Log Shipping

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000

How to Setup Log Shipping Microsoft Product Support Services White Paper

Written by Purna Gathani Additional contributions by Richard Waymire, Arvind Krishnan, Rick Gutierrez Published on May 24, 2001 Abstract The Log Shipping feature that is included in Microsoft® SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition is an automated process that sends transaction logs from one server to another. You can use Log Shipping to create a warm standby server for your production server. This white paper is for Database Administrators who have never used Log Shipping before and are interested in exploring Log Shipping as a strategy for disaster recovery. This white paper outlines the following:

The steps to configure Log Shipping between two or more servers that are running SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

The steps to configure Log Shipping between Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2), or later, and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition.

A brief comparison between Log Shipping and the other high availability-solutions that SQL Server provides.

The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This White Paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. The example companies, organizations, products, people and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or should be inferred.

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CONTENTS How to Setup Log Shipping


MICROSOFT PRODUCT SUPPORT SERVICES WHITE PAPER.....................................1 CONTENTS..................................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1 COMMON TERMS.........................................................................................................2 PREPARING TO SET UP LOG SHIPPING.....................................................................3 HOW TO SET UP LOG SHIPPING BETWEEN SQL SERVER 2000 SERVERS................5 HOW TO MONITOR LOG SHIPPING...........................................................................14 HOW TO MODIFY OR DELETE LOG SHIPPING..........................................................18 PRIMARY ROLE CHANGE..........................................................................................25 HOW TO SET UP LOG SHIPPING BETWEEN SQL SERVER 7.0 SERVICE PACK 2, OR LATER, AND SQL SERVER 2000.............................................................................................31 COMPARISON WITH OTHER HIGH-AVAILABILTY SOLUTIONS................................36 High-Availability Solutions 36 Failover Clustering 36 Replication 37 Log Shipping 37 FOR MORE INFORMATION........................................................................................39

INTRODUCTION Log Shipping is an automated process that sends transaction logs from one server to another. The transaction logs are backed up periodically on the production server and copied to warm standby servers where they are restored sequentially. If the current production server stops working, you can upgrade one of the standby servers to a production server The Log Shipping feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2000. The following diagram represents a simple Log Shipping scenario: Monitor Server

Primary Server


Secondary Server


Transaction Log


Transaction Log

Figure 1

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Primary or source server: This server contains the source database that is configured for Log Shipping. The initial database backup and subsequent transaction log backups are taken on this server. Usually, this is the production or development server.

Secondary or destination server: The initial database and subsequent transaction log backups are restored on this server. Usually, this is a warm standby server.

Monitor server: This server is used to monitor Log Shipping. The monitor server contains all relevant information regarding the status of Log Shipping.

Transfer Logins Task: You can use this Data Transformation Services (DTS) task to transfer logins from the source server to the destination server.

Microsoft recommends that you not use the same server as both the monitor server and the source server because the monitor server maintains critical information regarding the Log Shipping system. This critical information is lost if the primary server stops working. Also, because the monitoring activity adds some server overhead, keep the monitor server separate to yield better performance. Like all other SQL Server servers, the monitor server must be backed up regularly. For example, although not recommended, you can configure the source and destination servers to be the same physical computer with multiple instances.

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PREPARING TO SET UP LOG SHIPPING As you prepare to set up Log Shipping, follow these guidelines:

• The user who configures Log Shipping must be a member of the sysadmin server role to have permission to modify the database to log ship.

The login that you use to start the MSSQLServer and SQLServerAgent services must have administrative access to the Log Shipping plan jobs, the source server, and the destination server.

Use SQL Server Enterprise Manager on the primary server to register all the servers that will participate in Log Shipping.

The database that you set up for Log Shipping must use either the bulk-logged or full recovery model. A database that uses the simple recovery model cannot be log shipped because the simple recovery model does not allow transaction log backups.

If you use the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard to configure Log Shipping, you can only log ship to disks. If you want to use the backup-totape option, you must manually configure Log Shipping with custom scripts for copying and restoring the transaction logs.

• Create a network share on the primary server where the transaction log backups will be stored. For example: \\primary_computername\sharename

If you use a directory that is different from the default backup location, you must share that directory so that it can be accessed by the Log Shipping jobs. See the Specify Transaction Log Backup Disk Directory dialog box in Figure 2.

