical tree structure. This indicator defines the type of display. Maintain Profit Groups In this step, you define profit groups that contain the parameters used in profit simulation. You have the following options: o

You change an existing profit group


You copy an existing profit group and change this to meet your requirements

You must make/check the following entries: 1.

Percentage margin: During profit simulatuion, the system checks whether the specified margin has been achieved. The percentage relates to either the vendor or customer business volume, depending on the Customizing settings for the profit group.


Business volume calculation: This parameter defines whether the vendor or customer business volume is used to calculate the margin.


Minimum margin: During profit simulation, the system checks whether the specified absolute margin has been achieved.


Interest calculation: Interest rate used to calculate incoming and outgoing payments. In profit simulation it is possible to take account of interest gain and loss. The payments in agency business are usually made at different points in time. If, for example, the vendor is paid first, and the payments from the customer do not follow until a later date, interest loss is incurred. The following method is used to calculate the interest: The first demand or liability is calculated linearly up to the time when the next payment is made. In the next period, the interest on the balance of the payments received/made up to that point in time is calculated linearly. The method ends when the last payment is made. You use the Customizing settings for the payment date to control the calculation of the expected date of payment. If you do not want to take interest into account, you should enter an interest rate of 0%.


Method of calculating interest, profit simulation: The indicator controls what method is used to calculate interest.


Payment date calculation: Method for how the payment date is calculated using the baseline date for payment. To calculate interest gain and loss, it is necessary to calculate the dates on which payments are to be made/received. It is assumed that payments are made on the latest date possible while still making use of cash discounts.


Calculate cash discount: If this flag is selected, the relevant cash discount amount is deducted from all the amounts payable and receivable. Profit simulation is carried out using the amounts modified in this way.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Status Group - Application Status In this step, you define the application statuses, define status groups, and assign the application statuses to the status status groups. o

Application status: An internal system status is assigned to each application status. The system status defines whether a follow-on document can be created or not. The application status enables you to define the reasons for the system status, such as follow-on document cannot be created because profit from the business transaction is too low. In Customizing for the payment type, a default status can be assigned to settlement requests and settlement request lists.


Status groups: A status group is a number of application statuses that a document can have. In the sub-point "Status for Group", the application statuses are assigned to status groups. An application status can be included in several status groups. Payment Types In this step you define the payment types to model the different business transactions involved in processing payments for vendors and customers. You have the following options: o

You change an existing payment type.


You copy an existing payment type and change it to suit your requirements.

In this step you must check or make the following settings: o

Payment type -

For the payment type, enter an alphanumeric key of up to four characters.


Give the key a description.


Vendor billing document type The vendor billing document type is used to assign a particular payment transaction a billing document type. This makes a payment document uniquely identifiable, i.e. as an invoice or as a reversal document.


Entry type Here you define the data your payment document contains. There are two different entry types available. If you use the entry type "with logistics data", you are able to ue functions and data from Purchasing and Sales in processing payments.


Terms of payment You can create a default value defining how payment terms are determined on the vendor and customer side. Also choose a setting valid for the business process.


Settlement calendar You can create a settlement calendar to make sure that the documents entered are due on the same dates and are taken into account in a single payment run.

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Set the "Post taxes" indicator if, in addition to passing on the input and output tax code for vendor and customer items, you also want to pass on the tax amounts to Financial Accounting.


Calculation of cash discount This field is only relevant for the settlement request list. As a settlement request list requires the same cash discount conditions for all items, an effective cash discount condition must be determined, if the cash discount conditions of the items differ. A: Calculation of average due date In this method, an average due date is determined. In this process, the system determines a date on which the total that was paid too early is exactly the same as the total that was paid too late. The system uses the due documents in the first condition. The payment period in the first payment condition in the header of the settlement request list is subtracted from the average due date. This results in a fixed value date. This is then entered in the header and applies for the whole document. In addition, a single-step cash discount condition is included. B: Interest calculation if payment is too early In this method, a payment date is specified. This is stored in the field "Fixed value date" of the document header and can be changed. Here, too, as in the case of "A", the system determines an average due date. Interest is then calculated for the whole amount in line with the interest calculation method for the period between the payment date (fixed value date + payment period in the header) and the average due date. The cash discount percentage is entered under "Interest for customers (credit) in Dunning. If the payment date falls after the due date determined, interest is not calculated, but the cash discount rate remains unchanged. C: Transfer from settlement request list In this method, the terms of payment are transferred from the settlement request list header, and the conditions at item level are ignored. D: Average due date (conditions from debit-side) This method is practically the same as method "A", the only difference being that the terms of payment are taken from the debit-side. E: Interest calculation, early payment (conditions from debit-side) This method is practically the same as method "B", the only difference being that the terms of payment are transferred from the debit-side. X: Customer-defined method You can enter your own method here.

1.28.4 Message Determination In this step, you make the settings for message determination for Agency Business. Messages are important media for communication with invoicing parties and payment agents in Agency Business. Messages can be sent by post or electronically. Message control, dependent on various criteria, enables you to process and send the messages with certain conditions and restrictions.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Message Determination for Agency Business In this step, you make the Customizing settings for message determination for Agency Business. You maintain the folder in which printouts are stored in the step Maintain bar code entry in the basic functions of Agency Business. Maintain Condition Tables In this step, you define the condition tables for message records in Agency Business. Example As a result, you can control message determination for a particular combination of purchasing organization and invoicing party. Standard Settings The following condition tables are provided in the standard system: o

170 Purchasing organization and invoicing party


171 Sales org./distribution channel/division and payer


172 Company code and invoicing party


173 Company code and payer Recommendation

You should retain the standard condition tables unchanged. If you want to make changes, you should create new condition tables. To do this, copy an existing condition table and make the necessary changes. Activities 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the SAP standard condition tables for message control.


If you want to create a new condition table, proceed as follows:



Enter the name of the table that you want to create. Take account of the name space convention.


When you create without reference, enter the table type (e.g. pooled table) for the condition type.


Enter a description for the condition table.


From the list of permitted fields, enter the fields you require for your condition table.


Generate the new condition table.

Enter the condition tables in the access sequences. This establishes the link between message conditions, access sequence and message condition record.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Message Types In this step, you define the message types (sometimes referred to in the system as "output types") for Agency Business. In the SAP system, the message type is used to map various messages, such as a printout of a single document or a document list. To define a message type, you must make the following entries: 1.

Message type Alphanumeric key with up to 4 characters, which uniquely identify a message type.


Access sequence Key for the access sequence.


Description Text that describes the message type.


Detailed data (only the most important detailed data is described here): a) Transmission medium One-character, numerical key that defines the type of message processing (such as printout, sending by fax). b) Time One-character, numerical key that defines the time of message processing (such as immediately when the document is saved or at the next selection run). c) Partner function Partner function that defines the recipient. d) Condition access Indicates that the message default for this message is to be determined via the condition technique. e) Print parameters One-character, numerical key that determines that conditions used to define the print parameters (see step Assign Output Devices and Print Parameters). f) Archiving mode This field controls whether a document is to be printed, archived or both. g) Document category This field identifies the archived messages and determines whether they are single documents from Agency Business, a document list from Agency Business, and so on. Note

The values entered in the detailed data for transmission medium, time, and partner function are automatically used as default values when a message record is created for the message type. Standard Settings Agency Business has a number of different document categories, which enables you to differentiate between

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the documents created: o

Vendor billing document


Settlement request


Posting list


Settlement request list


Remuneration list from vendor billing documents


Remuneration list from settlement requests

The following entries are provided in the standard system: o

WKAM: Header message of a vendor billing document with logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed about vendor billing documents. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WKAO: Header message of a vendor billing document without logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed about vendor billing documents. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WPAM: Item message of a vendor billing document with logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed about a vendor billing document that is contained in an invoice list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of tables WBRK and WBRL.


WPAO: Item message of a vendor billing document without logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed about a vendor billing document that is contained in an invoice list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of tables WBRK and WBRL.


WKBM: Header message of a settlement request with logistics data: The invoicing party or payer can be informed about a settlement request. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WKBO: Header message of a settlement request without logistics data: The invoicing party or payer can be informed about a settlement request. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WPBM: Item message of a settlement request with logistics data: The invoicing party or payer can be informed about a settlement request that is contained in a document list (such as a settlement request list or a posting list). Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of tables WBRK and WBRL.


WPBO: Item message of a settlement request without logistics data: The invoicing party or payer can be informed about a settlement request that is contained in a document list (such as a settlement request list or a posting list). Printer and fax are supported as transmission

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media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of tables WBRK and WBRL. o

WKCM: Header message of a posting list with logistics data: The payer can be informed about a posting list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WKCO: Header message of a posting list without logistics data: The payer can be informed about a posting list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WPCM: Item message of a posting list with logistics data: The payer can be informed about a posting list that is included in a remuneration list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of tables WBRK and WBRL.


