August 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Ehih 4 Zfsbh Zfseh @gwf  EFI 4 ^M.1:.:>.8.8?.;00 Ihth Lucfhb 4 L@L FFF @I ^rm`f 4 [hrdheh Pgrhphe Lgpgrhwhthe rgoucgr FQ


LME[G^ @H[HZ LG^GZH_HPHE FFF @FHJGPG[ IGCFPW[ (L@L FFF @I) PWOH[ 0 (cmojmml tfi ihehdgige `f lmiuefths) Heolh lgdh`fhe @I `f `f ^uslgsihs Hths Heofe tgrus igefeolht igefeolht sgtfhp thbueeyh. Bhsfc survgf  pgeyhlft tf`hl igeuchr, pgeyhlft @I pgefeolhtheeyh cgjfb cg jfb pgsht `hrf pgeyhlft chfeeyh `he `ftgiulhe `ftgi ulhe puch tfeoofeyh tfeoofeyh ahltmr rfsflm @I ph`h ihsyhrhlht ihsyhrhlht tgrsgjut tgrsgjut sgpgrtf sgpgrtf bfpgrtgesf, bfpgrtgesf,  pgrujhbhe ohyh bf`up `he lurheoeyh jgrmchb rhoh. Jgr`hshrlhe lhsus `f hths dhwhjchb pgrtheyhhe-pgrtheyhhe `f jhwhb fef 4

8. [gjhohf [gjhohf tfi ihehdgige ihehdgige @I, @I, hph yheo yheo he`h chlulh chlulhe e jgr`hshrlhe jgr`hshrlhe lhsus lhsus `fhths= `fhths= h. F`get F`getfaflhsf faflhsf ihshchb,ah ihshchb,ahltmr ltmr pg`ulueo pg`ulueo (shrheh (shrheh `he prhshrheh,[@I) prhshrheh,[@I)  j. Ihsyhrhlht sthtus smsfhc glmemif,pge`f`flhe ju`hyh,cfeolueohe,tmlmb ju`hyh,cfeolueohe,tmlmb ihsyhrhlht `he hohih k. [uij [uijgr gr `hyh (strultur (strultur mrohefshsf,[@ mrohefshsf,[@I,shrh I,shrheh eh `he prhshrheh lgsgbhthe lgsgbhthe `he suijgr  suijgr  `hyh hchi)

:. Heoomth tfi ihehdgige `fhjgtgs chfe `f lmiuefths yheo he`h hdhl uetul jglgrdh shih `hchi igeogcmch lhsus `f hths, hethrh chfe 4

8. @m @ml ltgr u ui iui :. Hbcf ofzf ;. 0. 7. 1. ?.

^g ^grh rhwh whtt G`u G`ukh khtm tmrr ^g ^gch chtf tfb b ssggeh ehi i Hbc Hbcff lgs lgsgb gbht hthe he ih ihsy syhr hrhl hlht ht Hp Hpm mtglg lgrr Dhif Dhifeh ehe e lg lgsg sgbh bhthe the J^ J^D[ D[

;. Dgchslhe pgrhe ihsfeo-ihsfeo heoomth tfi ihehdgige `fhjgtgs ph`h lhsus `f hths!

8. @mltgr Wiui 4 igeo igeogkgl gkgl lgsgb lgsgbhthe hthe ` `he he lme lmesucthsf sucthsf lgsgb lgsgbhthe hthe :. Hbcf of ofzf zf 4 Ig Igijg ijgrf rf g` g`ulh ulhsf sf ige igeoge ogehf hf `fg `fgtt @I ;. ^g ^grh rhwh whtt g`ulh g`ulhtmr tmr 4 ig igij ijgr grff g`ulh g`ulhsf, sf,pge pgeoh ohij ijfc fche he lgput lgputush ushe e ih iheh ehdg dgig ige e lcfefl,igeogehcf pgeomjhthe @I 0. ^gc ^gchtfb htfb sge sgehi hi 4 ig igcht chtfb fb sg sgehi ehi @I