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Figure 2

If you select Use this directory, and then specify the F:\BACKUP folder, the F:\BACKUP folder must be shared.

If you plan to select the Allow database to assume primary role option when you configure Log Shipping, create a network share on the standby server where the transaction log backups will be stored. For example, \\secondary_computername\sharename.

Ensure network connectivity between the primary and secondary servers.

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HOW TO SET UP LOG SHIPPING BETWEEN SQL SERVER 2000 SERVERS You can set up Log Shipping between SQL Server 2000 servers by using the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard. To access the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, open SQL Server Enterprise Manager, and then click Database Maintenance Planner on the Tools menu. Use these steps to set up Log Shipping: 1.

Open the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard.


Select the name of the database that you want to log ship.

Figure 3 NOTE: To set up Log Shipping, you must configure each database separately. If you select multiple databases, you cannot set up Log Shipping. If you have selected only one database and cannot select the Ship the transaction logs to other SQL Servers (log shipping) check box, make sure that the database is using the Full Recovery model. The Select Databases dialog box in Figure 3 is followed by the database maintenance dialog boxes: •

Update Data Optimization Information

Database Integrity Check

Specify the Database Backup Plan

Specify Backup Disk Directory

Specify the Transaction Log Backup Plan

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Pay special attention to the Specify the Transaction Log Backup Plan dialog box. If you do not set up the transaction log backup plan correctly, Log Shipping may fail. If hard disk space is a factor, you may want to consider using the Remove files older than option. The Remove files older than option deletes backup files from the primary server after a specified amount of time has elapsed.

The configuration of Log Shipping starts with the Specify the Transaction Log Share dialog box shown in Figure 4.

3. In the Specify the Transaction Log Share dialog box, enter the share name on the primary server (for example, \\primary_computername\sharename) where the transaction log backups will be stored. (This is the same share that you specified in the Preparing To Set Up Log Shipping section.)

Figure 4

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4. For each secondary server, you can specify the configuration options in the Add Destination Database dialog box as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5

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The following table provides more information about the Add Destination Database dialog box. Option


Server Name

Select the secondary server from the drop-down list box. The server must be registered in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager before you start the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard.

Transaction Log Destination Directory Create and initialize new database Use existing database

Select the destination directory on the secondary server where transaction logs will be copied and subsequently restored. Create a new database on the secondary server with the same name as the database on the primary server. You can use an existing database backup or create a new one at the end of the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard.

The database already exists on the secondary server.

No Recovery mode

The database remains in No Recovery mode on the secondary server. No users are able to access the database until the database is recovered.

Standby mode

The database remains in Standby mode, and the users have read–only access.

Terminate users

Microsoft recommends that you select this option. This option terminates all user connections that are using this database before a restore operation occurs. If user connections exist during a restore, the restore operation fails.

Allow database to assume primary role

When this option is enabled, this secondary server becomes the primary server if there are any problems on the original primary server. If you select this option, you must provide a share where the transaction logs are stored when the server assumes the role of a primary server (for example, (\\secondary_computername\sharename).

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5. The Initialize the Destination Databases dialog box only appears if you have chosen to create a new database. You can create a new backup or use an existing backup.

Figure 6

NOTE: If you choose to use an existing backup, the system only lists the backup on the current primary server. When you use an existing backup, the file must reside in a directory other than the one you are using to store the Log Shipping backup.

Although you can specify a UNC path to back up the database, Microsoft does not recommend this because it adds the overhead of copying the database backup files to the primary server before they are copied to the secondary server during the final phase of configuration.

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6. After you define the secondary server properties, specify the properties of the transaction log backup schedules.

Figure 7 The following table provides more information about the Log Shipping Schedules dialog box. Option


Backup schedule

This option sets the frequency that the transaction logs are backed up on the primary server.

Copy/load frequency

This option sets the frequency that the transaction logs are copied from the primary server to the secondary server, and then loaded on the secondary server. If Load delay is 0, zero (0) is also the frequency with which the transaction logs are restored.