WPCO: Item message of a posting list without logistics data: The payer can be informed about a posting list that is included in a remuneration list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of tables WBRK and WBRL.


WKDM: Header message of a settlement request list with logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed about a settlement request list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WKDO: Header message of a settlement request list without logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed about a settlement request list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WPDM: Item message of a settlement request list with logistics data: The payer can be informed about a settlement request list that is contained in a remuneration list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of tables WBRK and WBRL.


WPDO: Item message of a settlement request list without logistics data: The payer can be informed about a settlement request list that is contained in a remuneration list. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of tables WBRK and WBRL.


WKEM: Header message of a remuneration list of vendor billing documents with logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed about a remuneration list made up of vendor billing documents. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WKEO: Header message of a remuneration list of vendor billing documents without logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed about a remuneration list made up of vendor billing documents. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.

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WKFM: Header message of a vendor-side remuneration list of settlement requests with logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed of a remuneration list made up of settlement requests. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WKFO: Header message of a vendor-side remuneration list of settlement requests without logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed of a remuneration list made up of settlement requests. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WKFN: Header message of a customer-side remuneration list of settlement requests with logistics data: The payer can be informed about a remuneration list made up of settlement requests. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing the text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK.


WKFQ: Header message of a customer-side remuneration list of settlement requests without logistics data: The invoicing party can be informed of a remuneration list made up of settlement requests. Printer and fax are supported as transmission media. The standard system contains a form routine for replacing text symbols. This form routine also replaces variables that relate to the fields of table WBRK. Recommendation

To create a new message type, copy a similar, existing message type and make the necessary changes. If you define your own message types, take account of the name space conventions. Activities 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the standard message types and how much you would have to change these.


Define your message types for Agency Business. Further Notes

This note only relates to documents of the category Settlement Request. If you have a document of the category Settlement Request, settlement accounting is performed for both the payer and invoicing party. The message conditions that the system finds determine whether a printout is created for the payer or the invoicing party: o

If the system finds a message condition for the payer, a printout is created for the payer.


If the system finds a message condition for the invoicing party, a printout is created for the invoicing party.

If you want to create printouts for the payer and the invoicing party, the system must find two message conditions (one for the payer, one for the invoicing party). To ensure this happens, create duplicates of the original message types and include the new message types in the relevant message determination schemas.

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R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Access Sequences In this step, you define the access sequences for Agency Business. The access sequence is a search strategy that the SAP system uses to find valid message records. To define an access sequence, you must make the following entries: 1.

Access sequence Alphanumeric key with up to 4 characters, which uniquely identifies the access sequence.


Description Text that describes the access sequence.


Detailed data (only the most important detailed data is explained here, for further information, see the field help): a)

Sequence number Sequence number of the access in the access sequence.


Table Condition table that contains the key fields of the message records.

Standard Settings The following entries are provided in the standard SAP system: o


WRK1: Header messages (output), vendor-side, with logistics data: -

The system first accesses condition table 170 (purchasing organization and invoicing party).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 172 (company code and invoicing party).

WRK2: Header messages (output), vendor-side, without logistics data: -



WRK3: Header messages (output), customer-side, with logistics data: -

The system first accesses condition table 171 (sales org./distribution channel/division and payer).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 173 (company code and payer).

WRK4: Header messages (output), customer-side, without logistics data: -



The system accesses condition table 172 (company code and invoicing party).

The system accesses condition table 173 (company code and payer).

WRK5: Header messages (output) with logistics data: -

The system first accesses condition table 170 (purchasing organization and invoicing party).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 171 (sales org./distribution channel/division and payer).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 172 (company code and invoicing party).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 173 (company code and payer).

WRK6: Header messages (output) without logistics data

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The system first accesses condition table 172 (company code and invoicing party).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 173 (company code and payer).

WRP1: Item message (output), vendor-side, with logistics data: -

The system first accesses condition table 170 (purchasing organization and invoicing party).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 172 (company code and invoicing party).

WRP2: Item messages (output), vendor-side, without logistics data: -





The system accesses condition table 172 (company code and invoicing party).

WRP3: Item messages (output), with logistics data: -

The system first accesses condition table 170 (purchasing organization and invoicing party).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 171 (sales org./distribution channel/division and payer).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 172 (company code and invoicing party).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 173 (company code and payer).

WRP4: Item message (output) without logistics data: -

The system first accesses condition table 172 (company code and invoicing party).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 173 (company code and payer).

WRP5: Item messages (output), customer-side, with logistics data: -

The system first accesses condition table 171 (sales org./distribution channel/division and payer).


If this is unsuccessful, it accesses condition table 173 (company code and payer).

WRP6: Item messages (output), customer-side, without logistics data: -

The system accesses condition table 173 (company code and payer).

Recommendation To create an access sequence, copy a similar, existing access sequence and make the necessary changes. If you define your own access sequences, take account of the name space conventions. Activities 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the standard SAP access sequences and how much you would have to change these.


Define your access sequences for Agency Business. Assign Partner Functions to Message Types In this step, you create partner functions for message types in Agency Business.

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You also enter the type of message processing allowed for the combination of message type and partner function. Requirements You must have defined the message types. Activities Define which partner functions are permitted for the message type, and define the type of message output. Further Notes Printer and fax are currently supported as transmission media. In Agency Business, partner maintenance is not possible at the moment: o

In message determination for a vendor, only partner functions 'VN' (vendor) and 'PI' (invoice presented by = invoicing party) are supported.


In message determination for a customer, only the partner functions 'BP' (bill-to party = invoice recipient) and 'PY' (payer) are supported. Maintain Message Determination Schema In this step, you define your message determination schemas (sometimes referred to in the system as "output determination schemas") for Agency Business. The permitted message types for each message application are stored in a message determination schema. As a result, it is possible to have the system enter a default for the relevant messages in a settlement run. You must first define the message types and then include them in a message determination schema. Requirements To define a new message determination schema, copy a similar, existing schema and make the necessary changes. If you define your own message determination schema, take account of the name space conventions. Standard Settings Agency Business contains various document categories, which enables you to differentiate between the documents created: o

Vendor billing document


Settlement request


Posting list


Settlement request list

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Remuneration list of vendor billing documents


Remuneration list of settlement requests

A separate message determination schema is provided as standard at header level, and also, in the case of document lists, at item level. The following message determination schemas are provided as standard: o

WRKA00 (header messages, vendor billing documents) Includes message types WKAM and WKAO


WRKB00 (header messages, settlement requests) Includes message types WKBM and WKBO


WRKC00 (header messages, posting lists) Includes message types WKCM and WKCO


WRPC00 (item messages, posting lists) Includes the message types WPBM and WPBO


WRKD00 (header messages, settlement request lists) Includes message types WKDM and WKDO


WRPD00 (item messages, settlement request lists) Includes message types WPBM and WPBO


WRKE00 (header messages, remuneration lists of vendor billing documents) Includes message types WKEM and WKEO


WRPE00 (item messages, remuneration lists of vendor billing documents) Includes message types WPAM and WPAO


WRKF00 (header messages, remuneration lists of settlement requests) Includes message types WKFM, WKFN, WKFO and WKFQ


WRPF00 (item messages, remuneration lists of settlement requests) Includes message types WPBM, WPCM, WPDM, WPBO, WPCO and WPDO Recommendation

To create a new message determination schema, copy a similar, existing schema and make the necessary changes. If you define your own message determination schema, take account of the name space conventions. Activities 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the standard schemas and what changes you would have to make. Check the assignment of the message determination schemas to the billing type.


Define your message determination schemas for Agency Business.


Assign your message determination schema to the billing type.

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Further Notes Ensure that multiply messages are not created for documents (vendor billing documents, settlement requests) that are also processed in document lists (e.g. remuneration lists, posting lists). Multiple messages are created in the following situation: o

A message is created during processing of the document


Messages are created at item level during processing of the list to which the document is assigned.

Organizational measures needed to avoid this are described here using the example of the vendor billing document. In these measures, a message is not created during processing of a vendor billing document that is processed in a remuneration list. Message creation is only triggered when the remuneration list is processed. 1.

Define two billing types, 'LF01' and 'LF02', for the vendor billing document.


Define a billing type for remuneration lists of vendor billing documents, 'RLF0'


Assign message determination schema WRKA00 to billing type LF01


Do not assign a message determination schema to billing type LF02


Assign message determination schema WRKE00 to billing type 'RLF0' at header level, and message determination schema WRPE00 at item level.


Only use billing type 'LF01' for vendor billing documents that you do not process in remuneration lists.


