Load Runner Notes

April 12, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Load Runner Understanding the LoadRunner  To  To load your client/serv client/server er system, Load LoadRun Runner ner emulate emulates s an environment where Multipl Mult iple e user users s wor work k conc concurr urrentl ently y. Whil While e the clie client/se nt/server rver syste system m is und under er load ad,, LoadRunner acc ccu urately tely measu surres and analyz yze es the sys yste tem m performance, and its functionality. Client/Server Load Testing Testing Modern client/server architectures are complex. While they provide an unprecedented deree of power and !exi"ility, these systems are di#cult to test. Whereas sinle$user testin focuses primarily on functionality and the user us er inte interf rfac ace e of a si sin nle le ap appl plic icat atio ion, n, clie client nt/s /ser erve verr te test stin in  fo focu cuse ses s on performance and relia"ility of an entire client/server system. %or example, a typical client/server testin scenario miht depict &'' users that loin simultaneously to a system on Monday mornin( What is the response time of the system) *oes the system crash) To "e a"le to answer these +uestio +uestionsand nsand morea complete client/serv client/server er perfor performance mance testin solution must(     

 Test  Test a system that com"ines a variety of softwa software re applicatio applications ns and hardware platforms *etermine the suita"ility of a server for any iven application  Test  Test the server "efor "efore e the necessary client softwar software e has "een developed -mulate an environment where multiple clients interact with a sinle server applicationer system under the load of tens, hundr  Test  T est a client/serv client/server hundreds, eds, or even thousands of potential users

Manual T Testing esting Limitations Limi tations  Tradition  Traditional al or manual testin methods oer only a partial solution to load load testi testin n.. %or exa examp mple, le, you can test an enti entire re syst system em man manual ually ly "y constructin an environment where many users work simultaneously on the system sys tem.. -a -ach ch us user er wo work rks s at a sin sinl le e ma machi chine ne an and d su" su"mit mits s in inpu putt to the the system. owever, this manual testin method has the followin draw"acks( 

0t is exp xpen ensi sive ve,, re+ e+ui uiri rin n lar lare am amou ount nts s of "o "oth th pe pers rson onne nell an and d machinery

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #1#


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0t is complicated, especially coordinatin and synchronizin multiple testers 0t invol involves ves a hi hih h de dere ree e of or ora aniz nizati ation on,, esp especi eciall ally y to recor record d an and d analyze results meaninfully  The repeata"ili repeata"ility ty of the manu manual al tests is limi limited ted

The LoadRunner Solution  The Load LoadRu Runner nner automate automated d solution addre addresses sses the draw"ack draw"acks s of  manual performance testin( 

  

 

LoadRunner reduces the personnel re+uirements "y replacin human users with virtual users or 1users. These 1users emulate the "ehavior of real usersoperatin real applications. 2ecause numerous 1users can run on a sinle computer, LoadRunner also reduces the hardware re+uirements.  The LoadR LoadRunner unner 3ontr 3ontroller oller allows you to easily and eective eectively ly contro controll all the 1usersfrom a sinle point of control. LoadRunner automatically records the performance of the client/server system durin a test. 4ou can choose from a wide variety of raphs and reports how you want to view the performance data. LoadRunner checks where performance delays occur( network or client delays, 356 performance, 0/7 delays, data"ase lockin, or other issues at the data"ase server. LoadRunner monitors the network and server resources to help you improve performance. 2ecause LoadRunner tests are fully automated, you can easily repeat them as many times as you need.

Understanding LoadRunner • Introduction Using LoadRunner 6sin LoadRunner, you divide your client/server performance testin re+uirements into scenarios. 8 scenario de9nes the events that occur durin each testin session. Thus, for example, a scenario de9nes and controls the num"er of users to emulate, the actions that they perform, and the machines on which they run their emulations. 0n the scenario, LoadRunner replaces human users with virtual users or 1users. When you run a scenario, 1users emulate the actions of human users su"mittin input to the server. While a workstation accommodates only a si sin nle le hu hum man use ser, r, man any y 1us user ers s ca can n run run co conc ncur urrren entl tly y on a si sin nle le work wo rkst stat atio ion. n. 0n fa fact ct,, a sc scen enar ario io ca can n co cont ntai ain n te tens ns,, hu hund ndrred eds, s, or ev even en thousands of 1users.  To  To emulate cond conditions itions of heavy u user ser load, you cr create eate a lar lare e num"er of  1users that perform a series of tasks. %or example, you can o"serve how a Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2#


server "eh server "ehaves aves when one hun hundr dred ed 1user users s simu simultan ltaneou eously sly with withdraw draw cash from the "ank 8TMs. To accomplish this, you create :'' 1users, and each 1user(     