Load delay

This is the length of time that the secondary server waits before loading logs after the file is copied to the secondary server. The default for this option is zero (0) minutes, which indicates that the secondary server should immediately restore any transaction log backups after they are copied. In situations where there is a problem on the primary server, a time delay allows the user to try and correct the problem before the problem log is restored onto the secondary server.

File retention period

The length of time that the transaction logs are retained on the secondary server before they are deleted.

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7. Specify the thresholds for generating alerts. By default, the alert is written to the SQL Server error log and the Microsoft Windows NT Event Log. After you have successfully configured Log Shipping, you can modify the thresholds for the alerts in the job properties.

Figure 8 Here is a description for each of the Log Shipping Thresholds options: Option

Backup alert threshold Out of sync alert

Description This is the maximum elapsed time since the last transaction log backup occurred on the primary server.

This is the maximum elapsed time between the last transaction log backup on the primary server and the last transaction log restore on the secondary server.

NOTE: The default numbers that are provided for the preceding dialog box are based on the frequencies that you selected in step 6.

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8. Specify the server name and the security context that you want to use to monitor Log Shipping as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 You can use either Microsoft Windows NT authentication or SQL Server authentication depending on the security configuration for your server; however, Microsoft recommends that you use Windows NT authentication. If you use SQL Server authentication, you can only use the log_shipping_monitor_probe login to monitor Log Shipping. If you use the log_shipping_monitor_probe login for other Database Maintenance Plans, you must use the same password. If this is the first time you are using the log_shipping_monitor_probe login, you can specify a new password. The log_shipping_monitor_probe account is used by the primary and secondary servers to update the msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primaries and msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondaries tables when a transaction log is backed up, copied, or restored. The Specify Log Shipping Monitor Server Information dialog box is the last dialog box you use to configure Log Shipping. The next two dialog boxes are a part of the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard: •

Reports to Generate -and-

Maintenance Plan History

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9. In the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard Summary dialog box, click Next to complete the plan.

Figure 10

NOTE: If you are configuring Log Shipping for a large database, this process may take a considerable amount of time. The average time is approximately 12 seconds for an 8-megabyte (MB) database with a single processor [PIII500] computer that is using only one secondary server.

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HOW TO MONITOR LOG SHIPPING The monitor server is defined as part of the Database Maintenance Plan. After you have successfully created the plan, in the SQL Server Enterprise Manager Management folder for the monitor server, the Log Shipping Monitor appears.

Figure 11

A log shipping pair is assigned for each secondary server per database. For example, if use Log Shipping to send a database from a primary server to a secondary server, there is one log shipping pair. If you use Log Shipping to send two databases from a primary server to a secondary server, there are two log shipping pairs.

You can use the Log Shipping Monitor to check the status of Log Shipping and to edit specific information that pertains to the primary and secondary server. For each log shipping pair, the Log Shipping Monitor shows the time of Last Backup, Backup Threshold, time of Last Copy, time of Last Restore, Sync Threshold, Alerts Enabled, and Status. When the log shipping pair is not synchronized, the icon displays an “X.” The log shipping pairs do not autorefresh. Therefore, you must manually refresh SQL Server Enterprise Manager to obtain the current status.

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The options in the following table are available when you right-click a log shipping pair. Option


Disable Backup Alert

This option prevents SQL Server from raising a backup alert.

Disable out-of-sync alert

This option prevents SQL Server from raising an out-of-sync alert.

View Backup History

This option displays the Backup History dialog box.

View Copy/Restore History

This option displays the Copy/Restore History dialog box.


This option displays the Monitor Pair Property dialog box.

Enable Backup Alert

This option enables the SQL Server backup alert.

Enable out-of-sync alert

This option enables the SQL Server out-of-sync alert.

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In addition to the Log Shipping Monitor, you can also use Transact-SQL to query the system tables on the different servers to obtain status and configuration information about Log Shipping. There are seven Log Shipping system tables in the msdb database on each participating server, but only the following tables are used on each server, depending on the role played by that server (primary, secondary or monitor). Table



This table contains a list of all the databases that are currently being log shipped and their corresponding plan_ids. This table is present on the primary server.


This table contains the name of the monitor server and the type of authentication that is used for the monitor server. This table is relevant on both the primary and the secondary servers.