Only use billing type 'LF02' for vendor billing documents that you process in remuneration lists. Assign Form/Processing Program to Message Type In this step, you assign SAPScript forms and programs to individual message types. Forms control the layout and content of the output docuemnts, programs control message processing. Standard Settings In the standard system, a form and a program are assigned to each message types. The following settings are independent of the transmission medium: Mess.Type WKAM WKAO WPAM WPAO WKBM WKBO WPBM



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Activities 1.

Check the form assignment for each message type.


If you define your own forms, assign these to the required message types. Further Notes

Printer and fax are currently supported as transmission media. Form Editing In this step, you make the Customizing settings for processing forms. Define Forms In this step, you can change existing forms and create new ones. Forms are needed for printing and faxing. Standard Settings The following forms are provided for Agency Business in the standard system: o

WLF_INVOICE01 Agency Business Invoice

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WLF_INVLI01 Agency Business Document List

Recommendation Use the standard data. This means that you do not have to perform any further activities. If you want to make changes to a form, make a copy of the SAP form and change the copy. Activities 1.

Check the standard SAP forms and determine what changes you need to make.


Enter the standard form that you want to copy.


Choose Form -> Create/Change to display the header data screen of the form.


Choose Form -> Save as... and enter the name of the new form.


Edit and activate the new form. Maintain Form Text Assignment In this step, you assign texts for the address, the letter header, the footer, and the greeting according to the following criteria: o

Purchasing organization


Sales organization


Company code

This enables you to ensure that these texts appear in certain items (such as header/footer) of a message document when it is output for a purchasing organization, sales organization or company code. To make the assignments, you must make the following entries for each purchasing organization, sales organization, or company code: o

Address/sender Key of the standard text that contains the address of the sender.


Footer line/footer text Key of the standard text that contains the footer.


Letter header/header text Key of the standard text that contains the letter header.


Greeting/signature text Key of the standard text that contains the greeting.

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Requirements You must first have defined the standard texts that you want to define. The texts should have text ID 'ADRS'. In addition, the purchasing organizations, sales organizations, and company codes that you want to assign the texts to must be defined. Activities 1.

Assign the text to the relevant purchasing organization, sales organization, or company code. Define Requirements In this step, you assign the conditions for message output. In the message determination schema, the conditions can be assigned to the message types. They are defined as form routines. Example Condition 352 ensures that a message is only created for arrangements if a vendor arrangement exists. Condition 350 ensures that a message is only created for settlement runs if a vendor rebate exists. Standard Settings The following conditions exist in the standard system for arrangements: o

375 Does a single document with a particular status and logistics data exist?


376 Does a single document with a particular status and without logistics data exist?


377 Does a document list with a particular status and logistics data exist?


378 Does a document list with a particular status and without logistics data exist?


379 Does a vendor billing document exist as an item in a remuneration list with a particular status and logistics data?


380 Does a vendor billing document exist as an item in an remuneration list with a particular status and without logistics data?


381 Does a settlement request exist as an item of a settlement request list or a posting list or an remuneration list with a particular status and logistics data?


382 Does a settlement request exist as an item of a settlement request list or a posting list or a remuneration list with a particular status and without logistics data?


383 Does a posting list exist as an item of a remuneration list with a particular status and logistics data?


384 Does a posting list exist as an item of a remuneration list with a particular status and without logistics data?


385 Does a settlement request list exist as an item of a remuneration list with a particular status and

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logistics data? o

386 Does a settlement request list exist as an item of a remuneration list with a particular status and without logistics data?

In all condition, the system checks whether the document has one of the following statuses: -

Posting document is created


Document is not relevant for accounting


Document is cancelled and therefore complete


Posting document not required

Recommendation Use the entries supplied as standard. This means that you do not have to perform any further activities. Activities 1.

Create the conditions and a relevant form routine. Take account of the name space conventions.


In the message determination schema, assign the condition to a message type, or in the access sequence, assign the condition to a condition table. Further Notes

You must activate a condition before you can use it. You must deactivate a condition before you can delete it. Assign output devices and print parameters In this step, you define the print parameter for messages in Agency Business for a predefined key. The print parameters in the standard SAP system can be defined for: o

Sales organization/distribution channel/division


Sales organization


Purchasing group



If you assign print parameters to a purchasing group, you maintain the following print parameters for each transmission medium: o

Output device Key of the printer on which the message is to be printed.

If you assign print parameters to a sales organization, sales areas, or user, you maintain the following print parameters for each transmission medium: o


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Depends on the settings, e.g. key of the sales area for which the print parameters are to apply. o

Output device Key of the printer on which the message is to be printed.


Dataset Name of the spool order.


Suffix 1 Indicator 1 for identifying the spool order.


Suffix 2 Indicator 2 for identifying the spool order.


Output immediately Indicator for immediate printing.


Release Indicator for deleting a print order from the spool file once it has been printed. Requirements

The messages that you want to maintain print parameters for must be created and assigned to the billing types via the message determination schema. In addition, in the message type, you must define whether the print parameters are to apply to certain sales areas or sales organizations, for example. You make these settings when you define the message types.

1.28.5 Reporting In this step, you make the settings for reporting. Define Condition Lists In this step, you define the screen layout for condition lists. The latter enable you to analyze and evaluate condition records according to a variety of criteria. Technically, condition lists are ABAP programs. Note The standard SAP System contains predefined condition lists which you can generate via the application menu. Activities 1.

Check the extent to which you can use the condition lists supplied in the standard SAP System. To do so, display the predefined condition lists.


Create new condition lists. Proceed as follows: a)

Enter the title of the condition list you wish to create.

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The subsequent data screen contains all the key fields used in the area of the conditions in alphabetical order. Choose all the key fields that are to be taken into account in the condition list.


Choose Edit -> Selec. tables. A dialog box appears, in which you can specify your choice of condition tables. If you choose "Yes", only those condition tables that contain all selected key fields are evaluated. If you choose "No", all those condition tables that contain at least one of the selected key fields are evaluated.


On the next data screen, select all the condition tables that are to be evaluated.


Choose "Position fields" to define the screen layout of the condition list. Note that the subsequent data screen contains all the key fields of the selected tables. You can suppress fields that are not to be used as selection criteria when the list is later displayed by cancelling the indicator in the "Selection" column .


Choose "Form" to specify the display of scales or validity periods for the condition list. Structure Report Selection In this step, you go to area menu maintenance, as report structures are processed in the same way as area menus. Activities If you go to area menu maintenance via IMG activity Structure Report Selection, the system displays the name of the report structure of the relevant area in the "Area menu" field. You can edit this (or another) structure, or create a new structure. o

Editing an existing structure: a)

Choose the required structure from the list of favorites or using the F4 help (if you want to edit the displayed structure, ignore this step).


Choose Menu structure -> Change. You go to the screen "Edit Area Menu". From here, you can create new menu entries, or change, delete, or move existing entries.


Creating new entries: To create new menu entries, position the cursor on an existing menu entry and choose Edit -> Insert menu entry -> One level lower / At the same level. A dialog box is displayed in which you can enter the new entries. You can make the following types of entries: File: To create a new file, you simply enter a text. This entry is automatically interpreted as a file. Transactions: To create a transaction, you must enter the required transaction code next to the text. Reports: To move a report to the menu, choose pushbutton 'Report...' (insert report). In the dialog box that is displayed, you can select the report that you want to insert. To do this, choose the

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relevant selection button under report type. Depending on the type selected, the necessary input fields are displayed. When you exit the screen, a transaction code is generated for the selected report. The development class, and possibly also a transport order, must be entered for this. If a transaction code exists for the selected report, this is adopted. If you want to define the transaction code for the report yourself, choose "Display further options". The system displays two input fields in which you can enter the transaction code and a description. In addition, you must deselect the fields "Generate automatically" and "Adopt report description". References to submenus: In an area menu, you can include references to other area menus, such as report structures. In this way, you can create a menu from several submenus. To do this, select the indicator for menu references. You now enter a menu name, rather than a transaction code, or select one using F4 help. d)

Changing existing menu entries: Select the entry and choose Edit -> Change entry -> Change. You can change the entry in the screen that appears. In some cases, it is possible to change not just the content of the entry but also the type. To do this, choose the pushbutton "As transaction" or "As file". You can make the following changes:

Current type File Transaction code


Changeable to Transaction code File

Prerequisite The file must be empty


Deleting existing menu entries: To delete a menu entry, select the entry via Edit -> Change entry -> Select/deselect and then choose Edit -> Change entry -> Delete.


Moving existing menu entries: To move one or more entries to another position in the menu, first select the relevant entry via Edit -> Change entry -> Select/deselect and then select the position that you want to move the entry to. Choose Edit -> Change entry -> Move. In the dialog box that is displayed, enter whether the entry is to be inserted at the same level as the selected item, or one level lower.

