Load balancing and Fault Tolerance of EMS servers

June 3, 2016 | Author: Ashish Shrivastava | Category: Types, Instruction manuals
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configuration details for TIBCO EMS servers...



Lab Guide for ES-TECH-FP-EAIS-SE-TIBCO Course September, 2011 EAI, ES Academy

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1.0 Yogesh Kumar Bhatt

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V1 Shauvik Das 19th October 2011

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© 2011 Infosys Limited, Bangalore, India. All rights reserved. Infosys believes the information in this document is accurate as of its publication date; such information is subject to change without notice. Infosys acknowledges the proprietary rights of other companies to the trademarks, product names and such other intellectual property rights mentioned in this document. Except as expressly permitted, neither this document nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, printing, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of Infosys Limited and/or any named intellectual property rights holders under this document. Education and Research Department Infosys Limited Electronics City Hosur Road Bangalore - 561 229, India. Tel: 91 80 852 0261-270 Fax: 91 80 852 0362 www.infosys.com mailto:[email protected]


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Shauvik Das

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Contents 1. Installation of TIBCO Runtime Agent (TRA) 5.6.0............................ 6 2. RENDEZVOUS (RV) Hands-On ................................................................12 3. EMS Installation .............................................................................................16 4. EMS Hands-On ................................................................................................20 5. Adding and Configuring an Adapter Instance ..................................28 6. Creating an Adapter Archive....................................................................31 7. Installation of TIBCO ADADB 5.5 ...........................................................34 8. Active Database Adapter(ADB) Hands-On ........................................38 9. Installation of TIBCO File adapter 5.4 .................................................39 10. File adapter Hands-On .............................................................................44 11. Transferring Records Using TIBCO BusinessWorks ..................48 12. Installation of administrator 5.6.0 .....................................................52 13. Navigating through Administrator GUI ...........................................60 14. TIBCO ADMINSTRATOR: User Management .................................62 15. Create Enterprise archive and deploy it in administrator ......70 16. Installation of TIBCO Hawk 4.8 ...........................................................71 17. Hawk Hands-On ..........................................................................................77


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1.1 Double click on application TIB_tra-suite_5.6.0_win_x86_32.exe

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved



Select “I accept the terms of the License Agreements”

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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select “Typical Install”.

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Select directory for TIBCO installation (e.g. c:\TIBCO)

ource: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

1.7 Templates

Select “Next” Ver. Rev. 1.0

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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Uncheck use Vendor supplied Driver and Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select “Finish”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Installation completes with this step.


Following are the products installed as part of TRA suite i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

TIBCO Rendezvous 8.1.1 JRE 1.5.0 TPCL 5.6 TIBCO Hawk 4.8.1 TIBCO Runtime Agent 5.6.0 Designer 5.6.0


Install TIBCO Runtime Agent(TRA) 5.6.2 in the same way as TRA 5.6.0


Verification of installation



Please do validation on installation by browsing through the locations specified in the above screen shots for the products specified above.


e.g.: TIBCO Rendezvous 8.1.1 is installed in d:\TIBCO\tibrv\8.1. Screenshot of verification is given below Ver. Rev. 1.0

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Source: Screenshot taken from Windows 7, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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RENDEZVOUS (RV) HANDS-ON 2.1 i. ii. iii. iv.

Starting of rvd Press “Windows +R” and type cmd Go to directory where TIBCO RV is installed. Type cd d:\TIBCO\tibrv\8.1\bin Type rvd

 Screen shot for the same is attached below:

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

 Validating whether rvd started properly  Type following command in internet explorer http://localhost:7580/  Snapshot of GUI displayed is shown below:

Source: Screenshot taken from Internet Explorer8, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Receive message i. Press “Windows +R” and type cmd ii. Go to directory where TIBCO RV is installed. Then type “cd d:\TIBCO\tibrv\8.1\bin” iii. Type command “tibrvsend -service 7503 -daemon tcp: 7503 test "My first RV test”

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Note: you can confirm send is successful if there is listener already running. Use below commands for listener to be active 2.3

Sample send message i. Press “Windows +R” and type cmd ii. Go to directory where TIBCO RV is installed. Type cd d:\TIBCO\tibrv\8.1\bin iii. Type command “tibrvlisten -service 7503 -daemon tcp: 7503 test”

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

2.4 i.