Msdb..log_shipping_plans -andmsdb..log_shipping_plan_databa ses

These tables provide information about the Log Shipping configuration on the secondary server (steps 4 through 8 in the How To Set Up Log Shipping Between SQL 2000 Servers section). This table is only relevant on the secondary server.

Msdb.. log_shipping_plan_history

This table contains the history of Log Shipping plans. This table is only relevant on the secondary server.

Msdb.. log_shipping_primaries

If this table is on a monitor server, it contains a list of all the primary servers for which this server is a monitor server. On a primary server, this table contains information about the primary server.

Msdb... log_shipping_secondaries

If this table is on a monitor server, it contains a list of all the secondary servers for which this server is a monitor server. On a secondary server, this table contains information about the secondary server.

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NOTE: When you configure a database for Log Shipping, a Database Maintenance Plan is created and a row is inserted in the msdb..sysdbmaintplans system table. The following jobs are also created:

One job for database backup

One job for transaction log backup

Two jobs for Log Shipping alerts

Additionally, two more jobs are created on the secondary server for copying and loading the transaction log. The entries for these jobs are made in the msdb..sysjobs system table. If you have a backup primary server, there is a transaction log backup job, but it is disabled until you execute a role change.

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HOW TO MODIFY OR DELETE LOG SHIPPING After you configure Log Shipping, you can add or edit the properties of the secondary servers. To do this, open SQL Server Enterprise Manager on the primary server, right-click the Database Maintenance Plan that is used by Log Shipping, and then click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, click the Log Shipping tab.

Figure 12

NOTE: If you do not know which Database Maintenance Plan is being used by Log Shipping, run the following SQL statement from the SQL Server Query Analyzer:

SELECT database_name, plan_name FROM msdb..sysdbmaintplans as a, msdb..log_shipping_databases as b WHERE a.plan_id = b.maintenance_plan_id

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The following table provides more information about the Database Maintenance Plan dialog box. Option



Add another secondary server to an existing primary server.


If this is the only log shipping pair, Log Shipping is completely removed. Otherwise, only that specific log shipping pair is deleted.


Edit the properties of an existing secondary server. You can edit all of the options that you originally configured during the creation of the Database Maintenance Plan.

Remove Log Shipping

This option removes Log Shipping completely.

If you click Edit, the Edit Destination Database dialog box appears.

Figure 14

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The Edit Destination Database dialog box has three tabs: •




Figure 15

Tab Name



View or change the Transaction Log Destination and share name for the secondary server (backup primary server).

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Figure 16

Tab Name Initialize

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Description Make changes to the secondary database status and to the copy or load frequency.


Figure 17

Tab Name



Make changes to the Out of Sync Threshold, Load Time Delay, File Retention Period and History Retention Period.

The Edit Destination Database dialog box is the only place where you can make changes to the History Retention Period, which is used to determine how much information is retained in the Log_shipping_plan_history table on the secondary server.

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You can also remove a secondary server from your Log Shipping configuration in SQL Server Enterprise Manager. To do this, on the secondary server, right-click the log shipped database, and then click Properties.

Figure 18

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Because this database participates in Log Shipping, the Properties dialog box contains some additional Log Shipping information about the role of this server and the name of the monitor server. Click Details to view the Log Shipping Details dialog box.

Figure 19

If you click Remove Log Shipping to remove Log Shipping for this database, the corresponding log shipping pair is also deleted. If this is the only pair, Log Shipping is completely removed.

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PRIMARY ROLE CHANGE If the primary or production server has a problem, you can upgrade your secondary server to be the current primary server provided that you selected the Allow database to assume primary role option for that secondary server during the initial configuration. To prepare the primary or production server for disaster recovery, do the following: 1. Create a DTS package with the Transfer Logins task. Specify the source or primary server and the destination or secondary server, and then select one of the two login options shown in Figure 20.

