Loan Agreement Sample

September 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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LOAN AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: A contract of loan is herein entered into b and bet!een:

Wicked Witch" #ili$ino %iti&en" of le'al a'e" sin'le" !ith residence and $ostal addres addr ess s at ( E) E)il il St Stre reet et"" E) E)il il Wo Worl rld d *ill *illa' a'e" e" Alab Alaban an'" '" M+ M+nt ntin inl+ l+$a $a %i %it" t" hereinafter referred to as the ,LEN-ER,   .and.   The King" #ili$ino %iti&en" of le'al a'e" /arried to The 0+een !ith residence and $ostal address 3 Maa/an Street" Kin')ille" Alaban'" M+ntinl+$a M+ntinl+$ a %it" hereinafter referred to as the ,BORROWER,1 WITNESSETH:

 The LEN-ER herein a'rees to loan the BORROWER !ith the s+/ of si2 h+ndred tho+sand34566"6667" 8nited States c+rrenc" and $aable !ithin the $eri $e riod od of Ma Ma  (9 (9"" 6 6(; (;.M .Mar arch ch (9 (9"" 6 6(< (+ired b this loan a'ree/ent? 1 Th The e bor borro! ro!er er beco beco/es /es inso insol)e l)ent nt or oth other! er!ise ise +na +nable ble to $a his obli'ation +nder this contract? @n ca case se of th the e ab abo) o)e e ci circ rc+/ +/st stan ance ce th the e Le Lend nder er sh shal alll no noti tif f the the Borro!er that the latter is in defa+lt !ith corres$ondin' notice of the a/o+nt d+e and de/andable1 D. Cure Cure of of Defau Default. lt. @f the defa+lt is d+e to the fail+re to ti/el $a the

obli'ation herein a'reed +$on" the barro!er shall $a his obli'ation Loan Agreement  1  1 | P a g e


b /a=in' f+ll $a/ent of an $rinci$al d+e and its accr+ed interest incl+din' the $a/ent of the $enalt disc+ssed belo!1 E. Penalt Penalty y for Late Late Paym Payment ent.. An interest of Ph$ 6"666 !ill be added

d+e to the fail+re to ti/el $a the obli'ation herein a'reed +$on1   Wicked Witch

The King






  Re$+blic o off tth he P Ph hili$$ines 7 M+ntinl+$a %it 7 S1S   $ersonall  a$$eared: BEFORE ME" a notar for and in M+ntinl+$a %it" $ersonall   Na/e

@- N+/ber

-ateCPlace @ss+ed

=no!n to /e and to /e =no!n to be the sa/e $ersons !ho e2ec+ted the fore'oin' Le'al @nstr+/ent and ac=no!led'ed to /e that the sa/e is their free and )ol+ntar act and deed1   WITNE WIT NESS SS MY HAND HAND AND AND SEAL  SEAL " on the date and $lace first abo)e !ritten1  

Loan Agreement  2  2 | P a g e

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