-nters an account num"er into an 8TM -nters the amount of cash to withdraw Withdraws cash from the account 3hecks the "alance of the account Repeats the process numerous times

 The actions that a 1user perfor performs ms durin the scenario are descri"e descri"ed d in a 1user script. When you run a scenario, each 1user executes a 1user script.  The 1user 1user scripts incl include ude functions functions that measur measure e and reco record rd the perfo performanc rmance e of the server durin the scenario. To measure the performance of the server, you de9ne transactions.  Transaction  Transactions s measur measure e the time that iitt takes fo forr the server to rrespond espond to tasks su"mitted "y 1users. %or instance, you can de9ne a transaction that measures the time it takes for the server to process a re+uest to view the "alance of an account and for the information to "e displayed at the 8TM.  4ou  4ou insert rrendezvo endezvous us points int into o1 1user user scripts to e emulate mulate h heavy eavy user lo load ad on the server s erver.. Rendezvous points instruct multiple 1users to perform tasks at exactly the same time. %or example, to emulate peak load on the "ank server, you insert a rendezvous point to instruct :'' 1users to simultaneously deposit cash into their accounts. 4ou use the LoadRunner 3ontroller to manae and maintain your scenarios. 6sin the 3ontroller, you control all the 1users in a scenario from a sinle workstation. When you execute a scenario scenario,, the LoadR LoadRunner unner 3ontroller distri"utes distri"ut es each 1user in the scenario to a host. The host is the machine that executes the 1user script, ena"lin the 1user to emulate the actions of a human user. 1user scripts include functions that measure and record system performance durin load$testin sessions. *urin a scenario run, you can monitor the network and server resour resources. ces. %ollowin a scenario run, you can view performance analysis data in reports and raphs. The LoadRunner Testing Process  4ou  4ou can easily create and run load$testin scenario scenarios s "y followin followin  the LoadR Lo adRunn unner er testi testin n pr proce ocess ss "elo "elow w. The foll followin owin  illu illustrat stration ion out outline lines s the testin process(

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #3#


Step I: Planning the Test ;uccessful load testin re+uires re+uires that you develop a thorouh test plan. 8 clearly de9ned test plan will ensure that the LoadRunner scenarios that you develop will accomplish your load testin o"B?

To mar' the end o a transaction: 

While recor While recordi din n a scr scrip ipt, t, cli click ck the the -nd Transa ransacti ction on "u "utto tton n on the Recordin tool"ar. tool"ar. The -nd T Transaction ransaction dialo "ox opens.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #1 7#


3lick the arrow for a list of open transactions. ;elect the transaction to close. 3lick 7I to accept the transaction name. LoadRunner inserts an lr2end2transaction statement into the 1user script. %or example, the foll follow owin in  func functi tion on indi indica cate tes s the the en end d of the the tran trans: s: tran transa sact ctio ion( n( lrendtransaction@=trans:>, LR86T7B?

Inserting Rende$vous Points  To  To emulate heavy user load on your client/ser client/server ver system, you synchr sync hroni onize ze 1user users s to perf perfor orm m a task at ex exactl actly y the same mom moment. ent. 4 4ou ou ensure ensu re that mul multipl tiple e 1user users s act simu simultan ltaneou eously sly "y cr creati eatin n a ren rendez dezvou vous s poin po int. t. Wh When en a 1us user er ar arri rive ves s at the the ren ende dezv zvou ous s po poin int, t, it is held held "y the the 3ontroller until all 1users participatin in the rendezvous arrive. When the rendezvous conditions are met, the 1users are released "y the 3ontroller. 4ou desinate the meetin place "y insertin a rend rendezvous ezvous point into your 1 1user user script. When a 1user executes a script and encounters the rendezvous point, scrip scr iptt ex execu ecutio tion n is pa pause used d an and d the 1use userr wa waits its for per permi missi ssion on from from the 3ontroller to continue. 8fter the 1user is released from the rendezvous, it performs the next task in the script. To insert a rende$vous point: 

While rec While recor ordin din a 1user script, clic click k the Rend Rendezvo ezvous us "utt "utton on on the Recordin tool"ar. tool"ar. The Rendezvous dialo "ox opens opens..