Sample program Example Description a. This example demonstrates the use of all the Rendezvous activities within BusinessWorks. When a RV message is received on the subject "BW.Start" by a Rendezvous Subscriber, the process starts a Wait for b. Rendezvous Subscriber listening to the subject "BW.Request", as well as a Send Rendezvous Request on the Subject "BW.Request" and a Reply Subject "BW.Reply". When the RV message from Send Rendezvous Request is received by the Wait for Rendezvous Request, a Reply message is sent by the Reply to Rendezvous Request activity. A final Result message is produced by a


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Rendezvous Publisher on the subject "BW.Result". Please note that if you don't specify the reply subject in the Send Rendezvous Request activity, it will create its own inbox subjects and expects a reply on that subject).


Setup a. There is nothing to set up to run this project. However, you may change the subjects on which each of the activities use for publish or subscribe Double click on the RVRPC object in the project tree panel (top left) to display the process in the design panel (top right) Click on "Subscribe to BW.Start" and in the configuration panel and change the subject. Similarly change the subject specified in "Send Request on BW.Request" and "Wait for BW.Request" configuration and the "replySubject" in the input tab. You may change also the subjects in "Publish Result on BW.Result".



Running the example a.

In TIBCO Designer, load the RendezvousExample.zip project using the Project->Import Full Project->Menu selection


Click on the Start Test Mode tab to run the project in test mode.


Open a Command window and type tibrvlisten "BW.Result" to subscribe to the final result.


Open a second Command window and type tibrvsend "BW.Start" "hello world" to publish a message to trigger the process. Ver. Rev. 1.0

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Repeat tibrvsend "BW.Start" "with a different message" and observe the output.

Expected Results You should see "HELLO WORLD" in the tibrvlisten output. If you send a different RV message, you should see the result with all the lower case letters converted to upper case letters.


Troubleshooting BW process is not starting a. Make sure you are sending an RV Message on the same subject as configured in the "Subscribe to BW.Start" b. If you see the test mode hung at "Send Request on BW.Request" activity make sure that if you have given some content in the data part of the input tab (right hand side in the Activity Input panel under body).


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3.1 3.2

Double click on application TIBCO Universal Installer.exe Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Select “I accept the terms of the License Agreements”

Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved 3.4 Source: Select “Next”


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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Select “Typical Installation”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select “Manual” and then select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Select “Install”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select “Finish”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

Verification of installation Please do validation on installation by browsing through the locations where TIBCO is installed. e.g. D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\bin


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EMS HANDS-ON i. ii. iii.


4.1 Starting of EMS Server Follow below specified steps: Create a folder “config” in D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\bin Copy all configuration files from D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\samples\config” to“D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\bin\config” Modify file tibemsd.conf with changes in below snapshot

a. Press “windows + R” and type cmd b. Type “cd D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\bin” and execute following command“tibemsd.exe–config D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\bin\config\tibemsd.conf”

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

c. EMS server is started with this message Templates

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4.2 Login to ems instance Follow below steps to logon to ems instance: i. Press “windows + R” and type cmd ii. Type “cd D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\bin” and execute following command “tibemsadmin.exe” iii. Type command connect iv. Enter username and password

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

4.3 Create user with (trainee, trainer) i. ii.

Logon to ems instance as specified in hands on II Type following commands a. create user Trainee password=Trainee b. create user Trainer password=Trainer

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

1. Use command “show users” to validate whether user has been created

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Create queue (Infosys.Trainee.queue) with properties trace=body,global,sender_name_enforced,secure i. Logon to ems instance as specified in hands on II


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ii. Type following commands iii. Type command “create queue Infosys.Trainee.queue trace=body,global,sender_name_enforced,secure” iv. Type command “show queue Infosys.Trainee.queue” to validate whether queue has been created or not

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Create topic (Infosys.Trainee.topic) with properties trace=body,global,sender_name_enforced i. Logon to ems instance as specified in hands on II ii. Type command “create topic Infosys.Trainee.topic trace=body,global,sender_name_enforced” iii. Type command “show topic Infosys.Trainee. topic” to validate whether queue has been created or not

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Grant permission on users with view-all i. ii.