Figure 20

2. Create a job that is owned by the system administrator (sa) on the current primary server or create a login with sysadmin rights to both servers by using the following job steps: a. BCP Out: This step should be of Type = “Operating System Command (CmdExec).” The command will read as follows (note that the switches are case sensitive) bcp master..syslogins out {localpath}\syslogins.dat /N /S {Servername} /U sa /P {sa password}

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b. Copy File: This step should be of Type = “Transact-SQL Script (TSQL)”. The step should execute in Database = master. The command should be as follows: exec xp_cmdshell 'copy {localpath}\syslogins.dat {destination share}' c. Transfer Logins: This step should be of Type = “Operating System Command (CmdExec).” The command should be as follows (note that the switches are case sensitive): DTSRun /Sserver_name /Uuser_nName /Ppassword /Npackage_name/Mpackage_password For the preceding job, create a job schedule so that it runs once or on a recurring basis. Microsoft recommends that the job run as close as possible to the time of the role change, so that the job gets the most current login information from the primary server. To perform a server role change, use these steps:

NOTE: You must be a SQL Server Administrator to perform a server role change. You must always specify the parameters explicitly when you run the following stored procedures, and never assume that a parameter uses a default value.

3. Run the following stored procedure on the instance of SQL Server that is marked as the current primary server: Exec msdb..sp_change_primary_role @db_name



BIT = 1,


BIT = 0,





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The following table has more information about the parameters. Parameter




0 or 1

Field Type



Database name. Make sure that you enclose the database name in single quotes.


0 = Do not back up the log. 1 = Back up the log (back up the end of the log).


0 or 1


1 = Terminate user. 0 = Do not terminate user.


1, 2 or 3


1 = Recovery 2 = No Recovery 3 = Stand by (Recommended)

Access Level

1, 2, or 3


1 = Multi-user 2 = DBO 3 = Single user

4. Run the following stored procedure on the instance of SQL Server that is marked as the current secondary server (the future primary server): Exec msdb..sp_change_secondary_role @db_name



BIT = 1,


BIT = 1,






BIT = 1,

@keep_replication BIT = 0, @stopat

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This table has more information about the parameters. Parameter


db_name Do_load

0 or 1

Field Type



Database name. Enclose the database name in single quotes.


1 = Try to load available transaction logs before you perform the switch. 0 = Do not load available transaction logs before you perform the switch.


0 or 1


1 = Load everything available, and ignore the load_delay option that you specified during the configuration of log shipping. This option is ignored unless Do_load is set to 1.


1, 2 or 3


1 = Recovery 2 = No Recovery 3 = Standby


1, 2 or 3


1 = Multi-user 2 = DBO 3 = Single User


0 or 1


0 = Do not terminate user. 1 = Terminate user. If the new primary database is set up as Standby, you must use the Terminate User option. Otherwise, the stored procedure fails.


0 or 1


0 = False 1 = True


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Enter a valid date or time as necessary.


5. Run the following stored procedure on the instance of SQL Server that is marked as the monitor server: exec msdb..sp_change_monitor_role @primary_server







Nvarchar (128)

The following table provides more information. Parameter

Field Type




This is the primary server name. You may need to use brackets [ ] depending on the server name.



This is the new primary (old secondary) server name. You may need to use brackets [ ] depending on the server name.



Database name.

New source


This is the new primary server share name. Use single quotes around the share name.

6. Run the following stored procedure on the instance of SQL Server that is marked as the new primary server (the old secondary server): EXEC sp_resolve_logins databasename, destination_path, filename The following table provides more information. Parameter

Field Type




This is the database name. Enclose the database name in quotes.



This is the destination path on the new primary server.



This is the file name that is used to store the users.

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NOTE: Neither the sp_resolve_logins stored procedure nor Data Transformation Services (DTS) restores a login’s server role membership. After the logins are transferred, you must manually apply the role membership. This is scheduled to be fixed in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 1 so that the login’s server role membership is also automatically transferred.

The former secondary server now functions as the current primary server. The former primary server is no longer part of a log shipping pair. You can add the former primary server to the new primary server as a secondary server if you want to establish a log shipping pair between the two databases.

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HOW TO SET UP LOG SHIPPING BETWEEN SQL SERVER 7.0 SERVICE PACK 2, OR LATER, AND SQL SERVER 2000 You can manually configure Log Shipping between Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 and SQL Server 2000, with the SQL Server 7.0 server as the primary server and the SQL Server 2000 server as the secondary server. SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 introduces the new database option pending upgrade, which must be set to TRUE in order to set up Log Shipping. However, if you enable the pending upgrade option on a database in SQL Server 7.0, the following restrictions occur:

Users cannot create indexes or statistics in the database. Attempts to create indexes or statistics cause the following 1931 error message to occur: “Create index/Create statistics is disallowed when the database has pending upgrade enabled.”