 Type  Type a name for the rend rendezvous ezvous point in the Kame "o "ox. x. 3lick 7I to acce ac cep pt th the e rendez ezv vous nam ame. e. 1uAe Aen n in inse serrts an lr2rende$vous statement into the 1user script. %or example, the followin function de9nes a rendezvous point named rendezvous:( lrrendezvous@=rendezvous:>B?

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #1 8#


Inserting Comments 1uAen allows you to insert comments "etween 1user activities. 4ou can insert a comment to descri"e an activity or to pro provide vide informatio information n a"out a speci9c operation. %or example, if you are recordin data"ase actions, you could insert a comment to mark the 9rst +uery, such as =This is the 9rst +uery.> To insert a comment: 

While recordin a script, click the 3omment "utton on the Recordin tool "ar. The 0nsert 3omment dialo "ox opens.

 Type  Type the com comment ment into th the e text "o "ox. x. 3lick 7I to insert the comment and close the dialo "ox. The text is pl plac aced ed at th the e cu curr rren entt po poin intt in the the sc scri ript pt,, en encl clos osed ed "y co comm mmen entt markers. The followin script sement shows how a comment appears in a 1user script(

-ote( 4ou can insert comments into your script even after you complete a -ote( recordin session, "y selectin 0nsert O 3omment from the 1uAen menu. /  This is the 9rst +uery / LoadRunner Controller To open the Controller: ;elect ;tart O 5rorams O LoadRunner O 3ontroller.  The 3ontro 3ontroller ller window opens with the Load LoadRu Runner nner 3ontr 3ontroller oller dialo "ox inside. Testing Tools – LoadRunner #1 9#


 The LoadR LoadRunner unner 3ont 3ontroller roller d dialo ialo "o "ox x include includes s the followi followin n option options( s( *i$ard: 3reates a scenario with the aid of the LoadRunner ;cenario wizard, an interactive, step$"y$step uide to creatin a scenario. -e+: 3reates a new scenario. 1pen an e3isting scenario: 7pens an existin scenario. Sho+ at Startup: 0f you do not want this window to appear the next time you start LoadRunner, clear the =;how at ;tartup> check "ox. 7nce you clear this check"ox, when you open the 3ontroller, the window layout from the last time you worked with the 3ontroller appears. Introducing LoadRunner Controller  The LoadR LoadRunner unner 3ont 3ontroller roller w window indow con contains tains the fo followin llowin elem elements( ents( Ti Titl tle e )a )arr *isplays the name of the scenario on which you are currently workin. Menu )ar *isplays the menus from which you select commands. Tool )ar 5rovides shortcuts for selectin commands. 3lickin on a "utton executes a command. Status )ar 5rovides information on the current state of the scenario. Vuser +indo+ *isplays a list of all the virtual users that can take part in the scenario. 4ou also create 1users usin this window.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 0#


Understanding LoadRunner • The LoadRunner Controller at a (lance  The followin 9ve icons appear at the "ottom of the 3ontr 3ontroller oller window window.. 3lick an icon to display the correspondin window inside the 3ontroller. !ost +indo+ *isplays the list of machines that can execute 1user scripts durin the scenario. Script +indo+ *isplays a list of all the 1user scripts that you can assin to 1users. Rend Re nde$ e$vo vous us +i +ind ndo+ o+ *isp *isplays lays the 1user users s that simu simultan ltaneous eously ly perfor perform m tasks durin the scenario. 1utp 1u tput utdurin +i +ind ndo+ o+ *isp *isplays lays erro errorr and not noti9ca i9cation tion messa messaes es ene enerate rated d "y 1users scenario execution. Trans ransacti action on +in +indo+ do+ *isplays all the transactions that will "e measured durin scenario execution. Selecting LoadRunner Commands  4ou  4ou select L LoadR oadRunner unner com commands mands fr from om the men menu u "ar or on the tool" tool"ar ar.. Choosing Commands rom a Menu  4ou  4ou select LoadR LoadRunner unner command commands s from the menus on the menu "ar "ar.. ;ome commands use standard Microsoft Windows shortcut conventions.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 1#


Choosing Commands rom the Tool)ar  4ou  4ou can execute many LoadR LoadRunner unner commands "y clickin a "utton on the tool"ar in the LoadRunner 3ontroller.