Logon to ems instance as specified in hands on II To check permission on user type command “showacl admin”

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.



Type command “grant admin user=Trainee view-all,viewfactory,view-connection,viewdestination,viewmessage,view-server”

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To check permission on user type command “showacl admin” after grant permission

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

v. 4.7 i. ii. iii. iv. v.

Type command “commit” to save changes Grant permission on queue topic for both users with receive,send,browse Logon to ems instance as specified in hands on II Type command “grant queue Infosys.Trainee.queue user=Trainee receive,send,browse” Type command “grant queue Infosys.Trainee.queue user=Trainer receive,send,browse” Type command “grant topic Infosys.Trainee.topic user=Trainee publish” Type command “grant topic Infosys.Trainee.topic user=Trainer publish,subscribe”

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

vi. vii.

To validate type command “showacl queue Infosys.Trainee.queue” To validate type command “showacl topic Infosys.Trainee.topic”

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Bridge queue to topic i. Logon to ems instance as specified in hands on II


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ii. Type command “create bridge source=queue:Infosys.Trainee.queue target=topic:Infosys.Trainee.topic”

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

iii. Type command “show bridges” to validate

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

4.9 Create connection factory for both queue and topic i. ii.


Logon to ems instance as specified in hands on II Type command “create factory Infosys_QueueConnectionFactory queue url=tcp://localhost:7234” Type command “create factory Infosys_TopicConnectionFactory topic url=tcp://localhost:7234”

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

iv. Type command “show factories” to validate above statements

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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4.10 Publish and Subscribe Messaging Example i. Compiling the Sample Clients To compile and run the sample clients you need to execute "setup" script, which is located in the EMS_HOME/samples/java directory. On Windows systems, the setup file is setup.bat a. Make sure you have Java JDK 1.5 or greater installed and that you’ve added the bin directory to your PATH variable. b. Open a command line or console window, and navigate to the EMS_HOME/samples/java directory. c. Open the correct setup script file and verify that the TIBEMS_ROOT environmentvariable identifies the correct pathname to your EMS_HOME directory. For example, on Windows system this might look like: d. e. f. g. h.

Set TIBEMS_ROOT=C:\TIBCO\ems\5.0 Enter setup to set the environment and classpath: Setup Compile the samples: javac -d . *.java

This compiles all the samples in the directory, except for those samples in the JNDI and tibrv subdirectories. If the files compile successfully, the class files will appear in the EMS_HOME/samples/java directory. If they do not compile correctly, an error message appears. ii. Start the Subscriber Clients You start the subscribers first because they enable you to observe the messages being received when you start the publisher. To start Trainer as a subscriber: a. In the first command line D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\samples\java Templates

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b. Type command “setup” c. Type command “java tibjmsMsgConsumer Infosys.Trainee.topic-user Trainer”


Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

To start Trainee as a subscriber: a. In the first command line D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\samples\java




b. Type command “setup” c. Type command “java tibjmsMsgConsumer Infosys.Trainee.topic-user Trainee”


Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

iii. Start the Publisher Client and Send Messages a. In the first command line D:\TIBCO\ems\5.0\samples\java




b. Type command “setup” c. Type command “java tibjmsMsgProducer -topic Infosys.Trainee.topic-user Trainer Hello Testmessage”


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Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Source: Screenshot taken from Command Prompt, © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


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Left-click the resource Generic Adapter Configuration in the palette panel. a. Drag and release it in the design panel or b. Right-click a resource > Add this to project

5.2 5.3

Double-click the adapter instance in the project tree panel. The two high level folders visible are: a Adapter Services b Advanced Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Designer 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

Tabs for Adapter Instance Some Common tabs in the configuration panel for an instance are: i.

Configuration a b



Provide the name of adapter instance. Associate Message Filters if any.


