To perform load flow analysis using Gauss-Seidal method. THEORY:
The Gauss-Seidal method is an iteratie method for soling a set of non-linear alge!rai" e#uations. $n this "ase% first we hae to assume all !uses as &' !uses instead of sla"( !us. The sla"( !us oltage is spe"ified. Then there are )n-*+ !us oltages starting alues whose magnitude and angles are assumed. The pro"ess is then repeated for all the aria!les there!y "ompleting one iteration. The iteratie pro"ess is then repeated till the solution e"tor "onerges within pres"ri!ed a""ura"y. a""ura"y. This This e#uation used to find the the !us oltages in all iteration is
,here (*% % /0000.n% (1i 2onergen"e in Gauss-Seidal method "an sometimes !e speeded up !y the use of a""eleration fa"tor haing a re"ommended alue of *.3
STE& *: 4ead the alue for num!er of !uses%5-!us% sla"( !us oltage% &p and 'p for load !uses and & p%6 p% ' pma7% ' pmin for generator !uses and num!er of iterations. STE& : Set the flat oltage profile *89 for all the !uses e7"ept sla"( !us. STE&/: 2al"ulate the alue of ' for &6 uses using
STE&;: 2he"( for the limits%if
% then
if 'p(8* Enter the sla"( !us oltage: *.= Enter the no of iterations: * $NAP 6APQE O 6OPTAGE ATE4 $TE4AT$ON* A4E: *.=
Thus the load flow analysis was formed !y using Gauss-Seidal method.
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