8 scenario descri"es the events that occur durin each load testin session. 8 scenario contains lists of hosts, 1users, 1user scripts, transactions, and an d ren ende dezv zvou ous s po poin ints ts.. 4ou cr crea eate te a sc scen enar ario io us usin in  the the Loa oadR dRun unne nerr 3ontroller. 8fter you create the scenario, LoadRunner saves the information in a scenario 9le @. lrsB. 4ou use the commands in the %ile menu to create, open, save, and close scenario 9les. ;ome of these commands are availa"le from the tool"ar tool"ar.. Creating a -e+ Scenario  The Kew comman command d create creates s a complete completely ly new scenario scenario.. Kote that the Kew command clears all the information displayed in the 3ontroller windows.  To  To create a n new ew scenario scenario,, choose % %ile ile O Kew, o orr click the Ke Kew w "utton.  4ou  4ou can also create a new scenario "y usin the ;cenario wizard. The wizard is an interactive, step$"y$step uide to creatin a scenario. To create a new scenario "y usin the ;cenario wizard, select %ile O ;cenario Wizard. 1pening an 03isting Scenario  The 7pen command command ope opens ns any e existin xistin scena scenario. rio. To open an e3isting scenario: 

3hoose %ile O 7pen, or click the 7pen "utton. The %ile 7pen dialo "ox opens.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 2#


3lick a 9le in the %ile Kame list or type a 9le name in the %ile Kame "ox.

3lick 7I. The %ile 7pen dialo "ox closes and the scenario appears in the LoadR LoadRunner unner 3ontroller 3ontroller..

Saving a Scenario  The ;ave command command sav saves es the curr current ent scenario scenario.. Closing a Scenario 3losin 3losin  a sce scenar nario io clo closes ses all the 3o 3ontr ntroll oller er win windo dows. ws. To clo close se the scenario, choose %ile O 3lose. 0f you made chanes to the scenario, a ;ave 3hanes messae appears. 3hoose 4es to save the chanes you made. 8ll open windows and icons in the 3ontroller close. 4iltering and Sorting Inormation -ach window in the LoadRunner 3ontroller displays information a"out the scenario. 4ou can 9lter and sort the information that appears in each wind wi ndow ow.. 4ilt 4ilter erin ing g infor informat mation ion di displ splays ays on only ly tho those se ite items ms tha thatt me meet et th the e selected criteria. %or example, you can 9lter the 1user window to display only those thos e 1user users s that are in the R-8* R-8*4 4 stat state. e. Sor Sortin ting g information displays all the items in a list in a certain order. %or example, you can sort all 1users in the 1user list, in order of their 1user 0* num"er @:,&,E etc.B.  This section descri"es how to 9lter and sort the infor information mation displayed in the 1user window. Kote that you cannot 9lter or sort the transactions displayed in the Transaction window. Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 3#


4iltering Inormation  4ou  4ou use the %ilters "ox to 9lter the inform information ation that appear appears s in a window. There is a %ilters "ox in the tool"ar in each window.

To 5lter inormation: 

3lick the arrow on the %ilters list. The list of availa"le 9lters appears.

3lick a 9lter in the list. The information in the window is 9ltered.

Sorting Inormation  4ou  4ou use the ;ort list to sort the infor information mation that appears in a window window..  There  Ther e is a ;ort "ox in the tool"ar in each window. Create a Scenario  To  To develop a scenario scenario,, you create a host list, a script list and a 1user list. This descri"es ho how w to create a h host ost listthe list of ma machines, chines, or ho hosts, sts, that execute 1user scripts durin a scenario run. Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 4#


Creating a !ost List osts are the machines on which 1users run their scripts. The host list displays the machines that can run 1users durin scenario execution. 4ou can add "oth 6K0D and Windows machines to the host list. The ost window displays the host list and the followin information for each host(   

 The status of the the host  The platform platform type of the ho host st @6K0D or W WindowsB indowsB *etails of the scenario that is currently runnin

 The ost window has its own menu in the 3ontroller menu "ar, and a tool "ar that lets you create and manae the host list.

The o The ollo llo+i +ing ng pro proce cedu dure re ou outli tline nes s ho ho+ + to cre create ate a ho host st list list or a scenario: 

Instal Inst alll a Lo Load adRu Runn nner er re remo mote te co comm mman and d laun launch cher er on ev ever er# # machine 6e3cept or local host7 #ou +ant to use as a host8  The remot remote e command launcher is an applicat application ion that ena"les the 3ontro 3ont roller ller to inv invok oke e app applica lication tions s on the host host.. %o %orr mor more e info inform rmatio ation n a"out installin LoadRunner remote command launchers, refer to the Installing LoadRunner uide.  "dd the names o the hosts to the host list8  Set attri)utes or each host 6optional78 ost attri"utes specify the num"er and type of 1users that can run on each host. %or example, you can set the maximum num"er of *2 1users a host can run. 