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a. b. c. iii.

To specify the types of messages (info, debug, warning, error) to be logged. To customize the Log file name. To Log to standard I/O.

Startup a. b.


To provide startup banner. State at startup.

Monitoring • To customize the Micro agents.

5.4 Configuring Adapter Services i. Double-click the Adapter Services folder to open it ii. Displays services supplied by the adapter in the palette panel (Publication, Subscription, Request – Response, RequestResponse Invocation Services) iii. Drag an adapter service resource from the palette panel into the design panel. iv. The configuration panel is updated to allow you to configure the service. v. Click through the tabs and specify the configuration details to configure the resource. vi.


Save the project, the resource is saved and can then be used at run-time

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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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CREATING AN ADAPTER ARCHIVE If adapters are part of your project, you can create adapter archives and add them to the Enterprise archive. The following example uses a Generic Adapter Configuration. The process would be the same for an adapter. To Add a Generic Adapter Configuration Archive

6.1 Configure the adapter. 6.2 Select the Enterprise Archive resource in the project panel. If there are any configured adapters in your project, an Adapter Archive resource becomes available in the palette panel. If you’re working in palette mode, it is located in the adapter’s palette.

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO EMS 5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

6.3 Drag the Adapter Archive into the design panel and specify information in the Configuration tab, then click Apply:


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Name of the Adapter Archive.


Optional description of the Adapter Archive.


Optional author of the Adapter Archive.


Click the browse button (the binoculars) and select the adapter you wish to associate with the archive. Note that you need to create a new Adapter Archive for each adapter. Deployment plugin class. This class must be an implementation of the com.TIBCO.tra.tsm.plugin.custom.CustomTSMPlugIn interface. TIBCO Administrator runs this code as part of the deployment process when it creates the .tra file.

Deployment Plugin

In addition to providing a pointer to this class here, you must also add a .jar file to the Shared Archive that includes the class so the class will be in the classpath.

6.4 After you have selected an adapter, the Advanced tab becomes available and you can optionally specify the following information, then click Apply. Software Type

Update Version from Adapter


The type of adapter. This corresponds to the extension of the adapter project file (multi-fileprojects). This field is only available for Generic Adapter Configuration or for adapters that allow multiple software choices, such as the TIBCO Adapter for Tuxedo. This value must match the value set by the software’s installer or specified when custom software was added to the administration domain. When you build the archive, TIBCO Designer includes the ActiveEnterprise version of the adapter associated with this archive by default. If you unselect this checkbox, you can supply a different version instead. If the box is unchecked, the deployment ActiveEnterprise version value could go out of sync with the adapter’s value (the adapter provides a button to manage the Ver. Rev. 1.0

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version). Warning: Supplying a different version can have seriouscompatibility consequences.

Minimum Version

Minimum version for the adapter. The value of this field is provided by the adapter and can be changed.

6.5 To build the archive, select the Enterprise Archive (which is one level higher in the project tree) and click the Build Archive button.


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INSTALLATION OF TIBCO ADADB 5.5 7.1 Double click on application TIB_adadb-suite_5.5.0_win_x86.exe 7.2 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 5.5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

7.3 Select “I accept the terms of the License Agreements”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 5.5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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7.4 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 5.5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

7.5 Select “Typical install”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 5.5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc..All rights reserved


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7.6 Select directory for TIBCO installation (e.g. c:\TIBCO) 7.7 Select “Next “

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 5.5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc.All rights reserved

7.8 Uncheck “use Vendor supplied Driver” and Select “Next” 7.9 Select “Finish”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO ActiveMatrix Adapter for Database 5.5.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Installation completes with this step. Verification of installation Please do validation on installation by browsing through the locations specified in the above screen shots for the products specified above. e.g.: TIBCO adb 5.5 is installed in D:\TIBCO\adapter\adadb\5.5 Screenshot of verification is given below


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ACTIVE DATABASE ADAPTER(ADB) HANDS-ON Refer to document tib_adadb_examlpes_guide.pdf