Creating a new structure To create a new menu, first enter the short name for the new structure and then choose Menu structure -> Create. Then enter a long description for the new structure. You go directly to change mode. For information on the subsequent procedure, see "Editing an existing structure" above. Further Notes

For comprehensive information on area menu maintenance, see the documentation on the area menu in the R/3 Library.

1.28.6 Develop Enhancements for Agency Business The following SAP enhancements are available for Agency Business:

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Agency business condition determination enhancements



Document transfer to Financial Accounting enhancements



Settlement request credit limit check enhancements



Settlement request document check enhancements



Settlement request cash discount determination enhancements



Agency business result object determination enhancements



Agency business remuneration list date determination enhancements



Payment document fill/change customer fields enhancements



Message determination and correspondence enhancements



Agency business account determination enhancements



Agency business screen exits for payment documents



Payment document price data transfer enhancements



Agency business screen exits for vendor billing documents



Billing document customer-specific field check enhancements



Derivation of data for communication structures for the updating of Agency Business documents

Activities 1.

Creating the enhancement. Either create a new project or use an existing project.


Activate the project. The enhancement can only be used after activation.

Further Notes Unlike modifications, enhancements are release-insensitive, as they are in a name range that is reserved for the customer. For the general procedure on creating enhancements, please see Help -> Application help . Select the enhancement and choose Read. Each enhancement is documented. For further information, see SAP Online Help.

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1.28.7 Use Business Transaction Events This step describes how you can link additional components (for example function modules you have developed yourself, or a product from another software company) to the SAP standard system. Two kinds of interface are available for this: 1.


Publish & Subscribe interfaces (hereafter referred to as "informative interfaces") These inform you that certain events (for example, document was entered) have taken place in the SAP standard system, and make the data created available for the external software. The external software does not return any data to the SAP system. Further processing can be triggered as a result of these events and data in the additional components: -

Workflow can be started


Additional data can be created or changed


Correspondence can be requested

Process interfaces Process interfaces are used to control business processes in a different way to that in the standard system. This means that process interfaces replace standard processes. They can be used to determine the content of individual fields or trigger different reactions to processes. It is possible to link various external developments to the SAP standard system. These additional developments are generally made using the ABAP/4 Development Workbench. Agency Business contains process interface 00420001, which is used to calculate the profit of an agency business transaction. Standard Settings

The standard SAP system contains sample modules that you can copy to your name space and then fill with instructions. Activities 1.

Choose 'Settings -> Product of a customer' to enter a product. A product usually contains a number of function modules that are called from various program steps (events) from the R/3 standard system. A product can also be an external software component. If the product is in an external system, enter a RFC destination. If the product is in the same system, you do not have to enter anything. Important: Do not forget to activate the product once you have made the settings.


Find out which interfaces the R/3 system provides you with. To do this, choose Environment -> Info system (P/S) or Environment -> Info system (process). Execute the program. Enter "A" as the attribute type. The system displays all the interfaces that the R/3 system provides. Make a note of the key of the interface that you require. You can also make a selection: -

according to certain SAP application components


according to certain events. Here you enter an interval


as to which interfaces are to be used in activated products

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as to which interfaces are to be used in a specific country version or a certain industry


as to which interfaces are to be used in a particular customer product

Enter your self-defined function module. To do this, choose Goto -> Edit modules in the info system or Settings -> P/S modules or Process modules -> of a customer in the "SAP Business Framework" menu. Make the following entries: -

Key of the interface


Product that you want to use

Function module that belongs to the product You can also enter more than one function module for a product. Caution: The function module must be in your name space, that is, it must begin with the letter Z. Leave fields Ctry and Applic. blank, unless you want to enhance or replace a particular country version of SAP industry solution rather than a standard process. 4.


Enter the source text of your function module and activate it. To do this, choose Environment -> Info system (P/S) or Environment -> Info system (process) to go to the information system, and execute the report there. Proceed as follows: -

Double click on the interface you selected. If you want, you can at this point choose Goto -> Interface to display the interface. Then choose Back.


Place the cursor on the relevant line and choose Goto -> Function library. The standard sample function modules provided by SAP are displayed.


Copy the standard SAP sample module and give this the same name as the function module entered in step 3.


Enter the source text for the empty function module.


Activate the function module.


Activate the product as described in step 1.

Run the relevant R/3 program and test whether your function module works. Further Notes

The other menu paths are available as information on additional components offered as standard by SAP and on software already by external software companies.

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Logistics - General



Copyright(c) 1995 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Neither this document nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG. All other products which are mentioned in this documentation are registered or not registered trademarks of their respective companies.

SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4

Logistics - General Material Master Configuring the Material Master Here's How (Quick Guide Using an Example) Define Structure of Data Screens for Each Screen Sequence Assign Secondary Screens Maintain Order of Main and Additional Screens Assign Screen Sequences to User/Material Type/Transaction/In Define How Maintenance Statuses Are Determined in Data Trans Create Program for Customized Subscreens Maintain User Settings Field Selection Assign Fields to Field Selection Groups Maintain Field Selection for Data Screens Define Industry Sectors and Industry-Sector-Specific Field S Define Plant-Specific Field Selection and Plant-Specific Scr Define Lock-Relevant Fields Basic Settings Define Output Format of Material Numbers Make Global Settings Maintain Company Codes for Materials Management Material Types Define Attributes of Material Types Assign Material Types to Special "Create" Transactions Define Number Ranges for Each Material Type Define Attributes of System Messages Settings for Key Fields Define Material Groups Maintain External Material Groups Define Divisions Define Material Statuses

1 1 1 2 3 6 7 7 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 17 18 19 20 20 21 21 21 22

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.1.5 1.1.6

Define Laboratories and Offices Define Basic Materials Define Storage Conditions Define Temperature Conditions Define Container Requirements Define Units of Measure Groups International Article Numbers (EANs) Define Number Ranges for EANs/UPCs Define Number Ranges for Perishables EANs (4-Figure) Define Number Ranges for Perishables EANs (5-Figure) Define Prefixes for EANs/UPCs Define Attributes of EANs/UPCs Enter SANs (Standard Article Numbers) Data Relevant to Sales and Distribution Define Product Hierarchies Define Sales Statuses Define Material Groups Define Commission Groups Tools Maintain Authorizations and Authorization Profiles Data Transfer: Material Master Define Required-Field Check for ALE/Direct Input Data Transfer Workbench: Material Master (Direct Input) Set Up Administrative Data at a Later Stage Define Start Time of Background Jobs Maintain Search Helps Reset Test Data Initialize Period Enhancements Influence Number Assignment (Industry and Retail) Influence Number Display (Industry and Retail) Supplement or Change Default Data (Industry)

23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 30 33 34 34 35 35 37 38 38 38 39 39 40 41 41 41 42 42

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.4 1.4.1

Extend Checks and Change Selected Data (Industry) Retail-Specific Settings Settings for Key Fields Maintain Categories of Seasonal Materials Material Status for Retail Functions Layout Modules Assign Layout Modules to Layout Area Points Price Band Category Return Agreement Service Level Service Agreement Maintain Scales Group Settings for Structured Materials Structured Material Maintenance Structured Material in Logistics Process Check Settings Related to Structured Materials Settings for Material Discontinuation Define Follow-Up Actions Assign Follow-Up Actions to Error Messages Assign Retail Tasks to PD Organization Maintain Sequence of Characteristics Maintain Country-Group-Dependent Characteristics PKWiU pflegen Quantity Optimizing and Allowed Logistics Units of Measure Maintain Rounding Profile Unit of Measure Groups Unit of Measure Rounding Rules Basic Data Retail General Control, Retail Master Data Distribution Chain Control Applications IS-R-Specific Authorization Objects Plant Master Control Data

42 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 47 48 49 50 50 51 51 52 53 54 54 54 55 57 57 57 57 60 61 62 66 67

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.4.2 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.6 1.6.1

Define Copy Rule and Assign to Tables Plant Profiles Transaction-Dependent Field Selection Blocking Reasons Departments Area Schema Storage Locations for Materials Storage Location Determination Number Ranges, Layout Integrated Maintenance, Layout Space Management Maintain Selection Variant for Space Management Maintain Space Management Profiles Check and Initialize Space Management Profile Maintain Plants Create Plants Display Plants Change/Archive Plants Import Plants Export Plants Material Group Display Material Group Create Material Group Change Material Group Delete Material Group Assortment Assortment Number Ranges, Assortment Modules Number Ranges, Assortments Assortment Grades Listing Algorithm Assortment Grade Rules Listing Procedures Assortment Priorities Archiving Listing Conditions and Modules Matchcodes, Assortments Layout Area Schema Number Ranges, Layout