Select +hich hosts +ill ta'e part in the scenario 6optional78

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 5#


-ach time you run a scenario, some hosts may "e unavaila"le. 4ou can temporarily remove @disa"leB hosts from the list. Creating a Scenario • Creating a !ost List "dding a !ost to the !ost List  4ou  4ou use the ost window in the Load LoadRu Runner nner 3ontr 3ontroller oller to add hosts to the host list. 8fter you create a host, you can set and modify the attri"utes for the new host. To add a host to the host list: 

;tart the LoadRunner 3ontroller and open the ost window. The ost menu appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar.

3hoose ost O 8dd. The ost 0nformation dialo "ox opens.

 

 Type  Type the nam name e of the host in the Kame "ox. "ox. 3lick a platform in the 5latform list @6K0D or WindowsB.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 6#


2y de defau fault, lt, Lo LoadR adRun unner ner sto store res s tem tempo porar rary y 9le 9les s on the the ho host st du duri rin n scenario scen ario exec executio ution n in a temp tempora orary ry dir directo ectory ry spec speci9ed i9ed "y the host hostCs Cs  T-M5 or TM5 envir environment onment varia"le varia"les. s. To over override ride this default for a speci9c host, type a location in the Temporary *irectory "ox. 0f the host is 6K0D$"ased, set the loin information for the host. 2y default, LoadRunner uses your KT user name for the 6K0D loin. 0n other words, if your KT loin is lrunner, the 3ontroller will lo on to the host as lrunner. 4ou can also specify to loin to the 6K0D machine as another user user.. 9 3lick 7I to close the ost 0nformation dialo "ox. The host name you entered appears in the ost window? the host status is set to *7WK.

Modi#ing !ost "ttri)utes ost attri"utes determine( 

 The maximum maximum num"e num"err of 1 1users users that a h host ost runs

 The initialization initialization +u +uota ota for a ho host st

 The location location of the Wi WinR nRunner unner con con9uratio 9uration n 9le @for A60 1 1usersB usersB

 The location location of the 9les du durin rin run$ti run$time me

Setting the Ma3imum -um)er o Vusers that a !ost Can Run  4ou  4ou can incr increase ease or decr decrease ease the max maximum imum num"er num"er of A60, *2 an and dR RTT1users that a host can run. 4ou modify the maximum num"er accordin to the availa"le resources, the needs of your scenario, and your LoadRunner license areement. To set the ma3imum num)er o Vusers that a host can run: 

7pen the ost window. The ost menu appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar.

3lick a host in the ost window. The host is hihlihted.

3hoose ost O *etails. The ost 0nformation dialo "ox opens.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 7#


3lick the 1user Types ta".

0n the Maximum 8ctive "oxes enter the maximum num"er of 1users of  each eac h typ type e that that the host can run. Th The e max maxim imum um nu num" m"er er of ac activ tive e 1users that you specify must not exceed the num"er of 1users that you are licensed to run. To check your 1user licensin limitations, choose elp O 8"out LoadRunner LoadRunner..

3lick 7I to close the ost 0nformation dialo "ox.

Setting the Initiali$ation uota  The initializ initialization ation +uota determines how many 1users a host initializ initializes es at a time. 0nitializin a lare num"er of 1users simultaneously places lare stress on a host. To reduce stress on a host, you can initialize smaller "atches of 1users. Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 8#


To set the initiali$ation ;uota:      

7pen the ost window. The ost menu appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar. 3lick a host in the ost window. The host is hihlihted. 3hoose O Types *etails. The ost 0nformation dialo "ox opens. 3lick theost 1user ta". 0n the 0nitialization uota "oxes, enter the maximum num"er of 1users of each type that the host will initialize simultaneously. 3lick 7I to close the dialo "ox.

Setting the Location o the *inRunner Con5guration 4ile 8 A60 1user, runnin on a Windows$"ased host, uses WinRunner to execu ex ecute te its 1use userr scr scrip ipt. t. To ena ena"l "le e the Lo LoadR adRun unne nerr 3on 3ontr trol oller ler to op open en Win inR Run unne ner, r, yo you u sp spec ecif ify y the the loca locati tion on of the the app pprrop opri riat ate e Win inR Run unne nerr con9uration 9le @ wrun.iniB. To specify the location, you can(  

6se the default con9uration 9le for the scenario. ;pecify another con9uration 9le for all 1users on a certain hostall the Windows

A60 1users runnin on the speci9ed host will access this 9le. To select the location o *inRunner or a (UI Vuser: 

7pen the ost window. The ost menu appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar. 3lick a host in the ost window. The host entry is hihlihted. 3hoose ost O *etails. The ost 0nformation dialo "ox opens.