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INSTALLATION OF TIBCO FILE ADAPTER 5.4 9.1 Double click on application TIB_adfiles-simple_5.4.0_w32.exe

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Adapter For Files 5.4.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

9.2 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Adapter For Files 5.4.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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9.3 Select “I accept the terms of the License Agreements”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Adapter For Files 5.4.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

9.4 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Adapter For Files 5.4.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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9.5 Select directory for TIBCO installation (e.g. c:\TIBCO)

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Adapter For Files 5.4.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

9.6 Select “Typical” Install

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Adapter For Files 5.4.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

9.7 Select “Next “ Templates

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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Adapter For Files 5.4.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

9.8 Select “Finish”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Adapter For Files 5.4.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Installation completes with this step. 9.9 Verification of installation Please do validation on installation by browsing through the locations specified in the above screen shots for the products specified above. e.g.:TIBCO File adapter is installed in D:\TIBCO\adapter\adfiles\5.4\bin Screenshot of verification is given below


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FILE ADAPTER HANDS-ON 10.1 Set up for examples The pre configured examples are located in the examples directory. The directory contains executable files for Windows and UNIX platforms. Two subdirectories, reader and writer contain the directories used in the examples where input files exist and output files are placed. The reader directory is used by the publication service. The writer directory is used by the subscription service. To access the examples directory on Windows: cd C:\TIBCO\adapter\adfiles\\examples To access the examples directory on UNIX: cd /TIBCO/adapter/adfiles//examples 10.2 Publishing Container Records - Example 1 Two examples are available that demonstrate how the adapter handles container records. The first example has a simple schema and the second has a more complex schema: • ContainerReader and ContainerWriter Example • ContainerReader2 and ContainerWriter2 Example In the ContainerReader and ContainerWriter Example, the publication service parses an input file container.txt which has the following records, Department, Engineering, Employee, ID0045, Mary, Employee, ID0056, John, Employee, ID0245, Asha


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Item, Stapler, 60, $8 Department, Accounts, Employee, ID0115, Vikram, Employee, ID0144, Sundar Item, NoteBook, 48, $5 The container record Department, has a repeating substructure because it contains another record Employee. 10.3

Running the Example

To run the example: i.

In a command window, change directory to the bin directory. For example, on Windows: cd C:\TIBCO\adapter\adfiles\\bin


Start the ContainerWriter (subscription service) by typing: adfilesagent.exe --propFile ..\examples\ContainerWriter.tra


In another command window, change directory to the bin directory, then start the ContainerReader (publication service) by typing: adfilesagent.exe --propFile ..\examples\ContainerReader.tra The publication service publishes the reader\input\container.txt file. The subscription service receives it and writes it to writer\output\outcontainer.txt.



Stop the subscription service by pressing Ctrl c in the command window. Results

The publication service parses the input file, processes it into objects, and publishes it. The subscription service receives the objects, and formats them according to the WriteSchema, where the Employee record is no longer contained within the Department record. Instead,


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it is now a child record of the parent record Department. Therefore, all the records are written to a different line in the output file.


Understanding the Configuration a. Publication Service The publication service’s read schema has stored the base record Employee under the BaseRecords folder. The Department record contains the Employee record as the third field. The first two fields are field and field1.

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Designer 5.6, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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b. Subscription Service The subscription service’s Write Schema is configured to write all file records to a separate line. Department is no longer a container record and does not have the Employee record as the third field. Instead, the Employee record is now a child record.

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Designer 5.6, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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TRANSFERRING RECORDS USING TIBCO BUSINESSWORKS This example shows how to use the adapter services within a TIBCO BusinessWorks process to transfer records. The example has three components, FAReader (publication service), FAWriter (Subscription Service), and ConnectFAReaderFAWriter (BusinessWorks process).  FAReader uses the adapter’s Publication service to read delimited.txt from the reader/input directory and publish the message.  ConnectFAReaderFAWriter subscribes to the message, does a field-to-field mapping, and publishes the message again.  FAWriter uses the adapter’s Subscription service to subscribe to the republished message and write it to outdelimited.txt in the writer/output directory. 11.1

PREREQUISITES You can start the adapter, TIBCO BusinessWorks, and the example in one of the following ways: Using TIBCO Designer Using TIBCO Administrator Enterprise Edition The following software must be installed to run the example: TIBCO BusinessWorks TIBCO Administrator Enterprise Edition TIBCO Adapter for Files TIBCO Runtime Agent


RUNNING THE EXAMPLE USING TIBCO DESIGNER To run the example: In TIBCO Designer, click Tools>Show Adapter Tester. The Adapter Tester dialog box is displayed. Select FAWriter. Click Browse to specify a Working directory.