67 67 68 68 69 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 74 74 74 75 75 75 76 76 78 78 79 80 81 81 81 81 82 83 84 85 89 89 91 92 92 92

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.6.2 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.8 1.8.1 1.8.2

Integrated Maintenance, Layout Space Management Maintain Selection Variant for Space Management Maintain Space Management Profiles Check and Initialize Space Management Profile Assortment List Number Ranges, Status Tracking Assortment List Types Maintain Profile for Assortment Lists Control of Logistics Quantities Additionals Procedure for Additionals Allowed Procedure for Additionals per Material Group Attributes of the Material Groups of Additionals Retail Pricing Sales Price Calculation Number Ranges, Pricing Document Maintain Assignment of Number Range to Pricing Document Type Maintain Pricing Type Assign Pricing Type/Reference Plant to Organizational Level Maintain Purchase Price Determination Sequence Maintain Sales Price Determination Sequence Texts For List Fields Define List Variant and Assign Items Control Data for Pricing Table and Data Backup Price Point Group Define Price Point Group and Assign Price Point Ranges Assign Price Point Group to Organizational Level/Material Gr Market-Basket Pricing Market-Basket Price Calculation Number Ranges

93 93 94 94 95 95 95 96 97 98 98 99 102 103 104 105 105 106 107 107 108 108 109 111 112 113 113 114 115 115

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.8.3 1.8.4 1.8.5 1.9 1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.9.5 1.9.6 1.9.7

Maintain Market-Basket Pricing Type Define Selection Variants for Sales Quantity Determination Pricing Worklist Control Automatic Document Adjustment Control Pricing Document Adjustment for External Procurement Control Pricing Document Adjustment for Internal Procurement Subsequent Index Compilation for Sales Prices Define Extent of Change for Message Category CONDBI Activate Change Pointer for Message Category CONDBI Competitor Prices Number Ranges for Price Entry Document Maintain Price Entry Types Maintain Pricing Strategies Maintain Customer-Specific Enhancements Retail Promotion Number Ranges, Promotions Promotion Category Promotion Type Promotion Themes Promotion Determination in Sales Order Processing Maintain Promotion Determination per Sales Area Maintain Promotion Determination per Sales Document Type Condition Type Groups For Promotions in Purchasing Define Condition Type Groups for Promotions Assign Condition Type/Table to Condition Type Groups Assign Condition Type Groups and Arrangement Types Condition Type Groups For Promotions In SD

116 117 117 118 118 119 119 119 119 120 120 121 122 123 124 124 124 125 126 127 127 127 128 128 129 129 129

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.9.8 1.10 1.10.1 1.10.2 1.10.3 1.10.4 1.10.5 1.11 1.11.1 1.11.2 1.11.3 1.11.4 1.11.5

Define Condition Type Groups for Promotions Assign Condition Type/Table to Condition Type Groups Assign Condition Type Groups and Arrangement Types Message Determination Single Messages Create Condition Table Change Condition Table Display Condition Table Access Sequence Message Type Message Schema Assign Schema to Document Type Assign Program/Form to Message Types Requirements for Message Types Group Messages Number Ranges, Group Message Message Type Assign Program/Form to Message Types Season Number Ranges, Markdown Planning Check Table for Season Indicators Maintain Annual Season Markdown Type Define Selection Variant Business Partner Analyze Partner Relationships Identify Origin of Partner Data Agreement with Other Applications re Partners Work Out Quantity Framework for Partners Customers Control Analyze Customer Master Fields and Define Field Usage Define Account Groups and Field Selection for Customers Define Transaction-Dependent Screen Layout Define and Assign Customer Number Ranges

129 130 130 131 131 131 132 132 132 134 134 134 134 135 136 136 136 137 137 137 138 139 140 140 141 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 143 144 145

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.11.6 1.11.7

Change Message Control for Customer Master Data Develop Enhancements for Customer Master Data Define Industries Check Search Fields for Debtors Define Customer Matchcodes Define and Assign Field Authorization Groups Define Attributes Define Condition Groups Settings for Central Address Management Create Tab Layouts Create Tab Layouts for General Data Create Tab Layouts for Sales Area Data Create Tab Layouts for Company Code Data Create Tab Layouts for Consumer Data Reporting: Customer Master Vendors Control Define Account Groups and Field Selection (Vendor) Define Screen Layout Specific to Purchasing Organization Define Transaction-Dependent Screen Layout Define Number Ranges for Vendor Master Records Change Message Control for Vendor Master Data Develop Enhancements for Vendor Master Data Define Industries Maintain Matchcodes Define Field Groups for Vendor Master Records Group Fields for Vendor Master Records Settings for Central Address Management Reporting: Vendor Master Tools Maintain Authorizations

146 146 147 147 148 149 150 150 151 151 152 153 154 155 156 156 156 157 158 159 159 160 161 161 162 163 163 163 163 164 164

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.12 1.12.1 1.12.2 1.12.3 1.12.4 1.12.5 1.12.6

Create Profiles Data Transfer Workbench: Business Partners Distribution with ALE Batch Management Specify Batch Level and Activate Status Management Define Attributes of System Messages Batch Master Field Selection Batch Master Assign Fields to Field Groups Edit Field Selection Control Activate Document Management for Batches Batch Number Assignment Activate Internal Batch Number Assignment Maintain Internal Batch Number Assignment Range Configure Customer Exits for Intern. Batch Number Assignment Maintain Number Range for External Assgnt of Batch Numbers Set Up Customer Exits for External Batch Number Assignment Creation of New Batches Define Batch Creation for Production Order / Process Order Define Batch Creation for Goods Movements Define Initial Creation of Data for Batch Master Transaction Batch Valuation Update Standard Characteristics Valuation for Goods Movement in Inventory Management Activate Batch Classification for Goods Movements in IM Set Up Customer Exit for Classification of User-Defined Char Set Up Customer Exit for Maintaining Batch Master Data of Ne Valuation for Creation of New Batches

201 202 202 202 203 205 206 206 206 207 208 208 208 209 209 210 211 212 212 213 213 214 214 215 215 216 217

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.12.7 1.12.8

Using Function Module Set Up Customer Exit for Determining Source Batch Set Up Customer Exit for Activating Batch Classification Set Up Customer Exit for Classification of User-Defined Char Set Up Customer Exit for Maintaining Batch Master Data of Ne Batch Status Management Activate Batch Status Checking in Warehouse Management Customer Exit for Determining the Initial Status of Batches Batch Determination and Batch Check Condition Tables Define Inventory Management Condition Tables Define Production Order Condition Tables Define Process Order Condition Tables Define Sales and Distribution Condition Tables Define Warehouse Management condition tables Access Sequences Define Inventory Management Access Sequences Define Production Order Access Sequences Define Process Order Access Sequences Define Sales and Distribution Access Sequences Define Warehouse Management Access Sequences Strategy Types Define Inventory Management Strategy Types Define Production Order Strategy Types Define Process Order Strategy Types Define Sales and Distribution Strategy Types Define Warehouse Management Strategy

217 217 218 219 220 220 220 221 222 222 223 224 225 226 227 227 228 229 229 230 231 232 232 233 234 235

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.12.9 1.12.10

Types Batch Search Procedure Definition Define Inventory Management Search Procedure Define Production Order Search Procedure Define Process Order Search Procedure Define Sales and Distribution Search Procedure Define Warehouse Management Search Procedure Batch Search Procedure Allocation and Check Activation Allocate IM Search Procedure/Activate Check Assign Search Procedures to Production and Activate Check Assign Search Procedure to Production Order and Activate Che Assign Search Procedure to Process Order and Activate Check Assign Search Procedure to Network Type and Activate Check Assign Search Procedure to Repetitive Manufacturing Profile Assign Search Procedure to KANBAN Assign Search Procedure to Pull List Allocate SD Search Procedure/Activate Check Assign WM Search Procedure Activate Automatic Batch Determination in SD Define Selection Classes Define Sort Rules Maintain Batch Allocation Strategy Number Ranges Batch Where-Used List Make Settings for Batch Where-Used List Set Up Customer Exit for Batch Where-Used List Batch-Specific Material Units of Measure Activate Batch-Specific Material Unit of Measure

236 237 237 238 238 239 239 240 240 240 240 241 241 241 241 241 242 242 243 243 244 244 245 245 246 246 247