7. Hbcf lgsg lgsgbht bhthe he isyhr isyhrhlh hlhtt 4 igi igijgr jgrflhe flhe pgey pgeyucub ucubhe he `he prm prmilg ilgss igi igijhe jhetu tu igekgo ige kgohb hb `he igi igijgr jgrhet heths hs pge pgeyhl yhlft ft @I `ge `geohe ohe tfe` tfe`hlh hlhe e prg prgpget pgetfa fa `he  prmimtfa  1. Hp Hpmt mtgl glgr gr 4 ig igey eyg` g`fh fhlh lhe e ih iheh ehdg dgig ige e pgeo pgeomj mjht hthe he `he `he ig igij ijhe hetu tu `hch `hchi i  pgijgrfhe tgrhpf mjht ?. Dhifeh Dhifehe e lgsg lgsgbhthe bhthe J^D[ 4 igi igijgrfl jgrflhe he dhi dhifehe fehe l lgsgbh gsgbhthe the

0. Dgchsl Dgchslhe he rgek rgekhe hehh tfi tfi `h `hch chi i igij igijhe hetu tu igeo igeoht hthsf hsf ihsh ihshchb chb yheo iuek iuekuc uc ph ph`h `h lh lhsu suss `fhths. 8. ^r ^rmi mims msff lgs lgsgb gbht hthe he Igchlulhe Igchlu lhe pgeyucubhe pgeyucubhe lgsgbhthe tgetheo tgetheo pgekgohbhe pgekgohbhe @I, ahltmr-ahltm ahltmr-ahltmrr rgsflm tgrdh tgrdh`f `fey eyhh @i `h `he e lm lmip ipcf cflh lhsfe sfeyh yh,, sgrth sgrth pg pgru rujh jhbh bhe e pg pgrf rfch chlu lu oh ohyh yh bf bf`u `up p ihsyhrhlht lbususeyh pmch ihlhe `he lgofhthe hltfvfths afsfl. ^geygjhrhe feamrihsf igchcuf cghacgt , pmstgr/ig`fh lmiueflhsf chfeeyh. :. ^gijgr ^gijgr`hy `hyhhe hhe lgcu lgcuhro hrohh `he ihsy ihsyhrhl hrhlht ht Igchlu Igc hlulhe lhe luedue luedueohe oherui ruihb hb phsfge phsfge @i `f wfchyh wfchyhb b lgrdh lgrdh pu puslg slgsih sihss uetul  uetul  igijgrflhe jfijfeohe `he imtfvhsf ph`h phsfge `geohe lgcuhrohQ lgcmipml  ihsyhrhlht yheo igeheooucheof ihshchb @i. 

;. ^gijfe ^gijfehhe hhe `he `he pgrhe pgrhe sgrth sgrth ihsyh ihsyhrhl rhlht ht Igchlulhe pgijgetulhe `he pgijfehhe lgcmipml mchbrhoh, sgpgrtf lgcmipml  sgehi sge hi `fhj `fhjgt gtgsf gsf igeo igeooh ohcf cf su suij ijgr gr `h `hyh yh ihsy ihsyhr hrhl hlht ht ue uetu tul l jg jgrp rpgr grhe he sg sgrth rth igeoge`hcflhe @i 0. [urvgfche hess Igchlulhe survgfches ahltmr rgsflm tgrdh`feyh @i `f cfeolueohe ihsyhrhlht  jgr`hshrlhe pgefeolhthe lhsus @i `f wfchyhb lgrdh puslgsihs. puslgsihs. 7. Igchlulhe Igchlulhe pgijgr`hy pgijgr`hyhhe hhe lh`gr puslgsihs puslgsihs 1. Ige`mrmeo Ige`mrmeo mrohefs mrohefshsf hsf ihsyhrhlht ihsyhrhlht uetul uetul ige`ulu ige`ulueo eo sgrth igefchf igefchf sgpgrtf sgpgrtf pge`hehhe pge`hehhe lgcgijhohhe `he bfjhb `hrf cgijhoh ihsyhrhlht lgcmipml hthu chyhehe. ?. Jgrl Jgrlmm mmr` r`fe fehs hsff `geo geohe lh` h`gr gr pu pusl slgs gsi ihs `hc hchi hi pg pgch chy yhe hehe he lgs gsgb gbht hthe he `he igeof`getfaflhsf pmpuchsf lcfge `geohe ahltmr rgsflm @I. 2. Igeoh` Igeoh`hlh hlhe e lmesgcf lmesgcfeo eo ph`h ph`h mrheo mrheo yheo yheo jgrgsfl jgrgsflm m @I `geohe `geohe ahltm ahltmrr rgsflm rgsflm yheo yheo `hpht `fim`faflhsf. 6. Igeohtur Igeohtur dh`whc dh`whc chtfbhe chtfbhe afsfl `geohe `geohe `fjhet `fjhetu u festrultur festrultur lgjuohr lgjuohrhe. he. 

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