3lick the WinRunner ta", and then click one of the followin options(

Scenario Sce rio %eau ault lt:: 0nst 0nstru ruct cts s the the 1us user er to use the the Win inR Run unne nerr con9uration 9le speci9ed in the ;cenario 3on9uration dialo "ox. Loca Lo call Co Con5 n5gu gura rati tion on 4i 4ile le:: 0nst 0nstru ruct cts s the the 1us user er to us use e the the ho host stCs Cs WinRunner con9uration 9le. Path: 0nstructs the 1user to use the WinRunner con9uration 9le that is in a speci9c location on the network. To specify the path of the con9uration 9le, click the "rowse "utton to the riht of the 5ath "ox, and then set the location usin the 3hoose WinRunner 3on9uration %ile dialo "ox. 

3lick 7I. The ost 0nformation dialo "ox closes.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #2 9#


Speci#ing +here a !ost Saves 4iles %uring Run&Time When a ho When host st runs runs a 1use userr scr scrip ipt, t, the the 1use userr en ener erate ates s resul results ts that that descri des cri"e "e the ex execu ecutio tion n of th the e scr scrip ipt. t. 2y de defau fault, lt, the these se resul results ts are are sav saved ed tempo tem porar raril ily y on a local local dri drive ve of eac each h ho host stun until til the they y are are col collat lated ed "y the the 3ontrol 3ont roller ler to a cen central tral locati location. on. 8lte 8ltern rnativ atively, ely, you can sele select ct to save the results directly to a shared network drive. The way in which the scenario results are saved is set lo"ally for all the hosts in the scenario, you can chane the way in which individual hosts save their results. To change ho+ individual hosts save their results:   

7pen the ost window. The ost menu appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar. 3lick a host in the ost window. The host entry is hihlihted. *ou"le$click the host or choose ost O *etails. The ost 0nformation dialo "ox appears. -nsure that the Runtime %ile ;torae ta" is visi"le.

 To  To store the scenario results on a shared network drive, click =7n a shared network drive,> and then select the Results check "ox. This option overrides the settin for the scenario.  To  To store the results temporarily on a har hard d drive of the host computer computer,, click =7n local host.> speci9ed The temporary will "e stored under @on the temporary directory "y theresult hostCs9les environment varia"les

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #3 0#


 

Windows, T-M5 or TM5 and on 6K0D, STM5*0R or STM5B. This option overrid over rides es the setti settin n for the scen scenario ario.. The These se temp tempora orary ry res results ults are are deleted either when the aent oes down or when you run the scenario aain.  To  To store the scenario results accor accordin din to the scenario default, click =;cenario default>. This is the default settin. 3lick 7I to close the dialo "ox.

Selecting the !osts or a Scenario 2efore you run a scenario, you can select which hosts will run 1users.  This compensates for the possi"ility that some hosts will "e unavail unavaila"le. a"le. %or exam ex ampl ple, e, a ma mach chin ine e ma may y alr alrea eady dy "e in us use e wh when en yo you u wa want nt to ru run n th the e scenario. 4ou select which hosts will take part in the scenario "y usin the -na"le and *isa"le commands. *isa"lin a host temporarily removes removes it from the list. -na"lin a host reinstates it. %isa)ling !osts When you disa"le a host, the host will not exe execute cute 1u 1user ser scripts durin a scenario execution. To disa)le a host:   

7pen the ost window. The ost menu appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar. 3lick a host in the ost window. The host is hihlihted. 3lick the *isa"le "utton or choose ost O *isa"le. The host name chanes from "lack to ray. The host is disa"led.

0na)ling !osts -na"lin a host reinstates a previously disa"led host. To ena)le a host:  

3lick a disa"led host in the ost window. The host is hihlihted. 3lick 3li ck the -na" -na"le le "u "utto tton n or cho choose ose o ost st O -n -na" a"le. le. Th The e ho host st na name me chanes from ray to "lack, and the host is ena"led.