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.12.11 1.12.12 1.13 1.13.1

Edit Batch-Specific Material Unit of Measure Calculate Proportional Factors Define Percentage Calculation Define Calculation of Proportion Quantity from Base Quantity Define Calculation of Base Quantity from Proportion Quantity Product Quantities Conversion Define Calculation of Product Quantity from Base Quantity Define Calculation of Base Quantity from Product Quantity Shelf Life Expiration Date (SLED) Maintain Period Indicator Set Expiration Date Check Set Up Customer Exit to Calculate/Check the SLED Tools Worklist Define Worklist Folder Assign Worklist Folder to Users Batch Information Cockpit Display SAP Standard Selection Define User-Group-Specific Selection Handling Unit Management Basics Technical Basics Define Number Ranges for Handling Units Maintain Database Indexes for Handling Units Define Packaging Material Types Define Material Group for Packaging Materials Define Allowed Packaging Materials Use Handling Unit Supplements Maintain Goods Movements for Handling Unit Stock-Posting Set Profile for Packing Station Define User Status Profile Materials Management

248 249 249 250 250 250 250 251 251 251 251 253 254 254 254 255 255 255 255 257 257 257 257 258 258 260 260 261 262 262 263 268

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Inventory Management Set QM Check and Delivery Type for Each Movement Type HU Requirement for Storage Locations and Default Values for Warehouse Management Define Storage Type Assign Storage Unit Type to Packaging Material Type Define Repacking Movement Type for Warehouse Number Define Repacking Storage Bin for Warehouse Number Define Control for Automatic Creation of Pick HUs Define Movement Types Define Print Control Define Shipping Control Define Production Delivery Packing Control By Item Category Define Requirements for Packing in the Delivery Delivery Type Determination Define Sequence of Transfer Order Goods Receipt Production Production Supply Set HU Requirement in Staging Area Copy Predefined Characteristics for Material Identification Set Partial GI Indicator Material Reconciliation Create Formula Parameters Assign Movement Types to Parameters Create Formulas Quality Management Maintain Allowed Goods Movements Serial Numbers Define Serial Number Profiles Define EAN128 Maintain Bar Code Specification

268 268 268 269 269 270 270 270 270 270 271 273 274 275 275 275 276 277 277 277 277 278 278 280 280 281 281 282 282 282 282 283 283

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.13.2 1.13.3 1.13.4

Define Bar Code Pprofile for Label External Identification Set Unique Number Assignment for HU Identification Number Range Maintenance for HU Identification SSCC Generation Acc. to EAN128 Maintain Number Range Object for SSCC Maintain SSCC Generation for Each Plant / Storage Location Maintain SSCC Generation for Each Warehouse Number Define Number Assignment for Each Packaging Material Type Consistency Check for Number Range HU LE Automatic Packing Enhancement Concept Maintain Packing Transaction Profile Packing Instructions Master Data Define Number Ranges for Packing Instructions Define Check Profile for Packing Status Determination of Packing Instructions Define Key for Packing Instructions Determination Define Access Sequence for Packing Instruction Determination Define Determination Type for Packing Instructions Define Procedure for Packing Instructions Determination Define Number Ranges for Packing Instruction Determination R Output Maintain Output Determination for Handling Units Maintain Condition Tables Maintain Output Types Maintain Access Sequences Maintain Output Determination Procedure Assign Output Determination Procedures

284 285 285 286 287 288 288 289 290 291 291 292 292 293 294 294 295 295 296 297 297 298 298 299 299 299 301 301 302

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.14 1.14.1 1.14.2 1.14.3 1.14.4 1.14.5 1.14.6 1.15 1.15.1 1.15.2 1.15.3 1.15.4 1.15.5 1.15.6 1.16 1.16.1 1.16.2 1.17 1.17.1 1.18 1.18.1 1.18.2 1.18.3 1.18.4 1.18.5

Assign bar code profile and form to an output type Define Requirements Assign HU Output Types and Printer to Print Profiles Product Catalog Number Ranges, Layout Assignment of Layout Number Ranges in ALE Inbound Define Change Pointers Activate Change Pointers Catalog Code Number Ranges Maintain Product Catalog Type IAC Product Catalog and Online Store Determine Pictures and Sound Files for Web Server Profiles for Product Presentation Country Selection for Customer Address Customer Administration Profiles Profiles for Quotation and Order Control Online Stores Conversion Maintain converter Define conversion Product Structure Browser Define Filter Variant Configuration Maintenance Authorizations Define Maintenance Authorizations Assign Maintenance Authorizations Dependencies Maintain Statuses Define Groups Variant Tables Maintain Statuses Maintain Groups Variant Functions Maintain Statuses Maintain Groups Configurable Objects Model Service Specifications Maintain Statuses

302 303 303 303 305 305 306 307 307 308 308 308 310 310 310 311 311 312 312 313 314 314 315 315 315 316 316 317 317 317 317 318 318 318 319 319 320 320

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.18.6 1.18.7 1.19 1.19.1 1.19.2 1.20 1.20.1 1.20.2 1.20.3 1.20.4 1.20.5 1.20.6

Maintain Settings Material Maintain Statuses Maintain Settings Standard Network Maintain Statuses Maintain Settings General Maintenance Task List Maintain Statuses Maintain Settings Authorization Management Maintain Roles Customer Enhancements Specification System Determine Control Data Determine Profiles for Converting Units of Measure Engineering Change Management Set up control data Parameter Effectivity Define parameters Describe parameters Enter titles for parameter maintenance Define effectivity types Enter descriptions of effectivity types Maintain effectivity profiles Release Key Define release key Describe release key Define statuses for change master records Revision Levels Define revision levels for materials Define revision levels for documents Change Type Approval Maintain Basis settings for the digital signature Define authorization group Define single signature Define signature strategy

320 321 321 321 321 322 322 322 323 323 323 324 325 325 326 326 328 328 330 330 331 332 332 333 334 335 335 336 336 337 337 338 338 338 338 340 341 341

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.20.7 1.20.8 1.20.9 1.20.10 1.20.11 1.21 1.21.1 1.21.2

Define signature network for change master record Describe signature network for change master record Define signature network for objects Describe signature network for objects Define status profile Define change types for change master records Define change types for objects Set workflow for ECR/ECO Set workflow for object management record Maintain profile Define number ranges Authorization Management Define authorization Define profile Edit matchcodes Define Selection Profiles Configuration Management Application control General settings Define life cycle profile External component Product Structure Browser Define Filter CM objects Configuration definition Define Status Profiles Define general settings for configuration definition Define number ranges Configuration folder Define Status Profiles Define general settings for configuration folder Define number ranges Var. object identification Define identification categories General Features Global Settings

342 343 343 343 344 351 352 354 354 354 355 356 356 363 363 364 365 365 365 366 367 367 367 368 368 368 372 373 373 373 377 378 378 378 379 379

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.22 1.22.1 1.22.2 1.22.3 1.22.4 1.22.5 1.22.6 1.23 1.23.1

Baseline Define Status Profiles Define general settings for baselines Define number ranges Collaboration Define Field Selection Define CEP profile Define life cycle profile Define Workflow Administration of CEP Documents Enhancements for Collaboration Check User Authorization for Folders Logistics Information System (LIS) Logistics Data Warehouse Technical Information for Transport of LIS Objects Data Basis Applications Maintain Self-Defined Applications LIS Inbound Interface for External Data Communication Structures Maintain as IDoc Maintain as Dictionary Structure Maintain Self-Defined LIS Inbound Interface Field Catalogs Maintain Self-Defined Field Catalogs Technical Information for Field Catalogs Information Structures Maintain Self-Defined Information Structures Display Generation Log for Information Structures Tools Setup of Statistical Data Cross-Application Selection Parameters Application-Specific Setup of Statistical Data Perform Statistical Setup - Sales Perform Setup - Sales Support Perform Setup - Transportation

379 379 383 384 384 384 384 385 386 386 386 386 387 388 389 391 392 392 393 394 394 396 397 398 399 400 403 405 408 409 409 412 414 414 418 418

________________________________________________________________ xx



SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Perform Setup - Purchasing Perform Setup - Inventory Controlling Perform Setup - Warehouse Management Perform Setup - Production Perform Setup - Quality Management Perform Setup - Plant Maintenance Perform Setup - Retail Perform Setup - Warehousing & Shipping Distribution of Statistical Data (ALE) Exchange of Aggregated Data Generate Message Type Determine Version for Comparison Define ALE Settings Schedule Data Dispatch of Information Structures Event-Driven Data Exchange Set Scenario for "Inventory Controlling" Set Scenario for "Purchasing Information System" Set Scenario for "Sales Information System" Copy Management Methods Maintenance Reset Generation Time Stamp Execute Mass Generation Maintain Units Updating Updating Definition General Definition Using Update Groups Maintain Update Groups Specific Definition Using Update Rules Maintain Update Rules Maintain Requirements Maintain Formulas Display Generation Log of Update Rules Updating Control Activate Update Settings: Sales Statistics Groups Maintain Statistics Groups for Customers Maintain Statistics Groups for Material Maintain Statistics Groups for Sales