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Click Apply. Click Start. The FAWriter starts. Click the Tester tab. Click the Start testing viewed process button or press F9. The Select Processes to Load dialog box is displayed. Select ConnectFAReaderFAWriter and click Start Selected. The TIBCO BusinessWorks process is started. In the Adapter Tester dialog box, select the FAReader. Click Browse to specify a Working directory. Click Apply. Click Start. The FAReader starts. 11.3

RUNNING THE EXAMPLE USING TIBCO ADMINISTRATOR To deploy and run the example using TIBCO Administrator, create an Enterprise Archive File (EAR) in TIBCO Designer, and use TIBCO Administrator Enterprise Edition to deploy the EAR file. In TIBCO Administrator, make sure all software components needed by the adapter instance is installed on one or more machines that are part of the TIBCO Administration Domain and that the software is registered in the domain. Use the TIBCO Domain Utility to add a machine to a TIBCO Administration Domain. In TIBCO Administrator, use the Resource Management>Machines console to register software. These topics are explained in the TIBCO Administrator documentation set. Perform the following tasks to deploy and run the example.


Task A Generate the EAR File To generate the EAR file:


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To start TIBCO BusinessWorks, click Start>Programs>TIBCO>TIBCO Designer 5.1>Designer 5.1 and click Open New Project. Click Project > Import Full Project. The Import Project dialog is displayed. Click the Local Repository tab and browse to Teak_TafRepoDefault.dat. Click OK to import the file. The Import Options dialog is displayed. Select Overwrite on name conflict and click Apply. Click the FABW icon in the project panel. The FABW Configuration panel is displayed. Click Browse in the File Location field to specify the folder in which you want to save the EAR file, or use the default file location. Click the Build Archive button. A message informing you that the enterprise archive file is built correctly is displayed.


Task B Deploy the Example in TIBCO Administrator: Go to Application Management. Click New Application. Upload the EAR file created in the previous section and click OK. On the following screen, clear the Quick Configure check box and then click Save. Click on the top level application name in the Configuration page. Go to the Advanced tab and provide the values for User Name and Password if it is not already provided. Click Save. The Configuration screen reappears. Click the adapter archive (Adapter Archive.aar) and click Add To Additional Machines.


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Select the machine and click OK. In the following screen, click Save. In the Configuration screen click Deploy. Click OK. Once the deployment is complete, click Service Instances under the application. The adapter and TIBCO BusinessWorks are listed. Select both and click Start Selected, if it is not running. The adapter service and the TIBCO BusinessWorks processes are started. 11.6

UNDERSTANDING THE CONFIGURATION For configuration details, see Understanding the Configuration.


RESULTS Records in the input file are separated by commas. Records in the output file have been formatted to use tabs and semicolons as separators. Item lines in the input file were positioned ahead of the Customer lines. In the output file, the Customer line is positioned ahead of the Item lines.


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INSTALLATION OF ADMINISTRATOR 5.6.0 12.1 Double click on application TIB_TIBCOadmin-epesimple_5.6.0_win_x86_32.exe

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

12.2 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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12.3 Select “I accept the terms of the License Agreements”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

12.4 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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12.5 Select directory for TIBCO installation (e.g. c:\TIBCO)

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

12.6 Select “Typical” Install

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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12.7 Select “Next “

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

12.8 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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12.9 Select “Master”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Type “admin” in administrator domain and untick domain information stored in database

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

12.12 Provide username as “admin” and password “admin” and Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Select “Exit”