Creating a Script List

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #3 1#


 To  To develop a scenario scenario,, you create a host list, a script list, and a 1user list. This descri"es how to create a script listthe list of all the 1user scripts that 1users can run durin scenario execution. ")out Creating a Script List 8 1execution. us user er sc scri ript ptThe de de9n 9nes es list th the e contains ac acti tion ons s all that that 1us user erscripts pe perf rfor orms ms 1users du duri rin n scenario script thea1user that can run. The script list may contain scripts for A60, *2, and RT- type 1users.  The ;cript window window,, which displays the script list, has its own menu in the 3ontroller menu "ar. The ;cript window includes the followin information for each script in the list(    

 The name of of the 1 1user user script  The type of 1user 1user that wil willl run the scr script ipt  The location location @pathB of th the e script 3ommand line options associated with the script

"dding a Script to the Script List  4ou  4ou use the ;cript window in the Load LoadRu Runner nner 3ontr 3ontroller oller to add scripts to the script list. 8f 8fter ter you create a script, you can set and modify the details of the new script. When you add a script to the script list, ensure that the 3ontroller can reconize the scriptCs path. *urin run time, the 3ontroller sends a copy of  the scripts to the 1user hosts. To add a script to the script list: 

;tart the LoadRunner 3ontroller and open the ;cript window. The ;cript menu

appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #3 2#


3hoose ;cript O 8dd. The 1user ;cript 0nformation dialo "ox opens.

3lick the "rowse "utton to the riht of the 5ath "ox. The 7pen dialo "ox appears. 0n the =%iles of Type> "ox select the 1user type, and then select the path and 9le name of the new script. 3lick 7pen to select the 9les. The 7pen dialo "ox closes, and the new script name and its 1user type appear in the 1user ;cript 0nformation dialo "ox. 0n the 3ommand Line "ox, type any command line options to use when runnin the script. %or example( $x value $y value

 

 To  T see the transacti transactions ons declar declared ed in the selected script, click the  Transaction  To ransaction tta". a".

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #3 3#


 

 

 To  To see the ren rendezvous dezvous poi points nts declar declared ed in the selected s script, cript, click the Rendezvous ta".  To  To see the list of 1user 1users s associated with the selected script, click the 1users ta". 0f you have not yet created 1users, the "ox will "e empty.  To  To see the list of data ta"les used "y selected script and the lo"al directory, Ta"les ta".  To  T o see data the list of 9lesclick usedthe "y*ata the selected script, click the %iles ta". This list includes all 9les which make up the 1user script, inclu includi din n the the co con9 n9ur urati ation on set settin tins s 9le 9le,, the in init, it, run run an and d end portions of the script, the parameterization de9nitions 9le and the user 9le.

3lick 7I to close the 1user ;cript 0nformation dialo "ox.  The new script script name and its details ap appear pear in th the e ;cript win window dow..

Modi#ing Script %etails  4ou  4ou can modif modify y the details of a script in the script list usin the 1user ;cript 0nformation dialo "ox. To modi# the details o a script in the script list:     

;tart the LoadRunner 3ontroller and open the ;cript window. The ;cript menu appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar. 3lick a script in the ;cript window. The script is hihlihted. 3hoose ;cript O *etails. The 1user ;cript 0nformation dialo "ox opens, displayin the details of the selected script. Modif Mod ify y the the de detai tails ls as ne neces cessar sary y. Ko Kote te tha thatt yo you u ca cann nnot ot mo modif dify y the transactions, rendezvous, or 1users associated with a script. 3lick 7I to close the 1user ;cript 0nformation dialo "ox and save the chanes. The modi9ed script details appear in the ;cript window.

 4ou  4ou can customize the way that the 3ontr 3ontroller oller ex executes ecutes a 1user script "y con9ur con 9urin in the scri scriptCs ptCs run run$tim $time e setti settins. ns. 4ou can mod modify ify thes these e setti settins ns usin the LoadRunner 3ontroller "y choosin ;cript O Runtime ;ettins. 4ou can also modify the settins usin the 1user ;cript Aenerator @1uAenB. The run$time settins can "e set in the followin areas( Think Time, 0terations, Lo, and We". Creating a Vuser List  To  To develop a scenario scenario,, you create a host list, a script list, and a 1user list. run Thisdurin descri"es how to create the 1user listthe list of all the 1users that can scenario execution. Testing Tools – LoadRunner #3 4#