420 421 422 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 432 432 433 433 433 434 434 443 445 445 446 447 447 448 448 449 453 456 458 459 460 460 461 463 463 463

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________

Documents Assign Statistics Groups for Each Sales Document Type Assign Statistics Groups for each Sales Document Item Type Assign Statistics Groups for each Delivery Type Assign Statistics Groups for each Delivery Item Type Determine Billing Document Types Relevant to Statistics Update Group Assign Update Group on Item Level Assign Update Group on Header Level Change Statistics Currency for each Sales Organization Settings: Transportation Statistics Groups Maintain Statistics Groups for Transportation Service Agent Maintain Statistics Groups for Shipment Types Assign Statistics Groups for each Shipment Type Update Group Assign Statistics Groups for each Transportation Planning Lo Maintain Statistics for each Transportation Planning Point Settings: Sales Support Statistics Groups Maintain Statistics Groups Assign Statistics Group per Sales Activity Type Update Groups Settings: Purchasing Assign Update Group on Item Level Assign Update Group on Header Level Change Period Split for Quantity Reliability Change Period Split for On-Time Delivery

464 464 464 464 465 465 466 466 466 467 468 468 469 469 469 470 470 470 470 471 471 471 471 472 473 473 473

________________________________________________________________ xxii



SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Performance Settings: Production Activate Update and Release Version for each Order Type Define Performance Settings Settings: Quality Management Inspection Lot Allocate update for each origin Divide quality key figures into classes Assign quality key figure classes to info structures Determine update group for each quality notification type Settings: Plant Maintenance Define currency for maintenance statistics Assign Value Categories to Maintenance Cost Key Figures Allocate update groups for PM notification types Settings: Retail Information System (RIS) Enhance Data Maintain Transaction Key for SAP BW Settings: Warehousing & Shipping Control Rough Workload Estimate (RWE) Update Check Display update log Simulate Update U3 Update (Collective Update) 1.23.2 Reporting Standard Analyses Change Settings Data Enhancement Maintain List Enhancement Methods Delete Selection Versions Flexible Analyses Support of Various Languages Define Languages For Report Writer Translate Characteristic Texts For Evaluation Structures Transport of Evaluation Structures and

474 475 476 477 478 478 479 479 479 480 480 480 481 482 482 482 483 483 483 484 484 485 486 487 487 487 489 491 493 494 494 494 495

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.23.3

Evaluations Determine internal number assignment Perform mass generation of evaluations Select layout reports for evaluation structures Determine standard layout Planning Master Data Set parameters for info structures and key figures Set planning plant for SOP Define number range for combined characteristics Define number range for events Create characteristics for remainder allocations Open-To-Buy (OTB) Parameters for Open-To-Buy (OTB) Average prices of price band categories Characteristic Fields Per Info Structure for Price Bands Functions Define proportional distribution across plants Resource Planning Configure scheduling parameters Define routing selection Define number range for SOP orders Forecast Maintain forecast profiles Define number range for forecast parameters Define number range for forecast values Mass Processing Define activities Copying Key Figures Between Info Structures Maintain copy profiles Maintain key figure assignment profiles Maintain transfer profiles Transfer LIS / CO-PA

496 497 497 498 499 500 501 501 506 506 507 507 508 508 509 510 511 511 512 512 513 515 515 516 516 517 517 518 519 522 523 524 525

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.23.4 1.23.5 1.23.6 1.23.7

Generate message type Tools Maintain planning types Define user methods Reset generation time stamp Set user parameters Logistics Information Library Number Ranges Define number range intervals for key figures Define number range intervals for info sets R/2 - R/3 Link Customizing Settings Define settings in the R/2 System Define settings in the R/3 System Data Collection in the R/2 System Obtain master data texts Obtain data from Inventory Management Obtain data from Purchasing Transfer data to the R/3 System Process data in the R/3 System Maintain Authorizations Functional Enhancements Functional Enhancements - Logistics Data Warehouse Read external data: Copy Management Perform statistical update: SIS - sales documents Perform statistical setup: TIS transport documents Perform statistical update: PURCHIS purchasing documents Perform statistical update: INVCO Perform statistical update: PP-IS production orders Functional Enhancements - Reporting Determine characteristic texts Perform authorization check: standard analyses Display key figures: standard analyses Process external hierarchies: standard

526 527 527 537 538 539 539 540 541 541 542 543 543 544 545 545 546 547 549 549 549 599 600 600 600 601 601 601 601 601 602 602 603

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.24 1.24.1 1.24.2 1.24.3 1.24.4 1.24.5 1.24.6

analyses Functional Enhancements - Planning Import external data to the planning table Develop functional enhancement to calculate a macro Develop functional enhancement to define a function code Develop functional enhancement to create own header info Define additional authorization checks Edit EXCEL header information Create F4-Help for self-defined characteristics Extrapolate sales for Open-to-Buy (OTB) Set order warning for Open-to-Buy (OTB) Functional Enhancements - Early Warning System Define exceptions for certain characteristic values Add texts to fax symbols Merchandise Distribution Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution Adjustment Profiles per Processing Method Distribution Profile of Material in DC Movement Types for Distribution Orders Supplementary Logistics Services: Maintain Service Profile Allocation Allocation Rule Number Ranges, Allocation Rule Allocation Rule Types Allocation Rule Transaction Control Allocation Rule Determination Define and Assign Key Figure Category Define Selection Variant Allocation Table Number Ranges, Allocation Table Item Categories of Allocation Table

603 603 603 604 604 605 605 606 607 608 609 609 609 610 610 610 611 611 611 612 615 615 616 616 617 618 619 620 621 621 621

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.25 1.25.1 1.25.2

Notification Categories of Allocation Table Allocation Strategies Allocation Table Types Reasons for Rejection Text Types, Allocation Table Header Text Types, Allocation Table Item Maintain Split Criteria for Allocation Table Follow-On Docum Creation of Follow-On Documents Message Determination Single Messages Create Condition Table Change Condition Table Display Condition Table Access Sequence Message Type Message Schema Assign Schema to Document Type Assign Program/Form to Message Types Requirements for Message Types Group Messages Number Ranges, Group Message Message Type Assign Program/Form to Message Types Supply Chain Planning Interfaces (SCPI) Demand Planning/Distribution Resource Planning Interface Application Link Enabling (ALE) Production Optimization Interface (POI) ALE settings for POI Maintain logical system Allocate logical system to the client Define RFC destination Define port Reduce interim structures Maintain partner profile Maintain customer distribution model directly Activate change pointer Activate change pointer (generally) Activate change pointer for message

622 623 623 625 626 626 627 627 628 628 628 629 630 630 631 631 631 632 632 633 633 634 634 635 635 635 637 637 637 638 638 640 641 643 644 649 650

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R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.25.3 1.25.4

types Planning settings for POI Specify scheduling type Set up production scheduler group Automatic task list selection Define scheduling parameters for planned orders Define scheduling parameters for production orders Define scheduling parameters for process orders Data transfer parameters for POI Define general parameters for transfer Define filter for task list usage Define filter for task list status Define filter for BOM usage Define filter for BOM status Select available capacity version Define filter for production/process orders Define filter for control keys Choose method for finding planned orders via work centers Define target system for data upload Sales & Operations Planning (SOP) Interface Activate external system support Maintain problem categories identified by external system Maintain planning actions Maintain planning action steps Maintain action step parameters Maintain model Maintain RFC destination Maintain download and planning defaults Maintain startup parameters Assign model to info structure Determine planning versions for external system Maintain background processing profile Transportation Planning Interface (TPI)

650 651 651 652 652 653 653 654 656 657 658 658 658 658 658 659 659 660 660 660 660 661 661 662 662 663 663 663 664 664 664 665 665

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.25.5 1.26 1.26.1 1.26.2 1.26.3 1.26.4 1.26.5 1.26.6 1.26.7 1.26.8

Define logical non-SAP systems Define RFC destination Maintain allocation of non-SAP system to ALE output Maintain ALE port definition Maintain ALE partner profiles Maintain transportation planning points for external systems Maintain materials cumulation for routes Maintain planning restriction for routes Maintain output control for delivery transfers Activate change management for master data Authorization Management Define authorizations Define profiles Maintain authorization groups SAP Retail Store Sales Order Basic Settings for Order Entry Grouping of allowed order types Grouping of Countries for Customer Maintenance Goods Movement Basic Settings for Goods Receipt Basic Settings for Goods Movements/Stock Transfers Grouping of business transactions for other goods movements Grouping of business transactions for stock transfers Allocation Retail promotion Physical Inventory Basic Settings for Physical Inventory Store Order Reorganization period for follow-on documents Product catalog Working Time Recording Set Up Internet Time Sheet (CATS)