If you set the pending upgrade option to TRUE while a clustered index is being created, and there are no existing non-clustered indexes, the index creation succeeds. However, if non-clustered indexes already exist when the creation of a clustered index is initiated, and the pending upgrade option is set to TRUE while the index creation takes place, the index creation may fail, rolling back the entire operation. The pending upgrade option must always be set to FALSE for any SQL Server 7.0 system that is not inter-operating with SQL Server 2000.

In addition to the restrictions on SQL Server 7.0, you must consider the following when you set up Log Shipping: •

No graphical interface exists to set up or monitor Log Shipping.

In the event that you need to upgrade the secondary server to a primary server, there is no automatic way to change roles. Changing roles is a manual procedure.

The database on the secondary server cannot be restored by using the STANDBY option because the database requires an upgrade.

To set up Log Shipping between SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 (primary) and SQL Server 2000 (secondary), use these steps:

1. On the primary server, set the pending upgrade option to TRUE for the database that will be log shipped: sp_dboption 'database_name', 'pending upgrade', 'TRUE’

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2. Create a share on the primary server to store the transaction log backups. 3. Create a database maintenance plan on the primary server to take database backups and recurring transaction log backups. Store the backups of the transaction log on the share created in step 2. 4. Restore the database on the secondary server with the No Recovery mode. 5. Create a Log Shipping plan on the secondary server by executing the following stored procedure: EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_log_shipping_plan @plan_name, @description, @source_server, @source_dir, @destination_dir, @history_retention_period, @file_retention_period, @copy_frequency, @restore_frequency The following table provides additional information. Parameter



This is the plan name.


This is the description of the plan.


This is the source or primary server name.


This is the primary server share where the Transaction Log is stored. The transaction logs are copied from this share to the secondary server.


This is the folder where transaction logs are stored on the secondary server.

@history_retention_perio d

This is the length of time (in minutes) that the history of this plan is retained.


This is the length of time (in minutes) that the transaction logs are stored on the secondary server.


This is the frequency (in minutes) at which transaction logs are copied from the primary server to the secondary server.


This is the frequency (in minutes) at which the copied transaction logs are restored on the secondary server.

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6. Add a database to the Log Shipping plan that you previously created on the secondary server by executing the following stored procedure: EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_add_log_shipping_plan_database [@plan_id | @plan_name], @source_database, @destination_database, @recover_db, @load_delay, @load_all, @copy_enabled, @load_enabled The following table has more information. Parameter @plan_id -or-

Description This is the ID or name of the plan that wascreated in step 5.

@plan_name @source_database

This is the database name on the primary server.

@destination_databas e

This is the database name on the secondary server.


This value specifies the state of the database. The value of one (1) means restore the logs with STANDBY; zero (0) means restore the logs with NORECOVERY. This value can only be 0 because of the reason mentioned in the restrictions section.


This is the length of time (in minutes) to wait after the transaction log is copied, but before it can be restored on the secondary server.


This parameter specifies that all newly copied transaction logs must be loaded when the job is run. If the value is set to zero (0), only one transaction log is loaded when you run the job. If the value is one (1), all copied transaction logs are loaded. load_all is a bit datatype, with a default value of one (1).


This parameter specifies if a copy of the transaction logs for this database is executed. copy_enabled is a bit datatype.

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Description The default value of one (1) means a copy should be performed; zero (0) means no copy is made.


This parameter specifies if the transaction logs should be loaded, load_enabled is a bit datatype. The default value of one (1) means a load should be performed; zero (0) means no load is performed.

NOTE: You should see two jobs created in the msdb..sysjobs system table: •

One for copying the transaction logs from the primary server to the secondary server. -and-

One to restore the transaction logs on the secondary server.

You can only monitor Log Shipping by viewing the job history for copy or restore jobs. You cannot set up the Log Shipping Monitor to monitor Log Shipping between SQL Sever 7.0 Service Pack 2 and SQL Server 2000.

You can modify the log shipping information for existing secondary servers. You can add new secondary servers, or add existing ones that have been deleted. Use the commands in the following table to perform these operations. Command



Add a secondary server.