")out Creating the Vuser List With LoadRunner, you test your client/server system "y creatin and runn runnin in  sce scena nari rios. os. 8 sce scena nario rio de descr scri"e i"es s the ev event ents s that that occ occur ur du duri rin n a client cli ent/se /serv rver er load load tes testin tin  ses sessio sion. n. -ac -ach h sce scena nario rio co conta ntain ins s a lis listt of ma many ny virtual users system. @1usersB. 1users human the users interactin with your client/server When youemulate run a scenario, 1users enerate load on the server, and LoadRunner monitors the serverCs performance. %or example, to test a "ank server you could create 1users that deposit and withdraw cash usin automatic teller machines @8TMsB. LoadRunner would monitor the "ank serverCs serv erCs perf perfor ormanc mance e whil while e vary varyin in num num"ers "ers of custo customer mers s simu simultan ltaneou eously sly perform deposit and withdrawal operations. Creating the Vuser List  4ou  4ou create the 1user list in the 1user window window.. The 1user window has a menu in the LoadRunner menu "ar, and a tool "ar that lets you create and manae the 1user list. 4ou can also use the 1user window to control 1users while runnin a scenario. The ollo+ing procedure outlines ho+ to create a Vuser list: 

Create the Vusers8 %or each 1user, you select the script the 1user runs and a host to run the script. 

Schedule the Vusers 6optional78  4ou  4ou can set scheduli schedulin n attri"ute attri"utes s for each 1user user.. These attri"ute attri"utes s dete de terrmi mine ne the the or orde derr an and d ti time me ea each ch 1us user er runs runs du duri rin n sc scen enar ario io execution.

1rgani$e the Vusers into Vuser (roups8  4ou  4ou can use 1user Arou Aroups ps to oranize 1u 1users sers into manae manaea"le a"le roups. %or example, you can create a 1user Aroup that contains 1users of the same type or that run the same script.

Creating Vusers  4ou  4ou create a 1user "y specify specifyin in the 1user script that the 1user will run, and a host to run the script. 4ou can assin the same 1user script to many 1users. -ote( The type of 1user script that you select determines the type of 1user -ote( created( selectin a *2 1user script creates a *2 1user? selectin a A60 Testing Tools – LoadRunner #3 5#


1user script creates a A60 1user? selectin an RT- 1user script creates an RT1user. To create Vusers: 

;tart the LoadRunner 3ontroller, display the 1user window, and click in

the th e 1us user er si side de of the the wi wind ndo ow. The 1us user er me menu nu ap appe pear ars s in the the LoadRunner menu "ar. 3hoose 1user O 8dd. The 1user 0nformation dialo "ox appears.

  

0n the uantity "ox, enter the num"er of 1users that you want to create. ;elect a host in the ost Kame list. ;elect Kew to open the ost 0nformation dialo "ox and add a host to the list. ;elect a script in the ;cript Kame list. To see the rendezvous points and transactions de9ned in the 1user script, click the ;cript ta". To add a new script to the list, click Kew to open the 1user ;cript 0nformation dialo "ox. 3lick 7I to close the 1irtual 6ser 0nformation dialo "ox. The new 1user users s app appear ear in the 1user wind window ow.. Lo LoadR adRunn unner er assi assins ns uni uni+ue +ue 0* num" m"e ers to th the e 1user sers. 0f you did not crea create te a 1use serr Aroup, LoadRunner creates the 1user Aroup A: and assins the 1users to it.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #3 6#


Scheduling Vusers 8fter you create a 1user, you can schedule the 1user "y settin(  

 The earliest earliest time the 1 1user user can run  The startamount runnin of time after the scenario has "eun that the 1user will

To schedule a Vuser:   

7pen the 1user window, and click in the 1user side of the window. The 1user menu appears in the LoadRunner menu "ar. 3hoose 1user O *etails. The 1user 0nformation dialo "ox appears. 3lick the ;chedulin ta".

;et one of the followin schedulin options(  -ot +i$ard?. LR2P"SS7@ else Y lr2end2transaction6>+i$ard?. LR24"IL7@ lrlomessae@Wizard home pae not returnedB? Z

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #5 1#


%or example, the a"ove raph indicates that in the EErd second of the scenario, nine insertrow transactions failed. The %ailed Transaction report provides detailed information a"out the "einnin, end, and duration of the failed, yet completed transaction.

4ailed Vuser Report  The %ailed 1user repo report rt pro provides vides details a"out all 1users that were in the -RR7R, 827RT-*, or *7K-(%80L-* states durin the scenario execution.  The Ready 8t and Ru Runnin nnin 8t times are relati relative ve to the computer computerCs Cs system clock.

Testing Tools – LoadRunner #5 2#


0n thi this s sce scena nario rio,, on one e 1use userr fai failed led,, two ha had d erro errors, rs, an and d thr three ee wer were e a"orted. Scenario 03ecution Report  The ;cenario -xecu -xecution tion repo report rt details the ma
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