666 667 667 668 669 669 671 672 674 675 676 676 682 683 684 684 685 685 685 685 686 686 686 687 687 687 687 687 688 688 688 688 688

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________

1.26.9 1.26.10 1.27 1.27.1 1.27.2

Sales Prices Basic Settings for Sales Prices Set Up Web Reporting Merchandise and Assortment Planning Basic Settings Cross-Scenario Settings Collective Maintenance for User Settings Data Warehouse Applications Maintain Self-Defined Applications LIS Inbound Interface for External Data Communication Structures Maintain as IDoc Maintain as Dictionary Structure Maintain Self-Defined LIS Inbound Interface Field Catalogs Maintain Self-Defined Field Catalogs Technical Information for Field Catalogs Information Structures Maintain Self-Defined Information Structures Display Generation Log for Information Structures Maintain Authorizations Period and Season Settings Maintain Fiscal Year Variant (Maintain Shortened Fisc. Year) Maintain assignment of periods to seasons Currency Translation Set Up Exchange Rate Types Maintain exchange rates Store Groupings Maintain store groupings Maintain assignment store to store grouping Planning Basic Settings Maintain master data check for self-defined characteristics

690 690 690 693 693 693 693 694 694 694 695 696 696 698 699 700 701 702 705 707 710 711 760 760 762 762 762 763 763 763 763 764 764 764

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

Maintain characteristic names for self-defined characteristi Graphically-Supported Maintenance Using Networks Alternative Maintenance via Standard Tools Planning scenario/step Maintain planning hierarchy versions Maintain Plan Versions Set automatic planning Maintain self-defined transactions/programs Maintain planning step links Planning Interfaces Maintain the Promotions Interface Maintain the Allocation Table Interface Assignment of Interfaces to Layouts Maintain Break-Downs Manual Planning Maintain planning layouts Maintain Manual Planning Variants Transport planning layouts Import standard planning layout Maintain time-based distribution key Transport time-based distribution keys Maintain additional planning key figures Maintain control parameters for planning key figures Maintain formula groups Maintain Assignment of Layout to Formula Groups Maintain self-defined CUA status/title Maintain self-defined CUA functions 1.27.3 Information system Actual Data Update Updating Updating Definition General Definition Using Update Groups Maintain Update Groups Specific Definition Using Update Rules Maintain Update Rules Maintain Requirements

764 764 764 765 765 765 765 766 766 766 766 766 766 766 767 767 767 767 768 768 768 768 768 769 769 769 769 770 770 770 771 771 772 772 777 779

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ Maintain Formulas Display Generation Log of Update Rules Updating Control Activate Update Settings: Sales Statistics Groups Maintain Statistics Groups for Customers Maintain Statistics Groups for Material Maintain Statistics Groups for Sales Documents Assign Statistics Groups for Each Sales Document Type Assign Statistics Groups for each Sales Document Item Type Assign Statistics Groups for each Delivery Type Assign Statistics Groups for each Delivery Item Type Determine Billing Document Types Relevant to Statistics Update Group Assign Update Group on Item Level Assign Update Group on Header Level Change Statistics Currency for each Sales Organization Settings: Transportation Statistics Groups Maintain Statistics Groups for Transportation Service Agent Maintain Statistics Groups for Shipment Types Assign Statistics Groups for each Shipment Type Update Group Assign Statistics Groups for each Transportation Planning Lo Maintain Statistics for each Transportation Planning Point Settings: Sales Support Statistics Groups Maintain Statistics Groups

781 783 783 783 785 786 786 786 787 787 787 788 788 789 789 789 790 790 791 792 792 792 793 793 793 793 794 794 794

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ Assign Statistics Group per Sales Activity Type Update Groups Settings: Purchasing Assign Update Group on Item Level Assign Update Group on Header Level Change Period Split for Quantity Reliability Change Period Split for On-Time Delivery Performance Settings: Production Activate Update and Release Version for each Order Type Define Performance Settings Settings: Quality Management Inspection Lot Allocate update for each origin Divide quality key figures into classes Assign quality key figure classes to info structures Determine update group for each quality notification type Settings: Plant Maintenance Define currency for maintenance statistics Assign Value Categories to Maintenance Cost Key Figures Allocate update groups for PM notification types Settings: Retail Information System (RIS) Enhance Data Settings: Warehousing & Shipping Control Rough Workload Estimate (RWE) Update Check Display update log Simulate Update U3 Update (Collective Update) Special Update Features Average Retail parameters General parameters Reporting

795 795 796 796 796 796 798 799 799 800 801 801 802 802 803 803 804 804 805 805 806 806 806 806 807 807 808 809 810 810 810 810

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.27.4

Standard Analyses Change Settings Data Enhancement Maintain List Enhancement Methods Delete Selection Versions Flexible Analyses Support of Various Languages Define Languages For Report Writer Translate Characteristic Texts For Evaluation Structures Transport of Evaluation Structures and Evaluations Determine internal number assignment Perform mass generation of evaluations Select layout reports for evaluation structures Determine standard layout Maintain sets Maintain variables Structure report selection Tools Setup of Statistical Data Cross-Application Selection Parameters Application-Specific Setup of Statistical Data Perform Statistical Setup - Sales Perform Setup - Sales Support Perform Setup - Transportation Perform Setup - Purchasing Perform Setup - Inventory Controlling Perform Setup - Warehouse Management Perform Setup - Production Perform Setup - Quality Management Perform Setup - Plant Maintenance Perform Setup - Retail Perform Setup - Warehousing & Shipping Distribution of Statistical Data (ALE) Exchange of Aggregated Data Generate Message Type Determine Version for Comparison Define ALE Settings

811 811 812 814 817 817 818 818 818 819 820 821 821 822 824 825 827 827 827 830 832 832 836 836 838 839 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 849 849 850 850

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________ 1.27.5

Schedule Data Dispatch of Information Structures Event-Driven Data Exchange Set Scenario for "Inventory Controlling" Set Scenario for "Purchasing Information System" Set Scenario for "Sales Information System" Copy Management Methods Maintenance Reset Generation Time Stamp Execute Mass Generation Functional Enhancements Functional Enhancements - Logistics Data Warehouse Read external data: Copy Management Perform statistical update: SIS - sales documents Perform statistical setup: TIS transport documents Perform statistical update: PURCHIS purchasing documents Perform statistical update: INVCO Perform statistical update: PP-IS production orders Functional Enhancements - Planning Authorizations Cell manipulation in planning layouts Additional planning key figures Change Function for Retail Promotions Editing a New Promotion Editing a New Allocation Table Running a Menu Function in Planning Program Functional Enhancements - Reporting Determine characteristic texts Perform authorization check: standard analyses Display key figures: standard analyses Process external hierarchies: standard analyses Functional Enhancements - Early Warning

851 851 851 851 852 852 861 863 864 865 865 865 865 865 865 866 866 866 866 866 866 866 867 867 867 867 867 867 868 868

________________________________________________________________ SAP AG



R/3 System Table of Contents SAP AG ________________________________________________________________ 1.28 1.28.1 1.28.2 1.28.3

System Define exceptions for certain characteristic values Add texts to fax symbols Agency Business Basic Settings Number Ranges Copying control Maintain Price Change Group Configuration: Texts Blocking Reasons Transaction Reasons Message Control by User Assign Company Code to Plant Maintain Bar Code Entry Define Price Determination Process Define Access Sequences Define Condition Types Define Limits Define Exclusion Indicators Define Calculation Schema Define Schema Group Document Schema (Billing Document Type Grouping) Calculation Schema Determination Define Transaction/Event Keys Define Condition Exclusion Maintain Condition Table Extend Field Catalog for Condition Tables System Modifications Billing Billing Document Types Assign Billing Type to Remuneration List Type Criteria for Split Payment Maintain Profit Analysis Type Maintain Profit Groups Status Group - Application Status Payment Types

869 869 869 870 870 870 870 871 871 871 872 872 873 873 874 875 876 877 877 877 879 879 879 880 881 882 883 883 884 884 887 887 888 888 889 889 890

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SAP AG Table of Contents R/3 System ________________________________________________________________

1.28.4 1.28.5 1.28.6 1.28.7

Message Determination Maintain Message Determination for Agency Business Maintain Condition Tables Maintain Message Types Maintain Access Sequences Assign Partner Functions to Message Types Maintain Message Determination Schema Assign Form/Processing Program to Message Type Form Editing Define Forms Maintain Form Text Assignment Define Requirements Assign output devices and print parameters Reporting Define Condition Lists Structure Report Selection Develop Enhancements for Agency Business Use Business Transaction Events

891 891 892 893 896 898 899 901 902 902 903 904 905 906 906 907 908 909

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