Update any parameters for an existing Log Shipping plan.


Update any parameters of an existing plan for a database.


Remove a database from a Log Shipping plan.


Delete a Log Shipping plan.

For more information about the parameters that are required for each of these commands, refer to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Books Online. If you want to upgrade the secondary server to a primary server, perform these steps:

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Manually copy and restore the transaction logs that have not been applied.

Restore the database with recovery.

It is beneficial to create a recurring job to bcp out syslogins and copy the output file to the secondary server, which is to be used to synchronize the logins when the secondary server is upgraded to a primary server. The steps for this are outlined in the Primary Role Change section of this white paper.

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COMPARISON WITH OTHER HIGH-AVAILABILTY SOLUTIONS Log shipping is one of several high-availability solutions that Microsoft provides for a SQL Server environment. Failover clustering and replication are two other popular options. To determine if log shipping is ideal for your environment, consider the following questions:

How much availability do I need? Availability is defined as the ratio of time that the server is actually available to the time that the server should be available.

How much work can I afford to lose? Can I afford to re-create committed transactions that have already made it to the primary server?

How much downtime can I afford during the disaster recovery phase?

How much money am I willing to spend on my solution?

Understanding and answering these questions is the first of several steps in planning a high-availability solution. The next section outlines the pros and cons of different high-availability solutions that SQL Server provides.

High-Availability Solutions Failover Clustering Failover clustering is a good enterprise solution. Failover clustering provides the highest availability because it immediately fails over to the second node. Furthermore, this failover is transparent to the end-user. Failover clustering provides protection against SQL Server failures, SQL Agent failures, Windows operating system crashes and errors, full text resource failures, and hardware failures. However, failover clustering requires special hardware. Also, failover clustering uses a shared disk subsystem, and therefore, the computers must be physically located in the same data center, unless you plan to implement Distance Clustering. It is important to note that failover clustering does not protect you against a failure in the disk subsystem and the data loss that results because of the hardware failure.

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Replication You can use replication as a high-availability solution even though that is not its intended purpose. The database administrator must take extra care to transfer the metadata changes that are not otherwise replicated. Moreover, replication does not synchronize all the objects in the database, unless explicitly requested. Replication works well for read-only data. For example, it may be a good idea to replicate a copy of your production database to another server for reporting purposes, but it involves a lot of work to upgrade the reporting server to a production server, if and when the need arises.

Log Shipping Log shipping is a good option because it not only provides high-availability, but also ensures your data against hardware failures. For example, if one of the disks on the primary server stops responding, you can still restore the saved transaction logs on the secondary server and upgrade the secondary server to a primary server, with little or no loss of work. Additionally, Log Shipping does not require that the servers be in close proximity. Also, Log Shipping supports sending transaction logs to more than one secondary server and allows you to offload some of the query processing and reporting needs to the secondary servers. Before you make the decision to implement Log Shipping, consider the following questions:

Where is the standby server physically located? The physical location of the secondary server becomes significant when it is time to upgrade the standby server to be the primary server.

 How good is the network connectivity between the primary server and the secondary servers? The faster the connection, the better, as network connectivity impacts the performance of Log Shipping considerably.  What

is the plan for switching to the secondary or standby server?

 How

much work can you afford to lose? In some situations, the end of the current transaction log may not be recoverable, for example, due to a disk failure. If a disk failure occurs, you are only able to recover the database up to the last valid transaction log backup, which means that your users may have to redo some of the work that was already performed on the primary server. Is this acceptable in your environment?

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 What

is the capacity (CPU, memory, and so on) of your secondary server? Is the capacity of the secondary server comparable to the primary server? Can the secondary server take the load of the primary server if it is upgraded to be the primary server?  After

you upgrade your standby server to a primary server, are you going to switch back to your primary server. If so, how? Log shipping is not as transparent as failover clustering because the user is aware of the downtime. In addition, the user or the application must be aware of the name and location of the standby or secondary server when it is upgraded to be the new primary server.

For added fault-tolerance, you can combine log shipping with replication and/or failover clustering to overcome the potential disadvantages that these solutions bring when they are implemented separately.

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Books Online

For the latest information about Microsoft SQL Server 2000, refer to the following resources at: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/showcase/itops/availsql.asp

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