Source: Screens hot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Verification of installation

Please do validation on installation by browsing through the locations specified in the above screen shots for the products specified above. e.g.: TIBCO Administrator 5.6 is installed in D:\TIBCO\administrator\5.6\bin. Screenshot of verification is given below


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NAVIGATING THROUGH ADMINISTRATOR GUI 13.1 Connect to the Administrator from start -> Programs -> TIBCO ->TIBCO Administrator 5.6 -> TIBCO Administrator (OR) In your web browser enter http://localhost:8080

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc.

rights reserved 1. Provide username “admin” All and password “admin”

13.2 Provide username “admin” and password “admin”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Snapshot administrator GUI is shown below:

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Create user trainee i. Expand User Management and click on users

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

ii. Click on New user and provide new user name as “Trainee” and Select “OK”


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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

iii. Click on “set” in password field

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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iv. And provide password as “trainee”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

v. Select “Apply” 14.2

Create role “appsupp”

i. Expand Roles Management and click on users ii. Expand the hierarchy and select the check box to the left of the role that you want to use as the parent role for the new role (either Authenticated Users or another role previously created). Do not click the role itself for this task iii. Select New Role.


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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

i. Select “Apply”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

14.3 i.

Grant Read and Write permissions to the Role Select role “Appsup” and click permission tab

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select Read and write check boxes

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

iii. 14.4 i.

Select “Apply changes” Assign the “Appsup” Role to the User “trainee” Select User Management > Users in the left panel

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select user “trainee” and click on Role membership

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


Select “Add Roles”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Select “Appsup” and click “Add”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO Administrator 5.6.0, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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Creating the Enterprise Archive File i.



Already ear file is created with hands on session with designer.

Deploying the Application in TIBCO Administrator TIBCO Administrator to import an enterprise archive file and create a corresponding application. Follow these steps: i.

Start TIBCO Administrator and log into the administration domain in which you wish to deploy the application.


Click the Application Management module, and then click the New Folder button.


In Name, type Timer Application.


Click Save.


Double-click the Timer Application folder, and then click the New Application button.


Click the Browse button to select the enterprise archive file you created in Creating the Enterprise Archive File.


In the dialog that appears, select the Deploy on Save checkbox, and then click the Save button.

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INSTALLATION OF TIBCO HAWK 4.8 16.1 Double click on application TIB_hawksuite_4.8.1_win_x86_32.exe

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

16.2 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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16.3 Select “I accept the terms of the License Agreements”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

16.4 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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16.5 Select “Typical Install”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

16.6 Select directory for TIBCO installation (e.g. c:\TIBCO)

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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16.7 Select “Next “

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc . All rights reserved

16.8 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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16.9 Select “Next”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

16.10 Select “Defaults” and Select “OK” Check if the following services have been started:  TIBCO Hawk agent  TIBCO Hawk HMA If they have not started, start them Installation completes with this step.


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16.11 Verification of installation Please do validation on installation by browsing through the locations specified in the above screen shots for the products specified above. e.g.: TIBCO hawk 4.8 is installed in D:\TIBCO\hawk\bin Screenshot of verification is given below


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Starting of Hawk GUI i. Go to programs-> TIBCO->TIBCO hawk 4.8 ->Hawk display

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

17.2 Create rule base to monitor a file for string “ERROR” and raise ALERT i. Create a file by name test.txt in d:\ ii. Select your machine name in hawk display under discovered ones and right click and select get configuration


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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

iii. Select rulebases

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

iv. Select icon and rule base name as Filepoller


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Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

v. Select on icon under rules

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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vi. Select “Edit” under data source and select Logfile -> onNewline, provide file details and Select “OK”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

vii. Click icon under tests and select edit under if condition, select next line -> contains “ERROR” and Select “OK”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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viii. Click icon under then provide alert message as “******This is hawk test alert for ESA *****”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

ix. Press advance and select always in perform action

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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x. Press apply changes

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved

xi. Open File test.txt and add string “ERROR”

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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xii. Description of error message

Source: Screenshot taken from TIBCO HAWK 4.8.1, Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved


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